top joomla mistakes

 The Experts Speak: 10 Joomla Mistakes and How to Avoid Them A Special Report Merav Knafo, CEO, 10/1/2010

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The Experts Speak: 10 Joomla Mistakes

and How to Avoid Them A Special Report 

Merav Knafo, CEO, iJoomla.com10/1/2010

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Table of Contents

1. Think carefully before using a 3rd party SEF extension ............................................................................ 2

2. Ignoring Title Meta Tags ........................................................................................................................... 2

3. No Website Goal ....................................................................................................................................... 3

4. Not Taking Measurements ........................................................................................................................ 3

Setting up goals: ........................................................................................................................................ 4

Creating Google Analytics Funnels............................................................................................................ 4

How to Use Google Web Optimizer in Joomla.......................................................................................... 4

5. Choosing the Wrong Hosting Service ........................................................................................................ 4

6. Writing in a Language Only You Can Understand ..................................................................................... 5

7. Don't Take Site Security Lightly… But Don't Be Paranoid ........................................................................ 6

8. Not Having a Backup and Restore Plan .................................................................................................... 6

9. Don't Hack your Core Joomla Files So That They’re Unsafe or Hard to Upgrade ..................................... 6

10. Not Doing Usability Testing. .................................................................................................................... 7

See list of products at the end of this report

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Creating a Joomla website isn't rocket science. With a touch of help from a few good teachers and a

little bit of practice, you can become pretty good at it pretty quickly. But the basic know-how isn't

enough to guarantee you won't make some of the most fundamental yet most common mistakes.

I've asked some of the biggest Joomla experts what they consider the biggest Joomla mistakes. This is

what they told me:

1. Think carefully before using a 3rd party SEF extension

BY default, Joomla create URL's that contains a whole bunch of code, or "parameters" - for example:  

A few years ago, it was a popular misconception that Google could not understand these URL's as well as

something such as:

and your rank in the search engine would be lower.

There was little evidence of this theory, and Google has since officially stated it had no merit.

However, there is something more subtle at work. It has been shown that URL's that are easier to read

will encourage humans to click on them in search engines results. Thus, there is no effect on rank, but

there is some effect on the click through rate.

Joomla has a built in SEF features, and there are also several other 3rd party SEF extensions. There is not

much difference in the core features of these.

Unless there is a very significant feature in one of the 3rd party SEF extensions, Barrie North, author of 

the best selling book on Joomla recommends sticking with the core SEF. He says "your URL's are your

most valuable possession, and its wiser to have the core code be responsible for them". He emphasizes

that SEF is *not* SEO and there is little rank advantage to be gained through it.

However, if you choose to use a 3rd party SEF extensions, these are the most popular ones:

  SEF Advanced  – Encrypted, limited to one domain, 40 Euro. (This one is my favorite because it’s

simple to use and very reliable) ( 

  Sh404 SEF - $35 (   AceSEF  – $0 - $59( ) 

2. Ignoring Title Meta Tags

Barrie also points out that there are two vital factors in SEO:

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  The keywords in the title meta tag (the text that appears in the blue/top bar on your browser);

  he keywords in links that connect other pages to your site.

You can’t control which keywords other sites use when they link to your site, but the title meta tags are

totally under your control!

Or at least they should be. Joomla 1.5 though creates the title meta tags from your article title; it

doesn’t allow you to enter a title meta tag by itself. That’s a big loss. Fortunately, there are a couple of 

ways around it:

1.  Use keywords in the article title. For example, if you’re looking to rank high for the phrase

“Organic dog food,” the title of the article could contain the phrase, for example: “Where to find

the best organic dog food in San Diego.”

It’s an effective solution, but it could make your article titles longer than they should be and less

readable. Also, you can only squeeze one phrase into a short article title.

2.  A better approach is to use a tool that allows you to enter a title meta tag that’s different fromyour article title. iJoomla SEO lets you not only manage all your article meta tags in one

convenient place (rather than having to open the article, enter meta tags, save and repeat), but

also allows you to specify a title meta tag and even monitor your keywords on Google.

Here’s a more information about iJoomla SEO: 

3. No Website Goal

Before you start working on your Joomla site, you need to

know what you want it to achieve, recommends Barrie. Are

you looking to increase revenue, share information,

promote a product? The emphasis of your site will change

depending on that goal.

For example, if your goal is to sell products, the selling

process needs to be easy and understandable (see mistake

#10, and avoid it to ensure a super easy selling process.) If 

your goal is to persuade people to call and make an

appointment, be sure to include a phone number in largefont right at the top of your site. Knowing your goal will

help you to put the emphasis on the right aspects of your site.

4. Not Taking Measurements

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You’ve put up a great site packed with fantastic features. A

month goes by, two… and you have no clue what’s happening

to your site. You don’t know if anyone has seen it. You don’t

know how many people have clicked past the front page. And

you don’t even know whether the marketing dollars you spent

on Google AdWords were well spent or money down the


According to Steve Burge, founder of and, you need to start measuring stats — and as

soon as possible! Luckily that’s easy. All you have to do is sign up to Google Analytics (if you have an

AdWords account, you have one already.) Install a little plugin called BIGSHOT, publish it and you’re

getting the numbers.

Here’s a video tutorial that explains how to add Google Analytics to your site:


You’ll also need to set goals to measure sales and conversions. Here a couple great videos for that too: 

Setting up goals:


Creating Google Analytics Funnels


How to Use Google Web Optimizer in Joomla


5. Choosing the Wrong Hosting Service

Choosing the wrong hosting service can be very risky,

warns Steve Burge. With the wrong security, your site ismore likely to be hacked. With the wrong permissions, your

site will be impossible to work on. With the wrong backup

plan, all your months or years of work can go down the

drain overnight.

Steve offers two simple tips for selecting a hosting service:

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1.  Ask them a question and see how fast the response is. When you really do need an answer,

you’ll need it fast! 

2.  Avoid any hosting company offering any "unlimited" anything.

Both of those are great suggestions. It’s also a good idea to select a hosting service that specializes in

Joomla. They’ll have the tools for upgrading/installing Joomla and the right permissions to allow you to

do what you need to do without creating a security problem.

Steve Burge recommends for Joomla hosting. You can find out more about their

pricing and plans here: 

Rochen is also the official host of These guys know everything there is to know about Joomla

hosting, so give them a try!

6. Writing in a Language Only You Can Understand

Want to know how to write a really bad online article?

Steve’s got you covered there too: 

“Write the article text on your website as if you were

completing an essay for your teacher or as if you were writing

a corporate report, both of course require you to use the

largest and more verbose vocabulary and the most

convoluted sentence structures because as all know people

online love to read you rambling on and on without ever

getting the point, in fact you should go and get a thesaurus

and find even bigger words ....” 

Okay, you get the picture. When you’re writing online, make sure your articles are easy to understand

and fun to read. Short words. Short sentences. Short paragraphs. Those are the kinds of articles that

people share with their friends on social media, the kind that people link to and promote.

If you want others to read your articles, link to your site and give you some Google Juice, keep your

articles simple, fun and interesting.

Barrie recommends Scribe service to help you make your articles attractive not just to humans, but to

Google as well. “Scribe is an SEO service that analyzes your content and tells you how you can make it

better for search engines and get ranked higher.” 

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7. Don't Take Site Security Lightly… But Don't Be Paranoid

Site security is important but it’s not something you should lie awake at night worrying about, says Ron

Severdia, author of "Using Joomla" ( and a member of the

Joomla Leadership Team. Make sure that your permissions are set correctly, that your users are set at

the permission level they need — and that your serveradministrator knows what he or she is doing.

Here’s a forum post that describes what permissions are,

and how to set them correctly in Joomla: 

Ron also recommends using a plugin like jSecure to hide

your administrator login page. You can find more

information and a download link for jSecure here:


8. Not Having a Backup and Restore Plan

Your site is also only as safe as your last backup, says Ron. Use a tool like AkeebaBackup to keep regular

backups (preferably remotely from the main server). You can learn more about this extension here: 

9. Don't Hack your Core Joomla Files So That They’re Unsafe or Hard to


Every time you hack the core Joomla files, there is a chance that those changes will be overwritten next

time you upgrade, If you do have to hack a file, create a document that outlines exactly which files

you’ve modified, so that you can repeat those changes easily if you need to, and you won’t lose all your

work and that will make updates smooth.

One common mistake, says Ron, is misunderstanding how layout overrides and CSS works.“With careful planning and a knowledge of Joomla's built-in MVC, you probably won't ever need to

change a file,” he says.

Finally, Merav Knafo, founder of and, added the last, vital and very

common mistake.

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10. Not Doing Usability Testing.

Every website owner, not just Joomla users, should perform usability testing. It's the only way to know

for sure how your site appears to someone seeing it for

the first time. Because you already know how to use

your site and perform different tasks, it's impossible tosee the problems and obstacles that are clear to a first-

time user. You need an objective point of view.

A usability tester will perform set tasks on a website in

order to measure the site's ease of use, the time it takes

to complete those tasks, and the user's perception of 

the experience. It can be performed by users with

different levels of expertise — and it’s now very easy to


For expert usability, you can turn to For $299, it offers a comprehensive testing with a critical expert eye.

A cheaper option, that costs only $39, asks regular users — not experts — to test your site. Submit your

test request to,  and within hours, you’ll receive a video of the test together with a

short report. It’s a very quick and efficient way to test the usability of your site. I recommend it highly. 

Ideally you’d want to combine both testing methods but if your budget is limited, then even just the

second option will give you a huge amount of insight into issues on your website.

The effect of usability testing was proven to double ROI. That could means doubling your income! Now

that’s a mistake worth avoiding! 


This concludes this special report for the biggest Joomla mistakes as described by the biggest Joomla

experts. I hope you found it helpful. Watch out for more Joomla tips and tricks from me, and if you have

any comments, do send them along.

Merav Knafo


[email protected] 

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iJoomla Products: 

iJoomla SEO - Allows you to manage your meta tags and keywords, monitor your keywords on Google,

create automatic internal and external links and more.

iJoomla Ad Agency- A comprehensive ad serving extension with support for 7 different ad

types, rotating banners, live payments and much more.

iJoomla Magazine - Gives you easy, professional magazine layouts for your Joomla website with

mini articles, authors profiles, quotes and more.

iJoomla News Portal - Create a dynamic news site with full style and layout control, you can

have it up and running within minutes.

iJoomla Surveys - Set up online surveys, collect and analyze the data, export your date, view

reports and more -- all on your website

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iJoomla DigiStore - Turns your Joomla website into an ecommerce solution with shopping cart.

Easy to set up, within minutes you can start making money from your site.

iJoomla SideBars - Make your articles more exciting with sidebars with video, article teasers,

RSS Feeds and more!

iJoomla RSS Feeder - Allows you to turn your sections and categories into RSS Feeds, create an

RSS page just like on, full integration with FeedBurner.

iJoomla Search & Archive -Have a full archive page and an advanced search page on your site.

Search results include images, word count and more!