title - img1.tapuz.co.ilimg1.tapuz.co.il/forums/46115224.doc  · web viewpart 1. minister. do you,...

Title Part 1 Minister Do you, Aaron Cole, take this woman to be your lawfully wedded wife? Aaron I do. Minister And do you, Daina Lebowski, take this man to be your lawfully wedded husband? Daina I do! Minister Then, with the power invested in me, by this community of faith, in this new world of ours, I now pronounce you, man and wife. You may get it on. Cut to Mike and Carla, standing in the back of the small church Mike Why do people even bother getting married these days? I mean, what’s the point? New world, faith. Even the reverend himself doesn’t believe in that stuff! There are no social advantages, and hardly any parents left to impress or please. And there’s no government to answer to anymore, so there aren’t any benefits to receive, and I doubt that anyone would ever even consider bringing a new life into this world these days. 1

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Post on 27-Mar-2020




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Page 1: Title - img1.tapuz.co.ilimg1.tapuz.co.il/forums/46115224.doc  · Web viewPart 1. Minister. Do you, Aaron Cole, take this woman to be your lawfully wedded wife? Aaron. I do. Minister

TitlePart 1


Do you, Aaron Cole, take this woman to be your lawfully wedded wife?


I do.


And do you, Daina Lebowski, take this man to be your lawfully wedded husband?


I do!


Then, with the power invested in me, by this community of faith, in this new world of ours, I now pronounce you, man and wife. You may get it on.

Cut to Mike and Carla, standing in the back of the small church


Why do people even bother getting married these days? I mean, what’s the point? New world, faith. Even the reverend himself doesn’t believe in that stuff! There are no social advantages, and hardly any parents left to impress or please. And there’s no government to answer to anymore, so there aren’t any benefits to receive, and I doubt that anyone would ever even consider bringing a new life into this world these days.


It’s not that complicated, Mike. For of all those things that you’ve mentioned, there has always been one common ground. The only reason that ever was to get married. Fear. And fear is very widespread these days.


Fear? Whatever happened to love? Gee, and I thought I was cynical.

Cuts to mike walking around the camp by himself.


Page 2: Title - img1.tapuz.co.ilimg1.tapuz.co.il/forums/46115224.doc  · Web viewPart 1. Minister. Do you, Aaron Cole, take this woman to be your lawfully wedded wife? Aaron. I do. Minister

Mike (to himself)

Fear. I used to know it well. Now it seems utterly useless to even be aware of it. Fear is intertwined with hope, and when one is gone, the other succumbs as well. These people seem to still have hope. Rebuilding society, getting married, learning new trades and trying to redevelop civilization and reinvented technology. Always searching for a reason to believe and I can’t blame them, I suppose. None of them knows what even hit us. Nobody knows what happened. I have a clue, though.

A kid walks up to Mike with a football in his hands.


Hey Mike! Mike! Will you play catch with me?


Sure thing, Kid. I can spare some time.

Andrew (throwing the ball around)

I asked my dad to play with me, but he’s too busy. He says playing catch is a waste of time.


Well, your father has a very important role in this new society. He is indeed very dedicated to the cause.


Yeah well… what he does is boring! Boring boring boring!


Come now… You’ll see things a bit differently, some day.


I wish I had my computer here. I mean, I wish we had the electricity to actually get it to work. And to go online! I was a real hotshot in the multiplayer gaming scene, you know.


I’m sure you were.

Shouting from a far is Douglas, Andrew’s father.


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Mike! Yo Mike! Come here a second.


What is it, Doug?


Don’t you think there are better things to do around here besides throwing some stupid ball around? There’s much work to be done!


I’m in no rush, really. The world’s not going anywhere, you know.


God, Mike, you could be really useful for us, if you didn’t have this attitude. There IS a real rush. We must prepare for whatever the future holds. The Europeans may arrive any minute to come and check their handiwork.


You really believe that? That the Europeans are coming?


Whether they are coming or not, it is our role to restore the great power of the United States of America.


I’m not so sure that’s a good idea anymore.You know, your son could use some attention. He’s the only boy his age around here. He’s got no one to play with or hang out with.


Let me worry about my kid, okay? I’M working on a better future for him. Being short sighted is not going get a new computer for him.


Don’t you think that if the Europeans had wanted to come and check their handiwork, as you say, they would have sent a scouting unit by now? Choppers, anything?


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They may be using satellite to view us, gathering information for a final assault.


Oh please. With a human population so scarce here now, it’ll take them decades to even spot someone with the satellite. Listen, there’s no way in hell that the destruction of the US has gone unpunished. We had bases all throughout the outer rims of Europe, fully equipped, and no doubt with a few nuclear missiles at hand. Not to mention submarines, destroyers carrying fighter jets, you name it.


So the battle may be still going on. Our troops may be holding the Europeans back and that’s why they haven’t been down here yet. Maybe they’re winning.


No, highly unlikely. Those bases were strong, but without the daily support of our command center in the states, backups and reserves, they couldn’t stand a fighting chance, not for long. No, it is far more plausible that they used the nukes in a last act of self-destruction and revenge, and that the Europeans are much worse off than we are. Or better off. It depends on how you look at it.


For Christ’s sake, Mike. How do you know all this?


Well, I used to be in the army.


You were? Why, we could really use someone like…


No, no. I’d really rather leave it all behind now. I was… a different man back then. Besides, what would you use me for? Who exactly are you going to battle?


Whoever shall cross our way, and is dangerous to our cause. There might European spies all around us, for all we know. And if we’re going to rebuild our society, we’ll need an army.


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God damn it, man. It’s only been 183 days since the outburst, and already you have forgot everything, and learned nothing.


Has it really been that long? How can you tell?


I keep count. 183 days since the outburst, 19 days since I found your camp here.


If you’ll excuse me… there’s much more work to be done.


What was that all about?


Nothing, really. Come, you wanna play some more?



Mike (To himself, while night falls on the camp)

A different man, indeed.

The camp is lit up as the newlyweds celebrate and everyone joins them. They dance to a tune of a young man playing guitar and singing. Mike and Carla are dancing as well.


You know, his guitar really sounds like crap.


Give it a break, will ya? With resources are low as ours, we’re lucky to even hear any sound remotely similar to music.


Actually, natural resources are the real winners of this whole mess. Without us polluting the hell out of this place, the land may just recover itself yet.


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How productive of you, to always see the up side in every bad situation.


That’s me. Mr. Up side…

Mike blushes. Carla giggles. They then notice a movement from the trees nearby camp. A man comes running out of the same spot, waving in hands. A couple of men from the camp grab their spears and standing ready for battle.


Please! Help me! Help!


What is the matter? Who are you?


My name is Joshua. Thank god I found you people. I’ve been attacked, by European soldiers!


Oh please.


Let him speak! Where? How many are they? Where did they come from?


I’m not sure. There were like dozen of them. Don’t know where they came from, but they were here, as clear as apple pie! They found our hideout, my and my friends’, and tried to capture us. When my friends resisted, they shot them dead. I managed to escape.


How did you manage? What sort of weapons were they using?


I was afar from the camp. Doing… well, my business. Saw them executing my friends one by one, so naturally, I ran. The spotted me after a while, I think, I heard their vehicles humming around, but I got to a field of some sort with high branches, so they couldn’t see me. I ran as fast and as much as I could, until I got here. Thank heavens.


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So what you’re basically telling is that you lead them right here to our hiding place?


DID they follow you?


I’m not sure. I don’t think so. I think I’ve lost them.


We can’t take that chance. We must form a search party. You lead the way. Mike?


Yeah yeah yeah. Listen, Joshua, this is important. What sort of weapons were they using? We’ve got nothing but spears in our possessions, you know.


They had energy guns.


That’s just great. We’re going to have to take big numbers if we want to be able to salvage some of the people in here. How many were they?


About four, that I saw.


How many people then, Mike?


At least twenty, if he’s accurate. Five people sneaking up from each direction, could work. The energy guns are powerful, but they load up pretty slowly. There’s a chance for 40% casualties in this sort of action.


Okay, people! Grab yer spears and let’s go! Johnson, McNeil, you stay here and guard. Get everybody to grab some stones if anyone arrives here that isn’t us. You know the drill.


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Dad! I want to come with! Dad!


It’s far too dangerous, son.


But, but… What if they come here? Aren’t I safer with you?


Hmmm… Okay. But you stay to the back, you hear me? And the first sign of trouble you duck and cover. Get that? Duck, AND cover.


Yes Sir!

Mike (to himself)

This guy looks fishy. I better keep my eyes open.

The people each grab a spear and go into the woods, with Joshua leading the way.


So which state are you from, Joshua?


Oh me? I’m from New York City, man. Used to be a stockbroker, do you believe that shit?


I bet that you held on to your stocks till the bitter end, ah?


Yeah, something of the sort.


I wonder what’s the market like nowadays in Europe. What do you think, Joshua?



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Well, you know. With our economy entirely wiped away, theirs must be blossoming.


Well, yeah… I guess so.


I’m not sure about that. Their economy has been cut off from ours for a long time now, with the war and all. Only indirectly, would their economy be affected, because of the change in mood of our former allies. What do you think, Josh?


Ahhmmm, Errr, well, you know…


You’re a very bad liar, you know that, Josh? What is it? that you always wanted to be a big city broker but couldn’t cut it? What’s with this charade? Why don’t you tell us what’s really going on here?


Oh well, I guess we’re far enough from your camp already. You see, there never were any Europeans.


How surprising.


There were, although, some energy guns.

Joshua pulls out two guns to everyone’s amazement.


Will you be so kind to gather around and hold your hands up high in the air, almost as if you just don’t care?


How dare you? Betraying your fellow statesmen like that?


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Fellow statesmen my ass. The state has never done anything good for me! Drop all your spears please. Thank you.


What do you want, god damn it!?


Your base seems nice and abounding. We’ve been observing you for quite a while now. Me and my boys would like to have some of your supplies, and your women…

He loads one gun and shoots one of the men of the party. Then uses the other one and shoots another. They both collapse and die.


You were right about these energy guns, Mikey. That’s why I always carry around two with me.


Where did you get those, anyway?


Always the curious one, this is, ah? We found a shelter base with some weaponry and lots of other goodies in it. Not much food in there, though, so we had to improvise.


So you decide to become post-modern raiders?


You could have just joined us! We would have welcomed anyone!


Now where’s the fun in that?

Mike (Stepping forward to attack)

You bastard…


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Joshua pulls the trigger and shoots straight at Mike’s chest. He falls down to the ground.




So you want to be heroes, aye? Is this really a time to be noble? That plan of his, of surrounding the Europeans and sacrificing yourself for the better good, does anyone in here intend to actually pull it through? Just made it all too easy for my boys to waltz into your camp. You can see that this guy was a soldier. What about you? You ain’t no warriors. You probably were all accountants on your previous lives. Does anybody here have the courage to step up like he did?

He shoots two more people, one by one.


What a about you, Sir Douglas? You’re running out of men here to pulls this suggested maneuver. Or are you too, all talk and no deeds? Maybe your boy back there should be the next one.


Just you lay a…


A hand, yeah yeah yeah, heard that one a…


(Caption only, no visibility on this line) You know what I hate?(Coming up from behind Joshua) I fucking hate…(Grabbing Joshua’s neck) FREE LOADERS

Mike snaps Joshua’s neck, then releasing his body, dropping it to the ground. He stands tall, looking down on the body. Carla, Douglas and Andrew are shown staring at him.


Oh my god…


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Dad! Look at his…


Yes son. I see it.

Close up on Mike’s chest. The middle of his shirt is scratched and torn from the blast, and where there’s some skin showing, there’s also some skin pealed, and underneath that skin, piece of metal are showing. Another screen with a farther look showing his face and torso.

Caption: to be continued…


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Part 2

First screen of Mike, standing inside a water tank from a far chained up. Zooming in, until his face is shown, connected to a breathing mask, with an indifference expression. A door opens and a scientist walks into the room. Mike makes a gesture by pointing and tapping on his right wrist. The scientist presses a button that empties the water tank, and also uses a couple of robotic arms take the mask off Mike’s head.


You’re late. I’ve been here for hours.

Doctor Roskos

Why, yes, Major Thompson. I believe this IS the whole point of torture.


Is this really your idea of torture? Even before you did this to Thompson, in his original body, he experienced more torture from his drill Sarge. You mind telling me what’s the point of this whole standing around in a water tank with a breathing mask? Besides making me look rather silly, that is.

Doctor Roskos

Strictly for my own amusement. I’m just kidding, of course. The liquid you’re standing in is filled with our own nanotech druids, which penetrate your body and help us with some very fine tuning programming. Those druids are inside you at all times, you know. Basically, they are your blood stream. As for the breathing mask… That’s just for my sheer entertainment. Obviously, you don’t require any breathing at all.


I’m so happy at least one of us is entertained, doc. And the chains? You know I can break out of them as easily as that.

Doctor Roskos

Yes, but to what ends? You are programmed not to harm me or any of my staff, so you won’t get much revenge here. And you can’t interfere with our plans. You simply have no time or enough information to prevent this from happening. Your “Brothers” are all in place, simply waiting for the last one to be aligned.


So what’s the deal, Doc? Why not just destroy me and be done with it? Do you really take so much pleasure into the torture of a being that doesn’t really feel any pain?


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Doctor Roskos

That is an interesting insight on your behalf, Major. Sharper than you’ve ever been in your mortal existence.


Oh… are you proud of me daddy? I feel so reinforced!

Doctor Roskos

Though the transition has made you somewhat sarcastic, I assume.


Oh, you think?! All the other replicas of Major Thompson are complete and in action, and soon the United States of America will be destroyed. You don’t need ME anymore, and you’d better leave this continent soon or getting to hiding fast, goes she’s gonna blow. So what uses have you for me, at all, anymore?

Doctor Roskos

I dare not destroy my favorite invention. You see, all the others are going to be exploded into a thousand pieces, and take the rest of this damned country with them. But you, you are not connected to their grid of destruction. Besides, I hate to destroy a prototype. No, I think I’ll keep you and take you back with me to Europe, on our moment of triumph.


The U.S. forces on your territory will retaliate, you know that.

Doctor Roskos

Maybe, but with you on our side as the ultimate new weapon, they won’t stand a chance.


Even I can’t overcome nuclear power, Doc.

Doctor Roskos

You let me worry about that. You’ll just follow order, like you have always done.

Mike looks to a table where a remote control is place.


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I’m used to being given orders by voice, you know. It’ll be hard to adjust to this new condition. I’m a soldier, I need my routine.

Doctor Roskos

I wouldn’t worry about that. I’ve been working on a new formula that will enable you to comply to voice commands immediately. It’s in its last testing stage.


So basically you’re saying that in our current position, that little remote is all that you have in order to control me?

Doctor Roskos

That, and the primary protection inhibiters, yes.

Mike (Zoom in on face with a cynical smile)


Mike raises his hands with force, breaking the glass of the tank and the chains that hold him. He kicks the bottom of the tank that contains the liquid and breaks it, causing it to be spilled all around the lab and making Doctor Roskos slip and fall on the floor. Mike leaps towards the table and lands on the remote, breaking it to pieces.

Doctor Roskos

What are you doing, you fool? This is futile! You cannot harm ME!


I can, by inaction.

He turns to the computer and starts typing swiftly on it.The alarm is set off: “Attention! Self-destruct sequence is set. Detonation in ten minutes.”


You may succeed with the destruction of my land, but you won’t get any more dirty work from my part.

Doctor Roskos

And where exactly will you go? You won’t survive the blast yourself!


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Heard a couple of your staff people talking about a shelter near by. You shouldn’t have programmed me with hearing so sharp, Doc. Well, live in and learn, I suppose. So long, Doc.

Cut to Carla, Douglas and Andrew, standing in front of Mike standing about the corpse of Joshua.


How is this possible? He… He shot you dead!


So cool! Are you a cyborg?


You ARE a goddamn cyborg! Why the hell didn’t you tell us that you’re a bloody cyborg?!


Well, you never really asked…


Was I supposed to ask you something as monstrous as this?


Maybe! I don’t like to talk about it much!


How… why?


I was injured during a mission in a European base in Africa. I was rescued but my body was damaged badly. Our scientists have found a way to recover my functions using this new technology they have developed to counter Russian activities in this field.


You must have been a really important soldier to be salvaged like that.


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They needed a guinea pig.


You didn't have to break his neck and kill him, you know. He had information about a storage place.


Well, it didn't occur to me at the time while I was being SHOT AT!


Guys, we have to get back to camp. Joshua, or whoever the hell he really is, said that his buddies were heading towards there to loot our asses. Let’s resolve this later, okay?


After you, metal man.

They start walking quickly through the forest towards the base.


All of my men were killed by this person. If you could have prevented it, why didn’t you?


I didn’t know. He had two energy guns in his hands. I’m not superman, you know. Those could have killed me just like the others.


So you stepped up when he threatened Andrew.


You would have done the same.





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Are there any… others like you?


No. Not anymore. They were all destroyed.


What happened to them?


I… I don't know, exactly.Douglas


They see their camp, burning up and shattered.


I'll kill them! What kind of people would do such a…

Mike (picking up noises from afar)

Shhhhh… get down! (everybody ducks)I get a feeling there was a lot more than just energy guns there.


Like what?


Check it out.

He points out towards the direction of a couple of raiders riding hovering motorcycles.


Hover crafts? Impossible. That's some supply base. They must have a recharger there somewhere. Okay, you guys wait here. I'll try to catch one of them alive.

He runs out of hiding, facing the two bikers who are hovering towards him and finally noticing him. He lights up the two energy guns and shoots towards both of them at once. One gets hit in the chest and falls off the bike, while the bike slams into a burnt down tent. The other shot doesn't him the other biker but the ground near him, causing him to momentarily lose control of the vehicle. He then attempts to shoot at Mike, but Mike runs towards and to the side of him, finally leaping across and


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grabbing him with one arm wrapped around his body, pulling him off the bike while completing the jump as the bike slams into a tree and explodes.


Are there any others? Answer me!


Three more. Three more!


That include you’re oh so sophisticated and very much deceased leader, Mr. Joshua?


Ah… yes.


So that makes two. Where are they?


They… went back to our hiding place.


You mean the supply bunker? (Raider doesn’t answer; Mike tightens the grab on his throat) Do you really pledge any allegiance to anyone? (The raider lowers his look) Fine. You’re gonna take us to them.

Mike takes the raider’s weapon, tosses it on to Douglas, and pushes the raider from behind, ordering him to go with a gun pointed to his neck.


You know how to fire one of these, right?


Can’t be so different than a regular gun, right?


Do you know how to fire a regular gun?


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I’ve seen how they do it on television…


Arg. Just hold it straight without shaking and look threatening, okay? Carla, what about you?


I think I can handle looking threatening.


Well, this here is the trigger, in case you’re wondering. If anything goes really badly, just… point the gun the somewhere away from us and hope for the best.

Caption: After walking for a while, the raider alerted Mike that the supply base is near by.


The sun’s gonna rise soon.


The remaining jerks must be wondering where the hell their plundering partners are.


If I know them good, they’ve probably fled hours ago.


Shut up. You expect us to believe that your boys are a little afraid of some new age farmers?


They know all about you, Major.

Mike (Shocked)

What did you say?


Hey, guys… I think we’re there.


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The bunker is… above ground?

They stand in front of a giant and elliptic metal compound.

Caption: to be continue…


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Part 3


Shall we go in?


Suppose so…


How DO we get in?

They all look at the raider. He walks up to the big lead door, pushes in forward and opens it.


So much for security.

He takes a few steps forward, and then notices that the raider is standing foot. He listens carefully and hears a ticking from inside the bunker.


Step back! (he looks at the place again) To the sides! To the sides!

They all move to two sides of the door. Seconds later, an explosion occurs from within, and bursts through the open door, but stays clear out of the sides. The raider takes the advantage to starts running away from the bunker. Mike stands up immediately, aims his guns and shoots him straight in the heel.



He falls down to the ground, attempting to grab his foot, only to realize it has separated from his body. Mike comes over to him and grabs him by the shirt’s collar.


This will ensure you won’t be running away anymore.


How did manage to become so cruel, Mike? That was horrible…


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United States army, ma’am. The greatest army in the world. You can’t win wars by being gentle.


The war’s over, Mike. It’s ALL over.


On the contrary. (A sneak view into the bunker) It seems to have only begun.


Looks like he's out of it, Mike!


Great. Now there's no chance to get a heads up on what other booby traps they've got in stored for us. I guess we're gonna have to do it the hard way.


He needs medical attention, Mike.


Are you suggesting we should give him his foot back, after nearly blowing us to pieces?


He could die!


Fat chance. The energy gun is swift and precise. It cuts and burn so fast that the severed organ simply has no opportunity to bleed. Look at it.

Focus on raider's foot. It's roughly coagulate and without any blood dripping.


Can we get this over with? I wish to know what has happened to my people.

Mike grabs the raider and throws him on his shoulder without any effort.


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Let's get a move on, then.

They enter the bunker and witness giant metal halls, with many rooms.




This is incredible! Have you ever seen anything like it?


Yeah, Mike. Have ya?


Unfortunately, I have. This just doesn't make a whole lot of sense.


How come?


Well… Let's just say that is ain't no standard US military bunker.


Not a US facility? How is that possible? And whose is it, then?


More importantly – How the hell did it rise from underground?


More answers for those questions – on the next episode of… Seriously, can we move?


There's so many ways to go, I can hardly even begin to calculate which way is the right one.


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Well, then maybe we should split up.


You know, in horror movies, the person who says that usually winds up as the first one to get killed.

Carla (Looking at Mike with a sad face)

If ever there was a time for cynical remarks of that sort, now is not it.

Mike (lowering his eyes)

I'm… I'm sorry Carla. I just don't think it's a good idea to split up in here. We don't know what we're facing here.


I thought you said you recognize this place.


I recognize the design. I don't have any god damn blueprints of the place.


What design is this, then? Why be so mysterious?


It's a European design, okay?


And how the hell would you know that?


I already told you, man! I was a covert agent in Europe!


Covert agent… or a double agent?


Now YOU are the one who's wasting our time, Douglas. I ain't no double agent.


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Well, ten hours ago, I would have mistaken you for a human being, which now we know is not entirely true either. How can we trust you?


I save your lives, didn't I?


Yes, but perhaps for a greater purpose. Maybe you intended to bring us here and meet up with the rest of your European conspirers.


For the last time, there is no Europeans conspiracy!


Then how do you explain all this?

Mike stares at Douglas and has no answer. Douglas grabs Andrew's hand.


Come on, Andrew. We don't need this android's help.


But that…


Shut up. Carla?


You're making a mistake, Doug. We shouldn't split up. We won't stand a chance against anyone who is armed. Mike just wants to help…


Have it your way. We're going.

Douglas and Andrew walk towards one of the corridors, while Andrew is looking back at Mike.


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Carla, I…

Carla turns and slaps Mike on the cheek. He stands motionless.


Douglas is the closest thing I've had for a family in a long time. Even before the attack.


He's a confused sheep that pretends to be shepherd only to keep himself sedated.


He's got a strong heart, and he tries only to do what's good, in his own way. God, Mike… Were you this cold before they inserted the metal inside of you?

They exchange looks without words.


Let's start checking this place out. Be on your guard for any more of those booby traps.


Okay, Mike.

They start walking, going into room after room. Some rooms contain closets that are filled with weapons, and Mike grabs a few. Some rooms are sleeping quarters. Finally, they arrive at a hall that contains offices.


This must be their working area. (To himself): I'm beginning to suspect Douglas was right. Seems like the Europeans did plan further than just the bombing. But if so, where are they?

Carla goes to check a room, while Mike goes into an office. The raider wakes up.


Where… am I? What happened? My foot! Let go of me, you freak!

Mike lets go of the raider and the raider drops to the floor, while sending his hand towards Mike and grabbing a gun from his pants, but it is unclear what he actually grabbed.


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We're in your bunker, and I shot your foot off earlier because you tried to screw us. How about you give us some answers, for a change?


I'm not telling you anything, mercury for blood!


How do you know about that?!


It's all in the files, mate. All in the files. Computers here have a private network, and it seems to be intact. Now, I'm no computer wiz, but I can read files. We all shared a hard tear for the tragic story of poor Major Thompson.

The raider loads up the gun from behind his back. Mike goes and sits behind the office desk.


How did you find this place?


We didn't. It found us. We were walking around, scavenging for something to put in our mouths, and suddenly the whole thing just rose from the ground. We entered it and found it very cozy. Too big a place, though, for my taste.

Mike sets his energy gun underneath the desk.


Three things just don't seem to add up.1) There's no way in hell the Europeans would program this bunker to simply rise up to just anyone, and let anyone in without any entrance codes. Even in these days, where security is no longer a trade.2) You just called me mate, yet you speak with a so called heavy southern accent.3) Despite the fact that you are indeed, a European spy, part of some task force, for sure, your plans to capture me seem to lack the very essence of planning. First, sending Joshua alone against me, even though you knew that I was a bit more than human, and now making the same mistake, thinking that you could actually match me in a shoot out.


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The raider starts pulling the gun from behind his back, but Mike is quicker to draw and shoots him directly in the face. The body is left spread out on the floor, with the head completely devoid of a face. Carla runs into the room.


What happened? I heard a shot… oh my god.


I think Douglas was right. I think there's more going on here than we know. And I think… I think I should tell you something. I wasn't completely honest with you before.


What do you mean?


I'm not… I'm not a cyborg.


Are you pulling a prank on me, Mike? We saw your… metal parts…


Yes, yes I know. But you haven’t seen my human parts.


What? What on earth are you talking about? I can see them as we speak!


No. No Carla, this is all fake. All of it.


I don’t understand.

Mike turns to the computer and turns it on.


What are you doing?


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These guys aren't your regular vultures. Douglas' paranoid may just be justified yet. This is a European base, and these fellows know more than they share. (Looks over at the corpse) Well, more than they shared, anyway. There is a computer network here, intact and ready to use, as if people were actually made to come here for work after all the mayhem was over. They have a file here, about me.


A file about you? Why would they have that?


It's… complicated. Let's just look what's on here.


Project 102R – operation scrap metal. Top Secret. From the notes of Dr. Roskos: After retrieving the badly wounded Major Mike Thompson, we were quick to hook him up to our life support system and keep him from becoming brain dead. Shortly after, we began the experiment. The transferring equipment, which has been tested but never used before, was put to work, and after the sixty four hours, the time we had estimated it would take, the transfer was complete. We have managed to copy Major Thompson's entire brain pattern structure, his memory and personality onto the primary robotic brain that we had developed. From here on, if everything goes according to plan, and it shall, we will be able to pass it forward to the new robotic humanoid my colleague and I designed. Once the prototype is complete and perfected, mass production will be available and stage two of operation scrap metal will begin.


Mass production? What is he talking about? You said that our scientists were the ones to recover you…


I lied. I couldn't tell Douglas about it. About anyway of it. You saw the way he reacted without knowing all that.


But what is operation scrap metal?


I can only guess. I was held captive by this Dr. Roskos, being put through his tests and examinations, until I was ready for action. They didn't really share their plans


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with me, but I know that it had… it had something to do with what happened. That's all I know.


Look, there's another file in there on the subject.


From the notes of Dr. Roskos: The moment of triumph is near. Thompson No. 851 is complete, and in place. He has been returned to his base, with no recollection whatsoever of what has happened to him. Our agents are at the scene, making sure everything goes as planned. He is the last of our transmitting beacons and once he's in place and the time is right, we will finally achieve victory.


Transmitting beacons?


There's more…


Excerpts from sessions of Major Thompson No. 851: I just can't seem to understand this, Doc. Lately I've been feeling like… Like I'm not really myself…

Caption: To be continued…


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Part 4

Mike Thompson (actually Thompson No. 851) dressed in his uniform, sitting in front an army psychiatrist.


I just can't seem to understand this, Doc. Lately I've been feeling like… Like I'm not really myself, you know? I move my hands, and I feel as If they're not my own. I move my legs, and it's almost as if I don't control them! Only that it's the opposite of the truth. My running has improved in about thirty percent; my endurance for long range runs is so high, that I feel that I can keep on running forever. Health-wise, my body seems perfect. I don't know what exactly happened. Ever since that last mission I feel different. Yes, the very same mission that I cannot tell you about, for obvious reasons. The thing is that I don't really remember anything that had happened there. I try to recall, I try really hard, and all I get is shattered fragments of something that was never that clear to me to begin with. And it gives me a funny feeling, a sort of pinch deep inside of my consciousness. I have dreams, doctor. The weirdest dreams I have ever had. They feel so real, like it's really happening. Sometimes, even after I wake up, I can't be absolutely sure that dream wasn't in fact reality.


And what do you see in these dreams?


I'm lying in bed, when suddenly I can see an image of myself hovering and looking at my own self from above! Not a moment goes by, and I become the one who's hovering and looking down.




It's like there's two of me. Sometimes I'm the one who's hovering, and sometimes I'm the one in the bed. Eventually I wake up sweating. It's horrible.


Well Major, you're obviously suffering from shell-shock due to the traumatic nature of your last mission, and this is what's causing these hallucinations and strange emotions. It will pass in time, I'm certain. In the meantime I'm going to give you some pills, they'll make you feel better.

The doctor writes a prescription and hands it over to Thompson.


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Go to the base's pharmacy and you'll receive them. Take two each day.

Thompson salutes the psychiatrist and leaves the room. He shoves the prescription deep inside his pocket. He walks away until he gets to his jeep, gets in and drives.

Thompson (to himself)

That quack. I know shell-shock when I see it.

He arrives at his home, takes off his uniform and shoes, and lands himself on his bed. The apartment is nice looking, and the mattress under which he is lying on read "made in Europe".

Thompson (to himself)

Why can't I remember what happened?

He shakes his head trying to remember. He recalls waking up in a dark metallic room without windows, lying on a steal plate bed. He rose from there, found a uniform in the corner if the room, puts it on and then walks out to find himself back at his base. The memory shatters and we see Thompson in his apartment again. He looks over to his chest and sees a calling card on it. He gets up and picks it up. It says "Dr. Goldstein – Regression expert. 232-397828." He picks up the phone and dials the number. Cut to Major Thompson entering the clinic, where the secretary welcomes him with a smile.


Come on in, Major Thompson. The doctor is expecting you. This way please.

She walks with him up to a door that says Doctor Goldstein and walks away. He knocks on the door, and hears the doctor yell our "come in" from the inside. He comes in and sees Dr. Goldstein, who strikes a resemblance to freud.

Doctor Goldstein

Welcome, Major. I am Doctor Goldstein. How may I help you?


I have… What you might call, memory gaps. I understand it is what you specialize in.

Doctor Goldstein

Yes indeed. I practice regression therapy. It helps people who've been through trauma but managed to repress it, reoccurring unexplained disturbing dreams, and such.


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I heard it also helps you communicate with previous lives.

Doctor Goldstein

Well, that's… a controversial issue, but I can assure you – the technique is solid.


Well Doctor, I did suffer a traumatic experience, only I can't be sure what it was. And either way, the circumstances are confidential.

Doctor Goldstein

I see. You understand that being a doctor, I'm sworn to complete secrecy, unless it involves matters of life and death.


Frankly, I'm a little bit suspicious about the circumstance that directed me to you. I mean, someone just left your calling card in my home, which I have no idea how one would manage to do that, and here you are, welcoming me as if been expecting me for years.

Doctor Goldstein

Well Major, I won't lie to you. We've been contacted by an acquainted who asked us to take care of you. He pays handsomely and no questions asked. You know how it is. Sometimes you just don't even want to ask.


Yeah, I know what that's like.

Doctor Goldstein

Major, with my expertise, I can help you. I'm willing to take you as a patient… Are you willing to trust me?


That's an interesting question. To tell the truth, I don't know who to trust anymore.

Doctor Goldstein

What do you mean by that?


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I can't even trust myself anymore.

Doctor Goldstein



I feel alienate against myself, and I'm not even sure what that means.

Doctor Goldstein

Let's talk about the circumstances of your trauma for a bit. Just the background, so we know where we're heading before I hypnotize you.


(The scene changes as he describes)I had been stationed in Europe for five years, until finally I got hold of information leading to a secret operation in a European base down in Africa. I flew over there, stayed in a hotel, if you can call a room made out of straw and glue a hotel, and prepared for my mission. Breaking into the base and obtaining the information. On one foggy night, I headed way towards the base. I’m well trained in the martial arts, a weapons specialist, master of stealth, so basically, you don’t wanna meet me in a dark alley. It was very hard breaking into that base. Security was lacking, typical of African posts. I broke into the base, well… doesn’t really matter what and how, but I was there, and the next thing I remember is waking up in some metallic room, which I found out, when I stepped out of there, was part of my own base. That being quite surprising, since I do recall being on a covert mission.

Doctor Goldstein

And you don’t know how you got there? No one explained any of this to you?


Not really. I’ve been in the base for over two years, going through medical exams, exercising for no reason, I’ve got no assignments, and they just kept me there. Eventually they released me; I guess they finally got some sense. I went to see the base psychiatrist today. He didn’t really help me. He just gave me some prescription.

Thompson gives the doctor the prescription. The doctor sneers at the paper.

Doctor Goldstein

Useless drugs.


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Can you help me, doc?

Doctor Goldstein

Well, I must say… this feeling you get, of being alienate by your own body… It’s not that common, but it’s not unprecedented either. Let’s see what we can do. Come and lie down here, please.

Thompson lies down on a sofa. The doctor places a recorder on the dresser next to him.

Doctor Goldstein

This is just so I could analyze the results later.


Okay doc.

The doctor takes a metal instrument that’s attached to a mobile pole and places it above Thompson’s head. The instrument has two tubes which are directed at Thompson’s face.

Doctor Goldstein

Now just sit still and relax. Look into the scopes. This will only take a couple of seconds.

Thompson looks into the scopes. A series of flashing colors appear before his eyes and then it all goes black. The doctor’s face appears on the black screen and talks to Thompson.

Doctor Goldstein

Alright Mike. We are now slowly tapping into your sub-conscious. The regression process will commence in a few more seconds. If at any time I’ll sense that you are feeling uncomfortable, or that you acknowledge some kind of threat, I will say the safety word and you will be released out of the trance. The safety word is “Toilet”.


Seriously? That is the safety word?

Doctor Goldstein

You’d be surprised at how many people find that image relaxing.


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Okay. We’re going deeper into your sub-conscious. Try to remember this time in your life. You were living in Africa, for a while, until you broke into a European post positioned there. You are now in that base, at the moment of penetration. What do you see?


(The scene changes as he describes)There’s one spotlight surrounding the base at a frequency of ten minutes. That means I have then minutes from the time the spotlight passes to infiltrate the base at a spot that’s left unlighted. One guard, with a guard dog, at the border gate. Can’t go through there – too obvious. There’s plenty of small holes in the fence through which I can cut through without being noticed. I get scraped a bit, but nothing serious. Alright, I’m in. The dog’s too busy with the smell balls I scattered around as a diversion. The guards in the tower don’t recognize me because it’s pitch black and I’m dressed accordingly. I run towards the entrance of a building, apparently the laboratory. My source indicated that I oughta go to the last door on the left, so that’s what I do. I spray the sole security cameras that are around. Doesn’t seem like they even function, though. No point of taking chances, either way. I arrive at the door, opening it cautiously, checking for an alarm. If there was, I did not notice it. I go inside. Cupboards. Inside the cupboards, secret files. Human experiments. I’m looking through them, trying to find what I’m looking for. What am I looking for?

Doctor Goldstein

What are you looking for?


I… I don’t know. I think I’ve got it! I’m opening the file and… AAAAAHHHHH!!!

Doctor Goldstein

Mike? What happened? Mike? Answer me! Toilet! Toilet!

Thompson collapses while lying on the sofa. The doctor runs over to open his door and yells to his secretary.

Doctor Goldstein

Quickly! Call an ambulance!

Cut to mike waking up in the hospital, shaken and sweating he rises from lying on the bed. Doctor Goldstein is standing next to him.

Doctor Goldstein

Mike, are you with us?


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I… I think so.

Doctor Goldstein

I don’t know what happened! This has never happened to me before. Never! You just went into a completely different trance than the regression; I just didn’t know what was going on. I said the safety word, but nothing happened. I’m terribly sorry! Are you alright now?


I… don’t know. Doc, it felt like dying.

Doctor Goldstein

What? What do you mean?


I actually felt like… I died. I thought I was dead.

Doctor Goldstein

Mike, with you permission, and I know it’s highly unreasonable of me to ask, but I would like to continue with the regression. I must know what happened. For your sake’s, and my own.

Thompson looks over to the side of the bed and sees the hypnotizing device from before.


Okay, doc. You and me both.

The doctor brings the device closer again. Then he goes and locks the door of the hospital room

Doctor Goldstein

Mike, the safety word is toilet. Say it with me.


Come on doc, this is silly. Oh, alright. Toilet.

The doctor operates the device again.


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Doctor Goldstein

Okay, we’re back at the same point. What happened?

Thompson starts to moderately shake, the doctor puts his hand on his shoulder.


(The scene changes as he describes)I… I’ve been shot! From behind… five bullets, in the back, one of them very close to the spinal cord. Afterwards, they tossed me out, I don’t know where to. I’m starting to feel… that I’m leaving my body, passing on, but something blocks me. The face of the General. General Combs. He’s looking at me.

General Combs

This kid is done for it.


A team of doctors arrive and they give me electric shocks to keep me inside the body. But I don’t want to be inside, I want to get out! I want to go home… But I can’t. They hook me up to the machines, connecting all sorts of devices to my head, plugging into my brain. They’re taking it from me!

Doctor Goldstein

What are they taking from you?

Thompson (shaking in pain)


Doctor Goldstein

What are they taking?

There’s a knock on the door. Then a loud thrust on the door. Then the door breaks down and ten soldiers burst into the hospital room.

Troop commander

What are you doing to him? Wake him up!

Doctor Goldstein

Have you gone mad?

The soldiers point their weapons at the doctor.


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Doctor Goldstein


Thompson opens his eyes.


What happened?

Troop commander

Major, you’re being evacuated back to the base’s hospital.



Cut to Thompson lying on the army hospital bed. Twisting and turning, sweating. his eyes wide open. An unknown voice speaks to him.


Get out! You don’t belong here! You’re a thief!

Thompson looks around, trying to locate the voice’s origin.


Let me rest!

Thompson shuts his eyes and forces himself to sleep. Then comes the same dream sequence where he sees himself hovering above his bed. The lights are turned on, Thompson wakes up.

General Combs

Wake up, Major.


Yes, general, Sir!

Thompson gets ready to get up on his feet.

General Combs

That won’t be necessary, Major. Why don’t you give yourself fifteen minutes to get organized?


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The General steps out of the room, and Thompson gets ready and puts on his uniform. He steps outside of the room to see the General sitting outside waiting.

Thompson (salutes)

Attention, General, Sir!

General Combs (saluting back)

At ease. How do you feel, son?

Thompson (to himself)

Son?(to the general) I’m alright, I suppose, General.

General Combs

You can speak freely. I have important information for you. No use wasting time in formalities.


Yes Sir.

General Combs

Okay. Let’s get inside a room then.

They go into some room.

General Combs

Now listen, Mike. What I’m about to tell you now, not only is it highly classified, as high as any information could ever possibly get, actually, but it’s also something that you’re going to find very hard to believe. Because it concerns yourself, and it’s rough. Are you ready to accept this information?


If it will help me understand what I’m going through, I’m ready.

General Combs

Good then. Listen son. When they found you infiltrating into their base, they shot you, hurt you bad. Five bullets, nearly crushed your spine, and then they just tossed you out there. European bastards, don’t even understand the importance of war prisoners, and a good thing that is. Our other secret agents at the scene had been watching you, and recovered from that point. I arrived there especially. We brought in


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doctors and they treated you. Electric shocks, transfusions, surgeries… Unfortunately, nothing worked.


What do you mean, nothing worked?

General Combs

Listen to me, Mike. You died. Your body didn’t function anymore, but we were able to keep you alive with special life support units. Not much of what you might call living, though. Your brain was operational, but it didn’t communicate with the rest of your body.


So what… how?

General Combs

This is the part you’re going to find hard to believe. You don’t remember this, but we sent you on a mission to discover the truth about a secret European scientific project. Something big. The construction of cyborgs. Humans supported by mechanical body parts.


Yes, ah… I remember now.

General Combs

What you did not know is that our own scientist had been working on something similar. A replication of consciousness, they call it.


I don’t understand…

General Combs

Our scientists just couldn’t get a hold on that combination. Attaching a human brain and a body which is mostly machine – It just didn’t work. The brain rejects the body and the brain dies out in a matter of seconds. But what they did manage to do was copy your brain code into a computerized brain which they had constructed.


So… what you’re actually telling me is that I’m some kind of a robot?


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General Combs

They copied your consciousness into this body.


So I’m not really me? I’m… a clone. A replica?

General Combs

No! You’re still the same soldier to me! A good soldier, important to our cause. We weren’t just about to lose you to the enemy, so we took action! You’re still the same man, just inside a different box.

Thompson squeezes his hand tightly into a fist.

General Combs

Look, I know this is a hard concept to get used to. Frankly I don’t know what I would do if I was in the same situation. You are constantly monitored. Our scientists will know if something should go wrong, though it shouldn’t. This body is stronger, more reliable, and practically indestructible!


That’s great.

General Combs

Yes, it might not sound like such a good deal at the moment, but in time, you’ll get used to it. Well, listen. Now that you know everything, you should take a few weeks off to adjust, and then you’re going back into the action. We need you out there.


Yes, General, Sir!

Thompson salutes, the general salutes him off, Thompson leaves the room.A door opens on the other side of the room, and a shadowed man walks in.

General Combs

Do you think it was wise to tell him?

Shadowed Man

If he knows what he’s going through, maybe it will help his memory regroup itself.


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General Combs

I’m still not sure this was a wise move. This is highly classified information. If even it does regard to himself.

Shadowed Man

I need not remind you how important this project really is. What’s inside Major Thompson’s head is crucial for our victory over the Europeans.

General Combs

Well, then couldn’t we just suck it out of his brain and save ourselves the headache?

Shadowed Man

You don’t understand, General. These are two completely different procedures. Yes, we can examine the content of his brain, in order to copy his consciousness. But what’s inside, the code, is far too complicated for us to crack. We need him to recover the information and give it to us. It’s the only way.

General Combs


Shadowed Man

Just so you’d know, I almost made a breakthrough when your knucklehead soldiers barged in like maniacs.

General Combs

Relax, Goldstein. The soldiers were under orders to retrieve Major Thompson. They had no idea, nor will they ever have any idea, about what exactly you were doing with him. He is under surveillance and I couldn’t cancel that order without being asked unnecessary questions. Just keep on working on it. He trusts you.

Doctor Goldstein

Yes, it’s just a matter of time.

General Combs

What about those nightmares of his? What’s causing that?

Doctor Goldstein

I have no idea. It wasn’t expected. Nothing we can’t fix with some readjusting, I believe. We’ll carry on with the regression and see what we can find out. If the


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Russians were really successful in creating cyborgs as sophisticated as ours, we might be able to persuade them to cross over to our side.

General Combs

And then, the war will be ours.

Doctor Goldstein

Yes, and it all lies in the hands of this soldier. And his brain.

Caption: To be continued…


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Part 5

Major Thompson sits still in his car, with a frozen face, driving on the open road. An image of General combs flies through the sky saying “They copied your consciousness into this body.” Focus on his hand. He looks at it, moves it around, and then looks back at the road.


I can control this body to a complete perfection, yet it just doesn’t feel right.

He parks the car on his driveway, and walks into the house. Throws himself on the couch and turns the TV on.

News reporter

The war between the United States has been waging on for over three years now. What started off as a dispute between the European Union and the remaining countries that refused to join has turned into a full scale constant combat, and what we know today as the long awaited Third World War. The situation in Ground Zero of the European front has not been through any changes in the last year or so, since European resistance forces remain persistent than ever. Meanwhile, taxes are at an all time high, due to of course, demands of the war mechanism. President Clark has assured the world in a speech last week, that he will not use nuclear power against the European Union under any circumstances, and that he wishes that the other side of this conflict will see their wrongdoing and step down. As the population explosion in Asia just keeps deteriorating, a real solution to the problem is…

Thompson turns the TV off.


How could I be a part of what is causing this? I used to be a soldier, but what am I? These memories I have, they don’t even belong to me. Did the old me see how vacant this cause is?

He looks over to his gun, sitting in its holster on top of the dresser. He gets up of the couch, walks over to the dresser with the gun, and passes it gets to his bed. He lies with his face down on the pillow.



Thompson rolls over and sees an image of himself floating above him.


This isn’t a dream. This can’t be!


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But it is, very much so!


What… What do you want from me?


What do you think I want?


I don’t know… I don’t know!


Let me lay it down for you, then! Here I am, not too shabby a soul, preparing to leave my physical body. After all, I am dead, anyone with half a brain would know. Been shot five times in the back, you know. You don’t really survive such a thing. I’m drawing away from my body, I see the white light and all that crap, mom and dad are calling me. Remember mom and dad? Mine, that is, not yours. They’re calling me there, and I’m coming! Gladly! Military life was never that hot, after all, look where it’s gotten me. Imagine my surprise when I arrived to the heavenly gates, and they wouldn’t let me in. You’re still on earth, they tell me. And I, pretty upset from the whole situation, tell them that I stand right before them! But go argue with heavenly bodies, right? So now I’m stuck, here, on physical grounds, all thanks to you.


Are you… a ghost?


Give the boy another medal; I think he’s on to something! Gee, was I really this dumb while alive? You see, all this experimenting, it’s not really that good a thing. Nothing god would approve. Oh yes, I seem to have caught your attention now. He exists alright. Consciousness replication seems like a nice idea, you could exist like that forever. Only problem is, a consciousness is not just something you buy in the market, and it’s not just a physical thing, but a very spiritual thing as well. So basically what you’re doing is putting a consciousness into a body that has no right for a consciousness to begin with, so something has to stay behind. That being me, of course.


What could I have done? It’s not like I had a choice in the matter, you know.


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Yeah yeah yeah. I know that. We think a like, you know. But we just must find a way to get you out of here and send me off to the heavens like it’s supposed to be.


What do you mean, get me out of here?


You know very well the answer to that question. You even thought of it yourself. In order for me to get my well deserved eternal rest, you must die.




Look, it’s really not that bad. Hurts for a little while and then you’re completely happy about it. You’ll realize things you’ve never understood. Besides, I don’t think it makes any difference, because after all, you’re not of a natural consciousness, so you’ll probably just evaporate with the rest of your cybernetic body.


But… I don’t want to evaporate!


Look, man, I don’t think you’ve got much of a choice here. I’ll keep haunting you until I get what’s rightfully mine, you hear? You’re not even supposed to exist, do you get that? Even if you die, I’m still here, the original and actual soul of Mike Thompson, and I would get my peace. Nobody gets any peace the way things are going now.


Why can’t you just let me be?


You want me to stay in this limbo forever? What do you take me for?


Not forever. Just until I die myself.


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But you’re not going to die, are you? This body, who knows how long it can last! And even if it breaks down, they can always repair you, or replicate our consciousness again. Who knows? Maybe you’ll be floating up here next to me, haunting our new “self”.


I thought you said I’ll disappear into thin air.


Look, I can’t be sure of that. I don’t know it all. I’ll never know until I get myself in there. I’m so drawn to that place, but I can’t get in. You have no idea how frustrating that is.


I think I’ve got a clue.


Fair enough.


So what do we do?


I don’t know. They won’t leave us until they get their hands on all their dirty secret.


And you… know what they are?


Yes. I’m aware of everything that has ever happened to me. But we can’t allow them to know the secret.


But what is it?


I can’t tell you.


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Why the hell not?


Because if you do know it, and later on, our plans are ruined, they’ll be able to recreate your consciousness, and then they’ve got the secret. You’ll have to trust me on this.


Easy for you. You’re not the one that ceases to exist when this whole thing is over.


Look, Maybe I spoke too soon. This might not happen. After all, the human body is a machine too, only it’s driven by something more spiritual, it’s possible that…


That doesn’t matter. Even if my soul doesn’t dissolve, you’ll get into heaven, and I’ll be left out here.


Okay, listen to me then. This is what you have to do. Go down to the base’s energy generator.


Why go there?


Because it’s the larger energy generator in the entire US army.




Just trust me alright? Everything will become clear soon enough.

Thompson drives back to the base in the middle of the night. The guards let him in and he parks his car. He walks into a building, using his ID card to get into the unauthorized sector. Takes an elevator that lowers him down to a great hall, where the big energy generator is place. The ghost appears again.


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Now, get closer to it. As close as you could possibly get.

Mike walks towards the generator, when suddenly the doors burst open and a group of armed soldiers run into the hall.


Hello there.

The soldiers are shocked at the site of the floating image of Mike Thompson in the air. They direct their weapons towards it. General Combs and Doctor Goldstein enter the hall after them. The General’s face is pale, while Doctor Goldstein’s face remains without expression.


General, Sir, I can explain…

General Combs

Oh really? I’m dying to hear this…


Well, maybe I can’t explain it…

Thompson looks at the ghost. It has become static and doesn’t say a word.

General Combs

When you said there might be side effects, you never mentioned anything like this!

Doctor Goldstein

Did your ghost tell you any interesting secrets, Major?


How… did you know that?

The doctor takes out a small device and speaks into it.

Doctor Goldstein + Voice

What is the secret, Mike?


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So all this talk about replication of consciousnesses and the passing on of souls, none of it real?

Doctor Goldstein

Oh, I’m afraid that is completely the reality. You are completely mechanical, just like all the other replicas of Major Thompson are complete robots. None of them got as close to the truth as you have, though.

General Combs

Doctor, I think we’ve got a bit of a problem. What do you mean by other clones?

Doctor Goldstein

We figured, why copy a consciousness once, when you can do it many times, in order to find out the secret?

General Combs

I don’t remember authorizing that!

Doctor Goldstein

There are higher superiors than you, General.


So… what is the secret?

The doctor speaks into the device again, causing the ghost to reanimate.


Isn’t it obvious? Think about it for a minute. Don’t you find it a bit odd that a base that’s supposedly guarding top secret material has so little security, and that they simply found you, shot you viciously without asking any questions, and then simply threw you away like yesterday’s paper, without checking anything?


Now that you’ve mentioned it…

General Combs

Goldstein! What in Texas’s name are you talking about?


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It’s all one big hoax! The Russians are not working on any cyborgs, nor are they in any way inclined to cross over to your side.

Goldstein pressed a button on his device that makes the ghost disappear.

Doctor Goldstein

You see, Mon General, you’ve been fooled.

All the soldiers aim their weapons on the doctor.

Doctor Goldstein

Not so fast! This thing can do a hell of a lot more than just move ghosts around!

Thompson starts moving against his own will. He attacks the soldiers one by one, killing all of them.


What have I done? How did you make me do that?

General Combs

Doctor Goldstein, what is the meaning of this?!

Doctor Goldstein

You best be quiet, General. How many people have died because of you so far?

General Combs

I’m willing to add one more to the list. (He pulls out a gun) Now, explain exactly what’s going on in here.

Doctor Goldstein

Gladly, I was just getting to that. The gun won’t change a thing. Your uncompromising and unjust warfare has forced us to take action. We cannot invade the United States because the defense array is too powerful, and ultimately, it’s a sheer waste of resources and human life. We spread rumors about cyborgs, so that I’d be given founding for the consciousness replication research, as well as a free hand. How ironic, don’t you think? We planned to use it all along. The false information about the base in Africa was the perfect cover up. It’s amazing how this simply went pass by you!


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By what was the point? Just so you could create robots with human consciousness?

Doctor Goldstein

Well, just because we weren’t working on cyborgs, doesn’t mean we’re not up to anything else!

General Combs

What was it, then?

Doctor Goldstein

Oh, just a new kind of a bomb. One that can destroy anything within a radius of hundreds of miles. It can do more, while connected through a radiation ray to other charges, aligned in a certain manner. Even more, when it’s closer to energy sources, such as this one. You see, the little dreams you had came in pretty handy. We didn’t program those into you; it came with the original consciousness. Despite our constant attempts to erase the memory of what has happened most of the units were bothered by it inside their sub-conscious. We decided to take advantage of it, by coming up with this ridiculous ghost story. We figured you’d be shaken up enough to actually buy it, and so it would help us get you right where we wanted you.


The biggest energy generator in all the US army… But what does this have to do with the bomb?

Doctor Goldstein

A bomb like the one I’ve just described had been installed in each and every one of the robots. You, of course, thought it was a fuel tank. Next time check the label.

General Combs (taking the safety of his gun)

I’ll kill you, right here and now!

Doctor Goldstein

I’m afraid that the opposite is the truth. Remember that one of the bombs is with us right now. In fact, I’ve been waiting just for this moment when all the robots are in place, to cause the most damage.

General Combs

You’re crazy! You’ll kill yourself as well!


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Doctor Goldstein

A small price to pay for the injustice you’ve inflicted upon our continent! Now you and all of your people will pay for your wrong doing. I wanted to see your face personally when I pull the trigger.



The doctor presses the button. General Combs shoots him in the chest and he falls backwards, with a smile on his face. There’s a close up on Thompson, which goes further into his body where the bomb is located. Then the bomb goes off.

Cut to Mike and Carla reading from the screen of the computer.


End of log.


Oh my god… If this is true, than you… you’re…


A replica as well. Highly sophisticated human tissue substitute. The truth is that I'm not part human and part metal. I'm not human at all. I'm not even Major Mike Thompson. Major Thompson is dead. He died on that mission in Africa. But before he died, they took his consciousness. They took it, and transplanted it into this robotic body. Copied his identity into me.


I always thought such things are impossible.


Nothing’s impossible these days. You see, the Europeans had us in their pockets all along, and we fell due to our arrogance. The United States government funded the research that would lead to its own undoing.


But how is possible… How come you’re still around to tell it?


I wasn’t one of the transmitting beacons. I was the prototype. First ever robotic humanoid to be transplanted with a human consciousness. These sorts of


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developments take time, and I was the first one to actually be manufactured successfully. They didn’t start putting the bombs in there at the beginning, I suppose, until they were sure we could take it. They also didn’t erase my memory, like they did with the others in order to carry on with their plans. Nope, I got the complete history of Major Mike Thompson, including the moment of his death. Including the moment of transference.


You… remember that? You felt it?




How… How did it feel?


Like nothing you could ever imagine. Nothing I can explain in human terms for you to understand.


Oh, Mike…

Carla moves closer to Mike and hugs him, with a tear in her eye



Andrew (from a far)


Another Raider (also unseen at first)

Hey Major! Attention! Get your ass over here, you freak of a bastard. (Then he is seen, standing over the wounded Douglass and holding Andrew by the shirt’s collar and a remote control device on the other hand.) We’ve got ourselves a score to settle. I have no idea what it is or why I’m doing this, but you best get down here before your bodies meet their maker!

Caption: To be continued…


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