tliki-- t, li a - chronicling...

'J HE NEW YORK SUN". tmUMlKD DA1LT SUNDAYS KICK1TKD. Ottce corner of rfaeeaa and rnlton iLmu. Stogie OopW TWO CKNT8. Twtlr Cent, per week BU Dolim par yr. i VTXKKLT BUN, ' Ready oaTboraday of each week; la tent by avail At Qm Dollar pec year elogl enpiea three) crnia, MOSE3 a BKACII, Proprietor of The Han Kaitbliahnjeat. j I THE OLD WORLD, Sun Oablo Dispatches. FRANCE AND PRUSSIA. 'Anothor fitatsmont about 'a ".Voti." V THE FENIAN TRIALS. Msey od tbt Kind Again. . POLITICAL REFORM IN ENGLAND. Aotlon In tbo Honso of Lorda Uslltd Stales Pracilei Squadrta ,1rlil of Mowing Machines lo Paris, i AMERICA VICTORIOUS, j Ac, A.c, Ac. fraac. aad I'raee'n,. , V niRt.ix, Jul j 50. Tlit Prnailen Jnarnali I uenouuoe, ae falee, tbe Monilrnr's denial of tiapoleou'e not to tbo King of l'rutil, Id retard to Behltewig, aud thy Inalnuat that the denial wae prompted by the dell not toot of King William' reply to the Bote of tbt French Kraperor. I IrONHO. July 1W MlduighL In lh. Iloute of Common to night. ITil Stanley, be Secretary for Koieign Allaire, la an Wer to queellou eteled, that tb Kmperor fitpolton bad eent a nolo to tbo King of J'ruaela, tut tli it It would bo In propir to ' ' liUtloto Ittcontentt at tbo preeent time. ' .pif.o u Tiatt a .;.: , Viiina, July 30. Tbe Vl en ne 1'rti'l toll morning announce! on authority, thai lln Imperial Majeity tbo Kmperor Napoleon VIU arrive la thit oil- - ou th 7lh of 4kugnt, on hit yltlt to tbo lliuperor of Auitrl. , 1'akii, Jul- - 30 Kvnlng. It It under- stood that tbo Zmparor Napoleon, on hie Vtiltto Vienna, will be met by tbe Kmperor ' of Atietrla at tbe frontier village of Silli- - ilaoh la tbe Tyrol, whence tbe two 1'mp- - 9 Vore will proceed to tbe Auitrlan Capital. Tle of tbe Monk (term, an ('.afederallaa. R UxiiUN, July 30. A natluoal (la for the Confederation of the H or tli German Htataa oa been adopted, and will go Into ua on I Ib.latof October, 1807. Oep In Fraaoa. 30. The dry weathor wlileh for ofer a week paat provee the crop, and reporte from dlatrieta of franco damago baa beau cauaed by the ItaaI of lacdla. 30, Kveiilng. Ilaroa Ton Premier, aud Kaud nf the Hullan, who eorereign here, barn had a tbe propoaed Inquiry into tbe of Fenlaa Trial. SO. At tbo eluiulnalloo of Xaaery waa on the and teatlfied that the priaourr fiUD to neneral Clu.rtat, of army, during the Reform la Cailand. 30. In the Uouaa of I,orda baa been amended br ad' to tbe annual amount nf whloh the Cupybold and are reapnetirely baaed, the bdala of the Copy. la increaaed from X to 10 iTbo I'rnrtlee 'qoailroa., July IK . -- veninc I'rar tloe Fipiadron, oou. lie Macedonian, t tin alnup aud tbe ot'jer reaaela, bar lei!wd Kaee. 30 Xeuin. The ooimnenceil today. The very tine, and thouaanda of preaont. Tim raco for tbe waa won by Mhthrupe. The came in aa followai 3 'i 1 In a .tlarblnee la I'm la. 30 10 I'. M- .- Tlila afiernoon rraplnt;and mowing macbiiiaa took place on tbe Kluprror'i) Over a doxeu macblnea, Fpaln, lluuland and the entered in competition for pritte. UcCormicW'a Ite allotted taak in 121 Wood'a reaper in SO tuinutra undoubtedly be clreu In theae reaulta. The American better and faater than tbe ground Arrived (Int. IiMiONMIinv, July 30 Norm. Tba ahlp Hibernian, from Quebec, baa arrired If re ou her way to l.lvprt mil. BtiLTrUMllON, July 30.- - The North Oar. nan l.lcyil'a llnnaa, L'aplaiu Olercndorp, whit'li leu N. w Vurk ou tbe lblh inat . arrired here today, ami after JaniliHK her Kng lah pa.aeu.era, mailt and freight, tailed lor Ilrcuion I.oirio, July FINAM'IAIa. Contolt luted at Ht lor money. American tefiiritlea cloted nt the follow- ing I Kite Oilled Malra !t .1) bolide. 71 0 ll', lllinola Ceutral Hallway aharea, 71.- -J i Krle Hallway aharca, in. l.ivriipf oi . COMJir.liCIAI. July 3- 0- Ere nine Cotton Tbe rolliMiuiarket rloard dull at thelnllow. I log alllhnllird iiuiilalinlia : allddllUK US', 1. MiUdllncOileana. Ii;l. Tbe alca of tl.e day lont up W,hm balra. Ureailatntlt, (.oril uelimed to 30l., but recurried and cloaed at 3a. 3d. per quar- ter lor lulled Wtelcru, F.uur, JOa fur Soulhern. llarley, !t: Oatt, 4a. l'eat, 41. fid. l'roritloiia-Chre- ae, 61a. Deaf, 1 10. 1M, 4.U. 'Jd. l'uik.73a. Ilacou, IJt. 1'roduo Aahra, 31a. for t'utt. ltotln, comiuou 7a. aud flu ll'x. Mplrllt Turpeu tiue, 31a. l'tlroUuin. apirila, I'd i refined, 1. 4K'I. lalluw, lla Ci. (Jluer Seed. 111. I.OMIOM, July 30 .Voou- .- bcntcli piz Iron, K.. Calcutta llnaeid, Ma. fid. No. li Xlutob ataudard auar, V.',a fid. Ltnaeed calia. 0. 1,1 naml ml, XII 4a fcperui all. LIM Wbale nil, :!.. I.ivanwoi, July . Trde Iteport 'Ibe advlcra finm Almichraler are -- ulamrabl. 'Hie niaiki t lor guuda aud arna la dull and drprra.Fd 1 OtHrpAi. Oeist returned to Waiblngton r.iS E' .e-i.i- ,l- w m flit ' -- a Thirtv-Fotirt- h Year. NEW-YOR- K, WEDNESDAY, JULY 31. 1807. TKlAL 0 8URHATT. Mr. ('rrtntten'a peech f etlnae-- 1. eapltal tlo f I't danre-.- U a ai rati la Una rnia a tbe I till r April, ts3'i I hatacter l the Itaeaar i t if aeloil r . armti rrait' raaele la aleiln 1 1 -- itcanpted .11. bi I rvaannred a t riL are i oac ao l jlr, carrtaat Ad dlra. Ac . Xc e. I Waaiilioru!, July 30. The (rial cf lilt I II Surra' t wat rrauiued (bit morning In j tbo Cliiuiiial Court, Judge Fiahar I Mr Carrlnjtton reanmed hla apeech, and aaiil be buin-- the Jury would bear with J bliu until he had tonelnitrd hie remarka, I In rev.ewlng (he eridt Uro nf Seigr .lit lye, I he paid bun a cuuiplimtnt aa it brave aol dirr and referrt',1 lo Kit erring Surrall In ' In iltrama aa entirely llnn the rnnge nf ' ,r,ii illity. Uillr ,lr. (', did not rati anr Imputation on Mta l.ambert, be conlended that her trallmony did not contradict Dte, I '1 bat lady did not give the proper Urn a aeotn to bi llye aud the amotlug Dutch. iiihii, who ay a convereatlun did ocrtir In lweeu llye and a lady at a window It will be r.turmbered that ibe pr areuti,n claim that tlila lady waa Mra Hnrratt, who uad luqulrlea at the time regarding lb on that night, runtradieta Hire. iMinbert. who aula no roiivrraalion to,,k placn Hut It will be hu- -u II. at Dm waa 'there are then eight witneatea who awear poeltitely that liii'y ew Mirratt hero on the day of the axaeaiii-atinii- , to tbe beat of their belief, and tit otbera thiuk they did, Ibe wilneatat, (Irlllo and aay they believe they aaw tbe prlaoner. Mr. Carrlngion here dwe.t on the good cbaraoter of !ee, and the retpoutibl pnaltlon held by bun. Ciuntel tbeu nifutluu.l Mratra. Ilamadell, llraluu and Coleman at dlalntereaied wit neaaea weu aaw Hurratt In Waahington, be. aidra l.ce, the detective, and Vaudeipool. Unuuael than aald I Now, bavlug proved ftrat the eilatenc of the eontpiracy ; tecnud tbe object of the eooaplraoy, whleb waa to murder, aud whlob waa tbe origlual plan patal.led In. It waa murder at -- rat, mur- der In the Interim and rnuider to tbe latt. It wat argued out of abundant caution that even If It were not to murder, II It retailed In murder, th priaener waa guilty. The seit point waa l Ilea not tb priaouar at lb bar confeaaed hla guilt. Young Tippet teatlfied that Mra mirratt once aald alio would glv ono tbnuiaiid dullara to have Mr. Lincoln k.llrd, and the priauuer aald be wlabrdth leadrra of th .Northern army In I hell. Tlppet'a character waa iineicepllon. i.u mm ..I fimvad br abundant evidence. IMtnl riino!, from aUrylnud, awore that Burrh'.t li .V""!r,,',,.,!f:'I what he waa doing tnej ,trlc,J bla neck. Who are tli next witneaaea , Dr. McMilIau, a French Canadian by birth, but nitb Scotch blood rouralug thruuh bla Tiiua, nnd an honorable man withal, Who dltcredlla Dr, T bey bring one Kngle to diaeredll him, and be (Mr. C I would pay hla reapmta to Mr Ngle, al. Iboucb Mr. llradler, Jr., acemed to Intlmale that It would be daugaroua to do to. Ho wanted no pereoutl dttbculiy, but would do hla ilu'y, although Mr. llradley aecmad to make it a ptraotial matter. Mr. llradley, Jr., aald he bad never tld ao. Mr. Carrinjlon aald be bad aa nmlratnod it In unit rruiarka made by Mr. llradley, Jr. Mr. llradley, tlr. Carrlngton You aro ouly crcatiug a bubble to blow youraelf up ou. Mr. Carrlngton, rrinmln;, aald he waa gliid Mr llradley dltclalmed making It a paraonal matter, Mr .Nuitle waa a luwver, and It wea admitted that he had been em. ployed and lud been feed In tbl oaae, He (Mr. Carrlnglm) bid no objection to that, but be did object to a lawyer receiving a lee In aiaao aud then beiuu; placed on th wltlicee atand to blatt a inau'i char-aola- r , and all auch tealiiuuur abould b rcclvd with grain of allowance, Dr. MoMllllan' character wn proved to be exrelleut, Hla teatlmouy waa bete lead allowing thai Surrait confet..,! hla deed aud be ngaln cnuteaaril It when be tabl he received a letter announcing a change of plan from Iloolh. bt. llarle nlto teillllinl aa to the pilaoncr'e lonfeaaluu. Iliere la audi a tbiug aa au Implied eufeaon, end upon thia point be (Mr. Carrlngton) would read an eitrart from that great mau and Juiitt, Daniel Webtler. Mr. Carrlngton picked up a book and waa about lo read. Mr. Morrkk What authority do you quote from I Mr, Cnrrlugton It la onlr a acbool bonk Sargeut'a Slnudnrd Speaker. I'rnhitbly eery boy here baa rrad and deolumod trout the plei e I quote from. Mr. llernik aitldho ouly deeired to know the reference. Mr. Carriugtou laid It wat Webttci'a fa in nil t epreoh In tb oaae of the Common wealth ve Kuapp. Mr. llradley lho caae reported In Dili Pickering. Mr Inrrlngton aald yea, and probably the apeeeh waa reported there, Mr Car rlngton then read the apeecb and aflerwarda parapbraaed it to applv totbe pending rate, tie theu refrrred to the coiiveraatlon of Surratt wilh Dr. McMillan while at aea, and read the 1 .It la chuntor ul Humane, to allow that the llible lltrlf comniaiided Ilia otlUrra of the law to avenge tbe blood of lunoceiico lo an eitract from a aaruiou on capital puiilal.ineut, delnered by a clergymau on Wuelilngtoti endeavoring to ahuw that the law of llod commanded public, vengeance nn tbe murderer. On tcauming Mr. Car rlngton cited (Ireenleaf. to ahuw th between eidenre and proof, and aald that all th circumstance pointed with uneiriug certainty to tbe priauner at the bar, leaving no doubt of hla guilt. air. (.arruiglnn aald be would briefly tb teatimooy fur the di'dmce, ami would then till, mil a few yeueral rruiarka to tbe Jury, allrr which he would leave the cate with lho Jury ao far aa lie waa con corned. He would then call the attention of th Court to the death of a member of tbo bar. He auggealed, however, that a rrcett b now tiikeu. Mr. rieriepnnt tal l he would not occupr much limo lu diteuailng Ibe legal polutt, at that ground had been fully paated over by Mr. Carrlngton, The Court then, at l'.':!'', took a recett for half au hour. irrrsiNOOt trial,). I.'pcn Mr. Carrlngton aald tli ;U aa he uuderttood It tbo ilelenco to tubmlt live propotitiuua. He would nntgn over them in iiinm He thought he had already met them. Speaking ot the route tiaveled by hurratt he a. Id. It' the jury would raat their eyea over tbo map Ibry would llud that the dlrrot route Waahington and Montreal waa by New York. Albauy and llorlingtou, and ho thought that the bleu that hurratt could bavo gone to Canadalgiu waa utterly If be bad gone to Cauadalgua be would bavo taken the Lakoe to Toronto, and not a clrciiltuiia rout to Montreal. It la probable, therefore, tliat lie took tba uiott direct route. If be waa iu Caumlaigua on the Utli, he could not bavo Won lu ou th 17tb nf April, Hut all tb Klluoroi ebow that lie took the direct route to Montreal, aud waa there accreted by Father II ucbrr Another point la whe- ther Surratt waa In lllr.ilra on April Hib, Kveu if he were, aa be (Mr. C.) Interpreted tbe law. It waa the faola being proven, and aa a qneatlou of fact he waa not in llhnlra on April II, He bad been traced fiom Waahington to Montleal, and the 0,'iM art up by the beiug au adirinuut prupoiiiinu, tbo burdan of proof dovolvea ou th alllrma. tire. An alibi mutt b) pruven by a pre. pondarauc ol evidence. Autburitlea vera iiuutod lu aupport of thla prupoaltion, the Judg In out of th caaca uclii( a brother of Mr. Merrick, one of the counaol f, r the defence, Mr. IJerrlok aald that bi brother waa wrong in hi declalon, Mr. Car- riugtou went on lo aay that Hv t ewure to Surrall'a preaeuoe in Illnilr on April 1 111., aud thlrteeu to bla preaeuoe lure, '1 b pri oudrrauce of Ibe evidence went to ahuw that bo waa hare. Coiineel dwelt ou th teatlmouy of Cutt.Ilrtil, Carroll, contending that aa Heed knew lougtr than Carroll, bla evidence waa moro truttwortby Dr.Uiitell waa duouncd. lb prepoiidarauca of proof, couuaal aaid, ahuwed that burratl wat here, aud the attempted aiM had uot been proven accoidin' lo law, Mr, Car rlngtou cuucluded bi apeecb by defending liiairlet of Columbia aialutt Ininuta. tlona eatt on Ita loyalty, pronounced a pan egyric on the whole country, aud oalled oa the Jury to rouJetuii lheprl.oner to lho mitiuercr'e doom ho ao rigbteoualy Mr. Carriniton here ronoli.drd hla re marka, aud Mr. Pirnepoiit teid be would rail the attention of the Con rf lo aomo ad- ditional legal pointa iion the queatlon of ailbl, and tothuw that tl,e burileo nf proof waa in the defence bo cited varioua legal autltoriliea. Mr. Pieriepoot torn read the IMiinta iiiMin whuh be olaimed thia h,J rate at loal reeled. The real q ieallon In tl.l a caae la whether tbe priaourr we en- raged In aiding aud abetling the ocuaplrary winch retailed In th klillug of Abraha-- I.lirolr, I'retldeiil. Mr. I'ierrrpont then laid down nlnelegil pmpoaltioiia beariug on lho aubjci of and maUiig each cctiaplialor napunailile lor Ihe acta of the tnra Alao tliat the coiiiaplraciv to pnxlilca anarchy In the ounlry by killing lla Chler, ruade each couapiralor a prllioipat, and It wat uot Iircettaty that hurratt abould be iu Waahington (o nrovo Ida guilt. At thla pniul Mr. Cnrrlugton annnnncrd th death of K. C. Morgan, Eq a mmli,r ' ot lbs bar, altar which the Curt took a leocaa uutll 10 o'clock to morrow uiornlng. DldASTERa. ratal (la rzrleeiea. (ItflrrMTiH. Maae., Juij 30. Thro ploaiona of gee took plac laat arming in the cellar of the luanalon home of I'Amn Dale, lltq , at tbe Core, lly lb latt eiplo-- i a loo from 11 to SO firemen and otbere were badly burned, One of Ihe fltemen, named Moaea Itutt, haa elnce dltd nf bla InJurlea. Prawned tthll llathlag. flirnaania, N, V,, July 30 John lllnin, aged 17, and Cbrlalopber Miller, aged lu yeara, war drowned on Sabbath morning, while bathing In a mill nood at Ytt Baugertiea. Itaflraad Dlaaatar. HaowKaTil.l.a, OaTaatit, July 3). John Smart, an old raaldant, widely known and nnlveraally reapected, waa, wilh hla grand daughter, Agnea Smart, killed on the llrtnd Truuk lUilroad to.lai. Tbnv we recruiting tbn trark lu a carriage, wbiio they were atruck bv tbo locomotive of a frelgnt tralu. llotli ImhIIo were mangled In a allocking ruaaner. An Oil Train ea I Ire. The !!uflalo(.V Y) .ViTrM aaya- - On Sat- urday night, at about 10 o'clock, a freight tra'ii 17 li "n "' Shore Hail- - road, a part of which w.ra !:.1..S pll'i prlroleutu, met with a eerioue dlaaaler about three milra Iroiu Ilroelon, one if the tank cere taking lire from a. one unknown rauee and buretiiig willa auch fore aa to throw tbte or tour utber fuuu tb track. Ibe coucuation waa ao great aa to buret tbe tauka, and tbe ell waa poured upon the track and Into tb gutlrra, llondiug each aido for a dlalanre of a thouaaud fret or mora. The blatlug oil at "lire apread aloug the track, communicating with th cara laden with caake of crude oil. lly well directed eflorta, the conductor of tbo train waa nuabled to detach all but eome twenty cara, and relieve them from danger, eome of which wero alao laden with petroleum, The balauce of tb train waa eutlrelv con. euined by a tir uf terrible Intenaity. Some twenty or more ear were euirely dealroy d, together wilh aome tlv or ix hundred barrel of oil. I.eaa f th ahlp Meler -- Tarrlbl aonar-la-a af lh C'reve Th burning of lb abip Meteor, which aalled from New York for on the ISth ult, baa bllberto been auuouuced iu the Sun, Th vaaaal bad a cargo of patrn-itui- u on board, and the fearful cbaraoter of the dlaaaler la thua graphically draeribed, the partlouUra being more fully given than hetetoforeii On lb 12th nf June, the Meteor left New Nurk, with S.O07 caika of petroleum oil atowed away in the bold, and, on the morn- ing of the I Itli of June, when alio waa about 300 mliea from New York, th captain, who waa looking over the ahlp'a aide, lelt aome-thin- g atrike bim on hla back with great force, inalautly followed br a loud nolto. For aa inetanl heeupiioaed that aome of th crew bad ehot bim, but, turning round, he aaw the whole of the deck blown awar, llu-- volilmet of llimra ehnottng into the air, uud the Inpgallantaall no lire. Between bim and tbe fore part of tbe vi aiel tue deck wna Idown to atoma, tho boat reduced to , matchwood, while beneath hla feet waa ei- - the whole ot th bold, one meat of Ipoted like a volcano. Mr. I.aiubton Jiikt gono into the cabin, and hnd I turned round to eprnk to a (lermuii I tailor, wlien, without a moment' warning, they both eurroutided by uiatia of beaina and planka of the deck whloli had fallen In on them. Mr. I. mill- ion aava he did tint bear tbo elploaiou, though a vetael twenty milra otl directly heard It. Aller the deck fell in, an awful paated aloug the thin, aa though a long of thunder, and all waa terror aud iroar Tbe cabin waa blown to plerea, tbe oerupente could are no way out II. ill, Mr. I.tmbton and the Oerumii were j Jammed lu amongat tbn fallen timhrra, uu able to extricate themaelvr A few mo mauta hud barely patted when they felt the cabin Hour giving war, volumra nf llimra buret from tho fore c.ibtu and the aldoi, and beneath wat a aeriutng matt of lire. tlr. I.nmblou rauglil hold of one of the derk bla feet were fatteuod amongat the tliubera, and be wat unable to draw bimtelf up, bla clutbea were blown into alireda, hla thirt nearly all torn ofT, while the tlauira which camo ruthitig up from below wrre burning bla b.iuda aud urioa lie a violent rllurl he aucceeded In reletting bla leg from the grain of the tlmWra, leaving a pottlou of hit boot behind, and he waa able In draw bluiaoif up ou lo the covering boarila, where tho mutter atood Here be atw nothing but a wreck, Tho criri for help from the young man In the eabin next attracted them t and they auccerded in dragging him up to whore thay atood, but lound that both hit lege bad born broken bv lb Ulllug limbera, while ho had been fearfully bururd' Anotlmr i of the aenmen waa on tb forerattle alulra at the dm of the explotlon , be waa I tbockiiigly burned, but be managed to reach the for part of tbe Vi atel wheia the other eeanien atood, the lliinea literally roattiug them alive. The three Ini'li who were below were never heard or teen, ami the two portion uf th crew were at each eud of th ablu aeparaled by a volcano of tire, not a elngle boat or tpar waa loll In which there waa anr prueprct of eaviiu themtelvea, not a mil waa iu eight, aud nothing but death appearml befuro them, Tbe cuptalu balled Ibe meu lorward to atand by until the mailt fell overboard, and wltbiu live lillnutre of tho elploaiou, th rigging being all burned away, the three nulla loll over the aldo of the veaael. The mate ran aloug tba ahlp'a rail from tbo forepart of the veatnl to ihn alum , ho waa learlully burned, aud aeelng a plrca of wood he called on Mr. I.a.alnon to fullow bla eiumule, and Jumped overboard, but Ihla Mr. (tiiibluu Urclliiad, and the mate waa carried away A Herman pauengrr alao turow I, I in at If into tbe aea. unable tu bear tho luteuaa heat of th llniiui; he drifted attern, aud waa npparepllv carried away, but half uu hour atierwarda waa diacovered etlll ullre, tliulug to tbn main ahtela. Aa aoon at tbe mailt weut overboard tba crew fulluwrd, nad held on to tb inueii chain uutil theie beeam eo uuboarably hot that they had to drop off. Ther were unable to leave th aide of the ahlp, tbe being fait by a atay to the vettel, While clinging to it volume, nf Heine were occa aioually blown over the aula of th abip, enveloping the aurvlvura. Th captain at latt contrived lo out lb atay, aud the matt, tbut freed, fell luto tb water. All ths crew but oue man now got on to the apara. The autlerara lay on the meat alongalde of tbe vettel. They were obliged to lay llieru-aelrr- a along the mailt, aud allow tb water to conio up to the uoolia, keeping tbalr bandi uuder water, an iuleuae waa tba beat, to prevent t from being burned. They had uot beeu long in thia poiittou until th alcrn waa blowu out lu three pleoea, and they felt the luaita Urlfttujr forward. Tbe Herman neaaaiieer with bit btcMU Utt waa 1aned on to th tpar nnabl to htp l.liiiieltt Mr. Imblon, who wo neil to bini, held up hie head aa mueh a tMalble, but tbe ealt water walid over biro, en terrd hla mouth, and ha awallowed audi larga quanlltlra that ha died afirr be bad been in that po!'!"11 about two boiire, and hi body wn allowed to float awav, Neil to Mr. Itiubtoa on lh olhor aide waa Ihe cook, who waa burned loin lb walat In the orown of bla bead i biae)eawoie burned out. and the hunted akin caiue peeline off hie banda and anna, and wltn bla uall attached huug In abrade fm.n the enda of Ida lingera. Drath aoon putr.i. and to lilt autlerllig. The boy who waa al the wheel waa alao attached to the meat he hd a broken legt lb seaman who waa aUeptng on the longboat at lh time of the xi lotion wea blown awav, but win re h alighted he eoulJ not tell. Uu the f' rrmatt wat the aealilau wbu waa coming up the outnpanion wlicu the exploalon took lie waa on lunaa of buriia from the tla.-n- , a to the neck. He drank tbe aalt water In eaie hla palne, la apite of the weriiluga nf bit cniiuauioua, but il only Increaaed them; bi acrrem and moana were heart rending. At lual be became Uollrloua, alippeil otT lb lnat and weut down, but coming up agalu he placed hie arm ronnd the meat to auauln him hia alrength, however, failed, b tank again, ud wa aeen no more. Another trainan got on totb mltaeiiiiiaat, which by uieana got looaa and tloated away, the a remaining behind never eiperttng to are blin again, but be waa fortunately plcki-- lip. About ball-pe- at one tbe anr vivure mad out an approaobfog aall, which tiirm-i- l out aflerward lo be the abip l.ucien I'anl, of Dalitllc, Scherl captain, whloh left New Yolk wltu petroleum In the tame tide aa the Meteor, aud which had beard the aoiind of tbe explualon St) milra olf. Alto- gether alx were aaved. The rook dlrd fimu hla InJurlea uu th 17th; and lho lad llry. nnt, wbeu landed at Falmouth on Mouday iiiglit week, bad a compound fracture nf tlm left leg, with about one Inch and a half ol bone protrudlug, which baa been re- moved. Tli floating oil onvrrod th aea lor milea wilh tire, aud preeentrd a grand but terrible tight. iinfW.nil fA"nj. Ti mr, The Whit a Dleaeter. Captain Herald, of lha bark Atbalna, of Dnndre, Scotland, haa written to lh Kng-Ha- h papera a freeh aoeount of lha ahlp. wreck tliat ocourred lately in the Whit Scat 1 he fleet made Ice on Wth June, 10 milea off aboie, where tbef wrre detained by eon. trary till Hie litli. the Ire oomlog down lu the mealilime. When well In tbn Ice it fell calm and then a heavy land a iuall took tbe ahlpa aback and dbl lunch ,1am T'h ice cleared awny and the fleet iage. onward through drill until the caina fr mi the N K., ao that tho veaaaola .' wr csisp;!'"! fsr ; n pack pr be driven athore. All the veaarla took the pack, however, and the aaiue night ' were feat lu the loe. Maiir of the captaiu'a enmpauione being uiiua,d to navigating In iro, would uot aall in, alraid of hurting their ahlp'a buwa, One acbooner almply entered and tried to bark off again, when Captain Herald ahouteil to the raplain to crowd on all aail. He inquirod if thai waa lb brat courae, and waa auawerod In the artlrmallve, when be went on with a will. He atkod what time he would get out again, and wat tobltolrutt In l'lovideuoe. l'oor fel- low, bla abip went down tbe nei t day. The ice averaged thrca fret In thlckneaa. The fleet remained faat till early next morning when tbe tide lurued and lha work of deatruollon commenced. The vettelt cantodtvery way, tell foul of each other! glboomt, matte and yarde caught and amaahed ; tweoty.lwo weut eehore, live went ou a reef and five auuk. The crewa aaved what provialona they could and rigged teuta iu whloh to live ou eh"re till death by hunger and Cold them from Buffering, or aome ahlp aeot on a mlaaiou of meroT rlaaaed tbeui, Signal of diatrea wr made, aome of th now took to tb lc. aome to th boat, auywher out of ship tlukiog or blng cruahed by the If, lu a week the lc open ed and a number of tbe veaatlt gov out Captain Herald cnuuted I .VI mult faat tbe Ural day, of which about 70 were toat. Stcamere were aent to the aatlttance of the aailora, and hopea were enler-talur- that lb majority of them would b reaoued. CIIOI.ICRA, AdoTlleaal Itepert froin lh rlalaa fir. Ioul,, July 'M. Weilrru dlapatobte tT there were tlx caaea aud two dtathi at Fort Darker an heturday. Sixteen caaet of cholera bad ooourred amoug the Kernel volunteera at Fort Ivrnod. Tlia dlteata hat alao aa,earod among th troopa guardiug tbe railroad couatructlon ,arly beyond Fort Ilirkrr, aud aeteral deatbt from it have occurred Lieutenant Colonel Mctlilt'a wile died of oholera near Fort l.on ou the ICtb Inatant. I.Ieutonant Helm died of cholera at Fort l.arued ou th 'J Ult lualunt Captain llloodgnoil, of the Thirty-eight- Cnited State Infantry, la rrportd at bar lug died of cholera beyond Fort I.arned, while on the way tu New Mexico. Father a Catbollo I'riott of .Saint Mary'a Million, died on 1'huraday night of oholera uenr Klleworih, where be bad beeu alleud-lu- chulor patieuta. He had been among tho l'oltowatlouile ludlaua aeveeuteen yean, and waa uiuoh reapected throughout Kauaaa. Vellow Pvr Indlanoln, Triaa, la tilllrring fearfully from yellow fever. Iluaineaa la entirely auapeudad aud other towne In lh vicinity have rttabllahod a quarantine, ao that the diaoaae may not be Introduced from ludlanola. The 1 S. war tblp Jameatnwn, whloh recently arrived at San Frauoltco from i'auaijio, had SI deathe from yellow favor on tb voyage, CRIME. The Aieulaervllla Tlacedr Addllloeal Accoonta hvlileece of Ihe l.ltlt Jtaoghl. or af 4b Ictlina. A local papr ghea a full report of the examination, on Wednraday ami Ihuraday of latt week, of Hiram Mlllor, allaa Henry Wllliama, the allegod murderer of Mr. and Mre Juihua W (lowing, of Atoulneyville, Vt.and the evidence then given iroved the guilt nf the acoutcd nliunit beyond a doubt. Wn give the trttlmony of Kite A (lowing, who lay In the trundle bed, and heard tbe wholo of the fearlul tragedy, uud who. rci ngiiuiug lho voice of tho munlurer, laid lu the iirlghbora who firal cam iu, "It wna our hired man, Henry Wllliama" "I am 13 yeara old the HHii day nf tail April , I taw the prliouor laat aummer I he came aloug and aantrd to work, He call ed bla name lleury Wllliama j lit worked three weekt latt aummer. Ha came along laittpriug, IheSItU of March, and wanted . lo work. He let bimtelf for aeven moiitha, at twenty. four dollar per month i be worked two inoiilht and then left, lie went tu CUrriuont, N II. Came frum Claroinoiit and wont tn llurllngton. Father let him Iwivo thirty dollata. He waa gone a fort- night lie came back. Saturday, at I o'clock tUieil till uott Monday, at tan, and went away, lla did tba choret while ha wat there, He took hit clothei when bo went away aud worked un mora for father I alent laat Monday night lu a trundle bed, undrr tba bad of my father and wnthrr. Father went to bed before I did but mother did not go till I went. I heard nolto In the night j I heard a man In th titling room (I ihould think h waa ia th tilling room) tell father that tba eatll war lu th oom. Father laid. 'Who It therel' aud ha replied, "Mr Hllebeook." Father got up and told mother ahe had up. I beard no nolle till father got luto the kitchen then I heard a threahlng and Ibe table rattled. The mau then aame Into the bedroom where w were. Mother tald, Who are you I' and lit roplitd, ' Who aro you C I beard aome threahlng about-- h louohed m on th abouldor whan bo want out, and ahovtd ui undar tba bad. I heard the cloaet door opn I knew him qy UU rolu ;b wat a Idled Bf who worked for ua. 1 aniaur It waa Ida voice, tie thea went up tltlra. I brant him; I heard hit baott wheu he cam down. I did not dare atlr. Mr. Ililchrnck came and told m to get up, and I went down In hi bollae, 1 (hlnk It wa enmetim alter midnight that ha eame, lor 1 heard the rooalere crow be- fore ha went away. 1 went In aleep after a good while. He remtr! it.ree or four tlmea what mother aald. Fatlfr kept bla lantern under th aiok I It waa alwaya kept there when not need, 1 aaw the light, aud wbeu ba went up etalra it waa dark, Th rnndiio' and atipotrtnce during the examination of lha aliened iiiurdorer la alao deecrlbed by th ime paper t "The pritoner eiblb'led throughout the examination the grealett hnnehaUnra and Indifference. Keen when the tealltoonr waa atrongral agalnal him, aa when they trail lied tliat blood waa ou hia garment!, that the trarkt leading lo (he mutt hatn been made bv bla IhhiI, and when tbe girl aald, 'I am enr it waa hla voice,' eveo tnia dbl not movn him. One thing, however, waa noticed, he would not look al the blood afalned ax, F.verr time that II waa exhib- ited In court, and It waa ahnwn eeveral tlmea. hla eyea would drop and ha would turn from It t and yet ba would look with apparent inlereat upon the bug etaka, matted with the hair and blond of hie He la about thirtr yeara old. of me dlum height and etatur. but muicular tbern I nothing ttrlking about hit faaturea etrept hia unprllp, tbla la very aingular aud ditllcult to detcrlbe, but with eyea open glvea h!mn ugly and vieloua look, Heport aava that moat of hia lile haa beeu apenlaa a laborer, In the northern p,rt of the Stat of Vermont, and tbat be ba be j a eoldiar, both nf tbe llritlah army and our own." A vrrv decided attempt waa mad to lynch Miller, tb murdeier, after hit exm-Inatlo- n ou Thundar. The nfl!rri In oharg waited for more than an hour for the crowd to ditperae aomewbat, but when h wa brought out to the eTVrUge, a ruah waa made and a laeto waa tbrowr at lh prUon-er- , bot fortilnlelywM uojahaled otT by on of th otllrera, Th crowd then followed tbe team, crying out, "Hang bliu I bang him." H wa finally aafely lodged In tb State prlaon at Wludaor, and ou Saturday waa taken lo Woodalook and delivered to tbe high aharitr, who will take bim to Rut- land or rllJJIebury furaata keeping till trial. RECONSTRUCTION. Itrinoval efctav 'Ihrockanorloa of Txaf, Nitvr OniKiva, July 30. The following order i in print Ibta evening t IIniKji.'AKirii Firm Mitiraiir ) lliamii r, New Oui.xiia, July 30. ) Special Order No. I Hi. A careful conaideratlon nf the report of llrevel Major t.'harlrt (Irlftln, U. S. A., lin.wi ,' Tlirock morion, (lover nor of lexea. I an impedimeul tutu iccon tructiuu uf that Slate under the law. 2!; ia, therelore, romoved from tbat ofilce, F. M. IVaae la baioby apiiolnted (lovernor ofT'exaa, In plae of J. V, T broekmorlon, removed He wilt be obeyed and rpotd accordingly lly oomtuand of Major (leneral V II. RiirmPA. (Signed) (li:, mo a I,. Haxraiiirr, Aatiilaul Adjutant (leneral. The ll'pultltnn iayt (lovernor l'eaa wat reeommeuded by A. J. Hamilton. II ia a native of Couneolleiit, but haa raildad In Texaaalnc KI3. II la a lawyer or emi- nence at the l'exat bar, haa aerved la both branchet of th Tniaa Leglelature, aud waa twice elected (lovernor, ttrvlug from IH53 to 1K.7, lla wot a ooniltteul UuIod man during th war. Ilttthrbaaee at a Political Maeltaa. Hiuiimiinu, Va., July 30 Thla afternoon while a colored meeting waa bean addrait ed by a oolored Itadicat named Ulrlna, a whit man named Drlacoll, who, It waa charged diaturbed th meeting, wat ttt upon and badly beaten, He waa reacued by the pullce, who wer followed to lha Station Houae by about a thouaand negroea. He had a platol, which lh uegroe charge, be attempted to uie In tbe meeting. THE INDIANS. ladtaa DerrrdaltoB. Sr. IiUli, July 30. Hi Indiana bar enmmeneed depredation on the atag route between Sell Lake and Denver. Ilig l'ond Station hat been burned by them, totnt ttook atoltu, nnd two or tbrte ooaohei dialed and llrrd upon, (leneral Augur ar- rived at Omaha yotterday, Th Iodine I'eiuuilaalea llrlght Aatlclpa-lloa- WiaiiiNiiritn, July 30. It It expected that the Commlttionera, appointed under the late act of Congrei, to treat with the hottlle ludlani, will aa Id at St lnula on the fith Aiigutt for organlratlon and tlia arrangement of a programme. (leneral Shertoaii I now at Madiaou, Wlaoonaiu, (leneral Terry at SI. l'aul, and (leneral Harney It already at St. Iiult. No diff- iculty It approhendcl tu reipeot to tbe territory propoaed to ba appropriated aa a permanent home for the Indiana. That portion of it oomprlalug tba northweatern aeotlon of Texae la cut olT from the realdue of the Stat by what la called the Stake 1'lalna, a auudy watte, and the conttnl of the State, if that, indeed, in theie tlmea abould be deemed neceaaary, oan be at a comparative trillt, It ia that tbe whole expeute of Ihe pro- poaed plan of ending forever our Indian dilllculllea will not exceed lh oott of carrying on th preient quail war for a luglo yar. latretlaaT Immlitrattoa Itapart. WAtillM.T'11, July 3). There hat been eompiled at tbe Btatiatlcal Dureau of tho Treatury Department, an abetraot of Ihe reportt of tba ei.imlnatlotia of vetttla hav- ing ou board ptuoiigert other than eabin paiteugort, wliioh hare arrived at the port nf New York during the month of June, ISC7, from which It appaart that lh num- ber of veeeele ninmllied wat toi, of which li wcra tteamahipa, and the roiualuder aailiug ventla, uveragn longtb of tho ateamthlp voyage wat thirteen aud two third dayt, and of the tailing retteli, thirty-nin- e da) a. Tho total number of patitiigeri brought, wat thirty nin Ihouiaud and teventy eihl, of which twenty two thou- aand eight hundred ami twouty two wire inalrt. Six Ihouiaud Ave huudrod and alxtyalx were under eight yeart of ae. The total number of deathe waa one buudred and leveutuea lutlet aud fifty nino frmaltt, of the entire number, eUhty fuur were under eight yeara of age. The abtttaot atutoe tb mortality ot tb adulta waa not unuaual, but that of lh children call for Invettlgatlon, being near- ly ono and per cent, of tbe wholo number brought over. A number of tba vetiala brougbt mora ataerage patiengert than tht law prrnilti, and In teverat they were reported for proitoutlon, A report concerning th Hamburg ihlp John llartiam ehowt that nlatlttn ditlht occurred, of which tlx ware children, and that tbey were cauitcl by bad water and food and want of cara and atUutloa. Arrival or OlatlnaaUWed Tlall.r at Dattea ll.MTOM, July 30, Th United Hiatal gun- boat Aantny, whloh left Waihlngtoo on Saturday, haa arrived btrt, hating on board tba ladleaof th Wblt Houea, lb family of Beontary Wall, and Aitlitaot 8or . tair of tin Nayy. Faioa, NEW YORK. Unra lrtc4ltao 'tp. AnnJartl r M lUiUirr I w I uml UUhit itr ft. 4illtw-- Tli fatrnrm ry tm VmttA lw imltrtlmt DcbtUe. Me., Ho. Ar.nAMr, Jul 30, Tb Oouitttutloni.1 Coareullitn at II o'clock tit morultiif, .Mr. Uliftrlno J, Kulgar, l'rcitdaol pro Um., in th chair. MIUUMUtlll.t -- MR, rt1iVII'MV AMC5T mir. Th Chftlr aononrtil tin pnr.inK nni tl'in to ti on tlif atmaiiiltnfiiit nf lr ('iiatn pi n to Irika out tbrt totirlh aotlotit reUt Inrt'ithn rrgiitrj law, aud autiitltutq tho follnwlnjtl M Ktwu ohftll 1t9 mtlt for awrrtalnlnK rhm th flllifu offrr hla nlo At clcu.111.t7 rriMif, whether he It ciitlllO't tu th rlUt uf out ftKfl hnii-b- tALllfliril.H Mr. Kiiitir j moTCil to amand to ttrikft out th clauio which tiMTltlet thai rrnUtrr li hall ha uulfnrm lu their riuircuieuta thriMighimt tha State Mr. Living ..toil hnpcil If an? rUtry law waa to ba pruvlttfut for It woulit ha tnaila Rfmnfal in ita ir()Tllon, lla hail hrttril much her about tha equal rljjc'ita of cltl-ten- t, and prUila had been fKtcndd to rolorad upon tbat itruiind j but lh praicot rcittatrr tawdiil not xHAtautj equal rlghti to tha citlea with thoto living In lha oounlfr, Mr. Lii'hain waaiurprUed attha pntitlon taaau br tha ceutltmaa from AlUftnf Champlln Hli pronotUloo wni to do awar wltu all tgtj lawi. Thti wit uu looaad for. poUllj aa cntUiuan from that iltln of thla ho una had pratnudad to ba In favor of whatever tnaani wara datlrabla to purlfv tho ballot boi. Uiparlauoa bad ho wit that relitr lawe wr among tha mot tmportatit atiilUarlei to aeoura thai and. and now tftMitlemen oaroo forward and prupoM to wlpa them all out. lla waaUd to whtthar the a Knltauian wara la aaroeit In thalr profatilona to purlfj alao tlona. Mr, Kant an thought thai aooh Initnnar tloaa wara not at ull JuiUHabla In a bodjr like thia. It might aowr In the huitluga or lu partj ib no a go ma ot but thia certain. wat not tho place to charge geullaman who tulicht didar In opinion with lh iinjorlt her with dlthonaat motlvat lla waa lu favor of a fair regiitrj law, but waa to one thftt waa oneroui and oppr iv. IJ.ioh it law ahould be geuaral, aa liad btau rtportid bj tha Cuiuuiltta on IS u iTrage. Mr. Alvord laid he would leave tha mat ter to the I.eiUlature. llil olauia wat tltnpl turiduaaga. 'there waa a dilTpreno btwen th turroundiuft! of thote livlnc lu the citiea aud thoo liviug In the rural dUtrlctt. What would coil tho peo- ple In flltlea nothing would bo oppret aire to tho In the couutrj. It wai evldeut whj the oppotltlon hare wjjited to liupoia tbe aauta law upon tho oou h try that wat liupotad upou tbe eitlwt. It waa hecauto J'umcratlo uiajoritiea ware In the rltiet and l.epu-"A- n inalorltiaa In the country- It wtt tlma for l" wJl,fT Pf tbe Convention to take the retpontlbllltv whloh belonged to tbani. Thtte amanil uitnti ware qulbblei. Tbe pretention for harmoutoui action on tha part of tha oppo-tltlu- n had retulted (n a riUpotitlon to take partliau advantage! In evorj Inatance. It wat time, thnrefore. for tho majority to at tuine tbe retpoutlbllltj that helongtd to the. 111, end for whloh they would be held to account. The vote wai than taken on the motion to ttrlke nut Ihn claute making the rclitry law uulform throughout tb Stat, bvud it wa adopted by eat 71 ; nayt I t. Mr. llarker moved to amend to mako a new regittrv iiociaiary only at m general elrntion notion carried. Mr, Veedar moved to amend the leotlon 0 that It ahall read aa folio wa "law b road for aacertalolotr br pnx'fa tho clllsetm who aball he eiittlk-- tirvi-c- the right uf tuflrouco bcrehv eatahlUbed." Mr A ! Parker deeply regretted that a party appenl had been touitded here ti ly tlie gentleman from Onondaga (Alvonl). Hp replled the Insinuation of that gentleman, that the minority hare only ought for party adrantar. They wero perfectly powarleaa ber. and In rotlng to make all rgittry law uniform throughout the Htate. they bad eought to auatalu the committee that reported It, and which atood politically the to one. Hut the party cry had been ralaed br tha dlatlngulahed gen tleman. aud he had oalled upon tit follow era to vote down the proposition of the minority. If that wat to be done, then the mliiorltj inuat tubmlt, for they had no other reaource at preient; but they ahould at- tempt tn do their duty ber to Improve the nrganto law, aud If they failed, there wat a hik,her tribuual to whioh they would ap- peal. Mr Itathbun tlought no harm could come from what bit friend (Alror.l) had aald. He (Alvord) had titokeo earnestly end perhapa had gono further than wa proper under the clrcumttauret. There wat a dtllirenee hv tweeu the cltf and country, and what would bnoppreaalve In the oouutry would uot to operatn In the citir. Mr Veeiltra motion to amend wai lots bv :7 to 7'J. Mr. Iliokford moved to amend tbat towni hall be oontlderad elective diatriott for the purpote of town uietliiii, Ioet. Mr. Uarto moved to amend that the oath of the apulloant a to hit rltlemhlp that! be deemed tumotent. Mr Kenmn tald th object of thl amendment wut to prevent unurceaiary trouble 011 the part of the adopted oltlien. If bo awore faltely he waa tuhject to the paint of perjury, Mr. lUthbon thought It wouta not be very onerout fur a naturalized citlzeu to tak bit naturalliatiou papr with Ui in. Mr. Devlin taid in many ca thei pa per wero lott by flie or other mean lo a n eh catet th oath wa all that thould li rrqulrud. We luvlUd foreigner to com lirre to aid ut to build railrui.i and caualt, uml to perform our household work, and yet wo aought to place every poaalble objeot In their wny, 'Ihere wat uo reaaou why tbo liinendmetit ahould not bo adopted. Mr. Hutcbiu laid the reglatry law wa uot one roil lu the cltiet. '1 La re were plac of regittry tire tuluutci wialk from th roaldour uf any voter, and the reglatrart kept open doort uutil li o'olock lu the evrulti, There wat plenty nf time for regtatratlon, at wat thuwn at the latt election, when there wa i,000 uioru nainet registered tb'tu rut catt. Aud why wa ur Mr. Hevelln Ileoauae they hadn't lime Mr llutchlnt No, air. It wan became they wore apotted, and dare riot preaout tbeiutelvue at tne poll. It had been found thut lutauti two ve.t,r old and wholo f4iul-li- t had hetu rglatrd, and when tbey got through with tbe family they registered the pig aud other animals of the household Thut wt why th vote cut were lo,(X abort uf th naiue 011 th registry. An lamluatluii of th reglatry liat abowed that IV.OJ of tbe lu.OOU were tranduleutly nrolled. Mr. ltarto's aroendiont wa lost by 34 to 7.", Mr filmmaker moved to amend And the Legislature ahall paa no law preventing the elector, upon the presentation of pro per tiruota, troru depositing hit ballot ou the lay of auob election, l.ost. Mr Itfll tbnught too much time wat pent her fn dlscuaaiug dti.ili All agreed aa to tbe necessity of a registry law, lot ua provide for thut aud leave, lho dlailt lor the'iUture. Mr. K. Itiookt would fivnr a reglatry law, but h would bav It uniform through- out the MM. Why thia discrimination agitlixt tbe citiea (In Friday laat tbl Convention rfuad to strike out the olau making th registry law uniform, but to- il y thla decision had bn rvtrd aud the clause had hn trlikn out by it vot of 71 to IX 11 could only account for thl chaug on tbe ground that the &tle man from Onondaga (Mr, Alvord I had aouudod th party appaat eod oalled upoo tbo majority lo assert their power. Mr. Vroaeer moved to amud ao a to niak the Keglatry law uniform lu all th cities and Incorporated vlllaaa. ilr. (Miamptalu wat oonrlnoed tbat no kind of registry law wat nedd. ibere wa at much oorruptlou under such a law at there wat without It. U ooat the jeopl rait an mi of mony to no purpoae, Make the penalty of fraudulent votlog a felony Initead of a misdemeanor and the trouble would b remedied. The instance cited by tt gntlman from New York (Mr. Ilutob lot) l wtilah Iti (kiO lri.itoUat aamai were' pbced nn tit llaU w a itronrer erriiruent agalnil (he yitni than any be ould atrg-get- . Mr, flreeley aald thero wer m.nv ban dri mile of border around our Rtaia, and persona could cwrm In and ta at nur 1o tlon nnieea w had a regmtrf !uoh ce bad artnally occurred. A. reg'atry law would prevent nucli trauda. Mr lrneer amendment was Inst Mr llo'iinaon moved to amand, ' And in caao uf any questlnn arising to tftght to vote, the uirt rules of evltUuc. tSail be nhaerved at aro applied br th oou-- ! of itw tniiuettlona of laet." fxt by a rota of 41 to 76. Tii Convention took a recess until t o'clock. Mr. flreeler moved to amend. "And th ttfUltur a'lall provide for the rcgUtra tlon ol such elrctoi m thall he uiiavotdablr wlmt'iil irom lh pltcf uf registry In their rapfctlv dlatrieta at the time ajtpoluted for legislrat.oii. t'aril l Si to 5?, .Mr. Ortley moved to amend, "'that th t.egt1ature a'i..ll a registry of all entitled to the right ot utlrag lu each flection district, fn b cntnpUteil at least ai day le for any general or inunic-Ipt- l election, an 1 lu person shall vol utile -- a registered as berlu rqulrd.H Cafriad Oi to AX Mr. Andrew moved tu amend. MTlut tbl section ahall not apply to eUotor for Viwn ufoVrr.' Carried. M Devlin tn ived to amend o that a new reglatry for a municipal election ahall not apply to theclty of New Yurk.The luunicqul election In thai city wa held within .10 da alter tbe gouer! election, and It was uune eeaaary to make a new registration. It Involved great speui. and did uot result In any good. Mr. Alvord opposed the amendment lie h.tped tb time would oon eome when the gtneral aud municipal electloa would be held on th .nu day. The municipal eleo lion wa rgulatd by th autotr. It would, therefor, be Improper to place an amend hient In the Coualitutloa wilh refruoe to ucb a matter, Mr. Yeeder ld that lTorta had been made for evral yeara paat tn th !gila ture to have the municipal election held on the earn da) with tb general election, but neb etlort had bn dcfeaUd by th publican. Mr. Hutching! said th retrUtrr llslati-.- ! at th general election ware ud at the munlrlpal election, wltb auch correction aa Ihn chugea in rihlenc might requlr. Mr Itevhn'a amendment wae toat. The qucalluu wa then taken 011 the tec tlnu reUllv to tb registry law ai auiaud d, and It was adopted t' lo .11 The eeotlou relating to a registry law, a adopted, li ifollowt frc 4. leAwa shall be made for ascertaining by proper prtiofa the rltlitn who shall t entllled t the right of enlTiag be rr by cetahlUheil, The leHsUiurgrh.IIj'tovidcfirareg:tUyof alt ull.hd to IH right of aatliagc In each u IMatrlct, It to b rompteteti al least tin day before any rJcetlou other lban a town election. No iffN.ii el.all vote at any such rlccttoti wbo rbitl not hate been rrgtitered according to law. Beotlon - wa then taken up aa reported by tha Committee on Suttrago, It rtada aa follow HcC 0s All election by the rltUen ahall be hy btllot, exti'pl for eucb town omixirti a may be by law directed to be otherwise choen. Mr. Van Camnen moved to amend, that all election thall be by ballot. Los,. Mr. ltubinsou moved to atrike out tb word citixnu " and Insert ' people. ft, Th Section a reported wa then adopted. .Hfctlon u wa theu taken up ae repotted by tbe Coiuudll ou Huflcage, It read a follow ; No who Is not at th time tf ttVtngtb oalh nf nftlcts an elector, shall hold any ofllc un Ucr thl Cotlilno. AU (.AiA'ia snail U'toie Ihey enter on Ibe ilnllca of ihrlr timere, take aii'l eaWrltt the following iath, er erurmaltonl " I doeotrmuly swear, or afllnn. tbut 1 will u tori the of th United Htatea, and the ronsttlntlon or th Hi ate or New York, and that I will Ullhrully dttcitargo ths dulle of the orllre ho is lo hold, according to tbo twst of my ability. Mr. Livingston moved to amend, ao that no person ahall hold olllo under th Con tllutiou uulsa bo shall bo a whit mau. lOSf. Mr. (atalday moved to amand by aubitl-lutin- g tbe eoction iu tbe eilatlug Oouatllu lion tor tb ono rportd by tbo Com lullte on KulTrage. Homo other amendment wer ofTered, hut without to a vot upon thiu th Couvcullon adjourned to toiuorrow. MEXICO. 1'retUtat Jehaaea a ad th. fealrallty Law. W'AaillNOtoi, July 30. Tb. .Vuhioimi aaya . " We are talltllod that th. alaloiueula tu deapatohei from thia city lo the efl'eot that the l'reeidtut haa dttenuln-e- to laiue a proclatuallon warning thoia ooucerued to lefrttin from violating our neutrality lawe by tht iuvaalua of Mexico, ore pieinelure. ilr. Seward li atill elite nt from tho seat of government, and II would be unuual lo Uk action lu euoh a matter without oonaultluK Ibe Seorelary of State, In whole department ar dapotiled what ever of evldeno thor may b. to Jutllfy tuch a prootdurt. I,.ltr r Kcbda. The letter uf lacobedo, a ehnrt lynapilt of whleb bat been publllhed In th HUM, readt thut In full, ll It addrrtied to the (lotrrnor (doniei) of Kuero lron I Th execution of Ihe traitor, whloh I bad the eattefaction of dlreoting, ia rood food fur dlgettlon It will tatitfy the llilro-neau- and Yaukeoe too, that to trille with Mexlcane la death by lh Itw. Had w compiled wltb the reipteat of tbe Ynnlrce, to apar th flllhuater and hi nttoolala traitor, It would hare boeu taken for oow. ardice, aud the next thing would buvn been a reiiuetl to glva up uur laudt, our mluet, and our women After tbla we iball ba allowed to worthlp our own tlod, till our una toll, work our owu miuea, and nut , have our women dafllod by Yaukt liber- - I tlnet. I em now In favor of making elean. work of tho deletled " llnngot," i til country, belongi to (iod aud ua, aud Jutt to long ea I oue foreigner remalna uu our aoil, our liber- ty la In Jeopardy. Ilr every moana In our power we ahould make tbo country Mexl ran , and oa all the propcrtr lu Ibe baud offoriigoer waa made by our mltfur timet, we tboulit take it, now that we have the, and hunt thorn frum Ibe coun- try. Uy motto now ll, diatb to all ettrau geroa, There ii nn danger of tbe Yankeei Inter-fetlu- with ut to loug at the Southern btetet (H.tadul del Sur) ure kept out of lho L'umn, brtidee, tbo black men would aide wlthiH, and may at anr lime pronounce againat tha wtutoe. Ileforo we get thiuimh with Ihn forriguera, the Yankrea will think we are ill rarueat, and tba time will oomo when their uotablea will be begglug lur their owu Lead,, iuatead uf begglu i for lb Auilruu. In our ilru.'glea for liberty we bar. lott nearly all. Our laudt, aud our nauiet, and our liberty, and our wuuien, aud uur huii-or- t we itill have, but the forelgneri have all the available wrnlth of the llepublio; but ther will aee iu lata tluin three yeara that will bay. what they waul lu Mexico. You will undiritand from Hill my pnal tlon, and ihould I by any obanco wbatovrr btc-oi- a candidate, you witt utidlliLnd my unalterable platform. Whenever Ihe time come, you can make tbii letter publlo iu tuoli mauner aa you thluk proper. 1 know that you and I think alike oa tbeee uialleri, and I know that my countrymen will applaud our patriotic de. termination. Uod aud liberty I Kscodioo. Th. Hteauubip .North Aair!can. Qi.'xiino, July 30. The ttramihlp North American got off on Friday, and Ilia it ram thip Auitrlan took ber iu tow, but heavy gale oouilug on, lla ran luto fitipe Hay aud beached her, There will be uo iu getting her to Qiebre. Til term of Sberitr Crew, of niiarlaton, 8. C. having expired, (len. Hicklea baa ap- pointed U. H Haatle to aurceed him. Mr. llaitia wa orUiaallr a Norlhcra laoa. aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaVitT ohbj aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaMaaaaaaaaa " ""ak Vaaaiw ' r '. h r i" l I I i 1 " Wl rf WAHMNO TO rit.inUTK, ft H riroalar front lha XI. IL DUtrlet Allrat iPB WAatttcnriiM, Jolv 3a Tba following cLr. H cular to Ibatrlct Atlorneyt and Martbalt ol LfH lb United Suire, wa laad to day r H AtT'r Or.'.raAi.'. Ornre, July 3 I W. H lly .llr-rti- ou of tho I'rwaldent of tM Ui.iie.l State, you are hereby Inetnieted t BBBBH ohterr with vlrllenee all rona whom BB you mar have raaeouahl. aa. to annpeait BBaBB of eombtiiliig unlawfully for iadliioal BaB Into bo lrrtliry uf oy foreign lloo. and BaBaBB lo liiterteiao l bo authority nf Ik BaaaBJ I, nitod Matra wlienaver ycrn bar probable Bjpjpag came fer believing that aay pereon bat B vloUied tha ueulrallty taw of tlm Uniud BBjpjpjpJ Slalet- - (Sigaxl) Joiti M. tliKi-- t, BjBJBJBJB Acting Attorney Ueuerat, BBaaBJ Tiilt BBBBJ Heater an4 llravra lJosroK, July W. Tha trial of apetd tUi H afternoon at Ihe Klrerild Hiding l'arlr, H llrigliti.u, between lha eelbrtd troltlag a liort" Daitar and Ilrnwn Ororge, with ruav H nlng mate, for a purtc of tAOOD, waa wot bOXtaV by lexter In three atalghl heata tlrrra, H tf:2IJ-f- . ftl'l. It being th drat .ppaac ggJ anr or Dexter lu thla vicinity, fully 10,001 J people aatomhled to wltuete tha contee. LH There waa not much, If any betting, axeept H on th time, at tb reaull wa generally XAXyJ antlciotted. Daiter'a time on Ibe aaeonl XAfl heat la aald to b. th belt aver rood oa ( H half mite track, Th weather waa remark H hly line, and th track In excellent .onili H lion. Kverythlng paa.rd off quietly. AXfl Haitimnu Ciinvin, who wa conrlctatl H of irjury bfoi. tb JuJIolary CoraruilU. XXaBJ of tb lloua of Kapreaantatl vet, when the gXXJ wer Inreetlgatlng lh. alleged eoniollolry XSaaj of Jelleraoa Havl. In lb. aaaowlnati H oonaplraey, ba beta taken lo tb. Alba. H renilentiary, to wbioh b. wat f4 H jjftH LOCALNI0rS. H Wntiirn rnxnicTioit. Tblt day wlllaa warmer than yeaterday, and it will not rata, PH during lho lira! lgbtca hour of the day. H A Tlia ''it nu ra AiiAtKit 1). Tvmj, Jurf.- -. .lie following gentleman, It la Jtatcd, coav tvt. Ill, tv'.icilattlcal Comiiildluu befort whom th liar. Dr. Tyng, Jun., I to U tiled; Tb liar. Dr. Waltou (Chairmoa), Itav. Dr. Iluwlaml, Iter. Dr. Samuel M. Haa gH klne, William ll L'urtla, Ca.. and Itiobara; llarriton, IU(. The Cominiaalon will praha ably meet to morrow. Ilr. Cuttla 1. oa. aa! tbe prominent in.inbera of Dr. Tyaf'tf XaXt Church. It It now iLla--l tbat lb right (ai Mr. Stubbt t. tb. .omplat. acolatiattitatl control of N w Uruntwlck datra back U J charter given In colonial time, which rigM hat hatn xrelled by all hi prdiolitaa BBBJ If thl b th cae, Mr. Tyng will no douat b found guilty of "Infringing upon kt BBBJ boundarl" of Ur.Stubb. Th. trial, haal BBB ever, I. marely a matter nf form, thtra havl BBaaj Ing not much probability of any panUbaaaaal XV being Inflicted upon tha ; dlvlo. HPS Ilia Fauna OxiAKiraTlow Bofaf a7l TlRAornca Hem to a Uittrari VoaatATtagf nr a Now duct ... very numeroaaly a tended meeting of young Iriihmea taaf PPfl ileae.ndanU of Irlahman wat held laat) PPfl nlgM In Warren Hall, corner sf Ollrtaj XXJ and Henry atraaia, to organlaa a naw elrafj PftgH to be called after O'Donoras Itotta, oaatM AXJ tbe convicted Kenlant now lmprlond ttf l'enlonrille, Kngland. The meeUng waja called to order by 11', Edwartl BjaB lu Cany, Diatricl t'tntr. of Maaaj Baa baltnn, who denied that ther. wvaf BaBBJ any truth la tb nowtpaptr tttmaa tbat Kenlaulim wt deed. H annouaooal BBaBJ that b we dtrtulaed to organlx cirolat PBBJ in rery ward In tbe oily, and that hat BBa wlahed no ono to join who waa not ready at BBjB a moment to take tba field, Hilly aiulppat, BBjbB tn do or die. Tho orgaulxatlon. be aaia, bad eulllclent mnltritl to keep .t),000 turn BBjbB lu the field for twrlre montht. ( BBBJ rheera ) Ha concluded br Introduclug air. BBBB Jamra llibbona, of Philadelphia, the Viae I'rcaulent of the llrotherhood, trk. BBBB addreaaed the meeting. Mnjjr Haa BBBJ WHIIami next came forward, aad BBB tald he wna able to anuoiiuoa that thM BBaB now ciialed toil uuo brauch of Fenianiim-- 4 PPa both had been tonne, 1 Into one that Irlah, Kogllah and Scotch delrgetea had ratal 1'reald.nt U illlam It. Uoiierte In I'uria, aatl BbBB had git en him their fealty. There wai BBBj now but oue hand and one heart. flr4 BBaB chrarlng ) I'nltrd there could ba uo took word ua defeat, Chcera. VY want aa BBBB mouy, wa bavo lho anna will you ua. BBBB thrni. (leiii'l crira of "We will," " wa BBBB will." tleueral Spear, Captain llurko aatl BBBB otbera apoke, At tbe couclualon jt vert BBBB large number of yuuug meu camo iorwr4 BBBB aud eurulled their uamot at uieuibvrt of tha BBBB PBB Ml air Tha Central Park Coiamlationari Pfl announce that, if tha weather be fine, tbara PP will be inililo on tht lake at ihe l'.irk thli afternoon, commencing al Hi o'clock l'.M. PPfl Fuir., ami t'uniout Diacovgnr or a Ik ItciT Wiiiskkt Dltlll.i.Kar. The alarm 4 fire at half paat 3 o'clock laat evening wai P-t- fl occaalouad by tbo burning of a chimney at PH Nu. Vti Writ htb at, near Cth avenue, Th. PgmfJ lira having originated at tha baae of lb. BBBJ chiiuney, lu the baaement uinler the grocery BBJ atore of A. At K Coagrovo .V Co., tbo polio. BBBJ fotct-c- open the door leading to tha collar, BBBJ where ther found a aupputod illicit whlak BBBJ illttlllery lu full hlaer, Thli apirt.uent, BBBJ which wai acceitible tu the room abora by BJBJ a trapdoor, waa found to contalu tin BBBJ bogtheada of miiih, nnd throe hogabead ol PJBJ whlikey, which waa taken in cliarg by th. BJBJj nllb ere' The eataliliehuicnt la aald to tn BJBB owned ami occupied by Jamra MoliennotV BBBJ who, togettier with John Coagiove, I'at, BJPJ (,'onolly, and I'at. Staumh, eiuployeea, wera BJBB found employed upon tha premitee at th. BBBJ time ot th arrett, aud all uf whom wera BJPJ taken lu charge by tbe police, wb. BBBJ convoyed them to the itation housa, BJB preparatory to an examination thl. BBBJ inorutiig, 1be dlatillery waa oompleta ia PJPJ all ita compartiuenta.and capable of turning PJPJ out on barrel of wtiitker per dar. Tb. BJBJ whlakey barrela bur th brand of th U. It, BBBJ Keteuue Collector of the data of May 'iM, PJPJ !So7, aud alto tha brand of T'boruai II. Kert BBS ,V Co., 131 aud 140 Weil 17th ttreel. PJjB Til. MtNitmAMCoot-iitATlv- I.AtDAira PJH lion nisei Souitiv Thlt orgauliation rati PJjB Uit evening at their roomt, corner ol PPJ Ilroomo and Motl ttreet, th. rrctldat, PJPJ Mr ITdwIn Noon, In tha ehalr. Allhougk PJPJj ecarcaly a munth In flxiatvno, tht Society BjPJJ la progreaaing rupldly iu polut of member, BJll uo lrat tluiu loi) nguatiirei hating already BTI1 beeu added tu the eubicrlptioa Int. Thut BJrllj far lb average amuuut iuretted lu there. KIH by the ludivlduat membcrt ia about Wl tWO, At tha uieotlug latt evening, Hl: at which r.ulla a Urge nuuibitj R, of meinbert wer added to tbl BJ4 1 booka, It waa announced that IM.Uufl worth of abaiea had been purcbie,l by th. AS employee of oue tlnu alono la thia city. II IK la the liitciitioii of tbe memhera compoalnf 11 fl Una Sooiaty to Hart a grocery n tore, wilh a capital of .'l,0i at touu aa ffl lho preaent orgutuMtlou aball nave beea tlinruughly organued. Ilaaci'an l" Dnon mno. About 9.M i o'clock laat night, Itoundiman Kali aud Ollieert Neiblit and Al'ou, of tb Har- bor 1 VI Ite, aero criming up the Exit Klver, and whn olf ith treet, they board lou4 ciiea for liolp proceeding Irom th. luiibll. of tli. ilreatu. They liiiinedlatelv ro.ed U the tpot, where (hey fouml I.nuft Kirll, ol II No. Ill'' Meaaerola ttreet, Wllll.iiuiunria, L, itruggllng lu tho water, be having fallea , ' overboard from ou. uf the Grand alreal I ferry boattoa lit way to Wtlliameburgh, J OallatttdoBl'aartal Vaata.! I V. r

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Ottce corner of rfaeeaa and rnlton iLmu.

Stogie OopW TWO CKNT8.Twtlr Cent, per week BU Dolim par yr.

i VTXKKLT BUN,' Ready oaTboraday of each week; la tent by avail

At Qm Dollar pec year elogl enpiea three) crnia,MOSE3 a BKACII, Proprietor of

The Han Kaitbliahnjeat.



Sun Oablo Dispatches.


'Anothor fitatsmont about 'a



Msey od tbt Kind Again.


Aotlon In tbo Honso of Lorda

Uslltd Stales Pracilei Squadrta

,1rlil of Mowing Machines lo Paris,i


j Ac, A.c, Ac.

fraac. aad I'raee'n,., V niRt.ix, Jul j 50. Tlit Prnailen JnarnaliI uenouuoe, ae falee, tbe Monilrnr's denial of

tiapoleou'e not to tbo King of l'rutil, Id

retard to Behltewig, aud thy Inalnuatthat the denial wae prompted by the dellnot toot of King William' reply to theBote of tbt French Kraperor.I IrONHO. July 1W MlduighL In lh.Iloute of Common to night. ITil Stanley,

be Secretary for Koieign Allaire, la anWer to queellou eteled, that tb Kmperorfitpolton bad eent a nolo to tbo King ofJ'ruaela, tut tli it It would bo In propir to

' ' liUtloto Ittcontentt at tbo preeent time.' .pif.o u Tiatt a .;.:, Viiina, July 30. Tbe Vl en ne 1'rti'l tollmorning announce! on authority, thai llnImperial Majeity tbo Kmperor NapoleonVIU arrive la thit oil- - ou th 7lh of4kugnt, on hit yltlt to tbo lliuperor ofAuitrl.

, 1'akii, Jul- - 30 Kvnlng. It It under-

stood that tbo Zmparor Napoleon, on hieVtiltto Vienna, will be met by tbe Kmperor

' of Atietrla at tbe frontier village of Silli- -

ilaoh la tbe Tyrol, whence tbe two 1'mp- -

9 Vore will proceed to tbe Auitrlan Capital.Tle of tbe Monk (term, an ('.afederallaa.

R UxiiUN, July 30. A natluoal (la for theConfederation of the H or tli German Htataa

oa been adopted, and will go Into ua on

I Ib.latof October, 1807.

Oep In Fraaoa.30. The dry weathor wlilehfor ofer a week paat proveethe crop, and reporte from

dlatrieta of francodamago baa beau cauaed by

the ItaaI of lacdla.30, Kveiilng. Ilaroa Ton

Premier, aud Kaud

nf the Hullan, whoeorereign here, barn had a

tbe propoaed Inquiry into tbeof

Fenlaa Trial.SO. At tbo eluiulnalloo of

Xaaery waa on theand teatlfied that the priaourrfiUD to neneral Clu.rtat, of

army, during the

Reform la Cailand.30. In the Uouaa of I,ordabaa been amended br ad'to tbe annual amount nfwhloh the Cupybold and

are reapnetirely baaed,the bdala of the Copy.

la increaaed from X to 10iTbo I'rnrtlee ', July IK . -- veninc

I'rar tloe Fipiadron, oou.lie Macedonian, t tin alnup

aud tbe ot'jer reaaela, bar

lei!wd Kaee.30 Xeuin. The

ooimnenceil today. Thevery tine, and thouaanda of

preaont. Tim raco for tbewaa won by Mhthrupe. Thecame in aa followai


In a .tlarblnee la I'm la.30 10 I'. M- .- Tlila afiernoonrraplnt;and mowing macbiiiaa

took place on tbe Kluprror'i)Over a doxeu macblnea,

Fpaln, lluuland and theentered in competition for

pritte. UcCormicW'aIte allotted taak in 121

Wood'a reaper in SO tuinutraundoubtedly be clreu In

theae reaulta. The Americanbetter and faater than

tbe ground

Arrived (Int.IiMiONMIinv, July 30 Norm. Tba

ahlp Hibernian, from Quebec, baa arriredIf re ou her way to l.lvprt mil.

BtiLTrUMllON, July 30.- - The North Oar.nan l.lcyil'a llnnaa, L'aplaiuOlercndorp, whit'li leu N. w Vurk ou tbelblh inat . arrired here today, ami afterJaniliHK her Kng lah pa.aeu.era, mailt andfreight, tailed lor Ilrcuion

I.oirio, JulyFINAM'IAIa.

Contoltluted at Ht lor money.American tefiiritlea cloted nt the follow-

ing I Kite Oilled Malra !t .1) bolide. 71 0 ll',lllinola Ceutral Hallway aharea, 71.- -J i KrleHallway aharca, in.

l.ivriipf oi .

COMJir.liCIAI.July 3-0- Ere nine Cotton

Tbe rolliMiuiarket rloard dull at thelnllow.I log alllhnllird iiuiilalinlia : allddllUKUS', 1. MiUdllncOileana. Ii;l. Tbe

alca of tl.e day lont up W,hm balra.Ureailatntlt, (.oril uelimed to 30l., but

recurried and cloaed at 3a. 3d. per quar-ter lor lulled Wtelcru, F.uur, JOa furSoulhern. llarley, !t: Oatt, 4a. l'eat,41. fid.

l'roritloiia-Chre- ae, 61a. Deaf, 1 10.1M, 4.U. 'Jd. l'uik.73a. Ilacou, IJt.

1'roduo Aahra, 31a. for t'utt. ltotln,comiuou 7a. aud flu ll'x. Mplrllt Turpeutiue, 31a. l'tlroUuin. apirila, I'd i refined,1. 4K'I. lalluw, lla Ci. (Jluer Seed. 111.

I.OMIOM, July 30 .Voou- .- bcntcli piz Iron,K.. Calcutta llnaeid, Ma. fid. No. liXlutob ataudard auar, V.',a fid. Ltnaeedcalia. 0. 1,1 naml ml, XII 4a fcperuiall. LIM Wbale nil, :!..

I.ivanwoi, July .TrdeIteport 'Ibe advlcra finm Almichraler are-- ulamrabl. 'Hie niaiki t lor guuda aud

arna la dull and drprra.Fd

1OtHrpAi. Oeist returned to Waiblngton

r.iS E' .e-i.i- ,l-

w m


' --a

Thirtv-Fotirt- h Year. NEW-YOR- K, WEDNESDAY, JULY 31. 1807.

TKlAL 0 8URHATT.Mr. ('rrtntten'a peech f etlnae-- 1.eapltal tlo f I't danre-.- U a ai rati la

Una rnia a tbe I till r April, ts3'iI hatacter l the Itaeaar i t if aeloil

r . armti rrait' raaele la aleiln1 1 -- itcanpted .11. bi I rvaannred a t riLare i oac ao l jlr, carrtaat Addlra. Ac . Xc e. I

Waaiilioru!, July 30. The (rial cf lilt I

II Surra' t wat rrauiued (bit morning In j

tbo Cliiuiiial Court, Judge FiaharI

Mr Carrlnjtton reanmed hla apeech, andaaiil be buin-- the Jury would bear with J

bliu until he had tonelnitrd hie remarka, I

In rev.ewlng (he eridt Uro nf Seigr .lit lye, I

he paid bun a cuuiplimtnt aa it brave aoldirr and referrt',1 lo Kit erring Surrall In 'In iltrama aa entirely llnn the rnnge nf ',r,ii illity. Uillr ,lr. (', did not rati anr

Imputation on Mta l.ambert, be conlendedthat her trallmony did not contradict Dte, I

'1 bat lady did not give the proper Urn aaeotn to bi llye aud the amotlug Dutch.iiihii, who ay a convereatlun did ocrtirIn lweeu llye and a lady at a window Itwill be r.turmbered that ibe pr areuti,nclaim that tlila lady waa Mra Hnrratt, whouad luqulrlea at the time regarding on that night, runtradietaHire. iMinbert. who aula no roiivrraalionto,,k placn Hut It will be hu- -u II. at Dmwaa 'there are then eightwitneatea who awear poeltitely that liii'yew Mirratt hero on the day of the axaeaiii-atinii- ,

to tbe beat of their belief, and titotbera thiuk they did, Ibe wilneatat,(Irlllo and aay they believe they aawtbe prlaoner. Mr. Carrlngion here dwe.ton the good cbaraoter of !ee, andthe retpoutibl pnaltlon held by bun.Ciuntel tbeu nifutluu.l Mratra. Ilamadell,llraluu and Coleman at dlalntereaied witneaaea weu aaw Hurratt In Waahington, be.aidra l.ce, the detective, and Vaudeipool.Unuuael than aald I Now, bavlug provedftrat the eilatenc of the eontpiracy ; tecnud

tbe object of the eooaplraoy, whleb waato murder, aud whlob waa tbe origlual planpatal.led In. It waa murder at -- rat, mur-der In the Interim and rnuider to tbe latt.It wat argued out of abundant caution thateven If It were not to murder, II It retailedIn murder, th priaener waa guilty. Theseit point waa l Ilea not tb priaouar at lbbar confeaaed hla guilt. Young Tippetteatlfied that Mra mirratt once aald aliowould glv ono tbnuiaiid dullara to haveMr. Lincoln k.llrd, and the priauuer aald bewlabrdth leadrra of th .Northern army In

Ihell. Tlppet'a character waa iineicepllon.i.u mm ..I fimvad br abundant evidence.

IMtnl riino!, from aUrylnud, aworethat Burrh'.t li .V""!r,,',,.,!f:'Iwhat he waa doing tnej ,trlc,Jbla neck. Who are tli next witneaaea ,

Dr. McMilIau, a French Canadian by birth,but nitb Scotch blood rouralug thruuh blaTiiua, nnd an honorable man withal, Whodltcredlla Dr, T bey bring oneKngle to diaeredll him, and be (Mr. C I

would pay hla reapmta to Mr Ngle, al.Iboucb Mr. llradler, Jr., acemed to Intlmalethat It would be daugaroua to do to. Howanted no pereoutl dttbculiy, but would dohla ilu'y, although Mr. llradley aecmad tomake it a ptraotial matter.

Mr. llradley, Jr., aald he bad never tldao.

Mr. Carrinjlon aald be bad aa nmlratnodit In unit rruiarka made by Mr. llradley,Jr.

Mr. llradley, tlr. Carrlngton Youaro ouly crcatiug a bubble to blow youraelfup ou.

Mr. Carrlngton, rrinmln;, aald he waagliid Mr llradley dltclalmed making It aparaonal matter, Mr .Nuitle waa a luwver,and It wea admitted that he had been em.ployed and lud been feed In tbl oaae, He(Mr. Carrlnglm) bid no objection to that,but be did object to a lawyer receiving alee In aiaao aud then beiuu; placed on thwltlicee atand to blatt a inau'i char-aola- r

, and all auch tealiiuuur abouldb rcclvd with grain of allowance,Dr. MoMllllan' character wn proved to beexrelleut, Hla teatlmouy waa bete leadallowing thai Surrait confet..,! hla deedaud be ngaln cnuteaaril It when be tabl hereceived a letter announcing a change ofplan from Iloolh. bt. llarle nlto teillllinl aato the pilaoncr'e lonfeaaluu. Iliere la audi atbiug aa au Implied eufeaon, end uponthia point be (Mr. Carrlngton) would readan eitrart from that great mau and Juiitt,Daniel Webtler.

Mr. Carrlngton picked up a book andwaa about lo read.

Mr. Morrkk What authority do youquote from I

Mr, Cnrrlugton It la onlr a acbool bonkSargeut'a Slnudnrd Speaker. I'rnhitbly

eery boy here baa rrad and deolumod troutthe plei e I quote from.

Mr. llernik aitldho ouly deeired to knowthe reference.

Mr. Carriugtou laid It wat Webttci'afa in nil t epreoh In tb oaae of the Commonwealth ve Kuapp.

Mr. llradley lho caae reported In Dili

Pickering.Mr Inrrlngton aald yea, and probably

the apeeeh waa reported there, Mr Carrlngton then read the apeecb and aflerwardaparapbraaed it to applv totbe pending rate,tie theu refrrred to the coiiveraatlon ofSurratt wilh Dr. McMillan while at aea, andread the 1 .It la chuntor ul Humane, to allowthat the llible lltrlf comniaiided Ilia otlUrraof the law to avenge tbe blood of lunoceiico

lo an eitract from a aaruiou on capitalpuiilal.ineut, delnered by a clergymau onWuelilngtoti endeavoring to ahuw that thelaw of llod commanded public, vengeancenn tbe murderer. On tcauming Mr. Carrlngton cited (Ireenleaf. to ahuw th

between eidenre and proof, andaald that all th circumstance pointed withuneiriug certainty to tbe priauner at thebar, leaving no doubt of hla guilt.

air. (.arruiglnn aald be would brieflytb teatimooy fur the di'dmce, ami

would then till, mil a few yeueral rruiarkato tbe Jury, allrr which he would leave thecate with lho Jury ao far aa lie waa concorned. He would then call the attention ofth Court to the death of a member of tbobar. He auggealed, however, that a rrcettb now tiikeu.

Mr. rieriepnnt tal l he would not occuprmuch limo lu diteuailng Ibe legal polutt, atthat ground had been fully paated over byMr. Carrlngton,

The Court then, at l'.':!'', took a recett forhalf au hour.

irrrsiNOOt trial,).I.'pcn Mr. Carrlngton aald

tli ;U aa he uuderttood It tbo ilelencoto tubmlt live propotitiuua. He

would nntgn over them in iiinm He thoughthe had already met them. Speaking ot theroute tiaveled by hurratt he a. Id. It' thejury would raat their eyea over tbo mapIbry would llud that the dlrrot route

Waahington and Montreal waa byNew York. Albauy and llorlingtou, and hothought that the bleu that hurratt couldbavo gone to Canadalgiu waa utterly

If be bad gone to Cauadalguabe would bavo taken the Lakoe to Toronto,and not a clrciiltuiia rout to Montreal. Itla probable, therefore, tliat lie took tbauiott direct route. If be waa iu Caumlaiguaon the Utli, he could not bavo Won lu

ou th 17tb nf April, Hut all tbKlluoroi ebow that lie took the directroute to Montreal, aud waa there accretedby Father II ucbrr Another point la whe-ther Surratt waa In lllr.ilra on April Hib,Kveu if he were, aa be (Mr. C.) Interpretedtbe law. It waa the faola beingproven, and aa a qneatlou of facthe waa not in llhnlra on April II,He bad been traced fiom Waahington toMontleal, and the 0,'iM art up by the

beiug au adirinuut prupoiiiinu, tboburdan of proof dovolvea ou th alllrma.tire. An alibi mutt b) pruven by a pre.pondarauc ol evidence. Autburitlea veraiiuutod lu aupport of thla prupoaltion, theJudg In out of th caaca uclii( a brotherof Mr. Merrick, one of the counaol f, r thedefence, Mr. IJerrlok aald that bi brotherwaa wrong in hi declalon, Mr. Car-

riugtou went on lo aay that Hv t

ewure to Surrall'a preaeuoe inIllnilr on April 1 111., aud thlrteeuto bla preaeuoe lure, '1 b pri oudrrauceof Ibe evidence went to ahuw that bo waahare. Coiineel dwelt ou th teatlmouy ofCutt.Ilrtil, Carroll, contending that aa Heedknew lougtr than Carroll, blaevidence waa moro truttwortby Dr.Uiitellwaa duouncd. lb prepoiidarauca ofproof, couuaal aaid, ahuwed that burratlwat here, aud the attempted aiM had uotbeen proven accoidin' lo law, Mr, Carrlngtou cuucluded bi apeecb by defending

liiairlet of Columbia aialutt Ininuta.

tlona eatt on Ita loyalty, pronounced a panegyric on the whole country, aud oalled oathe Jury to rouJetuii lheprl.oner to lhomitiuercr'e doom ho ao rigbteoualy

Mr. Carriniton here ronoli.drd hla remarka, aud Mr. Pirnepoiit teid be wouldrail the attention of the Con rf lo aomo ad-

ditional legal pointa iion the queatlon ofailbl, and tothuw that tl,e burileo nf proofwaa in the defence bo cited varioua legalautltoriliea. Mr. Pieriepoot torn read theIMiinta iiiMin whuh be olaimed thia h,Jrate at loal reeled. The real q ieallon Intl.l a caae la whether tbe priaourr we en-

raged In aiding aud abetling the ocuaplrarywinch retailed In th klillug of Abraha--I.lirolr, I'retldeiil.

Mr. I'ierrrpont then laid down nlnelegilpmpoaltioiia beariug on lho aubjci of

and maUiig each cctiaplialornapunailile lor Ihe acta of thetnra Alao tliat the coiiiaplraciv to pnxlilcaanarchy In the ounlry by killing lla Chler,ruade each couapiralor a prllioipat, and Itwat uot Iircettaty that hurratt abould be iuWaahington (o nrovo Ida guilt.

At thla pniul Mr. Cnrrlugton annnnncrdth death of K. C. Morgan, Eq a mmli,r '

ot lbs bar, altar which the Curt took aleocaa uutll 10 o'clock to morrow uiornlng.

DldASTERa.ratal (la rzrleeiea.

(ItflrrMTiH. Maae., Juij 30. Throploaiona of gee took plac laat arming in

the cellar of the luanalon home of I'Amn

Dale, lltq , at tbe Core, lly lb latt eiplo-- i

a loo from 11 to SO firemen and otbere werebadly burned, One of Ihe fltemen, namedMoaea Itutt, haa elnce dltd nf bla InJurlea.

Prawned tthll llathlag.flirnaania, N, V,, July 30 John lllnin,

aged 17, and Cbrlalopber Miller, aged luyeara, war drowned on Sabbath morning,while bathing In a mill nood at YttBaugertiea.

Itaflraad Dlaaatar.HaowKaTil.l.a, OaTaatit, July 3). John

Smart, an old raaldant, widely known andnnlveraally reapected, waa, wilh hla granddaughter, Agnea Smart, killed on the llrtndTruuk lUilroad to.lai. Tbnv we recruitingtbn trark lu a carriage, wbiio they wereatruck bv tbo locomotive of a frelgnt tralu.llotli ImhIIo were mangled In a allockingruaaner.

An Oil Train ea I Ire.The !!uflalo(.V Y) .ViTrM aaya- - On Sat-

urday night, at about 10 o'clock, a freight

tra'ii 17 li "n "' Shore Hail- -

road, a part of which w.ra !:.1..S pll'iprlroleutu, met with a eerioue dlaaaler aboutthree milra Iroiu Ilroelon, one if the tankcere taking lire from a. one unknown raueeand buretiiig willa auch fore aa to throwtbte or tour utber fuuu tb track. Ibecoucuation waa ao great aa to buret tbetauka, and tbe ell waa poured upon thetrack and Into tb gutlrra, llondiug eachaido for a dlalanre of a thouaaud fret ormora. The blatlug oil at "lire apread alougthe track, communicating with th caraladen with caake of crude oil. lly welldirected eflorta, the conductor of tbo trainwaa nuabled to detach all but eome twentycara, and relieve them from danger, eomeof which wero alao laden with petroleum,The balauce of tb train waa eutlrelv con.euined by a tir uf terrible Intenaity. Sometwenty or more ear were euirely dealroyd, together wilh aome tlv or ix hundred

barrel of oil.

I.eaa f th ahlp Meler -- Tarrlbl aonar-la-a

af lh C'reveTh burning of lb abip Meteor, which

aalled from New York for on theISth ult, baa bllberto been auuouuced iu

the Sun, Th vaaaal bad a cargo of patrn-itui- u

on board, and the fearful cbaraoter ofthe dlaaaler la thua graphically draeribed,the partlouUra being more fully given thanhetetoforeii

On lb 12th nf June, the Meteor left NewNurk, with S.O07 caika of petroleum oilatowed away in the bold, and, on the morn-ing of the I Itli of June, when alio waa about300 mliea from New York, th captain, whowaa looking over the ahlp'a aide, lelt aome-thin- g

atrike bim on hla back with greatforce, inalautly followed br a loud nolto.For aa inetanl heeupiioaed that aome of thcrew bad ehot bim, but, turning round, heaaw the whole of the deck blown awar, llu--

volilmet of llimra ehnottng into theair, uud the Inpgallantaall no lire. Betweenbim and tbe fore part of tbe vi aiel tue deckwna Idown to atoma, tho boat reduced to

, matchwood, while beneath hla feet waa ei- -

the whole ot th bold, one meat ofIpoted like a volcano. Mr. I.aiubton

Jiikt gono into the cabin, and hndI turned round to eprnk to a (lermuiiI tailor, wlien, without a moment' warning,

they both eurroutided by uiatiaof beaina and planka of the deckwhloli had fallen In on them. Mr. I. mill-

ion aava he did tint bear tbo elploaiou,though a vetael twenty milra otl directlyheard It. Aller the deck fell in, an awful

paated aloug the thin, aa though a longof thunder, and all waa terror aud

iroar Tbe cabin waa blown to plerea,tbe oerupente could are no way out

II. ill, Mr. I.tmbton and the Oerumii werej Jammed lu amongat tbn fallen timhrra, uu

able to extricate themaelvr A few momauta hud barely patted when they felt thecabin Hour giving war, volumra nf llimraburet from tho fore c.ibtu and the aldoi, andbeneath wat a aeriutng matt of lire. tlr.I.nmblou rauglil hold of one of the derk

bla feet were fatteuod amongat thetliubera, and be wat unable to draw bimtelfup, bla clutbea were blown into alireda,hla thirt nearly all torn ofT, while thetlauira which camo ruthitig up from belowwrre burning bla b.iuda aud urioa lie aviolent rllurl he aucceeded In reletting blaleg from the grain of the tlmWra, leavinga pottlou of hit boot behind, and he waaable In draw bluiaoif up ou lo the coveringboarila, where tho mutter atood Here beatw nothing but a wreck, Tho criri forhelp from the young man In the eabin nextattracted them t and they auccerded indragging him up to whore thay atood,but lound that both hit lege bad bornbroken bv lb Ulllug limbera, whileho had been fearfully bururd' Anotlmr i

of the aenmen waa on tb forerattlealulra at the dm of the explotlon , be waa I

tbockiiigly burned, but be managed toreach the for part of tbe Vi atel wheia theother eeanien atood, the lliinea literallyroattiug them alive. The three Ini'li whowere below were never heard or teen, amithe two portion uf th crew were at eacheud of th ablu aeparaled by a volcano oftire, not a elngle boat or tpar waa loll Inwhich there waa anr prueprct of eaviiuthemtelvea, not a mil waa iu eight, audnothing but death appearml befuro them,Tbe cuptalu balled Ibe meu lorward toatand by until the mailt fell overboard, andwltbiu live lillnutre of tho elploaiou, thrigging being all burned away, the threenulla loll over the aldo of the veaael. Themate ran aloug tba ahlp'a rail from tboforepart of the veatnl to ihn alum , ho waalearlully burned, aud aeelng a plrca ofwood he called on Mr. I.a.alnon to fullowbla eiumule, and Jumped overboard, butIhla Mr. (tiiibluu Urclliiad, and the matewaa carried away A Herman pauengrralao turow I, I in at If into tbe aea. unable tubear tho luteuaa heat of th llniiui; hedrifted attern, aud waa npparepllv carriedaway, but half uu hour atierwarda waadiacovered etlll ullre, tliulug to tbnmain ahtela. Aa aoon at tbe mailt weutoverboard tba crew fulluwrd, nadheld on to tb inueii chain uutiltheie beeam eo uuboarably hot that theyhad to drop off. Ther were unable toleave th aide of the ahlp, tbe niainm.ttbeing fait by a atay to the vettel, Whileclinging to it volume, nf Heine were occaaioually blown over the aula of th abip,enveloping the aurvlvura. Th captain atlatt contrived lo out lb atay, aud the matt,tbut freed, fell luto tb water. All thscrew but oue man now got on to the apara.The autlerara lay on the meat alongalde oftbe vettel. They were obliged to lay llieru-aelrr- a

along the mailt, aud allow tb waterto conio up to the uoolia, keeping tbalrbandi uuder water, an iuleuae waa tba beat,to prevent t from being burned. Theyhad uot beeu long in thia poiittou until thalcrn waa blowu out lu three pleoea, andthey felt the luaita Urlfttujr forward. TbeHerman neaaaiieer with bit btcMU Utt

waa 1aned on to th tpar nnabl to htpl.liiiieltt Mr. Imblon, who wo neil tobini, held up hie head aa mueh a tMalble,but tbe ealt water walid over biro, enterrd hla mouth, and ha awallowedaudi larga quanlltlra that ha died afirrbe bad been in that po!'!"11 abouttwo boiire, and hi body wn allowed tofloat awav, Neil to Mr. Itiubtoa on lholhor aide waa Ihe cook, who waa burnedloin lb walat In the orown of bla bead i

biae)eawoie burned out. and the huntedakin caiue peeline off hie banda and anna,and wltn bla uall attached huug In abradefm.n the enda of Ida lingera. Drath aoonputr.i. and to lilt autlerllig. The boy whowaa al the wheel waa alao attached to themeat he hd a broken legt lb seamanwho waa aUeptng on the longboat at lhtime of the xi lotion wea blown awav, butwin re h alighted he eoulJ not tell. Uu thef' rrmatt wat the aealilau wbu waa comingup the outnpanion wlicu the exploalon took

lie waa on lunaa of buriia from thetla.-n-,

a to the neck. He drank tbe aalt waterIn eaie hla palne, la apite of the weriiluga nfbit cniiuauioua, but il only Increaaed them;bi acrrem and moana were heart rending.At lual be became Uollrloua, alippeil otT lblnat and weut down, but coming up agaluhe placed hie arm ronnd the meat to auaulnhim hia alrength, however, failed, btank again, ud wa aeen no more. Anothertrainan got on totb mltaeiiiiiaat, which uieana got looaa and tloated away,the a remaining behind never eiperttng toare blin again, but be waa fortunatelyplcki-- lip. About ball-pe- at one tbe anrvivure mad out an approaobfog aall, whichtiirm-i- l out aflerward lo be the abip l.ucienI'anl, of Dalitllc, Scherl captain, whloh leftNew Yolk wltu petroleum In the tame tideaa the Meteor, aud which had beard theaoiind of tbe explualon St) milra olf. Alto-gether alx were aaved. The rook dlrd fimuhla InJurlea uu th 17th; and lho lad llry.nnt, wbeu landed at Falmouth on Moudayiiiglit week, bad a compound fracture nftlm left leg, with about one Inch and a halfol bone protrudlug, which baa been re-moved. Tli floating oil onvrrod th aealor milea wilh tire, aud preeentrd a grandbut terrible tight. iinfW.nil fA"nj.Ti mr,

The Whit a Dleaeter.Captain Herald, of lha bark Atbalna, of

Dnndre, Scotland, haa written to lh Kng-Ha- h

papera a freeh aoeount of lha ahlp.wreck tliat ocourred lately in the WhitScat

1 he fleet made Ice on Wth June, 10 mileaoff aboie, where tbef wrre detained by eon.trary till Hie litli. the Ire oomlogdown lu the mealilime. When well In tbnIce it fell calm and then a heavy land a iualltook tbe ahlpa aback and dbl lunch ,1am

T'h ice cleared awny and the fleetiage. onward through drill until the

caina fr mi the N K., ao that tho veaaaola.' wr csisp;!'"! fsr ; n

pack pr be driven athore. All the veaarlatook the pack, however, and the aaiue night

' were feat lu the loe. Maiir of the captaiu'aenmpauione being uiiua,d to navigating Iniro, would uot aall in, alraid of hurtingtheir ahlp'a buwa, One acbooner almplyentered and tried to bark off again, whenCaptain Herald ahouteil to the raplain tocrowd on all aail. He inquirod if thai waalb brat courae, and waa auawerod In theartlrmallve, when be went on with a will.He atkod what time he would get out again,and wat tobltolrutt In l'lovideuoe. l'oor fel-low, bla abip went down tbe nei t day. The iceaveraged thrca fret In thlckneaa. The fleetremained faat till early next morning whentbe tide lurued and lha work of deatruolloncommenced. The vettelt cantodtvery way,tell foul of each other! glboomt, matte andyarde caught and amaahed ; tweoty.lwo

weut eehore, live went ou a reef and fiveauuk. The crewa aaved what provialonathey could and rigged teuta iu whloh to liveou eh"re till death by hunger and Cold

them from Buffering, or aome ahlpaeot on a mlaaiou of meroT rlaaaed tbeui,Signal of diatrea wr made, aome of thnow took to tb lc. aome to th boat,auywher out of ship tlukiog or blngcruahed by the If, lu a week the lc opened and a number of tbe veaatlt gov outCaptain Herald cnuuted I .VI mult faattbe Ural day, of which about 70 were toat.Stcamere were aent to the aatlttance of the

aailora, and hopea were enler-talur-

that lb majority of them would breaoued.

CIIOI.ICRA,AdoTlleaal Itepert froin lh rlalaa

fir. Ioul,, July 'M. Weilrru dlapatobte

tT there were tlx caaea aud two dtathi atFort Darker an heturday. Sixteen caaet ofcholera bad ooourred amoug the Kernelvolunteera at Fort Ivrnod. Tlia dlteata hatalao aa,earod among th troopa guardiugtbe railroad couatructlon ,arly beyond FortIlirkrr, aud aeteral deatbt from it haveoccurred Lieutenant Colonel Mctlilt'awile died of oholera near Fort l.on ou theICtb Inatant. I.Ieutonant Helm died ofcholera at Fort l.arued ou th 'J Ult lualuntCaptain llloodgnoil, of the Thirty-eight-

Cnited State Infantry, la rrportd at barlug died of cholera beyond Fort I.arned,while on the way tu New Mexico. Father

a Catbollo I'riott of .Saint Mary'aMillion, died on 1'huraday night of oholerauenr Klleworih, where be bad beeu alleud-lu-

chulor patieuta. He had been amongtho l'oltowatlouile ludlaua aeveeuteenyean, and waa uiuoh reapected throughoutKauaaa.

Vellow PvrIndlanoln, Triaa, la tilllrring fearfully

from yellow fever. Iluaineaa la entirelyauapeudad aud other towne In lh vicinityhave rttabllahod a quarantine, ao that thediaoaae may not be Introduced fromludlanola.

The 1 S. war tblp Jameatnwn, whlohrecently arrived at San Frauoltco fromi'auaijio, had SI deathe from yellow favoron tb voyage,


The Aieulaervllla Tlacedr AddllloealAccoonta hvlileece of Ihe l.ltlt Jtaoghl.or af 4b Ictlina.A local papr ghea a full report of the

examination, on Wednraday ami Ihuradayof latt week, of Hiram Mlllor, allaa HenryWllliama, the allegod murderer of Mr. andMre Juihua W (lowing, of Atoulneyville,Vt.and the evidence then given irovedthe guilt nf the acoutcd nliunit beyond a

doubt. Wn give the trttlmony of Kite A

(lowing, who lay In the trundle bed, andheard tbe wholo of the fearlul tragedy, uudwho. rci ngiiuiug lho voice of tho munlurer,laid lu the iirlghbora who firal cam iu,"It wna our hired man, Henry Wllliama"

"I am 13 yeara old the HHii day nf tailApril , I taw the prliouor laat aummer I hecame aloug and aantrd to work, He called bla name lleury Wllliama j lit workedthree weekt latt aummer. Ha came alonglaittpriug, IheSItU of March, and wanted .

lo work. He let bimtelf for aeven moiitha,at twenty. four dollar per month i beworked two inoiilht and then left, lie wenttu CUrriuont, N II. Came frum Claroinoiitand wont tn llurllngton. Father let himIwivo thirty dollata. He waa gone a fort-night lie came back. Saturday, at I o'clocktUieil till uott Monday, at tan, and wentaway, lla did tba choret while hawat there, He took hit clotheiwhen bo went away aud worked un morafor father I alent laat Monday night lu atrundle bed, undrr tba bad of my fatherand wnthrr. Father went to bed before Idid but mother did not go till I went. I

heard nolto In the night j I heard a man Inth titling room (I ihould think h waa iath tilling room) tell father that tba eatllwar lu th oom. Father laid. 'Who Ittherel' aud ha replied, "Mr Hllebeook."Father got up and told mother ahe had

up. I beard no nolle till father gotluto the kitchen then I heard a threahlngand Ibe table rattled. The mau then aameInto the bedroom where w were. Mothertald, Who are you I' and lit roplitd, ' Whoaro you C I beard aome threahlng about-- h

louohed m on th abouldor whan bowant out, and ahovtd ui undar tba bad. Iheard the cloaet door opn I knew him qyUU rolu ; b wat a Idled Bf who worked

for ua. 1 aniaur It waa Ida voice, tie theawent up tltlra. I brant him; I heard hitbaott wheu he cam down. I did not dareatlr. Mr. Ililchrnck came and told m toget up, and I went down In hi bollae, 1

(hlnk It wa enmetim alter midnight thatha eame, lor 1 heard the rooalere crow be-fore ha went away. 1 went In aleep after agood while. He remtr! it.ree or fourtlmea what mother aald. Fatlfr kept blalantern under th aiok I It waa alwaya keptthere when not need, 1 aaw the light, audwbeu ba went up etalra it waa dark,

Th rnndiio' and atipotrtnce during theexamination of lha aliened iiiurdorer la alaodeecrlbed by th ime paper t

"The pritoner eiblb'led throughout theexamination the grealett hnnehaUnra andIndifference. Keen when the tealltoonr waaatrongral agalnal him, aa when they traillied tliat blood waa ou hia garment!, thatthe trarkt leading lo (he mutt hatnbeen made bv bla IhhiI, and when tbe girlaald, 'I am enr it waa hla voice,' eveo tniadbl not movn him. One thing, however,waa noticed, he would not look al the bloodafalned ax, F.verr time that II waa exhib-ited In court, and It waa ahnwn eeveraltlmea. hla eyea would drop and ha wouldturn from It t and yet ba would look withapparent inlereat upon the bug etaka,matted with the hair and blond of hie

He la about thirtr yeara old. of medlum height and etatur. but muiculartbern I nothing ttrlking about hit faatureaetrept hia unprllp, tbla la very aingularaud ditllcult to detcrlbe, but with eyea openglvea h!mn ugly and vieloua look, Heportaava that moat of hia lile haa beeu apenlaaa laborer, In the northern p,rt of the Statof Vermont, and tbat be ba be j a eoldiar,both nf tbe llritlah army and our own."

A vrrv decided attempt waa mad tolynch Miller, tb murdeier, after hit exm-Inatlo- n

ou Thundar. The nfl!rri In ohargwaited for more than an hour for the crowdto ditperae aomewbat, but when h wabrought out to the eTVrUge, a ruah waamade and a laeto waa tbrowr at lh prUon-er- ,

bot fortilnlelywM uojahaled otT by onof th otllrera, Th crowd then followedtbe team, crying out, "Hang bliu I banghim." H wa finally aafely lodged In tbState prlaon at Wludaor, and ou Saturdaywaa taken lo Woodalook and delivered totbe high aharitr, who will take bim to Rut-land or rllJJIebury furaata keeping tilltrial.

RECONSTRUCTION.Itrinoval efctav 'Ihrockanorloa of Txaf,

Nitvr OniKiva, July 30. The followingorder i in print Ibta evening t

IIniKji.'AKirii Firm Mitiraiir )lliamii r,

New Oui.xiia, July 30. )Special Order No. I Hi.

A careful conaideratlon nf the report ofllrevel Major t.'harlrt (Irlftln, U. S.A., lin.wi ,' Tlirock morion, (lovernor of lexea. I an impedimeul tutu iccontructiuu uf that Slate under the law. 2!;

ia, therelore, romoved from tbat ofilce,F. M. IVaae la baioby apiiolnted (lovernor

ofT'exaa, In plae of J. V, T broekmorlon,removed He wilt be obeyed and rpotdaccordingly

lly oomtuand ofMajor (leneral V II. RiirmPA.

(Signed) (li:, mo a I,. Haxraiiirr,Aatiilaul Adjutant (leneral.

The ll'pultltnn iayt (lovernor l'eaa watreeommeuded by A. J. Hamilton. II ia anative of Couneolleiit, but haa raildad In

Texaaalnc KI3. II la a lawyer or emi-

nence at the l'exat bar, haa aerved la bothbranchet of th Tniaa Leglelature, audwaa twice elected (lovernor, ttrvlug fromIH53 to 1K.7, lla wot a ooniltteul UuIod

man during th war.Ilttthrbaaee at a Political Maeltaa.

Hiuiimiinu, Va., July 30 Thla afternoonwhile a colored meeting waa bean addraited by a oolored Itadicat named Ulrlna, awhit man named Drlacoll, who, It waa

charged diaturbed th meeting, wat tttupon and badly beaten, He waa reacuedby the pullce, who wer followed to lhaStation Houae by about a thouaand negroea.He had a platol, which lh uegroe charge,be attempted to uie In tbe meeting.

THE INDIANS.ladtaa DerrrdaltoB.

Sr. IiUli, July 30. Hi Indiana barenmmeneed depredation on the atagroute between Sell Lake and Denver. Iligl'ond Station hat been burned by them,totnt ttook atoltu, nnd two or tbrte ooaoheidialed and llrrd upon, (leneral Augur ar-

rived at Omaha yotterday,Th Iodine I'eiuuilaalea llrlght Aatlclpa-lloa-

WiaiiiNiiritn, July 30. It It expectedthat the Commlttionera, appointed underthe late act of Congrei, to treat with thehottlle ludlani, will aa Id at St lnulaon the fith Aiigutt for organlratlon and tliaarrangement of a programme. (leneralShertoaii I now at Madiaou, Wlaoonaiu,(leneral Terry at SI. l'aul, and (leneralHarney It already at St. Iiult. No diff-

iculty It approhendcl tu reipeot to tbeterritory propoaed to ba appropriated aa apermanent home for the Indiana. Thatportion of it oomprlalug tba northweaternaeotlon of Texae la cut olT from the realdueof the Stat by what la called the Stake1'lalna, a auudy watte, and the conttnl ofthe State, if that, indeed, in theie tlmeaabould be deemed neceaaary, oan be

at a comparative trillt, It ia

that tbe whole expeute of Ihe pro-

poaed plan of ending forever our Indiandilllculllea will not exceed lh oott ofcarrying on th preient quail war for a

luglo yar.latretlaaT Immlitrattoa Itapart.

WAtillM.T'11, July 3). There hat beeneompiled at tbe Btatiatlcal Dureau of thoTreatury Department, an abetraot of Ihereportt of tba ei.imlnatlotia of vetttla hav-

ing ou board ptuoiigert other than eabinpaiteugort, wliioh hare arrived at the portnf New York during the month of June,ISC7, from which It appaart that lh num-

ber of veeeele ninmllied wat toi, of whichli wcra tteamahipa, and the roiualuderaailiug ventla, uveragn longtb of thoateamthlp voyage wat thirteen aud twothird dayt, and of the tailing retteli, thirty-nin- e

da) a. Tho total number of patitiigeribrought, wat thirty nin Ihouiaud andteventy eihl, of which twenty two thou-

aand eight hundred ami twouty two wireinalrt. Six Ihouiaud Ave huudrodand alxtyalx were under eight yeartof ae. The total number of deathewaa one buudred and leveutuea lutlet audfifty nino frmaltt, of the entire number,eUhty fuur were under eight yeara of age.The abtttaot atutoe tb mortality ot tbadulta waa not unuaual, but that of lhchildren call for Invettlgatlon, being near-ly ono and per cent, of tbe wholonumber brought over. A number of tbavetiala brougbt mora ataerage patiengertthan tht law prrnilti, and In teverat

they were reported for proitoutlon,A report concerning th Hamburg ihlpJohn llartiam ehowt that nlatlttn ditlhtoccurred, of which tlx ware children, andthat tbey were cauitcl by bad water andfood and want of cara and atUutloa.

Arrival or OlatlnaaUWed Tlall.r at Datteall.MTOM, July 30, Th United Hiatal gun-

boat Aantny, whloh left Waihlngtoo onSaturday, haa arrived btrt, hating on boardtba ladleaof th Wblt Houea, lb familyof Beontary Wall, and Aitlitaot 8or .

tair of tin Nayy. Faioa,

NEW YORK.Unra lrtc4ltao 'tp. AnnJartlr M lUiUirr I w I uml UUhit itrft. 4illtw-- Tli fatrnrm ry tm VmttAlw imltrtlmt DcbtUe. Me., Ho.Ar.nAMr, Jul 30, Tb Oouitttutloni.1

Coareullitn at II o'clock tit

morultiif, .Mr. Uliftrlno J, Kulgar, l'rcitdaolpro Um., in th chair.

MIUUMUtlll.t -- MR, rt1iVII'MV AMC5T

mir.Th Chftlr aononrtil tin pnr.inK nni

tl'in to ti on tlif atmaiiiltnfiiit nf lr ('iiatnpi n to Irika out tbrt totirlh aotlotit reUtInrt'ithn rrgiitrj law, aud autiitltutq thofollnwlnjtl

M Ktwu ohftll 1t9 mtlt for awrrtalnlnK rhm thflllifu offrr hla nlo At clcu.111.t7rriMif, whether he It ciitlllO't tu th rlUt uf outftKfl hnii-b- tALllfliril.H

Mr. Kiiitir j moTCil to amand to ttrikft outth clauio which tiMTltlet thai rrnUtrr lihall ha uulfnrm lu their riuircuieutathriMighimt tha State

Mr. Living ..toil hnpcil If an? rUtry lawwaa to ba pruvlttfut for It woulit ha tnailaRfmnfal in ita ir()Tllon, lla hail hrttrilmuch her about tha equal rljjc'ita of cltl-ten- t,

and prUila had been fKtcndd torolorad upon tbat itruiind j but lhpraicot rcittatrr tawdiil not xHAtautj equalrlghti to tha citlea with thoto living In lhaoounlfr,

Mr. Lii'hain waaiurprUed attha pntitlontaaau br tha ceutltmaa from AlUftnfChamplln Hli pronotUloo wni to do

awar wltu all tgtj lawi. Thti wit uulooaad for. poUllj aa cntUiuan fromthat iltln of thla ho una had pratnudad to baIn favor of whatever tnaani wara datlrablato purlfv tho ballot boi. Uiparlauoa bad

ho wit that relitr lawe wr among thamot tmportatit atiilUarlei to aeoura thaiand. and now tftMitlemen oaroo forward andprupoM to wlpa them all out. lla waaUdto whtthar the a Knltauian wara laaaroeit In thalr profatilona to purlfj alaotlona.

Mr, Kant an thought thai aooh Initnnartloaa wara not at ull JuiUHabla In a bodjrlike thia. It might aowr In the huitlugaor lu partj ib no a go ma ot but thia certain.wat not tho place to charge geullaman whotulicht didar In opinion with lh iinjorlther with dlthonaat motlvat lla waa lufavor of a fair regiitrj law, but waa

to one thftt waa oneroui and oppriv. IJ.ioh it law ahould be geuaral, aa

liad btau rtportid bj tha Cuiuuiltta onIS u iTrage.

Mr. Alvord laid he would leave tha matter to the I.eiUlature. llil olauia wattltnpl turiduaaga. 'there waa a dilTpreno

btwen th turroundiuft! of thote livlnclu the citiea aud thoo liviug In the ruraldUtrlctt. What would coil tho peo-ple In flltlea nothing would bo oppretaire to tho In the couutrj. It waievldeut whj the oppotltlon hare wjjitedto liupoia tbe aauta law upon tho oou h trythat wat liupotad upou tbe eitlwt. It waahecauto J'umcratlo uiajoritiea ware In therltiet and l.epu-"A- n inalorltiaa In thecountry- It wtt tlma for l" wJl,fT Pftbe Convention to take the retpontlbllltvwhloh belonged to tbani. Thtte amaniluitnti ware qulbblei. Tbe pretention forharmoutoui action on tha part of tha oppo-tltlu- n

had retulted (n a riUpotitlon to takepartliau advantage! In evorj Inatance. Itwat time, thnrefore. for tho majority to attuine tbe retpoutlbllltj that helongtd tothe. 111, end for whloh they would be held toaccount.

The vote wai than taken on the motionto ttrlke nut Ihn claute making the rclitrylaw uulform throughout tb Stat, bvud itwa adopted by eat 71 ; nayt I t.

Mr. llarker moved to amend to mako anew regittrv iiociaiary only at m generalelrntion notion carried.

Mr, Veedar moved to amend the leotlon0 that It ahall read aa folio wa

"law b road for aacertalolotr brpnx'fa tho clllsetm who aball he eiittlk--

tirvi-c- the right uf tuflrouco bcrehv eatahlUbed."

Mr A ! Parker deeply regretted that aparty appenl had been touitded here tily tlie gentleman from Onondaga(Alvonl). Hp replled the Insinuation ofthat gentleman, that the minority hare onlyought for party adrantar. They wero

perfectly powarleaa ber. and In rotlng tomake all rgittry law uniform throughoutthe Htate. they bad eought to auatalu thecommittee that reported It, and which atoodpolitically the to one. Hut the party cryhad been ralaed br tha dlatlngulahed gentleman. aud he had oalled upon tit followera to vote down the proposition of theminority. If that wat to be done, then themliiorltj inuat tubmlt, for they had no otherreaource at preient; but they ahould at-tempt tn do their duty ber to Improve thenrganto law, aud If they failed, there wat ahik,her tribuual to whioh they would ap-peal.

Mr Itathbun tlought no harm could comefrom what bit friend (Alror.l) had aald. He(Alvord) had titokeo earnestly end perhapahad gono further than wa proper under theclrcumttauret. There wat a dtllirenee hvtweeu the cltf and country, and what wouldbnoppreaalve In the oouutry would uot tooperatn In the citir.

Mr Veeiltra motion to amend wai lotsbv :7 to 7'J.

Mr. Iliokford moved to amend tbat townihall be oontlderad elective diatriott for the

purpote of town uietliiii, Ioet.Mr. Uarto moved to amend that the oath

of the apulloant a to hit rltlemhlp that!be deemed tumotent. Mr Kenmn tald thobject of thl amendment wut to preventunurceaiary trouble 011 the part of theadopted oltlien. If bo awore faltely hewaa tuhject to the paint of perjury,

Mr. lUthbon thought It wouta not be veryonerout fur a naturalized citlzeu to tak bitnaturalliatiou papr with Ui in.

Mr. Devlin taid in many ca thei paper wero lott by flie or other mean loa n eh catet th oath wa all that thould lirrqulrud. We luvlUd foreigner to comlirre to aid ut to build railrui.i and caualt,uml to perform our household work, and yetwo aought to place every poaalble objeot Intheir wny, 'Ihere wat uo reaaou why tboliinendmetit ahould not bo adopted.

Mr. Hutcbiu laid the reglatry law wauot one roil lu the cltiet. '1 La re wereplac of regittry tire tuluutci wialk fromth roaldour uf any voter, and thereglatrart kept open doort uutil li o'olocklu the evrulti, There wat plenty nf timefor regtatratlon, at wat thuwn at the lattelection, when there wa i,000 uioru nainetregistered tb'tu rut catt. Aud why wau r

Mr. Hevelln Ileoauae they hadn't limeMr llutchlnt No, air. It wan became

they wore apotted, and dare riot preaouttbeiutelvue at tne poll. It had been foundthut lutauti two ve.t,r old and wholo f4iul-li- t

had hetu rglatrd, and when tbeygot through with tbe family they registeredthe pig aud other animals of the householdThut wt why th vote cut were lo,(Xabort uf th naiue 011 th registry. An

lamluatluii of th reglatry liat abowedthat IV.OJ of tbe lu.OOU were tranduleutly

nrolled.Mr. ltarto's aroendiont wa lost by 34 to

7.",Mr filmmaker moved to amend And the

Legislature ahall paa no law preventingthe elector, upon the presentation of proper tiruota, troru depositing hit ballot outhe lay of auob election, l.ost.

Mr Itfll tbnught too much time watpent her fn dlscuaaiug dti.ili All agreed

aa to tbe necessity of a registry law, lot uaprovide for thut aud leave, lho dlailt lorthe'iUture.

Mr. K. Itiookt would fivnr a reglatrylaw, but h would bav It uniform through-out the MM. Why thia discriminationagitlixt tbe citiea (In Friday laat tblConvention rfuad to strike out the olaumaking th registry law uniform, but to-

il y thla decision had bn rvtrd audthe clause had hn trlikn out by itvot of 71 to IX 11 could only account forthl chaug on tbe ground that the &tleman from Onondaga (Mr, Alvord I hadaouudod th party appaat eod oalled upootbo majority lo assert their power.

Mr. Vroaeer moved to amud ao a toniak the Keglatry law uniform lu all thcities and Incorporated vlllaaa.

ilr. (Miamptalu wat oonrlnoed tbat nokind of registry law wat nedd. iberewa at much oorruptlou under such a lawat there wat without It. U ooat the jeoplrait an mi of mony to no purpoae, Makethe penalty of fraudulent votlog a felonyInitead of a misdemeanor and the troublewould b remedied. The instance cited bytt gntlman from New York (Mr. Ilutoblot) l wtilah Iti (kiO lri.itoUat aamai were'

pbced nn tit llaU w a itronrer erriiruentagalnil (he yitni than any be ould atrg-get-.

Mr, flreeley aald thero wer m.nv bandri mile of border around our Rtaia, andpersona could cwrm In and ta at nur 1otlon nnieea w had a regmtrf !uoh cebad artnally occurred. A. reg'atry lawwould prevent nucli trauda.

Mr lrneer amendment was InstMr llo'iinaon moved to amand, ' And in

caao uf any questlnn arising to tftght tovote, the uirt rules of evltUuc. tSail benhaerved at aro applied br th oou-- ! ofitw tniiuettlona of laet." fxt by a rota of41 to 76.

Tii Convention took a recess until to'clock.

Mr. flreeler moved to amend. "And thttfUltur a'lall provide for the rcgUtratlon ol such elrctoi m thall he uiiavotdablrwlmt'iil irom lh pltcf uf registry In theirrapfctlv dlatrieta at the time ajtpolutedfor legislrat.oii. t'aril l Si to 5?,

.Mr. Ortley moved to amend, "'that tht.egt1ature a'i..ll a registry ofall entitled to the right ot utlraglu each flection district, fn b cntnpUteil atleast ai day le for any general or inunic-Ipt- l

election, an 1 lu person shall vol utile --aregistered as berlu rqulrd.H Cafriad Oito AX

Mr. Andrew moved tu amend. MTlut tblsection ahall not apply to eUotor for ViwnufoVrr.' Carried.

M Devlin tn ived to amend o that a newreglatry for a municipal election ahall notapply to theclty of New Yurk.The luunicqulelection In thai city wa held within .10 daalter tbe gouer! election, and It was uuneeeaaary to make a new registration. ItInvolved great speui. and did uot resultIn any good.

Mr. Alvord opposed the amendment lieh.tped tb time would oon eome when thegtneral aud municipal electloa would beheld on th .nu day. The municipal eleolion wa rgulatd by th autotr. It would,therefor, be Improper to place an amendhient In the Coualitutloa wilh refruoe to

ucb a matter,Mr. Yeeder ld that lTorta had been

made for evral yeara paat tn th !gilature to have the municipal election held onthe earn da) with tb general election, butneb etlort had bn dcfeaUd by th

publican.Mr. Hutching! said th retrUtrr llslati-.- !

at th general election ware ud at themunlrlpal election, wltb auch correctionaa Ihn chugea in rihlenc might requlr.

Mr Itevhn'a amendment wae toat.The qucalluu wa then taken 011 the tec

tlnu reUllv to tb registry law ai auiaudd, and It was adopted t' lo .11The eeotlou relating to a registry law, a

adopted, li ifollowtfrc 4. leAwa shall be made for ascertaining by

proper prtiofa the rltlitn who shall t entllled tthe right of enlTiag be rr by cetahlUheil, TheleHsUiurgrh.IIj'tovidcfirareg:tUyof alt

ull.hd to IH right of aatliagc In each u

IMatrlct, It to b rompteteti al least tin daybefore any rJcetlou other lb an a town election.No iffN.ii el.all vote at any such rlccttoti wborbitl not hate been rrgtitered according to law.

Beotlon - wa then taken up aa reportedby tha Committee on Suttrago, It rtada aafollow

HcC 0s All election by the rltUen ahall be hybtllot, exti'pl for eucb town omixirti a may be bylaw directed to be otherwise choen.

Mr. Van Camnen moved to amend, thatall election thall be by ballot. Los,.

Mr. ltubinsou moved to atrike out tbword citixnu " and Insert ' people. ft,

Th Section a reported wa then adopted..Hfctlon u wa theu taken up ae repotted

by tbe Coiuudll ou Huflcage, It read afollow ;

No who Is not at th time tf ttVtngtboalh nf nftlcts an elector, shall hold any ofllc unUcr thl Cotlilno. AU (.AiA'ia snail U'toie Iheyenter on Ibe ilnllca of ihrlr timere, takeaii'l eaWrltt the following iath, er erurmaltonl" I doeotrmuly swear, or afllnn. tbut 1 will utori the of th United Htatea, andthe ronsttlntlon or th Hi ate or New York, andthat I will Ullhrully dttcitargo ths dulle of theorllre ho is lo hold, according to tbo twst of myability.

Mr. Livingston moved to amend, ao thatno person ahall hold olllo under th Contllutiou uulsa bo shall bo a whit mau.

lOSf.Mr. (atalday moved to amand by aubitl-lutin- g

tbe eoction iu tbe eilatlug Oouatllulion tor tb ono rportd by tbo Com lullteon KulTrage.

Homo other amendment wer ofTered, hutwithout to a vot upon thiu thCouvcullon adjourned to toiuorrow.


1'retUtat Jehaaea a ad th. fealralltyLaw.

W'AaillNOtoi, July 30. Tb. .Vuhioimiaaya . " We are talltllod that th.

alaloiueula tu deapatohei from thia city lothe efl'eot that the l'reeidtut haa dttenuln-e-

to laiue a proclatuallon warning thoiaooucerued to lefrttin from violating ourneutrality lawe by tht iuvaalua of Mexico,ore pieinelure. ilr. Seward li atill elite ntfrom tho seat of government, and II wouldbe unuual lo Uk action lu euoh a matterwithout oonaultluK Ibe Seorelary of State,In whole department ar dapotiled whatever of evldeno thor may b. to Jutllfytuch a prootdurt.

I,.ltr r Kcbda.The letter uf lacobedo, a ehnrt lynapilt

of whleb bat been publllhed In th HUM,

readt thut In full, ll It addrrtied to the(lotrrnor (doniei) of Kuero lron I

Th execution of Ihe traitor, whloh Ibad the eattefaction of dlreoting, ia roodfood fur dlgettlon It will tatitfy the llilro-neau-

and Yaukeoe too, that to trille withMexlcane la death by lh Itw. Had wcompiled wltb the reipteat of tbe Ynnlrce,to apar th flllhuater and hi nttoolalatraitor, It would hare boeu taken for oow.ardice, aud the next thing would buvn beena reiiuetl to glva up uur laudt, our mluet,and our women After tbla we iball baallowed to worthlp our own tlod, till ouruna toll, work our owu miuea, and nut ,

have our women dafllod by Yaukt liber- - I

tlnet.I em now In favor of making elean. work

of tho deletled " llnngot," i til country,belongi to (iod aud ua, aud Jutt to long ea I

oue foreigner remalna uu our aoil, our liber-ty la In Jeopardy. Ilr every moana In ourpower we ahould make tbo country Mexlran , and oa all the propcrtr lu Ibe baudofforiigoer waa made by our mltfurtimet, we tboulit take it, now that we havethe, and hunt thorn frum Ibe coun-try. Uy motto now ll, diatb to all ettraugeroa,

There ii nn danger of tbe Yankeei Inter-fetlu-

with ut to loug at the Southern btetet(H.tadul del Sur) ure kept out of lhoL'umn, brtidee, tbo black men would aidewlthiH, and may at anr lime pronounceagainat tha wtutoe. Ileforo we get thiuimhwith Ihn forriguera, the Yankrea will thinkwe are ill rarueat, and tba time will oomowhen their uotablea will be begglug lurtheir owu Lead,, iuatead uf begglu i for lbAuilruu.

In our ilru.'glea for liberty we bar. lottnearly all. Our laudt, aud our nauiet, andour liberty, and our wuuien, aud uur huii-or- t

we itill have, but the forelgneri haveall the available wrnlth of the llepublio; butther will aee iu lata tluin three yeara will bay. what they waul luMexico.

You will undiritand from Hill my pnaltlon, and ihould I by any obanco wbatovrrbtc-oi- a candidate, you witt utidlliLndmy unalterable platform. Whenever Ihetime come, you can make tbii letter publloiu tuoli mauner aa you thluk proper. 1

know that you and I think alike oatbeee uialleri, and I know that mycountrymen will applaud our patriotic de.termination.

Uod aud liberty I Kscodioo.

Th. Hteauubip .North Aair!can.Qi.'xiino, July 30. The ttramihlp North

American got off on Friday, and Ilia it ramthip Auitrlan took ber iu tow, but heavygale oouilug on, lla ran luto fitipe Hay

aud beached her, There will be uo

iu getting her to Qiebre.

Til term of Sberitr Crew, of niiarlaton,8. C. having expired, (len. Hicklea baa ap-

pointed U. H Haatle to aurceed him. Mr.llaitia wa orUiaallr a Norlhcra laoa.

aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaVitT ohbjaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaMaaaaaaaaa

"""ak Vaaaiw


r '.

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i 1 "


WAHMNO TO rit.inUTK, ft Hriroalar front lha XI. IL DUtrlet Allrat iPB

WAatttcnriiM, Jolv 3a Tba following cLr. Hcular to Ibatrlct Atlorneyt and Martbalt ol LfHlb United Suire, wa laad to day r H

AtT'r Or.'.raAi.'. Ornre, July 3 I W. Hlly .llr-rti- ou of tho I'rwaldent of tM

Ui.iie.l State, you are hereby Inetnieted t BBBBHohterr with vlrllenee all rona whom BByou mar have raaeouahl. aa. to annpeait BBaBBof eombtiiliig unlawfully for iadliioal BaBInto bo lrrtliry uf oy foreign lloo. and BaBaBBlo liiterteiao l bo authority nf Ik BaaaBJI, nitod Matra wlienaver ycrn bar probable Bjpjpagcame fer believing that aay pereon bat BvloUied tha ueulrallty taw of tlm Uniud BBjpjpjpJSlalet- - (Sigaxl) Joiti M. tliKi-- t, BjBJBJBJB

Acting Attorney Ueuerat, BBaaBJTiilt BBBBJ

Heater an4 llravralJosroK, July W. Tha trial of apetd tUi H

afternoon at Ihe Klrerild Hiding l'arlr, Hllrigliti.u, between lha eelbrtd troltlag aliort" Daitar and Ilrnwn Ororge, with ruav Hnlng mate, for a purtc of tAOOD, waa wot bOXtaVby lexter In three atalghl heata tlrrra, Htf:2IJ-f- . ftl'l. It being th drat .ppaac ggJanr or Dexter lu thla vicinity, fully 10,001 Jpeople aatomhled to wltuete tha contee. LHThere waa not much, If any betting, axeept Hon th time, at tb reaull wa generally XAXyJantlciotted. Daiter'a time on Ibe aaeonl XAflheat la aald to b. th belt aver rood oa ( Hhalf mite track, Th weather waa remark H

hly line, and th track In excellent .onili Hlion. Kverythlng paa.rd off quietly. AXfl

Haitimnu Ciinvin, who wa conrlctatl Hof irjury bfoi. tb JuJIolary CoraruilU. XXaBJof tb lloua of Kapreaantatl vet, when the gXXJwer Inreetlgatlng lh. alleged eoniollolry XSaajof Jelleraoa Havl. In lb. aaaowlnati Hoonaplraey, ba beta taken lo tb. Alba. Hrenilentiary, to wbioh b. wat f4 H


Wntiirn rnxnicTioit. Tblt day wlllaawarmer than yeaterday, and it will not rata, PHduring lho lira! lgbtca hour of the day. H


Tlia ''it nu ra AiiAtKit 1). Tvmj, Jurf.- -.

.lie following gentleman, It la Jtatcd, coavtvt. Ill, tv'.icilattlcal Comiiildluu befortwhom th liar. Dr. Tyng, Jun., I to Utiled; Tb liar. Dr. Waltou (Chairmoa),Itav. Dr. Iluwlaml, Iter. Dr. Samuel M. Haa gHklne, William ll L'urtla, Ca.. and Itiobara;llarriton, IU(. The Cominiaalon will prahaably meet to morrow. Ilr. Cuttla 1. oa. aa!

tbe prominent in.inbera of Dr. Tyaf'tf XaXtChurch. It It now iLla--l tbat lb right (ai

Mr. Stubbt t. tb. .omplat. acolatiattitatlcontrol of N w Uruntwlck datra back U J

charter given In colonial time, which rigMhat hatn xrelled by all hi prdiolitaa BBBJIf thl b th cae, Mr. Tyng will no douatb found guilty of "Infringing upon kt BBBJboundarl" of Ur.Stubb. Th. trial, haal BBBever, I. marely a matter nf form, thtra havl BBaajIng not much probability of any panUbaaaaal XVbeing Inflicted upon tha ; dlvlo. HPS

Ilia Fauna OxiAKiraTlow Bofaf a7lTlRAornca Hem to a Uittrari VoaatATtagf

nr a Now duct ... very numeroaaly atended meeting of young Iriihmea taaf PPflileae.ndanU of Irlahman wat held laat) PPflnlgM In Warren Hall, corner sf Ollrtaj XXJand Henry atraaia, to organlaa a naw elrafj PftgHto be called after O'Donoras Itotta, oaatM AXJtbe convicted Kenlant now lmprlond ttfl'enlonrille, Kngland. The meeUng wajacalled to order by 11', Edwartl BjaBlu Cany, Diatricl t'tntr. of Maaaj Baabaltnn, who denied that ther. wvaf BaBBJany truth la tb nowtpaptr tttmaatbat Kenlaulim wt deed. H annouaooal BBaBJthat b we dtrtulaed to organlx cirolat PBBJin rery ward In tbe oily, and that hat BBawlahed no ono to join who waa not ready at BBjBa moment to take tba field, Hilly aiulppat, BBjbBtn do or die. Tho orgaulxatlon. be aaia,bad eulllclent mnltritl to keep .t),000 turn BBjbBlu the field for twrlre montht. ( BBBJrheera ) Ha concluded br Introduclug air. BBBBJamra llibbona, of Philadelphia, the ViaeI'rcaulent of the llrotherhood, trk. BBBBaddreaaed the meeting. Mnjjr Haa BBBJWHIIami next came forward, aad BBBtald he wna able to anuoiiuoa that thM BBaBnow ciialed toil uuo brauch of Fenianiim-- 4 PPaboth had been tonne, 1 Into one that Irlah,Kogllah and Scotch delrgetea had ratal1'reald.nt U illlam It. Uoiierte In I'uria, aatl BbBBhad git en him their fealty. There wai BBBjnow but oue hand and one heart. flr4 BBaBchrarlng ) I'nltrd there could ba uo tookword ua defeat, Chcera. VY want aa BBBBmouy, wa bavo lho anna will you ua. BBBBthrni. (leiii'l crira of "We will," " wa BBBBwill." tleueral Spear, Captain llurko aatl BBBBotbera apoke, At tbe couclualon jt vert BBBBlarge number of yuuug meu camo iorwr4 BBBBaud eurulled their uamot at uieuibvrt of tha BBBB

PBBMl air Tha Central Park Coiamlationari Pfl

announce that, if tha weather be fine, tbara PPwill be inililo on tht lake at ihe l'.irk thliafternoon, commencing al Hi o'clock l'.M. PPfl

Fuir., ami t'uniout Diacovgnr or a IkItciT Wiiiskkt Dltlll.i.Kar. The alarm 4fire at half paat 3 o'clock laat evening wai P-t-

floccaalouad by tbo burning of a chimney at PHNu. Vti Writ htb at, near Cth avenue, Th. PgmfJlira having originated at tha baae of lb. BBBJchiiuney, lu the baaement uinler the grocery BBJatore of A. At K Coagrovo .V Co., tbo polio. BBBJfotct-c- open the door leading to tha collar, BBBJwhere ther found a aupputod illicit whlak BBBJillttlllery lu full hlaer, Thli apirt.uent, BBBJwhich wai acceitible tu the room abora by BJBJa trapdoor, waa found to contalu tin BBBJbogtheada of miiih, nnd throe hogabead ol PJBJwhlikey, which waa taken in cliarg by th. BJBJjnllb ere' The eataliliehuicnt la aald to tn BJBBowned ami occupied by Jamra MoliennotV BBBJwho, togettier with John Coagiove, I'at, BJPJ(,'onolly, and I'at. Staumh, eiuployeea, wera BJBBfound employed upon tha premitee at th. BBBJtime ot th arrett, aud all uf whom wera BJPJtaken lu charge by tbe police, wb. BBBJconvoyed them to the itation housa, BJBpreparatory to an examination thl. BBBJinorutiig, 1be dlatillery waa oompleta ia PJPJall ita compartiuenta.and capable of turning PJPJout on barrel of wtiitker per dar. Tb. BJBJwhlakey barrela bur th brand of th U. It, BBBJKeteuue Collector of the data of May 'iM, PJPJ!So7, aud alto tha brand of T'boruai II. Kert BBS,V Co., 131 aud 140 Weil 17th ttreel. PJjB

Til. MtNitmAMCoot-iitATlv- I.AtDAira PJHlion nisei Souitiv Thlt orgauliation rati PJjBUit evening at their roomt, corner ol PPJIlroomo and Motl ttreet, th. rrctldat, PJPJMr ITdwIn Noon, In tha ehalr. Allhougk PJPJjecarcaly a munth In flxiatvno, tht Society BjPJJla progreaaing rupldly iu polut of member, BJlluo lrat tluiu loi) nguatiirei hating already BTI1beeu added tu the eubicrlptioa Int. Thut BJrlljfar lb average amuuut iuretted lu there. KIHby the ludivlduat membcrt ia about WltWO, At tha uieotlug latt evening, Hl:at which r.ulla a Urge nuuibitj R,of meinbert wer added to tbl BJ4 1

booka, It waa announced that IM.Uufl

worth of abaiea had been purcbie,l by th. ASemployee of oue tlnu alono la thia city. II IKla the liitciitioii of tbe memhera compoalnf 11 fl

Una Sooiaty to Hart a grocery ntore, wilh a capital of .'l,0i at touu aa ffl

lho preaent orgutuMtlou aball nave beeatlinruughly organued.

Ilaaci'an l" Dnon mno. About 9.M i

o'clock laat night, Itoundiman Kali

aud Ollieert Neiblit and Al'ou, of tb Har-

bor 1 VI Ite, aero criming up the Exit Klver,and whn olf ith treet, they board lou4ciiea for liolp proceeding Irom th. luiibll.of tli. ilreatu. They liiiinedlatelv ro.ed Uthe tpot, where (hey fouml I.nuft Kirll, ol IINo. Ill'' Meaaerola ttreet, Wllll.iiuiunria, L,itruggllng lu tho water, be having fallea , '

overboard from ou. uf the Grand alreal Iferry boattoa lit way to Wtlliameburgh, J

OallatttdoBl'aartal Vaata.!I

