tlie people's stor 10/kingston ny... · **^?fpp^w^ 4! • fei-i"...

**^?fPP^W^ 4! fei-i" - ' • . . • • ' • - • ( ;'•< • ; ' ' - V ' . ', '•> -"I'M ,':•-'•.•'¥'. t 'IViWit'lf •—WWlKWW WW—Wh—«Mdi»MM ®t)c Dailw Cljronklc. v^v^/V*** f-N^V*" i*N *»N/\A/',^A'\^. , \/W S. Ii. HAIJ^OW, EDITOR & PROPRIETOR. •... ;P.. HARlJfeAS&& 1 Kingston, Friday, April 29yI85Ui J^^S^scRiRKns^ TAKK NoTiOE.^-Such of our subscribers as intend to change their residence Vn'tbt^lst of May, will please give notice to the 'Y : leave'tbeif new address at THE l&jSce, order to insure the prompt *r papers./". \"••'••'••. ^COURTESY. Courtesy is a trait Of Character that all . sho ; uicf cultivate.'wlio W^ erigag^d itr pur- . suits: tnaf depend fbi* success tippypopu- lar '^or^'^is^difficult \o e^lain; by 1 w^rds ani : phVascs ivhat". "'courtesy is. ' I t is oetter defined: by acts/than by words; Tllo'fe.e'st idea that we can give of it is th'i t the courteous man does everything in a smooth and pleasing way. The soul . of courtesy is Mndness,'.put a person may be kind in his intentions; and yet seem discourteous in his acts. ' Kindness'is the true motive; power of pleasing actions, but.courtesv' consists in the smoothness with which the machinery to which, it is applied is made to work. Hence, in cul- tivating.' courteousn ess,! we must imitate the model machine; w.'e m u s t bring all our parts into harmony, so that we can \ciovQ without grating or jarring. $ Merchants, ministers, . teachers,. law- yers, :• &c,, should always be courteous men. All appearance of gruffness, cold- ness and distance operates much against , their, usefulness, arid their success in bus- iness. It is not sufficient, for instance, that the merchant should sell good arti- cles at cheap rates. In addition to. this, he must sell them in a pleasing way, and must be able pleasantly to meet, and to foii the little foibles "of 4 humanity exhibited by those who patronize him. How often we hear the expression, ''I love to trade with Mr. ——, he is such. & nice man^ We have seen some instances of mer-. chants influencing a large, amount of cus- tom solely by the power of.courtesy.'To use the favorite expression of their lady customers; *• t h e y had such a nice way with themselves " Show us the most pop- ular merchant of tlie place, and the most successful too, if he takes care of his gains, and we will show you one. who exhibits a pleasant exterior, or, as the Latins used to say, the suaviter in inodo. We hope our business patrons will not take it amiss in us, if we advise them to cultivate the very valuable accomplishment of courtesy. jf>"5£*Th6 Kingston Daily Chronicle made its appearance last Monday morn- ing, according to promise; lookirig full as well as could be expected, under the. cir- cui)n8ta,nce8, ic getting out a.firsthum- berY. TVs wo have no confidence in the ; eh.terprize, it soems apity that so much hard labor and brilliant talents(?) should be thrown away. Parr Harlow is assist- ant editor.—People's Press. '[ : . • ..•;. ' T h e jealousy which tortures the o ar- row soul .of our contemporary has found characteristic expression. Ono may bo jealous with 'out being ridiculous, by burying bis jealousy;with all other senti- ments that are discreditable to human na- turo, in tho recesses o r his own bosom ; ?-• .' •''••X r- • • •• • •'• . but when he sinks to ti J lowest depth of meanneps in order to.display it^he de- serves tho scorn of all honest men. .In this connection; we deem it proper to remark that alijihe;notices/ of our Daily which we ha ye thus, far received, excepting the above have been respectful, courteous and even Uind,for wbich we're-. THB LATEST COKFIDESCE GAME.^-Ther© is a fellow-traveling thrOughthe Western States under different rpmantte assumed names, making ; cohsiderable money by means of a novel confidence game.--' ; / ,' : ^IJe^ieB to a. hotel and takes ia room. After awhile he sends word to the land- lord that he is seriously ill, and asks him to send for a physician and a minister.-^ When the physician, minister v and land- lord enter his room, they find on the table an empty two-ounce vial labeled "lauda- num," and- a communication addressed " T o the IJnfeeling- .^o^?^£^3 jBemi-Byroniov. melancholy sjyle,. informs them that he is out of monoy, out of work, destitute of friends and tired of life, and and that he has; taken budanum. ,The sympathies of his unsuspecting attendants are worked upon. The physician gives him medical.assistance,.the^rainistQ.r prays for,,him,, and., the landlordV tells bis/sad story to all who.come ;in. and raises for the despairing and* fnendless. individual just snatched from a suicide's gravo',a nice, handful, of moneys : Next morning: the confidence man loaves, and dur'ins: the day his victims learn how •they have been duped. : ; ; : . ,. : '•'.':;'.;:.•.'''• 'SWEEPIH.0 MAcniNEs.--Ono of the most frequent of household duties for tho. la- dies is tho task'of sweeping. In nicely furnished rooms, great care has to bo-ta- ken so as not to u d u s t " t h e furniture; and after.each sweeping, the chairs and table &c, have to be dusted to remove the particles of dust which in spite of : the best of care, will.rise, Borne enterprising Yankee last {year, contrived a - sweeping machine, a littlo box, about fifteen inches square, furnished.'with a circular hair brush which takes' up the dust, as• well as pins, bits of thread, or-any thing that may be on the floor.: No dust is. raised, and after finishing the. work,, all, the dirt is emptied out, and the machine is again ready to use. :'•:• \ '-t-^f :",'\-.::•:"•'. . Like the manufacture of sowing' ma- chinee, one variety has furnished patterns for others, so'that several different swee- pers now •lay claim to public attention.— What next?;' : : 'Q ^.^W^\5'"R •miau^iusJuru.irn'iMimiSvefJV3 PBOGEisBiNGS OF BOARD OFDlREeTOKS. Direetpw V Room j Kingston, April 27 tb, 1859. Present President Wm;. S. Kenyon, Directors, Davis,fticier, Hoffman, Deck- er and Smith. Oomeliiis Van Buren, upon proof of having served five years as a Fireman pf the village of Kingston,: obtained his .dis- charge certificate.•-:•'•[ .: ; : : : ; : : ••'•• Wm, :W. ^Whiddit was/confirmed as a member of Eagle Hook & La,dder Opm- p a n y N o ; •l;:v:v;,' : < r / : ;f-^ ' Perris Eighmey,'; Husted- H. Coons, John (X Clare; "Rodney Yan Keuron,Abmv Gains^and-^nl/II; Teller, were^ ed as ^members: pf Wiltwyck Hose Com- pany-:Nov ; 1;:•. •':/.'•• : .i:•..-' i X ; . : '.;;•;• •'>•; .'; '• •'•'•:.: : ; ; v The el ectiOn of John H, lihineh.0art; as IstAissistant Poreman of Excelsior Hpso 06. ;No. 4, was ^confirm ed.- '/'••^ \ ; ; .V:' •.. ;t The mllowin^bijlslwer ; A. Schoonmaker, Street Coin,. : .$i?43'§; 7^asbrpucl£& '•'": S.v H a d s e l b l a y i n g c r o s s w a l k s , 28.23 1J. N. Sermauce; <• 146.00 lage of ICingstbn meet "at the house of Wm/Masten^bri- Tuesday,Maiy 7 3rd; ! for the purpose: of 'electing Chi ef'-Engihepr; Assist Chief: Pinging Cierk for the Eire fDepartment of said village, and thaUhe poll of said election open at 5 o'clock, P. w^a,nd close at 7 o'ciocky P. M., and that the Clerk cause a notice, of such election to be published ip THE DAiiiY: CHRONICLE. : -i ;V''.-. Besolvled/ That Director Ttidcr and Chief Engineer Shar^ be appointed a committee to enquire what repairs are necessary for: the erigineof American Co. No. 1, and the cost of the same. Adj, ; -•• . .i,,,^.. ,. • . .777^1... ; ........ ^_. •• -. — ,....... y • .- fc..M^MU^I.H •mntmtf A slight accident occurred to the Pow- .-^^^-rf^ ell on its return trip Wednesday, which, Qapital $7^0,000. acter,| occasioned for a, time consiuerable . _>^i : ».: m alarm... ':]'- : y/--' ; ''i- : \i :: ^::-.''. : yvy : ':- >^:'V:'? V: It ajppears that when the Powell was being, repaired the past winter, at Cold Springs, the engineer of the works desired Capt. Anderson to grant him 'the privi- lege of attaching to the cylinder a eon- nection for ^he'purpose of letting out the water, which after a time collects at the bottom.:- It was granted. Oh Teusday evening, when the Powpll^was- about four miles belbw Tarr'ytowni, a slight displace: ment or loosening of oho of. the bolts of this:': ''wrmbiitpfy'^ ppk^^ place," .sufficient: to allow of tliv. ij^ji ^ e ' o f - sli^t quantities of steam and air alternately; at each rovo.-: -+r-Vi-*~ turn our thanks. -»••*- .'Easter is the first Sunday after the first: full moon after the 21st of March.—N. Y. 'Daily Express.' .,' '•' .:'•'':'••)Vi--K5%'&'7. ' This is not quite correct. Easter day is ,the.fiirsl; Sunday afterthe fjrst:full.m6op which happens pn or M^ch.. '[;::i:J '••;•••• ,i¥ri- after the 211st day of *••- . A citizen of Hag;ertown r Md;, has in ^jjBjppB8.esnipb : three : <iiastcr eggs, inscrib- ^^1788, 17^, and 1799, which have beonJo hii family since the ^>'^ates; r } :k *•&+- rt: AtJBURN STATR PfiiS0N.-n^f|rhere are Thii i«.rather more than th'eOHlAal .num- '1&*& If crime continues to M%Jrvse the game as At present rates, this r ;. ison will soon be too: small .• KINGSTON CHUONICLE,—This / is the name- of a new daily paper just started in Kingston, Ulster county,|by S. R Har- low. THE CHRONICLE io about the size of the . Daily. Press,'.and is published at twelve cents a week.; The fir4st number was issued on Monday last. It looks very noat', and is pretty well ''.made up." W e con grata late Our Kings to n n ei ghbprs on the accession of a daily paper, among tht»m, and have no doubt they.,will give the new .enterprise the: encouraging sup- port it;justly ^QS^yQH^Po'kee^s^ffaify Press. ' -' : . ' > •. .•' : : '•.'••: .• '..•''':' '•rr.'--r ' : -:'-v:•:':' -•©+ - Snow fell in Buffalo on Saturday to the <lej*th Of several inches. V DEATH OF BISHOP DOANE.—The Pight Pev. George Washington: Poane,Protes- tant Episcopal -Bishop of N.ew-Jersey, died at; his residence in Burlington, on Wednesday, aged sixty, years. Bishop Doahe, the son of Jonathan Doano, an in- dustrious carpenter of Trenton, was born in 1799, receiveVl.his education at Union College, whence.he graduated at the age of 19, and immediately commenced the study of Theology. Ho was ordained as deacon of the Episcorjal Ch urch, by Bish- opHobart, in 1821, and was elevated to the priesthood two years afterwards;.:; A few days since a cent was sold in Boston for $21. It was stamped in 1793. At the same sale, a half dollar, stamped the last week of Washington's adminis- tration, brought $57. ,: •' . : v;•,.; ..]'-••""• PARMING TO Soiia PURPOSE;—Professor Mapes, a New York chernist,hires a farm in New Jers'ey,' ©f about 120 -acres, for which ho pays an' annual rent of> $500.— It is devoted principally ^^marfet^rt dening and '-/thebraising of :garcl en seeds, ^rom tn W far hi the's'ales for produce^ for. a year past, as np^ears 1 ' from a .d^tailed r statement'in the 1 iftY;^ ed'to•$il';62S-:88f ; an'd f ih'e expensed of ^11 kinds : tit3il5^'60,vloating'a net profit of : $8,475;%-!':, r V; : -- ; v : i ^ J ^ ; ^ | ^ M ^ ' W e hbpe the above Will serve aB a bint to: the farmers in this vicinity..1 . SENATOR SEWARD.-—Senator Seward will soon leave for a tour'through Europe. He is expected, to stari on- the ^th of May'next.f••/':. : :^ ••; : ^ : ••',•:'::•::--.'^':vK-- : ^'v^ . President Buchanan boasts that lie is ^nvexceileht r health. ; Heremarkeclonthe ^Jd inst;, that tliat 'dayvwas h|s 68th: •birth dayv •; ! '-i;'''. ; .'.•(•;••-^ :-•] '•;, :/i ^, ' T H E N E W : •. YORic CONFERENCE — The NQW York Conference is: ope of thefbrty- sG.ven Conferences which constitute the Methodist Episcopai: Church Nortli.'v It consists of the territory how included in the New York, Po-keepsie,. Newburgh v Prattsville,; Monticello apd Bhinobeck districts.? Within' its limits; are situated: about'300 churches. •-•;: :• ' The: Seventieth Annual Session of this Conference will commence on Wednesday nbxt at the St. James M. IS. Church of Kingston. '•'. The Annual; Conference Scr- mon will bo preached by Dr. McCliiitock, President of 'Troy^ University. The An- nual/ Missionary Sermon will be preached by Dr. Clark;^Editor of the Ladies Re- pository.' During the "Session, a Mission- ary, and a Sunday, School Anniversary will be held. The appointed speakers for thefbrmei: are Rev./Messrs. C. D. E'Oss, D. ^Jm^^^j^i^f^f^ ', for the Tatter, J. W. Beach, A. M. Hough, D. H. King and A/Itogers. '.{:^V?:^^:^^M^ these exercises will: take; place,' will be given in a future number of our Daily. The list of ministers who are to attend this Session of the Conference, together; with the places^ tained, will;be'published -in Monday's edition of THE CHRONICLE;: . &-'ip lutibn of tlie wheels. •• Thispof course, 'Caused a shrieking'.andspm^^ M'noisej considerably •alarming the^pas- sehgers fcra tipie-r; t ^ l ^ ^ j ' ^ j a j d , nec- essary a reduction of :the rate of speed. Capt. A nderson-prpraptlyNinfoiTne'dt,he passengers. of. the,;true;state pf• •' the, case^ and offered: to .allow them tp go ashore so as to take'the'cars; or on board the South America, if overtaken by that boat,;:^|ft.|tK^ all chose to remajin on b6ard; V(The;Powelireaeied^:hcr;dock at R;hdout 'at a quarter' p'ast^efoven, her usual time being nine o'clock/ We are persuaded tjiat^tlie occurrence of this slight accident to;the Pow/oll will have no injurious effect, upon the estima- tion in which 1 she is held; by; the public. It was of so.slight a '^&r^^^^ : H^}^T^^ of being 'fully righted before-the next morning,: Ail know that Capt. Andersph is excelled by no' one, in earnest, person- al-.endeavors to render.his";boat the safest, fleetest and^^ nipst;commodious on the riv- er. That the public appreciate hisefforts, is eviderit, by' the number of passengers the Powell carries every (Jay. ; .; : :• v : ; -»-o->- PALSB ALARM OF EIRE.--—The enter- prising chaps who got iip an alarm of fire on Wednesday rJrght,- need further prac- tice. They are eptirely behind, the. times; They did-it so bungUhgiy^^ that the decep- tion was apparerit to all. If the. fellows engaged in the affair need any ; encourage- ment let. them send us their names,, and we will 'get a feather .medal struck for thein., having ^h'e figure, of the anirnal wliich has long ears, braying. -»<>•• '.%i'. ••"' LANG WORTH Y ? ^; EMPb^ujyi.—Our read-r ers should visit this wonderful place.; - It •ii •'••'= ''•••'.'< <•'••'• '•' ' V.;_'-i" = l-- : '/: ^)r':'} : 'r.' ••''•>: «v •VX y ''-' ! is quite as good."as.. a^Museum.. .The cu- rious,: the usefuiv tlie amuiing ,and the 'scientific' are so mixed up in fhe rare ar- rangementof its thousand and pne.articles, .-.y-.'/P:>Mi [^^••:-^i\ ?>-:'..• . W M W i ? ^ ' as to furnish a, tout ensemble sewoni Wit« ],:•••; ').-;-;;,;.i:. i :' i :v:s:;j^ '-;-?>m:"n amn?>wJy- nessed; ••:<•>,: ' .•' ,;.-•• r - ' - •',, •.. We canndt undertake; to notice parties ulars,,for we would certainly get lost in a niazebf what;to us at least : Would,'beun- hameable"'fopjecjiii ;•'' Epr'what he h'0 to sell;we re^r to M which we hope will be carefully read. „,.. •/; ; :v:'-^;.;• .*-..; ; , ; ; l . ! :.:;•..;•!;•::.a';;.•;••&-^;..^;.- : i'..;•/•':. ; - T h o Manhattan r jleayes .JRondout for Ne^ vYork, this^Cte^ttOpn ati nye^clock', frorri T. Cornejl's doc)^ • i; ; N v' SJ-.v^ PROBABLY ANOTHER."CASE OF INFANTI- CIDE,—The,remains of the dead . body of. a negro child was 'found on Thursday, near the house Of JacobJB.'Davis, partly conceal ed under some leaves^ . Erom ap- ; pearances it was put thero/spon afterbirth. Yesterday Esq; Abee] summoned w jury and held anih^iiest. ••^t^resuJ^pfJJi'eirSe- liberat'ions Wo have not- learned. It: is supposed that ; the.bcdjr had laid;where it was found for some:time: past; / ^• " * « . .•":•'•• AMERIQAN. ;EXPRESS. COMPANY,'—-We hope that theragency of '• the American Express Company; established illkiBliiig- ston will he'.vliKerajtyj patronizedv # Tts agent, JVlr. CharloslSchryver, is.:prompt, energetic and; business-like in- the dis- charge of his duties.: /It is the safest and quick est w ay of' ^^fit^^'^'at^§i^ariLft pack- ages tolall parts of the country; / ; ^ // —<>•> The , Orihoco^TobaQcO sold -by J. Si Lahgworthy is; certainly the purest and pleasantest article now in the market for smokers. We, have tried it, and find it fully equal; to the recommehdatipn^ es- pecially if used in one of Lah'gwprthy's meerschaums;; : ;:. ; ;;- ; ;;-•;.-; >'.•';,;.-'A;./'.;•'-;;- No. 25 AVall S t r e e t , ...... ;• j.. Kingston, N.. Y Are prepared to forwardCwitli SAFETY ..a.qd Pis ^ raTCH,' Merchandise, SptciOi Jewelry, Valuables, Bank Notes, Collect Bills, —v^tes, Drafts,-Ac- counts, &c. FORWAK.'iEn.'jr VQD3 sikbj^ct? to purchase' or otherj : ob]w^6^''i^^flibcHb<f-8iino on delivery, thrp^gbqut ^. /. .; . , Kew York, PeflJbsyiv ania Westj Ohio, indl- ' ana, • : |^jq'qi^%^'icbj^ai^e^en^uc^ 'lowa,i Wisconsin Mitinesota, Mis- ^ . Spuri, Nebraska^Canada West, •;;/'''$'•i '^'^nsas^&c^'^:'" : Running paily^Mp^Me^v^iitiSliys excepted) on I'assenger Trams and Steamers; W' and.l'rorn all the principal Cit^s, Towns. and Villages in the ^esferr .^Jompete'ht $pS&$3ffiM$p)P0<lt the transaction of business: connecting with responsible'JG^p'ress 0ompa'nics ! to <" all parts of the Uv'Sv;,California, Europe, &c., iSJeiiv- pj: .-•••'.. jZd'-AU Orders promptly attended to/ The : facUithjs of thisCbinpany/are.unsurpass- ed. Each.^Express in charge of Special Messen- gers/- ; -.'•'/•/':'•• ' -"•-.^•' "'•-'•'' •• : v Mrti *.;* ; ^ r M a r k ' packages via America^ Express Gompany.'-'Q2^'; •-'";] 1 \ ^; i! v^ '—•.-:-'?'•. This line will be fotmej W- Ve the'''quickest and safest. No• .ch'argi made Jfor .palling for . Freight. Leave your brders at-the-Office at Wyhkoop's Bookstore. T C; SOERYVM'^AM \'f. DRAFTS foraff^nio^jnjk won England, IrtelttM .and ' i Scotland, and PASSA'QB ^TICKETS to and.fronv Eu- rope by the Atlantic ll'oyal Mail Steani Nfifviga^ • tiph Company. Office 25.-Wall street^/opposite Ulster County Bank,- Kingstbh, N. Y.-*-*"' ' •••* c51y ; ; v •C;.S0iil^YVER > Agent. , ; ; : George! Meadtf^-l M SUverPlofirig ^^SZ^Mpi^.' / N TORdE MEAD b a s ' ' Temo'vecL' Mty [Silver \X Platin- Establishraerrt ^o ; No. '\ffi North Front tiyt§iffn&0&6^ and. Cap stpref ^liere'he'irit^hdsto/kee^th^ largest assortment of |»imnitujgp/for Qarriages an,d Ilar- iiicss^o^^jfod^ partof the.fpilo^ying articles r, , 7 v 4 , : * North's gig trees,'brass, 1 silver'"and Japanned .solf adj iisting *gig- trefe j brass. Silver, Japan, iron and jwood banies, buckles, :.,yits. hopjes and ter- rets,'harness rings, rbih,halter and breast snap?, •ornaments,vRosettesv reiu and girth'web, stitch- ing thread and saddler^ silk, all colors, brass and .silver lined, ivory/and bone martingale tings, awls, needles, awl•hafts, and a full as- sortment qf harness, maker's .tools ; hub : bands, brass, silver..and.^jsves and patterns; silver m'oiildln^Hop' props, %irtain frames, li- ning-ijallBi enameled clo.tlt pi^eat and enamel- ed leather, moss,, <xc. ' ; .' Also, all kinds of Bran's and Silver Plating ; in. the line done at short/notice; arid on reasonable term's. 68 North .Front'str.eet^betweea Sharp & Sahler's Hardware store, and It. B/Best's Hat: store 1 ./ , . -.•'-.-, • : : ./GEO. MEAp. Kingston, April 27, 1859. ;-' '.* 6m 4 Tlie People's Store i FAKCT AS'D STAPLfc D R Y GOODS, '/ '•• ::'• ; / ;* ' C^ 100 ^ 1 ^}'^^ GLASSWARE o s greatly:;^ k e e p vi | '•.'•.'/ weekly ;$3J ourgon m ••o- ^The; £ow^ Yorky frbrn Dillon's^ Uoct; BqndoU^jto^ tnorirow- ^«ornjbg;ai% fiin^lp'^' A «• *?• WWBB8 Grenerab ^orris's ^ declination of & e cpnsniship to Havre : has!elicified 1 fi?0ni; ; th,e Bellows !Palls. ( Argus:the; : 0lQ •. ' •. ' ; ^;:weii^feiph1i|f^i®f&y^fiv%jl'/ ; '••:Mii Mori^^KoMs^po^^ ' tSofpn^^^^^ Havre." «5is m :M:-.-:;,V'H'iv.;,--;!r:p:j ; iEip^ ^'^dties^^prU^rih^ MfMgmVfofm FAfrdWMlvn- •.•'•;:•'--;••'. v--.;:v->y ;)t.T IfTiE ATHEtfi^'i- A" J ^rd 1 aVtic Je ''iirp 1 ? Gc^'se W\.%ying ( ,inade' cxten- •tritft'.^ our store, and' oc'ki (vhich we intend to l of a £rat class store, by J»r'e now ready to display ^ilfavor'ua with a call.— FeeMp^^^en^^pWp^^ be selected with, the j|w^S» WXK, and at prices that defy co.u^eti tic l ' ; 'fw'f(l give/uniyersal'satis- faotioh. We undersold—-and, as we buy largely from .auction,'wc.can offer many'ar- ticles' for Us.8 than the cost of manufacture. A large assortment pf;the latestj styles of •••^MdntiJ^St Baglahs: and 'Dusters y on hand and made to order. We will not publish a list!of prices, or enu- merate our stock, for we keep everything in our line.- Suffice it to say, if yo'uwaht Good Goods, if you want Cheap Goods, if ypn vant Fashion*., able Goods, if you want Pretty Goods, by all means go to V ; / ' / TAPPEN'S. ••y::'::- <//-:',,.-::^--\-'\--Q:Q-aid 3w664: ; Jy/;''/| ; ;^ A^. NEW-Dry^ Goods Establishment will bo ;^^y»hed iti Wall street;/(nearly Opposite' tho unty Bank, arid, adjplning the Milling s' Margaret Wcstbrools;)^pn : ;: - ' . WEDNESDAY; MAY 4th; 1859, Comprising every style and variety of Ladies Dyess Goods to be found in,a city, market/.y c.2 Gd .,-: ; Ji H: XyANGA^SBEfijK^ TY^IJSE' 'puft^fsiii^b •&$$$£§i^A'^nlM^id J t l Jv ( ari<j(y, Including, .^ej^hlng useful, in kitcheaveppnomy, fr.P.m, a. BAsting Piri • to ,a .Q'bok 8tove,'.'fbr Bale' at' prices^ to BUJOhefUm^s",' a j; '.-; i•&X '•••»'' : iS^iSiwIBrafe' 1 ^ sign/of ;the' Goloen M TO Xi^fflU* «*»' U LSTER COUNTY -CL12RK'3 C 'O^FICE.^-. iKiwbsTON, Ap-il 21st, 18^9. - /^ .. WtTJiiWU h¥reby' ; gt\^^^ thisKmW <>*^'^ndtfy/th^ iecondt iJa^-offi^ay; next; at 12 b^oloek.tfoPn, fo« tlie ptu:pp?k pf iHtstw iijgittpanel of;.Gra.nd/^fid tf$t ^j|>t#^*#W^ d and sexv,<»!at a Circuit P9ytt dodv Oftujfe of :pj^r and Terminer, to bo held itthe COU^HQUS^^ jri' Kingston, in,said/fJpUtvtyV>n»th9 .tlilM ^Inhday o£, Mky; 1880; ^ 10'o'clock |; ^SfeSSi P :; :• il ^f^^Wnit -thiiig'to please the,ahil T ;;: B ^ i i R X ) $ ^ E ir i^^^^^>.: ;v th'emi.vNpn^genuiu^ hiVgreatFr6bTng.5?^l£l|Depot r ^ ' ' 7-7/V.-:"•,'•' *: OT2 rS^^^^^?gtok^^-; |T , T ; 1 iinimiiMiiiinniaiiMiriii^mtgaatoftir-^ 1 ^-^ Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069

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'IViWit'lf •—WWlKWW WW—Wh—«Mdi»MM

®t)c Dailw Cljronklc. v ^ v ^ / V * * * f-N^V*" i*N * » N / \ A / ' , ^ A ' \ ^ . , \ / W


•... ;P.. HARlJfeAS&& 1

Kingston, Friday, April 29yI85Ui J^^S^scRiRKns^ TAKK NoTiOE.^-Such of our

subscribers as intend to change their residence Vn'tbt^lst of May, will please give notice to the

'Y: leave'tbeif new address at THE l&jSce, order to insure the prompt

* r papers./". \"••'••'••.

^COURTESY. Courtesy is a trai t Of Character t h a t all

. sho;uicf cultivate.'wlio W^ erigag^d i t r pur-

. suits: t n a f depend fbi* success t ippypopu­

la r ' ^ o r ^ ' ^ i s ^ d i f f i c u l t \ o e ^ l a i n ; by1

w^rds ani :phVascs ivhat". "'courtesy is. ' I t

is oet ter defined: b y acts / than b y words;

Tllo'fe.e'st idea tha t we can give of it is

th'i t t he courteous man does everything

in a smooth and pleasing way. T h e soul

. of courtesy is Mndness, ' .put a person may

b e kind in his intent ions; and ye t seem

discourteous in his acts . ' Kindness ' i s the

t r ue motive; power of pleasing actions,

but .courtesv' consists in t h e smoothness

wi th which the machinery to which, it is

appl ied is made to work. Hence , i n cul­

tivating. ' courteousn ess,! we must imitate

t h e model m a c h i n e ; w.'e mus t bring all

our par ts into harmony, so tha t we can

\ciovQ wi thout grat ing or ja r r ing .

$ Merchants , ministers, . teachers , . law­

yers , :• & c , , should always be courteous

men. A l l appearance of gruffness, cold­

ness and distance operates much against

, thei r , usefulness, arid their success in bus­

iness. I t is not sufficient, for instance,

t h a t t h e merchant should sell good arti­

cles a t cheap rates. I n addition to. this,

h e must sell them in a pleasing way, and

must be ab le pleasant ly to meet, a n d to

foii t h e l i t t le foibles "of4 humanity exhibited

b y those who patronize him. H o w often

w e hear t he expression, ' ' I love to t rade

wi th Mr. — — , h e is such. & nice m a n ^

W e have seen some instances of mer-.

chants influencing a large, amount of cus­

tom solely b y the power of .cour tesy . 'To

use t h e favorite expression of their lady

customers; *• t h e y had such a nice way

with themselves " Show us the most pop­

ular merchant of tlie place, and the most

successful too, if he takes care of his gains,

and we will show you one. who exhibits a

pleasant exterior, or, as the Lat ins used

to say, the suaviter in inodo. W e hope our business patrons will not t ake it amiss

in us , if we advise them to cultivate the

very valuable accomplishment of courtesy.

jf>"5£*Th6 Kingston Daily Chronicle made its appearance last M o n d a y morn­ing, according to promise; lookirig full as well as could be expected, under the. cir-cui)n8ta,nce8, ic get t ing out a. first hum-berY. TVs wo have no confidence in the

; eh.terprize, it soems a p i t y that so much hard l abor and brilliant talents(?) should b e thrown away. P a r r Har low is assist­an t editor.—People's Press. '[ :. • ..•;. ' T h e jealousy which tor tures the o ar­row soul .of our contemporary has found characterist ic expression. Ono may bo jealous with ' o u t being ridiculous, b y

• b u r y i n g bis jealousy;with all other senti­

ments tha t are discreditable to human na-

turo, in tho recesses o r his own bosom ; ?-• .' •''••X • r - • • •• • •'• .

b u t when he sinks to ti J lowest depth of

meanneps in order to .d i sp lay i t ^ h e de­

serves tho scorn of all hones t men.

. I n this connection; we deem it proper

t o remark tha t a l i j i he ;no t i ce s / of our

Dai ly which we ha ye thus, far received,

except ing the above have been respectful,

cour teous and even Uind,for wbich we're-.


is a fellow-traveling thrOughthe Wes te rn

States under different rpmantte assumed

names, making ; cohsiderable money by

means of a novel confidence game.--' ; /

, ' : ^IJe^ieB to a. hotel and takes ia room.

After awhile he sends word to the land­

lord tha t he is seriously ill, and asks him

to send for a physician and a minister .-^

When the physician, ministerv and land­

lord enter his room, they find on the table

an empty two-ounce vial labeled " l auda­

num," and- a communication addressed

" T o the IJnfeeling- . ^ o ^ ? ^ £ ^ 3

jBemi-Byroniov. melancholy sjyle,. informs

them tha t he is ou t of monoy, out of work,

desti tute of friends and t ired of life, and

and tha t he has; taken b u d a n u m . ,The

sympathies of his unsuspecting at tendants

are worked upon. T h e physician gives

him medical.assistance,.the^rainistQ.r prays

for,,him,, and., the landlordV tells bis/sad

story to all who.come ;in. and raises for

the despairing and* fnendless. individual

j u s t snatched from a suicide's gravo',a nice,

handful, of moneys : N e x t morning: the

confidence man loaves, and dur'ins: the

day his victims learn how •they have been

duped. : ; ; : . ,. : '•'.':;'.;:.•.'''•

'SWEEPIH.0 MAcniNEs.--Ono of the most

frequent of household duties for tho. la­

dies is tho task'of sweeping. I n nicely

furnished rooms, great care has to bo-ta­

ken so as not to u dus t " t h e furniture;

and after.each sweeping, the chairs and

table & c , have to be dusted to remove

the particles of dust which in spite of :the

best of care, will.rise, Borne enterprising

Yankee last {year, contrived a -sweeping

machine, a littlo box, about fifteen inches

square, furnished. 'with a circular hair

brush w h i c h takes' up the dust, as• well

as pins, b i t s of thread, or-any thing that

may be on the floor.: N o dust is. raised,

and after finishing the. work,, all, the dirt

is emptied out, and the machine is again

ready to use. :'•:• \ '-t-^f :",'\-.::•:"•'.

. Like the manufacture of sowing' ma-

chinee, one variety has furnished pat terns

for others, so ' tha t several different swee­

pers now •lay claim to public attention.—

W h a t n e x t ? ; ' : : 'Q ^.^W^\5'"R


PBOGEisBiNGS OF BOARD OFDlREeTOKS. Direetpw V Room j Kingston, April 27 tb, 1859.

P r e s e n t Pres ident Wm;. S. Kenyon ,

Directors, Davis , ft icier, Hoffman, Deck­

er and Smith.

Oomeliiis V a n Buren, upon proof of

having served five yea r s as a F i reman pf

the village of Kingston,: obtained his .dis­

charge certificate.•-:•'•[ .: ; : : : ; : :

••'•• W m , :W. ^Whiddit was/confirmed as a

member of Eagle Hook & La,dder Opm-

p a n y No; •l;:v:v;,':<r/: ;f-^

' P e r r i s Eighmey, ' ; Husted- H . Coons,

J o h n (X Clare; "Rodney Y a n Keuron,Abmv

G a i n s ^ a n d - ^ n l / I I ; Tel ler , w e r e ^

ed as members: pf W i l t w y c k Hose Com-

pany-:Nov; 1;:•. •':/.'•• :.i:•..-' i X ;.: '.;;•;• •'>•; .'; '• • •'•'•:.: :;;

v T h e el ectiOn of J o h n H , lihineh.0art; as

Is tAissistant Poreman of Excelsior Hpso

06. ;No. 4, was ^confirm ed.- '/'••^ \ ; ; .V:' •..

;t T h e mllowin^bijlslwer

;A. Schoonmaker, S t ree t Coin,. :.$i?43'§; 7 ^ a s b r p u c l £ & '•'": S.v Hadselb laying c rosswalks , 28.23

1J. N . Se rmauce ; <• • 146.00

lage of ICingstbn meet "at t h e house of

Wm/Masten^bri- Tuesday,Maiy73rd; !for

the purpose: of 'electing Chi ef '-Engihepr;

Ass is t Chief: Pinging

Cierk for the Eire fDepar tment of said

village, and t h a U h e poll of said election

open a t 5 o'clock, P. w^a,nd close at 7

o'ciocky P. M., and tha t the Clerk cause a

notice, of such election to be published ip

T H E DAiiiY: CHRONICLE. : -i • ;V' ' . - .

Besolvled/ T h a t Di rec tor Ttidcr and

Chief Engineer Shar^ be appointed a committee to enquire wha t • repairs a re necessary for: the erigineof American Co. No. 1, and the cost of the same. Adj , ;

- • • . . i , , , ^ . . ,. • . „ . 7 7 7 ^ 1 . . . ; . . . . . . . . ^ _ . •• -. — ,....... y • . - i« fc . . M ^ M U ^ I . H •mntmtf

A slight accident occurred to the Pow- . - ^ ^ ^ - r f ^

ell on its return tr ip Wednesday , which, Qapital $7^0,000.

acter,| occasioned for a , t ime consiuerable . _>^i : » . : m

alarm... ':]'-:y/--';''i-:\i::^::-.''. :yvy:':- >^:'V:'? V:

I t ajppears t h a t when the Powell was

being, repaired the past winter, at Cold

Springs, the engineer of the works desired

Capt . Anderson to grant him ' the privi-

lege of at taching to t he cylinder a eon-

nection for ^he'purpose of letting out t he

water, which after a time collects a t the

bottom.:- I t was granted. Oh Teusday

evening, when the Powpll^was- about four

miles belbw Tarr'ytowni, a slight displace:

ment or loosening of oho of. t he bolts of

this:': ''wrmbiitpfy'^ ppk^^ place," .sufficient: to

allow of tliv. ij^ji ^ e ' o f - s l i ^ t quantit ies

of steam and air alternately; a t each rovo.-:


t u r n ou r thanks. - » • • * -

. ' E a s t e r is the first Sunday after the first:

full moon after t he 21st of March .—N. Y.

' D a i l y Express . ' • .,' '•' .:'•'': '••) Vi--K5%'&'7. ' T h i s is not qui te correct. Eas te r day

is ,the.fiirsl; Sunday af te r the fjrst:full.m6op

which happens pn or

M ^ c h . . • '[;::i:J '••;••••


after the 211st day of

* • • -. A citizen of H a g ; e r t o w n r M d ; , has in

^jjBjppB8.esnipb: three :<iiastcr eggs, inscrib-

^ ^ 1 7 8 8 , 1 7 ^ , and 1799, which have

b e o n J o hi i family since the ^>'^ates; r}:k


rt: AtJBURN S T A T R Pf i iS0N.-n^f | rhere are

Thii i«.rather more t h a n th'eOHlAal .num-

'1&*& I f crime continues to M%Jrvse t he

game as At present ra tes , this r;. ison will

soon be too: smal l

.• KINGSTON CHUONICLE,—This / is the

name- of a new daily paper just started in Kingston, Ulster county, |by S. R Har ­low. T H E CHRONICLE io about the size of the . Daily. P r e s s , ' . a n d is published at twelve cents a week.; T h e fir4st number was issued on Monday last. I t looks very noat', and is pret ty well ' ' .made up . " W e con gra ta late Our Kings to n n ei ghbprs on the accession of a daily paper, among tht»m, and have no doubt they.,will give the new .enterprise the: encouraging sup­port it; j u s t ly ^QS^yQH^Po'kee^s^ffaify Press. ' -':. '> •. .•' :: '•.'••: .• '..•''':' '•rr.'--r ':-:'-v:•:':'

- • © + -

Snow fell i n Buffalo on Sa tu rday to

t h e <lej*th Of several inches. V

D E A T H OF BISHOP D O A N E . — T h e P i g h t

P e v . George Washington: Poane ,Pro tes -

tant Episcopal -Bishop of N.ew-Jersey,

died at; his residence in Burl ington, on

Wednesday , aged sixty, years. Bishop

Doahe, the son of Jona than Doano, an in­

dustrious carpenter of Trenton, was born

in 1799, receiveVl.his education a t Union

College, whence.he graduated at the age

of 19, and immediately commenced the

study of Theology. H o was ordained as

deacon of the Episcorjal Ch urch, b y Bish­

o p H o b a r t , in 1821, and was elevated to

the priesthood two years a f t e r w a r d s ; . : ;

A few days since a cent was sold in

Boston for $21. I t was stamped in 1793.

A t the same sale, a half dollar, stamped

the last week of Washington ' s adminis­

tration, b rought $57. • ,: •' .:v;•,.;..]'-••""•


Mapes , a N e w Y o r k chernist,hires a farm

in N e w Jers'ey,' ©f about 120 -acres, for

which ho pays an' annual rent of> $500.—

I t is devoted principally ^ ^ m a r f e t ^ r t

dening and '-/thebraising of :garcl en seeds,

^ r o m tn W far hi the's'ales for produce^ for.

a year past, as np^ears1 ' from a .d^tailedr

s ta tement ' in t h e 1 i f t Y ; ^

ed'to•$il';62S-:88f ;an'dfih'e expensed of ^11

k inds : t i t 3 i l 5^ ' 60 ,v loa t i ng ' a net profit of :$8,475;%-!':,rV;:--;v:i ^ J ^ ; ^ | ^ M ^

' W e hbpe the above Will serve aB a bint

to: the farmers in this vicinity..1

. SENATOR • SEWARD.-—Senator Seward

will soon leave for a tour ' through Europe .

H e is expected, to s ta r i on- the ^ t h of

May'next.f••/':. ::^ ••; :^:••',•:'::•::--.'^':vK--:^'v^

. President Buchanan boasts tha t lie i s

^nvexceileht rhealth. ; H e r e m a r k e c l o n t h e

^ J d inst;, t h a t t l iat ' d a y v w a s h |s 68th:

•birth dayv • •;!'-i;'''.;.'.•(•;••-^:-•]'•;,:/i^,

' T H E NEW :• . YORic CONFERENCE — T h e

NQW York Conference is: ope of the fbr ty -

sG.ven Conferences which constitute the

Methodist Episcopai: Church Nortli.'v I t

consists of t h e territory how included in

the New York, Po-keepsie,. Newburgh v

Prattsville,; Monticello apd Bhinobeck

districts.? Within ' i ts l imits; are situated:

about '300 churches. •-•;: :•'

The: Sevent ie th Annua l Session of this

Conference will commence on Wednesday

nbxt a t the St. James M. IS. Church of

Kingston.'•'. T h e Annual; Conference Scr-

mon will bo preached b y D r . McCliiitock,

President of 'Troy^ Univers i ty . The An­

nual/ Missionary Sermon will be preached

by D r . Clark;^Editor of the Ladies Re­

pository.' During t h e "Session, a Mission­

ary, and a S u n d a y , Schoo l Anniversary

will be held. T h e appointed speakers

for thefbrmei : are R e v . / M e s s r s . C. D .

E'Oss, D.^Jm^^^j^i^f^f^ ', for the Tatter, J . W . Beach, A . M . Hough , D. H .

King and A / I t o g e r s . ' . { : ^ V ? : ^ ^ : ^ ^ M ^ these exercises will: t ake ; place,' will b e given in a future number of our Daily.

The l is t of ministers who are to at tend

this Session of the Conference, together;

with the places^

tained, wi l l ;be 'pub l i shed -in Monday's

edition of T H E CHRONICLE;: . &-'ip

lutibn of tlie wheels. •• T h i s p o f course,

'Caused a shrieking'.andspm^^

M'noise j considerably •alarming the^pas-

sehgers fcra tipie-r; t ^ l ^ ^ j ' ^ j a j d , nec­

essary a reduction of :the r a t e of speed.

Capt . A nderson-prpraptlyNinfoiTne'dt,he

passengers. of. the,;true;state pf• •' the, case^

and offered: to .allow them tp go ashore

so as to t ake ' the ' ca r s ; or on

board the South America, if overtaken by

tha t boat , ; :^ | f t . | tK^ a l l chose t o remajin

on b6ard; V(The;Powelireaeied^:hcr;dock

at R ; h d o u t ' a t a quar te r ' p'ast^efoven, her

usua l time being nine o 'clock/

W e are persuaded tjiat^tlie occurrence

of this slight accident t o ; the Pow/oll will

have no injurious effect, upon the estima­

tion in which1 she i s held; by; t he public.

I t was of so.slight a '^&r^^^^:H^}^T^^

of being 'fully r ighted before-the n e x t

morning,: Ail know tha t Capt . Andersph

is excelled b y no' one, in earnest, person-

al-.endeavors to render.his";boat t he safest,

fleetest and ^ nipst;commodious on the riv­

er. Tha t the public appreciate hisefforts,

is eviderit, by ' t he number o f passengers

the Powel l carries every (Jay. ; .; : :• v :;


P A L S B A L A R M OF EIRE.--—The enter-

prising chaps who got iip an alarm of fire

on Wednesday rJrght,- need further prac­

tice. They a r e eptirely behind, the. times;

T h e y did-it so bungUhgiy^^ tha t the decep­

tion was apparerit to all. I f the. fellows

engaged in the affair need any ; encourage­

ment let. t h e m send u s their names,, and

we will 'get a feather .medal struck for

thein., having ^h'e figure, of the anirnal

wliich has long ears, braying.

- » < > • •


••"' L A N G WORTH Y ?^; EMPb^ujyi.—Our read-r

ers should visit this wonderful p lace . ; - I t •ii •'••'= ' ' • • • ' . '< <•'••'• '•' ' V . ; _ ' - i " = l - - : ' / : ^)r':'}:'r.' ••''•>: «v •VXy''-'!

is quite as good ."as.. a^Museum.. .The cu­

r ious, : the usefuiv tlie amui ing ,and the

'scientific' are so mixed up in fhe ra re ar-

rangementof its thousand and pne.articles, .-.y-.'/P:>Mi [^^••:-^i\ ?>-:'..• . W M W i ? ^ ' as to furnish a, tout ensemble sewoni Wit« ],:•••; ').-;-;;,;.i:.i:'i:v:s:;j^ '-;-?>m:"n amn?>wJy-nessed; ••:<•>,: ' .•' ,;.-•• r - ' - •',, •..

W e canndt undertake; to notice parties

ulars,,for we would certainly get lost in a

niazebf wha t ; to us a t least :Would, 'beun-

hameable"'fopjecjiii ;•'' E p r ' w h a t he h'0 to

sell;we r e ^ r to M

which we hope will be carefully read. „,.. •/;;:v:'-^;.;• .*-..;;,


; - T h o Manhat tan r jleayes .JRondout for

Ne^ vYork, this^Cte^ttOpn ati nye^c lock ' ,

frorri T . Cornejl's doc)^ • i; ; N v' SJ-.v^


CIDE,—The,remains of the dead . body of.

a negro child was 'found on Thursday,

near t h e house Of JacobJB. 'Davis , partly

conceal ed under some leaves^ . Erom ap-;

pearances it was put thero/spon afterbir th.

Yesterday Esq ; Abee] s u m m o n e d w ju ry

and held anih^iiest. ••^t^resuJ^pfJJi'eirSe-

liberat'ions Wo h a v e not- learned. I t : is

supposed tha t ;the.bcdjr h a d laid;where i t

was found for some:time: past; / • " * « — . •


hope that theragency of'• the American

Express Company; established illkiBliiig-

ston will he'.vliKerajtyj patronizedv# T t s

agent , JVlr. CharloslSchryver, is.:prompt,

energetic and; business-like in- the dis­

charge of his duties.: / I t is t h e safest and

quick est w ay of' ^^fit^^'^'at^§i^ariLft pack­

ages tolal l par ts of t he country; / ; / / —<>•>

T h e , Orihoco^TobaQcO sold -by J . Si

Lahgwor thy is; certainly the purest and

pleasantest article now in t he market for

smokers. W e , have tried it, and find it

fully equa l ; to t h e recommehdat ipn^ es­

pecially if used in one of Lah'gwprthy's

meerschaums;; : ; : . ;;;-;;;-•;.-; >'.•';,;.-'A;./'.;•'-;;-

No. 25 AVall Street , . . . . . . ;• j.. Kingston, N.. Y

Are prepared to forwardCwitli SAFETY ..a. qd Pis raTCH,' Merchandise, SptciOi Jewelry, Valuables, Bank Notes, Collect Bills, —v^tes, Drafts,-Ac­counts, &c. FORWAK.'iEn.'jr VQD3 sikbj ct? to purchase' or otherj:ob]w^6^''i^^flibcHb<f-8iino on delivery, thrp^gbqut ^. /. .; .

, Kew York, PeflJbsyiv ania Westj Ohio, indl-' ana, • : |^jq'qi^%^'icbj^ai^e^en^uc^

'lowa,i Wisconsin Mitinesota, Mis- . Spuri, Nebraska^Canada West,

•;;/'' '$'• i '^ '^nsas^&c^'^: '" :

Running paily^Mp^Me^v^iitiSliys excepted) on I'assenger Trams and Steamers;W' and.l'rorn all the principal Cit^s, Towns. and Villages in the ^esferr .^Jompete'ht $pS&$3ffiM$p)P0<lt the transaction of business: connecting with responsible'JG^p'ress 0ompa'nics!to <" all parts of the Uv'Sv;,California, Europe, &c., iSJeiiv-pj: .-•••'..

jZd'-AU Orders promptly attended to/ The:facUithjs of thisCbinpany/are.unsurpass­

ed. Each.^Express in charge of Special Messen­gers/- ;-.'•'/•/':'•• ' -"•-. •' "'•-'•'' •• : v Mrti *.;* ; ^ r M a r k ' packages via America^ Express

Gompany.'-'Q2^'; •-'";] 1 \ ^; i!v^ '—•.-:-'?'•. This line will be fotmej W- Ve the'''quickest

and safest. No• .ch'argi made Jfor .palling for . Freight. Leave your brders at-the-Office at Wyhkoop's Bookstore. T C; S O E R Y V M ' ^ A M

\'f. DRAFTS foraff^nio^jnjk won England, IrtelttM .and ' i Scotland, and PASSA'QB

^TICKETS to and.fronv Eu-rope by the Atlantic ll'oyal Mail Steani Nfifviga • tiph Company. Office 25.-Wall street^/opposite Ulster County Bank,- Kingstbh, N. Y.-*-*"' ' •••*

c51y ; ; v •C;.S0iil^YVER> Agent. ,

;;: George! Meadtf^-l M SUverPlofirig ^^SZ^Mpi^. '

/ N TORdE MEAD bas' ' Temo'vecL'Mty [Silver \X Platin- Establishraerrt ^ o ; No. '\ffi North Front tiyt§iffn&0&6^ and. Cap stpref ^liere'he'irit^hdsto/kee^th^ largest assortment of |»imnitujgp/for Qarriages an,d Ilar-iiicss^o^^jfod^ partof the.fpilo^ying articles r , ,7v4 , : *

North's gig trees,'brass,1silver'"and Japanned .solf adj iisting *gig- trefe j brass. Silver, Japan, iron and jwood banies, buckles, :.,yits. hopjes and ter-rets,'harness rings, rbih,halter and breast snap?, •ornaments,vRosettesv reiu and girth'web, stitch-ing thread and saddler^ silk, all colors, brass and .silver lined, ivory/and bone martingale tings, awls, needles, awl•hafts, and a full as­sortment qf harness, maker's .tools ; hub: bands, brass, silver..and.^jsves and patterns; silver m'oiildln^Hop' props, %irtain frames, l i-ning-ijallBi enameled clo.tlt pi^eat and enamel­ed leather, moss,, <xc. ' ; . '

Also, all kinds of Bran's and Silver Plating ;in. the line done at short/notice; arid on reasonable term's. 68 North .Front'str.eet^betweea Sharp & Sahler's Hardware store, and It. B/Best's Hat: store1./ , . -.•'-.-, • : : • ./GEO. MEAp.

Kingston, April 27, 1859. ;-' '.* 6m 4

Tlie People's Store i FAKCT AS'D STAPLfc DRY GOODS,

' / '•• ::'• ; / • ;* ' C ^ 1 0 0 ^ 1 ^ } ' ^ ^ •


o s greatly:;^ k e e p vi | • '•.'•.'/

weekly ;$3J ourgon m

• ••o-

^ T h e ; £ o w ^ Yorky frbrn Dillon's^ U o c t ; BqndoU^jto^

tnorirow- ^«ornjbg;ai% fiin^lp'^' A«• *?• WWBB8

Grenerab ^ o r r i s ' s ^ declination of & e

cpnsniship to Havre :has!elicified1 fi?0ni;;th,e

Bellows !Palls.(Argus:the; :0lQ

•.'•.'; ;:weii^feiph1i|f^i®f&y^fiv%jl'/;

'••:Mii M o r i ^ ^ K o M s ^ p o ^ ^ ' tSofpn^^^^^ Havre."

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IfTiE ATHEtfi^'i- A"J rd 1 aVtic Je • ''iirp1? Gc 'se

W\• .%ying(,inade' cxten-•tritft'.^ our store, and' oc'ki (vhich we intend to l of a £rat class store, by

J»r'e now ready to display ^ilfavor'ua with a call.—

F e e M p ^ ^ ^ e n ^ ^ p W p ^ ^ be selected with, the j | w ^ S » WXK, and at prices that defy co.u^eti ticl';'fw'f(l give/uniyersal'satis-faotioh. We undersold—-and, as we buy largely from .auction,'wc.can offer many'ar­ticles' for Us.8 than the cost of manufacture.

A large assortment pf;the latestj styles of

•••^MdntiJ^St Baglahs: and 'Dustersy

on hand and made to order. We will not publish a list!of prices, or enu­

merate our stock, for we keep everything in our line.- Suffice it to say, if yo'uwaht Good Goods, if you want Cheap Goods, if ypn vant Fashion*., able Goods, if you want Pretty Goods, by all means go to V ; / ' / TAPPEN'S.

••y::'::- <//-:',,.-::^--\-'\--Q:Q-aid 3w664: ;

J y / ; ' ' / | ; ; ^ A . NEW-Dry^ Goods Establishment will bo ;^^y»hed iti Wall street;/(nearly Opposite' tho

unty Bank, arid, adjplning the Milling s' Margaret Wcstbrools;)^pn:;: - ' .

WEDNESDAY; MAY 4th; 1859, Comprising every style and variety of Ladies Dyess Goods to be found in,a city, market/.y

c.2 Gd .,-: ; Ji H: XyANGA^SBEfijK^

T Y ^ I J S E ' 'puft^fsiii^b •&$$$£§i^A'^nlM^id J t l Jv(ari<j(y, Including, . ^e j^h lng useful, in kitcheaveppnomy, fr.P.m, a. BAsting Piri • to ,a .Q'bok 8tove,'.'fbr Bale' at' prices^ to BUJOhefUm^s",' a j; '.-;i•&X'•••»'': iS^iSiwIBrafe'1^ sign/of ;the' Goloen M T O X i ^ f f l U * «*»'

ULSTER COUNTY -CL12RK'3C'O^FICE.^-. iKiwbsTON, Ap-il 21st, 18^9. - /^ ..

WtTJiiWU h¥reby' ;gt\^^^ thisKmW <>*^'^ndtfy/th^ iecondt iJa^-offi^ay; next; at 12 b^oloek.tfoPn, fo« tlie ptu:pp?k pfiHtstw iijgittpanel of;.Gra.nd/^fidtf$t^j|>t#^*#W^d

and sexv,<»!at a Circuit P9ytt dodv Oftujfe of :pj^r and Terminer, to bo held i t t he COU^HQUS^^ jri' Kingston, in,said/fJpUtvtyV>n»th9 .tlilM ^Inhday o£, Mky; 1880; ^ 10'o'clock |; S f e S S i P : ; :• •

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^f^^Wnit -thiiig'to please the,ahilT

;;: B ^ i i R X ) $ ^ E i r i ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ > . : ;v

th'emi.vNpn^genuiu^ hiVgreatFr6bTng.5?^l£l|Depotr^

' ' 7-7/V.-:"•,'•'

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Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069