tips for answering spm paper

PHYSICS 2010 [TIPS FOR ANSWERING SPM PAPER] Answering Technique for SPM Physics | 2010 2 EXAMINATION FORMAT Format of the Instrument for the Evaluation of Physics for SPM 4531 ITEM PAPER 1 (4531/1) PAPER 2 (4531/2) PAPER 3 (4531/3) Instrument types Objective Test Subjective test Written Practical test Item types Objective items: Multiple choices. Each of item consist 3, 4, or 5 options A, B, C, D, E. Subjective items: - Section A: items. - Section B: Limited responses and open responses items. - Section C: Limited responses and open responses items. Subjective items: - Section A: Structured items. - Section B: Open responses items. Number of questions 50 (answer all) - Section A: 8 (Answer all) - Section B: 2 (Choose one) - Section C: 2 (Choose one) - Section A: 2 (Answer all) - Section B: 2 (Choose one) Total marks 50 100 40 Test period 1 hour 15 minutes 2 hours 30 minutes 1 hour 30 minutes Cognitive domains Knowledge: 28% Understanding: 40% Applications: 32% Knowledge: 11% Understanding: 16% Application: 18% Problems solving: 22% (Qualitative and quantitative) Conceptualization: 16% Making conclusion: 17% Problems solving (Experimentation): 100% Marking Dichotomous marks: 1 or 0 Analytical marking based on rubric scorings. Analytical marking based on rubric scorings. Contextual cover Construct is assessed based on all learning domain. Construct is assessed based on all learning domain. Construct is assessed based on all learning domain. Difficulty level Low: L Medium: M High: H L M H 60% 24% 16% L M H 38% 35% 27% L M H 50% 30% 20% Additional devices Scientific calculator Scientific calculator Scientific calculator, protractor, 30 cm ruler.

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Answering Technique for SPM Physics | 2010 2

EXAMINATION FORMAT Format of the Instrument for the Evaluation of Physics for SPM 4531

ITEM PAPER 1 (4531/1) PAPER 2 (4531/2) PAPER 3 (4531/3)

Instrument types Objective Test Subjective test Written Practical test

Item types Objective items: Multiple choices. Each of item consist 3, 4, or 5 options A, B, C, D, E.

Subjective items: - Section A: items. - Section B: Limited

responses and open responses items.

- Section C: Limited responses and open responses items.

Subjective items: - Section A: Structured

items. - Section B: Open

responses items.

Number of questions 50 (answer all) - Section A: 8 (Answer all)

- Section B: 2 (Choose one)

- Section C: 2 (Choose one)

- Section A: 2 (Answer all)

- Section B: 2 (Choose one)

Total marks 50 100 40

Test period 1 hour 15 minutes 2 hours 30 minutes 1 hour 30 minutes Cognitive domains Knowledge: 28%

Understanding: 40% Applications: 32%

Knowledge: 11% Understanding: 16% Application: 18% Problems solving: 22% (Qualitative and quantitative) Conceptualization: 16% Making conclusion: 17%

Problems solving (Experimentation): 100%

Marking Dichotomous marks: 1 or 0

Analytical marking based on rubric scorings.

Analytical marking based on rubric scorings.

Contextual cover Construct is assessed based on all learning domain.

Construct is assessed based on all learning domain.

Construct is assessed based on all learning domain.

Difficulty level Low: L Medium: M High: H


60% 24% 16%


38% 35% 27%


50% 30% 20%

Additional devices Scientific calculator Scientific calculator Scientific calculator, protractor, 30 cm ruler.

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ANSWER STRATEGY PHYSICS QUESTIONS PAPER 1 – Objective Questions (1 Hours 15 Minutes) 1. Paper 1 consists of 50 objective questions. You will have to answer all the 50 is in this paper.

- 30 questions Easy - 12 questions Medium - 8 questions Difficult

2. Each objective questions may have 3, 4 or 5 choices as follows:

- A, B and C - A, B, C and D - A, B, C, D and E

3. Majority of the questions come with 4 choices. Questions with 5 choices are usually reserved for

questions that involve calculations. 4. The time allocated for paper 1 is 1 hour 15 minutes or 75 minutes. The average time to answer one

question is therefore 1½ minutes. 5. Do not take more than 1½ minutes to answer each question. If you are unable to answer a particular

question, leave it first. Spending too much time on one difficult question may result in not having enough time to answer other simpler questions.

6. Study the formulae and information given before you start to answer any questions. Some of the

formulae provided will be used to solve numerical problems and knowing their existence may provide you with a hint to answer questions that involve the use of formulae.

7. Make sure that you know the usual meaning of symbols used in formulae in SPM Physics. 8. Read each questions diligently to make sure that you understand the requirement of that questions.

If information such as diagrams, graphs, or data is provided, make sure that you make use of them because they are provided with a purpose. Make sure that you know how to interpret the various types of graphs as well as make conclusions from graphs or data provided.

9. One way to tackle difficult questions is to eliminate incorrect choices one by one until you are left

with the best possible choice. 10. Many of the questions are related to experiments carried out in the laboratory. As such, make sure

that you know the purpose of every step in the experiments you carried out and make sure that you know the manipulated variable, the responding variable and the constant variable in a particular experiment.

11. The objective questions in Paper 1 involve all the topics in the Physics syllabus. As such, you will

have to make sure that you understand every topic well enough.

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ANSWER STRATEGY PHYSICS QUESTIONS PAPER 2 – Subjective Questions (2 Hours 30 Minutes) SECTION A 1. Section A of paper 2 consists of 8 questions. You will have to answer all the 8 questions in this


2. The marks allocated to each questions vary from 4 to 12 marks. The total in Section A is 60 marks.

3. You are advised to spend 90 minutes on this section. Spending more than 90 minutes on this section will result in having insufficient time to answer questions in Sections B and C.

4. The structured questions in Section A are usually based on diagrams, tables, graphs, or data related to a certain situations or phenomenon. It is therefore absolutely necessary for you to study the diagrams, tables, graphs or data provided before attempting to answer the questions.

5. Before attempting to answer questions, read the questions at least twice and highlight the key words provided so that you will not go out of point.

6. Do not force yourself to answer Questions 1 first if you are not too sure of the answers. Answer questions that you are most sure of first. By answering questions which you are quite sure of first will help you increases your confidence to answer the questions that you are not so sure of. Do not spend too much time on a particular question as it is very important that you answer or at least attempt to answer all the 8 questions within the 90 minutes allocated.

7. Note the marks allocated to each section of a questions. A section that is allocated only 1 mark will require a short answer. It will be futile if you write a few lines for a section that is allocated only 1 mark. On the other hand, a section that is allocated 3 marks will require you to state 3 properties or characteristic associated with the particular section.

8. While answering questions that involve calculations, make sure that you write down all the steps in the spaces provided in the questions paper, including the formula used. Writing down the complete steps will allow the examiner to study your approach and if you make a careless mistake in a sub-section, follow through marks may still be given for other sub-sections that are correctly done. Otherwise you may lose all marks in other sub-sections as well.


1. Section B consists of two questions. You need to answer only ONE question from this section.

2. The marks allocated for this section is 20 marks.

3. You are advised to spend 30 minutes on this section.

4. The questions from section B are normally preceded by a diagram that shows a certain state or situation that is related to a specific Physics concept.

5. You are normally asked to state the characteristics shown in the diagram and also to state the Physics principles involved.

6. Study the marks allocated to each section or sub-section in the questions. The marks allocated in each section may be as high as 10 marks. In such cases, make sure that you have at least 10 points or properties related to the section as each point is normally allocated 1 mark.

7. Equations, diagrams, tables, graphs or other suitable methods may be used to explain your answer. However, your answer should be clear and logical.

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1. Sections C consists of two questions. You need to answer ONE question only from this section.

2. Questions in this section normally require the interpretation of the data provided. As such you will have to study the data carefully and understand what it is all about.

3. The marks allocated for this section is 20 marks.

4. You are advised to spend 30 minutes on this section.

5. The questions from Section C are normally preceded by a table that is related to a specific Physics concept,

6. Study the marks allocated to each section or sub-section in the questions. The marks allocated in each section may be as high as 10 marks. In such cases, make sure that you have at least 10 points or properties related to the section as each point is normally allocated 1 mark.

7. The questions in this section normally require you to state a certain principle or to explain certain properties or characteristics based on the information given.

8. Note that questions in Section B and C only involve the explanation of theories and do not contain questions that require you to describe an experiment.

ANSWER STRATEGY PHYSICS QUESTIONS PAPER 3 – Written Practical Questions (1 Hours 30 Minutes)

1. In paper 3, you are asked to design an experiment and answer questions related to the experiment.

2. This is to test the analytical skills and creative thinking skills and critical thinking (CCTS). To answer this question well you must be skilled ALL experiment was conducted at the school.

3. Responding time: 1 hour 30 minutes.

4. This paper is divided into two parts: Part A and Part B.


1. Section A consists of two structured questions. You need to answer all questions from this section.

2. This section is allocated a total of 28 marks.

3. The questions in this section are based on experiments that you should have already done in the laboratory.

4. The questions in this section normally require you to plot a graph or graphs. As such make sure that you know all the steps involved in plotting a graph.

5. You are advised to spend 60 minutes on this section.

6. You are normally required state the manipulated variable, the responding variable and the constant variable based on the aim and the procedure of the experiment. Make sure you know the meaning of each of the variable stated above.

7. The questions from this section also involve the interpretation of graphs. As such you will need to carefully determine the quantity represented by the slope of graph provided. You will also need to know how to determine the slope of a graph.

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8. The questions from this section may also involve the calculation of certain quantities. Make sure that you write down all the steps involved in the spaces provided in the questions paper.


1. Section B consists of two questions. You need to answer ONE question only from this section.

2. This section is allocated a total of 12 marks.

3. You are advised to spend 30 minutes on this section.

4. The questions in this section are normally preceded by a diagram depicting a situation in our daily lives together with a brief write-up on the situation shown.

5. You will have to study the situation carefully as you are normally asked to state one suitable inference that can be made from the situation.

6. You will also be asked to state one appropriate hypothesis for an investigation and to describe an experimental framework to test hypothesis. In your description, you will have to state clearly the following:

(i) Aim of the experiment

(ii) Variables involved in the experiment

(iii) List of apparatus and materials

(iv) Arrangement of the apparatus

(v) The procedure of the experiment which includes

- the methods of controlling the manipulated variable

- the method of measuring the responding variable

- the method of repeated experiment

(vi) The way you would tabulate the data

(vii) The way you would analyse the data

7. Make sure that you describe your experiment according to the format shown above.

8. Make sure you provide a fully labeled diagram of the apparatus used.

9. Write out your experiment in the passive voice and use short sentences.

10. When making a conclusion, make sure that your conclusion is in line with your hypothesis.

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Command Words Example Name Simply requires the technical name for a process, a chemical etc.

(a) Name the heat energy, Q1, which is absorbed from R to S. Latent heat // Specific latent heat (of fusion)

[1 mark]

State State means you need to give only brief answers. This means that, detail explanations are not required. Only requires a simple statement, no reasoning is expected.

(a) State one reason why the temperature at R and S is the same even

though heat is supplied. The heat needed to break the bonds between molecules // molecules move further apart // to change solid to liquid // to change physical form // kinetic energy doesn’t change.

[1 mark]

Calculate Used when a numerical answer is required. In general, working should be shown, especially where two or more steps are involved.

(a) Calculate the het energy, Q2, which is absorbed from S to T.

[The specific heat capacity of water, C=4200 J kg-10C-1] Q = mcθ 1.0 x 4200 x 100 420 000 J // 4.2 x 105 J // 420 kJ

[2 marks]

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Meant You need to remember only certain sentences used which are to conclude all aspects which are required. Only a formal statement or equivalent paraphrase is required.

(b) What is meant by pressure?

Force per unit area // Force ÷ Area // AreaForce

// AF

, where; F is

force, A is area. [1 mark]

(a) What is meant by speed?

Distance/Time // rate of change of distance // ts ; where, s =

distance, t = time [1 mark]

Compare You need to state the difference or similarity about two things.

(c) Based in Diagrams 2, compare the

water pressure at P and Q. Explain your answer. Pressure at Q is higher // Pressure at P is lower // Q > P // Q is higher // Q is more // Q is bigger // Q is more than P Depth at Q is higher // Depth at P is lower // hQ > hP // HQ > HP > Q is deeper // Pressure increases as the depth increases

Explain Explain means that the details explanations are required to support a statement given. Important points/information need to be given specifically. General ideas are insufficient Complete Usually used where there are missing items in a table, diagram or words in a sentence paragraph.

(a) Complete the Table.

Distance from the concave mirror Characteristics of image

5 cm Virtual, upright and magnified 8 cm Virtual, upright and magnified

15 cm Real, inverted and magnified 200 cm Real, inverted and same size as the object. 25 cm Real, inverted and diminished

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(b) Complete the ray diagram to show the image which is formed by the concave mirror. Mark the image with a letter I.

(c) Complete the diagram (b) to show pattern of the waves after they pass

through the gap.

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Determine Implies that the quantity concerned cannot be measured directly but is obtained by calculation, substituting measured or known values or other quantities into a standard formula.

(a) Based on the graph in diagram (b),

(i) determine the focal length of the convex lens

f = 0.11

= 10 cm [2 marks]

(ii) determine the power of the convex lens.

P = f1

= 0.11

= 10 D [2 marks]

Suggest Can be used in two main contexts, i.e. either to imply that there is no unique answer, or where this may not be formally ' in the syllabus', but the examiner thinks the candidate should be able to apply his knowledge to make a simple deduction.

The result obtained is shown by the graph in diagram above. (a) Suggest one way to determine the resistance of the bulb from the graph.

The gradient of the graph [1 mark]

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Describe Requires the candidate to state in words (using diagrams where appropriate) the main points of the topic. It is often used with reference either to particular phenomena or to particular experiments.

(a) Describe how the current, I passing the heating element changes when

the potential difference, V is increased from 0 to 240 V. Sketch a graph to support your description. The current that flows through the heating element, increases as the potential difference across it increases.

[2 marks]

(b) Using these mirrors and other materials, describe how you would make

the periscope. [4 marks]

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1. APPLICATION (Section A and C)2. CONCEPTUALISATION (Section A and B)3. PROBLEM SOLVING ( Section4. DECISION MAKING ( Section B and C)5. COMPREHNSION (Section B)

SCORING EXAMPLE - Paper 2 Section A and C(APPLICATION) - ability to use information to explain phenomenon- ability to use information to calculate physical quantities

1. Diagram 7.2 shows a hydraulic jack in a car service centre.

A force of 50N is exerted on the small piston when the handle is pushed down. The crossareas f the small piston and the large piston are 0.04 m

(i) Calculate the pressure exerted on the oil in the hydraulic jack.

P =


= 1250 Nm-2

Substitution Answer with unit


Answering Technique for SPM Physics


1. APPLICATION (Section A and C) 2. CONCEPTUALISATION (Section A and B) 3. PROBLEM SOLVING ( Section B) 4. DECISION MAKING ( Section B and C) 5. COMPREHNSION (Section B)

Paper 2 Section A and C

ability to use information to explain phenomenon ability to use information to calculate physical quantities

shows a hydraulic jack in a car service centre.

A force of 50N is exerted on the small piston when the handle is pushed down. The crossareas f the small piston and the large piston are 0.04 m2 and 0.8 m2 respectively.

the pressure exerted on the oil in the hydraulic jack.

Substitution ü1

Answer with unit ü1

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A force of 50N is exerted on the small piston when the handle is pushed down. The cross-sectional respectively.

[2 marks]

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(ii) Calculate the force that the oil exerts on the large piston. Solution:

= 1250

F = 1250 x 0.8 = 1000 N

Answer with unit ü1

[1 mark]

2. Explain why a piece of paper burns when placed under a convex lens aimed towards hot sun rays. Solution 1: - Parallel light rays ü1

- Converge or focus after pass through a lens ü2

- Converge at principle focus ü3

- Light energy is convert to heat energy ü4

Solution 2:

[4 marks]

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SCORING EXAMPLE - Paper 2 Section B (CONCEPTUALISATION) [5 MARKS] - This element is concern with the ability to make generalization based on the relationship

between common characteristics and the relationship between variables in order to construct meaning to concept. Thus include the ability to identify common characteristics and variables in order to construct a specific physics concept.

1. Diagram 9.1 and Diagram 9.2 show parallel rays are directed towards the lenses P and Q with focal point F.

Diagram 9.1 Diagram 9.2

Using Diagram 9.1 and Diagram 9.2, compare the thickness, the focal length and power of the lens. Relate the thickness of the lens with the focal length to make a deduction regarding the relationship between thickness of the lens and the power of lens. Solution: - Lens in diagram 9.1 is thinner - Focal length in diagram 9.1 is longer - Power of lens in diagram 9.1 is

lower - The thinner the lens the longer the

focal length - The thinner the lens the lower the







[5 marks]

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2. Diagram 9.1 shows the effect of pressure on a sandy beach when a man sits on a chair. Diagram 9.2 shows the same man sitting on the same chair after a piece of plank is placed under the chair.

(a) What is the meaning of pressure?

Force per unit area / P =

; where F = force, A = area [1 mark]

(b) Observe diagram 9.1 and diagram 9.2. Compare the depth of sinking, the load and the

area of contact with the sandy beach. Relate the depth of sinking with the pressure exerted by the chair to make a deduction on the relationship between the pressure and the area of contact in this situation. Solution: - Depth of sinking in 9.1 is deeper than in diagram 9.2 ü1 - The weight of the man in diagram 9.2 and 9.1 is equal ü1 - Area contact in diagram 9.2 is larger than 9.1 ü1 - The depth of sinking increases, pressure increases / d α P /

h α P ü1

- As the area of contact increases, the pressure exerted

decreases / P α


[5 marks]

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SCORING EXAMPLE - Paper 2 Section B(PROBLEM SOLVING) [10 MARKS]This element is concerned with the ability to use information, scientific skills and thinking skills to solve Physics problems qualitatively and quantitatively and to carry out a planned scientific investigation systematically.

1. Diagram 9.3 shows a pole vaulter performing

Using appropriate physics concepts, explain the use of suitable equipment and techniques to improve his performance.Your answer should include the following aspects:

(i) Vaulter’s attire (ii) Vaulter’s movement

(iii) Pole used (iv) Safety


Tight and light attire / spiked shoes

Sprint / Increases speed

More elstic / light / bends easily

Strong pole /

Use thicker mattress


Answering Technique for SPM Physics

Paper 2 Section B (PROBLEM SOLVING) [10 MARKS]

concerned with the ability to use information, scientific skills and thinking skills to solve Physics problems qualitatively and quantitatively and to carry out a planned scientific

Diagram 9.3 shows a pole vaulter performing a jump.

Using appropriate physics concepts, explain the use of suitable equipment and techniques to improve his performance. Your answer should include the following aspects:

Vaulter’s movement

Aspect Reason

Tight and light attire / spiked shoes ü1 Less air friction / increases the speed


To increases kinetic energy / momentum

More elstic / light / bends easily ü1 Easily bend / easily carried / increase the potential elastic energy

ü1 Not easily broken

ü1 increases collision time / reduce impulsive force

Answering Technique for SPM Physics | 2010 16

concerned with the ability to use information, scientific skills and thinking skills to solve Physics problems qualitatively and quantitatively and to carry out a planned scientific

Using appropriate physics concepts, explain the use of suitable equipment and techniques to

[10 marks]


Less air friction / increases the speed ü1

To increases kinetic energy / ü1

Easily bend / easily carried / increase elastic energy ü1


increases collision time / reduce ü1

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2. Diagram 9.6 shows a sailboat.

Your are required to gives some suggestions to design a Vsailboat which can travel faster. Using the knowledge on motion, force and the properties of materials, explain the suggestions based on the following aspects: (i) the surface of the board (ii) the shape of the board (iii) material used for the board (iv) material used for the sail (v) the size of the sail

[10 marks]

Aspect Reason

Smooth // coat with wax ü1 Reduce (water) friction / resistance / drag ü1

Streamline shape / torpedo / aerodynamic / sharp end / diagram Rej: oval


Reduce water friction / drag / resistance ü1

Low density // strong material // tough // Fiber glass // carbon composite Rej: Hard/Rubber/Glass/Fiber/Composite

ü1 Easy to float // Not easy to break // Slides faster // Increases the speed // Light // With stand // Small mass


Water proof // Low density material // Nylon // Tough // Strong // Canvas // Synthetic


To avoid the sail absorbed water // becomes heavier // Not easy to tear off // Small mass // Lighter // Can withstand strong wind without damage


Wide // Big // Large ü1 Trap more wind // Bigger force ü1

3. You are given two convex lenses, P and Q, with focal lengths 40 cm and 5 cm respectively. Both

the lenses are used to build a simple astronomical telescope at normal adjustment. (i) Using the two lenses, explain how you are going to build the simple astronomical

telescope. (ii) Suggest modification that needs to be done on the telescope to produce clearer and

bigger images.

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- Increases the diameter of the objective lens - More light enter the lens ü- Increases the focal length ü- Increase the magnification

SCORING EXAMPLE - Paper 2 Section C(DECISION MAKING) [10 MARKS] 1. Diagram 11.1 shows a light signal travelling through an optical fibre made of glass

(a) The optical fibre in Diagram 11.1 can be used in telecommunications and

are asked to investigate the characteristics of optical fibres for use in these fields as shown in Table 11.


Answering Technique for SPM Physics

Increases the diameter of the objective lens ü1 ü

1 ü

1 Increase the magnification ü1

Paper 2 Section C (DECISION MAKING) [10 MARKS]

Diagram 11.1 shows a light signal travelling through an optical fibre made of glass

in Diagram 11.1 can be used in telecommunications and are asked to investigate the characteristics of optical fibres for use in these fields as shown in Table 11.

Answering Technique for SPM Physics | 2010 18

[10 marks]

Diagram 11.1 shows a light signal travelling through an optical fibre made of glass.

in Diagram 11.1 can be used in telecommunications and medicine. You are asked to investigate the characteristics of optical fibres for use in these fields as

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Explain the suitability of each feature of optical fibre in Table 11 for use in telecommunications and medicine. Determine the most suitable optical fibre that is capable of carrying the largest number of signals simultaneously. Give reasons for your choice.

[10 marks]

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Characteristics Explanation

Use a bundle of fine parallel optical fibre ü1 Can receive more information ü1

Choose η1

> η2 ü1 Total internal reflection can occur ü1

Must be high flexibility ü1 So that it can follow the curve path ü1

Purity of inner core must be very high ü1 So that the signal can travel without losing information // information easy to send ü1

R is choose ü1 Because it use a bundle of fine parallel optical fibre, η

1 > η

2 , high flexibility and very

high purity of inner core ü1

2. (a) Your are asked to investigate the design and the characteristics of five filament lamps

shown in diagram 12.2 Explain suitability of each characteristic of the lamps and determine the lamp which can produce the brightest light. Give reason for your choice.

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[10 marks]

Characteristics Explanation

Coild ü1 High resistance / more heat ü1

Thin ü1 More resistance / more heat ü1

Tungsten ü1 High mealting point / High resistance / Not melt easily ü1

Low pressure ü1 The bulb will not burst / explode / brake ü1

R ü1 Coiled, thin wire, tungsten, nitrogen at low pressure ü1

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(b) Diagram 12.3 shows an energy saving bulb. When it is connected to a 240 V power supply, the bulb produces 10 joules per second of light energy.

Calculate (i) the current flows through the bulb (ii) the heat energy lost in 1 second from the bulb (iii) the efficiency of the bulb

[5 marks]

Solution: (i)

Correct substitution ü1

0.046 A / 0.05 A Correct answer with unit ü1

(ii) 1 J Correct answer ü1


x 100%

Correct substitution ü1

90.91 % / 90.909 % / 90.9090% Correct answer ü1

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SCORING EXAMPLE - Paper 2 Section B (COMPRENSHION) - This element is concerned with the ability to interpret, extrapolate, and understand concepts or

principle in Physics.

1. (a) Observe diagram 6.1 and diagram 6.2 (i) Compare the depths of the water in region X and region Y. X is deeper / bigger / higher / X > Y / Y < X

[1 mark] (ii) Compare the wave lengths of the waves in region X and region Y. X is longer / X > Y / Y < X

[1 mark] (iii) Relate the depth of water to the wave length of the waves.

The deeper the water, the longer the wavelength / wavelength is directly proportional to the depth of the water / h α λ

[1 mark] (iv) Name the wave phenomenon involved Refraction / Refract

[1 mark] (v) Explain why the wave front of sea water will follow the shape of the shore when

it approaches the shore. - The depth of the water decreasing / move in shallow area - The velocity is decreasing / wavelength is decreasing / λ decreasing - Refraction occurs / bending / change direction /diagram

[3 marks]

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2. On diagram 8.2 draw a ray diagram to show how the image form.

[3 marks]

3. You are given two pieces of plane mirror measuring 5 cm x 6 cm to make a periscope.

(i) Using these mirrors and other materials, describe how you would make the periscope. [4 marks]

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SULIT 4531/3 Section A [28 marks]

Answer all questions in this section

1 A student carries out an experiment to investigate the relationship between the length of wire, l,

and its resistance, R. The arrangement of the apparatus is shown in Diagram 1.1. An ammeter, dry cells, a rheostat, a switch and piece of constantan sire are connected in series. A voltmeter is used to measure the potential difference, V, across the constantan wire between P and Q. A constantan wire of length, l = 20.0 cm is connected between P and Q. When the switch is on, the rheostat is adjusted until the ammeter reading is 0.50 A. The voltmeter reading, V, is as shown in Diagram 1.2 on page 4. The corresponding voltmeter reading across P and Q are shown in Diagram 1.3, 1.4, 1.5 and 1.6 page 4.

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SULIT 4531/3

(a) For the experiment describe on pages 2 and 3, identify: (i) The manipulated variable

Length of (wire) / l [1 mark]

(ii) The responding variable Resistance / R // Potential difference / V // Voltmeter reading // Voltage *Rej: voltmeter

[1 mark] (iii) The constant variable

Diameter of wire // Type of wire // Current // Thickness // Cross-sections of wire // Radius // Ammeter reading // SWG // Resistivity // Temperature *Rej: Size, no of battery, emf, dge

[1 mark]

(b Based in Diagram 1.2, 1.3, 1.4, 1.5 and 1.6 on page 4: (i) Record the voltmeter readings, V, in the spaces provided on page 4.

Diagram 1.2 : 0.4 V Diagram 1.3 : 0.9 V Diagram 1.4 : 1.3 V Diagram 1.5 : 1.7 V Diagram 1.6 : 2.2 V

[2 marks]

(ii) Calculate the values of R for each length of wire using the formula R = 0.5V

Diagram 1.2 : 0.8 Ω Diagram 1.3 : 1.8 Ω Diagram 1.4 : 2.6 Ω Diagram 1.5 : 3.4 Ω Diagram 1.6 : 4.4 Ω

[2 marks]

(iii) Tabulate your results for V and R for all values of l, in the space below.

l / cm V / V R / ohm 20.0 0.4 0.8 40.0 0.9 1.8 60.0 1.3 2.6 80.0 1.7 3.4 100.0 2.2 4.4

ü Values of l, V and R shown in the table ü State the units of L, V and R correctly ü The values of l, V and R are consistent to one or two decimal place.

[3 marks]

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(c) On the graph paper on page 6, plot a graph of R against l.

- Show R on the vertical-axis and l on the horizontal-axis ü - State the units of the variable correctly / symbol of units ü - Both axes are marked with uniform (even) scale ü

* (1:1, 1: 2, 1:4, 1:5, 1:10) * Rej: Odd scale

- All five points are plotted correctly üü

* ± 1 (2 mm x 2 mm) * 5 points – 2m / 3-4 points – 1m

- Best fitted straight line ü

* point to the line ≤ 5 mm @ 2.5

- Show the minimum size of graph at least 5 (y) x 4 (x) ( 2 cm x 2 cm) square ü * Start from the origin until the last point

[5 marks]

(d) Based on your graph in 1(c), state the relationship between R and l. Resistance of wire / R is directly proportional to the length of wire / l / R α l, l α R / Increasing linearly

[1 mark]

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2 A student carries out an experiment to investigate the relationship between the mass, m, of a

load placed on a spring and the length, l, of the spring. The student also determines the spring constant, k. The result of this experiment is shown in the graph of l against m in Diagram 2.1 on page 9.

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(a) Based on the graph in Diagram 2.1 (i) what happens to l as m increases?

Increases // longer // extended // greater length // bigger length // higher length [1 mark]

(ii) determine the value of l when m = 0 g. Shown on the graph, how you determine the value of l. l = 9.5 – 10 cm

- show graphical extrapolation correctly - state the value within acceptable range

[2 marks] (b) The spring constant, k, is given by the formula k = 1/h, where h is the gradient of the

graph. (i) Calculate the gradient, h, of the graph.

Show on the graph how you calculate h. h = (22.5 – 10)/60 = 0.208 cm g-1 - Draw a sufficiently large triangle ≥ 8 cm x 8 cm - Correct substitution - State the value within acceptable range and correct unit * Reject : answer in fraction

[3 marks] (ii) Determine the value of k.

k = 1/h = 4.81 g cm-1 - Correct substitution - State the value of k within the acceptable range

[2 marks]

(c) Another identical spring is connected in series to the end of the spring. The spring

constant, k’, of the two springs in series is given by the formulak1



1' += .

Calculate k’. k’ = …………………………. - Correct substitution





+= .

- State the value of k'1




- State the value of k’

2.41 g cm-1 / 2.405 g cm-1 [2 marks]

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(d) State two precautions that can be taken to improve the accuracy of the readings in this experiment. - Repeat readings and take average - Eye perpendicular to the scale/reading to avoid parallax error. - Ensure the spring does not swing / at rest when reading is taken.

*Rej: parallax error, parallel

[2 marks]

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Section B [12 marks]

Answer any one questions from this section

1 Diagram 3 shows two opaque cups, A and B, containing different amount of water. A similar coin is placed at the bottom of each cup. When the coin is observed from the same position, the image of the coin in cup A cannot be seen, but the image of the coin in cup B can be seen.

Diagram 3

Based on your observation on the depth of the water and the position of the images of the coins:

(a) State one suitable inference

- Depth of water affects the position of image - Position of image depends on the depth of water *Note: - Must have cause without effect - RV influenced by MV - RV affected MV - MV affects RV

[1 mark] (b) State one hypothesis that could be investigated.

- The more the depth of water, the more the depth of the image // the higher is the image.

*Note: Must have cause and effect

[1 mark]

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(c) With the use of apparatus such as a tall beaker, pins and other apparatus, describe an

experiment to investigate the hypothesis stated in 3(b) In your description, state clearly the following;

i. The aim of the experiment. To investigate the relationship between the depth of water and apparent depth // real depth and apparent depth *Note: Relate MV and RV

ii. The variables in the experiment.

Manipulated variable: Real depth Responding variable: Apparent depth // Depth of image * Note: Both must correct Constant variable: Density of water // Refractive index // Type of liquid

iii. The list of apparatus and materials. Beaker, Water, Pins, Set of retort stand, Metre rule // Diagram

iv. The arrangement of apparatus. - State a functional arrangement of the apparatus *Note: Functional mean experimental can be done or can get a data.

v. The procedures of the experiment which include the method of controlling the manipulated variable and the method of measuring the responding variable. State the method to control manipulated variable Fill beaker with water to a depth of d1 = 10 cm / any number or symbol/letter

State the method to measure the responding variable Move the pin outside the beaker to obtain the apparent position of the pin in the beaker. Measure the position of the pin from the surface of the water to the pin.

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Repeat the experiment at least 4 times Repeat the previous steps by increasing the depth of water 15 cm, 20 cm, 25 cm and 30 cm.

vi. The way to tabulate the data.

Show how the data is tabulated. *Note: Must have 2 columns

Depth of water, d / cm Apparent depth, h / cm 10 15 20 25 30

vii. The way to analyse the data.

Plot a graph of apparent depth against the depth of water / real depth // Sketch of graph.

- If use symbol, must mention earlier. - Accept conclusion, statement of variable related. - h α d

[10 marks]

Depth of water/cm

Apparent depth/cm