to begin with i asked e~tasc students at my school (our lady of the rosary) what did they think. the...


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Post on 17-Jan-2016




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Page 1: To begin with I asked e~tasc students at my school (Our Lady of the Rosary) what did they think. The question was Did dinosaurs really exist and why?
Page 2: To begin with I asked e~tasc students at my school (Our Lady of the Rosary) what did they think. The question was Did dinosaurs really exist and why?

To begin with I asked e~tasc students at my school (Our Lady of the Rosary) what did they think. The question was Did dinosaurs really exist and why? These were some of the answers I received.

Jasmond- Of course they do Why? Because they do (Yr 6 or 5 e~tasc)

Kylie- Dinosaur existed because we have evidence of bones and fossils that prove dinosaurs exist (Yr 4 e~tasc)

Tamara- Well dinosaurs did really exist because there are lots of fossils to prove they exist (Yr 4 e~tasc)

Page 3: To begin with I asked e~tasc students at my school (Our Lady of the Rosary) what did they think. The question was Did dinosaurs really exist and why?

Marissa- Well we got proof like bones and fossils (Yr 4 e~tasc)

Andy- Yes dinosaurs really did exist because there have been real life proof of dinosaur remains such as bones, fossils and footprints( Yr 4 e~tasc)

Thy- I think dinosaurs do exist because paleontologists prove that they do by studying dinosaurs( Yr 4 e~tasc)

Tram- Dinosaurs did really exist and we have proof about it you can go to the museum and look at dinosaur's fossils so I believe that dinosaurs really did exist IT IS TRUE!!! (Yr 4 e~tasc)

Page 4: To begin with I asked e~tasc students at my school (Our Lady of the Rosary) what did they think. The question was Did dinosaurs really exist and why?

Nicholais- Yes they did exist because we have lots of proof such as bones and fossils (Yr 4 e~tasc)

Jonathan- Yes they did exist because paleontologist have evidence of fossils (Yr 6 e~tasc)

Kim- Yeah because paleontologist have proof of bones and fossils( Yr 6 e~tasc)

Mr. Leibrandt-Yes, I think that dinosaurs really existed because we can see them through animals such as bird, turtles, crocodiles and dolphins and archeologist have found fossilized remains in many places around the world ( e~tasc teacher)

Page 5: To begin with I asked e~tasc students at my school (Our Lady of the Rosary) what did they think. The question was Did dinosaurs really exist and why?
Page 6: To begin with I asked e~tasc students at my school (Our Lady of the Rosary) what did they think. The question was Did dinosaurs really exist and why?

Well I certainly believe that Dinosaurs really did exist because even though at that time there only plants and animals on the land and there were no people on Earth yet until millions of years later. Paleontologist have studied and found remains of plants and animals that have not rotted yet.

Page 7: To begin with I asked e~tasc students at my school (Our Lady of the Rosary) what did they think. The question was Did dinosaurs really exist and why?
Page 8: To begin with I asked e~tasc students at my school (Our Lady of the Rosary) what did they think. The question was Did dinosaurs really exist and why?

Those who admire massive, rigid bone structures of dinosaurs should remember that jelly fish still enjoy their very secure ecological niche

It might be said that the human race is incapable of withstanding the drastic changes that are taking place in today’s world. For those changes have been so terrible, so far-reaching and, above all, so swift that they make those that caused the disappearance of the dinosaurs pale into insignificance. Man has not time to adopt to the sudden and powerful changes that his technology and society have produced around im, and it might safely be said that many of today’s illnesses are the means used by the cosmos to eliminate this proud human race. Man is the only animal to have created his own environment. Ironically, he is also the only one to have thus created his own means of self-destruction.

Page 9: To begin with I asked e~tasc students at my school (Our Lady of the Rosary) what did they think. The question was Did dinosaurs really exist and why?
Page 10: To begin with I asked e~tasc students at my school (Our Lady of the Rosary) what did they think. The question was Did dinosaurs really exist and why?

How dinosaurs died out is a big mystery some people that a huge asteroid crashed into Earth about 65 million years ago. Scientists think that such a large collision would throw so much dust into the air that sunlight would not be able to shine and plants and animals would die.

Another theory that could explain how the dinosaurs became extinct is volcanic eruption a huge increase in volcanic activity at around 65 millions years ago could have pumped so much ash into the air that it blocked out the sun killing the dinosaurs because dinosaurs were cold blooded.

Page 11: To begin with I asked e~tasc students at my school (Our Lady of the Rosary) what did they think. The question was Did dinosaurs really exist and why?