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Bottom of FormListverse Ultimate Top 10 Lists Home Categories Archives Submit a List Store about forums subscribeMonFebruary 13, 2012Leisure & Travel

Top 10 Highly Developed Countries


More Sharing ServicesSharebyPrince of Orange IThe Human Development Index (HDI) is a composite statistic used to rank countries according to their development levels from very high to low. Countries are placed based on life expectancy, education, standard of living, child welfare, health care, economic welfare, and population happiness. Formulas are used to factor all the variables and determine the scores of countries. Critics have cited the HDI as inaccurate or vague, but coming up with top ten highly developed countries list on my own opinion would have been very subjective and probably badly ranked. Thus, I have simply listed the first ten countries on the HDI and displayed their scores, while providing explanations. Enjoy.10SwedenScore: 0.904

The socialist and largely liberal European country of Sweden (officially the Kingdom of Sweden) is led by Prime Minister Fredrick Reinfeldt and is about the size of the US state of California (or Spain if unfamiliar with the CA) and has an approximate population of 9.3 million with the capital and largest city being Stockholm. The Swedish people are rated as one of the happiest in the world and have high marks in income ($35,876 GDP per capita, and a regular GDP of $485 billion), life expectancy (80.9 years), and education. In addition, the country has very low unemployment and poverty rates, has equal and free access to health care, and has been one of the most active supporters of environmental sustainability today and pushes for other countries to Go green. Sweden also serves as a major tourist destination for millions of international travelers, as the country has a long and rich history.9GermanyScore: 0.905 Score

The Federal Republic of Germany, or Germany, has the largest economy in the European Union, and one of the largest populations at 82.2 million, as well as its bustling capital and economic center of Berlin. Chancellor Angela Merkel is the head of a government with a people of very high education standards, with a nearly 100% attendance rate and 99% literacy rate. Germany thrives in industry and manufacturing and is a major exporter of electrical and engineering products, such as cars (Volkswagen anyone?), and are renowned globally for their skilled work force. The GDP is $3.5 trillion and GDP per capita is $40,631, and poverty rates are low, although the unemployment rate is about 7%. Germany also, like Sweden, is a prime tourist destination for its historic beauty, and the wonderful people (aside from Adolf and the Nazis back in the 1930-40s) have a life expectancy of 79.4 years.8LiechtensteinScore: 0.905

The Principality of Liechtenstein is one of the smallest and least populated countries in the world, with a landmass of just 160 square kilometers (62 sq miles, about the size of Washington, US) and a population of 35,000. Even so, this parliamentary democracy manages to have one of highest GDP per capitas in the worlds ($141,000) and has virtually zero debt, poverty, and unemployment rates, while having prominent literary and education ratings. Liechtenstein has very low taxes imposed on its citizens and is a center of investment from countries and the wealthy. If ever feeling the desire to travel to this rather interesting country, visit the capital of Vaduz, where you can view the huge Vaduz castle, home to the prince and his family, while also getting acquainted with the citys 5,100 inhabitants.7IrelandScore: 0.908

The Republic of Ireland has a relatively small population of 4.5 million, is a parliamentary democracy, and its capital is Dublin. Ireland has a very high literacy rate of 99% and high education standards, as well as a strong life expectancy of 78.9 years. It also has a well balanced infrastructure, with a GDP of $203.89 billion and a GDP per capita rate of $45,497. The country is ranked #7 for its press freedom, economic freedom, and political freedom it offers to the public. Ireland was in the process of rapid economic growth and development when the global recession began in 2008. Ireland than experienced negative GDP and accumulated massive debt, being rated as one of the five European P.I.I.G.S. (Portugal, Ireland, Italy, Greece, and Spain) and losing two points on the Human Development Index Scale. Still, the Taoiseach (or Prime Minister) Enda Kenney is collaborating with EU leaders (France and Germany) to relieve this problem and continue developing forward.6CanadaScore: 0.908

Canada is, geographically, the second largest country next to Russia and shares the longest international border in the world with the United States. Canada is governed by a parliamentary democracy and a constitutional monarchy and keeps it ties with the United Kingdom close, being one of the few countries with two anthems (O Canada, the national anthem, and God Save the Queen, the Royal Anthem) with Queen Elizabeth II being the Head of State. The country is very economically advanced with a GDP $1.758 trillion and GDP per capita of $51,147. It has an intelligent population with high education and literacy rates, and a large percentage of the population is even bilingual or trilingual (English and French are the official languages, but Spanish doesnt hurt). Canada is known for its free health care system (on top of an 80.7 life expectancy) and poses minimal taxes on the 34.7 million inhabitants. And of course, it is a great tourist destination, as you can visit the world-renowned waterfall of Niagara Falls, or the capital of Ottawa, or maybe even the historical landmarks at the largely French-rooted city of Quebec.

5New ZealandScore: 0.908

New Zealand is a small and relatively remote group of islands and was one of the last islands to be discovered and settled by humans. Thus, it contains a beautiful landscape and flourishing animal life and biodiversity that attracts flocks of tourists annually. New Zealand is a parliamentary constitutional monarchy that also recognizes Queen Elizabeth II as Head of State and in their national anthem, while John Key is the Prime Minister. New Zealand has one of the highest living standards and happiness ratings in the world, and tends to be a strong advocate for peace and environmental sustainability, banning nuclear weapons and protecting its diverse wildlife. The countrys GDP is $157.877 billion dollars, with a GDP per capita of $35,374 for its population of about 4.3 million. Its education, literacy, and health standards are all very high with a life expectancy of 80.2 years (keep on living, Jamie). Of course, New Zealand is a hot spot for travelers looking for beautiful topography and biodiversity, and while youre there you can stop by the wonderful city where Jamie came from: Wellington (pictured).4United States of AmericaScore: 0.910

The United States came a long way from its beginnings in 1776, beating the British in the American Revolution (with a lot of help from the French) and declaring its independence, and now, after removing the Native Americans, fighting a Civil War, dealing with the Great Depression, and engaging in two World Wars, the US has emerged as the most powerful country in the world, with a GDP of $15 trillion (the largest in the world) and a GDP per capita of $48,147. The US is a representative democracy (republic) and a manufacturing giant and a major importer and exporter of goods and a trading partner with every major country. The US is one of the most ethnically diverse countries in the world (the state I live in, California, has a 50% Asian, Latin American, and African American population, out of almost 40 million people.) However, all this aside, the US loses points because, out of a population of nearly 315 million, there is a 15% poverty rate, 9% unemployment average (and in some states up to 14%), and international critics argue that American education standards fall behind the rest of the world. Also, the US loses points in health because, while life expectancy is relatively high at 79 years, obesity rates are skyrocketing, with up to 33% of adults at obese levels, and similar rates for children. On top of all this, America is spiraling through massive debt and dragging other countries down through the decrease of trade caused by the global recession. With 2012 elections looming, well see how President Barack Obama will tackle these issues if he is reelected.3NetherlandsScore: 0.910

Also known as the United Netherlands or Holland, the Netherlands is a constitutional monarchy, while also being a representative democracy. The Netherlands has very high educational and literacy standards, while having low poverty and unemployment rates, and is led by its Prime Minister Mark Rutte. Throughout its history, the Netherlands was one of the key founders of the EU, NATO, OECD, AND WTO and is a called the worlds legal capital, hosting five international court systems. The countrys GDP is $832.160 billion and has a GDP per capita of $49,950. In May of 2011, the Netherlands 16.7 million people were ranked as the happiest in the world, with a stable economy, guileless government, low taxes, beautiful cities such as the capital of Amsterdam, and a healthy life expectancy of 79.8 years.2AustraliaScore: 0.929

Officially the Commonwealth of Australia, this island/continent has the worlds 13th largest economy, with a GDP of $918.978 billion, and the 5th highest per capita of $40,836. Australia is a federal parliamentary constitutional monarchy with some of the highest rankings in the world in the categories of quality of life (the people are very happy), health, education (nearly a 100% literacy rate and extremely high percentages of enrollment and college graduates), economic freedom, and finally civil liberties and protection of human rights. The 22.7 million inhabitants enjoy a country striving for a stable government, content citizens, peace, and sustainability and protection of wildlife and biodiversity (of which Australia has a lot of), and a life expectancy of 81.2 years. Of course, Australia is a fantastic place to visit and experience its rustic wildlife and beautiful cities such as Sydney.1NorwayScore: 0.943

And #1, crushing the runner up by almost double the rating is Norway, or the Kingdom of Norway. This country of almost 5 million is a parliamentary constitutional monarchy with extremely high education standards and a very low poverty and unemployment rate, with a life expectancy of 80.2 years. Norway was a pivotal founding member of NATO but rejected joining the EU, but continues to have good relations with neighboring European countries. Norway is also a founding member and now huge donator to the United Nations as well as helping found the Council of Europe, and is an active member of WTO and OECD. Norway has one of the largest reserves of petroleum, natural gas, minerals, lumber, seafood, freshwater, and hydro-power in the world and is a major exporter of oil. Norway is internationally recognized for its universal health care, advanced schooling systems, and a distinguished social security system. For all these reasons, the Kingdom of Norway ranks number one on the United Nations Human Development Index.Like this list? Share it with friends, or :More Sharing ServicesShareRelated Lists Another 10 Amazingly Written Video Games Top 10 Heavyweight Boxers of AllTime 10 Grueling EnduranceEvents 15 Underrated International Destinations Top 10 Tips For Making An Emergency Landing Top 20 Football Players Of AllTime Top 10 Places You CantGo 7 New Wonders in Breathtaking PhotographsPost a comment(431 posted)LoginRegisterTop of Form

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Notify me of follow-up comments via email.Bottom of Form1. knight in shining armour/ 13 Feb, 2012 at 12:32 amwhat a great listReply maliqi/ 13 Feb, 2012 at 12:44 pmit is a good listalthough i feel like ive seen it before lol. that picture of Lichtenstien really makes me wanna go there, ugh if i had money, the places i would gojust as a side note, when it comes to langugage in Canada, just a little over half speak english as a mother tounge, a little over 20% speak french as a mother tounge, and a little under 20% speak something else entirely as a mother tounge. when people are trilinugal and biligual, we are more spread out. where in the United States, the majority of biligual people speak english and spanish, in canada only about half of bilingual people speak our two main langugaes, and as for the rest of them, along with trilinguals, there is no one langugae that dominates,and infact Spanish, although it is found throughout Canada, is one of the lesser spoken. common ones are Cantoneese, , Punjabi, Urudu, Tamil, Tagalog, Korean, Farsi, Arabic, Italian, Japanese, Portugese, Greek, Icelandic, Norwegian, Gujarati, Russian, Dutch and Hindi, as well as many different Native langugaes and several old Canadian variaties of European languages.just thought id point it out, because mentioning Spanish in the Canadian entry gave me a little chuckleanother interesting fact is that five years ago 1 in 5 canadians were forigen-born, a number which is on the rise. and the countries population remains less then the state of california.also.I wanna visit New Zealand.Reply formerly known as Dangsthurt/ 13 Feb, 2012 at 10:43 pmUSA! USA! USA!Will always be number# 1!We are the best at eveyrthing! Best school, best hospitals. And we have the number 1 armies in the world! NO one messes with us, baby!Reply Frank/ 14 Feb, 2012 at 12:22 amFailtroll fails.Reply Ray/ 14 Feb, 2012 at 08:43 ami think he is being sarcasticReply Hedbangr141/ 16 Feb, 2012 at 05:41 pmEr, no. American schools still teach that the world is 6000 years old, healthcare isnt free and Britain has far better troops and China has larger armed forces. And, as for NO one messes with us, baby, how about the Vietnamese?Reply segues/ 16 Feb, 2012 at 06:56 pmHedbangr141 Er, no. American schools still teach that the world is 6000 years old****Er, no. There *MAY* be some private fundamentalist Christian schools which still teach intelligent design only, but NO public school or private school, (barring the fundamentalist Christian schools already mentioned) does. The public schools teach evolution, the private schools teach evolution.Dont make irrational, wildly inaccurate accusations about another nation (or even your own). BrackusStudley/ 16 Feb, 2012 at 09:54 pmWhat segues said and we do have the #1 military.Thats why China is trying to steal our secrets.Healthcare may not be free, but it is better quality than a lot of places.I love how people bring up Vietnam.Well 1,000,000 North Vietnamese were dead, to 50,000 US dead.Where do they call that a loss?We pulled out because we realized we had no business being there (innocents were being killed,etc.).Also the US president has more power during War times. Grant/ 10 Jul, 2012 at 05:20 pmPosted on If you still arent sold on Dance, its about The Super Young Team from Final Crisis, which has the following rtesor:Most Excellent SuperbatBig Atomic Lantern BoyWell Spoken Sonic Lightning FlashShiny Happy AquazonShy Crazy Lolita CanaryThat is all.Reply Colince/ 13 Feb, 2012 at 12:56 pmNo black country ?Reply maliqi/ 13 Feb, 2012 at 01:24 pmeh?Reply maliqi/ 13 Feb, 2012 at 01:25 pmholy sheet. i cant believe i just said that.Reply Pauly/ 14 Feb, 2012 at 08:38 pmCountry is usually sung by white guys in cowboy hats, if that answers the question. formerly known as Dangsthurt/ 13 Feb, 2012 at 10:45 pmNew Zealand is next to Africa.Dummy.Reply Uncle Bob/ 14 Feb, 2012 at 02:09 amI sincerely hope youre kidding OddJobb/ 13 Feb, 2012 at 01:29 pmUS? Canada? Its on the list.Reply wowantonlavey/ 13 Feb, 2012 at 04:40 pmcanada is one of the highest taxed first world countrys in the worldReply E-dub/ 15 Feb, 2012 at 08:02 pmNo it isnt. Compared to the states yes, but compared to many European countries it is not that high. Kevin/ 23 Apr, 2012 at 05:42 pmWhat has that to do with health care ? I have nionthg against legal immigration and yes I am a descendent of native americans. I never called anyone shiftless. When your taxes go shy high and your healthcare is rationed, like the countries you mentioned, then you see your error. Canada has 16 million people as opposed to American with over 300 millionReply piperlauderdale/ 13 Feb, 2012 at 01:55 pmBlack country?!? What black country would you have included?Reply Yawyack/ 15 Feb, 2012 at 09:21 amBirminghamReply MoNkEy/ 21 Feb, 2012 at 06:15 amWolverhampton. Frank/ 14 Feb, 2012 at 12:24 amOf course not you moron. Seeing as most black countries are violent and poverty stricken sh*tholes.Reply segues/ 14 Feb, 2012 at 01:40 amFrom the introduction: The Human Development Index (HDI) is a composite statistic used to rank countries according to their development levels from very high to low. Countries are placed based on life expectancy, education, standard of living, child welfare, health care, economic welfare, and population happinessAs you can see the HDI, upon which the list was taken, is objective. The list is not subjective or biased, its based on statistical data. The fact that no black country (whatever that means, no country is completely occupied by blacks) made the list only means that there wasnt one in the top 10 HDI.Reply bjrn/ 15 Feb, 2012 at 12:04 pmThe list is in no way objective, which is shown by the recent redesign of HDI calculations. When you compute an aggregate index such as HDI, you need to choose weights for each component of the index. If you change the weights -you change the ranking, as was recently seen.So which weights should be given to the different components? Is a higher life expectancy better than high educational standards? Theres no correct answer and it all boils down to individual preferences.It is -however -improbable -regardless of the weights used, that a black country (whatever that is, but lets say its an African sub-saharan country) would make it to the top 10 since theyre worse off in all of the dimensions taken into account.Reply segues/ 15 Feb, 2012 at 01:25 pmExcellent point, bjrn. I was not aware of the changes. I wouldnt want to be the one, or one of the ones, to decide what weight to assign any given component. That kind of decision making is fraught with problems.I dont know what the poster meant by black country, its too ambiguous a term. segues/ 15 Feb, 2012 at 01:32 pmHowever, I still say that the rankings remain objective. No one would deny that a longer life expectancy, better medical care, higher educational standards, lower unemployment, and overall happiness of the citizenry is a bad thing. Given a choice (sadly, not a universal truth), most people would choose to have decent medical care, a long life expectancy, access to good education, and a job. gyui89/ 14 Feb, 2012 at 12:24 pmsweden is thereReply2. cqsteve/ 13 Feb, 2012 at 12:36 amId rather be happy in a palace than sad in a mud hut.Reply oldirtykoala/ 13 Feb, 2012 at 01:25 amI agree. but pretty sure it should be Id rather be happy in a mud hut than sad in a palace.Reply Matt Dillon/ 13 Feb, 2012 at 07:14 amId rather eat than let my children starve.Reply oldirtykoala/ 13 Feb, 2012 at 07:30 amEat your children. Problem solved.Reply giuls/ 13 Feb, 2012 at 09:13 amA modest proposal: for preventing the children of poor people in Ireland from being a burden to their parents or Country, and for making them beneficial to the Public You have tickled me!/ 14 Feb, 2012 at 02:36 amHa ha ha ha ha!3. fraterhater/ 13 Feb, 2012 at 12:37 amAustraliaNot bad for an island inhabited by convicts and deadly animals.I do love it here.Reply Vincent/ 13 Feb, 2012 at 01:30 amThe one thing I used to hear a lot when I first came to the U.S. (from Oz) was isnt Australia kind of like how the US was back in the 50s? Hardly unless youre talking about attitudes and how laid-back we are, versus how stressed everyone seems to be here (especially here in L.A.).Reply natekron/ 13 Feb, 2012 at 02:07 pmThats because everybodys on coffee in the US. I dont know what Australians are drinking, but the British with their tea are also more chilled (except when they riot, of course) Seriously, 14 year old kids drink several gallons of coffee per month how do you expect them not to be freaked out of their minds?Reply Frank/ 14 Feb, 2012 at 12:26 amYoure right. Australians are a bunch of lazy bigots.Reply Bigot Slayer/ 14 Feb, 2012 at 02:35 pmYoure king of the bigots.Reply Flippant/ 15 Feb, 2012 at 03:02 pmGrrrrr!Reply Ni99a/ 13 Feb, 2012 at 02:11 amAlthough no.2 on the list, there is no way I am living in that country. Everyday before going to work I have check if there is a black widow in my shoes, a snake in my briefcase, jellyfish in my swimming pool..Reply Yeti Man Farmer/ 13 Feb, 2012 at 02:34 amLOL its really not that bad. Ive lived here my whole live and Ive never seen a black widow, seen 2 snakes (outside of a zoo), I have been stung by jelly fish but it hurts for like 5 mintues tops.Reply Valecynos/ 13 Feb, 2012 at 04:06 amNi99a: I hate to break it to you, but we have black widows, deadly snakes (although I think not as many different kinds), and jelly fish here in the US! Plus gators, bears, and on the west coast, there is a kind of snake that lives in the ocean. Eeek! Better get to checking those shoes, my friend. =-OReply fraterhater/ 13 Feb, 2012 at 04:13 pmComparing gators to salt water crocks, rattlesnakes to taipans, black widows to funnelwebs and jellyfish to irukandji jellyfish is like comparing cows to wild cape buffalo, dogs to wolves and house cats to tigers.looks the same but definateley not. Dalek6450/ 14 Feb, 2012 at 12:52 amRed-back in Australia not Black Widow. If you are in a decent size town or city than snakes shouldnt be a problem, although I have seen a couple around town or nearby. Only the North has Crocodiles and Jellyfish. Spiders are everywhere but Ive seen hundreds of Red-backs and have never been bitten. I live in Esperance (In Southern WA) and there have been a few Great White attacks.Reply coocoocuchoo/ 15 Feb, 2012 at 07:02 am@ Dalek6450 you live in Esperance! the beaches and scenery around there were why favourite in all of Australia, Lucky Bay is class!Reply Dalek6450/ 16 Feb, 2012 at 03:51 pmI think Twilight Beach is better than the Cape Le Grand Beaches-Lucky Bay, Rossitor Bay, Hellfire Bay, Le Grand Beach and Thistle Cove. tayrawr/ 16 Feb, 2012 at 12:01 amwest side ftwim kinda sick of people banging on about how great sydney and melbourne are its like. wa is responsible for australias riches. we should get some credit.Reply Kerser/ 17 Feb, 2012 at 01:20 amI live in sydney and think its the greatest city in the world, but thats a good point about auss riches Akwa/ 23 Feb, 2012 at 09:53 pmYou mean WA is home to the minerals which then allow foreign companies to mine them out and sent profits overseas! We just a free pen for our troubles!4. magoopaintrock/ 13 Feb, 2012 at 12:41 amHow is .943 nearly double .929?Reply Dalek6450/ 14 Feb, 2012 at 12:53 amExactly what I was thinking.Reply5. ~*Jany*~/ 13 Feb, 2012 at 12:51 amInteresting! Might stir up some controversy though. Thats when you know you have a good list!Reply6. sorcy79au/ 13 Feb, 2012 at 01:00 amYEAH! Australia REPRESENT!! Good on us.Reply7. necropenguin/ 13 Feb, 2012 at 01:03 amGreat list. And some of the most gorgeous pictures Ive seen on LV.Reply Mario/ 23 Apr, 2012 at 09:01 pmIm not sure if our link nurses here in the U.S. are what you are taklnig about but link nurses are nurses who work for Nurse Link. Nurse Link is a community service where people can call a toll free number to get medical help or advice from nurses trained to triage their issues. Those that need medical help would then be referred to a doctor or specialist with the appointment being made for them or, if necessary, told to go to the local ER.The service also provides seminars, health fairs and other community services.Reply8. dassaultrafale/ 13 Feb, 2012 at 01:14 amAnd the debts that the countries have been through so as to attain this level of development?DReply Frank/ 14 Feb, 2012 at 12:27 amThe sh*ttiest countries in the world also have massive debt. Why do you think there are movements to write off Africas debt you ignorant f*ck?Reply BrackusStudley/ 16 Feb, 2012 at 01:44 amI know right, Africa, That COUNTRY, is in so much debt.The President of Africa is so stupid and thats why that country is *****.The African dollar is pretty much nonexistent.The African Army is also *****. They should, I dont know, call themselves a continent, and spilt into 40+ countries each with their own governments and peoples.Reply pococonuts/ 16 Feb, 2012 at 08:13 pmafrica? country? huh?Reply BRackusStudley/ 16 Feb, 2012 at 09:33 pmIts called sarcasm9. pothead/ 13 Feb, 2012 at 01:15 amAll we need in Australia is the Netherlands relaxed laws on pot and we would be the happiestReply10. oldirtykoala/ 13 Feb, 2012 at 01:16 amInteresting read. Dont know if I should be looking forward to the follow up list ( Top 10 least developed countries) though.Reply11. allegedly King Darius/ 13 Feb, 2012 at 01:18 amno Iran? shame.Reply Twosolitudes/ 13 Feb, 2012 at 10:46 amYou said it; shame on Iran!Reply allegedly King Darius/ 13 Feb, 2012 at 08:27 pmshame on the UN and their HDI, i believe. 8)Reply pococonuts/ 16 Feb, 2012 at 08:18 pmLots of Iranians tudy in the Philippines. Its probably because of the good climate, quality education and they can wear casual clothes they are quite jealous though i remember a girl i know who was beat up by an iranian bf because of mere jealousy we cannot blame them in their country, only the rich can have more wives, making a shortage of women for middle and lower class menReply12. JohnKingston/ 13 Feb, 2012 at 01:38 amGood list prince..A topic of controversy thoughReply Draco Malfoy/ 14 Feb, 2012 at 03:21 amMaybe a topic of controversybut statistically proven.Reply13. peter8172/ 13 Feb, 2012 at 01:46 amI saw an episode of 60 Minutes a few weeks ago and they did a profile on the country of Qatar. Its the wealthiest country in the world with a per capita of $400,000 $500,ooo per person. They have no income tax, free schooling, free universal health care with a state of the art hospital with the finest doctors in the world, and heres the real kicker..FREE ELECTRICITY. The buildings are state of the art of being very futuristic.Reply snickersman/ 13 Feb, 2012 at 01:52 amI would be skeptical of what you wrote. No country has everything for free. But I can agree Qutar is a powerhouse in the world. Its that oil-cough.Reply dizit/ 13 Feb, 2012 at 01:29 pmI watched the same 60 minutes episode. The government is trying to pretty much keep the citizens happy and healthy, without personal expense, from cradle to grave. Qatar can afford to be so generous.Reply14. jfreaker/ 13 Feb, 2012 at 01:48 amtoo caucasian first time ive heard of Liechtenstein.Reply Alex/ 13 Feb, 2012 at 02:06 amIm sure when he does a list on the other end of the spectrum it will be very non CaucasianReply SadFace/ 13 Feb, 2012 at 02:17 amVery true unfortunately.Reply frames/ 13 Feb, 2012 at 05:33 amLiechtenstein is Alps, not Caucasus))Reply Draco Malfoy/ 14 Feb, 2012 at 03:24 amhahaha! what the..Reply .../ 18 Feb, 2012 at 12:05 pmIts a joke. The Caucasus Mountain Range (where Caucasian comes from) is near Armenia, Georgia, etc.Meanwhiles, Liechenstein is in the Alps Mountain Range.So, the joke is that Liechenstein isnt Caucasian, since its not in that mountain range.Reply sunrise/ 13 Feb, 2012 at 06:36 amdumbass!Reply me/ 14 Feb, 2012 at 05:12 amabout time you open a book thenReply15. Rochelle/ 13 Feb, 2012 at 01:53 amthis is such a boring list.. you learn about this in 9th grade.. nothing new.Reply16. watchdog/ 13 Feb, 2012 at 01:57 amHDI is a bullsh*t! Many of these countries have proven track records of human rights violation. In Germany racist groups like Neo-Nazis and skinheads attack immigrants on streets, Sweden is neck deep in corruption in arms deals (one of its pemiers was shot dead in the open), in Australia, immigrant students are often robbed and killed, USA is breeding ground of hate crime, rape and murder.

Reply Xeno/ 13 Feb, 2012 at 02:14 amGenernalize and stereotype much? You must be from a country thats not on the list I bet. Very indicative of the way your so ready to put them down.Reply fraterhater/ 13 Feb, 2012 at 03:16 amThe thing about Germany is that before the nazi influence Berlin was known a highly cultured city.As for immigrant students being often robbed and killed in Australia, well I suppose you read about small number of bashings that unfortunately happened over the last few years and that means murder and robbing are commonplace does it?Reply OddJobb/ 13 Feb, 2012 at 03:34 amIn regards to Australia, it only ended its white-only policies in the 1970s. However, without those non-white immigrants, the country wouldnt be where it is right now.Adding to this, Norway could be considered a state sponsor of terrorism. It aided the former (now destroyed) terrorist group the LTTE, through its supposed peace talks with the govt of Sri Lanka.Ps (disclosure), Im from the US.Reply Sonny/ 13 Feb, 2012 at 03:36 am@ watchdog bet youre an Englishman. Only a pom would say something like that.Reply Red/ 13 Feb, 2012 at 04:11 amI challenge your liberal use of the word oftenReply watchdog/ 13 Feb, 2012 at 04:35 amBetween 2008 and 2011, there are 152 incidents of attacks on Indian students only, of which 23 had racial overtone. There were attacks on Chinese, Indonesian and Phillipino students and workers too. The attacks became so rampant that, Premier of Victoria Ted Baillieu, before his election, said in November 2009, that he would place two armed guards on every one of Melbournes metropolitan train stations every night, from 6pm until the time the last train left, on the occasion that he won the 2010 state election. [Source: Wikipedia]Reply Chris/ 14 Feb, 2012 at 07:00 pmIt was a nothing story, played up by overseas papers.Astonishingly, the number of muggings of overseas students was roughly proportional to the number of overseas students in the population. But several thousand Australians robbed in the last year doesnt make such a great story overseas.Its a load of rubbish, basically.Reply Kerser/ 17 Feb, 2012 at 01:25 amCouldnt have said it better myself The Annoyed Elephant/ 13 Feb, 2012 at 06:53 amYes, because hate crimes, rapes, and murders never take place anywhere else in the world. Just the US. Never before in the history of the world had hate, rape, and murder occurred prior to July 4, 1776. Its all Americas fault.Reply watchdog/ 13 Feb, 2012 at 07:39 amHate crimes, rape and murder do take place in other countries, but they do not have as high HDI ratings as USA has.Reply piperlauderdale/ 13 Feb, 2012 at 02:04 pmYoure neglecting to take the population into account. Its like youre saying 100 people got murdered in the US last month! 100 people never got murdered in Lichtenstein in one month! of course not!I have lived in the US my whole life and have never been murdered!Reply sqorpo/ 13 Feb, 2012 at 07:47 amIf you conservatives had it your way, we would all be hating, killing, and raping each other Survival of the fittest. Right?Reply brad/ 13 Feb, 2012 at 10:44 amImagine how much better the world would be if there were NO political parties and we all worked together to solve our problems instead of working against each other?Reply The Annoyed Elephant/ 13 Feb, 2012 at 10:46 amIf you liberals had your way, murderers and rapists would walk free in society, and no one would have the right to defend themselves with deadly force. Right?Arent strawman arguments fun?Reply Alex/ 15 Feb, 2012 at 02:42 amIf all you douchebags had your way, political arguments on an Internet forum would be taken seriously Armin Tamzarian/ 13 Feb, 2012 at 07:57 amCan you imagine then how much worse it is in other countries? Maybe you should aim your anger and outrage at them.Oh wait no, most of those cant be shamed into paying indemnities.Reply tassie devil/ 14 Feb, 2012 at 05:36 pmYou absolutely nailed it, mate.Reply somename/ 14 Feb, 2012 at 02:25 amIm American, and I commit hate crimes, rape and murder all the time, my friends too, hell everybodys doing it.Reply17. dalinean/ 13 Feb, 2012 at 02:07 amregarding #4Obama is the only hope for The US at the moment.The other candidates are simply shills for the monetarist movement that caused the economic collapse in the first place.The US democratic credentials are slipping too, with the press largely controlled by the wealthy barons, the presidency is becoming irrelevant to the governance of the country.It has becom a place of of the money,By the money,and for the money.alas.Reply Will Trame/ 13 Feb, 2012 at 03:27 amYou made some good points as the vast majority of US representatives are only in it for their own benefit and do not give a damn about the people they were elected to represent. There is simply too much poisonous partisanship and antipathy in American government today to affect any meaningful change. Im no real fan of President Obama, but I dont think there will be much improvement in the future regardless of whether Obama garners a second term or Romney or Gingrich gets in. Speaking as a veteran, I pray for America.Aside from that little rant, this was a pretty decent list, and, yes, the pictures were nice ona n artistic and aesthetic level.Reply The Annoyed Elephant/ 13 Feb, 2012 at 06:49 am1. Obama is retarded.2. The monetarist movement didnt cause the economic collapse, and Obamas soak the rich approach isnt going to fix it.3. The US is not a Democracy. Were a constitutional representative republic, and every non-felon citizen 18 years and older has a right to one vote. Those wealthy barons (aka people who create jobs) have the same number of votes as the Occupy hippies.4. I find it ironic that people who complain about how its all about the money do so on computers purchased with money over internet connections paid for by money.Reply sqorpo/ 13 Feb, 2012 at 07:27 amAre you really Newt Gingrich? You sound just like him..Just like newt, you have your version of the facts and then there is reality..Reply The Annoyed Elephant/ 13 Feb, 2012 at 10:48 amAre you Vladamir Lenin? Because you sound just like himReality? Your reality, sir, is lies and balderdash, and Im delighted to say that I have no grasp of it whatsoever. The Adventures of Baron MunchausenReply conservativesareMORONS/ 14 Feb, 2012 at 03:54 pmYoure a f*kin loser. The Annoyed Elephant/ 15 Feb, 2012 at 06:48 amThank you for your intelligent, well-thought-out contributions to this thread. Your mother must be proud. Joel/ 16 Feb, 2012 at 07:37 am@conservativesareMORONS At least hes contributing something to the dialogue. Roo/ 29 Feb, 2012 at 04:07 pmAnd your mother too, The Annoyed Obama is retarded Elephant. As far as Im aware Obama has no learning disabilities. Planet Earth/ 13 Feb, 2012 at 03:30 pmI find people who think theres a difference between Democrats & Republicans are becoming more stupid by the minute.Take Obama as soon as he got elected he appointed a EX Goldman Sachs employe to run the U.S Treasury . Obama is a puppet just follow who gave him Money .JP Morgan Chase & Co $282,387Goldman Sachs $474,428Lehman Brothers $274,147UBS (ag) $298,180Citigroup $247,436Google $192,808Time Warner $190,091Mitt Romney has around 1/4 of a BILLION dollars in off shores banks accounts that hardly get taxes . Its estimated that the RICH (aka job creators ) in the U.S HIDE around 15 TRILLION DOLLARS in off shores accounts talk about patriotism.If you are a smart AMERICAN can you tell me you own the FEDERAL RESERVE ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????DR Ron Paul = FreedomObama/Romney = CORPORATE PUPPETRYReply oregonmade/ 14 Feb, 2012 at 03:32 amReaganomics and deregulation sure didnt help our current situation. Partisanship has become so counter productive, such a ridiculous p*ssing contest further fueled by attitudes like yours has created the mess we are in now. Sad people are so closed minded.Reply sqorpo/ 13 Feb, 2012 at 07:11 amI agree.. This list writer contradicts himself. He goes on and on about the great liberal policies of these other countries and how happy these people are.. Then goes and says With 2012 elections looming, well see how President Barack Obama will tackle these issues if he is reelected (hopefully not). This makes no sense.. Who does he wish elected? Gingrich, Paul, Romney, or for gods sake Sanotorum? There is no other liberals running besides Obama.. All these other clowns will bring us back to the brink of disaster..Reply Lorikeet/ 13 Feb, 2012 at 02:23 pmIndeed. The political opinion felt very out of place in this list.Reply Marco from KY/ 13 Feb, 2012 at 04:39 pmI would vote for any of the above over Obama.Heres what Obama said about infants who were meant to be aborted, but survives the ordeal: If a child is born that was meant to be aborted, you should simply let it die. It would be inconvenient to call a doctor. (Loose quote, but not distorted in any way). Youtube it and youll find it.What a sad, sad man. That smacks of Nazism.Reply NoOneIsHitler!/ 13 Feb, 2012 at 10:19 pmOk, this has bugged me for years and years and years. Im Canadian and pay close attention to American politics and you know what I think the issue is? SENSATIONALISM! Your media,on both sides, cant use proper, decent language about each other. Its not I disagree with (fill it in) policies for these (hopefully scientific) reasons, its Hes Hitler; Its like when Hitler did ____; sounds like Nazi Germany; their Nazis. Does your country not understand exactly what Hitler did, who the Nazis were, and/or what Nazism is?Bush isnt Hitler!Obama isnt Hitler!Hell, Neo-Nazis arent Hitler!Both sides just scream about their freedom, while at the same time saying the other side cant have their freedom. The right wants unlimited guns and ammo as, apparently, its a right somehow while trying to deny women their right of health and choice by banning abortion, and vice-versa.So US politicians and media, your on notice! The next time someone freaks out and screams NaziWolf or refuses to compromise in anyway there better be a real goddamn Spirit Hitler! Or else just tone it down and have adult conversationsReply Mike Ockizard/ 14 Feb, 2012 at 06:00 pmIt is just the whole attitude in the US right now. Its like if we dont have a legit enemy to fight, then all the aggression manifests against ourselves. Sometimes I wonder if we will ever all come together and rally behind a single cause.That being said, there are some areas that I feel have no room for compromise. You mentioned abortion as a womans right, but IMO, ones rights end at the taking of another life. Especially when 90% are in the name of convenience.I think the media paints us all as far left or far right wingers, when truthfully we are mostly somewhere in the middle. I am conservative, but I could care less if gays marry. I think people should be allowed to own guns (with thourough background checks)but why the f do ppl need assault rifles? Pauly/ 14 Feb, 2012 at 08:29 pmI was stationed in KY. Worst place in the country. Full of drunk retards, fat women, klansmen, a Wal-Mart in every town and a megachurch every other town. Full of the dumbest people ive ever met in my life. No wonder half of the people in that excuse of a commonwealth are trying to leave.Reply CarleyG/ 16 Jun, 2012 at 07:30 pmI have lived in many different places throughout my life, but Kentucky will always be my home. The people are welcoming, kind and humble. I believe it is up to the person to find the beauty in their surroundings and I wish for your sake you would have taken a closer look. The type of people you are describing are available in every single state in America yes even New York and California. You didnt take the time to experience Kentucky and instead feel that you have the right to bad-mouth an entire state because of your lack of experience. tsk tsk. Al/ 13 Feb, 2012 at 10:36 amIf the U.S. wanted money out of politics they would have voted for John McCain.Reply oakfarm/ 14 Feb, 2012 at 03:41 amIm no fan of Obama (he is too far left for me), but he may be the best for the United States. I dont want America to turn into a theocracy.Reply 39/ 14 Feb, 2012 at 11:21 pmThats a ridiculous comment.Reply 39/ 14 Feb, 2012 at 11:22 pmThats a ridiculous commentReply 39/ 14 Feb, 2012 at 11:33 pmDumb comment.Reply18. Skippy/ 13 Feb, 2012 at 02:09 amGo Aussies! The Brits sent us over here to punish us, instead we got an island paradise!Great list too, Id love to visit all of the other countries.Reply Frank/ 14 Feb, 2012 at 12:29 amYoure still a former British colony and the only real Australians are Aborigines.Reply Skippy/ 14 Feb, 2012 at 01:20 amAnd thanks for ruining my post. I wish youd take a long walk off a short pier, and if you did it in Australia you be lucky enough to be eaten by a Great White Shark.Reply Frank Is A C*nt/ 14 Feb, 2012 at 01:25 amSo is America, but you dont hear them calling themselves Former British Colonists so your point is invalid. And also youre a complete ***hole on this website, so kindly do everyone a favour and end your meaningless, pathetic life.Reply Jsus/ 22 Feb, 2012 at 04:49 amsays the c*nt who doesnt value someones life and tells them to kill themselves because of a comment. You sir, shall be smote upon arrival at the pearly gatesReply akwa/ 23 Feb, 2012 at 10:04 pmIm Australian and i am sometimes embarrassed at how the original inhabitants of this land, the aboriginal people, were treated by white settlers. Australia is made up of a lot dumb and ignorant bigots. We treat our indigenous people with a lot of contempt and most Australians still harbour racist attitudes towards them. White Australians are also very intolerant of other nationalities and are lazy in every aspect of their bogan lives. There is also a smug attitude that Australians have, almost on par with the american. We also need to be validated by visiting American b grade celebrities such is our insecurity on the world stage.Anyway Beautiful country inhibited by the worst of white English culture. Thank god for mass migration from 1950s to 1980 that brought many cultures here and got rid of the white Australia policy. They also taught many anglo Australians how to eat proper food and about culture!19. Ni99a/ 13 Feb, 2012 at 02:13 amExplain to me why Muslims denounce western values yet shamelessly migrate into those western country they speak of.Reply Georgey/ 13 Feb, 2012 at 02:16 amI KNOW!! Hit the nail on the head.Reply Tom/ 13 Feb, 2012 at 02:32 amIt is absurd to impose on an individual or a society rights that are alien to its beliefs or principles. King Abdullah Aziz of Saudi Arabia.So yes, I wonder why they come here if their place of origin is so much more righteous. I guess its like denouncing swearing and then buying rap music.Reply Miles/ 13 Feb, 2012 at 11:08 amBecause not all Muslims denounce it idiotReply Jsus/ 22 Feb, 2012 at 04:51 amBut many who do denounce it, do so from the very place they oppose ofReply fliplover/ 15 Feb, 2012 at 09:08 pmI agree, they emigrate to western countries, then denounce all our freedom and our culture and want to impose sharia law.If you want a repressed culture and Islamic based legal system, why, you have everything you need in the country you left!Reply20. A/C/ 13 Feb, 2012 at 02:20 amWhere the f*ck is Switzerland ?Reply Surya/ 13 Feb, 2012 at 03:04 amIt is in Europe.Reply A/C/ 13 Feb, 2012 at 08:10 amNice oneBut I can tell you Switzerland should be in this list.Reply Grandpa Ducky/ 13 Feb, 2012 at 11:18 amSwitzerland missed the cut-off for this list by one. They currently hold number eleven on the list at 0.903.Reply21. undaunted warrior 1/ 13 Feb, 2012 at 02:23 amEnjoyed the list today- I am so glad Canada gets a mention this will make moms day !I saw your post yesterday, thanks Mom.Reply mom424/ 13 Feb, 2012 at 05:26 amYoure right; Im happy to see Canada get a mention. Not that were always deserving just mostly.And as always, nice to see you.Reply GoodWill/ 13 Feb, 2012 at 07:35 amAnd two spots ahead of Canada is the US. That must really make your Canuck blood boil considering how much Canadians loathe America nowadays.Reply mali/ 13 Feb, 2012 at 12:04 pmhahaha. yeah were the angry ones. despite the fact that your the one posting an angry comment. what foolsihness.Reply GoodWill/ 13 Feb, 2012 at 01:06 pmmali- Apparently your Canuck educational standards are slipping as well. It is were or we are, not were. Also it is foolishness, not foolsihness.And for your information, I was just making a statement of fact without any anger or malice. skeptomatik/ 13 Feb, 2012 at 02:50 pmCome on Goodwill be a good sport, you cant seriously believe that Canadians loathe America? Its just as silly as declaring all Americans are fatAfter forty six years of living in Canada I can barely find a handful of people that I would describe as loathing AmericaIts a little dated I know but only a Canadian could have such an opinion then or now.-The United States dollar took another pounding on German, French and British exchanges this morning, hitting the lowest point ever known in West Germany. It has declined there by 41% since 1971 and this Canadian thinks it is time to speak up for the Americans as the most generous and possibly the least-appreciated people in all the earth.As long as sixty years ago, when I first started to read newspapers, I read of floods on the Yellow River and the Yangtse. Who rushed in with men and money to help? The Americans did.They have helped control floods on the Nile, the Amazon, the Ganges and the Niger. Today, the rich bottom land of the Misssissippi is under water and no foreign land has sent a dollar to help. Germany, Japan and, to a lesser extent, Britain and Italy, were lifted out of the debris of war by the Americans who poured in billions of dollars and forgave other billions in debts. None of those countries is today paying even the interest on its remaining debts to the United States.When the franc was in danger of collapsing in 1956, it was the Americans who propped it up and their reward was to be insulted and swindled on the streets of Paris. I was there. I saw it.When distant cities are hit by earthquakes, it is the United States that hurries into help Managua Nicaragua is one of the most recent examples. So far this spring, 59 American communities have been flattened by tornadoes. Nobody has helped.The Marshall Plan .. the Truman Policy .. all pumped billions upon billions of dollars into discouraged countries. Now, newspapers in those countries are writing about the decadent war-mongering Americans.Id like to see one of those countries that is gloating over the erosion of the United States dollar build its own airplanes.Come on lets hear it! Does any other country in the world have a plane to equal the Boeing Jumbo Jet, the Lockheed Tristar or the Douglas 107? If so, why dont they fly them? Why do all international lines except Russia fly American planes? Why does no other land on earth even consider putting a man or women on the moon?You talk about Japanese technocracy and you get radios. You talk about German technocracy and you get automobiles. You talk about American technocracy and you find men on the moon, not once, but several times and safely home again. You talk about scandals and the Americans put theirs right in the store window for everyone to look at. Even the draft dodgers are not pursued and hounded. They are here on our streets, most of them unless they are breaking Canadian laws .. are getting American dollars from Ma and Pa at home to spend here.When the Americans get out of this bind as they will who could blame them if they said the hell with the rest of the world. Let someone else buy the Israel bonds, Let someone else build or repair foreign dams or design foreign buildings that wont shake apart in earthquakes.When the railways of France, Germany and India were breaking down through age, it was the Americans who rebuilt them. When the Pennsylvania Railroad and the New York Central went broke, nobody loaned them an old caboose. Both are still broke. I can name to you 5,000 times when the Americans raced to the help of other people in trouble.Can you name me even one time when someone else raced to the Americans in trouble? I dont think there was outside help even during the San Francisco earthquake.Our neighbours have faced it alone and I am one Canadian who is damned tired of hearing them kicked around. They will come out of this thing with their flag high. And when they do, they are entitled to thumb their nose at the lands that are gloating over their present troubles.I hope Canada is not one of these. But there are many smug, self-righteous Canadians. And finally, the American Red Cross was told at its 48th Annual meeting in New Orleans this morning that it was broke.This years disasters .. with the year less than half-over has taken it all and nobodybut nobody has helped.Gordon Sinclair 1973Reply youngster/ 15 Feb, 2012 at 04:58 pmand you accuse canada of being smug? Kit/ 15 Feb, 2012 at 05:06 pmAgree! fliplover/ 15 Feb, 2012 at 09:15 pmThank you, Sir! A few things have changed since this was written, most notably the foreign help after Hurricane Katrina, but your sentiment is just. Callum/ 22 Feb, 2012 at 05:09 amIm sorry to do this:WW2 was funded by americans for war profits, selling to both sides, waiting until there was a winner emerging and joining forces with themAlso the majority of the charitable cases you mentioned USA was a partner of many other countries that constantly hand out millions and billions in donations and aid and the majority of the time, to 3rd world countries. Countries that cant afford to help out when america has a crisis as what they can add usually amounts to 1% of what the USA would already be spending itself. I cant think of a single time USA has helped another 1st world country without looking to the future for possible gains, take the Japanese earthquakes for instance, major trading partner therefore they get help. New Zealand earthquakes, zero help as they havent as much to offer back22. Camacho/ 13 Feb, 2012 at 03:00 amHow I wish we had a list of top ten countries with beautiful women. Venezuela, my country, would have topped the list followed by Ukraine, India and Italy!Reply Ni99a/ 13 Feb, 2012 at 10:00 amShameless.Reply Elmorris/ 13 Feb, 2012 at 09:35 pmSo thats the only thing we latin american people have in mind? How do women look? How shallow we could be!Reply Jer/ 14 Feb, 2012 at 08:55 amIndia? the *****????Reply Rob/ 14 Feb, 2012 at 08:58 amIndia would be at the bottom in that one my friendReply23. zagga20/ 13 Feb, 2012 at 03:02 amGood read. Until you called sydney beautiful yuck.Reply Sydney/ 13 Feb, 2012 at 03:18 amExcuse me?Reply Canberra/ 13 Feb, 2012 at 09:55 amTold ya.Reply Perth/ 13 Feb, 2012 at 09:58 amAnd you thought my butt was big.Reply Adelaide/ 13 Feb, 2012 at 12:17 pmYEAH, well, we have the.. ( silently walks back to it corner puts on its dunce hat).. silently sighs.Reply Melbourne/ 13 Feb, 2012 at 05:29 pmPffft, you guys wish you were me!Reply Flavia/ 13 Jul, 2012 at 03:32 amVery interesting renidag from pauls link:Despite dramatic differences in geographic regions, climate, climate change exposure, and recent histories of extreme weather events, the findings across most risk perception and concern domains were remarkably similar. Public concern levels with respect to the threat and perceived impacts of climate change were very high.Australian respondents viewed climate change as a more immediate, proximal, and certain threat to their local region and nation, than was the case for British respondents, for whom the problem was perceived to be more distant, uncertain, and less familiar in terms of anticipated consequences.As with the findings from many overseas surveys, a distinctive minority of Australian respondents, approximately 5.8%, could be characterised as being disbelievers or strong sceptics with respect to the reality of current climate change and/or the causal role of human activities and environmental impacts, with these strong views disproportionately influencing overall survey findings. The comparable figure for British respondents who could be characterised as being disbelievers or strong sceptics was 5.1%.Where oh where do the Australian and the worse half of the Coalition get their mojo from?Reply sydney funnel web spider/ 14 Feb, 2012 at 07:09 amSydney, he is right, you know.Reply24. Taylor/ 13 Feb, 2012 at 03:10 amIm happy to see my country New Zealand made it on the list.And also that we have one of the highest happiness ratings in the world,thatss awsome!I do think that maybe Monaco should be on the list too.Its so small,but so rich.Reply25. Tim/ 13 Feb, 2012 at 03:30 amNo surprise to see England is not on the list. *****ty miserable little island.Reply MaxVonTroubador/ 13 Feb, 2012 at 05:08 amEngland is not an island. Not on the list as the author probably has some grudge like many people. Sad really, people from the U.K. are generally nice like in other countries. The reason I suspect a grudge is because Ireland is on there which has a failed economy which was bailed out by U.K., Germany and France. Some how the author missed that bit out. Oh yeah and one last thing Australia is a stagnant country which is relying heavily on skilled migrants from places like the U.K. to improve. (not from U.K. either before you all start ranting)Reply Tim/ 13 Feb, 2012 at 06:28 amIt is a metaphorical island; Lost in a sea of a forgotten empire, battered by the winds of a failed economy, erased from the maps of old enemies and allies, torn by racial and youth unrest, wallowing in an obsolete culture, awash in an ocean of self loathing and bitterness. Forgotten by a progressive new world.Reply coocoocuchoo/ 13 Feb, 2012 at 07:02 amYet the UK is still a much more powerful and influential country than Australia I lived in Australia for a while and I have never experienced people with such an inferiority complex and chip on their shoulders, always trying to explain why Aus is better than anywhere else, it was *****ing weird. And Tim, torn by racial unrest? Australia treats its native peoples worse than any other country.I had a great time over there, the landscapes, scenery and wildlife are amazing. And of course there were also welcoming and fun Australians, but for the most part they where how i described above, which is sad cus the only thing letting you guys down was yourselves.Reply Tim/ 5 Mar, 2012 at 05:30 amAgreed. I am not Antipodean. Mel/ 27 May, 2012 at 08:53 pmYou need one hell of a history lesson. Its not our fault so many aborigines decide to live off welfare and use it just so they can get drunk. Not our fault they wont go to school and decide they would rather be criminals either, we try to help and there are plenty of ppl who do make a difference for them but they wont bloody take it. And the whole inferiority complex is Australian humour, we love saying were the best purely cause we can. What you call weird is simply Aussie humour (trust me I know there are other ppl who full on try to justify AUS being the best but theyre few thank *****) SirWimfrey/ 28 Feb, 2012 at 08:05 amExcellent riposte, Sir.Reply piperlauderdale/ 13 Feb, 2012 at 02:15 pmDid you read the introduction to this list? There is no grudge. England just wasnt awesome enough according to the All-Nation Awesomeness Ranking. But I have to say I was honestly surprised to see Ireland on the list and not England. I wonder why that is.Reply Denis/ 15 Feb, 2012 at 06:13 pmIreland was only given out all them German/French bailouts to save their own *****-ass banks.Also, there cant be debate about the list its made up of clear statisticsReply SailorBill/ 28 Feb, 2012 at 08:09 amTranslation: Oy, woss awl dis en?! Engerlund int on the list?!!! Yore avvin a giraffe, mate! You got the fackin paddies on ere but not us? We jast facking bay-uwd vem aout for fack sake!! BMP forevah!!Reply SailorBill/ 28 Feb, 2012 at 08:12 amI meant BNP of course. Got carried away with doing the accent in my head.Reply26. xiao/ 13 Feb, 2012 at 03:45 amwhy china is not in the list? lolsReply flgh/ 13 Feb, 2012 at 04:06 amcuz the chinese are in the above 10 countries helping them make the list XDReply sunrise/ 13 Feb, 2012 at 06:45 ambecause of its corrupt government, general denial of human rights, some of the worst pollution in the world and blatant diseregard for the enviroment,etc, etc, etc,Reply Not_USA/ 13 Feb, 2012 at 08:57 amhe did say china right?Reply Jam/ 14 Feb, 2012 at 09:03 amChina would be the #1 on the opposite list: Countries with the lowerst HDIReply27. Peep/ 13 Feb, 2012 at 04:15 amCanada is known for its free health care system (on top of an 80.7 life expectancy) and poses minimal taxes on the 34.7 million inhabitants.Minimal taxes?? Canada pays some of the highest taxes in the world..Reply mom424/ 13 Feb, 2012 at 05:22 amSorry Peep, youre wrong about that. Compared to almost all of Europe we have moderately low tax rates.Reply BOONE/ 13 Feb, 2012 at 07:51 amComparing Canada to Europe is one thing, but comparing Canada to the US is something different. For example Canadians on average pay a higher percentage of income tax and an additional 5% goods and services tax compared to no goods and services tax in the US. Also sales tax in Canada averages 13% whereas the US averages 6-8% with some states having 0% sales tax. In essence, the implementation of a goods & services tax and the higher rates of sales taxes can greatly hurt the underprivileged in Canada.Reply mom424/ 13 Feb, 2012 at 04:03 pmBut I would much rather use Europe as the yardstick than the USA. Our social model is a much closer fit. And I disagree about the sales tax hindering the underprivileged they get it all back via HST rebates/tax refunds and the like.Reply Battman/ 13 Feb, 2012 at 07:48 pmYoure correct on that Mom. What Americans dont pay in federal or state taxes, weather its income or sales tax, they pay in things like health care insurance premiums and/or municipal taxes.28. Michael/ 13 Feb, 2012 at 04:18 amAnd where is Denmark on this list?Reply29. Blight of the knights in shiny armour/ 13 Feb, 2012 at 04:21 amThis is now my top ten countries to visit before I die list.Also, I had been under the impression that Japan or the United Kingdom Of Great Britain And Northern Ireland would be developed enough to be part of the list, but boy was I wrong. Still, Japan is a wonderful place to visit and I do relish my experience there.Reply poofy/ 13 Feb, 2012 at 04:55 amthat sounds swellReply30. hardcoremilk/ 13 Feb, 2012 at 04:23 amAustralia hdi: Practically disregards the poverty that many Indigenous Australians have to live in. It is very bad in some of the northern regions of Australia.Reply Zebra/ 13 Feb, 2012 at 05:34 pmAaaaaand Australias the only country that does that, does it? I suggest you visit Fiji and South Africa.Reply31. 001/ 13 Feb, 2012 at 04:49 amThe Netherlands hasnt been called the United Netherlands since 1839.Reply Maria/ 13 Feb, 2012 at 12:34 pmI was thinking the same thing. I wonder where he got that information from.Reply j3s()s/ 22 Feb, 2012 at 05:13 amits making me wonder whether this one line has compromised the integrity of the whole list.un42n8ly i think it hasReply32. UsedToLiveInChalmette/ 13 Feb, 2012 at 04:51 amI wish I lived in the USA.Reply The Annoyed Elephant/ 13 Feb, 2012 at 06:44 amWe wish you lived here, too. Its a great country, even with its occasional problems.Reply sqorpo/ 13 Feb, 2012 at 07:44 amand its occasion conservative idiotsReply sqorpo/ 13 Feb, 2012 at 07:50 amOpps.. And its occasional conservative idiots.. (for all you grammar nazis out there)Reply BOONE/ 13 Feb, 2012 at 07:54 amAnd its occasional trolling liberals The Annoyed Elephant/ 13 Feb, 2012 at 10:49 amYeah. Our education system doesnt always work very well. Sometimes it churns out liberal douches.Reply Dave/ 13 Feb, 2012 at 12:24 pmAnd its occasional anti-freethinking Liberals.Reply Ni99a/ 13 Feb, 2012 at 09:52 amMe? Me? I wish to live in your country too, do you wish I live in your country? (=(Reply The Annoyed Elephant/ 14 Feb, 2012 at 06:17 amYes. Anyone who can legally emigrate to the United States is welcome here.Reply DoucheCanoe/ 14 Feb, 2012 at 10:52 pmyou sound like a douche. Bet you own a big american flag shirt like most super-america douchesdouche The Annoyed Elephant/ 15 Feb, 2012 at 06:47 amYes, because douches typically welcome people to their country. Ni99a/ 21 Feb, 2012 at 06:21 amYayy.*kiss*33. um1928/ 13 Feb, 2012 at 05:46 amHer Majesty must be very proud of the coloniesReply34. moldovia/ 13 Feb, 2012 at 05:47 amHow does the USA get to appear on this list? Take a look at this BBC news report shocking!Reply Ernest J. King/ 13 Feb, 2012 at 03:43 pmOh, boo hoo, there are poor people in the U.S. That inevitably means everyones poor. And no, there are absolutely no poor people in Europe, right?The U.S. gets to appear on this list on account of having the worlds most affluent people and some of the highest economic output in the world. Everything else just follows.Reply moldovia/ 13 Feb, 2012 at 04:55 pmNo what a mean is that for such a rich nation the US should have a fully funded welfare system and trust me when I tell u that those who r unemployed in the UK for example and claim to be poor r talking rubbish as the government here provides almost free accomodation and 100% free healthcare unlike the USA.Reply pococonuts/ 16 Feb, 2012 at 08:56 pmmost affluent and highest output makes me wonder how many affluent people or companies are controlling the economy of the USReply35. Armin Tamzarian/ 13 Feb, 2012 at 05:49 amThe Netherlands most certainly do not have a guileless governement. We have snakes like Maxime Verhagen, and idiots like Geert Wilders. The country is run without vision and without looking to the future. All our social programs are being cut while the programs that benefit the rich and powerful most, are left in place.Reply Ernest J. King/ 13 Feb, 2012 at 03:44 pmWell, all things considered, you could be a lot worse off. At least you dont have fat, pill-popping *****s like Rush Limbaugh dictating what an entire party should do or think or whom they should hate.Reply moldovia/ 13 Feb, 2012 at 04:59 pmThe same is happening in the UK too.Reply36. mom424/ 13 Feb, 2012 at 05:54 amInteresting entry. Canada is a great country, but its not perfect. Personal circumstance can certainly knock that HDI rating for a loop ask many of our indigenous folk about that. Attawatapiskat, in our far north, is a prime example. While the varying governments responsible (Native/Federal/Provincial) bicker about who pays, the people live in squalor. 5 families in a tar paper shack, no running water, no school shameful.Also it is a fallacy that we have free health care. We dont. Every working Canadian (with a decent income) as well as every employer that has more than $250,000. in payroll contributes to our health care system. It is a combination of public and private institutions. The fee schedule is set up in each province and companies that can make profit do. Most of the labs and clinics are privately run. Its not a perfect system; depending on where you live you can have long wait times (in my experience a good GP can cut through much of that, Ive never had to wait for the important stuff), or have to travel for treatment. But no one will lose their home or go into massive debt due to illness or accident. Nor will they die while the HMO contests treatment. Like I said, not perfect just better than most.I cant wait for the next edition of HDI ratings. I betcha theyll be some shakin up goin on. Most definitely if we dont see any change in the economy of our southern neighbours.PS: You hope that Obama doesnt get in? Youd rather Romney? Gingrich? or even worse Santorum. Santorum, whose best claim to fame is an icky by-product. And Im serious, its hisbestclaim to fame. I do agree that Obama has been a disappointment, too much the politician imo, but there is no viable alternative. None.Reply BOONE/ 13 Feb, 2012 at 08:02 amAn icky by product.Considering your name is mom424 I hope you are not seriously talking about his child Bella, who happened to be born with a genetic condition. You should feel ashamed of yourself. Regardless or your political beliefs, talk like that is revolting and unacceptable.Reply Jim/ 13 Feb, 2012 at 09:38 ammon424, you are totally incorrect. Google Santorum and go to the first site that does not appear to be of his making. You will see what the icky by product is and it has nothing to do with children.Reply Al/ 13 Feb, 2012 at 10:40 amYou think male on male ***** is gross?Reply mom424/ 13 Feb, 2012 at 04:10 pmI was not speaking of his children didnt know he had any and wouldnt pick on him for that even if I had. Google Santorum and youll see exactly what icky by-product Im referring. And no Al, I dont think homo*****uals are gross but their leavings (and heteros too) certainly can be.Btw his policies are actually worse than said by-product. It washes out without too much trouble Santorum in office? Itll take you back to the last century the clean up wont be near as easy.Reply postie/ 15 Feb, 2012 at 05:10 pmvote the guy thats claiming to build a moon base!seriously, with china, india and brazil on the rise, america needs one last kick ass triumph before it goes under. and a frigging moon base will sort them for the next 500 yearsReply37. Zagging/ 13 Feb, 2012 at 06:04 amThe truly impressive countries are those with big populations and a high HDI. With a population less than the State of Colorado (like Norway), Id say it isnt that impressive to have a high HDI. Take a look at the list of countries by population and youll see only 2 in the top 20 that make this list (USA 3 & Germany 15). You have to drop down to #35 (Canada) to find the next one. And Norway is #118.Reply mom424/ 13 Feb, 2012 at 06:25 amWhat, so its easier to have a great country with asmallertax base? Me thinks there is something wrong with your reasoning. The more contributors, the bigger the pie.Reply Zagging/ 13 Feb, 2012 at 08:04 amNo, the more people, the harder to keep the average citizen living a comfortable and happy life. It is logical, and it is essentially proven by simply looking at the list of countries by population. think that a potentially larger number of people to tax makes it easier to govern and easier to maintain high living standards is so devoid of logic that it is laughable.Reply BOONE/ 13 Feb, 2012 at 08:08 amNo its harder to run a great country with a large population. When a country over exerts itself it is easier to fall apart. Ever hear of the fall of the Roman Empire because it stretched itself too thin?Reply Andres/ 13 Feb, 2012 at 12:24 pmNot quite correct, mom. In absolute terms, yes, it is best to have the larger tax base, but in per capita terms, a larger tax base only means a larger human base to take care of. In general, the bigger country will have the greater cultural clout, the more powerful military (because a militarys power is measured in absolute terms, not per-capita terms), and the greater political and diplomatic influence over the rest of the world. But a bigger country also encompasses more people, both rich and poor, both skilled and unskilled, which means that it will tend more toward the average, as opposed to extremes. Thats why the worlds richest and poorest countries in per-capita terms tend to be smaller.And thats what makes cases like Germanys, and especially Americas, so special and meritorious. If you counted the EU as a whole, it would be poorer in per-capita terms than the U.S. and less developed. But because you are dividing it into several countries, the more developed ones (Netherlands) are no longer dragged down by the poorer ones (Greece). Likewise, if you divided the U.S. up into 50 countries, youd have a larger spread, both upwards and downwards. States like Connecticut, Massachusetts, or Utah would be considerably ahead of Norway, whereas Mississippi and Louisiana would be well below Spain. Thats why it really is truly impressive that such a HUGE country (the third largest in the world) can be all the way up in the fourth place (and tied with 3rd, actually).Reply mom424/ 13 Feb, 2012 at 04:12 pmI stand corrected. And politely and nicely done too I always appreciate learning something new or having my prejudices/pre-conceived notions brought up to snuff. Thanks Andres.Reply Zagging/ 13 Feb, 2012 at 06:08 pmMom424, a tip of the hat for posting that you were mistaken. Most would twist and turn and argue and not have the character to be persuaded. Others would simply walk away and refuse to discuss anymore. Andres/ 20 Feb, 2012 at 01:10 pmAlways happy to help, momAnd I dont think I corrected you as much as brought up an issue that is seldom consideredthat, taken as a whole, a larger population tends to be more average than a smaller population. But hey, thank you for taking the time to read such a long reply! Trek Girl/ 14 Feb, 2012 at 01:57 pmI dont have anything to add to this conversation, I just want to say that I really appreciate how nice all of you were to each other, and how well Zagging and Andres explained this issue.These are the kinds of comments that I love to see on Listverse.Reply38. JohnnyBGoode/ 13 Feb, 2012 at 06:24 amWas the pot shot at Obama really needed.Fact unemployment is turning around.At least Obama doesnt want to restrict women and LGBT rights like Santorum, Mittens Romney, and the Human Attack Muffin Newt Gingrich.Reply The Annoyed Elephant/ 13 Feb, 2012 at 06:43 amNo, Obama just wants to restrict your right to spend your own money, fund your own health care, run your own company, earn profit, and be successful. But at least he lets women kill their babies! Hooray for socialist rights!BTW: exactly which rights do you refer to? Last time I checked, LGBTs had the same rights as anyone else, sans the marriage thing.Reply sqorpo/ 13 Feb, 2012 at 07:37 ammaybe, if you would step out of your little closed loop world, you might learn something from this list.. Notice what most of the countries on this list have in common? Its not obstructive conservatismReply Sam/ 13 Feb, 2012 at 07:42 amHi TAE, this is not at all intended to be an exercise in trolling, just curiosity. Is it just Obamas political leanings/policy that anger you so much, or specifics within his left brand of politics over and above other Democrat presidents? Im curious because he seems to be quite well regarded outside of the States so would love to hear more from someone who seems articulate (again, touchy subject I know so be assured Im not taking the *****). I note your comments on healthcare, tax and the hand of Government are these specific to him or Democrats in general? Im not from the US and personally am a left leaning guy : ) , but not trying to spark you up or change your mind. Just interested in an insiders opinion. Cheers!Reply Zagging/ 13 Feb, 2012 at 08:19 amObama believes in the European socialist model. Many Europeans are proud of their countries (which is understandable), and think their systems are wonderful. However, they are collapsing in front of our eyes. While Europe is facing the economic reality that their systems are unsustainable and need to be fixed, Obama and Americas left are doing their level best to push America directly into the same economic mess. I suspect that is something that bothers TAE. It certainly bothers me.Reply Jimbo/ 13 Feb, 2012 at 11:01 amNo they are not. Greece is, and Italy, Spain and Portugal will also find themselves in some grief. But thats not the sum total of the European Union. I suspect you actually confuse Soviet with what you suggest as Socialist, countries like Germany have very strong economies and will withstand the upcoming problems while still addressing the welfare of their populations. Germany are strong, so are France and the UK , so are the smaller Western European nations, so are the Scandinavian nations. More importantly these countries all take a dim view of Greece et al and how they have run their affairs. G, F, UK etc have a difficult time ahead but they will continue to take care of their people with a strong state inluence. Also note that the economic collapse was due to the US led unregulated market. And despite the collapse even Obama has not made any real regulatory changes. The Annoyed Elephant/ 13 Feb, 2012 at 11:03 amSam, youve asked an honest question (as opposed to sqorpo, whos just a hate-filled troll), and so youre going to get an honest answer.America was built on the proposition that people should be free, so long as they are not deliberately harming other people (hence, why the right to life, liberty, and property are enshrined in our constitution). Socialism stands as the exact opposite of individual freedom and responsibility. Both are surrendered to a government bureaucracy.Obama is the perfect illustration of socialism in action. He believes that I should pay for other peoples health care. If I become a successful businessman though work, wise investments, and innovation, he believes I should surrender the fruits of my success to fund his whims. He believes that abortion (aka killing babies who cramp mommys lifestyle) is a sacrament. He believes that there is no right for individuals to defend themselves with deadly force against a threat to their life. He believes that America is not exceptional. He believes in spending more money than the previous 43 Presidents before him. Worst of all for a President, he believes the Constitution is an option, not the law of the land.Oh, and he has all the negotiating ability of a comatose sloth. In stark contrast to the last 4 Presidents (Reagan, Bush, Clinton, and Bush Jr) , Obama has been the least inclined to negotiate with the opposing party, choosing instead to use his position as President as a bully pulpit from which to dictate. He behaves as an emperor, not an elected representative leader of the people.I guarantee you: in 50 years, Obama will be looked upon as the most destructive President the US has had up until today (with Bush Jr coming in a close 2nd).Reply Sam/ 13 Feb, 2012 at 02:01 pmCool, thanks for sharing, appreciate that, interesting. Im from a small country and one thing for sure we have somewhat of a socialist leaning. Must say I have never felt anything less than absolutely free though. However, not trying to change your politics my friend this just works for (most of) us, small nation that we are. That wouldnt work for you but does for me. Also not a pot shot at the States, different strokes for different folks. BTW had a great time in NY/Vegas and will go back for sure. Cool places, particularly NY. Take it easy pal : ) The Curious Kiwi/ 14 Feb, 2012 at 02:17 amHe believes that America is not exceptional What is it that make you think America is exceptional? Honest question. The Annoyed Elephant/ 14 Feb, 2012 at 06:22 amI think America is exceptional because of how it was founded, the freedoms it is based on, and the hope that it provides to the rest of the world. Thats not to say were perfect far from it. Like every other nation, we have a history of evil behind us. The difference is that the US has made an effort to rise above that past.I think American exceptionalism can be summed up best by General Colin Powell:Far from being the Great Satan, I would say that we are the Great Protector. We have sent men and women from the armed forces of the United States to other parts of the world throughout the past century to put down oppression. We defeated Fascism. We defeated Communism. We saved Europe in World War I and World War II. We were willing to do it, glad to do it. We went to Korea. We went to Vietnam. All in the interest of preserving the rights of people.And when all those conflicts were over, what did we do? Did we stay and conquer? Did we say, Okay, we defeated Germany. Now Germany belongs to us? We defeated Japan, so Japan belongs to us? No. What did we do? We built them up. We gave them democratic systems which they have embraced totally to their soul. And did we ask for any land? No, the only land we ever asked for was enough land to bury our dead. And that is the kind of nation we are. sqorpo/ 14 Feb, 2012 at 06:48 amAt least I admit to trolling, but only to this one particular commenter because of his untruths and hyperbole.. All apologies to the rest of the commentators, this is not normally my forte to behave this way, but Im just sick of itHere in the u.s. this is a big problem because these people get away with saying whatever they want whether its true or not and not enough people challenge their rhetoric What!/ 14 Feb, 2012 at 09:51 amIn response to your CP quote below:Whoa there son, thats laying it on very thick indeed. Laughably so. WW2 was won by the allied forces, including the US, but most significant by Russia. A nuclear holocaust was averted by the Communists during the cold war (of which many nations fought). Other countries were there for Korea and Vietnam, not just the USA.The concept of freedom is not an American one, individual freedom took root long before.You need to open a book before you spout this nonsense. What!/ 14 Feb, 2012 at 09:55 amActually Annoyed Elephant, as the gods of the comment forums would dictate, turns out that this is in response to your Colin Powell quote ABOVE! Joel/ 15 Feb, 2012 at 01:20 amI couldnt reply to your comment below, so Im doing it here.We defeated Fascism. We defeated Communism. We saved Europe in World War I and World War II.This one cuts a little close. I know Im not the only one who gets angry when some arrogant, ignorant douchebag comes in and starts spewing out the We saved your asses. Youd be speaking German if it werent for us bull*****. Yeah, besides Russia, America was the most important of the Allies. But do you really believe that thats because they made better soldiers, or cared more about freedom and saving the world? No, there were simply more of them. The population of New Zealand (my country) in 1939 was 1,641,600, less than half of the number of people in the US Navy alone. So no, we couldnt win the war on our own, but we were there from the start trying. My grandfather was at El Alamein and lost an arm at Monte Cassino. My other grandfather (an Australian) was killed during the Kokoda Track campaign. Does the fact that they came from countries with fewer people than the US mean their sacrifices werent as great? That theyre not as deserving of gratitude and respect? You honestly believe that the fact youre from the States means youre inherently superior to them? If thats not what you were trying to say, you need to explain yourself better next time. If that IS what you were trying to say, then you are hands-down the stupidest most ignorant, arrogant, beyond-help *****ing ***** Ive ever heard speak. The Annoyed Elephant/ 15 Feb, 2012 at 06:44 amYoure right, What the comments system here sucks.WW2 was mostly won by the allies, but until the US entered the conflict, it was mostly a stalemate. Russia did a good job at holding Stalingrad, but until Hitlers attention was forced to turn West, it was just a slugfest.Nuclear holocaust was threatened and averted by both countries many times during the Cold War.Korea, yes. Vietnam, not so much.Besides, Powells quote wasnt so much to negate the contributions of those other countries as it was to illustrate the motive behind American interventionism.American freedom borrowed from many sources, but never before in the history of the world had a nation been built on such wide-ranging freedoms, and never in the history of the world has a nation been so willing to use its might, not to conquer, but to share in that freedom.I know this because I have opened books. /historymajor What!/ 15 Feb, 2012 at 03:09 pmI still think you are laying it on a little thick. It is not accurate that it was a stalemate until the US entry. On a long term Germany could never have won against such overwhelming resources, the real US contribution was loans and selling goods to the allies (not exactly for free either). When they were forced into the conflict their impact was still significantly lower. This is an unpleasant way to put it but the majority of Germans were killed by the Russians. For example the first defeat of the Germans was in North Africa by the British colonial troops and a small number of Americans.The boiling point of the cold war is widely attributed to reaching it pinnacle with the US, and being defused by the Russians.I suggest that it is still very much laying it on thick that the US shares freedom to the world. Perhaps put that to many Middle Eastern and South American countries. The concepts of freedom were always there; the French Revolution happened, slavery was abolished, women were given the right to vote, the Magna Carta was signed These are not all in isolation there is a general drive for freedom in all men of all ages. Certainly agree that the the US is built on concepts of freedom but there is a reality behind that for the US has one of the, if not the, highest incarceration rates in the world, and only abolished segregation in the 1960s.My intention is not an attack on the US here you love your country and that is great. American interventionism is sometimes good and sometimes bad, but CPs glowing quote is as I say laying it on a little think. All superpowers inflict good and bad and the US included in this. The US is great and the US is bad, just like most western countries are both great and bad. MarcoPolo/ 16 Feb, 2012 at 07:45 amAnd when all those conflicts were over, what did we do? Did we stay and conquer? We gave them democratic systems which they have embraced totally to their soul. You may not have conquered, but there is a long list of brutal, often tyrannical dictators that have been actively sponsored by the States. It could be argued that they were commisioned to conquer in your name. oregonmade/ 14 Feb, 2012 at 04:08 amThe Marriage thing.seriously?? What a dolt!Reply The Annoyed Elephant/ 15 Feb, 2012 at 06:40 amOK. Then please do us all a favor and list out the points that conservatives oppose that are anti-LGBT. Thanks.Reply Jono/ 14 Feb, 2012 at 05:52 amJust a technicality, but abortion has nothing to do with socialism. Socialism is purely an economic system.Reply The Annoyed Elephant/ 15 Feb, 2012 at 06:46 amYes, but its interesting that those of a socialist mindset are so willing to support abortion, while those who believe in economic freedom are so willing to extend those freedoms to the unborn.Reply Jono/ 15 Feb, 2012 at 05:02 pmLike I said, just a technicality. Its just annoying when someone who disagrees with you on social issues rather than economic issues demagogically labels you a Socialist in an attempt to undermine any legitimate arguments you have.Not that its relevant to the point I just made, but I do have Socialist leanings where economic freedom conflicts with personal freedom. My belief is that human rights should apply to humans first, buisness second.39. The Annoyed Elephant/ 13 Feb, 2012 at 06:40 amWhile I share in the comments under #4 that Barack Obama should not be re-elected, and while I sincerely believe hes the worst President weve had since at least the Harding administration (and likely the Buchanan administration), I really dont want politics on my Listverse of any type.Reply Tread carefully/ 13 Feb, 2012 at 07:31 amof any type? Then maybe you should switch your icon, avatar or whatever its called.Reply sqorpo/ 13 Feb, 2012 at 07:42 amSorry.. Didnt mean to step on your post, but I felt compelled to troll the troll.Reply sqorpo/ 13 Feb, 2012 at 07:39 amReally? Cant tell by your avatar, name, website, and postings.. Typical conservative.. do what I say. Not what I do.Reply The Annoyed Elephant/ 13 Feb, 2012 at 11:05 amI dont want politics in the actual lists, you retards.Seriously are you both so dense that you didnt grasp that basic concept? Was it so big of a mystery that it escaped your grasp entirely you bitter, hateful, trolling, Occupier hippie leftist communist douches?And I mean that with all the love in the world.Reply Maria/ 13 Feb, 2012 at 12:40 pmI think youre the bitter one