tivo remote troubleshooting

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  • 8/13/2019 TiVo Remote Troubleshooting


    Toshiba SD-H400

    Front of the Toshiba SD-H400

    Back of the Toshiba SD-H400

    Facts about the Toshiba SD-H400:

    Manufacturer Toshiba

    Approximate Manufacture Dates 2003 - 200

    Ti!o Ser"ice #umber $refix 2%4 - What is this?

    &ri'ina( Har) Dri"e Si*e +0 ,B Maxtor

    Har) Dri"e Format ATA.D/ $ATA

    &ri'ina( 0ecor)in' 1apacit +0 Hours at Basic ua(it

    /xterior Dimensions 5 x 4 x 36 inches

    7ei'ht 89ithout cab(es an)

    remote: poun)s 8unit on(:

    .nput 1onnections

    1omposite 8"i)eo an) ; au)io:



  • 8/13/2019 TiVo Remote Troubleshooting


    &utput 1onnections

    1omposite 8"i)eo an) ; au)io:




    Di'ita( &ptica( 8Tos(ink: Di'ita( &ptica( 81oax:

    &ther $orts





  • 8/13/2019 TiVo Remote Troubleshooting


    Remote Info for the Siler Ti!o Toshiba D!D Remote:

    This is a specia( remote 9ith D!D buttons inten)e) on( for the Toshiba SD-H4006

    Tpe an) 1o(orSi("er Ti!o Toshiba D!D


    #umber of Buttons

    D!0 4-2 S9itch #oSATT! S9itch #o1ompatibi(it 1ompatib(e on( 9ith Toshiba


  • 8/13/2019 TiVo Remote Troubleshooting


  • 8/13/2019 TiVo Remote Troubleshooting


  • 8/13/2019 TiVo Remote Troubleshooting


    From here= be sure that CA((o9 Transfers is checke) for each D! on the account6

    .f the option isnEt a"ai(ab(e for a D!= that means that the D! in uestion )oesnEt support


    .f our unit a(rea) has this option checke)= then ou ma nee) to Crefresh the unit to be sure

    itEs fu(( communicatin' 9ith the Ti!o ser"er6 This (oss of communication can occur 9ith a har)

    )ri"e chan'e or an &S up)ate or for "arious other reasons6

    To Crefresh the settin'= uncheck the CA((o9 Transfers preference for the D! in uestion on

    this screen6 Then choose the CSa"e $references button6

    #ext= on the Ti!o itse(f= force a connection o"er the net9ork to the Ti!o ser"ers6 To )o this=

    na"i'ate to Ti!o 1entra( -G Messa'es Settin's -G Settin's -G $hone #et9ork an) then choose

    the option C1onnect to the Ti!o ser"ice no96 After that is comp(ete= the Ti!o shou() (earn that

    it cannot transfer sho9s6

  • 8/13/2019 TiVo Remote Troubleshooting


    #o9= enab(e transfers a'ain on the Ti!o6com 9ebsite= an) sa"e the preference a'ain6 Then force

    another connection from our Ti!o to the ser"er6 See if other Ti!os sho9 in our #o9 $(ain'

    ;ist at this point6 .f that )oesnEt )o the trick= tr fix 26

    Fi) .: The t#o Ti!o D!Rs are actuall/ on +ifferent net#or$s

    This section )ea(s 9ith a common net9ork prob(em@ )ifferent subnets6

    A IsubnetI is an iso(ate) area of a net9ork= 'enera(( 9ith an .$ a))ress (ist in a reser"e) area

    of the .$ space specifica(( for net9orks behin) 'ate9as an)or routers6 This is extreme(

    common in homes an) sma(( offices - a(most a(( home net9orks use subnets6 /ssentia((= in

    a))ition to a))in' securit to the net9ork= this a(so enab(es se"era( net9ork )e"ices to share

    one pub(ic .$ a))ress to communicate 9ith the outsi)e 9or()6

    The router= then= creates a tab(e of the (oca( .$ a))resses= an) fi'ures out 9hat traffic from

    the outsi)e internet 'oes to 9hat computer or other net9ork )e"ice on the insi)e net9ork6 This

    insi)e net9ork is 9here computers tpica(( ha"e (o9er securit enab(e)= 9hich a((o9s computers

    to share fi(es= printers= etc6

    For t9o Ti!os to ta(k across a net9ork= the nee) to be on the same subnet6 The scan this

    interna( area to see 9hat other D! is out there= an) the check to see if both units are on the

    same account an) if each has IA((o9 TransfersI enab(e)6

    So if our #o9 $(ain' ;ist )oesnt contain entries for the other Ti!o8s: on our net9ork at the"er bottom= then its possib(e the arent on the same subnet6 To )etermine this= 'o to our

    Ti!o 1entra( -G Messa'es Settin's -G Settin's -G $hone #et9ork6

    &n that screen= first "erif our subnet mask6 /ssentia((= this ImaskI te((s our )e"ice that if

    certain other )e"ices ha"e simi(ar .$ a))resses to this one= then the are I(oca(I an) the )ont

  • 8/13/2019 TiVo Remote Troubleshooting


    nee) to 'o throu'h a 'ate9a to ta(k to each other6

    The most common subnet mask= an) the on( one 9e(( co"er here= is 26262606 .n a(most a((

    cases= this 9i(( be 9hat our Ti!o sho9s6 7hat this basica(( sas is= if the first three sets ofnumbers 8octets: bet9een the )ots are the same on another )e"ice as the are on this one= that

    other )e"ice is on the same subnet= or (oca(6

    #o9= assumin' our sho9s 2626260= then make sure that= in fact= ou are on the same

    subnet6 So see if our .$ a))ress 8in the area marke) I.$ a))r6@I: is the same as that of the

    other Ti!o D!= except for the numbers after the fina( )ot6 A(so be sure the both ha"e the

    same information for their routers6

    7hat shou() ou )o if the arent on the same subnet= as e"i)ence) b these numbers Most

    (ike(= that means oure on t9o )ifferent 9ire(ess net9orks6 .f oure usin' 9ire(ess= ou shou()check the net9ork names6 .f the names are 'eneric 8(ike I(inkssI: it ma mean that there are

    t9o net9orks 9ith the same name f(oatin' aroun) in that area6 .f thats the case= reconfi'ure

    our router 9ith a uniue name 8an)= ou shou() be usin' 7$A a(so= to keep hackers off our


    .n some cases= ou can sho9 the ri'ht information on each unit= an) sti(( ou arent on the same

    net9ork6 Thats because in the subnet 9or()= the interna( .$ a))resses are reuse)6 Most start

    9ith >26%+ for the first t9o octets6 So its possib(e the t9o Ti!os are on )ifferent net9orks

    that use the same subnet set6 .f thats possib(e= an) its not a 7iFi issue 8see abo"e: then ouma be p(u''e) into )ifferent net9orks in the same (ocation6 The best test of this is to har)9ire

    each unit to the same router= an) reboot each6

  • 8/13/2019 TiVo Remote Troubleshooting


    Ti!o Troubleshootin% - Remote &roblems

    Ti!os basica(( )ont 9ork 9ithout their remote contro(s6 The remote is the main 8an) in some

    cases= on(: interface to communicate 9ith the Ti!o6 So if the Ti!o )oesnt hear the remote= the

    user cant interact6

    There are se"era( reasons 9h a Ti!o remote mi'ht not 9ork proper(= an) not a(( in"o("e

    har)9are fai(ure6

    1. atter/ Failure- 7hi(e this mi'ht seem ob"ious= its the most common ans9er6 Just tr

    ne9 batteries firstK /"en if the re) (i'ht comes on= the si'na( ma sti(( be too 9eak62. Remote Failure- This is ob"ious( far (ess (ike(= but it )oes happen6 emotes are often

    )roppe)= steppe) on= an) (iui)s are spi((e) on them 8a(thou'h 'enera((= not a(( at once:6 .f

    ou )ont 'et a re) (i'ht= e"en 9ith fresh batteries= this is (ike( the prob(em6

    3. 1oss of 2ustomie+ &ro%rammin%- .f ou"e set a Ti!o remote co)e 8see the Ti!o

    remotepa'e for more info on that: either for our Ti!o an)or for our T!= the Ti!o

    remote ma ha"e (ost that settin'= an) re"erte) to stan)ar) co)es6 The best 9a to check

    for this is to Lust fu(( reset the remote= an) see if it no9 contro(s the Ti!o= as it shou()

    once its Iuni"ersa(6I To )o this= ho() Ti!o 8or DirecT!= on some remotes: an) $ause unti(

    the re) (i'ht is so(i)= then press 06

    4. "e# Remote Doesn,t 2ontrol the T!- 7hen users purchase ne9 Ti!o remotes= the

    often for'et that initia(( the ha) to pro'ram the remote to 9ork 9ith their specific

    mo)e( of T! 8or the assume that someho9 the Ti!o itse(f is performin' this function:6

    But each ne9 remote )oes nee) to be set to contro( that specific mo)e( of T! - see our

    Messa'es an) Setup on-screen for more information6

    5. IR Interference- &ne of the stran'er issues to 9hich Ti!o D!s seem to be unusua((

    susceptib(e= is . interference6 For more information about the causes an) so(utions= see

    this post about Ti!os an) . interference6

    6. IR Receier Failure- At times= the har)9are in the facep(ate of the Ti!o that contains

    the . recei"er ma fai(6 ,enera((= but not a(9as= in cases of fai(ure (ike this= the

    buttons on the front 8if an: 9i(( a(so not 9ork6 The on( so(ution 9e kno9 of here is a

    rep(acement Ti!o facep(ate6

    7. 'otherboar+ Failure- Man Series2 Ti!o D!s 8both stan)a(one an) DirecT!: are

    especia(( (ike( to ha"e prob(ems if the cab(e connectin' the motherboar) to the

  • 8/13/2019 TiVo Remote Troubleshooting


    facep(ate . unit is )isconnecte) or parita(( connecte) 9hen the unit is po9ere) on6 A

    resistor on the motherboar) is "er (ike( to burn in this circumstance= an) 9i(( ren)er the

    facep(ate inoperab(e6 This 'enera(( on( occurs 9hen the cab(e is acci)enta(( partia((

    )is(o)'e)= such as )urin' a )ri"e chan'e= fan chan'e= or 'enera( c(eanin'6 The fixes for

    this in"o("e motherboar) repair b a Ti!o specia(ist6

  • 8/13/2019 TiVo Remote Troubleshooting


    Ti!o Repair

    As Ti!o D!s 'et o()er - the first units 9ere so() in >>> - more an) more units are be'innin'

    to fai(6 But= as peop(e (o"e their Ti!os= there ea'er to keep them 9orkin'6

    This pa'e compi(es a (ist of the most common Ti!o prob(ems6 For the easiest fixes for broken

    Ti!os= 9e encoura'e rea)ers to consi)er the f(at-fee Ti!o repairoptions at 7eanees6 These

    options )ont app( to a(( Ti!o mo)e(s= so p(ease see be(o9 for he(p 9ith 'enera( Ti!o prob(ems6

    1. Stuc$ on 3Welcome &o#erin% 5p3 - This is probab( the most common prob(em in Ti!os

    an) it a(most a(9as means the har) )ri"e is ba) in the unit6 ea) more about that on our

    Ti!o har) )ri"epa'e6

    2. "o i+eo out at all- This is the secon) most common prob(em to aff(ict Ti!os6

  • 8/13/2019 TiVo Remote Troubleshooting


    an) the fan6 Both are easi( teste) an) rep(ace)6 To see if a fan is causin' excess noise=

    simp(e put a toothpick to the fan 'rate to stop the fan 8on the back on most units:6 .f the

    noise stops= ou nee) a rep(acement fan6 ;ike9ise= )isconnectin' the po9er from a )ri"e

    an) po9erin' up the unit 9i(( in)icate 9hether the noise 9as comin' from the po9er supp(

    8but= of course= the unit 9i(( not boot:6 &n some units= a po9er supp( can emit a suea(in'noise a(so6

    8. Futher Ti!o Repair resources- .f ou nee) to 'et )eeper into Ti!o repair= "isit

    fixmTi!o6com6&n this site= ou can 'et )eeper into the reasons for fai(in' units= an) ou

    can see so(utions to prob(ems b smptom= rather than b fai(in' part6
