tm critical care - isccm€¦ · special issue at my email address, [email protected]. dr....

Editorial officE dr. atul P. Kulkarni Professor & Head, Division of Critical Care, Dept. of Anaesthesiology, Critical Care & Pain Tata Memorial Hospital, Parel, Mumbai 400012 Phone : 022-24177049 • emails : [email protected] Published By : INDIAN SOCIETY OF CRITICAL CARE MEDICINE For Free Circulation Amongst Medical Professionals Unit 6, First Floor, Hind Service Industries Premises Co-operative Society, Near Chaitya Bhoomi, Off Veer Savarkar Marg, Dadar, Mumbai – 400028 Tel. 022-24444737 • Telefax :022-24460348 • email : [email protected] 1 ISCCM News Headlines 2 Editorial 2 Editorial Board 2014-2015 3 President's Desk 3 Best of Brussels 2015, Pune 4 General Secretary's Desk 4 New Office Bearers of ISCCM Branches 5 Circular No. 1/2015 - Election of Office Bearers and Members of the Executive Committee for 2016-2017 6 Orations - CRITICARE 2015 7 Ramesh Nagappan Memorial Grand Quiz Winners - CRITICARE 2015 7 Free Paper Winners - CRITICARE 2015 7 Poster Presentation Winners - CRITICARE 2015 8 Quiz - CRITICARE 2015 9 A Report on the Indigenous Advanced ICU Simulator in CRITICARE 2015 10 Post Conference Briefing - CRITICARE 2015 12 Report of 4th Annual Convocation Ceremony of Indian College of Critical Care Medicine 12 Workshops - CRITICARE 2015 13 Chitra - Customized, Health in Intensive Care, Trainable Research & Analysis Tool 14 Welcome New Members to the ISCCM family 15 Appreciations from All Around the Globe - CRITICARE 2015 16 CRITICARE 2016 We request our esteemed readers to send their valued feedback, suggestions & views at [email protected] This is the 2 nd Special Post Conference issue of Critical Care Communications: How it Happened? Bengaluru CRITICARE 2015 a huge success. All workshops appreciated by the delegates and faculty alike. Indigenously developed hemodynamic simulator and ventilator similar used for the first time in Hemodynamic, Ultrasound and Ventilator Monitoring Workshops. The ISCCM oration delivered by Dr. George John on 6th March 2015. Dr. Divatia delivered the Past President’s Oration on 6th March 2015. Postal department brings out Special Postal Cover on the occasion of Criticare 2015. ISCCM merchandise sold at Criticare 2015, very popular. The annual scientific feast, the 3rd Best of Brussels approaches, scheduled from 8th to 12th of July. The Scientific program of the 3rd Best of Brussels uploaded on the website, registrations closed. Elections to the ISCCM national executive committee announced. Will have a double security, e-mail link followed by a One Time Password on the registered Mobile no. of the life members. Last date for filing nominations is 15th June 2015. Last date for withdrawal of nominations is 30th June 2015. Online voting to be held from 1st to 7th August 2015. Members urged to update their e-mail IDs and mobile nos. Webinars started by ICCCM, hugely popular. A BI-MONTHLY NEWSLETTER OF INDIAN SOCIETY OF CRITICAL CARE MEDICINE TM Critical Care COMMUNICATIONS SPECIAL CONFERENCE ISSUE VOLUME 10.2 MARCH-APRIL, 2015 Contents ISCCM NEWS HEADLINES

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Page 1: TM Critical Care - ISCCM€¦ · special issue at my email address, dr. atul P. Kulkarni editor, The Critical Care Communications president-elect, isCCm

Editorial officE

dr. atul P. KulkarniProfessor & Head, Division of Critical Care, Dept. of Anaesthesiology, Critical Care & Pain Tata Memorial Hospital, Parel, Mumbai 400012

Phone : 022-24177049 • emails : [email protected]

Published By :

IndIan SocIety of crItIcal care MedIcIneFor Free Circulation Amongst Medical Professionals

Unit 6, First Floor, Hind Service Industries Premises Co-operative Society, Near Chaitya Bhoomi, Off Veer Savarkar Marg, Dadar, Mumbai – 400028

Tel. 022-24444737 • Telefax :022-24460348 • email : [email protected]

1 ISCCM News Headlines

2 Editorial

2 Editorial Board 2014-2015

3 President's Desk

3 Best of Brussels 2015, Pune

4 General Secretary's Desk

4 New Office Bearers of ISCCM Branches

5 Circular No. 1/2015 - Election of Office

Bearers and Members of the Executive

Committee for 2016-2017

6 Orations - CrItICarE 2015

7 ramesh Nagappan Memorial Grand Quiz

Winners - CrItICarE 2015

7 Free Paper Winners - CrItICarE 2015

7 Poster Presentation Winners -

CrItICarE 2015

8 Quiz - CrItICarE 2015

9 a report on the Indigenous advanced

ICU Simulator in CrItICarE 2015

10 Post Conference Briefing -

CrItICarE 2015

12 report of 4th annual Convocation

Ceremony of Indian College of Critical

Care Medicine

12 Workshops - CrItICarE 2015

13 Chitra - Customized, Health in Intensive

Care, trainable research & analysis tool

14 Welcome New Members to the ISCCM


15 appreciations from all around the Globe

- CrItICarE 2015

16 CrItICarE 2016We request our esteemed readers to send their valued feedback,

suggestions & views at [email protected]

this is the 2nd Special Post Conference issue of Critical Care Communications: How it Happened?

Bengaluru CrItICarE 2015 a huge success.

all workshops appreciated by the delegates and faculty alike.

Indigenously developed hemodynamic simulator and ventilator similar used for the first time in Hemodynamic, Ultrasound and Ventilator Monitoring Workshops.

the ISCCM oration delivered by Dr. George John on 6th March 2015.

Dr. Divatia delivered the Past President’s Oration on 6th March 2015.

Postal department brings out Special Postal Cover on the occasion of Criticare 2015.

ISCCM merchandise sold at Criticare 2015, very popular.

the annual scientific feast, the 3rd Best of Brussels approaches, scheduled from 8th to 12th of July.

the Scientific program of the 3rd Best of Brussels uploaded on the website, registrations closed.

Elections to the ISCCM national executive committee announced.

Will have a double security, e-mail link followed by a One time Password on the registered Mobile no. of the life members.

Last date for filing nominations is 15th June 2015.

Last date for withdrawal of nominations is 30th June 2015.

Online voting to be held from 1st to 7th august 2015.

Members urged to update their e-mail IDs and mobile nos.

Webinars started by ICCCM, hugely popular.

A B I - M O N T H LY N E W S L E T T E R O F I N D I A N S O C I E T Y O F C R I T I C A L C A R E M E D I C I N E


Critical Care




Contents ISCCM News HeadlIneS

Page 2: TM Critical Care - ISCCM€¦ · special issue at my email address, dr. atul P. Kulkarni editor, The Critical Care Communications president-elect, isCCm

T h e C r i T i C a l C a r e C o m m u n i C aT i o n s a B i - m o n T h ly n e w s l e T T e r o f i n d i a n s o C i e T y o f C r i T i C a l C a r e m e d i C i n e


Editorial Board 2014-2015

ediTor in ChiefDr. Atul P. Kulkarni, Mumbai

[email protected]

depuTy ediTors

Dr. Vijaya Patil, MuMbai Dr. Jayashree M., Chandigarh

[email protected] [email protected]


seCreTary norTh Zone wesT Zone easT Zone souTh Zone CenTral Zone

Dr. Vandana Agarwal, MuMbai Dr Avdhesh Bansal, delhi Dr. Manoj Singh, ahMedabad Dr. Susruta Bandyopadhyay, KolKata Dr. Pradeep Rangappa, bengaluru Dr. Ranvir Singh Tyagi, agra

[email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected]


Dear Friends,

This issue is a special issue dedicated to the National Annual Conference of ISCCM – Criticare 2015 as a follow-up issue. This issue of the newsletter contains

information about arrangements made in the conference, the workshop and conference

report. Also there are write-ups about the quiz, photographs of the free paper winners,

poster winners and the convocation report. You will read about the Special Poster cover,

brought out by the postal department. The election notice for ISCCM office bearers is

also reproduced here. As always I request you to update your e-mail and mobile nos. so

that you can vote in this election. Please let me know your opinions about this idea of the

special issue at my email address, [email protected].

dr. atul P. Kulkarnieditor,

The Critical Care Communicationspresident-elect, [email protected]

CritiCare 2015 Bengaluru - a Grand Success


21st Annual Conference of Indian Society of Critical Care Medicine

Setting New FrontiersTheme : QUALITY | OUTREACH | AUSTERITY

Page 3: TM Critical Care - ISCCM€¦ · special issue at my email address, dr. atul P. Kulkarni editor, The Critical Care Communications president-elect, isCCm

T h e C r i T i C a l C a r e C o m m u n i C aT i o n s a B i - m o n T h ly n e w s l e T T e r o f i n d i a n s o C i e T y o f C r i T i C a l C a r e m e d i C i n e


President's Desk

Dear Members,


Criticare 2015 Bengaluru has concluded with all round appreciation for the quality of the scientific sessions and program. The Organizing Committee made their best efforts to keep all the delegates happy despite some problems with the venue.

Preparations have started in right earnest for Criticare 2016 at Agra which is a joint meeting with the International Sepsis Forum. We are in the process of closely working with the Agra Organizing committee to put up a good scientific program and workshops.

The ISCCM database project CHITRA is progressing well and ICU’s especially those accredited for ISCCM training courses will be asked to contribute data for the beta version.

The theme chosen for this year’s ISCCM day is “Good Communication in ICU – A Key to Better Outcome”. There have been a spate of attacks on doctors especially those working in the ICU. With better

communication we will not only be able to prevent such incidents, but also anticipate and pre-empt these episodes.

Elections are round the corner. I request all members to update their contact

details and participate in the elections. Nominations have already been invited and I urge younger academically minded

ISCCM members to contest elections and join the ISCCM EC.

As all of you know from next year the presidential term will be only one year. The EC is contemplating changes that will help incoming presidents maximize their output. We are also moving towards organizing the ISCCM CRITICARE conferences from the center in order to face the challenges we face especially with regard to sponsorship for conferences. Centrally organized conferences will also help streamline the scientific program and standardize our workshops. Venue management can also be standardized.

The venues for our next two national conferences are Kochi and Varanasi. Dr. Subhal Dixit, Dr. Atul Kulkarni, Dr. Rajesh Pande visited the venues and found both venues to be excellent. Delhi too was an excellent venue but was asked to wait as the Delhi conference was only recently held.

Webinars have started again in full swing and the 4C courses are also being held regularly. I compliment Dr. Chawla and Dr. Ramakrishnan for their efforts.

dr. Shivakumar Iyerpresident, isCCm

[email protected]

Page 4: TM Critical Care - ISCCM€¦ · special issue at my email address, dr. atul P. Kulkarni editor, The Critical Care Communications president-elect, isCCm

T h e C r i T i C a l C a r e C o m m u n i C aT i o n s a B i - m o n T h ly n e w s l e T T e r o f i n d i a n s o C i e T y o f C r i T i C a l C a r e m e d i C i n e


dr. Subhal dixitGeneral secretary, isCCm

Dear Friends,

Warm greetings from ISCCM office.

At the onset, I am pleased to take over the post of General Secretary of ISCCM at the CRITICARE 2015, Bengaluru. (This has been possible only because of your support and encouragement)

I am happy to inform you that CRITICARE 2015, Bengaluru was indeed a great success with a strong attendance of 2600 delegates attending this gala event. I take this opportunity to thank Dr. Pradeep Rangappa and the enthusiastic Team Bengaluru for their hard work and meticulous planning towards making this a great memorable event.

The scientific committee under the guidance of Dr. Shivakumar Iyer and Dr. Sampath planned an inspiring academic conclave covering a wide range of aspects of critical care relevant to our country. The scientific programme was a judicious mix of contemporary topics with recent advances and medicolegal issues related to our working environment. Various workshops helped in knowledge and skill transfer to the participants.

ISCCM provides a opportunity to recognise talent among young budding intensivists and encourages them to express their views on this platform. Four young dynamic intensivists made their way as faculty and proved their expertise in various aspects of Critical Care Medicine in India. I appreciate and thank the office bearers of the Chennai branch of ISCCM for their support and guidance in volunteering as well as sponsoring the young talent scheme of the society.

General Secretary's Desk

The goals of ISCCM for the coming year can be summarized as follows:

a. To increase ISCCM membership drive. I request all of you to encourage your contemporaries and colleagues to join this esteemed society as and avail the various benefits of membership. The benefits include discounts to conference registration and access to the prestigious IJCCM journal.

b. To improve transparency and approachability of ISCCM in an effort to spread the knowledge of Critical Care to remote places by getting together in a united way.

c. ISCCM plans to improve its international presence and connections by joining hand and strengthening bonds with the ESICM, SCCM and Neurological Society of America by reciprocal academic programs as well as dual membership programme (proposed).

d. To increase, strengthen and promote the indigenously developed programs of ISCCM like 4C. Further plans to develop more advanced teaching modules in various departments of critical care and to execute them in the coming year.

To sum up, in the end I assure you that I will do my best to grow ISCCM and its activities in the coming year.

I look forward to interacting with more members and branches of ISCCM. Thank you once again for support.

Warm regards



Dr. Shyam Sunder T


Dr. Ganshyam M Jagathkar


Dr. Srinivas Jakkinaboina

exeCutive COmmittee memberS

Dr. K.Subba ReddyDr. Y.SreekanthDr. Sambit Sahu

Dr. Bhavani Prasad GDr. Dnyaneshwar Pandurang Mutkule

Dr. Madhusudhan R Jaju

New Office Bearers of ISCCM BranchesHisarChairman

Dr. Ajay Singh


Dr. Yashveer Arya


Dr. Ritu Chopra

exeCutive COmmittee memberS

Dr. N K KhetarpaulDr. Shekhar SinhaDr. Soni Khurana

Dr. Kamal KishoreDr. Manish Arora


Dr. V K Thakur


Dr. Amit Kumar Sinha


Dr. E Haque

exeCutive COmmittee memberS

Dr. N P VermaDr. Rajan KumarDr. Ajay Kr Sinha

Dr. Ajay Krishna Prasad Dr. J C Pandey

Dr. Kishore


Dr. Md Naseem Akhtar


Dr. Vijay Kumar Mishra


Dr. Rash Kujur

exeCutive COmmittee memberS

Dr. Kumkum SrivastavaDr. Pratik KumarDr. Mohib Ahmed

Dr. Rahul RoyDr. Tapas K SahooDr. Manjula Sinha


Dr. Suresh Kumar V K


Dr. Ravi S


Dr. Naveen Jasmine

exeCutive COmmittee memberS

Dr. Satish BalanDr. Sajeesh G Dr. Hari T A

Dr. Muraleedharan

Page 5: TM Critical Care - ISCCM€¦ · special issue at my email address, dr. atul P. Kulkarni editor, The Critical Care Communications president-elect, isCCm

T h e C r i T i C a l C a r e C o m m u n i C aT i o n s a B i - m o n T h ly n e w s l e T T e r o f i n d i a n s o C i e T y o f C r i T i C a l C a r e m e d i C i n e


Circular No. 1/2015Election of Office Bearers and Members of the Executive Committee for 2016-2017

Election of Office Bearers of the Executive Committee for 2016-2017. Members are hereby informed that the following persons will retire in AGM 2016.• One President Dr. Shivakumar Iyer• One Vice President Dr Pradip Kumar Bhattacharya• One General Secretary Dr. Subhal Dixit• One Secretary Dr. Vandana Agarwal• One Treasurer Dr. Vijaya Patil• Four Executive Committee Members Dr. Rajesh Pande Dr. Anand Dongre Dr. Sauren Panja Dr. Rajesh Chandra Mishra• Five Zonal Member (one from each zone) North Zone - Dr Avdhesh Bansal West Zone – Dr. Manoj Singh East Zone - Dr Susruta Bandyopadhyay South Zone – Dr. Pradeep Rangappa Central Zone – Dr. Ranvir Tyagi • One Chairman Pediatric Section Dr. Jayashree MuralidharanDr. Shivakumar Iyer will remain in the Executive Committee as Past President for one year.Therefore election for the following Office Bearers and elected members of the Executive Committee for 2016-2017 will be held and nominations are hereby invited for them.1. One President Elect2. One Vice President (The elected VP

should not be the same zone as the present vice president)

3. One General Secretary (open to anywhere in country)

4. One Treasurer (from Headquarters)5. One Secretary (from Headquarters)6. Four Executive Committee Elected

Members (of which not more than 3 shall be from the same Zone)

7. Five Zonal member (one from each zone – North, South, East, West and Central)

Note: only members from that zone can vote for the zonal members zone as defined above.8. One Chairman Pediatric Section4.1 Eligibility 4.1.1 For the post of President Elect,

Vice President and General Secretary, Treasurer the candidate should have been elected and not nominated for 4 (Four) years as follows; on the

National Executive Committee for a minimum of 2 (two) terms i.e. total 4 (four) years in the National Executive Committee or 1 (one) term of 2 (two) years in the National Executive Committee and 2 (two) years as office bearer in the City Branch Executive Committee, the 2 terms not running concurrently.

4.1.2 For all other positions, membership of the Society for at least five years is mandatory. For re- eligibility to contest election for any post on the National Executive Committee the candidate must have attended at least 2(two) out of the last 4 (four) Executive Committee Meetings held in both years of his/her previous term. In case of such absence the member shall not be eligible to contest elections for one term (i.e. two years) and can contest only after this term is over. For re-eligibility to contest election for the post of Vice-Presidents, General Secretary or Treasurer on the National Executive Committee the candidate must have attended at least 3 (three) Executive Committee Meetings out of the 4 (four) last Executive Committee Meetings held in the term that he/she had served on the National Executive Committee.

4.1.3 No member shall be eligible to seek election for more than two tenures as Vice-President, Gen. Secretary, Treasurer, or Elected Member of the Executive Committee and Chairman Pediatric Section. The Term for President, President-elect, Immediate past president, General Secretary, Treasurer, Secretary is one year and for Vice President two years. The term for Executive Committee members and Zonal members is two years.

4.1.4 The President/President-Elect shall not seek election for any position in the Executive Committee after completing his / her tenure. However he / she can be nominated on the executive committee as may be decided by the executive committee provided his tenure in EC does not exceed 11 years.

Dr. Subhal Dixit, General Secretary, ISCCM

DEaD liNES OF ElECTiON PrOCEDurElast date to receive the nomination at iSCCM Office 15th June 2015 by 5.00 p.m.

last date for withdrawal 30th June 2015 by 5.00 p.m.

TM Indian Society of Critical Care medicineSecretariat address : Unit 6, First Floor, Hind Service Industries Premises Co-operative Society, Near Chaitya Bhoomi, Off Veer Savarkar Marg, Dadar, Mumbai - 400028

4.1.5 A member shall not contest simultaneously for more than one office bearer’s post (i.e. of President elect, Vice President, General Secretary and Treasurer).

4.1.6 No member except the president shall be on the executive committee for more than eight years regardless of posts held in the EC. After completing 8 years in the EC, the member can contest only for the post of President. Thus the president shall remain on the EC for 11 years i. e. 8 years as EC member in any capacity and 1 year each as President elect, President and Immediate Past President.

4.1.7 The tenure of all office bearers in all committees including College Board will be for one year as term of EC is now one year. Canvassing in any form will result in automatic disqualification from the election process. This includes emails, SMS etc., and any other form of communication.

The nomination paper which shall set out the candidate’s name, address and the office for which the candidate is nominated, shall be proposed by one valid member and duly signed by the candidate, signifying his/her willingness to stand for the election and to serve on the Executive Committee if elected. There shall be a separate nomination paper for each candidate, and for each post. These nominations must reach the General Secretary not later than 15th June by 5.00 P.M. For every post, the nomination paper must be accompanied by a sum of Rs.5000/- (Rupees five thousand only) from a candidate, in the form of a demand draft payable at Mumbai. A nomination paper not accompanied by a Bank Draft of Rs.5000/-, shall be deemed invalid. A short bio-data not exceeding 200 words, should accompany the nomination or it can also be sent as soft copy along with a soft copy of photograph (compulsory) by e-mail.The proceeding after this will be taken over by the election commissioner. The election commission shall inform BY EMAIL the contesting candidate of all the nominations received for the post they are contesting, and if any one wishes to withdraw his/her nomination, he/she should inform Election Commissioner in writing or from the official e-mail address (i.e. registered with ISCCM headquarters previously) on or before the 30TH of June by 5.00 P.M. No member of ISCCM EC except those in Election Commission will in any manner interfere in the Election Process.

Page 6: TM Critical Care - ISCCM€¦ · special issue at my email address, dr. atul P. Kulkarni editor, The Critical Care Communications president-elect, isCCm

T h e C r i T i C a l C a r e C o m m u n i C aT i o n s a B i - m o n T h ly n e w s l e T T e r o f i n d i a n s o C i e T y o f C r i T i C a l C a r e m e d i C i n e


Orations CritiCare 2015 dr. Jose chacko

organizing Chairman, CriTiCare 2015

Dr. George John, formerly of Christmas Medical College Vellore, a teacher, guide and mentor to many of today’s intensivists, delivered the ISCCM oration during the morning session of the March 7, the second day of the conference. He asked the question as to where is Critical Care Medicine heading (Quo Vadis) in our country. His reflections, borne from unmatched experience in dealing with sick patients at one of the premier health care settings in India, was illuminating and thought provoking.

Critical Care Medicine is a young area of medicine, with several teething problems to contend with. Struggling to establish a clear identity, we strive to challenge established silos of practice while staying clear of turf battles with specialists in other fields of practice. It is also one of the few areas of practice that respects and acknowledges team work – nursing and other ancillary specialists being key players who have a direct bearing on clinical outcomes.

Two classes of doctors metamorphose to intensivists – anaesthetists and physicians. The former, by training, are geared to reflexly cope with emergency situations such as handling of airways and resuscitative interventions, while the latter would come to their own in the care of those who demand patience and persistence. An intensivist of your dreams would have the speed and alacrity of an anaesthetist, the observational powers of a paediatrician, thoughtfulness of a physician, and communicating abilities of a psychiatrist while maintaining the diplomatic skills of the United Nations Secretary General as circumstances demand.

We live in an era of rapidly evolving technology with intense pressure upon us to take them up or perish. However, what may be considered standard of care today may well be thrown by the wayside tomorrow – as happened with activated protein C in sepsis and the pulmonary artery catheter in haemodynamic optimization. Non-invasive ventilation, point of care ultrasound and extracorporeal membrane

oxygenation have caught up although time alone will tell us what kind of impact some of these interventions may have in the practice of critical care medicine. It serves as a reminder to us that the only constant factor in life is continued change! Herein lies the importance of critical thinking, being innovative, and willingness to take up learning as a life-long venture.

Although the multiple choice format is used as an easy and practicable tool of evaluation, it leaves a lot to be desired; such a system of evaluation forces to choose between black and white, while reality often exists in shades of grey. Perhaps it is an offshoot of our cultural trait of holding strong opinions one way or the other. It is important to look beyond the obvious; to challenge knowledge that has been passed on by tradition, without enough evidence to support; to have the courage to say no when we don’t know.

Most intensive care units in our country lie in the private sector, which few can afford, or have access to. We need to reach out to those who desperately need early, focussed care, not necessarily with the latest technological gizmo that is doing the rounds.

Communication, especially with sorrowing families facing the worst personal tragedies of their lives, is a key facet of our specialty. Unfortunately, we are not taught how to do this during our training; we are left to imbibe these qualities of kindness and compassion while on the job, from our peers and seniors. Breaking bad news involves being there, spending time and lending a compassionate ear. In the process, we really cannot remain detached emotionally; perhaps our perspective of life also changes along the way, at some point.

We should be weary of the slavish pursuit of guideline based practice – aiming for normal physiology may not always be an appropriate target; besides, the importance of tailoring therapy to the clinical situation cannot be overemphasized.

Dr. Jighesh Divatia, former president of the ISCCM, a pioneer and leading light in

Critical Care Medicine in India, delivered the presidential oration of the evening of March 6, the opening day of the conference. He spoke at length on where we stand today in our battles against severe sepsis in this country.

To win the war on sepsis, we need to know the enemy well, as well as ourselves – how prepared are we? Several clinical studies in sepsis, including tropical fevers have been come out from India in the past few years. INDICAPS, an observational, one day point prevalence study on severe sepsis and septic shock, carried out during 2010-2011 was revealing. Nearly 20% of 1144 cases studied constituted tropical infections. Predictably, gram negative infections predominated, with pseudomonas, acinetobacter and klebsiella being the most common offenders. Fungal infections occurred in 7.6% of cases, predominantly from candida albicans (61.4%). Mulltivariate analysis revealed SOFA score, mechanical ventilation, use of vasopressors, tropical infections, infection developed in the ICU and medical versus surgical admissions to be independent predictors of mortality. Chakrabarti et al. studied 1400 patients with ICU acquired candidaemia. Candidaemia occurred early, at a median of 8 days of ICU and in patients with a relatively low mean APACHE II score of 17.2. In addition to APACHE II score, renal failure, presence of a central line, steroid therapy and care in a public hospital setting independently predicted mortality.

Singhi et al. studied 456 patients, including 173 children who developed tropical fever. Thrombocytopenia and acute respiratory distress syndrome were the most common clinical manifestations; dengue fever (23%) was most common in this series, while in 20% of cases the diagnosis could not be pin-pointed in spite of extensive work up. 23% patients died at the 90 day mark. Mehta et al. studied device related infection rates in ICUs of seven Indian cities. Ventilator associated pneumonia was the most common device related nosocomial infection (10.4 per 1000 ventilator days), followed by catheter related blood stream

Page 7: TM Critical Care - ISCCM€¦ · special issue at my email address, dr. atul P. Kulkarni editor, The Critical Care Communications president-elect, isCCm

T h e C r i T i C a l C a r e C o m m u n i C aT i o n s a B i - m o n T h ly n e w s l e T T e r o f i n d i a n s o C i e T y o f C r i T i C a l C a r e m e d i C i n e

7infection (7.9 per 1000 catheter days). Using a muti-faceted approach in 21 ICUs in ten Indian cities, a 38% reduction was observed in the incidence of ventilator associated pneumonia. We hit headlines of notoriety through the world-wide propagation of the so called New Delhi metallo-lactamase producing superbug just a few years ago and were left bewildered and hopelessly short of ammunition to battle it.

The MOSAICS study analysed patients with severe sepsis admitted to Asian ICUs. Compliance to resuscitation bundles were generally poor; particularly surprising was poor adherence to broad spectrum antibiotic administration in Indian ICUs, with only 62% patients being given antibiotics during the 6-hour bundle. Non-

compliance with the bundled approach resulted in significantly higher mortality.

The alarmingly rising trend of nosocomial infections in Indian ICUs are probably related to several factors, including poor surveillance and reporting, widespread and injudicious use of cephalosporins and quinolones and inappropriate use of broad spectrum antibotics for inordinately long periods of time. Predominantly open ICUs with no clear cut leadership and lack of antibiotic and infection control policies add to the burden of uncontrolled hospital acquired infections in most hospitals.

The recent Ebola epidemic has served to highlight the vital role intensivists may have to play in the disaster setting. Early

recognition of such events, along with a concerted action, hand in hand with health care authority and emphasis on infection control practices form the cornerstone of handling such disasters.

We are probably at the cross roads of developing Critical Care Medicine as a key specialty in India. Public and private health care systems need to address performance, quality, efficiency and accountability as top priority. Public health systems cater to the majority of people in this country; hence there is a crying need to expand and make them more efficient. We need to make our systems safe and less prone to error to offer optimal clinical outcomes to our patients.

Ramesh Nagappan Memorial Grand Quiz Winners - CRITICARE 2015

Free Paper Winners - CRITICARE 2015

Poster Presentation Winners - CRITICARE 2015


Dr. Syed Nabeel Muzaffar sGpGims, lucknow


Dr. Alai Taggu st. Johns medical College & hospital, Bengaluru

Runner Up

Dr. Sridhar NV Columbia asia referral hospital, Bengaluru

2nd Runner Up

Dr. Milind Anil Naik pd hinduja hospital, mumbai

1st Prize

Dr. Alai Taggu st. Johns medical College & hospital,


2nd Prize

Dr. Chitra Mehta medanta The medicity,


3rd Prize

Dr. Mohammed Ishq Ruknudeen st. Vincents hospital, sydney,



Dr. Shakti Bedanta Mishra sGpGims, lucknow

2nd Runner Up

Dr. Sanu Anand C pd hinduja hospital, mumbai

1st Runner Up

Dr. Swasti Sikta fortis hospital, Kolkata

3rd Runner Up

Dr. Ashok Elangovan manipal hospital, Bengaluru

1st Runner Up

Dr. Krishnaswamy Sundarajanroyal adelaide hospital, adelaide

3rd Runner Up

Dr. Saurabh Saigalaiims, Bhopal

Page 8: TM Critical Care - ISCCM€¦ · special issue at my email address, dr. atul P. Kulkarni editor, The Critical Care Communications president-elect, isCCm

T h e C r i T i C a l C a r e C o m m u n i C aT i o n s a B i - m o n T h ly n e w s l e T T e r o f i n d i a n s o C i e T y o f C r i T i C a l C a r e m e d i C i n e


Quiz CritiCare 2015


21st Annual Conference of Indian Society of Critical Care Medicine

Setting New FrontiersTheme : QUALITY | OUTREACH | AUSTERITY

dr. arindam Kardirector medica institute of Critical Care, Kolkata

The annual conference of ISCCM CRITICARE 2015 was a huge success. Ably helmed by an efficient

organising committee with the learned Dr Sriram Sampath & dyanamic Dr Pradeep Rangappa as its organising Chairperson & secretary respectively, the conference provided a grand feast to the delegates both in terms of the scientific discourses and in reality too. One of the major hits of the conference was 'Intensivist of the Year' - the Grand Quiz of the conference. The quiz was conducted by Dr. Arindam Kar, Director Medica Institute of Critical Care and Dr. Soubhadra Chakrabarty, Consultant Neuroanesthesiologist and Pain physician, Park Clinic, Kolkata.

The quiz masters had crafted the event with great love and it showed in both the content and the way they presented the quiz. A record 57 teams took part in the prelims held on 7th of March 2015 at the Dhanvantari hall. The teams faced 35 choicest questions on Medical history, core critical care, Medicine in Movies, Literature, Sports etc. A special round called CRITICARE on eminent Intensivists and their studies was the icing of the cake in the prelims. After a close tussle 4 pairs of Intensivists were chosen to fight for the Grand Finale. The Prelims were topped by a composite team from Manipal hospital, Bengaluru and AIIMS, Bhopal Drs. Ashok Elongavan and Saurabh Saigal. They were closely followed by Dr. Swati Sikta from Fortis hospital, Kolkata and

Dr. Krish S Rajan from RAH, Adelaide, another composite team. Coming third in the prelims were Nabeel Muzaffar and Shakti Mishra from SGPGI, Lucknow and rounding up were Dr. Milind and Dr. Sanu from PD Hinduja Hospital, Mumbai.

The final quiz was held on 8th March at the main hall i.e. Dhanvantari in front of an august audience with such luminaries like Dr. Shiva Kumar Iyer, the current ISCCM President, Dr. Sriram Sampath,the Scientific Secretary of the Conference, Dr. Atul Kulkarni, President elect, ISCCM. The quiz was mentored by an expert

panel consisting of legends such as Dr. J V Divatia, Dr. Ravi Kumar and Dr. Prakash Shastry. The four finalists had to tackle 7 rounds before they could claim the first prize: a full sponsored trip to Berlin ESICM Conference 2015.There were 4 general rounds, 2 Jackpot rounds to score heavily and a special CRITICARE buzzer round on landmark trials. The buzzer round had 9 questions which the teams had to answer in 4.5 mins. Each Answer started with the Letters in such a way

to complete the word CRITICARE. The questions were humorously pitched in the form of limericks and was lapped up by all and sundry. The teams were not given a chance to crib about hard luck by the quizmasters as the quiz was entirely on a grid and the participants could choose their own questions thus eliminating bias. After 33 questions on hardcore critical care and related stuff where the participants had to answer on the real life inspiration of Sherlock Holmes who happened to be Joseph Bell, an Edinburgh Surgeon to find out the connection between CPR and the disco hit Staying Alive. The two lucky Intensivists to Go to Berlin: Dr. Nabeel Muzaffar and Dr. Shakti Mishra of SGPGI were crowned as the deserving winners. Coming second as in the prelims aided by a late burst from Krish Rajan was the team from Fortis hospital Kolkata/RAH Adelaide. They were happy winners of a fully paid trip to Best of Brussels at Pune. The Hinduja hospital intensivists came 3rd to grab I-pads and Dr. Elongavan and Dr. Saigal came 4th to win I-pad minis. It was a bit tough for them as they were leading at one point of time. However everyone present appreciated the fare presented by the quizmasters and they in turn promised them an encore at Agra 2016.The quizmasters’ day was made when the President of ISCCM commented it was the best mix of Medicine and Entertainment he had ever seen. Now we wait for Agra 2016.

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T h e C r i T i C a l C a r e C o m m u n i C aT i o n s a B i - m o n T h ly n e w s l e T T e r o f i n d i a n s o C i e T y o f C r i T i C a l C a r e m e d i C i n e


A Report on the Indigenous Advanced ICU Simulator in

CRItICARe 2015dr. Sriram SampathScientific Chairperson,CriTiCare 2015

a report on the indigenous advanced iCu Simulator in Criticare 2015The indigenous Advanced ICU simulator project was initiated in 2012 as collaboration between the Indian Institute of Science (IISc) and St. John’s National Academy of Health Sciences (SJNAHS), funded by the Department of Bio Technology, Government of India. The aim of the project was to increase the adoption of simulation into current training methods by making affordable simulators which are easy to use for both trainees and senior doctors alike and customizable for different training approaches. A team of designers from the Centre for Product Design and Manufacturing (CPDM) in IISc worked closely with Dr. Sriram Sampath and his team in the ICU of St. John’s for close to three years. The first version of the advanced ICU simulator made its debut in the 21st Annual Conference of the Indian Society of Critical Care Medicine (ISCCM) or Criticare 2015. Two simulators were used extensively in the pre-conference workshops on hemodynamics, mechanical ventilation and Ultrasound/ECHO. A stall was kindly provided by the ISCCM for delegates to use the product and for the developers to collect feedback. The product was warmly received with a positive response overall. The engineers have formed a company, Meduplay Systems, to bring this product to the market. This simulator was developed for the Indian market, to be extremely affordable and will cost approximately one tenth that of similar foreign products.

and lung sounds, blood gas and culture reports, chest X-rays etc. The virtual ventilator works on mathematical models of the lung, displaying scalars, loops and numerical information found on an actual ventilator screen. Volume Control, Pressure Control and Pressure Support modes are provided. Combining these parameters, a database of medical scenarios have been created, which proceed in a linear or branched fashion. The trainer may also take full control, using the free-flight mode- changing any of the parameters as desired. The trainee can be debriefed at any point in the simulation, and the training process is recorded for future reference.

A few weeks before the workshops, the development team communicated with Dr. Atul Kulkarni and Dr.Srinivas Samavedam, who were in-charge of the hemodynamics and mechanical ventilation workshops, to fine-tune the simulator to align with their requirements. Each simulator was provided a station, with the instructor given 30 minutes to go over a scenario for batches of six to ten delegates. In the hemodynamics station, the simulator was used to demonstrate the procedure for placing the arterial line, leveling the transducer, zeroing and fast flush test. The pause and zoom functionality on the simulated vitals monitor was used to teach the measurement the damping coefficient and amplitude ratios of the system. The library of waveforms was used to show pulse pressure variations (such as pulsus alternans and pulsus paradoxus), as well as the effect of passive leg raise on the arterial waveform and MAP.

The advanced ICU simulator showing the manikin, vitals, ventilator and trainer consoles

The simulator consists of an instrumented manikin, virtual vitals monitor, virtual ventilator and wireless consoles for trainer control and trainee interventions. Additional modules include mock ultrasound probe and stethoscope. The manikin consists of airway management trainer with chest excursion, stomach distension, palpable pulse, and a phantom for ultrasound guided needle insertion trainer with blood spurt on arterial access. The vitals screen will display all the information normally found on the ICU monitor- with alarms, scaling and even zeroing capabilities of the arterial line trace. A library of waveforms for ECG, ABP, EtCO2 is provided, along with libraries for USG/ECHO videos, heart

Dr. Murlidhar explains the calculation of Amplitude Ratio and Damping Coefficient from an arterial trace

For the mechanical ventilation workshop, two clinical scenarios were personally designed by Dr. Srinivas Samavedam, and implemented into the simulator. The scenarios were a case of asthma exacerbation and a case of acute ARDS. The scenarios consisted of intubation, medical management of the patient, diagnosis of conditions such as pneumothorax, and their corrective action. The virtual ventilator was used to for ventilator settings, getting information on the state of the lung and airway and carrying out recruitment manoeuvring.

Dr.Srinivas Samavedam takes the delegates through a scenario of a patient with acute ARDS

In the simulator station of the Ultrasound/ECHO workshop, Dr. Ram Rajagopal created different scenarios on the fly, using the library of USG/ECHO videos to guide the delegate. In all the workshops, the team of trainers challenged the trainees by deviating from the scenarios, taking full control of the various parameters using the free-flight mode and introducing further complications. Pre-loaded ultrasound videos, ABG test results and investigations were used to guide the trainee towards diagnoses decisions on medical management, drugs etc.

The development team from IISc - Pavan Sridharan (L) and Sreekanth Nayak (R), with the Advanced ICU Simulator

In the two days of the workshops, the simulator-led discussions were very spirited, with the creativity of the trainers expressed through the various capabilities of the simulator. Thus, a new platform has been developed for sharing clinical experiences, imparting knowledge and skill assessment. A workshop will be conducted in St.John’s Hospital by the Department of Critical Care Medicine, and ISCCM Bengaluru chapter, titled “Train the Trainer”, which will be aimed at senior doctors, on how simulators can be used for training purposes, and the learning from the development process of this simulator. Further details of this workshop will be announced when finalized. The developers wish to thank the ISCCM for the tremendous opportunity to showcase the simulator in Criticare 2015, as well asthe delegates for their patience in using the product. Their invaluable feedback and suggestions will be used for improvement. The development team can be contacted on e-mail at [email protected] or via the website

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T h e C r i T i C a l C a r e C o m m u n i C aT i o n s a B i - m o n T h ly n e w s l e T T e r o f i n d i a n s o C i e T y o f C r i T i C a l C a r e m e d i C i n e


Post Conference Briefing CritiCare 2015 dr. Pradeep rangappa

organizing secretary, CriTiCare 2015

Reflecting on proceedings of conference, organizing committee needs to debrief itself. There

are objective and subjective elements to this debriefing. Objective merits of CRITICARE 2015 overwhelmingly mask some shortcomings of this event.

Scientific content was one of the best we witnessed in recent past, workshop were very good with roll out of four new innovative workshops, stupendous appreciation of trade area by friends from pharmaceutical industry and delegates with a record foot fall that they have witnessed, one of the best culinary layouts, two faculty dinners and two banquets. Made in India Manikins, Chitra database roll-out, 1st postal cover release worldwide commemorating Critical Care conference and Grand Quiz were all the “Icing on the cake”.

The sessions on end of life care and the moot court that re-enacted a real life scenario were captivating. We are probably clearer in our minds today about how best to approach a dying patient who needs compassion, empathy and comfort as priority. We discovered where ultrasonography is going to take us in the future and why we do not need to be enslaved by rigid protocols like early goal directed therapy as it was originally envisioned. We were captivated by the grand finale, ending up with the quiz that set up two young trainees on the way to Berlin next year for the ESICM annual conference. To cap it all, we met some long lost friends and had good fun along the way, in the true spirit of critical care camaraderie.

Trade area was one of the best witnessed in Criticare Conference and comparable to any European Conference. Strategic layout with every delegate made to visit trade area was well appreciated by the sponsors. Grand inauguration of trade area with local drummers added pomp and glory. Posters layout in trade area with assigned time for each of the participants and judges was well appreciated by young researchers. To reduce the fatigue component and improve efficiency of judging, care was taken to assign each judge to mark only five posters with objective scoring scale given to each of the judges.

We, at the organising committee, heaved a collective sigh of relief as we got through most of it without any major hiccups. It was a long, tough journey that began two years ago and we inched our way through several crises; it helped us a lot that the Bengaluru branch stood as one man all the way. There can be no perfect world, and indeed,


21st Annual Conference of Indian Society of Critical Care Medicine

Setting New FrontiersTheme : QUALITY | OUTREACH | AUSTERITY

there are several ways in which we could have done better. Like most other Indian cities, we have a problem in Bengaluru with doing justice to a conference of this magnitude. The convention centre itself was not ideally suited for this, but I hope we more than compensated with the academic content, our primary focus, as well as the hospitality we offered to all the delegates. We do not intend to bask in glory at a job well done; the conduct of this mega event has been an educational process for us. We shall carry home the lessons we learnt that would undoubtedly help us with future events, like the South Zone critical care meet that is planned at the end of this year.

Subjectively we are spiritual being as much as being Scientific. Various spiritual texts consistently quote “whatever happens around us, the solutions vests within us”. Friends what it means to me is we from Bengaluru can only get better from here.

Primary ethos of the Bengaluru group is to deliver the best to our acutely unwell patients. Relentless efforts will continue

from our group with such scientific endeavours to achieve this, undermining the trivial issues that may have attempted to trouble us.

Vote of Thanks

One year has passed by when we were given an opportunity to host CRITICARE 2015. Bengaluru team worked as one cohesive unit in committed, meticulous and systematic way with strategic efforts put in to unfold this conference in spectacular way.

As Organizing Secretary CRITICARE 2015, it’s my honour and privilege to propose this vote of thanks. At the outset I thank Supreme Personality of God, and my Spiritual Masters for giving me courage and energy to deliver this conference in an effective way.

I thank ISCCM President Dr Shivakumar Iyer, General Secretary Dr Dhruva Chaudhary, President Elect Dr Atul Kulkarni and the EC Committee in bestowing confidence in us to hold this conference.

Scientific content is an USP of any conference and this was spearheaded single handedly by my mentor, teacher and philosopher Dr Sriram Sampath. Salutations and thanks to you Sir for the relentless efforts in creating a vortex of intellectual energy in our conference.

Multiple meetings were held at odd times in clubs, coffee houses and hospitals with our core committee Dr Ajith Kumar, my school freind Dr Sunil Karanth, Dr Jose Chacko and of course Dr Sriram Sampath for strategizing the build up of the conference.

Gastronomical delight is a high point of an event of this nature; Dr Farooq and Dr Karthik had handpicked regional cuisines very carefully to tickle your palates.

Workshop occupies an important space in Critical Care Conference to impart expertise and skills to future Intensivists. This was championed by Dr Ajith Kumar, Dr Muralidhar and 32 workshop directors which included both national and local, and I thank one and all.

Conferences do not carry any meaning without the presence of accomplished faculty and overwhelming presence of delegates numbering a total of nearly 2700 despite the Holi festival and evolving rules and regulations which is reflective of our delegate’s thirst for knowledge. I once again thank one and all for gracing this occasion.

Conference of this magnitude demands flow of ample resources. This is not possible without overwhelming and enthusiastic participation of our friends from the pharmaceutical industry. I wish to thank all the friends from the industry for their wholehearted participation in CRITICARE 2015.

Most importantly I wish to thank my family Dr Thanuja and my two sons Avyukth and Advaith who had to miss precious family time in the run-up to the conference.

Conference of this nature needs attention to detail, this was beautifully executed by Hallmark Events who put in phenomenal efforts to manifest this.

A Conference has multifold non-scientific dimensions to it. I wish to thank the owners of Manpho Convention Centre, structural experts Arvind and Ashok Udupa proficient in structural engineering, audio-visual experts Anand Peter and caterers Rotighar and Somaiah.

I also wish to give special thanks to the Govt. of India and Karnataka State Government in giving us various permissions, clearances and granting of visas for foreign delegates.

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T h e C r i T i C a l C a r e C o m m u n i C aT i o n s a B i - m o n T h ly n e w s l e T T e r o f i n d i a n s o C i e T y o f C r i T i C a l C a r e m e d i C i n e



21st Annual Conference of Indian Society of Critical Care Medicine

Setting New FrontiersTheme : QUALITY | OUTREACH | AUSTERITY

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T h e C r i T i C a l C a r e C o m m u n i C aT i o n s a B i - m o n T h ly n e w s l e T T e r o f i n d i a n s o C i e T y o f C r i T i C a l C a r e m e d i C i n e


Workshops CritiCare 2015

Report of 4th Annual Convocation Ceremony of Indian College of Critical Care Medicine

dr. ajith Kumar a Korganizing Co-chairperson CriTiCare 2015

dr. n. ramakrishnanVice Chancellor, indian College of Critical Care medicine

Criticare2015 had a total of 16 work-shops including the 2 paediatric ones. All the workshops were well

attended and most of them were fully booked well in advance by three months prior to the event. The Workshops had a total of 180 faculty (local, national and international) and, about 650 participants.Workshops like Quality & Safety, Communication, and Donor awareness (medical, ethical & legal) were included for the first time in a national critical care

meet. The Care Beyond Basic (with its international curricula) workshop was launched for the first time in India at Criticare 2015.The adult and paediatric simulation workshops were conducted at the best simulation labs in Asia utilizing high fidelity 3G simman mannequins. The neurocritical care workshop was organized under the leadership of a bunch of senior neurocritical care experts from NIMHANS (National Institute of Mental Health & Neurosciences) Bengaluru, and

more hands-on sessions(work stations) were organised this time for the benefit of budding intensivists.The highest no of participants were at the 4C (Comprehensive Critical Care Course) workshop closely followed by the ventilation, haemodynamic monitoring and ECHO/Ultrasound workshops.Most participants have given the feedback as “excellent” for the workshops , while few of them classifying it under the “good” category.

The 4th Annual Convocation of Indian College of Critical Care Medicine was held on March 6, 2015 during Criticare Conference in Bengaluru. It was a pleasure to see the proud new fellows and office bearers of the college getting ready with their robe for the ceremony which started with a traditional march to the dais.

Dr. N. Ramakrishnan, Vice Chancellor of the College welcomed the gathering and requested Dr. Palepu Gopal, Secretary to conduct the proceedings. Dr. Gopal presented the report of the College activities during the year. He outlined the College’s commitment for advancing teaching and training of Critical Care Medicine in our country and highlighted the fact that several new centres and teachers were accredited during the year. We are proud that we now have 258 recognized teachers offer training in 136 institutions across the country with 71 IFCCM seats, 347 IDCCM seats, 345 Post MBBS Certificate course seats and 694 IDCCN seats and the numbers continue to grow. Dr. Deepak Govil’s contribution as the accreditation co-ordinator and his efforts for prudent scrutiny to maintain standards was specially mentioned. Dr. Gopal thanked all the teachers and the examiners and Dr. Yatin Mehta (Controller of Examinations) for efficiently conducting all the examinations. In 2014, we have successfully added 187 doctors (151 IDCCM, 15 IFCCM, and 21 Post MBBS Certificate Course) & 15 nurses (IDCCN) to the pool of formally trained ICU professionals in our country. Dr. Prakash Shastri contributions and commitment in developing and implementing the IDCCN course was specially mentioned.

Dr. Rajesh Chawla (Chancellor) during his address mentioned about the enthusiasm and success of the new courses such as Indian Diploma in Critical Care Nursing (IDCN) and Post MBBS Certificate Course in Critical Care. He also stressed on the efficient and transparent governance of the College Board with the support of the Executive Committee of ISCCM under the leadership of the current President Dr. Shivakumar Iyer. He mentioned about the growth and success of the 4C (Comprehensive Critical Care

Course) and thanked the contributors, regional co-ordinators and faculty for making the program valuable and popular. He also mentioned that the popular webinar series would be continued this year and new technology enabled programs and e-learning platforms would be explored in the coming year.

The accreditation committee chaired by Dr J.V. Divatia had diligently selected deserving senior critical care professionals for awarding Fellowship of Indian College of Critical Care Medicine (FICCM) after careful scrutiny of several applications for this coveted honour. Dr. Gopal thanked Dr. Divatia and congratulated and welcomed the new fellows into the college. Honorary fellows (FICCM) were formally inducted. It was a special moment when Senior Retired Professor Dr. Dipak Kumar Mitra graced the occasion and accepted the honor. Special awards for toppers in the exams including Dr. Vijayalakshmi Kamat Award, Dr. Anand Memorial Award and IDCCN Excellence award were also given.

During the difficult task of the vote of thanks, all College Board Members, office bearers of the ISCCM Executive Committee, Administrative Staff (Mr. Vimal Merchant, Ms. Sunita, Ms. Shabana, Ms. Jalaja & Mr. Prasanna) were thanked. Due to personal reasons, Dr. Palepu Gopal had requested to step down from his position as the Secretary of the College and Dr. Balasaheb Bande has taken over the role.

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T h e C r i T i C a l C a r e C o m m u n i C aT i o n s a B i - m o n T h ly n e w s l e T T e r o f i n d i a n s o C i e T y o f C r i T i C a l C a r e m e d i C i n e


Welcome New Members to the ISCCM family1 Sahil Rasane, Pune LM-15/R-4542 Cherish Paul, Thrissur LM-15/P-6693 Mihir Kulkarni, Thane LM-15/K-7234 Girija Kumari, Tirupathi LM-15/K-7245 Kalyan Peddinti, East Godavari (Dist) LM-15/P-6686 Hetal Shah, Ahemdabad LM-15/S-11887 Manohar Arwari, Bhiwandi LM-15/A-4438 Bipinkumar Patel, Rajkot LM-15/P-6709 Kanubhai Taral, Khedbrahma LM-15/T-25910 Kinjalkumar Solanki, Khedbrahma LM-15/S-118911 Khetshi Dhuniya, Dist-Banarkantha LM-15/D-43912 Hardik Khatri, Dist-Mehsana LM-15/K-72513 Mohammedilyas Vaja, Junagadh LM-15/V-24414 Aparna Nireshwalia, Bengaluru LM-15/N-22415 Abhishek Jha, Nagpur LM-15/J-35416 Jagdeep Kumar, New Delhi ALM-15/K-72717 Mukul Saxena, Agra LM-15/S-119018 Amit Sharma, Meerut LM-15/S-119119 Harish Chaudhari, Dist Buldhana LM-15/C-34020 Natesh Prabu R, Mumbai LM-15/R-44621 Pulkit Goyal, Jodhpur LM-15/G-54522 Rahul Katyal, Chandigarh LM-15/K-72623 Manisankar Pal, Kolkata LM-15/P-67124 Ravi Ramaiah, Bengaluru LM-15/R-44725 Alka Bahekar, Gondia LM-15/B-54826 Anupama Kakade, Bengaluru LM-15/K-72827 Anushree Chaudhari, Gondia LM-15/C-33928 Anurag Bahekar, Gondia LM-15/B-54929 Manotosh Sutradhar, Santoshpuri LM-15/S-119230 Sanjay Masih, Agra LM-15/M-62831 Sattivenkata Reddy, Rajahmundry LM-15/R-44832 Makaresh Yadav, Aurangabad LM-15/Y-4633 Ronak Shah, Ahemdabad LM-15/S-119334 Nalin Talwar, Delhi LM-15/T-26035 Amit Gupta, Delhi LM-15/G-54636 Dineshbhai Kucha, Gujarat LM-15/K-72937 Alwin S, Kanyakumari District LM-15/S-119438 Rolly Malhotra, Bengaluru LM-15/M-62939 Sanjay Latchamsetty, Hyderabad LM-15/L-8040 Arumugam Ponnuswamy, Hyderabad LM-15/P-67241 Krishna Kasam, Hyderabad LM-15/K-73042 Ajay Digrajkar, Mumbai ALM-15/D-44043 Rahul Goyal, Raipur LM-15/G-54444 Anilkumar Undhad, Jetpur LM-15/U-4745 Mustafa Noon, Ranchi LM-15/N-22546 Asif Khan, Ranchi LM-15/K-73147 Abhilash Jain, Jaipur LM-15/J-35548 Sethu Veerabadran, Madurai LM-15/V-25249 Anilkumar R, Mysore LM-15/R-45250 Vijayesh Rajput, New Delhi LM-15/R-44951 MD Abdul Adud, Jorhat LM-15/A-44452 Vimarsh Madan, Delhi LM-15/M-63053 Vijay Kumar, New Delhi ALM-15/K-73254 Shashank Shekhar, New Delhi ALM-15/S-119555 Satyen Parida, Puducherry LM-15/P-67356 Harish Handyal, Anantapur LM-15/H-9357 Ankur Varsani, Rajkot LM-15/V-24558 Krunalkumar Patel, Ahemdabad LM-15/P-67459 Bhojendrapal Singh, Noida LM-15/S-119660 Manoj Sahu, New Delhi LM-15/S-119761 Puli Bhaskar Reddy, Thirupathi LM-15/R-45062 Vishwa Unadkat, Rajkot LM-15/U-4863 Basavaraju Raju, Mysore LM-15/R-45164 Surendra Kumar, Unnao LM-15/K-73365 Nikhil Varge, Navi Mumbai LM-15/V-24666 Anupriya Vats, Gurgaon LM-15/V-24767 Anand Meshram, Mangrol Dist Junagadh LM-15/M-63168 Amalanandham Durairaj, Chennai ALM-15/D-44169 Kishor Viradiya, Surat LM-15/V-24970 Sheetal Kamat, Bengaluru LM-15/K-73571 Avdhut Kulkarni, Mumbai ALM-15/K-73672 Ramchandra Vinnu, Solapur LM-15/V-25073 Shailaja Behera, Bhubaneswar LM-15/B-55174 Shashi Rao, New Delhi LM-15/R-46975 Brojen Choudhury, Durgapur LM-15/C-34276 Ashish Agrawal, Mumbai ALM-15/A-44577 Tushar Patil, Mumbai ALM-15/P-67778 Arun Soni, Jaipur ALM-15/S-120079 Piyush Marathe, Pune LM-15/M-63280 Robina Nazir, Bithandi LM-15/N-22681 Susamma Andrews, Ernakulam LM-15/A-44682 Rajnish Kumar, Patna LM-15/K-73783 Namrata Ranganath, Bengaluru LM-15/R-45384 Yogesh Gupta, Rajsamand LM-15/G-55085 Jaisy Thomas, Ernakulam LM-15/T-26186 Devendra Verma, Vadodara ALM-15/V-25187 Apoorva Singhal, Ghaziabad LM-15/S-120188 Sasmita Panda, Bhopal LM-15/P-67889 Harish S, Bengaluru LM-15/S-120890 Jaya Thakar, Thane(Dist) ALM-15/T-26291 Santosh Singh, Jaipur LM-15/S-120292 Kapil Gupta, New Delhi LM-15/G-55193 Vamsidhar Gangapatnam, Nellore LM-15/G-55294 Kalpesh Gaur, Jaipur ALM-15/G-55395 Saifil Sidhique, Kozhikode LM-15/S-1203

96 Ravikumar Srinivasan, Madurai LM-15/S-120497 Manish Dhawan, Bengaluru LM-15/D-44398 Imran Kalu, Panchmahals LM-15/K-73899 Rachit Patel, Ahemdabad LM-15/P-679100 Uma Gothivarekar, Pune LM-15/G-554101 Shrigurudas Dandekar, Pune LM-15/D-444102 Mohammad Nadaf, Belgaum LM-15/N-227103 Nitin Busar, Jaipur LM-15/B-552104 Neelkanth Patil, Dharwad LM-15/P-680105 Kalyan Pal, Kolkata LM-15/P-681106 Swarnapali Maity, Kolkata ALM-15/M-633107 Rohit Bohra, Kolkata ALM-15/B-553108 Juluri Chaitanya, Guntur LM-15/C-343109 Krishnendu Chandra, Kolkata LM-15/C-344110 Anisha Siyal, Bengaluru LM-15/S-1205111 Raj Dutta, Guwahati ALM-15/D-446112 Rahul Ghiya, Jaipur LM-15/G-555113 Ramadevi Mariappan, Chennai LM-15/M-634114 Abhishek Singla, New Delhi LM-15/S-1206115 Abhijit Gavali, Dist-Kolhapur LM-15/G-556116 Amit Sharma, Kaithal LM-15/S-1207117 Alankrita Aishwarya, Jamshedpur LM-15/A-447118 Karthik Rajendran, Coimbatore LM-15/R-455119 Raj Chandan, Patna LM-15/C-345120 Yogesh Aher, Pune LM-15/A-448121 Diwakaran R, Chennai LM-15/R-456122 Wudaru Reddy, Kurnool Dist LM-15/R-457123 Priyank Tapuria, Cuttack ALM-15/T-263124 Gargee Bahekar, Gondia LM-15/B-550125 Lily Parmawii, Aizawl LM-15/P-675126 Vanlalsiami Vanlalsiami, Aizawl LM-15/V-248127 F Lalthakini, Aizawl LM-15/L-81128 Lalnunnmawii Sailo, Aizawl LM-15/S-1198129 Vanlalsiama Chhangte, Aizawl LM-15/C-341130 Bikram Gupta, Jharkhand LM-15/G-548131 Subodh Garg, Mumbai LM-15/G-549132 Gaurang Upadhyay, Vadodara LM-15/U-49133 Rekha Solomon, Mumbai LM-15/S-1199134 Keertivardhan Kulkarni, Bengaluru LM-15/K-734135 Vijay Deshpande, Ranebennur LM-15/D-445136 Manish Wadhwani, Ulhasnagar LM-15/W-55137 Nishant Kumar, Delhi LM-15/K-739138 Shilpa Moon, Bhopal LM-15/M-635139 Nithin Raju, Vellore LM-15/R-458140 Sandip Patil, Pune LM-15/P-682141 Samala Balaji, Secunderabad LM-15/B-554142 Sankuratri Srinivas, Secunderabad LM-15/S-1209143 Harpal Singh, Chandigarh LM-15/S-1210144 Muttavarapu Raviteja, Dist Nalgonda ALM-15/R-459145 Raju Bhukya, Hyderabad ALM-15/B-555146 Sunil Karhana, Gurgaon ALM-15/K-740147 Smarica Kumari, Gurgaon ALM-15/K-741148 Abhinav Banerjee, New Delhi ALM-15/B-556149 Sayed Quadri, New Delhi ALM-15/Q-4150 Rakshay Shetty, Bengaluru LM-15/S-1211151 Nandish Manjunath, Tumkur LM-15/M-636152 Shashidhar Gangappa, Bengaluru LM-15/G-557153 Digant Rathi, Ahemdabad ALM-15/R-460154 Brajendra Kumar, Bhubaneswar ALM-15/K-742155 Divya Kuckian, Mumbai LM-15/K-743156 Meera Prabha, Ernakulam Dist LM-15/P-683157 Karunakar Gunnampati, Hyderabad LM-15/G-558158 Harshad Patil, Satara LM-15/P-684159 Rakesh Charupalli, Kadapa LM-15/C-346160 Mansi Dandnaik, Ahemdabad LM-15/D-447161 Yatendra Gupta, New Delhi LM-15/G-559162 Abhinav Arora, Panipat LM-15/A-449163 Mayank Gaur, New Delhi LM-15/G-560164 Chandraswkhar Talarisree, Hyderabad LM-15/T-264165 Nirmal Taparia, Solapur LM-15/T-265166 Ashwin Kumar, Tiptur LM-15/K-750167 Mohammedaasif Ansari, Ahemdabad ALM-15/A-450168 Jiby Jose, Bengaluru LM-15/J-356169 Pankti Shah, Mehsana ALM-15/S-1212170 Siji George, Vellore LM-15/G-561171 Narendrakumar Rathi, Ahemdabad ALM-15/R-461172 Jillella Krishna, Maredpally LM-15/K-744173 Yesupogu Adinarayana, Piduguralla ALM-15/A-451174 Sandip Mondal, Kolkata LM-15/M-638175 Vemuri Srinivas, Kakinada LM-15/S-1213176 Rudra Raju, Kakinada LM-15/R-462177 Kishore Ujjina, Kakinada LM-15/U-50178 Marella Sarma, Kakinada LM-15/S-1214179 Sreepada Murty, Kakinada LM-15/M-639180 Lakshmanrao Kamadi, Kakinada LM-15/K-745181 Ananta Thota, Kakinada LM-15/T-266182 Anuradha Gajarao, Pithapuram LM-15/A-452183 Snehalatha Bhashyam, Kakinada LM-15/B-557184 Jhancy Malay, Vijaywada LM-15/M-640185 Premsagar Thayi, Kakinada LM-15/P-685186 Duvvuri Sankar, Kakinada LM-15/S-1215187 Viral Patel, Dist Gandhinagar LM-15/P-686188 Rudresh Pattanshetti, Badami LM-15/P-687189 Pulak Mukherjee, Kolkata LM-15/M-641190 Mehulkumar Chauhan, Dist Ahemdabad LM-15/C-347

191 Shanmuka Panga, Hyderabad LM-15/P-688192 Ravikumar Agrawal, Ahemdabad LM-15/A-453193 Yashoda C, Ahemdabad LM-15/C-348194 Kanakagiri Prasanthi, Sattenapalle LM-15/P-689195 Faris Hussain, Malappuram LM-15/H-94196 Yogendra Pahare, Bilaspur LM-15/P-690197 Deepika Ughade, Navi Mumbai LM-15/U-51198 Rajesh Raushan, Kolkata LM-15/R-463199 Devendra Singh, Dist Nagqur ALM-15/S-1216200 Vrooti Patel, Ahemdabad LM-15/P-691201 Abhishek Kumar, Gurgaon ALM-15/K-746202 Sarfraz Ahmad, New Delhi ALM-15/A-454203 Arunpandiyan Veerapandiyan, Nagapattinam Dist LM-15/V-253204 Durgesh Makwana, Akola LM-15/M-642205 Mayurkumar Patoliya, Rajkot LM-15/P-692206 Shantanu Chopde, Navi Mumbai ALM-15/C-349207 Sachin Chaudhari, Kharghar LM-15/C-350208 Sandeep Yadav, Ghaziabad LM-15/Y-47209 Rajesh Hiremath, Dharwad LM-15/H-95210 Nikhil Chandrasekar, Chennai LM-15/C-351211 Bala Prakash, Chennai LM-15/P-693212 Bhaveshkumar Prajapati, Palanpur LM-15/P-694213 Sudipto Benerjee, Jamshedpur ALM-15/B-558214 Rabeatul Jash Jeelani, Malegaon ALM-15/J-357215 Indraprava Mandal, Dist Balasore LM-15/M-644216 Kunal Sangani, Veraval ALM-15/S-1217217 Kajal Momin, Imphal LM-15/M-643218 Deepti Arora, Bhadurgarh LM-15/A-455219 Karthik Markandan, Chennai LM-15/M-645220 Susmita Debnath, Dist North 24 Parganas LM-15/D-448221 Rohan Dhase, Pune LM-15/D-449222 Chirag Patel, Ahemdabad LM-15/P-695223 Shubhangi Mahajan, Kolhapur ALM-15/M-646224 Mohammed Majeeth, Tirunevelli Dist LM-15/M-647225 Sunitkumar Shrivastava, Mumbai ALM-15/S-1218226 Ashish Singh, Mumbai LM-15/S-1219227 Neeren Parmar, Ahemdabad LM-15/P-696228 Pradyuman Gadewar, Bhandara LM-15/G-562229 Makushla Rathore, Mumbai ALM-15/R-464230 Amit Agrawal, Dist Thane LM-15/A-456231 Sonia Jethwani, Rajkot LM-15/J-358232 Samrat Roy, Kolkata ALM-15/R-465233 Chetan Chouhan, Hyderabad LM-15/C-352234 Maunil Shah, Vadodara ALM-15/S-1220235 Amit Porwal, Dist Sangli LM-15/P-697236 Neha Mishra, Navi Mumbai ALM-15/M-648237 Ujwala Mhatre, Mumbai ALM-15/M-649238 Zubaid Khan, Bilaspur ALM-15/K-747239 Kishor Gunani, Jaipur ALM-15/G-563240 Roshique Kandi, Calicut LM-15/K-748241 Neil Vora, Mumbai LM-15/V-254242 Samuel Kallakuntla, Chennai LM-15/K-749243 Kalpesh Chopda, Surat LM-15/C-353244 Naveen Asati, Distt - Damoh LM-15/A-457245 Ankur Kesarwani, Mumbai LM-15/K-751246 Dibyendu Nandy, Nosth 24 PGS ALM-15/N-228247 Deepali Dahale, Mumbai LM-15/D-450248 Anand Pandhare, Mumbai LM-15/P-698249 Eshwar Kanse, Mumbai ALM-15/K-753250 Vijay Soni, Bilaspur ALM-15/S-1221251 Swapnil Molke, Amravati LM-15/M-650252 Divyesh Sanghani, Ahemdabad ALM-15/S-1222253 Mahesh Patil, Nashik LM-15/P-699254 Reshmi S, Mumbai LM-15/S-1223255 Annrashmi Sinha, Pune ALM-15/S-1224256 Samikshya Sawant, Goa ALM-15/S-1225257 Sushama Zagade, Buldana ALM-15/Z-15258 Atikur Rahaman, Kolkata ALM-15/R-466259 Priyank Patel, Naroda Po ALM-15/P-700260 Nadikuda Kumar, Secunderabad LM-15/K-754261 Sudhir Gore, Dist Nanded ALM-15/G-564262 Ankita Tripathi, Pune ALM-15/T-267263 Vikrant Mahajani, Satara LM-15/M-651264 Sushama Chettri, New Delhi LM-15/C-354265 Sharan Patil, Pune LM-15/P-676266 Gajanan Ratolikar, Nanded LM-15/R-467267 Rupa Abraham, Pune LM-15/A-457268 Abhijeet Kanje, Pune LM-15/K-755269 Mohammaduvesh Memon, Kalol ALM-15/M-652270 Senthil S, Vellore (Dt) ALM-15/S-1226271 Navdeep Sokhal, New Delhi LM-15/S-1227272 Vineet Rastogi, Kanpur ALM-15/R-468273 Bilal Sayyed, Ahmed Nagar ALM-15/S-1228274 Mohammed Yoosuf, Trivandum ALM-15/Y-48275 Bijal Oza, Dist-Patan ALM-15/O-16276 Sampada Kulkarni, Pune LM-15/K-756277 Shalini Dadu, Dehradun LM-15/D-442278 Subhadip Mukherjee, Dist Hooghly LM-15/M-637279 Suyash Kulkarni, Mumbai ALM-15/K-752280 Piyush Goel, Ambala Cantt LM-15/G-547281 Pankaj Gulati, Kota LM-15/G-565282 Juliana Joel, Vellore LM-15/J-359283 Sunjoy Macharouthu, Medak LM-15/M-653284 Sahajal Dhooria, Chandigarh LM-15/D-451285 Raja Behera, Dist Burdwan LM-15/B-559

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T h e C r i T i C a l C a r e C o m m u n i C aT i o n s a B i - m o n T h ly n e w s l e T T e r o f i n d i a n s o C i e T y o f C r i T i C a l C a r e m e d i C i n e



21st Annual Conference of Indian Society of Critical Care Medicine

Setting New FrontiersTheme : QUALITY | OUTREACH | AUSTERITY

Appreciations from

All Around the Globe

Dear organizing team of CRITICARE 2015

First of all I must congratulate you on the successful organization of a mammoth conference. Expectations were high, and you did your best to fulfil them. Every conference has its good and bad moments and if the conference has more good moments than bad ones, it is certainly a successful one. I sincerely wish to thank the entire team for the gracious hospitality offered to us. Look forward to interacting with your team in the future too. Once again wishing your entire organizing team the best in any of your future endeaveours.

ratender Singh

Dear CRITICARE 2015 Team,

Thanks a lot once again for inviting me to part of CRITICARE 2015. I must say this was one of the very well conducted conference of recent times. Kudos to all team and my sincere regards to Dr Sriram, Dr Pradeep Rangappa, Dr Ajith Kumar and all others

Prashant Nasa

Dear CRITICARE Organising Committee,

Firstly let me congratulate you on a great conference. The scientific program was excellent. It was a great honour to be invited. I thoroughly enjoyed it. Again many thanks for inviting me to the conference. I hope I will be seeing many of you again.

Chapman, Marianne (Health)

Dear all,

Thank you for a great scientific event and wonderful hospitality. I had an absolutely wonderful time listening to science, deliberating and meeting up with friends. The fellowship was great. Forgive me for one comment I am about to make. It is that

to get a complex idea across in 12-13 mins (e.g., Stewart approach) is not easy. Having said that I would still emphasise that it was an absolutely wonderful event. Keep it up and thank you once again hosting us.

With best wishes.

roop Kishen

Dear Dr Pradeep, Shriram and all,

Many thanks for the opportunity to be a faculty in a very successful CRITICARE 2015 at Bengaluru. It was a pleasure to be with you all there and will look forward to meet you.

Balasaheb Bande

Dear Pradeep,

Thanks to you and your team for a memorable congress and hospitality. I really enjoyed it and i mean it.

Subhash Todi

Dear all,

Congratulation for grand success of conference. I appreciates your team effort amazing. Thanks for providing excellent hospitality. Regards

Dr ranvir Singh Tyagi

Congratulations my colleagues on a job well done. I thoroughly enjoyed the day I was there.

Farhad N Kapadia

Dear Hallmark team,

Congratulations for having organised a wonderful conference. Special thanks to Usha, Vaidehi, and Shabeena with whom I co-ordinated for the Pediatric program

Jayashree Muralidharan

Dear SirsThankyou for the oppurtunity and for the excellent conference on all fronts. Warm regardsDr reshma Basu, Artemis Hospital, GurgaonDear Organizers!At the outset, kudos for the meticulous organization of the conference and thank you for the warm hospitality.Karthi NThank you for your hospitality and all the help your team rendered to me during the conference. We really enjoyed the conference.ravishankarDear Sir/Madam,Congratulations to all of you for the grand success of CRITICARE 2015 and thanks for the invitation and also the warm hospitality, which is memorable.asif ahmedDear all,At the outset, I would like to thank Dr Sampath, Dr Chacko, Dr Rangappa, Dr Kumar, Dr Karnath and all the members of the organizing committee for organizing the conference so well. I enjoyed participating as faculty, from floor and as part of this mega event.Devi SamaddarDear Sir/Madam,Hi, It was indeed a pleasure and an honour for me to be invited as faculty. The hospitality extended to us was warm to make it memorable.raj Chhabra

286 Devka Chandwani, Kolhapur ALM-15/C-355287 Geeta Yammala, Hyderabad LM-15/Y-49288 Charu Sukhlecha, Jaipur LM-15/S-1229289 Abhishek Shah, Ahmedabad LM-15/S-1230290 Sameer Jahagirdar, Pondicherry LM-15/J-360291 Hemanth Reddy, Pondicherry LM-15/R-470292 Raghavendra Pai, Bengaluru LM-15/P-701293 Sagar Khadanga, Bhopal LM-15/K-757294 Ganapathy Muthuswamy, Hyderabad LM-15/M-654295 Archana N, Mysore LM-15/N-229296 Hemalatha S, Myosre LM-15/S-1231297 Ravi Kiran Mudunuri, Hyderabad LM-15/M-655298 Venugopal Kulkarni, Hyderabad LM-15/K-758299 Bhushan Wankhade, Hyderabad LM-15/W-56300 Amarjeet Patil, Dist-Palghar LM-15/P-702301 Prasoon Gupta, New Delhi LM-15/G-566302 Bhavnish Sabharwal, New Delhi LM-15/S-1232303 Jagdeep Singh Patpatia, Rudarpur ALM-15/P-710304 Avinash Panbude, Pune LM-15/P-703305 Anita Anokar, Pune LM-15/A-459306 Deo Patel, New Delhi LM-15/P-704307 Jayaraja Siddappa, Chikkaballapur Dist LM-15/S-1233308 Arvinder Gandhi, Pune LM-15/G-567309 Yenneranga Jayaram, Tumkur ALM-15/J-368310 Hina Dumaswala, Surat LM-15/D-452311 Jitendra Dumaswala, Surat LM-15/D-453312 Rajiv Jindal, Patiala LM-15/J-362313 Arun Bhandari, Patiala LM-15/B-560314 Deepak Khanduja, Panchkula LM-15/K-759315 Navjot Kaur, Patiala LM-15/K-760316 Majhar Alam, Islampur LM-15/A-460317 Manoj Rathod, Mumbai ALM-15/R-471

318 Prashant Agarwal, New Delhi LM-15/A-461319 Mani Kumhar, Ajmer LM-15/K-761320 Burhanuddin Jawadwala, Mumbai LM-15/J-363321 Ravi Ramgiri, Davanagere LM-15/R-472322 Vishwanath Bellad, Bengaluru LM-15/B-561323 Kasireddy Reddy, Kurnool LM-15/R-473324 Harinder Singh, Patiala LM-15/S-1234325 Somnath Goyal, Patiala LM-15/G-571326 Asifhusen Sathliyawala, Dahod LM-15/S-1235327 Deepa Jain, Delhi LM-15/J-367328 Nareshkumar Damor, Dist Aravalli ALM-15/D-454329 Sumalatha Chadalavada, Tirupathi LM-15/C-356330 Surendra Rathore, Bikaner LM-15/R-474331 Mayur Shah, Navi Mumbai LM-15/S-1236332 Subhashree Jayaraman, Tirupathi LM-15/J-361333 Hemanth Kamath, Mysore LM-15/K-762334 Sunil Chhajwani, Vadodara LM-15/C-357335 Dharmender Birapuram, Bengaluru LM-15/B-562336 Nagaraja Devireddi, Kurreri Dist LM-15/D-455337 Harsha Ramakrishna, Bengaluru LM-15/R-475338 Sreerama Addala, West Godavari Dist LM-15/A-462339 Kalva Nagendra, Kadapa LM-15/N-230340 Keshava Murthy MR, Bengaluru LM-15/M-656341 Anand Kannapur, Pune LM-15/K-763342 Naru Reddy, Bengaluru LM-15/R-476343 Harish Ambekar, Bengaluru LM-15/A-463344 Namita Patil, Nagpur ALM-15/P-705345 Sujith Thomas, Thiruvananthapuram LM-15/T-268346 Tanmay Patel, Mehsana LM-15/P-706347 Rakesh Patel, Surat LM-15/P-707348 Vandana Kalra, Agra LM-15/K-764349 Vijay Kumar, Jaipur LM-15/K-765

350 Venkata Maturu, Hyderabad LM-15/M-657351 Arti Malhotra, Amritsar LM-15/M-658352 Rajinder Jaswal, Amritsar LM-15/J-364353 Sunila Kapila, Amritsar LM-15/K-766354 Suhasini Sonavdekar, Navi Mumbai LM-15/S-1237355 Maroju Sujani, Hyderabad LM-15/S-1238356 Veena Viswanath, Bengaluru LM-15/V-255357 Varun Chopra, Kurukshetra LM-15/C-358358 Mukesh Mahajan, Nagpur LM-15/M-659359 Souvik Chaudhuri, Kolkata LM-15/C-359360 Ashish Chhatravala, Dist Bhavnagar LM-15/C-360361 Dinkar Savariya, Jamnagar LM-15/S-1239362 Madhav Navlekar, Bhuj LM-15/N-231363 Gunjit Singh, Jalandhar LM-15/S-1240364 Sanjeev Sharma, New Delhi LM-15/S-1241365 Shashikala T.K, Mysore LM-15/T-269366 Savita Gangurde, Mumbai LM-15/G-568367 Jayesh Shah, Gandhinagar LM-15/S-1242368 Devanand Rudach, Jamnagar LM-15/R-477369 Jinesh Shah, Paldi LM-15/S-1243370 Nihar Patel, Mehsana LM-15/P-708371 Ajesh Goel, Yamuna Nagar LM-15/G-569372 Deepa Mane, Bengaluru ALM-15/M-660373 Archana Prajapati, Gwalior LM-15/P-709374 Prakash Arya, Gwalior LM-15/A-464375 Rajiv Gupta, Gwalior LM-15/G-570376 Jahnabee Sarma, Guwahati LM-15/S-1244377 Muneer Jan, Gurgaon LM-15/J-365378 Karuna Das, Dibrugarh LM-15/D-456379 Rahul Jadhav, Hingoli LM-15/J-366

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T h e C r i T i C a l C a r e C o m m u n i C aT i o n s a B i - m o n T h ly n e w s l e T T e r o f i n d i a n s o C i e T y o f C r i T i C a l C a r e m e d i C i n e


Editorial officE

dr. atul P. KulkarniProfessor & Head, Division of Critical Care, Dept. of Anaesthesiology, Critical Care &

Pain, Tata Memorial Hospital, Parel, Mumbai 400012 • Phone : [email protected]

Published By : IndIan SocIety of crItIcal care MedIcIneFor Free Circulation Amongst Medical Professionals

Unit 6, First Floor, Hind Service Industries Premises Co-operative Society, Near Chaitya Bhoomi, Off Veer Savarkar Marg, Dadar, Mumbai – 400028

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