tom o'neill portfolio


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Portfolio from Visual Information Design course.


Page 1: Tom O'Neill Portfolio



Page 2: Tom O'Neill Portfolio


portfolio Tom O’Neill

CHARTSThe purpose of this assignment-

was to produce two pages utilizing charts to represent data in a graphic presentaion.

I used InDesign and Illustrator to create this first page. A template was provided containing the pho-tograph and a story was provided to supply the data. I created two bar graphs and one waffle chart in Illustrator to display the data.

Page 3: Tom O'Neill Portfolio


Tom O’Neill

CHARTS I created the second page using Illustrator. I used a modular grid system to design both pages. I tracked the stock prices of Delta Airlines over a one-year pe-riod and created a graph containing milesposts reflect-ing stock prices on those dates.

Page 4: Tom O'Neill Portfolio



COLOR PROFILE The purpose of this assignment was to develop a color scheme based on a landmark in the area where you live. I photographed the campus of Community Stepping Stones, a nonprofit organization in Sulphur Springs Florida that uses art to reach at-risk youth in the community. I used Photoshop to tone the photo.

Page 5: Tom O'Neill Portfolio


Tom O’Neill


I also used Photoshop with a modular grid to layout the pages for the project. Adobe Kuler was used to select the color values. I sampled the color from the building, grass and poster to create the color pat-tern. Screen shots were captured from Kuler to incorporate into the color profile layout.

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POSTER The purpose of this assignment was to design a post-er for an event using only type. I used an event at the University of South Florida as the inspiration for my poster. I used Photoshop to create the poster.

I’m presenting versions of the project that were re-vised after class and professor critiques.

Page 7: Tom O'Neill Portfolio


Tom O’Neill

POSTER I used a modular grid to layout

each version. I incorportated the color scheme from USF to keep the poster authentic. My intial choice of type was Zapfino because a wanted to instill an “art” theme. I progressed through several mir-rored designs and decided on a 3D type for the final version.

Page 8: Tom O'Neill Portfolio



BRANDING The purpose of this assignment was to create a logo and branding package for a company of our choice.

I created a logo for a company I formed called En-lightened Photography. My company provides multi-media services for nonprofit organizations so they can promote their mission through their website.

Page 9: Tom O'Neill Portfolio


Tom O’Neill

BRANDING I used Adobe Illustrator, InDe-

sign and Photoshop to create the pages. A modular grid design was used to design all pages.

I chose blue as my dominant color because it is calming and strong, qualities I want to reflect in my business. The yellow is a com-plement to the blue.

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PAGE DESIGN The purpose of this assignment is to produce three magazine spreads (six pages) using Adobe InDesign.

For the first spread I used content I produced on a trip to Kabul, Afghanistan. The story is about female education which was banned by the Taliban and re-cently reinstated after the Taliban were defeated.

Page 11: Tom O'Neill Portfolio


Tom O’Neill

PAGE DESIGN The photographs for this spread were sized in Photoshop and the layout designed using InDesign. A modular grid was used to design each spread.

The content was self produced during a trip to Ka-bul, Afghanistan. The story is about war widow’s that support their families by baking bread.

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PAGE DESIGN This spread was designed using content I produced during a trip to Kabul, Afghanistan. The story is about Buzkashi, the national sport of Afghanistan. I sized the photgraphs using Photoshop produced the layout using InDesign.

Page 13: Tom O'Neill Portfolio


Tom O’Neill

ADVERTISEMENTThe purpose of this assignment

was to design a one page “anti-ste-reotyping” in the media advertise-ment. I used Adobe Photoshop and used a modular grid to design the ad. I used a photograph I had taken in Rawalpindi, Pakistan. My inten-tion for the ad was to not judge an entire race of people on the actions of a few.