to,,! the oth er 16 nat'l jacl scholarsh ip winners … · 2000. 8. 31. · inter·fllth pln.1...

TO THE POINT: Shigeki Sugiyama RE·ENTRY Japanese Galore olll 0, er the Labor Day week· d 1 \\ as pri ·tll ,'<I to pal'- Iklpale In pal'\ ot thc oeU\'I- ties in ('()mmcmoraUon of the annint. " .. y of the Bud- dh!>1 Cburches 01 Amerlcu held III cOlljuncUon with the 5th ' .... orld Buddbl I Women', Conlerenee at San Francl!eo. 0\ er 3,000 1><' .. 001 of the hln Buddhist faith Crom the eon- Unental U,S olld HawaII, J pan. Bn:tl l, Canada and 1tIe. ,. leo ,athered for the ",..,k- lane. crand occasion. Althouah the main purpose of my Pl-eo- was to emcee the Bud- dhiot memorial ... ,\'i"" fOf Ja- pane"" ,\n.mcan \\ ar dead at Golden G.te Nation.1 C"", e- lery on which \\ as an Imprcs<1 'e belnl: a guc51 at the International Banquet on Saturday night 1\'.< an e:<J>l'rience In Itse1C. As I lookro out o\'er the !! .000 !IIlcst! In the main ban· quet room (there \\ere thou· aand guests more In anoUler room), 1 found it virtuelly tmpooslble to dlstll\lll1bh be- h'een U.S.·bom and those born In Japan-ln Bra- ill, Canada or !e , 'Ico-on the basis ot appt'arance Iione. 1 """""ro thai moot 01 the el· derb' were probably born In J.pan . And It was not po»lble trom a distance to distinguish bel' een the an ... l and the ) oulb! from Japan . tiullulshlna Ibe homl'lllnds ot Ihooe prc.ellt. WhUe hn,.lna a bo:< luncb at • toble with " number of str1ulvcl. I W88 WDS !irst o.ked by two jlentlo- men at my loblc If I wcre II "natlvl'" beloo'e they enllolll'<l n'e In COII\'N·utlon. It devel- oped that they we.,' both school tencbe ... (rom ShIkoku who weft' ,'cry Intere to,,! In leomhli about lbe mertcn.n elementary ond hlah .chool ·.tena. but appur 'nih had net had all lU,tll to peak with an Amer- Ican Japone The polnl III all Ihl. that. If l ha\'ln\l Intin,ately os- _Ialed wllh penon. 01 Ja- panese R II of my IIle, not only III the United Stutc and In J .pan. but In other par'" ot .... 1. and Europe, perlence dlftleult) ctlstlngulsh- Inll Amerio.ns lrom J apane .. on the bul. 01 appearance ulone or wlUlout <'On lous ellort. b It won· der thRt non·Japonese cannot m' wW not make such dl.tlnc- tlons or e"en con IdeI' .uch distlncllons rele"ant' Inter·fllth pln.1 II I. 1101 a Que tlnn n to ",au we cooperate. it Is Ihat wc m ... 1 cooperate to IIchle \'e "order. nnd so- cial justice", Th.t under.tAndina of one allolhor I.! thc b •• I. lor co- operntlon: That tho frull> 01 dluloguc In depth I. coopeNitlon; Tbot dllTel"nce, (In be- lief, I among people need to be ruflaced and aceeptcd, nol ubmel'lIcd; Alld thai vile ",,160Il'S be- Ilet. need not. should not be Impo cd on anothet. Perhnp. this theme s tood out tor me because Il Itt one whIch I hove Inoorporotro In Ihls 'column Qlld In other torums. What "'.S parUcular l,)' slgnlficanl to me was thai, al lim_In tI,e world, in various soclelle$. In oraanl zaUons such a. JACL- wben there I. connlet and contl'onlntlon l'I1theo' Ihnro ca- Th",'e weI"(; numerous Icc· opt'ration In efl'orts to achieve Iu"'s. panel. exhibits and ostensibly commOn 11001, demonstration. d urI n g the .s "order. peace IUId social \\ event. Olle pro- justice." that persons such rram 01 was an Inter- as the ctlsUngulshed ponelJ,ta relll!loro panel discussion on \\ ho ot" ot dlfl'erent rellglous the topIc: "Row Can Iho Great (ulths and thererore dlt- Ourlna 11'1)' two days In Ihe Religion, Cooperate lor World leo'enj)Cs In fundnmenlnl be- hotel. 1 found myself trylna to Order. Peace and Social Jus- \Jels. urge cooperallon Utrou,b gue50l whether a penon was ll",,'" The panel Was com· understanding, tltrou8h dla- !rOm Japan Or a natl,'e or re '- posed ot moderator Dr. Taite· logue, through ,ecognJUon and Ideol ot the U.S ., and It "' .... tsu Unno (Buddhist), the Re\,. acceptanee 01 differences. nol nay. In the ele\'lltor, 1 Bernhard E. Olson (Protes - The panel dJ.scusslon real. 'ould ov"rhear con\'ersatlons tant), Dr. Hammudah Abdal- Ormed my beller lhal JACL In Japanese and think Ihey Ati (Islan, l. Rabbi Joseph could become even more c(- "ere fron, Japan unlU I Asher (Jewish), the Most Rev, leeti"e In achlevlng its goals would a word 00' two Mark J. Hurley (Catholic). and those of the communities ot En&1lsh blended Into the and Dr. Rich ard Gard (Bud· it serves if we J ACLers would Japanese and I would know dhlst). all wIth prestigious mo", conselously strive 10 that the spelkers were I""el or eredentlals ot leadership and achieve understanding among \'1ile!. Then 1 would see some prominence In their respecll"e ou_lves. and accept the dI(- younaer persons wbo appear - faiths. ferenees In individual beliefs eel to be NI.sei or Sansci. but The nOles wblch I managed and nol be so insistent on Im- their spoken Japane .. would to jot down on a 3" 5 cW'd posing particular Ideologies on • e,·"aI them t.o be from J apan . are totally Inadequate to re- others, so that we can work Most of the visltOrE prob- call the nearly three hours of toaether toward commOn ob- ahl,)' bad similar difficulty dls- discussion, but It seems to me jecllves. Mr. Sugiyama's address: 8319 Cushing Court. Springfield, Va . 22153 ,--- LITTLE TOKYO REDEVELOPMENT 16-story housing project signed FROM JAPAN INTO U.S, BAFFLING Japan ose Casc Intr il u o, Offlcl all in S, F, ::.AN FRANCISCO - Imml- M mbt, h'Q Pubhul1on' ,. Am" " ,," Cifl/f'1"I Publhhtd be_pI flt .. 1 ,,11d L.II I WI' lw VOL. 79 NO. 11 SEP'rEMBER 13. 1974 ""'Q'" G.iM ')001'2 21'jl I/oA I, P""OO' P,Od " , "noel • c:..t.f, ",bll!nptJOr1 , .. flu Yeo." u •. 17 ',,"I,n 10 15 C£:1'!6 THE OTH ER 16 NAT'L JACL SCHO LARSH IP W IN NE RS rolled h et o( yellow paper WIlA the mV&lerlou. key ttIDl let " d poriod allen . klp bnrk Into the Unltl'<l Slat.,., .c- cordlna to the S.F. ExamIn- er The paper ". curried b>' Yuklo Udaqawa. deported Jut April 3 nnd ruppo.<edl) Ixln- ned tor a y . r Irom rc-<'ntry I n t 0 the Unlted Stot told Irnmlfll'allon ofilcflll hI' came bock three wreka later In .... tum to wOI'k •• u cook al S n n Frunelsco', Klku of Tokyo R tnuront . now 010'- ed ond under by Slate and teder"l aUlhorltl ... Uda lawn .ald that before h boarded n plane In TokyO he w n s Instructed to carTJ' " .. colored ""per" ab- out the size 01 an Ink blot- ter rolled up atop hi s shoul- der when hc I(!n Ihe plane at Honolulu. In Honolulu he said, "E ... eryone was Uned up (or ID- spec:1.ion. I had the rolled up sheel ot paper." He said a middle- aged man Women domi nate 10- 7 approached him, pulled him 10 1 h. PacIfic CIUunl bponsored by the Oakland larded ChUdr(!n. Youlh lind • Lora Saonti 0ta1U Ia tI:e out ot the line, spoke 8 few MINNEAPOLIS , Mlnn .- JACL. H. was gradualed Irom Government. Youth Activity daUlhter ot 1M. and words and too\( him to the Sevenleen graduating hi g h Oakland High and will attend Council. Le"dcn Corp. and I"," S. Osakl ot Portland. She h ead of the Une. school SC!nlora wcre named Harvard In the rail with a pianl,1 for ber churcb pJall5 t.o enter ML Hood Com- Udagawa said he handed wlnn(!rs 01 scholarships ad- malor in Blololical Bealth munlty Colle", In tile t.ll and his passport to a unUormed mlnls lered by the NaUonal Selenc Gon f o1o taLer transfet' to \he Untv. of offlcer. Japane e American Citizens He "aduated u ValedJcto- Me mor i,lI Scholarshi p- Or",011 and major In medicine "I said I was. cook." Ud,,- League, It was recently an- rlan. led hia lellov. studenta $ 400 and health __ /Ica. gawa recoWlted. He said hll nOWlced here by Mrs. Klmi a Student Body vice prl'l'- Amon, beT atarrl' actIrltlu passport was .tamped and It! Haru, Twin Cllie, JACL. who Idenl. Senior and Junior CI _ . R1chord , \1""0 Fn!imolo ia sIle hiol served at Student I ben \Val; readmllted to the beaded the selection commlt- pre.;ldent. School Senau pr .. - the son ot ?II' and Mr. Shi- Council "'as United States, Illegally - and tee 0(: Ident, KIwanis Key Club pres- IIey hi Fujimoto. ot CbIca(o, cn the. Execulr:e Cottndl of returned to S.n Francisco. Lucy Klrlhnr., May Tanaka Idenl, and School Senale par- and II poosored by the Cbl- t.t,>e National Junior Hcroor 60- The KJku Restaurant. loca- and Tom Ohno. lI omentarlan. Be wu a mem- cago chapLer. He wa; va\edic- Clety and bas beoo:. a member ted in space renled from Ibl' Young women dominate the ber of the Vanity Club and torian from Lane T«hnlcal oC Soda! Seni<:e Club, San Francisco Hilton bas list thls year, 10-7. By dI.- Ski and lettered In b .. kelball High and platll to ,,\Icnd the 4lId b".ketball been 100'esUgated by the State trlct counei .. , Northern Call- and gymnu!lcs. the Univ. or lJllnois al Urba - teanu. Clrt. P.ecreatioD Industrial Relations Depart.. tomla-Weslern Nevada leads Steven I. a llte CSF mem- na-Champaign t.o pursue a lCbool orchestra tile l'I"a- menl and the National Labor \\1th five success(u1 ber, winner of the Harvard career In compuur tlonal Honor SocietJ' Relations Board as well as by cants. tollowed by Pacific Book Award. a Covemor's Among his many scholastic An act,,'e me:mber G1 the Immigration officials. Soull,wesl four, Easlem witb Scholar ond holder ot the Na- honors. RIchard Is a member Buddhist Chureb. Lora three, Calltoo'nla wIth tlonw Educational Develop- of the National H'lnor Society. participated In the Cbun:o two, and one eacb from Mld- ment Testa certificate oC merll. I. an 1tIinob StaLe SchoJ.r. Youth grOUP and taught Sun - Vietnamele studentl west. Pacific Northwest and Additionally, he bas won attained Honorable in day School She bas alIo talc- cue interelts JACL Eastern. Each chapter was awards for hls ' outstandlng the Amen .. 'n Cb mical So- en part UI oIheT community permllted to nominate a aecompUshments (r 0 m tlte eltly test. I Ilst.ed In Who'. actJvltlea sueb;u !edJeaJ Ex- LOS ANGELES - single applicant tor one oC the CaIl(omia Savings and Loan Who Among High School Stu- plOt'ers and Fizc Grrla. sy of whether political as),- 17 scholarships. Assn., Soroptomlst Intem- dents and won his acbool' .. & M J I u m should be granted for The 1974 NaUonai JACL ational, Bank of America and Voice 01 Democracy eont51, rs. seven Vietnamese students, high school graduate scholar- the Oakland Exchange Club. He bas held om"" in "" d MIch ener Scholuslup- currently faced ,vlth deporla- rlUp winners are: He bas been selected to the beeo a member oC Key ClUb S2 50 lion, has resulted In a pro- Society o( Outslanding Amer· SUde Rule Club. Ch .... Club LOS ANGELES - TM Board ranlle and refrigerator, CBl:- chi Evic:tion w a. to prolesl test from So. Ca li f. JACL re- Pyt. Ben Frank Manoka ican High School Students. Computer Club and the ,Ieth- . 1l_1J !i-.. £ade 01 ot the Commu- pets and drapes, a I r condl- the conllnuing destruction ot gional office director Crdg T, Memorial Scholarship- Who's Who Among AmerIcan odLct Youlb Foundallon u... lIOn 01 )dr, and Mn. S Redev"lopment Agenc), lionlng and hcallng system. Japan.,.. town by urban re- Shlmabukura over the deten- $ 500 High School Students. and Sim Endo of PhlladeIpbb and (CRA) last (SepI.4) vo- Utlle Tokyo Towers' appll- newal with a demonstration tlon of lWo of the students, Ou1S\andlng Te e nag e r. of Col . W al ter T. Tsuumot o is spo ...... ed by the P'hiladd- to enter imo a '"partici- cation for funding Is now be- thls week (Sept. 10) In front The J ACL office had been . haron Klyoml !noun. is America. Ho is an active Memor ial Scholaflhips-- ph!a JACL. HI; plana to enter pation a" ..... ment" ' \\;th Llt- I n g processed HUD. Ac- of the Westem Addition Re- Informed Nguyen Quoc Luu the daughter of Dr. and Mrs. member 01 the Oakland Bud· $250 ea ch eJthet' Yale t:n1\'t!nIty ... Am- tit Tokyo Towers, me.. non· cording to the archi tects. de- d evelopment office. And com- and Le Tan Ngoc, two of th. Mitsuo Inouve of Culver City. dblst Church and the Jr YBA. bent Col\e;:e In the faD to prollt de"eloper of a propo.< - sign ot the buildinll Is aboul munlty meetinll with agency seven. were arrested and eon- and wos spOn;"red bv Venice. .. , Patricia !llquau if the major in pre-me<ildne and ed 300-unIt senior elllren complete. Construction Is directOT Sullie was be- flned to the lmnugratlon d.,.. Culver JACL. She will be en- Ken ,l Kanl MemorIal daughLer 01 Mr and S'!'. East ASIan StudieL hllulin;: project In Little To· .<cheduled to begin around Ing sought tor Sept. 13. tention camp In EI Centro. Pomnn. College In thc Schol a rsh i p-- $ 500 mio Ida. of Gardena. and.. A 1IfQdu.a1e 01 Gecnalr .... ,. Jr. '0, tollowin, a public htar- or December ot A number of atlnney- own- A deportation heprlllg wa lall alld plans 10 e nter the ""red bv Gardena Fril!ll.ds School RwIIeIl re- Inr on the OTUIlter. Th .. BOIlro IJ.lls year. ed JIIthonmach, uled rm' pt. 1 3. 0 pedJatrl"" (See pholo . tbe-_ ey JACL. She wur attend """'ed a 1,!IIer df"I:Onmirida- a lso approved the piellmlna - Ullllzlnil the FCE - Dillon CANE said. could be reha bl- The .tudents have been ac- In PC Aug. 30). 01 Mr. and Mrs, Kaklchl WeII""le .. College. Mau" In Uao from the "atiaDal Mait desl"" 01 the pro- Corp.'s precast concretc slab lltated for residenUal and ll\'ely opposed to t he Thieu Schol sUcally Shat'on has mura o( Covina. and sponsor- Ibe fall 'and DIalor in Eng.l.ish Scholarship program and a jeet. method of conslru ctlon. the small business purposes to regime In South VJelnam. distinguished at Ven- ed by the San Gabriel Valley with an empruws on French certit!ca1e 01 meril tram the SI",,1n1l ot this agreement project Is expected to t a k e ' accommodate those handed Ice High School wUh a com- chapel'. Hc plans to atlend and Political t.o t-eek a Penns:rlvam... Scholar- eNlS1Itutes a tormal agree- les sthan one year to com- e"iclion nollces and who p re - mendation lrom Ibe National Pomona College In the tall career in journalism. wp compeutiolL He has ". ment lhat CRA wlU .ell plete. ter to In the NlhOll- S . (L k Merit scbolarrlUp program. wbere bc will begin studies At Gardena Hil:b. Patricia auended the Umv. 01 Poitien. Ihe land when they are ready fembers ot the LilU" To- maehi area. equola see S lIle membership In the Call- to herome a medical doctor "'as editor of the .Iudenl Franee, to IttIiIb' FreDch to build. 0 TO\,crs, Inc .. Board ot " We ha\'e had too many In- fomla Scholarship Federation, A graduale o( Royal Oak nellO.paper. a member of to study French f ... one amo - '?: ;"r:t' ;;:e'. Dorec;tors al the CRA Board slances of people being e"lct- A ' I t the Bank of America Award H.veiarsgb. CSF. Las mer In' ....... ->......... sen-ed meetln1! were: . .. sian counse or a in Foreign Language. the Sor- .u"" Council. Girl', ..."gue. u.", ..-- ...... vw. Pedro Street and Central .lac Sankl. p"'S.: FnnJI IUcJ · ed and bwldUlgs stand - t You t h Citizenship three years under a special Team and Coeds, SM as pilato edilOl' fur the Sc:bool A\'enue on the north side of ",da. Alb. Kurlhar., Rev. Frank Ing unoccupoed." CANE presi- .. , s accelerated He bas iti N tiona! Mer ne .. "''as a ;:s- Oml. and"""", Take.. denl Salcl,J Ka,, ' ahara de- A ward and as a 1974 Govern- .,- _ rec:DllJl on as a a - ,.... Third Street at per unit. bell h t or's Scbolar. rceei"ed the Floyd Myrick· it Scholar, a Gold Sealbe2rer, sir.ant for 2nd graders.. a tIl- Thl. I. Ihe low .. t <elling elared. 'We e\'e t a no Foothl'll (ollege An omplisbed planlst, Rotary Club Incenti\'e Award a California Slate scllnlar, tor in math and price pot',nble under D:>part- S.F. one should have to mo"e Wl- af," I d'ed th In In French and English. Is on UCLA Alumni scholar. and labor'alOl'Y assis\au-_ H" .... ment nf Hou,ln: and Urban eyiction, protested til absolutely necessary. Those Sharon as suo - the Principal" honor roll and she bas been named to Who's act!,.., in' \he Young Ftienda Dt\'pl opmtnl (HUD) ",gula - having to move shoUld have strumenl (or Sharon is aUfe CSF member. A Wbo Among AmerIcan HIgh Movement and received var- tion. . SAN FRANCISCO - The the right to remain in NI- LOS ALTOS. Calif. - A Se - bas been working to earn pari member of the Lettermen's Scbool Students and recei .. ed sity let1en In IamIs, squub A of the pre - Committee AgaJn.s1 Nl honma- honmachi." quota JACL lett er, d ated 'May Club. Kll2 has participated In a Certificate d'Bonneur from and :sGeI:Ie£ Jlmlnar,' d""llIO and Ooor 29, 1974 urging appointment db'" football and wrestUnll and the Ame.rican Association 01. plans o( the 16· tory hou>ing of a lull- lime tenu red Asian tries. Inc .. an Y gJvmg plano was named the Mo&t Valu- French leacher.; Mlhuyuki Yonemura was made by Robert (OLOMBIA REMOVES SUBSIDY AIDING counselor to day stud ents al lessons. able Varsity WresUer In his In addition, -sh e bas won Sdtolarslli p- Orren , architectural consult- the Foothill College campus 5umitomo Bank of Calif. junior year. several awards for ber S250 ani to the FCE-Dillon Corp. here, remains to be answered In addition. he Is a mem- writing and has been actively The p1"opoo;ed project will by the college. Scholarships--$SOO each ber of the Wcst Covina Bud. im'oked "ith lbe Y-Teens • Linda '[uriIto Kalo .is the CUT FLOWER EXPORT SALES TO U.S. Wendy Cbiyo Sun kl is the = apartmenl unit wllJ ha\'e liv- August, finally publisbed the Dojo. He has achieved th. Production and the ColumbIa and I.! spOnSOl'ed by the SIOdl: - Ing r-... bedroom, kitchen, text of Ihe letter to indicate scy. Sponsored by the LI,>\ng- rank of 3.kyu brown belt In School for Rctardro. ton and IS by bathroom. and balcony. All REDWnOD CITY. Callr. _ Carnations trom Colol'nbla, the concern of Ihe ston- Merced JACL. Wendy at. judo ,and has won 13 trophic,; • Brian Ii. ;\lachlcb 0 the Stockton chapter. will m- apartments will liso Include Under threat of U.S. gO"em- tor instance. ha\'e been sell- Earlier. the college board of tended at Ll\ 'ingston during his nine years of ac- .'On oC Mr. and Mrs. Thoau... tel' UC-Davis to pursue a a- menl would tmpo&e a count - Ing lor less than 5 een15 each trustees bad communleated School and plans 10 major in ti\'ity. T. lllachida. 01 San FrancJsro reer as a DlI!dical cUetician. Lindy's death recalls grim tales TOKYO - Death ot Char) .. A Llndber8h. 72, on Aug. 26 In Hana. HawaII, rh" AAhl Shlmbun cnnductor Df Ih, Tm.ei Jln«o column 01 tile "WlrUme Journal. 01 Cbarles A. Llndber8h" and of tile a t I' 0 c I II e. commit- ted agaInst tht Japa n.:e du- rlnl World War n. A one· who opl)O>td U.S, f'.rttr7 Into World War II be· cau.e he CQuld nOI .tand Ihr airplane. an object he loved, bewmlnl1 lrutrument ot murdel', Llndberch evcntuilill had to D8ht aealrut the Ja- pan e In the South Pil' cine Q.' a cI"lIlan pilot 10 prove hi palrloU,m. In hi. tx.ok, the Lone Elalc ... rltes about Anlerlcan 10dl ers who maeh lne-gunntd J lpane5e prIsoner., the Au.- trallan taldler who .ho,·ed Ja- prb'>ne.. lrom • Inl u-anlpo,1 plane. and \lff"l who made a letter 01_; er trom the ot a Japln- < e corp e. He IIIld IhAt war had brou8h1 .hlme and de.'· .., Uollon to all p«>p1 •• Th" A hi <Qlumnl t f''''' rludrd hr WIt "nt'! Atnf"'tican " h(, did Mt lall victim to mllChlnes becau of )tl. love f th n 'In mlchl",,", --- * JACL - JWRO Fund GOI I: 5 15,000 ------- . ------- Prt lou nrpom 10 .Jut 1(n J "!it' J';UI i7 ."1' ''' ""' )1 :nOIlO Au, I. 2. f1; Au, ZI 'I rAJ (or"ol AN.ort T' JU ,. 64'.11, t.zrJ.lfJ ":),1tJ 01 ', 3M"",,10 Au. I "pi In IJ 1ft 1$001) ',11' . 10 ervailing dUly ot 13 pel. in New York and as low as ,,1th the chapter. indicating elementary education at CSU. and sponsored by lbc S an UndB ........ \'8lediCUIriaD or aaalnsl all (r""h flowers ex - 2 eenL. whell I her e is a there was the question of South Park Japanese Franosco chapter, He IS ;0 ber senior clas>i .t St. Man"s po,ted to Ihe United Slates, wholesale market glut. In budget, bu t whlcll the So- the Inan)' scholastic Community of Seattle-- graduate of Lowell High and Bllo!h ScbooJ and bas reee:lced the Colombia go,'cmment has contrast. camations from Ca- quola J ACL first vice pr esl - hono ... awarded Wendy are $500 ,,;11 enter UC 10 the romrnendation tram the 'a- wiped out Ito subsld)' to their IIfornla cost 7 to 8 in dent Da\ 'ld Oku. who signed the Bnnk 01 America award fall majorin!: In chemIStry and tional lerit Scbolanbip Pro- growe,.." a<'CQrdln" to William the field . Air freight and for the 800- member chapt er, fo. FIne AI'ts, CSF life mem- Kare n Takata is the daugh. physics. , a- ....... an award from the _ '._ Enomoto. chairman of the packaging 10 N e \V York o'c - o'eplled "by plnclng the prio' be"shlp. S01'Op tomlsi "Out- ler or Mr. and Mrs. Scbolastically, Br14fI b .. tional EducatJnn De\'elllpilllent U. S. Flowcr Grower, trade quires at leasl 6 cents more rilles In their propel' perspcc- standing Youth Award." and Takalll. of BrIdgeton, N.J .. and distinguished as a CSF Te.;l an a... -anI as Calliamla polle), committee. per bloom, EnomOto explaln- live". the college board could for outstanding accompllsh- WBS sponsored by the Sea- tlte member, wlnn,,!, or lbt: late G<lvetnoc's OuL<tandin!: For m a I complaints had ed. find funding. ments rrom the Merced Junior brook JACL. She plans to al - J. W. Draper Award 10 Cbern- Hon..... I1IdenL life member - filed with lhe U,S. Lower labor co.'ts In the Aftlrmallve aclion policy Women's Club and Ihe Elks. tcnd the Cali(ornla Coil cite of istry and, A\\anl foo Per- .hip in CSF and luIS hem Trea. ur)' Dept. by the com- Lotln American notions (at hould also reOcct the popul a- I ted h Arts and Crafts In Oakland. tormanee m "n(l a named to \be atiaaal So- I tIt F b Ch about 1.50 per duy as com- lion 01 the studenl bod)' (8,- W.e " (y rCP,c'Gl I i' where she wtll. in member o( the Honor elety of ludent Leaders. tM pared with a day In 420 ns or the 1914 World AI- .. hool at lhe th r .- graphic arts and work for a Society and M4thematics HOD- ety of OUlstanding used law enacled In 1896. Callfornla) nnd s hipment by monac), Oku reminded . He ls and "'as one 0 e Bachelor ot Fine Arts degree, or Society, He is also a mem- iean BJgb Sdlool Students and rub5ldlzed nallonal airlines a member of on affirmUve ac- rcpresenlnllves to Ihe Pres- ber of the Japancse Club and American which permits the U.S. cus- (less than halt thc cost be - Uon committee. Idential Classroom ror Young The Bridgeton Hixh school Balb Cl ub and has volunt""'.·. "::'h u ool Stu'd,;;,lS. IomJ bureau ImpOS(! extra , h lin d I A mer I can s in Washington, gradUAte has been named to .... "" ..... duty equal to the amount oC tween New York and Call1or- 'T e coun.e g epar - D.C. hc ha. acti\'elY parti- the ,ocJety of Outstanding ed his services as IUIOr In She bas also held alike on th boun1 that a Enomolo said, h a 8 sc · ment should h a \' e a person eilluted and hcld office; In the Am.nc3ll Hi Rb School Stu. pbyslcs and math. th dftlL E:ftcuti ... COWl- e":;rm:nt for ",port. - m' ·". I·rCkbc·t .aFfToCCrledlns'! nhc ce, """siUvc to the bll an Amerci CSF. Math-Science CI II b, denls. Oul><landin Toenail": His commuDlt) has W C WIIS Class Trea..<urer and IC3n' unique pro ems a nih CI b Sh of America lind Who's Who included aCLive. - ..... cipaled in Enomoto 'aid Ih e mon lion ca .. came Inlo the asplrntJons," Oku concluded. CAA. 3lId Span S u. e in lbe Prcsbylcnan C.hurcb III Sci':' :: H; .... ......... Colombia Wal 0 palt III In has been a member o( Ul e among American High School d ..... of the efforts by the Society In m :J1'u, Band and Choir and I'eceh'ed Students. She was a member Chin atown an >crulng c:.m a Uniled ·Nations.' 'atian- ot Amerlta n F1oriats, which I 3 and be ant lombl .... Enomolo pointed out, award. fol' her .ccomplish- of Ihe Notional BonoI' ocJety, cabinet member o. I e al Honor Societ.r. Great Boot:! ellablbhed the tTade polley there ,vlll more t an 22 "because the 00\, el'lng pl.nts ments In thc..'c Arens. Stu den t All'nl", Scf\'lce. "!'Oo House Conuru.s:; on. a Club and the Maldling Band. committee, to abo ut an I cagatlon blooms 1m· arc . Ir e.dy In the ground and In addillon, Wendy hns French Clllb. Dr nma Club and elal-rellg,rous orglllU%8tion he bO! awards tram order!)' marketin, condition porte n I 74. producing hcovlly. (But) It been Be th e In the Methodisl was Yearbook editor. 0 Takas h' Terami lbe YOUI\1: Men's Inslltute, tl)' Voe;,1 c,"u t whole<llie now- EnomolO un/all' hu c ,,,cd expansion and Youth Fcllowslllp, the Sum· An ncllve member of Ih. r. . I . ,'orth tocktao Soroptimlst er I1ro\\,e .. , Colomblon morketing pt.c- m ., ) l'l'planllng progl'nm mal' mer Communit y Bond nIld has GIl'l Scouts, ,he recently rep - MemOri al Sch olars hops- Club. Bank of Ame.ric:a aDd Devclopln ll LaUn American t1cc th " ml8hUI esxtend k to Eubero l pe now be dCCl'eased when the becn an Outdooo' Education I,,-'Senled ber dIstrict at a $ 250 ea ch Calitorola Sa MiS and Loan ed •• wi the .. mar eta ng currenl crop Is 6nJshed." counselor, N'CJCF Summer world-wide meeting In Nor- Assn nallona were enCOUrDl ",n utilized for "dumpln«". A full Amonll the nine members church camp advisoo' nod n She was slu- Roy Hil'<blll Nakab uka ls 'ean ogo under a U.S. AID Tariff Commlstson IO\e5l1ga- of trade polle), commlt- Lions Club, scl'''el'. III her dellt Irom het b'-h scbool and the son of lItr nod Irs. L.lw- JACL Sup plement prorram to export cui ftower. lion will be souaht , It evl- Ice arc lou r Nt 'el Ill'ower- church :he has volunteere d 1I,'ed (or 14 in Ant- renee K. Nnkalsuka ot Arlinl:- Scho larships-$200 denee can be gained, Enomoto shlppe .. ., Andrew Mo.loul, Sa- hoI' services us oO'«an lst ond ,\ erp. Belgium, and altended ton . \'c" and WI\:> h continued 1111119; Frank Kuwahara, Los SlIndo), school teacher. school there, b\' the Woshlnl:lon. D,C, chap- JUDe lioo0111 is the d4uah- portiON lor carnation., e r>'- "Il will I ke a few months Angeles; H r r y Fukutomo, . ' 1"" "0 ' ,d"o Isono Is Ihe a", mnny activities Include tee, He graduated valldlc- IeI' ot Mr . .md Mrs.. JQvokatu .. 101' Our gJ'ower. to feel In, Co- Watso", 'llIc; ond Rny Klteyn- .hll oUt ond Mrs. Yoshlo parlicipatlon In YBA. Cum- torian of hls class al Wake· Konoya ot lAs .-\ngeIes and California fl "ower' 1IT0wors, clfecl by this action In Co- mo. Brl8hton, Colo, Isono 0(' Oakland. and was berlnnd County, ior Re- a:td m.ln of whom are NI.e!. "(,,,,lty U81(' of Alhambra City HJgb. Korean immigrant' to U,S, continue to mount WASHINGTON The Imml- IIrallon iI 11 d Notuo a lJ zuLion FY 1073 ,apo,1 fC- vrol. 22.UaO S'",th -millruted 10 U.S., iI ""I Inc,.,. Over Ihe FV 1906 IIl1Uro l)( 2, I 65. th, Kore .. Week 11011-<l , AIIO nc.led we,,· Ihe a,502 South KOrt"n> who U,S. elll..,nl durlnll th It. IImatt ;O. 'JOII Koo U'" 1111 1970. 'rho Seoul (ovcrnmrnt. notc. I01.O(J1I hove l'Trtllralcd to tho U,S./Conada .Inca IG62 . Rloho,d • uJl molo Chleaao patricia Ido Gru'deno Vallo7 Seblasllcatly h,· ha> leO\:l\"- Juno "ill major in tareJin ro u\\ ards (or e.ecllcnce In langulIRe. al Scripps malbematics. g< bu- .-\mong hte mlUl," honors ' e 10\'\' IUId French and a \'1a- bas ,!Inled Is life membership tloo; al Merit oholar - lllld a in CSF. C(lmmendatiOtl !'<'pOrt member of Ihe Nationnl Honor (0. Frencb lallC\1lll:e. member. Society. Math. Fi"nch and the ,hlp in L s Laureados ..ruor c1enoe honor, lties. He h". hom,r and an hooorO!e WO sclcnUllc 1-'>- (.1 the Japan... Optimi.<l$ ,earch lit the. 'ullonal Bul'CtlU Club You I b Appreciation 01 tnlldard undcl' a NaUonal he has also held Ol- elonce Foundation P' Ollr"m. dO\: m or been a member 01 In addition. Roy bas .crn'CI the French Club. Math.Sci- U ·nlo. CI...... ..... :JdenL. en.:.' Club, Wriler's Gulld, und rep' · .. nlalive to tudenl Amer-. .-Ian ClUb. GA .... Las Wa.' .l K\, has Campus Club or the Junlu, CI."" Council md p, X) Council Kl') '\"\""" Club. AdillJ<lon \l'dl in Japan_ Edu aUllllftl Tl't'hllol- culture June b"" ,pent a OQ')" Council. and Uno ted :>tete. Cb .... Federation. Continued on l'aJe ,

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Page 1: to,,! THE OTH ER 16 NAT'L JACL SCHOLARSH IP WINNERS … · 2000. 8. 31. · Inter·fllth pln.1 • II I. 1101 a Que tlnn n to l ;o\~ ",au we cooperate. it Is Ihat wc ... in space

TO THE POINT: Shigeki Sugiyama - ~-, (OOK'S RE·ENTRY

Japanese Galore olll Fran~co

0, er the Labor Day week· d 1 \\ as pri ·tll ,'<I to pal'­

Iklpale In pal'\ ot thc oeU\'I­ties in ('()mmcmoraUon of the 7~th annint. " .. y of the Bud­dh!>1 Cburches 01 Amerlcu held III cOlljuncUon with the 5th ' .... orld Buddbl I Women', Conlerenee at San Francl!eo. 0\ er 3,000 1><' .. 001 of the hln Buddhist faith Crom the eon­Unental U,S olld HawaII, J a· pan. Bn:tl l, Canada and 1tIe.,. leo ,athered for the ",..,k­lane. crand occasion. Althouah the main purpose of my Pl-eo­~nC<' was to emcee the Bud­dhiot memorial ... ,\'i"" fOf Ja­pane"" ,\n.mcan \\ ar dead at Golden G.te Nation.1 C"",e­lery on Sund~ . which \\ as an Imprcs<1 'e ~"'mon'" belnl: a guc51 at the International Banquet on Saturday night 1\'.< an e:<J>l'rience In Itse1C.

As I lookro out o\'er the !! .000 !IIlcst! In the main ban· quet room (there \\ere thou· aand guests more In anoUler room), 1 found it virtuelly tmpooslble to dlstll\lll1bh be­h'een U.S.·bom Japan~c and those born In Japan-ln Bra­ill, Canada or !e, 'Ico-on the basis ot appt'arance Iione. 1 """""ro thai moot 01 the el· derb' were probably born In J.pan. And It was not po»lble trom a distance to distinguish bel' een the an ... l and the ) oulb! from Japan.

tiullulshlna Ibe homl'lllnds ot Ihooe prc.ellt. WhUe hn,.lna a bo:< luncb at • toble with " number of str1ulvcl. I W88 WDS !irst o.ked by two jlentlo­men at my loblc If I wcre II

"natlvl'" beloo'e they enllolll'<l n'e In COII\'N·utlon. It devel­oped that they we.,' both school tencbe ... (rom ShIkoku who weft' ,'cry Intere to,,! In leomhli about lbe mertcn.n elementary ond hlah .chool

·.tena. but appur 'nih had net had all vpportunl~' lU,tll th~n to peak with an Amer­Ican Japone

The polnl III all Ihl. that. If l ha\'ln\l b~n Intin,ately os­_Ialed wllh penon. 01 J a­panese allC<:~' RII of my IIle, not only III the United Stutc and In J .pan. but In other par'" ot .... 1. and Europe, ~,, ­

perlence dlftleult) ctlstlngulsh­Inll Jop.n~ Amerio.ns lrom oth~r Japane .. on the bul. 01 appearance ulone or wlUlout <'On lous ellort. b It QI'~' won· der thRt non·Japonese cannot m' wW not make such dl.tlnc­tlons or e"en con IdeI' .uch distlncllons rele"ant'

Inter·fllth pln.1

• II I. 1101 a Que tlnn n to l ;o\~ ",au we cooperate. it Is Ihat wc m ... 1 cooperate to IIchle\'e "order. ~ncc nnd so­cial justice", • Th.t under.tAndina of one allolhor I.! thc b •• I. lor co­operntlon: • That tho frull> 01 dluloguc In depth I. coopeNitlon; • Tbot dllTel"nce, (In be­lief, I among people need to be ruflaced and aceeptcd, nol ubmel'lIcd;

• Alld thai vile ",,160Il'S be­Ilet. need not. should not be Impo cd on anothet.

Perhnp. this theme stood out tor me because Il Itt one whIch I hove Inoorporotro trequelltl~' In Ihls 'column Qlld In other torums. What "'.S parUcularl,)' slgnlficanl to me was thai, al • lim_In tI,e world, in various soclelle$. In oraanlzaUons such a. JACL­wben there I. connlet and contl'onlntlon l'I1theo' Ihnro ca­

Th",'e weI"(; numerous Icc· opt'ration In efl'orts to achieve Iu"'s. panel. exhibits and ostensibly commOn 11001, ~uclt demonstration. d urI n g the .s "order. peace IUId social \\ ~k-Ion, event. Olle pro- justice." that persons such rram 01 was an Inter- as the ctlsUngulshed ponelJ,ta relll!loro panel discussion on \\ ho ot" ot dlfl'erent rellglous the topIc: "Row Can Iho Great (ulths and thererore dlt­

Ourlna 11'1)' two days In Ihe Religion, Cooperate lor World leo'enj)Cs In fundnmenlnl be­hotel. 1 found myself trylna to Order. Peace and Social Jus- \Jels. urge cooperallon Utrou,b gue50l whether a penon was ll",,'" The panel Was com· understanding, tltrou8h dla­!rOm Japan Or a natl,'e or re '- posed ot moderator Dr. Taite· logue, through ,ecognJUon and Ideol ot the U.S., and It "' .... tsu Unno (Buddhist), the Re\,. acceptanee 01 differences. nol nay. In the ele\'lltor, 1 Bernhard E. Olson (Protes- The panel dJ.scusslon real.

'ould ov"rhear con\'ersatlons tant), Dr. Hammudah Abdal- Ormed my beller lhal JACL In Japanese and think Ihey Ati (Islan, l. Rabbi Joseph could become even more c(­

"ere fron, Japan unlU I Asher (Jewish), the Most Rev, leeti"e In achlevlng its goals would ~lch a word 00' two Mark J . Hurley (Catholic). and those of the communities ot En&1lsh blended Into the and Dr. Richard Gard (Bud· it serves if we J ACLers would Japanese and I would know dhlst). all wIth prestigious mo", conselously strive 10 that the spelkers were I""el or eredentlals ot leadership and achieve understanding among \'1ile!. Then 1 would see some prominence In their respecll"e ou_lves. and accept the dI(­younaer persons wbo appear- faiths. ferenees In individual beliefs eel to be NI.sei or Sansci. but The nOles wblch I managed and nol be so insistent on Im­their spoken Japane .. would to jot down on a 3" 5 cW'd posing particular Ideologies on • e,·"aI them t.o be from J apan . are totally Inadequate to re- others, so that we can work

Most of the visltOrE prob- call the nearly three hours of toaether toward commOn ob­ahl,)' bad similar difficulty dls- discussion, but It seems to me jecllves.

Mr. Sugiyama's address: 8319 Cushing Court. Springfield , Va. 22153 ,---LITTLE TOKYO REDEVELOPMENT

16-story housing project signed


U.S, BAFFLING J a pa nose Casc

Intriluo, I&~ S

Offlcla ll in S, F,


M mbt, h'Q Pubhul1on' ,. Am" " ,," Cifl/f'1"I

Publhhtd W.c~ly be_pI flt .. 1 ,,11d L.II I WI' lw

VOL. 79 NO. 11 ~ ' RIVAY, SEP'rEMBER 13. 1974

""'Q'" G.iM ')001'2 21'jl I/oA I, bJ3~

P""OO' P,Od " , "noel • c:..t.f,

",bll!nptJOr1 , .. ,~ flu Yeo." u •. 17 ',,"I,n 10

15 C£:1'!6

f.\·~tlf~ ~~ldlo~ ' u~er~h~;~e~Y; THE OTH ER 16 NAT'L JACL SCHOLARSH IP W INNERS rolled h et o( yellow paper WIlA the mV&lerlou. key ttIDl let " d poriod allen . klp bnrk Into the Unltl'<l Slat.,., .c­cordlna to the S.F. ExamIn-

er The paper ". curried b>' Yuklo Udaqawa. deported Jut April 3 nnd ruppo.<edl) Ixln­ned tor a y . r Irom rc-<'ntry I n t 0 the Unlted Stot H~ told Irnmlfll'allon ofilcflll hI' came bock three wreka later In .... tum to wOI'k •• u cook al S n n Frunelsco', Klku of Tokyo R tnuront. now 010'­ed ond under Inv""ti~ atl on by Slate and teder"l aUlhorltl ...

Udalawn .ald that before h boarded n plane In TokyO he w n s Instructed to carTJ' " .. y~ t1ow colored ""per" ab­out the size 01 an Ink blot­ter rolled up atop his shoul­der when hc I(!n Ihe plane at Honolulu.

In Honolulu he said, "E ... eryone was Uned up (or ID­spec:1.ion. I had the rolled up sheel ot paper."

He said a middle-aged man

Women dominate 10-7

approached him, pulled him (S~I.l 10 1 h. PacIfic CIUunl bponsored by the Oakland larded ChUdr(!n. Youlh lind • Lora Saonti 0ta1U Ia tI:e out ot the line, spoke 8 few MINNEAPOLIS , Mlnn .- JACL. H. was gradualed Irom Government. Youth Activity daUlhter ot 1M. and Mta.H~, ­words and too\( him to the Sevenleen graduating hi g h Oakland High and will attend Council. Le"dcn Corp. and I"," S. Osakl ot Portland. She head of the Une. school SC!nlora wcre named Harvard In the rail with a pianl,1 for ber churcb pJall5 t.o enter ML Hood Com-

Udagawa said he handed wlnn(!rs 01 scholarships ad- malor in Blololical Bealth munlty Colle", In tile t.ll and his passport to a unUormed mlnlslered by the NaUonal Selenc Gonf o1o ~au m ura taLer transfet' to \he Untv. of offlcer. Japane e American Citizens He "aduated u ValedJcto- Me mori,lI Scholarship- Or",011 and major In medicine

"I said I was. cook." Ud,,- League, It was recently an- rlan. led hia lellov. studenta $ 400 and health __ /Ica. gawa recoWlted. He said hll nOWlced here by Mrs. Klmi a Student Body vice prl'l'- Amon, beT atarrl' actIrltlu passport was .tamped and It! Haru, Twin Cllie, JACL. who Idenl. Senior and Junior CI_ . R1chord ,\1""0 Fn!imolo ia sIle hiol served at Student I ben \Val; readmllted to the beaded the selection commlt- pre.;ldent. School Senau pr .. - the son ot ?II' and Mr. Shi- Council Rep~~v~ "'as United States, Illegally - and tee 0(: Ident, KIwanis Key Club pres- IIey hi Fujimoto. ot CbIca(o, cn the. Execulr:e Cottndl of returned to S.n Francisco. Lucy Klrlhnr., May Tanaka Idenl, and School Senale par- and II poosored by the Cbl- t.t,>e National Junior Hcroor 60-

The KJku Restaurant. loca- and Tom Ohno. lIomentarlan. Be wu a mem- cago chapLer. He wa; va\edic- Clety and bas beoo:. a member ted in space renled from Ibl' Young women dominate the ber of the Vanity Club and torian from Lane T«hnlcal oC th~ Soda! Seni<:e Club, San Francisco Hilton bas list thls year, 10-7. By dI.- Ski and lettered In b .. kelball High and platll to ,,\Icnd the voll~ball 4lId b".ketball been 100'esUgated by the State trlct counei .. , Northern Call- and gymnu!lcs. the Univ. or lJllnois al Urba- teanu. Clrt. P.ecreatioD ~ Industrial Relations Depart.. tomla-Weslern Nevada leads Steven I. a llte CSF mem- na-Champaign t.o pursue a lCbool orchestra ~ tile l'I"a-menl and the National Labor \\1th five success(u1 ~ppll- ber, winner of the Harvar d career In compuur a.den~. tlonal Honor SocietJ' • Relations Board as well as by cants. tollowed by Pacific Book Award. a Covemor's Among his many scholastic An act,,'e me:mber G1 the Immigration officials. Soull,wesl four, Easlem witb Scholar ond holder ot the Na- honors. RIchard Is a member Buddhist Chureb. Lora ~

three, Calltoo'nla wIth tlonw Educational Develop- of the National H'lnor Society. participated In the Cbun:o two, and one eacb from Mld- ment Testa certificate oC merll. I. an 1tIinob StaLe SchoJ.r. Youth grOUP and taught Sun-

Vietnamele studentl west. Pacific Northwest and Additionally, he bas won attained Honorable M~nUon in day School She bas alIo talc-cue interelts JACL Eastern. Each chapter was awards for hls 'outstandlng the Amen .. 'n Cb mical So- en part UI oIheT community

permllted to nominate a aecompUshments (r 0 m tlte eltly test. I Ilst.ed In Who'. actJvltlea sueb;u !edJeaJ Ex­LOS ANGELES - C ~ntrover- single applicant tor one oC the CaIl(omia Savings and Loan Who Among High School Stu- plOt'ers and ~p Fizc Grrla. sy of whether political as),- 17 scholarships. Assn., Soroptomlst Intem- dents and won his acbool' .. & M J I u m should be granted for The 1974 NaUonai JACL ational, Bank of America and Voice 01 Democracy eont51, m~. rs. ~lIIes_ seven Vietnamese students, high school graduate scholar- the Oakland Exchange Club. He bas held om"" in ""d M Ichener Scholuslup-currently faced ,vlth deporla- rlUp winners are: He bas been selected to the beeo a member oC Key ClUb S250 lion, has resulted In a pro- Society o( Outslanding Amer· SUde Rule Club. Ch .... Club

LOS ANGELES - TM Board ranlle and refrigerator, CBl:- chi Evic:tion w a. to prolesl test from So. Ca lif. JACL re- Pyt. Ben Frank Manoka ican High School Students. Computer Club and the ,Ieth- . 1l_1J !i-.. £ade 01 Dl~ton ot the Commu- pets and drapes, a I r condl- the conllnuing destruction ot gional office director Crdg T, Memorial Scholarship- Who's Who Among AmerIcan odLct Youlb Foundallon u... lIOn 01 )dr, and Mn. S nil~ Redev"lopment Agenc), lionlng and hcallng system. Japan.,.. town by urban re- Shlmabukura over the deten- $500 High School Students. and Sim Endo of PhlladeIpbb and (CRA) last w~k (SepI.4) vo- Utlle Tokyo Towers' appll- newal with a demonstration tlon of lWo of the students, Ou1S\andlng Te e nag e r. of Col. W alte r T . Tsuumoto is spo ...... ed by the P'hiladd-I~ to enter imo a '"partici- cation for funding Is now be- thls week (Sept. 10) In front The J ACL office had been . haron Klyoml !noun. is America. Ho is an active Memorial Scholaflhips-- ph!a JACL. HI; plana to enter pation a" ..... ment" ' \\;th Llt- I n g processed ~ . HUD. Ac- of the Westem Addition Re- Informed Nguyen Quoc Luu the daughter of Dr. and Mrs. member 01 the Oakland Bud· $250 each eJthet' Yale t:n1\'t!nIty ... Am-tit Tokyo Towers, me.. non· cording to the architects. de- development office. And com- and Le Tan Ngoc, two of th. Mitsuo Inouve of Culver City. dblst Church and the Jr YBA. bent Col\e;:e In the faD to prollt de"eloper of a propo.<- sign ot the buildinll Is aboul munlty meetinll with agency seven. were arrested and eon- and wos spOn;"red bv Venice. .. • , • Patricia !llquau Id~ if the major in pre-me<ildne and ed 300-unIt senior elllren 50~ complete. Construction Is directOT ~ Sullie was be- flned to the lmnugratlon d.,.. Culver JACL. She will be en- Ken , l Kanl MemorIal daughLer 01 Mr and ~ S'!'. East ASIan StudieL hllulin;: project In Little To· .<cheduled to begin around Ing sought tor Sept. 13. tention camp In EI Centro. ter ln ~ Pomnn. College In thc Schola rsh ip--$ 500 mio Ida. of Gardena. and.. A 1IfQdu.a1e 01 Gecnalr....,. Jr. '0, tollowin, a public htar- NClv~mber or December ot A number of atlnney-own- A deportation heprlllg wa lall alld pl ans 10 enter the ""red bv th~ Gardena Fril!ll.ds School RwIIeIl re-Inr on the OTUIlter. Th .. BOIlro IJ.lls year. ed b~ ' JIIthonmach, uled rm' pt. 13. ' ~ld 0 pedJatrl"" (See pholo . Kuuokll'~.....,. tbe-_ ey JACL. She wur attend """'ed a 1,!IIer df"I:Onmirida-also approved the piellmlna- Ullllzlnil the FCE - Dillon CANE said. could be rehabl- The .tudents have been ac- In PC Aug. 30). 01 Mr. and Mrs, Kaklchl U~ WeII""le .. College. Mau" In Uao from the • "atiaDal Mait ~ desl"" con~pt 01 the pro- Corp.'s precast concretc slab lltated for residenUal and ll\'ely opposed to the Thieu Schol sUcally Shat'on has mura o( Covina. and sponsor- Ibe fall 'and DIalor in Eng.l.ish Scholarship program and a jeet. method of conslructlon. the small business purposes to regime In South VJelnam. distinguished h~rseJf at Ven- ed by the San Gabriel Valley with an empruws on French certit!ca1e 01 meril tram the

SI",,1n1l ot this agreement project Is expected to t a k e ' accommodate those handed Ice High School wUh a com- chapel'. Hc plans to atlend and Political Scicn~ t.o t-eek a Penns:rlvam... Scholar-eNlS1Itutes a tormal agree- les sthan one year to com- e"iclion nollces and who pre- mendation lrom Ibe National Pomona College In the tall career in journalism. wp compeutiolL He has ". ment lhat th~ CRA wlU .ell plete. ter to o~ m al n In the NlhOll- S . (L k Merit scbolarrlUp program. wbere bc will begin studies At Gardena Hil:b. Patricia auended the Umv. 01 Poitien. Ihe land when they are ready fembers ot the LilU" To- maehi area. equola see S lIle membership In the Call- to herome a medical doctor "'as editor of the .Iudenl T~. Franee, to IttIiIb' FreDch to build. k~' 0 TO\,crs, Inc .. Board ot "We ha\'e had too many In- fomla Scholarship Federation, A graduale o( Royal Oak nellO.paper. a member of to study French f ... one amo-• '?: ;"r:t' ;;:e'. a~l~o ~~ Dorec;tors al the CRA Board slances of people being e"lct- A ' I t the Bank of America Award H.veiarsgb. OfK~~~ "?~hPooI~~or~°'t:. CSF. Las La~ . Stu~~ mer In' ....... ->......... ~ sen-ed

meetln1! were: . .. sian counse or a in Foreign Language. the Sor- .u"" ~ Council. Girl', ..."gue. u.", ..-- ......vw. Pedro Street and Central .lac Sankl. p"'S.: FnnJI IUcJ· ed and t h el~ bwldUlgs stand- o ptl~1 t You t h Citizenship three years under a special Team and Coeds, SM ~\'ee1 as pilato edilOl' fur the Sc:bool A\'enue on the north side of ",da. Alb. Kurlhar., Rev. Frank Ing unoccupoed." CANE presi- .. , s accelerated pro~am. He bas iti N tiona! Mer ne .. -spa~. "''as a ~ ;:s-

Oml. and"""", Take.. denl Salcl,J Ka,,'ahara de- A ward and as a 1974 Govern- .,- _ rec:DllJl on as a a - ,.... Third Street at ~500 per unit. • bell h t or's Scbolar. rceei"ed the Floyd Myrick· it Scholar, a Gold Sealbe2rer, sir.ant for 2nd graders.. a tIl-Thl. I. Ihe low .. t <elling elared. 'We e\'e t a no Foothl'll (ollege An omplisbed planlst, Rotary Club Incenti\'e Award a California Slate scllnlar, tor in math and ~ price pot',nble under D:>part- S. F. ~ihonmachi one should have to mo"e Wl- af," I d' ed th In In French and English. Is on UCLA Alumni scholar. and labor'alOl'Y assis\au-_ H" .... ment nf Hou,ln: and Urban eyiction, protested til absolutely necessary. Those Sharon as suo • - the Principal" honor roll and she bas been named to Who's act!,.., in' \he Young Ftienda Dt\'plopmtnl (HUD) ",gula- having to move shoUld have strumenl (or 1~ y~an. Sharon is aUfe CSF member. A Wbo Among AmerIcan HIgh Movement and received var-tion.. SAN FRANCISCO - The the right to remain in NI- LOS ALTOS. Calif. - A Se- bas been working to earn pari member of the Lettermen's Scbool Students and recei .. ed sity let1en In IamIs, squub

A pr~nt;aUon of the pre- Committee AgaJn.s1 Nlhonma- honmachi." quota J ACL letter, dated 'May :e ~'::"aI co~~~~p:.t.~ Club. Kll2 has participated In a Certificate d'Bonneur from and :sGeI:Ie£

Jlmlnar,' d""llIO and Ooor 29, 1974 urging appointment db'" football and wrestUnll and the Ame.rican Association 01. • plans o( the 16· tory hou>ing of a lull- lime tenured Asian tries. Inc .. an Y gJvmg plano was named the Mo&t Valu- French leacher.; Mlhuyuki Yonemura

proj~ct was made by Robert (OLOMBIA REMOVES SUBSIDY AIDING counselor to day students al lessons. able Varsity WresUer In his In addition, -she bas won Mem o ri~1 Sdtolarsllip-Orren, architectural consult- the Foothill College campus 5umitomo Bank of Calif. junior year. several awards for ber ~ S250 ani to the FCE-Dillon Corp. here, remains to be answered In addition. he Is a mem- writing and has been actively

The p1"opoo;ed project will by the college. Scholarships--$SOO each ber of the Wcst Covina Bud. im'oked "ith lbe Y-Teens • Linda '[uriIto Kalo .is the

~~~~~ ~Ch O~~i~~fsc;:'.:d CUT FLOWER EXPORT SALES TO U.S. J U~~ _ ~~~~erls"~:le~er I!~~ • Wendy Cbiyo Sun kl is the ~t thc.b~~1 ~~vi-Za :r:d~ ~~ali~~ sg~~:.~c = :'~~ft::/~::r ~ apartmenl unit wllJ ha\'e liv- August, finally publisbed the ~~~'¥os~~ l::~kl":( C~~ Dojo. He has achieved th. Production and the ColumbIa and I.! spOnSOl'ed by the SIOdl:-Ing r-... bedroom, kitchen, text of Ihe letter to indicate scy. Sponsored by the LI,>\ng- rank of 3.kyu brown belt In School for Rctardro. ton and IS _~ by bathroom. and balcony. All REDWnOD CITY. Callr. _ Carnations trom Colol'nbla, the concern of Ihe ~hapte r. ston- Merced JACL. Wendy at. judo ,and has won 13 trophic,; • Brian Ii. ;\lachlcb 0 the Stockton chapter. will m -apartments will liso Include Under threat of U.S. gO"em- tor instance. ha\'e been sell- Earlier. the college board of tended at Ll\'ingston ~b during his nine years of ac- .'On oC Mr. and Mrs. Thoau... tel' UC-Davis to pursue a a -

menl would tmpo&e a count- Ing lor less than 5 een15 each trustees bad communleated School and plans 10 major in ti\'ity. T. lllachida . 01 San FrancJsro reer as a DlI!dical cUetician.

Lindy's death

recalls grim tales TOKYO - Death ot Char) .. A Llndber8h. 72, on Aug. 26 In Hana. HawaII, r~mlnded rh" AAhl Shlmbun cnnductor Df Ih, Tm.ei Jln«o column 01 tile " WlrUme Journal. 01 Cbarles A. Llndber8h" and of tile a t I' 0 c I II e. commit­ted agaInst tht Japan.:e du­rlnl World War n.

A one· who opl)O>td U.S, f'.rttr7 Into World War II be· cau.e he CQuld nOI .tand Ihr airplane. an object he loved, bewmlnl1 ~n lrutrument ot murdel', Llndberch evcntuilill had to D8ht aealrut the Ja­pan e ~ros In the South Pil' cine Q.' a cI"lIlan pilot 10 prove hi palrloU,m.

I n hi. tx.ok, the Lone Elalc ... rltes about Anlerlcan 101· dlers who maehlne-gunntd J lpane5e prIsoner., the Au.­trallan taldler who .ho,·ed Ja­p ~ntSt prb'>ne.. lrom • O~­

Inl u-anlpo,1 plane. and th~

\lff"l who made a letter 01_; er trom the ~ ot a Japln­< e corp e. He IIIld IhAt war had brou8h1 .hlme and de.'· .., Uollon to all p«>p1 ••

Th" A hi <Qlumnl t f''''' rludrd hr WIt "nt'! Atnf"'tican " h(, did Mt lall victim to mllChlnes becau of )tl. love f th n 'In mlchl",,",

--- * JACL -JWRO Fund

GOI I: 5 15,000

------- . -------Prt lou nrpom

: ~I·' 10 IJ f;f.I ' i,~i. .Jut 1(n J "!it' J';UI i7 ."1'''' ""' • )1 :nOIlO Au, I. 2. f1; ~I Au, ZI 'I rAJ

(or"ol AN.ort

T'JU ,. 64'.11, t.zrJ.lfJ • ":),1tJ 01 ', 3M"",,10

Au. I

"pi In IJ

tr.f)t~ 1ft 1$001) ',11' .10

ervailing dUly ot 13 pel. in New York and as low as ,,1th the chapter. indicating elementary educa tion at CSU. and ~ sponsored by lbc S an UndB ........ \'8lediCUIriaD or aaalnsl all (r""h flowers ex- 2 eenL. whell I her e is a there was the question of South Park Japanese Franosco chapter, He IS ;0 ber senior clas>i .t St. Man"s po,ted to Ihe United Slates, wholesale market glut. In budget, bu t whlcll the So- Amnof~ the Inan)' scholastic Community of Seattle-- graduate of Lowell High and Bllo!h ScbooJ and bas reee:lced the Colombia go,'cmment has contrast. camations from Ca- quola J ACL firs t vice presl- hono ... awarded Wendy are $500 ,,;11 enter UC Berkcle~' 10 the romrnendation tram the 'a-wiped out Ito subsld)' to their IIfornla cost 7 to 8 c~nts in dent Da\'ld Oku. who signed the Bnnk 01 America award fall majorin!: In chemIStry and tional lerit Scbolanbip Pro-growe,.." a<'CQrdln" to William the field . Air freight and for the 800-member chapter, fo. FIne AI'ts, CSF life mem- • Karen Ta kata is the daugh. physics. , a-....... an award from the _ '._ Enomoto. chairman of the packaging 10 N e \V York o'c- o'eplled "by plnclng the prio ' be"shlp. S01'Optomlsi "Out- ler or Mr. and Mrs. ~Unoru Scbolastically, Br14fI b .. tional EducatJnn De\'elllpilllent U. S. Flowcr Grower, trade quires at leasl 6 cents more rilles In their propel' perspcc- standing Youth Award." and Takalll. of BrIdgeton, N.J .. and distinguished as a CSF Te.;l an a ... -anI as Calliamla polle), committee. per bloom, EnomOto explaln- live". the college board could for outstanding accompllsh- WBS sponsored by the Sea- tlte member, wlnn,,!, or lbt: late G<lvetnoc's OuL<tandin!:

For m a I complaints had ed. find fu nding. ments rrom the Merced Junior brook JACL. She plans to al- J . W. Draper Award 10 Cbern- Hon..... I1IdenL life member-~ filed with lhe U,S. Lower labor co.'ts In the Aftlrmallve aclion policy Women's Club and Ihe Elks. tcnd the Cali(ornla Coil cite of istry and, A\\anl foo Per- .hip in CSF and luIS hem Trea. ur)' Dept. by the com- Lotln American notions (at hould also reOcct the popula- I ted h Arts and Crafts In Oakland. tormanee m IDsIO~ "n(l a named to \be • atiaaal So-

I tIt F b Ch about 1.50 per duy as com- lion 01 the studenl bod)' (8,- W.e " (y rCP,c'Gl I i' where she wtll. m~or in member o( the 'atioo~ Honor elety of ludent Leaders. tM ~ \~,. ~~a d: ~d~;: ·. 1I~lo; ~ : pared with ~20-30 a day In 420 ns or the 1914 World AI- .. hool at lhe 197~ thr .- J~C~ graphic arts and work for a Society and M4thematics HOD- ety of OUlstanding .~ used law enacled In 1896. Callfornla) nnd shipment by monac), Oku reminded. He ls and "'as one 0 e Bachelor ot Fine Arts degree, or Society, He is also a mem- iean BJgb Sdlool Students and

rub5ldlzed nallonal airlines a member of on affirmUve ac- rcpresenlnllves to Ihe Pres- ber of the Japancse Club and ~o's ~o .~~~ American which permits the U.S. cus- (less than halt thc cost be- Uon committee. Idential Classroom ror Young The Bridgeton Hixh school Balb Club and has volunt""'.·. ;;,':'.~ "::'h u

ool Stu'd,;;,lS.

IomJ bureau ~ ImpOS(! extra , h lin d I A mer I can s in Washington, gradUAte has been named to .... "" ..... duty equal to the amount oC tween New York and Call1or- 'T e coun.e g epar - D.C. hc ha. acti\'elY parti- the ,ocJety of Outstanding ed his services as • IUIOr In She bas also held alike on th boun1 that a 10r~11IO ~O\' DI.)~ Enomolo said, h a 8 sc· ment should h a \' e a person eilluted and hcld office; In the Am.nc3ll HiRb School Stu. pbyslcs and math. th dftlL E:ftcuti ... COWl-e":;rm:nt ~ants for ",port. - m'·".I·rCkbc·t .aFfToCCrledlns' ! nhc ce, 5e6asltnelnl~ """siUvc to the bll

an Amerci CSF. Math-Science CI II b, denls. Oul><landin Toenail": His commuDlt) w~~k has W C

WIIS Class Trea..<urer and ~ IC3n' unique pro ems a nih CI b Sh of America lind Who's Who included aCLive. parltClpau~ .~"i'T - ..... cipaled in lb~

Enomoto 'aid Ihe mon lion ca .. nallon.~ came Inlo the asplrntJons," Oku concluded. CAA. 3lId Span S u . e in lbe Prcsbylcnan C.hurcb III Sci':' :: Clu-b~ H; .... ~ ......... .~aln.t Colombia Wal 0 palt III In has been a member o( Ule among American High School d en..~,-.. ~ ..... of the efforts by the Society Uti~ · In \~7~ 13~ m :J1'u, Band and Choir and I'eceh'ed Students. She was a member Chinatown an >crulng c:.m a ~Iodel Uniled ·Nations.' 'atian-ot Amerltan F1oriats, which I 3 and be ant clpa~ . ~ lombl .... Enomolo pointed out, award. fol' her .ccomplish- of Ihe Notional BonoI' ocJety, cabinet member o. I e ~ al Honor Societ.r. Great Boot:! ellablbhed the tTade polley there ,vlll more t an 22 "because the 00\, el'lng pl.nts ments In thc..'c Arens. Stu den t All'nl", Scf\'lce. "!'Oo House Conuru.s:; on. a Club and the Maldling Band. committee, to brln~ about an mlJtJ~n I cagatlon blooms 1m· arc . Ire.dy In the ground and In addi llon, Wendy hns French Clllb. Drnma Club and elal-rellg,rous orglllU%8tion he bO! ~,-ed awards tram order!)' marketin, condi tion porte n I 74. producing hcovlly. (But) It been Beth e In the Methodisl was Yearbook editor. 0 Takash ' Te ra m i lbe YOUI\1: Men's Inslltute, tl)' Voe;,1 c,"ut whole<llie now- EnomolO re"c~led un/all' hu c ,,,cd expansion and Youth Fcllowslllp, the Sum· An ncllve member of Ih. r. . I . ,'orth tocktao Soroptimlst er I1ro\\,e .. , Colomblon morketing pt.c- m.,) l'l'planllng progl'nm mal' mer Community Bond nIld has GIl'l Scouts, ,he recently rep- Me mOrial Scholarshops- Club. Bank of Ame.ric:a aDd

Devcloplnll LaUn American t1ccth" ml8hUI esxtend kto Euberolpe

now be dCCl'eased when the becn an Outdooo' Education I,,-'Senled ber dIstrict at a $250 each Calitorola Sa MiS and Loan ed •• wi the .. mar eta ng currenl crop Is 6nJshed." counselor, N'CJCF Summer world-wide meeting In Nor- Assn

nallona were enCOUrDl ",n utilized for "dumpln«". A full Amonll the nine members church camp advisoo' nod n " .o ~' . She was exchan~c slu- • Roy Hil'<blll Nakabuka ls 'ean ogo under a U.S. AID Tariff Commlstson IO\e5l1ga- of th~ trade polle), commlt- Lions Club, scl'''el'. III her dellt Irom het b'-h scbool and the son of lItr nod Irs. L.lw- N~t ' l J ACL Supplement prorram to export cui ftower. lion will be souaht, It evl- Ice arc lou r Nt'el Ill'ower- church :he has volunteered 1I,'ed (or 14 m~ths in Ant- renee K. Nnkalsuka ot Arlinl:- Scholarships-$200 ~~ ~o;.n~~~~'::d ~'i~~,ti~X::~~ denee can be gained, Enomoto shlppe .. ., Andrew Mo.loul, Sa- hoI' services us oO'«anlst ond ,\ erp. Belgium, and altended ton . \'c" and WI\:> .pons~d

h continued 1111119; Frank Kuwahara, Los SlIndo), school teacher. school there, b\' the Woshlnl:lon. D,C, chap- • JUDe lioo0111 is the d4uah-portiON lor carnation., e r>'- "Il will I ke a few months Angeles; H ~ r r y Fukutomo, . ' 1"" "0 ' ,d"o Isono Is Ihe a", mnny activities Include tee, He graduated valldlc- IeI' ot Mr . .md Mrs.. JQvokatu ~~n~ .. e:;'~tln!n~h~Q.!:!rkcrr~; 101' Our gJ'ower. to feel In, Co- Watso",'llIc; ond Rny Klteyn- .hll oUt ~I r. ond Mrs. Yoshlo parlicipatlon In YBA. Cum- torian of hls class al Wake· Konoya ot lAs .-\ngeIes and California fl"ower' 1IT0wors, clfecl by this action In Co- mo. Brl8hton, Colo, Isono 0(' Oakland. and was berlnnd County, ior Re- r:I~:~:' a:td ~~~I~n 1O~~ ~ ~::k! '::ha~~et'~~~ m.ln of whom are NI.e!. "(,,,,lty U81(' of Alhambra City HJgb.

Korean immigrant' to

U,S, continue to mount

WASHINGTON The Imml­IIrallon iI 11 d Notuo alJzuLion S~t\'lce FY 1073 ,apo,1 fC­

vrol. 22.UaO S'",th K Or~b'" -millruted 10 th~ U.S., iI 08~.~ ""I Inc,.,. ~ Over Ihe FV 1906 IIl1Uro l)( 2, I 65. th, Kore .. Week 11011-<l , AIIO nc.led we,,· Ihe a,502 South KOrt"n> who ~cum(' U,S. elll..,nl durlnll

th Th:mU .l'g~ It. ~ IImatt ;O. 'JOII Koo U'" 1111 1970.

'rho Seoul (ovcrnmrnt. notc. I01.O(J1I hove l'Trtllralcd to tho U,S./Conada .Inca IG62.

Rloho,d • uJlmolo Chleaao

patricia Ido Gru'deno Vallo7

Seblasllcatly h,· ha> leO\:l\"- Juno "ill major in tareJin ro u\\ ards (or e.ecllcnce In langulIRe. al Scripps CoII~ malbematics. g< rap~·. bu- .-\mong hte mlUl," honors ' e 10\'\' IUId French and a \'1a- bas ,!Inled Is life membership tloo;al Merit oholar - lllld a in CSF. C(lmmendatiOtl !'<'pOrt member of Ihe Nationnl Honor (0. Frencb lallC\1lll:e. member. Society. Math. Fi"nch and the ,hlp in L s Laureados ..ruor

c1enoe honor, lties. He h". hom,r soclct~ and an hooorO!e WO I~rformcd sclcnUllc 1-'>- (.1 the Japan... Optimi.<l$ ,earch lit the. 'ullonal Bul'CtlU Club You I b Appreciation 01 tnlldard undcl' a NaUonal ~~I. he has also held Ol-

elonce Foundation P' Ollr"m. dO\: m or been a member 01 In addition. Roy bas .crn'CI the French Club. Math.Sci­

U ·nlo. CI ...... \'h~,~pl ..... :JdenL. en.:.' Club, Wriler's Gulld, und rep' · .. nlalive to tudenl Amer-. .-Ian ClUb. GA .... Las Go\"~n\n\cnl. Wa.' .l Ulcm~1 K\, has Campus 'rvl~ Club or the Junlu, CI."" Council md p, X) Council Kl') '\"\""" Club. AdillJ<lon \l'dl \'C~ in Japan_ o"nl~ Edu aUllllftl Tl't'hllol- culture June b"" ,pent a

OQ')" Council. and Uno ted :>tete. Cb .... Federation. Continued on l'aJe ,

Page 2: to,,! THE OTH ER 16 NAT'L JACL SCHOLARSH IP WINNERS … · 2000. 8. 31. · Inter·fllth pln.1 • II I. 1101 a Que tlnn n to l ;o\~ ",au we cooperate. it Is Ihat wc ... in space

PACIFIC CITIZEN .. Frying .Pan ==

r)<onnr, (;,,11).

- Business and -

Protcuiona l GUIde t.",. ,~. Co· '. 'I~" 'OIl .. '" ... ..." ,... ,.

j AA .. 1ft. n. If"" .. '4 .............. U ~ • _ •

• TrM'E OR 'til 7 ft Thl put lumme, hu brtn unu.IJJ) .... ". ~I 'It. ',r" Jj,. n ~ 4~1 ,.

Jy dry In U1~ Colorado mountalnll, and lh.t haa I"d tlJ • ::~,:f&, •• ;:"'"rt.I ..... ~ t 7" II 1':


problem tor a Nlf:("1 "rnt1f'mln whC) II" hi. '/wn ~rQ"-'ctJ':trl I" " mul1. rern.l" nemel,.. It all bollin ...... lth t},j' I .1 Ih., I/ltnU- ---'IISfI - fI.OIIIST---tuJ ralnr.u It' In JWY and Au.un 101 murhrOfmu ,,, n-.... .,.,,, Of In , ,,,.,

10 'prout In Ihe Roekl", Iht I' 17' ,n e.--'r.4 exnct loe.tI,,"" b.lnll h Ihly Ptte'. "m, Potllck. ha. nr-t •••• ' _ 'I. • .. "'.


I Sl'chrelJo In I.CI, 0 I><"'n Inlll.ldull.d It> tho ""'_ Y Milo. TO TA" VIL IUII'AU P '-I'd • t e knowl.dee lboul "'1'1 '" dOlllh. HI. p.reml) ,', wher to nnd mu.hrooml th.1 ho"e h~'I"WI It> touth (JTI \t,!'!1 <4 • ,

~:~~u~!!rn 'k::;~II: ~:~~: lub).tt or, lar ktkUJO Pdtlcl< . W"Ionvllte, C.llf, Quit(. Y.rue, or eVen to 't.')rl I, k Vtry Pt''''plln It,d an- _~-:- _______ _ 01 bl« whit. II.. without Inllltt-ni )'"un.,\,., e "c n bluahln" wh.n the converaa- Ihouj/h, Or maybe l}(!CAu,,", he tlon lum. to mu.hroorrv. I, 4 y •• " ,,112. One day, I"r

J;'CL SCHOLARSHIPS ... umpl~, h. ..ked •• h~re 'MIl. ,enUeman ClI whom I blbl.JI <"me Irt>m, ami a IhtJ

.,rlle, Ind h. II Inde.d • ,tn- '..on\' .... t1on ., ft r. am ft m.,.." e S.n JOSI. C.II1. 11 fte\' da 'nM! on UI over amount \0 Se,900 (or the ,ear tlom.n In mOlt ,ellird., flket Ind mOt~ Invol"td, h- d.... . th~ Y*&n whUe reportln, th H •• dQuuter. tI(Uttd C!lOOIe to to 110 In ..,arch 01 mUlhr09ml mandtrl It> IW- Ihe pl.c~ Irom

lmien 01 the .nnuII a- SS~.OOO In awards h. bun wltb cerllin Cood Irll'nd •. whlth the I,,'anl 1.1t th~ Ihd-tlon.1 JACL aehollrahlps \0 dl&lrlbuted IInet the protram 'And th.y', ••• In t.lkilf •• bollt ,ttirin. the JACL C,eed , , " 'MIey .."Jo)' olher'. rOrn- t~r 01 I m"th.r'. "'-"'y. So I ex dlJtlnctlon 01 '11 tn.urur.~ In 1948, N!!><I pany and they .hart Ih.'r t- YOU ,-un unrtor.llnd Ihal hi. I ardou-bul Ih .... It wu In )·ur. IWO more "'hol.rlhlp~ are~ .bout th. but plac .. porftnll ftr~ rdu<l_nl 10 ~n'.' • thll wHk', • Ind It II.! lor hlab lebool .... du.IU ,,'ut (or mUlhroorn • . aut thl. ,~n- upon tI,e .ubJ~ .. 1 01 dealh __________ _ .Iev.ted 10 Ih;, front,p 'Re ~ awarded. (Il NU .. bttro lIem.n .1.10 hu hi. own very with hIm. btl", unwllllnr 10 bUlDer. Bul tht! 0\"'1"111 boy Alb... memo,l.1 01 '800. F,o- 011' 60.000 R .. 4.r. ~crel. ohare-wlth- nobody, take Ih. rilk lit Inc '1uI1Me1 \ drl bOucou' shoWI the sponsored b~ the Turlock • '" not _ even _ wIth _ beal- frll'Rd at thll time '1fI ,uth IIUllt.".

1"0\lIl' men Ullin IrOnt (CallI.) NIseI 5001.1 Club; Ind PC Leller Box pl.c ... And with mu.hroom ... "'h~UtI'r t~r .... h02yen, " " (31 ?>I.,olthl memonll belD' lCarot W. yur, he the ramlft'allonl o( ,.lnclI'-

11,10 o'a~tm.rl'l I~ "::1 01 U50 wmt to hlA own Herel pl • .., nation, and the POUfbllll, 01 ~,. - II 2 • the other day-without (elUn, on alterllfe

Impenal La,...., "Ot - n'd ...... "" " ...,~.,.~ ~ .. 0<--.:1 - "fd r.~ "''''''

K'nomQto T ta>tel Se",," ,., ., ~

"j ....... One of the rtl:ommend.- hi. ,ood frlen~, 01 cCI\lr_ PH" .~d "Ii Wile 'Iklr d,-

m .. , Uon. IUbmllted to the luI N.· .nd 10 aDd behold he I<Jund bat~d the poulbJUty 01 ex- e YiMhlngton. D .C 'The rOUtt, men command In Oonll ConvenUon ur,ed the whal ... conUnue to end tip tal ment, .almon JlIhln" lI"'t- 'OIIIC. plalnl", II) P.trlck (h.t Ih •

•• merina JACL'I m".1 co\·el· minimum .ebollnhlp ,wlrd Whales Innocent vlCUIIII. ..tin, .Dd • nlahl crulle on So n()w h. I. In • Qu.n- lIoldO.h had 'Q~ off c.n I I'd blth ",hool "'h:!.rs~P l~ ~ SOOO. which m.y be .UI- It anybody .mon. the JI- \h.I riv"r. dlry lie like. to IIYe mwh- villi It) hlI lI'ondmother I1I8mOI'Y 01 1',,1. n ran men~ by JACL. oulJide EdItor ' PIUI'" would .tart • enJ d. . . .A bl,hlllht of A .1 an rOOrN 10 people who don't CO hleh II • phulomenon th.1 Masaoka, a H2nd R~T m.m- fund. or combined. dependln, To juaUI)' J.pao'! whalin, to .ppeal to J.pan to quit Amerlc.n Fair' ML OlrmpU8 Into Ihe moun lain., buf h. P~trlck h.vln. upttltnttd botr klUod In action. y a, ~ I upon Ithle " 'WInJllUl 0olllddonUoorns bU.InHI on Ihe bam that the whaUnw, I'm BUr!: many olll- IOld out the IDC eookboob deem'l dare btclUft word hlmJelt. can ,.1.", v.. Th marglD. In the l6 ·.'aN 01 th. to now a con. a . W~m world not only ;tart- • od J lJ1e~ ul4 and took orden lor fUture de wIU ,et OUI and hi' food aLoo conlldered the Idea of prollam. Ih~ youn, wom.n WhUe II may bot Iweet (or an ed I h e ,rulr, bUMeu, bul er concern ap wo rI II K t h t - ITl-do will demand 10 know ~Ilin, P.ltlck that Ihe domlnlled to time an ~plJeant 10 . p ..... , I UC~ 'S - kill other an mal •• , well . upporl It. There are AmI - very ... onor a was '''h<Y'' h- h .. d.'.I"'~ thtm d'h had f(~I"hly darU!d ,>tit . I led I n. The -~ >" I I cam who are for Am~rl~. _ btslowed upon Hlto Obda W , _ .n> ... ~ ..

~1D1l M ec ul n . ~ I ruUy lor JUch I .IITIIIlCIJ11 holdt Ibe lame yalld ty .. he rt,bl or wrc)rl, and there u.. wu deeply expr~sed by (he And h~ doeln'l dare bral Into the .11",,1. had l>een hit IMllal summ es mtlhl 0 amount, the ,radult. mB1 Republican cl.lm that tbe American. who are Dot. t. at&ndln, avail on aa the ella. about all the muahroom he'. by • car, and hid b«n u.lttn tn"'re.l; lx'Uer apprecllte ha"ln", ,aln- crlmlnallt:v IUrroundlnl Wa- Am.rle. wben she'. WTon.. !Jon wal betne read and prc- found, whleb be abo like. 10 to the hOlpltal In due tlrte.

ICH~L". HI~ •• ~W'-~~' ed the objective aUtl avl~1I tarll.te - was iuallflnbl~1 ber 'The quNUolI Ihat oeCNU 10 HOled by hl. old Urne nah- do. becawe again Ihal wIll ,n 01 COUtv, a zoldlllh .lm1Iar

l:i' _ r , l~ - ~ ~ =':' .~~I.t!;~11 :&~I:r~ f~~~r:r\:~rCl'lt~!. :: ~~~h~1I8~0~~~J~m~~-: ~:e"~~:."J. S-:.dke ~~h~~ : hl~,lnll:u~l~ IIlcret drinker ~o~ ~~~e:~ .::!da:d INO - " n 1M3 - I' 2 ship! (l~l'< say) inslead 01 The "e\'erybOdy's-doln;-lt, or, 01 Jap.n... ancutry wbO president of the National JA- who muat Indulc

e in III. put in the bowl

1111 - • r:~ _:: 2 one. don~Jt" Iyndrome (II It'! not \WI'e aplMt Japan In Worl4 CL Cre4lt Union, prtsentad I w.alent .. OUI 01 II,M 01 tho • NeIther 01 IhtH ~ = r I' I .. - t' 3 ·ueaestin. Headquarters or rJ_hl) lIa~ to nop 10meUme. War nan d suppomd the cheel< (or $4,000 on behall 01 peoplt he would U ..... to .hor. Iteme<! to bt a pi_wible wa, '154 - I' ~: ... .:: r ~ .ome JACL committee _k er~ro: ~~ ~~~"::7 J:~~~ klIUn, 01 UIouflllcll ot JI\> - JA~rs and (tiencJ.. Contral- hi. ple .. ~ with, thia ,enUe. 01 handll~. Ih. probl."" H_ I::: =:: I II •• - ' IJ' oul6lde funds to .ucm.~ It'. my underslandlnr th~1 •.• be tor Japan now In h .. ulat1~1 Hlto - put the mOD- man mUll enjoy hI. mwh- pecl.lly ,lDee P.trlck 11 vtry I'" 2 3 1In1 .' 1 5t"holarshlps when thaI dOn Japan used to be veget.rlan kllUn, ot whale. w". n • ey In tne Credit Uruonl .. rooma fUrtively . quick to localJ> (aul" In .,,_ INI = 2 i:m I~: 10 c.n ~ btttt'r cxpended to Inl- before I h e Innuence! of the many Americana a~ a,tlnft 'The Intem.Uonal Frlend- planalions his pareDII &lye l: -; I "'. 1 10 1111. olh.r ! c hoi • r I hlp s. West were brought to bear on Il! . Ihlp Dinner Thunday wal hIm. Fortunately r had \I) ""'h

--lilA \OIH 'IE\(OaJAL thoulh the .ummar be mod- th.t nation Now we cannot MRS. MARY TANI the conyentlon hllh- AND ~O.E TRUTH - On to Denver belo," 1'.", 'The ... won 17 schol.nhip. ttl, could deprive .n IPplleanl lmaclne IUklyakl' w II h 0 u t Los An,elet U.M 18 up 10 eoo paelced the our reecet vUlt 10 Falrfteld, and Vlkld came to ;octua) T Pr' t'

• "tarded lhi> year They !IOIDewbere alonl the line. meat can we' And from bits hu,e Sheraton ballroom to Calilomia. we I1.Opped over- with the problem Th&nk, oyo In Ing amoun~ to $5.400 CIIUeala~ Rather than fewer IWardl!, 01 C\;~nt n~wA trol1l Japan Editor: hUr Sen. Daniel Inouye. nlllhl with aon Pele and blJ eoodn'" . and po6t-gr.duate • war d s. there should be mo~ 0 one ,elll the Impre .. Isloo on To .lI(!rlbe ulterior eceno- FrIday w;u lolely tor rcc- ___ ~,,_,,_ ortlfl - Lt--. . l_~ _hleb total $1.500. extend:! the I)m!.d around. thai man ... In Japan are sick mle MOtive 10 • II alll'ulltk reaUon. The Ilshlnr crew 01 1amlly In Sac:ram~to. P~te lOt S. SAIl nDItO ST.

and wearY of Iheir "economic movemenlll (Stop It I 1 II n, Jlarrlel .nd «eor.e KImura. aDd hlJ wite were 10 me- 1M At" .... 11 _ ,.....'- WU)

• DII. Shimuakl, NYCC l.nlmal" aDd GNP status, IUId Whal .. l) l! IIIlphomorlcaUy Yukus Inouye and hi. IOn what of a quandary ot their ._-."""",,,,,,,,,, veam for bYIlOM smoclesa naIve. . Ronald (New York JACL pre- own oyer the malter 01 a d.ys whee they could Indulge If anthytbin,U ODit cJan l UI- IId.nt) •• n d Gerrold Mukai 1I0ldftsh, spedlleall), a de.d

2 tk 20MJ at leisure the pastime of tak- ped e.o ·an - .pIII departed.1 3 a.m. The JA- ,oldfllb. Now, It II not un- MARUKYO

f ih, In the beauly ot • sun- whalin, faeiioo within the cLen eauabt 38 Cobo lalmOn, common lor ,oldlllh In IItUe set or the blossomin, ot eher- JAOL or ec:OIlomle motlva- but Geer,e bec:ame the ang- lIIalS bowls to expIre unex- K,mono Stc,,, )'Y b:'<!es. Now, the cherry tlon: relatives ..,um. Toyo- ler of the day with the first pee~ly, and It I. the eu.- . ~ !Tees like the wb.ltt, have tal or Sony. etc. calch, the bllll,at and moo. tom In moat homet to flu.h lI'gt>' S.ock of P~'" 14CI -7 101 WI!!" ;;L

.. ... become an endan,ered spe- NAOMI KASHIW All Other conyentloneers bo.rded them down the toUet or oth- and C'a...c Jo~ ..... ROCOtd< ~ ~

THE SU .... ER 'T HEAD"U ARTERS elM. S.n DI~IO , C.Uf. me butt. (or I h. planlc al erwlJe di.poM 01 them, and Ja~n ... ~. ,naa. Art 600"'- VA Angela * ...... .. ..".. Conaldt!rillil J.pan'. history, •• Kah-Nee-Tah (where) It wu then to repl.ce them If the EIIII

SAN FRANCISCO - As eaeh - it's the stall's fault. M""y Is whaJIII, Yeally necessary JACL Convention 105 degree. In the .hade . '.' younplers inllJt. 1 )40 E. h. St .. Lot A",aIet ti:J.-.Z to a clo.e UberaU v. thla critlelsm tor h@J' survlv.l? She haa • The last day, I h e Council In IhU CIIe the problem I U..""", P,op

:,~,:Iln:r ~d:eds ot .IU ~ \\ithoui a:' recard to the lit- :bf:e~ ~:16rl!~~Vi:~ (Rtporll and commt'nf. bI/ r::e!~t atm7po~tt~:e ~ wu cau.ed by th. lael th.t ___________ -;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;-

dents IaItlerin, .bouJ their uation staff faces. tues ot ",aman" "alrl". eac. chaPt~ delella~ .hall lie the $GS2900 bucllet. Alter (' ~ community In seareh of. People f.U to realize that riflee. for .hlcb Utey are wcll rl:,an. Jlomte: Ptt', h!tD-; much deuberaUon and clarlll- N k P summer job. the rorty (40) hour _II: Is known - .t lean amooa .:eu,~ttteri':hou'!d u;., e 'h l' cation on proll'lJIII and pro- W ' t an a r,'nf,'ng

In • period when \hi' lob n~er ..... 1Iy .ppll~~le 10 themseh·es. They ha\'e relain- "Ia,ata. to ",lImlt II - posal prlorftles, t b e budllel e ve go a yen L:''!' E _~"'r";~ '. marIrW "'" tip!, thlo -.reb prot_onal lIIalL r.. not ed thelt lantua,e ana must ,. di t t PC Ed was approved. The Inorease _ ~ can ~ ~~ palntul and omi- <urprulne to see them work .till retain these .ttrlbutes ot mOT <$ ree 0 .-. of membership due s to $12 ~ 12· J4 hours • day (JS hour ..... man". etc., • n d .t least The 23rd BIennial were fOur will mean an Increase o( f a

A1lhoup most .tudents ."- a day prior 10 the Portland resIdually amOlll the new daYI tuIIy-paeud. Seadrlns about 10C; •... ~YC rePrO- or your new c r .. -<;. 8-78n entuaJly lind a job it IJ usual- ConvenUon) and putlln, tD ,enMalion, despIte their ad- required m 0 al or the dale- sentaUve Glen Monnaka p .... _ 1y ODe In whlch' they must additional Urne on the week- option o( W est ern ways. ,ates' lime, usuall7 fro. 8 sen~ , workable plan to set

mak. some saeriOces' 1I.e., end! - .U Ihls wllhout ex- 'Those \'eo-y attrlbuta, plus a,m. till p. 8 t m1dnlllhL 13y priorities. at a low I'nterest rate: 1IL'lII'It:io& the jp'aHrotrd shirt Ira pay! And all thls Urne Is their resourcetulness, could 10 pm the older (BO '" O\'!er) '1'1!e worbbopa on chapler or IIa\1nC- tedious assembly spmt· puttina IoJIether pro- lite them out or the whallnll delei.res (ell they h.d It but proll1'lmS bad ..... 1 mml and line work, etc.). Thw allain, lIf8l1\!! and {ollowl~1 uPJAon business Into other workinc the youth carried on with en- pro V Ide d 1I00d rood lor theft are thote who are (or- the polich!s and ,oa", the - altamatlves. Or ·.re they too thUJIISl1l. Input wu ftOtiOMb- thOUlht. Irl \00 bad we tama\e eJlOU&h to ,el a job CL sets for itself. far ,one for that? 1 hope not. 1y cUmlnishln, after JJlidllllht couldn't attend all the work-ot ideal c:ondIUOtll: your own StiU others have criticized ItA il I. we ot JI'Panese .nd voUn, ~ed to ~e shops to brlnll back Idw to hours, IImbllity 10 the ta.5kJ stall tor not doln. Its spe- ancestry seem to be at cross more or Ie S s rOutine. ThIs the chapter • .. Th e JACL to be pertonnod. and • job ci.Ged job or {ollowln, up Oft purpose.! _ !Ome for J.pan·s may sound like alI-wOrIl:-lnd. Awarlfa hllleb_ w •• moot ... bidt is of ,enulne iII\e'resl Its wks. Thai's nol the prob- whallne and othel's .,alnst it. no-plOJ', bUI th.t wam't the rewardill, to Utah. Banners to the Indi>1dual. One whlcb, !em. The problem is .that the But unless somethih. Is done cue. BUSiness we aet ulde were wa~ hlgb as Salt pehapa. relale:. to the stu- ataI'f lacks the manpower to many people in Japan who for the hllhllabts o( thl ~, Lake member R.)'1D~d Uoo I dent'. fUture Coals or occu- .ccommodat. and (ulllll the abhor what their country has IUeb e lunch~M, tastImoIiI- was awarded the Nisei of BI-paUonal tare('!'. mull/ple ,oal! o( the JACL. becoroe' the ,.ade school ebll- als, b.Quets. Asian AmerieJln ennIum lIo1l! medallJon • n d

Well I w. one 01 the lor- I'm not .ayin, th.1 the JA- dren ot Japanese ancestry in Fair. worksboP5 and one full Mt. OJ,ymPUI member Yuku. lunate' ones. 'Thi. summer, I CL has too m.ny coals .nd AmerIca and. ot course, the d.y (or a picnic, golf touma- ~ouy!, received the NlselallJ of I wll able to work a a full thai they must eut dClwn on Blenruum .1 I v e r mod on. time al the J A C L N.tional their goal. 10 accommodate EL A D J 'CL T h . I h' The Sail Lake ebapler also H&dquarters In San Fnocl. - the work load 01 I h e .talT. CLEV .. N .. : 0 ru S 'Yimi shared In thl hooors with a <0. BelDe a m~mlx'r 01 Ihe Qulle Ih. contrary. Th. JACL f V S 'I P $150. eb~ck (or h,,!,orable JAYa illId lIenulnely Inlerel'1- .bould .Irlve to expand and Loss 0 aery pecla erson mention "! the I InqCi~~- 1 od In leenun, mo .... bOul the crow. • t e r of BteM um p InlritllClH o( the JACL. I Wat In lact, I think additional "'~ . . . t JACL I quick to t a I< e Idv~n tae~ of slal! Ihould be hired to meel Our community lo~ • verr to hi! lamUy. whleh wu his felt :n:t:swc~m~ JACL I Ihe ()ffer. In r~J1eetlDlI upon the growinll need.! ot the or- special penon with the death commuruty, was inuneJlltly roblems and 10als 10 be an Ihee pul Ie" montlu. m: lanlzation. Bul until thla can ot Brigadier Ainosub Ichlda. great, tor it Is sWl with my ~1I~tiv. delelau,. Nevertbe- I j"b l'OIUuted o( two compo hap~n. I mon,ly Tbe lOS! is what we would saters and me eveo ted..,. less 1 appreciated the oppor. nmls Ih •. 1 th .. ~ ,,"til'!' 01 Ibe staff have ,ained hao he U\'e<! on: He was a dreamer. H~ used tuolty of .ttendlng my first

One W. I to .. ..,rk on the >end ou Iy consIddedi~m~tr bUfI- the loss l! Ih. frlen<iship and to tell me that he alwan national JACL conywtion and I JAY Biennium National Con- .ens<>m~ . 0 .w poe - the knowln, 01 a wonderful wanted to be • great '- learned more about the Nisei "mti<ln In which I was the uon belore JambuUn, them man. Wbat we have Rained n~ and to build brldlles, He and San~1 _ their pUehl ill Convention Co - Ch.l"""n. It anh d conalanUy ,oltin, on from his lite cannot be lost; would gaze wlstiully Into the I'.merlca Sue a l! d I cannot buleally mulled orpnlzJn« t elt ca e. it I! with Our community for- horizon .s he told me aboul ihlnk of'a more enjoy.ble va-pr~, wnrkahops, """.1 Summlr 'nt.,nl ever. hlI boyhood amblUons. They caUon than meetinll new peo-acllvlU.,., and publicity and Bripdier Ichlda we • very were only dreams, lI\'OU!ld pie and leamlnll roore of JA-en - ordlnaUn, the bwlnl!$l Thai I. why J see the Stu- special pllrlOl1. and t his is under the harsh reallUes 01 CL ways than we had expe. mtetinp, room .nd equlp - denl Intertllhlp Procram . s • why 1 have to menUon his dirt flrmJng aDd ut\e'r tcOIIo- riencod ,vlth the hospluble menl reouls. and tranaporta- vl.ble aftet 10 both the JA- death. But in a ~al sen •• , mle depressloh. 1 people ot Portland. Uon tJChodul~ CL and N.Uonal SuI! u well. . . I with hlm Iben. I said, "Papa,

Come Dnve i Sargam \\'Itb




SIn 'tlne"'a MIl" Off'c", Te'. 1415,981·120 Sf I,e." Cenl., B,~ fel fA 15' 981 1200

Mld-Pen,_11 Brlnch: T.' 'A'S' 9A'·2 Bnnch: 'AIS> 839-9900

F,emon' B~nch ' T e' 14'5' 792·9100 San J_ Bnnch: Tel ' 40B' 298·2"1

Westg". Branch: Tel (A08' 298·2 .. 1 Sallnl. Brand" hI. 14081 424.2888 hi."., Branch: T.' 1209' 233 -059 1

North F • ..."., Branch: Tal. 1209' 233·059 I

Los Ange'es Br.nch. Tel. 12131687·9800 LA Down ..... n Branch: 616 W ".n ,213' 621·2821

Mon'eb.11o Branch: T.I 1213' 726-008 I C'OIISNw-LA Brlnch: Tel, 1213' 731.7334 Westem LA Branch: Tel 1213' 391~le

Gard .... B,.nch: reI. 1l13' 327-0360

T OI ... "e Branch' Ie' /213' 313·8A II San •• Ana B,.nth: rei 171 • • SA I ·2171 •• m, CII., Branch; T., 1213' 893·6306 Allhoulh the conyentlon bas e"eryoot' u a Sptel. person. I'll be<:ome an wlline« and SAnAO NAGATA I ""dod. I am stili in Ih. pro- T::'~e:{.o,:::.o th:U . :m::::~ ~ bulld those bridg .... " I nev- Ofllcial Delegale <- o( writing up the evalu- intcnu 10 th. reaional omces CHIAROSCURO ar did. o( cour .. , but th~e ~S~al~I;L;.;k;e;J;;A;CL~iiiiii~~~::::::::::::::::::~~ IUon which m. y .cut the and National Headquarter!. "ere boy h 00 d ambltlcms, MDYC in Ihe planolne 01 tbe I~amlnll Ihe "Ins and outs" shared with a father. nexl JAY Convention I"r "I JACL a~ J'y. bad Ihe OP- My (athe.r was a very spe_ 1I1y conscious memor,y of 1976. po,1unl1y to do this rummel'. clal person to me. When he my lather has Il'Own dim

San OlIgO Branch: Tel. aU. 236-1199

a Idr.I Ihot. I d""oted my died and r was only J4 then with the passing \,f the years, -nerlles to Iht oreanlzalion- Not only will atuden" learn my 'father bad be.n a sick but 1 would dreilm ot him 01 and PTOl:TIImmlnr ta."" of but alao the 1t.a1T will be u - mao tor a very lone lime. tor years after, and cry lb. the JACL. .tlnl A ;I,tant II~ In calT)'ing out the pro- The.rerore the Image I bave 01 tears I could not cry In my Prolfam Dlroctor Pat Nakano cra/WI and loal. the JACL him Is thai 01 n traU en- wakIng hours. To me, my ta­In Ih. eYaluati"" 01 the tul- r I. lor Itself. 1 eDCOUTalle eraY-less man, .truUllng yet ther WtlS a v.ry spec:lal -per­boob lor lITad(! K·8 .tudenl ludtn\l. who • re lenulnely to malnuln a living lor his son, as all !-athers are to their and .1I1l1ldln~ the N"Uonal Inlereated In th~ JACL to ap- family. He was a larmer, so children. UrbOln I, c a, u c Canlerenc. ply and perUclpsle ID t hi. to be physlc.lly weak was to And In thl& S~, Ish." h.:re to 1I.ld Id .... tflr devo- pro .... m when .ppllc.Uona be .n Incompelent provider. the sorrow that the f.rnJJ.y 01 l""ln, proll'll/TIS withtn t h c become aVlllable aomeUme He WII ih paln most o( the the Brliladler must (eel JAC ... rh next year. time. and he couldn't plow

For the r<mo.inln, lim~ Ihat • one row (hOt'lle .0<1 p low L A JCC d' I wlU be hero, my time will In el".ln •• to ay the I.u t, comblnaUon (or he was • poor • • Irectory


HEAD OFFICE aoo Wil.hir •• Iyd., Le. An,.I.I, Calif. 90017

LITTLE TOKYO OFFICE Ul Ea,t SeCind St,. Loa An,.1 .. , C.llf, 90012

GARDENA OFFICE 1600 W. R,dond .... ch .Iyd" Gardin. Calif. 90247

(2UI 623·7 191

(213) 680-2650

(213) 532·3360

boo .pent on upcl;altn, and ,e- thl. IUmmer wao very edu- tlrmer) wlthoul r ~tl n, aev- LOS ANGELES _ T h. So, >· UtI> NaUonl1 Youth caU"",,1 to me. I learned • eral Umes. CaUl. Japanes. Chamber QI Proaram Noltbook .nd beJrIn- ,ood deal about the JACL Ye1. I remembor hIm ••• Comme""e directory ",W be runr preUmln.ry I1.aIlJUcal and how to develop and a8- lIentJe and lovin, person who published .t year's-end wllh ,. e.arch on th~ whalin, I ue. .ombl. viable pro .... m •. Whal WlIS V e r y Impor lant 10 hi. Taklto Vama(lUm. and Paul

~~~~~-w-~~~~and~~~~~_~ ~t~C~.:T~~~ed~a~"~c~~~eb~al~~~·~QE·:~~~:::~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ____ ~: mer I"b h, btm In.Hlul nth"r .xp~"enccs will cer- In love .nd alTl'Otlon. My ta- -:: ."~enc". Nol onl), did It Ioolnly provide me an excel- ther could never be pointed Intwrr _ny 01 my queallolUl lent beckcround In -ervin, •• oul .. I IUCC_: h~ IV" 100 r~",rdln. Ih" JACL and Na- the JAY. chairman ot the poor. H~ could n.vel' be poih-11"",,1 !1t.1T, bul It olIO p."".! No Ilona I Youth Co _ Ordlnat- led oul II h.yln, conlrlbut­nO'" ""'"' Inr Council lor the noxt Iwo I'd ,reatly to .oclely; h. ",u

M.",b<, FDIC

Inlide Hq.

Thp mlj"r i>olwlld rmenl 1 ,,"d w t h ~ conotlnl ..,.IU­rl m I h ~ Noll""" I !ltlff fI'­

c iv . ·rhl. WH. lor eUm­pi .... 11 I 'H, ",Ident t Ihp IACL NIUnn.1 CooYOOlUnn In Portland. An) Ume ".m!rthin, "enl _an. M .nyUm~ • pol_ Icy <If pro~,.m was nol prop­nly Impl m~ll'd, 'he,.~ I • bl./JInl blam pl"ol!d upnn th Ilan Thtr~·. nt. I • n y d" •• bt Jrft In onlhod)". mlnd

) .... r 100 poor. But hll contribution

25 Years Ago In the 'ulfic Citlun, Slpt. 17, 1949

I -I clU,..,nahlp propo.&J 0lU1An1hlp lor JaMI crou" ..• "._tI by IUbcommlt~. . TuJe rtnunc1.nll In J lpan "Tokyo Ro r" de/en., reAlI .eek U.S. olUzeDlhlp ..• Twin •• enrl nean In 1J -wetk old dtu.hten Irri ve I, om JapAn S,m ".rnondn tTeuon trial . tQ JoIn moth6r In U.S, . . . Vel<!un 01 limed "lied 8ull" Amvell ,uppOrt altlzeDlhlp dl"hlM ,0 00 record IIIkIni lbr l llei In U.S.

+ Sumltomo Bank 01 California

3420 . ! Bhod. los A.-pies 18

FE 1·7261

, Iil ~·:~~ 15l~ S .....

,.. ,."'~ c. A·64-" -=,. 1·2123

NISEI Est~~~~hed TRADING (0.

• Acor .. "".. • TV • "'~ 341 E. ftUT ST .. LA 11

2 . .) A' -=--_ .. _-.....

Aloha Plumbing l C =:" ;·5

P. ~ & SV-oot-e - l!II.r:tot o,,~ .... -, ... s.. ~ l_ ..........

' •••. n

r--Eo SATOI I ~lU".' G ."D MEAn 5 ,

f C~..:.. Gttt..;e CGDQW ••• ,

I "" ....... , , - $0"1<'"1 l .. A",&1a - . i,. AX 3.7000 Rl 3-0511 !

Page 3: to,,! THE OTH ER 16 NAT'L JACL SCHOLARSH IP WINNERS … · 2000. 8. 31. · Inter·fllth pln.1 • II I. 1101 a Que tlnn n to l ;o\~ ",au we cooperate. it Is Ihat wc ... in space

t~r th~ Unlv.rdty nt Stluth. HI", ".Iduot.o "lin II) of . • 'Lto". 'If,I, lI un.lI. I I~_ . rn Calltornla to . tudy DMttl lAnd RtiOdl~ y CoJlrKO Ind II' """ r>r "lr "n<l M" 'rink JJ)·KlcM. t.. tran.r~r II) Ih,· UnlvN" M unnd, 111 !'I·talum •. and

SQholooUcaJly Cbrol. hi" I ItV or Ih~ Parlne who,,' .he I II"'" 'Jred b7 thl' SoMml

PacifiC Cltlzen-3

dlotlnll\ll.hnd h raelt ••• C!iF wlil Itudv mc"I,·ln. ('"unly JAr:I~ A P.talurr,. 11ft mmlbal, . ht I. on h.r A me ( 'Sf mcrnhpr. P,"""ln IIiKh (troduol", h, pl.", to It.- Inti II IIl"flI'" ,j by til - nay ' .hoO!' honor roll. ~ mernbf-r hnl r.".lv(:d owlltd. In hi,· len,1 nOla JUrll", CoI- River Vall., JACL A arad~ Ilr Ih 1I01l0r 80<'1 ty .nd It- lo, y. art Md UI<-rlllur,· , .chol. In,n And 101", IrM rnr II) Ih> Ut'", (A V.I_ tinl~ H11b.111 -""Ivl!<! Ihe Gre.n B,aker .scl- •• lIo IIIIN In t;n.II .h Ind I 11.(' .. S"n t (Anebeo I<;hc,r,1 01 wIll ntt> II O""tn 8"'1# Unl-

n .. AlYun. Sh. hu b.en ~c- ~ mtmbPt or Ih,· So< Ir.!· 1)/ Ph.,,,,,,ry ~ .. rolty w m., In .~Jftdary lively Involved., • m~ml>er Ouu.l.ndln~ Amorloun IIII/h Ill •• rh''''1 ., Iville h"'~ .du' 1I()r1 nnd Omt.r In C:AA. .!'I nch School Slud"n~ .nd Whb" l"dud",1 rvlng.. IItu~~t ./"npt II U'-'lf.I~I~'" et

'IUbl Entre N ou~. BRl(lboJl Who Am(m~ 1I1Jh Rehool St,,· n'"ly vi" p,,·.ldpntllntJ t ... II r lIraduaUn" cI Ind M - CrI!, Che.. luI". SclAn," (!cntl A.tlvr In rnln' (limp U,"I. d-I'UII- It> u... lud""l, p (. ~ I v"d 1Iv! Oul lIndlr.,

Club. Senior Clu., Math or,onlroUon.. h' hi. h Itl " "mbly flntl """Mm'", clu 8d1ollr AWlrd. a c:ornl'N'nd.­'I'('Am, Inl t·Clum Council. omc~ In or 1)(', n " ... , of vi" lirnlltl.nt H,. hu alao tlOll r,_ th" tl.Umal 11411 t!cpreaenlallv. Council and Ihe CI ... Ic"1 AlliIn,',' or Ih .. I.,orl tho Son""". r-<IUnt,. JA· ~ht)I., hfp " "IITam, • c;..,.u­Ycnrbook . 1. 1f W.ltArn Sla"' . Pep ("Iub. <:t. JA Y. as 'I)-PU' Idrnl omd ftr,,,,, I)t Pmlld""cy In lorM • .,

In hN' community .h. I Ver II,. T~nnl Tonm. SpIIlI'h hi bP~n , C;untl"l' !iPhl)(,1 l.n'Ult_ anI! til. E!jo', w(f. I'1'e8Ident or Ihe J r. VB" nnd Cluh} !ilkln, Club, Am"r!<an 1"Mh .. r with Ih~ f llmAnJl Nihlp .nd M.,. VIJU.tbte Il _

June Kon01. pO I1. l e lp'I~ ' In Ih t choir Ind 11111a II<Irvko. /lll 1- Butldhl (.'hUlth. H.. h.1 d-"I Awnil.

hutch I lhlell... ('nlole hi' oft C:lub and Girl' lAacuP t u til ~ d .'Ar>tn " <'IIU f •• 1 H",. .t1"'iU~ have llio Downlown L.A. lAO been An al~ni1nnl to the Council dAnrlnlt' r"r nln.. , .. r and led v) let/V. ~.rtkI~Uoa I ..

I •• ok. bo . kolb~n And Iro. h Her In .. rut o/J-"nmpi h .. ptorilll'm,·d at min,. <um- GAA. [.MUlr"'l.<. B. n d •

Border incident involves Nisei BL.O\I Eo W .. b - A U S . 81e n w.r~ It Ihe b dt) (\lilly for dolnlulR the el.c­

tI"c Storvlc. '\el b) not re­pertln ror InduoUon' Dr • . 27. 1972. b)· Ha' all F ~ d e t. I Judlle MOIlin Pon"" Aug. 20 .

Scholarship --oDllnued trom ."onl Pa, e

numbor 01 years ,tudyln, JA­panefe Innll\lage. c I a I len I d.nd~. lto ~rtJ:mony •• aml.~n, flower .r,.nllng ancS ralll­,,·apby. In .ddlllon •• be hlv, been Iln active vollmte.r with I h. J .panu~ Amerioon SI,bt­I In U\ule Irld thn Hot Muls ProJITam lor the Eld.r­I~ In Lltlle Tok)·o.

roolball queMI as "all .. Or i MVI' I.d I" p.rUrlplUan In munJly lunMlona Swln, eMIl', YBA I1ld B ud­Illnner·up In htr IChool·. the Jr YBA And Ihe DInuba At>,.. I .... lie I • tlhI ! Ttachert. SM Ilu alIG O'· •• m OItl cantu!. All" Loci I Hoopll.1 ('undy CSf' Iltl! mrrnt,<·, &lId hu rt· .I!'1'Ved U AJ-'.~ 6!u4er.t • Pamel. An.Dt Fuku.hlma Strlpel'l. Sho hit rt·celvod (0 ctlv.d th Principal'. lAtI.r B<'>d, Seereu.ty, ",,4 hu w.n I Ih. dau.h!.,r 01 Mr.. Miry humber ot C.ndy Stdp'" AWlrd tor S".nlah. nam,,' I/.) th OutlUMln, ~ 'lJkuAhlm. ot Dlnubl, anel fa .wlrd. tor rvlrr .nd h,. . Janpl K.lko ·Iohllla,.. I T t~nI'~ eof "" .. rica ar.4 ilJ)l>n.orecl by lh. Tu\tlre CoUn. plrUolpnl~d In mAn, Jr. YBA Ih~ tllualll"r 01 Mr. And Mro. WIl'/' Who AmCAl' Amnic.m Iy ehBpler Th. Dinuba Union nlhleUc .,Uviliu RIKI~ NI.hlhlrtl or Vain. Ore. HI.h Sth'..:,1 Swt1#n . .o\nn.... ·ar rellol., who eml- c 11ljJ. The llcen .. number

lP'a~ to Canld. 10u.bHf off of their car WM punched • d~at. on ·ho h .. 1O"r· rouUn.l~ Into a compul.r Ind • lJIllY In th .. ormall park on al11l0 t illJltonU., thc FBI lold the U.s -c..nadlan border her., ualom th", Wal an orr I lUIo n II the P... ,eb In- 'artanl ouI.landlng (or Ih. lernallon.1 Park. o\\'n,r of Iho car ..,me" he,

'las Watanabe. head or Ibe In Ih. U.S l' . Cu oms omce II BlaIn.. Cu.lom. did not know .t did nol dftl,. thel Robert An- til. time Ander,oll w wanl­denlOt1, 31. who leil~ AUI 2( .d A6 an Armv d .... rt.r al­... as apprehended In Canada. mOl<I.1 y .... i.o alt.r <'Ok· (lnddenl with an AP pholo Inlt d., lOcalloll a' n ron­apP"ln In th. Stopt g Time Icienllou obJeclor H. \ II marazlM.) allempUn 10 "r hI. mothor

W.tanlb .. dldn'l 'Inl 10 noar Soaltl.,

Yom ad. had a ked lor ron­<c1enUoul obJtoetor Itilul In •

I.tler pootm"'ked th. same dOll· hi induction order was malll!<! , Ihe judae hOldlh, the ~u .. 1 a,·,1 I!<! too 1.le lor cOllslderaUon Y a mQd~ wa. 6ned SI .500and placed on th,'e.-yew: probaUon.

• Carole Vama kOllh I IJI tht daulthler 01 Mr. lind Mr8. Frink Yamtkolhl 0{ Ret4le, and il 1V0nsored by th. Reed­Ie\' J ACL. A ,nduaUl of Reedley Mlah. CArole will en-

• I Inlo det.all, bUI .elmowl- • 'OW a landtd Immlcranl .da~ U.s. Clutoma ""II do- Ind war kin, .. a carpenler III' le,al retearc:h on where In MI olon. BC,. nde ... on th. 1J S -Canadian bordtr I rued Itoublp ,h.n b. WI' and ",hat happen. In (ale .. ked 10 •• 1 oul b~· cusloms OCIIDeOn, .. apprebended <In omclall and mid ... f .. t d •• h the Can.dI.n $Ide northward IhlilUIlh the Ptn<e

Cause Celebre's debul well received,

tenure relused by S.F. Symphony .-.odenon. hi. wif •• thOlr 10- A~h . In pUllult wor. men In

month-old ~ and Il-yur-old unlrorm and pWnclolh... • SAN FRANCISCO - Early I llIe a~ ", .. authority" Ihl. summer, bauoonlsl Ryo- .nd who hO ... 14 wI.ld It. MbIs R 1 one Vancouver fB.C.l Sun re-

I I porter _In, Ibe ch e .aid. "he musi ha\'e b .... n 50 f .. i at

Japan Today least Inlo Canada" whtn he was cau"'t. handcuffed and m.rt:b~ back Inlo Ih. Slates

hei Nakagawl anel Iympanl!t JOI'Iei Ulrmed It "rid I I pHJu- alilicalion 0 glalne Jon,, ' were deprilled of dice". Ihclr tenure w II h Ihe Son Mljor Iymphony ol'ChHtraJ

B.caUJe And.""on·, Ilwyon produced .y.wltne$ report. IDd picture. to lupperl Ibelr contention Ihat 8 Canadlon landed ImmllP'Dnl had ~n seized 011 Clnndl.n soli. the Slate Depl. within th. Wf<'k ... tumed And.rlon to Canida aftH the OUawl RO\'ernm~1 romploined the seiwre had been in violation or Can.dlan <overelenly Symphony by t h' today h. ve playe",' con1ln.ll- JACL bid pia er commlttce and Its dls- Ule Iun,oUonlng to look after y- aws ue Unl/lilihed ronduClor el j i thHr Illt"resta. Over I h e

Js~ml: TOItYO-SI.po are unde ....... ,.. to .. cyd. !luba" .... Ie.< b,. either p,-rol1zin, and lor """,v.ring resuabl. mllt.r lutom.Ucall,... Treat· menl would allO extract other ... ~Iul ml~a1 a~ ,as and 011 ... eon,INCUon or • .arba~e dbpelal planl In SlI6inaml-ku ~. start loon . A 'UbWllY Hmon ot th. Yamanot. Loop Line may ,et the "gr.en" U"'I in mJd-September flilm tile TtanIportaUon ldlnJatT). The 25-mlle lOOp orle\nates .1 1\ishl-ShlnJuku. and passes throIllh:

OUlwa W'dS In no poslUon to years, many righlll and prero-Inl..-vme In Iho union d«i- ,atlv.. 01 mln.,elflenl have AN FRANCISCO _ All of

.Ion. betn wrested by tbe PI'Y.'1 Aug. 30 there were 23 cl1ap-ThJ. post week (Aug. 281. ~spe<:illly In lOme phllH 0 iers out of 95 respondln. 10

San .bowl!<! h 0 \\f audlUoolnl and hlrt .. ,. • tho NaUonal JACL Council IV e I I II l'elarcls thc Japan- WiUI S.n Francilco, dJrml!· l'ecommendoUon 10 rluty a bom tlni bassoonist of I h e sal proel!<!ureo we,,!! Idded .ev.n-part raUflcollon of the 5 F SYmphony when be made and ap"UHf tor the tint Ume consUtuUon and by-law. deal­Ill<' d'ebul wIth the newly in the "",eo ot Nakal/awa and ing with membership due. rorml!<! San Francisco Cham- Jones. The mUllc dlreclor and the eUmlnatlon oC the 01-ber Winds ai the 300 - oeat (Ozawa) Is consulted only tlce of lIreJldent- tlecl. F· • Fu d dllotl ,yhen playen rated by oth-

ll'om"n • n au urn, era In the orcheotra, aH,ood WhUe the two amondmenls Nikke i lente nced for

bilinC induction call whlch was jam· packed. enou,h to receive a SO p. t e,'!! pused with more than

Thundtrou. ov.~on WII le- cenL emcl.ncy "1-Un,. Thost tht ~u1r.d .,ta and near­cordI!<! Ihe group. Cau •• eel- who do not are .utom.Uoal- unanimoUl 1I0le It the Port­ebre or nOl, Ihe ptolP'am \V~ Iy c1Umilsed, no matter wbal land convention , since t hese hl,hly d_rvln, or praise, t b e mullc director mJ&ht were Int:rodueed frOm the noled Examiner music lYl'/ter think floor. mtille.Uon by maIl Arthur Bloomfield. MiSs Joo .. formerly play_ within 60 dlYs (Oct. I) Ia re­remained only a facei In the eel with th, AmerIcan Sym- qul\'ed.

NlI.hl ... Okubo. t1thta'orr,e .. Yao .. l1 ..

Jl':nm~~~ ' ttat~~e~,=~I~

HONOLULU-C.o.lvln K Ya­mada of Hooolulu wM found

East-West to stag. Naklcfta ... Tlulftlhlma.·

::a~~h~O::~~:'1r~: II/llnJulnt.

Ikebukuro'. main shopping area "'U a "RID" carnival Au,. 4 .. dth « vl.iUDg Bra­zi1Jan samba arllits perlorm­In, their national dance un­d.r a scorcblni summer sun. Th. IJ'OUp wu on • 20-day tour ot Japll1l. One danc.r complained the ro/ftiO was "too IWtiOl" and th~ people ",,·.Ik In too mucl1 of a hurry" ••• To l'urtber reduce use ot private automobUe. 10 cuI down on .mol. the pollc. Intend to .l<und III "no park­in," anu 10 aU part.! tlr To­kyo's 23 ward. by Marcb. 1975. Parking was banned from 1972 In the lhrtiO cenl ... 1

'Ylar of thl Dragon' LOS ANGELES - FI'Snk Chin', compelling lale at San Francl.sco, "Tbe Year of the Orlgoo", will be premiered bere by East-\\l'est Players Oct. 2· 3 with velv­an screen aclor James Hong III a starring role.

total e/fort, ralh., than as- phon,y under Leopold 5110- R~.e, as of AUI. 3D, waa ilgnini hlmself any $J>OWalti- kowskl, while Nakagawa h.d reportl!<! by JACL HeaQuar-gr.bblng solos. playHf \Y I t b the New York ters as tallows:

The playwrl,hl. who re­ceived earU.r accilim with hls "Chlckencoop Chinaman", will be p~1 al the prem­Iere at tile E-W Theiler, 4424 Santa Monica Blvd. Open!n. niiht Uekel Includes a cham­pagne receptJon.

Nakagawa and the only City Orchestra. Both had been Ch- Oul Voted Cb-Dut VOled black female symphony 0 I' - hi.hly regardHf in the N.w I-PNWDC oJ 7-WC _ 0

cl1estra Iympanist In the U.S. York lrea. She mlendl to /l.Ie ~~ao'riN!!:.J t:lm'cDC 4 had been p~sonany seJ.clHf alalnat the musicians union 27-P SWDC _ 7 4-EDC =::t by Ozawa two years ago and on the besil of racial and sex r-----------., jolnl!<! aCler signing proba- discrimlnaUon. N a "I g I W 14 J Ilona! contracts which explr- said he didn't plan to appeaL HAPTER PULse cd Jut mooth. DOnal enaban of the N.Y. ~

The orch06l:r.1'S seven - man Timet term .. tbe Wlder - 60 players' commIttee In a secret raUng as "Iudlcr o ~ .•• and vole handed six other musl- could be credited by 01111 the olans their tenure bul Dot Na- m OBt naive at observera . kall3wa or Miss J ones, whleh OUlwa's present eommJt.­the New York Times regard- ment with San J'rancl.sco cOD­ed as a players' revoll against eludes next J u n e and has

October Events

ht!uoi. Keiro-kai

",nl let for Oct. 5

'an!I 0{ OUyocia, Cbuo and MlJIAlto.

~gular run begins Oct. (, playtna Frida,.s throu.h Sun­days.

Ozawa. a perrectlonlst IV h 0 been COIlCflll:r.lt1ni with the Name. of Nikk.1 70 y .. ,., has been trying to boost the Bost.on Symphony. wblch Is tJI .. e or older are being c:a.lIbre of tile orchestra. lookint tor a eondw:tor-!Uusic IOutht by the Kel:o-ka.1 cam-

The TImes writer IIW the director. IIIIUM to Uvure no one ill ,""looked a l the communlt,­

• Richard Oim. IlflllD!! CHINA- The JI­pan-Chlna J'rtendshlp Society ..urnalft lbout 7,ooD Japa_ n_ .un Nmaln In what "'IS eaIl~ Mancl1uri •. The H.alt.'I­Welfan M1nbtry, bowever, IAYI the cou.nt 18 closer to

Aloha from Hawaii teIUmOnlal (X41ro-kal) din­ner s..t tor Saturday, Oct. 5. a' the Palo Alto Buc!4hIst Church. They shOUld be re­pOrted to:

1111 W ...... be. 1_ Cold Bubor :t'1fJ'. cupVUno. C&1IL *14 (217-

2.800. The .oclety can. AUl\1l1 III month to IIndlntl Japan_ H,w.iI Tod., orphans .UU living in China

Glenn Ta.fUc.h1 h .. bHD named the new campalln man .. er lor

Honolulu J~~,"::~~~ Bt:n1!r~d. ~!~~~ .. will as th.1r pllftDl$ in J.­p.n. It they ar. allll lIv1n,. The J.pan .. " were being re­p.t.rta~ ITOm Chi n a In lP'oup. uolll IQSS. It \\aa ac­celeraled on an Individual hulJl when diplomatic rela­Uon. were re .... ttbU"'~ in 1972

Vern NObCk. a Big h ..,cod J,m., Yamamolo. mayoraJ candidate, says he Yamamoto quit b~use of hlJ

lavors development ot a marl· :=~~n~~r07~~' ~~ "'?~h juan. on th. BII uland. No- II.. .ndo,.,d 0001101 ",_UDor !<Ck. 47. Is • Republican. He Ctor,. Arlyo.hl told thf' Hawaii Tribune Her- ~ta1e- rrorfSt"ntl tt\.'e Rick Me-

aId that • SlO miUlon mart- ~~:~ ~:V~IIr'~~1 .h~~Ddi'csn:t'!n~~ Juana IDdustr1 could be de- M.ul County m.yor In Ih. Ocl. &

vcJoped In the next tour ~~.!1j'\~r~ a' ~k,~: Ut D('n . :.~: WOllON - A ToiI;Jo-b_d )'ean;, And he said II could be tlon "to nil Iho v •• uum" l.tI by

ate Ird... CNobuko FuruJd. Ihe .0luUon 01 the economic Clm.r Cn\'alho. Maul'o p ... . n' 31J ror Air Franc. won a 1.,.1 problema or North Kohala. In mayor· ·Mtdlna .. yo h.·U ~am.

rulln, Au,. 7 th.t her hel,ht Ju.lltylnll hi. proposal. Nosek r.."-:: ·~ .. ~~t "~~~!:?!~~.n~; t~: (5 fl. 21;) and wel",t (125'2 Itld. "Everyone Is growing It Stale Fl'ou.< Tourtem Committee. lb.) did nol mab her "obese" and Ulinll It In Kona anyway.' b, culTO'nl .ttncSardt. which Noaek 13 a nallve of Cucho- Crime File th~ carrier h.d dtiOmed 10 .Iovakla ... Stonator Hiram \Vl/l lam Starr. 36. Unlv 01 Impair the "chic ImallP" 01 lis Fong O.YI he _00II experts n Hawaii physIcal fltnus rolch. . and rallHf to vote on • bill which Includes h9JI been arrested on warrant. continue her .mploymonl a $IStl.OOO Ipproplr.tion ror ehar~lng him ,vlth 27 counl.s Th •• am. wllk, the le- ear- laro researeb. 5 e n a I e and 01 rorRery In PennS)'lv.nlo. old tIIrl frnm AuJJtria crowned Howe ronler..,. Included th. The UH welghtuftlng coach MIN YounK InUmaUonal In taro lund. In the Agriculture, and monager or the .\hI"'le Tokyo Il.ndt 5 n, 7 and .nvlronmenlal and ClOnSWller donnltol')'. he '" accusl!<! 01 '" elgb. 117 lb •..• Th~ group pmt.ectlon funding bill lor ft l - rorJrln~ checks a,alnst the 01 25 HIJ'11Ihiml Malden •. senl cal ,oar 1975. York (Po 1 Barbell Club. Slarr lo \he U .S. in 1055 for treat- .!:.i·:~I·tr(J'; 1·.m~~Y:.'~~ltl n ~t~:. Jolnrd UH In March nfter rn(!nt nr \helr k~lold ..,ar. on to I .• ,.., In Jun •. accordln, rvlne •• physical ntneSJI tace:, ha"e ,.""Iv,·d a to Robe. I Cllkrv. depuly olale coach fOr Ihe Hou8lon Oilers _ond Invitation It} promoln lobor dl,.Olor. du. to tho .... nd the BalUmore Colts. .. 0 more H i~OJhlmu't and to :~!n~nI1f'u~~r~~ ht~,!·el":~~~ ':'"r~ think Amprica 'm uI~ 20th krt 10. l\I~mer fnh Tho Inar .. ~ Educat ion .nnlven.1')' of Obt Irll'. ,.IO"fl In. numb .. 01 !obtt .or· The Stol~ Bo.ll'd or Educa­(JI tII~ IP'nup. Iwo died or n, 10 31.«)0.

Ito m I c afIN-Afff'Cta. tbter The . win .uprtme ""url h. lion hu approved appolnl­m.rrt~ In Ih~ U.s . and 21 ru lnd Ihat pollre rna;~ nol 010" mellta or l\Yo deputy dlst rfct rpwm.d and 10 "r tII~m ar ~ dnd h·l. k a "....lOn ,olnly on <uperJnlA!n d~tlta : ~ l lc b ae l n o­ha"pU,. morr1rd Th .. Rn KI- Ihe bAfI, 01 .n unverified Up .aIDA "" Maul Illled a VRcanC1 ".hl Tlnlmol/.) of the Nua- IUpplll·d by on unnaml!<! In- .r •• lt'd b,. Oorr II Oishi'. ap·

r01l.... Church. Hlroohlma. rorrn~r" Th~ Jl1IIIcea voled 4 polnlment 01 Moul rtlslrlcl su­.. h" pan.ort'd tII~ Ilrll lP'ouP. III I In rAVOr 01 upboldln jt a P<'rlnlend~nt: Krn,o T.ka la. .. 1t1 It may br IrnDO Ihle III circuli tourt rullni thai rte- deputy Windward Oabu dl.-

lend all tile .Irl ~.~~tII: ~J~h~'ll~r~~II~: ~~~t~ rn~"o~u'i~endl~~~o~~ IIVld~ncc In Ihe criminal trial P<'rlnlCndcnl. Jimmy llu be· 01 Walttr Joao. Th. supreme rom •• the new Windward dls_ court dccl.lon .ftlrmed thaI I r let suJ)l'rlnlcndcnl. Th. In Canada pelk. violated Jono', Indlvld- oourd nlso hoo approvl!<! the ".1 liberty when they IIoppcd appelntment of David It.a l. him, r.LoI."d him and round a. prlllcipal of Moloknl HISh

VI l1'on J.p.n Prim_ th. plltol anti Intormedlate School. Mlnl,tt r K.kuel T.naka I, "oloklt ",III ,.t II. nrat bu.l· .ch~dull!<! to vl.11 C.n.da Politic. I Seen. no 'rolnlnl pmlrom _ n on • !k t 23 20 lh J It tI fr:1I1:h. tr!:%,t~rf~n U .~'d ~J;har~~ nl p Pri;;f!' A:l~'It.r T~:e.():' t r",. Wln"d .rd Action C.trJIJP C.nnrm'. Intf'rnaUnnal But1n.u Oru f)f th,. .tl)pl In Toronto c.."':~1 rf~ltc~:,::" c~~. cr:n['t~:lr:1lt~ redl.,. h .. b.rn I.wardld NO,OOO win b. I' Ole J ap.n. Cang ... 01 Int.,." In _ hl'l\utn. tJl!\'.l f/p" ~'n,~e.~. lr ~n.w:O~I::: •. branch Inn

db" Culturll Cmtm Stpt. 2S ~~n'o.: ~tg;~~~. b(~rn-:I~lnc~~un'i~~ We quote pMrt.l ot 011 edl ... • A 3l"'mln kenrJo te.m b, Wilt,,.,. Humph,I"". rhar., 101lnl uJ)peurtng In th r July

'rom W.&etli UnlvI'nlty, JI- :~' tt)C:~I~~l:, ~" .. lIh!t1 tt:nt~n:..?!:.. 2ft 01 thl' Star-BullrUn nbout pan. b'rnlIIHTn~d l.hrou.h .(j •• an .'!t,rn.) In " li nd dl ... Ur, I uJlo M.atauda, new prel ­CenacS. In AuauaL Th. lour· po,l. Involvlnl 0 Kan..,h. hou •• Idenl or th lInlv. 01 H 9W~II: tt., ~llt In Tor~tf) tncludtd ~~I!h~~:~1 Va~!rl~~r~:nPht~. ~h: ,,~ '~ r',,;,~ .?r l h~l·::~:l" u"~. I~: fJne rip I Ion a. the In ... ""dll'll'" (nt UI' ,tal- Ifl)u f)t (1.11 1 wUh uu •• itll.Uon . the

fl)rmll It>umlmmt~, • called. R"p," •• null.u. r.hlka'IJY~ ctu.,~- ~'I~~:: .nd t.fmm •••• " ot ~f': ' J~: A tl('"v' WI •• Ito h,.rtt ~t1 !r'~II~"1f ~~m~~,~nt ~~~ 'ufir'n-It A ,auth t'orr~tltm.1 In.ts- pt.,t, y,,7tt tI., campalln ('hlkt .. ~~nt tlt)nl~1 man Wh~u~ •• n~":r1l.' d tuUon The Jut lim'" • W. d f1.It. h.A "'I'd "'"nlntHtm "'_Ptr UI n (ully In hnth tht aCidem ia al'J('.od 'UI lP.llm vhU,.,J Tornn- t", , ..... ' • .- Illm 10 (:III, ('oundl .nd P4',lIl1ral .rr.n

otnanc. r,0lJQY that llmit.s tJ\t reo. I.nla' ro • 10 POIle7 ... t!JnJ. prom­tNt the PresJdet \hI primary re­lpolUIJblUty tor ad.ri\tnJ.ttraUoD. and the faeuJUh tbe pr1.mary

~:r=~. ft~.te:~!~~' ;e~!~~ day wlU be looked bae. on •• a ,DOd day and • ver)' important mJjuto •• for the Unlv. of Ha­\\Iall."

Co-hOita 10r the procram 1ft Sequoia .lACL, P .A. Bud­dhIIt Cburch, Free Methodist Churcb o~ R~wood Clb' • MId-Peninsula Gar den e r s ANn.. Aldenpte Mdbodlst Church and NlcIlIbei Kyoka1. Tickets are $8 per perron.

November Events Sporta Scene

Tbe A&&hl team 01 the H a- prep.rine waU B ... baIl I.e"". scored for 4th Holld.y Flir

one of Ita blilfll!l win, ever Handcraft whlcl1 the Cle .... July 24 by dflteaUn, tile Cu· Jed JA ct. can sell at Its ban national team. 5 to S. be- crafts- flowen booth at the {ore 30.000 persons In Tokyo. fourth annual HoUday Fair In Th' AlIahls. manIJed by Masa early November at EucUd Yonamlne, tlnished with a 2· 1 Central J r. Hlih School are record In Japan. beln. prepared.

Nlmel In tha N."" r-i al Euclid vWa wW man their own concession this

Pbllllp Yam.ryehl bas been year to show orr their talents promoted to Army LL Colonel in unusual gUts. whll. serving ,vlth th. head· quftrten U.S. Anny al Ft. Sh a / He I. 8 personnel slaff ollle .. · wIth the office or CALENDAR lh,· depuly chief ot S\.lIlT . . . SOpt. 13 (f'rtdQ) Bb bo)J Kanmo l mamnra, of PhU.delpl,I.-Bd ~Il •. Honpo Hongwanjl Mlulon. .pl. 1:1- 14 was honorl!<! on Ihe occasIon SoIl uk. Clll'-BenrRI mo<l ... of hIa 70th blrthdlY al aD lIuddhl.t Churoh. ?:30 p.m, aloha banquet Aug. 2 at the 'I\Iw. IoPl.JS ~1""t~Ju., Hilton HawaIIan Vlllaie. Tbe DlnUb~o~r.m~rt:rH.b 7 • . m .. blahop. who Ia rcUrln" was J2n. 10 leavi Au,. 4 lor Cnlllomla. lSan Llk ... 'l' .olt

. WillY O1Iu\1OlI. 0 lIore- 'ouma~:~"'~~~.~~rark. keeper ftl'llt Claal trom Hono· CODe-DUI Mit lu lu, hu bti'O telecled OJ Pa· Sepl 11 (Thund~) 0.10. Fleel S&llor of the Year . • ..:r..~s':.t!'~~. e":.'~r:"j:a A IQ~5 trraduale Of FarringtOD .'a\IUolca. oarlOOnlJl. Ipkr. HlI/h School, he was •• Iecled h pl. 21 (Sallor4'7J over 150.000 men servinl 00 W~~h~'~fl~1 ~';Ci?"Ja~tP~~k : 200 ships .nd .t.atlons In the .I~.: 120-4 p.m.

PaelOc. WJI •• HI~X:na~!.~w.~~ ••.


Liberal Terms No Extra Charges

National JACL Credit Union Mill: P. O. lIox 1721. Salt Lake City. Utah 84110

OffiCII 242 S. 4 t h fli t , Sa lt Lak. City

Tel.: (801) 355.8040

R.m.mb" yOu can bo,row $3.000 on vour ,Ignllu,. with. qu.llf1od cr.dlt ,.tlng.

l/) Ii In 1"27 wh n ILl b~ .. !'~~~~11 J~ nntJ~~I~ :~:: . m~'k::U~h:. f'It;;~~"~::;'fl\Jr;;!r: I ~~, Mt~:Ud.:o:rci bill ~ C&II\D. In attl)m.y, .... D mot:t. ', 0' R",. nl •• t.o announc tt • ~y. 11 ________________________ _

Ibis is the h

that Sacrifice

That's the JACL's first National HeadquartelS Building .. Actually, it isn't

built yeL But when it is, the practical obser .. er ~ ~ lt ~ ~ f rom s leel. glass and .ooncrele: We kn?W better. It IS ~g ~t~ more precious material Sacrifice. PainfuJ, deep, gen~ ~ that began with the first Issei who immi~~ to ~enam shores to . 10ns.Corgotten privations. Sacrifice of NisseJ lives on distant battleJie1ds. Saai­

. lice that is chronicled in the Great E\'llcuatinn. crifice that goetI by the ~ oC racism and bigotry and has touched the li~ of all J.a~ A.merxa But out of this crucible has been forged a magnificent herltqe.

. h ' 6. It . berita- in which we DOt only It is our Japanese Amencan ~rt"'~ . to a .w til ......Iouud take ~ pride but also one in .ich we are humbled by e .... ~ be

expetience oC our tradition. \Ve ~ot bI.\Y such R heritase. !or.: ~ c:m. eei on the sacrifice which created lL But: aw lU--.Ye 1t m 8D

establish an enduring memorial to our sacrifice..

That is wbat the JACL Building Fund Ca~paifl1 is all about.. Alrea~ JACL members and tn8l1Y others across the nation and aro~ the world contributed to making the dream a ~ty. ~e (int NatioDlll Hea~ Bullding-a center for our organization, 8 livmc museum lor our UaditiIDI.

and a tribute to our heritage.

If you hav~ not yet made your girt to the Building Fund, it is -= t;: Jate But not qulle. The aunpaign has ~ E'Jrtended Cor a few more roar

dont keep putlin, off what you hav~ been ~ do ~~~ to Jilt hOW Use the Conn sent to you m the mail. Or SIDlpiy Y S. JACL BUILDING FUND, 22 PEACE PLAZA, SUITE ~: ~ F. ~1 How much? 525, 100 or 1,000. Ally ~untis not too small if1tlS8 ~ lor you. Let your bedlag be your JUide.

Page 4: to,,! THE OTH ER 16 NAT'L JACL SCHOLARSH IP WINNERS … · 2000. 8. 31. · Inter·fllth pln.1 • II I. 1101 a Que tlnn n to l ;o\~ ",au we cooperate. it Is Ihat wc ... in space

4--Pacific Citizen Friday, Sept. 13, 1974

• Allin Beekmln

Henry Takahashi

retires after 48 yrs. In optomery Book Review

ANALYSIS OF NEWEST JAPAN WRITERS BERKELEY. 0111. .\ltel' 48 vCa'" 01 hi. p''I\ct\ee In

oj NarauallUl. starrll\Jl Klnuyo opt,Qmcll·y. Dr. lIenry M. Ta­Tanoko as tho old woman 10 knhushl hu rcU"ed Cram hlA be obandon<!d and ("" turin:: profession. HI : brothe.·. Dr. spectaoular color photogra- Eme.. 'l'akDhnshl and A ,0-ph~ ·. clMe. oC Ouklond wlll contl-

1!',TRODt'CTIOS TO 0 ' ­TE~ O I.L\ltl· J P A ;>; E E UT£Il.' n1lE: YDOp ~ 01 IIIajot Woru, 19S6- 1870. 1<0· '"""I BUDka blDko""l (Ja· taD Cultural :Society I: dblr .. Illtenwotional Sollolarly Book ~",IcH, Inr.. Portland. Or~.


Tall/a /{I$.tlu. as Sra.oll oj nue Henry'. Berkeley prtlc­I'loII",co. ha. been translott!<! Uc" a. thelr second office. Into EnJIllsb by John G. ~UU., Hel"" was I h t.' IltGt NI el Tushie TnkDhllmll and Ken 10 "'aduk~ from the Unlv. oC Tremayne. Narol/Illllabu.hl-I.:o CoJl!ornla Oplometry School,

In Januan' 1956. the ~<al' has been tran.IoIN by 000- and Is now til" old""t alum­~i1nn1ng uie """iod covered aId K"""" aa Th~ Old 1V0- nw. or the ochool. b,· W. ,olume. hnt&ro Ishl- 1110". Ih. IVlf_ and Ill" A,..,11- Dr. Takahushl haa Ix .. n OIC-

hUa r.cei·ed the AkualRawa ~ tlve In mony clo;lc and com-Awanl tOI' his novel. Tail/a Pr""umabl~ It "as the Ed- munlt)· a ffal ... boln, on Ule 1(l$nsv. ~ 0 ,'. 25. 1070. the \\'onl G. SeldenaUcker trans- Berkeley Plonnln~ ConunJ. ­l r ""dil\Jl the period. Nov- latluns that aUracled the at- :dou and Cldc ,\rtoI CommLs­e lst Yukio Mishlma ""mm1t- tenUon 01 the Nobel Prize slon, and beln!! n councillor ted suicide. commIttee to Yasunarl KawII- of U. C. Alumni AssoclaUon,

Iklwecn the t\\ 0 \'tnts bala. Ule award solnS to this J dIrector or Berkeley Rotary much of IItcr.r. ,jgnl8cance Japan .... author In 1968. With Club and one 01 the found-occurred In Japan. In a ~O- the a\\'lIreline of I h e obel era of JACL. pace introduction. To k e 0 Prize to Raw.bow, Japan .. e Ii" aloo won national l'CColI­Okuno critic and prof, r of ma, be sald to have tormol- nltlon In photography and ,J'Pln~ IIteralur". ,ummarl - Iv • entered ·the . trcam oC W u. voted a Fellow or the tes th events and aDulyz- "'orld literature. Photogruphlc Soc i" t y of

thP condition (rom "hlch Translations or Japanese AmerIca.


Government J:; nllin ~ e I with rrtclnc

NodhwCJI Bcll. Sharoll l"uJI­taul 01 ScuWe wa. llppolnl"d b~' Go\'. Dun Evon. l.() u lhl'(.>e-jtcOl' lcnn ou tho newt • uulhol'l,cd .In\(' e Ie,· t 1' 1 c 8 I ('ontrnclol', ~xumtnhlR bonl'd . ' fr!. Connie Kubo \\ n" nomed 10 Ihr Frc. no Coull ty comn,I"lon on youlh devolOV' tn"nt, " 12-mcmb"J' body con­cCI'ned with lu,'onlle delln­quencr prcvoJ>lIoll.

San F'rUllclsco lU'chlte.l Ral Okamoto wu. appoInted by 1I10YDI' Allolo Aug. I 10 the committee oC nrcblteClf Gnd dc clopcl':s' to aul.1 Ihe Port Comml •• lon develop It. nO"lh­cI'n wate,·fl'onl.

Trave l

LOR NGU, r-: - An"," the SO St>ulhland m~1 mer Un" with CallI. SocrolUry "I SLaI" Jerry Brown. Dcmo<-ratlc nomillet lor S(lJvernor .... cenll)· at Yumal" ~H (/ .. om I, fll Ken Haya.hl, H,,,,ry Sukn!. f'rank Chuman, Brown ..• lluu Sonoda und Sue K EmbreI GrollI' I, pl.nnlne an O(1.Ob.1 tund-l'ul er Cor the subernatorlaJ camp.lell


they 'Ptarll:. IIterulu"" ha"e Increa.ed. At Henry 8rsl had hils omee B,' 1956. Ihc wound> inftlet- the Ume t hIs "olume was In SIlI1 FI'Snclsco'. Chinatown

-" ~n Japan b.l· WW2 had complied, 15 of Ihe 72 autll- and became. good friend ot "" ,. Or< had b. d sOlll~ 01 their the now famous Klngmlll1 Lee ~IWI to heal. The Korean work trallslsted into En~lIsh. when he was a young strug-

Commel'clnl pUola who h d Ihelr stll ... 1 by 8elllna airline UckCl18 are rew. Olle 01 them I. DI\'ld Morlsono, 31. of San Dletlo who retul'TIed wIth hl6 1811111y Irom Japao III IQII4. lundlns n lob with P~clftc Southwesl AIrways. T h \' e. yea.\'! late.·. he was ftl"ht en­gIneer; a co-pllol In 1970 alld lrat April became caPUlin aile.· completIng 3,500 fl ying how'S. SInce lhen, he hah 101-ged O".r 5.000 on the Inlra­state carl'ier.

LLAN BCEKnlAN mi Ion. he ha~ tril4 to re- ~~n .F-fl !;j.O c ft"I '0. 1-30 ~tn. due, Ihe PI' to an Instru­ment 01 the government he a plr", to head.

\\" r had helped 10 fCI'I,,,1I7C gUng artIst In Chinatown. Slmll.rlU betwe<!'TI I h e

1!00It. 202 312 E. for" SI. 624-2821

tbe Jap nae ecol1om~ With HCIlr~' latel' moved his omce 1 • .Ii opportunllles for lei ure. Third Ul " sed ... U,e ''''''k to Nlhonmachl at the corn -

I vee'.1 10 Tllr P.u:llit' ClllvnJ

HONOLULU - SCliklng the DemoeraUo nomina lion lor Governor In the Oct. 5 pri­mary elecllon. Honolulu M<ly­or Frunk F. Faal ha, laken umbrage at ronneI'Ll. Gov. Thomns P. Gill. also ,,,,,klnS( the nomlnaUon, who referrc-d 10 Faal as "a Mu sollnl".

~rf:Cr of Arlyoohi and Ihat . Real Eot..I~Loo .\ardu ot Tolo arc laCking. Oftldal HawaII ha: Indoctrlnolcd An­yoohl with thl> concept that he I the same naUonaUty ... Tojo and eenetlcally dlsqual­lfied from belne anything "I..,. Thai Fa. I approves Ihe Index:­trinatl()O II apparent In b I • relcrence to "racial grOUp." For " Nisei. AriYOIOhi h a, a good command of the Japan-

tlle new .belal ond poUllcal Usls the authons alphabetlcal- Cl' ot Pusl and LalUJ1a St.., stablUty crealed a demand tor l\'. bIographical matel'lal and the premise now beIng cecu­lIteratur" In e.·c of .uppb·. synopses of work una"allable pled by J ohnny Tanl..,chl'. Periodicals OITCl'ed unprece- in Elu!lJsh tronslation. {I. list J apan Trndlne Co. d~nled prosp(.-Ct.s for new wri- of the author's works. ~how - (His office scn'ed WI the lers to break Inlo prinl. The In!! when, and by whom. pub- prewar National JACL Head­diddlnl Une between good Ushed Is appended. quarters mailing address, be-and popular Illerature blur- Fans of Japan""e mo,les tore stal! was hIred.)

rcd,.;..,~_ h l'I.'ce"ed the Aku- may enjoy readinlt here .b~ut ... "'" authors whose work> they ve

Radio- TV

Up",. AWard. fshlharu wus seen bel'eened. PubUshers and sUlI a student at Hllotsub3bhi lr.mslators in search 01 .ult­Uni\'ersil,y. His no,·el. about a b I e Utles shOUld ftnd the a boxer who lives for phy.l- work in"aluable.

Bad check passer

pleads guilty

"Ince l\tataudalra or Se"l lle has JoIned Bill BU"I'Ud Pro­ductions. Los Angeles, aa aJ­soclule producer Cal' a ncw "World of the Sea" seliC!. The Unil· . 01 Washin~ton graduale In communication. ore"i',us l y .... orked with KIIl O-TV. SeatUe: and as writer wIth the Ralu ShIm , Los Anqel.s .. Ballel danc­el'-acrobatic Pamela Ku t.u­lUll. 16. who has III a oumbe,' or TV cammel'cI (Scolohgard and Matlel Toy ). has joined U,e Bob Hope U 0 Entel'lUinment troupe tor Ihe coming win~I' season. Sbe I. lhe dnughter "I the Arlen Ku­tsunais of Santa Ana .

OC the fi,·c Demceruls .cek­Ing the nomInation (one J> •

token candidate) . Fasl says he n<Jrmally Illnorb the Other three: St.1te Senator Pres. DavId C. McClung !lhe wcak­est). Aoting Gov. Gl'Qrse R

e e language. On these t VI 0 CIlAItJ.IU·c FAMu..y HOlU

cal """""tion and e.xpl'c>slon.

Ari)'o hI and Gill. Ot Gill. Fasi said. "One I

must condemn. nol becau.e he insulled me, but beeau.c he ~:!.'!if e"Fry l'3cial group In

points, r~cmblance between Ct'l.erf1't,d IW1I\7 Jdtd$w ., lara" hIm and wurlord Tojo ends. ~r:~ '::,m ::.s ~'l~

On Ihe other hand. postula- IWm VII/nc _ ... 1Itnp. ... _

lion o( ArIYOIShi u front-run- ~u:r~~I:~11~~. r~d~r t:th~& acId 300.000 copies. became a

social I",ue and made a cel - SClC adl' aurns early ebrlty ot the author. 10 the

lI"r In the race for nomlna- Slum.,... Ill, IoIUOO. LIon h a. merll. Puenacioua 12H-~236 m·ll91

same year hicbJro Fukazawa PHILADEL P ~L~ - T he TORR-.NCE, Calir. _ Ken ~ won the Chuo Koron Prize Soulbern Christian L e a d el' neth Choy wbo last Jul' tor nel\' wrilers with Naraya- hlp Conference, founded by pleaded gutity to lmpersona{-

ob1<sht-ko. a work tar dU- th.e I ale Dr. MarUn Luther i n g a federal olll""l' dUTlng terent in concept and spIrit King Jr .• en~ed Its 17th an- the Gardena munIcipal e1ec­trom the Ishihara oOI·el. nual convention a day ahead lions and recel"ed a 90-day

Based on a legend about of .Ume lasl monlb due to J a i I senlence. was In courl a bandonJnll old women In the lack oC funds and poor at- again last week (Sept 3). mountains to .tan·e, the work tendance. The A tlanta - based This time he appeared in b probably besl known In the organization has been unable South Bay Superior Court

W ~: est =~ tr ~ o ~ m ~~ th ~ " ~ m ~ o ~ , ~ ,j ~ e ~ , i B ~ a i l i la i d ii t i o i m ii ee i t ii 'ts ~ p i a ~ Y i r i ou ii sin ii ce f:J: un l e . and pkladed ,"illy to two counts of passing bad chccY.s in connection with the G ar ~ dena iocideot The 35 - year old " confidence man" was scheduled to be senlenced on Sept 10.

Public defender Masamune Kojima said Cho>' wishes. to make restitution tor the $600 worth of bad checks lJIvolved.


"What would happen It IIIr. Arlyosbi was the front-run ­ner'! What If I called hIm '3 Tojo'? How would t hat make the Americans of Japa­ne..c.e ancesu"y (eel'!"

One can only speculate on how Identifying Arlypshl with Hldeki Tolo. hanged a~ a war

Sacramento City board or criminal. might make the Nik­education. by a 4-2 vo~. ap- kei reel. but the Identification poinlcd ~klo lwaoa,a. diree- would be unlike to the IdenU­tor of counseling at Sacra- f1eation used against Fasi. mento High. to be the sch I Local Jaw and custom. and district's coordInator of bilin- the U.S. Bureau oC the Ccn­gual education researcb pro- sus, preclude Fasl from beIng ~ram. Two board mem Hawallan. but permIt him. as who opposed the appoIntment. a Caucasian. to co""ider hlm­Judy Kerri and Eva Garcia. selr American. B II t Ihough contended he had no parti- born and bred in America. he cular expertise In bilingual publicly identifies him..<eIC as education. The school district Italian.

Fa,1 has frightened away "0-lers who cheruh Ihe right 01 I

!':i ~'t':~~~ ~~~~~P~ ~ I trusteeship In the Bl.hop E -tale. acId-tongued Gill has tarred hlJrueJf all ~nti-. 'ikkel and champion oC race c&re­galion.

In the mcanUmc. :soft-!pok.­en. mild-malUlerl'<l AJiyoohl h85 3\'oided offendIng anyone. During the long lJIness oC Go\'. John A. BUrn>. ArI~ oohl has quietly and efficlentl~· ad­ministered the slale govern­ment and so commended h1m­'elC to the eleetora~.

When the \'ole> .'" count-I ed. Ihe~ may prove him to be the tront- runner.

Three Gener.tKH\! 0' Exoericnce

. 5 R I TO R E RI,.TYUJ.

t'tOMES·· ., I N SU~A r" c[

One 01 the L.a'G~' 5oe 1ectlOnl I 2421 W leffe,,,,,,, LA


8etw~ Ol.;;'td Mld J(~lt' ~ Ber...., Fa,.,..,

..,-.--I Stocl< .and Bon,jJ

• .\LL EXCH.'l~.'GES e#1[l: MAGAZINE

• "i. "SIN>.I/A'.fEP'TC.4N tOENTilY

NOW, a quality illustrated. magazine thateltpreSJe,

tile Asian-American at work and at home. IIring.

ing its rDader vital. interesting people. People who

or. reflective of the constant blending of two her·

itnges - One that is old and traditionol, the other

n_. constantlychonging and always challenging.

34th Infantry reunion CHICAGO - The Infan ­try D! ,'islon Assn. h e I d its 27th annual reunion Sept. 6-8 ~t the Sberaton - O'Hare. The "Red BuU" divIsion included the 100th Infantry beCore Ule ali-NIsei battalion l oined tbe 442nd RI>gI. Combat Team in Italy.

said hIs job InlTolves work- So It appears his obJecUon Ing wIth a research team In to the reCeren"" made by Gill develop guidelines and philo- Is' not Ihat Fa S I has been sophy. Iwanaga had served identified with a foreigner but wltb the district on research that Gill, wHh :so man~' ad­and development ... Fow mirable I talians l<> choose farm",' Barr:!, Blnoka .\\'IIS from. has identified the Hono­elected president at 5 e Julu Mayor \\·1 t h a dicta lor Center Community Co 11 e e who ended sU'Ung up by tbe district board, wbich su heels in a Milan square . vises the operation ot t ·o Nevenbelos:,. examination schools: Fresno City College oC the career of Benilo Mu,­and Reedley College. solinl and that oC Fasi show

F U K U I Mortuary, Inc.

707 E. Temple St. Los Ang"les 90012


I i fred funakoshi I. !~~~:: ~:::.

J ~DI ,.publuhtd qvllrulr.II.2$p" iau, N ~ ________________________ __

ADD~ S __________________________ __

ON __________________________ _

STATE, ________________ ZIP __________ _

o I V, $4.50 0 2 y,.. $8.50

JADE MAGAZINE, 8240 .... ,Iy II. d

te. Ang.I •• , Callfomlo 90041

o 3 V,.. $12.00

,." ,.,.,., "

In Case You Missed It!

1974 NIsei Week Festival Souvenir Booklet ... $1.00

~ "'. ~,.


PrOl>ram -' Photos Galore • Queen Candidates


I 35 PO)lp"d by

Nisei W •• k Sou'#,nir Iookl" Committe.

l 01 f . I " St .• Lot An,.t ... C. II ,. 90012

., .. Enelv d •• ______ __

-.0 ...................... H ............................................ ~ ... _ ....... _ ...... •• .... ••••• .... •• .. ·······- •••••• · ••• __ ......... u ••• _ .................... _

5.... .. ................. ZIP ............. _ .•.

~'I' ",,.,,, ,.",,. "" ,." ,.,,,,, ,,,,, I' ,.",.,.",,., 1..#"""'''' ' fI""'''''''''''''''''''''''' ' ' #<I' '''''''''\#.# '' , _ ""..""",,~

Sofch FukUI Presuient J~~s NakagawCi. Manager Nobuo Osuml Counseltol

Local Scene Ten Sansei from So. Calif. at least one point 01 strIk­

privale unlvel'Slties and col - log .Imilarity. Mussolinl re­lege consortium will partiel- shaped I h e llalian govern ­pate in the 1974 Year-in-!a- ment changin!,! electoral law '.;;;:::::::::::::::::::::=: pan program at Waseda's - to assure Fascist control and

'------_____ ..-l lemational Division from thLs suppressIng a I i opposition LOI A"cele. month. Prot. Noboro Inamoto parties and ~ewspapers. Eq­

a l USC Is progl'am direc tor. ually polVer - h ungry and In-L.A. ponce Dept. bas low- Among a lolal oC 27 students. tolerant, Fasi bas barred dIs­

ered the height requirement lhe 10 Sansei are: favored newspaper reporters I 101' applicants (male 01' 1e- USC-Paul Abe. Bett. RInl • from clb' press confCl'l!JlCes; male) to 5 tt. 6 to encourage I$u. Jonalhan K.~. Nanel N I· he has soug. hI to circUlm'ent mOl'e minorIties to become l:'o~: ~~ftl.~h"ro~·nt '\1;:: a Federal court order. t hat poUce ollleer. Other standards da; C laremO\1I-~lark Sirabayo. ruled tbls ban unconstltution­are unchanged: age 21-J4, ahl: Ot:cldentol-Kennth ~. aL heIght up to 6 ft. 8 with chI. M .... dlth YlUUl. To conll'ol the press. Fas! weight proportionate to height, Dr. Joe K . Yabo oC. sought a "rlghl- to-reply" law 111gb school graduate. Start ing ",,!geles was named coordioB- similar to one thaI U.S. Su­salary Is $1.000 per monlb. tol of grad!,ate studies ~t pl'eme Court has sInce ruled

Central ~UchlJlan Uulverslt,Y s unconstilutional. Through

Shimatsu, Ogata and Kubota


91 I Venice Bilid Los Ange les



Lonr Beach IsseI Pioneer Dept. of InduSllial Ed . ucatio,~ seeking passage of a bill thaI Project membel's wUI visIt and Technology. He leccnU) would pUI the big dailies un- I;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~; Calallna Island Sept. H, leav- ealned hi. doctorate at thc del' thl' jurhdlcUon of the ;: Jllg on the BIg While steamer Unlv. of Maryland. ~e pre- State Public Utilities Com­from berth 95 at 9 a.m. and vlously taught IndustrIal a returning at 5:45 p .m. In the L.A. school system Hnd

at Central Michigan. S.F.-East B_V

Eden J apaaese Senior Cen­ler .bedule for the moh th in­cludes makinll hot pads with ),al'TI and Millyo lessons on Ihe 12th. crarts and 8u , hol6 on tho 26th.

Sa" Francisco

Crime ClaIming to bc a bu)'e.· or

Japanese SIl'OI'CiS. blronot HIrano. 25. or 01.0. Jop . pleaded guilty 10 n Cclon,v oharge 01 second degree bur -lory last month lor stealing 80me Japanese SIVOnlS tronl an Alameda residence. He was spOiled elllel'lng th~ home C)f J ack Paras •• sword collcetol'.


J apaneJOe 101\&11O,e el ... e. wIll be taught Ihl. lall at two lunlo,' hl/lh "ehoots. accordIng to Nobw uke Fukuda of tile Japanese bilingual - bleultul'~l

cducallon pr61l1'0m. Mr •. N9- Norman T. Kobo:!,a hI , M.D .• rae MochizukI wi ll leach at 67. oC Gardella dIed Sept. ~ Roor.evelt; Mrs. Kunlko Ozaso ot a heart condItion. The S I at A.P. 01811nini. Francisco-born sur II eon .•

Japa ll.oe Speakln, Soote~y charte,' member 01 the Fro -lJr Amerlcn. 1731 Buchnnan 110 American Loyalty L"Ui\1c St. will .U1l1e I ta Japnn~c ' (JACL), aud WW2 vetcr, Jan'gUOce speech conlest In Is sul·"lved by IV Mal')'. s Dr. November the exact . Ite and Stephen, Noel. d Melody, ·1 dnle tu be' dotermlned . Con lest gc olld br Gerald. 1ft opon to U.S. dUzen., 18 Ooorr. . rkl. ~ 1.D .. 81. Of ) eara or aile nnd over. who Sacramento dIed Sepl. I act r should not have re.lded In Ja- a hearl ~lIack. A nlliurall,

or El1chl Sakauyo·. wife (nee Ut u. Wakano) died Sept. 5.

The Everett, Wasl1.-born ma­tron Is survl ved by her hus· b.nd, Iwo daughtet'S, brother and two slsters.

..... to,

'Cherry Brand' MUTUAl. SUPPLY CO.

1090 S. nsome St. S.F. 11

los Angeles Japanese Casualty Insurance Assn. Completo lnS\Jrance ProlKt lon

Aih. ,a In •. Ag, .• Alha,a.omolsu·Kakl,a.Fu!fOk. . 9 '

" nson fU ~;~' E" 9 ;~: i~1"E"'2';d "s'~ii~5'ii ij :'~(;26~43Q3" ~~~:, ~~91 f "nlkolhi Inl. Agy., Fun.ako:.hI-Kag.w.-ManJk.tI·Molcy

32 I E 2nd 51.......... . .............. 626·5275 462·]406 Hlrohll. In •. " gy .• 322 E. Second 5t ....... __ .628 1214 287 ·8005 Inou,. In •. A,y .• 15029 5ylvanwood Ave. No"".Ik. .... 864·5774 JOG S It. no & Co .. 318~'l E I .. 5J... .... _ ............. _ .. 624·0758 Tom T lto. 595 N. Lincoln, P.sadena 794.718Q 'l A' 681 ·44 I I Mlnoru 'NI. 1'I. , ata, 1497 Rock Haven. Montere. Park. 268·4554 Sto. o l'I .k.ll. 4566 Cenllnel • .\ • _ .... ___ 39 t 5Q3' 837 Q 150 SilO In • • gy. 366 E lSI S, ................. 62Q 1425 2616519


sI>afood treats


I Memb p~ c .... , :;f1> bd1

i 626 WilJui .. S"4 i Los •• seta 680·2350 l p~ "hone 26 ~A2:t ! I

Marutama CO. Inc. f"tSh Clu MJnu'bcturct

los An,des



AV.Jit"bfr Jt Yo" ,

Shopping C-enter

FUJIMOTO & (0. 302·306 S. ~.h West

Sol, L.k. 0 .... Ut.h

ISouth of DMI,1rod . "_ Fim St •• Silt" A"tA,.

17141 531 ·1232

nro M.IT AUIIUoHTS • 0_

'-' -----T __ c:.-

~-~ --.. Frw.dIcc _0.0,

eil) jSn ttanp

C ~""S~

SI. fnIK1sco J

O ~:.!,:o. a The Cannery

2101 lana"" ....

Tel. 776-6996 •


po.o fol' marc !.han a year. cltlun who once resided III Pasadena, he Is survived b ~ w Hana, d Marsha. Il" Kalsuld


so easy to prepare

I ~ ' ­


~1Z The New Moon

Do you know how to make " Goma Tire" for "Shabu Shabu"7

Sell. Ted !teooed:!, wltJ be IJ>CClaJ ..,eat a t a campnl", leick-off blilokfa.t fOI' Mayor Norman Mlnelu'e CO"8 .... lon­at compolsn Sepl. 14, at lh .. Hyatt House. The breaktrat I. open to the pubUc by reaer. Hillon only. Furtber Inlonnn­lion rAil 207-0300

If not, read my new book. " Japanele Cookbook for Sa"t.I." It ,ivet ),ou :

I 8. I( ,., p' of )~p.n C4 0 !ng 21 <' Imp1e r" fpt ' OJr v.,..,.d.~ I ~ uu" 31 ROCI~' for .u,h.n", dl.h ... Knc;Nled~. of proper ut.n,U ,., u:.c 5) 0 eper undf""ndmo .nd ,ppre:llflon of thlnga


6, 00411001 t>.,b, u Id ••• !!



TIL 62 •• 461.

LOS 1'NGUU. CALt, . 9001 2

Pt;.' VftIU __ _


lenland 8uddhllt 'l'oll1pte. t. 2H und Ellelld. wIll hav .. I ChC.w"leln and terlyokt dlnMI' On Sundny. Oct. o.

'Ole 261h annual r ommllnlt picnic, un <leI' ,pon,ol'.hlp of the Clove"md ./r,pAnc.e !"ner­tcall Foundution, WaH hold un­etcr Idolll WCIIU I ~" condltiol" July 21 al 81",11' Hill Pork Ncnrly 300 peoplt attend.d

Ith~ 01T,,11' dedlUnlcd 111 melll-\5 .00 '" ", Ihc lutc Tom S •• hlh -

30 I , •• ttVI' In Ih~ f·',lInd. lIon .36 pIIQ,' 10 hi rt'lil nmrnl C-'cm ­

Irlbutiwi mude nt Iho 1)lenl, 566 .,1.0 hrlp II,. FClUndoUon'

~" .. " #,.,"'#.I ."" '.#""#,,.,,.,,,,,,,,,#.,,,,,,,,,,, c,.·hol.I'ehtp prOIJl'dtn.

, E, ·d

(Chlco"o) Kenjl (lkrkeley) and sl. May Konno (Japan).

KUlll ko F uJita, 86. of Berk- I eley died j\ull. 30. She w lOllS Icllve In Ule San P''Sn­ Japanese YWCA, widow of prewol' denll.t ShOlOh F\,­lIla and decorated by the In-

MRS. FRIDAY'S Gourmet Breaded Shrimps


1327 E 1511> St Los ~no.l .. (2 I 31 746· I 307

pnnCM gO\lCI'lment )nat yeu]' 1-:==::====::=:::=============;' with the O,'Cltl' or lor :______ _ _.

Tlenllu". 61h cia. Surviving I E· p. t· c ~ al'e L1l1'ee dOuRhtc .... EugenIo mp,re r,n 'ng Oe I Yn n BII. own (Bel·/lenfield.

N.J.), Knthleen Dale ulld I COMMERCIAL and ~OCIAL PRINTING J Relon I7.UDlI (Olel; £lynn, !ILl

LoIII/Um .. San Jo •• JACL- , English .nd Japaneso

I ~~ ~ : ~ ;:.. ':!! !~~ 0': 2 _ _ ~ .! ~O Bannai bill vetoed 8 CRAMEN'rO .\ hfll In­t r" d u U ,. d I>y A embh­mlln Paul BUlInnl (n-Oul'd'~ ­n .. ) prO\'cnttJ1t1 01110' fl'olll bannlllil po.lInS( 01 "Fbi' Sale" .Ians III IranI or I cal lut WtlJl n .: w<·(1 t\ua. 2M b-, On\,. Jit'.Ii1H1, \\ ho oan l'tI Wllh th r Int. .. 'nl 1ml frU I h, IHr~ll\lIn WI IIcOlllru1".)' to Ul(' "rln~lpl c "f I .. · .• 1 rOllll ' ~1 lid h 0 111 rule".

Eagle P r oduce ' 29.943 S. Sen Pedro St. MA 5·2101

Bunded CommIssion Mer chants - Wholesale Frwts and Vegetables

Loo An". I". 1 S ... ~ ................... ~

"'"ClUer koorru ,Y<lib.b'. +0, mull or large- groups

912 So. San Pedro St •• Los An8el~ MA 2. 1091

lo~ 270. £Iko 1'1 ••• T.I 738· S141




Fun., All Cond;_ • Tv