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T* ft'W k -v * ('¦" 't'TW rT/lfT^Tl 7' OT vf THE MEW YORK HERALD. WHOLE NO. 11,166. NEW YORK, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 27, 1867.-TRIPLE SHEET. PRICE FOUR CENTS. c .SAPPHIRE, RUBY..YOURS OF NOV. IT RE- eeived. There la hep*. Write n«. CARRIE . DD1T M YKR8.LATE OF COMPANY F, "SCOTT'S W-" . A. M. Palmer, IS Broadway, room 1 INFORMATION WANTED.OF AUGUST BCBRBIBSR, JL of SOfl Quornhsln. Prussia. The hh left Waahlngtnn, D C.. to 1864. Whao laat heard froaa waa hoarding with Mr. Friedman.*! Waatatroat, New York. Any person whoa hla whereabouts will be liberally re-1 Schroiber oar* Dclke, * ean (tee Information of warded by addressing Hi Weat streak Mew York. INFORMATION WANTED.OF THE WHEREABOUTS 1 of John abd Richard 0'Brian, natives of the pariah of Klllure, oounty Ualway, Ireland. When laat hoard from were a( Dubuque. Iowa. Any Information will be thank- lull? raoeived by their staler, Maria O'Brien. Addieaa box Ml 11eraid office. INFORMATION WANTED.OF ADOLF MATTSSOS- born in Copenhagen, and calla himeelf Charles Reck here. Any information of nim or hla whereabout# will be thaak- fuBy rewired by Mrs. Charles llolmau. UBGreeuwicb street. New York. Beaton papers pleaae ropy. IF THE BBIR8 OF STUART ELDER, FORMERLY OP tbla city, will announce their address in tha Peraonala of e Herald, they may hear of something to their advantage. JB88B F. GILBERT.YOUR MOTHER WISHES TO aee you Immediately. M M ARY, DO YOU READ THE PERSONALS A8 OFTEN an you uaedtal CLAUDE MBLNUTTK. R. J. ALLEN-COMB AND SEE WILLIE. MRS. B. NOTICB..IP ALBBR 8CRANTON, OF NEW BED- ford. Conn., who left n tool cheat and trunk of clothing with R. i'aradine, 96 Oliver atreet, does not call for them within one month from data, they will bo aold to pay ex¬ penses..New York, March St, 1tmt. RBVENUB STAMPS..TUB TOUNO MAN WHO OB- tallied a quantity of revenue stamps from a stationer In WIUl*m street is admonished to return them at ODce, else he will be arrested. The two young ladies, dressed in moths. ing. who entered a Seventh avenue ear at 9:15 A. M., at Tenth street and Greenwich avenue, will pie.,e address Washington Park, etat.oa D, city, e B. V. K..LET NO DIFFICULTIES PREVENT your immediate return. Ptl'HKR. w. WILL THE ORNTLEMAN WHO SAW THE CONDUO- tor lako a satcb el from a Fourth Avenue ear when near the Thirty-second street depot, on the evening of the SKth inal., send his nam* to box 773 N. Y. Post officer CHARLES H. NASH. WILL THE YOUNG LADY IN GRKEN SILK DRF.S8 and long velvet cloak, who walked up Broadway Mon¬ day afternoon with lady friend in blank abort ¦nit, and got Into a Fourth avenue stage at Fourteenth street, going down, send her address to Leeds, bol 810 Herald office, a diffident youth who would like to make her acquaintance ? WILL..NOTHING NEW; ALL WELL. WENT WITH L.ce to see Comp to-day. Didn't see hlm.^ ^ ^ WILL F. O., WHO MET L. B. LA8T SUMMER IN Twenty-seventh street, address John B. Wllberfoce, station O, and state where K. O. can be seen. WILL MY BEAUTIFUL, BLACK-EYED. FAIR LADY appoint an Interview by addressing the Initials and Foot office bo* given her by JAVIER. WILL THE TWO LADIB8 WHO NOTICED THE gentleman on the Oreenpolnt car Monday evening, and who bowed when he left the oar at North First street, please address M. 8. W., Herald office? HTWITE APRON, SIXTH AVENUE.-LADY ON THE TV Inside, with handkerchief, grant Interview. Address W. F. L., station O. C JIPBCIAIs NOTICES. \n4 t$m lMUoi, to metre taxes r< THE PLDMBER8 or^NBwl iHHb.i'iK 23v5S I . ika;mm hfln* enaravedUpon thsm. and without town of OuttenberJt .K reqmssteA by ^etr prompt compliance wl^ohliye »y ESwrrt <wunrcteKi ^th"«rrr« Bookell k Co.. oorner of Jsoob and l^ntfort »tr»>UK<f XMLS!! ^JSn^bKnrtlh.^«ilr&.m Roekel A Co., but simply to correot misconceptlou BRAy Joss Bust, 416 Battery street. OFECIAL NOTICE..ALL PKR80N8 ARB FORBID O trusting any one on aocouut of the estate of the late Timothy Conner without the written order or The new york ladies* southern relief Association bee to acknowledge the following donallnn.:- Amount previously acknowledged. w Proceeds lecture Hon. Richard O'Horman), being further installment. r* . Colleclloii Trinity chapel- '* Harriet and Hannah (two sister*) Alanson Fisher of Uuffaio {" Mrs. W. B. BcUrath l" Wm. A. Dibble ,UV Food for starving Souih.. ¦ Little ' Oeorge Burnett. Jr J. W Van Ne«a...x , Mrs. Henry Srhtesincer .._¦........ A few parishioners of St. Peter's church LPJ Bldney Brook* °jJ, James Tinker. Pupils of Madam Mears, school « William Loitimer "" Demaa Barnes 2J F. H. Drake A Co " W. C. Langly A Co J *} Herring. »arreU A Sherman '«. A. Kumnll A Co. J" 'V Normal order " Cash ? H Brown Dr. Hull.additional Alice P. Bartow '"J Mrs. Fremont ¦¦...... ". Proceeds of Bmertalnmenlat Mr. Jerome a private theatre . Total reeefpu to date. 83S3S8 8H MnwYona. March *..iKTHOM ffiMART, Tnmiiiw. rR OWNERS OF FURNITURB ON STORAGE IN NO. T Slith avenue are harehy notlAod menu to hare the same removed on or before the 1st of Ma* and those of them who have not settled thffir bills for Ca last twelve months or over are requested to do so by the th* «0"d*wmb**0kl j^SSST^UMh".1* law Tout, March. M IE. 3Td^;!l°S£?T,S3Wb'yrhd. .too HpoD tbo new Poet Oflioe and United blotee Court In It Adeemed expedient to sitend the Urn# for tbo roro^ilon of plane for the oonetmctlon of the propoeea bit the time for the reception ofsuchplsns from lb# vorlout architects be extended from the 8th day of Aaril. 1W. to the 1st day of June, 1887. ^ JOHN T Hoffman. Mayor, Chairman. Jausa IlUT. Foatmaater, Secretary. T~~HB REGULAR WEEKLY MEETING of tiik DRY Goods Clerks' Early Closing Association will tike plsee en this (Wedues«lay) evening March *7 at 8 o clock, at B. C. Hall, 187 Moaery. II. B. t.OWLES, 1 resident. Janet K. CODT. Recording Secretary. MILLINERS. E*~ MPRRS3 CHIP BONNET EMPORIUM, 89 BROAD- way..Elegant Spring Bonnets of the latest Paris styles, made under the superintendence. Of Madame Berthe, for¬ merly of 17 Great Jones street _____ V/aIIAME BCHLMKYER. SUCCESSOR TO MADAM K JYl Feirero, will eiblblt. on Wednesday, March 87, l»i, luring and Hummer M lllluery, at No. ft Great Jones street Cliy ny milliners not admitted. Madame dougal, 17 west fourth street. having her o|srnlng on Thursday, the Wth Inm., would th ink those ladies who here not sa yet received cardsto her opening lo send their addresses at ouce, so that they may re- .eivo udtnifuiton c*rda In llOW- MISSES J. A E. CUMMIII08. E8 CANAL .TREKIL will ethlbll on Wednesdav and Thursday. March 8i and 9. spring and Hummer jilllllnery of ibe latest Ira- porta Hon HEWAKIP ipe REWARD..LOST, MONDAY EVENING, CO A' II- So man s hlai'k Kur Cape. I he Bnder wlU please leave It at so » Fast Twenty eighth si and get the above reward dl(i EMWAED-.BTEAYED. ON MONDAY LA BTjA SMI .mall rtcoteh isrrlei Dog car* »nd ,*." ehi'ljcd. Whoever will return hlin to 8. O. Hone, Kgeelsow Mahles, mnDer of^r'mdwar and Twenty-ninth street, will receive the shove reward. ens REWARD..LOST. MONDAY, MARCH 8ft, NEAR $25 I'J7th street and Third "vine, Roll ofJWk con. tsioTneftlW The above reward will be Cheerfully paid the ^d^r*ur4?ngTto P. B. Htevens, Ml ir-h street. A(ts REWARD..STOLEN FROM THK STABLE OF $2<) the suhscrlber In North Rrrffn, N. J., on the jJllh Inst s hsy llor«e. stmut 15 bunds hlfh, Icni y*0* *D<i '*". 7 rears ohl. The ibove reward will he paTd for the return ei ...Id horse, and u like sura for the .Prcr'1"nshra and- on- vl, pon of the thief. uEO. CRAW FORD. Worth B(*rscu« Murch 35i IW7* . , %f vrp.; \n Q Any lufiirnistlon left at the office of J MYERn, No. 8 Asim Hotim Wow York, will meet with attepttoh. H; "i< W \ KI'-WARD..STOLEN FROM MOM 1«8 )Ul) Fifth Avaiiue Hotel, on Hnnday, _t«th Ie*t ' ?ne cluster diamond livoo. h maiked "An die, two biscelels marked "Anna, ' one elinier perl hroocll. one coral iimb, ona pair mi3 sleeve bul'ona, one se; g'11 sob hnlr shirt sluds. one camel's hnlr long shawl, PUfffi can ire. ,.ne black lace shawl one white gren idme ehawl. two doi n gauts large sisert kid gloves, one gold comb, the shove rs wmd will lie paid for the recovery of ihc srtiulee named, end a Uheml reward for nj^hem^ spoaTure. _ All binds op ikhw and law por sale at B. OOVkY'H. 5M C'uil Ml na*r Church street. Mf.liciMa for all ilium Pwgmred Pood for stocking Mrda. A CHOICE LOT OP DOOB POE SALE..Tolr R EXTRA Ion* Siberian Bloodhounds, three maiee and ou fe¬ male, weighing from IJO to 1«J pounda. aupertor watch doge and well trained; aleo one bleak and tan Dog. fifisea month* eld, the ftneat In thia city, weigh* three pound*. Can be aeeo at 577 Bowery. IOHT BATTERY BOATS POR SALE CHEAP..AP- ply at lit Greenwich atreet. E CIBANCIS BUTLER, NO8 PECK SUP. HAS ALL THE r choicest breed* of Doge. Butler'* Infallible Mange Cure and Plea Exterminator. 75 cent*. Butler * new work on the Dog, $1 Dog* trained, boarded, Ac. Medicine for all diseases. POR SALE.NEWFOUNDLAND DOGS, HANDSOME Esquimaux Dog«. Black and Tan, Scotch and Skye Ter¬ rier*. Italian Greyhound*. our four pound Black and Tan. JOHN GRAY, 11 Roosevelt (treat, near Chatham street. U»OR SALE.AN ELBOANT SCHOONER YAOHT. 75 V feet long on deck, lgj* feet beam, (I feel depth of hold; aail* and rigging new and of the very beat quality; cabin handsomely furnished and tha re**el lilted out complete in every respect. Address C. P. Clothier, bo* sl,«75 Poet oflloe, Philadelphia. . ¦ POR SALE-ATNO. 9 CHAMBERS STREET, AN A NO. 1 Breech Loader, bore No. 10; capital duck (hooter. POR SALE.MALTESE KITTBN8. CAN BE SEEN till »old at XI Market street. Please don't inquire, but come up to to the third (tory, front room. ( BOAT'S MILK..POR SALE. A GOAT, WITH KIDS: A vX »plendtd milker and rery handsome. Apply to JOHN MOUNTAIN, no William street. N. Y., or Twenty-fourth .treet and Sixth avenue, Brooklyn. HOKHES. CA HHlAGBg. 4HP. A NUMBER OK SECOND HAND VEHICLES, con- amine of Top Wagone, Phaetons, Coupes. Bi*tts. all s#»;it Kodtii«ray, Ac.,.in good order, for Mile at tnecourcn btiUUinc. corner of Grand and CnMtby atreet*. a -FOR SALE, THREE FINE DBLEVAN BOCRA- I\ . way*, one Jaggar: al*o one line Udiea' side Saauie, ai I.3WBroadway. near Forty-flraiitreet. ________ iT 47 CEDAR STREET, omiiflW AND IIAR- /\ nexa. A large aaiortmenl of Ural class wort at *"7 low prico*. several Concord Buggies, auited to bouthern market, hi com. JOHN M. 11 FTS. JR. AOOOD SECOND HAND COACH. PRICK $6.». ALSO one for $1(3). Brewster Pheaton, Knckaway*, top, road, depot and skeleton Wagon*; pony Fbaa>on; a Urge Assort- ment of Harueaa; also three Hornet. 37 Wooater street. A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF FAMILY CARRIAGES. Buggies and Harnesa, selling off twenty per cent let* than New York price*, at factory, No. 1(R Fulton avenue, Brooklyn. A HANDSOME DARK BAY HORSE FOR SALE- A Warranted perfectly aouud; long heavy tail; gent e, a good traveller. Price $*W. Inquire for Johu Carroll, at eelden'a, 83 Weal Twenty-fourth street. An extension top platform irpring phae- ton with single Harnesa; only been used two months. Coat tWO; price $500. HAM'S, 10 East Fourth street. corner Broadway. _____ A LARUE OOVERED WAGON FOR SALE-SPLEN- did wbeela springs and axles. Apply at once at Don- wot th Hall. 806 Broadway. AT 91 LIBERTY STREET. A LARGE ASSORTMENT of Carriages and Hantaan, new styles. just from fae- tory. Also one second bend full top Phaeton, and ten top Buggies, and two Depot Wagons. AD work warranted. At N. MOON YE'S wsrerooma. ___ A PRIVATE TEAM OP ROAD OB CARRIAGE Horses; well matched, young. eound end fast; also one K seat, 180 lb.; and one double seat op» Wagon; Harness, Robes, Ae ; sold low, separately or together, ( ell at No. d Jefferson Market 8 to 13. ATTENTION IS CALLED TO THE SALES OP eMwwasjwuw street, Auctioneer. BrLCFWIU SAX nUABfif OIA IDAIW Viw, ranted sosnrd and kind; can trot toUt also TonBuggy ~r new. Inqelreat private stable «T Woo#- SPLENDID BAY HORSE, SIX YEAR8 OLD. WAR- . - sound and "~'~J'¦ *. .'*- A TTBNTION is especially called to the A seta of tret slasa Slosh, consisting of Hew.(Chniaaa* law awAvnAWhmms. Harnesa. Alan some van Sae 6»t ^ In "be city; hands, six years eld; a T«W«*rUeb Art- ver aud warranted sound, will be sold at auction. at 1,399 Broadway, this day, at llt< o'dook. Sold for no fault only the loss of hit mats. A GOOD CARRIAGE, COUPE OR ftOAD TRAIL JCST A from the country; Morgan stock bays. $ years old, long manes and tails, 16K hands fifb, goed saddle horses, war- ranted sound aud klud; price $000. Also piano body Road Wagon, beat city make, nearly new. 371 Canal street, near Broadway. ___ __ A VALUABLE FAR* TEA* OF LOW PRICED pony built Mares, warranted true and gentle in single or double harness; would ba sold separately, for want of urn. Apply at 483 Peart street. . LARGE STOCK OF CARRIAOE8, ROCK AW AY8. Pony Phaetons, Doctors' Phaetons, Depot Wagons. Coupes, 1 Woburn Spring Wagon. 1 Express Wagon, T see- ond hand Top Buggy, new top and no ton Wagons, also a flne lot double and tingle Harness. Will be sold cheap, to make room for iprlDg stock. At lUO Liberty atreat. 7 STYLISH. PERFECT BLACK MARE.16 HANDS A high. 7 years old, at a bargain, to par expenses Also a Hack Coach, In good running order. Pnoe $10), at $66 West Twenty-eighth street, mar. BaY horse for SALE -LONG TAIL, VERY HAND- some; fine driver. single and double; right In every re- snort: would exchange for hor«e suitable for farming. JKIue stable; corner of Thirty-fourth street and Madison uveuue. Bargain-express mark, handsome, is* bands; sound and kind, six yesrs; Light Express or Business Wagon, together or separate; a bargain. At 344 Fourth street, near ' harlea. Brick stable to let-27 third street, near Bowery. Apply to A. B. HUrCUINOS, 38 John street. /MARRIAGES..GREAT REDUCTION IN PRICES .$0 1 / damiged, several aecond hand, 331 new 1.arr.ages, all styles; 1,(3*1 sets Harness. Cash advanced on Carriages, at CALVIN WIITV'S Carriage Warerooms. 638 Broadway, near Bleeeker street. INORSALE.-A FAST AND HANDSOME PACING BAY r Ponv. with new bulehcr Csrt and Harness; also, a supe¬ rior gray Horse, sixteen hsnds high, with Wagon and Her- nese, suitable for express or gnoeer. The above are all of the very best quality. Inquire at 387 Third avenue, provision store. For sale-tw rnty first class road, coach and apved Hor«e«, from Clyde. Wayne oouaty.N.T. not to be excelled by auy other dealer In New York rtty, and a good, snfllelent guarantee given Call and examine for yourselves. W. H. SAUDBao A SON, 144 Eaat Twenty fourth suaeI. L1<.R SALF.-F1VK PAIRS VERY FINK RULES. 16 r to 16W bauds high, well broken. Alao aeveral single do., eb.au APPlv to tlhOROB CAULFIELD. beaemeot ro- tunda, CUT llall Paik. or at slables, Blghty thlrd airoel and Eighth avenue. For sale.an iron uray horse, i$ hands high, live vears old this spring: an excellent doctor's or family borne W arranted In every lmrtleular. Apply at UND&RMILLA FLEETS llvdfy stable, Lafayelte place. Ttior SALE.A COMPLETE TURNOUT: A HARBLE- P Ionian < oil and a Dusenberry A Va^naer ^irungiop tehee qua ter Wagon, aa good ae new; will be sold cheap. Inquire of C. PlDGEON. 74 Kset Houston street TjtOR BALE-A LOT OF HORSES. AMONG'THEMI IS r one une farm Horse. $<6: else one Ram with foal. $W. also one powerful work Heme, 1,<W, and two valuable blind Horses. SB Nsw Chambers street. For ralk-a beautiful pair op *atched bay lloraea. 1$ bands high. 6 years old; warranted eound end kind. Apply ei 13# Fourth street, nasr 8'xtb eveoue. FOR RALE-CLUB RTABLE; OOOD LOCATION^ a ten years' Leaae. together with Flxtnrea Accomino- dation fjr #6 horses. Apply to DYE A CI R TISS, 609 Kmh avenue. FOR 8ALK-A VALUABLE LEASE Of STABLE Property with privilege of purchase, now paying 9 per cent net, or might be exchanged. _ . A. B. MILLS. 117 Nassau street, room T. For salk-a gray stud, 16 hands hioh, vkry handsome, aonnd. kind; would aultevpressman, butcher, grocer. Apply at 110 Varick street, feed store. I NOR BALE.ONE SQUARE BOX SHIFTING TOP Buggy, equal to n- w, used but a few times; price $Aai. alao oiic niien front shll ting top Wagon in lair order; prtoe $180. At JOHN C. PAKKhK A CO. B carriage manufac¬ tory, 60 East Twenfy-Bfth street UOR 8ALF-£ VALUABLE PAIR OF HORSES, JP hau ls high. ; years old; elao a very nice I rotiche. Harnesa. Dog Cart, An., Ac. Address H.. box New York Post oglce, or inquire at stable 34 Last rot Ueth street. IPOR SALK-A FOUR WHEEL ENOLISlI DOG UAKT, r pule nnd shafts, In perfect order; built by Brewster, Price $*A). Apply st 103 West Thtrtv-seventh stieet FOR SALE.OWNER'S FAMILY LEAVING FOR Kumpe. one close panel Coacti one Pllentnm, or Brcti; one 'i Cian uce one Coupe, one light Road Wagon, all made to order by Miner A »tavede, Broadway, and Is cx- rwllem condition; g'Uie quite new. Also e pair of verv_de- alrablc sound siyllah bav carriage lloraea, and a third Horse, te maich. May be aeen at private stable No. 9 West Forty-rourih street, snv day from f to 10 A. M. and 4 to . P.M. Alao to let, a superior, large well lighted and venti- jated stable. Inquire aa above. Ft)It SALE-VERY NEAT AND HANDSOME COUPE Rockaway. pole and shafts, very little used, and In good order. Also a very handsome bay Mare, six years old. Can be aeen at private stable. No. 39 West Thirtieth street, near Bioadwsy. Inquire ot THOS. QlilNN. T.10R SALE-ONE BROWN HORSE. t&H HANDS f high, sound and kind; $1'®. Also one business Gig; $66. Apply at 134 Clluton place. Eighth street 7*OK SALE.10 FIRST CLASS HORSES, JUST FROM r the country »! for carte, trueke. expresa or any hual- nesa; warranted sound end kind. Inquire at 641 Canal street, earner of Washington. __ OR SAID.A DOT OF HORSES. AMONO THEM IS one $ne farm Horse, $71; elsoone Mere, with foal. $90; also one powerful work Horee. I .TOO. and two valuable blind lloraea. 80 New Chambers etreet. Eor SALE-BRF.WSTBR* CO TOP El GOT WAGON wttb pole end tbefta; elao a IV poumllalnfln eael Road son. Dubois' mehe; both in good eiJeraedbut MttW $h4 HOKika, ciUueR<, «c. Ci 8A LB AT BARGAINS, OB WILL BXCBANGE- A large assortment or now and s»eond band city made Wagons, with and without taps; aew and second hand Rocks ways and Park Pbaetona; two aacoad haad Coupee, to gpod order, one encond hand Coupe Rockaway; twenty- fire acta of new and eecood hand elngle Harness, Coupe .Harness, with Preuoh saddle. Alao ene very five brown Saddle Home, kind In all barneee; one faat trotting brown Mare, au year* old; ana trot In 1:41, and warranted aonnd; lft handa high, very hendaome. and a good pole mare; one .addle Pony for a 6oy, at the Wnvertey Sale and Exchange Stablea, 1.987 Broadway, corner Thirty-ninth street. Alao Horses, Wagone and Harness bought for caeh or cold on commission. Pleaee oall and examine, all persons wUblug to buy or aelL O- W. JENKINS, JjM)R SALE.EtOHT HORSES. JUST IN PROM TUB r country; among them la a Mack Team 17 handa, fire and elx yearn old; one team of gray Mar-a, seven and eight yeara old, 14 handa; fonr bay Home*, five and six yeara eld, nulli- Me for trucka. carta and family uae; these horse* are war¬ ranted In every respect; alao one Close Panel Coach , In per¬ fect order; all lo be sold ebeap. Call at at 144 and 144 ave¬ nue A. LM)R SALE CHBAP-ONK NEW TOP Vt'AOON, THREE r second hand Wagons, good aa new; one second hand Barouche. Alao one Hotel Stage, Concord make, at No. 14 Amity place. ORSB, UARJfEBS AND WAGON PoR SALE.-61 Spring street H ONE PAIR MATCHED BAY HORSES, 16 HANDS high,7 years old; 6 seat Rockaway Carriage. Farming I tenslls and Household Furniture lo be sold by anotlon on Thursday, March 28, at 10 o'clock A. M., at the reaideuce of A. Van Mater, near Calvary Cemetery, Newtown, L. I PRIVATE STABLE TO RENT.ON TWKNTY-8KCOND street, near Fifth avenue, for one vear. Apply to E. H. LUDLOW A CO., No. 3 l'lne street. ' SACRIFICE..GENTLEMAN'S PRIVATE TURNOUT, Gray Mare of very fine Slock, sennd, kind, seven years old; trot* In 2:60 and square; Box Wagon and ltfb; Harness. The whole will be suld at n very low figure. JOHN A. LENNON, 460 Broadway. SPLENDID BAY SADDLE HORSE FOR SALR.- Price $£15; warranted sound, kind and gentle; suitable for a lady. Apply at Washington stable. Twenty-sixth street and Sixth avenue, or to G. A. BACHK. 127 Duane street. Stalls to let.-a few stalls to let in the line huge brick private stable 323 West Twenty-lust street, near Eighth avenue, with carriage room. Apply to JOSIAH JEX, 42 Beaver street. STABLE AND CARRIAGE HOUSE TO LET..ST A- bling for 21 horse* and room for about the same number of carriages to let (suitable for an express company) to one party; al*o a front Building, containing seven rooms. In I'hompson street, near Bleecker. Apply to WM. EAGLE, corner ot Varlck and Canal streets. THOROUGHBRED MARE FOR SAL B CHEAP.HAS trotted fast and bred two colts. Apply at 579 Eleventh avenue, between Forty-third and Forty-fourth streets. 'PRUCKS FOR SALE-TWO LARGE DOUBLE FEED I Trucks, in good order; sold for want of use. Inquire at Feed Store, 341 Third aveuue. near Twenty-seventh street. rpo LET-A STABLE AND COACH HOUSE FOR X Livery Stable. Inquire at 19 Laurens street, ^ip^stalr*. * TITANTED TO BUY.A GOOD SINGLE TRUCK; ALSO vT a Wheeler A Wilson's sewing machine. Address box 4,869 New York Foat ofllue. WANTED.A GOOD SBCGND HAND OR NEW COAL Cart and Harness, and would buy n good Horse If quality and price are right Any,one having either of the above for aale cheap may hear of a cash customer by ad¬ dressing W. A H., Herald office. DRY OOOD». Ahead of all with cheap goods. The crowds for the lest two dare were Immense. BARGAINS ON EVERY 8IDE. WE SECCKKD EVERY CHEAP AND DESIRABLE LOT HOLD IN THE AUCTION ROOKS LAST WEEK. We have juet opened a splendid line of Spring Dress Trimmings, much under half the aeual prlqm 1,000 lota rich Dress Trimmings, one-quarter importers' prices. We keep the largest and cheapest stock of small wares in the city. 2,000 pieeee la# black Alpaca Braid, 4e., 8s. and 10s., worth double. Customers should examine our stock before pdggbaaiag. In every dye want goods under regular prteea*^^^H Full line ofonr celebrated Ladies fl2B Ktd CHovJ^^H "iwaBttiHagSaaifeSEr and Sth sr.. between lMs and fiksU. ^AWAiNI BILEIt * IH1WL8 and DRESS GOODS, Juet received front auction. ALSO, A large assortment of HOUSEKEEPING GOODS, Just received, at gr«»Uy reduced price*. Bleached and Unbleached M uslina, all widths; and quail- ties. Shirting and Sheeting Linens, all widtha and qualities. White and Colored Marseilles Counterpanes, all widths and qualities. Laee and Mnslin Curtains, new styles. Bleached and half bleached Table Damaaka. new styles. Hacks, Towels. Napkins and Crashes, all qualities. Flannels, white and colored, all widths and qualities. ALSO. White and colored Marseilles and Piques, all prices, eery cheap. ALSO. Spring Cloaklnga and Caaaimeres. very choice styles W K. PEYTON, 178 and ITd Bowery, near Houston street C1ARPETS.. D. KELLY A CO. HAVE OPENED A NEW J and large etoek of Royal Vel»et, Brussels. Tapestry Brussels, Three-ply and Ingrain Carpets for the apnn g trade (tn many new designs 1 at a great reduction on former prices; also a choice assortment of Oilcloth, from 1 to ft yards wide; Mats. Matting. Window Shades, Rugs. Druggets, Ac. Cor¬ ner of Twenty-fifth street and Sixth avenue English Brus¬ sels at $1 90; all wool Ingrains at 75e.; Three plys from >1 75. HO. FARKELL..CARPETS..JUST RECEIVED, 100 . pleeea English Brussels Carpet and 400 rolls superior Mailing, slightly damaged on the voyage of Impo-tatlon. Will be sold at a greai bargain this week. 207, 26b ai.d 271 Thirty-Bfth street, one door cast Eighth svenue. .<UARE YOUR CLOTHING.".STENCIL PLATES JU and Hand Stamp* for marking clothing with indnli. ble Ink, for sale at D. McCARTIE's, 1,8 sixth avenue. Also Payson a Indelible Ink end Clarke's IpdeliMe Pencils. r MILLINERS AND COUNTRY STOR4 KEEPERS. AT GRAND STREET CHEAP STORE you will find the largest stock of STRAW, SILK, MILLINERY GOODS In this etty, cheaper we believe than eiaewhere, nevause we have no faucy Broadway rent to Broadway rent to pay. We ghe no notes but pav cash for everything we buy ! SELL FOR CASH I I Consequently our customers have not to pay other people's had debt* npon their purchases. We rut lengths of mlllln- a goods, silks, ribbons, Re., Ac., cheaper than down town hero sell whole pieces. Call. STRAW. RIBBONS AND FLOWERS UP STAIRS. rpo jobbers sell whole pieces. CalL STRAW. RIB Mirk tup iddrfii EDWARD RIDLEY. SOB. 911. and SHU Grand street, 66, 6*. and 76 Allan street, fifth block east from the Bowery FAMILIES VISITING THE FARIS EXPOSITION. CASHMERES AND LACKS. . COM PAONIK DK8 I MDBS, 80 RUB RICHRLIBU. 60 Mesers. VERDE DEL1BLK, the proprietors, respectfully desire to Inform the American ladtas who visit the Preach capital that they will find at their establishment the largest and richest assortment of CASHMERES AND LACES IN T1IE WORLD, at prices that will auetaln every and any comparlenn. The rahriquea of the company, placed aa they are tn ererv LACE DISTRICT OF FRANCE AND BELGIUM, and In all of the SBaWL DISTRICTS OF INDIA, citable them to sell at the price of MANUFACTUR¬ ERS INSTEAD OF MERCHANTS, aa well aa to produce »s exclusively tbelr own. English la currently spoken establishment. N. B..The proprietors pay no commissions to any parties bringing custom to the house. MINT AND FOC18D. FpOUND.A MINK Mt'FF. ON THE MORRIS AND ES- ses Railroad. The owner can have It by calling at BOB Weal Twenty fourth et. Lost-in Brooklyn, a small black and tan Dog. ears cropped, had on when lost red leather collar, with padlock sad small plate marked Billy, belonging to J. G. Osdaw. Jr.. Mamaroueck. The tinder will be liberally re¬ warded by returning to 312 Washington avenue, Brooklyn. LOST.$90 REWARD -A GOLD BRACELET. WITH A large amethyst, last Thursday, at the Llederkrans ball. T. KUTTER, 41 Weat Ninth street. LOST.THREE RANK BOOKS; ONE TO CAPTAIN C. A. Knell, on Seamen's Bank, end two to Mu>« Georgians S. Ebberfleld: one on Seamen's Bank and one un Third Ave¬ nue Bank, corner Twenty.sisth street. The tinder will be suitably rewarded by leaving them et the Seameu's Savings Bank, on Wall street, corner Pearl. Iost-saturdat night, march as. a hkveter- J rter Dot. Maltese color; had on chain collar, with Ini¬ tial* and number. A liberal reward paid for recovery or In¬ formation. Apply at 1R3 We*t Eleventh etreet. IOST-NO. 4.232. A DIAMOND BUTTON. WITH EM- J orald in centre The iBwCf will he liberally rewarded by leaving it ai piano rooms 748 Broadway, up stair*. LONT-SUNDA> MTU INST , ON THE WAT TO OR IN Greenwood Cemetery, a Gold Chain with Locket and Gold Coin allaMiod. The tinder will receive a reward and thank* of ihe owner bv returning it to 123 Henry *t, N. Y. LOHT-A PAIR OF GOLD SFEcrACLRH, IN GOING from At Ann's church In Eighteenth street tn Twenty- first *tre«t. Finder will be rewarded liberally by leavuig them at Mr. Bntton'a drug store, corner Twenty-first street and Sixth avenue. T OST.A CONORBRS MEDAL TUB FINDER WILL J J be rewarded by addressing Thomas Mui phy, 84 Oliver street Lost..a black and tan trrrier slut, from No. Ifl Macdongal street. Any one returning her will recleve $. reward. OST.F ROM T"lIB OFF! < fit"0 F THE ORANGE CO UN ty Milk Association. 178 Hudson street, two Statement and three Account Book. Any person returning the same will receive a liberal reward »wrt no quasM.> aeked. Lort-on raturdat last, IN FIFTEENTH .treat, near Second avenue, an Ermine Collar. The finder will be rewarded by leaving It at W Weat Fourteenth street. Lost-bank book no. £a?i2 the finder will please leave it at Rowery Hsvinga Bank STRATID OE STOLE* -FROM K YXfiKY BTRKRT, on Friday evening or Saturday morning, a small llyer colored Terrier Dog, had a trace or King Charles spaniel in him; weight six to seven pounds; hair quite lone, soft and fine; eareand tall cropped; answers to oamsof Jeff, fit) re¬ ward will be paid, and uo question* i-*ed l-haa £, WATfiae, yil» A®C IA L. Atlantic savinqb ban* CHATHAM (HJUakA, Sr.W YORK, oney deposited on or before April 1 will draw Interest from tut diue. Bli per cent tetereet allowed on dime from IS to $5,000. _ . . HARRISON HaIXTPneaident. Joekrn P. Poor., Sacra tary. BULL'S HEAD BANK THIRTY-YOURTH DIVIDEND. New York. March St. 1*7. Tht» benk bet declared its usual quarterly dividend of four (4) per ceut out of (be earnln#* of the test three month., free of *11 uses, payable on *ndefter the let of Apnl ueit O W WILLETT. Ceehler. CITIZENS' SAVINGS* BANK, BOl'THWEST CORNER of Bowery *nd Canal itreel. SIX PER CBNT INTKREst PAID ON ALL SUMS PROM FIVE TO riVK THOUSAND DOLLARS. INTEREST COMMENCES APRIL L J^CNCAN. SHERMAN A CO., BANKERS, CORNER PINE AND NASSAU 8TEETS. NEW YORK, Ieeue Circular Notes *nd Letters of Credit for traveller* available la all to* principal cities of tbe world. Mercantile credit* for use In Europe, China, Ac. Also make tran.fere ofmODey to California and Oregon by telegraph. Interest allowed on dapaait*. J^HKRBETTK, KANE A CO., No. 8 Place de la Bourse. Paris, Issue snd ossh Letters of Credit, receive letters for Ameri¬ cans travelling in Europe. stile for the Unas of steamer, between Havre and New Age n fork. P ENN8YLVAN1A STATE LOAN. PROPOSALS FOR A LOAN OF $9,000,000. An art to create s loan for the icdemptton or the overdue bond, of tbe Commonwealth. Whereas the bund, of the Commonwealth snd certain cer¬ tificates of Indebtedness. amounting to $23 0l*l,0uU, have been overdue and uuaid for mime lime pa.1; And whereas it i. desirable that the same should be paid and withdrawn trout the market; therefore. SxuriOK 1. Be II enacted by the Senate and IIon-e of Re¬ presentatives of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania iii leu. er.l A-.vinhly met, and it is hereby euaried by the authority of the satne. That tbe Governor, Auditor Geueral and Suite Treasurer be, snd are hereby authorized and empowered to borrow on the lailh of the Commonwealth. In such aiumim* snd with such nolle* (not less than forty d.tysi. as they may deem most expedient for the interest ol' the 'Slate, Iwen- ty-three millions or dollars, and Incite certificates oi loan or bonds ott he Commonwealth for the same, bearing Interest at a rate not exceeding six per centum per annum, payable semi-annually, on the 1st of February and 1st of August. In the city of Philadelphia; which oertltteates of loan or bunds shall not be subject to any taxation whatever for Slate, municipal or local purposes, and shall be jwyable a. fnl lows, namelyFive million, of dollars payable nt any time after flvu years and within ten years; eight millions of dollar, payable at any time al ter ten years snd within fif¬ teen years, and ten millions of dollars at anytime after fif¬ teen year, and within twenty-live years, and .hall be signed by the Governor and State Treasurer, and countersigned by the Auditor General, and registered in the books of the Auditor General, and to be transferable on the books of the Commonwealth at the Farmers' and Mechanics' National Bank of Philadelphia; the proceed* of tha whole of which loan. Including premiums. Ac., received on the same, shall be applied So the payment of the bond* and certificates of Indebtedness of the Cominonwea'th. 6w. i The blda lor tbe said loan shall be opened In the presence of the Governor, Auditor General and State Treas. urer. and awarded to the highest bidder: Provided, That no certificate hereby authorized to he issued shall be negotiated for lass than lis par value. Sxc.fi. The bonds of tbe State and oertificates of indebted¬ ness, now over due. shall be receivable In pavment of the ¦aid loan, under such regulations as the Gorerner, Auditor General and State Treasurer may prescribe; and every bid¬ der forth* loan now authorised to be Issued shall state In his bid whether the same la payable in cash or In the bonds or certificates of Indebtedness of tbe Commonwealth. Sac. A That all trustee* executors, administrator*, guar¬ dian., agents, treasurers, committees or other persons hold¬ ing in s fiduciary capacity bonds or certificates of Indebted, ness of the State, or money* are hereby authorized to bid for the loan hereby authorised to be issued, and to surren¬ der tbe bonds or certificates of loan held by them st tbe time Of making such Md. and to rooelvo tho bonds authorized to be Issued or this sot. (tec. o. APT person or persons standing In the fiduciary capacity stated la tha fourth section of this act who may desire to invest money to iBslr hands for the benefit of the trust m«y. without an order of court, Invest the same in the ksada sndtrrind to be tensed by this aet, at a rate of pre- I twenty par centum, i end after tbe imam go af thlsaet sR the smonwealth shall be paid of In the order thousand el hundred and atsty-asve* shaft have beenpTfir Sac. A That all eaMhw lawn, er pur -stent h~wi.fi, am fimnfiy rep-lWC hjj p qlabB. Speaker of tbe House of Representatives. L. W. HALL, Speaker of the Senate. of In accordance with the pnrrkuons of the above act of As¬ sembly sealed proposals will be received at the office of the fitate Treasurer, to the City of Harriaburg, Pennsylvania, until lit o'clock M. of the 1st day of April, A. D.. 1867, to be endorsed as follows;." Proposals for Pennsylvania State Loan, Treasury Department, llarrlsburg, Pa.. United Slates of America " Bids will be received for $A,OOO.UUO. reimbursable In five years snd payable in ten years; $h,UtW,00U reimbursable In ten year* and payable In fifteen years, and $10,(100,000, reim¬ bursable in fifteen years sad payable la twenty-firs years, tbe rate of Interest to be either fire or six per cent per an¬ num, which must be explicitly stated In the bid;and tb» bids most advantageous to the HUte will be accepted. No Md for leas than par will be considered. The bonds will be Issued in sums of $fiO and such higher rums as deslrnd by the loanera, to be free from Ftate, local snd municipal taxea The over due bends of tb* Commonwealth of Pennsylva¬ nia will be received st par In payment of this loan; hut bid¬ ders must state whether they lutcnd to pay In cash or In the overdue loan* aforesaid. No distinction will be made between bidder# paying In c*al. or overdue loans. JOHN W. GEART, Oovernorof Pennsylvania. JOHN F. HARTRANFT, Auditor GeneraL W. H. REM RLE. State Tma*nrer. N. B-.No newspaper publishing the above, unless autho¬ rized. will receive pay rCAI'lTAMHTK..WANTED, S40,n00; A SOUND, hlllim operator requires the above amount, for which ample real estate security will be given. A permanent and very ilesirable posh,on. with liberal salary. nan be controlled by partv ndvanclnc this amnnnt, which la required In Instal- mente. None but bona tide parties need inquire at room St, 71 Broadway, N. Y. UNION DIME 8AVISOS BANK, Son. MS and 3H8 t'anal street, corner of I.alght. SIX PER CENT INTEREST on $0 to |6 000. free of tax. Money deposited now bear* Interest from April 1. ASSETS $8,118,434 36. ,4 nnn AND $8,(100 TO LOAN ON UNIN. ViA'UU. cumbered real estate In New York or Brook¬ lyn. No brokerage charred. S. BUHLER. 93 Broome street »RA nnn -WANTED. AOBNTLEMAN WITH THIS ftJU.UUU. amount to purchase en interest In a legit¬ imate and honorable enterpnee: money refunded with 38 per cent within twelve months nnd Interest In enterprise perma¬ nent; positively facta; no risk. Gentlemen can addreaa Capitalist, box W PbHadrtpkla Poet office. TO LOAN ON BOND AND MORTOAOB, or small amounts. New Jersey lew York on properly centrally lo¬ cated. ARNOUX A PIKE. 1M Naeaan street TO LOAD ON BOND AND MORT- one or more sums, on Real $100,000 ^ or New York; §1000 in Ne $225,000 Estate io this city or Brooklyn. JOHN K COBRKT, 83 Wall street room 11 AQOA nnn TO LOAN ON NEW TORK. BROOK- ®OUU.U""U lyo and Jersey real estate. Second Mortgagee bought Travellers' Insurance Company. C. E. WILLIS, 31 Ptne afreet, basement. AQ1 n nnn TO LOAN ON REAL ESTATE IN NEW JpOAU.UUU York, Brooklyn and New Jersey, In sums to suit; second mortgages bought t'HAS P. OILMAN .ill Broadway, room A LOAN OF PICKS. ATH.MONEY LIBERALLY ADVANCED ON DIA¬ MONDS, WATCHES, JEWELRY, AO,. OR THE SAME BOUGHT AT THE HIGHEST RaYBS; ALSO PAWNBROKERS' TICKETS BOUGHT FOR DIAMONDS, WATCHES. JKWRLRY. AC., ATT7 BLBKCKKR 8 fRKKT, SBCONDFLOOB, THREE DOORS WEST OP S ROAD- WAT. A T HYMAN'S. «N> BROADWAY, CORNER OP BOND iV street will be paid the highest price for Diamonds. Watches and Silverware, or will advance on tha above aril. clea Advances made on watches, diamonds, jbw- elry, Dry Goods and Personal Proparty of every de¬ scription. J. A JACKSON, 111 Grand street two doors west Of Broadway. AT 311 BROADWAY BRIDGE, KNOX BUILDINO. DIAMONDS, WATCH BA. PRECIOUS HTgNRS, AC. THII OLD ESTABLISHED OFFICE PATS THE UTMOST VALUE FOR DIAMOND JEWELRY. WATCHES. JEWELS, PLATE, PEARLS, AC., OPTICAL INSTRUMENTS, AC.. AC. N. B -DIAMONDS. WATCHES, AC., FOR SALE. OFFICE HOURS FROM 10 A. M. TO « P. M. J. H~ BARR1MOKR, 113 Broadway, room No. I AT 883 PEARL STREET. BETWEEN NEW BOWERY and franklin square, LEDKRERACO advance lib¬ erally at ressosable termaonal! valuable properly. Watches, Jewelry. Diamonds, Ac or purchase. Advances made on diamonds, watches, sil- vri ware. Purs, line furniture, Camels' Hslr shawls, Ac, or bought fur cash. Terms moderate. J.H.COHEN, <38 Broadway, nearly opposite Aelor place. ______ TMt 1BRoinWAY -t PAY THH HIUHIST MUCH for Diamonds, Welches. Jewelry, Ac., or advance on the same. ISAACS, Diamond Broker, Opposite Wailack's theatre. MONEY LIBERALLY ADVANCED ON DtA- inonna. Wstehea, Jewelry, Furniture, I'm no*. Ac., or the same bon|ht for cash. N. B. Pawnbrokers' tickets bnught ror Dltmiimle, Ac., at W7 Broadway, mom No. A over Leeds' An Gallery. A T NO. . T$BXTY-TH1RD STREET, FlTm AVENUE j\ Hotel.T.ie highest price paid for Diamond-, Watches, Ac-, or xdvancts made on the tune C~iA»lI PAI> FOR DIAMOND JEWELRY-FANCY I priie* gtvtn for large Bnlliante Ui.it arr g- mi. Ohio hour*, 3 ml 10 2 till 3L PLUMB, Hwmnd Hrnk»r, 512 Broadway. PAWNBROKER'S TICKETS HOC,1HT FOR DIC moods, Watches, Jewelry, silver Ware, Silks, Clothing, Ac. Also the atiue bought or advances made <>n thorn, at 188 Grand ntrwt, near Mulberry. FaWNKKOIEK- TICK BTM BOUGHT OP DIAMONDS, Watches, Jewelry. Silk*. Clothing. Ac., or the go- 4s bought: also noney advanced on the seme. ISO Bower), near trraad, up flairs, ISSL PAWNBKOIERE' TICKETS B<Tu7iHT-cTr DP MflN lis, Watches, Jewelry Musical and Mathienaucal In.,'*"- merits, Mechattes' Tools, Cloth'eg. silks, Ac. Highest Dries MltftUJIfMNMlt AMC»MHT8. T) ROADWAY theatre, JJ Corner of Broadway end Broome street Business Mana-er VM. A. Moore '** MlliaHEy, #. e . e e .....#.« e e I ..**.*'**** w ... TWO of the world renowned oomediana Mr. end Mr*. BARNEY WILLIAMS. Crowded end delighted audiences nightly attest the pofu- larlty of these (real aruau. . . IRELAND AS IT WAS. Raited Pat Mr. Barney Williams Judy CTrot Mrs. Barney Wllllami With song* and an Irish Jig. THE ROUGH DIAMOND. Mis. WllUams In her groat character or Margery. THE IRISH TIUilK Paddr Ryan Mr. Barney William* FRIDAY-FAREWELL JOINT BENEFIT or MR. AND MRS. BAKNKY WILLIAMS. SATURDAY, lit. LAST WILLIAMS MATINEE. Mouday, April 1. First Night of the popular Coutedteune, MISS MAOOIE MITCHELL, In her wonderful creation of EANOHON. Seats secured from 8 to 6 o'clock, all days In advance. WOOD'8 THEATRE, 514 Broadway, opposite St. Nicholas Hotel. EVERY EVEN1NO. Wonderful success of the talented artists MR. AND MRS. P. M. BATES, who will appear In Jas. Sclionberg'i new sensational play, OSOAR, THE HALF BLOOD, supported by an ENTIRE COMPANY OF BROADWAY FAVORITE8. MATINEES ON SATURDAY ONLY. HARTZ'S TEMPLE Or MYSTERY. 806 BROADWAY. LAST WEEK BUT FOUR. CHANGE OK PROGRAMME will be reproduced THE WONDKOU8 LIVING HEAD; On. Tan Ohacli or th« Nisetksnui Cairruttr. Monday, Wednesday and Friday.PROTEUS. Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday.THE BASKET TRICK. L'B<oamoTkur, and his "Fairy Singing Bird," with other mlrarlss. Every evening at 8. Saturday at 2. Ticket* 80 cents; reserved -teat* SI. For aale at the hall. Chickerlng piano la need at these seances Wednesday, juvenile night. Children half price. K KLLY AND LEON'S MINSTRELS, 720 BROADWAY. The gr.md burlesque N The Traveller'a Trial*, ~ cided " A Decided Hit O O Uncle Rouper-Snn, The only LEON. It R The Dlnmund Ring, Mr*. NORMA, M I, M Troublesome Legacy, The Prlevteb* A E A70tli Night of of the Druida MOM the unapproachable received witli It N R combined oiirleaques roars of laughter O O Blaek Crook and and repeated encore*. N Cendrillon and Demon* GHARLKV WHITE'S TROUPE. Bryant*' Mechanic'* Hall. 472 Bro.idw iV, n«*r Grand at. GRAND REVIVAL 01 THE FEMALE CLERKS. KEMAI.E CLERKS. « FEMALE CLERKS. FEMALE CLERKS. FEMALE CLERKS. FEMALE CLERKS FEMALE CLERKS. faranta, tiik ore vt contortionist. KARANTA. THE GREAT CONTORTIONIST. CHARLEY WHITE'S BLACK CHEMIST. CHARLEY WHITE'S BLACK CHEMIST. THE OPPONENTS. BROADWAY BOYS. NEW BAL¬ LET, AC. SAN FRANCISCO MINSTKEL8, 886 Broadway. THE TROUBI.E COMMENCES AT QUARTER TO 8. 0-j, j- T1IK CREMK DK I,A CRKME OF MINSTRELSY. BIRCH, WAMBOLI). BERNARD AND BACKUS. SAN FKaNCISCO'MINSTKELS, whose aurceaa handover beeu equalled by any tiiuilar organisation tn the world. New and cheerful burlesque* every weak. The dramatic re¬ hearsal llappleat Couple Out. Giimhrinua Opera. Shouts Of laughter at the Shadow Pantomime, and the screaming Black Cook and A frican Ballet. Troupe. Grand March of the Spirit Hashers of the Amazon. JEROME HOPKINS. .STEINWAY HALL. Mr. SNOW announce# the sixth and last Concert Of thla eminent artist. Toe the Orpbeon Free School Fund, on Thursday evenine inla week, .-insisted by Miss Viola Hen- riquea, Meaara. Ar bur Mntthisoii and Caulfield. Proteasor Frobiaherieloem.il liu). and Moaarr. Traalour and Dreaaler, Tin" pianist*. Ticket*, "¦.¦.¦..in: sold only by Beer A Schlrmei, *01 Broadway w< ONDERFUL FR 'A OF NATURE.'THE WASH¬ INGTON TWi , in alive, haying two heads, four arms, and but one bo ul one pair of legs; also the bead and right arm of Prob .. tint mtirderer of the Deering fami¬ ly; together with the lo.igiiidceni collection of objects In Physiology, Anatomy. I'atholofv and Natural History: all of which are Illustrated daily by Lectures and Mlooaoopto View*, at tbo New York Museum of Anatomy, 618 Broad¬ way. Open from 8 A. M. to 10 P. M. fHHKATRS PRANCAIS .FRENCH THEATRE TO LET. ¦ for syeniegs aad matinee*, for opemadramaa. coo certa. lectures. Re., Re. Apply to Moan. DHIVBT, oBce of Preeeh thietse. rpREATRICAL -WASTBD, A VOCAUST, DANSKUftR, 1 vlollnts* aad scenic artist; a good opportunity for ladies 00., Theatrical Agents, Of Broadway. MUSICAL. A -010 PER QUARTER.PRIVATE PIANO LESSONS . by competent gentlemen teachers, at 187 Welt Eleventh ¦treeI, corner Sixth avenue, Pianist* for parlies, Office . till 2. f aVf.NUE-">«c5To jV.aoherr liBeb- L ally dealt with. Alt the Popular Mime ..JV oh aV_^ hand. A #\ ocuve Piano, city make and good tone, [or ¦ale aheap. A YOUNG AMERICAN LADY, JUST RETURNED from Europe, would give lesaone la music in return for board la a respectable family. Address E. P., ears Mrs. Bentlry, 177 Seventh avenue. T THE NATIONAL CONSERVATORY OP MUSIC, L M MADISON AV'KNUB. TERMS *10 PER QUARTER. A GENTLEMAN WILL GIVE INSTRUCTION ON THE J\. piano at pupils' residence for $10 per quarter; beat of * "**¦ residence. Teacher, box 112 references given. Address, with Herald ollice. MR. JAME8 CAULPIELD WILL BR OPEN TO AN engngeinrnt aa organist on May 1: organ and salary must be good; he has had upwards of 16 years' experience in Humph: highest testimonials and refers to the first claas organ builders. Address care of Mason A Hamlin, 500 Broadway. gILVKR WREATH.CHOICE COLLECTION OP SONGS, Duets and Trios arranged with piano accompaniment, about (20 worth of Mueic; price (250; in moalin binding, (3. FREDERICK BI.UME, 20H How.ry. tVANTED.BV AN EXPERIENCED ORGANIST AND vf director of n music a position in a Catholic Church from May; can furnish a complete choir of vocalists; or would take entire charge of a volunteer choir. Good organ and moderate salary required. Address Organist, M. D , Herald o flics WANTED.BY A YOUNG SOPRANO SINGER. A PO. anion in a Protestant church choir in this city: terms moderste. Address U. T., U. H. Assay olQoe. INSTRUCTION. YOUNG LADY COMPETENT TO TEACH THE A. higher English branches. French, German sod Latin, desires an engagement as governess or companion to a lady. References exchanged. Apply at 415 Fifth aveuue. AT 201) BOWERT, PRIVATE OR SEPARATE 1NKTRUU. lion, day and evening, In Bookkeeping, Writing. Anth- metic, Spelling. Grammar, Correspondence, Ac. Apart¬ ments for ladies. No classes. TOWNSEND'S Business College, 200 Bowery, between Prince and Houston streets. A T (2 00.WRITING TWENTY LESSONS; AHITIIMR- tic and Writing or Bookkeeping leasou* unlimited. 010 r quarter. PANNE'S Business Colleges (established 1R40), Bowery and 340 Fulton street, Brooklyn. No classes. ATOUNO LADY WHO CAN TEACH VOCAL AND Instrumental mueic, the English branches and all kinds of plain and fancy sewing would like s position as governess to young children, lady's companion, or would rive lessons to exchange for board. Best of references. Address Miss F. Holms, station F. Adventurers need not reply. LADY TEACHER WILL QIVK LESSONS IN PEN- inanship, or the English branches, at the residence of the pupil. Apply at Oolifsmltii's Academy, 750 Broadway. A GERMAN GENTLEMAN. PROFEMOR OF MATHE- matica. desires to give Instruction In the classics and mathematics; also In German, French. Dutch and on the Piano. Address B. A., btfk 120 Herald ofllee. A THOROUGH INSTRUCTRESS. RESIDING IN Brooklyn, desires to receive into her family two young ladies of neglected education. A quiet, good home, with rare advantage* for study and Instruction. Is offered. Ad¬ dress Mrs. Strang, Brooklyn Pott office, for one week. DOOKKRKPING. WRITING, ARITHMETIC, AC.. D Messrs DOLES A R. HUP Broadway. qualify gentlemen .. - .-.g They loach arlthmeuc by practical!? for bead bookksapers. the most rapid and accurate methods, and guarantee to re. move stiffness, cramping or trembling, and make elegant business penman. French in hixtt lehronh, $s per month.-no grammar required. Conversation class#* ami private lessons. Professor JOSEPH J. GR1BRRB, No. 1 Brevoort place. Tenth street. Ladies of neglected education wishing to Improve themselves In English wanrhrs, Writing, Freneh. Grammar. Munc. may receive private lessons at »7 West Eleventh street, between Fifth and Sixth avenues. LADT TEACHER W ANTED (RPANIRII PRKFF.RRRD1. To give Instruction In the Spanish language tn a gentle¬ man at on residence. Address Santiago, statl.iu G. M ADAME RBICHARD'8 EDUCATIONAL IN8TITl> lion, latndsu, Khrmufalx, Germany Great advan¬ tages offered for mtislo and languages. Terms Jo guineas ~ - B> Er annum. Prospectuses and distlngulshe I German, hand French references given by Mr. Heckelmann. post drawer SB. wprngtleld, Illinois. g'PANISII LANGUAGE.-PROF. A HE TORNOR.- 5 Clasees for ladies at his residence, SU Fmutb avnuc, with his NEW CUM III NED METHOD, published by D. Appleton A Co. WANTED-A SITUATION AS OOVKRNERN, BY A lady, lu a first class family; experienced n teaching music slid *11 the English hranchc be-l of ntereoees. Address A B., box ®7 Herald office, fordbree days. YOUNO GENTLEMEN WHO WfR'l TO HAVE THEIR education finished In Germany will And a home and kind treatment la a reapeciabl f imlly in Hamburg l og hah and French are apoken in the house. For particulars ad¬ dress L. J , bos d,!(W Post oiiiee. TIIK LKt TI RE MAMMI. TMPUUTANT LECTURER DAILY.TO OK NTl.EMEN 1 onh, at Hie New York Museum of Anatomy, MR i'oad- wav. Those unable to attend the e .rehires may reaeive a copv by forwarding :*n w ot*, address Secretary of New Yoik Museum of Anatomy. dlR Breed* ty. LECTURE. AT lEVlNtl 'i »LT«. T>Y GEORGE FRAN- els Traill, on t! >11 Isv, April i, 1W At elcl.t > clock P. M. for the bee"!l'» i«e ledie s .iu eern .(eilef Associa¬ tion. TV « >1* will en.nriw .be > .uilne.it In, >0* Of the day, csiept polities. Tlckota (1 gsee. ( Ill %1(M A * 't '.Oll ti tl). B AGkfcY'H IlETEOlT FINU. OVT TOBACCO, Loose ap i (oy. RTRAl o IIKUIIIBKM A CO.. Agents. so 7 . William street. ANVIBKBirri. New fork thratrb. Managers L««to later 4 Xirt Smith. WEDNESDAY, MARCH $7. Tonight in] every evening until further notice, BO I'CI CAULTS OBSAT pSAMh" founded on 8ir Welter tieoU'a beautiful HootHi ' THE UBAK'f^<5f MIDLOTHIAN, entitled _ JEANIB DEANS. Produced with BNT1RBLY NEW dCBNBRT end COHTUMM, ORIGINAL MUSIC OREAT CAST OF CHARACTER®. Thin ploy, which eppeeln »> directly to the Scottish heart, u well as to ell lovera of the beeullful. hea been for several week* In oereful preparation, end In order to mefce ea uthcrerlM powerful vast more perfect, the eerrloee of MISS K08K EYTINGE here been secured, end she will moke her re-eppearenee la the cherecter of JEANIE DEANrt. TUB NEW 8CENKRY by RICHARD FARRRN end MINAHI) LEWIS. Coolumee by Mr. Williams, Machinery by J. Denham end Appointment* by Mr. Yeamana. A NEW SCOTTISH OVERTURE hue been oompoeed bj Mr. U. TISSI.NOTO*. CAST. Dartd Deene Mr. Lewie Bake* Ceordie Koberteon Mr. U. Metkid Counaellor Fetrbrolber, ( u. w..v ii.hi Duke of Argyte. J Mr' M4rt 8""* Lolrd of Dumbtcdlkee Mr. Wm. Oemereel Lord Chief J uetloe Mr. 11. Blend Couniel for the Crown Mr. B. Teylor Deddy Ketcllffe Mr. T. J. Hind 8b»rptUaw Mr. Chepmea Reuben Butler Mr. Jemee buna Frenk Leevilt Mr. C. Newton Archibald Mr. Wlllleme First Onicer , Mr. Moaaey Second Officer Mr Mack Crier to the Court Mr. Wllbelm iAST' | ^ Stater H.rulnee { «£ auoen Cerullne Mra. H. Blund eg MurdocltHon Mra. Marie Wllklne Madge Wlldtlre Mra. Yeamana officers of the Court, Popuhoa. Soldiers, Ledlea of the Royal Court by e large fence ol Auxiliaries end e full Corpe de Ballet. SYNOPSIS OF SCENERY. Act 1.Sonne 1-ARTHUR'S SEAT and DAVID DEANS' COTTAGE. DISTANT VIEW OK OLD BDlNBUltU BY NIGHT, FROM AUTHENTIC VIEWS. Scene 2.fd. Leonard's Cretan. Scene J.Interior of Darin Dean*' Cottage.THE DIS. cmvery.b Art 2.St Leonard's Cralgs. Scene 2-The Coll In the TolboOlh. scene 3.St. tiilea' Church. High *trcet, Edtnburg. Seem- 4.THE HIGH COURT OF JUSTICIARY: Prepared for the TRIAL OF EKFIE DEANS, an exact reproduction of LANDER'S CELEBRATED PICTURE. Act 3. aeene 1.The Frliton. Scene 2.Poor Kflle'a Monte. Scenek.Ho,ul near Grantham Scene 4.Meg * Hut among lite Urn tin. THE MURDER! Scene 9.Breakfast Ho iin In the Duke of Argyle's town houxfl. SceneS.Garden of the Palace Scene 7.The Cell In the Tolbouth. Scene 8.The Street GATHERING OF THE MOB! Scene 9.Courtyard of the Prison. Preparatlona for the execution of Kllle Dean*. THE ATTACK ON THE TOLBOOT111 THE REPRIEVE. HAPPY DENOUEMENT. OLYMPIC THEATRE. RICllINGS ENGLISH OPER \ THIS WEDNESDAY EVENING, MARCH 27. Will be produced for the flrat time Donizetti's Komantl# Opera LINDA Dl CHAMOUNIX. LINDA DI CHAMOUNIX. Thursday.MA KIT AN A. Friday.Benefit of Mr. W. CAHTLK-FRA DIAVOLO. GRAND OPERATIC MATINEE ON SATURDAY. In preparation.CROWN DIAMONDS. Theatre francais. comedy. SATURDAY KVENINO, March 30, 1887, at 8 u^look. LA PKRMM DK BONIH. Episode In four acta, by M. M. Michel Maeton A de Villeneure, very soon. Benefit of Fanfan Benolton .the little Georgette). Ticket office at II. Dardonville'a, 678 Broadway. (NBIFFIN A CHRISTY'S T MINSTRELS. FIFTH AVENUE OPERA HOUSE, No*. 2 and 4 Wast Twenty-fourth street. O. W. H. Griffin Manager. THE FAMILY RESORT. The entire company will appear in the great bnrtesque THE BLACK CROOKV Innkee Dooree. Hap Light Loa, Bend Rebbn "owler en Heads. Beautiful Singing and Danetl Doors open at 7; to oommanct at 8 o'clock. HOOLET'S OFKRA Horn, BROOKLYN. THE CONTRABANDIST, the BLACK NAN of A (TAB, Shakespeare's Seuen Ages, Scenes at Sherman**, Net I* he Shaken, Gassynhghar, Geetge th ' -. ~ ' cenea at Sherman*!, Net I* he he Charmer, Soup Soda, The i, PaddyS Don't care- Oar Gelsoade.' The Knee Dance, Pedfljft MATfNEE EVERY SATURDAY. AT 2)j O'CLOCK. rNY PASTOR'S OPERA HOUSE. SOI BOWERY. GRAND MATTNF.S. GRAND MATINEE. GRAND MATINEE. GRAND MATINEE. THIS AFTERNOON. AT 2)6 O'CLOCK, the great, successful historical drama called THE SCOTTISH HERO; .. ,.«.rQ».TUB CLAN MCALPIN. Mn. cam cnr.Vwa u . u mi m MH. SAM COLTER. SAM COLVER. TONY PASTOR AND HIS OREAT TROUPE IN A. SPLENDID VARIETY ENTRRTAINMENT. BUNYAN TABLEAUX.LARGEST PANORAMA IN the world. Sixty maguiflceul sneueajlllustrstlng "Ban¬ yan's I'llgrtm'a Progress." Union Hall, Broadway and Twenlv-thlrd street Open every night at 7: commencing at 8. .AdmisMon 90 rents; children 26 cents. Matinee Wed¬ nesday and Saturday, at 8 o'clock. ROBT. J. GREENWOOD, Maoager and Proprietor. Ariox souiKrr. The Annual Grand Masquerade and Fancy Dress Ball will come off. lu Its usual splendor and joviality. on Wednes¬ day. Marsh 27, at the Academe of Muslo. The Ball wlh open at 9 o'clock with the srand masquerade procession, In which the fooleries of the year 1666 will puss review before his Higher -.*, Prince Uarnlv.nl. .Numerous carnlrallstlc per- forn: nice* and drolleries at Intervals during the ntgbl. Three grand Orrhestra* (of 140 performers), under the leadership of Carl Anscbntx, J. Rletrel and J. N. Schmidt. Co«tuiner, C. Buciiheisler, who will also have a splendid assortment of costumes anil fancy dresac* for hire during the ball. Suoper, by Mr. II. Wllke, will be served a la carte from 10 o'clock to Die close nf the hall. No person admitted to the tlnor before the opening procee- sion bas moved off. Up to 12 o'clock mask* only will be allowed nil the floor. Ticket*, admitting one gentleman and lady, st $10 eaeh; also extra ladies' ticket* al $3 e trh; can only be had from the member* of the society, of which we name:. E. Krolpfellfer. 42 l'lnr street: Em. Si.ucr. 46 Exchange place, K. Sc'ni"/.e 62 Uedar street. G. Guntber. 1(B William .urrrt, A. Kurkel. 84 John *treei, J. Ms t«*rnninn. 292 Kroad- wav; w Uandidus, 46 Bleeeker «treet; Geo. Il«nft,flt»/ Broad¬ way; F. Spnngenberg. 8S3 Broadway; Geo. stock, 41 Eighth stree For boxes apply In Measrs. B. Krollpfrlffer, 42 Pino street, and llanlt Bros rttU Broadway. THE EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE. METROPOLITAN POLICE DISTRICT, PRECINCT NO. 26. New York March 27, P«7. Notick .Company to the Arlon Hall, thla evening, at tbu Acadrmv of Music, will be admitted at the main entrance on Irving place. Coaches will approach from the north, through Irving place, passing out through Fourteenth street to Fourth avenue. In taking up coacTies will form In the aame order estnbiiahed for tn» delivery of their company. Gentlemen willpieueo take the >waeli at t'.ie door. ao«f not wait for any parlicil.-n eoach Fare III all eases will bo $1 foraach prjis-nger, without regard to dial*ore In the city. No coach will bo allowed lu line notes* nsue4 bv iuaprctlou. ClfAKLEB n. bkackktt, Captain and Inapeelorof Hackney Coaebea. Newark.waller's opera houhr.the lady Don performances. Tn'nlght (Woduesdayi, Brother Hob, scotch ballads and Kenllwortb. Theatre ticket officb. Reserved seat* for nil first class theatres, converts, balls, 4sc., can slwavs be obtained at the TliKATKK TICKET OFFICE, Nos. 112 and 114 Broadway. Banjo instructions by henry c. dobson, the o'.d established teacher of eighteen years' *i penmen, who guarantees a perfect knowledge In one course of lea- sons. 661 Broadway. " PIANOFOHTK*. All styles of pianos to let-at low rates, and for sale on Instalments. LYNCH fi OOMIKN. 921 and 929 Broadway, corner Twenty-first streoL A MAGNIFICENT ASSORTMENT OF THE FINEST and cheapest new snd second hand Piano* In the city, for sal* and to rent, at WM. CANDIDUS' Warerooius, No. 4S Bleoeher street. An assortment OF NF.tt PIANOFORTES to let. and sold on Instalments, at the manufactory, 166 and 1SS East Twenty-first street. L. P. CTMMINOH. A ROSEWOOD t\ OCTAVR riANO.GOOD ORDER, splendid tone, will bo s<dd for $176, the lady wishing to leave Immediately. 87 West Kleventb street, botweon Fifth and Sixth avenues. FAMILY LEAVING TIIK CITY WILL SELL THEIR Pianoforte for half value, carved rosewood, seven octave; all latest Improvements and nearly new. Apply at 197 East Tenth street. t N ELEGANT OCTAVE ROSEWOOD PIANO. :\ forie for sale at a groat birgaln; superbly finished with four round corners, heavy rn-h c»rved motdiag*; see- penilnc bottom, Itaek tinlsbed same a* the front; rick nsrved legs; overstrung bass, full Iron plate; It most exquisite Ig tone; liesi city makers, having ful warrantee for five year*; prlre$44l'. Also one « nrtai ., aam» description, prtre $3<9. Both are new and magnificent and about half twice, and tho greute*t bargain* to be found. Apply at KATTKRBON'B Storage Booths. No. 6NI Sixth avenue, near Fortieth street. VLADY WILL SELL A HANDSOME FIRST Cf.A-S ro-rw-od seven octave Pianofortes overstrung luire carved legs; relcbratod' makors; nearly new original price $dtt>. fir less than half. Apply at 28 Third street. t RARE CHANOR.ROSEWOOD 7 OCTAVE PlANfN JV forte, iron frame, m xlern Improvement*, R190, Msgnl- firent rosewood I oiuve, overstrung b**s, nearly new, for half price. Also twenty firtl elas* second hand Planofcrtoo rerv low. A*eorlinent new Plnunfortes less 'h*n wholcsalg price* 20 Fourth avenue, oppoalta Cooper Institute. A MAGNIFICENT ROSEWOOD PIANOFORTE for aale. made firdef; oily muk»r. *'* e< $69#. fni $;tU0: also Parlor Bui . . 'egstr*. Nmikeese. Pnlot- ing*. Hruiitea. Chamlwr an I Dining burnltnfe. Lhtea Glass, Sliver M are; a saci lllr* 44 H rst nlsieenth street, betueeh Fifth end Sixth avenue* /TREAT BARGAIN'S N NK AM' SI'IINDHaND If Phtins I»tev|.,iis in May I. one rosewood eUoota^ tlllbort, at $I0U, l lanos to lei or for sa'e on "V*1 CI1AS. J. HMrrs No. 4 I-oroy pis -e and M Itle.-cher slrsoA. rroR balkTa sk^x~(^tave pia n< F known make, uses only a short Mne. Apply at « West Twslrth street. P|TnT)F()RTE FOR 8ALF-A SUPERRIR 7 OCT AVE iresuiniil Pianoforte, of the llneat fcnlsh. bat a short time in nse. relebrated ronka. As Ktool and t over Ajmlv St2l« rJenUPlh street, near Third avenue. Frlce <M Must be disposed of immediately. _____ IklsNO FOR SAI-E-RObEWOOD, OYRR8TRUN« x bare seven octave; Call at 2B9 Fultm aveaee, BreeB* Nt *

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  • T* ft'W k -v * ('¦" 't'TW rT/lfT^Tl 7' OT vf


    c .SAPPHIRE, RUBY..YOURS OF NOV. IT RE-eeived. There la hep*. Write n«. CARRIE .DD1T MYKR8.LATE OF COMPANY F, "SCOTT'S

    W-" . A. M. Palmer, IS Broadway, room 1INFORMATION WANTED.OF AUGUST BCBRBIBSR,JL of SOfl Quornhsln. Prussia. Thehh left Waahlngtnn,D C.. to 1864. Whao laat heard froaa waa hoarding withMr. Friedman.*! Waatatroat, New York. Any person whoahla whereabouts will be liberally re-1

    Schroiber oar* Dclke, *ean (tee Information ofwarded by addressing HiWeat streak Mew York.

    INFORMATION WANTED.OF THE WHEREABOUTS1 of John abd Richard 0'Brian, natives of the pariah ofKlllure, oounty Ualway, Ireland. When laat hoard fromwere a( Dubuque. Iowa. Any Information will be thank-lull? raoeived by their staler, Maria O'Brien. Addieaa boxMl 11eraid office.

    INFORMATION WANTED.OF ADOLF MATTSSOS-born in Copenhagen, and calla himeelf Charles Reck here.Any information of nim or hla whereabout# will be thaak-fuBy rewired by Mrs. Charles llolmau. UBGreeuwicb street.New York. Beaton papers pleaae ropy.

    IF THE BBIR8 OF STUART ELDER, FORMERLY OPtbla city, will announce their address in tha Peraonala ofe Herald, they may hear of something to their advantage.JB88B F. GILBERT.YOUR MOTHER WISHES TOaee you Immediately.MM



    NOTICB..IP ALBBR 8CRANTON, OF NEW BED-ford. Conn., who left n tool cheat and trunk of clothingwith R. i'aradine, 96 Oliver atreet, does not call for themwithin one month from data, they will bo aold to pay ex¬penses..New York, March St, 1tmt.

    RBVENUB STAMPS..TUB TOUNO MAN WHO OB-tallied a quantity of revenue stamps from a stationerIn WIUl*m street is admonished to return them at ODce, elsehe will be arrested.

    The two young ladies, dressed in moths.ing. who entered a Seventh avenue ear at 9:15 A. M., atTenth street and Greenwich avenue, will pie.,e addressWashington Park, etat.oa D, city, e

    B. V. K..LET NO DIFFICULTIES PREVENTyour immediate return. Ptl'HKR.w.

    WILL THE ORNTLEMAN WHO SAW THE CONDUO-tor lako a satcb el from a Fourth Avenue ear whennear the Thirty-second street depot, on the evening of theSKth inal., send his nam* to box 773 N. Y. Post officer


    WILL THE YOUNG LADY IN GRKEN SILK DRF.S8and long velvet cloak, who walked up Broadway Mon¬day afternoon with lady friend in blank abort ¦nit, and gotInto a Fourth avenue stage at Fourteenth street, going down,send her address to Leeds, bol 810 Herald office, a diffidentyouth who would like to make her acquaintance ?

    WILL..NOTHING NEW; ALL WELL. WENT WITHL.ce to see Comp to-day. Didn't see hlm.^ ^ ^WILL F. O., WHO MET L. B. LA8T SUMMER INTwenty-seventh street, address John B. Wllberfoce,station O, and state where K. O. can be seen.

    WILL MY BEAUTIFUL, BLACK-EYED. FAIR LADYappoint an Interview by addressing the Initials andFoot office bo* given her by JAVIER.WILL THE TWO LADIB8 WHO NOTICED THEgentleman on the Oreenpolnt car Monday evening, andwho bowed when he left the oar at North First street, pleaseaddress M. 8. W., Herald office?HTWITE APRON, SIXTH AVENUE.-LADY ON THETV Inside, with handkerchief, grant Interview. AddressW. F. L., station O.


    \n4 t$m lMUoi, to metre taxes r<

    THE PLDMBER8 or^NBwl

    iHHb.i'iK23v5S I. ika;mm hfln* enaravedUpon thsm. and without

    town of OuttenberJt

    .K reqmssteA by

    ^etr prompt compliance wl^ohliye »yESwrrt on; a Urge Assort-ment of Harueaa; also three Hornet. 37 Wooater street.

    A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF FAMILY CARRIAGES.Buggies and Harnesa, selling off twenty per cent let*than New York price*, at factory, No. 1(R Fulton avenue,Brooklyn.A HANDSOME DARK BAY HORSE FOR SALE-A Warranted perfectly aouud; long heavy tail; gent e, a

    good traveller. Price $*W. Inquire for Johu Carroll, ateelden'a, 83 Weal Twenty-fourth street.

    An extension top platform irpring phae-ton with single Harnesa; only been used two months.Coat tWO; price $500. HAM'S, 10 East Fourth street. cornerBroadway.


    A LARUE OOVERED WAGON FOR SALE-SPLEN-did wbeela springs and axles. Apply at once at Don-wot th Hall. 806 Broadway.

    AT 91 LIBERTY STREET. A LARGE ASSORTMENTof Carriages and Hantaan, new styles. just from fae-tory. Also one second bend full top Phaeton, and ten topBuggies, and two Depot Wagons. AD work warranted. AtN. MOON YE'S wsrerooma.___

    A PRIVATE TEAM OP ROAD OB CARRIAGEHorses; well matched, young. eound end fast; alsoone K seat, 180 lb.; and one double seat op» Wagon;Harness, Robes, Ae ; sold low, separately or together, ( ellat No. d Jefferson Market 8 to 13.

    ATTENTION IS CALLED TO THE SALES OPeMwwasjwuwstreet, Auctioneer.

    BrLCFWIU SAX nUABfif OIA IDAIW Viw,ranted sosnrd and kind; can trot toUt also TonBuggy~r new. Inqelreat private stable «T Woo#-SPLENDID BAY HORSE, SIX YEAR8 OLD. WAR-. - sound and "~'~J'¦ *. .'*-

    A TTBNTION is especially called to theA seta of tret slasa Slosh, consisting of Hew.(Chniaaa*law awAvnAWhmms. Harnesa. Alan some van Sae 6»t

    ^ In "be city; 1« hands, six years eld; a T«W«*rUeb Art-ver aud warranted sound, will be sold at auction. at 1,399Broadway, this day, at llt< o'dook. Sold for no fault onlythe loss of hit mats.A GOOD CARRIAGE, COUPE OR ftOAD TRAIL JCSTA from the country; Morgan stock bays. $ years old, long

    manes and tails, 16K hands fifb, goed saddle horses, war-ranted sound aud klud; price $000. Also piano body RoadWagon, beat city make, nearly new. 371 Canal street, nearBroadway.


    A VALUABLE FAR* TEA* OF LOW PRICEDpony built Mares, warranted true and gentle in singleor double harness; would ba sold separately, for want ofurn. Apply at 483 Peart street.


    LARGE STOCK OF CARRIAOE8, ROCKAWAY8.Pony Phaetons, Doctors' Phaetons, Depot Wagons.

    Coupes, 1 Woburn Spring Wagon. 1 Express Wagon, T see-ond hand Top Buggy, new top and no ton Wagons, also aflne lot double and tingle Harness. Will be sold cheap, tomake room for iprlDg stock. At lUO Liberty atreat.7 STYLISH. PERFECT BLACK MARE.16 HANDSA high. 7 years old, at a bargain, to par expenses Alsoa Hack Coach, In good running order. Pnoe $10), at $66West Twenty-eighth street, mar.

    BaY horse for SALE -LONG TAIL, VERY HAND-some; fine driver. single and double; right In every re-snort: would exchange for hor«e suitable for farming.JKIue stable; corner of Thirty-fourth street and Madisonuveuue.

    Bargain-express mark, handsome, is*bands; sound and kind, six yesrs; Light Express orBusiness Wagon, together or separate; a bargain. At 344Fourth street, near ' harlea.

    Brick stable to let-27 third street, nearBowery. Apply to A. B. HUrCUINOS, 38 John street./MARRIAGES..GREAT REDUCTION IN PRICES .$01 / damiged, several aecond hand, 331 new 1.arr.ages, allstyles; 1,(3*1 sets Harness. Cash advanced on Carriages, atCALVIN WIITV'S Carriage Warerooms. 638 Broadway,near Bleeeker street.

    INORSALE.-A FAST AND HANDSOME PACING BAYr Ponv. with new bulehcr Csrt and Harness; also, a supe¬rior gray Horse, sixteen hsnds high, with Wagon and Her-nese, suitable for express or gnoeer. The above are all ofthe very best quality. Inquire at 387 Third avenue, provisionstore.

    For sale-tw rnty first class road, coachand apved Hor«e«, from Clyde. Wayne oouaty.N.T.not to be excelled by auy other dealer In New York rtty, anda good, snfllelent guarantee givenCall and examine for yourselves. W. H. SAUDBao ASON, 144 Eaat Twenty fourth suaeI.

    L1 FOR DIAMOND JEWELRY-FANCYI priie* gtvtn for large Bnlliante Ui.it arr g- mi. Ohiohour*, 3 ml 10 2 till 3L PLUMB, Hwmnd Hrnk»r,

    512 Broadway.

    PAWNBROKER'S TICKETS HOC,1HT FOR DICmoods, Watches, Jewelry, silver Ware, Silks, Clothing,Ac. Also the atiue bought or advances made n thorn, at188 Grand ntrwt, near Mulberry.

    FaWNKKOIEK- TICK BTM BOUGHT OP DIAMONDS,Watches, Jewelry. Silk*. Clothing. Ac., or the go- 4sbought: also noney advanced on the seme. ISO Bower),near trraad, up flairs, ISSLPAWNBKOIERE' TICKETS B«c5To jV.aoherr liBeb-L ally dealt with. Alt the Popular Mime ..JV ohaV_^hand. A #\ ocuve Piano, city make and good tone, [or

    ¦ale aheap.

    A YOUNG AMERICAN LADY, JUST RETURNEDfrom Europe, would give lesaone la music in returnfor board la a respectable family. Address E. P., ears Mrs.Bentlry, 177 Seventh avenue.



    J\. piano at pupils' residence for $10 per quarter; beat of* "**¦ residence. Teacher, box 112references given. Address, withHerald ollice.

    MR. JAME8 CAULPIELD WILL BR OPEN TO ANengngeinrnt aa organist on May 1: organ and salarymust be good; he has had upwards of 16 years' experiencein Humph: highest testimonials and refers to the first claasorgan builders. Address care of Mason A Hamlin, 500Broadway.

    gILVKR WREATH.CHOICE COLLECTION OP SONGS,Duets and Trios arranged with piano accompaniment,about (20 worth of Mueic; price (250; in moalin binding, (3.

    FREDERICK BI.UME, 20H How.ry.tVANTED.BV AN EXPERIENCED ORGANIST ANDvf director of nmusic a position in a Catholic Church fromMay; can furnish a complete choir of vocalists; or wouldtake entire charge of a volunteer choir. Good organ andmoderate salary required. Address Organist, M. D , Heraldo flics

    WANTED.BY A YOUNG SOPRANO SINGER. A PO.anion in a Protestant church choir in this city: termsmoderste. Address U. T., U. H. Assay olQoe.

    INSTRUCTION.YOUNG LADY COMPETENT TO TEACH THEA. higher English branches. French, German sod Latin,

    desires an engagement as governess or companion to a lady.References exchanged. Apply at 415 Fifth aveuue.

    AT 201) BOWERT, PRIVATE OR SEPARATE 1NKTRUU.lion, day and evening, In Bookkeeping, Writing. Anth-metic, Spelling. Grammar, Correspondence, Ac. Apart¬ments for ladies. No classes. TOWNSEND'S BusinessCollege, 200 Bowery, between Prince and Houston streets.

    AT (2 00.WRITING TWENTY LESSONS; AHITIIMR-tic and Writing or Bookkeeping leasou* unlimited. 010r quarter. PANNE'S Business Colleges (established 1R40),Bowery and 340 Fulton street, Brooklyn. No classes.

    ATOUNO LADY WHO CAN TEACH VOCAL ANDInstrumental mueic, the English branches and all kindsof plain and fancy sewing would like s position as governessto young children, lady's companion, or would rive lessonsto exchange for board. Best of references. Address MissF. Holms, station F. Adventurers need not reply.

    LADY TEACHER WILL QIVK LESSONS IN PEN-inanship, or the English branches, at the residence of

    the pupil. Apply at Oolifsmltii's Academy, 750 Broadway.

    A GERMAN GENTLEMAN. PROFEMOR OF MATHE-matica. desires to give Instruction In the classics andmathematics; also In German, French. Dutch and on thePiano. Address B. A., btfk 120 Herald ofllee.

    A THOROUGH INSTRUCTRESS. RESIDING INBrooklyn, desires to receive into her family two youngladies of neglected education. A quiet, good home, withrare advantage* for study and Instruction. Is offered. Ad¬dress Mrs. Strang, Brooklyn Pott office, for one week.

    DOOKKRKPING. WRITING, ARITHMETIC, AC..D Messrs DOLESA R. HUP Broadway. qualify gentlemen.. - .-.g They loach arlthmeuc bypractical!? for bead bookksapers.the most rapid and accurate methods, and guarantee to re.move stiffness, cramping or trembling, and make elegantbusiness penman.

    French in hixtt lehronh, $s per month.-nogrammar required. Conversation class#* ami privatelessons. Professor JOSEPH J. GR1BRRB, No. 1 Brevoortplace. Tenth street.

    Ladies of neglected education wishing toImprove themselves In English wanrhrs, Writing,Freneh. Grammar. Munc. may receive private lessons at »7West Eleventh street, between Fifth and Sixth avenues.

    LADT TEACHER W ANTED (RPANIRII PRKFF.RRRD1.To give Instruction In the Spanish language tn a gentle¬man at on residence. Address Santiago, statl.iu G.

    MADAME RBICHARD'8 EDUCATIONAL IN8TITl>lion, latndsu, Khrmufalx, Germany Great advan¬tages offered for mtislo and languages. Terms Jo guineas~ -

    B>Er annum. Prospectuses and distlngulshe I German,hand French references given by Mr. Heckelmann. postdrawer SB. wprngtleld, Illinois.

    g'PANISII LANGUAGE.-PROF. A HE TORNOR.-5 Clasees for ladies at his residence, SU Fmutb avnuc,with his NEW CUM III NED METHOD, published by D.Appleton A Co.

    WANTED-A SITUATION AS OOVKRNERN, BY Alady, lu a first class family; experienced n teachingmusic slid *11 the English hranchc be-l of ntereoees.Address A B., box ®7 Herald office, fordbree days.

    YOUNO GENTLEMEN WHO WfR'l TO HAVE THEIReducation finished In Germany will And a home andkind treatment la a reapeciabl f imlly in Hamburg l oghah and French are apoken in the house. For particulars ad¬dress L. J , bos d,!(W Post oiiiee.

    TIIK LKt TI RE MAMMI.TMPUUTANT LECTURER DAILY.TO OKNTl.EMEN1 onh, at Hie New York Museum of Anatomy, MR i'oad-wav. Those unable to attend the e .rehires may reaeive acopv by forwarding :*n w ot*, address Secretary of NewYoik Museum of Anatomy. dlR Breed* ty.

    LECTURE. AT lEVlNtl 'i »LT«. T>Y GEORGE FRAN-els Traill, on t! >11 Isv, April i, 1W At elcl.t > clock P.M. for the bee"!l'» i«e ledie s .iu eern .(eilef Associa¬tion. TV « >1* will en.nriw .be > .uilne.it In, >0* Of theday, csiept polities. Tlckota (1 gsee.

    ( Ill %1(M A * 't '.Oll ti tl).

    BAGkfcY'H IlETEOlT FINU. OVT TOBACCO,Loose ap i (oy.RTRAl o IIKUIIIBKM A CO.. Agents.so 7 . William street.


    New fork thratrb.Managers L««to later 4 Xirt Smith.WEDNESDAY, MARCH $7.Tonight in] every evening until further notice, BOI'CICAULTS OBSAT pSAMh" founded on 8ir Welter tieoU'abeautiful HootHi '

    THE UBAK'f^ directly to the Scottish heart,u well as to ell lovera of the beeullful. hea been for severalweek* In oereful preparation, end In order to mefce eauthcrerlM powerful vast more perfect, the eerrloee of

    MISS K08K EYTINGEhere been secured, end she will moke her re-eppearenee lathe cherecter of


    MINAHI) LEWIS. Coolumee by Mr. Williams, Machineryby J. Denham end Appointment* by Mr. Yeamana.A NEW SCOTTISH OVERTURE hue been oompoeed bjMr. U. TISSI.NOTO*.

    CAST.DartdDeene Mr. Lewie Bake*Ceordie Koberteon Mr. U. MetkidCounaellor Fetrbrolber, ( u. w..v ii.hiDuke of Argyte. J Mr' M4rt 8""*Lolrd of Dumbtcdlkee Mr. Wm. OemereelLord Chief J uetloe Mr. 11. BlendCouniel for the Crown Mr. B. TeylorDeddy Ketcllffe Mr. T. J. Hind8b»rptUaw Mr. ChepmeaReubenButler Mr. Jemee bunaFrenk Leevilt Mr. C. NewtonArchibald Mr. WllllemeFirst Onicer , Mr. MoaaeySecond Officer Mr MackCrier to theCourt Mr. WllbelmiAST' |^ Stater H.rulnee { «£auoen Cerullne Mra. H. Blundeg MurdocltHon Mra. Marie WllklneMadge Wlldtlre Mra. Yeamana

    officers of the Court, Popuhoa. Soldiers, Ledlea of theRoyal Court by e large fence ol Auxiliaries end e full Corpede Ballet.SYNOPSIS OF SCENERY.

    Act 1.Sonne 1-ARTHUR'S SEAT and DAVID DEANS'COTTAGE. DISTANT VIEW OK OLD BDlNBUltU BYNIGHT, FROM AUTHENTIC VIEWS.Scene 2.fd. Leonard's Cretan.Scene J.Interior of Darin Dean*' Cottage.THE DIS.cmvery.bArt 2.St Leonard's Cralgs.Scene 2-The Coll In the TolboOlh.scene 3.St. tiilea' Church. High *trcet, Edtnburg.Seem- 4.THE HIGH COURT OF JUSTICIARY:

    Prepared for theTRIAL OF EKFIE DEANS,

    an exact reproduction ofLANDER'S CELEBRATED PICTURE.

    Act 3. aeene 1.The Frliton.Scene 2.Poor Kflle'a Monte.Scenek.Ho,ul near GranthamScene 4.Meg * Hut among lite Urn tin.

    THE MURDER!Scene 9.Breakfast Ho iin In the Duke of Argyle's townhouxfl.SceneS.Garden of the PalaceScene 7.The Cell In the Tolbouth.Scene 8.The Street

    GATHERING OF THE MOB!Scene 9.Courtyard of the Prison. Preparatlona for theexecution of Kllle Dean*.



    Will be produced for the flrat time Donizetti's Komantl#Opera



    In preparation.CROWN DIAMONDS.

    Theatre francais. comedy.SATURDAY KVENINO, March 30, 1887, at 8 u^look.LA PKRMM DK BONIH. Episode In four acta, by M. M.

    Michel Maeton A de Villeneure, very soon. Benefit ofFanfan Benolton .the little Georgette).Ticket office at II. Dardonville'a, 678 Broadway.


    No*. 2 and 4 Wast Twenty-fourth street.O. W. H. Griffin Manager.THE FAMILY RESORT.The entire company will appear in the great bnrtesque

    THE BLACK CROOKVInnkee Dooree. Hap Light Loa, Bend Rebbn"owler en Heads. Beautiful Singing and DanetlDoors open at 7; to oommanct at 8 o'clock.

    HOOLET'S OFKRA Horn, BROOKLYN.THE CONTRABANDIST, the BLACK NAN of A(TAB,Shakespeare's Seuen Ages, Scenes at Sherman**, Net I* he

    Shaken, Gassynhghar, Geetge th ' -. ~ 'cenea at Sherman*!, Net I* hehe Charmer, Soup Soda, Thei, PaddyS Don't care-Oar Gelsoade.' The Knee Dance, PedfljftMATfNEE EVERY SATURDAY. AT 2)j O'CLOCK.


    THIS AFTERNOON. AT 2)6 O'CLOCK,the great, successful historical drama called



    BUNYAN TABLEAUX.LARGEST PANORAMA INthe world. Sixty maguiflceul sneueajlllustrstlng "Ban¬yan's I'llgrtm'a Progress." Union Hall, Broadway andTwenlv-thlrd street Open every night at 7: commencing at8. .AdmisMon 90 rents; children 26 cents. Matinee Wed¬nesday and Saturday, at 8 o'clock.

    ROBT. J. GREENWOOD, Maoager and Proprietor.

    Ariox souiKrr.The Annual Grand Masquerade and Fancy Dress Ballwill come off. lu Its usual splendor and joviality. on Wednes¬day. Marsh 27, at the Academe of Muslo. The Ball wlhopen at 9 o'clock with the srand masquerade procession, Inwhich the fooleries of the year 1666 will puss review beforehis Higher -.*, Prince Uarnlv.nl. .Numerous carnlrallstlc per-forn: nice* and drolleries at Intervals during the ntgbl.Three grand Orrhestra* (of 140 performers), under the

    leadership of Carl Anscbntx, J. Rletrel and J. N. Schmidt.Co«tuiner, C. Buciiheisler, who will also have a splendid

    assortment of costumes anil fancy dresac* for hire duringthe ball.Suoper, by Mr. II. Wllke, will be served a la carte from 10o'clock to Die close nf the hall.No person admitted to the tlnor before the opening procee-

    sion bas moved off. Up to 12 o'clock mask* only will beallowed nil the floor.

    Ticket*, admitting one gentleman and lady, st $10 eaeh;also extra ladies' ticket* al $3 e trh; can only be had fromthe member* of the society, of which we name:.

    E. Krolpfellfer. 42 l'lnr street: Em. Si.ucr. 46 Exchangeplace, K. Sc'ni"/.e 62 Uedar street. G. Guntber. 1(B William.urrrt, A. Kurkel. 84 John *treei, J. Ms t«*rnninn. 292 Kroad-wav; w Uandidus, 46 Bleeeker «treet; Geo. Il«nft,flt»/ Broad¬way; F. Spnngenberg. 8S3 Broadway; Geo. stock, 41 Eighthstree For boxes apply In Measrs. B. Krollpfrlffer, 42 Pinostreet, and llanlt Bros rttU Broadway.


    METROPOLITAN POLICE DISTRICT, PRECINCT NO.26. New York March 27, P«7.Notick .Company to the Arlon Hall, thla evening, at tbu

    Acadrmv of Music, will be admitted at the main entranceon Irving place. Coaches will approach from the north,through Irving place, passing out through Fourteenth streetto Fourth avenue. In taking up coacTies will form In theaame order estnbiiahed for tn» delivery of their company.Gentlemen willpieueo take the >waeli at t'.ie door. ao«f notwait for any parlicil.-n eoach Fare III all eases will bo $1foraach prjis-nger, without regard to dial*ore In the city.No coach will bo allowed lu line notes* nsue4 bv iuaprctlou.

    ClfAKLEB n. bkackktt,Captain and Inapeelorof Hackney Coaebea.

    Newark.waller's opera houhr.the ladyDon performances. Tn'nlght (Woduesdayi, BrotherHob, scotch ballads and Kenllwortb.

    Theatre ticket officb.Reserved seat* for nil first class theatres, converts,balls, 4sc., can slwavs be obtained at the

    TliKATKK TICKET OFFICE,Nos. 112 and 114 Broadway.

    Banjo instructions by henry c. dobson, theo'.d established teacher of eighteen years' *i penmen,who guarantees a perfect knowledge In one course of lea-sons. 661 Broadway.



    All styles of pianos to let-at low rates,and for sale on Instalments. LYNCH fi OOMIKN.921 and 929 Broadway, corner Twenty-first streoL

    A MAGNIFICENT ASSORTMENT OF THE FINESTand cheapest new snd second hand Piano* In the city,for sal* and to rent, at WM. CANDIDUS' Warerooius, No.4S Bleoeher street.

    An assortment OF NF.tt PIANOFORTES to let.and sold on Instalments, at the manufactory, 166 and1SS East Twenty-first street. L. P. CTMMINOH.

    A ROSEWOOD t\ OCTAVR riANO.GOOD ORDER,splendid tone, will bo s