tim sheard oregon graduate institute lecture 6: monads and interpreters cse 510 section fsc winter...

Tim Sheard Oregon Graduate Institute Lecture 6: Monads and Interpreters CSE 510 Section FSC CSE 510 Section FSC Winter 2004 Winter 2004

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Page 1: Tim Sheard Oregon Graduate Institute Lecture 6: Monads and Interpreters CSE 510 Section FSC Winter 2004 Winter 2004

Tim SheardOregon Graduate Institute

Lecture 6: Monads and Interpreters

CSE 510 Section FSCCSE 510 Section FSC

Winter 2004Winter 2004

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Interpreters are hard to modify

Consider the interpreters for Exp and ComConsider 3 extensions Adding a print command Adding a divide expression and catching

divide by 0 errors Adding a notion of multiple results

Drastic changes need to be made to the structure of the interpreter.

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Extended Abstract Syntaxdatatype Exp =

Constant of int (* 5 *)

| Variable of string (* x *)

| Minus of (Exp * Exp) (* x - 5 *)

| Greater of (Exp * Exp) (* x > 1 *)

| Times of (Exp * Exp) (* x * 4 *)

| Divide of (Exp * Exp) (* x / 3 *)

datatype Com =

Assign of (string * Exp) (* x := 1 *)

| Seq of (Com * Com) (* { x := 1; y := 2 } *)

| If of (Exp * Com * Com) (* if x then x := 1 else y := 1 *)

| While of (Exp * Com) (* while x>0 do x := x - 1 *)| Declare of (string * Exp * Com) (* Declare x = 1 in x := x - 1 *)

| Print of string * Exp (* Print "answer" (x+2) *)

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Adding a Print command

New types type env = (string * int) list eval0 : Exp -> env -> int interp1 : Com -> env -> (env * string)

The type of Eval doesn’t change since evaluation of Exp can’t cause any printing.A Com is an env transformer and an output producer.

String produced by printing

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New interp functionfun interp1 stmt env =case stmt of Assign(name,e) => let val v = eval0 e env in (set name v env,"") end | Seq(x1,x2) => let val (env1,s1) = interp1 x1 env val (env2,s2) = interp1 x2 env1 in (env2,s1 ^ s2) end | If(e,s1,s2) => let val x = eval0 e env in if x=1

then interp1 s1 env else interp1 s2 env


Assignment cause no output

Collect output from both sub-commands

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Interp continued| While(e,body) =>

let fun loop env s =

let val v = eval0 e env

in if v=0

then (env,s) else let val (env1,s1) = interp1 body env

in loop env1 (s^s1) end


in loop env "" end

| Declare(nm,e,stmt) =>

let val v = eval0 e env

val env1 = ext nm v env

val (env2,s) = interp1 stmt env1

in (remove env2,s) end;

Output collected from many

traversals of loop

Env is shrunk but output is propagated

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Add Divide and error catching

New types eval2 : Exp -> env -> int option interp2 : Com -> env -> env option

WhereDatatype ‘a option = NONE | SOME of ‘a

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Eval2fun eval2 exp env = case exp of Constant n => SOME n| Variable s => SOME (lookup s env)| Minus(x,y) => (case eval2 x env of SOME a => (case eval2 y env of SOME b => SOME(a - b) | _ => NONE) | _ => NONE) | . . . (* similar for Greter and Times *)| Divide(x,y) => (case eval2 x env of SOME a => (case eval2 y env of SOME 0 => NONE | SOME b => SOME(a div b) | _ => NONE) | _ => NONE)

Error production

Error propagation

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interp2fun interp2 stmt env =case stmt of Assign(name,e) => (case eval2 e env of SOME v => SOME(set name v env) | _ => NONE)| Seq(s1,s2) => (case interp2 s1 env of SOME env1 => interp2 s2 env1 | NONE => NONE)| If(e,s1,s2) => (case eval2 e env of SOME x => if x=1

then interp2 s1 env else interp2 s2 env

| NONE => NONE)| . . . (* similar for While etc. *)

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Additions for multiple values

E.g. Suppose x [9,5] y [2,4]Then (x – y) [7,5,3,1] [9-2, 9-4, 5-2, 5-4]

New types type env = (string * int list) list; eval3 : Exp -> env -> int list Interp3 : Com -> env -> env

Useful function – combines map and append

fun mapp f [] = [] | mapp f (x::xs) = (f x) @ (mapp f xs);Appends results rather

than consing them

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Eval3fun eval3 exp env = case exp of Constant n => [n]| Variable s => lookup s env| Minus(x,y) => let val xs = eval3 x env fun f x = let val ys = eval3 y env fun g y = [x - y] in mapp g ys end in mapp f xs end| Greater(x,y) => let val xs = eval3 x env fun f x = let val ys = eval3 y env fun g y = [ if x '>' y then 1 else 0] in mapp g ys end in mapp f xs end| . . .

Constants have singleton values

Recursive calls give multiple results which

are then combined

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Example run

val env3 = [("x",[9,5]),("y",[2,4])]

val test2 = eval3

(Minus (Variable "x",Variable "y")) env3;

-| test2;

val it = [7,5,3,1] : int list

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Each new addition made drastic changes to the structure of the code. Print – extra results returned in pair Divide – case analysis to determine if

SOME or NONE Mulitiple Answers – results are lists,

need complicated use of mapp to combine results

Consider making an interpreter with all three changes

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(x,””) SOME x [x]

Let val (a,s) = e1

val (b,t) = e2

In f[s^t]

Case e of

SOME z => m


Let val xs = e

fun f x = …

In mapp f xs end

These patterns can be captured by two functions

Return : ‘a -> ‘a M

Bind : ‘a M -> (‘a -> ‘b M) -> ‘b M

Where M is some type constructor. This pattern is called a Monad

‘a M = (‘a * string) ‘a M = ‘a option ‘a M = ‘a list

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Output monad

fun return x = (x,"");

fun bind (x,s1) g =

let val (y,s2) = g x in (y,s1^s2) end;

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Error Monaddatatype ‘a option = NONE | SOME of

fun return x = SOME x;

fun bind (SOME x) g = g x

| bind NONE g = NONE;

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Monad of Multiple results

datatype ‘a list = [] | ‘a :: ‘a list;

fun return x = [x];

fun bind xs g = mapp g xs;

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Monads in Meta MLMonads are built into MetaMLUsers can define their own MonadsMonads support their own special syntax Do m { x <- e; y } === bind e (fn x=> y) Return m x === return x

Monads require extensions to ML Higher order type constructors

Type constructors (I.e. things like list) which take type constructors as arguments

Polymorphic components to records

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Higher Order Type Constructors

datatype ('a,'T : * -> * ) tree =

Tip of 'a

| Node of (('a,'T)tree) 'T;

datatype 'a binary = bin of 'a * 'a;

val z: (int,list) tree =

Node [ Tip 4, Tip 2 ];

val w: (int,binary ) tree =

Node(bin (Tip 1,Node(bin (Tip 3, Tip 0))));

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Polymorphic Componentsdatatype a = A of (['a].'a list -> 'a list);

fun copy [] = []

| copy (x::xs) = x :: (copy xs);

val a1 = A(rev);

val a2 = A copy;

-| fun f x y (A g) = (g x, g y);

val f = Fn : ['a,'b].'b list -> 'a list -> a

-> ('b list * 'a list )

-| val q = f [1,2,3] ["x","y","d"] a1;

val q = ([3,2,1],["d","y","x"]) :

(int list * string list )

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List Monoid example

datatype list_monoid = LM of

{ inject : ['a].'a -> 'a list,

plus : ['a]. 'a list -> 'a list -> 'a list,

zero : ['a].'a list


val lm1 = LM{inject = fn x => [x],

plus = fn x => fn y => x@y,

zero = []}

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Pattern Matching to accessfun f (LM{inject=inj, plus = sum, zero = z}) =

(sum z (inj 2), sum (inj true) (inj false));

-| f lm1;

val it = ([2],[true ,false ]) :

(int list * bool list )

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MonadsA Monad is A type constructor T

a type to type function and 2 polymorphic functions

unit : ‘a -> ‘a T bind: (‘a T) -> (‘a -> ‘b T) -> (‘b T)

an expression with type ‘a T is a computation returns a value of type ‘a might perform a T action

Print, propogate errors, return multiple results

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Instances of Monad Actions

Performing input/outputChanging the value of a mutable variableRaising an exception

Monads can be “emulated” with pure functional programs by threading stores, or I/O streams, or

exception continuations in and out of all computations

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The standard morphisms

Return : creates a simple (nullary) action which does nothingBind: sequences two actions

Non-standard morphisms describe the actions of the monad

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Monads in MetaMLUses both HHTC and local polymorphism

datatype ('m : * -> * ) monad =

Mon of

(['a]. 'a -> 'a 'm) *

(['a,'b]. ('a 'm) -> ('a -> 'b 'm) -> 'b 'm);

type 'x Id = 'x;

val Id = (Mon (fn x => x, fn x => fn f => f x))

: Id Monad;

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Do and ReturnMetaML’s interface to the standard morphisms unit and bind

val ex =

let fun bind (SOME x) f = f x

| bind NONE f = NONE

in (Mon(SOME,bind)) : option Monad end;

fun option f x =

Do ex

{ z <- x

; Return ex (f z)



fun option f x = bind x (fn z => unit (f z));

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Syntactic SugarDo (Mon(unit,bind)) { x <- e; f }

= bind e (fn x => f)

Return (Mon(unit,bind)) e = unit e

Do m { x1 <- e1; x2 <- e2 ; x3 <- e3 ; e4 } =

Do m { x1 <- e1; Do m { x2 <- e2 ; Do m { x3 <- e3 ; e4 }}}

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Output Monad again

datatype 'a OP = OP of 'a * string;

fun return x = OP(x,"");

fun bind (OP(x,s1)) g =

let val OP(y,s2) = g x

in OP(y,s1^s2) end;

val om = Mon(return,bind);

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Error (option) Monad again

val em = let fun return x = SOME x;

fun bind (SOME x) g = g x

| bind NONE g = NONE;

in Mon(return,bind) end;

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Multiple values (list) Monad again

val mvm =

let fun return x = [x];

fun mapp f [] = []

| mapp f (x::xs) = (f x) @ (mapp f xs);

fun bind xs g = mapp g xs;

in Mon(return,bind) end;

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The interpreter one more time

(* eval4: ‘m Monad -> Exp -> (string * int ‘m ) list -> int ‘m *)

fun eval4 m exp env = case exp of Constant n => Return m n| Variable s => lookup s env| Minus(x,y) => Do m { a <- eval4 m x env ; b <- eval4 m y env ; Return m (a - b) }| Greater(x,y) => Do m { a <- eval4 m x env ; b <- eval4 m y env ; Return m (if a '>' b then 1 else 0) }| Times(x,y) => Do m { a <- eval4 m x env ; b <- eval4 m y env ; Return m (a * b) }

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Examplesval term =

(Minus (Variable "x",Variable "y"))

val envMVM = [("x",[9,5]),("y",[2,4])]

val ans1 = eval4 mvm term envMVM;

val it = [7,5,3,1] : int list

val envEM = [("x",SOME 4),("y",SOME 2)]

val ans2 = eval4 em term envEM;

val it = SOME 2 : int option

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Interp, one more timefun interp4 m stmt env =

case stmt of

Assign(name,e) => Do m { v <- eval4 m e env

; Return m(set name (Return m v) env) }

| Seq(s1,s2) => Do m { env1 <- interp4 m s1 env

; interp4 m s2 env1 }

| If(e,s1,s2) =>

Do m { x <- eval4 m e env

; if x=1 then interp4 m s1 env else interp4 m s2 env }

| While(e,body) =>

let fun loop env =

Do m { v <- eval4 m e env

; if v=0

then Return m env

else Do m { env1 <- interp4 m body env; loop env1 }}

in loop env end

| Declare(nm,e,stmt) =>

Do m { v <- eval4 m e env

; env2 <- interp4 m stmt (ext nm (Return m v) env)

; Return m (remove env2) } ;

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All features at once

Now making an interpreter with all the features is easyDefine a new monad with all the featuresAdd a few new cases for Print and DivideWrite a few non-standard morphisms Inject some new output for print Raise an error for divide by zero

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New Monaddatatype 'a M = M of (('a list) option) * string;

fun return x = M(SOME[x],"");fun mapp f [] = M(SOME[],"") | mapp f (x::xs) = (case f x of M(NONE,s) => M(NONE,s) | M(SOME ys,s1) => (case mapp f xs of M(SOME zs,s2) => M(SOME(ys @ zs),s1^s2) | M(NONE,s2) => M(NONE,s1^s2))) fun bind (M(NONE,s)) g = M(NONE,s) | bind (M(SOME xs,s1)) g = let val M(zs,s2) = mapp g xs in M(zs,s1^s2) end

val m = Mon(return,bind);

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Non-Standard morphisms

fun output s = M(SOME[s],s);

fun fail s = M(NONE,s);

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Ultimate interpreter(* eval5 : Exp -> (string * int M) list -> int M *)fun eval5 exp env = case exp of Constant n => Return m n| Variable s => lookup s env| Minus(x,y) => Do m { a <- eval5 x env ; b <- eval5 y env ; Return m (a - b) }| Greater(x,y) => Do m { a <- eval5 x env ; b <- eval5 y env ; Return m (if a '>' b then 1 else 0)}| Times(x,y) => Do m { a <- eval5 x env ; b <- eval5 y env ; Return m (a * b) }| Divide(x,y) => Do m { a <- eval5 x env ; b <- eval5 y env ; if b = 0 then fail "Divide by 0" else Return m (a div b) }

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interp5(* interp5 : Com -> (string * int M) list -> (string * int M) list M *)

fun interp5 stmt env =case stmt of Assign(name,e) => Do m { v <- eval5 e env; Return m(set name (Return m v) env) }| Seq(s1,s2) => Do m { env1 <- interp5 s1 env; interp5 s2 env1 }| If(e,s1,s2) => Do m { x <- eval5 e env ; if x=1 then interp5 s1 env else interp5 s2 env }| While(e,body) => let fun loop env = Do m { v <- eval5 e env ; if v=0 then Return m env else Do m { env1 <- interp5 body env ; loop env1 }} in loop env end

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Interp5 continued(* interp5 : Com -> (string * int M) list -> (string * int M)

list M *)

fun interp5 stmt env =

case stmt of

. . .

| Declare(nm,e,stmt) =>

Do m { v <- eval5 e env

; env2 <- interp5 stmt (ext nm (Return m v) env)

; Return m (remove env2) }

| Print(s,e) =>

Do m { v <- eval5 e env

; output (s^" "^(show v))

; Return m env }