top 50 oracle forms questions and answers

Top 50 Oracle Forms Questions and Answers Question 1: What is Form Builder? Form builder is a component of Oracle Developer that is used to develop form based Applications for presenting and manipulating data Question 31: Explain Components of Oracle Forms Application We need to create various Objects and set properties for building the Forms Applications. These objects are Items, Records, Blocks, Canvases, Frames, and Windows. Items: are interface objects that display information to users and allow them to interact with our application. Such as: Text Item Display item Button Check Box etc Block: A Blocks are logical containers and have no physical representation. Block used for grouping related items into a function unit for storing, displaying and manipulating records. Only the items contained in a block are visible in the form interface. DATA BLOCK: Data Block is directly associated with the Database. This enables the user to automatically access and manipulates data in the database. Data Block is associated with either a Database Table (or View), a stored procedure, A From clause query, or Transactional triggers. Items in the data block are called data items or base table items. CONTROL BLOCK: Control Block is created manually, they are not associated with the Database. Items in the Control Block are called Control items. Records: are groups of items from a table.

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Top 50 questions about oracle developer 2000


Page 1: Top 50 Oracle Forms Questions and Answers

Top 50 Oracle Forms Questions and AnswersQuestion 1: What is Form Builder?

Form builder is a component of Oracle Developer that is used to develop form based Applications for

presenting and manipulating data

Question 31: Explain Components of Oracle Forms ApplicationWe need to create various Objects and set properties for building the Forms Applications.

These objects are Items, Records, Blocks, Canvases, Frames, and Windows.

Items: are interface objects that display information to users and allow them to interact with our application. Such as:

Text Item

Display item


Check Box etc

Block: A Blocks are logical containers and have no physical representation. Block used for grouping related items into a function unit for storing, displaying and manipulating records. Only the items contained in a block are visible in the form interface.

DATA BLOCK: Data Block is directly associated with the Database. This enables the user to

automatically access and manipulates data in the database. Data Block is associated with

either a Database Table (or View), a stored procedure, A From clause query, or

Transactional triggers. Items in the data block are called data items or base table items.

CONTROL BLOCK: Control Block is created manually, they are not associated with the

Database. Items in the Control Block are called Control items.

Records: are groups of items from a table.

Frames: Frames are graphical objects appearing on a canvas. Frame is owned by that canvas, and is used to arrange the items within a data block. Frames surround layout objects which enable us to control multiple objects simultaneously, e.g. Ensuring that they maintain their positions relative to each other in the output.

Question 2: What is a difference between Frame, Item and Block?

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Frame is used to arrange data block items. Item are Members of data block. Items grouped into

Records. Block provides a mechanism for grouping related items into a functional unit for storing,

displaying and manipulating Records.

Question 3: What is a difference between Window, Canvas and View Port?

Window is a container for all visual objects that make up a form application. Window performs

functionality such as scrolling, moving and resizing. A single form may include several windows.

Each window should have at least one content canvas. Each new form module has one predefined

window which is called Window1 and is a modeless window.Canvas is a surface inside a window on which visual objects can be placed. A canvas is assigned to a window. Each item in a form must refer to not more than one canvas. A canvas is like a picture portrait, and a window is like a picture frame. Just as you need a picture frame to display a picture portrait, you need a window to display a canvas and its contents.

View port is a visible portion of canvas.

Question 4: What is MDI?

MDI (Multiple Document Interface) is a parent window through which multiple documents can be

accessed and browsed.

Database objects:

Oracle Interactive Tool (i.e SQL PLUS) allows the Creation of Database Objects like Stored

Procedures, Stored functions and Database Triggers using SQL and PL/SQL Syntax.

Question 5: What is a difference between Modal and Modeless window?

Modal Window is a restricted window that requires a window exit before moving to another window.

You cannot move freely between windows. Modeless Window is an unrestricted window that the

user can move freely. User can have simultaneously access to more than one window.

Question 6: What are Canvases in Oracle Forms and describe different types of Canvases?

Canvas is a surface inside a window on which visual objects can be placed. A canvas is assigned to

a window. Each item in a form must refer to not more than one canvas.

Types of Canvases:

1)      Content Canvas

2)      Stacked Canvas

3)      Toolbar Canvas

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a)      Vertical Toolbar

b)      Horizontal toolbar

4)      Tab Canvas

Content Canvas is a base canvas and is a default canvas type. Content canvas occupies the entire

content area of the window. More than one content canvas can be assigned to the same window but

only one content canvas can be displayed on a window at a time. To display more than one content

canvas at the same time, assign each content canvas to a different window.

Stacked Canvas is displayed on top of the content canvas and is usually small in size then that of

content canvas in the same window. To convert an existing content canvas to a stacked canvas,

simply change its canvas type property from content to stack. To show and hide canvases

programmatically, use the SHOW_VIEW, HIDE_VIEW and SET_VIEW_PROPERTY built-ins.

stacked canvas is useful to display additional information, for hiding information and can act as a

scrolling view.

Toolbar Canvas is used to create toolbar for individual window. Toolbar canvas is of two types:

Vertical and Horizontal toolbar canvases.

Vertical Toolbar canvas is displayed to the left of a content canvas. Horizontal Toolbar canvas is

displayed at the top of a content canvas. Toolbar canvas is used to hold buttons and other frequently

used GUI elements. Toolbar canvas increases application usability and decrease form module

maintenance Time. Object Navigator window has both horizontal and vertical toolbars whereas

Property Palette has a horizontal toolbar only. You can also create more than one toolbar for the

same window. MDI Toolbar: Attaching a Toolbar to a form provides a MDI toolbar, so that there is

no need to create more than one toolbar for a form application that uses multiple windows. Toolbar

can be attached to individual windows or to the form itself.

Tab Canvas enables the user to organize and display data on separate Tabs. Tab canvas is

displayed on top of the Content Canvas. Each Tab canvas is made up of one or more Tab

pages and must have at least one. Each Tab page occupies an equal amount of space on Tab

canvas. Any Item you place on a Tab canvas has a Canvas property as well as Tab page Property.

The ordering of Tab pages in the object navigator determines the left-to-right or Top-To-bottom order

of the Tabs at runtime. Tab canvas provides easy access to data and displays large amount of data

on a single canvas and is also used to hide information.

Question 7: What are Messages and Alerts?Alerts

An Alert is a modal window that displays a message notifying the operator of some application condition. Alerts are generally used to advise operators of unusual situations or to warn operators who are about to perform an action that might have undesirable or unexpected consequences.

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Styles of Alerts are Stop, Caution and Note. Each style denotes different level of severity level. Forms runtime messages are ranked by Severity. Message severity is represented visually by a unique icon that is displayed in the alert window.

When an event occurs that causes an alert to display, the operator must respond to the alert’s message by selecting one of the pre-defined alert button. Selecting any button immediately dismisses the alert.

Creating an Alert

In the object Navigator, select the Alerts node, choose Navigator | Create. In the properties window, set the Alert Style property to the style that corresponds to the severity of the message: Stop, Caution or Note. Set the message property by entering the message that need to be displayed at runtime.

Define one or more buttons for the alert by entering a text label in the Button1 label property field. Choose the default alert button from the defined buttons.

Messages and Alerts are the form of communication between the application and the User.

Types of Messages:

1)      Informative message

2)      Error message

3)      Working message

4)      Application message

Informative Message informs the user about the current state of processing. Example: Last value

retrieved Press [Accept] to enter answer. Informative messages can be suppressed with an On-

Message Trigger.

Error Message informs the user about the errors interrupting the processing. Example: Function key

not allowed. Press [Show function keys] for list of valid keys too many arguments on command line.

Error messages can be suppressed with an On-Error Trigger.

Working Message informs the operator that the form is currently in processing. Example:

Working… Working message can be suppressed by setting the system variable

SUPPRESS_WORKING to True.Example: Sytem.suppress_working: =’TRUE’

Application Message is created by the programmer using the MESSAGE built-in.

Types of Alerts:

1)  System Alert

2)  Application Alert

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Alerts are displayed in a Modal window.

System Alert is a system acknowledgement to the operator before processing can be continue.

Application Alert are designed and created by the programmer as part of application using

SHOW_ALERT built-in.

Question 8: When can the Triggers in oracle forms can be failed?

Triggers are failed only when one of the following occurs:

a)      During an Unhandled exception

b)      By raising built-in exception FORM_TRIGGER_FAILURE. Means failing a trigger in a

controlled manner.

c)      FORM_TRIGGER_FAILURE is a predefined Pl/Sql exception available only in form Builder.

Question 9: What is a difference between ON-ERROR and ON-MESSAGE Trigger?

ON-ERROR Trigger fires whenever an Oracle Forms causes an error message to display. ON-

ERROR Trigger is used to replace default error message with a customized     Message. Built-in

functions that are used to determine the Error message are:     ERROR_CODE, ERROR_TEXT,


ON-MESSAGE Trigger fires whenever an Oracle Forms causes a message to     display. ON-

MESSAGE Trigger is used to replace default message with a customized     Message. Built-in

functions that are used to determine the message are: MESSAGE_CODE, MESSAGE_TEXT,


Question 10: Name the types of Alert properties?

Types of Alert properties are: Stop, Caution and Note.

Question 11: What are Input items? Explain different types of Input items?

Input Items are those items that accepts user Input. Input items enables insert, update, delete or

query an item process.

Types of Input Items:

Check Box is a two-state interface object that indicates whether a certain value is Checked or

unchecked. Trigger associated with check box is WHEN-CKECKBOX-CHANGED.

WHEN-CHECKBOX-CHANGED:This Trigger fires whenever an operator changes the state of a

check box, either by clicking with the mouse or through keyboard interaction.

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List Item consists of many alternative choices, out of which one and only one can be selected at a

time. There are three types of list item: Poplist, Tlist and Combo Box. Poplist is a field with an iconic

button attached to the right side. When user clicks on     a poplist, all of its elements are displayed.

Tlist appears as a rectangular box that displays the list elements. Scroll bar appears to the right side

of the list, if the list is bigger.

Combo box accepts user input. Appears as a field with a down arrow next to its right side. Trigger

associated with list item is WHEN-LIST-CHANGED. WHEN-LIST-CHANGED Trigger fires when an

operator selects a different element in a list item or de-selects the currently selected element. In

addition, if a When-List-Changed trigger is attached to a combo box style, it fires each time the

operator enters or modifies the entered text.

Radio Group consists of a fixed number of radio button options and only one can be selected at a

time. It is alternative to List item. Consider List Item instead of Radio Group if there are more than

four or five choices. Trigger associated with Radio Group is WHEN-RADIO-CHANGED. WHEN-

RADIO-CHANGED Trigger fires when an operator selects a different Radio button in a radio group

or de-selects the currently selected radio button either by clicking with the mouse or through

keyboard interactions.

Question 12: What are Non-Input items? Explain its types?

Non-Input Items are those items that do not accept direct user input.

Types of Non-Input items:

Display Item is a read-only text item. Display item is similar to text item except that it cannot not be

edited, queried, Navigated or accepts user input.

Image Item is used to store and display images. User can populate an image item either by fetching

from a LONG RAW or BLOB Column or by using a trigger and a built-in to populate the image item

programmatically. Images can be stored in either the database or the file system. When user insert

images into the database by means of a save (commit), they are automatically compressed using

the Oracle image compression. Images can also be populated with a BFILE, but will need to use

DBMS_LOB to do so. Images cannot be cached. Triggers associated with the image item are:


whenever an operator selects or de-selects the image item. WHEN-IMAGE-PRESSED Trigger fires

whenever an operator single-click or double-click on an image item.

Push Button Push Button is a non-input item that does not store or display data. Push Button is an

interface object that is clicked to initiate an action. It is used for: Navigating between items, Display

an LOV, Invoke an editor, calling to another window, Commit the data, Issue a query, Perform

Calculations. Trigger associated with the Push Button is: WHEN –BUTTON-PRESSED.WHEN-

BUTTON-PRESSED Trigger fires when an operator selects a button either by way of key or by

clicking with a mouse.

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Calculated Items are read-only items that are used for performing calculations. Can be expressed


Formula Calculated Item: Performs horizontal calculations. Involves bind variables. 

Summary calculated Item: Performs Vertical calculations on values of a single item over all rows in

a block.

Hierarchical Tree Items displays data in the form of standard Navigator style.

Bean Area Item enables you to integrate JAVA components into your application.

JAVA Bean is a component written in JAVA that can plug into any applet or JAVA application. JAVA

Beans helps to interact with the client machine.

Question 13: What are Relations in Oracle Forms and explain its types?

Relations involve the Master-Detail relationship. Relation can be build automatically through Data

block wizard or manually through create toolbar.

Types of Relations:

Master Deletes Property: Allows to specify how the deletion of a record in the Master block should affect records in the Detail block. These can be non-isolated, isolated or cascading.

Non-Isolated Relation: Non-Isolated is the default setting, which prevents the deletion of a Master record if associated Detail record exist in the database.

Isolated: When deleted in the Master record does not affect the associated Detail records in the database.

Cascading: allows the Master record to be deleted and automatically deletes any associated Detail records from the base table at commit time.

Question 14: What is Co-ordination Causing Event? Explain different types of Co-ordination?

Any event that changes the current record in a Master block is a Co-ordination Causing Event.

Types of Co-ordination:

1)      Deferred

2)      Automatic Query

Three Conditions for coordination causing event are:

1)      Immediate (Deferred=NO, Automatic Query=NO)

2)      Deferred (Deferred=YES, Automatic Query=NO)

3)      Deferred with Automatic Query (Deferred=YES, Automatic Query=YES)

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Immediate: When the coordination-causing event occurs, Form builder fetches the detail record


Deferred: When the coordination-causing event occurs, the Oracle Forms does not automatically

fetch the detail records. To fetch the detail records, the operator must navigate to the detail block

and explicitly execute a query.

Deferred with Automatic Query:

When the coordination-causing event occurs, the Form Builder has to navigate to the Detail Block in

order to fetch the detail records.

Question 15: What are the two phases of block coordination?

Two phases of block coordination are:

Clear Phase: During the clear phase Oracle forms navigates internally to the detail block and

fetches the detail records.

Population Phase: During a population phase Oracle forms issue a select statement to repopulate

the detail records associated with the new master record.

Question 16: What are Editors? Explain different types of editors in oracle forms?

Editors are used for special requirements such as: larger editing window, Search/Replace, cut, copy,

paste etc.

Types of Editors:

1)      Default Editor

2)      System Editor

3)      User-Named Editor

Default Editor: The default editor provides standard editing features, including search/replace and

cut, copy, and paste. The default editor is built into every form and is automatically available from

every text item.

System Editor: If there is a system editor available, you can specify that Form Builder should use

the current system editor, rather than the default editor.

User-Named Editor: Is a named object. You can specify editor attributes such as Window display

size, Position and Title.

Built-in used for Editor:

SHOW-EDITOR: Is a built-in procedure, which accepts any editor name and takes some I/P string

and returns modified O/P string.

EDIT_TEXTITEM: Needs the input focus to be in the text item before the built-in is executed.

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Question 18: What is a LOV? Explain its types?

LOV (List of Values): An LOV is a scrollable popup window with either single or multi-column

selection list.

Types of LOV:

Static LOV: Contains the predetermined values.

Dynamic LOV: Contains values that come at runtime.

LOV for Validation property of an item:

When LOV for validation is set to true, Oracle forms compares the current value of the Text item to

the values in the first column displayed in the LOV whenever the Validation event occurs. If the value

in the text item matches one of the values in the first column of LOV, validation succeeds, the LOV is

not displayed and the processing continues normally. If the value in the text item does not match one

of the values in the first column of the LOV, Oracle forms displays the LOV and uses the Text item

value as the search criteria to automatically reduce the list.

Creating LOV Creating LOV : As LOV values are derived from Record Group, to create LOV, first Record Group

is created and this is to be associated to a LOV. The Record Group values can be from one of the following two sources:

o The execution of a select statement that is associated with the Record Group at design time (query Record Group).

o An array of static values that are associated with the Record Group at design time (static Record Group).

While creating a LOV, specify which of the columns in the underline Record Group should be displayed in the LOV window.

And designate a return item for any column that is included in the LOV. Because LOVs and Record Groups are separate objects, multiple LOVs can be created based on

the same Record Group.

Creating a LOV using the LOV wizard To create an LOV using the LOV wizard: In the Object Navigator, click the LOV node. Click the create button in the toolbar. In the new

LOV dialog, choose use the LOV wizard. Use the LOV wizard to create an LOV based on an existing query Record Group, or a new query

Record Group (which you will create during the wizard process), or an existing static Record Group. To create LOV based on a new static Record Group, first create the new static Record Group and then use the LOV wizard to create the LOV.

While creating LOV based on a new query Record Group, enter the SQL query in the Query Text field. To import SQL query from a file, click the Import SQL Query button.

In column mapping properties of the LOV, column title, return item and display width of the fields can be specified.

Question 17: What are Property Classes?

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A Property Class is a named object that contains a list of properties and their settings. There can be

any number of properties in a property class and the properties in a class   can apply to different

types of objects. Property Class can be subclass in any number of modules. Property Class can

have Triggers. You can define a Trigger in a property class when you want a form, block or item that

you base on the class to inherit the trigger. When you define a trigger in a property class, the trigger

appears in the object navigator under the trigger node for the class, but does not appear under the

trigger node for objects based on the class.

Question 18: What are the various different types of Properties in Oracle Forms?

The various different types of Properties in Oracle Forms are:

Default Property: Is the default property of an object. Is denoted by a circle.

Changed Property: When changing the default property value of an object to some new value. Is

denoted by a square.

Inherited Property: Is one that takes its value from the property class. It is displayed with an arrow

to the left of the property name.

Variant Property: Changes a value of inherited property results to a variant property. It is displayed

with a red cross over an arrow.

Question 19: What are Visual Attributes?

Visual Attributes are the font, color and pattern properties that can be set for form and Menu objects.

Visual Attributes includes the Font Properties such as Font name, font size, font style Font width etc.

and color or pattern properties such as foreground color, background Color, Fill pattern etc. 

Question 20: What is a difference between Object and PL/SQL Libraries?

PL/SQL Libraries are the collection of PL/SQL procedures, functions and packages. When you

compile a PL/SQL library, it produces a “.PLX” file which does not contain the source code. If you

distribute this instead of your “PLL” file then you can protect your source code from other people.

PL/SQL libraries can be referenced and called from other modules.

PL/SQL libraries can be attached to multiple forms and menus.

PL/SQL libraries support dynamic loading. Program units are loaded into a computer’s

memory only when an application needs it. This significant features not only reduce memory

usage but prevent to slow an application.

PL/SQL Library Formats:

o .PLL

Contains both source code and executable code

o .PLX

Contains only executable code

o .PLD

.PLD is a text format file and used for technical documentation of library file

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Object Libraries are the collection of other types of objects, such as alerts, triggers, windows,

canvases, record groups, and list-of-values. There is no 'compiled' version of an object library, so if

you store a trigger in an Object Library, then the source code is visible.

Object Libraries used to share components across the files.

These are separately stored outside the FMB file.

Object Libraries are stored separately in a file with extension .OLB Provide high security

while sharing.

Library tabs are containers holds the controls in it.

Object Library can have any no of library tabs.

Provide label property for library tabs.

Object Libraries Formats:o .OLB

Object Library design Fileo .OLTo Object Library text export file

Advantages of Libraries:

Increase Productivity: Reusing objects and code decreases development time, thereby increasing productivity.

Decrease Maintenance: Changing the code at one place reflects at many other places, thereby reducing maintenance time.

Increase modularity: Sharing and reusing code increases the modularity of the applications.

Creating a Library

In the Navigator, choose File/New/Object Library or Select the Libraries node and then choose Navigator/Create.

To create a program unit, expand the desired library node, select the Program Units node, and then choose Navigator/Create. The New Program Unit dialog appears.

Specify the program unit Name and its Type and then Choose OK. The PL/SQL Editor appears.

In the PL/SQL Editor, define the program unit and then choose Compile to compile. Choose Close to dismiss the editor.

Choose File/Administration/Compile File to compile any un-compiled library program units. Choose File/Save to save the library module to a file or to the database.

Attaching a Library

In the Navigator, open the desired forms, menu or library module. To open a module, choose File/Open and then specify the module type to Open.

Expand the module and then select the Attached Libraries node and choose Navigator/Create to attach a library.

Specify the name of the library to be attached.

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Save the active Form or menu module to incorporate the library attachment in the module definition.

Question 21: What is a Console?

Console provides information at Runtime. Console consists of: Message line and Status

line. Message Line: The Message line displays both form and application messages. Status

Line: The Status Line displays a variety of Indicators to reflect the current status of the Form

Module. Such as: Record n/m, enter-query, List of values etc.

Question 23: What is a Debugger?

With the Debugger you can monitor the execution of code within the trigger and other     program

units. The steps include:

1)      Step Into: Executes the next statement.

2)      Step Over: Executes the next statement without stepping into a nested subprogram.

3)      Step Out: completes the nested subprogram and steps to the next executable statement in the

calling program.

4)      Go: resumes execution until the program terminates normally or is interrupted by the next


5)      Pause: Pauses the execution of running PL/SQL code to enable you to examine the

environment. For Example, you could check variable values.

6)      Stop: Terminates debugging and program execution completely.

Question 24: What is a Menu Module in Oracle Forms?

Menu Module consists of a hierarchy of menus, each with selectable items.

Question 25: What are the different methods of Navigation in Oracle Forms?

Different methods of Navigation are:

1)      Default Menu

2)      Menu Toolbar

3)      Mouse

4)      Buttons

5)      Function Keys

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Question 26: What are the different types of Form builder variables?

Different types of Form builder variables are:

1)      Item (:block_name.item_name)

2)      Global (:GLOBAL.variable_name)

3)      System (:SYSTEM.variable_name)

4)      Parameter (

Question 27: Explain the benefits of reusing objects and code in Oracle Forms?

Benefits of reusing objects and code are:

Question 28: Explain Triggers in Oracle Forms? Also explain different categories of Triggers?

Triggers are blocks of PL/SQL code that is written to perform some specific tasks. Trigger is a

program unit that is executed or fired due to an event. Triggers can be fired for events such as:

1)      Query-related events

2)      During validation or navigation events

3)      For error or messages

4)      During Post or Commit process etc.

Trigger consists of three components:

1)      Trigger Type: Events that causes the Trigger to fire. (Pre, Post, When, On, Key Events).

2)      Trigger Code: Defines the action that Trigger should perform.

3)      Trigger Scope: Defines the level of the Trigger (Form, Block or Item level)

Pre-Event: Fires before an action is performed.

Post-Event: Fires just after an action has performed.

When-Event: Fires in addition to standard Processing. Is used to augment functionality. 

On-Event: Fires in place of standard processing. Used to replace or bypass a process. Also used

for suppressing errors and messages.

Key-Triggers: Fires in place of standard action of a function key. Fires when the operator presses

the associated key or key-sequence.

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Trigger is divided into following categories:

1) Block Processing Triggers: When-Clear-Block, When-Create-Record, When-Database-record,


2) Interface Event Triggers: When-Button-Pressed, When-Checkbox-Changed, When-Radio-

Changed, When-List-Changed, When-Image-Activated, When-Image-Pressed, When-Mouse-Click,

When-Mouse-DoubleClick, When-Mouse-Down, When-Mouse-up, When-Mouse-Move, When-

Mouse-Enter, When-Mouse-Leave, When-Timer-Expired, When-Window-Activated, When-Window-

Closed, When-Window-Deactivated, When-Window-Resized.

3) Key Triggers: Function Key, Key-Fn, Key-Others.

4) Master-Detail Triggers: On-Check-Delete-Master, On-Clear-Details, On-Populate-Details.

5) Message-Handling Triggers: On-Error, On-Message.

6) Navigational Triggers: Pre-Form, Pre-Block, Pre-Record, Pre-Text-Item, Post-Form, Post-Block,

Post-Record, Post-Text-Item, When-Form-Navigate, When-New-Form-Instance, When-New-Block-

Instance, When-New-Record-Instance, When-New-Item-Instance.

7) Query-Time Triggers: Pre-Query, Post-Query.

8) Transactional Triggers: On-Check-Unique, On-Close, On-Commit, On-Count, On-Fetch, On-

Select, On-Delete, On-Insert, On-Update, On-Logon, On-Logout, On-Rollback, Post-Change, Post-

Database-Commit, Post-Forms-Commit, Post-Delete, Post-Insert, Post-Update, Post-Select, Post-

Fetch, Pre-Delete, Pre-Update, Pre-Insert, Pre-Commit, Pre-Select, Pre-Logon, Pre-Logout.

9) Validation Triggers: When-Validate-Item, When-Validate-Record.

10) User-Named Triggers: Execute_Trigger(‘Trigger_name’)

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Question 29: Explain Oracle Forms BuilderFour components make up the interface to Oracle Forms Builder, they are

Object Navigator: is primarily used to move quickly between the other three interfaces.

Property palette: is where we set object attributes.

Layout Editor: This is the place where all objects for the particular screen that are shown are placed.

PL/SQL Editor: is where all PL/SQL code can be added, modified, removed and compile

Question 30: Explain Oracle Forms Compiler and RuntimeForms Compiler

It is used to create executable files for runtime deployment. While compiling a form module all of its object code is compiled (stored as .fmb ) and .fmx is created. These .fmx are finally executed.

Forms Runtime

The runtime is the engine that form operators use to run a finished Oracle Forms application.

Question 32: Explain Property Palette Property palette is where you set the properties of objects you create in form and menu

modules. Invoking Property Palette : The ways in which you can invoke the Property Palette are

o Select Tools | Property Paletteo Double – click the objects icon for any object except code objects and canvas – views.o Double click an item in the Layout Editor.

Features of the Property Paletteo Name field displays the name of the object currently selected.o Text field is displayed when the current property can be set by entering a text value.o Pop list is displayed for properties that are either yes/no, or that have a fixed set of valid


Question 33: Explain Layout Editor

Layout Editor is a graphical design facility for creating and arranging interface items, boilerplate texts and graphics in a form.

In Layout Editor you can work on a single canvas-view which are displayed in windows at runtime.

To invoke the Layout Editoro In navigator, double click the object icon for the canvas-view you want to edito In navigator, choose Layout Editor in from the Popup menu.o Choose Tools | Layout Editor and indicate the canvas – view you want to work

Features of Layout Editoro If there is only one canvas-view in the form, Oracle Forms displays it in the Layout Editor

automatically. A default canvas-view is created automatically by the Oracle Forms.

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o If there are more than one canvas-views, then list of values of the canvas-view is listed for selection from which you can select the canvas-view you want to edit.

o Rulers: The Horizontal and Vertical rulers at the top and left side of the workspace provide a reference for sizing and arranging objects in the Layout Editor.

o Grids: There is a grid defined within the workspace that helps us position objects.

Question 34: Explain Items and Blocks

Blockso There are two types of blocks. Control Block and Base Table block.o As defined earlier Control blocks don’t have the table associated to it and whereas the

later has an association with some table or view. Creating Blocks

o To create blocks you can do manually or you can use the wizard for creating it.o While creating each column specify and set Name, Data Type and Max Length.

Itemso Forms support different types of interface items, which can be utilized in building

applications interface they areo ActiveX, Bean Area, Chart Item, Check Box, Display Item, Hierarchical tree item, Image

Item, List Item, Push Button, Radio Group, Text Item, Sound Item, User area.

Defining Items Buttons: Buttons are interface items that operators select to execute commands or initiate

actions. Oracle Forms support 2 styleso Text Button: displayed as a rectangle with a text label that describes its action.o Iconic Button: displayed as graphic icons, without text labels.

Creating Buttons in Object Navigatoro In the Object navigator, select the block where you want to insert the button Select

Items Node Choose Navigator | Createo In the Property Palette, set the Item Type Property to Button and enter the desired text

in the Label Property field. Creating Buttons in Layout Editor

o Click the Button Tool Place the Mouse pointer at the required place and then click and drag the button to size Go to Property Palette and set the properties accordingly.

Defining Check Box Check Box : is a two-state control that indicates whether a certain condition or value is on or off

i.e. True or False. The value of the check box can be set by fetching records from a corresponding database column, by operator input or through default value or runtime assignment. Check box values can be of Char, Number and Date data type.

Creating Check Boxo In the Object navigator, select the block where you want to insert the Check Box, then

select Items node Choose Navigator | Create

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o In the Property Palette, set the Item Type Property to Check Box and enter the desired text in the Label Property field. The label is displayed to the right of the Check Box element at runtime.

o Specify the values you want the Check Box to display as “Checked” and “Unchecked” in Value when checked and Value when unchecked Property field.

o Set the Check Box, Mapping of Other Values to specify how you want the Check Box to handle other values.

Defining Display Item and List items Display Item :are similar to text items with the exception that Display Items only store and

display fetched or assigned values. Operators cannot navigate to display item values. Values are assigned to a display items through PL/SQL code only, also fetched from the PL/SQL code only.

Creating Display Items : To create a display item, you either insert a new display item into a block or you modify an existing item by converting its type to Display item.

o In the Object navigator, select the block where you want to insert the Display Items, then select Items node Choose Navigator | Create.

o In the Property Palette, set the Item Type Property to Display Items. List Item : is a list of text elements that can be displayed a either a Poplist, Tlist, or Combo Box. A

list item displays a fixed number of elements. Each element in a list is a text string up to 30 characters.

Creating List Itemo In the Object navigator, select the block where you want to insert the List Item, then

select Items node Choose Navigator | Create. In the Property Palette, set the Item Type Property to list item.

o Specify the display style for the List Style Property to POPLIST, TLIST or COMBO BOX. Double click on the LIST element dialog, then enter the elements exactly as you want them to appear in the list at runtime. Associate a value with each element in the list and then choose OK.

Defining Text Items Text Items: is an interface control that allows operator to enter text in a field. Creating Text Items :In the Object navigator, select the block where you want to insert the Text

Item, then select Items node Choose Navigator | Create. In the Property Palette, set the Item Type Property to Text Item.

Forms Supports both single-line and Multi-line text itmes.o Multi-line Text Items Property : Setting this property to Yes allows a text item to

store multiple line of the text, but it does not automatically make the item large enough to display multiple-lines. Wrap Style Property of Multi-line text items : this property determines how text is displayed when a line of text exceeds the width of a text item or editor window.

o Scroll bar Property : The number of characters that can fit on one line is determined by the width of the text item and the font assigned to it. Scroll bars allow the operator to scroll upward and downward when viewing text item.

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o Required Valid Data Values Property: The properties that can be set to specify the values valid for a text item are Maximum Length, Required, Fixed Length, Range Low Value/ Range High Value.

Format mask allows automatically embed special characters such as dashes and monetary symbols, in values entered by operators.

 Master/Detail Relationship

A Master/Detail relationship is an association between two base table blocks, the Master block and Detail block.

The relationship between the blocks reflect a primary key to foreign key between the tables on which the blocks are based.

The Master/Detail relationship automatically does the following:o Ensures that the Detail block displays only those records that are associated with the

current (Master) record in the Master block.o Co-ordinates querying between the two blocks.

The Master block is related to the Detail block though the Join Condition. The Join Condition establishes the primary key item(s) in the Master block and the foreign key

item(s) in the Detail block. The block co-ordination involves the following phases. The clear phase: Oracle Forms Navigate internally to detail block and flushes the obsolete Detail

record. The population phase: Oracle Form issues a select statement to repopulate the Detail block with

the Detail records associated with new Master record. These operations are accomplished through the execution of triggers.

Creating a Relation

Master/Detail form can be build either by creating the relations between a master and a detail block explicitly or by using the Data Block wizard.

Creating a Master-Detail form module using the Data Block wizard :o Create the Master block in the same way as any other data block is created. From the

Object Navigator, invoke the Data Block wizard. Follow the same steps as before to create a new Data Block in the Data Block wizard, until Master-Detail Relationships creation or Deletion page arrives.

o Click on Auto-Join checkbox and then click to Create Relationships.o Select Master Block from the Data Block dialog box and click OK. The Data block wizard

automatically creates the join condition between the master block and the detail block. This is displayed in the join condition field and the name of the master block is displayed in the Master Data block field.

o It is important t note that the Auto-Join condition data blocks check box should not be clear otherwise this wizard does not auto create the condition between the detail and master data blocks.

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o Click Next and Finish the Data Block wizard steps. Creating a Master-Detail Relation in the Object Navigator:

o Relationship can be defined between two existing blocks by creating a relation object in the Object navigator.

o In the Object Navigator, locate the block that is to be the master block in the relation, position the cursor on the Relation node under the master block and then select Navigator | Create. The New Relation dialog appears.

o Name of the master block selected appears in the Master block Field. In the Detail Block field enter the name of the detail block.

o To specify the Join Condition, an item name exist in both the Master and Detail blocks which can be equated.

o A combination of item name can exist with equating conditions which are called Compound Joints.


Menu Module: A menu module is a hierarchically structured object that provides a quick and easy method for operating your Forms application. Like the from module, the menu module is one of the main components of an application.

Menus: A menu is a list of related options. Each option performs a different action. You can create three menu types in forms:

Main Menuo Displays horizontally in the menu baro Contains options (menu items) that are typically individual manus

Individual Manuo Displays vertically

Submenuo Displays vertically

Menu Item: A menu item is an option that you can choose from a menu. Each menu item has an associated command that enables the user to perform an action.

Menu Toolbar: A menu toolbar is a toolbar of iconified buttons that represent some individual items from your form menu. For a menu module, you can have a vertical and a horizontal menu toolbar.

Menu Style Pull-Down Manu: A Pull-down menu comprises a set of options, displayed horizontally under the

application window title. Each option can represent a submenu or an action. Selecting a submenu displays a vertical list. Selecting an action executes the action.

Full-screen Menu: A full screen menu displays each menu in a separate window, Only the current item is highlighted, and the Enter Your Choice field contains the chosen menu item number. Full Screen menus are commonly used in character-mode applications and are rarely used for bitmapped applications.

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Bar Menu: A bar menu displays options horizontally under the application window title line, but unlike the pull-down menu, when you select an item, the submenu replaces the previous one, horizontally.

Every Form runs with one of the following The Default menu that is built in every Form. A customer menu that you define as a separate module and then attach to the form for runtime

execution. No menu at all. At runtime, an application can have only one menu module active at a time, either the Default

menu or a Customer menu. To explicitly specify the Default menu

o Select the form module in the Navigator.o In the Property palette, set the Menu Module property to DEFAULT&SMARTBAR.o If you want the form to run without a menu, leave the Menu Module field blank.

At the “Welcome to Form Builder” Screen, make sure the “Use the Data Block Wizard” is selected and click “OK”.

At the initial screen click Next. Make sure Table View is selected and choose Next. At this Screen select the Browse Option. A Connect screen will then appear. Enter your User Name, Password and Database that you were given for your Oracle Accounts.

Menu Extensions:



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What are Matrix Reports?

A matrix report looks like a grid that contains a row of labels, a column of labels, and information in a grid format related to both the row and column labels. These reports are sometimes referred to as "crosstab" reports.

A matrix report looks like a grid. it contains one row of labels, one column of labels, and information in a grid format that is related to both the row and column labels.

This sample matrix also contains three additions to the basic matrix: summaries have been added, zeroes replace non-existent values in the cells, and the cells themselves are surrounded by grid lines. Of the summaries, one sums the salaries by department, one sums them by job, and one sums them for the whole report.

Certain requirements exist for building matrix reports:

You must have at least four groups in your data model.

One group must be a cross product group.

At least two of the groups must be within the cross product group. These groups furnish the "labels" of the matrix report.

At least one group must be a "cell" group; that is, it must provide the information related to the labels. The values from this group fill the cells created by the matrix.

These requirements can be seen in the preceding example. It contains four groups--one group supplies the vertical labels (department numbers) and one group supplies the horizontal labels (job identifiers). These two groups are the children of the third group, called the cross product group, which creates the grid. The fourth group provides the values that fill in the grid.

Matrix reports are different from tabular reports because the number of columns is not known in advance; that is, the number of columns in your report is not determined by the number of columns you specify in yourSELECT statement plus the columns you create yourself. The number of columns in your report depends on the number of values contained in the columns providing the horizontal and vertical labels. Thus, the report would automatically be extended if a new job function, called RECEPTIONIST, was added to the underlying data tables.

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The queries used to select data for these sample matrix reports are not intended as definitive examples of matrix queries. If you are concerned with performance issues, for example, there are alternate methods of querying data that can improve the performance of a matrix report.

You can create matrix reports with any number of queries. Section 25.2, "Create a single-query matrix" explains how to create the matrix report using one query. Section 25.3, "Create a multiple-query matrix" explains how to create the same report using three queries. These two methods yield the same results. They are presented as options; feel free to try both methods and settle on a favorite.

This report uses the matrix layout style. You'll modify some default settings to ensure that the column and row labels display correctly. You'll also modify some field widths to ensure that the fields fit across the page.

For additional conceptual information, see Section 1.3.7, "About matrix reports",