time management write things down avoid procrastination keep your desk and files organized...

Time Management Write things down Avoid procrastination Keep your desk and files organized • Systematize Plan adequate sleep Attend a speed reading class Develop your communication skills Develop your people network Do daily planning Prioritize it Don’t get out of balance in your life Take a lunch break

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Post on 25-Dec-2015




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Time Management

• Write things down• Avoid procrastination• Keep your desk and files organized• Systematize• Plan adequate sleep• Attend a speed reading class• Develop your communication skills• Develop your people network• Do daily planning• Prioritize it• Don’t get out of balance in your life• Take a lunch break

Risk Strategy

Steps to mitigate risk:

1.Identifying risk2.Measuring it3.Formulating strategies to limit it4.Carrying out specific tactics to implement those strategies5.Continuously monitoring the effort

Risk Strategy

Risk Management Tools:1.Insurance2.environmental issues3.financial safeguards4.security services5.backup systems 6.government regulations 7.each business will have different types of risks8.Contingency planning for other potential hazards is just as important as insuring against losses.

Development Plan

Disclaimer on What Comes Next

• Your accountant knows more than me.

• This isn’t legal or financial advice, just information you can use when you’re ready to consult with an accountant or attorney.

Non-Profit Route

• Incorporate as a Non-profit in the State

• Apply for tax exempt status with the IRS

• Profits are reinvested to mission:– “No part of the net earnings of the Corporation

shall inure to the benefit of, or be distributable to, its directors, officers, or other private persons, except … to pay reasonable compensation for services rendered …”

Non-Profit Advantages

• Tax Exempt

• Donations to 501c3 are Deductible

• Eligibility for grants

• Formal structure means organization exists beyond its founders

• Limited liability

Non-Profit Disadvantages

• High cost of incorporation

• Greater paperwork burden: taxes, records

• Shared Control: Board of Directors

• Public Scrutiny: Open Tax Filings

For-Profit Route

• Profits are distributed to shareholders

Sole Proprietorship

• You are the company

• No incorporation or other, separate filing– Will still have to comply with State & Local

laws and ordinances

• Full liability

Limited Liability Corp (LLC)

• Limited Liability

• Tax filing is part of personal tax return

• Less paperwork or scrutiny than other corporate forms

• Most flexible corporate form – can have multiple owners

• Difficult to transfer ownership


• Limited Liability

• Losses are deducted on tax returns

• May carry tax advantages above LLC

• More paperwork than LLC


• Unlimited number of shareholders

• Attractive for Venture Capitalists

• May retain & accumulate earnings from year-to-year

• Carries greatest burden of paperwork and scrutiny

• Faces double taxation


• L3C: Low-Profit LLC– Available in: IL, LA, ME, MI, NC, UT, VT, WY– IRS: Program Related Investment– For-profit venture to support charitable activity

• B Corporation– Not a Corporate Form, but a Certification– Triple Bottom Line: People, Planet, Profit– Regular Audit

Fiscal Sponsorship

• Sponsored Organization may raise tax-deductible contributions, passed through a 501c3 organization

• Good alternative for arts organization or artist who does not want to incorporate as a non-profit

• Typically, project-based• Fractured Atlas is the largest fiscal

sponsor of any type in the US

“Exempt Purposes” :: IRC 501(c)(3)The exempt purposes set forth in section 501(c)(3) are charitable, religious, educational, scientific, literary, testing for public safety, fostering national or international amateur sports competition, and preventing cruelty to children or animals. The term charitable is used in its generally accepted legal sense and includes relief of the poor, the distressed, or the underprivileged; advancement of religion; advancement of education or science; erecting or maintaining public buildings, monuments, or works; lessening the burdens of government; lessening neighborhood tensions; eliminating prejudice and discrimination; defending human and civil rights secured by law; and combating community deterioration and juvenile delinquency.

Charitable Giving to the Arts

• Why is it considered charitable?

Arts Money

• Half of all dollars come fromearned revenue

• Organizations and artists who can figure out a way to sell goods (e.g., a painting) & services (e.g., teaching) present a stronger case for support when asking for government or foundation money.

Individual Giving

• Contributed revenue from individuals come second to earned revenue

• Economics and altruism– People with substantial assets & income are

advised to give– People give to people they trust & believe in,

want to make the world a better place.

• Video: Why did Kenny give?

Individual Giving

• Through Earned Revenue– Best case: this is your primary source– Set aside for investments: improves your

position for grants

• Through Contributed Income– Appeal Letters– Begin with non-monetary contributions– Events come with caveats

Individual Giving

• Find them!– Start with your inner circle and work out– The creative economy is a social economy– Get people involved with your art– Pursue networking opportunities– Get contact info, keep people informed

Institutional Giving

• Very competitive, decreases year-to-year

• Corporate Marketing

• Corporate Giving

• Private Foundations

• Government Agencies

Distribution of Foundation Grants

Arts & Culture11%


Environment & Animals7%Health


Human Services15%

World Peace3%

Public Affairs12%

Social Sciences1%



Science & Tech3%

Source: Foundation Center (2010)

Foundation Grants: Arts & Culture









1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010

Government Support

• Why?

Government Support

• Quality of Life

• Often provide first institutional support

• Interest of the government: health, safety welfare of the people

• Interest of the people: diversity, inclusion, peer reviewed

Private Foundations

• In most cases, offer grants only to 501c3 nonprofit organizations

• In some cases, they do not allow for fiscal sponsorship

• Foundations are required to give a minimum of 5% of their assets annually

Corporate Giving

• Charitable giving policies align with bottom line

• Reasons: Brand recognition, new product marketing, highlight goodwill

• Ways: employee matching, cash grants, donated products, sponsorships, in-kind

Three videos for bed time

• Grant Makers on Their Rolehttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZeGoOybL3K0

• GrantCraft: Amplifying New Voices– Part 1


– Part 2http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iQLmiR1PccQ

Free Sources for Finding Grants

• NYFA Source @ nyfa.org– Includes regional & discipline-specific grants– Includes residency programs

• The Foundation Center @ fdncenter.org– Can visit library location in Atlanta for free

• Corporate Websites– Look for “Community Giving,” “Corporate

Contributions,” or “Community Relations”

Additional Resources

• Scholarship or Fellowship programs

• Local Arts Councils

• Foundation Center subscription:$19.95 per month

3-Year Forecast

• What is profit? (not philosophical)

Wall Street #FAIL

3-Year Forecast

• Profit = Net Income

• (Gross Income = Income before Expenses)

• Net Income = Revenue – Expenses

How many units will you sell?

Estimate: Quantity SoldProducts/Services   Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Total Yr 1-3

Paintings   5 8 15 28

Tickets   500 1000 1500 3000

How much revenue will that generate?

Estimate: Revenue

Products/Services Price Year 1 Year 2 Year 3

Total Yr 1-3

Paintings $1,500 $7,500 $12,000 $22,500 $42,000

Tickets $25 $12,500 $25,000 $37,500 $75,000

Total Revenue  $20,000 $37,000 $60,000 $117,000

(5 pieces sold x $1,500)

What are your one-time costs?

Estimate: Fixed Costs

Operating Expenses Assumptions Year 1 Year 2 Year 3

TotalYr 1-3

Website Hosting $10 / month $120 $120 $120 $360

Graphic Designer estimated $500 $1,000 $1,200 $2,700

Subtotal   $620 $1,120 $1,320 $3,060

Cost Overrun 20% $124 $224 $264 $5,760

Total Costs   $744 $1,344 $1,584 $8,820

What supplies do you need for each unit?

Estimate: Per-Unit Costs – Paintings

MaterialsCost Per

Unit Year 1 Year 2 Year 3TotalYr 1-3

Canvas $100 $500 $800 $1,500 $2,800

Paint $40 $200 $320 $600 $1,120

Total   $700 $1,120 $2,100 $3,920

(5 pieces sold x $500)

How does it all add up?

Estimate: Net Income / Loss

    Year 1 Year 2 Year 3TotalYr 1-3

Total Revenue   $20,000 $37,000 $60,000 $117,000

Total Costs   $1,444 $2,464 $3,684 $7,592

Net Profit (The Bottom Line) $18,556 $34,536 $56,316 $109,408

How many do you need to sell?

Breakeven Point:

units 55.01360$





unitper Cost unit per Price

Costs Fixed

Reminder to Joe

• Video?