timetech magazine spring 2013


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Timeless Technologies supplies & support Turnkey Solutions for various industry sectors Golf & Residential Estates / Commercial Developments / Mining / Farming / Maritime / Wild Life Conservation / Motor Industry / Law Enforcement & Security Timeless Technologies is a distributor of International leading edge equipment Thermal / Optical / Infrared / Luminary cameras Drones UAV (Unmanned Aerial Vehicle) Video Analytics


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Contents 5 From the Editor

7 The Huginn X1 UAV Drone no myth anymore!

9From the Chairman’s Desk

11Technical Myts in the Industry

13Turning night into day in the Mari me industry

15Timeless Technology giving Mines the “Edge”

17Thermal “Voetspore” on the road to Equator

19Turning the heat on Boland Criminals

21Protec ng the perimeter of Atlan c Beach Golf Estate

23Technology changing the face of Agriculture

25Daff Vessels Voyager Applica on

27Protec ng the perimeter of Silverhurst Estate

29 Thermal Hi-Tec search for a famous cold blooded snake

31M-Series Cameras for Nau c Africa Vessels

33Timeless Technologies YouTube Channel

35Social & Community pages


Editor & DesignAnel Steyn anel@ metech.co.zaMarke ng AssistantSuné Diedericks sune@ metech.co.zaAdver sing For adver sing opportuni es contact:marke ng@ metech.co.za

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From the EditorJoining the Timeless Technologies Team seemed like a daun ng task at fi rst. A leap from the “Residen al Estate Development sector” to the world of “Innova ve Security Technology & Sys-tems”. Yes, you can say from a Man’s world to yet another Man’s world. Except for “this man’s” world were all about “forward thinking technology” and the “collabora on” of mind blowing brands in the industry, bringing new meaning to the phrase “To-morrow’s Technology Today”.

My previous world and new world did however have something in common. Timeless Technologies supplied sophis cated and intelligent perimeter surveillance systems for Residen al and Golf Estates . Well at least that is what I knew on day one. My mind could not grasp to which extent our equipment infi ltrates into various sectors. In an extremely short period of me I was learn-ing, designing, “liking” “following” & “twee ng” about Mari me, Farming, Mining, Commercial Development, Military, Police, Transporta on, Law Enforcement, Fire Figh ng, Search & Rescue and so much more. As I followed the online trends I realised how big the TimeTech Brand has become in South Africa, and how much we can s ll contribute.

But back to the “Man” in the Man’s world. He of course, is the owner and founder of Timeless Technologies, Mr Tinus Dieder-icks, living by the mo o “Life is an adventure to be lived, not a problem to be solved, therefore – just enjoy life!” Ironically he solves problems for so many other out there, making it easier for them to Enjoy life. It seems that as with our technology, he can see everything and see ahead. From now on in the Editor’s le er, for reference purpose, we will refer to him tongue in the cheek as “Bossman”, as per the Brilliant Halls Advert starring Kimmie Cool.

“Bossman” phones me on the day of the “Firefi ghter of the Year” event in Cape Town, he wants me to take the newly arrived Hu-ginn X1 UAV Drone with me to the expo. I (nervously) checked out from the offi ce with “Hugie”, cosy in his sexy black briefcase, stormy Cape Town weather outside, for sure not Spring weather like the cover picture. For a brief moment I felt like James Bond driving with this small but extremely “large” and intelligent piece of High Tech equipment.

I was soon humbled when I reached the highway and my li le Swi y did not turn into a James Bond Super boat as I had tried to dodge the rivers fl owing down the roads. I realised at that point I was more like Rowan Atkinson in Johnny English, but the Huginn X1 and Thermal Cameras on display did as expected turned heads at the expo, restoring my self-image and making me proud to be involved with the TimeTech brand.

It has been an exis ng few months at Timeless Technologies as I had the honour of visi ng our clients from various above indus-tries. We will be capturing and sharing all our stories and new technology in every monthly newsle er, quarterly Magazine and on Social Media. In the next issue we will share more about our partners, integrators and end users. So be sure to stay up to date, because “Bossman” can see you… and so can our cameras! Night and Day!

Steyn… Anèl Steynanel@ metech.co.za - @AnelVDSteynza.linkedin.com/pub/anel-steyn/74/847/370/

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Contact the Time Tech Team

Tel No: 0861-TIMETECH

Cape Town Branchsales@ metech.co.zaInt no: +27 21 914 6144

20 Bella Rosa RoadUnit 2 & 8 Roodebloem Offi ce ParkDurbanvilleSouth Africa7550

Pretoria Branchsalespta@ metech.co.zaInt no: +27 12 997 6466

129 Mtamvuna CrescentMoreleta Park PretoriaSouth Africa0181

Proud member of: h p://www.unashamedlyethical.com

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The Huginn X1 UAV Drone No Myth Anymore

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“Timeless Technologies is a technology research company in the commercial visual systems industry. Tinus Diede-ricks, the owner, is well known in being the fi rst com-mercial thermal camera distributor in South Africa and his experience on security related thermal cameras dates back to 1990 when he realised what this technology could do for the security industry. He followed it up with the video analy cs from Video IQ and now Timeless Technologies has released the next technology that will make a major impact within the industry, the quadro-copter called Hu-ginn X1 from Denmark.

Why the drone from Sky-Watch? Diedericks says: “A er extensive research on 15 diff erent types of quadro-copter drones worldwide, I found this unit which is small enough, clever enough to fl y by itself (fully autonomous), safety features built in with a fully-fl edged avia on black box, and easy to operate, full fl ight with 1 minute deployment. It is very diffi cult to get a drone which can carry an op cal camera and thermal camera in one unit (or either one of the cameras), and it is 100% water resistant, which makes it easy to fl y when the unexpected cloud of rain appears. Needless to say, it was only when all the ck boxes on the technical and features side were checked, a er training on the product and fl ying the unit, it was very clear that this is a product that will change the industry.”

On the ques on regarding price, he adds: “this unit with all its features and capabili es is best value for money. Timeless Technologies is well known for the fact that we sell high-value equipment, best-of-breed products and the Huginn X1 complies with this standard.”

To date the word ‘drone’ has le many people with a sense of restlessness and the UAV culture has been ba ling to reverse the s gma it has inherited that the drone is an in-vasive bird of prey, send to spy and intrude and only used in illegal terrorist acts. However, as the need for collec ng data from a distance grew and with improved drone tech-nology, the nega vity and rejec on towards UAV technol-ogy has started to subside. In reality, this data collec on is no longer related to war or terror acts, but for a variety of daily life changing applica ons. These include searching for missing persons, searching for rhino poachers, inves- ga ng natural disasters like fl oods, event security, aerial

photography, perimeter and border security, inves ga ng unreachable accidents and disaster scenes etc.

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Adding thermal visual technology to these UAVs make un-manned fl ights for the above applica ons possible at night, hereby adding to the list of benefi ts the drone can bring to human life.

The HUGINN X1 received its name from Ancient Norse My-thology. Apparently, Odin, the king of the gods, used to call on his two ravens named, Huginn (thoughts) and Muninn (memory) to send them fl ying over the world to observe what was going on in his kingdom. They returned, perched on his shoulders and whispered in his ears about their ob-serva ons during the fl ight. This informa on enabled him to make life-changing decisions about his kingdom.

The HUGINN X1 is designed as a total solu on, capable of handling both exterior and interior reconnaissance fl ights. The sonar makes the HUGINN X1 capable of performing au-toma c take-off s and landings, this enables the operator to focus on the task at hand. The high precision GPS facilitates, autonomous waypoint naviga on and the sonar together with the pressure sensor makes HUGINN X1 able to hold its height.

It is designed to be used with only a minimum of training and by people with li le or no technical knowledge. The system is capable of ver cal take-off and landing, which ena-bles it to be launched without any launch mechanism and land where there is no landing pad. Its small size allows you to transport the HUGINN X1 as hand luggage on planes or in the back of a car, and with a deployment me of less than one minute; it is a perfect tool for reaching inaccessible or dangerous areas.

When catastrophes or emergency situa ons occur, e.g. tsunamis, earthquakes or terror a acks, rapid response and accurate real- me informa on, is crucial in order to save as many lives as possible and provide the necessary help. Emergency agencies o en rely on specially trained dogs or expensive helicopters when searching for missing persons.

These costs can be reduced with the use of the HUGINN X1. Timeless Technologies is the sole accredited dealer of the HUGINN X1 in South Africa.”

Reference: h p://www.securitysa.com/46509n

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From the Chairman’s DeskThe fi rst thing I have to men on, is that I am very, very proud with what the Marke ng offi ce is achieving by com-piling this highly professional Magazine. Before I talk about this Magazine, let me explain more about Timeless Tech-nologies.

The most important aspect is the fact that we are a Special-ised Distribu on Company, with one goal – to be a leader in technology, where we use the best of breed technology and design a solu on with what is available. It must be unique and it must be diff erent. We would like to try and forecast the future, be selec ve in what we use and why we use it. Yes, it could be dangerous as, the product might not work, the product might be wishful thinking, the product might be expensive (see what happened with thermal since I started with such in 1989!), and even more diffi cult to explain, the so-called opposi on will be jealous therefore shoot down the func onality and the product. All of this whilst we HAVE FUN!

Another important aspect is, and probably the most impor-tant factor is: “we would like to add value to the Distribu-tors, not be their compe on”. The day we all grasp this, we will jointly have the best solu on for all the customers, each product has its place.

The Time Tech Marke ng Department will issue such a magazine ever quarter and the informa on will be relevant to today, with the latest technology available. This will be a useful guide for the Consultants, Distributors, Integrators and End-users alike. The contents will be based around the technology, the features and benefi ts, the latest projects, the u lisa on of the products, and most importantly what the experience is of the end-user.

The emphases will be based around honest observa ons and comments; needless to say, we will say what did work and what did not work. It will be an overview of what Time-less Technologies stands for and the most important is, to put standards in place and to make sure that the solu ons based systems are ge ng more emphases and recogni on than the current fi nancial criteria used, as is the case cur-rently.

During my 25 years within the industry, I have seen nume-rous projects, where the customer expecta ons are not met; the sales person did oversell the solu on and “like normal”, the integrator under-deliver on expecta ons. I have seen and evaluated so-called “systems” delivered, end-users crying over bad decisions made, where the cheaper price do not deliver the results as expected and as promised during the sales cycle! Hence the reason why we at Time Tech adopted the slogan: “NO DEMO, NO SALE”.

What is the meaning of this slogan: “NO DEMO, NO SALE”?The basic summary of this is that the “uneducated” cus-tomer, feel, see and touch the specifi c product which he perceived will solve his problem. We can proudly say, that all customers, who tested a specifi c product under the exact condi ons, are happy and sa sfi ed, because what you see is what you get.

This does not mean that all the customers did buy the product. NO, it only means that this product does what it is meant to do, or it does not solve their issue. This slogan, “NO DEMO, NO SALE” will ensure a WIN - WIN result for both par- es. The customer can experience what he is receiving and

the supplier can be assured that the deal will be sound!

It has been noted that the cause of a vast number of unhappy customers are “self-infl icted” , as they would like all the func- ons for free, do not want to pay and they do not understand

the diff erence between a well-established company and a one-man show. Not to say that there is no place for both. They do not understand that technology and electronics cost money, “what you pay is what you get.” You buy cheap, you get cheap.

Enjoyment of LifeNever forget your social responsibility, that is why you will see what we are doing in that regard and you will be invited to join us at Alta du Toit a ercare for the mentally handi-capped. We take everything for granted, but it is an achieve-ment for some to assemble one washing-line clip in an hour or three a day. Even more real, going for a beach party and during the celebra on on your promo on and you are plan-ning to move to Cape Town, get on the back of a bakkie fall off and hit you’re your head. Now, you are booked into the Alta du Toit a ercare facility. Is Life fair? Who will care for you, maybe your parents, maybe your family, and when they are gone? Hence the reason I would like to be part of such an organisa on, just to show gra tude in what I have, and I am not ashamed in doing so!

Therefore, it is my prayer that this Magazine will be exci ng, useful to the reader, it will be fresh and most importantly it must be fun and enjoyable.

“Some books should be tasted, some devoured, but only a few should be chewed and digested thoroughly.” Francis Bacon

Enjoy the MagazineTinus Diedericks za.linkedin.com/pub/ nus-diedericks/64/201/5a9/

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Myths about ThermalThe myths about ThermalWhat is a MYTH? The best way to understand the concept is to lookup the defi ni on of the word “myth”.

Myth (n) 1a. A tradi onal, typically ancient story dealing with supernatural beings, ancestors, or heroes that serves as a fundamental type in the worldview of a people, as by explaining aspects of the natural world or delinea ng the psychology, customs, or ideals of society: the myth of Eros and Psyche; a crea on myth.b. Such stories considered as a group: the realm of myth.

2. A popular belief or story that has become associated with a person, ins tu on, or occurrence, especially one considered to illustrate a cultural ideal: a star whose fame turned her into a myth; the pioneer myth of suburbia.

3. A fi c on or half-truth, especially one that forms part of an ideology.

4. A fi c ous story, person, or thing: “German ar llery su-periority on the Western Front was a myth” (Leon Wolff ).

I think the best descrip on on what I would like to say is explained above in answer descrip on No3. I would like to use this document and answer some of the myths about thermal camera technology. I will start with the most basic half-truths/miss-interpreta on and try and work my work through to the more complex statements:

1. Op cal cameras are be er than thermal cameras!There is no such thing than the one type of camera is be er than the other. Each type of camera has its own features and benefi ts needless to say its own applica on! Each of these two types of cameras is used in its own right, as it is a real uneducated statement in compar-ing the two “worlds” with one another. It is the same as comparing, analogue communica on with digital commu-nica on OR AC power source with DC power source OR video mo on detec on with video analy cs, it is diff erent “worlds” and it just does not even compare. All of the above has diff erent connectors, diff erent cables, diff erent standards, and diff erent applica ons in general just diff er-ent stuff all together.

Back to the statement above, why, you would ask, and the answer is simple, it is two diff erent items opera ng in two diff erent spaces within the electromagne c spec-trum.

I do hope that the reader will be able to see the diff erence between the two types of cameras and where it operates within the electromagne c spectrum.

2. Can I see through glass with a thermal camera?The answer is a very simple NO! The implica on of this state-ment is that the standard CCD camera uses a glass lens and the thermal camera uses Germanium (32), a metal, as seen within the predictable.

This expensive metal has the correct characteris c proper es whereby the material has a peak response in le ng through heat par cles at 3-5μm and 7-14μm. Glass is not a good con-ductor of heat, but it is a very good conductor of photons, and Germanium has the opposite eff ect.

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The reader can no ce that both materials have a very unique spectral response at specifi c areas within the Electromagne c Spectrum. Therefore, thanks to science, a CCD chip cannot work behind a Germanium lens and a thermal detector can-not operate behind an op cal lens.

3. You can’t use thermal cameras during day me!No, you can! There are much more behind this easy answer than just the “No”! The most important notes to take in con-sidera on when procuring thermal cameras are as follows: a. Take care in what material is used for the detector. It is ad-visable to use, in today’s age – Vanadium Oxide. This material is used very successfully within most thermal camera manu-facturer’s detector, due to the longevity and actual value for money. b. Make sure that the thermal equipment manufacturer guar-antees the detector for a minimum of 10 years, even if the sun shines into the detector. There are companies that sell thermal cameras that warn the integrator not to install these cameras where a heat source could damage the detector. I have experi-ence where the detector has been subjected to a heat source and the image has “spots”, needless to say, the equipment needs to be replaced. To protect the detector, the Flat Field Correc on (FFC) shu er calibrates the detector and all extensive over-exposure spots will be removed.

Image 1 shows the camera viewing the sunImage 2 shows the start of the burn-in into the detectorImage 3 shows more of Image 2 as the sun moves across the fi eld of viewImage 4 shows the FFC done and the spot disappearsYou can use a thermal camera day me as eff ec vely as in night me. The best quality cameras will have Automa c Gain Control and other types of cameras will have Flat Field Correc- on with Digital Detail Enhancement, other cameras will use

the Greyscale Histogram and some cameras will use 142 data processing per pixel.

4. The life me of a thermal camera is very short, a couple of hundred hours! No, 10 years guarantee on the detector is not bad for a ther-mal camera. If it was not the case, then I would have been out of business. I did happen to be at a customer, not to disclose his name, where another distributor/integrator advised the customer to replace his cameras every two years. Well, imag-ine this, every two years, such an expensive piece of equip-ment. Needless to say, a 10 year guarantee on the detectors speaks for itself.

4. The life me of a thermal camera is very short, a couple of hundred hours! No, 10 years guarantee on the detector is not bad for a thermal camera. If it was not the case, then I would have been out of business. I did happen to be at a customer, not to disclose his name, where another distributor/integrator advised the customer to replace his cameras every two years. Well, imagine this, every two years, such an expensive piece of equipment. Needless to say, a 10 year guarantee on the detectors speaks for itself.

5. Thermal cameras are very expensive!When I started in this game in 1990, I installed a 14mm camera onto a Guetebruck VMD unit, and the cost of the camera was R650,000.00 and I had to replace the detector every 6000 hours at an enormous price and a 3 month absence from op-era ons at a key-area. Today, I do the exact solu on at around R20k. The motor industry is selling high volumes of detectors and the detectors are the same in all cameras, and soon it will be in cell-phones, which means it will be a cheap commodity item, you can say truly “thermal everywhere!”

6 Thermal cameras are analogue type only!No, As quickly as digital signalling is developing as quickly will analogue thermal cams be phased out. This will be a natural transgression form one technology communica on type to another. It started with analogue cameras only, then a hybrid type, s ll available, analogue and digital and the digital type has been around for some me. Each type has its usage and it very dependent upon the applica on.

7. You cannot transmit a thermal camera image!No, It is a standard communica on signal, either analogue (composite video, 1v p-t-p) or digital (TCPIP) and the rest of the explana on speaks for itself. We have successfully transmi ed these signals via coax cable, twisted pair balun, fi ber op c ca-ble, digital radio, analogue radio and satellite. This proofs that any medium available, it will be possible to transmit such.

8. You cannot iden fy a person with the aid of a thermal camera!No and Yes, it is dependent upon the distance used. The 640 detector has a very clear image and has 4x higher resolu on than a 320 detector, which in turn will give you much more and be er clarity. The main aim for the use of thermal cameras are for preven on of access rather than inves ga ve security measures.

9. All thermal cameras are the same!Not at all, there are thermal cameras and there are thermal cameras. The best thermal cameras, best value for money and best investment will guarantee the detector for 10 years, it will have Image enhancement capabili es, it will be able to protect the detector against the sun, the detector will be made of the correct material (Vanadium Oxide for CCTV) and it will be able to have an enormous grey scale value per pixel of a short span of temperature. All of this will support the image quality and this in turn will support the VMD or Video analy cs detec on means.

10. The 320x240 detector is half the size of a 640x480 detec-tor! No, this is not true, it is 4x the resolu on, as seen below in the simple explana on. This in turn will result in a much crisper image.

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Thermal imaging cameras for maritime applications


FLIR M-Series

FLIR Voyager II™ / Voyager III™

FLIR MU- / MV-Series

FLIR MD-Series



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Turning night into Day in the Maritime Industry“See and be seen. A primary rule of naviga on.” Captain of the M.V. Golden Bay

With the recent “Day of the Seafarer Campaign” it became yet again clear just how crucial safety and security in the Mari me industry are considered to be, and with about 90 % of all goods being transferred by sea it will possibly remain a top priority to maintain and improve on. When you work in the mari me industry visibility and situa onal awareness are always para-mount. Just because the sun sets, fog rolls in, or swells rise doesn’t mean you have the luxury of punching the clock and heading home for the day. In fact, the services provided on inland waterways, in harbours and ports, or off shore may be most necessary when condi ons are at their worst. So boats are only earning its keep when on the water and so the ques- on is asked; how much more me would a boat spend on the

water if darkness and poor visibility did not ma er?

As with any industry we rely on technology to evolve in such a manner to protect us against daily obstacles and items hinder-ing us from opera ng to our maximum capacity. Such ground-breaking technology was the manufacturing of Thermal Visual Camera systems as no ced by a local South African company. Timeless Technologies is a leading technology research com-pany within the Commercial Visual Systems Industry. Tinus Diedericks, owner, is well known in being the fi rst commercial Thermal Camera Distributor within South Africa and his experi-ence on security related thermal cameras dated back to 1990 when he realised what this technology could do for various

“In order to avoid deadly accidents at night, we looked for a solu on that could help us to detect small boats and objects that are not detected by radar. See and be seen. A primary rule of naviga on, on board the M.V. Golden Bay we make sure that we see others. We cannot run the risk to bring our vessel, its cargo and crew in danger regardless of how others are behaving. Thermal imaging is helping us do this.” captain on the M.V. Golden Bay in New Zealand

Thermal night vision technology is available to keep boaters safe, whether they own a single fi shing boat, a few tugs, or a fl eet of barges and tankers. Professional mariners and mili-taries around the world have been using thermal night vision for years to save lives, avoid obstruc ons, and deter piracy. Now, that same technology is available for every vessel, from the palm of a hand to the dashboard in their wheelhouse, from commercial ships, leisure yachts and search and rescue responders.

Thermal imaging cameras detect and display ny diff erences in heat, not light. So no ma er how much light is available, from pitch black to moonlight to severe midday glare, ther-mal imagers display clear infrared video. The detectors pick up the thermal energy emi ed by everything, even ice. The cameras then convert that data into the crisp infrared video you see on the display.

Thermal Cameras are not only shedding light in the com-mercial sector but also in the Leisure Yacht industry as Mr. Ferre from the Ferre Group explains: “It is amazing! You see everything. Exactly like during the day. It is incredible. You see every detail of the other boats: the cockpit, the bridge, the anchor, you see everything. Even in total darkness. ”Reference: h p://issuu.com/mari mereviewsouthernafrica/docs/july_august_2013

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In June 2011 Timeless Technologies supplied and installed two FLIR Voyager II’s on Seacor Marine vessels, the Master & Mer-chant opera ng in Ghana. The cameras were installed for the safety of the local fi sherman that could previously not be seen and was “run over” by the bigger vessels. Recently Herman Snyman from Timeless Technologies returned to Ghana in order to connect the cameras to the newly installed radar system on board the Seacor Merchant, adding to the func onality of the camera.

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Timeless Technology giving Mines the “Edge”David Montague from FLIR Thermal Systems recently visited South Africa and together with Tinus Diedericks and Quin n Smith from Timeless Technologies they visited a recent Mine applica on.

The mine applica on mainly focussed on crucial key point protec on, perimeter (traffi c) general view, key areas surveillance, and general human traffi c control. A Varia on of 7 FLIR thermal cameras at strategic high points were used, the FLIR PT-606 and the FLIR F-606 series.

To compliment the cameras, 12 Video IQ Encoders were installed at the camera points to obtain eff ortless Edge Recording. “Recording at the Edge is the concept of taking audio/vid-eo from a camera, and storing it at the edge of the Ethernet network instead of transpor ng it across the network to a centralized recording facility such as a Network Video Recorder. Recording at the Edge is a distributed (or de-centralized) approach to storage—the video is spread across a number of edge-storage devices as opposed to centralized on one. (h p://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Recording_at_the_edge)”

Tinus Diedericks from Timeless Technologies explains further:“Edge Recording is one of the unique key features of Video IQ and because of this feature, the problem is not only solved but it insures low maintenance for the future making this an ul mate return on investment and cost eff ec- ve solu on.”

The thermal cameras used is specifi cally for long-range threat detec on; see smaller details from farther away. Enhanced analy cs performance gives you more reliable feedback with fewer nuisance alarms; Wider fi elds of view improve coverage without compromising range performance; op mize coverage effi ciency while lowering overall installa on cost.

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Turn night into day!

Fog or smoke

FLIR PT-Series


Innovation behind video analytics & real-time video surveillance solutions

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Thermal “Voetspore” on the road to the EquatorWith the Voetspore Team back in town from their epic adventure “Voetspore on the Equator” we cannot help but anxiously await the new show to air! According to Johan Badenhorst this was one of their toughest adventures to date and just by following the Voetspore Diaries no one can disagree. The Voetspore team will be doing several guest appearances on which they will share their journey, stories and the value of the equipment used.

It seems that the FLIR PathFindIR that was installed did it’s name jus ce by performing well on this extreme journey, but we need to wait and see un l the air shows to view the exit-ing adventure in thermal!

Voetspore is a documentary adventure on SABC2. Johan Badenhorst and his friends has undertaken many epic journeys throughout Africa since the television channel approached him in 2000 for the fi rst Voetspore adventure. Voetspore is a documentary adventure on SABC2. Johan Badenhorst and his friends has undertaken many epic journeys throughout Africa since the television channel ap-proached him in 2000 for the fi rst Voetspore adventure.

During these journeys, the team made several trips from Cape Town to Kairo, Casablanca and back. Along the way they visit familiar places and discovered new ones. The tel-evision series is about enjoying in the great outdoors. The seventh adventure started in September at Cape Agulhas, and ended100 days later in Alexandria, Egypt. The series was shown on SABC 2 from March, 2013 with English sub -tles.

Now the team returned from thei expedi on No 8 - a journey along the Equator, from KenYa to Gabon. The fi rst part is rela vely easy. Kenya and Uganda are tourist friendly countries. But then you hit the DRC. This is true, African adventure.... and may have been the hardest journey thus far, wait and see!

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Quin n Smith at the Voetspore Amorok a er the PathFindIR was fi ed.

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Total darkness Thermal image

Sometimesyou want to seewithout being seen

H-Series Portable thermal imaging cameras for security and law enforcement applications


See without being seen

Crisp thermal images turn night into day

Choose between HS-307 and HS-324 depending on how far you want to see

Different versions available


Wide range of security and surveillance applications

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They stopped and looked around the area, but in the dark and between all the bushes it was impos-sible for the human eye to fi nd anyone. So, our guys decided to stop the vehicle and inspect the area around the suspected car through the ther-mal camera. And there they were! Two people lying in the bush!

Then one of our people caught one suspect, the other one tried to escape, and our second guy let the dog of the lead and they manage to catch the other suspect! Suspects were wanted for a empted murder and the of a motor vehicle. We are really proud of our team! And glad that we can help the community in fi gh ng crime!”

For more informa on contact: Theunis Fick

theunis.fi [email protected]


Centurion Security Solutions is Turning the heat on Boland Criminals!

Centurion Security Solu ons, Cape Town, South Africa, is an established, family operated company that covers may areas within the Western Cape with fundamentals based upon honesty, integrity and professionalism.

Their approach to any security project is to formulate the ba-sics of security into the following categories and assess what is appropriate for each clients needs and lifestyle: • Physical security • Procedural security • Technological security • Holis c analysis

The success of any security system is based upon the correct implementa on of the fundamentals of the security triangle.

The value of the security system is in direct rela on to the amount of me it takes for anyone to breach the system.

The failure of any of these principles will result in the system being non eff ec ve in its implementa on.

The increase in crime in South Africa has put a severely understaff ed police force, under considerable pressure. The South African jus ce system is understaff ed and South Afri-can jails are over populated.

“Un l a solu on is found private security companies such as ours are there to off er a professional security solu on tailor made to suit each client’s needs.”

Regardint the recent arrests of two Boland suspects whith their Thermal Mobile cameras, Theunis Fick concludes:

“We are really proud to announce that last night our guys who patrol on the vehicle with the ther-mal camera around the Boland area helped police to catch two criminals! A er looking for it for some me the police van no ced the suspicious vehicle

on the side of the road.

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Safeguarding the perimeter of Atlantic

Beach Golf Estate

About the Estate

Situated amidst undula ng, fyn-bos-covered dunes and set against the world-renowned backdrop of Table Mountain, lies Atlan c Beach Estate.

As part of its lifestyle off ering, homeowners can enjoy the 18-hole links style golf course and the Leisure Centre with fully fi ed gym facili es, tennis courts and space for the kids to play. In addi on to these obvious lifestyle off erings, many believe the estate’s biggest assets are its proximity to the beaches and the fynbos which surrounds it. In order to allow residents the opportunity to enjoy the fynbos and exercise outdoors, paths have been created around the estate for walkers and runners alike.

The estate has been designed to preserve the unspoilt natural herit-age of the Blaauwberg Conserva- on Area which borders it. The

vision for the estate is to provide its residents with an exclusive lifestyle supported by a sustainable and secure environment in which to raise families and enjoy re re-ment years.

The Atlan c Beach Home Owners Associa on is focused on promot-ing the interest of its residents and the estate as a whole. To this end it has appointed a fi rst class manage-ment team under the leadership of Harry White, formerly of Steen-berg Golf Estate. With direc on and support from the Board, the new management, along with Pam Golding Property Manage-ment Services, has applied healthy business principles and a strong emphasis on community culture within the estate.

By implemen ng sound fi nancial management prac ces and signifi -cant restructuring, Harry White and his team have gone a long way to ensuring the long-term viability of the estate. In the past two years a range of projects and upgrades has been implemented in order to further improve the estate’s security infrastructure and overall appeal.

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About the Security UpgradePeace of mind for your family’s safety is always the priority when choosing a place to live. At Atlan c Beach Estate, you can rest assured that this too is at the forefront of the estate management team’s strategic thinking and to this end the estate has invested in excess of R5million over the past two years on security infrastructure upgrades.

The Brief was simple:No person or persons shall be able to access the estate over, under or through the perimeter fence without detec on and response.

No person shall enter the estate without the authorisa on of a resident and without details and footage of them entering and exi ng the estate recorded electronically.

Monitoring and capturing of incidents or occurrences shall be done 24/7and response to emergencies or alarms shall be immediate and highly professional.

Security manpower shall be of the highest standard and off er hospitality, fi re fi gh ng and fi rst aid benefi ts to residents.

“Security is the most important aspect of the estate, but it is also im-portant that residents feel safe without the feeling of incarceration. This is why user-friendly security options, which do not negatively

impact on residents lifestyles, were sought.”

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Security is the most important aspect of the estate, but it is also important that residents feel safe without the feeling of incarcera on. This is why user-friendly security op ons, which do not nega vely impact on residents life-styles, were sought.

For many years Thorburn Security Solu ons has been the security provider to the estate. When the estate embarked on this extensive security upgrade they approached Thor-burn and their subsidiary Hyman Systems, who specialise in technical security infrastructures and networks.

To achieve the estate goals, a Video IQ perimeter camera curtain consis ng of 60 cameras was set up with proac ve early warning analy c so ware which iden fi es human ac- vity in the proximity of the fence and alarms the control


The most valuable benefi t of the Video IQ camera curtain is that, unlike alarms emana ng from electric fences, cam-era footage can confi rm an a empted incursion, as well as the exact posi on and number of people so response can be appropriate and asser ve.

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“Proud to announce that on the farms where our vehicle with a thermal camera operates the CRIME

DECREASED up to 70 %!” Centurion Security Solu ons

“They already took off their shirts to ensure they blend in with the darkness of the night -

bad idea as it help me to pinpoint them easier with the Thermal Camera about 400 meters away.”

Muldersdri Farmer

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Agri Mega Week 2013!The interna onal agricultural trend to invest in modern op-era onal technology is infi ltra ng to South Africa. The farm owner’s concern for safety and security fuels the need for ad-di onal equipment not only for opera onal but for safeguard-ing purpose as well.

Recent Muldersdri Farm Incident: “Event date: 01 October 2013. We received a distress call from one of our neighbours around 17:30, that he had 3 intruders on his farm, shots were fi red and they are on their way to us. I immediately respond-ed the FLIR MS224 Thermal Camera from Timeless Technolo-gies with me. As I went up the hill my staff contacted me via radio, informing that the 3 guys are by the store and running in a Westerly direc on. I changed course and drove true the veld, where I saw one of the intruders running. I chased him down and arrested him. I then instructed my staff to go to a high point and see if they can spot the other two. They then informed that they are running north about 1km from us. I then asked my staff to follow them. I fi rst had to wait for rein-forcements before I could go and assist my staff in chasing the other two down When reinforcement arrived I then pursued towards the other 2, by then it was 18:30. I got down the hill and on track of the 2 guys by around 19:00 and it was ge ng darker. I regrouped with my staff and star ng to use the FLIR Thermal Camera, at fi rst I couldn’t see clearly the guys as all the surrounding rocks was hot so early in the night. They already took off their shirts to ensure they blend in with the darkness of the night - bad idea as it help me to pinpoint them easier with the Thermal Camera about 400 meters away.”

Timeless Technologies recently a ended the Agri Mega Week expo in Bredasdorp to educate local farmers exactly what the Time Tech equipment can do for them, ranging from the UAV Drone for perimeter surveillance, crop & weed density inspec- ons, search and rescue opera ons, disaster management, to

the handheld units for searching for wandering livestock and security applica ons. Easy DIY home security kits with wire-less connec on to cell phones to full perimeter surveillance, thermal cameras and video analy cs.

Timeless Technologies Changing the face of agriculture

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Victoria Mxenge on departure

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Thermal imaging cameras for maritime applications


FLIR M-Series

FLIR Voyager II™ / Voyager III™

FLIR MU- / MV-Series

FLIR MD-Series



DAFF Vessels Voyager ApplicationTimeless Technologies recently assisted in rou ne maintenance on four of Department of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries (DAFF) vessels. Maintenance were done on the op cal and thermal cameras of Sarah Baartman, Lilian Ngoyi, Victoria Mxenge and Ruth First.

Damen built the four DAFF patrol vessels, the Sarah Baartman built in 2006, and the Lilian Ngoyi, Ruth First between 2004 to 2006 in Cape Town. The ini al FLIR Thermal Voyager Cameras, were supplied and installed by Timeless Technologies.

“The Voyager is a commercial mari me thermal night vision camera with con nuous thermal zoom for yachts, security boats, and cargo vessels around the world.

Voyager II / Voyager III’s wide-angle thermal camera lets you detect other boats or hazards easily, while its long-range 140 mm thermal camera lets you zoom in on them to get the valuable informa on you need to react in me. The only commercial mari me thermal night vision camera with con nuous thermal zoom, the best image quality in the industry, and the longest thermal lens on the market, it’s no surprise that Voyager II / Voyager III is the proven an -piracy system of choice for yachts, police boats, and cargo vessels around the world.

The Voyager is a powerful, mul -sensor, mid range thermal night vision system, specifi cally designed for marine applica ons. It features two thermal imaging cameras and one daylight / low light camera. One thermal imager has a wide angle fi eld of view and is ideal for naviga on and situa onal awareness.

The other, with the narrow fi eld of view, allows the user to zoom in on objects that are very small or far away. The Voyager II overlays these images to provide a high resolu on image without losing broad situ-a onal awareness.

The Voyager II will allow you to detect objects, which are the size of a human being, more than 2 km away. Objects fl oa ng in the water, the size of 2.3 x 2.3 me-ter, can be detected up to prac cally 6 km away.

The Voyager II will detect these objects even in total darkness, through smoke, light fog and in the most diverse weather condi ons.

The Voyager II comes with a fully integrated and gyro-stabilized Pan/Tilt. It provides you with a con nuous 360° rota on and a steady image in any sea state.”Reference www.fl ir.com

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“Somehow it seems this valley and man were wai ng for each other, for the land is ideal for vineyards, and man by nature is most contented when he lives close to the cul va- on of grapes.”

Royston Lamond’s preface to the book “Silverhurst in the valley of Constan a.

About Silverhurst EstateSilverhurst Estate, one of the most sought a er residen al addresses in South Africa, is situated in the rural, green valley of Constan a in the Southern Suburbs of Cape Town. Nestled on the slopes of Table Mountain, Silverhurst is set amongst some of the coun-try’s most famous wine estates and picturesque forest walks. With 76 spacious villas, historical mansions and beau ful family homes, the Estate lies steeped in his-tory, subtle sophis ca on and style.

The land we now call Silverhurst has changed hands (and its name) many mes since the fi rst land grant of 1697. Those owners with sound business principles, diligence, energy and knowledge of the land reaped the benefi ts of bounteous crops and their tenure was rewarding.

The Surrounding AreaSilverhurst Estate is surrounded by some of South Africa’s leading wine estates, all rich in a winemaking history da ng back to 1685. Groot Constan a, Klein Constan a, Buitenverwach ng, Constan a Uitsig, Steenberg, Constan a Glen and Eagles Nest – the seven producers making up the Constan a Wine Route – are all just a short distance from the Estate.

For those who enjoy walking, The Silverhurst Trail passes along the northern perimeter of the Estate, and hikes from Constan a Nek, along the towering slopes of Table Mountain, to the breathtaking Kirstenbosch Botanical Gardens, are just a short distance away.

For the foodies, Silverhurst Estate is surrounded by an array of bar and restaurant op ons, catering for all tastes and ages. Savour award-winning cuisine in one of the nearby world-renowned restaurants, or enjoy al-fresco country cooking, all located within the oldest wine-growing area in Southern Africa.

The Constan a Valley also off ers a range of upmarket shopping malls, specialist bou ques and country farm stalls. With Constan a Village and High Constan a Shopping Centres on the doorstep of Silverhurst Estate, you’ll fi nd a wealth of elegant stores, exclusive brands, high street shops, luxury goods, fi ne jewels, art and an ques, together providing a unrivalled mix of tradi- onal elegance and modern luxury.

Where Modern Technology and History met!

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Security Applica on63 VIDEO IQ iCVR cameras were installed along the peri-meter of Silverhurst Estate. Off site monitoring is done by Verifi er Monitoring Services and EOH was the integrators on this project.

iCVR cameras are revolu onary devices that deliver state of the art video quality, superior lens op ons, powerful analy cs, zero bandwidth recording and a powerful video management system.

With up to half a terabyte of intelligent, on-board NVR stor-age within each camera, iCVR box cameras eliminate the need for expensive centralized storage and high capacity networks – reducing deployment costs, system complexity, infrastructure, me and resources. Addi onally, VideoIQ’s embedded, adap ve analy cs automa cally calibrate in minutes, delivering superior real- me threat detec on and forensic evidence at no addi onal cost.

“Silverhurst Estate installed Time-less Technologies’ “intelligent camera system” in 2011 . The instal-lation between themselves (as the agents for Video IQ) and the integrators ( EOH ) was well executed . Our experience of the system’s software to monitor the perimeter is that it is end user friendly and the cameras are rugged. Tinus and his service driven , Timeless Technolo-gies staff , are enthusiastic and continue to fall over themselves to as-sist us at all hours . Since the installation of the Video IQ perimeter surveillance system at Sil-verhurst Estate we have been incident free. Our sincere thanks to Tinus and his staff at Timeless Technologies for their continued support . – You guys are great !”

Tony Butcher, Estate Manager, Silverhurst Estate

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Nuts about Toads!“The Toad NUTS (Noordhoek Unpaid Toad Savers) are an exci ng group of volunteers with the aim of saving the endangered Western Leopard Toad from ex nc on.We work together with all toad volun-teers in Cape Town (South Africa) and are supported by the WLT-CC (Western Leopard Toad Conserva on Comi ee).” h p://toadnuts.ning.com/.

HabitatThe species is not restricted to pris ne habitat as much of its histori-cal feeding grounds currently fall under residen al suburbs, hence leopard toads are o en found living in suburban gardens. Breeding habitat includes swamps, freshwater lakes, intermi ent freshwater lakes, freshwater marshes, intermi ent freshwater marshes, urban riverine watercourses, natural ponds and garden ponds.

ThreatsIt is threatened by habitat loss, as well as other urban obstacles and barriers such as walls, electric fencing, canals, roads. Introduced or exo c fauna and fl ora like ducks, fi sh and algae threaten the quality of breeding habitat and the breeding success of popula ons. Cape Town is an expanding city with a popula on of close to 3 million people. There is thus an inherent integra on of urban wildlife and humans in the city, especially with regards to the western leopard toad.

Conserva on measuresVolunteers thus play a cri cal role in conserva on eff orts for the spe-cies. These volunteers are mainly involved during breeding season migra ons, which falls between late July and early September, med with the arrival of the fi rst post-winter warm weather.

It is at this me when the highest number of individuals are threat-ened, as individuals cross busy roads to and from local breeding habitat. Large-scale eff orts across the distribu on incur over nights during this me to move toads over roads, collect data and fl ag down motorists. h p://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Western_leopard_toad

Such Volunteers groups are the ToadNuts organiza on, an unpaid group of volunteers that assists in the safe migra on of the toads during the ma ng season. And because ma ng season falls during extreme rainy condi ons their task are a much greater unselfi sh one indeed.

Herkie Stroh from Timeless Technologies joined the Volunteer group at Lake Michelle one evening, only to fi nd that this loyal group are not put off by harsh rainy condi ons in saving this not so cold blooded creature from ex nc on.

Persons that wants to get involved with the group can follow their ac vi es on facebook at h p://toadnuts.ning.com/.

Alison Faraday, founder of the ToadNuts with the FLIR handheld.

Thermal image of the team as they embark on a search and rescue opera on.

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Hi-Tech Search for Zoo’sHoudini the Black MambaEarlier this year Quin n Smith from Timeless Technologies as-sisted the Tygerber Zoo in the epic search for the very popular Black Mamba, Houdini. Allthough snakes are cold blooded creatures they will s ll be detected with a thermal camera, however Houdini was hiding at a whole diff erent venue while the search was on.

“Johannesburg - Infrared cameras are going to be used to try and fi nd the black mamba that escaped from its enclosure at the Pretoria Zoo, Beeld reported on Thursday. The cameras detect infrared radia on which is emi ed by warm bodies and objects. Even cold-blooded animals like rep les leave a heat signature. The team of experts, from Timeless Technolo-gies, would use their cameras to search the area around the terrarium which the two-metre-long snake escaped from, as well as nearby trees and bushes. Staff realised last week that the terrarium was empty. It was suspected that the mamba got into the building’s roof and was preparing to hibernate. The zoo’s marke ng manager Craig Allenby said the snake would most likely be in the service area behind the terrarium. “

Reference h p://www.iol.co.za/scitech/technology/gadgets/mamba-search-goes-hi-tech-1.1489902#.UlKp-BBFyDc

Quin n Smith and Garth Tighe was invited back to the Pretoria Zoo DJ Rhee from the SABC 1 I-lifestyle TV Show to demo the Thermal handheld camera and to record some footage of the elephants in the Park. Houdini was s ll res ng at that stage and extremely camera shy, some elephants did however show off in front of the cameras.

The BHS-Series are shock-resistant thermal imaging cameras. They produce a crisp image in the darkest of nights. With the BHS-Series security professionals and law enforcement offi cers can see suspects in total darkness, through smoke, and light foliage.

The BHS-Series are bi-oculars. This means that it is less ring to use for the eyes than a monocular. By using a bi-ocular the ability to detect faint objects is enhanced. This means that you have more chance to detect small objects against the back-ground. It is also easier to hold bi-oculars steady when looking at an object. An advantage if you are looking at small things which are far away.

The BHS Series come with 3 lenses, 35 mm, 65 mm, 100 mm or the op on of a 3 in 1 lens, 30 mm to 100 mm as per blow image.

www.timetech.co.za Page 29

Garth Tighe, DJ Rhee with the FLIR BHS and Quin n Smith at the Pretoria Zoo

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"Nautic Africa - Building Ships for Africa This is the dawn of a new era for Africa. The con nent is emerging as a powerhouse of economic growth, resul ng in an array of new opportuni es as well as unique challenges for vessels opera ng off its vast coastline. As a proudly African ship builder, Nau c Africa constructs vessels specifi cally designed to meet these challenges head-on. The company specialises in high speed, ballis c protected, aluminium crew and patrol ves-sels that are on the forefront of modern ship building on this con nent."

Four FLIR M-Series Thermal Cameras were supplied for four of Nautic Africa vessels. The FLIR M-Series combines a thermal imag-ing camera with a low light camera. It pro-vides crisp, clear thermal imagery in total darkness and light fog or smoke. Packaged in a small, ultra-compact gimbal it is designed for the most demanding maritime applications.

The FLIR M-Series is a perfect tool for night me naviga on, shipboard security, man overboard situa ons, an -piracy and many other applica ons. The FLIR M-Series is the standard for mari me thermal imaging systems against which all others are compared. Sleek, powerful, and eff ec ve, M-Series cameras are the most popular family of thermal night vision systems on the water. Easy to use and easy to integrate, M-Series fi lls in the gaps your other marine electronics miss. See more, see farther, and see be er than ever before with M-Series’ clear, sharp im-ages that let you see what you’re trying to miss.

Timeless Technologies supplies versatile FLIR M-Series for Nautic Africa Vessels

Other applica onsDue to the fact that the FLIR M-Series relies on thermal contrast instead of color contrast it provides excellent nigh me vision, but Eric Meyer of SLRG Arbon also uses it during the day. “There are several reasons why normal vi-sion can be impeded during the day. Refl ected sunlight can blind you for instance, or light fog can obstruct your vision. And in case of fi re the smoke can completely render normal eyesight useless. Now all I have to do is switch on the FLIR M-Series thermal imaging camera and I can see straight through smoke or light fog and ignore blinding refl ec ons on the water. Another day me applica on is spo ng fl oat-ing rubble. In the a ermath of a thunderstorm some mes dri wood, like tree branches or even whole trees, fl oats around in the lake, carried there from the mountains by the Rhine and other rivers. The FLIR M-Series thermal imaging camera can be a great help in spo ng them, since the dark wood is diffi cult to see against the background of the dark water, while they show up very clearly in the thermal image.” Eric Meyer explaines.

The FLIR M-Series thermal imaging camera records electro-magne c radia on in the infrared part of the spectrum and translates that into a visible image. This means that a ther-mal imaging camera can produce crisp clear images even in the darkest of nights and that it is not impeded by the fl ash of other vessels’ searchlights, Meyer con nues. “You can use the FLIR M-Series thermal imaging camera and the searchlight simultaneously, which is a vast improvement to the light amplifying system we tested.”

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“We wanted to make sure we can deploy our rescue boats regardless of the ligh ng condi ons”, explains Eric Meyer of SLRG Arbon. “Several cases have shown that rescue opera- ons with searchlights alone can be very diffi cult. In man

overboard situa ons just a few minutes – or seconds even – can some mes make the diff erence between life and death, so it is extremely important that we not only arrive on loca- on swi ly, but also spot the person in the water as quickly

as possible.

At night this can be very challenging when you are using only a searchlight. A good night vision system would allow us to swi ly navigate our vessel towards the loca on of the emergency and to quickly spot people and vessels. Not only would that save me, it would also likely save human lives.”

For that reason Meyer and the other volunteers set out to compare the available night vision systems, including light amplifi ers. The light amplifi er was not a great success, Meyer recalls. “We went out for a rescue opera on at night and tried one of these light amplifying systems, but searchlights from other rescue vessels and the lights from buildings on the shore constantly blinded the system.”

Then Meyer discovered thermal imaging. “We had requested a demonstra on of the FLIR HM-307 XP+ handheld ther-mal imaging camera, but the FLIR representa ve had also brought along a FLIR M-Series thermal imaging camera and as soon as I saw the remarkable image quality it produces I was immediately convinced.”

The lifeboat sta on at Arbon was founded in 1964 as a branch of the Swiss Life Saving Associa on (SLRG). The well trained volunteers of SLRG Arbon are always ready to come to the aid of boaters in need, 24 hours a day and 365 days a year. Their ac vi es include search and rescue opera ons, fi rst aid, fi refi gh ng and issuing warnings to boaters when bad weather is approaching that can endanger their safety. To enable the volunteers to fulfi ll these tasks the rescue boat Sirius of the SRLG Arbon is equipped with a FLIR M-Series thermal imaging camera.

Thermal imaging therefore now helps ensure boater safety on Lake Constance. Bordered by three countries it is no won-der that the beau ful Lake Constance – or Bodensee as it is called in the German language – is traversed by hundreds of people each year. A number of rescue socie es make sure that these people can safely enjoy its wonders. On the Swiss side of the lake that task is fulfi lled by the Seere ungsdi-enst Arbon, with the aid of a FLIR M-Series thermal imaging camera.

“Refl ected sunlight can blind you for instance, or light fog can obstruct your vision. And in case of fi re the smoke can completely render normal eye-sight useless. Now all I have to do is switch on the FLIR M-Series thermal imaging camera and I can see straight through smoke or light fog and ignore blinding refl ections on the water.” Eric Meyer, SLRG Arbon

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More and more people are chasing comfortable and secure lives. In result they are building higher walls, inves ng in electric fencing, and using security companies to seek be er security for they’re families. Since estates present these safety issues the public seems to be favouring estates in terms of security. The more secure the estate, the more valuable your property. But is the estates safe enough and if so how do the estates ensure the safety of their resi-dents?

To make the estate more secure it depends on the follow-ing factors:Size of the estate, Number of homes, Height of the walls, Loca on And the budget

With all these factors in mind the estate can decide how the can keep the estate and residents safe.

In ways like:Guarding staff and security company used, CCTV, Night cameras (thermal cameras), Alarm systemsElectric fencing, Monitoring, Security gates and booms, Surveying of guests.

All these factors are very important but today I want to focus and the security company that is used.Since o en criminal ac vi es in estates happen internally, it’s important to know that the security company and guards that your estate use is trust worthy.Your estate should be able to trust the guards and be se-cure that you are kept safe.

If your estate is in use of a private security company you should keep in mind that according to Sec onal Titles Act of 1986, that if there is a security breach and your estate used an illegal security service they could be held responsi-ble for the crime.

So it’s important to be aware of the legali es and risks of hiring estate security that is non-compliant.

Before the hire a security company for your estate, confi rm their legality by inves ga ng their legi macy through:

Tax clearance cer fi catesCover liability of insurancePrivate Security Industry Regulatory Authority accredita on & complianceWitness wri ng from current or previous clients

Invest in security, invest in comfortable living.sune@ metech.co.za

What Marke ng Gi do you choose when you are in the Thermal Imag-ing business? Thermal Coff ee cups

of course, as with our cameras, they react on heat, so when

adding hot water, the picture be-comes clear.

Turning night into day!

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Timeless Technologies YouTube Channel

Lekker by die Agri Mega week!

NEW ThermalMobile Dome

Intruders captured on thermal camera

at Cape Town Estate

Autonomous MobileDetection Unit

NEW Huginn X1 UAV Drone

Thermal explained over a cup of coffee

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“We are presently off ering Companies/individuals the exci ng opportunity to adver se on a precast wall situated at our centre. This space is very visible for all traffi c using Lincoln road, Boston Bellville.

The advantages of this off er will also include the following: Being associated with Alta du Toit A er care Centre.Marke ng your product/services to road users and visitors to our centre.Marke ng your Company through our network of contacts.Being included on our website as a Bronze sponsor.Direct link to your company website via our website www.altadutoit.org.za Our average monthly hits to our website is approx. 2000 visitors.Monthly free invite to the Business Link, a well-structured marke ng pla orm with representa on by Corporate Companies, Business owners A Tax deductable cer fi cate will be issued at the end of the 2014 fi nancial year.”

To get involved with the Alta du Toit A er Care centreemail [email protected] or visit h p://www.altadutoit.org.za/

How can your company make a difference?

Santam Group spend the Nelson Mandela Day pain ng the Alta du Toit A er Care centre

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The Alta du Toit After Care CentreTimeless Technologies has a great apprecia on for Alta du Toit and is proud to be involved with them for the past few years! You will fi nd that Alta du Toit does excellent work with 155 permanent residents and 66 day care customers. The centre is a safe haven where these adults can live and work. There’s an established skills development program in place and they also see to the physical and medical care of the residents. We at Timeless don’t see our involvement as part of our “Corporate Social Responsibility” but as one of our four Business cornerstones namely “Enjoyment of life” - it’s a privilege to be part of someone’s life and to make a diff erence by doing something small.

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HUGINN & MUNINNVolgens antieke Noorsemitologie, roep Odin diekoning van die gode, sy tweekraaie, Huginn (denke) enMuninn (geheue) en stuur hulleom elke oggend oor die helewêrled te vlieg en so te kyk wataan die gang is in sy koningkryk.Met hul terugkeur, sit hulle opsy skouers en fluister in sy oorhul waarnemings tydens dievlug, om hom so by te staan omlewensnoodsaaklike besluite teneem....

Die behoefte vir dieinsameling van data vanaf 'nafstand en om dit vinnig terugte kry is 'n noodsaaklikheid enwerklikheid.

HUGINN X1, die onbemande vliegtuig stelselkombineer passiewe geheue met aktiewe denke.Dit het die vermoë om hoë resolusie foto's envideo vannaf ’n afstand op te neem, metgevorderde outonomiese beheer en verwerkingvan data sagteware. Vandaar kan besluitegeneem word wat gebaseer is op die beste enmees akkurate inligting.

Huginn X1 Onbemande Vliegtuig

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