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Tokelau and TuvaluAn Atoll Fisheries Bibliography

Robert Gillett

September 1988

Field Document 88/4

FAO/UNDP Regional Fishery Support ProgrammeSuva, Fiji

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Tokelau and Tuvalu An Atoll Fisheries Bibliography – FAO/UNDP Regional FisherySupport Programme

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Table of ContentsPage

Introduction ............................................................................................................... iii Location of References .......................................................................................... v References Listed by Author................................................................................ 1 References Listed by Subject............................................................................... 29

Annual Reports.................................................................................................... 29 Aquaculture.......................................................................................................... 30 Aquarium Fish...................................................................................................... 30 Baitfish ................................................................................................................. 30 Bibliographies Concerning Tuvalu and Tokelau ................................................. 32

Beche-de-Mer ...................................................................................................... 33 Boats and Boatbuilding........................................................................................ 33 Bottomfish............................................................................................................ 36 Charts, Mapping, and Sailing Directions ............................................................. 37 Extended Economic Zone Affairs....................................................................... 38 Fish Aggregating Devices... ................................................................................ 40 Fish Poisoning. .................................................................................................... 40 Fisheries Development........................................................................................ 41 Foreign Aid to Fisheries....................................................................................... 43 General Description of Fisheries ......................................................................... 44

Import/Export Information on Fishery Products .................................................. 46 Legal Affairs......................................................................................................... 46 Nutrition................................................................................................................ 47 Post Harvest. ....................................................................................................... 47 Reefs.................................................................................................................... 48 Reef Blasting........................................................................................................ 48 Safety and Accidents at Sea... ............................................................................ 49 Seabirds ............................................................................................................... 49 Specimen Shells.................................................................................................. 50 Statistics .............................................................................................................. 50 Surveillance ......................................................................................................... 51 Taxonomy and Nomenclature ............................................................................. 51 Te Tautai - Operations of Pole/Line Vessel ........................................................ 52 Tidal and Nearshore Areas ................................................................................. 52 Tradi tional Fishing .............................................................................................. 53 Tridacna (Giant Clams) ....................................................................................... 56 Trochus ................................................................................................................ 56 Tuna..................................................................................................................... 57 Turtles.................................................................................................................. 62

Miscellaneous ...................................................................................................... 62

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During 1987 and 1988 the FAO/UNDP Regional Fishery Support Programme completedfisheries bibliographies for the Solomon Islands, Western Samoa, Vanuatu, Tonga, and Palau.In May 1988 requests were received from Tokelau and from Tuvalu for assistance in compilingsimilar bibliographies. As there is much in common between these two countries with respect tothe marine environment, fishery resources, fishing practices, and traditions, information on aparticular subject in one country may be applicable to the other. It was therefore thoughtappropriate to combine the two bibliographies. Hopefully, this will encourage an exchange offisheries information between Tokelau and Tuvalu.

For this project a total of 33 offices and collections in Western Samoa, Tuvalu, Fiji, and NewCaledonia were examined from June to September 1988 for both published and unpublishedmaterial appropriate for the bibliography. In addition, five expatriate workers who had previouslyworked in a fisheries related field in Tuvalu were contacted. Two bibliographic computersearches were carried out and requests for relevant material were sent to five major universitylibraries.

The above work resulted in a list of 443 references which are arranged in this document byauthor and by subject. As the objective of this project was to produce a document as useful aspossible to fisheries workers in Tokelau and Tuvalu, a "user-friendly" bibliographic style wasadopted. Thc information was entered into a MicroSoft Word computer file and a total of 250copies of the bibliography have been printed.

It is strongly recommended that personnel of the Tokelau Department of Agriculture andFisheries and the Tuvalu Fisheries Division update this document periodically.

The author wishes to express his appreciation for the many people who assisted with thisproject. Lina Peleti, Tuvalu Fisheries Research Assistant, and Katieli Peleti, Tokelau AgricultureResearch Assistant, contributed to the compilation. Staff of the Tokelau Department ofAgriculture and Fisheries and the Tuvalu Fisheries Division provided substantial assistance.Previous Tuvalu bibliographies by Rodgers & Cantrell (1988) and Eldredge (1987) wereavailable for the present compilation. Both the contribution of those works and their authors'assistance is acknowledged.

Taku fakatau te tusi foliki tenei e aonga kii.


Talohia ko te tuhi taigole tenei ke aoga lahi.

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Location of References

At the end of most bibliographic entries in this document an acronym is given indicating wherethe material was found. These abbreviations correspond to the following locations:

Locations in Tuvalu: AbbreviationFisheries Division

Conference Room Fish ConfOffice of Chief Fisheries CFO

OfficerResearch Section ResearchExtension section ExtensionFiles Fish File

National Fishing Corporation NAFICOTof Tuvalu

National Library and Archives Nat Libof Tuvalu

Ministry of Commerce and NaturalResources

General Office MCNRPermanent Secretary Office Perm

Attorney General's Office Att Gen

Planning and statistics Division Plan

Broadcasting and Information BroadOffice

Marine Training School MTS

Boat Development Industry BDITof Tuvalu

Save the Children Federation Save

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Locations for Tokelau:

Office for Tokelau Affairs, Apia Director of Agriculture and OTA

Fisheries OfficeFiles OTA FileClosed Files Room OTA Closed File

Nelson Library, Apia Nelson Lib

Other Locations: Abbreviation

University of the South Pacific,Suva

Library USP LibInstitute of Marine IMR


FAO/UNDP Regional Fishery Support FAO/SPProgramme, Suva

United Nations Development UNDPProgramme, Suva

British Development Division in BDDPthe Pacific, Suva

Committee for Co-ordination of CCOPJoint Prospecting for MineralResources of South PacificOffshore Areas (CCOP/SOPAC) ,Suva

South Pacific Commission, Noumea SPC LibMain LibraryTuna Library SPC TunaOffice of Fisheries Coordinator SPC smithOffice of Inshore Research SPC Preston

ScientistRegional Environment Programme ENVRegistry Files SPC File


Forum Fisheries Agency, Honiara FFA

Western Samoa Fisheries Division, Sam FishApia

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Tuvalu and Tokelau Fisheries Bibliography

References Listed by Author

Adam, W. (1945). Cephalopoda from Dr. Sixten Brock's expedition to the South Pacific Islands.[contains specimens from Tuvalu], Arkiv for Zoologi, Volume 37A, No.5, pages 1-25, (cited inRogers 1985).

Administrator of Tokelau (1979). Tokelau 200 mile exclusive economic zone. [address to theFono], 5 pages, (OTA closed file 18/2).

Agassiz, A. (1903). The coral reefs of the tropical Pacific: being part IV of the reports of theexpedition... by the USS Albatross from August 1899 to March 1900. [contains description of thelagoon of Funafuti], Memoirs of the Museum of Comparitive Zoology, Volume 28, pages 1-410,(Cited in Rodgers 1985).

Alexander, A. (1902). Notes on the boats, apparatus, and fishing methods employed by thenatives of the south sea islands, and results of fishing trials by the Albatross. Report of theCommissioner, Part XXVII, U.S. Commission of Fish and Fisheries, Washington, pages 741-829[pages 794-797 on Tuvalu], (FAO/SP).

American Tunaboat Association (1984). The distribution of effort, sets, catch of tunas, byspecies, by one-degree area, during 1984 for vessels operating under the agreement betweenthe governments of New Zealand (in respect to Tokelau), Niue, Tuvalu, and Western Samoa andthe American Tunaboat Association. Statistical Report No. 1984-1, 6 pages, (Sam Fish).

American Tunaboat Association (1984). The distribution of effort, sets, catch of tunas, byspecies, by one-degree area, during 1984 for vessels operating under the agreement betweenthe governments of New Zealand (in respect to Tokelau), Niue, Tuvalu, and Western Samoa andthe American Tunaboat Association. Statistical Report No. 1984-2, 8 pages, (Sam Fish).

American Tunaboat Association (1984). The distribution of effort, sets, catch of tunas, byspecies, by one-degree area, during 1984 for vessels operating under the agreement betweenthe governments of New Zealand (in respect to Tokelau), Niue, Tuvalu, and Western Samoa andthe American Tunaboat Association. Statistical Report No. 1984-3, 4 pages plus appendices,(Fish Conf file: 20/9/2).

American Tunaboat Association (1984). The distribution of effort, sets, catch of tunas, byspecies, by one-degree area, during 1984 for vessels operating under the agreement betweenthe governments of New Zealand (in respect to Tokelau), Niue, Tuvalu, and Western Samoa andthe American Tunaboat Association. Statistical Report No. 1984-4, 5 pages plus appendices,(Fish Conf file: 20/9/2).

Anell, B. (1955). Contribution to the history of fishing in the southern seas. [traditional tunahooks, Tokelau and Tuvalu included], Studia Ethnographica Upsaliensia IX, 249 pages,(FAO/SP).

Anon (1897). The crustaceans and echinoderms of Funafuti. Natural Science, Volume 11,No.65, pages 6-7, (cited in Rodgers 1985).

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Anon (1936). Native youth's ordeal: adrift in canoe for 34 days. Pacific Islands Monthly, Volume7, No. 4, October 1936, page 54, (cited in Krauss 1969).

Anon (1962). Blasting on central Pacific reefs. [includes blasting plans for Nui, Nanumanga,Niutao, and Nukulaelae], Atoll Research Bulletin, No.94, Pacific Science Board, NationalAcademy of Sciences, Washington D.C., page 5, (SPC Lib).

Anon (1970). Country statement: Gilbert and Ellice Islands Colony. Report of the 5th TechnicalMeeting on Fisheries, South Pacific Commission, Noumea, page 3, (SPC Lib).

Anon (1972). Cyclone Bebe. Fisheries Newsletter, No.7, South Pacific Commission, Noumea,pages 11-14, (SPC Lib).

Anon (1973). Aquaculture in equatorial and tropical Pacific islands: present status and prospectsfor future developments: status results as at January 1973: Gilbert and Ellice Islands. FisheriesNewsletter, No.8, South Pacific Commission, Noumea, pages 2-11, (SPC Lib).

Anon (1973). Country statement: Gilbert and Ellice Islands. Report of the 6th Technical MeetingFisheries, South Pacific Commission, Noumea, page 4, (SPC Lib).

Anon (1974). Country statement: Gilbert and Ellice Islands Colony. Report of the 7th TechnicalMeeting on Fisheries, South Pacific Commission, Noumea, page 7, (SPC Lib).

Anon (1976). Fish catches: 19/7/76 - 11/8/76. [on Atafu, Fakaofo, Nukunonu], 3 pages, (OTAclosed file 18/2/4).

Anon (1976). Recent developments and future plans for the Tuvalu fishing industry. WorkingPaper 5, 9th Regional Technical Meeting on Fisheries, South Pacific Commission, Noumea, 9pages, (SPC Smith, Nat Lib closed file fd 14/3/4).

Anon (1977). Funafuti fishing activities 1976. [contains information on fish catches on Funafuti,catches in the outer islands using traditional techniques, fish names], 8 pages, (Nat Lib closedfile: fd 14/2/7).

Anon (1977). Recent developments and future plans for the Tuvalu fishing industry. 9th RegionalTechnical Meeting on Fisheries, South Pacific Commission, Noumea, 9 pages, (FAO/SP).

Anon (1978). Tuvalu development plan 1978-1980: first annual review of progress. [chapter 7 onfisheries], 39 pages, (CFO, Fish Conf).

Anon (1979). Country statement - Tuvalu. Working Paper No.3, 11th Regional TechnicalMeeting on Fisheries, South Pacific Commission, Noumea, (Nat Lib closed file 14/2/7, FAO/SP).

Anon (1980). [Tuvalu] Fisheries Division annual report 1979. 9 pages, (Fish Conf).

Anon (1981). [Tuvalu] Fisheries Division annual report 1980. 9 pages, (Fish Conf).

Anon (1981). Report of the Expert Committee on Ciguatera, Suva 26 February 1981. [containsinformation on fish poisoning in Tokelau and Tuvalu], South Pacific Commission, Noumea, 26pages, (FAO/SP).

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Anon (1982). [Tuvalu] Fisheries Division annual report 1981. 11 pages, (Fish Conf).

Anon (1982). A review of second development plan - fisheries. [Tuvalu], 4 pages, (BDDP).

Anon (1982). Tuvalu: a trade and investment guide. [section on fishing], SPEC Series on Tradeand Investment in the South Pacific, 19 pages, (Research Section).

Anon (1983). [Tuvalu] Fisheries Division annual report. 32 pages plus appendices, (Fish Conf,Perm Sec, FAO/SP, SPC Smith).

Anon (1984). [Tuvalu] Fisheries Division report 1983. 43 pages, (Fish Conf, FAO/SP).

Anon (1984). Country report Tuvalu. Working Paper 12, 16th Regional Technical Meeting onFisheries, South Pacific Commission, Noumea, (FAO/SP).

Anon (1984). Employment of Tuvaluan seamen. [information for operators of purse seinevessels], 3 pages, (FAO/SP).

Anon (1984). Tuvalu third development plan 1984-1987. [chapter 10 on fisheries], 257 pages,(Extension Section).

Anon (1985). Fisheries research scientist in Tokelau. Te Vakai Tokelau, June 1985, 1 page,(OTA, FAO/SP).

Anon (1985). Skipjack tuna pole and line fishing in southern waters continues to be very poor.[indicates 20 Japanese pole/line vessels fishing near Tokelau some in Tuvalu], Katsuo-MaguroTsushin No. 4951, November 6, 1985, [translated from Japanese], 2 pages, (FAO/SP).

Anon (1985). Tuvalu Fisheries Division annual report 1984. 17 pages, (CFO, FAO/SP).

Anon (1986). Department of the Interior - receipt of applications for permits. [release of turtleshell confiscated by U.S. Customs Service for use for making traditional tuna hooks in Tokelau],United States Federal Register Volume 51, No. 173, September 8, 1986, page 31986,(FAO/SP).

Anon (1986). Draft report of the Aquaculture Mission to the South Pacific. [sections on Tokelauand Tuvalu], 31 pages, (Research Section, FAO/SP).

Anon (1986). Dropping shells to help economy. [Tokelau trochus transplant], Fiji Times, June 22,1986, (FAO/SP).

Anon (1986). The tuna cowboys. [description of noose fishing in Tokelau]. Islands - Air PacificInflight Magazine, 2 pages, (FAO/SP).

Anon (1986). Traditional fishing knowledge alive in Tokelau and of considerable interest tofisheries scientists. Environment Newsletter, South Pacific Regional Environment Programme,South Pacific Commission, Noumea, pages 12-15, SPC Lib, (FAO/SP).

Anon (1986). Tuvalu Fisheries Division annual report 1985. Ministry of Commerce & NaturalResources, Vaiaku, Funafuti, 29 pages, (Fish Conf).

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Anon (1987). High hopes from a drop in the ocean. [Tokelau trochus transplant], LondonFinancial Times, December 16, 1987, (FAO/SP).

Anon (1987). Locally made canoe for Tokelau. [building of KIR-type canoe in Fiji for use inTokelau], Fiji Times, May 6, 1987, (FAO/SP).

Anon (1988). Joint Donor Fisheries Mission report. [Annexes on Tokelau and Tuvalu], (OTA file5/0/9).

Anon (1988). Riches of sea drop from Tuvalu's sky. [trochus transplant], Islands Business, June1988, 1 page, (FAO/SP).

Anon (1988). Te Tautai's continued presence in Solomon Islands. 11 pages, (MTS file: 4/1 vol 2).

Anon (1988). Tokelau country statement. Background Paper No. 102, Workshop on PacificInshore Fishery Resources, South Pacific Commission, Noumea, 8 pages, (SPC Lib, FAO/SP).

Anon (undated). [chart of depths around Atafu, probably from the 1979 Monowai Survey], 1page, (OTA closed file 18/2/4).

Anon (undated). List of fish from Tuvalu. 1 page, (Research Section).

Anon (undated). Proposed fishing boat venture for Atawhu, Tokelau Islands. 4 pages, (FAO/SP).

Anon (undated, 1983?). Tropical marine aquarium species reported in Tuvalu. 1 page, (FishConf file: G 1/1).

Anon (undated, early 1970s?). A note on the prospects for the export of skipjack from the Gilbertand Ellice Islands. 4 pages plus appendices, (BDDP).

Anon (1899). Summary of the fauna of Funafuti. Memoirs of he Australian Museum, Volume 3 ,No.8, pages 511-535, (cited in Krauss 1969).

Anraku, M. (1987). Trip to Tuvalu. [in Japanese], Journal of the Pacific Society, No.33, January1987, The Pacific Society, Tokyo, pages 50-55, (Fish Conf).

Anraku, M. and T. Ogasawara (1987). Tuvalu as we saw it. [in Japanese, contains color photosof fishing boats and fish marketing], Journal of the Pacific Society, No.33, January 1987, ThePacific Society, Tokyo, pages 5-64, (Fish Conf).

Argue, A., F. Conand, and D. Whyman (1983). Spatial and temporal distribution of juvenile tunasfrom stomachs of tunas caught by pole-and-line gear in the central and Western Pacific.[contains information on incidence in Tokelau and Tuvalu], Technical Report No.9, Tuna andBillfish Assessment Programme, South Pacific Commission, Noumea, 47 pages, (Fish Conf,FAO/SP).

Arita, K. (1987). The fisheries resources survey in Tuvalu. 108 pages plus annex, (FAO/SP).

Bagnis, R. (1973). Fish poisoning in the South Pacific. South Pacific Commission, Noumea, 112pages [information on incidence in Tuvalu pages 19-20], (SPC Lib).

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Baines, G., and R. McLean (1976). Re-surveys of 1972 hurricane rampart of Funafuti Atoll, ElliceIslands. Search, Volume 7, Nos.1-2, pages 36-37, (cited in Eldredge 1987).

Baines, G., and R. McLean (1976). Sequential studies of hurricane deposit evolution at FunafutiAtoll. Marine Geology, Volume 21, M1-M8, (cited in Eldredge 1987).

Baines, G., P. Beveridge, and J. Maragos (1974). Storms and island building at Funafuti Atoll,Ellice Islands. Proceedings of the Second International Coral Reef Symposium, Volume 2,pages 485-496, (cited in Eldredge 1987).

Balazs, G. (1979). Status of turtles in the central Pacific Ocean. Working paper at WorldConference on Sea Turtle Conservation, 31 pages, (SPC Fish: turtle box).

Balazs, G. (1982). Sea turtles and their traditional usage in Tokelau. Hawaii Institute of MarineBiology, 54 pages, (OTA, FAO/SP).

Barton, H. (1980). Tuvalu international trade 1980. [information on the imports of fish andexports of beche-de-mer]. United Nations Development Advisory Team, Suva, 69 pages, (FishConf).

Batty, M. (1982). Preliminary report of the Fisheries Officer (Extension) for Tuvalu. (BDDP).

Batty, M. (1982). Report on the possibility of Te Tautai operating in the Republic of Kiribati.(BDDP).

Batty, M. (1984). Report on a study visit to Tonga by the Fisheries Adviser for Tuvalu. [seaweedand boatbuilding], 2 pages, (FAO/SP).

Batty, M. (1985). Development of small scale pole and line fishing around Funafuti. U.N.D.P.Project Tuv/84/001, 14 pages plus appendices, (FAO/SP, SPC Smith).

Batty, M. (1985). End of tour report of the Fisheries Adviser for Tuvalu. 8 pages, (FAO/SP).

Batty, M. (1985). Interim report of the Fisheries Adviser for Tuvalu. 7 pages, (FAO/SP).

Batty, M. (1985). Report on RNZAF Orion flight 956. (cited in Batty 1985B).

Batty, M. (undated). Small scale pole and line fishing trials around Funafuti. (cited in Batty 1985).

Becke, L. (1906). Notes from my South Seas log. [includes description of wahoo fishing atNanumanga], Werner Laurie, London, 352 pages, (cited in Rodgers and Cantrell 1988).

Bedford, F. (1898). Report of holothurians collected by Mr. J. Stanley Gardiner at Funafuti andRotuma. Proceedings, Zoological Society of London, Volume 68, pages 834-848, (cited inRodgers 1985).

Bolton, L. and J. Sprecht (1984). Polynesian and Micronesian artifacts in Australia - volume IINew Zealand and eastern Polynesia. [contains locations of Tokelau and Tuvalu fishing artifacts],Australian Museum, Sydney, 345 pages, (Nat Lib).

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Bourne, G. (1903). Some new and rare corals from Funafuti. Linnean Society of London, Journalof Zoology, Volume 29, pages 26-37, (cited in Rodgers 1985).

Braley, R. (1988). The status of giant clam stocks and potential for mariculture in Tuvalu. FAOSouth Pacific Aquaculture Development Project, 41 pages plus appendices, (Fish Conf,Research Section, FAO/SP).

British Admiralty (1969). Tokelau Islands and Swains Islands. [nautical chart], 1 sheet, chart no.765, (FAO/SP).

British Admiralty (1985). Ellice Islands. [nautical chart, contains plans for all Tuvalu Islands], 1sheet, chart no.766, (FAO/SP).

British Admiralty (1985). Funafuti Atoll. [nautical chart, contains plan of Fongafale Anchorage], 1sheet, chart no. 2983, (FAO/SP).

Broder, S. and J. Van Dyke (1982). Ocean boundaries in the South Pacific. [pages 53-56 coversissue of Tokelau's exclusive economic zone with respect to Swains Island], In: University ofHawaii Law Review, Volume 4, No. 1, (FAO/SP).

Brown, J. (1982). New working watercraft - a combined report on boat design and constructionconsultancies for three clients in the third world, October 1981 to March 1982. [section onTuvalu], 76 pages plus appendices, (Save).

Brown, J. (1982). Preliminary report on Tuvalu's watercraft requirements. Save the Children,Funafuti, 17 pages, (Fish file: 20/2/3, Nat Lib closed file: fsh 20/1/9).

Brown, J. (1986). The Tuvalu boat project - assessment report. Kamberwood InternationalServices, Virginia, 17 pages plus appendices, (Save the Children).

Brown, S. (1984). The Tuvalu Vaka project. Fisheries Newsletter No.28, South PacificCommission, Noumea, pages 18-20, (FAO/SP).

Bryan, P. (1980). The efficiency of mollies, Poecilla mexicana as live bait for pole-line skipjackfishing: fishing trials in the tropical Pacific. [some fishing done in the Tuvalu zone], MarineFisheries Review, Volume 42, No.6, pages 15-24, (FAO/SP).

Buckley, R. (1983). Tuvalu lagoon bed materials resource survey: environmental baseline andimpact study. Australian Mineral Development Report No.1058, Adelaide, (cited in Rodgers andCantrell 1988).

Buckley, R. (1985). Environmental survey of Funafuti Atoll (Tuvalu). Proceedings of the 5thInternational Coral Reef Congress, Tahiti, Volume 6, pages 305-310, (cited in Eldredge 1987).

Carleton, C. (1983). Miscellaneous marine products in the South Pacific: an overview of thedevelopment in member countries of the Forum Fisheries Agency, part III tabulations by country.[tables A11 to E11 on Tuvalu], Forum Fisheries Agency, Honiara, (FAO/SP).

Carter, R. (1986). Wind and sea analysis, Funafuti lagoon, Tuvalu. CCOP/SOPAC TechnicalReport 58, 9 pages plus appendices, (CCOP).

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Cernohorsky, W. (1985). The status of "Murex" funafutiensis Hedley and some Favartia species.Shells and Sea Life, Volume 17, No.1, pages 13-15, (cited in Rodgers and Cantrell 1988).

Chambers, A. (1975). Nanumea report. [contains sections on sea resources, skills in fishing, fishconsumption], Victoria University, Wellington, New Zealand, (Fish Conf, USP Lib pac hc 687 .t9n34, BDDP).

Chambers, A. (1984). Nanumea. Atoll Economy: Social change in Kiribati and Tuvalu, ReportNo.6, Development Studies Centre, Australian National University, Canberra, 341 pages, (NatLib, BDDP).

Chapman, L. (1987). Deep sea fisheries development project - report of second visit to Tuvalu30 August - 7 December 1983. South Pacific Commission, Noumea, 20 pages, (SPC Smith).

Chapman, V. (1955). Algal collections from Funafuti Atoll. Pacific Science, Volume 9, pages354-356, (cited in Rodgers 1985).

Chief Fisheries Officer (1987). [Tuvalu] Fisheries annual report 1986. Ministry of Commerce &Natural Resources, 24 pages, (Fish Conf).

Child, P. (1960). Birds of the Gilbert and Ellice Islands Colony. [contains scientific, Tuvalu,Kiribati, and English names], Atoll Research Bulletin, Volume 74, pages 1-38, (cited inChambers 1975).

Commercial Marine Design Pty. Ltd. (1983). Specification of fisheries extension vessel forTuvalu Government Fisheries Division. 23 pages, (Nat Lib closed file, FAO/SP).

Cross, D. (1976). An appraisal of the potential for exploiting marine resources other than thoseof the conventional fisheries in the islands of Tuvalu. [includes aquarium fish, specimen shells,game fishing, beche-de-mer], 43 pages, (Research Section, FAO/SP).

Cross, R. (1982). End of tour report. (BDDP).

Crossland, J. and R. Grandperrin (1979). Fisheries directory of the South Pacific Commissionregion. [page 19 on Tokelau, 30-31 on Tuvalu], South Pacific Commission, Noumea, (SPC Lib,FAO/SP).

David, E. (1899). Funafuti, or three months on a coral island: an unscientific account of ascientific expedition. [contains description of fish and fishing], John Murray, London, 318 pages,(Nat Lib).

Davidson, F. (1977). Migration and health in New Zealand and the Pacific: proceedings of aseminar, 1975. [information on food intake of 222 Tokelauans on Fakaofo Atoll], WellingtonHospital Epidemiological Unit, pages 109-112, (SPC Lib).

Defense Mapping Agency (1976). Sailing directions for the Pacific Islands - volume 3 - the southcentral groups. Publication 80, [sections 11-115 to 11-117 on Tokelau, 11-1 to 11-35 on Tuvalu],(FAO/SP).

Defense Mapping Agency (date unknown). Funafuti Atoll and plan of Fuagea Channel. [nauticalchart], 1 sheet.

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Department of Lands and Survey (1969). General map of Tokelau Islands. NZMS 254, 1 sheet,(FAO/SP).

Department of Lands and Survey (1982). Atafu. [chart], NZMS 272/7/1. 1 sheet, (OTA, FAO/SP).

Department of Lands and Survey (1983). Fakaofo. [chart], NZMS 272/7/3. 1 sheet, (OTA, FAO/SP).

Department of Lands and Survey (1984). Nukunonu. [chart], NZMS 272/7/2. 1 sheet, (OTA, FAO/SP).

Directorate of Overseas Surveys (1974). Vaitupu Island. [chart], series X041(DOS 238P), (CFO).

Directorate of Overseas Surveys (1978). Nukulaelae and Niulakita. [chart], series X041 (DOS368P), (Fish Conf, FAO/SP).

Directorate of Overseas Surveys (1979). Nanumea and Niutao. [chart], series X041 (DOS368P), (Fish Conf).

Directorate of Overseas Surveys (1979). Niu and Nanumanga. [chart], series X041, (DOS368P), (Fish Conf).

Directorate of Overseas Surveys (1979). Nukufetau. [chart], series X041, (DOS 368P),(FAO/SP).

Directorate of Overseas Surveys (1980). Funafuti. [chart], series X041 (DOS 468P), 1 sheet,(FAO/SP).

Disney, J. (1977). Fisheries Development in Tuvalu. [contains information on beche-de-merprocessing, katsuobushi, shark fins], Tropical Products Institute, 40 pages plus appendices,(CFO, FAO/SP).

Donguy, J., C. Henin, and F. Rougerie (1976). Les contre-courants dans le Pacifique tropicalsud-oust. [counter currents in the tropical southwest Pacific], Cahiers ORSTOM, Volume 14,No.1, Noumea, (cited in Rodgers and Cantrell 1988).

Doulman, D. (1985). Tuna fisheries in the Pacific Islands region: a bibliography. Pacific IslandsDevelopment Programme, East-West Center, Honolulu, 111 pages [page 59 on Tuvalu], (FishConf, FAO/SP).

Doulman, D. (1986). Fishing for tuna: the operation of distant-water fleets in the Pacific Islandsregion. [Tuvalu included in tables on EEZ size, fleet operations, access agreements], ResearchReport Series No.3, Pacific Islands Development Program, East-West Center, Honolulu, 38pages, (Fish Conf, FAO/SP).

Eginton, R. (1977). Interim report: SPC Outer Reef Fisheries Project at Tuvalu, 12 September -30 November, 1976. 9th Regional Technical Meeting on Fisheries, South Pacific Commission,Noumea, 14 pages, (FAO/SP).

Eginton, R. and Mead, P. (1977). Report on the South Pacific Commission Outer Reef FisheriesProject in Funafuti (Tuvalu). [includes English, Tuvalu, and scientific names of bottomfish], 16pages plus appendices, (Fish Conf, Nat Lib, FAO/SP).

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Eldredge, L. (1987). Bibliography of marine ecosystems: Pacific Islands. Regional SeasDirectories and Bibliographies, United Nations Environment Programme, Food and AgricultureOrganization, Rome, 73 pages, (Fish Conf, FAO/SP).

Ellway, C., R. Farman, A. Argue, and R. Kearney (1983). An assessment of the skipjack andbaitfish resources of Tuvalu. Skipjack Survey and Assessment Programme Final Country ReportNo.8, South Pacific Commission, Noumea, 47 pages, (Fish Conf, Nat Lib, FAO/SP).

Etheridge, R. (1896-1900). The atoll of Funafuti, Ellice Group: its zoology, botany, ethnology,and general structure based on collections made by Mr. Charles Hedley of the AustralianMuseum, N.S.W. Australian Museum Memoires, Volume 3, pages 1-609, (Nat Lib).

Fakahau, S. and M. Shepard (1986). Fisheries research needs in the South Pacific - informationrequired for effective management and development of the fisheries of island states of the SouthPacific. Forum Fisheries Agency and Canadian International Centre for Ocean Development, 94pages plus appendices [appendix II H on Tuvalu], (FAO/SP).

FAO (1974). FAO species identification sheets for fishery purposes - eastern Indian Ocean andwestern central Pacific. 4 Volumes, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations,Rome, (FAO/SP).

FAO (1986). Tuvalu - fishery country profile. Food and Agriculture Organization of the UnitedNations, Rome, 4 pages, (FAO/SP).

Faulkner, G. (1988). Basic design study for fishing communities development project in Tuvalu:notes on the suitability of the proposed fishing/extension vessels. National Fishing Corporationof Tuvalu, 5 pages, (Fish file: 200/24).

Fawcett and Partners (1981). Report on prevention of coastal erosion. [contains information onwave heights], Overseas Development Administration, 15 chapters plus appendices, (Nat Lib,BDDP).

FFA (1984). An economic appraisal of a proposed Funafuti fish processing and marketing centreon Funafuti. Report 84/2, Forum Fisheries Agency, Honiara, (BDDP).

FFA (1984). Report on the economic evaluation of a proposed Funafuti fish market. Report 84/2,Forum Fisheries Agency, Honiara, (FFA).

FFA (1985). Analysis of data received from the ATA concerning the agreements between theATA and Island States party to the agreement for 1983 and 1984. [catch and effort by set inTokelau, Tuvalu and neighboring areas], Forum Fisheries Agency, Honiara, 32 pages, (FishConf file: fsh 20/9/2).

FFA (1987). A review of the tuna purse seining project proposal submitted by Marco Seattle, the Government of Tuvalu. Report No. 87/1, Forum Fisheries Agency, Honiara, 17 pages plusappendices, (CFO, FAO/SP, FFA).

FFA (1987). Regional fisheries research needs study report - volume 3. [document on researchneeds of Tokelau], Forum Fisheries Agency, FFC 12/3.2 (Info. supplement 2), 10 pages, (FFA,FAO/SP).

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Fiji Times (1987). Trial run to Savusavu. [experiences of Tokelau fisheries officer onsailing/fishing canoe in Fiji], February 11, 1987, (FAO/SP).

Finckh, F. (1904). Biology of reef-forming organisms at Funafuti Atoll. Pages 105-150 In: TheAtoll of Funafuti. Royal Society, London, (cited in Eldredge 1987).

Fisheries Development Limited (1976). A preliminary investigation into the fisheries developmentpotential of Tuvalu. Volume 1, 67 pages plus appendices, (CFO, Nat Lib, Plan, FAO/SP, USPLib pac SH 319.tP7, SPC Smith).

Fisheries Development Limited (1976). A preliminary investigation into the fisheries developmentpotential of Tuvalu, Volume 2. 100 pages plus appendices, (CFO, Fish Conf, FAO/SP).

Fisheries Development Limited (1978). Tuvalu - a proposal for an exploratory fishing andresearch project. 16 pages, (Fish Conf).

Fisheries Division (1979). A tupe e mafai o maua mai funafuna. [You can earn money fromBeche-de-mer], Tuvalu Fisheries Division Extension Leaflet No.1, Funafuti, 6 pages, (ExtensionSection).

Flynn, G. and J. Makin (undated, 1976?). A survey of the prospects for agriculture and industrialdevelopment in Tuvalu. [sections on boatbuilding, fishing lures, shark processing, brine shrimps,salt production], 180 pages, (USP Lib pac hc 687 .t9 f58).

Foster, A. (1983). Tuvalu marine legislation - preliminary assessment. United NationsDevelopment Advisory Team, Suva, 19 pages, (UNDP).

Gardiner, D. (1986). Traveling trochus. [Tokelau trochus transplant], Islands Business, July1986, pages 41-42, (FAO/SP).

Gardiner, J. (1898). The coral reefs of Funafuti, Rotuma, and Fiji, together with some notes onthe structure and formation of coral reefs in general. Proceedings of the CambridgePhilosophical Society, Volume 9, No.8, pages 417-503, (cited in Eldredge 1987).

Gentle, M. (1979). Survey of beche-de-mer resources in the Tokelau Islands. 2 pages plusappendices, (FAO/SP).

Gibb Australia (1983). Tuvalu lagoon bed resources survey. Volume 1, Australian DevelopmentAssistance Bureau, 149 pages, (cited in Rodgers and Cantrell 1988).

Gibb Australia (1983). Tuvalu lagoon bed resources survey. Volume 2 [charts], AustralianDevelopment Assistance Bureau, 52 pages, (FAO/SP).

Gillett, R. (1983). Trip report to Tuvalu. [feasibility study for baitfish development project], 15pages, (Fish Conf file: B1, FAO/SP).

Gillett, R. (1985). Baitfish survey of Fakaofo lagoon. 2 pages, (FAO/SP).

Gillett, R. (1985). Tuvalu baitfish survey and development project. Technical Report No.14, Tunaand Billfish Assessment Programme, South Pacific Commission, Noumea, 22 pages plusappendices, (Perm Sec, Plan, FAO/SP).

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Gillett, R. (1985). Cardinalfish and fusiliers: an alternate baitfish resource for Tuvalu. FisheriesNewsletter, South Pacific Commission, Noumea, 6 pages, (FAO/SP).

Gillett, R. (1985). Report on a trip to Tuvalu - January 11-14 1985. [follow-up on baitfish project],10 pages, (FAO/SP).

Gillett, R. (1985). Traditional tuna fishing in Tokelau. Topic Review No. 27, South PacificRegional Environmental Programme, South Pacific Commission, Noumea, 47 pages, (OTA,FAO/SP).

Gillett, R. (1986). The transplantation of trochus from Fiji to Tokelau. Report 86-01, UNDP/OPEIntegrated Atoll Development Project, 27 pages plus appendix, (OTA, FAO/SP).

Gillett, R. (1986). A summary of the Tokelau trochus transplant project. Fisheries Newsletter No.38, South Pacific Commission, Noumea, 7 pages, (SPC Lib, FAO/SP).

Gillett, R. (1986). Tokelau tridacna collection June-September 1986. 1 page, (OTA file 5/0/9).

Gillett, R. (1988). A listing of various projects which might be beneficial to the fisheries/marinesector in Tokelau. FAO/UNDP, 3 pages, (FAO/SP).

Gillett, R. (1988). Addresses useful to Pacific Islands fishery personnel. [pages on Tokelau andTuvalu], Field Document 88/3, FAO/UNDP Regional Fishery Support Programme, Suva,(FAO/SP).

Gillett, R. (1988). Tokelau trochus survey. FAO/UNDP Regional Fishery Support Programme, 6pages plus appendix, (OTA file 5/0/9, FAO/SP).

Gillett, R. (1988). Fisheries in Tokelau - a compilation of various documents and reports. [18reports on Tokelau fisheries], FAO/UNDP Regional Fishery Support Programme, Suva, 205pages, (OTA, USP Lib, FAO/SP).

Gillett, R. (1988). The second (1988) transplantation of trochus to Tokelau. FAO/UNDP RegionalFishery Support Programme, 4 pages, (FAO/SP).

Gillett, R. (1988). The transplantation of trochus to Tuvalu. FAO/UNDP Regional Fishery SupportProgramme, 21 pages, (Fish Conf, FAO/SP).

Gillett, R. (1988). Tuvalu gets new stocks by airlift. [trochus transplant], Fishing NewsInternational, August 1988, page 66, (FAO/SP).

Gillett, R. and F. Toloa (1987). The importance of small scale tuna fishing: a Tokelau case study.14 pages, In: D. Doulman (1987). Tuna issues and perspectives in the Pacific Islands. EastWest Center, Honolulu, (OTA, USP Lib, FAO/SP).

Gillett, R. and S. Taufao (1985). The incidence of tuna schools suitable for purse seining in thecentral and western Pacific from Skipjack Programme records. [Tokelau and Tuvalu included inthe tables], Fisheries Newsletter No. 33, South Pacific Commission, Noumea, 4 pages, (SPCLib, FAO/SP).

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Glude, J. (1972). Report on the potential for shellfish aquaculture in Palau Islands, Yap Islands,Guam, Truk, Ponape, Ellice Islands, American Samoa, Cook Islands, Fiji Islands, NewCaledonia, and French Polynesia. FAO, Rome, 99 pages, (FAO/SP, SPC Lib).

Goldberg, E. (1982). Tidal hydraulics at Nanumea, Tuvalu. [information on passages, currents,and erosion], Coastal Processes Newsletter No.2, Ministry of Works and Development,Wellington, (cited in Rodgers and Cantrell 1988).

Government of New Zealand (1977), An act to make provision with respect to the territorial seaof Tokelau, and for the establishment of an exclusive economic zone of Tokelau, and for mattersconnected with those purposes. Act No.125, 9 pages, (FAO/SP).

Government of Tuvalu (1978). Fisheries Ordinance - an ordinance to make provision andregulation of fishing and fishing industries in Tuvalu and its fishery limits. Chapter 45, Laws ofTuvalu, 12 pages, (Att Gen, FAO/SP).

Government of Tuvalu (1978). Proclamation of fishery limits and appointment (cap 45), 12pages, (Att Gen).

Government of Tuvalu (1978). Tuvalu development plan 1978-1980. [chapter 8 on fisheries],156 pages, (Fish Conf, UNDP).

Government of Tuvalu (1980). Tuvalu second development plan 1980-1983. [chapter 10 onfisheries], 185 pages, (BDDP, UNDP).

Government of Tuvalu (1982). Fisheries (foreign fishing vessel) regulations 1982 (ln 6/1983). 17pages, (Att Gen).

Government of Tuvalu (1982). National Fisheries Corporation of Tuvalu act (cap 106). 8 pages,(Att Gen).

Government of Tuvalu (1983). Fisheries (A.T.A. access agreement) regulations 1983 (ln18/1983). (Att Gen).

Government of Tuvalu (1983). Marine zones (declaration) act 1983 (5 of 1983). 7 pages, (AttGen).

Government of Tuvalu (1984). Fisheries ordinance (cap 45) fisheries (foreign fishing vessel)regulations - 1982 (consolidated with 1984 amendments). 8 pages plus appendices, (Fish Conf,Att Gen).

Government of Tuvalu (1987). Fisheries (Amendment) Act (4 of 1987). 3 pages, (Att Gen).

Government of Tuvalu (1987). Foreign fishing vessels licensing (U.S. Treaty) order 1987 (ln6/1987). 5 pages plus appendix, (Att Gen).

Grant, C. (1977). Report on initial visits to Fiji, Solomon Islands, Tonga, Samoa, Cook Islands,Gilbert Islands, Tuvalu, and the SPC. [fisheries statistics], FAO Regional Project TF-RAS/53(AUL), 11 pages, (SPC Lib D639.207209 GRA).

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Grant, C. (1978). A review of the status of fisheries statistics and training courses in the SouthPacific region. 53 pages, [pages 8-9, 48-53 on Tuvalu], (FAO/SP).

Grant, C. (1978). Report on training courses in fishery statistics in Tonga, Cook Islands, WesternSamoa, Gilbert Islands and Tuvalu. FAO Regional Project TF-RAS/53/(AUL), 2 pages, (SPC LibD639.207209 GRA).

Gudger, E. (1927). Wooden hooks for catching sharks and Ruvettus in the South Seas; a studyof their variation and distribution. [contains information on Tokelau and Tuvalu hooks], Volume28, No. 3, Anthropological Papers, American Museum of Natural History, pages 199-348, (SPCLib).

Gulbrandsen, O. and A. Overa (1977). Report on travel to Tokelau. [boatbuilding and generalobservations and recommendations on fisheries], 9 pages plus appendix, (FAO/SP).

Gulbrandsen, O. and M. Savins (1987). Artisanal fishing craft of the Pacific Islands. Document87/5, FAO/UNDP Regional Fishery Support Programme, Suva, 78 pages [pages 43-48 on 2Tuvalu boats], (FAO/SP).

Haddon, A. and J. Hornell (1957). The canoes of Oceania Volume I. [sections on Tokelau andTuvalu canoes], Bernice P. Bishop Museum, Special Publication 28, Honolulu, (SPC Lib).

Hale, H. (1846). United States exploring expedition. [some description of traditional fishing inTokelau], Lea and Blanchard Co., Philadelphia, [pages 149-161 volume 6 on Tokelau], (NelsonLib).

Hardy, T. (1963). Reef blasting in the Gilbert and Ellice Islands Colony 1962. Royal EngineersJournal, Volume 77, No.3, pages 262-277, (cited in Rodgers and Cantrell 1988).

Hartwig, G. (1899). The mollusca of Funafuti. Pages 489-510, In: Etheridge (1896-1900). Theatoll of Funafuti, (cited in Rodgers and Cantrell 1988).

Havini (1985). [tape recording of discussions on traditional Tokelau tuna fishing]. 30 minutes,(OTA, FAO/SP).

Hayakawa, J. (1980). Reports on skipjack fishing in the Tuvaluan waters. 18 pages plusappendices, (FAO/SP).

Hays Allen (1979). Licensing of commercial fisheries in Tuvaluan waters - report of the financialand fisheries consultants to the Government of Tuvalu. 9 pages plus many appendices, (FishConf, FAO/SP).

Hedley, C. (1897). The ethnology of Funafuti. [contains description of fishing], AustralianMuseum Memoirs, Volume 3, pages 229-304, (cited in Koch 1983).

Hedley, C. (1899). The mollusca of Funafuti. Australian Museum Memoirs, Volume 3, pages395-488, (cited in Krauss 1969).

Helfrich, P. (1961). Fish poisoning in the tropical Pacific. [reports ciguatera outbreak in Tuvalu],National Institute of Neurological Diseases and Blindness, Bethesda, Maryland, (cited inRodgers and Cantrell 1988).

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Herscheid, F. (1985). A study and guideline for the establishment of a viablecommercial/artisanal fishery on Funafuti. [demand for fish, suggested fishing craft], 11 pages,(Fish Conf).

Herscheid, F. (1986). The General Manager's Solomon visit 12/5 to 22/5. [operation of Tuvalupole/line vessel in Solomons], 6 pages, (Fish Conf file: fsh 20/3/2 in ).

Herscheid, F. (undated). A report on ciguatera poisoning & Tahiti visit. [contains information onTuvalu], 12 pages, (CFO).

Hickson, S. (1897). The coral reef at Funafuti. Nature, Volume 55, (cited in Rodgers and Cantrell1988).

Hinds, V. (1971). A rapid fisheries reconnaissance in the Tokelau Islands. South PacificCommission, Noumea, 7 pages plus appendices, (FAO/SP).

Honnorat, D. (1977). The Gilbert and Tuvalu Islands: list of SPC publications and otherpublished material held in the SPC library. South Pacific Commission, Noumea, 19 pages, (SPCSmith).

Hooper, A. (1984). Tokelau fishing in traditional and modern contexts. University of Auckland, 38pages, (FAO/SP).

Hooper, A. (1985). An outline for a traditional fishing project in Tokelau. University of Auckland, 9pages, (OTA file 5/0/9, FAO/SP).

Hooper, A. (date unknown). Socio-economic organization of the Tokelau Islands. VIIIthCongress of Anthropological and Ethnological Sciences, pages 238-240, (OTA).

Howorth, R. and B. Richmond (1987). CCOP/SOPAC Coastal Mapping Workshop 1-12, Tuvalu.[workshop included air photo of Tuvalu atolls, beach profile studies, and lagoon surveys],Training Report 14, CCOP/SOPAC, Suva, 20 pages, (UNDP).

Huckley, A. (1969). Ecology of terrestrial arthropods of the Tokelau atolls. Atoll ResearchBulletin, Volume 124, pages 1-18, (SPC Lib).

Hudson, K. (1983). Man in hero's role after boat blast kills brother, burns 6. Section B, SanDiego Union, December 1, 1983, (SPC file PRO/93/3/22 part 1).

Hydrographic Department (1981). Tuvalu fishery limits. [chart], (Fish Conf, FAO/SP).

Ihimaera, W. (1983). Scientific research: R.V. Tangaroa. [plans for phosphorite prospection onKalolo seamount in Tokelau], 3 pages, (OTA closed file 18/2).

Ika Corporation (1980). Reports on skipjack fishing in the Tuvaluan waters. 18 pages plusappendices, (Fish Conf, Perm Sec, FAO/SP, USP Lib).

IMO (1987). Area search and rescue plans. [Tuvalu included in annex 4], International MaritimeOrganization, London, 14 pages plus several annexes, (Fish Conf file: IMO).

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Inter-Ocean Factors (1974). An unsolicited proposal to the administration of the Gilbert andEllice Island Colony for the establishment of an atoll based fishery. 11 pages plus appendices,(FAO/SP).

Itano, D. (1987), Trip report for Tokelau trochus survey 12/12-18 1987. 3 pages, (FAO/SP).

JICA (1981). Report on basic design survey for the fisheries training vessel in Tuvalu. JapanInternational Cooperation Agency, 78 pages, (Perm Sec, BDDP).

JICA (1984). Survey programme for fisheries resources in Tuvalu. 9 pages, (FAO/SP).

JICA (1984). The fisheries resources survey programme in Fiji and Tuvalu - preparatory report.Japan International Cooperation Agency, 10 pages plus figures, (Fish Conf).

JICA (1985). Interim report of the survey in 1984-1985 and a preliminary programme for thesurvey in 1985-1987. 36 pages, (Fish Conf).

JICA (1985). The fisheries resources survey in Fiji and Tuvalu - progress report. [drift gillnets,trolling], Japan International Cooperation Agency, 24 pages plus figures, (Fish Conf).

JICA (1987). The fisheries resources survey in Fiji and Tuvalu. [includes pole/line fishing,trolling, gillnetting, bottom fishing, and FAD deploying], Japan International Cooperation Agency,2 volumes, 110 pages plus photographs and 126 pages of tables, (Fish Conf, FAO/SP).

JICA (1988). Basic design study report on the Fishing Communities Development Project inTuvalu. Japan International Cooperation Agency, 155 pages, (CFO, Fish Conf).

Johnson, I. (1947). Adventures with the Survey Navy. [blasting channels in Tuvalu], NationalGeographic, Volume 92, pages 130-148, (cited in Rodgers 1985).

Kearney, R. (1980). Brief review of the results of the second Skipjack Programme Survey in thewaters of Tuvalu. 1 page, (SPC file PRO/93/3/22).

Kearney, R. and R. Gillett (1979). Interim report on the activities of the Skipjack Survey andAssessment Programme in the waters of Tokelau. Country Report No. 13, South PacificCommission, Noumea, 8 pages plus appendix, (FAO/SP).

Kearney, R., J. Hallier, and P. Kleiber, (1978). Interim report of the activities of the SkipjackSurvey and Assessment Programme in the waters of Tuvalu. Preliminary Country Report No.10,Skipjack Survey and Assessment Programme, South Pacific Commission, Noumea, 9 pagesplus appendices, (FAO/SP).

Keene, G. (1976). Atoll. [pages 3-9 on skipjack fishing trip at Fakaofo], Department of Education,Wellington, 48 pages, (FAO/SP).

Kendall, W. and E. Goldsborough (1911). The shore fishes: being part XIII of reports on thescientific results of the expedition by the USS Albatross from August 1899 to March 1900. [23species recorded from Tuvalu], Memoirs of the Comparative Zoology, Volume 26, No. 7, pages239-343, (cited in Rodgers 1985).

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Kennedy, D. (1930). Field notes on the culture of Vaitupu, Ellice Islands. Journal of thePolynesian Society, Volume 39, No.1, Thomas Avery and Sons, New Plymouth, [containsinformation on canoes, traditional fishing, fishing gear, cooking fish; includes photos], (Nat Lib,FAO/SP, SPC Lib).

Kennedy, R., P. Buckley, and D. Saville (1986). Tuvalu fisheries review. [containsrecommendations on corporate planning, finance, staffing, commercial activities, extension,training, NAFICOT, fish market, craft evaluation, village fisheries development, and projectmanagement], Report No.23, Pacific Regional Team, Australian Development AssistanceBureau, 43 pages plus many appendices, (CFO, Research Section, USP Lib pac hd 9468 .t8 k4,BDDP).

Kirifi H. (undated). Fishing in Tokelau. 12 pages, (FAO/SP).

Kirifi, K. (1987). Report on observer training course. [training for observers on U.S. purseseiners], 2 pages, (OTA file 5/0/9).

Kirkpatrick, R. (1900). Description of sponges from Funafuti. Annals and Magazine of NaturalHistory, Series 7, Volume 6, pages 345-362, (cited in Rodgers 1985).

Klawe, W. (1978). Estimates of catches of tunas and billfish by the Japanese, Korean, andTaiwanese longliners from within the 200 mile economic zone of the member countries of theSouth Pacific Commission. [includes catches by longliners in the Tokelau and Tuvalu zones],Occasional Paper No.10, South Pacific Commission, Noumea, 41 pages, (SPC Lib, FAO/SP).

Koch, G. (1961). Die materielle kultur der Ellis Inselin. [contains information on fishing gear],Museum fur Volkerkunde, Berlin, [cited in Zann undated).

Koch, G. (1962). Polynesier-Niutao (Ellice Inselin). Fischfang auf hoher (Bonitofang). [skipjackfishing], In: G. Wolf, Encyclopaedia, Institut fur den Wissenschaftlichen, Gottingen, (cited inRodgers and Cantrell 1988).

Koch, G. (1983). The material culture of Tuvalu. [English translation of Koch 1961, containssections on gathering seafood, fishing, canoes], Institute of Pacific Studies, University of theSouth Pacific, Suva, 215 pages, (Nat Lib, USP Lib pac gn 429 .k 1983)

Krauss, N. (1969). Bibliography of the Ellice Islands, western Pacific. Honolulu, 13 pages, (USP Lib).

Krauss, N. (1969). Bibliography of Tokelau or Union Islands, Central Pacific. [several referencesto fisheries related subjects], 11 pages, (SPC Lib, FAO/SP).

Kunatuba, P. and K. Uwate (1983). Findings from a August 1983 survey of aquacultureperceptions and awareness in the Pacific Islands. [Tuvalu included in responses], Pacific IslandsDevelopment Programme, East-West Center, Honolulu, 13 pages, (Fish Conf, Plan).

Laboute, P. (1987). Mission to the Tokelau Islands to evaluate cyclone damage to coral reefs.ORSTOM Noumea, 11 pages plus appendices, (OTA, SPC ENV, FAO/SP).

Lam, R. (1974). Atoll permeability calculated from tidal diffusion. [contains information onTokelau], Journal Geophysics Research, Volume 79, No. 21, Seattle, pages 3073-3092.

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Langdon, R. (1984). Where the whalers went: an index to the Pacific ports and islands visited byAmerican whalers (and some other ships) in the 19th century. [sections on Tokelau and Tuvalu],Pacific Manuscripts Bureau, Australian National University, Canberra, 297 pages, (Nat Lib,FAO/SP, SPC Lib).

Lawson, R. and W. Appleyard (1982). Evaluation of ODA assistance to fisheries development inKiribati. [contains information about the Van Camp & subsequent tuna surveys], OverseasDevelopment Administration, London, 141 pages, (BDDP).

Lewis, A., B. Smith, C. Ellway (1983). A guide to the common tuna baitfishes of the South PacificCommission area. SPC Handbook No.23, 82 pages, (SPC Lib, FAO/SP).

Lewis, N. (1983). Ciguatera - implications for nutrition and marine resource development in thePacific Islands. [Tuvalu included in Tables], Journal Societe des Oceanistes, Volume 39, No.77,pages 89-104, (cited in Rodgers and Cantrell 1988).

Lobel, P. (1978). Gilbertese and Ellice Islander names for fish and other organisms. Micronesia,Volume 14, No.2, pages 177-197, (cited in Zann undated).

Lundgren, B. (1986). Maritime mobile communications in the Republic of Tuvalu. 10 pages, (FishConf).

MacGregor, G. (1937). Ethnology of Tokelau Islands. [references to traditional fishing, lunarfishing calendar, canoes], B.P. Bishop Museum, Honolulu, (SPC Lib).

Machell, K. (1978). Korean fishing activity in Tuvalu. 3 pages, (FAO/SP).

Machell, K. (1979). Foreign fishing in Tuvalu. 6 pages, (FAO/SP).

Machell, K. (undated, 1983?). Tuvalu - some thoughts on fisheries development. 10 pages,(FAO/SP).

Maloney, D. (1963). Report of reef blasting at Fakaofo Island, Tokelau Group 14 May - 24September 1963. [an account of the construction of the channel], 41 pages plus appendices andphotos, (OTA closed file).

Maluofenua, S. (1988). Proposed fisheries research projects work programme for 1988. 5pages, (Research Section).

Maluofenua, S. and S. Petaia (1987). Craft evaluation project. [report for 1986], 10 pages, (Fishfile: fsh 200/15).

Marsac, F. (1981). Prospection thoniere par observations et radiometrie aeriennes - Territoire deWallis et Futuna. [aerial tuna survey in the Wallis/Futuna zone; includes some flights overTuvalu/Tokelau], ORSTOM, Noumea, (ORSTOM).

Matsumoto, W. (1966). Distribution and abundance of tuna larvae in the Pacific Ocean. [containsinformation on Tokelau and Tuvalu], Proceedings of the Governor's Conference on CentralPacific Fishery Resources, Honolulu, pages 221-230, (SPC Lib).

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McQuarrie, P. (1981). Tuvalu - nine small islands in a big ocean. [information on specimenshells], Hawaiian Shell News, Volume 29, No.12, page 9, (cited in Rodgers and Cantrell 1988).

McQuarrie, P. (1982). Observations - Funafuti Atoll. [information on specimen shells], HawaiianShell News, Volume 30, No.10, page 13, (cited in Rodgers and Cantrell 1988).

McQuarrie, P. (1982). Te Tautai: a gift to Tuvalu from Japan. Pacific Islands Monthly, Volume53, No.7, page 61, (USP Lib).

Mead, P. (1978). Report on the South Pacific Commission Outer Reef Fisheries Project inFunafuti, Tuvalu. 16 pages plus appendices, (FAO/SP).

Mergner, H. (1985). Initial recolonization of Funafuti Atoll reefs devastated by hurricane "Bebe".Programme Abstracts 15th Pacific Science Congress, Dunedin, (cited in Rodgers and Cantrell1988).

Mergner, H. (1985). Initial recolonization of Funafuti Atoll reefs devastated by hurricane "Bebe".Atoll Research Bulletin, Volume 284, pages 1-29, (cited in Rodgers and Cantrell 1988).

Ministry of Finance (1985). Tuvalu island development plan. [pages 1.16, 2.10, 3.9, 4.8, 5.11,6.14, 7.1, 8.9, 9.11, on fisheries for the various islands], 9 chapters, (CFO).

Ministry of Foreign Affairs (1981). Infringements of the Tokelau exclusive economic zone.[guideline for action against foreign fishing vessels], 2 pages, (OTA closed file 18/2).

Molina, M. (1985). Tuvalu fisheries statistical system - report of follow-up visit 12 July - 14August 1985. South Pacific Commission, 8 pages plus appendices, (FAO/SP).

Nair, R. (1982). Regional compendium of fisheries legislation. [Tuvalu included in comparativetables, Tuvalu legislation listed], Fisheries Legislative Report No.2, Regional Fisheries LawAdvisory Programme, GCP/RAS/091/NOR, 2 volumes, 43 and 583 pages, (FAO/SP).

New Zealand Mission to the United Nations (1983). Tokelau. [clarification of the situation of theEEZ of Tokelau], 5 pages, (OTA closed file 18/2).

Neyret, J. (1974). Pirogues oceaniennes. Tome II, Association Des Amis Des Musees De LaMarine, Paris, 315 pages, [traditional canoes, includes Tokelau and Tuvalu], (FAO/SP).

Nordhoff, C. (1930). Notes on the off-shore fishing on the Society Islands. [mentions traditionalfishing in Tuvalu], Journal of the Polynesian Society, Volume 39, Nos.2 and 3, pages 137-262,(FAO/SP).

North, A. (1896). Aves from Funafuti. Memoirs of the Australian Museum, Volume 3, No.1,pages 79-86, (cited in Krauss 1969).

OFCF (1986). Project finding investigation on the development of fishing communities in Tuvalu.[plans for Funafuti and Vaitupu], Overseas Fishery Cooperation Foundation, 6 pages, (Fish Conffile: Aid Japan, FAO/SP).

OFCF (1987). Symposium on South Pacific fisheries development. [section on sectorial reviewfor Tuvalu], Overseas Fishery Cooperation Foundation, Tokyo, 256 pages, (CFO).

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Office of Tokelau Affairs (1986). Tokelau dictionary. [general dictionary, contains Tokelau,English, and scientific names for many fish species], (OTA, FAO/SP).

Overa, A. (1980). Report of travel to the Tokelau Islands (22 February to 29 February 1980).[comments on fishing boats, landing boats, and fishing gear], 7 pages, (FAO/SP).

Pacific Islands Monthly (1952). Legends of navigation. [Tokelau navigation], September 1952,page 72, (USP Lib).

Pacific Islands Monthly (1954). No clam shells for Queen. [Tuvalu], April 1954, page 93.

Pacific Islands Monthly (1979). If the cupboard is bare - go fishing. [results of SPC skipjacksurvey and planned major investment in tuna fishing], June 1979, page 83, (SPC file PRO/93/22part 1).

Pacific Islands Monthly (1979). Tuvalu puts all its eggs in one basket. [results of SPC skipjacksurvey and planned major investment in tuna fishing], May 1979, pages 44-43, (SPC filePRO/93/22 part 1).

Parkinson, B. (1984). A report on the potential for the introduction of trochus (Trochus niloticus)to Tuvalu. South Pacific Commission, Noumea, 6 pages plus appendix, (Fish file: fhs 200/05,Fish Conf, FAO/SP).

Parkinson, B. (1984). The specimen shell resources of Tuvalu. South Pacific Commission,Noumea, 55 pages, (Fish Conf, FAO/SP).

Patiale, H. (1987). Fisheries statistics annual report for the year 1986. 4 pages, (SPC Smith).

Pelasio, M. (1988). An evaluation of FAO/Kiribati canoes in Tokelau. Institute of MarineResources, University of the South Pacific, Suva, 6 pages, (FAO/SP).

Pelasio, M. (1988). Fish poisoning in Tokelau. Institute of Marine Resources, University of theSouth Pacific, Suva, Working Paper, 20th Regional Technical Meeting on Fisheries, SouthPacific Commission, Noumea, 2 pages, (FAO/SP).

Pelasio, M. (1988). Tokelau country statement. Institute of Marine Resources, University of theSouth Pacific, Suva, 20th Regional Technical Meeting on Fisheries, South Pacific Commission,Noumea, 2 pages, (FAO/SP).

Pesa, P. (undated). Ocean fish and lagoon fish in Tokelau - Ika moana ma ika ote namo iTokelau. Regional Media Centre, South Pacific Commission, Suva, (FAO/SP).

Petaia, S. (1984). The fisheries of Tuvalu and their developments. Humberside College ofHigher Education, 126 pages plus appendices, (FAO/SP).Petaia, S. (1986?). Progress report on craft project from May - July 1986. 9 pages, (ResearchSection).

Petaia, S. (1986?). Report on progress of share fishing projects (Aug-Nov). 6 pages, (Fish Conffile: fsh 20/1/9).

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Petaia, S. (1987). FADs in Tuvalu: a paper prepared for Mr. R. Lameko to present at forthcomingcourse on FAD construction in Tarawa. 6 pages, (Extension Section).

Petaia, S. (1987). Report on fisheries extension visit to Nukufetau Islands from 11th February -13 March 1987. [trochus project, beche-de-mer, sharkfins, FADs, tridacna, fishing communitycentre; contains list of gear required and registered fishermen], 7 pages plus appendices, (FishConf file; fsh 20/1/9).

Petaia, S., and F. Vave (1981). Report on the deep sea fishing training carried out on outerislands 11 April -23 September 1981. 7 pages, (Nat Lib closed file; fsh 20/1/9).

Petaia, S., W. Telavi, and F. Teo (1988). Fisheries prosecution workshop Funafuti, Tuvalu (15-18 August 1988): Report of syndicate 1. [contains the 9 fisheries laws of Tuvalu], 4 pages,(Extension Section).

Petio, S. and J. Geursen (1982). Adrift for eighty days in an open boat. [initially a fishing trip fromFunafuti], 26 pages, (Nat Lib).

Pita, E. (1976). Fishery gear and their operation in coastal waters and lagoons of Tuvalu withrecommended development trends in its fishery. Thesis, Grimsby College of Technology, (citedin Fisheries Development Ltd. 1976).

Pita, E. (1976). Funafuti fishing activities. 4 pages, (cited in Zann undated).

Pita, E. (1978). Fisheries Division - annual report 1977. 4 pages, (Nat Lib closed file: fd 14/2/7).

Pita, E. (1979). 1978 annual report of the Fisheries Division, Teone. 5 pages, (Nat Lib closedfile: fd 14/2/7).

Pita, E. (1979). Nukufetau beche-de-mer survey report. 1 page, (MCNR file: cnr 100/02/0).

Pita, E. (1979). The turtle status in Tuvalu. Working Paper 3, Joint SPC/NMFS Workshop onMarine Turtles in the Tropical Pacific Islands, South Pacific Commission, Noumea, (SPC Lib).

Pita, E. (1979). The Tuvalu beche-de-mer project: quarterly report, August 1978. FisheriesNewsletter, No.18, South Pacific Commission, Noumea, pages 15-17, (Fish Conf, FAO/SP).

Pita, E. (1981). 1980 annual report of the Fisheries Division. 5 pages, (Nat Lib closed file: fd 14/2/7).

Pita, E. (1982). Tuvalu country statement. Access Negotiation Workshop, Port Vila, (Nat Libclosed file: fsh 20 1/9, BDDP).

Pita, E. (1984). Tuvalu - boat building programmes. 16th Regional Technical Meeting onFisheries, South Pacific Commission, Noumea, 2 pages, (FAO/SP).

Pita, E. (1985). An overview of the national fisheries development programme. FisheriesDivision, Ministry of Commerce and Natural Resources, Government of Tuvalu, 26 pages plusappendices, (Fish Conf, FAO/SP, SPC Smith).

Pita, E. (1986). Comments on Tuvalu Fisheries Review by the Pacific Regional Team. 4 pages,(Fish file: fsh 20/6/1).

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Pita, E. (1987). The utilization of lagoons and coastal waters and aquaculture development inTuvalu. 2 pages, (CFO, Fish file : fsh 200/08).

Pita, E. (1988). Development of the inshore fishery resources of Tuvalu. Background Paper 58,Workshop on Pacific Inshore Fishery Resources, South Pacific Commission, Noumea, 23pages, (CFO, FAO/SP).

Pita, E. (1988). Tuvalu fisheries development plan: progress review summary 1988. 13 pages,(CFO).

Pita, E., D. Itano, and R. Farman (1988). Proposal for a South Pacific tuna fisheriesdevelopment project: trial purse seine fishing. [paragraphs 38-49 on Tuvalu fisheries overview,100 on Tuvalu position concerning purse seine development, 122-123 on previous purse seiningin Tuvalu], Working Paper 28, 20th South Pacific Regional Technical Meeting on Fisheries,South Pacific Commission, Noumea, 62 pages plus appendices, (FAO/SP).

Popper, D. and M. De San (1981). Report on duty travel to Tuvalu to consult on potential for livebait culture. 7 pages, (FAO/SP).

Powell, R. (1967). Possibilities of developing a tuna fishing industry in the Gilbert and ElliceIslands Colony. South Pacific Commission, Noumea, 16 pages plus appendices, (USP Lib,BDDP).

Preston, G. and M. Vincent (1986). Fisheries sector refrigeration systems in Pacific Islandcountries. [section on the Tuvalu equipment and relative electricity costs], Working Paper 2, 17thRegional Technical Meeting on Fisheries, South Pacific Commission, Noumea, 84 pages,(FAO/SP).

Pudner, G. (1981). Consultancy report for the Government of Tuvalu on setting-up of a smallboatyard and slipway. 5 pages, (FAO/SP).

Radke, B. (1985). Bathymetry and beach profiling, Funafuti, Tuvalu, September - October 1984.CCOP/SOPAC Cruise Report 106, (CCOP).

Radke, B. (1985). Seismic and bathymetric profiling of Nukufetau Lagoon, Tuvalu, for evaluationof phosphate potential, Tuvalu, February - March 1985. CCOP/SOPAC Cruise Report 108,(Perm Sec, CCOP).

Rawlins, S. (1972). Cyclone Bebe. Fisheries Newsletter, No.7, South Pacific Commission,Noumea, pages 13-14, (SPC Lib).

Rawlins, S. (1972). Deep handlining for yellowfin tuna at Funafuti, Ellice Islands. Working Paper1, 5th Technical Meeting on Fisheries, South Pacific Commission, Noumea, 9 pages, (SPC Lib).

Rawlins, S. (1973). Notes on some problems encountered in an attempt to develop a canoefishery at Funafuti Atoll. Working Paper, 6th Technical Meeting on Fisheries, South PacificCommission, Noumea, 9 pages, (cited in Honnorat 1977).

Rehder, H. (1982). Marine mollusks of some islands of Polynesia. [fieldwork done in Tokelauand Tuvalu], National Geographic Society, Research Reports, Volume 14, pages 541-548, (citedin Rodgers and Cantrell 1988).

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Roberts, S. (1988). Visit to Tuvalu by Steve Roberts, Fish Handling and Processing Officer, 15-16 February 1988. South Pacific Commission. Noumea, 6 pages, (SPC Smith).

Rodgers, K. (1985). An annotated bibliography of the natural history of Tuvalu (Ellice Islands).Pacific Science, Volume 39, No.1, pages 100-130, (USP Lib pac QHI.p2).

Rodgers, K. and C. Cantrell (1987). The birds of Tuvalu: a faunal list and annotatedbibliography. South Pacific Journal of Natural Science, (cited in Rodgers and Cantrell 1988).

Rodgers, K. and C. Cantrell (1988). The biology and geology of Tuvalu: an annotatedbibliography. [contains 1086 references], Technical reports of the Australian Museum No.1, 103pages, (FAO/SP).

Rodgers, K. and C. Cantrell (1988). Tuvalu's weather and climate: an annotated bibliography.South Pacific Journal of Natural Science, (cited in Rodgers and Cantrell 1988).

Rooke, E. (1886). Reports of Commander Eustace Rooke, HMS Miranda of proceedings whenvisiting islands of the Union Group, the Phoenix Group. Sophia and Rotumah Islands, the ElliceGroup, and the Gilbert Group, April to July 1886. [contains comments on fish poisoning], HMGovernment Printer, Sydney, (cited in Rodgers and Cantrell 1988).

Save the Children Federation Inc. (undated). An implementation plan for a community basedintegrated island development program in Tuvalu. Newton, Maryland, (cited in Zann undated).

Save the Children Federation Inc. (undated). Tuvalu boat project - a proposal to re-introduce fuelsaving workboats in Tuvalu. 15 pages, (FAO/SP).

Savins, M. (1987). Report on a mission to Tuvalu. [comments on boatbuilding, sail training, andboat design], 4 pages, (Fish Conf: file FSH 20/1/9, FAO/SP).

Schupp, D. (1984). Tuvalu country statement. Workshop on National Tuna Fishing Operations,Tarawa, Kiribati, Forum Fisheries Agency, 8 pages, (FAO/SP).

SCP Fisheries Consultants (1987). Tuvalu fisheries development program. Report No.45, PacificRegional Team, Australian International Development Assistance Bureau, 43 pages plusappendices, (CFO, Research Section, BDDP).

Seono, L. (1988). Report on trochus [on Funafuti]. 1 page, (Fish file: 200/05).

Shepard, M. (1980). Preliminary review of the distant-water longline fishing for the South Pacificduring 1975-1977. [Tokelau and Tuvalu covered by maps], FFA/CR.1, Forum Fisheries Agency,Honiara, 5 pages plus appendices, (FAO/SP).

Shepard, M. and L. Clark (1984). South Pacific fisheries development assistance needs -opportunities for participation by UNDP, FAO and other donors interested in supporting SouthPacific fisheries development. FAO/UNDP South Pacific Regional Fisheries DevelopmentProgramme, Suva, 91 pages plus tables annexes and appendices [appendix L on Tokelau,appendix N on Tuvalu], (CFO, Research Section, Plan, FAO/SP).

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Skipjack Programme (1978). Daily logbook, school sighting logbook, biological data log. [rawdata collected on skipjack research vessel in Tokelau and Tuvalu zones], South PacificCommission, Noumea, 18 pages, (SPC Tuna, FAO/SP).

Skipjack Programme (1980). Skipjack fishing effort and catch, 1972-1978, by the Japanesepole-and-line fleet within 200 miles of the countries in the area of the South Pacific Commission.[includes catches in the Tokelau and Tuvalu zones], Skipjack Programme Technical ReportNo.2, South Pacific Commission, Noumea, 91 pages, (SPC Lib, FAO/SP).

Skipjack Programme (1981). Fishing effort and catch by the longline fleets of Japan (1962-77)and Taiwan (1967-77) within 200 miles of the countries in the area of the South PacificCommission. [includes catches in the Tokelau and Tuvalu zones], Skipjack ProgrammeTechnical Report No.3, South Pacific Commission, Noumea, 249 pages, (Fish Lib, FAO/SP).

Skipjack Programme (1982). An assessment of baitfish resources in the South PacificCommission area. [Tokelau and Tuvalu included in tables], Working Paper 12, 14th RegionalTechnical Meeting on Fisheries, South Pacific Commission, Noumea, 8 pages, (FAO/SP).

Sollas, W. (1899). Funafuti: the story of a coral atoll. Smithsonian Institute, Report 1898, pages389-406, (cited in Eldredge 1987).

Spectre, P. (1986). Trimaran Jim. WoodenBoat, No.69, WoodenBoat Publications, Brooklin,Maine, pages 76-85 [cover photo shows launching of the catamaran Vaka Busi at the TuvaluFisheries Division], (FAO/SP).

Sperling, H. (1977). Back-to-office report on a visit to Tuvalu. [comments on previous resourcesurveys, fisheries developments; contains list of required beche-de-mer gear], 13 pages plusappendices, (FAO/SP).

Sperling, H. (1978). Back-to-office report on a visit to Tokelau. [information on beche-de-mer,comments on inter-island launches, boat design, and baitfish], United Nations DevelopmentProgramme, Suva, 12 pages plus appendices, (FAO/SP).

SPREP (1980). Tokelau country report. [includes fisheries], South Pacific Regional EnvironmentProgramme, South Pacific Commission, Noumea, 4 pages, (SPC Lib, FAO/SP).

Statistics Office (1987). Tuvalu international trade 1985. [information on imports of fish], Ministryof Finance, Tuvalu, 76 pages, (Fish Conf).

Tala O Atiakega (1987). Funafuti fish market almost ready for action. Volume 1, No.3, PlanningAnd Statistics Division, page 1, (Broad).

Tala O Atiakega (1987). New facilities planned for boat building and maintenance. Volume 1,No.3, Planning And Statistics Division, page 1, (Broad).

Talake, K. (1985). Boat development industry of Tuvalu. Save The Children, Tuvalu Field Office,11 pages, (Fish file: 200/18).

Tanaka, T. (1981). Atlas of skipjack fishing grounds in southern waters, 1980 fishing season.[shows Japanese pole/line fleet activities in Tokelau and Tuvalu, in Japanese], Tohoku RegionalFisheries Research Laboratory, Shiogama, (FAO/SP).

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Tapu, I. (1987). Country report 1987. [combines information from Tuvalu Fisheries DivisionAnnual reports 1983-85], Country Reports, Hull and Engine Maintenance of Small Fishing BoatCourse, Kanagawa International Fisheries Training Centre, 46 pages, (Fish Conf).

Taumaia, P. (1986). Report on the deep sea fisheries development project in Tuvalu (12October - 6 June 1986). South Pacific Commission, Noumea, 30 pages, (SPC Smith).

Taumaia, P. (1987). Fisheries extension unit report - April to June 1987. 3 pages, (UNDP).

Taumaia, P. (1988). Final report on United Nations Development Programme fisheries extensionTuvalu (1 April 1987-31 March 1988). 13 pages, (Fish file: fsh 200/20).

Taumaia, P. and G. Preston (1984). Deep Sea Fisheries Development Project - report on a visitto Tokelau 21 May - 22 September 1982. South Pacific Commission, Noumea, 16 pages plusappendices, (FAO/SP).

Taumaia, P. and M. Gentle, (1982). Report on the Deep Sea Fisheries Development Project inFunafuti, Tuvalu (18 November - 15 February 1981). South Pacific Commission, Noumea, 22pages plus appendices, (Fish Conf, CFO, Nat Lib, FAO/SP, USP Lib).

Thompson, M. and D. Hackman (1968). Birds of the Tokelau Islands. Notornis, Volume 15,pages 109-116, (FAO/SP).

Thrower, S. and R. Winstanley (1982). Fisheries extension vessel study. Pacific Regional Team,Australian Development Assistance Bureau, (cited in SCP 1987).

Thrower, S. and R. Winstanley (1982). Tuvalu fisheries development program. AustralianDevelopment Assistance Bureau, 40 pages, (Fish Conf, BDDP).

Travis, W. (1978). Some thoughts on the logical development of fisheries in Tuvalu. (cited inEllway et al 1983).

Treanor, R. (1965). Report on reef blasting at Fakaofo Island Tokelau Group 6 July - 7 October1965. 15 pages plus appendices and photos, (OTA closed files).

Tsuda, R. and F. Wray (1977). Bibliography of marine benthic algae in Micronesia. [includesEllice Islands], Micronesica, Volume 13, No.1, pages 85-120, (cited in Rodgers and Cantrell1988).

Tuna Programme (1983). An assessment of the skipjack and baitfish resources of Tokelau. FinalCountry Report No. 10, South Pacific Commission, Noumea, 34 pages plus appendices,(FAO/SP).

Tuna Programme (1988). Regional tuna bulletin - first quarter 1988. [contains tuna catch rates inTokelau and Tuvalu], South Pacific Commission, Noumea, 28 pages, (Fish Conf, FAO/SP).

Turbot, I. (1950). Fishing for flying fish in the Gilbert and Ellice Islands. Journal of the PolynesianSociety, Volume 59, No.4, pages 349-367, (cited in Krauss 1969).

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Turbott, I. (1949). Diets, Gilbert and Ellice Islands Colony. [contains information on fishconsumption], Journal of the Polynesian Society, Volume 58, pages 36-56, (cited in Rodgersand Cantrell 1988).

Tuvalu Echoes (1983). Korean longline vessels are licensed to fish in Tuvalu waters. No.4, page1&6, (Broad).

Tuvalu Echoes (1983). Naficot approves bonus for crew members. No.3, pages 1&8, (Broad).

Tuvalu Echoes (1983). New changes on MV Te Tautai. No.5, page 1, (Broad).

Tuvalu Echoes (1983). Taiwan renews its fishing licenses. No.1, page 1, (Broad).

Tuvalu Echoes (1983). Te Tautai lost one week fishing. No.1, page 3, (Broad).

Tuvalu Echoes (1984). American fishing vessel called at Nukulaelae. No.24, page 6, (Broad).

Tuvalu Echoes (1984). Fish marketing centre for Tuvalu. No.22, page 2, (Broad).

Tuvalu Echoes (1984). Fishing vessel conducts survey. No.16, page 6, (Broad).

Tuvalu Echoes (1984). Live bait survey produces good results. No.11, page 1, (Broad).

Tuvalu Echoes (1984). Naficot financial adviser to attend National Tuna Fishing Workshop.No.12, page 4, (Broad).

Tuvalu Echoes (1984). Polynesian countries sign fishing agreement with American TunaboatAssociation. No.8, page 6, (Broad).

Tuvalu Echoes (1984). Secretary for Commerce and Natural Resources to attend a worldfisheries conference. No.14, pages 1 & 6, (Broad).

Tuvalu Echoes (1984). Short baitfish survey at Nukufetau. No.12, page 3, (Broad).

Tuvalu Echoes (1984). USSR shows interest in Tuvalu waters. No.34, (Broad).

Tuvalu Echoes (1985). Cardinalfish and fusiliers: an alternative baitfish in Tuvalu. No.45, 4pages, (Broad).

Tuvalu Echoes (1985). Fishing hand in hand. No.50, page 5, (Broad).

Tuvalu Echoes (1985). Foreign vessel sighted again. No. 35, page 2, (Broad).

Tuvalu Echoes (1985). New fishing craft. No.42, page 3, (Broad).

Tuvalu Echoes (1985). SPC supports Tuvalu artisanal fisheries statistics programme. No.53,page 9, (Broad).

Tuvalu Echoes (1985). Survey of fishing potential in Tuvalu waters. No.46, page 2, (Broad).

Tuvalu Echoes (1985). Survey on fish poisoning. No.41, page 3, (Broad).

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Tuvalu Echoes (1986). Gov't. signed fisheries agreement with Japan. No.65, pages 1&3&6,(Broad).

Tuvalu Echoes (1986). Joint survey. No.70-71, page 8, (Broad).

Tuvalu Echoes (1986). Naficot propose Te Tautai to fish in Solomon Islands. No. 62, page 2,(Broad).

Tuvalu Echoes (1986). Negotiations on fisheries agreement between Tuvalu and Japan. No.62,(Broad).

Tuvalu Echoes (1986). Republic of China and Tuvalu renew fisheries licensing agreement.No.75, page 1, (Broad).

Tuvalu Echoes (1986). Te Tautai facing an uncertain future. No.60, page 1, (Broad).

Tuvalu Echoes (1986). UNDP fishery adviser visits Tuvalu. No.61, pages 5&9, (Broad).

Tuvalu Echoes (1987). Farming trochus shells. No.98, page 3, (Broad).

Tuvalu Echoes (1987). Fisheries development visit. No.84, page 1, (Broad).

Tuvalu Echoes (1987). Minister signs treaty. No.88, pages 2-3, (Broad).

Tuvalu Echoes (1987). No compromise of fishing deal. No.96, pages 9-10, (Broad).

Tuvalu Echoes (1987). Teone fish market opens. No.89, page 1-2, (Broad).

Tuvalu Echoes (1987). Trochus shells for Tuvalu. No.81, page 2, (Broad).

Tuvalu Echoes (1988). Giant clam stock survey for Tuvalu. No.116, pages 4-5, (Broad).

Tuvalu Echoes (1988). Share from the U.S. multilateral tuna treaty. No. 120, page 1, (Broad).

Tuvalu Echoes (1988). Trochus for Tuvalu. No.115, page 4, (Broad, FAO/SP).

Tuvalu Echoes (1988). Visit by JICA team. No. 109, pages 1-2, (Broad).

Tuvalu News Sheet (1979). Fisheries and aid discussions with Japan. No.81, page 9, (Nat Lib).

Tuvalu News Sheet (1979). Further fisheries negotiations. No.82, page 7, (Nat Lib).

Tuvalu News Sheet (1979). Tuvalu skipjack wandering far. No.86, pages 7-8, (Nat Lib).

Tuvalu News Sheet (1980). Fishery draft agreement signed. [Ika Tuna Survey], No.107, pages12-13, (Nat Lib).

Tuvalu News Sheet (1980). South Korea refuses to accept Tuvalu's licensing figure. No. 97,page 4, (Nat Lib).

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Tuvalu News Sheet (1980). Taiwan mission discuss fisheries and agriculture. No. 97, page 7,(Nat Lib).

Tuvalu News Sheet (1980). Taiwan shows interest in fisheries agreement. No. 110, page 9, (NatLib).

Tuvalu News Sheet (1983). Negotiations with American Tunaboat Association. No.191, pages 1-4, (cited in Doulman 1985).

Uan, J. (1987). Report on Eucheuma planting trials in Funafuti lagoon. 5 pages plus appendices,(FAO/UNDP).

Uili, S. (1979). Report on fishing expedition. [experiences on pole/line tuna research vessel inTokelau waters], 3 pages, (FAO/SP).

Ulumutu, S. (1988). Report on trochus at Nukulaelae. 1 page, (Fish file: fsh 200/05).

UNDP/FAO (1969). South Pacific Tuna Mission 1969 report. [Gilbert and Ellice Islands in AnnexIII], (cited in Ellway et al 1983).

Uwate, K., P. Kunatuba, B. Raobati, and C. Tenakanai (1984). A review of aquaculture activitiesin the Pacific Islands region. Pacific Islands Development Program, East-West Center, Honolulu,22 chapters, [page 1-20 and chapter on Tuvalu], (Plan, FAO/SP).

Van Pel, H. (1958). A survey of fisheries in the Tokelau Islands. South Pacific Commission,Noumea, 16 pages, (FAO/SP).

Victor, R. (1983). A new freshwater ostracod genus (Crustacea, Ostracoda) from Tokelau Islets,South Pacific Islands. Journal of Natural History, Volume 17, No. 4, pages 615-618.

Waite, E. (1899). The mammals, reptiles, and fishes of Funafuti. In: Etheridge (1896-1900). Theatoll of Funafuti, Ellice Group. Part III, page 165-203, (cited in Rodgers 1985).

Waldron, K. (date unknown). Fish schools and bird flocks in the central Pacific Ocean, 1950-1951. [shows sightings in the Tokelau 5 degree square], U.S. Bureau of Fisheries, SpecialScientific Report - Fisheries 464, 20 pages, (FAO/SP).

Whicking, J., H. Ringrose, S. Whitehouse, and P. Zimmet (1981). Nutrient intake in a partlywesternized Polynesian population: the Funafuti survey. [information on fish consumption], (SPCLib).

Whistler, W. (undated). Ethnobotany of Tokelau: the plants, their Tokelau names, and their uses.[information on the plants used to manufacture fishing gear], 42 pages, (OTA).

White Fish Authority (1972). Report on the Gilbert and Ellice Islands - Van Camp joint venturetuna fishery project. Report M.D. 118, 11 pages plus appendices, (BDDP).

Whitelegge, T. (1897). The crustacea [of Funafuti]. Memoirs of the Australian Museum, Volume3, No.2, pages 127-151, (cited in Krauss 1969).

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Whitelegge, T. (1897). The echinodermata [of Funafuti]. Memoirs of the Australian Museum,Volume 3, No.2, pages 155-162, (cited in Krauss 1969).

Whitelegge, T. (1897). The sponges [of Funafuti]. Memoirs of the Australian Museum, Volume 3,No.5, pages 323-332, (cited in Krauss 1969).

Whitelegge, T. (1898). The madreporaria of Funafuti. Memoirs of the Australian Museum,Volume 3, No.6, pages 349-368, (cited in Krauss 1969).

Whitelegge, T. (1899). The hydrozoa, scyphozoa, actinozoa, and vermes of Funafuti. Memoirs ofthe Australian Museum, Volume 3, No.7, pages 369-394, (cited in Krauss 1969).

Wiens, H. (1962). Atoll environment and ecology. [contains information on poisonous fish,surface water temperatures, coconut crab, turtles], Yale University Press, New Haven, 523pages, (cited in Rodgers and Cantrell 1988).

Wodzicki, K. (1971). The Tokelau Islands - environmental, natural history, and specialconservation problems. Paper 10, Regional Symposium on Conservation Nature - Reefs andLagoons, South Pacific Commission, Noumea, pages 63-68, (SPC Lib).

Wodzicki, K. (1972). The Tokelau Islands - man and introduced animals in an atoll ecosystem.South Pacific Bulletin, Volume 22, No.1, South Pacific Commission, Noumea, pages 37-41,(SPC Lib).

Wodzicki, K. and M. Laird (1970). Birds and bird lore in the Tokelau Islands. Notornis, Volume17, No. 4, pages 247-276, (FAO/SP).

Yaldwyn, J. and K. Wodzicki (1977). Systematics and ecology of the land crabs (Decopoda:Coenobitidae, Grapsidae, and Gecarcinidae) of the Tokelau Islands, Central Pacific. NationalMuseum of New Zealand and Victoria University of Wellington, (FAO/SP).

Zann, L. (1980). Tuvalu's subsistence fisheries. Effects of Energy Crisis on Small Craft andFisheries in the South Pacific, Institute of Marine Resources, University of the South Pacific,Suva, Report 4, 13 pages, (Research Section, Fish Conf, FAO/SP).

Zann, L. (1983). Man and atolls: traditional utilization and conservation of marine resources andrecent changes in Tuvalu and Kiribati. Programme Abstracts, Pacific Science Congress,Dunedin, (cited in Rodgers and Cantrell 1988 as being located in USP Lib).

Zann, L. (1983). Traditional management and conservation of fisheries in Kiribati and Tuvaluatolls. Institute of Marine Resources, University of the South Pacific, Suva, [may have appearedin: Workshop on Traditional Coastal Management, UNESCO, Jakarta, December 1983], (USPLib pac sh 319 .k5 z37).

Zann, L. (undated). Canoes of Tuvalu. Effects of Energy Crisis on Small Craft and Fisheries inthe South Pacific. Institute of Marine Resources, University of the South Pacific, Suva, Report 3,10 pages, (Research Section, FAO/SP).

Zann, L. (undated). Tuvalu's artisanal fishing fleet. Effects of Energy Crisis on Small Craft andFisheries in the South Pacific, Report 2, Institute of Marine Resources, University of the SouthPacific, Suva, 11 pages plus appendices, (CFO, FAO/SP).

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Zann, L. and S. Aleta (1984). A preliminary fish consumption survey in Tokelau. 9 pages plusappendices, (FAO/SP).

Zann, L., S. Marriott, J. Uan, and L. Bolton (in prep.). Fish consumption, catches, yields, andtrends in fisheries exploitation in Tuvalu and Kiribati atolls. (cited in Zann 1983).

References listed by Subject

Annual Reports(chronological order)

Pita, E. (1978). Fisheries Division - annual report 1977. 4 pages, (Nat Lib closed file: fd 14/2/7).

Pita, E. (1979). 1978 annual report of the Fisheries Division, Teone. 5 pages, (Nat Lib closedfile: fd 14/2/7).

Anon (1980). [Tuvalu] Fisheries Division annual report 1979. 9 pages, (Fish Conf).

Anon (1981). [Tuvalu] Fisheries Division annual report 1980. 9 pages, (Fish Conf).

Pita, E. (1981). 1980 annual report of the Fisheries Division. 5 pages, (Nat Lib closed file: fd14/2/7).

Anon (1982). [Tuvalu] Fisheries Division annual report 1981. 11 pages, (Fish Conf).

Anon (1983). [Tuvalu] Fisheries Division annual report. 32 pages plus appendices, (Fish Conf,Perm Sec, FAO/SP, SPC Smith).

Anon (1984). [Tuvalu] Fisheries Division report 1983. 43 pages, (Fish Conf, FAO/SP).

Anon (1985). Tuvalu Fisheries Division annual report 1984. 17 pages, (CFO, FAO/SP).

Anon (1986). Tuvalu Fisheries Division annual report 1985. Ministry of Commerce & NaturalResources, Vaiaku, Funafuti, 29 pages, (Fish Conf).

Chief Fisheries Officer (1987). [Tuvalu] Fisheries annual report 1986. Ministry of Commerce &Natural Resources, 24 pages, (Fish Conf).


Anon (1973). Aquaculture in equatorial and tropical Pacific islands: present status and prospectsfor future developments: status results as at January 1973: Gilbert and Ellice Islands. FisheriesNewsletter, No.8, South Pacific Commission, Noumea, pages 2-11, (SPC Lib).

Anon (1986). Draft report of the Aquaculture Mission to the South Pacific. [sections on Tokelauand Tuvalu], 31 pages, (Research Section, FAO/SP).

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Braley, R. (1988). The status of giant clam stocks and potential for mariculture in Tuvalu. FAOSouth Pacific Aquaculture Development Project, 41 pages plus appendices, (Fish Conf,Research Section, FAO/SP).

Glude, J. (1972). Report on the potential for shellfish aquaculture in Palau Islands, Yap Islands,Guam, Truk, Ponape, Ellice Islands, American Samoa, Cook Islands, Fiji Islands, NewCaledonia, and French Polynesia. FAO, Rome, 99 pages, (FAO/SP, SPC Lib).

Kunatuba, P. and K. Uwate (1983). Findings from a August 1983 survey of aquacultureperceptions and awareness in the Pacific Islands. [Tuvalu included in responses], Pacific IslandsDevelopment Programme, East-West Center, Honolulu, 13 pages, (Fish Conf, Plan).

Pita, E. (1987). The utilization of lagoons and coastal waters and aquaculture development inTuvalu. 2 pages, (CFO, Fish file : fsh 200/08).

Popper, D. and M. De San (1981). Report on duty travel to Tuvalu to consult on potential for livebait culture. 7 pages, (FAO/SP).

Uan, J. (1987). Report on Eucheuma planting trials in Funafuti lagoon. 5 pages plus appendices,(FAO/SP).

Uwate, K., P. Kunatuba, B. Raobati, and C. Tenakanai (1984). A review of aquaculture activitiesin the Pacific Islands region. Pacific Islands Development Program, East-West Center, Honolulu,22 chapters, [page 1-20 and chapter on Tuvalu], (Plan, FAO/SP).

Aquarium Fish

Anon (undated, 1983?). Tropical marine aquarium species reported in Tuvalu. 1 page, (FishConf file: G 1/1).

Cross, D. (1976). An appraisal of the potential for exploiting marine resources other than thoseof the conventional fisheries in the islands of Tuvalu. [includes aquarium fish, specimen shells,game fishing, beche-de-mer], 43 pages, (Research Section, FAO/SP).


Batty, M. (1985). Development of small scale pole and line fishing around Funafuti. U.N.D.P.project Tuv/84/001, 14 pages plus appendices, (FAO/SP, SPC Smith).

Batty, M. (undated). Small scale pole and line fishing trials around Funafuti. (cited in Batty 1985).Bryan, P. (1980). The efficiency of mollies, Poecilla mexicana as live bait for pole-line skipjackfishing: fishing trials in the tropical Pacific. [some fishing done in the Tuvalu zone], MarineFisheries Review, Volume 42, No.6, pages 15-24, (FAO/SP).

Ellway, C., R. Farman, A. Argue, and R. Kearney (1983). An assessment of the skipjack andbaitfish resources of Tuvalu. Skipjack Survey and Assessment Programme Final Country ReportNo.8, South Pacific Commission, Noumea, 47 pages, (Fish Conf, Nat Lib, FAO/SP).

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Gillett, R. (1983). Trip report to Tuvalu. [feasibility study for baitfish development project], 15pages, (Fish Conf file: B1, FAO/SP).

Gillett, R. (1985). Baitfish survey of Fakaofo lagoon. 2 pages, (FAO/SP).

Gillett, R. (1985). Tuvalu baitfish survey and development project. Technical Report No.14, Tunaand Billfish Assessment Programme, South Pacific Commission, Noumea, 22 pages plusappendices, (Perm Sec, Plan, FAO/SP).

Gillett, R. (1985). Cardinalfish and fusiliers: an alternate baitfish resource for Tuvalu. FisheriesNewsletter, South Pacific Commission, Noumea, 6 pages, (FAO/SP).

Gillett, R. (1985). Report on a trip to Tuvalu - January 11-14 1985. [follow-up on baitfish project],10 pages, (FAO/SP).

Ika Corporation (1980). Reports on skipjack fishing in the Tuvaluan waters. 18 pages plusappendices, (Fish Conf, Perm Sec, FAO/SP, USP Lib).

Kearney, R. (1980). Brief review of the results of the second Skipjack Programme survey in thewaters of Tuvalu. 1 page, (SPC file PRO/93/3/22).

Kearney, R. and R. Gillett (1979). Interim report on the activities of the Skipjack Survey andAssessment Programme in the waters of Tokelau. Country Report No. 13, South PacificCommission, Noumea, 8 pages plus appendix, (FAO/SP).

Kearney, R., J. Hallier, and P. Kleiber, (1978). Interim report of the activities of the SkipjackSurvey and Assessment Programme in the waters of Tuvalu. Preliminary Country Report No.10,Skipjack Survey and Assessment Programme, South Pacific Commission, Noumea, 9 pagesplus appendices, (FAO/SP).

Lewis, A., B. Smith, C. Ellway (1983). A guide to the common tuna baitfishes of the South PacificCommission area. SPC handbook no.23, 82 pages, (SPC Lib, FAO/SP).

Popper, D. and M. De San (1981). Report on duty travel to Tuvalu to consult on potential for livebait culture. 7 pages, (FAO/SP).

Skipjack Programme (1982). An assessment of baitfish resources in the South PacificCommission area. [Tokelau and Tuvalu included in tables], Working Paper 12, 14th RegionalTechnical Meeting on Fisheries, South Pacific Commission, Noumea, 8 pages, (FAO/SP).

Tuna Programme (1983). An assessment of the skipjack and baitfish resources of Tokelau. FinalCountry Report No. 10, South Pacific Commission, Noumea, 34 pages plus appendices,(FAO/SP).Tuvalu Echoes (1984). Live bait survey produces good results. No.11, page 1, (Broad).

Tuvalu Echoes (1984). Short baitfish survey at Nukufetau. No.12, page 3, (Broad).

Tuvalu Echoes (1985). Cardinalfish and fusiliers: an alternative baitfish in Tuvalu. No.45, 4pages, (Broad).

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Bibliographies Concerning Tuvalu and Tokelau

Doulman, D. (1985). Tuna fisheries in the Pacific Islands region: a bibliography. Pacific IslandsDevelopment Programme, East-West Center, Honolulu, 111 pages [page 59 on Tuvalu], (FishConf, FAO/SP).

Eldredge, L. (1987). Bibliography of marine ecosystems: Pacific Islands. Regional SeasDirectories and Bibliographies, United Nations Environment Programme, Food and AgricultureOrganization, Rome, 73 pages, (Fish Conf, FAO/SP).

Gillett, R. (1988). Tokelau and Tuvalu: an atoll fisheries bibliography. Field Document 88/4,FAO/UNDP Regional Fishery Support Programme, Suva, 72 pages, (Fish Conf, FAO/SP, USPLib).

Gillett, R. (1988). Fisheries in Tokelau - a compilation of various documents and reports. [18reports on Tokelau fisheries], FAO/UNDP Regional Fishery Support Programme, Suva, 205pages, (OTA, USP Lib, FAO/SP).

Honnorat, D. (1977). The Gilbert and Tuvalu Islands: list of SPC publications and otherpublished material held in the SPC library. South Pacific Commission, Noumea, 19 pages, (SPCSmith).

Krauss, N. (1969). Bibliography of the Ellice Islands, western Pacific. Honolulu, 13 pages, (USPLib).

Krauss, N. (1969). Bibliography of Tokelau or Union Islands, Central Pacific. [several referencesto fisheries related subjects], 11 pages, (SPC Lib, FAO/SP).

Rodgers, K. (1985). An annotated bibliography of the natural history of Tuvalu (Ellice Islands).Pacific Science, Volume 39, No.1, pages 100-130, (USP Lib pac QHI.p2).

Rodgers, K. and C. Cantrell (1987). The birds of Tuvalu: a faunal list and annotatedbibliography. South Pacific Journal of Natural Science, (cited in Rodgers and Cantrell 1988).

Rodgers, K. and C. Cantrell (1988). The biology and geology of Tuvalu: an annotatedbibliography. [contains 1086 references], Technical reports of the Australian Museum No.1, 103pages, (FAO/SP).

Rodgers, K. and C. Cantrell (1988). Tuvalu's weather and climate: an annotated bibliography.South Pacific Journal of Natural Science, (cited in Rodgers and Cantrell 1988).Tsuda, R. and F. Wray (1977). Bibliography of marine benthic algae in Micronesia. [includesEllice Islands], Micronesica, Volume 13, No.1, pages 85-120, (cited in Rodgers and Cantrell 1988).


Barton, H. (1980). Tuvalu international trade 1980. [information on the imports of fish andexports of beche-de-mer]. United Nations Development Advisory Team, Suva, 69 pages, (FishConf).

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Cross, D. (1976). An appraisal of the potential for exploiting marine resources other than thoseof the conventional fisheries in the islands of Tuvalu. [includes aquarium fish, specimen shells,game fishing, beche-de-mer], 43 pages, (Research Section, FAO/SP).

Disney, J. (1977). Fisheries development in Tuvalu. [contains information on beche-de-merprocessing, katsuobushi, shark fins], Tropical Products Institute, 40 pages plus appendices,(CFO, FAO/SP).

Fisheries Division (1979). A tupe e mafai o maua mai funafuna. [You can earn money frombeche-de-mer], Tuvalu Fisheries Division Extension Leaflet No.1, Funafuti, 6 pages, (ExtensionSection).

Gentle, M. (1979). Survey of beche-de-mer resources in the Tokelau Islands. 2 pages plusappendices, (FAO/SP).

Petaia, S. (1987). Report on fisheries extension visit to Nukufetau Islands from 11th February -13 March 1987. [trochus project, beche-de-mer, sharkfins, FADs, tridacna, fishing communitycentre; contains list of gear required and registered fishermen], 7 pages plus appendices, (FishConf file; fsh 20/1/9).

Pita, E. (1979). Nukufetau beche-de-mer survey report. 1 page, (MCNR file: cnr 100/02/0).

Pita, E. (1979). The Tuvalu beche-de-mer project: quarterly report, August 1978. FisheriesNewsletter, No.18, South Pacific Commission, Noumea, pages 15-17, (Fish Conf, FAO/SP).

Boats and Boatbuilding

Alexander, A. (1902). Notes on the boats, apparatus, and fishing methods employed by thenatives of the south sea islands, and results of fishing trials by the Albatross. Report of theCommissioner, Part XXVII, U.S. Commission of Fish and Fisheries, Washington, pages 741-829[pages 794-797 on Tuvalu], (FAO/SP).

Anon (1987). Locally made canoe for Tokelau. [building of KIR-type canoe in Fiji for use inTokelau], Fiji Times, May 6, 1987, (FAO/SP).

Anon (undated). Proposed fishing boat venture for Atawhu, Tokelau Islands. 4 pages, (FAO/SP).

Batty, M. (1984). Report on a study visit to Tonga by the fisheries adviser for Tuvalu. [seaweedand boatbuilding], 2 pages, (FAO/SP).Brown, J. (1982). New working watercraft - a combined report on boat design and constructionconsultancies for three clients in the third world, October 1981 to March 1982. [section onTuvalu], 76 pages plus appendices, (Save).

Brown, J. (1982). Preliminary report on Tuvalu's watercraft requirements. Save the Children,Funafuti, 17 pages, (Fish file: 20/2/3, Nat Lib closed file: fsh 20/1/9).

Brown, J. (1986). The Tuvalu boat project - assessment report. Kamberwood InternationalServices, Virginia, 17 pages plus appendices, (Save).

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Brown, S. (1984). The Tuvalu Vaka project. Fisheries Newsletter No.28, South PacificCommission, Noumea, 3 pages, (FAO/SP).

Commercial Marine Design Pty. Ltd. (1983). Specification of fisheries extension vessel forTuvalu Government Fisheries Division. 23 pages, (Nat Lib closed file, FAO/SP).

Faulkner, G. (1988). Basic design study for fishing communities development project in Tuvalu:notes on the suitability of the proposed fishing/extension vessels. National Fishing Corporationof Tuvalu, 5 pages, (Fish file: 200/24).

Fiji Times (1987). Trial run to Savusavu. [experiences of Tokelau fisheries officer onsailing/fishing canoe in Fiji], February 11, 1987, (FAO/SP).

Flynn, G. and J. Makin (undated, 1976?). A survey of the prospects for agriculture and industrialdevelopment in Tuvalu. [sections on boatbuilding, fishing lures, shark processing, brine shrimps,salt production], 180 pages, (USP Lib pac hc 687 .t9 f58).

Gulbrandsen, O. and A. Overa (1977). Report on travel to Tokelau. [boatbuilding and generalobservations and recommendations on fisheries], 9 pages plus appendix, (FAO/SP).

Gulbrandsen, O. and M. Savins (1987). Artisanal fishing craft of the Pacific Islands. Document87/5, FAO/UNDP Regional Fishery Support Programme, Suva, 78 pages [pages 43-48 on 2Tuvalu boats], (FAO/SP).

Haddon, A. and J. Hornell (1957). The canoes of Oceania Volume I. [sections on Tokelau andTuvalu canoes], Bernice P. Bishop Museum, Special Publication 28, Honolulu, (SPC Lib).

Herscheid, F. (1985). A study and guideline for the establishment of a viablecommercial/artisanal fishery on Funafuti. [demand for fish, suggested fishing craft], 11 pages,(Fish Conf).

JICA (1981). Report on basic design survey for the fisheries training vessel in Tuvalu. JapanInternational Cooperation Agency, 78 pages, (Perm Sec, BDDP).

Kennedy, D. (1930). Field notes on the culture of Vaitupu, Ellice Islands. Journal of thePolynesian Society, Volume 39, No.1, Thomas Avery and Sons, New Plymouth, [containsinformation on canoes, traditional fishing, fishing gear, cooking fish; includes photos], (Nat Lib,FAO/SP, SPC Lib).

Kennedy, R., P. Buckley, and D. Saville (1986). Tuvalu fisheries review. [containsrecommendations on corporate planning, finance, staffing, commercial activities, extension,training, NAFICOT, fish market, craft evaluation, village fisheries development, and projectmanagement], Report No.23, Pacific Regional Team, Australian Development AssistanceBureau, 43 pages plus many appendices, (CFO, Research Section, USP Lib pac hd 9468 .t8 k4,BDDP).

Koch, G. (1961). Die materielle kultur der Ellis Inselin. [contains information on fishing gear],Museum fur Volkerkunde, Berlin, [cited in Zann undated).

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Koch, G. (1983). The material culture of Tuvalu. [English translation of Koch 1961, containssections on gathering seafood, fishing, canoes], Institute of Pacific Studies, University of theSouth Pacific, Suva, 215 pages, (Nat Lib, USP Lib pac gn 429 .k 1983)

MacGregor, G. (19837). Ethnology of Tokelau Islands. [references to traditional fishing, lunarfishing calendar, canoes], B.P. Bishop Museum, Honolulu, (SPC Lib).

Maluofenua, S. and S. Petaia (1987). Craft evaluation project. [report for 1986], 10 pages, (Fishfile: fsh 200/15).

Neyret, J. (1974). Pirogues oceaniennes. Tome II, Association Des Amis Des Musees De LaMarine, Paris, 315 pages, [traditional canoes, includes Tokelau and Tuvalu], (FAO/SP).

Overa, A. (1980). Report of travel to the Tokelau Islands (22 February to 29 February 1980).[comments on fishing boats, landing boats, and fishing gear], 7 pages, (FAO/SP).

Pelasio, M. (1988). An evaluation of FAO/Kiribati canoes in Tokelau. Institute of MarineResources, University of the South Pacific, Suva, 6 pages, (FAO/SP).

Petaia, S. (1986?). Progress report on craft project from May - July 1986. 9 pages, (ResearchSection).

Pita, E. (1984). Tuvalu - boat building programmes. 16th Regional Technical Meeting onFisheries, South Pacific Commission, Noumea, 2 pages, (FAO/SP).

Pudner, G. (1981). Consultancy report for the Government of Tuvalu on setting-up of a smallboatyard and slipway. 5 pages, (FAO/SP).

Save the Children Federation Inc. (undated). Tuvalu boat project - a proposal to re-introduce fuelsaving workboats in Tuvalu. 15 pages, (FAO/SP).

Savins, M. (1987). Report on a mission to Tuvalu. [comments on boatbuilding, sail training, andboat design], 4 pages, (Fish Conf: file FSH 20/1/9, FAO/SP).

Spectre, P. (1986). Trimaran Jim. WoodenBoat, No.69, WoodenBoat Publications, Brooklin,Maine, pages 76-85 [cover photo shows launching of the catamaran Vaka Busi at the TuvaluFisheries Division], (FAO/SP).

Tala O Atiakega (1987). New facilities planned for boat building and maintenance. Volume 1,No.3, Planning And Statistics Division, page 1, (Broad).

Talake, K. (1985). Boat development industry of Tuvalu. Save The Children, Tuvalu Field Office,11 pages, (Fish file: 200/18).Thrower, S. and R. Winstanley (1982). Fisheries extension vessel study. Pacific Regional Team,Australian Development Assistance Bureau, (cited in SCP 1987).

Tuvalu Echoes (1985). New fishing craft. No.42, page 3, (Broad).Zann, L. (undated). Canoes of Tuvalu. Effects of Energy Crisis on Small Craft and Fisheries inthe South Pacific. Institute of Marine Resources, University of the South Pacific, Suva, Report 3,10 pages, (Research Section, FAO/SP).

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Zann, L. (undated). Tuvalu's artisanal fishing fleet. Effects of Energy Crisis on Small Craft andFisheries in the South Pacific, Report 2, Institute of Marine Resources, University of the SouthPacific, Suva, 11 pages plus appendices, (CFO, FAO/SP).


Chapman, L. (1987). Deep sea fisheries development project - report of second visit to Tuvalu30 August - 7 December 1983. South Pacific Commission, Noumea, 20 pages, (SPC Smith).

Eginton, R. (1977). Interim report: SPC Outer Reef Fisheries Project at Tuvalu, 12 September -30 November, 1976). 9th Regional Technical Meeting on Fisheries, South Pacific Commission,Noumea, 14 pages, (FAO/SP).

Eginton, R. and Mead, P. (1977). Report on the South Pacific Commission Outer Reef FisheriesProject in Funafuti (Tuvalu). [includes English, Tuvalu, and scientific names of bottomfish], 16pages plus appendices, (Fish Conf, Nat Lib, FAO/SP).

JICA (1987). The fisheries resources survey in Fiji and Tuvalu. [includes pole/line fishing,trolling, gillnetting, bottom fishing, and FAD deploying], Japan International Cooperation Agency,2 volumes, 110 pages plus photographs and 126 pages of tables, (Fish Conf, FAO/SP).

Mead, P. (1978). Report on the South Pacific Commission Outer Reef Fisheries Project inFunafuti, Tuvalu. 16 pages plus appendices, (FAO/SP).

Petaia, S., and F. Vave (1981). Report on the deep sea fishing training carried out on outerislands 11 April -23 September 1981. 7 pages, (Nat Lib closed file; fsh 20/1/9).

Taumaia, P. (1986). Report on the deep sea fisheries development project in Tuvalu (12October - 6 June 1986). South Pacific Commission, Noumea, 30 pages, (SPC Smith).

Taumaia, P. and G. Preston (1984). Deep Sea Fisheries Development Project - report on a visitto Tokelau 21 May - 22 September 1982. South Pacific Commission, Noumea, 16 pages plusappendices, (FAO/SP).

Taumaia, P. and M. Gentle, (1982). Report on the Deep Sea Fisheries Development Project inFunafuti, Tuvalu (18 November - 15 February 1981). South Pacific Commission, Noumea, 22pages plus appendices, (Fish Conf, CFO, Nat Lib, FAO/SP, USP Lib).

Charts, Mapping, and Sailing Directions

Anon (undated). [chart of depths around Atafu, probably from the 1979 Monowai Survey], 1page, (OTA closed file 18/2/4).

British Admiralty (1969). Tokelau Islands and Swains Islands. [nautical chart], 1 sheet, chart no.765, (FAO/SP).

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British Admiralty (1985). Ellice Islands. [nautical chart, contains plans for all Tuvalu Islands], 1sheet, chart no.766, (FAO/SP).

British Admiralty (1985). Funafuti Atoll. [nautical chart, contains plan of Fongafale Anchorage], 1sheet, chart no. 2983, (FAO/SP).

Defense Mapping Agency (1976). Sailing directions for the Pacific Islands - volume 3 - the southcentral groups. Publication 80, [sections 11-115 to 11-117 on Tokelau, 11-1 to 11-35 on Tuvalu],(FAO/SP).

Defense Mapping Agency (date unknown). Funafuti Atoll and plan of Fuagea Channel. [nauticalchart], 1 sheet.

Department of Lands and Survey (1969). General map of Tokelau Islands. NZMS 254, 1 sheet,FAO/SP).

Department of Lands and Survey (1982). Atafu. [chart], NZMS 272/7/1. 1 sheet, (OTA, FAO/SP).

Department of Lands and Survey (1983). Fakaofo. [chart], NZMS 272/7/3. 1 sheet, (OTA,FAO/SP).

Department of Lands and Survey (1984). Nukunonu. [chart], NZMS 272/7/2. 1 sheet, (OTA,FAO/SP).

Directorate of Overseas Surveys (1974). Vaitupu Island. [chart], series X041(DOS 238P), (CFO).

Directorate of Overseas Surveys (1978). Nukulaelae and Niulakita. [chart], series X041 (DOS368P), (Fish Conf, FAO/SP).

Directorate of Overseas Surveys (1979). Nanumea and Niutao. [chart], series X041 (DOS368P), (Fish Conf).

Directorate of Overseas Surveys (1979). Niu and Nanumanga. [chart], series X041, (DOS368P), (Fish Conf).

Directorate of Overseas Surveys (1979). Nukufetau. [chart], series X041, (DOS 368P), FAO/SP).

Directorate of Overseas Surveys (1980). Funafuti. [chart], series X041 (DOS 468P), 1 sheet,(FAO/SP).

Gibb Australia (1983). Tuvalu lagoon bed resources survey. Volume 2 [charts], AustralianDevelopment Assistance Bureau, 52 pages, (FAO/SP).

Howorth, R. and B. Richmond (1987). CCOP/SOPAC Coastal Mapping Workshop 1-12, Tuvalu.[workshop included air photo of Tuvalu atolls, beach profile studies, and lagoon surveys],Training Report 14, CCOP/SOPAC, Suva, 20 pages, (UNDP).

Hydrographic Department (1981). Tuvalu fishery limits. [chart], (Fish Conf, FAO/SP).

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Extended Economic Zone Affairs

Administrator of Tokelau (1979). Tokelau 200 mile exclusive economic zone. [address to theFono], 5 pages, (OTA closed file 18/2).

American Tunaboat Association (1984). The distribution of effort, sets, catch of tunas, byspecies, by one-degree area, during 1984 for vessels operating under the agreement betweenthe governments of New Zealand (in respect to Tokelau), Niue, Tuvalu, and Western Samoa andthe American Tunaboat Association. Statistical Report No. 1984-1, 6 pages, (Sam Fish).

American Tunaboat Association (1984). The distribution of effort, sets, catch of tunas, byspecies, by one-degree area, during 1984 for vessels operating under the agreement betweenthe governments of New Zealand (in respect to Tokelau), Niue, Tuvalu, and Western Samoa andthe American Tunaboat Association. Statistical Report No. 1984-2, 8 pages, (Sam Fish).

American Tunaboat Association (1984). The distribution of effort, sets, catch of tunas, byspecies, by one-degree area, during 1984 for vessels operating under the agreement betweenthe governments of New Zealand (in respect to Tokelau), Niue, Tuvalu, and Western Samoa andthe American Tunaboat Association. Statistical Report No. 1984-3, 4 pages plus appendices,(Fish Conf file: 20/9/2).

American Tunaboat Association (1984). The distribution of effort, sets, catch of tunas, byspecies, by one-degree area, during 1984 for vessels operating under the agreement betweenthe governments of New Zealand (in respect to Tokelau), Niue, Tuvalu, and Western Samoa andthe American Tunaboat Association. Statistical Report No. 1984-4, 5 pages plus appendices,(Fish Conf file: 20/9/2).

Broder, S. and J. Van Dyke (1982). Ocean boundaries in the South Pacific. [pages 53-56 coversissue of Tokelau's exclusive economic zone with respect to Swains Island], In: University ofHawaii Law Review, Volume 4, No. 1, (FAO/SP).

FFA (1985). Analysis of data received from the ATA concerning the agreements between theATA and Island States party to the agreement for 1983 and 1984. [catch and effort by set inTokelau, Tuvalu and neighboring areas], Forum Fisheries Agency, Honiara, 32 pages, (FishConf file: fsh 20/9/2).

Hydrographic Department (1981). Tuvalu fishery limits. [chart], (Fish Conf, FAO/SP).

Klawe, W. (1978). Estimates of catches of tunas and billfish by the Japanese, Korean, andTaiwanese longliners from within the 200 mile economic zone of the member countries of theSouth Pacific Commission. [includes catches by longliners in the Tokelau and Tuvalu zones],Occasional Paper No.10, South Pacific Commission, Noumea, 41 pages, (SPC Lib, FAO/SP).

Machell, K. (1978). Korean fishing activity in Tuvalu. 3 pages, (FAO/SP).Machell, K. (1979). Foreign fishing in Tuvalu. 6 pages, (FAO/SP).

Ministry of Foreign Affairs (1981). Infringements of the Tokelau exclusive economic zone.[guideline for action against foreign fishing vessels], 2 pages, (OTA closed file 18/2).

New Zealand Mission to the United Nations (1983). Tokelau. [clarification of the situation of theEEZ of Tokelau], 5 pages, (OTA closed file 18/2).

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Pita, E. (1982). Tuvalu country statement. Access Negotiation Workshop, Port Vila, (Nat Libclosed file: fsh 20 1/9, BDDP).

Skipjack Programme (1980). Skipjack fishing effort and catch, 1972-1978, by the Japanesepole-and-line fleet within 200 miles of the countries in the area of the South Pacific Commission.[includes catches in the Tokelau and Tuvalu zones], Skipjack Programme Technical ReportNo.2, South Pacific Commission, Noumea, 91 pages, (SPC Lib, FAO/SP).

Skipjack Programme (1981). Fishing effort and catch by the longline fleets of Japan (1962-77)and Taiwan (1967-77) within 200 miles of the countries in the area of the South PacificCommission. [includes catches in the Tokelau and Tuvalu zones], Skipjack ProgrammeTechnical Report No.3, South Pacific Commission, Noumea, 249 pages, (Fish Conf, FAO/SP).

Tuvalu Echoes (1983). Korean longline vessels are licensed to fish in Tuvalu waters. No.4, page1&6, (Broad).

Tuvalu Echoes (1983). Taiwan renews its fishing licenses. No.1, page 1, (Broad).

Tuvalu Echoes (1984). Polynesian countries sign fishing agreement with American TunaboatAssociation. No.8, page 6, (Broad).

Tuvalu Echoes (1986). Gov't. signed fisheries agreement with Japan. No.65, pages 1&3&6,(Broad).

Tuvalu Echoes (1986). Republic of China and Tuvalu renew fisheries licensing agreement.No.75, page 1, (Broad).

Tuvalu Echoes (1987). Minister signs treaty. No.88, pages 2-3, (Broad).

Tuvalu Echoes (1987). No compromise of fishing deal. No.96, pages 9-10, (Broad).

Tuvalu Echoes (1988). Share from the U.S. multilateral tuna treaty. No. 120, page 1, (Broad).

Tuvalu News Sheet (1979). Further fisheries negotiations. No.82, page 7, (Nat Lib).

Tuvalu News Sheet (1980). South Korea refuses to accept Tuvalu's licensing figure. No. 97,page 4, (Nat Lib).

Tuvalu News Sheet (1980). Taiwan shows interest in fisheries agreement. No. 110, page 9, (NatLib).

Tuvalu News Sheet (1983). Negotiations with American Tunaboat Association. No.191, pages 1-4, (cited in Doulman 1985).

Tuvalu News Sheet (1980). Fishery draft agreement signed. [Ika Tuna Survey], No.107, pages12-13, (Nat Lib).

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Fish Aggregating Devices

JICA (1987). The fisheries resources survey in Fiji and Tuvalu. [includes pole/line fishing,trolling, gillnetting, bottom fishing, and FAD deploying], Japan International Cooperation Agency,2 volumes, 110 pages plus photographs and 126 pages of tables, (Fish Conf, FAO/SP).

Petaia, S. (1987). FADs in Tuvalu: a paper prepared for Mr. R. Lameko to present at forthcomingcourse on FAD construction in Tarawa. 6 pages, (Extension Section).

Fish Poisoning

Anon (1981). Report of the Expert Committee on Ciguatera, Suva 26 February 1981. [containsinformation on fish poisoning in Tokelau and Tuvalu], South Pacific Commission, Noumea, 26pages, (FAO/SP).

Bagnis, R. (1973). Fish poisoning in the South Pacific. South Pacific Commission, Noumea, 112pages [information on incidence in Tuvalu pages 19-20], (SPC Lib).

Helfrich, P. (1961). Fish poisoning in the tropical Pacific. [reports ciguatera outbreak in Tuvalu],National Institute of Neurological Diseases and Blindness, Bethesda, Maryland, (cited inRodgers and Cantrell 1988).

Herscheid, F. (undated). A report on ciguatera poisoning & Tahiti visit. [contains information onTuvalu], 12 pages, (CFO).

Laboute, P. (1987). Mission to the Tokelau Islands to evaluate cyclone damage to coral reefs.ORSTOM Noumea, 11 pages plus appendices, (OTA, SPC ENV, FAO/SP).

Lewis, N. (1983). Ciguatera - implications for nutrition and marine resource development in thePacific Islands. [Tuvalu included in Tables], Journal Societe des Oceanistes, Volume 39, No.77,pages 89-104, (cited in Rodgers and Cantrell 1988).

Pelasio, M. (1988). Fish poisoning in Tokelau. Institute of Marine Resources, University of theSouth Pacific, Suva, Working Paper, 20th Regional Technical Meeting on Fisheries, SouthPacific Commission, Noumea, 2 pages, (FAO/SP).

Rooke, E. (1886). Reports of Commander Eustace Rooke, HMS Miranda of proceedings whenvisiting islands of the Union Group, the Phoenix Group. Sophia and Rotumah Islands, the ElliceGroup, and the Gilbert Group, April to July 1886. [contains comments on fish poisoning], HMGovernment Printer, Sydney, (cited in Rodgers and Cantrell 1988).

Tuvalu Echoes (1985). Survey on fish poisoning. No.41, page 3, (Broad).

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Fisheries Development

Anon (1976). Recent developments and future plans for the Tuvalu fishing industry. WorkingPaper 5, 9th Regional Technical Meeting on Fisheries, South Pacific Commission, Noumea, 9pages, (SPC Smith, Nat Lib closed file fd 14/3/4).

Anon (1977). Recent developments and future plans for the Tuvalu fishing industry. 9th RegionalTechnical Meeting on Fisheries, South Pacific Commission, Noumea, 9 pages, (FAO/SP).

Anon (1978). Tuvalu development plan 1978-1980: first annual review of progress. [chapter 7 onfisheries], 39 pages, (CFO, Fish Conf).

Anon (1982). A review of second development plan - fisheries. [Tuvalu], 4 pages, (BDDP).

Anon (1984). Tuvalu third development plan 1984-1987. [chapter 10 on fisheries], 257 pages,(Extension Section).

Anon (undated, early 1970s?). A note on the prospects for the export of skipjack from the Gilbertand Ellice Islands. 4 pages plus appendices, (BDDP).

Batty, M. (1982). Preliminary report of the Fisheries Officer (Extension) for Tuvalu. (BDDP).

Batty, M. (1985). End of tour report of the Fisheries Adviser for Tuvalu. 8 pages, (FAO/SP).

Batty, M. (1985). Interim report of the Fisheries Adviser for Tuvalu. 7 pages, (FAO/SP).

Chapman, L. (1987). Deep sea fisheries development project - report of second visit to Tuvalu30 August - 7 December 1983. South Pacific Commission, Noumea, 20 pages, (SPC Smith).

Cross, D. (1976). An appraisal of the potential for exploiting marine resources other than thoseof the conventional fisheries in the islands of Tuvalu. [includes aquarium fish, specimen shells,game fishing, beche-de-mer], 43 pages, (Research Section, FAO/SP).

Cross, R. (1982). End of tour report. (BDDP).

Eginton, R. (1977). Interim report: SPC Outer Reef Fisheries Project at Tuvalu, 12 September -30 November, 1976). 9th Regional Technical Meeting on Fisheries, South Pacific Commission,Noumea, 14 pages, (FAO/SP).

Fisheries Development Limited (1976). A preliminary investigation into the fisheries developmentpotential of Tuvalu. Volume 1, 67 pages plus appendices, (CFO, Nat Lib, Plan, FAO/SP, USPLib pac SH 319.tP7, SPC Smith).

Fisheries Development Limited (1976). A preliminary investigation into the fisheries developmentpotential of Tuvalu, Volume 2. 100 pages plus appendices, (CFO, Fish Conf, FAO/SP).

Fisheries Development Limited (1978). Tuvalu - a proposal for an exploratory fishing andresearch project. 16 pages, (Fish Conf).

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Flynn, G. and J. Makin (undated, 1976?). A survey of the prospects for agriculture and industrialdevelopment in Tuvalu. [sections on boatbuilding, fishing lures, shark processing, brine shrimps,salt production], 180 pages, (USP Lib pac hc 687 .t9 f58).

Gillett, R. (1988). A listing of various projects which might be beneficial to the fisheries/marinesector in Tokelau. FAO/UNDP, 3 pages, (FAO/SP).

Government of Tuvalu (1978). Tuvalu development plan 1978-1980. [chapter 8 on fisheries],156 pages, (Fish Conf, UNDP).

Government of Tuvalu (1980). Tuvalu second development plan 1980-1983. [chapter 10 onfisheries], 185 pages, (BDDP, UNDP).

Herscheid, F. (1985). A study and guideline for the establishment of a viable commercial/artisanal fishery on Funafuti. [demand for fish, suggested fishing craft], 11 pages, (Fish Conf).

JICA (1988). Basic design study report on the Fishing Communities Development Project inTuvalu. Japan International Cooperation Agency, 155 pages, (CFO, Fish Conf).

Kennedy, R., P. Buckley, and D. Saville (1986). Tuvalu fisheries review. [containsrecommendations on corporate planning, finance, staffing, commercial activities, extension,training, NAFICOT, fish market, craft evaluation, village fisheries development, and projectmanagement, see also Pita 1986], Report No.23, Pacific Regional Team, AustralianDevelopment Assistance Bureau, 43 pages plus many appendices, (CFO, Research Section,USP Lib pac hd 9468 .t8 k4, BDDP).

Lawson, R. and W. Appleyard (1982). Evaluation of ODA assistance to fisheries development inKiribati. [contains information about the Van Camp & subsequent tuna surveys], OverseasDevelopment Administration, London, 141 pages, (BDDP).

Machell, K. (undated, 1983?). Tuvalu - some thoughts on fisheries development. 10 pages,(FAO/SP).

Mead, P. (1978). Report on the South Pacific Commission Outer Reef Fisheries Project inFunafuti, Tuvalu. 16 pages plus appendices, (FAO/SP).

Ministry of Finance (1985). Tuvalu island development plan. [pages 1.16, 2.10, 3.9, 4.8, 5.11,6.14, 7.1, 8.9, 9.11, on fisheries for the various islands], 9 chapters, (CFO).

OFCF (1986). Project finding investigation on the development of fishing communities in Tuvalu.[plans for Funafuti and Vaitupu], Overseas Fishery Cooperation Foundation, 6 pages, (Fish Conffile: Aid Japan, FAO/SP).

Petaia, S. (1984). The fisheries of Tuvalu and their developments. Humberside College ofHigher Education, 126 pages plus appendices, (FAO/SP).

Pita, E. (1976). Fishery gear and their operation in coastal waters and lagoons of Tuvalu withrecommended development trends in its fishery. Thesis, Grimsby College of Technology, (citedin Fisheries Development Ltd. 1976).

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Pita, E. (1985). An overview of the national fisheries development programme. FisheriesDivision, Ministry of Commerce and Natural Resources, Government of Tuvalu, 26 pages plusappendices, (Fish Conf, FAO/SP, SPC Smith).

Pita, E. (1986). Comments on Tuvalu Fisheries Review by the Pacific Regional Team. 4 pages,(Fish file: fsh 20/6/1).

Pita, E. (1988). Development of the inshore fishery resources of Tuvalu. Background Paper 58,Workshop on Pacific Inshore Fishery Resources, South Pacific Commission, Noumea, 23pages, (CFO, FAO/SP).

Pita, E. (1988). Tuvalu fisheries development plan: progress review summary 1988. 13 pages,(CFO).

Rawlins, S. (1973). Notes on some problems encountered in an attempt to develop a canoefishery at Funafuti Atoll. Working Paper, 6th Technical Meeting on Fisheries, South PacificCommission, Noumea, 9 pages, (cited in Honnorat 1977).

Save the Children Federation Inc. (undated). An implementation plan for a community basedintegrated island development program in Tuvalu. Newton, Maryland, (cited in Zann undated).

SCP Fisheries Consultants (1987). Tuvalu fisheries development program. Report No.45, PacificRegional Team, Australian International Development Assistance Bureau, 43 pages plusappendices, (CFO, Research Section, BDDP).

Thrower, S. and R. Winstanley (1982). Tuvalu fisheries development program. AustralianDevelopment Assistance Bureau, 40 pages, (Fish Conf, BDDP).

Travis, W. (1978). Some thoughts on the logical development of fisheries in Tuvalu. (cited inEllway et al 1983).

Foreign Aid to Fisheries

Anon (1988). Joint Donor Fisheries Mission report. [Annexes on Tokelau and Tuvalu], (OTA file5/0/9).

Joint Fisheries Strategy Mission (1988). Opportunity for fisheries development assistance in theSouth Pacific. 28 pages, (FAO/SP).

Shepard, M. and L. Clark (1984). South Pacific fisheries development assistance needs -opportunities for participation by UNDP, FAO and other donors interested in supporting SouthPacific fisheries development. FAO/UNDP South Pacific Regional Fisheries DevelopmentProgramme, Suva, 91 pages plus tables annexes and appendices [appendix L on Tokelau,appendix N on Tuvalu], (CFO, Research Section, Plan, FAO/SP).

Tuvalu Echoes (1988). Visit by JICA team. No. 109, pages 1-2, (Broad).

Tuvalu News Sheet (1979). Fisheries and aid discussions with Japan. No.81, page 9, (Nat Lib).

Tuvalu News Sheet (1980). Taiwan mission discuss fisheries and agriculture. No. 97, page 7, (NatLib).

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General Description of Fisheries

Anon (1970). Country statement: Gilbert and Ellice Islands Colony. Report of the 5th TechnicalMeeting on Fisheries, South Pacific Commission, Noumea, page 3, (SPC Lib).

Anon (1973). Country statement: Gilbert and Ellice Islands. Report of the 6th Technical MeetingFisheries, South Pacific Commission, Noumea, page 4, (SPC Lib).

Anon (1974). Country statement: Gilbert and Ellice Islands Colony. Report of the 7th TechnicalMeeting on Fisheries, South Pacific Commission, Noumea, page 7, (SPC Lib).

Anon (1979). Country statement - Tuvalu. Working Paper No.3, 11th Regional TechnicalMeeting on Fisheries, South Pacific Commission, Noumea, (Nat Lib closed file 14/2/7, FAO/SP).

Anon (1982). Tuvalu: a trade and investment guide. [section on fishing], SPEC Series on Tradeand Investment in the South Pacific, 19 pages, (Research Section).

Anon (1984). Country report - Tuvalu. Working Paper 12, 16th Regional Technical Meeting onFisheries, South Pacific Commission, Noumea, (FAO/SP).

Anon (1988). Tokelau country statement. Background Paper No. 102, Workshop on PacificInshore Fishery Resources, South Pacific Commission, Noumea, 8 pages, (SPC Lib, FAO/SP).

Anraku, M. (1987). Trip to Tuvalu. [in Japanese], Journal of the Pacific Society, No.33, January1987, The Pacific Society, Tokyo, pages 50-55, (Fish Conf).

Anraku, M. and T. Ogasawara (1987). Tuvalu as we saw it. [in Japanese, contains color photosof fishing boats and fish marketing], Journal of the Pacific Society, No.33, January 1987, ThePacific Society, Tokyo, pages 5-64, (Fish Conf).

Crossland, J. and R. Grandperrin (1979). Fisheries directory of the South Pacific Commissionregion. [page 19 on Tokelau, 30-31 on Tuvalu], South Pacific Commission, Noumea, (SPC Lib,FAO/SP).

Fakahau, S. and M. Shepard (1986). Fisheries research needs in the South Pacific - informationrequired for effective management and development of the fisheries of island states of the SouthPacific. Forum Fisheries Agency and Canadian International Centre for Ocean Development, 94pages plus appendices [appendix II H on Tuvalu], (FAO/SP).

FAO (1986). Tuvalu - fishery country profile. Food and Agriculture Organization of the UnitedNations, Rome, 4 pages, (FAO/SP).

Gillett, R. (1988). Fisheries in Tokelau - a compilation of various documents and reports. [18reports on Tokelau fisheries], FAO/UNDP Regional Fishery Support Programme, Suva, 205pages, (OTA, USP Lib, FAO/SP).

Gulbrandsen, O. and A. Overa (1977). Report on travel to Tokelau. [boatbuilding and generalobservations and recommendations on fisheries], 9 pages plus appendix, (FAO/SP).

Hinds, V. (1971). A rapid fisheries reconnaissance in the Tokelau Islands. South PacificCommission, Noumea, 7 pages plus appendices, (FAO/SP).

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OFCF (1987). Symposium on South Pacific fisheries development. [section on sectorial reviewfor Tuvalu], Overseas Fishery Cooperation Foundation, Tokyo, 256 pages, (CFO).

Overa, A. (1980). Report of travel to the Tokelau Islands (22 February to 29 February 1980).[comments on fishing boats, landing boats, and fishing gear], 7 pages, (FAO/SP).

Pelasio, M. (1988). Tokelau country statement. Institute of Marine Resources, University of theSouth Pacific, Suva, 20th Regional Technical Meeting on Fisheries, South Pacific Commission,Noumea, 2 pages, (FAO/SP).

Petaia, S. (1984). The fisheries of Tuvalu and their developments. Humberside College ofHigher Education, 126 pages plus appendices, (FAO/SP).

Pita, E. (1976). Fishery gear and their operation in coastal waters and lagoons of Tuvalu withrecommended development trends in its fishery. Thesis, Grimsby College of Technology, (citedin Fisheries Development Ltd. 1976).

Pita, E. (1976). Funafuti fishing activities. 4 pages, (cited in Zann undated).

Shepard, M. and L. Clark (1984). South Pacific fisheries development assistance needs -opportunities for participation by UNDP, FAO and other donors interested in supporting SouthPacific fisheries development. FAO/UNDP South Pacific Regional Fisheries DevelopmentProgramme, Suva, 91 pages plus tables annexes and appendices [appendix L on Tokelau,appendix N on Tuvalu], (CFO, Research Section, Plan, FAO/SP).

Sperling, H. (1977). Back-to-office report on a visit to Tuvalu. [comments on previous resourcesurveys, fisheries developments; contains list of required beche-de-mer gear], 13 pages plusappendices, (FAO/SP).

Sperling, H. (1978). Back-to-office report on a visit to Tokelau. [information on beche-de-mer,comments on inter-island launches, boat design, and baitfish], United Nations DevelopmentProgramme, Suva, 12 pages plus appendices, (FAO/SP).

Tapu, I. (1987). Country report 1987. [combines information from Tuvalu Fisheries DivisionAnnual reports 1983-85], Country Reports, Hull and Engine Maintenance of Small Fishing BoatCourse, Kanagawa International Fisheries Training Centre, 46 pages, (Fish Conf).

Van Pel, H. (1958). A survey of fisheries in the Tokelau Islands. South Pacific Commission,Noumea, 16 pages, (FAO/SP).

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Import/Export Information on Fishery Products

Barton, H. (1980). Tuvalu international trade 1980. [information on the imports of fish andexports of beche-de-mer]. United Nations Development Advisory Team, Suva, 69 pages, (FishConf).

Gillett, R. and F. Toloa (1987). The importance of small scale tuna fishing: a Tokelau case study.14 pages. [contains information on the export of fish], In: D. Doulman (1987). Tuna issues andperspectives in the Pacific Islands. East West Center, Honolulu, (OTA, USP Lib, FAO/SP).

Statistics Office (1987). Tuvalu international trade 1985. [information on imports of fish], Ministryof Finance, Tuvalu, 76 pages, (Fish Conf).

Legal Affairs

Foster, A. (1983). Tuvalu marine legislation - preliminary assessment. United NationsDevelopment Advisory Team, Suva, 19 pages, (UNDP).

Government of New Zealand (1977), An act to make provision with respect to the territorial seaof Tokelau, and for the establishment of an exclusive economic zone of Tokelau, and for mattersconnected with those purposes. Act No.125, 9 pages, (FAO/SP).

Government of Tuvalu (1978). Fisheries Ordinance - an ordinance to make provision andregulation of fishing and fishing industries in Tuvalu and its fishery limits. Chapter 45, Laws ofTuvalu, 12 pages, (Att Gen, FAO/SP).

Government of Tuvalu (1978). Proclamation of fishery limits and appointment (cap 45), 12pages, (Att Gen).

Government of Tuvalu (1982). Fisheries (foreign fishing vessel) regulations 1982 (ln 6/1983). 17pages, (Att Gen).

Government of Tuvalu (1982). National Fisheries Corporation of Tuvalu act (cap 106). 8 pages,(Att Gen).

Government of Tuvalu (1983). Fisheries (A.T.A. access agreement) regulations 1983 (ln18/1983). (Att Gen).

Government of Tuvalu (1983). Marine zones (declaration) act 1983 (5 of 1983). 7 pages, (AttGen).

Government of Tuvalu (1984). Fisheries ordinance (cap 45) fisheries (foreign fishing vessel)regulations - 1982 (consolidated with 1984 amendments). 8 pages plus appendices, (Fish Conf,Att Gen).

Government of Tuvalu (1987). Fisheries (Amendment) Act (4 of 1987). 3 pages, (Att Gen).

Government of Tuvalu (1987). Foreign fishing vessels licensing (U.S. Treaty) order 1987 (ln6/1987). 5 pages plus appendix, (Att Gen).

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Nair, R. (1982). Regional compendium of fisheries legislation. [Tuvalu included in comparativetables, Tuvalu legislation listed], Fisheries Legislative Report No.2, Regional Fisheries LawAdvisory Programme, GCP/RAS/091/NOR, 2 volumes, 43 and 583 pages, (FAO/SP).

Petaia, S., W. Telavi, and F. Teo (1988). Fisheries prosecution workshop Funafuti, Tuvalu (15-18 August 1988): Report of syndicate 1. [contains the 9 fisheries laws of Tuvalu], 4 pages,(Extension Section).


Chambers, A, (1975). Nanumea report. [contains sections on sea resources, skills in fishing, fishconsumption], Victoria University, Wellington, New Zealand, (Fish Conf, USP Lib pac hc 687 .t9n34, BDDP).

Davidson, F. (1977). Migration and health in New Zealand and the Pacific: proceedings of aseminar, 1975. [information on food intake of 222 Tokelauans on Fakaofo Atoll], WellingtonHospital Epidemiological Unit, pages 109-112, (SPC Lib).

Gillett, R. and F. Toloa (1987). The importance of small scale tuna fishing: a Tokelau case study.14 pages. [contains information on fish consumption], In: D. Doulman (1987). Tuna issues andperspectives in the Pacific Islands. East West Center, Honolulu, (OTA, USP Lib, FAO/SP).

Turbott, I. (1949). Diets, Gilbert and Ellice Islands Colony. [contains information on fishconsumption], Journal of the Polynesian Society, Volume 58, pages 36-56, (cited in Rodgersand Cantrell 1988).

Whicking, J., H. Ringrose, S. Whitehouse, and P. Zimmet (1981). Nutrient intake in a partlywesternized Polynesian population: the Funafuti survey. [contains information on fishconsumption], (SPC Lib).

Zann, L. and S. Aleta (1984). A preliminary fish consumption survey in Tokelau. 9 pages plusappendices, (FAO/SP).

Zann, L., S. Marriott, J. Uan, and L. Bolton (in prep.). Fish consumption, catches, yields, andtrends in fisheries exploitation in Tuvalu and Kiribati atolls. (cited in Zann 1983).

Post Harvest

Carleton, C. (1983). Miscellaneous marine products in the South Pacific: an overview of thedevelopment in member countries of the Forum Fisheries Agency, part III tabulations by country.[tables A11 to E11 on Tuvalu], Forum Fisheries Agency, Honiara, (FAO/SP).

Disney, J. (1977). Fisheries Development in Tuvalu. [contains information on beche-de-merprocessing, katsuobushi, shark fins], Tropical Products Institute, 40 pages plus appendices,(CFO, FAO/SP).

FFA (1984). An economic appraisal of a proposed Funafuti fish processing and marketing centreon Funafuti. Report 84/2, Forum Fisheries Agency, Honiara, (BDDP).

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FFA (1984). Report on the economic evaluation of a proposed Funafuti fish market. Report 84/2,Forum Fisheries Agency, Honiara, (FFA).

Flynn, G. and J. Makin (undated, 1976?). A survey of the prospects for agriculture and industrialdevelopment in Tuvalu. [sections on boatbuilding, fishing lures, shark processing, brine shrimps,salt production], 180 pages, (USP Lib pac hc 687 .t9 f58).

Roberts, S. (1988). Visit to Tuvalu by Steve Roberts, Fish Handling and Processing Officer, 15-16 February 1988. South Pacific Commission. Noumea, 6 pages, (SPC Smith).Tala O Atiakega (1987). Funafuti fish market almost ready for action. Volume 1, No.3, PlanningAnd Statistics Division, page 1, (Broad).

Tuvalu Echoes (1984). Fish marketing centre for Tuvalu. No.22, page 2, (Broad).

Tuvalu Echoes (1987). Teone fish market opens. No.89, page 1-2, (Broad).


Agassiz, A. (1903). The coral reefs of the tropical Pacific: being part IV of the reports of theexpedition... by the USS Albatross from August 1899 to March 1900. [contains description of thelagoon of Funafuti], Memoirs of the Museum of Comparitive Zoology, Volume 28, pages 1-410,(Cited in Rodgers 1985).

Bourne, G. (1903). Some new and rare corals from Funafuti. Linnean Society of London, Journalof Zoology, Volume 29, pages 26-37, (cited in Rodgers 1985).

Finckh, F. (1904). Biology of reef-forming organisms at Funafuti Atoll. Pages 105-150 In: TheAtoll of Funafuti. Royal Society, London, (cited in Eldredge 1987).

Gardiner, J. (1898). The coral reefs of Funafuti, Rotuma, and Fiji, together with some notes onthe structure and formation of coral reefs in general. Proceedings of the CambridgePhilosophical Society, Volume 9, No.8, pages 417-503, (cited in Eldredge 1987).

Hickson, S. (1897). The coral reef at Funafuti. Nature, Volume 55, (cited in Rodgers and Cantrell1988).

Laboute, P. (1987). Mission to the Tokelau Islands to evaluate cyclone damage to coral reefs.ORSTOM Noumea, 11 pages plus appendices, (OTA, SPC ENV, FAO/SP).

Reef Blasting

Anon (1962). Blasting on central Pacific reefs. [includes blasting plans for Nui, Nanumanga,Niutao, and Nukulaelae], Atoll Research Bulletin, No.94, Pacific Science Board, NationalAcademy of Sciences, Washington D.C., page 5, (SPC Lib).

Hardy, T. (1963). Reef blasting in the Gilbert and Ellice Islands Colony 1962. Royal EngineersJournal, Volume 77, No.3, pages 262-277, (cited in Rodgers and Cantrell 1988).

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Johnson, I. (1947). Adventures with the Survey Navy. [blasting channels in Tuvalu], NationalGeographic, Volume 92, pages 130-148, (cited in Rodgers 1985).

Maloney, D. (1963). Report of reef blasting at Fakaofo Island, Tokelau Group 14 May - 24September 1963. [an account of the construction of the channel], 41 pages plus appendices andphotos, (OTA closed file).

Treanor, R. (1965). Report on reef blasting at Fakaofo Island Tokelau Group 6 July - 7 October1965. 15 pages plus appendices and photos, (OTA closed files).

Safety and Accidents at Sea

Anon (1936). Native youth's ordeal: adrift in canoe for 34 days. Pacific Islands Monthly, Volume7, No. 4, October 1936, page 54, (cited in Krauss 1969).

Hudson, K. (1983). Man in hero's role after boat blast kills brother, burns 6. Section B, SanDiego Union, December 1, 1983, (SPC file PRO/93/3/22 part 1).

IMO (1987). Area search and rescue plans. [Tuvalu included in annex 4], International MaritimeOrganization, London, 14 pages plus several annexes, (Fish Conf file: IMO).

Lundgren, B. (1986). Maritime mobile communications in the Republic of Tuvalu. 10 pages, (FishConf).

Petio, S. and J. Geursen (1982). Adrift for eighty days in an open boat. [initially a fishing trip fromFunafuti], 26 pages, (Nat Lib).


Child, P. (1960). Birds of the Gilbert and Ellice Islands Colony. [contains scientific, Tuvalu,Kiribati, and English names], Atoll Research Bulletin, Volume 74, pages 1-38, (cited inChambers 1975).

Gillett, R. (1985). Traditional tuna fishing in Tokelau. [Table 10 gives Tokelau, scientific, andEnglish names for birds useful for tuna fishing], Topic review no. 27, South Pacific RegionalEnvironmental Programme, South Pacific Commission, Noumea, 47 pages, (OTA, FAO/SP).

North, A. (1896). Aves from Funafuti. Memoirs of the Australian Museum, Volume 3, No.1,pages 79-86, (cited in Krauss 1969).

Rodgers, K. and C. Cantrell (1987). The birds of Tuvalu: a faunal list and annotatedbibliography. South Pacific Journal of Natural Science, (cited in Rodgers and Cantrell 1988).

Thompson, M. and D. Hackman (1968). Birds of the Tokelau Islands. Notornis, Volume 15,pages 109-116, (FAO/SP).

Waldron, K. (date unknown). Fish school and bird flocks in the central Pacific Ocean, 1950-1951. [shows sightings in the Tokelau 5 degree square], U.S. Bureau of Fisheries, SpecialScientific Report - Fisheries 464, 20 pages, (FAO/SP).

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Wodzicki, K. and M. Laird (1970). Birds and bird lore in the Tokelau Islands. Notornis, Volume17, No. 4, pages 247-276, (FAO/SP).

Specimen Shells

Cernohorsky, W. (1985). The status of "Murex" funafutiensis Hedley and some Favartia species.Shells and Sea Life, Volume 17, No.1, pages 13-15, (cited in Rodgers and Cantrell 1988).

Cross, D. (1976). An appraisal of the potential for exploiting marine resources other than thoseof the conventional fisheries in the islands of Tuvalu. [includes aquarium fish, specimen shells,game fishing, beche-de-mer], 43 pages, (Research Section, FAO/SP).

McQuarrie, P. (1981). Tuvalu - nine small islands in a big ocean. [information on specimenshells], Hawaiian Shell News, Volume 29, No.12, page 9, (cited in Rodgers and Cantrell 1988).

McQuarrie, P. (1982). Observations - Funafuti Atoll. [information on specimen shells], HawaiianShell News, Volume 30, No.10, page 13, (cited in Rodgers and Cantrell 1988).

Parkinson, B. (1984). The specimen shell resources of Tuvalu. South Pacific Commission,Noumea, 55 pages, (Fish Conf, FAO/SP).


Anon (1976). Fish catches: 19/7/76 - 11/8/76. [on Atafu, Fakaofo, Nukunonu], 3 pages, (OTAclosed file 18/2/4).

Anon (1977). Funafuti fishing activities 1976. [contains information on fish catches on Funafuti,catches in the outer islands using traditional techniques, fish names], 8 pages, (Nat Lib closedfile: fd 14/2/7).

Grant, C. (1977). Report on initial visits to Fiji, Solomon Islands, Tonga, Samoa, Cook Islands,Gilbert Islands, Tuvalu, and the SPC. [fisheries statistics], FAO Regional Project TF-RAS/53(AUL), 11 pages, (SPC Lib D639.207209 GRA).

Grant, C. (1978). A review of the status of fisheries statistics and training courses in the SouthPacific region. 53 pages, [pages 8-9, 48-53 on Tuvalu], (FAO/SP).

Grant, C. (1978). Report on training courses in fishery statistics in Tonga, Cook Islands, WesternSamoa, Gilbert Islands and Tuvalu. FAO Regional Project TF-RAS/53/(AUL), 2 pages, (SPC LibD639.207209 GRA).

Molina, M. (1985). Tuvalu fisheries statistical system - report of follow-up visit 12 July - 14August 1985. South Pacific Commission, 8 pages plus appendices, (FAO/SP).

Patiale, H. (1987). Fisheries statistics annual report for the year 1986. 4 pages, (SPC Smith).

Tuvalu Echoes (1985). SPC supports Tuvalu artisanal fisheries statistics programme. No.53,page 9, (Broad).

Zann, L., S. Marriott, J. Uan, and L. Bolton (in prep.). Fish consumption, catches, yields, andtrends in fisheries exploitation in Tuvalu and Kiribati atolls. (cited in Zann 1983).

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Batty, M. (1985). Report on RNZAF Orion flight 956. (cited in Batty 1985B).

Tuvalu Echoes (1984). American fishing vessel called at Nukulaelae. No.24, page 6, (Broad).Tuvalu Echoes (1985). Foreign vessel sighted again. No. 35, page 2, (Broad).

Taxonomy and Nomenclature

Anon (1977). Funafuti fishing activities 1976. [contains information on fish catches on Funafuti,catches in the outer islands using traditional techniques, fish names], 8 pages, (Nat Lib closedfile: fd 14/2/7).

Anon (undated). List of fish from Tuvalu. 1 page, (Research Section).

Anon (1899). Summary of the fauna of Funafuti. Memoirs of he Australian Museum, Volume 3 ,No.8, pages 511-535, (cited in Krauss 1969).

Eginton, R. and Mead, P. (1977). Report on the South Pacific Commission Outer Reef FisheriesProject in Funafuti (Tuvalu). [includes Tuvalu, English and scientific names of bottomfish], 16pages plus appendices, (Fish Conf, Nat Lib, FAO/SP).

FAO (1974). FAO species identification sheets for fishery purposes - eastern Indian Ocean andwestern central Pacific. Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, Rome, 4volumes, (Fish Conf, FAO/SP).

Gillett, R. (1985). Traditional tuna fishing in Tokelau. [contains Tokelau, English and scientificnames for tunas and baitfish], Topic review no. 27, South Pacific Regional EnvironmentalProgramme, South Pacific Commission, Noumea, 47 pages, (OTA, FAO/SP).

Gillett, R. (1985). Tuvalu baitfish survey and development project. [contains Tuvalu, English andscientific names for baitfish], Technical Report No.14, Tuna and Billfish AssessmentProgramme, South Pacific Commission, Noumea, 22 pages plus appendices, (Perm Sec, Plan,FAO/SP).

Kendall, W. and E. Goldsborough (1911). The shore fishes: being part XIII of reports on thescientific results of the expedition by the USS Albatross from August 1899 to March 1900. [23species recorded from Tuvalu], Memoirs of the Comparative Zoology, Volume 26, No. 7, pages239-343, (cited in Rodgers 1985).

Lewis, A., B. Smith, C. Ellway (1983). A guide to the common tuna baitfishes of the South PacificCommission area. SPC Handbook No.23, 82 pages, (SPC Lib, FAO/SP).

Lobel, P. (1978). Gilbertese and Ellice Islander names for fish and other organisms. Micronesia,Volume 14, No.2, pages 177-197, (cited in Zann undated).

Office of Tokelau Affairs (1986). Tokelau dictionary. [general dictionary, contains Tokelau,English, and scientific names for many fish species], (OTA, FAO/SP).

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Pesa, P. (undated). Ocean fish and lagoon fish in Tokelau - Ika moana ma ika ote namo iTokelau. Regional Media Centre, South Pacific Commission, Suva, (FAO/SP).

Waite, E. (1899). The mammals, reptiles, and fishes of Funafuti. In: Etheridge (1896-1900). Theatoll of Funafuti, Ellice Group. Part III, page 165-203, (cited in Rodgers 1985).

Te Tautai - Operations of Pole/Line Vessel

Anon (1988). Te Tautai's continued presence in Solomon Islands. 11 pages, (MTS file: 4/1 vol 2).

Batty, M. (1982). Report on the possibility of Te Tautai operating in the Republic of Kiribati.(BDDP).

Herscheid, F. (1986). The General Manager's Solomon visit 12/5 to 22/5. [operation of Tuvalupole/line vessel in Solomons], 6 pages, (Fish Conf file: fsh 20/3/2 in ).

McQuarrie, P. (1982). Te Tautai: a gift to Tuvalu from Japan. Pacific Islands Monthly, Volume53, No.7, (cited in Ellway et al 1983).

Schupp, D. (1984). Tuvalu country statement. Workshop on National Tuna Fishing Operations,Tarawa, Kiribati, Forum Fisheries Agency, 8 pages, (FAO/SP).

Tuvalu Echoes (1983). Naficot approves bonus for crew members. No.3, pages 1&8, (Broad).

Tuvalu Echoes (1983). New changes on MV Te Tautai. No.5, page 1, (Broad).

Tuvalu Echoes (1983). Te Tautai lost one week fishing. No.1, page 3, (Broad).

Tuvalu Echoes (1986). Naficot propose Te Tautai to fish in Solomon Islands. No. 62, page 2,(Broad).

Tuvalu Echoes (1986). Te Tautai facing an uncertain future. No.60, page 1, (Broad).

Tidal and Nearshore Areas

Baines, G., and R. McLean (1976). Re-surveys of 1972 hurricane rampart of Funafuti Atoll, ElliceIslands. Search, Volume 7, Nos.1-2, pages 36-37, (cited in Eldredge 1987).

Baines, G., and R. McLean (1976). Sequential studies of hurricane deposit evolution at FunafutiAtoll. Marine Geology, Volume 21, M1-M8, (cited in Eldredge 1987).

Baines, G., P. Beveridge, and J. Maragos (1974). Storms and island building at Funafuti Atoll,Ellice Islands. Proceedings of the Second International Coral Reef Symposium, Volume 2,pages 485-496, (cited in Eldredge 1987).

Fawcett and Partners (1981). Report on prevention of coastal erosion. [contains information onwave heights], Overseas Development Administration, 15 chapters plus appendices, (Nat Lib,BDDP).

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Mergner, H. (1985). Initial recolonization of Funafuti Atoll reefs devastated by hurricane "Bebe".Programme Abstracts 15th Pacific Science Congress, Dunedin, (cited in Rodgers and Cantrell1988).

Mergner, H. (1985). Initial recolonization of Funafuti Atoll reefs devastated by hurricane "Bebe".Atoll Research Bulletin, Volume 284, pages 1-29, (cited in Rodgers and Cantrell 1988).

Radke, B. (1985). Bathymetry and beach profiling, Funafuti, Tuvalu, September - October 1984.CCOP/SOPAC Cruise Report 106, (CCOP).

Traditional Fishing

Alexander, A. (1902). Notes on the boats, apparatus, and fishing methods employed by thenatives of the south sea islands, and results of fishing trials by the Albatross. Report of theCommissioner, Part XXVII, U.S. Commission of Fish and Fisheries, Washington, pages 741-829[pages 794-797 on Tuvalu], (FAO/SP).

Anell, B. (1955). Contribution to the history of fishing in the southern seas. [traditional tunahooks, Tokelau and Tuvalu included], Studia Ethnographica Upsaliensia IX, 249 pages,(FAO/SP).

Anon (1977). Funafuti fishing activities 1976. [contains information on fish catches on Funafuti,catches in the outer islands using traditional techniques, fish names], 8 pages, (Nat Lib closedfile: fd 14/2/7).

Anon (1985). Fisheries research scientist in Tokelau. Te Vakai Tokelau, June 1985, 1 page,(OTA, FAO/SP).

Anon (1986). Department of the Interior - receipt of applications for permits. [release of turtleshell confiscated by U.S. Customs Service for use for making traditional tuna hooks in Tokelau],United States Federal Register Volume 51, No. 173, September 8, 1986, page 31986,(FAO/SP).

Anon (1986). The tuna cowboys. [description of noose fishing in Tokelau]. Islands - Air PacificInflight Magazine, 2 pages, (FAO/SP).

Anon (1986). Traditional fishing knowledge alive in Tokelau and of considerable interest tofisheries scientists. Environment Newsletter, South Pacific Regional Environment Programme,South Pacific Commission, Noumea, pages 12-15, (SPC Lib, FAO/SP).

Becke, L. (1906). Notes from my South Seas log. [includes description of wahoo fishing atNanumanga], Werner Laurie, London, 352 pages, (cited in Rodgers and Cantrell 1988).

Bolton, L. and J. Sprecht (1984). Polynesian and Micronesian artifacts in Australia - volume IINew Zealand and eastern Polynesia. [contains locations of Tokelau and Tuvalu fishing artifacts],Australian Museum, Sydney, 345 pages, (Nat Lib).

Chambers, A. (1975). Nanumea report. [contains sections on sea resources, skills in fishing, fishconsumption], Victoria University, Wellington, New Zealand, (Fish Conf, USP Lib pac hc 687 .t9n34, BDDP).

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Chambers, A. (1984). Nanumea. Atoll Economy: Social change in Kiribati and Tuvalu, ReportNo.6, Development Studies Centre, Australian National University, Canberra, 341 pages, (NatLib, BDDP).

David, E. (1899). Funafuti, or three months on a coral island: an unscientific account of ascientific expedition. [contains description of fish and fishing], John Murray, London, 318 pages,(Nat Lib).

Gillett, R. (1985). Traditional tuna fishing in Tokelau. Topic Review No. 27, South PacificRegional Environmental Programme, South Pacific Commission, Noumea, 47 pages, (OTA,FAO/SP).

Gillett, R. and F. Toloa (1987). The importance of small scale tuna fishing: a Tokelau case study.14 pages. In: D. Doulman (1987). Tuna issues and perspectives in the Pacific Islands. EastWest Center, Honolulu, (OTA, USP Lib, FAO/SP).

Gudger, E. (1927). Wooden hooks for catching sharks and Ruvettus in the South Seas; a studyof their variation and distribution. [contains information on Tokelau and Tuvalu hooks], Volume28, No. 3, Anthropological Papers, American Museum of Natural History, pages 199-348, (SPCLib).

Hale, H. (1846). United States exploring expedition. [some description of traditional fishing inTokelau], Lea and Blanchard Co., Philadelphia, [pages 149-161 volume 6 on Tokelau], (NelsonLib).

Havini (1985). [tape recording of discussions on traditional Tokelau tuna fishing]. 30 minutes,(OTA, FAO/SP).

Hedley, C. (1897). The ethnology of Funafuti. [contains description of fishing], AustralianMuseum Memoirs, Volume 3, pages 229-304, (cited in Koch 1983).

Hooper, A. (1984). Tokelau fishing in traditional and modern contexts. University of Auckland, 38pages, (FAO/SP).

Hooper, A. (1985). An outline for a traditional fishing project in Tokelau. University of Auckland, 9pages, (OTA file 5/0/9, FAO/SP).

Hooper, A. (date unknown). Socio-economic organization of the Tokelau Islands. VIIIthCongress of Anthropological and Ethnological Sciences, pages 238-240, (OTA).

Kennedy, D. (1930). Field notes on the culture of Vaitupu, Ellice Islands. Journal of thePolynesian Society, Volume 39, No.1, Thomas Avery and Sons, New Plymouth, [containsinformation on canoes, traditional fishing, fishing gear, cooking fish; includes photos], (Nat Lib,FAO/SP, SPC Lib).

Kirifi H. (undated). Fishing in Tokelau. 12 pages, (FAO/SP).

Koch, G. (1961). Die materielle kultur der Ellis Inselin. [contains information on fishing gear],Museum fur Volkerkunde, Berlin, [cited in Zann undated).

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Koch, G. (1962). Polynesier-Niutao (Ellice Inselin). Fischfang auf hoher (Bonitofang). [skipjackfishing], In: G. Wolf, Encyclopaedia, Institut fur den Wissenschaftlichen, Gottingen, (cited inRodgers and Cantrell 1988).

Koch, G. (1983). The material culture of Tuvalu. [English translation of Koch 1961, containssections on gathering seafood, fishing, canoes], Institute of Pacific Studies, University of theSouth Pacific, Suva, 215 pages, (Nat Lib, USP Lib pac gn 429 .k 1983)

MacGregor, G. (1937). Ethnology of Tokelau Islands. [references to traditional fishing, lunarfishing calendar, canoes], B.P. Bishop Museum, Honolulu, (SPC Lib).

Nordhoff, C. (1930). Notes on the off-shore fishing on the Society Islands. [mentions traditionalfishing in Tuvalu], Journal of the Polynesian Society, Volume 39, Nos.2 and 3, pages 137-262,(FAO/SP).

Rawlins, S. (1972). Deep handlining for yellowfin tuna at Funafuti, Ellice Islands. Working Paper1, 5th Technical Meeting on Fisheries, South Pacific Commission, Noumea, 9 pages, (SPC Lib).

Turbot, I. (1950). Fishing for flying fish in the Gilbert and Ellice Islands. Journal of the PolynesianSociety, Volume 59, No.4, pages 349-367, (cited in Krauss 1969).

Whistler, W. (undated). Ethnobotany of Tokelau: the plants, their Tokelau names, and their uses.[information on the plants used to manufacture fishing gear], 42 pages, (OTA).

Zann, L. (1980). Tuvalu's subsistence fisheries. Effects of Energy Crisis on Small Craft andFisheries in the South Pacific, Institute of Marine Resources, University of the South Pacific,Suva, Report 4, 13 pages, (Research Section, Fish Conf, FAO/SP).

Zann, L. (1983). Man and atolls: traditional utilization and conservation of marine resources andrecent changes in Tuvalu and Kiribati. Programme Abstracts, Pacific Science Congress,Dunedin, (cited in Rodgers and Cantrell 1988 as being located in USP Lib).

Zann, L. (1983). Traditional management and conservation of fisheries in Kiribati and Tuvaluatolls. Institute of Marine Resources, University of the South Pacific, Suva, [may have appearedin: Workshop on Traditional Coastal Management, UNESCO, Jakarta, December 1983], (USPLib pac sh 319 .k5 z37).

Zann, L. (undated). Canoes of Tuvalu. Effects of Energy Crisis on Small Craft and Fisheries inthe South Pacific. Institute of Marine Resources, University of the South Pacific, Suva, Report 3,10 pages, (Research Section, FAO/SP).

Zann, L. (undated). Tuvalu's artisanal fishing fleet. Effects of Energy Crisis on Small Craft andFisheries in the South Pacific, Report 2, Institute of Marine Resources, University of the SouthPacific, Suva, 11 pages plus appendices, (CFO, FAO/SP).

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Tridacna (Giant Clams)

Braley, R. (1988). The status of giant clam stocks and potential for mariculture in Tuvalu. FAOSouth Pacific Aquaculture Development Project, 41 pages plus appendices, (Fish Conf,Research Section, FAO/SP).

Gillett, R. (1986). Tokelau tridacna collection June-September 1986. 1 page, (OTA file 5/0/9).

Pacific Islands Monthly (1954). No clam shells for Queen. [Tuvalu], April 1954, page 93.

Petaia, S. (1987). Report on fisheries extension visit to Nukufetau Islands from 11th February -13 March 1987. [trochus project, beche-de-mer, sharkfins, FADs, tridacna, fishing communitycentre; contains list of gear required and registered fishermen], 7 pages plus appendices, (FishConf file; fsh 20/1/9).

Tuvalu Echoes (1988). Giant clam stock survey for Tuvalu. No.116, pages 4-5, (Broad).


Anon (1986). Dropping shells to help economy. [Tokelau trochus transplant], Fiji Times, June 22,1986, (FAO/SP).

Anon (1987). High hopes from a drop in the ocean. [Tokelau trochus transplant], LondonFinancial Times, December 16, 1987, (FAO/SP).

Anon (1988). Riches of sea drop from Tuvalu's sky. [trochus transplant], Islands Business, June1988, 1 page, (FAO/SP).

Gardiner, D. (1986). Traveling trochus. [Tokelau trochus transplant], Islands Business, July1986, pages 41-42, (FAO/SP).

Gillett, R. (1986). The transplantation of trochus from Fiji to Tokelau. Report 86-01, UNDP/OPEIntegrated Atoll Development Project, 27 pages plus appendix, (OTA, FAO/SP).

Gillett, R. (1986). A summary of the Tokelau trochus transplant project. Fisheries Newsletter No.38, South Pacific Commission, Noumea, 7 pages, (SPC Lib, FAO/SP).

Gillett, R. (1988). Tokelau trochus survey. FAO/UNDP Regional Fishery Support Programme, 6pages plus appendix, (OTA file 5/0/9, FAO/SP).

Gillett, R. (1988). The second (1988) transplantation of trochus to Tokelau. FAO/UNDP RegionalFishery Support Programme, 4 pages, (FAO/SP).

Gillett, R. (1988). The transplantation of trochus to Tuvalu. FAO/UNDP Regional Fishery SupportProgramme, 21 pages, (Fish Conf, FAO/SP).

Gillett, R. (1988). Tuvalu gets new stocks by airlift. [trochus transplant], Fishing NewsInternational, August 1988, page 66, (FAO/SP).

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Hartwig, G. (1899). The mollusca of Funafuti. Pages 489-510, In: Etheridge (1896-1900). Theatoll of Funafuti, (cited in Rodgers and Cantrell 1988).

Hedley, C. (1899). The mollusca of Funafuti. Australian Museum Memoirs, Volume 3, pages395-488, (cited in Krauss 1969).

Itano, D. (1987), Trip report for Tokelau trochus survey 12/12-18 1987. 3 pages, (FAO/SP).

Parkinson, B. (1984). A report on the potential for the introduction of trochus (Trochus niloticus)to Tuvalu. South Pacific Commission, Noumea, 6 pages plus appendix, (Fish file: fhs 200/05,Fish Conf, FAO/SP).

Petaia, S. (1987). Report on fisheries extension visit to Nukufetau Islands from 11th February -13 March 1987. [trochus project, beche-de-mer, sharkfins, FADs, tridacna, fishing communitycentre; contains list of gear required and registered fishermen], 7 pages plus appendices, (FishConf file; fsh 20/1/9).

Seono, L. (1988). Report on trochus [on Funafuti]. 1 page, (Fish file: 200/05).

Tuvalu Echoes (1987). Trochus shells for Tuvalu. No.81, page 2, (Broad).

Tuvalu Echoes (1987). Farming trochus shells. No.98, page 3, (Broad).

Tuvalu Echoes (1988). Trochus for Tuvalu. No.115, page 4, (Broad, FAO/SP).

Ulumutu, S. (1988). Report on trochus at Nukulaelae. 1 page, (Fish file: fsh 200/05).


American Tunaboat Association (1984). The distribution of effort, sets, catch of tunas, byspecies, by one-degree area, during 1984 for vessels operating under the agreement betweenthe governments of New Zealand (in respect to Tokelau), Niue, Tuvalu, and Western Samoa andthe American Tunaboat Association. Statistical Report No. 1984-1, 6 pages, (Sam Fish).

American Tunaboat Association (1984). The distribution of effort, sets, catch of tunas, byspecies, by one-degree area, during 1984 for vessels operating under the agreement betweenthe governments of New Zealand (in respect to Tokelau), Niue, Tuvalu, and Western Samoa andthe American Tunaboat Association. Statistical Report No. 1984-2, 8 pages, (Sam Fish).

American Tunaboat Association (1984). The distribution of effort, sets, catch of tunas, byspecies, by one-degree area, during 1984 for vessels operating under the agreement betweenthe governments of New Zealand (in respect to Tokelau), Niue, Tuvalu, and Western Samoa andthe American Tunaboat Association. Statistical Report No. 1984-3, 4 pages plus appendices,(Fish Conf file: 20/9/2).

American Tunaboat Association (1984). The distribution of effort, sets, catch of tunas, byspecies, by one-degree area, during 1984 for vessels operating under the agreement betweenthe governments of New Zealand (in respect to Tokelau), Niue, Tuvalu, and Western Samoa andthe American Tunaboat Association. Statistical Report No. 1984-4, 5 pages plus appendices,(Fish Conf file: 20/9/2).

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Anon (1985). Fisheries research scientist in Tokelau. Te Vakai Tokelau, June 1985, 1 page,(OTA, FAO/SP).

Anon (1985). Skipjack tuna pole and line fishing in southern waters continues to be very poor.[indicates 20 Japanese pole/line vessels fishing near Tokelau some in Tuvalu], Katsuo-MaguroTsushin No. 4951, November 6, 1985, [translated from Japanese], 2 pages, (FAO/SP).

Anon (1986). The tuna cowboys. [description of noose fishing in Tokelau]. Islands - Air PacificInflight Magazine, 2 pages, (FAO/SP).

Anon (1986). Traditional fishing knowledge alive in Tokelau and of considerable interest tofisheries scientists. Environment Newsletter, South Pacific Regional Environment Programme,South Pacific Commission, Noumea, pages 12-15, SPC Lib, FAO/SP).

Anon (undated, early 1970s?). A note on the prospects for the export of skipjack from the Gilbertand Ellice Islands. 4 pages plus appendices, (BDDP).

Argue, A., F. Conand, and D. Whyman (1983). Spatial and temporal distribution of juvenile tunasfrom stomachs of tunas caught by pole-and-line gear in the central and Western Pacific.[contains information on incidence in Tokelau and Tuvalu], Technical Report No.9, Tuna andBillfish Assessment Programme, South Pacific Commission, Noumea, 47 pages, (Fish Conf,FAO/SP).

Arita, K. (1987). The fisheries resources survey in Tuvalu. 108 pages plus annex, (FAO/SP).

Batty, M. (1985). Development of small scale pole and line fishing around Funafuti. U.N.D.P.Project Tuv/84/001, 14 pages plus appendices, (FAO/SP, SPC Smith).

Batty, M. (undated). Small scale pole and line fishing trials around Funafuti. (cited in Batty 1985).

Bryan, P. (1980). The efficiency of mollies, Poecilla mexicana as live bait for pole-line skipjackfishing: fishing trials in the tropical Pacific. [some fishing done in the Tuvalu zone], MarineFisheries Review, Volume 42, No.6, pages 15-24, (FAO/SP).

Doulman, D. (1985). Tuna fisheries in the Pacific Islands region: a bibliography. Pacific IslandsDevelopment Programme, East-West Center, Honolulu, 111 pages [page 59 on Tuvalu], (FishConf, FAO/SP).

Doulman, D. (1986). Fishing for tuna: the operation of distant-water fleets in the Pacific Islandsregion. [Tuvalu included in tables on EEZ size, fleet operations, access agreements], ResearchReport Series No.3, Pacific Islands Development Program, East-West Center, Honolulu, 38pages, (Fish Conf, FAO/SP).

Ellway, C., R. Farman, A. Argue, and R. Kearney (1983). An assessment of the skipjack andbaitfish resources of Tuvalu. Skipjack Survey and Assessment Programme Final Country ReportNo.8, South Pacific Commission, Noumea, 47 pages, (Fish Conf, Nat Lib, FAO/SP).

FFA (1985). Analysis of data received from the ATA concerning the agreements between theATA and Island States party to the agreement for 1983 and 1984. [catch and effort by set inTokelau, Tuvalu and neighboring areas], Forum Fisheries Agency, Honiara, 32 pages, (FishConf file: fsh 20/9/2).

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FFA (1987). A review of the tuna purse seining project proposal submitted by Marco Seattle, the Government of Tuvalu. Report No. 87/1, Forum Fisheries Agency, Honiara, 17 pages plusappendices, (CFO, FAO/SP, FFA).

Gillett, R. (1985). Traditional tuna fishing in Tokelau. Topic review no. 27, South Pacific RegionalEnvironmental Programme, South Pacific Commission, Noumea, 47 pages, (OTA, FAO/SP).

Gillett, R. (1985). Tuvalu baitfish survey and development project. [includes small-scale tunapole/line fishing], Technical Report No.14, Tuna and Billfish Assessment Programme, SouthPacific Commission, Noumea, 22 pages plus appendices, (Perm Sec, Plan, FAO/SP).

Gillett, R. and F. Toloa (1987). The importance of small scale tuna fishing: a Tokelau case study.14 pages. In: D. Doulman (1987). Tuna issues and perspectives in the Pacific Islands. EastWest Center, Honolulu, (OTA, USP Lib, FAO/SP).

Gillett, R. and S. Taufao (1985). The incidence of tuna schools suitable for purse seining in thecentral and western Pacific from Skipjack Programme records. [Tokelau and Tuvalu included inthe tables], Fisheries Newsletter No. 33, South Pacific Commission, Noumea, 4 pages, (SPCLib, FAO/SP).

Hayakawa, J. (1980). Reports on skipjack fishing in the Tuvaluan waters. 18 pages plusappendices, (FAO/SP).

Hays Allen (1979). Licensing of commercial fisheries in Tuvaluan waters - report of the financialand fisheries consultants to the Government of Tuvalu. 9 pages plus many appendices, (FishConf, FAO/SP).

Ika Corporation (1980). Reports on skipjack fishing in the Tuvaluan waters. 18 pages plusappendices, (Fish Conf, Perm Sec, FAO/SP, USP Lib).

Inter-Ocean Factors (1974). An unsolicited proposal to the administration of the Gilbert andEllice Island Colony for the establishment of an atoll based fishery. 11 pages plus appendices,(FAO/SP).

JICA (1984). Survey programme for fisheries resources in Tuvalu. 9 pages, (FAO/SP).

JICA (1984). The fisheries resources survey programme in Fiji and Tuvalu - preparatory report.Japan International Cooperation Agency, 10 pages plus figures, (Fish Conf).

JICA (1985). Interim report of the survey in 1984-1985 and a preliminary programme for thesurvey in 1985-1987. 36 pages, (Fish Conf).

JICA (1985). The fisheries resources survey in Fiji and Tuvalu - progress report. [drift gillnets,trolling], Japan International Cooperation Agency, 24 pages plus figures, (Fish Conf).

JICA (1987). The fisheries resources survey in Fiji and Tuvalu. [includes pole/line fishing,trolling, gillnetting, bottom fishing, and FAD deploying], Japan International Cooperation Agency,2 volumes, 110 pages plus photographs and 126 pages of tables, (Fish Conf, FAO/SP).Kearney, R. (1980). Brief review of the results of the second Skipjack Programme Survey in thewaters of Tuvalu. 1 page, (SPC file PRO/93/3/22).

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Kearney, R. and R. Gillett (1979). Interim report on the activities of the Skipjack Survey andAssessment Programme in the waters of Tokelau. Country Report No. 13, South PacificCommission, Noumea, 8 pages plus appendix, (FAO/SP).

Kearney, R., J. Hallier, and P. Kleiber, (1978). Interim report of the activities of the SkipjackSurvey and Assessment Programme in the waters of Tuvalu. Preliminary Country Report No.10,Skipjack Survey and Assessment Programme, South Pacific Commission, Noumea, 9 pagesplus appendices, (FAO/SP).

Keene, G. (1976). Atoll. [pages 3-9 on skipjack fishing trip at Fakaofo], Department of Education,Wellington, 48 pages, (FAO/SP).

Kirifi, K. (1987). Report on observer training course. [training for observers on U.S. purseseiners], 2 pages, (OTA file 5/0/9).

Klawe, W. (1978). Estimates of catches of tunas and billfish by the Japanese, Korean, andTaiwanese longliners from within the 200 mile economic zone of the member countries of theSouth Pacific Commission. [includes catches by longliners in the Tokelau and Tuvalu zones],Occasional Paper No.10, South Pacific Commission, Noumea, 41 pages, (SPC Lib, FAO/SP).

Lawson, R. and W. Appleyard (1982). Evaluation of ODA assistance to fisheries development inKiribati. [contains information about the Van Camp & subsequent tuna surveys], OverseasDevelopment Administration, London, 141 pages, (BDDP).

Machell, K. (1978). Korean fishing activity in Tuvalu. 3 pages, (FAO/SP).

Machell, K. (1979). Foreign fishing in Tuvalu. 6 pages, (FAO/SP).

Marsac, F. (1981). Prospection thoniere par observations et radiometrie aeriennes - Territoire deWallis et Futuna. [aerial tuna survey in the Wallis/Futuna zone; includes some flights overTuvalu/Tokelau], ORSTOM, Noumea, (ORSTOM).

Matsumoto, W. (1966). Distribution and abundance of tuna larvae in the Pacific Ocean. [containsinformation on Tokelau and Tuvalu], Proceedings of the Governor's Conference on CentralPacific Fishery Resources, Honolulu, pages 221-230, (SPC Lib).

Pacific Islands Monthly (1979). If the cupboard is bare - go fishing. [results of SPC skipjacksurvey and planned major investment in tuna fishing], June 1979, page 83, (SPC file PRO/93/22part 1).

Pacific Islands Monthly (1979). Tuvalu puts all its eggs in one basket. [results of SPC skipjacksurvey and planned major investment in tuna fishing], May 1979, pages 44-43, (SPC filePRO/93/22 part 1).

Pita, E., D. Itano, and R. Farman (1988). Proposal for a South Pacific tuna fisheriesdevelopment project: trial purse seine fishing. [paragraphs 38-49 on Tuvalu fisheries overview,100 on Tuvalu position concerning purse seine development, 122-123 on previous purse seiningin Tuvalu], Working Paper 28, 20th South Pacific Regional Technical Meeting on Fisheries,South Pacific Commission, Noumea, 62 pages plus appendices, (FAO/SP).

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Powell, R. (1967). Possibilities of developing a tuna fishing industry in the Gilbert and ElliceIslands Colony. South Pacific Commission, Noumea, 16 pages plus appendices, (USP Lib,BDDP).

Rawlins, S. (1972). Deep handlining for yellowfin tuna at Funafuti, Ellice Islands. Working Paper1, 5th Technical Meeting on Fisheries, South Pacific Commission, Noumea, 9 pages, (SPC Lib).

Schupp, D. (1984). Tuvalu country statement. Workshop on National Tuna Fishing Operations,Tarawa, Kiribati, Forum Fisheries Agency, 8 pages, (FAO/SP).

Shepard, M. (1980). Preliminary review of the distant-water longline fishing for the South Pacificduring 1975-1977. [Tokelau and Tuvalu covered by maps], FFA/CR.1, Forum Fisheries Agency,Honiara, 5 pages plus appendices, (FAO/SP).

Skipjack Programme (1978). Daily logbook, school sighting logbook, biological data log. [rawdata collected on skipjack research vessel in Tokelau and Tuvalu zones], South PacificCommission, Noumea, 18 pages, (SPC Tuna, FAO/SP).

Skipjack Programme (1980). Skipjack fishing effort and catch, 1972-1978, by the Japanesepole-and-line fleet within 200 miles of the countries in the area of the South Pacific Commission.[includes catches in the Tokelau and Tuvalu zones], Skipjack Programme Technical ReportNo.2, South Pacific Commission, Noumea, 91 pages, (SPC Lib, FAO/SP).

Skipjack Programme (1981). Fishing effort and catch by the longline fleets of Japan (1962-77)and Taiwan (1967-77) within 200 miles of the countries in the area of the South PacificCommission. [includes catches in the Tokelau and Tuvalu zones], Skipjack ProgrammeTechnical Report No.3, South Pacific Commission, Noumea, 249 pages, (Fish Lib, FAO/SP).

Skipjack Programme (1982). An assessment of baitfish resources in the South PacificCommission area. [Tokelau and Tuvalu included in tables], Working Paper 12, 14th RegionalTechnical Meeting on Fisheries, South Pacific Commission, Noumea, 8 pages, (FAO/SP).

Tanaka, T. (1981). Atlas of skipjack fishing grounds in southern waters, 1980 fishing season.[shows Japanese pole/line fleet activities in Tokelau and Tuvalu, in Japanese], Tohoku RegionalFisheries Research Laboratory, Shiogama, (FAO/SP).

Tuna Programme (1983). An assessment of the skipjack and baitfish resources of Tokelau. FinalCountry Report No. 10, South Pacific Commission, Noumea, 34 pages plus appendices,(FAO/SP).

Tuna Programme (1988). Regional tuna bulletin - first quarter 1988. [contains tuna catch rates inTokelau and Tuvalu], South Pacific Commission, Noumea, 28 pages, (Fish Conf, FAO/SP).

Tuvalu News Sheet (1979). Tuvalu skipjack wandering far. No.86, pages 7-8, (Nat Lib).

Uili, S. (1979). Report on fishing expedition. [experiences on pole/line tuna research vessel inTokelau waters], 3 pages, (FAO/SP).

UNDP/FAO (1969). South Pacific Tuna Mission 1969 report. [Gilbert and Ellice Islands in AnnexIII], (cited in Ellway et al 1983).

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Waldron, K. (date unknown). Fish school and bird flocks in the central Pacific Ocean, 1950-1951. [shows sightings in the Tokelau 5 degree square], U.S. Bureau of Fisheries, SpecialScientific Report - Fisheries 464, 20 pages, (FAO/SP).

White Fish Authority (1972). Report on the Gilbert and Ellice Islands - Van Camp joint venturetuna fishery project. Report M.D. 118, 11 pages plus appendices, (BDDP).


Anon (1986). Department of the Interior - receipt of applications for permits. [release of turtleshell confiscated by U.S. Customs Service for use for making traditional tuna hooks in Tokelau],United States Federal Register Volume 51, No. 173, September 8, 1986, page 31986,(FAO/SP).

Balazs, G. (1979). Status of turtles in the central Pacific Ocean. Working paper at WorldConference on Sea Turtle Conservation, 31 pages, (SPC Fish: turtle box).

Balazs, G. (1982). Sea turtles and their traditional usage in Tokelau. Hawaii Institute of MarineBiology, 54 pages, (OTA, FAO/SP).

Pita, E. (1979). The turtle status in Tuvalu. Working Paper 3, Joint SPC/NMFS Workshop onMarine Turtles in the Tropical Pacific Islands, South Pacific Commission, Noumea, (SPC Lib).


Adam, W. (1945). Cephalopoda from Dr. Sixten Brock's expedition to the South Pacific Islands.[contains specimens from Tuvalu], Arkiv for Zoologi, Volume 37A, No.5, pages 1-25, (cited inRogers 1985).

Anon (1897). The crustaceans and echinoderms of Funafuti. Natural Science, Volume 11,No.65, pages 6-7, (cited in Rodgers 1985).

Anon (1972). Cyclone Bebe. Fisheries Newsletter, No.7, South Pacific Commission, Noumea,pages 11-14, (SPC Lib).

Anon (1984). Employment of Tuvaluan seamen. [information for operators of purse seinevessels], 3 pages, (FAO/SP).

Bedford, F. (1898). Report of holothurians collected by Mr. J. Stanley Gardiner at Funafuti andRotuma. Proceedings, Zoological Society of London, Volume 68, pages 834-848, (cited inRodgers 1985).

Buckley, R. (1983). Tuvalu lagoon bed materials resource survey: environmental baseline andimpact study. Australian Mineral Development Report No.1058, Adelaide, (cited in Rodgers andCantrell 1988).

Buckley, R. (1985). Environmental survey of Funafuti Atoll (Tuvalu). Proceedings of the 5thInternational Coral Reef Congress, Tahiti, Volume 6, pages 305-310, (cited in Eldredge 1987).

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Carter, R. (1986). Wind and sea analysis, Funafuti lagoon, Tuvalu. CCOP/SOPAC TechnicalReport 58, 9 pages plus appendices, (CCOP).

Chapman, V. (1955). Algal collections from Funafuti Atoll. Pacific Science, Volume 9, pages354-356, (cited in Rodgers 1985).

Donguy, J., C. Henin, and F. Rougerie (1976). Les contre-courants dans le Pacifique tropicalsud-oust. [counter currents in the tropical southwest Pacific], Cahiers ORSTOM, Volume 14,No.1, Noumea, (cited in Rodgers and Cantrell 1988).

Etheridge, R. (1896-1900). The atoll of Funafuti, Ellice Group: its zoology, botany, ethnology,and general structure based on collections made by Mr. Charles Hedley of the AustralianMuseum, N.S.W. Australian Museum Memoires, Volume 3, pages 1-609, (Nat Lib).

FFA (1987). Regional fisheries research needs study report - volume 3. [document on researchneeds of Tokelau], Forum Fisheries Agency, FFC 12/3.2 (Info. supplement 2), 10 pages, (FFA,FAO/SP).

Gibb Australia (1983). Tuvalu lagoon bed resources survey. Volume 1, Australian DevelopmentAssistance Bureau, 149 pages, (cited in Rodgers and Cantrell 1988).

Gibb Australia (1983). Tuvalu lagoon bed resources survey. Volume 2 [charts], AustralianDevelopment Assistance Bureau, 52 pages, (FAO/SP).

Gillett, R. (1988). Addresses useful to Pacific Islands fishery personnel. [pages on Tokelau andTuvalu], Field Document 88/3, FAO/UNDP Regional Fishery Support Programme, Suva,(FAO/SP).

Goldberg, E. (1982). Tidal hydraulics at Nanumea, Tuvalu. [information on passages, currents,and erosion], Coastal Processes Newsletter No.2, Ministry of Works and Development,Wellington, (cited in Rodgers and Cantrell 1988).

Hartwig, G. (1899). The mollusca of Funafuti. Pages 489-510, In: Etheridge (1896-1900). Theatoll of Funafuti.

Howorth, R. and B. Richmond (1987). CCOP/SOPAC Coastal Mapping Workshop 1-12, Tuvalu.[workshop included air photo of Tuvalu atolls, beach profile studies, and lagoon surveys],Training Report 14, CCOP/SOPAC, Suva, 20 pages, (UNDP).

Huckley, A. (1969). Ecology of terrestrial arthropods of the Tokelau atolls. Atoll ResearchBulletin, Volume 124, pages 1-18, (SPC Lib).

Ihimaera, W. (1983). Scientific research: R.V. Tangaroa. [plans for phosphorite prospection onKalolo seamount in Tokelau], 3 pages, (OTA closed file 18/2).Kirkpatrick, R. (1900). Description of sponges from Funafuti. Annals and Magazine of NaturalHistory, Series 7, Volume 6, pages 345-362, (cited in Rodgers 1985).

Lam, R. (1974). Atoll permeability calculated from tidal diffusion. [contains information onTokelau], Journal Geophysics Research, Volume 79, No. 21, Seattle, pages 3073-3092.

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Langdon, R. (1984). Where the whalers went: An index to the Pacific ports and islands visited byAmerican whalers (and some other ships) in the 19th century. [sections on Tokelau and Tuvalu],Pacific Manuscripts Bureau, Australian National University, Canberra, 297 pages, (Nat Lib,FAO/SP, SPC Lib).

Maluofenua, S. (1988). Proposed fisheries research projects work programme for 1988. 5pages, (Research Section).

Pacific Islands Monthly (1952). Legends of navigation. [Tokelau navigation], September 1952,page 72, (USP Lib).

Petaia, S. (1986?). Report on progress of share fishing projects (Aug-Nov). 6 pages, (Fish Conffile: fsh 20/1/9).

Preston, G. and M. Vincent (1986). Fisheries sector refrigeration systems in Pacific Islandcountries. [section on the Tuvalu equipment and relative electricity costs], Working Paper 2, 17thRegional Technical Meeting on Fisheries, South Pacific Commission, Noumea, 84 pages,(FAO/SP).

Radke, B. (1985). Bathymetry and beach profiling, Funafuti, Tuvalu, September - October 1984.CCOP/SOPAC Cruise Report 106, (CCOP).

Radke, B. (1985). Seismic and bathymetric profiling of Nukufetau Lagoon, Tuvalu, for evaluationof phosphate potential, Tuvalu, February - March 1985. CCOP/SOPAC Cruise Report 108,(Perm Sec, CCOP).

Rawlins, S. (1972). Cyclone Bebe. Fisheries Newsletter, No.7, South Pacific Commission,Noumea, pages 13-14, (SPC Lib).

Rehder, H. (1982). Marine mollusks of some islands of Polynesia. [fieldwork done in Tokelauand Tuvalu], National Geographic Society, Research Reports, Volume 14, pages 541-548, (citedin Rodgers and Cantrell 1988).

Rodgers, K. and C. Cantrell (1988). Tuvalu's weather and climate: an annotated bibliography.South Pacific Journal of Natural Science, (cited in Rodgers and Cantrell 1988).

Sollas, W. (1899). Funafuti: the story of a coral atoll. Smithsonian Institute, Report 1898, pages389-406, (cited in Eldredge 1987).

SPREP (1980). Tokelau country report. [includes fisheries], South Pacific Regional EnvironmentProgramme, South Pacific Commission, Noumea, 4 pages, (SPC Lib, FAO/SP).

Taumaia, P. (1987). Fisheries extension unit report - April to June 1987. 3 pages, (UNDP).

Taumaia, P. (1988). Final report on United Nations Development Programme fisheries extensionTuvalu (1 April 1987-31 March 1988). 13 pages, (Fish file: fsh 200/20).

Tsuda, R. and F. Wray (1977). Bibliography of marine benthic algae in Micronesia. [includesEllice Islands], Micronesica, Volume 13, No.1, pages 85-120, (cited in Rodgers and Cantrell1988).

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Tuvalu Echoes (1984). Fishing vessel conducts survey. No.16, page 6, (Broad).

Tuvalu Echoes (1984). Naficot financial adviser to attend National Tuna Fishing Workshop.No.12, page 4, (Broad).

Tuvalu Echoes (1984). Secretary for Commerce and Natural Resources to attend a worldfisheries conference. No.14, pages 1 & 6, (Broad).

Tuvalu Echoes (1985). Fishing hand in hand. No.50, page 5, (Broad).

Tuvalu Echoes (1985). Survey of fishing potential in Tuvalu waters. No.46, page 2, (Broad).

Tuvalu Echoes (1986). Joint survey. No.70-71, page 8, (Broad).

Tuvalu Echoes (1986). UNDP fishery adviser visits Tuvalu. No.61, pages 5&9, (Broad).

Tuvalu Echoes (1987). Fisheries development visit. No.84, page 1, (Broad).

Victor, R. (1983). A new freshwater ostracod genus (Crustacea, Ostracoda) from Tokelau Islets,South Pacific Islands. Journal of Natural History, Volume 17, No. 4, pages 615-618.

Whitelegge, T. (1897). The crustacea [of Funafuti]. Memoirs of the Australian Museum, Volume3, No.2, pages 127-151, (cited in Krauss 1969).

Whitelegge, T. (1897). The echinodermata [of Funafuti]. Memoirs of the Australian Museum,Volume 3, No.2, pages 155-162, (cited in Krauss 1969).

Whitelegge, T. (1897). The sponges [of Funafuti]. Memoirs of the Australian Museum, Volume 3,No.5, pages 323-332, (cited in Krauss 1969).

Whitelegge, T. (1898). The madreporaria of Funafuti. Memoirs of the Australian Museum,Volume 3, No.6, pages 349-368, (cited in Krauss 1969).

Whitelegge, T. (1899). The hydrozoa, scyphozoa, actinozoa, and vermes of Funafuti. Memoirs ofthe Australian Museum, Volume 3, No.7, pages 369-394, (cited in Krauss 1969).

Wiens, H. (1962). Atoll environment and ecology. [contains information on poisonous fish,surface water temperatures, coconut crab, turtles], Yale University Press, New Haven, 523pages, (cited in Rodgers and Cantrell 1988).

Wodzicki, K. (1971). The Tokelau Islands - environmental, natural history, and specialconservation problems. Paper 10, Regional Symposium on Conservation Nature - Reefs andLagoons, South Pacific Commission, Noumea, pages 63-68, (SPC Lib).

Wodzicki, K. (1972). The Tokelau Islands - man and introduced animals in an atoll ecosystem.South Pacific Bulletin, Volume 22, No.1, South Pacific Commission, Noumea, pages 37-41,(SPC Lib).

Yaldwyn, J. and K. Wodzicki (1977). Systematics and ecology of the land crabs (Decopoda:Coenobitidae, Grapsidae, and Gecarcinidae) of the Tokelau Islands, Central Pacific. NationalMuseum of New Zealand and Victoria University of Wellington, (FAO/SP).