time management

Lunch and Learn Student Success (&D’S) OF TIME MANAGEMENT

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Post on 11-May-2015




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Page 1: Time Management

Lunch and LearnStudent Success




Page 2: Time Management

How Many Hours do we have in a Month??

•1 day= 24 hours

•1 week= 168 hours

1 month= 672 hours

Sounds like a lot of time doesn’t it?

But not if you are a master in the art


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Time Management•M

any college students absently think that an abundance of “free time” will give them ample opportunity to finish everything they need to. •One of the most difficult adjustment issues faced by students when they enter college is the ability to efficiently manage their time.

•The easiest way to avoid this is to pledge to put at least 40 hours a week into being a student.

Why 40 hours?

•40 hours is the number of hours in a typical work week.

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“The Forty Hours Rule”

Most regular jobs require employees to work for forty hours during the week.The average college course load includes fifteen hours per week in class.You need to study at least this many hours per week.




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Some Helpful Suggestions

•Make a Schedule with all obligations (school, work, family, etc.)•Count up the number of hours you already have committed•How many of the 168 hours in the week do you have left?•Are you doing your job? (Being a student) for 40 hours a week

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3 Truths About Time Management

1) Time flies

2) Everything takes longer than you think it will

3) No matter what you are doing at this moment, in most cases, you would rather be doing something else

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The A,B,C (&D’s) of Time Management

•Anticipate and Plan

•Break Tasks Down

•Cross Things Off

•Don’t Procrastinate

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nticipate and Plan•No student should be without some sort of tool to keep track of their life•A planner•Be sure to have it on the first day of class•Planning for the rest of the semester will begin on the first day of class, and trying to catch up after the class has begun can be difficult

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reak Tasks Down•As you decide how you will spend your 40 hours per week, think about the things you will have to complete over the semester and right from the start, break them down into smaller tasks•One of the dangers of procrastination is that when you finally sit down to do a task, it seems insurmountable, and when it gets to that point, it is generally done less efficiently

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ross Things off•Make to-do lists•Lets you see what you need to accomplish•As you finish tasks, cross them off•Add other things to the list as they come up•Include all items, along with the date they are due, beginning with what needs to be completed first•Once you make a list, put it in a convenient and noticeable place (your planner, etc.)

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on’t Procrastinate•Procrastination is a major problem for manycollege students. Just ask any student on campus.•At worst, it can cause you to be a poor student, and at best it can cause you to be a mediocre one.

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Advantages of Good Time Management

•You will be less stressed

•Have more time for things you want to do

•Be a more well-rounded student

•Be able to spend more time with friends

•Learn more

•Play more

•Feel good about yourself

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Don’t Forget!•F

ollow the forty-hour mindset if you want to succeed academically

•Follow the ABC(&D)s of time management

•There are many advantages of good time management