tips on maintaining epoxy floors

TIPS ON MAINTAINING EPOXY FLOORS Maintaining epoxy floors is not difficult. With its finish and texture, you only have to do some simple things to maintain it. It will also not require much effort and time from you. Like any other floor enhancements available today, epoxy floors also need frequent sweeping and mopping. Sometimes, there are dust and other tiny particles that settle and stain your epoxy floor. These can be very unpleasant to the eyes so make sure to remove them on a daily basis. Using mild cleansers in cleaning epoxy floors is also important. Always make sure that you buy the proper cleanser suitable for use on epoxy floors. Also follow the instructions printed on the packaging of these cleansers. Sometimes, cleansers can do more harm than good so always follow the recommended ratio of the cleanser and water. Scrub the floor with a string mop or a sponge mop. Do not let cleansers and detergents sit on the floor for too long. Never ever skip re-washing and rinsing the floor with clean water after you have applied cleansers and detergents as these contain chemicals that are not meant to be absorbed by the epoxy floor. Over exposure to these chemicals can badly damage the stained concrete; so make sure you do not see any residue or suds when you rinse it. Do not ever use bathing soap. Many are not aware that soap leaves behind a layer of film on the floor. When the floor gets wet, it can get really slippery. Always remember this tip so as to prevent accidents from happening in your house. You should always see to it that your epoxy floor is free from moisture. Check your floor mats and change them if they are already wet. Also wipe spilled water on your floor immediately. Many people are not aware that moisture can make epoxy bubble. When this happens, the epoxy will peel off, exposing the concrete underneath it. Due to the absence of the protective layer, the concrete beneath may be badly damaged as well. Of course, you would not want this to happen to your epoxy floor. You should also keep away abrasives such as knives, scissors, and other sharp objects from your floor. Accidentally damaging or cutting the protective layer will expose the concrete beneath and this will allow dirt, dust, and moisture to get inside. This, eventually, will cause your epoxy floor to be badly damaged. If you have accidentally damaged your floor, immediately fix the layer by coating it with stains, paints, or sealants. You may seek the advice of a hardware staff on what’s the best product to use for your damaged epoxy floor. While epoxy floors are dirt and moist resistant and are generally low-maintenance, this should not be the reason to neglect it. You have to exert effort to maintain it if you want it to last for years. And besides, who would want to spend a fortune in rebuilding his house’s entire floor, right?

Upload: delilah-johns

Post on 30-Jul-2015



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Page 1: Tips on maintaining epoxy floors


Maintaining epoxy floors is not difficult. With its finish and texture, you only have to do

some simple things to maintain it. It will also not require much effort and time from you.

Like any other floor enhancements available today, epoxy floors also need frequent sweeping and mopping. Sometimes, there are dust and other tiny particles that settle and stain your epoxy floor. These can be very unpleasant to the eyes so make sure to remove them on a daily basis. Using mild cleansers in cleaning epoxy floors is also important. Always make sure that you buy the proper cleanser suitable for use on epoxy floors. Also follow the instructions printed on the packaging of these cleansers. Sometimes, cleansers can do more harm than good so always follow the recommended ratio of the cleanser and water. Scrub the floor with a string mop or a sponge mop. Do not let cleansers and detergents sit on the floor for too long. Never ever skip re-washing and rinsing the floor with clean water after you have applied cleansers and detergents as these contain chemicals that are not meant to be absorbed by the epoxy floor. Over exposure to these chemicals can badly damage the stained concrete; so make sure you do not see any residue or suds when you rinse it. Do not ever use bathing soap. Many are not aware that soap leaves behind a layer of film on the floor. When the floor gets wet, it can get really slippery. Always remember this tip so as to prevent accidents from happening in your house. You should always see to it that your epoxy floor is free from moisture. Check your floor mats and change them if they are already wet. Also wipe spilled water on your floor immediately. Many people are not aware that moisture can make epoxy bubble. When this happens, the epoxy will peel off, exposing the concrete underneath it. Due to the absence of the protective layer, the concrete beneath may be badly damaged as well. Of course, you would not want this to happen to your epoxy floor. You should also keep away abrasives such as knives, scissors, and other sharp objects from your floor. Accidentally damaging or cutting the protective layer will expose the concrete beneath and this will allow dirt, dust, and moisture to get inside. This, eventually, will cause your epoxy floor to be badly damaged. If you have accidentally damaged your floor, immediately fix the layer by coating it with stains, paints, or sealants. You may seek the advice of a hardware staff on what’s the best product to use for your damaged epoxy floor. While epoxy floors are dirt and moist resistant and are generally low-maintenance, this should not be the reason to neglect it. You have to exert effort to maintain it if you want it to last for years. And besides, who would want to spend a fortune in rebuilding his house’s entire floor, right?