top 20 travel destinations - ·...

Top 20 Travel Destinations 1 Aurora Borealis The Arctic Circle 2 Galapagos Islands Ecuador 3 The Great Wall China 4 Niagara Falls Canada/USA 5 Perito Moreno Glacier Patagonia, Argentina 6 Easter Island Chile 7 Terracotta Army Shaanxi province, China 8 Angkor Wat Angkor, Cambodia 9 The Pyramids Giza, Egypt 10 Victoria Falls Zimbabwe/Zambia 11 Christ the Redeemer Rio De Janeiro, Brazil 12 Highland Gorillas Rwanda 13 Uluru Northern Territory, Australia 14 Taj Mahal Agra, India 15 Stonehenge Salisbury, United Kingdom 16 Great Barrier Reef Queensland, Australia 17 Halong Bay Northern Vietnam 18 Great Migration Serengeti, Tanzania 19 Gran Sabana Venezuela 20 Grand Canyon Colorado, USA

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Page 1: Top 20 Travel Destinations - · 2015-12-24 · Top 20 Travel Destinations . 1 Aurora Borealis The Arctic Circle

Top 20 Travel Destinations

1 Aurora Borealis The Arctic Circle 2 Galapagos Islands Ecuador 3 The Great Wall China 4 Niagara Falls Canada/USA 5 Perito Moreno Glacier Patagonia, Argentina 6 Easter Island Chile 7 Terracotta Army Shaanxi province, China 8 Angkor Wat Angkor, Cambodia 9 The Pyramids Giza, Egypt 10 Victoria Falls Zimbabwe/Zambia 11 Christ the Redeemer Rio De Janeiro, Brazil 12 Highland Gorillas Rwanda 13 Uluru Northern Territory, Australia 14 Taj Mahal Agra, India 15 Stonehenge Salisbury, United Kingdom 16 Great Barrier Reef Queensland, Australia 17 Halong Bay Northern Vietnam 18 Great Migration Serengeti, Tanzania 19 Gran Sabana Venezuela 20 Grand Canyon Colorado, USA

Page 2: Top 20 Travel Destinations - · 2015-12-24 · Top 20 Travel Destinations . 1 Aurora Borealis The Arctic Circle

##11 AAuurroorraa BBoorreeaalliiss

TThhee AArrccttiicc CCiirrccllee

What is the Aurora Borialis? An effect caused by the collision of charged particles with atoms in the high altitude atmosphere, under the influence of the earth’s polar magnetic fields.

Why go? To see the ‘magical’ dancing of coloured light across the night sky like a glorious hallucination.

When is the best time to visit? On or around the yearly equinoxes which occur around 20 March and 22 September. The lights are best seen between 10° to 20° latitudinal extent of geomagnetic poles.

What to take: Due to the extreme latitudes you would need a down jacket with hood, warm gloves & footwear and a good camera.

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##22 GGaallaappaaggooss IIssllaannddss,, EEccuuaaddoorr

What are the Galapagos Islands? A volcanic archipelago sitting on the equator about 1000km off the coast of Ecuador.

Why go? To experience firsthand the unique flora and fauna that attracted Charles Darwin in 1835 during his voyage on the Beagle, and which laid the foundation for his theory of evolution.

When is the best time to visit? There's never a bad time to visit the Galápagos. The peak season lasts from mid-June through early September and from mid-December through mid-January

What to take: Comfortable loose fitting clothes, swim wear, a wide brimmed sun hat, sturdy footwear, sandals and most importantly a camera

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##33 TThhee GGrreeaatt WWaallll,, CChhiinnaa

What is the Great Wall of China? A series of fortifications built over hundreds of years to protect the northern borders of China (roughly the southern demarcation of Inner Mongolia) from invading hordes.

Why go? To marvel at a wonder of architecture constructed during the Ming Dynasty and measuring, including all branches, earthworks and natural barriers, over 20,000km long.

When is the best time to visit? Spring (March to May) and Autumn (Sep to Nov) have the most moderate temperatures.

What to take: Sturdy walking shoes are a must, and be prepared for hot and cold weather situations. You might want to take a phrasebook, too.

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##44 NNiiaaggaarraa FFaallllss


What are Niagara Falls? The famous honeymoon destination are actually a collective of three sets of falls on the US/Canada border, and form the highest flow rate of any waterfalls in the world.

Why go? To try your luck riding over the falls in a barrel! For the cleverer tourist, the Maid of the Mist boat tour and Cave of the Winds walk will really get you up close and personal.

When is the best time to visit? The falls can be visited at any time of year, but summer is the busiest season. Don’t forget to stay after dark to see the water illuminated by multi-coloured lights.

What to take: Some sort of waterproofs might be in order!

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##55 PPeerriittoo MMoorreennoo GGllaacciieerr

PPaattaaggoonniiaa,, AArrggeennttiinnaa

What is the Perito Moreno Glacier? Only the world’s most accessible advancing glacier! In an age of global warming, with most glaciers shrinking to nothing, watching a giant wall of ice calve off and crash into the lake is nothing short of mind-blowing.

Why go? Because you won’t have the chance for much longer.

When is the best time to visit? The southern hemisphere summer of December to February has the highest temperatures, but the winds can be fierce. Consider a couple of months either side.

What to take: Be prepared for any type of weather, from hot sun to blizzards. A pair of binoculars might help you appreciate the action.

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##66 EEaasstteerr IIssllaanndd,, CChhiillee

What is Easter Island? The most remote inhabited island in the world, six hours flight from the nearest airport.

Why go? To see the Moai – the ancient stone-carved heads that litter the island – and make all your friends jealous.

When is the best time to visit? The island makes its own weather so it’s difficult to predict the winds and rain, but for higher temperatures go in Nov to April. What to take: An open mind – there is still some debate about the origin and purpose of the statues, as well as the provenance of the Rapa Nui inhabitants.

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##77 TTeerrrraaccoottttaa AArrmmyy

SShhaaaannxxii,, CChhiinnaa

What is the Terracotta Army? An amazing collection of over 8000 terracotta statues crafted in honour of Chinese Emperor Qin Shi Huang and buried with him. The horde was discovered in 1974 by farmers in Shaanxi Province.

Why go? Each statue is unique in its facial features, and the army is part of a much larger mausoleum complex which they are ‘protecting’. Dating from the 2nd Century BC, there is nothing else like it in the world.

When is the best time to visit? Anytime – they are protected inside a museum. What to take: A telephoto lens and tripod to get good shots of the ranks in low light.

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##88 AAnnggkkoorr WWaatt,, CCaammbbooddiiaa

What is Angkor Wat? Dating from the 12th Century Khmer Empire, the temple complex of Angkor was originally Hindu but transformed into a Buddhist monument.

Why go? Angkor is the largest religious monument in the world, and one of the most beautiful. Explore the giant faces of Bayon and the jungle choked walls of Ta Prohm.

When is the best time to visit? The dry season is from October to early May but it can get very hot.

What to take: Extra cash for Air-con rooms. Take a bicycle and pedal around the site.

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##99 TThhee PPyyrraammiiddss

GGiizzaa,, EEggyypptt

What are the Pyramids of Giza? The famous Pyramids are the burial tombs of some of the grandest Pharaohs of Ancient Egypt’s Old Kingdoms, with the largest being attributed to Cheops, of Khufu. The nearby Sphinx, the largest monolith statue in the world, isn’t bad either.

Why go? The pyramids are the only one of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World still remaining, and are every bit as spectacular as they look. Don’t miss the gaudy Sound & Light show every evening.

When is the best time to visit? Summer can be ridiculously hot on the edge of the Sahara so, although visiting then is possible, you might want to avoid it in favour of the cooler winter months. What to take: A wide-brimmed sunhat, a torch to explore the inner chambers of the pyramids, and fly whisk to combat the persistent touts.

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##1100 VViiccttoorriiaa FFaallllss,, ZZiimmbbaabbwwee//ZZaammbbiiaa

What is Victoria Falls? Probably the most spectacular waterfall in the world, due to its formation of zig zag gorges cutting up the course of the Zambezi River.

Why go? There is nowhere else in the world like Vic Falls. The spray from the falls forms clouds above the river like smoke, giving rise to the nickname Mosi ao Tunya – The Smoke that Thunders.

When is the best time to visit? Well, that depends. If you want the full smoke, curtains of water falling 1km and rainbows galore, go in the wet season (Feb-Jun). For lower water levels and the chance to bathe in the Devil’s Pool at the lip of the falls, go dry season (Sep-Jan).

What to take: An umbrella/poncho/full waterproofs

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##1111 CChhrriisstt tthhee RReeddeeeemmeerr

RRiioo DDee JJaanneeiirroo,, BBrraazziill

What is Christ the Redeemer? A 38m tall statue of Jesus perfectly positioned with his arms outstretched to encompass the magical city of Rio de Janeiro.

Why go? Stupendous views from Corcovado (Hunchback) Mountain of the city, Sugarloaf Mountain, and the beaches of Copacabana & Ipanema.

When is the best time to visit? December to March offers the best weather, with the bonus of Carnival in February.

What to take: Your Samba costume.

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##1122 HHiigghhllaanndd GGoorriillllaass


Who are the highland gorillas? The last remaining pockets of this beautiful sub species survive on the slopes of the Virunga Volcanoes in Rwanda and Bwindi Impenetrable NP in Uganda. Current estimates place their remaining numbers at under 900.

Why go? An hour in the company of these great apes is universally described as mind-blowing, and well worth the $500+ price tag.

When is the best time to visit? Although it is possible to visit all year round, the driest months are June to September and December to February.

What to take: Sturdy walking boots, gaiters & waterproofs. It can take hours of jungle trekking to reach the habituated families.

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##1133 UUlluurruu

NNTT,, AAuussttrraalliiaa

What is Uluru? Previously known as Ayer’s Rock, Uluru is a sandstone inselberg that, at 348m high, is the second largest in the world. Mount Augustus in WA is twice as large but not as picturesque.

Why go? It’s one of Australia’s natural wonders and national symbols.

When is the best time to visit? The Australian winter, May to September, is the most comfortable time and also best for the wildlife and colours of the rock.

What to take: A sun hat and head net for the bush flies and some walking shoes for the 10km circumference walk.

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##1144 TTaajj MMaahhaall

AAggrraa,, IInnddiiaa

What is the Taj Mahal? The Taj is a simple mausoleum, a monument of love built by Mughal emperor Shah Jahan in 1643 to honour his favourite wife. The white marble structure sits on the banks of the Yamuna River in Agra.

Why go? The building is as beautiful in real life as it is in this photograph, although a bit smaller than you’d expect. While you’re there, make sure to visit the Red Fort as well, the other highlight of Agra.

When is the best time to visit? To avoid the monsoon rains, make the trip in Oct to Dec or Mar to May, and when you’re there, try to go at sunrise.

What to take: Your best camera, and an acceptance that you will never get a shot of the Taj with no people in it.

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##1155 SSttoonneehheennggee

SSaalliissbbuurryy,, UUnniitteedd KKiinnggddoomm

What is Stonehenge? A prehistoric stone monument built over a long period during the Neolithic and Bronze ages and part of a much larger buried complex, the henge is essentially a ring of standing stones intended as a burial ground or astronomical marker.

Why go? It’s a beautiful and spiritual site.

When is the best time to visit? The summer solstice, when the site is taken over by 20,000 visitors, including druids celebrating the middle of summer. On second thoughts, this may be the worst time to visit.

What to take: Flowing white robes and a daisy chain necklace.

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##1166 GGrreeaatt BBaarrrriieerr RReeeeff

QQuueeeennssllaanndd,, AAuussttrraalliiaa

What is the Great Barrier Reef? Only the largest living thing in the world, the GBR runs 2300km from the tip of Cape York down to Rockhampton and is home to over 600 species of coral and many more of sea life.

Why go? Because only half of the planet’s wonders are above water. Learn to dive, or even snorkel, and explore the other half.

When is the best time to visit? The temperatures are lower and the weather more settled in the dry season (June to November), when underwater visibility should be better and deadly box jellyfish less prevalent.

What to take: Mask, snorkel & fins; an underwater housing for your camera; sun cream; more sun cream.

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##1177 HHaalloonngg BBaayy

NNoorrtthh VViieettnnaamm

What is Halong Bay? A place of incredible beautiful off the coast of North Vietnam, known for its emerald waters studded with hundreds of towering limestone karst formations bristling with rainforest.

Why go? To sail through the maze of rock pinnacles on a refurbished junk, explore them up close by kayak, explore the garishly lighted caves or try your hand at Deep Water Soloing.

When is the best time to visit? For cooler weather with less chance of tropical showers, go in spring (March to May) or autumn (September to October).

What to take: A chin strap to prevent your jaw dropping all the way to the floor.

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##1188 GGrreeaatt MMiiggrraattiioonn

SSeerreennggeettii,, TTaannzzaanniiaa

What is the Great Migration? The clockwise movement of the countless herds of Wildebeest and zebra that inhabit the Serengeti & Maasai Mara as they migrate to calve and follow the best grazing.

Why go? To see the plains blacken with the bodies of 1.5 million antelope. Watch from a hot air balloon at dawn or from the bank as they plunge across the Mara River, hungry predators waiting in the shallows.

When is the best time to visit? The migration varies with area you are visiting and the annual rainfall, but generally speaking the action occurs between June & October.

What to take: Binoculars and a pair of lion-proof trousers.

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##1199 GGrraann SSaabbaannaa


What is the Gran Sabana? A savannah region around the border of Venezuela, and Guyana that is littered with tepuis – isolated, flat topped, sandstone mountains formed by erosion that host a unique array of endemic species.

Why go? To see Angel Falls and hike Roraima - the wonderland that inspired Arthur Conan Doyle’s Lost World of dinosaurs and the Disney animated movie – Up!

When is the best time to visit? Anytime, however the dry season, which is a misnomer, may be marginally drier down on the plateau (Dec to April).

What to take: Decent rainwear. It rains every day up top. A lot.

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##2200 GGrraanndd CCaannyyoonn

CCoolloorraaddoo,, UUSSAA

What is the Grand Canyon? A 277 mile long sandstone canyon carved by the Colorado River as it flows through arid Arizona.

Why go? Whilst it isn’t the deepest in the world (take a bow: Kali Gandaki Gorge in Nepal), it is spectacular. The best way to see the canyon is on a Colorado River rafting trip, but the waiting lists are 20 years long. Other than that, you could hike the 4-day Rim-to-Rim trail.

When is the best time to visit? The shoulder seasons in the desert are the most bearable i.e. March to May and September to November.

What to take: Sun protection, and probably a gun. It is America, after all.