ticket, passport and tarot cards - global spiritual studies€¦ · wands suggests quick...

Ticket, Passport and Tarot Cards Linda Marson Ticket PP Tarot TEXT 21/7/05 12:25 PM Page iii

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Page 1: Ticket, Passport and Tarot Cards - Global Spiritual Studies€¦ · Wands suggests quick action,while the Swords and Pentacles suggest a longer timeframe. Before you refer to the

Ticket, Passport and

Tarot Cards

Linda Marson

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Page 2: Ticket, Passport and Tarot Cards - Global Spiritual Studies€¦ · Wands suggests quick action,while the Swords and Pentacles suggest a longer timeframe. Before you refer to the

Pick a card from the Minor Arcana to help you identify the aspect ofyour life the reversed Page is referring to. Some of the spreads in thisbook provide examples of interpreting reversed Pages.

Once you have considered what the reversed card is telling you,turn the card upright, because that is the energy you need to attractand apply. By consciously turning the card around into anupright position you start the process of overcoming barriers.

Using the Self-reflection SpreadThis spread is designed to help you reflect upon a particular

aspect of your life. It will help you find answers to questions such as:

• What can I do to advance my career?

• What can I do to improve my relationship with (name a person,e.g. wife, husband, partner, friend, work colleague, boss, child,parent)?

• What factors should I consider in relation to (name a specificoption that is open to you)?

• How can I build on, or what is the significance of (name some-thing that has happened to you)?

Whenever you consult the Tarot cards, it is best to avoid ques-tions that simply invite the answer ‘yes’ or ‘no’. It is also a good ideato write your question down - the process of formulating questionshelps you focus on what you need to know. The Tarot cards reflectyour state of mind at the time - if you’re confused about what youwant to know, the answers from the cards will reflect that confusion.


Preparing for the Journey

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Page 3: Ticket, Passport and Tarot Cards - Global Spiritual Studies€¦ · Wands suggests quick action,while the Swords and Pentacles suggest a longer timeframe. Before you refer to the

Laying the CardsDivide your Tarot deck into three piles:

• Major Arcana cards (the 22 cards that start at the Fool and endwith the World)

• Court cards (Kings, Queens, Knights and Pages)

• Minor Arcana cards (Wands, Swords, Pentacles and Cups - 10from each suit).

Place the Major Arcana cards face down on the table andmove them around to ensure a random mix of upright and reversed


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Page 4: Ticket, Passport and Tarot Cards - Global Spiritual Studies€¦ · Wands suggests quick action,while the Swords and Pentacles suggest a longer timeframe. Before you refer to the

cards. Pick up the cards, shuffle them a little more if you wish, thenspread them in a fan face down on the table. Concentrate on thequestion you are asking, choose a card and place it face down in thefirst position of the spread.

Repeat the shuffling process for the court cards. As you drawcard 2, ask for guidance on an aspect of your personality that couldhelp you in relation to your question. As you draw card 3, ask forguidance on an aspect of your personality that could be a hindrancein relation to your question. Only draw cards 2a and 3a if you are ask-ing about a relationship between yourself and another person.As youdraw 2a, ask yourself “what aspect of his/her personality is helpful atthe moment?” For 3a ask “what aspect of his/her personality is a hin-drance at the moment?”

Repeat the shuffling process for the Minor Arcana cards. Asyou draw the final three cards project your thoughts into the futureand focus on how the situation might unfold.

Interpreting your CardsWhen all the cards are drawn, turn them face up and go to the

chapter for the Major Arcana card you drew as the key.There you willfind my interpretation of a self-reflection spread with that MajorArcana card in the key position, along with a story that shows howevents played out in reality. Finally, in the centre colour section, thereare questions to ask yourself if you draw that Major Arcana card in thekey position.

Next, go to the chapter on the Court Cards to help you inter-pret cards 2 and 3.The chapter on the Minor Arcana will help youinterpret cards 4-6.

Card 1The first card holds the key to finding the answer to your ques-

tion. It indicates the stage you have reached with your question and


Preparing for the Journey

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Page 5: Ticket, Passport and Tarot Cards - Global Spiritual Studies€¦ · Wands suggests quick action,while the Swords and Pentacles suggest a longer timeframe. Before you refer to the

reveals why, from a psychological or developmental perspective, thequestion is important to you. The Major Arcana cards are the mostcomplex to interpret, dealing as they do with underlying spiritual,psychological and motivational issues.To help you grasp the essenceof whichever card you draw, focus on your issue and ask yourself thequestions on the relevant page in the centre colour section. For exam-ple, if you want to know what issues you should consider in relationto a new job option, and you draw the High Priestess, the questionsyou need to ask yourself are about listening to your inner voice andrecognizing the difference between intuition and illusion.

Cards 2 and 3Card 2 indicates aspects of your personality or behaviour that

could be helpful, while Card 3 alerts you to aspects of your personal-ity that could be a hindrance. If your question relates to another person, for example, you have asked how to improve your relation-ship with a specific person, Card 2a indicates aspects of that person’spersonality or behaviour that could be helpful, while Card 3a alertsyou to aspects of his/her personality that could be a hindrance.Thereading in the section about the Devil (Lucifer’s Volcano in Guatemala)shows how this is done.

Cards 4-6Cards 4-6 should be read as a sequence of possible events, i.e.

first this could happen, then that and then that.Together they indicatehow the situation might unfold if you heed the advice of the preced-ing cards.At this point, do not lose sight of the fact that the future isin your hands - the possible direction signalled in cards 4-6 is not apredetermined future over which you have no control.

The timing of events is another consideration. In general, allowa reasonable timeframe, for example, 9-12 months. Alternatively,include a timeframe in the question you ask, for example, what workopportunities are likely to come my way in the next six months?


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Page 6: Ticket, Passport and Tarot Cards - Global Spiritual Studies€¦ · Wands suggests quick action,while the Swords and Pentacles suggest a longer timeframe. Before you refer to the

Sometimes the suit of the cards suggests whether things are likely tohappen quickly or slowly. A predominance of cards from the suit ofWands suggests quick action, while the Swords and Pentacles suggesta longer timeframe.

Before you refer to the Minor Arcana chapter for the meaningof your cards, take a moment to look at the pictures on each card andsee if they suggest a sequence of events to you. Making connectionsbetween cards lies at the heart of reading Tarot cards.Your instinctivereaction to the images on the cards is often the interpretation mostappropriate to your question.

If you want to clarify the message in any of these cards, simplyadd three more cards to it.These clarifiers will give you a more com-plete picture, but always see the original card as the key indicator.

Finally, spend a little time looking at the whole picture. Look forpatterns in the spread, for example, the predominance of one suit, theabsence of a suit, the predominance of reversed or upright cards.Sometimes the same message comes through in different cards, andyou need to consider the different angles that are being presented.


Preparing for the Journey

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Page 7: Ticket, Passport and Tarot Cards - Global Spiritual Studies€¦ · Wands suggests quick action,while the Swords and Pentacles suggest a longer timeframe. Before you refer to the

The Fool: Leap of Faith1. Am I ready to make a completely new start in some area of my life?

2. Have I said goodbye to things in my past that are of no use to me inthe future?

3. Am I taking useful lessons from the past into the future?

4. Do I have faith in my ability to make the right decisions and actaccordingly?

5. Do I have faith in my ability to overcome any hurdles I mightencounter on this new journey?

Chapter 5: Leaving the Nest, pp. 47-53

Above: It was not all red dust, flat landscapes and hardwork.As Marion relaxed into her new life, she enjoyed thebeauty of places like the Katherine Gorge south of Darwinin the Northern Territory.

Right:When my daughter Marion was 25, she left her lifein the city to travel through outback Australia. She and herpartner found work as sign-writers in NSW, Queenslandand the Northern Territory.

Photo: Jenny Birch

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Page 8: Ticket, Passport and Tarot Cards - Global Spiritual Studies€¦ · Wands suggests quick action,while the Swords and Pentacles suggest a longer timeframe. Before you refer to the

The Magician: Creating Your Own Reality1. Am I ready to use all the skills at my disposal to achieve my goal?

2. Am I aware of the power I have to make things happen?

3. Am I in tune with the energies of the universe around me?

4. Am I able to channel those energies into something real and tangible?

5. Am I clear about my intentions and motivations?

Chapter 5: Leaving the Nest, pp. 53-58

To usher in a golden age of chivalry, Merlin, the magician,is said to have used his magical powers to create Arthur, therightful heir to the throne of Britain. Looking down to theocean from the ruins of the castle at Tintagel in Cornwall,it's not hard to believe that all those legends are real.

My daughter, Sylvia, created a new life forherself in England, the land of her ances-tors. It was a magical time, a time toexplore places whose origins are lost in themists of time and legends - places likeStonehenge on the Salisbury Plain.

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Page 9: Ticket, Passport and Tarot Cards - Global Spiritual Studies€¦ · Wands suggests quick action,while the Swords and Pentacles suggest a longer timeframe. Before you refer to the

The High Priestess: Intuition vs Illusion1. What is my inner voice, my intuition, telling me to do?

2. Do I need to withdraw from everyday life so that I can tune into myinner voice?

3. Is there a woman I can talk to - a woman whose wisdom and opinionsI respect?

4. Do I have the courage to act on my intuition?

5. Do I have the self-awareness to distinguish between intuition and illusionsbased on false hopes and desires?

Chapter 9:True Purpose, pp. 149-154

Sofia - the wise woman - stands quietly abovethe noise and bustle of Sofia, the capital ofBulgaria. Like the High Priestess, she holds thekey to the mysteries of life. It's just a matter oflistening to what she has to say.

Golden Else, the High Priestess of Berlin, standstriumphantly atop the Victory Column inBerlin - built to commemorate the Prussianvictory against the Danes in 1864. Do victory,success and freedom spring from the samesource as wisdom?

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Page 10: Ticket, Passport and Tarot Cards - Global Spiritual Studies€¦ · Wands suggests quick action,while the Swords and Pentacles suggest a longer timeframe. Before you refer to the

The Empress: Allowing Time for Growth1. Do I understand that only by accepting others for who they are, can I

truly express love?

2. Do I understand how powerful and important self-love is?

3. Do I allow myself the freedom to relax and grow?

4. Am I willing to let those I love be independent and live their ownlives?

5. Am I free of the urge to smother or restrict the growth of people orprojects that I love?

6. Are there creative paths or endeavours I would like to nurture anddevelop?

Chapter 8: Change and Healing, pp. 132-137

One of the delights of travel is thatyou have time to enjoy life to the full.In 2001 I spent three weeks in thepicture postcard town of Antigua, theold capital of Guatemala. Here, a localartist draws his own impression of theSanta Catalina archway.

I left the tropical climate of CentralAmerica and travelled to Sweden tovisit a friend I had met two years ear-lier in Peru.The snow-covered land-scape of Sweden's west coast was asbreathtaking as the deep blue, vol-canic lakes of Guatemala.

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Page 11: Ticket, Passport and Tarot Cards - Global Spiritual Studies€¦ · Wands suggests quick action,while the Swords and Pentacles suggest a longer timeframe. Before you refer to the

The Emperor: China Lifts the Lid on Authority1. Do I have the self-discipline to see projects through to their conclusion?

2. Am I in a position to set directions and oversee the growth of an enterprise?

3. Am I prepared to be systematic in my approach to things?

4. Am I ready to take a leadership role?

5. Am I acting fairly and justly in a leadership role?

6. Do I have a role in establishing law and order?

7. Do I have the courage to move out of the comfort zone created by thesuccessful position I'm in and accept new challenges?

Chapter 9:True Purpose, pp. 144-149

Qin Shi Huang, the first Emperorof China, sought immortality byhaving artisans carve an army of8,000 terracotta warriors to defendhim in the afterlife.Thousands havebeen reconstructed and stand inbattle formation in the museum inXian in central China.

In China a multi-faceted newempire is emerging. On the onehand, I was struck by theEmperor-like drive of the coun-try's leaders to create the world'snewest economic power. On theother, I was fascinated by thetimelessness of rural life, of fisher-men and their cormorants on theLi River.

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Page 12: Ticket, Passport and Tarot Cards - Global Spiritual Studies€¦ · Wands suggests quick action,while the Swords and Pentacles suggest a longer timeframe. Before you refer to the

The Hierophant: Culture Shock in Britain1. Is there an institution whose values I accept without question?

2. Is conforming to the prevailing views in society a major motivatingforce in my life?

3. Am I prepared to question the values and belief system I grew up with?

4. Do I act according to the views or doctrines of another person in mylife?

5. Am I prepared to take responsibility for my own spiritual development?

6. Is there someone, or an institution, that will truly help me develop myown spirituality?

7. Am I in a position to help others develop their spirituality?

Chapter 6: Marriage and Motherhood, pp. 59-64

The 'must-see' sights for tourists tell you something aboutthe culture and history of the country you're visiting.Cologne Cathedral in Germany towers over the surround-ing streets - a reminder of the power of religious institu-tions in our lives.

In 1974, I spent a year in England - thecountry whose institutions and valueshave shaped Australia. I was fascinated byeveryone's fascination with the pomp andceremony of royalty. Every day, crowdswait outside Buckingham Palace to watchthe changing of the Guard.

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Page 13: Ticket, Passport and Tarot Cards - Global Spiritual Studies€¦ · Wands suggests quick action,while the Swords and Pentacles suggest a longer timeframe. Before you refer to the

The Lovers:The Many Faces of Love1. Am I about to fall in love, to enter the first romantic phase of a rela-


2. Am I ready to move into a new, deeper phase of a relationship?

3. Am I prepared to make the decisions necessary to move forward insome area of my life?

4. Do I know where I stand on issues? Am I able to make up my ownmind, without relying on the views of others?

5. Am I able to live honestly with the decisions I make?

6. Am I able to resist temptations that could lead me to act withoutintegrity?

7. Am I prepared to make ethical and moral choices, to choose betweenright and wrong?

Chapter 6: Marriage and Motherhood, pp. 65-70

I was in Baghdad as the guest of the General Federation ofTrade Unions of Iraq. At that time, the socialist dreamseemed to be on track to deliver the people a just and fairsociety.Decisions taken in subsequent years led to a very dif-ferent outcome.

Photo: Tore Kjeilen

In 1982, I visited Baghdad and saw theduality of the Lovers reflected in thepolitical and personal dimensions ofthe Iraq-Iran war. It was also evidentin the stark contrast between uglyconcrete buildings and shimmering,golden mosques, like the KadhimainMosque and shrine.

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Page 14: Ticket, Passport and Tarot Cards - Global Spiritual Studies€¦ · Wands suggests quick action,while the Swords and Pentacles suggest a longer timeframe. Before you refer to the

The Chariot:Willpower in Egypt1. Am I ready to claim victory?

2. Do I have the determination and willpower to control opposing forcesin my life?

3. Am I able to control my emotions without denying their existence?

4. Can I concentrate all my energies on achieving my goals?

5. Do I have the confidence to carve out a role and identity for myself?

6. Am I ready to take control of my own destiny?

Chapter 6: Marriage and Motherhood, pp. 76-81

The temples of ancient Egypt conjureup images of invincible pharaohs,who used armies of people to con-struct lasting memorials to their reignon earth. Stories carved into theTemple of Karnak at Luxor tell ofbattlefield victories by Tuthmosis III,the Napoleon of ancient Egypt.

In the Valley of the Kings nearAswan, the tombs of pharaohs are cutdeep into the limestone sides of thehills. Centuries later, I exercisedsheer willpower and rode a donkey(without a chariot) along the ridgeshigh above the valley to take thisphoto!

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Page 15: Ticket, Passport and Tarot Cards - Global Spiritual Studies€¦ · Wands suggests quick action,while the Swords and Pentacles suggest a longer timeframe. Before you refer to the

Strength: Ghosts Run Free in Rome1. Do I have the confidence to believe in my own reserves of inner


2. Am I prepared to show compassion for others as I find a path throughdifficult situations?

3. Am I prepared to relax and trust that difficult situations can be resolvedwithout exerting undue pressure on others?

4. Do I have the courage to acknowledge my inner fears and desires andtriumph in spite of them?

5. Am I prepared to be patient and persevere to find the right paththrough a situation?

6. Do I trust myself enough to reveal passions and emotions that I havekept hidden, confident in the knowledge that they won't get out ofcontrol?

Chapter 7: Self Awareness, pp. 82-87

Spectators sat in these boxes towatch the ultimate combat of twopeople playing to kill. They hadthe power to grant the victoriousgladiator his freedom, but only thegladiator had the strength to triumph.

The chambers under the Colosseumin Rome are now open to the sunand stars. Back in the days of theRoman Empire, however, gladiatorswaited underground -calling ontheir reserves of inner strength toface whatever lay ahead in the arenaabove.

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Page 16: Ticket, Passport and Tarot Cards - Global Spiritual Studies€¦ · Wands suggests quick action,while the Swords and Pentacles suggest a longer timeframe. Before you refer to the

The Hermit: Mountains and Hermits1. Do I have the courage to be alone with my thoughts?

2. Am I afraid of being alone?

3. Am I ready to search within for the next step on my path to personaland spiritual fulfilment?

4. Am I willing to take a risk, to leave the safe world behind and do whatI truly want to do?

5. Is there a wise person in my life who could help me find my true path?

6. Do I have the wisdom to provide spiritual guidance to others?

Chapter 9:True Purpose, pp. 154-160

Above:A lone figure stands dwarfed by the mountainssurrounding a frozen Lake Louise in the CanadianRockies. Mountains are the perfect setting for the'navel-gazing' the Tarot card of the Hermit asks us todo.

Right: In Peru, I travelled an inner mountain land-scape along the Inca Trail. I delved deep into thevalleys and peaks of my life and waited for thebright light of consciousness to reveal hidden nooksand crannies, where directions to the next stage inmy life's journey lay hidden.

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Page 17: Ticket, Passport and Tarot Cards - Global Spiritual Studies€¦ · Wands suggests quick action,while the Swords and Pentacles suggest a longer timeframe. Before you refer to the

Wheel of Fortune:The Rhythm of Life1. Am I prepared to go with the changes that are around me at the


2. Do I see that I have reached a turning point in some aspect of my life?

3. Do I grab opportunities and use them to my advantage?

4. Am I aware of the patterns that shape my life and my behaviour?

5. Am I prepared to change those patterns if they only ever pull medown?

6. Do I go with the flow of things, accepting that every situation has itshighs and lows?

Chapter 7: Self Awareness, pp. 87-92

Travel is a major spoke in my Wheel ofFortune.Whenever I feel restless, I knowI'm ready for another journey, ready toembark on something new. DuringCarnaval celebrations in Santander in2001, the idea for this book came rollingby. It was, after all, a magical evening.

In China a year later, I had a fascinatingglimpse into the rich culture and historyof this land. I couldn't resist a photo ofBuddha keeping a watchful eye on thispagoda in Xian, central China.

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Page 18: Ticket, Passport and Tarot Cards - Global Spiritual Studies€¦ · Wands suggests quick action,while the Swords and Pentacles suggest a longer timeframe. Before you refer to the

Justice:The Justice Trail in Prague1. Do I accept that my past actions have shaped where I am today?

2. Am I prepared to accept the consequences of what I do?

3. Am I prepared to take responsibility for my own actions?

4. Am I able to consider all sides of an issue and make fair decisions basedon that analysis?

5. Do I respect justice and act fairly and ethically at all times?

6. Am I dealing with a legal situation that has implications for my future?If so, am I prepared to negotiate a fair solution?

Chapter 7: Self Awareness, pp. 92-98

There's an air of mystery about Prague.As I satin St Vitus cathedral inside the walls of Praguecastle, I couldn't help wondering how manyrulers - just and unjust - had sat here. Howmany stories of royal plots and counter plotscould these stone walls tell?

In the early 20th century, Prague was home toFranz Kafka, whose unfinished novel, The Trial,poses questions about justice and the legal system. Wandering in the maze of narrowstreets, I could see how this city and its tower-ing castle had influenced his writings

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Page 19: Ticket, Passport and Tarot Cards - Global Spiritual Studies€¦ · Wands suggests quick action,while the Swords and Pentacles suggest a longer timeframe. Before you refer to the

The Hanged Man: A Different Perspective in theNew World1. Do I have the strength and self awareness to accept situations for what

they really are, and people for who they really are?

2. Do I have the patience to wait for things to follow their natural courseof development?

3. Do I have outmoded attitudes and behaviour patterns that are holdingme back? If so, am I prepared to surrender them in the knowledge that,by doing so, I can move forward and take control of my life?

4. Do I have the courage to move outside my comfort zone and viewthings from a different perspective?

Chapter 7: Self Awareness, pp. 98-104

Henry the Navigator,Vasco da Gama, Cabraland other Portuguese explorers are commemo-rated in the Monument to the Discoveries inLisbon. I felt I was following in their wake asI left the old world of Portugal and travelleddownunder to the New World in Brazil.

Shades of the Old World remain in thearchitecture and design of cities in the NewWorld.The streets of the old colonial townof Olinda in Brazil reveal its Portuguese her-itage - but the colours are a vibrant shade ofpastel!

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Page 20: Ticket, Passport and Tarot Cards - Global Spiritual Studies€¦ · Wands suggests quick action,while the Swords and Pentacles suggest a longer timeframe. Before you refer to the

Death: Heading for the Light in Vienna1. Am I ready to make a major change in some aspect of my life?

2. Do I accept that making major changes in my life can mean leavingpeople and situations behind?

3. Have I released feelings of resentment, anger or frustration associatedwith people or situations that I am leaving behind?

4. Am I able to close the door on old patterns of behaviour, comfortablewith the notion that what replaces them will be better?

5. Am I ready to move forward into the bright new phase that awaits me?

Chapter 8: Change and Healing, pp. 105-111

The Third Man was filmed in Vienna in 1949 - a timeof turmoil and change after the end of WWII. TheRiesenrad or giant ferris wheel, which was almostcompletely destroyed in the war, was rebuilt andbecame the location for a memorable scene in the film.

The black and white images of a war-rav-aged Vienna in The Third Man are a worldaway from the elegantly restored magnifi-cence of modern Vienna.The Heldenplatz,which forms part of the former imperialcomplex, is a peaceful spot to while awayan afternoon.

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Page 21: Ticket, Passport and Tarot Cards - Global Spiritual Studies€¦ · Wands suggests quick action,while the Swords and Pentacles suggest a longer timeframe. Before you refer to the

Temperance: Peace and Harmony in Sweden1. Have I reached a point where everything seems to be in balance?

2. Do I know the value of my ability to bring opposites together, to createharmony and a sense of peace around me?

3. Am I enjoying a period of health and well-being?

4. Do I have a sense of where my life is heading, of my true purpose inlife?

5. Am I secure in the knowledge that I am ready to journey forth andachieve my life's purpose?

6. Am I making plans to travel?

Chapter 8: Change and Healing, pp. 127-132

In Summer, the sun shinesbrightly over the glistening seawhose waters are warmed by theGulf stream.The endless twilightextends almost to midnight andthe sun returns only a few hourslater.

A sense of peace pervadesSweden. It is a country where Ivisit friends, relax and watch oneday flow into the next. In Winter,there are glowing sunsets oversnow-covered sandy beaches - asight foreign to Australian eyes.

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Page 22: Ticket, Passport and Tarot Cards - Global Spiritual Studies€¦ · Wands suggests quick action,while the Swords and Pentacles suggest a longer timeframe. Before you refer to the

The Devil: Lucifer's Volcano in Guatemala1. Do I feel chained to a situation or person because of deep-seated fears

that I cannot even put a name to?

2. Is my behaviour in relation to a situation or relationship obsessive andself-destructive?

3. Do I feel powerless to change situations I find myself in, thereby deny-ing all responsibility for my own actions or behaviour?

4. Do I manipulate people or situations so that I can blame others for mywoes?

5. Do I have the courage to look honestly at myself and acknowledge thatI have the power to remove the chains that bind me?

Chapter 8: Change and Healing, pp. 137-143

Hmmm..there's still a long way to the top of that volcano.When I reached the start of the black rubble, the sign pro-claimed ‘20 minutes to the top’.An hour later, I knew somemischievous devil had placed that sign to lure us to his den!

If the Devil has a home on earth, it'sthe bubbling, red-hot crater of a vol-cano! To peer down into his den,however, you have to navigate anendless sea of black stones that slideat every step. In Guatemala I climbedPacaya, an active volcano not far fromGuatemala City.

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Page 23: Ticket, Passport and Tarot Cards - Global Spiritual Studies€¦ · Wands suggests quick action,while the Swords and Pentacles suggest a longer timeframe. Before you refer to the

The Tower:The Wake-up Call1. Am I ready to flow with changes that are being forced upon me by

unexpected events?

2. Can I accept that these changes are necessary?

3. Do I know what I need to release from the past to get through this tur-bulent time?

4. Do I see that my own reluctance to change could have precipitated thedramatic events that are now occurring?

5. Do I have the self-awareness to look beyond the immediate turmoiland see that something positive is likely to emerge?

6. Do I have the flexibility to rebuild a situation that has suffered as aresult of sudden and unexpected events?

Chapter 8: Change and Healing, pp. 111-116

The legacy of Tower experiences can be found in archaeolog-ical sites all over the world. The Mayan Temple of the GiantJaguar at Tikal in Guatemala is a reminder that civilizations canflourish and then disappear.

The Tower brings sudden, dramat-ic change. On 11 September 2001,the Western World was shaken by aTower experience of momentousproportions. The New York sky-line I saw from a ferry in 1999 isno longer there.

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Page 24: Ticket, Passport and Tarot Cards - Global Spiritual Studies€¦ · Wands suggests quick action,while the Swords and Pentacles suggest a longer timeframe. Before you refer to the

The Star: A Time of Gentle Healing1. Am I ready to relax and trust that the worst is behind me?

2. Am I experiencing a time of healing where I can focus once more onmy true purpose in life?

3. What area of my life needs renewing?

4. Is it time for me to express creatively the inspiration and wisdom Ireceive from the Universe?

5. How best can I use my wisdom to inspire others?

6. Is this a time when I can share my wealth with others?

7. Do I realise how blessed I am?

Chapter 8: Change and Healing, pp. 122-126

The power and perfection of theIguassu Falls on the border of Braziland Argentina is overwhelming.Tearssprang to my eyes as I thanked mylucky stars that I had lived through aserious illness to enjoy this moment.

I spent time on Taquile Island in themiddle of Lake Titicaca whichstretches between Bolivia and Peru. Isaw the lake as the collective uncon-scious of the civilizations that havecome and gone around her shoresand on her islands for thousands ofyears.

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Page 25: Ticket, Passport and Tarot Cards - Global Spiritual Studies€¦ · Wands suggests quick action,while the Swords and Pentacles suggest a longer timeframe. Before you refer to the

The Moon: Meeting the Moon in Mexico1. Am I having disturbing dreams that seem to contain messages from my


2. Do I realise that my dreams are triggers that will help me understandmy motives and emotional conditioning?

3. Are issues with my mother or the nature of motherhood coming to thesurface?

4. Am I coming to terms with hidden, secret things that have long dweltin the realm of the sub-conscious?

5. Am I feeling depressed or moody for no apparent reason?

6. Can I use the messages coming from my sub-conscious to inspire cre-ative works?

Chapter 6: Marriage and Motherhood, pp. 71-76

A blindfolded Marion enjoys fighting off demons in the nighton Christmas Eve. But they're not really scary - only papier-mâché with the promise of sweets and toys to the child whobreaks it open.

A trip to Mexico with my daughters in 1987 test-ed all three of us. A highlight of our journey wasclimbing the Pyramid of the Sun, from where wecould see the Pyramid of the Moon, which seemedto invite questions about the mysteries that laywithin its inner chambers.

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Page 26: Ticket, Passport and Tarot Cards - Global Spiritual Studies€¦ · Wands suggests quick action,while the Swords and Pentacles suggest a longer timeframe. Before you refer to the

The Sun: On Top of the World in Peru1. Do I know how to be happy and to express my inner child?

2. Do I fully appreciate the wonderful opportunities open to me at themoment to make a new start in life?

3. What is my true purpose in the world?

4. How can I develop my creativity?

5. Do I realise that I have the strength to keep painful aspects of the pastat bay?

Chapter 8: Change and Healing, pp. 117-121

The first rays of the sun dispel themist that swirls about the Sun Gate.The clouds rise to reveal below methe magic of dawn in the Andes andthe splendour of Machu Picchu. Atthat moment, I experienced the joyof being alive and knew the futurewas bright.

Inti Raymi, the Festival of the Sun, isheld on the winter solstice in a giantnatural amphitheatre - the site of theancient Temple of the Sun in Cuzco,Peru. The festival celebrates thepower of the Sun and heralds thestart of a new year in the Incan cal-endar.

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Page 27: Ticket, Passport and Tarot Cards - Global Spiritual Studies€¦ · Wands suggests quick action,while the Swords and Pentacles suggest a longer timeframe. Before you refer to the

Judgement:Transformation in Berlin1. Am I ready to accept and release aspects of my life that are holding me


2. Am I ready to move on and wholeheartedly embrace the next phaseof my life?

3. Am I prepared to take responsibility for all that I have done so far?

4. Am I ready to answer the call, to do what I feel drawn to?

5. Do I appreciate how liberating it will be to answer the call, to bereborn?

6. Is an event in my life 20 years ago, relevant to something that's happen-ing at the moment?

Chapter 9:True Purpose, pp. 160-165

On a momentous night in 1989, theworld watched as the wall that haddivided Berlin for 28 years began tocrumble. In 1996, the sign read 'Stop!Building site. 1961 The wall was built.1994-1998 - one of the most attrac-tive business addresses in Europe istaking shape'.

Parts of the wall still stand, but they'vebeen transformed.The longest stretchis the East Side Gallery which featuresa friendly political kiss in the frontseat of a Trabi, the national car of theformer East Germany.

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Page 28: Ticket, Passport and Tarot Cards - Global Spiritual Studies€¦ · Wands suggests quick action,while the Swords and Pentacles suggest a longer timeframe. Before you refer to the

The World: Destination Destiny1. Am I currently feeling a sense of achievement at reaching a goal?

2. Am I savouring the feeling that I'm in a place where the world wantsme to be?

3. Are my successes being acknowledged by others?

4. Could my current achievements lead to other successful ventures?

5. Have I used my talents to create something that helps others under-stand the ways of the universe?

6. Am I planning to travel around the world?

Chapter 9:True Purpose, pp. 166-170

In the last chapter, my thoughtsturned to the places and impressionsthat had not found their way intothe book. How could I, for example,not include a photo of the Teatre-Museu - Salvador Dali's surrealmonument to himself in Figuerasnorth of Barcelona?

Then there's Paris with its magnificentbridges across the Seine, Montmartre,the Left Bank, the Tuilieries, theLouvre, the Impressionists in theMusée Orsay and food to die for!Without a doubt, my favourite bridgeis the Alexander III bridge.

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