tiered assignments: creating levels for student work also, independent studies & pbl jacque...

Tiered Assignments: Creating Levels for Student Work Also, Independent Studies & PBL Jacque Melin - GVSU

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Page 1: Tiered Assignments: Creating Levels for Student Work Also, Independent Studies & PBL Jacque Melin - GVSU

Tiered Assignments:

Creating Levels for Student Work

Also, Independent Studies & PBL

Jacque Melin - GVSU

Page 2: Tiered Assignments: Creating Levels for Student Work Also, Independent Studies & PBL Jacque Melin - GVSU

Tiering is…

A form of differentiation

Differentiation according to readiness

Based upon students’ readiness for a particular task

Driven by pre-assessment

NOT the only kind of differentiation, though it is foundational

NOT locking students into “ability boxes” -- groups are flexible and vary according to the task

NOT more work or “better” work for some levels – tasks are equitable

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Tiered assignments should be:

-Different work, not simply more or less work-Equally active-Equally interesting and engaging-Fair in terms of work expectations and time needed-Require the use of key concepts, skills, or ideas-Are used as practice or daily work, NOT as an assessment task to be graded.-Learn from each other – share work!

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How to Distribute TiersDeciding on Who Gets

Which Version on an Assignment  

Option 1—Everyone does Tier 1Option 2—Let Students Choose a TierOption 3—Put the Students into Cooperative GroupsOption 4—All Tiers for All Students (Layered 

Curriculum)Option 5—The Teacher Decides Which Students Get 

Which Tiers

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Tiering by Readiness

• Tiering by learning readiness offers an opportunity to reinforce or reteach a lesson to one group of learners, and to extend or enrich learning for other learners.

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Features of Tiered LessonsBased on Readiness

Struggling Learners

Less difficult independent reading

Spare text, more graphic aids

Very concrete

Knowledge and comprehension levels of thinking for independent work

Includes supportive strategies

Converges on “right” answer to solve problem (more closed-ended)

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Average Learners

On-grade level reading materials

Concrete concepts used to transition to more abstract 


Knowledge, comprehension, and application levels of 

thinking for independent work, higher levels with help

Assumes more inferencing and drawing conclusions with 

less teacher support

Mix of “right” and open-ended answers

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Advanced Learners

   More complex reading materials    Abstract concepts as much as possible    Analysis, synthesis, and evaluation  levels of thinking   Requires  inferencing drawing conclusions, and 

evaluating   Open-ended questions almost exclusively 

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Helpful Words for Critical Reasoning

• Compare/Contrast• Sequence & prioritize• Analyze arguments• Stereotypes• Deduction/Induction• Reliable sources• Alternative perspectives• Intellectual risk-taking

• Cause/Effect• Point of view• Bias• Relevance/Irrelevance• Fact/Opinion• Multi-faceted• Generalizations• Assumptions

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Helpful Words for Creative Thinking

• Generate ideas• Elaborate• Original Ideas• Divergent thinking• Open-endedness• Metaphorical• Abstract

• Use ideas in new ways• Innovate• Ambiguity• Self-expressive• Less structure• Imagination

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Helpful Words for Problem Solving

• Decide/Plan• Analyze patterns• Hypothesize• Verify/Check• Monitor• Summarize• Execute• Select approaches

• Work backward• Define problem• Generate alternatives• Determine alternatives• Analyze information• Estimate• Put into practice

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Basic Elements Defining the Core Curriculum


Thinking Skills

Content Process:

Research Skills


Thinking Skill Subject Matter Research Skills and/or Resources

Culmination or Exhibition

List The causes and effects of the Industrial Revolution

After reading the text, pages 42-49.

Write a paragraph to share the information.

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Differentiating the Core:Modifying the Process Element – Thinking Skills


Thinking Skills

Content Process:

Research Skills


Judge with criteria

The causes and effects of the Industrial Revolution

After reading the text, pages 42-49.

Write a paragraph to share the information.

List The causes and effects of the Industrial Revolution

After reading the text, pages 42-49.

Write a paragraph to share the information.

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Differentiating the Core:Modifying the Process Element – Research Skills


Thinking Skills

Content Process:

Research Skills


Judge with criteria

The causes and effects of the Industrial Revolution

Interview an American history professor at the university; use the Internet; and read the text, Chapter IV.

Write a paragraph to share the information.

List The causes and effects of the Industrial Revolution

After reading the text, pages 42-49.

Write a paragraph to share the information.

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Differentiating the Core:Modifying the Product Element


Thinking Skills

Content Process:

Research Skills


Judge with criteria

The causes and effects of the Industrial Revolution

Interview an American history professor at the university; use the Internet; and read the text, Chapter IV.

Write an editorial and debate the positive and negative consequences of the Industrial Revolution.

List The causes and effects of the Industrial Revolution

After reading the text, pages 42-49.

Write a paragraph to share the information.

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Differentiating the Core:Modifying the Content Element


Thinking Skills

Content Process:

Research Skills


Judge with criteria

The patterns in the behaviors and trends of consumers and producers who contributed to the causes and subsequent effects of the Industrial Revolution.

Interview an American history professor at the university; use the Internet; and read the text, Chapter IV.

Write an editorial and debate the positive and negative consequences of the Industrial Revolution.

List The causes and effects of the Industrial Revolution

After reading the text, pages 42-49.

Write a paragraph to share the information.

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3 Levels of Challenge - CbCGreen—Tasks are foundational and appropriate for the 

current grade level.  Success depends on understanding and applying required knowledge and skills.  Green level tasks meet a rigorous grade level proficiency standard.

 Blue—Tasks are advanced and complex.  Success 

depends on extending one’s skills in order to recognize and address the added layers of complexity.

 Black—Tasks are extremely advanced and highly 

complex.  Success depends on creatively applying and extending one’s skills, at times in very unfamiliar territory.


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Tiered Graphic Organizers

Tier 1

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Tiered Graphic Organizers

Tier 2

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Tiered Graphic Organizers

Tier 3

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Task/Work• Make sure the directions are clearly stated in student-

friendly language.• Include specific details (e.g., “Give a minimum of three 

examples”)• Include criteria for quality or a rubric so students 

clearly know your expectations for their work.• As appropriate, sequence the steps students need to 

follow.• Include examples or samples of work as necessary.• Explain how students will share their work.• Double-check that the directions can be followed by 

students independently. 

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Write a letter to yourself stating at least five key points that you would like to remember about differentiated instruction and how you will use these things in your classroom.

Task Cards/Work Cards

Write a letter to your principal comparing what you have learned about differentiated instruction to what is happening in your school.

Write a persuasive letter to your school board president convincing him/her that your school district must adopt the philosophy of differentiated instruction in your district.

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Layered Curriculum – Kathie Nunley

“Between various learning profiles, various abilities and exceptionalities, multiple languages and cultures, I began to come to two very important conclusions.  First, although I am considered a regular educator there are no regular students in my room.  And secondly, every student deserves a special education.”

Dr. Kathie Nunley

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Layer CLayer C

• Foundation Layer• Basic knowledge and understanding • Students collect factual information in a 

learning style, reading level, and language that is most comfortable to him or her.

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Layer C

• Can offer as little as 3 or 4 assignment choices or as many as 20.

• Students will not do all assignments, but enough to accumulate point totals needed to move on to next layer.

Example: 30 points are needed to move on.  Each assignment worth 5 points, so student must do 6 Layer C assignments.

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• All lists of C layer activities should provide assignments for:-visual learners (reading, demos)-auditory learners (lecture, video)-tactile learners (models, flash cards)

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Assessment• Many different ways to assess this layer

– Oral Defense– Short Quizzes

• Important for students to prove that they have learned the information and not just completed the assignments.

• Assessment is very important in Layer C, as mastery of basic knowledge is pivotal for student success in Layers B and A.

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Genetics Unit - HSOBJECTIVES• 1.  In the context of a monohybrid cross, apply the 

terms phenotype, genotype, allele, homozygous and heterozygous.

• 2.  Use concepts from Mendel’s Laws of Segregation and Independent Assortment to explain how sorting and recombination (crossing over) of genes during sexual reproduction (meiosis) increases the occurrence of variation in a species.

• 3.  Use the processes of mitosis and meiosis to explain the advantages and disadvantages of asexual and sexual reproduction.

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C Layer - Requirements


• (Choose a total of 75 pts from the assignments below.

* indicates a required assignment. (Must be

present in class to earn points for notes.)

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C Layer – Days 1-5

Days 1-2- Punnett Squares- Monohybrid Cross____ *1a. Complete all Punnett square worksheets (VL-5 pts).____ 1b. Make vocabulary flashcards for all the Punnett square terms in your 

own words (VL-5 pts).____ 1c. In a group of 4, make a poster showing one of the pairs of terms (VS-

5 pts). 

 Day 3- Punnet Square Quiz, Dihybrid Cross____ *1d.  Complete Punnett square quiz (VL- 10 pts). 

 Days 4-5- Meiosis____ *2a. Complete meiosis worksheets (VL-5 pts).____ *2b. Complete pipe cleaner activity (BK-5 pts).____ 2c. Draw, label, and explain the phases of meiosis (VS-10 pts).____ 2d. In groups of 4, create a skit about meiosis (BK, IE-10 pts).____ 2e. With a partner, write a song about meiosis (MU, IE-10 pts).____ 2f. Create a flipbook that shows the phases of meiosis (LM, VS-10 pts). 

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C Layer – Days 6-8

Day 6- Crossing Over and Nondisjunction____ 2g.  Complete worksheet in class (VL-5 pts). 

Day 7- Reproduction ____ *3.  Make a table showing the advantages and disadvantages of 

sexual and asexual reproduction  (LM-10 pts).  

Day 8-Meiosis Quiz/Work Day____ *All. Complete meiosis quiz (VL-10 pts).____ *All. Complete practice exercises in class (VL, LM-5 pts).____ All.   Listen to lecture and take notes each day (VL)  1    2    3    4    

5  ____ All. Secretary position- proofread and edit another student’s 

written assignment (VL-5 pts). 

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Layer BLayer B

• According to Kathie Nunley, the “B” layer deals with “application or manipulation of the information learned in the C layer. Problem solving or other higher level thinking tasks can be placed here.”

• Relates to application and analysis in Bloom’s Taxonomy

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• All “B” layer projects should be based upon information learned at the “C” layer– Lab activities– Designing a game for a specific topic– Drawing a cartoon– Designing a worksheet– Brainstorming quiz/test questions– Inquiry projects—designing a lab

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• The B layer requires application of the knowledge they acquired at the C level.  

• Mini-stations can be set up around the room and students can DO science instead of WATCHING science being done by the teacher.  

• It can be shown to the students that it is OK to make mistakes and that in making mistakes, you can possibly learn more.

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B Layer – Day 9


____ *1.   Perform the human traits lab and complete the lab sheet. 

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Layer ALayer A

• Critical thinking about the topic.• Examining how the material integrates into 

the world around them.• Bloom’s taxonomy -- highest order

– Synthesis– Evaluation

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• Experiments• Research• Power Points• Podcasts, Movies, Websites• Posters, Books

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A Layer – Day 10


•  Using 2 resources either write a 1 page paper or create a 6 slide PowerPoint presentation exploring one of the questions below.  When answering questions the first paragraph should be an introduction, the second paragraph should give information (pro and con), and the last paragraph or slide should include your conclusion and opinion on the question posed. 

____ 1. Imagine you are Gregor Mendel's assistant. While crossing several generations of pea plants, all with purple flowers, you find one with a white flower. Describe the presence of the white flower in a letter to a colleague (fellow scientist).

____ 2. Did Gregor Mendel fake some of his data? Why do some scientists think this?

____ 3. Does nondisjunction in plants (polyploidy) create new species?

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• Students must do all three layers to earn an “A”.  This grade indicates that students have mastered the concepts and have included a critical analysis of the current issues relating to the subject matter.

• Rubrics and/or Oral Defense  

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Sidebars• SIDEBARS: Another way to differentiate instruction is to be 

ready for students who learn the material quickly and accurately.  Teachers can create a “sidebar activity” for these students who have demonstrated successful completion of an assignment (or unit).  A “sidebar activity” is an assignment that moves laterally across the curriculum to further strengthen student understanding and aptitude. It requires several class periods (or even longer, like an on-going project). This is not “curriculum compacting” whereby the teacher accelerates faster students through the assigned curriculum. Rather, it is more of a “scenic turn-out” *from the assigned curriculum. 

(* Betty Shoemaker)

• For example, here is a SideBar designed for US History students who successfully completed a reading notetaking assignment in their textbook.

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SidebarsCreate a CliffsNotes study guide for a new student in our AP History course. 

This booklet must assist the student in learning how to take notes for this chapter. If you’d rather, create a “Note Taking in History for Dummies.” Your guide should include helpful tips for reading the textbook. 

 For example:• how to distill 3-4 paragraphs from the chapter down to a couple of 

summary sentences.• how to locate key details that shed light on a main idea• how to generate study-review questions at various levels of complexity· quiz-type questions – recall basic information· essay-type questions – deeper information processing Your booklet could also include:• key vocabulary terms• study tips for learning and remembering historical information• illustrations / graphics to highlight important points 

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Differentiation by ReadinessEnglish - To Kill a Mockingbird - Think Dots


1) Describe the setting of To Kill a Mockingbird.

2) Explain an example of person vs. person in To Kill a Mockingbird.

3) From whose point of view is the story told? What clues tell you?

4) In a Venn Diagram, compare and contrast one of the characters in To Kill a Mockingbird to a character in a different book.

5) How do the citizens of Maycomb react to Atticus’s decision to defend Tom Robinson? Write about two examples.

6) Find three examples of the following in To Kill a Mockingbird: similes, metaphors, and idioms. Create a list.

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Differentiation by ReadinessEnglish - To Kill a Mockingbird - Think Dots (continued)


1)Describe how the setting of To Kill a Mockingbird has influenced the story so far.

2)Explain at least three types of conflict with examples in To Kill a Mockingbird.

3)In what ways would the story be different if told from another character’s point of view? Give support for your opinion. “If only ______________ had been telling the story, it would have been different…”

4)In a Venn Diagram, compare and contrast the Ewells family and the Cunninghams family to a family in another movie.

5)In a newspaper article, explain how the local reaction to Atticus’s decision to defend Tom Robinson reflects the time period in which the novel takes place. Writer the newspaper article as it would have appeared during the setting of the novel.

6)What effect do the similes, metaphors, and idioms Harper Lee uses have on a reader’s understanding of the novel? Explain your thought in a critic’s blurb.

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Differentiation by ReadinessEnglish - To Kill a Mockingbird - Think Dots (continued)


1)Describe at least three ways the setting is reflected in the context of To Kill a Mockingbird.

2)Explain the most significant sources of conflict in To Kill a Mockingbird.

3)In your opinion, what does the point of view tell you about Harper Lee?

4)In a Venn Diagram, compare and contrast Scout as a narrator to another narrator of a movie or story.

5)Apply the quote “What is right is not always popular. What is popular is not always right” as an epigraph to a short essay explaining Atticus Finch’s decision to defend Tom Robinson.

6)What kind of writing style does Harper Lee have? Provide examples to illustrate your point.

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Project Based Learninghttp://pbl-online.org/


Buck Institute for Educationhttp://www.bie.org

West Virginia PBLhttp://wvde.state.wv.us/teach21/pbl.html