timothy #3- the official commission (conclusion) elders, deacons, & apostasy 1timothy 3 - 4


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Page 1: Timothy #3- The Official Commission (conclusion) Elders, Deacons, & Apostasy 1Timothy 3 - 4
Page 2: Timothy #3- The Official Commission (conclusion) Elders, Deacons, & Apostasy 1Timothy 3 - 4

Timothy #3-

The Official Commission (conclusion)

Elders, Deacons, & Apostasy

1Timothy 3 - 4

Page 3: Timothy #3- The Official Commission (conclusion) Elders, Deacons, & Apostasy 1Timothy 3 - 4

Timothy #3- Official Commission: Elders, Deacons, &

Apostasy Last week we covered chps.1-2:

>Introduction to the Preacher Epistles

>The Specific Function of Timothy’s Commission regarding Prayer and Women’s Roles

Today, we’ll examine:>Elders, Deacons, & Apostasy

>Personal Admonitions to Timothy: Conduct, Group Relations w/


Page 4: Timothy #3- The Official Commission (conclusion) Elders, Deacons, & Apostasy 1Timothy 3 - 4

Timothy #3- Official Commission: Elders, Deacons, & Apostasy

A few quick points to consider:>These are qualifications, not

disqualifications- designed to select qualified men lead, not disqualify.

>Thus, each should be viewed toward therole and responsibility of the job,

not an arbitrary means to exclude.

>Overseers, Bishops, Shepherds, & Elders all refer to same role, cf.

Acts 20:17,28 more on names….

I. Overseers, 3:1-7

(& Titus 1:5-9)

Page 5: Timothy #3- The Official Commission (conclusion) Elders, Deacons, & Apostasy 1Timothy 3 - 4

Timothy #3- Official Commission: Elders, Deacons, & Apostasy

More on Names:>Presbyter or Elder are both derivative of

the Grk. presbuteros which means “one advanced in life, an elder” cf. 4:14

>Bishop or Overseer is from the Grk. episkopos- epi over, and skopeo to look, 1Pet.5:2

>Shepherd or Pastor is from poimen which is “one who tends a flock”.

I. Overseers, 3:1-7

(& Titus 1:5-9)

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Timothy #3- Official Commission: Elders, Deacons, & Apostasy

Their Qualifications:>Aspires/Desires the office, v.1

W/o this one, the rest don’t matter.

>Above Reproach / Blameless, v.2a

nothing remaining accountable

>Husband of One Wife, v.2b, Titus 1:6

not a bigamist or polygamist,

widowed, or widowed and remarried is still husband of one wife

I. Overseers, 3:1-7

(& Titus 1:5-9)

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Timothy #3- Official Commission: Elders, Deacons, & Apostasy

Their Qualifications: (cont.)>Temperate / Vigilant, v.2c

circumspectness- one aware ofsurroundings and proceeds withcaution & consideration

>Prudent / Sober, v.2d

one in control of his facultiesphysically, emotionally, & mentally-not wishy-washy or flighty of

thought, cf. Eph.4:14

I. Overseers, 3:1-7

(& Titus 1:5-9)

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Timothy #3- Official Commission: Elders, Deacons, & Apostasy

Their Qualifications: (cont.)>Respectable / Good Behavior, v.2e

orderly, polite, and having integrityrather than tactless, rough, and rude.

>Hospitable, v.2f; Titus 1:8

philoxenos- fond of guests,cf.Heb.13:2; not a hermit or recluse

>Able / Apt to Teach, v.2g; Titus 1:9

prepared, capable, instructive,2Tim.2:24-26

I. Overseers, 3:1-7

(& Titus 1:5-9)

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Timothy #3- Official Commission: Elders, Deacons, & Apostasy

Their Qualifications: (cont.)>Not Addicted to Wine, v.3a

just what it says- it means

>Not Pugnacious, v.3b

not belligerent or combative

>Gentle / Patient, v.3c

the necessity of seen in 2Tim.2:24ffand 1Thess.2:7

>Uncontentious, v.3d (like the previous)

I. Overseers, 3:1-7

(& Titus 1:5-9)

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Timothy #3- Official Commission: Elders, Deacons, & Apostasy

Their Qualifications: (cont.)>Free from the Love of Money, v.3e

important because of 5:17ff & 6:5ff

>Good House Manager, vv.5-6; Titus 1:6

faithful in little > faithful in much

Note: control with dignity!

>Not a New Convert, v.6

Elders now taught, not bestowed, Acts 14:23 & Acts 8:18-19

I. Overseers, 3:1-7

(& Titus 1:5-9)

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Timothy #3- Official Commission: Elders, Deacons, & Apostasy

Their Qualifications: (cont.)>Of Good Reputation Outside, v.7

lest he bring reproach upon thechurch and make it more difficult for

it to do its work of evangelism, Phil.2:15.

All of these are specific to the Elder’s preparation for his duties, to the

carrying out and on of the Lord’s work through the Church.

I. Overseers, 3:1-7

(& Titus 1:5-9)

Page 12: Timothy #3- The Official Commission (conclusion) Elders, Deacons, & Apostasy 1Timothy 3 - 4

Timothy #3- Official Commission: Elders, Deacons, & Apostasy

Their Name: >is indicative of service.

Grk. diakonos refers to a servant.

Acts 6:1-6 as an example.

Phil.1:1 contains the only other use of the term outside of 1Tim.3 in the N.T.

II. Deacons, 3:8-13

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Timothy #3- Official Commission: Elders, Deacons, & Apostasy

Their Qualifications are much like the Elders:>men of dignity, v.8a > v.4b

+not double-tongued, v.8b

insincere, two-faced, saying two different things to different people

>not addicted to much wine, v.8c > v.3

These are not standards from eachother Christians are released- just

the best of the best, cf.1Pet.4:3.

II. Deacons, 3:8-13

“>” like for the Elders

“+” a new or different qualification

Page 14: Timothy #3- The Official Commission (conclusion) Elders, Deacons, & Apostasy 1Timothy 3 - 4

Timothy #3- Official Commission: Elders, Deacons, & Apostasy

Their Qualifications are much like the Elders:>or fond of sordid gain, v.8d > v.3

+holding to the mystery of faith with a clearconscience, v.9

cf. 1:5 and 1:19

+let these also be tested, v.10

as in v.6 “not a new convert” cf. 5:22

“if they are beyond reproach” cf.v.2

II. Deacons, 3:8-13

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Timothy #3- Official Commission: Elders, Deacons, & Apostasy

Their Qualifications are much like the Elders:+Women, v.11

marginal readings suggest either deacons’ wives / deaconesses.

Wives make more sense given 2:11-12 and if deaconesses, then the

only qualifications would be v.11- less than the deacons???

No mention of deaconesses in Phil.1:1.

II. Deacons, 3:8-13

So, Wives must be:

>dignified, v.11a

>not gossips, v.11b

>temperate, v.11c

>faithful in all, v.11d

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Timothy #3- Official Commission: Elders, Deacons, & Apostasy

Their Qualifications are much like the Elders:>husbands of one wife, v.12a > v.2

>good managers of home, v.12b > v.4

The rewards of such service?

“For those who have served well as deacons obtain for themselves a high standing and

great confidence in the faith that is in Christ Jesus.” v.13

II. Deacons, 3:8-13

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Timothy #3- Official Commission: Elders, Deacons, & Apostasy

Give the reasons for these “household of God” instructions:>v.14-15a Paul planned to come to

Ephesus, but “in case I am delayed”

>v.15 he wanted Timothy to know and to relay “how one ought to conduct himself…in the church of the living God, the pillar and support of truth.

>v.16 Obviously, Jesus is the cornerstoneof such a structure.

The Parenthetical Explanation vv.14-15

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Timothy #3- Official Commission: Elders, Deacons, & Apostasy

This section is the last of the Official Commission portion of the letter- the rest will be more of personal instruction for Timothy beginning with v.6ff.

III. The Apostasy, 4:1-5

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Timothy #3- Official Commission: Elders, Deacons, & Apostasy

The reason for the warning?>explicit revelation by the Spirit, v.1

The time of the Apostasy?>in the latter times, v.1 > 2Tim.3:1

by the characteristics that follow,

we’re here….

III. The Apostasy, 4:1-5

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Timothy #3- Official Commission: Elders, Deacons, & Apostasy

The What->men will fall away from the faith, v.1a

The Why->paying attention to deceitful spirits, v.1b

as John also described, 1John 4:1-6

>and doctrines of demons, v.1c

as James mentioned, Jas.3:13-15

see also 2Cor.11:13-15

III. The Apostasy, 4:1-5

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Timothy #3- Official Commission: Elders, Deacons, & Apostasy

The How->hypocrisy of liars, v.2a

>whose conscience has been seared, v.2b The Resulting Teaching-

>forbidding of marriage, v.3a

>advocation of abstaining from foods, v.3b

Sound familiar? The Solution-

>Truth, v.3b and Prayerful Thanks, vv.4-5

III. The Apostasy, 4:1-5

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Timothy #3- Official Commission: Elders, Deacons, & Apostasy

Our Elders and Deacons ought to be the best of the best….

the church of the living God deserves no less.

Apostasy had its seeds of origin even as Paul wrote to Timothy,

it certainly has not withered on the vine and died since!

The solution is still the same, 4:3b.


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