today’s agenda* * learn from ‘best practices’ of excellent companies * apply principles used...

Download Today’s Agenda* * Learn from ‘best practices’ of excellent companies * Apply principles used by successful companies to our personal lives * Become an

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What’s So Great About Business? * Excellent Companies: * Have a Vision * Are fanatical about their Customers * Manage by Fact * Empower people * Engage in Continuous Improvement


Todays Agenda* * Learn from best practices of excellent companies * Apply principles used by successful companies to our personal lives * Become an effective CEO of your life * Reach new heights of career achievement and personal fulfillment Whats So Great About Business? * Excellent Companies: * Have a Vision * Are fanatical about their Customers * Manage by Fact * Empower people * Engage in Continuous Improvement Motivation to Change * Three zones or states of living: * Crisis Zone * Complacency Zone * Purpose Zone Activity: Quality of Life Index* * Fill out the questionnaire to come up with a number representing your current quality of life * Record results for reference and comparison later For each of the following, please rate yourself on a scale of one to five (1 = not all satisfied, 3 = neutral, 5 = very satisfied) 1)My overall quality of life: 2)How I manage my time: 3)My daily stress level: 4)My daily productivity level: 5)My physical health: 6)My sense of purpose/direction in life: 7)How well I am fulfilling my various roles (e.g. mother/father, husband/wife, son/daughter, employee, friend): 8)How successfully I am attaining my career goals: 9)How well I am adding value to my community: 10)How much effort I devote to self improvement: Add up your numbers for a total Quality of Life score (between 10 50) If you scored between 10 and 25, this means that youre living primarily in the CRISIS ZONE. You probably feel as though your life is spinning out of control. Dont worry. The methods youll find in these pages will help you put out the fires and reclaim your role as active manager of your life. If you scored between 26 and 40, then youre living in the COMPLACENCY ZONE. You may think that everything is going relatively smoothly, but chances are theres trouble brewing not far beneath the surface. Youve got to engage now if you want to reach your full potential and find great life satisfaction down the road. If you scored between 41 and 40, youre living in the PURPOSE ZONE. This is where you want to be. Congratulations, youre a good CEO already. But theres always room for improvement. Im sure you can think of new skills youd like to develop, people whose needs you could be doing a better job of meeting, and far-reaching goals that youd like to achieve. Crisis Zone * * Fire-fighting * Reactive * Problem-solving * Short-term thinking * Externally focused * Dwells on past failures/mistakes * Living day-to-day * Self-centered * Victim mentality * Living for instant gratification Complacency Zone * * Complacent * Lacks zip * Unenthused * Neutral feelings * Risk averse * Lacks passion * No sense of urgency * Little growth * Little change * Maintains status quo * Comfortable (couch potato) Purpose Zone * * Passionate * Proactive * Planning-oriented * Organized * Balanced * Long-term thinking * Internally centered * Goal setting * Risk taking * Life has purpose and meaning * Big picture mentality * Positive thinking The Pursuit of Happiness?* Some psychologists dispute the choice of happiness itself as an index of the good life. Satisfaction is a byproduct of a life that involves more than the mere pursuit of happiness. I would argue that its worse to wake up in the morning without having a larger purpose in life than to wake up unhappy. Jut feeling good is a poor measure of the quality of ones life Dr Carol Ryff, developmental psychologist at the University of Wisconsin quoted in a New York Times article Cost of Inefficient Living (COIL)* * Financial costs actual wasted dollars * Opportunity costs * Lost time costs * Relationship costs * Emotional costs * Physical costs Review* * Am I satisfied with the way Im living my life? * Am I prepared to make changes? * Do I resist change? Why? * Whats my burning platform * What are my drivers for change? * Whats my COIL? Platinum Standard* Our moral compass: * Provides us with crystal clear understanding of our purpose * Requires unwavering commitment * Integrates all facets of life * Considers our value system A Vision Statement* * Multi-dimensional, not single focused * Qualitative versus quantitative * Selfless versus selfish * Motivating * Focused on the positive * A dynamic process What Matters Most* Seven key factors: * Solid interpersonal relationships * Physical health * Spiritual fulfillment * Emotional well-being * Intellectual stimulation * Career achievement * Financial security Who Matters Most * Circle of Customers G S B Gold Silver Bronze Myself, my spouse, son, baby we are expecting My parents, siblings, close friends, boss Most relatives, acquaintances, coworkers, neighbors = = = 10 Secrets of Winning the Lifetime Customer* 1. Get to know your customers 2. Make service your #1 priority 3. Set high standards of performance 4. Encourage customer feedback 5. Work to exceed customer expectations 6. Make your service program easy for the customer 7. Market your customer service program 8. Smile and show your customers you care 9. Support customer service throughout your life 10. Listen first, then respond Can be equally applied to our personal lives Activity: Making an Exceptional Living Plan* Define your Platinum Standard: To be the best I can be every day, and in doing so, to make richer the lives of those around me. PriorityCustomers Must- Haves Baseline Short- Term Goals Uber- Goals RelationshipsSpend more quality time with family 75% of time on weekends, 2-3 hours per day on weekdays Breakfast together every day. Get home earlier 2 times per week. Work from home minimum of 1 day per week. New job that encourages shorter hours/ more work from home. Be in touch with friends more often Meet 1-4 times per month. E- mail/ phone sometimes Increase frequency of contact by 10%. Find regular events/do sports to meet up. Graduate from school Long- Term Goals Gold: myself, my spouse, my son Bronze: friends PriorityCustomers Must- Haves Baseline Short- Term Goals Uber- Goals CareerFind new job with flexibility at growth company. Small company with no growth, no flexibility. Start research- ing, send resumes. Find new job within 3 months of grad- uation. Meet new people to network with. Eat better. Exercise more. Lunch out every day. Go to gym 2 times per week. Bag lunch 2 times per week. Go to gym 4 times per week. Bag lunch 3 times per week. Go to gym 5 times per week. Cook more healthy dinner. Long- Term Goals Physical Gold: myself. Silver: my boss. Gold: myself. Activity: Picturization* Improvement Opportunity MonTueWedThuFriSatSunTotal Was late for an appointment or meeting |||| 6 Searched for something misplaced or lost |||3 Delayed return of phone call or reply to||||||||| ||||||17 Put a small task in a hold pile |||3 Failed to discard incoming junk mail properly ||||4 Week of Thank You!!* * Presented by Scott W. Ventrella * Author; Me, Inc. How to Master the Business of Being You, and The Power of Positive Thinking in Business 10-Traits for Maximum Results * For more information, please go to: