tlc 2013-2014 report


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Trinity Life Church 2013-2014 Annual Report


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“…from whom the whole body, joined and held together by every joint with which it is equipped, when each part is working properly, makes the body grow so that it builds itself up in love."


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Dear Trinity Life and friends:

It’s been an extreme pleasure for us to belong and lead Trinity Life Church during its first year of existence. Nothing prepared us for the challenges and difficulty that came with launching a church and navigating it through its first year. But the adventure we’ve been on is among the greatest we’ve ever known and far exceeds any trials we’ve had thus far. Many of you who were there in the beginning can say the same.

Our passion for Jesus and His Church has never burned brighter than now. We feel like we’ve been among TLC’s greatest recipients of joy and growth. We’ve grown as leaders, husbands, fathers, friends, community members, and most of all, sons of the Most High God.

Jesus has been good to TLC and we know the Holy Spirit is with us.

If this past year is any indicator of the future of TLC, we’re confident that what God started as a mustard seed group is now growing into a sprout of new life where increasingly more people will discover Jesus and their destiny as children of God. Some of you came to Trinity Life as co-labourers while many of you are among its first harvest of new life. In any case, all of us are discovering more of who we are in Christ and how He has called us to live on mission in Toronto. We hear as a Body, trust as a Body, and obey as a Body. That’s the life Jesus died to give us. That’s what we call Body Life.

That’s what we call Trinity Life.

We’re so proud and privileged to be serving alongside you in this great city for such a great God.

So Jesus would shine through TLC,


“I thank my God in all my remembrance of you, always in every

prayer of mine for you all making my prayer with joy, because of

your partnership in the gospel from the first day until now. And I

am sure of this, that he who began a good

work in you will bring it to completion at the day of Jesus Christ.”


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OUR IDENTITY AND MISSIONWhat we’re praying and dreaming for people We pray that people would discover identity and destiny in Christ so that they would influence the city and the world.

What we want to be known for as a church MOVEMENT We know that we’re part of something greater than ourselves and our time. We can’t fully understand it all, but we know there’s an eternal Kingdom movement directed by God’s Spirit and it’s both personal and global.

TRANSFORMATION We’re transparent people in the process of being radically changed by God. We believe when people change, the community and city change around us.

COMMUNITY We’re a unified, but diverse group that thrives on hospitality, humility, generosity, compassion, and loving others.

BOLDNESS We’re a people defined by spiritual boldness. We take risks of faith in order to better our city and the world around us.

TRUTH We’re truth-seekers who value clarity and the communication of truth in all forms.

“I have been crucified with Christ. It is no longer I who live, but Christ who lives in me. And the life I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me.”


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OUR YEAR ONEOur first year as a church has flown by and that’s because of all the incredible things that we’ve seen happen. Year one was a year filled with many firsts. Although it’s impossible to measure the impact God has made through our church, here is a snapshot of how we remember the events this past year - milestones of God’s grace.

SEPTEMBER 2013 Trinity Life Church officially launches with 90 people in


OCTOBER 2013 We share our first Thanksgiving meal

as a church.

NOVEMBER 2013 Body Life Collectives are introduced and we begin seeding the vision of starting more Body Life Groups.

JANUARY 2014 More new faces begin joining the

church so we start hosting Community Meals to connect people.

DECEMBER 2013 The Christmas Shoppe at the K-Club serving over 200

people including 100+ children. The following week we hold our first Christmas service on Toronto’s most icy day!

FEBRUARY 2014 Launch Rediscovering Sex and Relationships teaching series.

MARCH 2014 RHYTHMS Campaign is launched

and we have our first Men’s Outreach.

ARPIL 2014 We host two Easter Eggstravaganza events serving over 400 people. The city asks to partner with us for 2015. We have Easter service at the Betty

Oliphant Theatre where 163 show up.

MAY 2014 We have our first baptisms where

two people make their public profession to follow Christ.

JUNE 2014 New faces continue to show up at our

Sunday services. Another BLG!

JULY 2014 Five baptisms at the beach. We also

launch our 52 DAY FAST where almost 50 people participate.

AUGUST 2014 We rock Sunday in the Park, launch Big City Big Question, and begin our

first Builders Orientation!

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BODY LIFE GROUPS“And day by day, attending the temple together and breaking bread in their

homes, they received their food with glad and generous hearts, praising God and having favour with all the people. And the Lord added to their number day

by day those who were being saved.”

ACTS 2:46-47

SO, WHAT’S BODY LIFE? Body Life is a term we use to describe the kind of life God meant for us to live

together in Christ. Body Life is a reminder that between every relationship in the Church is Christ. He is the head of the Body, the Church. Whenever two or three

come together in His name, He is present and at work.

LIVING UP The UP rhythm is a reminder that our identity and destiny is learned through

hearing the Father’s voice - through Scripture, prayer, and worship.

LIVING IN The IN rhythm reminds us that we can’t do life alone. Each week we gather in

groups of 8-12 to practice the “one another” imperatives in Scripture such as “love one another” and “carry one another’s burdens.” This is an incubator where gifts are

discovered and real ministry happens.

LIVING OUT The OUT rhythm reminds us that we are people on mission. We share the Gospel with our friends, family, and acquaintances. We serve the community and pray for

the welfare and the flourishing of the city.

LOCATIONS This past year we launched five Body Life Groups:



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2013-2014 BUDGETGod’s called us and will resource us As a church plant, it’s tempting to allow finances to dictate what we can or can’t do as a church. God has been faithful to us in our first year. You have been faithful to your call. Although the pastoral staff still depends on outside partners for funding, TLC has been blessed that all of our outreach and operations are fully funded by internal giving. As we take steps towards being fully sustainable, we want to increase our stewardship and generosity to do more ministry and make disciples.


September $7,554.25 $10,810.25 -30.12%October $4,077.30 $10,433.21 -60.92%November $5,544.00 $2,611.50 112.29%December $10,025.00 $3,945.59 154.08%January $6,547.90 $3,608.31 81.47%February $5,101.46 $2,867.61 77.90%March $4,710.79 $2,063.17 128.33%April $7,455.08 $9,512.69 -21.63%May $7,468.16 $3,557.59 109.92%June $6,404.94 $5,427.56 18.01%July $9,566.03 $3,234.44 195.76%August $5,878.48 $4,865.67 20.82%TOTAL $80,333.39 $62,937.59 27.64%

“But whatever gain I had, I counted as loss for the sake of Christ. Indeed, I count everything as loss because of the surpassing worth of knowing Christ Jesus my

Lord. For his sake I have suffered the loss of all things and count them as rubbish, in order that I may gain Christ and be found in him, not having a

righteousness of my own that comes from the law, but that which comes through faith in Christ, the righteousness from God that depends on faith— that I may

know him and the power of his resurrection, and may share his sufferings, becoming like him in his death, that by any means possible I may attain the

resurrection from the dead.”


EXPENSE BREAKDOWNPersonnel Support $1,051.09Marketing/Promotion $3,392.35Office Overhead, Supply, & Equipment $5,899.69Computers & Technology $9,708.11Administration & Miscellaneous $3,036.91Programs & Ministries -- Kid City $619.40 -- Men's/Women's Ministries $1,178.27 -- Inreach/Fellowship Events $641.40 -- Worship Service $12,096.75 -- Leadership/Volunteer Appreciation $279.87 -- Rent Expenses $5,574.81TOTAL PROGRAMS & MINISTRIES $20,390.50Community Outreach/Engagement $10,968.20Missions & Church Planting $7,893.69

** Not including staff salaries since salaries are still fully funded outside of TLC giving

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2015 FOCUS

GROW GODLY PASTORS who are healthy and who will lead the church by equipping others for ministry.

TRAIN DISCIPLES to live a life of HEAR, TRUST, and OBEY. We want to continue to equip our members to learn how to disciple others to live this way.

TRAIN & RELEASE LEADERS in their areas of passions. This includes ministry leaders, interns, and domain leaders.

MULTIPLY BODY LIFE in all areas of our church. We want to integrate more of Body Life into our ministry teams as well as our weekly groups.

HEART FOR NEXTGEN ministries to students. We want to continue to create space for young people to connect, serve, and be discipled.

GO GLOCAL in our missions. This includes strengthening our local partnerships and outreaches as well as determining where else we can serve in the world.

GROW IN THE GOSPEL as individuals and as a church. The more grace we take in the more grace we will give out. This is the best evangelism strategy. Be changed by the message your preach.

FIND SPACE so that we can have a more faithful presence in our city, reach more people with our services, and have a place for equipping and training.

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TORONTO CHURCH PLANTING (TCP) TCP is a church planting organization and serves as the administrative hub for Trinity Life Church. Our pastors are currently employed through TCP.

NORTH AMERICAN MISSION BOARD (NAMB) NAMB is a mission agency that supports missionary efforts in planting churches across North America.

CANADIAN NATIONAL BAPTIST CONVENTION (CNBC) CNBC is Trinity Life’s denominational affiliation.

NORTHWOOD COMMUNITY CHURCH - KELLER, TX Daniel’s sending and sponsoring church.

PROVIDENCE BAPTIST CHURCH - RALEIGH, NC Mike’s sending and sponsoring church.

There are many other churches and organizations that have supported and continue to support Trinity Life Church in finances, equipping, training, and mission teams. TLC is not an island to itself! God has surrounded us with a great amount of support so that we can fulfill our unique calling in Toronto. Let’s continue to praise God for the many people around the world that support our work and faithfully lift us up before the throne of grace day after day.

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