tidewater seduction

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  • 8/12/2019 Tidewater Seduction








    It coudnt be him, it hou!dn"t be him# but it $%& St'idin( to$%'d he', %c'o the te''%ce $he'e he $% h%)in( b'e%*+%t,(i)in( e)e' indic%tion he h%d e-.ected to +ind he' the'e&

    /o%nn% (!%nced, h%!+ (ui!ti!, %bout he', $onde'in( e)en then i+ he $% m%*in( % mit%*e& M%be he h%d een omeone

    e!e0ome othe' (uet& But no& She $% b'e%*+%tin( !%te, %nd the hote! co++ee ho. $% %!mot em.t, mot o+ the othe' (uet %!! too

    e%(e' to %c1ui'e th%t %!!0im.o't%nt t%n& She $% the on! .e'on ittin( in he' co'ne' o+ the te''%ce, he' o!i)e *in % b'o$n no$ % it$% e)e' (oin( to (et&

    Unc!e Ch%'!e, he' +%the'" b'othe', ued to %, te%in(!, th%t he $% the ch%n(e!in( in thei' othe'$ie 23 En(!ih +%mi!&

    With he' d%'* *in %nd i!* b!%c* h%i', he $% nothin( !i*e he' b!onde %nd b'o$n0h%i'ed .%'ent& She h%d to be % th'o$0b%c* to

    ome c%nd%!ou !i%ion in the +%mi!" hito'& But unti! he' m%''i%(e to Co!e M%c%!!ite' he h%dn"t +ound it % .'ob!em& O+ cou'e,

    th%t m%''i%(e, %nd the much0.ub!ici4ed di)o'ce th%t h%d +o!!o$ed, h%d '%the' h%*en he' con+idence& But, in 'ecent month, he h%d

    m%n%(ed to .ut the .%t behind he'& Unti! thi moment, he %c*no$!ed(ed tene!, e-.e'iencin( %n %!mot o)e'$he!min( u'(e to 'un,*ic*in( %nd c'e%min(, +'om % con+'ont%tion he h%d ne)e' thou(ht to h%)e to +%ce&

    H%..i!, he ucceeded in cont'o!!in( th%t com.u!ion, ho$e)e', %nd b the time he to..ed beide he' t%b!e he h%d e)en

    cont'i)ed % +%int! i'onic mi!e& Wh%t the he!!5 She h%d nothin( to be %h%med o+, he %u'ed he'e!+ t%ut!, c'oin( one !on( !e( o)e'

    the othe' in %n unconciou! de+eni)e (etu'e& She h%d 6ut % much 'i(ht to be he'e % he h%d&

    Hi ('eetin( $% c%'ce! o'i(in%!, %nd he (%ined %u'%nce +'om hi di++idence& "Co!e," he 'etu'ned coo!!, toin( $iththe h%nd!e o+ he' co++ee0cu.& "Ho$ %'e ou7"


    And he !oo*ed it, he conceded 'e!uct%nt!& E)en thou(h he h%d ne)e' been % con)ention%!! h%ndome m%n, the h%'h

    .!%ne %nd %n(!e o+ hi !e%n +e%tu'e .oeed % much mo'e .otent %tt'%ction& A !%tent e-u%!it '%di%ted +'om ee % b!ue %

    %metht, +'in(ed b ho't thic* !%he, e)e'%! h%de d%'*e' th%n hi h%i'& The'e $e'e 'u((ed ho!!o$ bene%th hi %'chin( chee*0

    bone, %nd he *ne$ hi noe h%d been b'o*en in hi outh& But hi mouth $% $h%t d'e$ he' (%4e, thin, %nd h%'d, %nd m%cu!ine, etin+inite! enu%!, %nd (ent!e' th%n $hen he"d !%t een it&

    But the i!)e' b!ond h%i' $% the %me, he noticed, chidin( the t'e%che'ou emotion th%t ti!! +ound be%ut in hi +%ce&

    Lon(e' th%n $% +%hion%b!e, it b'uhed the o.en co!!%' o+ hi ch%mb'% hi't, the +ine t'%nd u.tu'ned %(%int hi nec*& He $% not %

    m%n ou cou!d e)e' i(no'e, thou(ht /o%nn% une%i!, thou(h 9od *ne$ he h%d done he' bet to do o +o' the .%t th'ee e%'&"M% I 6oin ou7"

    The 1uetion $% une-.ected, %nd +o' % moment /o%nn% *ne$ the mouth0d'in( ene o+ .%nic he h%d e-.e'ienced $hen

    he +i't %$ him comin( to$%'d he'& No, he $%nted to % h%'h!& No, ou c%n"t& I don"t $%nt ou to& I don"t $%nt to t%!* to ou& I

    don"t $%nt ou .oi!in( m %++ection +o' thee i!%nd b ou' .'eence&

    But, o+ cou'e, he didn"t % %n o+ thoe thin(&A!thou(h he *ne$ he $% .'ob%b! bein( inc'edib! tu.id, he $% +%' too0.o!ite0to beh%)e o chi!dih!, o ob)iou!&

    SO inte%d, "Wh not7" he mu'mu'ed, mo)in( he' (!% o+ o'%n(e 6uice %ide, %nd 'e!oc%tin( the coo!in( .ot o+ co++ee& :Be m (uet&


    With the inhe'ent ('%ce th%t h%d %!$% eemed o unuu%! in % m%n o+ hi i4e, Co!e .u!!ed out one o+ the )in!0cuhioned.!%tic ch%i', %nd, tu'nin( it b%c* to the t%b!e, t'%dd!ed it& Hi bon *nee, c!%d in c'e%m cotton t'oue', b'uhed the ide o+ he' b%'e

    thi(h % he .oitioned hime!+, %nd it $% %!! /o%nn% cou!d do not to +!inch %$% +'om e)en th%t !i(ht cont%ct& But Co!e eemed not to

    notiee %n $ithd'%$%! on he' .%'t, % he d'%.ed hi %'m %!on( the b%c* o+ the ch%i', %nd c%t % c%u%! ee o)e' the .%!m0h%dedt'etch o+ %nd on! % +e$ %'d %$%&

    "Be%uti+u!, in"t it7" he obe')ed, %nd /o%nn% dici.!ined he'e!+ to m%*e the ob)iou 'e6oinde'&"Be%uti+u!," he %('eed, !oo*in( to$%'d the oce%n, c'e%min( on to the c'uhed co'%!, beond the co!ou'ed umb'e!!%, %nd

    oi!0!ic* bodie& A!thou(h it $%n"t the C%'ibbe%n, the $%te' c'%d!in( the un0'ich i!%nd o+ the B%h%m% $e'e e)e' bit % $%'m %nd

    in)itin(, thei' b!ue0('een de.th % m%(net +o' %chtmen %nd unde'$%te' e-.!o'e' %!i*e& "I")e %!$% !o)ed it&"

    ";e&" Co!e" mouth com.'eed& ";ou' +%mi! h%)e % )i!!% he'e, don"t the7"

    Hi b'o$, ditinct! d%'*e' th%n the %h0.%!e ubt!et o+ hi h%i', d'e$ to(ethe' .ecu!%ti)e!, but be+o'e he cou!d )oicethe 1uetion hi $o'd h%d .'o)o*ed /o%nn% +o'et%!!ed him&

    "Not %n mo'e," he t%ted $i+t!, %)oidin( hi en1ui'in( (%4e& "In %n c%e, it" not im.o't%nt& And I"m u'e it h% nothin(

    to do $ith $h ou"'e he'e&"

    "No&" Co!e %('eed $ith he'& "But ou %'e&"

    /o%nn% t%'ed %t him& ";ou *ne$ I $% he'e7" "Ob)iou!&""No, not ob)iou!&" She +e!t he' n%i! di((in( into he' .%!m, %nd dete'mined! 'e!%-ed he'e!+& "I %umed ou mut be

    he'e on ho!id%& Th%t0th%t thi meetin( $% %ccident%!&"

    "H%'d!&" Co!e 'e(%'ded he' di.%ion%te!& "Th%t $ou!d be 1uite % coincidence, $ou!dn"t it7"

    /o%nn% too* % te%din( b'e%th& "Then I thin* ou"d bette' !e%)e& O' I $i!!&"

    She $%nted to (et to he' +eet& She $%nted to $%!* %$% +'om the t%b!e, %nd .'etend thi h%d ne)e' h%..ened& Pe'h%., i+he .inched he'e!+ h%'d enou(h, he mi(ht $%*e u.& Oh, $h%t he $ou!d (i)e to +ind out thi $% %!! % d'e%m0o' % ni(htm%'e5

    But he h%d 'un %$% +'om Co!e once be+o'e, %nd he $% d%mned i+ he"d do it %(%in& He cou!dn"t hu't he' no$& Not %n

    mo'e& And he $ou!d 6ut be .!%in( into hi h%nd, i+ he %!!o$ed him to ee he h%d u.et he'&

    So, $ith %dmi'%b!e 'et'%int, he he!.ed he'e!+ to % c'oi%nt, +'om the n%.*in0!ined b%*et in +'ont o+ he', %nd .ic*ed u.

    he' *ni+e to butte' it&Co!e $%tched he'& She $% %$%'e o+ hi (%4e, thou(h he didn"t %c*no$!ed(e it& He h%d %!$% h%d the %bi!it to m%*e he'

    %$%'e o+ him, e)en $hen he !e%t $%nted it& The'e $% % b'oodin( intenit to hi %..'%i%! th%t .ie'ced %n +%c%de o+ indi++e'ence

    he mi(ht '%ie %(%int him& E)en no$, butte'in( he' c'oi%nt, $ith h%nd th%t on! b % u.'eme e++o't on he' .%'t 'em%ined te%d,

    he cou!d +ee! hi ee u.on he'& Wh%t $% he thin*in(7 he $onde'ed& Wh%t did he $%nt7 And ho$ h%d he *no$n $he'e he $%7

    "P'ic*!, %'en"t ou7" he %id %t !%t, %nd /o%nn% +ou(ht b%c* the %n(' de+ence th%t .'%n( to he' !i.& "I"m0cu'iou," he%dmitted, .'oud o+ the !%c* o+ %(('eion in he' tone& "Ho$ did ou *no$ I $% he'e7"

  • 8/12/2019 Tidewater Seduction





    "9'%ce to!d me," he 'e.!ied, mentionin( hi %unt" n%me $ithout in+!e-ion& ";ou mut *no$ $e *ee. in touch& And 6ut

    bec%ue he" En(!ih, ou hou!dn"t %utom%tic%!! %ume he"!! t%*e ou' ide&"

    /o%nn% $%!!o$ed h%'d& 9'%ce, he thou(ht ('im!&

    She hou!d h%)e (ueed& B!ood $% thic*e' th%n $%te', %nd the M%c%!!ite'0e)en et'%n(ed one0e)ident! be!ie)ed th%t

    t'on(e' th%n mot&"Don"t thin* b%d! o+ he'," Co!e %id no$, % /o%nn% t%'ed do$n %t the c'oi%nt& "She didn"t h%)e % !ot o+ choice& Not in the


    But /o%nn% $%n"t !itenin( to him& D%mn 9'%ce, he $% thin*in(, %b%ndonin( the untouched 'o!! in +%)ou' o+ %nothe' cu.

    o+ co++ee& She *ne$, bette' th%n %none th%t +o' the .%t th'ee e%' /o%nn% h%d done he' utmot to +o'(et Co!e, %nd $h%t he h%d doneto he' !i+e& Ho$ cou!d 9'%ce h%)e to!d him he $% he'e, t%*in( the +i't ho!id% he h%d h%d in t$ent o!id month o+ h%'d !o(7 Thi$% u..oed to be he' 'e$%'d to he'e!+ +o' +inihin( %he%d o+ time& The .%intin( +o' the e-hibition $e'e com.!eted& She h%dn"t e)en

    b'ou(ht he' m%te'i%! $ith he'& She h%d intended to h%)e % com.!ete b'e%*& And no$&

    "Whe'e"0S%mm0/e%n7" he dem%nded, !oo*in( beond him, % i+ e-.ectin( the othe' $om%n to %..e%'& ";ou did m%''

    he', didn"t ou7" She +o'ced % moc*in( !i!t into he' )oice, % he %dded, "S%mm0/e%n M%c%!!ite'5 Oh, e, th%t ound o much bette'

    th%n /o%nn% M%c%!!ite' e)e' did&"Co!e" !i. ti(htened& ";ou $on"t (et %n %'(ument +'om me," he 'eto'ted, but he 'e%!ied to he' %m%4ement %nd de!i(ht0th%t,

    +o' once, he h%d (ot unde' hi *in& A +%int t'%ce o+ co!ou' '%n u. bene%th hi t%n, %nd the h%nd 'etin( on the ch%i'0b%c* b%!!ed into


    But then, e-e'ciin( the %me *ind o+ cont'o! /o%nn% h%d ued e%'!ie', he e-.e!!ed hi b'e%th& "I didn"t come he'e to t%!*

    %bout S%m," he %id t%ut!, meetin( he' (%4e& "M +%the'" din(&"/o%nn% (u!.ed& She cou!dn"t he!. it& R%n M%c%!!ite' h%d %!$% %..e%'ed in)incib!e to he'& It c%'ce! eemed c'edib!e

    th%t he $% mo't%!, !i*e the 'et o+ them&

    E)en o, he h%d ne)e' been %n +'iend o+ he', %nd he' d%'* b'o$ 'oe $ithout m.%th& "I th%t u..oed to me%n

    omethin( to me7"

    Co!e 'e(%'ded he' ('im!& "He $%nt to ee ou&"

    "To ee me7" /o%nn%" )oice c%me out e)e'%! de('ee hi(he' th%n no'm%!, but Co!e on! nodded& "Th%t" $h%t I %id&"/o%nn% c%u(ht he' b'e%th& ";ou c%n"t be e'iou&" "Wh not7"

    "Wh not7" She m%de % ound o+ dibe!ie+& "Wh he doen"t e)en !i*e me5"

    Co!e" ee d'o..ed& "M%be he doe," he %id, .ic*in( u. the .oon th%t $% !in( beide the unued .!%ce ettin( in +'ont

    o+ him& "M%be he doen"t&" He .un the .oon bet$een hi +in(e'& "In %n c%e, he % he $%nt to ee ou, %nd th%t" %!! the'e i toit&"

    ";ou $ih5" /o%nn% t%'ed %t him inc'edu!ou!& "I+ ou thin* I"m (oin( to (i)e u. m ho!id% to (o %nd ee %n o!d m%n $ho

    ne)e' e)en (%)e me the time o+ d%, i+ he cou!d he!. it, ou"'e )e' much mit%*en5"

    Co!e !oo*ed u., %nd the b!ue ee $e'e % co!d % tee! bet$een n%''o$ed !id& "A'e ou 'e%!! th%t h%'d7" he %*ed, hi !i.

    cu'!in( contem.tuou!& "9od, M% %id ou $ou!dn"t come, but I didn"t be!ie)e he'&""Be!ie)e it," %id /o%nn% +!%t!, .'ein( he' h%nd do$n on the t%b!e %nd (ettin( to he' +eet& "I $ih I cou!d % it" been %

    .!e%u'e, Co!e, but !in( $% ne)e' m t'on( .oint5"

    "Li*e he!!5"

    Co!e h%d *ic*ed the ch%i' out +'om unde' him, %nd $% u. on hi +eet to con+'ont he', be+o'e he cou!d m%*e (ood he'ec%.e& And, e)en thou(h he tood % (ood +i)e +eet nine inche in he' %n*!e boot, he $% no m%tch +o' hi i- +eet .!u& Add to th%t

    b'o%d hou!de', % +!%t tom%ch, %nd !on( mucu!%' !e(, %nd he cou!d ee no me%n o+ 'et'e%t& Sho't o+ c%uin( % cene, o+ cou'e,

    %nd /o%nn% didn"t $%nt to do th%t, $hen thi $% on! the econd mo'nin( o+ he' ho!id%&

    "In"t thi '%the' 'idicu!ou, Co!e7" he %*ed, !oo*in( u. %t him '%the' tene!& "Wh%t do ou ho.e to %chie)e7 ;ou c%n"t

    +o'ce me to (o $ith ou&""C%n"t I"

    Co!e" 'e.one $% .'edict%b!e enou(h, but it !%c*ed con)iction, %nd /o%nn% 'e%!ied th%t, +o' %!! hi be!!i(e'ence, he $%

    unu'e o+ hi ('ound& It (%)e he' % +ee!in( o+ t'ium.h 6ut $%tchin( him0% 'i..!in( en%tion o+ .!e%u'e he h%dn"t +e!t be+o'e&

    "I thin* ou"d bette' (et out o+ m $%," he %id, not %+'%id to meet hi (%4e& "Wh%t c%n ou do to me0th%t ou h%)en"t

    %!'e%d done7""Son o+ %0"

    Co!e bit o++ the e-.!eti)e, but not be+o'e /o%nn% h%d (!im.ed the '%$ +'ut'%tion in hi ee& It $% the +i't time he e)e'

    'emembe'ed him bein( %t % !o +o' $o'd, %nd the'e $% % t%nt%!i4in( en6oment in $%tchin( him 1ui'm&

    "So, i+ ou"!! e-cue me0"

    B'uhin( hi chet $ith 6ut the ti. o+ he' +in(e', /o%nn% ed(ed %'ound him0%nd he !et he'& It $% '%the' !i*e b%itin( %ti(e', he thou(ht, the +!utte'in( e-citement in he' th'o%t th'e%tenin( to cho*e he'& It $% o into-ic%tin( th%t he +e!t 1uite hi(h, %nd

    he cou!d h%'d! cont%in he'e!+ % he de!ibe'%te! %unte'ed %c'o the te''%ce %nd into the hote!&

    She *ne$ hi ee +o!!o$ed he'& She cou!d +ee! them, bo'in( into he' b%c*, % he $%ed .'o)oc%ti)e! bet$een the

    t%b!e& And he $% (!%d he $ou!d ee nothin( to bet'% the emotion%! t'%um% he h%d once $'ou(ht in he' !i+e& He' +i(u'e $% % !im

    no$ % it h%d e)e' been, due % much to h%'d $o'* % c%'e+u! dietin(& He' !e( $e'e !on(, %nd ho$n to ome %d)%nt%(e in the +'%edBe'mud% he $% $e%'in( $ith % buttoned )et& E)en he' h%i' h%d the hin .%tin% o+ (ood he%!th, !on(e' no$ th%n he ued to $e%'

    it, %nd c%u(ht %t he' n%.e in % i!)e' b%''ette&

    O+ cou'e, he c%me do$n to e%'th %(%in % 1uic*! % he h%d (one u.& A oon % he $% inide the (!% c'een, $hich

    h%d been +o!ded b%c* to %!!o$ +'ee %cce bet$een the indoo' %nd outdoo' ection o+ the 'et%u'%nt, the ene o+ e-hi!%'%tion he h%d

    +e!t $hi!e he $% $ith Co!e 1uic*! %b%ted& Beide, once the dei'e to th$%'t hi .!%n h%d been %ccom.!ihed, he $% t'oub!ed b%n %nnoin( t$in(e o+ concience& Wh%te)e' Co!e thou(ht, he $% not % h%'d % he im%(ined& And, %!thou(h it $% t'ue th%t R%n

    M%c%!!ite' h%d ne)e' %cce.ted he' % Co!e" $i+e, he $% %n o!d m%n, %nd din(, i+ Co!e $% to be be!ie)ed&

    She .%ued in the !obb o+ the hote!, not u'e no$ o+ $h%t he $%nted to do& She h%d been intendin( to (et % boo* +'om he'

    'oom %nd .end the mo'nin( ittin( in the un, but he' con+'ont%tion $ith he' e-0hub%nd h%d !e+t he' ditu'bed %nd 'et!e&

    She needed he' $imuit %n$%, o, +o'cin( thou(ht o+ Co!e %ide, he too* the !i+t u. to he' 'oom& She $% on the +ou'th+!oo', 6ut one be!o$ the .enthoue uite& She h%d % !%'(e 'oom th%t $% .%'t0ittin(0'oom, .%'t bed'oom, $ith % $ide b%!con


  • 8/12/2019 Tidewater Seduction





    o)e'!oo*in( the At!%ntic& A!! the 'oom h%d b%!conie, but the $e'e m%de .'i)%te b the o!id $%!! th%t di)ided them&

    A he t'i..ed o++ he' )et %nd ho't %nd .ut on % c%'!et m%i!!ot, /o%nn% cou!dn"t he!. $onde'in( $he'e Co!e $%

    t%in(& She (ueed he mut h%)e +!o$n do$n +'om Ch%'!eton ete'd% e)enin(, %nd it $% in+inite! .oib!e th%t he $% t%in(

    %t thi hote!& But he h%d .'ob%b! 6ut boo*ed in +o' one ni(ht& He h%d no doubt e-.ected to .e'u%de he' to +! b%c* $ith him !%te'

    tod%&She i(hed, 'e(%'din( he' 'e+!ection in the !on( c!oet mi''o', $ithout 'e%!! noticin( ho$ $e!! the t'%.!e $imuit

    !oo*ed& Pe'h%. he hou!d 6ut un b%the on he' b%!con thi mo'nin(, he $% thin*in(& She didn"t thin* Co!e $ou!d *no$ he' %ctu%!

    'oom numbe', %nd e)en i+ he did he $% un!i*e! to come !oo*in( +o' he'&

    Then he +'o$ned& No, he to!d he'e!+ +i'm!& She $% not (oin( to 'un %$% +'om thi& She h%d .'o)ed he cou!dch%!!en(e Co!e %nd (et %$% $ith it& Wh hou!dn"t he do o %(%in, i+ it $% nece%'7 It didn"t m%tte' $h%t he %id, o' $h%t hethou(ht o+ he'& She $% % +'ee $om%n& She cou!d do $h%t he !i*ed&

    In %n c%e, he %dded, in % !e th%n '%dic%! %+te'thou(ht, Co!e $% un!i*e! to h%n( %'ound, once he 'e%!ied he me%nt

    $h%t he %id& It $% e%'! M%, %+te' %!!& A bu time o+ the e%' +o' him& And i+ hi +%the' $% e'iou! i!!0

    But /o%nn% 'e+ued to thin* %bout it& She $ou!d not %!!o$ he'e!+ to +ee! (ui!t %bout % m%n $ho h%d %!$% h%ted he', %nd

    he' be!ie+& De%' 9od, he h%d e)en det'oed hi o$n on in hi e++o't to (et $h%t he $%nted5The .hone '%n( % he $% .u!!in( %n outi4e T0hi't o)e' he' he%d& The b%(( cotton (%'ment b%'e! *immed he' thi(h,

    but it hou!de' $ou!d *ee. he' coo! i+ the un (ot too hot& It e')ed the du%! .u'.oe o+ co)e'in( he' $imuit %nd .'o)idin(

    .'otection, %nd he !i*ed it bette' th%n ome cutom0m%de 6%c*et&

    When the .hone '%n(, he h%ti! 6%mmed he' %'m into the !ee)e, %nd tu((ed it do$n %'ound he'& Then, h%!+$% to

    %n$e' the c%!!, he h%!ted& Wh%t i+ it $% Co!e7 She $% not u'e he $% 'e%d et +o' %nothe' %!te'c%tion& She needed time to bui!dhe' de+ence& She $%n"t u'e he $% % immune to hi cenu'e % he thou(ht&

    But the 'e%!i%tion th%t it $% mo'e !i*e! to be he' mothe', c%!!in( to m%*e u'e e)e'thin( $% O>, +o'ced he' to thin*

    %(%in& Neithe' o+ he' .%'ent h%d been .%'ticu!%'! *een on he' t%*in( thi ho!id% %!one, not to mention t'%)e!in( o +%' +'om he' home

    in London& In .ite o+ he' %bo'ti)e m%''i%(e to Co!e0o' .e'h%. bec%ue o+ it0the h%d become inc'e%in(! .'otecti)e, %nd, %!thou(h

    he h%d .honed them on he' %''i)%! t$o d% %(o, the .'ob%b! $%nted %n u.d%te on he' mo)ement&

    E)en o, the'e $% % de+inite ed(e to he' tone % he .ic*ed u. the 'ecei)e', %nd the $om%n" )oice th%t ('eeted he''e)e%!ed % imi!%' tenion&

    :/o7 /o, d%'!in(, i th%t ou7 Oh, 9od, ou ound o c!e%'& A'e ou 'e%!! thou%nd o+ mi!e %$%7"

    /o%nn%" 'e!ie+ $% %!mot .%!.%b!e, %nd, 'unnin( he' ton(ue o)e' he' d' !i., he moothed one d%m. .%!m do$n the

    e%m o+ he' T0hi't& But $ith the 'e!ie+ c%me % *ind!in( o+ 'eentment to$%'d he' c%!!e', %nd he' )oice $% on! !i(ht! $%'me' %he %n$e'ed, ";e& ;e, 9'%ce, it" me& A ittin( duc*, % ou e-.ected&"

    "Oh, /o5" 9'%ce ounded %n-iou no$& "I *no$ $h%t ou mut be thin*in(, but t' to unde't%nd m .oition& R%n i m

    b'othe'0in0!%$, %+te' %!!& When0$hen Co!e %*ed $he'e ou $e'e, I h%d to te!! him&"

    /o%nn% %bo'bed thi in i!ence& A!thou(h he ti!! 'eented the +%ct th%t 9'%ce h%d bet'%ed he' $he'e%bout, $ithout e)en

    c!e%'in( it $ith he' +i't, he $%n"t unmind+u! o+ 9'%ce" +%mi! 'e.onibi!itie& Oh, it $% e% enou(h todimi them b 'emindin( he'e!+ th%t 9'%ce" m%''i%(e to R%n M%c%!!ite'" b'othe' h%d been no mo'e ucce+u! th%n

    he' o$n, but the t'uth $% 9'%ce $% mo'e de.endent on the M%c%!!ite' th%n he $%& 9'%ce %nd Lu*e M%c%!!ite' h%d t$o on,

    E)%n %nd Lu*e /unio'& I+ he $%nted to continue eein( he' on on % 'e(u!%' b%i, he cou!dn"t %++o'd to o++end the m%n $ho cou!d

    den he' th%t .'i)i!e(e&"/o7 /o, %'e ou ti!! the'e7"

    9'%ce" $o''ied tone b'ou(ht /o%nn%" %ttention b%c* to the .hone& It $% he' o$n +%u!t 'e%!!, he thou(ht& A oon % he'

    m%''i%(e to Co!e b'o*e u., he hou!d h%)e +ound he'e!+ %nothe' %(ent& But he h%d *no$n 9'%ce +o' %!mot ten e%'& 9'%ce h%d

    'eco(nied he' t%!ent !on( be+o'e the $%te'0co!ou' he .'oduced bec%me .o.u!%'& He%)en, it $% th'ou(h 9'%ce th%t he h%d met

    Co!e0thou(h the )i'tue o+ th%t .%'ticu!%' int'oduction h%d !on( ince been deb%ed& Ne)e'the!e, he $% +ond o+ 9'%ce, he o$edhe' % !ot, %nd it $%n"t +%i' to e-.ect he' to 6eo.%'di4e he' 'e!%tionhi. $ith he' o$n +!eh %nd b!ood&

    ";e, I"m ti!! he'e, 9'%ce," /o%nn% %n$e'ed no$, e-.e!!in( he' b'e%th on % !on( i(h& "O>, I +o'(i)e ou& I u..oe ou

    didn"t h%)e % !ot o+ choice& But, d%mmit, ou hou!d h%)e $%'ned me5 I cou!dn"t be!ie)e it $hen < %$ Co!e %c'o the te''%ce&"

    9'%ce m%de % ound o+ u'.'ie& ";ou")e een Co!e7" /o%nn% +'o$ned& "O+ cou'e&" She .%ued& "Wh%t did ou e-.ect7"

    "Oh0I don"t *no$&" 9'%ce ounded doubt+u!& "When he .honed, I (ot the im.'eion he didn"t $%nt to !e%)e Tide$%te' %t thi.%'ticu!%' time&"

    /o%nn% h'u((ed& "We!!, he mut h%)e ch%n(ed hi mind&"

    9'%ce heit%ted& "And %'e ou (oin( b%c* $ith him7"


    "No7" 9'%ce ounded dim%ed& "But /o, R%n" din(5""So7" /o%nn% 'e+ued to %!!o$ the othe' $om%n to in+!uence he'&

    "He h% c%nce'," 9'%ce .e'ited& "Acco'din( to Co!e, the docto' (i)e him % +e$ $ee* %t mot& /o, he i Co!e" +%the'& C%n"t

    ou +ind it in ou' he%'t to +ee! ome com.%ion7 I *no$ ou %nd he h%)e h%d ou' di++e'ence, but0"

    "Di++e'ence5" /o%nn% %!mot .%t the $o'd& "9'%ce, th%t m%n %nd I did not h%)e di++e'ence5 We $e'e tot%!! o..oed to one

    %nothe' in e)e' $%& R%n M%c%!!ite' doen"t dee')e %none" com.%ion& He" % t$ited, e)i! m%n5"9'%ce i(hed& ";ou 'e%!! h%te him, don"t ou7"

    "Wou!dn"t ou7 Don"t ou7"

    "Not h%te, no&" 9'%ce $% tent%ti)e& "Oh, I *no$ $h%t ou"'e (oin( to %& I+ R%n h%dn"t m%de uch % bi( thin( o+ m

    $%ntin( ome inde.endence, Lu*e $ou!d ne)e' h%)e +ound the (ut, t'en(th0c%!! it $h%t ou $i!!0to m%*e th%t u!tim%tum& But /o, it

    $% Lu*e $ho m%de me chooe bet$een t%in( %t Tide$%te', %nd )e(et%tin(, o' m%*in( % !i+e +o' me!+& R%n mi(ht h%)e +%hionedthe bu!!et, m de%', but Lu*e +i'ed them&"

    ";e, but0"

    "He%' me out, /o& I $%nt ou to *no$ I h%)en"t 'e('etted $h%t I did& Not 'e%!!& Oh, I mi the bo, o+ cou'e, but it" not %

    i+ the $e'e b%bie $hen I !e+t& And I")e h%d % (ood !i+e he'e& Runnin( the (%!!e', becomin( R%" .%'tne'& He %nd I h%)e mo'e in

    common th%n Lu*e %nd I e)e' did& Lu*e $% di++e'ent& He $% e-citin(& And I don"t den th%t R% %nd I0$e!!, $e don"t h%)e the %me*ind o+ 'e!%tionhi.& Ou' i mo'e0inte!!ectu%!, i+ ou *no$ $h%t I me%n& But I"m not bitte'& I h%)e e)e'thin( I need& I c%n %++o'd to


  • 8/12/2019 Tidewater Seduction


  • 8/12/2019 Tidewater Seduction





    9od5 She to'e he' ee %$%, %nd t%'ed b!ind! %c'o the .oo!& Wh%t $% the m%tte' $ith he'7 he chided, % he' h%nd

    coi!ed into ti(ht +it& It $%n"t % i+ Co!e" n%*ed bod $% %n no)e!t to he'& She h%d !i)ed $ith him +o' mo'e th%n t$o e%', +o'

    he%)en" %*e5 She h%d een him in e)e' .oe %nd %ttitude, in e)e' t%te o+ und'e& He h%d % be%uti+u! !e%n bod0% .e'+ect .ecimen

    o+ Ame'ic%n m%nhood& It $% % .it the content didn"t !i)e u. to the $'%..in(5

    "Do ou $%nt % d'in*7"She $% o tied u. $ith he' thou(ht th%t Co!e" +i't 1uetion didn"t 'e(ite'& "I0be( ou' .%'don7"

    "I %id0do ou $%nt % d'in*7" he 'e.e%ted, .'o..in( hime!+ u. on hi e!bo$, d'%$in( u. one !e(, %nd h%!+ tu'nin( to$%'d

    he'& "The'e" % $%it'e m%*in( % tou' o+ the dec*, t%*in( o'de'& I thou(ht ou mi(ht !i*e omethin( !on( %nd co!d %nd 'e+'ehin(&"

    "Oh0" /o%nn% $%!!o$ed, %nd e-.!o'ed he' d' !i. $ith he' ton(ue& "We!!, e& I thin* I $i!! h%)e ome !emon%de& But I"!!(et m o$n& ;ou don"t h%)e to bothe'&"

    "It" no bothe'," Co!e %u'ed he', $in(in( hi +eet to the ('ound& He mo)ed $i+t!, o th%t b the time the bi*ini0c!%d

    $%it'e 'e%ched them he $% t%ndin( u., %nd /o%nn% %$ to he' ch%('in th%t hi outhe'n cou'te did not (o unnoticed&

    ";ou didn"t h%)e to t%nd u.," he mutte'ed i''it%b!, % he 'eumed hi e%t, %nd Co!e" mouth ti!ted&

    "No, I *no$," he %('eed, b'uhin( %n inect +'om hi thi(h $ith % !%4 h%nd& "But it cot nothin( to be .o!ite&"

    "Wou!d ou h%)e tood u. i+ it h%d been % m%n7" he .e'ited, %nd Co!e" !i. .%'ted to 'e)e%! % 'o$ o+ e)en $hite teeth&"I (ue," he %id, hi ee !e%)in( he' to mo)e ino!ent! o)e' he' bod& "Wh%t" the m%tte', /o7 Somethin( e%tin( ou7"

    /o%nn% hi+ted une%i! bene%th hi t%untin( (%4e, %nd he $% %$%'e th%t he $% ti!! %'oued +'om he' thou(ht e%'!ie'&

    He' o$n ni..!e $e'e % t%ut % button, %nd he tu((ed u''e.titiou! %t the +'ont o+ he' $imuit to hide thei' .'o)oc%ti)e di.!%&

    Un%b!e to thin* o+ %n %n$e' h%'. enou(h to .unctu'e hi moc*in( e!+0con+idence, he tu'ned he' he%d, %nd .'etended to

    $%tch the %ntic o+ t$o oun( .eo.!e in the .oo!& The $e'e teen%(e', he (ueed, ho!id%in( to(ethe' +o' the +i't time, %nd +'omthe $% the (i'! d'%.ed he'e!+ %'ound he' com.%nion the $e'e not i(no'%nt o+ e%ch othe'" bodie& The'e $% %n intim%c bet$een

    them th%t .o*e o+ !on( ni(ht e-.!o'in( the int'ic%cie o+ !o)e& She %nd Co!e h%d once e-.!o'ed thoe %me int'ic%cie, he

    'emembe'ed& Du'in( thoe !on( outhe'n ni(ht, be+o'e thin( t%'ted to (o $'on(&&

    The $%it'e 'etu'ned $ith t$o t%!! (!%e o+ !emon%de, !ibe'%!! .i*ed $ith ice& Co!e too* one +o' hime!+, %nd he!d the

    othe' out to$%'d /o%nn%, %nd %!thou(h he $% !o%th to t%*e %nthin( +'om him it $ou!d h%)e been chi!dih to 'e+ue& So, ittin( u.,

    c'o0!e((ed, he too* the .e'.e- tumb!e' +'om him, d'in*in( +'om it thi'ti!, be+o'e ti..in( he' he%d b%c* on he' hou!de', %nd!u-u'i%tin( in the intene he%t&

    Co!e $% ti!! ittin( ide$% on the un0bed, !e( .'e%d, b%'e +eet 'etin( on the ti!ed u'+%ce o+ the .oo! dec*& It me%nt

    he $% cont%nt! %$%'e o+ hi ee u.on he' but, de.ite he' i''it%tion, he u..oed hi .'eence $% dete''in( %n un$e!come

    %ttention&";ou !oo* (ood," he %id udden!, %nd he' ee 6e'*ed to$%'d hi be+o'e he cou!d .'e)ent them&

    "Th%n* ou," he 'etu'ned, t'i)in( +o' % c%'e!e tone % he too* he'e!+ in h%nd %(%in& "So do ou& S%mm /e%n" e)ident!

    doin( omethin( 'i(ht&"

    Co!e" e-.'eion h%'dened +o' % moment, but then he 'etu'ned to the %tt%c*& ";ou %!$% $e'e % be%uti+u! $om%n," he

    mu'mu'ed& "And, i+ %nthin(, ou !oo* bette' no$ th%n ou did $hen $e (ot m%''ied&""Then I mut be doin( omethin( 'i(ht, too," dec!%'ed /o%nn% ho't!, im.%tient %t the $%)e o+ co!ou' th%t $e.t into he'

    nec* %t hi $o'd& "Li)in( in London in"t %!! b%d, $h%te)e' ou thin*& Ou' c!im%te m% not be % (ood % ou', but it h% it


    Co!e" b'o$ %'ched +o' % moment, %nd then he !oo*ed do$n %t hi d'in*, 'etin( in h%nd h%n(in( !ooe! bet$een hithi(h& "I (ue it doe," he conceded %t !%t& "I"m u'e 9'%ce $ou!d %('ee $ith ou&"

    "I"m u'e he $ou!d&" /o%nn% nodded& But he didn"t !i*e thi con)e'%tion& It $%n"t $h%t Co!e $% %in( th%t t'oub!ed he'

    e-%ct!& But the tone he $% uin( did& He $% o .o!ite& Hi !%4 outhe'n d'%$! c'%.ed %c'o he' ne')e, !i*e % n%i! o)e' '%$ i!*,

    %nd e)e' time he !oo*ed %t he' he ('e$ mo'e %nd mo'e tene&

    "Um00ho$0ho$" ou' mothe'7" he %*ed, ho.in( to di)e't the con)e'%tion %$% +'om he'e!+, %nd Co!e !i+ted hi he%d&"M%" O>&" Hi ee *immed he' mouth, %nd %!thou(h he h%d 6ut d'un* %bout % 1u%'te' o+ % .int o+ !emon%de /o%nn%"

    !i. +e!t .%'ched&

    "She" (ettin( o!de', !i*e the 'et o+ u& But he ti!! $o'* 6ut % h%'d % e)e'&"

    "And0%nd Ben %nd /oe7" /o%nn% +e!t com.e!!ed to *ee. him t%!*in( %bout hi +%mi!& "And the t$in7 I bet Ch%'!e c%n

    $im no$, c%n"t he7 Did the t%'t hi(h choo! et7 Oh, e, o+ cou'e, the mut h%)e done&"Co!e 'e(%'ded he' bet$een n%''o$ed !id& "A'e ou 'e%!! th%t inte'eted7" he 1ue'ied, hi b'oodin( (%4e b'in(in( %

    dee.enin( o+ co!ou' in he' chee*&

    "Su'e, Ben %nd /oe %'e +ine& /oe" m%''ied no$, %nd hi $i+e" e-.ectin( thei' +i't b%b& Ch%'!e %nd Donn% t%'ted hi(h

    choo! !%t e%', %nd S%nd" (oin( to 6oin them come +%!!&" He .%ued& "I (ue th%t %bout co)e' it, $ou!dn"t ou %7"

    /o%nn% bent he' he%d, the $ei(ht o+ he' h%i' !idin( o)e' one hou!de' to e-.oe the )u!ne'%b!e cu')e o+ he' nec*& "I $%6ut bein(0.o!ite, th%t" %!!," he %id, h%!+ de+eni)e!& "I0!i*e ou' b'othe' %nd ite'& And, I ued to thin* th%t the !i*ed me&"

    "The did&" Co!e hoo* the ice %'ound in hi em.t tumb!e'& "Ch%'!e o+ten ued to t%!* %bout the time ou %nd he (ot tuc*

    out on P%!me'" I!%nd& I+ ou h%dn"t $um b%c* to (et he!., ou mi(ht both h%)e been $e.t %$%&"

    "Oh0" /o%nn% m%de % de.'ec%tin( (etu'e& ";ou"d %!'e%d dico)e'ed $e $e'e miin(& When the bo%t $% $%hed on to the

    b%n*, ou"d h%)e (ueed $he'e $e $e'e&""M%be not oon enou(h," he inited, %nd /o%nn% +e!t % 'emembe'ed ene o+ %..'ehenion& She cou!d ti!! 'ec%!! ho$

    c%'ed he h%d been in the $%te', +i(htin( he' $% %(%int the cu''ent, +ee!in( he' %'m (ettin( $e%*e' b the minute& She h%d been

    un%b!e to t%nd, $hen he h%u!ed he'e!+ out o+ the 'i)e'& I+ Co!e %nd hi b'othe' h%dn"t been e%'chin( +o' them, it mi(ht ti!! h%)e

    been too !%te& The +!oodin( to''ent o+ the Tide$%te' Ri)e' h%d !e+t P%!me'" I!%nd unde' e)e'%! +eet o+ $%te' +o' hou'& No one cou!d

    h%)e u')i)ed it +u', !e%t o+ %!! ten0e%'0o!d Ch%'!e, $ho cou!dn"t e)en $im&/o%nn% ('im%ced no$, un$i!!in( to thin* o+ th%t ne%' t'%(ed, %nd Co!e t'etched out hi h%nd to$%'d he'& She thou(ht +o'

    one he%'t0to..in( moment th%t he $% (oin( to touch he', %nd he intincti)e! d'e$ b%c* %(%int the ch%i'& But, %!thou(h hi !i.

    +!%ttened +o' % moment, 'e)e%!in( hi %$%'ene o+ he' 'e%ction, %!! he did $% !i+t the em.t tumb!e' out o+ he' h%nd&

    "I"!! (et 'id o+ thee," he %id, d'o..in( one inide the othe', %nd $hi!e he t'ied to 'eco)e' he' e!+0.oeion he %unte'ed

    %c'o the dec* to dum. the tumb!e'&B the time he he%'d the de.'eion o+ hi ch%i'" .!%tic !%t, he $% once %(%in 'ec!inin( on he' to$e!, on he' tom%ch


  • 8/12/2019 Tidewater Seduction





    thi time, $ith he' ee c!oed, %nd he' +%ce tu'ned de!ibe'%te! %$% +'om him& Su'e! he $ou!d (et the me%(e, he thou(ht tene!&

    She didn"t $%nt to h%)e to .e!! it out +o' him %(%in& He $% $%tin( hi time i+ he thou(ht he cou!d (et he' to ch%n(e he' mind& The

    h%d % %in( in the outh, %bout c%tchin( mo'e bee $ith hone th%n $ith )ine(%', but i+ th%t $% Co!e" intention it $%n"t (oin( to

    $o'*& He $% %n %tt'%cti)e m%n, u'e, %nd, e)en thou(h he h%d mo'e 'e%on th%n mot to 'e('et the +%ct, he $ou!dn"t h%)e been %

    $om%n i+ he h%dn"t +ound him e% to !oo* %t& But th%t $% %!!& She $%n"t %tt'%cted to him& Not %n mo'e&";ou"'e (oin( to (et bu'ned," hi !%4 )oice obe')ed, 'e)e%!in( hi *in $% thic*e' th%n e)en he h%d thou(ht, %nd /o%nn%

    c!%m.ed he' 6%$ to(ethe'&

    "No, I"m not," he 'eto'ted, th'ou(h he' teeth& "M *in" too d%'*, 'emembe'7"

    "It" %!o ued to % co!de' c!im%te," Co!e 'e.!ied, %nd he he%'d him (et u. +'om hi ch%i' %(%in&9od5 /o%nn% !% com.!ete! ti!! +o' % moment, %nd then, un%b!e to $itht%nd the u.ene % moment !on(e', he 'o!!ed

    o)e' on to he' b%c*06ut % Co!e $% !o$e'in( hi $ei(ht on to the ide o+ he' !%tted m%tt'e& It $% 6ut b % $i+t 'emo)%! o+ he'

    %'m th%t he %)oided bein( %t on %nd he' ee .%'*!ed indi(n%nt! %t hi unin)ited .'eum.tion&

    "Wh%t the he!! do ou07" he $% be(innin(, $hen Co!e ho$ed he' the tube o+ un0c'eenin( c'e%m in hi h%nd&

    "Thi i ou', in"t it7" he %*ed, %nd he (ueed he h%d 'i+!ed it +'om he' b%(& "Tu'n o)e'," he %dded, unc'e$in( the c%.

    %nd 1uee4in( % cu'! o+ it content into hi .%!m& "The'e" no .oint in to'tu'in( ou'e!+ 6ut to .ite me&"/o%nn% .'eed he' !i. to(ethe' %nd t%'ed u. %t him, 'eentment oo4in( +'om e)e' .o'e& The !%t thin( he $%nted $%

    hi he!., in %nthin(& And he ce't%in! didn"t $%nt him touchin( he'& But once %(%in he h%d he' %t % di%d)%nt%(e, c%u(ht bet$een the

    dei'e to ho$ he' 'e%! +ee!in(, %nd the *no$!ed(e th%t b doin( o he $ou!d be h%ndin( him %!! the c%'d&

    So, inte%d o+ n%tchin( the c'e%m out o+ hi h%nd %nd hu'!in( it into the .oo!, he +o'ced % ti(ht mi!e %nd obedient! 'o!!ed

    o)e' %(%in& Let him do hi $o't, he thou(ht, ti+!in( he' %n(' 'e%ction %(%int the to$e!& A+te' %!! , %!thou(h he' *in didn"t t%n, it didbum ometime, %nd he cou!d do $ithout th%t %(('%)%tion % $e!!&

    Co!e" h%nd $e'e %m%4in(! coo! %(%int he' hot +!eh&

    O+ cou'e, he h%d 6ut been h%nd!in( the tumb!e' cont%inin( the ice, he 'eminded he'e!+ ('im!, % hi !on( +in(e' !id

    %c'o he' hou!de', %nd hi thumb +ound the nubb co!umn o+ he' .ine& She +ound it $% im.o't%nt to *ee. % ene o+ .'o.o'tion,

    % hi .'obin( h%nd +ound e)e' inch o+ e-.oed *in& She $% 'e!ie)ed he $%n"t $e%'in( % bi*ini& At !e%t the modet m%i!!ot !e+t

    he' ome di(nit&But not % !ot, he h%d to concede, % the inuou b'uh o+ hi +in(e' be(%n to !u!! he' into % +%!e ene o+ ecu'it& It $ou!d

    be o e%, he thou(ht, to (o $ith the +!o$# to %!!o$ he' +!eh to 'e.ond to the enuou touch o+ hi# to %dmit he $% en6oin( hi

    e-.e't minit'%tion& Bec%ue o+ the !imit%tion o+ the un0bed, hi !e( $% $ed(ed beide he' hi., %nd %!thou(h the $imuit

    .'otected the u..e' h%!+ o+ he' .e!)i hi h%i'0'ou(hened thi(h $% %(%int the e-.oed cu')e o+ he' bottom& It me%nt th%t e)e' t'o*eo+ hi h%nd on he' hou!de' b'ou(ht % co''e.ondin( inc'e%e o+ .'eu'e %(%int he' hi., %nd the im%(e th%t e)o*ed $e'e %!! e-u%!&

    "I0thin* th%t $i!! do," he dec!%'ed +i'm!, %'chin( he' b%c* %$% +'om hi +in(e', %nd (ettin( u. on to he' *nee& "I"m not

    .!%nnin( to t% out he'e th%t much !on(e'&"

    "No7" With % 'ei(ned h'u( o+ hi hou!de', Co!e mo)ed obedient! b%c* to hi o$n ch%i'& "Wh%t %'e ou .!%nnin( to do,

    then7"/o%nn% didn"t !oo* %t him& "I thin* th%t" m buine, don"t ou7"

    "I (ue&" Co!e c'e$ed the to. b%c* on the tube o+ un0c'e%m %nd d'o..ed it c%'e!e! into he' b%(& "On! %*in", !%d&"

    "And I"m te!!in( ou, it" none o+ ou' buine," %id /o%nn% ho't!& "In %n c%e, don"t ou h%)e % .!%ne to c%tch, o'

    omethin(7""Not unti! tomo''o$," Co!e 'e.!ied, $i.in( hi ('e% h%nd o)e' hi *nee&


    "I hou!d h%)e (ueed&" /o%nn%" im.%tient (%4e d%'ted o)e' him& ";ou ob)iou! c%me .'e.%'ed&"

    ";ou me%n thee7" Co!e hoo*ed % thumb into the $%itb%nd o+ hi ho't& "I bou(ht them thi mo'nin( in the ho., he'e in

    the hote!& A!on( $ith % cou.!e o+ .%i' o+ unde'.%nt, %nd % +'eh hi't&"/o%nn%" !i. .u'ed& "Re%!!&"

    ";e, 'e%!!&" Co!e inc!ined hi he%d& "It $%n"t m intention to t% %$% +'om Tide$%te' %n !on(e' th%n I h%d to&"

    /o%nn% d'o..ed he' un(!%e do$n on to he' noe %(%in& She h%d .uhed them u. into he' h%i', $hi!e he h%d been !in(

    on he' tom%ch& But no$ he +e!t the need +o' them %(%in, %nd the doubt+u! .'otection the .'o)ided&

    "I (ue thi i % (ood .!%ce to .%int, huh7" Co!e mu'mu'ed, (%4in( n%''o$0eed to$%'d the oce%n& "9'%ce to!d me ou")e(ot %n e-hibition comin( u.&"

    "Oh0e&" /o%nn% $onde'ed $h%t e!e 9'%ce h%d to!d him& "The0e'0the o.enin(" % cou.!e o+ $ee* %+te' I (et b%c*&"

    "A cou.!e o+ $ee*7" Hi ee +!ic*e'ed& "M%be I hou!d bu % tic*et& 9et me!+ %n in)etment +o' the +utu'e&"

    ";ou"'e not e'iou5"

    /o%nn%" 'e%ction $% un(u%'ded, %nd he tu'ned to !oo* %t he' $ith mi!d en1ui'& "Wh not7" he counte'ed& "I c%n te!!e)e'one it $% .%inted b m e-0$i+e& Shou!d %dd % !ic* o+ (!%mou' to the .'ice, i+ I e)e' $%nt to e!! it&"

    "Th%t" ic*5"

    "I it7 Wh7 /ut "c%ue m%be I $%n" omethin( to 'emembe' ou b7"

    "Don"t t%!* !i*e th%t5"

    Co!e" b'o$ %'ched& "Li*e $h%t7"

    "Li*e ou didn"t *no$ bette' 'eto'ted /o%nn% c'o!& "Oh0do $h%t ou !i*e& I c%n"t to. ou&"

    Hi hou!de' hunched, %nd $hen he .o*e %(%in hi )oice $% !o$ %nd hu*& ";ou cou!d h%)e dinne' $ith me toni(ht&"

    "H%)e dinne' $ith ou7" /o%nn% $% t%*en %b%c*&

    "Su'e& Wh not7""We!!0" /o%nn% +!ounde'ed& "I0c%n"t&"

    ";ou h%)in( dinne' $ith omeone e!e7"


    The 'e.one $% %utom%tic& But he cou!d h%'d! % he $%, $hen i+ he $%!*ed into the 'et%u'%nt he $ou!d +ind he'

    e%tin( %!one& Too !%te he 'e%!i4ed he cou!d h%)e (one out to e%t, o' o'de'ed 'oom e')ice, but he h%d %n$e'ed $ithout thin*in(& In%n c%e, he didn"t ee $h he h%d to m%*e %n e-cue& It $%n"t % i+ he $%nted to h%)e dinne' $ith him&

  • 8/12/2019 Tidewater Seduction





    ";ou %+'%id to e%t $ith me7" he u((eted !!, %nd he' 'eentment +!%'ed %ne$&

    "No," he denied t%ut!& "Wh $ou!d I be7 But I don"t thin* ou' +%the', o' S%mm0/e%n, $ou!d %..'o)e o+ ou' oci%!i4in(,

    do ou7"

    "And th%t" $h ou"'e 'e+uin(7 Bec%ue ou don"t $%nt to o++end m +%the'7"

    "No5" /o%nn% to'e the d%'* (!%e o++ he' noe, %nd t%'ed %t him +'ut'%ted!& "Co!e, $h %'e ou doin( thi7 ;ou *no$ oudon"t 'e%!! $%nt to h%)e dinne' $ith me %t %!!&"

    "Don"t I7" Hi dee. b!ue ee '%n(ed ditu'bin(! o)e' he' +!uhed +%ce& "M%be I do& 8o' o!d time" %*e& Wh%t do ou %7"

    /o%nn%" h%nd c!enched %'ound the tem o+ he' (!%e& O+ cou'e, he did *no$ $h he $% doin( thi# he to!d he'e!+&

    Co!e $% nothin( i+ not ten%ciou, %nd he h%d e)ident! (ot it into hi he%d th%t oone' o' !%te' he $ou!d c'%c*& The m%!! t%!*, the!emon%de, %nd the m%%(e $e'e %!! intended to o+ten he' u., to m%*e he' mo'e 'ece.ti)e, $hen he mentioned hi +%the'" i!!ne%(%in& He h%d e)en bitten the bu!!et %nd %*ed %bout the e-hibition& Th%t mut h%)e 'e%!! (%!!ed him& He' $o'* h%d %!$% been %

    ou'ce o+ con+!ict in the .%t&

    He' !i. t$ited& So ho$ +%' $% he .'e.%'ed to (o, to (%in hi o$n end7 I+ he %('eed to h%)e dinne' $ith him, $h%t then7

    He cou!d h%'d! t%!* %bout omethin( % e'iou % c%nce' o)e' the 'ed n%..e'& So, $hen did he intend to m%*e hi ne-t mo)e7 And

    ho$7An im. o+ )en(e%nce ti''ed inide he'& It mi(ht be %muin( to +ind out& In .ite o+ the c%u%! $% he h%d h%nd!ed the

    con)e'%tion thi mo'nin(, he h%dn"t +o'(otten hi 'e%ction $hen he tu'ned the t%b!e on him& So !on( % he $% on the de+eni)e, he

    h%d nothin( to +e%'& But i+ he decided to .!% % di++e'ent (%me &&

    Cou!d he do it7 Th%t $% $h%t he h%d to %* he'e!+&

    She h%dn"t to +o'(et th%t .eo.!e $ho .!%ed $ith +i'e ometime (ot bu'ned& But he $% o)e' Co!e, com.!ete! %ndi''e)oc%b!& He' bod mi(ht ti!! 'e.ond to the e-u%!it o+ hi, but he' mind $% not in)o!)ed& And ho$ he choe to beh%)e $% no

    one" buine but he' o$n&

    T%*in( % dee. b'e%th, he c%me to % deciion& "A!! 'i(ht," he %id, !idin( the d%'* (!%e b%c* into .!%ce& "8o' o!d time"

    %*e& Wh not7"

    P'otected b the (!%e, he c%u(ht the +!eetin( t'%ce o+ u'.'ie th%t c'oed hi +%ce %t he' $o'd& E)ident! he h%d

    e-ce.ected it to be h%'de' to (et he' to ch%n(e he' mind& None the !e, he 'eco)e'ed hime!+ $ith %dmi'%b!e e++icienc, %nd hi !%4mi!e tu((ed the come' o+ hi mouth u.$%'d&

    "O>," he %id, m%*in( no ob6ection $hen he be(%n to (%the' he' be!on(in( to(ethe' $ith the ob)iou in tention o+ !e%)in(&

    "I"!! meet ou in the !obb o+ the hote! %t e)en o"c!oc*, 'i(ht7"

    "Ri(ht&/o%nn% +o'ced % m%tchin( mi!e& But he' e-.'eion $% ditinct! c%t0!i*e, % he ne(!i(ent! m%de he' de.%'tu'e&


    /o%nn% decided to *i. !unch, %nd (o into to$n& She h%d intended to (et % n%c* +'om the .oo!ide b%', but the .'o.ect th%t

    he mi(ht 'un into Co!e %(%in be+o'e the e)enin( decided he' %(%int it&

    Beide, he h%dn"t been into N%%u ince he' %''i)%!&The inte'n%tion%! %i'.o't on Ne$ P'o)idence $% itu%ted %t the no'th0$ete'n end o+ the i!%nd, %nd the Co'%! Be%ch Hote!

    $% on the co%t th%t !% bet$een the %i'.o't %nd the to$n o+ N%%u& The .'e)iou d% he h%d .ent 'eco)e'in( +'om he' 6et !%(, %nd

    b%*in( in he' ne$0+ound +'eedom& But tod% he +e!t too t'un( u. b the thou(ht o+ the e)enin( %he%d to 'e!%- %n$he'e& She

    needed %ction, %nd dit'%ction, %nd the ch%nce to .end ome o+ the do!!%' he h%d b'ou(ht $ith he'&A+te' t%*in( % ho$e' to 'emo)e the combined e++ect o+ the he%t %nd the .'otecti)e c'e%m Co!e h%d %..!ied, /o%nn%

    d'eed in the ho't %nd o+t boot he h%d $o'n e%'!ie'& But inte%d o+ the )et he donned % !ooe +ittin( T0hi't& No .oint in 'i*in(

    unbu'n, he to!d he'e!+ %'donic%!!& Not $hen he $%nted to !oo* he' bet th%t e)enin(&

    She too* % t%-i +'om the hote! into to$n& The (%''u!ou B%h%mi%n d'i)e' d'o..ed he' in B% St'eet, %nd he .ent %

    .!e%%nt cou.!e o+ hou' b'o$in( th'ou(h the ho. %nd the St'%$ M%'*et& She bou(ht he'e!+ % !en(th o+ )i)id! .%tte'ned cotton, to$e%' %'on(0$ie %'ound the .oo!, %nd % chun* h%nd+u! o+ b'%ce!et, cu!.ted +'om he!!, th%t c!%tte'ed %tt'%cti)e! e)e' time he

    mo)ed he' $'it& She %!o t'e%ted he'e!+ to % ne$ $imuit, % bi*ini thi time, .%tte'ned $ith the m%n e-otic +!o$e' o+ the i!%nd&

    Be+o'e (oin( b%c* to the hote!, he bou(ht he'e!+ % c%n o+ Co*e, %nd t'o!!ed do$n to the h%'bou' to d'in* it& A hu(e

    c'uie !ine' $% tied u. %t P'ince 9eo'(e" Wh%'+, %nd he %t +o' % $hi!e on the e%0$%!!, $%tchin( the %cti)it %'ound the hi.&

    P%en(e' c%me %nd $ent, to'e $e'e t%*en on bo%'d, membe' o+ the c'e$ too* time out to t'etch thei' !e( on d' !%nd,%nd !oc%! outh on bicc!e mi!!ed %bout the 1u%& I+ he h%d h%d he' *etch .%d $ith he', /o%nn% *ne$, he $ou!d not h%)e been %b!e

    to 'eit t'in( to c%.tu'e the cene on .%.e'& The'e $% o much co!ou' %nd e-citement, %nd $hen he e)entu%!! !e+t the h%'bou' the

    im%(e $e'e ti!! bu44in( inide he' he%d&

    Pe'h%. he ou(ht to bu he'e!+ % *etch .%d, he thou(ht, t'o!!in( u. into R%$on S1u%'e& She h%d no doubt he $ou!d

    be %b!e to (et $h%t he $%nted %!on( B% St'eet& A!thou(h it $%n"t .'etentiou, it $% one o+ the mot com.'eheni)e ho..in(t'eet in the $o'!d,

    But then he hoo* he' he%d %nd h%i!ed % t%-i to t%*e he' b%c* to the hote!& Thi $% u..oed to be % ho!id%, he chided

    he'e!+& /ut bec%ue Co!e h%d come, u.ettin( he' c%'e+u!! %''%n(ed chedu!e, %nd 'emindin( he' th%t he h%d once ued he' $o'* %

    % me%n o+ ec%.e, $% no 'e%on to (o 'uhin( +o' the ch%'co%!& She cou!d h%nd!e Co!e no$& She h%d .'o)ed it e%'!ie'& And thi

    e)enin( he $ou!d 'e%!i4e he $% no !on(e' the )u!ne'%b!e (i'! he h%d m%''ied %nd di)o'ced&Se!ectin( $h%t to $e%' th%t e)enin( $% '%the' mo'e di++icu!t th%n he h%d e-.ected& Whi!e he $%nted to !oo* .'o)oc%ti)e,

    he did not $%nt to %..e%' t%c*& Se- c!othe $e'e %!! )e' $e!!, but it $% %!! too e% to (o o)e' the to.& Luc*i!, he h%d (one

    ho..in( be+o'e he !e+t En(!%nd, o he' choice $% not !imited& But $hethe' it hou!d be % mini coc*t%i! d'e, o' % !in* t'oue' uit,

    $% not %n e% deciion to m%*e&

    She e)entu%!! choe to $e%' % d'e& A i!*0%tin he%th in h%de o+ ('een %nd .u'.!e th%t com.!imented he' d%'*co!ou'in(, %nd b'ou(ht out the t%$n hi(h!i(ht in he' ee& It $% ho't, b%'e! 'e%chin( mid0thi(h, %nd the on0the0hou!de', o++0the0

    hou!de' nec*!ine e-.oed the c'e%m be%ut o+ he' *in& She $o'e no b'% o' ti(ht, on! % !%c b'ie+, +o' modet" %*e& It m%de he'

    !oo*0inte'etin(, he decided& Th%n* 9od the e-t'% inche he h%d %c1ui'ed %+te' the di)o'ce, $hen e%tin( %nd d'in*in( h%d eemed

    he' on! cono!%tion, h%d %!! been co%-ed %$% b c%'e+u! dietin(& Thee d%, the ene'( he (%)e to he' $o'* bu'ned o++ %n

    un$%nted c%!o'ie& And %ttendin( % $ee*! $o'*0ou' c!% *e.t he' bod !e%n %nd u..!e&She !e+t he' d%'* h%i' !ooe, ecu'in( it %$% +'om he' +%ce on one ide $ith comb& A!thou(h it $% i!* t'%i(ht, it $%

  • 8/12/2019 Tidewater Seduction





    thic* %nd hinin(, %nd $un( mooth! %(%int he' hou!de'& Li*e the 'et o+ he', it $% !ee* %nd he%!th, %nd he .%'ed % moment"

    un$i!!in( conide'%tion +o' the m%n $ho"d ent Co!e he'e&

    I+ the thou(ht o+ ho$ $h%t he $% .!%nnin( to do mi(ht %++ect S%mm0/e%n ditu'bed he', he dimied it& S%mm0/e%n

    h%d ho$n no 1u%!m %bout educin( he' hub%nd, o $ou!dn"t it be i'onic no$ i+ he cou!d 'etu'n the com.!iment7 Not th%t he

    $%nted Co!e b%c* %(%in, he %u'ed he'e!+& But t%*in( him %$% +'om S%mm0/e%n did h%)e % ce't%in m%!iciou %..e%!&She needed )e' !itt!e m%*e0u.& He' !%he $e'e n%tu'%!! d%'*, %nd on! % !itt!e du* ee h%do$ $% needed to %dd

    mte' to the de.th o+ he' ee& A t'%ce o+ b!uhe' o)e' he' chee*bone (%)e % !itt!e co!ou' to he' +%ce, %nd % hin %mbe' !i.0%!)e

    enh%nced the eniti)e +u!!ne o+ he' mouth&

    When he )ie$ed he' 'e+!ection in the mi''o', be+o'e (oin( do$nt%i', he $% 'e%on%b! content $ith he' %..e%'%nce&She !oo*ed oun(, %nd e-, but t%nt%!i4in(! 'emote&

    The !obb o+ the Co'%! Be%ch Hote! $% %n %t'ium, %'chin( to % hi(h, (!%0)%u!ted cei!in(& The e)e'%! +!oo' o+ 'oom

    cu')ed 'ound the cent'%! %'e%, $hich e')ed % both 'ece.tion %nd ho..in( m%!!& T%!! .!%nt %nd +!o$e'in( h'ub +i!!ed e)e'

    %)%i!%b!e .%ce, $ith % tone0c%')ed +ount%in .'o)idin( % +oc%! .oint&

    A /o%nn% c%me do$n the t%i'c%e +'om the me44%nine, he cou!d ee Co!e $%itin( b the +ount%in& She h%d choen to (et

    out o+ the !i+t %t the +!oo' %bo)e ('ound !e)e!, o th%t he mi(ht obe')e him be+o'e he %$ he'& It $% % c%'e+u! .!o, bo'n o+ he' dei'eto cont'o! e)e' %.ect o+ the e)enin( the $e'e to .end to(ethe'& Beide, it (%)e he' the o..o'tunit to com.oe he' ent'%nce&

    St'e%min( out o+ the !i+t, $ith % th'on( o+ othe' .%en(e', 'i(ht $he'e he $% t%ndin( $% not $h%t he h%d in mind&

    A he h%d ho.ed, he %$ he' be+o'e he 'e%ched the bottom o+ the t%i'& Hi e%'chin( (%4e %!i(hted on he' !ende' +i(u'e,

    % he ne(oti%ted the !%t th'ee te., %nd %!thou(h he %++ected not to h%)e een him he $% int%nt! %$%'e o+ hi h%'. 'e%ction& He

    didn"t come to meet he', but hi ee +o!!o$ed e)e' mo)e he m%de& Much the $% the n%*e he h%d t%ttooed on hi hou!de' $%tchedit )ictim, he mued +%nci+u!!& But th%t $% not % com.%'ion he $%nted to m%*e&

    He $% $e%'in( % 6%c*et, he noticed, % conceion to the +%ct th%t it $% e)enin(& He ce't%in! didn"t need it, e)en in the

    %i'0conditioned !obb o+ the hote!& B%h%mi%n ni(ht $e'e de!iciou! $%'m %nd in)itin(& But the mo'e e-c!ui)e 'et%u'%nt inited on

    thi m%!! +o'm%!it, o e)ident! the $e'e dinin( ome$he'e e-.eni)e&

    And 9od, didn"t he !oo* (ood5 She %c*no$!ed(ed ob6ecti)e!& So (ood, in +%ct, th%t +o' % moment he doubted he' %bi!it

    to .u!! thi o++& But then the 'e!uct%nt %dmi'%tion he %$ in hi ee 'eto'ed he' con+idence& E)en i+ he h%d dee'ted he' bed +o'S%mm0/e%n", he $% not indi++e'ent to he'& Thou(h he (ueed he $ou!d h%te to %dmit it&

    "Hi," he %id, % he c!oed the .%ce bet$een them& "I ho.e I h%)en"t *e.t ou $%itin(&"

    Co!e h'u((ed, hi b'o%d hou!de' mo)in( inuou! bene%th the bei(e t$i!! o+ hi 6%c*et& "I h%d nothin( bette' to do," he

    %id, hi ee +!ic*e'in( $i+t! o)e' the t%nt%!i4in( cu')e o+ he' b'e%t, e-.oed b the di..in( nec*!ine o+ the d'e& Then, !oo*in(beond he', he %dded " I didn"t 'e%!ie the'e $e'e (uet mom on the me44%nine&"

    /o%nn%" d%'* b'o$ %'ched en1ui'in(!& "Doe it m%tte'7"

    ";ou $%!*ed do$n +'om the me44%nine," Co!e 'eminded he' %'donic%!!& "8unn& < (ot the im.'eion ou $e'e t%in( on

    one o+ the hi(he' +!oo'&"

    /o%nn% bid % mi!e& E)ident!, Co!e h%d m%de it hi buine to +ind out e-%ct! $he'e he $% t%in(, but he h%d been.'e.%'ed +o' hi 1uetion, %nd he' !i. ti!ted ch%'min(!&

    "I m%de % mit%*e," he !ied 'ue+u!!& "The !i+t to..ed %nd < (ot out&" She ('im%ced& "Si!! me5"


    Co!e" ('unt o+ %ent $% h%'d! m.%thetic, but /o%nn% h%d %chie)ed $h%t he $%nted to %chie)e, %nd he cou!d %++o'dto be (ene'ou& "Doe it m%tte'7" he e-c!%imed, !oo*in( u. %t him di%'min(!& "I"m he'e no$& So0$he'e %'e $e e%tin(7"

    Co!e" mouth +!%ttened& "I thou(ht $e mi(ht e%t %t the Commodo'e C!ub& The h%)e %n e-ce!!ent 'et%u'%nt, %nd ou mi(ht

    !i*e to )iit the c%ino !%te'&"

    /o%nn% nodded& "Sound (ood to me&" She tuc*ed he' !e%the' b%( %(%int he' ide, %nd !id he' +in(e' %'ound hi %'m& "Sh%!!

    $e (o7"The muc!e o+ hi u..e' %'m $e'e t%ut bene%th he' ('i.& She ened he $ou!d !i*e to 'e!e%e hime!+, %nd he $onde'ed

    ho$ he h%d e-.ected he' to beh%)e& It $% ob)iou he $% con+ued b he' %..%'ent $i!!in(ne to co0o.e'%te, %nd he $% $%' o+ he'

    %..e%'%nce, %nd the .'o)oc%tion it .'eented&

    A 'o$ o+ t%-i $%ited on the +o'ecou't o+ the hote!, %nd % b!%c*0uited m%6o'0domo ummoned one %t Co!e" 'e1uet&

    /o%nn% c!imbed into the b%c* o+ the c%b un%ided, moothin( do$n he' ti(ht *i't % he c'%mb!ed %c'o the e%t& She h%d noticedbe+o'e th%t no one bothe'ed to $%!* 'ound the c%b, %nd (et in %t the o..oite ide& And Co!e $% no e-ce.tion % he +o!!o$ed he'


    But he noticed he *e.t hi dit%nce du'in( the +i+teen minute 'ide to the Commodo'e C!ub& Hi d%'*0c!%d thi(h0h%d he

    bou(ht % $ho!e $%'d'obe %t the hote! ho.70'eted on the $o'n !e%the' u.ho!te', e)e'%! inche %$% +'om he'& And, bec%ue the

    m%6o'it o+ t%-i /o%nn% h%d een $e'e o!d Ame'ic%n !imouine, the'e $% .!ent o+ 'oom&9ettin( out o+ the t%-i, he $% ob!i(ed to o++e' he' hi h%nd& Wh%te)e' e!e he mi(ht be, Co!e conide'ed hime!+ %

    (ent!em%n& One o+ the South C%'o!in% "(ood o!e bo", thou(ht /o%nn% cnic%!!& /ut !i*e hi +%the', %nd hi +%the' be+o'e him&

    E)en o, .uttin( he' h%nd into Co!e" $% % ditu'bin( e-.e'ience& Hi h%nd $% coo! %nd +i'm, $ith c%!!ue %t the b%e o+

    hi +in(e'& And $hen thoe +in(e' cu'!ed %'ound he' he $% h%'d0.'eed not to ho!d on&

    But, e)en i+ he"d $%nted to, Co!e h%d to .% the +%'e&A+te' he!.in( he' out, unde' the t'i.ed c%no. o+ the c!ub, he bent to .e%* to thei' d'i)e'& Then, 'etu'nin( hi $%!!et to hi

    hi. .oc*et, he t'%i(htened, u'(in( he' into the +oe', $ith hi h%nd in the m%!! o+ he' b%c*&

    It %)ed touchin( he' *in, /o%nn% thou(ht 'ue+u!!, % the te..ed on to the ec%!%to' $hich $ou!d t%*e them u. to the b%'

    %nd 'et%u'%nt& She $onde'ed $h%t he $% thin*in(& Someho$, he ened he $% not (oin( to h%)e it %!! he' o$n $%&

    "Do ou $%nt % d'in* be+o'e $e e%t7" Co!e %*ed, % the c'oed the c%'.eted u..e' +!oo', %nd /o%nn% ti!ted he' he%d&"Mmm," he %id& "Somethin( !on( %nd coo!, $ith % bite to i t& Wh%t $ou!d ou 'ecommend7"

    Co!e" ee (!inted& "I"m u'e I"!! thin* o+ omethin(," he %id, (uidin( he' to$%'d %n em.t t%b!e& "I eem to 'emembe' ou

    h%d 1uite % +%nc +o' mint06u!e.& ;ou ued to do$n 1uite % +e$ o+ them, $hi!e P% %nd I $e'e out in the +ie!d&"

    /o%nn%" !i. ti(htened +o' % moment, % the memo'ie hi $o'd e)o*ed c%me b%c* to h%unt he'& But $hen he !oo*ed %t

    him none o+ he' %n(uih ho$ed in he' +%ce& ;ou hou!dn"t h%)e %id th%t, Co!e, he thou(ht m%!e)o!ent!& I"m (oin( to m%*e ou .%+o' e)e' !itt!e di( ou m%*e5

  • 8/12/2019 Tidewater Seduction





    "So I did," he $%'b!ed no$, %nd no one !itenin( to he' $ou!d h%)e im%(ined the o++ence he h%d +e!t %t hi $o'd& B%t%'d,

    he %id i!ent!, $hi!e he' ee .%'*!ed $ith mi'th& "< $% % .%in, $%n"t I7 No $onde' ou .'e+e''ed S%mm06e%n to me&"

    It $% Co!e" tu'n to !oo* bitte' no$, but the %''i)%! o+ the $%ite' to t%*e thei' o'de' .'e)ented him +'om )entin( hi .!een&

    Beide, he (ueed he cou!dn"t be enti'e! u'e e-%ct! ho$ he h%d me%nt it, %nd %!thou(h he mi(ht u.ect he' moti)e he 'e%!!

    h%d no .'oo+&"Bou'bon %nd b'%nch," he %id ou'!, "%nd omethin( S$eet +%' the !%d& Wh%t do ou u((et7"

    "Ho$ %bout .ine%..!e 'um7" %*ed the $%ite' chee'+u!!& "Pine%..!e 'um, Coconut 'um, %nd .ine%..!e 6uice, h%*en o)e'

    ice& De!iciou5"

    "It ound it," .ut in /o%nn% mooth!, c'oin( he' !e(, %nd 'unnin( .'e%d +in(e' o)e' he' *nee& She mi!ed %t the m%n&"Co!d, but hot& E-%ct! $h%t I need&"

    The $%ite'" ee d%nced& ";e, i'," he %id, S$in(in( on hi hee!, %nd $%!*in( b%c* to the b%'& "A %!entine" S.eci%!,

    m%n," he o'de'ed +'om the b%'0*ee.& "And m%*e it 'e%! co!d5"

    Co!e" ee $e'e +%' +'om +'iend! $hen he !oo*ed %t /o%nn% %(%in& "/ut $h%t the he!! do ou thin* ou"'e doin(7" he

    dem%nded, hi tone h%'d %nd e-.!oi)e& "Do ou $%nt e)e'one to thin* ou"'e uin(7"

    "Uin(7" /o%nn%" ee $idened innocent!& "Uin( $h%t7"";ou *no$5" 'eto'ted Co!e %)%(e!& "He!!, m%be ou %'e& Wh%t $ou!d I *no$ %bout it7"

    /o%nn%" humo' e)%.o'%ted& "< don"t ue0o' hoot u.0o' m%in!ine0 o' %n o+ the othe' $% .eo.!e t%*e d'u(," he dec!%'ed

    co'n+u!!& "I $% h%)in( +un, th%t" %! !& 8un5 O' h%)e ou +o'(otten the me%nin( o+ the Wo'd7"

    Co!e" mouth com.'eed& ";ou $e'en"t 6ut h%)in( +un," he %'(ued& "9od, ou $e'e comin( on to the m%n5" /o%nn%" b'ie+

    .u't o+ %n(e' died& "Wh%t" the m%tte', Co!e7" he %*ed moc*in(!& ";ou 6e%!ou7"Thei' d'in* c%me be+o'e Co!e cou!d m%*e %n 'e.one, but hi b'oodin( e-.'eion $% e!o1uent o+ hi +ee!in(& Oh, thi

    $% +un, thou(ht /o%nn%, % !itt!e b'e%th!e!& Wh h%d he ne)e' 'e%!ied it $% +%' mo'e e-citin( to be b%d7

    The .ine%..!e 'um $% de!iciou& It c%me com.!ete $ith %n %o'tment o+ t'o.ic%! +'uit, $ith % !on( cu'!in( t'%$ to

    en%b!e he' to %)oid the tin t'i.ed& Umb'e!!%& The umb'e!!% bo'e the !o(o o+ the Commodo'e C!ub, %nd he $% tem.ted to *ee. it %

    % ou)eni' o+ the e)enin(&

    "H%)e ou %nd S%mm0/e%n h%d %n +%mi! et7" he 1ue'ied %+te' % moment, 'i*in( Co!e" di.!e%u'e et %(%in& She*ne$ .e'+ect! $e!! th%t h%d Co!e become % +%the' he $ou!d h%)e he%'d %bout it& 9'%ce $ou!d u'e! h%)e to!d he'& But $h hou!d

    he %)oid % ub6ect th%t $% c!e%'! o e-.!oit%b!e7

    Co!e 'e(%'ded he' o)e' the 'im o+ hi (!%& "No," he %id, %nd he cou!d te!! b hi tone th%t he $% not un%$%'e o+ he'

    intention& "But it" not +o' $%nt o+ t'in(, i+ th%t" $h%t ou"'e im.!in(&"/o%nn% !oo*ed do$n into he' d'in*& He' h%nd h%d ti(htened %'ound the tem, %nd, noticin( he' $hite *nuc*!e, he +o'ced

    he'e!+ to 'e!%-& I+ he $%n"t c%'e+u!, the (!% $ou!d b'e%*, %nd Co!e $ou!d im%(ine he h%d co'ed % icto'& Wh%t did it m%tte' to

    he' ho$ m%n time Co!e m%de !o)e $ith S%mm0/e%n7 S%mm0/e%n $% hi $i+e no$, %nd he, /o%nn%, didn"t (i)e % d%mn5

    "Somethin( $'on(7" Co!e" b!ue ee $e'e mu(! intent, %nd /o%nn% e-.e!!ed he' b'e%th on % 'ue+u! i(h& "No," he %id,

    de!ibe'%te! $it+u!& "I $% 6ut 'emembe'in( ho$ (ood ou $e'e in bed&""9ood 9od5" Co!e" 6%$ h%'dened& ";ou don"t (i)e u., do ou7" He $%!!o$ed the 'em%inde' o+ hi d'in* in one )io!ent

    (u!., %nd (etu'ed +o' the $%ite' to b'in( him %nothe'& "Wh%t do ou $%nt +'om me, /o7 B!ood7"

    /o%nn% *ne$ % +!eetin( ene o+ concience, but then the $%ite' %''i)ed to 'e.!%ce Co!e" (!%, %nd he cono!ed he'e!+ b

    t%*in( %nothe' mouth+u! o+ he' o$n d'in*& But he' !i. %'ound the .in* t'%$ $e'e unconciou! .'o)oc%ti)e, %nd Co!e utte'ed %nim.'ec%tion % he !i+ted hi bou'bon to hi mouth&

    ";ou +o!* dinin"7" en1ui'ed the $%ite', %nd %t Co!e" cu't nod he +!ou'ihed t$o eno'mou menu +'om unde' hi %'m& "T%*e

    ou' time," he %dded, hi *no$in( (%4e t%*in( in the itu%tion %t % (!%nce& "I" !! be b%c* !%te' to t%*e ou' o'de'&"

    P'o..in( he' menu on the t%b!e in +'ont o+ he', /o%nn% continued to en6o he' d'in* % he tudied it content& The'e $% %

    )%t %''% o+ dihe to chooe +'om, $ith im.o'ted Ame'ic%n te%* %nd !oc%!! c%u(ht e%+ood .'o)idin( the m%in e!ection& The'e$% +'ied chic*en, too, .'e.%'ed $ith the +%mi!i%' ".e% "n" 'ice", $hich $% % n%tion%! .%ion&

    "Wh%t do ou $%nt7" %*ed Co!e, %+te' % +e$ minute, hi tone coo! %nd un+'iend!, %nd /o%nn% +e!t % t'%ce o+ 'e('et&

    "The ('ou.e', I thin*," he %n$e'ed, mentionin( the n%me o+ the mot .o.u!%' +ih in the %'e%& "And me!on, to be(in $ith&

    I"m not )e' hun('&"

    Co!e %c*no$!ed(ed he' choice $ith % b'ie+ inc!in%tion o+ hi he%d, %nd the $%ite', $ho h%d e)ident! been *ee.in( %ninte'eted ee on thei' t%b!e, c%me to t%*e thei' o'de'&

    Co!e o'de'ed the ('ou.e', too, but $ith % %!%d t%'te'& "And b'in( the !%d %nothe' o+ thoe," he %id, % /o%nn% et do$n he'

    em.t (!%& "And I"!! h%)e bou'bon&"

    /o%nn% %'ched he' b'o$, h%!+ in .'otet, but the $%ite' $% %!'e%d %unte'in( %$% bet$een the t%b!e& Beide, the d'in*

    h%d been de!iciou, he conceded& And +%i'! innocuou, too, 6ud(in( b the c!e%'ne o+ he' he%d&The'e $% i!ence bet$een them +o' % $hi!e& /o%nn% cou!d h%)e b'o*en it $ith ome othe' %ud%ciou comment, but he

    'e%!ied he $% in d%n(e' o+ %!ien%tin( Co!e com.!ete!, %nd th%t h%dn"t been he' intention %t %!!&

    So, inte%d o+ ni.in( %t him, he .'etended %n inte'et in thei' +e!!o$ (uet, th%n*in( the $%ite' +o' he' d'in* $hen it

    c%me, $ithout %n +u'the' %t tem.t to .'o)o*e he' com.%nion&

    And, % he h%d h%!+ e-.ected, Co!e $% e)entu%!! +o'ced to % omethin(& She (ueed he $% not un%$%'e th%t thei'!%c* o+ communic%tion h%d been noticed b the .eo.!e %t the ne-t t%b!e, %nd % he h%d been the one to c%ue thei' io!%tion he choe to

    be the one to end it&

    "Do ou ee much o+ 9'%ce7" he %*ed, in % )oice th%t $ou!d h%)e c'%c*ed ice, %nd /o%nn% tu'ned he' (%4e +'om % bo$! o+

    e-otic .!%nt to !oo* %t him&

    "Th%t de.end," he %id, moitenin( he' !i. $ith the ti. o+ he' ton(ue&"On $h%t7"

    The 1uetion $% $'un( +'om him, %nd /o%nn% mi!ed& "On $hethe' I"m $o'*in( o' not," he dec!%'ed mooth!& "9'%ce i

    m %(ent& She" on! inte'eted in $hen I"m (oin( to +inih m ne-t .%intin(&"

    "I"m u'e th%t" not t'ue&" Co!e" tone h%d !ot ome o+ it chi!!ine& "9'%ce %!$% !i*ed ou& She conide' ou % +'iend&"

    "Mmm&" /o%nn% ti''ed he' d'in* $ith the t'%$& "We!!, !et" % thin( h%)e been % !itt!e t'%ined bet$een 9'%ce %nd me,ince $e0b'o*e u.&"

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    Co!e +'o$ned& "I don"t be!ie)e it& He!!, I"d h%)e thou(ht ou %nd he h%d % de%! in common&"

    "Wou!d ou7" /o%nn% !oo*ed %t him th'ou(h he' !%he& ";ou hou!d *no$ 9'%ce $on"t h%)e % $o'd %id %(%int ou'


    Co!e" mouth thinned& "Un!i*e ou, huh7"

    "I don"t h%)e t$o on $hoe !i)e!ihood i de.endent on omeone e!e" (ood$i!!," he counte'ed !i(ht!& ";ou' +%the' c%n"thu't me, Co!e, %nd th%t mut be % 'e%! ou'ce o+ %(('%)%tion to him&"

    "I doubt i+ he c%'e th%t much, one $% o' the othe'," 'eto'ted Co!e bitte'!& "But ou %!$% h%d to +%ce him do$n, didn"t

    ou7 ;ou"d ne)e' %dmit th%t ometime he 6ut mi(ht be 'i(ht5"

    "Li*e $hen he %ccued N%th%n o+ !ee.in( $ith ou' $i+e7" he en1ui'ed t%ut!, %nd then, eein( the d%'*, to'mented,e-.'eion he' $o'd h%d .'o)o*ed, he 1uic*! 'e('eed& "8o'(et I %id th%t& It doen"t m%tte'& He did u both % +%)ou', didn"t he7Oh00he'e" the $%ite'& Ou' t%b!e mut be 'e%d&"


    A +ou'0.iece Wet Indi%n b%nd $% .!%in( in the ('i!! 'oom, %nd /o%nn% $% (!%d th%t the muic ne(%ted %n 'e%!

    ob!i(%tion to t%!* $hi!e the $e'e e%tin(& Not th%t he %te % !ot& The me!on !id do$n mooth! enou(h, but the +ih, $hich $% e')ed

    $ith % bou1uet o+ )e(et%b!e, $% '%the' mo'e di++icu!t to $%!!o$& Inte%d, he tu'ned to the $ine Co!e h%d o'de'ed to %ccom.%n theme%!, d'in*in( e)e'%! (!%e o+ the chi!!ed C%!i+o'ni%n Rie!in(&

    The'e $% % m%!! d%nce0+!oo' beond the t%b!e, $he'e thoe (uet $ho h%d +inihed thei' me%! indu!(ed in % !itt!e %+te'0

    dinne' e-e'tion& /o%nn% .ent mot o+ he' time $%tchin( them, unc%'in( +o' once i+ Co!e $% !oo*in( %t he'& With he' e!bo$ .'o..ed

    on the ed(e o+ the t%b!e %nd he' chin cu..ed in one !ende' h%nd, he $% un%$%'e o+ the d'e%m e-.'eion th%t c'oed he' +%ce %

    he $%tched the $%in( cou.!e& 8o' % $hi!e, he $% com.!ete! ob!i)iou o+ he' u''oundin(, %nd it too* % de+inite e++o't toconcent'%te %(%in $hen the $%ite' c%me to %* i+ the $%nted % dee't&

    "/ut co++ee," %id Co!e, $ithout conu!tin( he', %nd /o%nn% .u!!ed %n indi(n%nt +%ce&

    "I mi(ht h%)e !i*ed % dee't," he .outed, %nd %!thou(h he u.ected he $% on! %ctin( Co!e" +%ce o+tened& "Co++ee +i't,

    !i*e b%c* home," he inited $'!& "I don"t $%nt to h%)e to c%'' ou out o+ he'e&"

    "Wou!d ou do th%t7" he %*ed hu*i!, % +ee!in( o+ he%t $ee.in( o)e' he', %nd %!thou(h it $%n"t %!! th%t e% to +ocu on

    hi !e%n +%ce he thou(ht hi ee d%'*ened %t he' $o'd&"I+ I h%)e to," he %n$e'ed& "Wh7 Ho$ do ou +ee!"7"

    "Mu44," he %dmitted, emittin( % 'ue+u! !itt!e !%u(h& "M%be I do need th%t co++ee, %+te' %!!&"

    ";ou %!$% $e'e % che%. d'un*," he %id, but +o' once the'e $% no m%!ice in hi tone, %nd /o%nn% *ne$ %n o)e'$he!min(

    u'(e to m%*e him % %$%'e o+ he' % he $% o+ him&Concent'%tin( h%'d, he t'etched out he' h%nd %nd '%n he' +in(e' o)e' hi thi(h& He 6e'*ed b%c* %utom%tic%!!, but not

    be+o'e he h%d +e!t the intincti)e t%utenin( o+ muc!e unde' he' touch& 8'om hi ('oin to hi *nee, hi !e( ti++ened de+eni)e!, %nd

    hi !%4 humou' di%..e%'ed bene%th % co$! o+ i''it%tion&

    But $hen he $ou!d h%)e .uhed he' h%nd %$%, he th$%'ted him $ith %n %..e%!in( mi!e& "D%nce $ith me," he in)ited,

    tu'nin( he' h%nd into hi, %nd !ettin( he' thumb d'i+t %(%int hi .%!m& "P!e%e, Co!e& To ho$ ou"'e not m%d %t me& 8o' o!d time"%*e, % ou %id&"

    He $%nted to 'e+ue& The e)idence o+ th%t $% c!e%' in hi +%ce& And he 'eented he' +o' uin( hi $o'd %(%int him& But

    omethin(0the memo' o+ $h he h%d come he'e, .e'h%., o' % dei'e to .'o)e he $% in cont'o! o+ hi o$n detin, $ho *ne$70

    m%de him heit%te !on( enou(h +o' he' to d'%$ him to hi +eet&"I don"t d%nce," he %id, then, hi )oice c!i..ed %nd h%'h, "I thin* $e hou!d (et out o+ he'e& ;ou need ome +'eh %i'&"

    "Do I7"

    /o%nn% $%ed, mot con)incin(!, $hich $%n"t too u'.'iin( conide'in( the $ine h%d m%de he' +ee! decided! unte%d

    on he' +eet& But he cou!d h%nd!e it, he to!d he'e!+, not .'e.%'ed to !oe the %d)%nt%(e no$&

    ";e, ou do," he mutte'ed, % he continued to c!in( to hi +in(e'&"/o, $h%t do ou thin* ou"'e doin(7 Thi in"t the $% to the e-it&"

    "I"!! !e%)e %+te' $e")e d%nced," dec!%'ed /o%nn% +i'm!, tu((in( him %+te' he'& "We ued to d%nce be+o'e& Don"t ou


    "Th%t $%n"t d%ncin(," n%..ed Co!e, but /o%nn%" beh%)iou' $% %tt'%ctin( %ttention, %nd he cou!d ee he didn"t !i*e it&

    "Wh%te)e'," he mu'mu'ed, 'e%chin( the 1u%'e o+ .o!ihed ti!e, %nd tu'nin( into hi %'m& "Don"t be % .oi!0.o't, d%'!in(&Don"t ou $%nt to d%nce $ith me7" Co!e co$!ed, but the'e $% no tu'nin( b%c*& Beide, the +%ce he tu'ned u. to hi $% innocent o+

    %!! deceit, the %mbe' ee .!e%din( $ith him to (i)e in&

    And he did& With % ('im ti(htenin( o+ hi !i., he ('i..ed he' $%it, %nd he!d he' %$% +'om him& Then, +i-in( hi (%4e on

    ome dit%nt .oint %bo)e he' he%d, he be(%n to mo)e '%the' %$*$%'d! in time to the muic&

    /o%nn% c%u(ht he' !o$e' !i. bet$een he' teeth, % % mi!e tu((ed %t the come' o+ he' mouth& Oh, !o'd, he (u!.ed, t'in( tocont%in he' mi'th, he h%d +o'(otten $h%t % ho.e!e d%nce' Co!e $%& He h%d ne)e' m%te'ed %n te., beond the 1u%'e d%nce he

    h%d !e%'ned in choo!, %nd on! he' (uid%nce h%d m%de him h%!+ decent on % d%nce0 +!oo'&

    But not !i*e thi, he conceded d'i!, $ith %t !e%t i- inche bet$een them& She didn"t $%nt to 'emembe' the othe'

    occ%ion $hen the h%d d%nced to(ethe', but he cou!dn"t he!. it& Then, the te. the ued h%dn"t been im.o't%nt& The h%d mo)ed to

    the 'hthm o+ thei' bodie06ut !i*e $hen the $e'e m%*in( !o)e &&&She hi)e'ed, %nd the +e%the'in( o+ he' +!eh 'eminded he' o+ $he'e he $%, %nd $h%t he $% doin(& The d%nce0+!oo' $%

    (ettin( c'o$ded, %nd $hen % c%'e!e e!bo$ nud(ed he' in the 'ib he' dete'min%tion h%'dened& She cou!d h%)e $ithtood the .%in+u!

    6%b 1uite e%i!, but he choe not to& With % t%'t!ed c', he !%unched he'e!+ %(%int him, ucce+u!! di!od(in( hi h%nd, %nd

    c!utchin( hi !%.e!&

    "9od5"Co!e" 'e%ction $% 6ut % )io!ent % he h%d %ntici.%ted, but $hen he $ou!d h%)e d'%$n b%c* %(%in he' h%nd !id u. to

    hi nec*&

    "So''," he b'e%thed, he' b'e%th $%+tin( $eet! %c'o hi chee*, %nd % ne')e 6e'*ed .%modic%!! %t hi 6%$ !ine&

    "Wh%t in he!! do ou thin* ou"'e doin(7" he dem%nded, hi h%nd 'e%chin( u. to ('%b he' +o'e%'m, $ith the ob)iou

    intention o+ h%u!in( them do$n +'om hi hou!de'& "D%mn ou, *ee. ti!!5""I"m 6ut d%ncin(," he .'oteted innocent!, 'ot%tin( he' hi. %(%int hi& "Don"t be o touch5 ;ou need %!! the he!. ou c%n

  • 8/12/2019 Tidewater Seduction






    "I did $%'n ou," he ('%ted, %nd $ith % !itt!e i(h /o%nn% %!!o$ed him to .u!! he' %'m do$n to he' ide&

    But he didn"t mo)e %$% +'om him& And, %!thou(h Co!e $ou!d c!e%'! h%)e .'e+e''ed to !e%)e the d%nce +!oo', the $e'e

    t'%..ed $ithin the ci'c!e o+ the othe' d%nce'&

    "I thi o b%d7" he %*ed, !oo*in( u. %t him $ith $ide t%$n ee, %nd he %$ the (!itte'in( %$%'ene ente' hi& Hemi(ht not $%nt to %dmit it, but hi 'e%on +o' *ee.in( he' %t % dit%nce $e'e not bec%ue he didn"t !i*e d%ncin( $ith he'& And $hen

    hi (%4e d'o..ed to the %..e%!in( cu')e o+ he' o+t mouth /o%nn% +e!t he' o$n ene h%'.en&

    "We"'e !e%)in(," %id Co!e %b'u.t!, t%*in( he' u..e' %'m bet$een hi +o'e+in(e' %nd thumb, %nd .uhin( he' dete'mined!

    th'ou(h the $%in( .'e o+ .eo.!e& Hi n%i! bit into he' +!eh % he tee'ed he' b%c* to thei' t%b!e& "9et ou' b%(& I"!! .% the bi!!&""But $h%t %bout ou' co++ee7" he %'(ued, !oo*in( !on(in(! %t the b'e%*+%t0i4e cu. o+ the %'om%tic b'e$ $%itin( on the

    t%b!e, but Co!e $% un'e.ent%nt&

    ";ou c%n (et ome co++ee b%c* %t the hote!," he t%ted b!e%*!, %nd ummoned the t%'t!ed $%ite' $ho h%d e')ed them&

    Outide, /o%nn% did +ee! !i(ht! unte%d in the ni(ht %i'& But Co!e" e-.'eion +o'b%de %n %ttem.t to ue hi %'m +o'

    u..o't, %nd $hen the t%-i c%me he co!!%.ed ('%te+u!! into the b%c*&

    Co!e (%)e the d'i)e' hi int'uction, %nd then 6oined he' on the b%c* e%t& But hi mouth $% co'n+u! in the h%!+0!i(ht&";ou 'e%!! %'e m%hed, %'en"t ou7" he dec!%'ed, h%*in( hi he%d& "M 9od5 And I thou(ht $e mi(ht h%)e % e'iou con)e'%tion&" &

    /o%nn% tu'ned he' he%d to$%'d him, he' d%'* h%i' +%!!in( enuou! o)e' one hou!de'& "Wh%t %bout7" he %*ed i!*i!,

    $ee.in( it b%c* %(%in& "The +%ct th%t ou ti!! $%nt me7"

    Co!e $o'e, %nd tu'ned hi he%d %$%& ";ou $ih," he n%'!ed, c!enchin( hi +it& "9od, $h did I e)e' %('ee to thi

    .oint!e e-e'cie7""Bec%ue D%dd %*ed ou to," 'eto'ted /o%nn% ho't!& "And ou %!$% do e)e'thin( D%dd %, don"t ou7 ;ou"'e

    D%dd" b!ue0eed bo& E)en i+ it me%n %c'i+icin( othe' .eo.!e in the .'oce5"

    Co!e" 6%$ c!%m.ed& "Shut u.5"

    "Wh7" /o%nn% +e!t +%i'! %+e in b%itin( him, $ith the com+o'tin(! b'o%d hou!de' o+ the B%h%mi%n t%-i d'i)e' +i'm! in

    )ie$& ";ou don"t !i*e to he%' the t'uth, Co!e& In +%ct, ou don"t he%' %nthin( but $h%t D%dd %& I"m u'.'ied ou e)e' !e%'ned ho$

    to h%)e e- $ith % $om%n5 O' $% D%dd in on th%t, too0007"Co!e mo)ed then, co)e'in( the .%ce bet$een them in one $i+t !un(e& Hi h%nd c!oed %bout he' th'o%t, cuttin( o++ he'

    $o'd $ith une-.ected )io!ence, %nd hi ee (!itte'ed d%n(e'ou! in the t$i!i(ht $o'!d o+ the c%b&

    "Shut u.," he comm%nded %(%in& "Shut the he!! u.5" And then, % he' ee +ou(ht $ith hi, %nd te''o' ('i..ed he' tom%ch, he

    utte'ed % mu++!ed o%th %nd b'ou(ht hi mouth do$n on he'&A *ie $ent, it $%n"t .!e%%nt& With Co!e" h%nd .'%ctic%!! cuttin( o++ the %i' to he' $ind.i.e, /o%nn% cou!d h%'d!

    h%)e been e-.ected to en6o it& On to. o+ th%t, de.ite the !i(htne o+ hi h%i', %nd the +%ct th%t he h%d .'ob%b! h%)ed be+o'e comin(

    out, Co!e" chin $% %b'%i)e! m%!e& And % hi mouth ('ound %(%int he' teeth, %!! /o%nn% cou!d thin* o+ $% ho$ %bued he $%

    (oin( to !oo* $hen he !et (o o+ he'&

    But omethin( h%..ened $hen he *ied he'& A!thou(h hi o'i(in%! intention h%d been to hu't %nd humi!i%te he', th%tme!din( o+ thei' mouth educed hi 'e%on& A ('o%n o+ %n(uih 'umb!ed in hi th'o%t, %nd he to'e hi mouth +'om he', on! to 'etu'n

    %(%in $ith %n u'(ent im.'ec%tion&

    And $hen he did o, hi +in(e' 'e!%-ed, 'e!e%in( he' th'o%t +'om hi th'ott!in( ('%.& Inte%d o+ b'uiin( he' +!eh, the

    bec%me %chin(! (ent!e, moothin( the to'tu'ed *in $ith % enuou c%'e&No$, /o%nn% +e!t % i+ he' b'e%thin( h%d been u.ended& He' chet 'oe %nd +e!! $ith the tumu!t o+ he' emotion, but he

    didn"t eem to be (ettin( %n o-(en into he' !un(& Indeed, the'e didn"t eem to be enou(h o-(en in the c%', %nd he' ene $%m

    di44i! bene%th hi e%'chin( touch&

    Co!e" *i bec%me hun(', %nd +ie'ce! dem%ndin(&

    Hi ton(ue +o'ced it $% into he' mouth, %nd he !et it h%)e it $%& Th%t hot, $et in)%de' $% ditu'bin(! +%mi!i%', %ndhe' ton(ue t$ined %'ound it, he!.!e to 'eit& The'e $% nothin( (ent!e %bout him no$, but hi dem%nd in.i'ed % m%tchin( need&

    He' !e( .!%ed, he' he%d di..ed !o$ %(%int the 1u%b, %nd $hen hi h%nd !id inide the nec*!ine o+ he' d'e %nd touched he'

    b'e%t he +e!t he' %'ou%!, c!e%' do$n to he' thi(h&

    The c%b, b'%*in( outide the b'i!!i%nt! !it +oe' o+ the Co'%! B% Hote!, b'ou(ht Co!e, be!%ted!, to hi ene& With % ('o%n

    o+ %n(uih he .uhed hime!+ u. %nd %$% +'om he', but not be+o'e the mi'*in( t%-i d'i)e' h%d (!im.ed $h%t h%d been (oin( on&/o%nn% t'u((!ed u. $ith '%the' !e ene'(& She $% ti!! bemued b the u.he%)%! o+ he' ene, %nd it $% di++icu!t to

    thin* cohe'ent!, $hen he' bod $% de$ $ith .e'.i'%tion& He' h%i' $% mued %bout he' hou!de', %nd e)en in the emi0(!oom o+

    the c%b he (ueed he' $o!!en !i. h%d not (one un 'em%'*ed& And e)en Co!e m%de % .oint o+ buttonin( hi 6%c*et % he (ot out o+

    the c%'&

    She *ne$ $h, thou(ht /o%nn% tene!, tumb!in( out %+te' him& St%ndin( on the +!ood!it +o'ecou't, he $et he' b'uied !i.$ith % oothin( ton(ue& Co!e h%d been % %'oued % he $%& She h%d +e!t the he%) he%t o+ hi m%nhood %(%int he' tom%ch, it

    th'obbin( tumecence t'%inin( %t the 4i. o+ hi t'oue'& >no$n, too, th%t Co!e" e!+0cont'o! h%d been !i..in(& He h%d $%nted he'#

    he *ne$ it& And i+ the h%dn"t been inte''u.ted&&

    "Let" (et inide&"

    Co!e" h%nd %t he' e!bo$, %nd hi h%'h im.e'on%! tone b'ou(ht he' $i+t! b%c* to e%'th& With % (etu'e th%t $% b%'e!ci)i!, he eco'ted he' inide the hote!& Then, %+te' %ccom.%nin( he' to the b%n* o+ e!e)%to', he inc!ined hi he%d %nd 'e!e%ed he'&

    But, $hen he $ou!d h%)e $%!*ed %$%, /o%nn% c%u(ht hi %'m& "Whe'e %'e ou (oin(7"

    Co!e" ee +!ic*e'ed o)e' he' +!uhed +%ce, $hich ti!! bo'e the i(n o+ hi %%u!t, but the'e $% no com.%ion in hi

    (%4e& "I need % d'in*," he 'e.!ied, 'emo)in( he' h%nd +'om hi !ee)e& "9o to bed& ;ou"'e % me5"

    /o%nn% $inced %t hi c%!!ou choice o+ $o'd, but he didn"t !et him ee he h%d hu't he'& "And i+ < %m7" he t%unted& "Whoe+%u!t i th%t7 Wh%t" the m%tte', Co!e7 Don"t ou !i*e eein( the .'oo+ o+ ou' $e%*ne7"

    "D%mn ou," he %id, but he (ueed hi choice o+ e.ithet $% +o' othe' e%' th%n he' o$n& I+ the h%d been %!one, he $ou!d

    not h%)e been o .o!ite& She cou!d thin* o+ othe'0+ou'0!ette'0$o'd he h%d ued $ith !e .'o)oc%tion& "I don"t $%nt to ee ou %(%in,"

    he %dded, hi mouth cu'!in( contem.tuou!& "I"!! be !e%)in( in the mo'nin(& I+ ou h%)e %n ene, ou"!! t% out o+ m $% ti!! then&"

    /o%nn% he!d u. he' he%d& "A!! 'i(ht," he %id& "I+ th%t" $h%t ou $%nt&" And %+te'$%'d he bitte'! 'e('etted the need toth$%'t him th%t h%d t%*en o)e' he' %!'e%d b%tte'ed e(o& "But don"t ou thin* ou ou(ht to te!! me $h%t time $e"'e !e%)in(7 I")e (ot to

  • 8/12/2019 Tidewater Seduction





    .%c* %nd .% m bi!!& And I"d !i*e to .hone 9'%ce, %nd m .%'ent, 6ut to !et them *no$ $h%t I"m doin(&"

    In he' 'oom, ome time !%te', /o%nn% $% ti!! %..%!!ed %t the .'edic%ment he' im.u!i)e ton(ue h%d (ot he' into& M 9od,

    he thou(ht, % i+ he cou!dn"t 6ut h%)e been ('%te+u! th%t Co!e $% !e%)in(, $ithout %chie)in( $h%t he h%d come he'e to do5 He h%d

    %!'e%d been % m%d % he!!& She *ne$ th%t& He $ou!d h%)e !i*ed nothin( bette' th%n to !%m hi +it into he' +%ce +o' the c'%4 $% he

    h%d %cted in the t%-i& But no& /ut bec%ue he h%d choen to )ent ome o+ hi .!een on he', he h%d 'et%!i%ted in the mot %inine $%im%(in%b!e& She h%d %ctu%!! %('eed to do the )e' thin( he h%d $o'n he $ou!d ne)e' do, (o b%c* to Tide$%te'&

    She $% o tu.id, he ('o%ned no$, +!in(in( o++ the %tin he%th, %nd m%'chin( into the b%th'oom& She h%d (ot he' $%,

    %nd he h%d +!u++ed it& She h%d com.!ete! c'e$ed u.& Inte%d o+ $%)in( Co!e % moc*in( +%'e$e!!, he h%d %('eed to (o $ith him& She

    cou!dn"t b%c* out no$ $ithout !oin( %!! he' c'edibi!it&And, %!thou(h Co!e h%d been incened b he' %nnouncement toni(ht, th%t h%d on! been hi *nee06e'* 'e%ction& Soone' o'

    !%te', he $% (oin( to 'e%!ie e-%ct! $h%t it me%nt& He h%d (ot hi o$n $%, $ithout %n +u'the' e++o't on hi .%'t&

    A co!d ho$e' !%te', /o%nn% $% ti!! in no t%te to t' %nd (et ome !ee.& Beide, he u..oed he ou(ht to m%*e ome

    %ttem.t %t he' .%c*in(& A!thou(h Co!e h%d 'e+ued to dicu hi t'%)e! %''%n(ement $ith he', % $i+t c%!! to the hote! concie'(e h%d

    e!icited the in+o'm%tion th%t the Ch%'!eton +!i(ht !e+t %t e!e)en0thi't the ne-t mo'nin(& Th%t me%nt !e%)in( +o' the %i'.o't oon %+te'

    nine, $hich $ou!d !e%)e he' )e' !itt!e time +o' o'(%ni4in( he' %++%i'& O+ cou'e, $h%t the concie'(e h%d not been %b!e to te!! he' $%$hethe' the'e $e'e %n e%t %)%i!%b!e on the +!i(ht& The %i'!ine o++ice $e'e c!oed +o' the ni(ht, o th%t $ou!d h%)e to $%it& But, one

    $% o' %nothe', he $% committed to m%*in( the e++o't& And i+ the +!i(ht $% +u!!, the'e $ou!d be othe'&

    9'o%nin(, he +!o..ed do$n on to the ide o+ he' bed, hitchin( u. the to$e!, $hich $% he' on! co)e'in(& She needed to

    t%!* to omebod, he thou(ht unh%..i!& P'e+e'%b!, omeone $ho $ou!dn"t te!! he' he $% %!! *ind o+ %n idiot +o' (ettin( he'e!+

    into thi me& The'e on! $% one .e'onF 9'%ce&Pic*in( u. the .hone, he di%!ed +o' %n outide !ine, %nd $hen the di%! tone c%me th'ou(h he .unched in 9'%ce" London

    numbe'& It eemed to 'in( +o'e)e', %nd he $% on the .oint o+ 'e.!%cin( the 'ecei)e' $hen 9'%ce .ic*ed u. the .hone&

    ";e7" he %id, %nd the'e $% % !%4i! .ee)ed ed(e to he' )oice& "Who" the'e7"

    "Me& /o& /o%nn%," he 'e.onded unch%'it%b!& "Whe'e $e'e ou7"

    "T' bed," 'eto'ted 9'%ce ho't!& And then, "/o, do ou h%)e %n ide% $h%t time it i he'e7"

    "Oh, !o'd5" /o%nn% .uhed b%c* he' d%m. h%i' $ith % (ui!t h%nd& "Oh, he!!, 9'%ce, I"m o''& I ne)e' thou(ht0""Ob)iou!&" But 9'%ce" im.%tience $% (i)in( $% to %n-iet no$& "So, $h%t i it7 Wh%t" $'on(7"

    "Oh, 9'%ce5" /o%nn% i(hed& "Loo*, it" not th%t im.o't%nt& I"!! t%!* to ou tomo''o$0"

    "Don"t ou d%'e5" 9'%ce %id omethin( in % mu++!ed %ide0to R%, /o%nn% u.ected, +ee!in( e)en $o'e %nd then continued

    +o'ce+u!!, "Come on, /o& S.it it out& It" Co!e, in"t it7 Wh%t" h%..ened7 H% he been th'e%tenin( ou7"I+ on!, thou(ht /o%nn% 'ue+u!!, +!in(in( he'e!+ b%c* on the bed& Hi th'e%t he cou!d de%! $ith& It $% hi +'ut'%tion he

    +ound o %..e%!in(&

    "No," he 'e.!ied no$, e-%minin( the +in(e'n%i! o+ one h%nd, in %n e++o't to ut%in no'm%!it& "No, he h%n"t been

    th'e%tenin( me, 9'%ce&" She .%ued, %nd then %dded .%in+u!!, "I")e %id I"!! (o $ith him&"

    "To Tide$%te'7"9'%ce $% e)ident! %tounded, %nd /o%nn% cou!dn"t b!%me he' %+te' $h%t he h%d %id& But, ";e," he %('eed, +indin( it no

    e%ie' to co.e $ith no$ th%n he h%d e%'!ie'& "So te!! me ho$ I c%n (et out o+ it, $ithout !oo*in( % com.!ete idiot&"

    "But, /o, ou %id0"

    "I *no$ $h%t I %id, 9'%ce& But0$e!!, Co!e m%de me m%d, %nd I 6ut %id the +i't thin( th%t c%me into m he%d&""Th%t ou"d (o to Tide$%te'7"


    "But $h7"

    It $% ob)iou th%t 9'%ce cou!dn"t com.'ehend he' 'e%onin(, %nd $ithout %n e-.!%n%tion o+ the +%ct /o%nn% cou!d

    unde't%nd he' be$i!de'ment& But ho$ cou!d he te!! 9'%ce $h%t h%d h%..ened in the t%-i7 Ho$ cou!d he e-.!%in $h%t Co!e h%ddone7 In 'et'o.ect, it %!! eemed !i(ht! inc'edib!e %n$%, e)en to he'&

    "He0%id omethin(," he mumb!ed no$, h%!+ $ihin( he h%d ne)e' m%de thi c%!!& But he h%dn"t *no$n th%t R% M%'den

    $ou!d ti!! be the'e& 8'om $h%t 9'%ce h%d to!d he' in the .%t, he h%d %umed thei' 'e!%tionhi. $% ti!! +%i'! .e'+uncto'& But, i+

    R% $% !ee.in( %t the (%!!e' &&

    "Somethin( '%the' im.o't%nt, b the ound o+ it ," 9'%ce .ut in d'i!, $hen /o%nn% %id nothin( mo'e& "I t%*e it ou")e not h%decond thou(ht7"

    "About hi +%the'7" /o%nn%" !i. ti(htened& "No&"

    "I ee" 9'%ce ounded t'oub!ed& And then, to he' com.%nion, "Te%7 Oh, e, d%'!in(, th%t $ou!d be !o)e!&" /o%nn% .uhed

    he'e!+ u. %(%in& "I"d bette' (o0000000"

    ";ou"d bette' not&" 9'%ce no'ted& "O>& R%" (one to (et u ome te%, b!e him& So, $h don"t ou te!! me $h%t thi i'e%!! %!! %bout7"

    /o%nn% c%u(ht he' b'e%th& "I")e to!d ou0"

    "Th%t ou"'e (oin( b%c* $ith Co!e7 ;e, I *no$& But $h%t did he %, +o' 9od" %*e7 And $h $ou!d %nthin( he %id

    .e'u%de ou7 ;ou eemed o0%d%m%nt5"

    "I $%& I %m&" /o%nn% hunched he' hou!de'& "Oh0 $e!!, i+ ou mut *no$, he0he m%de % .% %t me&" A .%7 Li%'5"He m%de % .% %t ou7" 9'%ce $% c!e%'! +!%bbe'(%ted& "When7 Whe'e7"

    /o%nn% !ic*ed he' d' !i.& "He0too* me out +o' dinne'&"

    "L%t ni(ht7"

    "We!!, toni(ht, %ctu%!!," mu'mu'ed /o%nn% 'ue+u!!& "It" on! e!e)en o"c!oc* he'e&"

    "O+ cou'e&" 9'%ce (%)e % 'ei(ned i(h& "So $he'e i he no$7""Whe'e i he7" /o%nn% +'o$ned& "Wh%t do ou me%n, $he'e i he7 He" in hi 'oom, I u..oe& P'ob%b! +%t %!ee. b no$&"

    "Hmm&" 9'%ce heit%ted& "We!!, I ho.e ou h%)en"t done %nthin( tu.id5"

    /o%nn% b!in*ed& "Anthin( tu.id7" he echoed& "Don"t ou c%!! %('eein( to (o b%c* to Tide$%te' tu.id7"

    ";ou *no$ $h%t I me%n, /o&"

    "No, I"m %+'%id I don"t&" /o%nn% $% tot%!! con+ued& "A'e $e t%!*in( %t c'o .u'.oe he'e7"9'%ce ('o%ned& "/o, $h%t I"m %*in( i, %'e ou ti!! t%*in( the .i!!7"

  • 8/12/2019 Tidewater Seduction





    "The .i!!7" 8o' % be%t, 9'%ce" me%nin( $% !ot to he'& "Wh%t .i!!7"

    "The .i!!," e-c!%imed 9'%ce, not $ithout ome im.%tience& "8o' .it" %*e, /o, ou *no$ $h%t *ind o+ .i!! I"m t%!*in(


    "Oh5" /o%nn% +e!t the hot co!ou' 'un u. he' +%ce, %nd $% (!%d no one e!e cou!d ee it& "Th%t .i!!&" She $%!!o$ed& "We!!, no,

    o+ cou'e not&""/o5"

    /o%nn% (%.ed& "I h%)en"t h%d e- $ith him, 9'%ce5" She hoo* he' he%d& "Wh%t do ou t%*e me +o'7"

    "We!!, th%n* he%)en +o' th%t&" 9'%ce ounded ditinct! 'e!ie)ed& "When ou %id0"

    "When I %id Co!e m%de % .% %t me, I didn"t me%n $e"d been to bed to(ethe'&" /o%nn% $% indi(n%nt&"So $h %'e ou o u.et7""I hou!d h%)e thou(ht th%t $% ob)iou&"

    "Bec%ue ou")e %id ou"!! (o $ith him7"

    "Th%t" 'i(ht&"

    "W% th%t be+o'e o' %+te' he m%de % .% %t ou"7"

    "A+te', o+ cou'e&""Wh, o+ cou'e"7" 9'%ce ounded %'donic& "/o, i+ ou $e'e u.et bec%ue Co!e0$e!!, bec%ue o+ $h%t he did $h on e%'th

    did ou te!! him ou"d (o $ith him"7"

    "Bec%ue it m%de him m%d5" 'eto'ted /o%nn% c'o!&

    "He0'eented the +%ct th%t he ti!!00$e!!, th%t I cou!d ti!!00"

    "< (et the .ictu'e&" 9'%ce" tone $% d'& "We!!, !o)e, I don"t ee ho$ ou c%n b%c* out no$& Not un!e ou $%nt Co!e tothin* ou"'e %+'%id o+ him& But, .!e%e be c%'e+u!& I don"t thin* ou 'e%!ie ho$ )u!ne'%b!e ou %'e&"


    /o%nn% h%d he%'d Ch%'!eton com.%'ed to %n ei(hteenth0centu' enice, %nd +'om the %i' th%t dec'i.tion eemed e)en

    mo'e %.t& With it o!d but e!e(%nt houe, .%inted $hite %nd (!e%min( in the un, it h%d %n indomit%b!e %i'& A it tood on % .eninu!%,

    $ith the e% ne)e' +%' +'om it b%c* doo', it $% not u'.'iin( th%t it 'e%! hed% h%d been in the !%tte' e%' o+ the ei(hteenth

    centu', $hen the ('e%t %i!in( +!eet +'om Eu'o.e h%d +o!!o$ed the t'%de $ind to the C%'ibbe%n& T$entieth0centu' Ch%'!eton $%'%the' !e ucce+u!, but it 6umb!ed t'eet %nd %nte0be!!um co!oni%!im $e'e .'ee')ed he'e % no$he'e e!e&

    Not th%t /o%nn% *ne$ the cit )e' $e!!& In the e%'! d% o+ thei' m%''i%(e, Co!e h%d ho$n he' the tou'it" )ie$ o+

    Ch%'!eton, %nd the mi!it%' %c%dem, %nd the cu')ed e.!%n%de, *no$n % the B%tte', $e'e +%i'! +%mi!i%' to he'& But Tide$%te'

    P!%nt%tion $% ome dit%nce +'om the cit, %nd the m%!! to$n o+ Be%um%'i $% thei' m%in u..!ie'&None the !e, it h%d (i)en he', he' +i't t%te o+ South C%'o!in%, %nd he cou!d ti!! 'emembe' the he%t %nd the humidit,

    %nd the '%in, $hich h%d come in % bone0chi!!in( de!u(e& But he h%dn"t c%'ed in thoe d%& She $% in !o)e $ith Co!e, %nd he $ou!d

    h%)e !i)ed in the he%'t o+ % )o!c%no, i+ he h%d %*ed he' to&

    Ho$ +oo!ih he h%d been, he thou(ht no$, tu'nin( he' he%d to !oo* %t he' %nt%(onit, !oun(in( c%'e!e! in the e%t

    beide he'& Ho$ n%i)e5 In thoe d% !i+e h%d eemed o im.!e, o uncom.!ic%ted& She h%d %ctu%!! be!ie)ed in h%..0e)e'0%+te'& Butth%t $% be+o'e he h%d met Co!e" +%mi!, %nd 'e%!ied th%t, o +%' % the $e'e conce'ned, Co!e h%d m%de % te''ib!e mit%*e& In

    m%''in( he', o+ cou'e, he %..ended h%'h!& M%c%!!ite' did not m%'' outide', .%'ticu!%'! not $omen, $ho h%d too much to %

    +o' theme!)e&

    /o%nn% i(hed& She h%dn"t conide'ed he $% .%'ticu!%'! o.inion%ted be+o'e he $ent to !i)e in Tide$%te' Count& No'e.eci%!! 'e)o!ution%' eithe', unti! R%n M%c%!!ite' .ut he' t'%i(ht& M%c%!!ite' didn"t mi- $ith the .oo'e' +%mi!ie o+ the dit'ict&

    The didn"t et u. m%te'nit c!inic, o' t'e%t the .!%nt%tion $o'*e' % oci%! e1u%!& Not o.en!, %n$%& The +%ct th%t R%n

    M%c%!!ite' .'omu!(%ted one .o!ic, %nd .'%ctied %nothe', $% $h%t h%d b'ou(ht /o%nn% into o.en con+!ict $ith he' +%the'0in0!%$&

    And i(n%!!ed the end o+ he' m%''i%(e, he %c*no$!ed(ed bitte'!& Th%t &&& %nd N%th%n" de%th &&

    But he didn"t $%nt to thin* %bout N%th%n no$& The .%in o+ th%t t '%(ed, %nd the u(! !ie th%t h%d c%ued it, didn"t hu't he'%n mo'e& Not % !ot, %n$%& Time h%d !%id it he%!in( b%!m o)e' thoe o!d $ound, %nd he $ou!d be un$ie to tet it 'eit%nce& It

    $% enou(h th%t Co!e h%d .'o)ed he $% not immune to the .%t, %nd it $% (oin( to be %muin( ho$in( hi +%the' e-%ct! ho$ +uti!e

    hi cheme h%d been&

    O' $ou!d it7 /o%nn% che$ed unh%..i! %t he' !o$e' !i.& She $% not n%tu'%!! % )indicti)e $om%n, %nd the un$i!!in(

    memo' o+ $h he $% he'e b'ou(ht it o$n unce't%int& Ho$ cou!d he t%nd u. to % m%n $ho $% %!'e%d din(7 Wh%t c'ue!e''et'ibution cou!d the'e be7 And he ti!! h%d to +ind out $h he hou!d $%nt to ee he'& A +%' % he $% %$%'e, the h%d nothin( mo'e

    to % to one %nothe'&

    The te$%'de" $%'nin(, to t%*e note o+ the "8%ten Se%tbe!t" i(n, %nd to e-tin(uih %!! ci(%'ette, 'eminded he' o+ the

    imminence o+ thei' %''i)%!& Chec*in( th%t he' e%tbe!t $% ecu'e! in .!%ce, /o%nn%" ee b'ie+! !oc*ed $ith Co!e"& But he cou!d

    'e%d nothin( +'om hi e-.'eion %nd, in %n c%e, he !oo*ed %$%& A he h%d done ince thi mo'nin(, $hen the h%d h%'ed % c%b tothe %i'.o't on Ne$ P'o)idence& He h%d m%de it b!%t%nt! ob)iou th%t he h%d decided to 'emo)e hime!+ ment%!!, i+ not .hic%!!,

    +'om %n cont%ct bet$een them, %nd, +o' the time bein(, /o%nn% $% .'e.%'ed to !et him&

    Th%t the $e'e t'%)e!in( to(ethe' %t %!! $% %nothe' m%tte'& /o%nn% h%d +e!t 6uti+i%b! +u'iou $hen he $o*e u. th%t

    mo'nin(, %nd +ound the .!%ne 'ee')%tion th%t h%d been .uhed unde' he' doo'& She h%d not !e.t .%'ticu!%'! $e!!, %nd, n%tchin( u.

    the +o!de', he h%d dico)e'ed, to he' ch%('in, th%t the boo*in( h%d been m%de the .'e)iou d%& It $% (%!!in( to thin* th%t, e)en %+te'%!! he h%d %id, Co!e h%d been o u'e o+ he' com.!i%nce& A oon % he %cce.ted hi dinne' in)it%tion, he mut h%)e thou(ht it $% %

    +o'e(one conc!uion& The on! com+o't he h%d $% th%t the e)enin( h%d not (one e-%ct! % he h%d .!%nned& He mi(ht h%)e (ot hi

    o$n $%, but %t $h%t cot to hi e!+0eteem7

    An hou' !%te', /o%nn% $% %!'e%d +ee!in( the e++ect o+ the .'e0umme' be%t in thi emi0t'o.ic%! co'ne' o+ the United

    St%te& Co!e" b'othe', Ben, h%d met them %t the %i'.o't& A+te' % '%the' %$*$%'d ('eetin(, he h%d !o%ded Co!e" +!i(ht b%( %nd he' o$nuitc%e into the b%c* o+ the o!id +ou'0b0+ou' et%te c%', be+o'e t%*in( the $hee! +o' the d'i)e to Tide$%te'& He h%d been .o!ite, but

    h%'d! +'iend!, %nd % Co!e h%d been e%(e' to he%' %bout thei' +%the' the h%d immedi%te! e-c!uded he' +'om thei' e%


    Not th%t he c%'ed, thou(ht /o%nn%, not %!to(ethe' honet!& /ut bec%ue he %nd Ben h%d once been +'iend $% no 'e%on

    to +ee! !i(hted no$& It $% ob)iou th%t he $ou!d t%*e hi b'othe' %nd hi +%the'" $o'd be+o'e he' o$n& And he h%d no doubt he'n%me h%d +i(u'ed in ome bitte' con)e'%tion&

  • 8/12/2019 Tidewater Seduction





    But, +o' no$, he cont%ined he' +ee!in(, %nd +%nned he'e!+ $ith % !%n(uid h%nd& A!thou(h he $% %!mot u'e the )ehic!e

    .oeed %n %i'0conditionin( tem, Ben $% d'i)in( %!on( the co%t%! hi(h$% $ith %!! the $indo$ o.en& In cone1uence, the

    moit %i' $% c%uin( he' hi't %nd cotton cut0o++ to c!in( to he' d%m. bod, %nd it $% enou(h to t' %nd +ind % com+o't%b!e .oition&

    Ne)e'the!e, he )ie$ed the b%c* o+ Co!e" he%d $ith ome 'eentment& He $% on hi o$n ('ound he'e, %nd the he%t didn"t bothe'

    him % c'%.& ;et, +o' %!! he' +'ut'%tion, /o%nn% cou!dn"t den the %tt'%ction o+ the %'e%& Humid it mi(ht be, but it $% %!o !uh, %ndco!ou'+u!, %nd e-t'eme! be%uti+u!& The co%t%! 'e(ion $% % m% o+ !%*e %nd $%te'$%, $he'e %!t m%'he me!ted into %c'e o+

    %nd dune, %nd houe $e'e bui!t hi(h +o' coo!ne& At thi time o+ the e%', (%'den $e'e %!i(ht $ith c'imon %nd .in* %4%!e%,

    b!oomin( %mid 6%mine %nd 'oe, $%- $hite c%me!!i% %nd +!o$e'in( do($ood& Wite'i% o)e'hun( $%!! %nd .o'che, %nd $ide

    )e'%nd% .o'ted te''%cott% tub, %nd c%ne +u'nitu'e& Thi $% the !o$ count', %nd !i+e mo)ed %t % !e hectic .%ce th%n in the cit&Decidin( he $%n"t .'e.%'ed to be i(no'ed +o' the $ho!e 6ou'ne, /o%nn% un+%tened %nothe' button on he' hi't, %nd

    dete'mined! !e%ned +o'$%'d& Retin( he' %'m %!on( the b%c* o+ the e%t in +'ont, he e-.e!!ed % i(h th%t 6ut h%..ened to $%+t

    c!oe to Co!e" e%', %nd +o'ced % mi!e&

    "So0ho$ %'e ou, Ben7" he en1ui'ed, i(no'in( Co!e" udden int%*e o+ b'e%th& "9ot ou' o$n .!%ce et7"

    "Um00" Ben c%t % $o''ied !oo* in Co!e" di'ection, be+o'e h%*in( hi he%d& "N0no& Not et& Too much to do %'ound

    Tide$%te'&"/o%nn%" !i. +!%ttened& "But I thou(ht ou $%nted % .!%ce o+ ou' o$n," he .e'ited, %nd Co!e tu'ned hi he%d to (i)e he' %

    d%'* !oo*& "We!!, he did," he %dded, 'e.ondin( to th%t ('im $%'nin(& "Ho$ o!d %'e ou no$, Ben7 T$ent0+i)e7 T$ent0i-7"

    "He" t$ent0+ou'," t%ted he' e-0hub%nd ho't!&

    "T$o e%' oun(e' th%n ou, % I"m u'e ou *no$ )e' $e!!&"

    ";ou 'emembe'ed5" /o%nn%" b'o$ %'ched $ith te%in( intent& "Th%t m%*e ou thi't, doen"t it7" She tu((ed the nec*!ineo+ the hi't %$% +'om he' moit th'o%t& "M, %'en"t $e (ettin( o!d7"

    Co!e didn"t di(ni+ he' 'em%'* $ith % 'e.!& He me'e! $un( 'ound in hi e%t %(%in, !e%)in( /o%nn% to e%'ch $i!d! +o'

    omethin( e!e to %& But he h%d no intention o+ !ettin( him intimid%te he', )e'b%!! o' othe'$ie, %nd $hen he' e!bo$ b'uhed hi

    nec* he $% mo'e th%n %ti+ied b hi h%'. $ithd'%$%!&

    "Co!e te!! me /oe" m%''ied no$," he ine'ted, into % con)e'%tion %bout the cu''ent t%te o+ !%nd e'oion& She h%d

    %dd'eed he' 1uetion to Ben %(%in, %nd, once mo'e, he !oo*ed %t hi o!de' b'othe' be+o'e 'e.!in(&, "S 'i(ht," he mutte'ed, c!e%'! not en6oin( bein( .i( 0 in 0 the0midd!e, but /o%nn% cou!dn"t %++o'd to conide' %none"

    +ee!in( but he' o$n&

    "And he ti!! !i)e %t home7" he .'om.ted& "It" 6ut % $e!! it" % bi( houe& With th'ee +%mi!ie !i)in( in it&"

    No$ Ben (!%nced %t he'& "Th'ee +%mi!ie7" /o%nn% nodded& "We!!, % Co!e %nd /oe both h%)e $i)e00""Co!e doen"t00" he be(%n im.u!i)e!, %nd then he b'o*e o++, hi +%i' *in u++ued $ith co!ou'& "Th%t i00" He $%!!o$ed