ton county trib - chronicling...

lAuditor, County 1L T Ji . Ji 4 ton county Trib UNfL VOL XXXII WAUSEON, OHIO, FRIDAY, JVEAY 22, 1914 NO. 6 BOYS NOTES The Junior hova will mmf in yarrn i f" "'I LI1 I of Education at that time, thought so well of his work that when the eight grade pupils we're promoted into the High- - School " they; promoted Mr. Blanchard 'along with his pupils and he became the High school principle. Mrs. Blanchard was formerly Miss MEMORIAL DAY ; Saturday May 30th. Arrangement 'for, Proper Observance of The Day Memorial Sunday Sermon By Rev. T. B. Ashton at Methodist Church Program For The Day. HIGH SCHOOL ATHLETICS ' 1 Schools of Williams awl Fulton Counties Enjoy Great Day on Ath-let- ic Field Fayette ftigh School ' Brines Cup to Wauseon and Takes it Back Again. v Graduation Exercises of the High School Class of 1914 Class of 32 V Members Class Sermon at Metho For Cake of Economy Coat all Door, VVindow and Porch Screens with Enamel Last Friday was an ideal day for out door sports neither too hot nor to cold and those who have had ctitge.of the preliminaries, for ; the Aunual Track..- - Meet and Oratorical Contest of the Williams-Fulto- n High School Athletic Association were cor- respondingly happy. Athletic Park was put in good shape and' by Friday afternoon everything was in readii neas for the events of the day. ' t W schools were scheduled .to pa' cipate-i- the contests;. of these,: i: ini ryan, monipener. una ow were n William's tounty stnd, five, WHERE DOES THE SKY BEGIN. This question has been asked many time during our day and generation, and upon reflection, we wonder why so much attention has been given to it. But, for fear there are some peo- ple within our confines who are inclin- ed to wrestle with it, let us answer it without delay: The sky begins where we want it to begin. Is this self-evide- nt enough ? The Boosters of our fair city are planning their great and ng campaign. We are led to believe that certain ideas, which are .benefi- cial to us all, most be instilled in the deeps of our beings. This carrjes with it its own peculiar message. The Business-me- n have had their Spring sales, and are now, we hope, looking forward to a prosperous Summer May they not be disappointed. The Field-da- y has passed, but the Bacculaureate sermon and the nt are to come. They will be sucessful, we know.' In short, every- body is busy- - grappling with what is known as the great enigma. You know what it is. Where does the sky begin? Make a note of this and go to church next Sunday. You will c6me away feeling ' stronger and life will look brighter to you. . ' ' ROLL OF HONOR v ..."'' ' 7 " Peace Not Yet Declared Recruits To The Amount of Over $1000 Need- ed. No Surrender Till The Monu- ment is Built. Chi-Flam- el Screen It' a hard, t 4h. la black surface, anif makes .glossy--- . does not" clog the meshes. - - : , John A. Crdtt, . Hardware and Auto Supplies. ; ' ' " " '' " flalorf Shoos for Hon . Waldorf's ar the only, all-leath- er shoes in the world mad independent of the Shoe. Machinery .Trust. ,,. No .royalties, enormous out-pu- t, train load buying of raw ma- terials, and expert workmanship make V', Walddrfs possible at$3.60. y " m look, fit and wear as well as shoes priced a dol- lar more. K Every pair sold sells another. . No other shoe inade and sold under sucn favorable and satisfactory con--- f ditions, Everything that I enters , into the construction, even to the machinery that produces it, is made on the premises. ri :i - Losure Post G: A. R. assisted by Superintendent C. J. Biery have com- pleted arrangements and program for the , proper observance of Memorial Day. At the last regular meeting of Losure Post No. 35 G. A. R. the Com- mander, I. E. Bayes appointed the following committees to attend to the marking of Soldier's Graves in the cemeteries within the jurisdiction of the Post.' At Tedrow, Vene Stevens, M. Eldridge and A. Rodgers; at Archbold, Vene Walters, E. . E. Hal-le- tt and J. Hoffmire; Pettisville, T.' R. Robinson, W. H. Fullerton and E. Canfield; West Barre, E. T. Wil- liams, J. - Shambarger, Lion B. Green, and Jacob Shinaberger; Burlington, E. L. . Downer and Bert Barbour Bayes, C. Bayes; Mikesell, A. Mike-sell- ;- Ottokee, S. 'I. Spring, Daniel Brown and Harvey Shadle; Lena, Jacob Shambarger and Perry Kimer-e- r; Wauseon, H. T. Brigham, S. Boy-e- r and H Overmeyer; Fluhart, Jake German and Reas McClarren;. Kline, J. F. Hoffmann Committees can ob- tain flags at the office of Guilford & Strong. The Memorial Sermon will be delivered at the Methodist church on next Sunday afternoon, May 24, at 2 o'clock, Rev, T. B. Ashton pastor of the Baptist church ' will preach the sermon. Members of the G. A. R. Spanish : American. Soldiers, G. A. R. Associates, and Ladies Relief Corps' will meet at G. A, R. Hall at 1:30 and march to the church in a body.. Fol-- ! lowing is the program for Decoration Day: , ' ,..'- - , At 9:30 o'clock, sharp, Saturday morning all old soldiers, Spanish American War - Veterans, Associates G. A. R. Members' and.. Woman's Re-- 1 lief Corps are requested to meet at the G. A. R. Hall on Fulton street to forn a procession to proceed to thei cemetery. "The Ives Brotherhood will lead the procession of school children. Autos will be furnished to convey the ; old soldiers and Woman's Relief Corps to the cemetery and return. The pro- gram will be as follows: i Prayer '. . ...... .Rey. C.' W. Hoffman Song ...... i . School Children Addre'ss . ... . ; . . .. '. ". Fern Harrison Song- - .'; . .School Children Decoration of. Graves of our fallen y- heroes ....... . Ives Brotherhood and Children A't 1:15 in the afternoon the G. A. R. Members and Associates, Spanish American ' War Veterans and Wom- an's Relief Corps will meet at the G. A. R. Hall. - - , The G. A. R. Post extends a special and cordial .invitations to all citizens, lodges and other " organizations to meet with those named above and march together to the Auditorium where the following program will be given: Music Prayer ... .Post ChaDlin f General tofirhr Order No. 4 " . read by ; i.,Rev. Dr. R. Rt Davies '.- Music ' Lincoln's Gettysburg Address - s .v. ; .. ...... i .. . .Uhloe Edgar Speech ...... . .... Florence Bennett Speech ; .i . .', '"'..:'. . . Carl Gerringer i MUSIC Reading of Roll of Honor P.- - H. Bayes , ' Post Adit. Address ........ .Hon. A. L. Gebhart - . .. Bryan. Ohio Song .. . .i . ; ... . ... .. .America San Jak is the cure for rheumatism, stiff joints and muscles. Gat ii at Fink & 'ilamaessorfe. f :i.,,t. i tet Your Next PHIL PORTER A New The past week has been more like a state of seige than an aggressive campaign for the Monumental As- sociation. The following persons have paid in to the secretary Dewitt Williams , . 1.00 Isaiah McConkey , , .. 5.00 J. L. Verity . . s 5.00 Ella N. Clark .. 1.00 For this the association is. thank- -' ful and expects that the interest will increase with he approach of Decora- tion Day. If every speaker at Mem- orial Exercises bfl i Decoration Day: would bear in mind this permanent memorial to the soldiers and sailors of the sixties which we are going to erect' in Fulton County " and make mention of it in their addresses it would help mightily to keep alive the interest and enthusiasm and hasten the completion of the project. We want at least $1,000, more than we have subscribed. The monument is going to be built. Those who have no part in the building will be sorry that they did not respond to these calls. The certificate which goes to each person who subscribed and pays to this cause $1.00 or more, will be a badge of honor to those who pos- sess it. ; Now is the time to enlist and get on the firing line. ;: " PPERFECT ATTENDANCE. The f slowing pupils were perfect in attendance in school Dist. No. 14, German township, during the past two years: Pearl Frey, Bessie Frey, Gertrude Weckesser, Herma Yoder, Mabel Grieser and Carrie, Weber. ' Those .perfect in attendance during the past year were: Marion Funk-- J houser, Mary Weber, Florence Cram- er, Oscar Wyse and Monroe Wyse. LOUISE GOTTSCHALK, Teacher. , SNOW-BREH- Mr. Gar. D. Snow and'Miss Minnie M. Brehm were married in Wauseon on Thursday of last week by Rev. 3 A A. Wharton pastor of the First Christian church. The vows were taken at the home of the minister 130 N. Franklin street. Bride and 'groom are residents of Fayette, and there they expect to continue to live engag- ing in farming. ' Archbo.v., Celta, Fayette, wanton. ; and Waupn, from Fulton county. Each school sent a good delegation with its track team and when the games began at about 2 p. m. there was an audience of about 800 people filling grandstand and bleachers and the space -- wired off from the track. Fayette school brought over the trophy, cupfvwhich they, won Jast year " an iey itsa brought along a fine crof i of citizens who were interest- - . d I siough; to; come over and encour- age their team to put forth their best endeavors to hold . the trophy and their place as first in Athletics in the Association. Bryan and Montpelier also sent fine delegations to cheer and root for their teams and from start to finish . there was not a dull moment. The first event was the 100 yard dash which ww made in 11 sec- onds by Hibart of Fayette, placing Fayette in the lead, where her splendid team kept her to the.' finish. W. Biannan of Bryan - took second place in this event With Standish and ' Ackerman of Wauseon 8rd and 4th. Pierce of Fayette took first place in ' the pole vault. The 220 yard dash i " was finished in 25 2-- 5 seconds by Hib-ba- rt of Fayette. W. Brannan of Bry- an 2nd, Fohey of of Montpelier 3rd and Fetters of Archbpld 4th.. Hib-ba- rt of Fayette took first place in the 440 yard dash finishing mi 57 4-- 5 seconds with Bryans men 2nd and 3rd and Archbold 4th. About this time Mr. Fred Perry, Mr. Chas. Hawes ' and Editor Yost of Fayette began to "crow" and they did not have any occasion to quit crowing- - for the rest of the afternoon; Fayette certainly sent 6ver a fine team and the boys earned every point that they scored fair and square. ; . ' The mile run was finished m five minutes and 33 seeonds with R. Bran-na- n of Bryan 1st, Pierce of Fayette 2nd, Leu of Montpelier 3rd and Mi- ller of Archbold 4th. Another Fayette man came to the front in the shot put when Whaley won his first medal for the day by putting the shot 36 feet, Shaffer or Bryan took 2nd place, Rummel of Stryke 3rd and Morrow of Bryan 4th. Ensley of Montpelier threw the hammer 6 ft and 11 inches winning 1st place, "Whaley and Pierce of Fayette took 2nd and 3rd places and Weight , of Montpelier 4th place. Whaley of Fay- -' ette won first place in the: standing broad jump at 9 ft. and B inches. Wright of Montpelier 2nd, Hubbard of Fayette 3rd and Shurlow "of Bryan 4th- - The Running broad jump was another plum for Whaley of Fayette who jumped 18 ft. 1 inch into first place. W.' and R. Hamet of Bryan followed in 2nd and 3rd places and Wright of Montpelier made the 4th. Wauseon 'demonstrated that they were still on the field when it came to the running high jump and Clem- ent Standish- - took first place scoring , S ft., 3 inches; Whaley of Fayette nd Miller, of Montpelier tied aip on 2 and 3rd places and Shurlow of Bryan divided 4th place with Dennis of Swanton. The Relay Race meUat on the program and was worth Wait- ing fiibbart .led the. Fayette team to first place, Bryan r took 2nd place, Swanton- - fifd nd ' Montpelier ' 4th All the teams did good work and it was a fine exhibition clean athle- tics. Fayette certainly had a track team to ba proud of and Bryan, was not far behind. em yearns- - showed good training. augurs -- well for .the future strength, health- - and of the men who are to take their places in business and profession sA places of he- - country when th schools begirt to pay attention th physicial as well as the mental deve- lopment of the boys who are, to be the men of To learn to nse brains with muscle and muscle with brains is surely worth while and must increase the ability and capaci- ty for work of everyone who has the privilege of such trainings . .. The Oratorical Contest at the Audi- torium Friday; evening demonstrated that the schools- - of these two coun-- r thftir numla to think A Dollar lar session next Monday evening at 6:30. Every Junior should plan to mtena. Arrangements ior tne deco ration oay exercises will ce made. The Intermediate wil meet an Tim. day evening at 7 o'clock. Every memoer is reauested to ho nnunt to assist in making plans for the- - as SlHLillfaT 111 nepnnir nn nav SvAni Ufl The Senior fellows will meet at the same Hour as the intermediate divi- sion on Tiiesutav Avanini? It va J ' -- . J w. are a senior trv and imnm tn ha present at this meeting.- - irum orps boys will practice Fri- day evening at 7;30. "THIS IS YOUR TdWM " The Mavor Rva that. utha n siogan, inis is lour ,iown" does not mean a few. merchants nnd nunnfin. turers; it majmn vmi an1 tint win J V V v.. 1 J JVM who dive within the corporate limits. ovn, everyooay m . tnis enure com-munit- y. - The streets,. the parks, the schools, the churches and everything also, in, t vtvn-- BAinnoa '' To a J rA. M4ll and use them and make this "Your . . , & M .i i 1 n wjwn , uie rest in tne state. ' ' ' : ANNOUNCEMENT ., f .. James It. Temnlatnn nnohoa j ik nounce that he will be a candidate for the office of Judce of tha C.nnrt .nt Common Pleas for Fulton County, unio, and earnestly requests support of all his friends, and hopes that this announcement nwr h hia niagnnrf to their good graces. ' i ours truly, , jlV", James B. Templeton. Wauseon Boosters Club Meet Monday Evening Wrestle With Slogan Selection Appoint Coramitte on oy Lws uold Slogan Committee To Report Again Monday Evening. ' .: Although the Slncran received some seventv miTuinuii tn their appeal for a Slogan for Wauv seon the Boosters Club found con- siderable difficulty in making j a choice at their meeting last Monday eveninc: nerhaii hea,iaa than ann' so many good onea to choose from and pet imps uecause mere was a miscon- - ucpuun in uie minas oi some oi tne, members and it is t.ha nmrAintr nt electric sign for the town rather than a siogan wnicn tney were choosing. Mr. Warren of the T. & I. was pre- sent bv invitation onii hail Kmnirnt with him Mr. Thompson electrical sign expert of the Valentine Sign Co. of Toledo. Mr. Warren discussed the Various aVAllfihlA WwatiAna tni. vam electric sign and Mr. Thompson gave some ngures in regard to the pro- bable cost of such sign, , r - The club nroceeded ta vnta nn th slogans presented and the majority were for "This is Your Town" a slog- an submitted by Mayor Roll Hoy, the club, later voted to suggest sub- stituting the word Wauseon f or "This" making it read "Wauseon ig your town.- - ine slogan was refer- red back to the slogan committe with instructions to confer with Mr. Thompson of the Valentine Sign Comnanv in reo-nr- tn positions for the placing and form of nlafA. Mat art A urA inix.v fkA wuw s.awaw VW Club- - at the meeting next , Monday evening at the Montauk Club Hall. i Aeignara suggested inat a committee should ha annnintaH kir tkA Club to frame by laws and to incor- porated in such by laws provisions iur committees on various lines . l work such as, Highways, Streets, Schools.. Town Gardens Ami t The club voted for the appointment of such a committe and Q. p, Qrisler, J. O. - Files ind H W. flania vara o aa DOinted. The dh nnw numhAna avap 77 X .T TTTCTC- 11". 'V W V 60 members and there ar still mute to came, ft shquld. be bom in mind that this elb w devoted to tht btlr terment Af WnuflAAn in aarv wa npt merely commercially but ociallyJ intellectually mrally and along the public spirited citizen should become a memoer oi w eiun ana worn ior the progress and prosperity of th town. "This is Your Town" "The Rainbow Comes Down in Ohio" and its up to the citizens of Wauseon to make this the place where the rain- - oow iquonea, , COUNCIL MEETING Monday Evening Sidewalks Still - r ' -- - i Under Consideration Ordinances - 'v .jr. t ' Passed For Issuance of Bonds and . , i yTo Organize Sinking Fund Trua- - tees. The subject of sidewalks like Ban- - quo's Ghost seems to be present at each meeting of the Council this spring and last Monday evening was no exception to the rule; there are still many walks to be repaired as well as new walks to be laid, the clerk was instructed to notify parties who need to look after the matter of mak- ing straight the paths. , The street improvements that are waiting comr pletion was another subject for and the Council planned to push the completion of these streets. An ordinance to issue Bonds to pay the cost of the Brunell street im provement was passed. Another or dinance to issue- - bonds to complete paying the expenses incidental to the Small pox Lpidemic of last Winter was also passed and- - at the sugges tion of the City solicitor an ordinance was presented to organiser the. .Sink, ing Fund Trustees and fix .the amount of bonds to be . given .them. These trustees are the JMayor,. Chairman of Finance Committee and Clerks of the Village. The claim .ordinance which included a part payment on street improvement was passed and Council adjourned. ALWAYS IN A HURRY . ' , Wauseon, Ohio. Mr. C. W Bur goon, Bowling Green, Ohio. - Dear Sir: Kindly ship us at once 1- doz. Rurcoon's Golden Oil. 1 doz. Burgoon's Catarrh Solution, 2 doz. Al' tentative Syrup. . ; ' v Yours truly, . FINK. &- - HAUMESSER Sold by all druggists. 6-- 1 HORSE TRAINING.. Frank Spangler of Morenci, Mich., is now located on the Fulton County Fair ground and is training horses he has tune and place .for more, horses. Have your horses trained at home by an expert trainer at reasonable charges. r ' v Uncpated floors absorb Cleaning them means hours may be avoided by using dist Church Next Sunday Evening Class Play Tuesday and Wednea- - ; day Evenings. $ The following are the events of next week in which the thirty-tw- o members of the Senior Class of the Wauseon High School together with their parents, relatives and friends are specially interested and incident- ally the whole population of Wauseon. The class sermon will be delivered by Rev. J. H. Williams at the Metho- dist church next Sunday evening, Mayv 24th. The Class Play "A Mid Summer Night's Dream" will be giv- en at the Princess Theatre on Tues- day and. Wednesday evenings, May 26th and 27th, following is the cast of characters for the play: . - Theseus Ralph Rosebrook Lysander Carl Geringer Demetrius .............. .Lee Biery Hermia Florence Bennett Helena Rena. Sweeney Titania Feme Gasche Egeus Clarence Keller Philostrate . . .... Clifford Gibbs Bottom Walter Westhoven Quince ............. .Fern Harrison Snug .. .Leslie Spade Flute .....Joe Domitio Snout .Lloyd Meller Moonshine , .James Bard Starveling Gail Dennis Wall , Clyde. Barn js Oberon . t. . .. .. ... ... .Leroy Don&t Puck Clement Standish Hypolyta Opal ' Bowman ' Mable Lawrence i Ruth Taylor Attendants to Hypolyta. Grace Lillich Leah Williams Bessie Leininger Norma Stuempel Singin Fairies ....... Chloe Edgar ; ' Fairy Chorus Peas Blossoms Nancy Williams Cob Web , Francis Ufer Mustard Seed Lela Eldredge Moth Coral Walters Maggie Bixler, Norma Whiteman, Mable Wyse ; - Music High School Orchestra ' The Commencment Exercises will be held on Thursday evening May 28th when the following program will be followed: High School .Orchestra Invocation ....Rev. G. W. Hoffman High School Chorus ......... Ruth Salutatory Lela Eldredge. High School Orchestra Valedictory Clement Standish Annual Address Judge John E.'Sater Presentation of Diplomas. .... .J. C. Paxson, Clerk of Board of Educa- tion u - - Benediction ....Rev. J. A. Wharton The Annual Alumnj Banquet will be held at the City Hall on Friday evening May 29th. The Class Motto is "Vincit Qui Laborat" (He conquers who labors); the class flower is the Shasta Daisy fjxd the following is the class roll: James Bard Florence Bennett Clyde Barnes Maggie Bixler Gail Dennis Opal Bowman Chloe Edgar Ferae Gasche Lela Eldredge Joseph Domitio Leroy Donat Be sse Leininger ; Grace Lillich Carl Geringer Fern Harrison Norma Stuempel Rena Sweeny Clarence Keller Lloyd Meller ' Ruth Taylor ' Francis Ufer Ralph Rosebrook Leland Biery Coral Walters Norma Whiteman Clement Standish Walter Westhoven Nancy Williams Clifford Gibbs Leah Williams Mable Wyse V Mable Lawrence New York Resch of Wauseon and because of these facts the older residents of Wauseon were delighted to hear Mr. Blanchard and to meet both Mr. and Mrs. Blanchard, that lady accompany-in- cr her husband on this trip. It was very appropriate that Prof. Blanchard should present the medals to the win- ners here at Wauseon; for, in a mea- sure Mr. Blanchard 'began the inter- est in School Athletics in Fulton County, 'vhen in 1898 'he directed a Field Meet , on the '' Wauseon Fair Ground. , W. L. Brown now principal ajt Swanton and president of the 'Was then a Wauseon-schoo- l boy-- , and that Field meet Was his inspjraticg. Mr. Brown has been the moving' spirit and in- spiration. in this Track Meet and Ora torical Contest of 1914. Lynn! Whal ey of Fayette, was awarded the gold medal 'as the best all- - round At.hlft.e besides' 'carrying off - thre other Bronze meaais ior events in wnicn ne won first place. Hibbart of Payette also took three bronze '.medals' besides receiving the medals! for the Fayette team in the relay, race. - It was a great event and we hope that the Association will decide to come to Wauseon again next year. DN THE In Hard Fought Contest Delta Los es Their First Game to Wauseon A Large Crowd , of Enthusiastic Fans Witnessed The Defeat Hits Were Numerous Throughout The Game. .. ' - Before a large and enthusiastic crowd Sunday, the Delta boys were out classed in all departments of the game.. 1 he following will, tells you how it? happened: Wauseon 1st Seiner singled then short Williams forced Seiner .Morell to Yonker; Funkhouser hit thru short arjd stole second, Parker was safe on Morell's error, Williams, and Funkhouser scoring, Leininger was out Fauble to Morell, Dad Williams fanned. Two Runs. Wauseon 2nd Williams out hit by B.i Ball,. Powers doubled, Gilson safe. eh 4' Gurdings error;-.- . Lehman ,.out Yonker. to ; Dull, Seiner, safe on Faubles error, Powers and Gilson scoringt Williams singled scoring Seiner, Futikhouser flied. to Gerding. Three Runs. Delta 3rd Forest breezed, Morell doubled to left. . Yonker ' missed three, Morell stole third, Gurding stole second, Dull out Lehman to Sel- - ir. Qpe Run. : ; - WansAnn. Sril Y .AiniTl Tfl ' dnnhlad to left, Parker hft to Morell who fumbled, Leininger going to third, Parker , stole second, Dad Williams struck out, Powers did like wise,Gil-so- n singled ;, scoring Leininger and Parker took second on. the throw in, Lehman out . Yonker toDull. VYounk er making a fine play.; Two Runs. Delta 5th Wissler sate, on mark ers eror, Forest hit through second and Wissler was thrown out Dad Wil- liams to third, Morell singled scoring Forest and takinar second when Park er threw wild to Leininger, Yonker struck out, Gurding singled scoring Morell, Dull struck out. . Two Runs. Wauseon 5th Leininger singled and stole "second, Parker struck out, Dad . Williams doubled scoring- - Lein- inger, Powers lined .tQ Fauble, Gilson hit to Yonker who- - fumbled. Wil liams going to third, .Lehman flied to Dull. One Run. , Delta 6th Fauble out Leininger to Seiner, Lehman fumbled Guthries grounder, Ohlinger doubled to cen- ter, Wissler hit a short liner to cen- ter which Funk dropped, Guthrie, and Ohlineer scored. Forest singled scor- ing Wissler and was out Gilson to Powers, Morell : struck out. ' ' Three Runs. , y . ; ; . ', -- WAUSEON ' AB R OA Seiner lb 5 1 .70 S. Williams 3 b ' 6 00 Funkhouser c f 4 .0 0 Leitiinger 2 b, ' 3 0 Parker 1 f ' 4' 1 D. Williams rf 4 1 Powers a'S ;".4. 2 Gilson c ,"4 3 Lehman p v;t- 3 0 3 1 Spies- p s ' l 0 3 0 DELTA ... ab ,&m A. E Forest c t ") 5-- 1 1, 0 0 Morell 3 b-- r. f .5.2 3 1 2 Yonker 2b 5.0 2 1 Gurding it , .50 1 ,2 2 Dull 1 b-- p ; I 4 4 i Fauble 1 f ;- -. 1' 0 o Snyder" r f ; 1 0 0 o Guthrie 3 b 2 1 '0 : 0 Ohlinger c ' . 4 1 0 Wissler p 4 1 0 Score Bv Innines. ' ' 1 23456789 RHE Delta 00 1 023000 69 6 Wauseon2 320 1 000 x 810 7 2 base hits Leiningerl; D Williams 1; Powers 1: Morell 2; Ohlinger 1. Struck, ont by Lehman 6; Spies 8; Dull 6; Wissler 4; . Hits-of- f Lehman 7 in 6 innings; Spies- - 2 in 3 innings; off Wissler 8 in 5 innings; Dull 2 in 3 innings. Umpire Mignery. ; Other Games Sunday.' Barouth 17, Archbold 4 r.Swanton 4, Jaecks 8 Wauseon has an- - open date next Sunday, so will play the strong W.A. Malleable team here. Game called at 2:30. ; The Standing - .OWL- P. C. Wauseon 4 3 11 .750 Swanton - ' 4 3 1 ' .750 Barouth ' 3 .2 1 .667 Rollers " '. 2 1 1 .1500 Archbold - 4 13 '" ;250 De ta '10 1- - "i' .000 Jaecks . 2 0 ' AW RHEUMA WILL STOP , URIC ACID DEPOSIT Rheumatic ' Complications Checked and the "Human Sewers". Rev . - stored. .' '.: ''. The Kidneys; Bowels and Skin are the "human sewers" which carry off the imDurities in the blood. When these are clogged Uric 'Acid sediment lodges in the muscles and loints ana Rheumatism follows, RHEUMA, the trreat remedy for all forms of the terrible disease, checks the deposit of Uric Acid. . - . "I suffered from Rheumatism for aix years. Tried different doctors, with no relief; I have taken three bottles of RHEUMA and am entirely free from the disease." P. W. Mil ler. Catawissa, Pa. Kead St Wager will return your money if it fails; 50 cents a bottle. FLOOR PAINT (GRANITE) ,l A coating of Acme Quality Floor Paint (Granite) gives ;you a .new floor that is smooth, hard and easily kept clean f and free from stain3 and dirt. . v , A quart will cover,75 Square feet, two coats at a cost of less than a cent per square foot. .. Made, so you can easily apply it yourself. ; . Call and secure sample f card of colors and copy of, our free book ob "Home Decorating." , ' Schlatter i& Howards DID YOU SEE MILLION DOLLAR LOOK" Shoes Be Waldorfs The Shoe Man Floor i and hold stains of all kind. of scrubbing hard work that Need of Cement? "THAT and also to tell in an impressive mat ter what they tmnic. won rrerpW bv a unwue concert consisting of high school yells and songs given as uchuui "uo also as school duos and trios and inii'iti nt iimea as erand : ;. We have always maintained that a man's clothes are one of the vftal fact- ors in his careerthat they affect his whole advancement in the game of life.' And Monday night at the Princess Theatre, a picture-pla- y called "That Mil- -: lion Dollar Lbok certainly demonstrated our belief . ' No man, who saw. this unusual picture-pla- y, left his seat without feeling a deeper respect than ever for good clothes and their importance to his prosperity. ' " Incidentally, this picture-pla- y showed that the Million : Dollar Look is the Royal Tailored Look; that the Ibest "prosperity ,, clothes are those that are Roy- al Tailored. One of the most interesting features of the film were the pictures showing the wonderful Royal Tailor shops in Chicago and New York; pictures taking you behind the scenes in the world's greatest tailoring shops; pictures showing how every Royal garment is cut separately and to the individual . order and. measures' of each customer; pictures of the cleanest, sunniest, cheeriest and ' biggest work shops you ever looked into a delightful revelation into the perfection of Royal Tailoring System. If you saw these pictures, you probably said to yourself, as scores of others did: "No wonder Royal Tailored clothes are considered the best in the world when they are made in an organization like ' ' ' that." . . '"'' ' - - But please don't think that our object in bringing these pictures to town was wholly selfish. We still say that if this picture-pla- y convinced some of the young men, who have been careless about their '' clothes, of the importance 'of good dress in business we shall feel satisfied. Let them buy the "next ' best" to Royal Tailored clothes, If they will that's a whole lot better than bungling the clothes pro-ble- m entirely. ''"' ' But for you. folks who want the utmost in custom tailoring; for you "men, who want the '.genuine "Million--Dolla- r Look;" for'you who will take no second best-th- is is just a reminder that our store is the local home of Royal Tailored to your order clothes. Made to your, .measure at $16, $17 $20, $25, $30, and $35. ' , $hoop & lUlathews ; Authorized Resident Dealers The- - Royal Tailors PEERLESS FENCE ,,. a I have two carload In stock. The Peerless Is a No. 1 fence, at '4yeT low price.', I also have the Peerless steel gates, Carbo steel posts, white and red cedar posts, drain tile, paving brick. Price less than common brick. Adamite plastic roof ing will make a new roof out of the old one. Call and see me, or phone office 437, house 185. ' P. M. SCHNUR, Wauseon, Ohio choruses in which all the eight schools joined, each school giving its own particular yell or song; the ef- fect was noise, and what it lacked in certainly made UP") good natured rivilary to see which school ' could make the most. Prof. Tubbs finally succeeded in making Lis .Anlit hoard nH the audience joined in singing America." The eicht ...... o Monri. Miller of Delta: Wnuneon: Orrin 'Taylor of Archbold; Bennie Kniffin of Stryker; Kaipn UOH oi owanujii; . Lynn Whaley of Fayette; Abbie Guil- - Mason of Montpelier. - The orations ' were all good and well delivered; of chnol was morally cer- - oin that its snecial renresentative ivas entitled to the first place. ; Wau- seon citizens who were present, which the writer, were proud of Kryan Heise who represented the Wauseon High Sch'pol; his oration was a model in' nearly every respect both as to arrangement of thought and delivery. The Judges evidently went on the chivalrous theory that ladies shoirld be first and awarded the first place and the gold medal, to Miss Abbie Guilinger of Bryan giving sedr 'ond place and the silver medal "to Bryan Heise. Professor C. E. Blanchard one of , the instructors in the law school of the Ohio State University gave a fine practical talk on the value of a course in public speaking , in all the high schools of the state and compliment- ed both the speakers of the evening and their instructors on the character of the orations and the manner of de- livery. Mr. Blanchard was, a number of years ago the teacher of the eight grade school in Wauseon; the Board AreYon in blUit Far uwalka, Fotatiee, Ftoora, Walla, Xatok fr tko Tarher rry Bac Tm Bay WABASH PORTLAND CEMENT CO. '' SMiaral Offlcaa. Detroit. JKicfe. Worka. Strok. IaIama Par nla fcy H. H. Tara.lL Waaaeaa, O I Ctatant Til. Black Ca, Klmlrm, O.I H. C. ZalUn, Iwuha, O.I Lraa. Lar. Oa. Fuatta. O.I Kataanra iMmbm Ca. Mataaiara, O. , FINK & HAUMESSER Chicago Indigestion? Can't Eat? No Appetite? A treatment of Electric Bitters in- creases your appetite; stops indiges- tion; you. cant eat everything. A real spring tonic for liver, kidney and stomach troubles. Cleanses your whole system and you feel fine. Electric Bitters did more for Mr. T. D. Peeble's stomach troubles than any medicine ha ever tried. Get a bottle today 60c and $1.00 at your DruggUt

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lAuditor, County


T Ji

. Ji 4ton county TribUNfLVOL XXXII WAUSEON, OHIO, FRIDAY, JVEAY 22, 1914 NO. 6

BOYS NOTESThe Junior hova will mmf in yarrn

i f" "'I LI1 I

of Education at that time, thought sowell of his work that when the eightgrade pupils we're promoted into theHigh- - School " they; promoted Mr.Blanchard 'along with his pupils andhe became the High school principle.Mrs. Blanchard was formerly Miss


Saturday May 30th. Arrangement'for, Proper Observance of The Day

Memorial Sunday Sermon By

Rev. T. B. Ashton at Methodist

Church Program For The Day.


Schools of Williams awl Fulton

Counties Enjoy Great Day on Ath-let- ic

Field Fayette ftigh School' Brines Cup to Wauseon and Takes

it Back Again. v

Graduation Exercises of the High

School Class of 1914 Class of 32V Members Class Sermon at Metho

For Cake ofEconomyCoat all Door,VVindowand PorchScreenswith


Last Friday was an ideal day forout door sports neither too hot norto cold and those who have hadctitge.of the preliminaries, for ; theAunual Track..- - Meet and OratoricalContest of the Williams-Fulto- n HighSchool Athletic Association were cor-respondingly happy. Athletic Parkwas put in good shape and' by Fridayafternoon everything was in readiineas for the events of the day. '

tW schools were scheduled .topa' cipate-i- the contests;. of these,:

i: ini ryan, monipener. una owwere n William's tounty stnd, five,

WHERE DOES THE SKY BEGIN.This question has been asked many

time during our day and generation,and upon reflection, we wonder whyso much attention has been given toit. But, for fear there are some peo-ple within our confines who are inclin-ed to wrestle with it, let us answerit without delay: The sky beginswhere we want it to begin. Is thisself-evide- nt enough ?

The Boosters of our fair city areplanning their great and ng

campaign. We are led to believethat certain ideas, which are .benefi-cial to us all, most be instilled in thedeeps of our beings. This carrjes withit its own peculiar message. TheBusiness-me- n have had their Springsales, and are now, we hope, lookingforward to a prosperous SummerMay they not be disappointed.

The Field-da- y has passed, but theBacculaureate sermon and the nt

are to come. They will besucessful, we know.' In short, every-body is busy- - grappling with what isknown as the great enigma. Youknow what it is.

Where does the sky begin?Make a note of this and go to

church next Sunday. You will c6meaway feeling ' stronger and life willlook brighter to you. .

' '


v ..."'' ' 7 "Peace Not Yet Declared Recruits To

The Amount of Over $1000 Need-

ed. No Surrender Till The Monu-

ment is Built.

Chi-Flam- el

ScreenIt'a hard,

t 4h. la

black surface, anif


.glossy--- .

does not" clog themeshes. -

- :

, John A. Crdtt, .

Hardware and Auto Supplies. ;

' ' "" '' "

flalorf Shoos for Hon. Waldorf's ar the only, all-leath- er shoes in the world

mad independent of the Shoe. Machinery .Trust. ,,. No.royalties, enormous out-pu-t, train load buying of raw ma-terials, and expert workmanship make V',

Walddrfs possible at$3.60. y


m look, fit and wear as well as shoes priced a dol-

lar more.K Every pair sold sells another. . No other shoeinade and sold under sucn favorable and satisfactory con--- fditions, Everything that I enters , into the construction,even to the machinery that produces it, is made on thepremises. ri :i


Losure Post G: A. R. assisted bySuperintendent C. J. Biery have com-pleted arrangements and program forthe , proper observance of MemorialDay. At the last regular meeting ofLosure Post No. 35 G. A. R. the Com-mander, I. E. Bayes appointed thefollowing committees to attend to themarking of Soldier's Graves in thecemeteries within the jurisdiction ofthe Post.' At Tedrow, Vene Stevens,M. Eldridge and A. Rodgers; atArchbold, Vene Walters, E. . E. Hal-le- tt

and J. Hoffmire; Pettisville, T.'R. Robinson, W. H. Fullerton andE. Canfield; West Barre, E. T. Wil-liams, J. - Shambarger, Lion B. Green,and Jacob Shinaberger; Burlington,E. L. . Downer and Bert BarbourBayes, C. Bayes; Mikesell, A. Mike-sell- ;-

Ottokee, S. 'I. Spring, DanielBrown and Harvey Shadle; Lena,Jacob Shambarger and Perry Kimer-e- r;

Wauseon, H. T. Brigham, S. Boy-e- rand H Overmeyer; Fluhart, Jake

German and Reas McClarren;. Kline,J. F. Hoffmann Committees can ob-

tain flags at the office of Guilford &Strong. The Memorial Sermon willbe delivered at the Methodist churchon next Sunday afternoon, May 24, at2 o'clock, Rev, T. B. Ashton pastor ofthe Baptist church ' will preach thesermon. Members of the G. A. R.Spanish : American. Soldiers, G. A. R.Associates, and Ladies Relief Corps'will meet at G. A, R. Hall at 1:30 andmarch to the church in a body.. Fol-- !lowing is the program for DecorationDay: ,

',..'- -

, At 9:30 o'clock, sharp, Saturdaymorning all old soldiers, SpanishAmerican War - Veterans, AssociatesG. A. R. Members' and.. Woman's Re-- 1

lief Corps are requested to meet atthe G. A. R. Hall on Fulton street toforn a procession to proceed to theicemetery.

"The Ives Brotherhood will lead theprocession of school children. Autoswill be furnished to convey the ; oldsoldiers and Woman's Relief Corpsto the cemetery and return. The pro-gram will be as follows: i

Prayer '. . ...... .Rey. C.' W. HoffmanSong ...... i . School ChildrenAddre'ss . ... . ; . . . . '. ". Fern HarrisonSong-- .'; . .School ChildrenDecoration of. Graves of our fallen

y- heroes ....... . Ives Brotherhoodand Children

A't 1:15 in the afternoon the G. A.R. Members and Associates, SpanishAmerican ' War Veterans and Wom-an's Relief Corps will meet at the G.A. R. Hall. - - ,

The G. A. R. Post extends a specialand cordial .invitations to all citizens,lodges and other " organizations tomeet with those named above andmarch together to the Auditoriumwhere the following program will begiven:

MusicPrayer ... .Post ChaDlin

fGeneral tofirhr Order No. 4 " .

read by ; i.,Rev. Dr. R. Rt Davies'.- Music '

Lincoln's Gettysburg Address -s

.v. ; . . ...... i .. . .Uhloe EdgarSpeech ...... . . . . . Florence BennettSpeech ; . i . .', '"'..:'. . . Carl Gerringer

i MUSICReading of Roll of Honor P.- - H. Bayes

, ' Post Adit.Address ........ .Hon. A. L. Gebhart

- . .. Bryan. OhioSong . . . .i . ; ... . ... . . .America

San Jak is the cure forrheumatism, stiff joints and muscles.Gat ii at Fink & 'ilamaessorfe.


:i.,,t. i tet Your Next


A New

The past week has been more likea state of seige than an aggressivecampaign for the Monumental As-sociation. The following personshave paid in to the secretaryDewitt Williams , . 1.00Isaiah McConkey , , .. 5.00J. L. Verity . . s 5.00Ella N. Clark .. 1.00

For this the association is. thank- -'

ful and expects that the interest willincrease with he approach of Decora-tion Day. If every speaker at Mem-orial Exercises bfl i Decoration Day:would bear in mind this permanentmemorial to the soldiers and sailorsof the sixties which we are going toerect' in Fulton County " and makemention of it in their addresses itwould help mightily to keep alive theinterest and enthusiasm and hastenthe completion of the project. Wewant at least $1,000, more than wehave subscribed. The monument isgoing to be built. Those who have nopart in the building will be sorry thatthey did not respond to these calls.

The certificate which goes to eachperson who subscribed and pays tothis cause $1.00 or more, will be abadge of honor to those who pos-sess it. ; Now is the time to enlistand get on the firing line. ;:


The fslowing pupils were perfectin attendance in school Dist. No. 14,German township, during the pasttwo years: Pearl Frey, Bessie Frey,Gertrude Weckesser, Herma Yoder,Mabel Grieser and Carrie, Weber.' Those .perfect in attendance during

the past year were: Marion Funk-- Jhouser, Mary Weber, Florence Cram-er, Oscar Wyse and Monroe Wyse.



Mr. Gar. D. Snow and'Miss MinnieM. Brehm were married in Wauseonon Thursday of last week by Rev. 3AA. Wharton pastor of the FirstChristian church. The vows weretaken at the home of the minister 130N. Franklin street. Bride and 'groomare residents of Fayette, and therethey expect to continue to live engag-ing in farming. '

Archbo.v., Celta, Fayette, wanton.; and Waupn, from Fulton county.

Each school sent a good delegationwith its track team and when thegames began at about 2 p. m. therewas an audience of about 800 peoplefilling grandstand and bleachers andthe space --wired off from the track.

Fayette school brought over thetrophy, cupfvwhich they, won Jast year

" an iey itsa brought along a finecrof i of citizens who were interest- -

. d I siough; to; come over and encour-age their team to put forth their bestendeavors to hold . the trophy andtheir place as first in Athletics in theAssociation. Bryan and Montpelieralso sent fine delegations to cheerand root for their teams and fromstart to finish . there was not a dullmoment. The first event was the 100yard dash which ww made in 11 sec-

onds by Hibart of Fayette, placingFayette in the lead, where hersplendid team kept her to the.' finish.W. Biannan of Bryan - took secondplace in this event With Standish and

' Ackerman of Wauseon 8rd and 4th.Pierce of Fayette took first place in

' the pole vault. The 220 yard dashi

" was finished in 25 2-- 5 seconds by Hib-ba- rt

of Fayette. W. Brannan of Bry-

an 2nd, Fohey of of Montpelier 3rdand Fetters of Archbpld 4th.. Hib-ba- rt

of Fayette took first place inthe 440 yard dash finishing mi 57 4-- 5

seconds with Bryans men 2nd and 3rdand Archbold 4th. About this timeMr. Fred Perry, Mr. Chas. Hawes

' and Editor Yost of Fayette began to"crow" and they did not have anyoccasion to quit crowing- - for the restof the afternoon; Fayette certainlysent 6ver a fine team and the boysearned every point that they scoredfair and square. ; . '

The mile run was finished m five

minutes and 33 seeonds with R. Bran-na- n

of Bryan 1st, Pierce of Fayette2nd, Leu of Montpelier 3rd and Mi-

ller of Archbold 4th.Another Fayette man came to the

front in the shot put when Whaley won

his first medal for the day by puttingthe shot 36 feet, Shaffer or Bryantook 2nd place, Rummel of Stryke3rd and Morrow of Bryan 4th. Ensleyof Montpelier threw the hammer 6

ft and 11 inches winning 1st place,"Whaley and Pierce of Fayette took2nd and 3rd places and Weight ,ofMontpelier 4th place. Whaley of Fay- -'

ette won first place in the: standingbroad jump at 9 ft. and B inches.Wright of Montpelier 2nd, Hubbardof Fayette 3rd and Shurlow "of Bryan4th- - The Running broad jump wasanother plum for Whaley of Fayettewho jumped 18 ft. 1 inch into firstplace. W.' and R. Hamet of Bryanfollowed in 2nd and 3rd places andWright of Montpelier made the 4th.Wauseon 'demonstrated that theywere still on the field when it cameto the running high jump and Clem-

ent Standish- - took first place scoring, S ft., 3 inches; Whaley of Fayette

nd Miller, of Montpelier tied aip on 2

and 3rd places and Shurlow of Bryandivided 4th place with Dennis of

Swanton. The Relay Race meUaton the program and was worth Wait-

ing fiibbart .led the. Fayetteteam to first place, Bryan r took 2nd

place, Swanton- - fifd nd ' Montpelier' 4th

All the teams did good work and itwas a fine exhibition clean athle-

tics. Fayette certainly had a trackteam to ba proud of and Bryan, wasnot far behind. em yearns- - showedgood training. augurs --well for.the future strength, health- - and

of the men who are to taketheir places in business and professionsA places of he- - country when thschools begirt to pay attention thphysicial as well as the mental deve-

lopment of the boys who are, to bethe men of To learn tonse brains with muscle and musclewith brains is surely worth while andmust increase the ability and capaci-ty for work of everyone who has theprivilege of such trainings . ..

The Oratorical Contest at the Audi-

torium Friday; evening demonstratedthat the schools- - of these two coun-- r

thftir numla to think

A Dollar

lar session next Monday evening at6:30. Every Junior should plan tomtena. Arrangements ior tne decoration oay exercises will ce made.

The Intermediate wil meet an evening at 7 o'clock. Everymemoer is reauested to ho nnuntto assist in making plans for the-- asSlHLillfaT 111 nepnnir nn nav SvAni Ufl

The Senior fellows will meet at thesame Hour as the intermediate divi-sion on Tiiesutav Avanini? It vaJ ' -- . J w.are a senior trv and imnm tn hapresent at this meeting.- -

irum orps boys will practice Fri-day evening at 7;30.

"THIS IS YOUR TdWM "The Mavor Rva that. utha n

siogan, inis is lour ,iown" does notmean a few. merchants nnd nunnfin.turers; it majmn vmi an1 tint winJ V V v.. 1J JVMwho dive within the corporate limits.ovn, everyooay m . tnis enure com-munit- y.

- The streets,. the parks, theschools, the churches and everythingalso, in, t vtvn-- BAinnoa ' ' To aJ rA. M4lland use them and make this "Your

. . ,& M .i i 1 nwjwn , uie rest in tne state.' '' :


James It. Temnlatnn nnohoa j iknounce that he will be a candidate forthe office of Judce of tha C.nnrt .ntCommon Pleas for Fulton County,unio, and earnestly requests supportof all his friends, and hopes that thisannouncement nwr h hia niagnnrfto their good graces. '

iours truly, , jlV",

James B. Templeton.

Wauseon Boosters Club Meet Monday

Evening Wrestle With Slogan

Selection Appoint Coramitte onoy Lws uold Slogan CommitteeTo Report Again Monday Evening.

' .:Although the Slncran

received some seventv miTuinuii tntheir appeal for a Slogan for Wauvseon the Boosters Club found con-siderable difficulty in making j achoice at their meeting last Mondayeveninc: nerhaii hea,iaa than ann'so many good onea to choose from andpet imps uecause mere was a miscon- -ucpuun in uie minas oi some oi tne,members and it is t.ha nmrAintr ntelectric sign for the town rather thana siogan wnicn tney were choosing.Mr. Warren of the T. & I. was pre-sent bv invitation onii hail Kmnirntwith him Mr. Thompson electricalsign expert of the Valentine Sign Co.of Toledo. Mr. Warren discussed theVarious aVAllfihlA WwatiAna tni. vamelectric sign and Mr. Thompson gavesome ngures in regard to the pro-bable cost of such sign, , r -

The club nroceeded ta vnta nn thslogans presented and the majoritywere for "This is Your Town" a slog-an submitted by Mayor Roll Hoy,the club, later voted to suggest sub-stituting the word Wauseon for"This" making it read "Wauseon igyour town.- - ine slogan was refer-red back to the slogan committe withinstructions to confer with Mr.Thompson of the Valentine SignComnanv in reo-nr- tnpositions for the placing and form of

nlafA. Mat art A urA inix.v fkAwuw s.awaw VW

Club-- at the meeting next , Mondayevening at the Montauk Club Hall.i Aeignara suggested inat acommittee should ha annnintaH kir tkAClub to frame by laws and to incor-porated in such by laws provisionsiur committees on various lines . lwork such as, Highways, Streets,Schools.. Town Gardens Ami t Theclub voted for the appointment ofsuch a committe and Q. p, Qrisler, J.O. - Files ind H W. flania vara o aa

DOinted. The dh nnw numhAna avap77 X .T TTTCTC- 11". 'V W V

60 members and there ar still muteto came, ft shquld. be bom in mindthat this elb w devoted to tht btlrterment Af WnuflAAn in aarv wanpt merely commercially but ociallyJintellectually mrally and along the

public spirited citizen should becomea memoer oi w eiun ana worn iorthe progress and prosperity of thtown. "This is Your Town" "TheRainbow Comes Down in Ohio" andits up to the citizens of Wauseon tomake this the place where the rain- -oow iquonea, ,


Monday Evening Sidewalks Still- r ' -- - i

Under Consideration Ordinances- 'v .jr. t' Passed For Issuance of Bonds and

. , iyTo Organize Sinking Fund Trua- -


The subject of sidewalks like Ban- -

quo's Ghost seems to be present ateach meeting of the Council thisspring and last Monday evening wasno exception to the rule; there arestill many walks to be repaired aswell as new walks to be laid, the clerkwas instructed to notify parties whoneed to look after the matter of mak-ing straight the paths. , The streetimprovements that are waiting comrpletion was another subject for

and the Council planned topush the completion of these streets.An ordinance to issue Bonds to paythe cost of the Brunell street improvement was passed. Another ordinance to issue- - bonds to completepaying the expenses incidental to theSmall pox Lpidemic of last Winterwas also passed and-- at the suggestion of the City solicitor an ordinancewas presented to organiser the. .Sink,ing Fund Trustees and fix .the amountof bonds to be . given .them. Thesetrustees are the JMayor,. Chairman ofFinance Committee and Clerks of theVillage. The claim .ordinance whichincluded a part payment onstreet improvement was passed andCouncil adjourned.


, Wauseon, Ohio.Mr. C. W Bur goon,

Bowling Green, Ohio. -

Dear Sir: Kindly ship us at once1- doz. Rurcoon's Golden Oil. 1 doz.Burgoon's Catarrh Solution, 2 doz. Al'tentative Syrup. .


' v Yours truly,. FINK. &- - HAUMESSER

Sold by all druggists. 6-- 1

HORSE TRAINING..Frank Spangler of Morenci, Mich.,

is now located on the Fulton CountyFair ground and is training horses hehas tune and place .for more, horses.Have your horses trained at home byan expert trainer at reasonablecharges.

r ' v Uncpated floors absorbCleaning them means hoursmay be avoided by using

dist Church Next Sunday Evening

Class Play Tuesday and Wednea- -

; day Evenings.

$ The following are the events ofnext week in which the thirty-tw-o

members of the Senior Class of theWauseon High School together withtheir parents, relatives and friendsare specially interested and incident-ally the whole population of Wauseon.

The class sermon will be deliveredby Rev. J. H. Williams at the Metho-dist church next Sunday evening,Mayv 24th. The Class Play "A MidSummer Night's Dream" will be giv-en at the Princess Theatre on Tues-day and. Wednesday evenings, May26th and 27th, following is the cast ofcharacters for the play: .


Theseus Ralph RosebrookLysander Carl GeringerDemetrius .............. .Lee BieryHermia Florence BennettHelena Rena. SweeneyTitania Feme GascheEgeus Clarence KellerPhilostrate . . .... Clifford GibbsBottom Walter WesthovenQuince ............. .Fern HarrisonSnug .. .Leslie SpadeFlute .....Joe DomitioSnout .Lloyd MellerMoonshine , .James BardStarveling Gail DennisWall , Clyde. Barn jsOberon . t. . .. . . ... ... .Leroy Don&tPuck Clement StandishHypolyta Opal ' Bowman

' Mable Lawrencei Ruth Taylor

Attendants to Hypolyta. Grace LillichLeah Williams

Bessie LeiningerNorma Stuempel

Singin Fairies ....... Chloe Edgar; ' Fairy Chorus

Peas Blossoms Nancy WilliamsCob Web , Francis UferMustard Seed Lela EldredgeMoth Coral WaltersMaggie Bixler, Norma Whiteman,Mable Wyse ;

- Music High School Orchestra '

The Commencment Exercises willbe held on Thursday evening May28th when the following programwill be followed:

High School .OrchestraInvocation ....Rev. G. W. HoffmanHigh School Chorus ......... RuthSalutatory Lela Eldredge.

High School OrchestraValedictory Clement StandishAnnual Address Judge John E.'SaterPresentation of Diplomas. .... .J. C.

Paxson, Clerk of Board of Educa-tion

u- -

Benediction ....Rev. J. A. WhartonThe Annual Alumnj Banquet will

be held at the City Hall on Fridayevening May 29th.

The Class Motto is "Vincit QuiLaborat" (He conquers who labors);the class flower is the Shasta Daisyfjxd the following is the class roll:James Bard Florence BennettClyde Barnes Maggie BixlerGail Dennis Opal BowmanChloe Edgar Ferae GascheLela Eldredge Joseph DomitioLeroy Donat Be sse Leininger ;Grace Lillich Carl GeringerFern Harrison Norma StuempelRena Sweeny Clarence KellerLloyd Meller ' Ruth Taylor 'Francis Ufer Ralph RosebrookLeland Biery Coral WaltersNorma Whiteman Clement StandishWalter Westhoven Nancy WilliamsClifford Gibbs Leah WilliamsMable Wyse V Mable Lawrence

New York

Resch of Wauseon and because ofthese facts the older residents ofWauseon were delighted to hear Mr.Blanchard and to meet both Mr. andMrs. Blanchard, that lady accompany-in- cr

her husband on this trip. It wasvery appropriate that Prof. Blanchardshould present the medals to the win-ners here at Wauseon; for, in a mea-sure Mr. Blanchard 'began the inter-est in School Athletics in FultonCounty, 'vhen in 1898 'he directed aField Meet , on the '' Wauseon FairGround. , W. L. Brown now principalajt Swanton and president of the

'Was thena Wauseon-schoo- l boy-- , and that Fieldmeet Was his inspjraticg. Mr. Brownhas been the moving' spirit and in-spiration. in this Track Meet and Oratorical Contest of 1914. Lynn! Whaley of Fayette, was awarded the goldmedal 'as the best all- - round At.hlft.ebesides' 'carrying off - thre otherBronze meaais ior events in wnicn newon first place. Hibbart of Payettealso took three bronze '.medals' besidesreceiving the medals! for the Fayetteteam in the relay, race.

- It was a great event and we hopethat the Association will decide tocome to Wauseon again next year.


In Hard Fought Contest Delta Los

es Their First Game to Wauseon

A Large Crowd , of Enthusiastic

Fans Witnessed The Defeat Hits

Were Numerous Throughout The

Game. ..' -

Before a large and enthusiasticcrowd Sunday, the Delta boys wereout classed in all departments of thegame.. 1 he following will, tells youhow it? happened:

Wauseon 1st Seiner singled thenshort Williams forced Seiner .Morellto Yonker; Funkhouser hit thrushort arjd stole second, Parker wassafe on Morell's error, Williams, andFunkhouser scoring, Leininger wasout Fauble to Morell, Dad Williamsfanned. Two Runs.

Wauseon 2nd Williams out hit byB.i Ball,. Powers doubled, Gilson 4' Gurdings error;-.- . Lehman ,.outYonker. to ; Dull, Seiner, safe onFaubles error, Powers and Gilsonscoringt Williams singled scoringSeiner, Futikhouser flied. to Gerding.Three Runs.

Delta 3rd Forest breezed, Morelldoubled to left. . Yonker ' missedthree, Morell stole third, Gurdingstole second, Dull out Lehman to Sel- -

ir. Qpe Run. : ; -

WansAnn. Sril Y .AiniTl Tfl ' dnnhladto left, Parker hft to Morell whofumbled, Leininger going to third,Parker , stole second, Dad Williamsstruck out, Powers did like wise,Gil-so- n

singled ;, scoring Leininger andParker took second on. the throw in,Lehman out . Yonker toDull. VYounker making a fine play.; Two Runs.

Delta 5th Wissler sate, on markers eror, Forest hit through secondand Wissler was thrown out Dad Wil-

liams to third, Morell singled scoringForest and takinar second when Parker threw wild to Leininger, Yonkerstruck out, Gurding singled scoringMorell, Dull struck out. . Two Runs.

Wauseon 5th Leininger singledand stole "second, Parker struck out,Dad . Williams doubled scoring- - Lein-inger, Powers lined .tQ Fauble, Gilsonhit to Yonker who- - fumbled. Williams going to third, .Lehman flied toDull. One Run.

, Delta 6th Fauble out Leininger toSeiner, Lehman fumbled Guthriesgrounder, Ohlinger doubled to cen-

ter, Wissler hit a short liner to cen-

ter which Funk dropped, Guthrie, andOhlineer scored. Forest singled scor-

ing Wissler and was out Gilson toPowers, Morell : struck out.

' 'Three

Runs. , y . ; ; . ', --


Seiner lb 5 1 .70S. Williams 3 b ' 6 00Funkhouser c f 4 .0 0Leitiinger 2 b, ' 3 0Parker 1 f ' 4' 1D. Williams r f 4 1

Powers a'S ;".4. 2Gilson c ,"4 3

Lehman p v;t- 3 0 3 1

Spies- p s

' l 0 3 0DELTA

... ab ,&m A. EForest c t ") 5--

11, 0 0

Morell 3 b-- r. f .5.2 3 1 2Yonker 2 b 5.0 2 1

Gurding it , .50 1 ,2 2Dull 1 b-- p ; I 4 4 iFauble 1 f ;- -. 1' 0 oSnyder" r f ; 1 0 0 o

Guthrie 3 b 2 1 '0 : 0

Ohlinger c '. 4 1 0

Wissler p 4 1 0Score Bv Innines. ' '1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 RHE

Delta 0 0 1 0 2 3 0 0 0 6 9 6

Wauseon2 3 2 0 1 0 0 0 x 810 7

2 base hits Leiningerl; D Williams1; Powers 1: Morell 2; Ohlinger 1.Struck, ont by Lehman 6; Spies 8;Dull 6; Wissler 4; .

Hits-of- f Lehman 7in 6 innings; Spies-- 2 in 3 innings; offWissler 8 in 5 innings; Dull 2 in 3innings. Umpire Mignery.

; Other Games Sunday.'Barouth 17, Archbold 4

r.Swanton 4, Jaecks 8Wauseon has an- - open date next

Sunday, so will play the strong W.A.Malleable team here. Game called at2:30. ;

The Standing -

.OWL- P. C.Wauseon 4 3 11 .750Swanton - ' 4 3 1 ' .750Barouth

' 3 .2 1 .667Rollers " '. 2 1 1 .1500Archbold - 4 13 '" ;250De ta '10 1- - "i' .000Jaecks . 2 0 ' AW



Rheumatic ' Complications Checkedand the "Human Sewers". Rev

. - stored. .' '.: ''.The Kidneys; Bowels and Skin are

the "human sewers" which carry offthe imDurities in the blood. Whenthese are clogged Uric 'Acid sedimentlodges in the muscles and loints anaRheumatism follows, RHEUMA,the trreat remedy for all forms of theterrible disease, checks the deposit ofUric Acid. .

- .

"I suffered from Rheumatism foraix years. Tried different doctors,with no relief; I have taken threebottles of RHEUMA and am entirelyfree from the disease." P. W. Miller. Catawissa, Pa.

Kead St Wager will return yourmoney if it fails; 50 cents a bottle.


A coating of Acme Quality Floor Paint (Granite) gives;you a .new floor that is smooth, hard and easily kept cleanf and free from stain3 and dirt. .

v , A quart will cover,75 Square feet, two coats at a cost ofless than a cent per square foot. ..

Made, so you can easily apply it yourself. ; .

Call and secure samplefcard of colors and copy of, our

free book ob "Home Decorating." , '

Schlatter i& Howards



Shoes Be Waldorfs

The Shoe Man


and hold stains of all kind.of scrubbing hard work that

Need of Cement?


and also to tell in an impressive matter what they tmnic.

won rrerpW bv a unwueconcert consisting of high school yells

and songs given as uchuui "uoalso as school duos and trios and

inii'iti nt iimea as erand

: ;. We have always maintained that a man's clothes are one of the vftal fact-

ors in his careerthat they affect his whole advancement in the game of life.'And Monday night at the Princess Theatre, a picture-pla- y called "That Mil- -:

lion Dollar Lbok certainly demonstrated our belief.'

No man, who saw. this unusual picture-pla- y, left his seat without feeling adeeper respect than ever for good clothes and their importance to his

prosperity. '

" Incidentally, this picture-pla- y showed that theMillion : Dollar Look is the Royal Tailored Look; thatthe Ibest "prosperity ,, clothes are those that are Roy-

al Tailored.

One of the most interesting features of the film were the pictures showing the wonderful RoyalTailor shops in Chicago and New York; pictures taking you behind the scenes in the world's greatesttailoring shops; pictures showing how every Royal garment is cut separately and to the individual

. order and. measures' of each customer; pictures of the cleanest, sunniest, cheeriest and ' biggest work

shops you ever looked into a delightful revelation into the perfection of Royal Tailoring System.If you saw these pictures, you probably said to yourself, as scores of others did: "No wonder

Royal Tailored clothes are considered the best in the world when they are made in an organization like' ' '

that." . . '"'' ' - -

But please don't think that our object in bringing these pictures to town was wholly selfish. We

still say that if this picture-pla- y convinced some of the young men, who have been careless about their'' clothes, of the importance 'of good dress in business we shall feel satisfied. Let them buy the "next

' best" to Royal Tailored clothes, If they will that's a whole lot better than bungling the clothes pro-ble- m

entirely.''"' ' But for you. folks who want the utmost in custom tailoring; for you "men, who want the'.genuine "Million--Dolla- r Look;" for'you who will take no second best-th- is is just a reminder that our

store is the local home of Royal Tailored to your order clothes. Made to your, .measure at $16, $17

$20, $25, $30, and $35. ' ,

$hoop & lUlathews; Authorized Resident Dealers

The- - Royal Tailors


a I have two carload In stock. The Peerless Is a No. 1 fence, at'4yeT low price.', I also have the Peerless steel gates, Carbo steelposts, white and red cedar posts, drain tile, paving brick. Price lessthan common brick. Adamite plastic roof ing will make a new roofout of the old one. Call and see me, or phone office 437, house 185.

' P. M. SCHNUR, Wauseon, Ohio

choruses in which all the eightschools joined, each school giving itsown particular yell or song; the ef-

fect was noise, and what it lackedin certainly made UP")good natured rivilary to see whichschool ' could make the most. Prof.Tubbs finally succeeded in makingLis .Anlit hoard nH the audiencejoined in singing America." The eicht

...... o Monri. Miller of Delta:Wnuneon: Orrin

'Taylor of Archbold; Bennie Kniffinof Stryker; Kaipn UOH oi owanujii;

. Lynn Whaley of Fayette; Abbie Guil- -

Mason of Montpelier. - The orations' were all good and well delivered; of

chnol was morally cer- -

oin that its snecial renresentativeivas entitled to the first place. ; Wau-

seon citizens who were present, whichthe writer, were proud of

Kryan Heise who represented theWauseon High Sch'pol; his orationwas a model in' nearly every respectboth as to arrangement of thoughtand delivery. The Judges evidentlywent on the chivalrous theory thatladies shoirld be first and awarded thefirst place and the gold medal, to MissAbbie Guilinger of Bryan giving sedr

'ond place and the silver medal "toBryan Heise.

Professor C. E. Blanchard one of, the instructors in the law school of

the Ohio State University gave a finepractical talk on the value of a coursein public speaking , in all the highschools of the state and compliment-ed both the speakers of the eveningand their instructors on the characterof the orations and the manner of de-

livery. Mr. Blanchard was, a numberof years ago the teacher of the eightgrade school in Wauseon; the Board

AreYon in

blUit Far uwalka, Fotatiee, Ftoora, Walla,

Xatok fr tko Tarher rry Bac Tm BayWABASH PORTLAND CEMENT CO. ''

SMiaral Offlcaa. Detroit. JKicfe. Worka. Strok. IaIamaPar nla fcy H. H. Tara.lL Waaaeaa, O I Ctatant Til. Black Ca, Klmlrm, O.I H. C.

ZalUn, Iwuha, O.I Lraa. Lar. Oa. Fuatta. O.I Kataanra iMmbm Ca. Mataaiara, O.



Indigestion? Can't Eat? No Appetite?A treatment of Electric Bitters in-

creases your appetite; stops indiges-tion; you. cant eat everything. Areal spring tonic for liver, kidneyand stomach troubles. Cleanses

your whole system and you feel fine.Electric Bitters did more for Mr.T. D. Peeble's stomach troubles thanany medicine ha ever tried. Get abottle today 60c and $1.00 at yourDruggUt