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Top Ten Events1993-2010 Victoria Hanson

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Top Ten Events1993-2010

Victoria Hanson

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The H1N1 virus was an outbreak of the flu that many were afraid would mutate into something much more dangerous. Others were annoyed by all the attention H1N1 was getting.

The death toll in America was low, with the first of only a few deaths recorded on May 27th 2009: a two-year-old boy that had recently moved to the US from Mexico.

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Why is this important?With how much attention H1N1 was receiving from the news everyone knows about the swine flu. You couldn't walk down the halls of a school without seeing posters on how to prevent H1N1.

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Cloning Dolly

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Dolly was a scientific breakthrough and a wonder to the world.

The cloning of Dolly was big, but compared to the things that could be done it was small. In 2009 an extinct species was brought to life through DNA skin samples. The Pyrenean ibex died shortly after birth due to lung defects, but the cloning was huge news.

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Why is this important?

Cloning can help us bring back extinct species, to study and to preserve. We can also raise livestock and one day evolve our knowledge of cloning to better help the world.

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Virginia Tech Massacre

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With 32 deaths and many wounded, this shooting is one to go down in history.

Seung-Hui Cho was a college student that was diagnosed with severe anxiety disorder. He was able to carry a gun into the school and kill 32 people- because of this laws allowing anyone to buy a handgun have been changed and the first major federal gun control measure took place.

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Why is this important?

With such a major event more laws were kicked in for the safety of students and teachers at school.

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Ted Kaczynski struck fear in the hearts of many.

The Unabomber, Ted Kaczynski, a Harvard-educated mathematician killed three people and injured nearly two dozen over the United States. By mailing bombs in packages to various locations such as Northwestern University and in a cargo hold of an airplane he was able to make America's most wanted terrorist. More than 125 investigators were on his case. Finally in 1996 he was captured. He currently serves life in prison.

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Why is this important?

All over America the media was broadcasting alerts about the Unabomber, we were told to be weary of packages and were constantly hearing about the people being injured or killed by these bombs. Ted was the most wanted terrorist in America and the most expensive to find.

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Oklahoma City Bombing

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Before 9/11, the Oklahoma bombing was the largest in American history. 168 dead and over 680 injured, at least 300 buildings destroyed and over 650 million dollars in damages. The largest investigation for the criminal in US history known at OKBOMB was launched. A trial sentenced McVeigh to death by lethal injection and Nicholas to life if prison. An annual remembrance service is held at the site of the bombing on the day of the tragedy.

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Why is this important?

With so much damage done and for holding the record of the largest bomb in US history before 9/11, along with the search that followed, the Oklahoma bombing earns its ranking at number five.

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Hurricane Katrina

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Hurricane Katrina took 1,836 lives and did 81 dollars in damage.

Katrina did most damage in New Orleans, Louisiana which flooded due to the levee system failing. 80% of the city flooded along with 90% of Mississippi beachfront towns. Water reacher 6-12 miles away from the beach. The damage is still clear to those who visit these areas. Many residents are still living in trailers, waiting for their home to return to normal.

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Why is this important?

With relief efforts still going on five years later, the catastrophic damages are clear. Many were stranded, dead, injured, and missing. People are still waiting for their homes to return. There's not much more we can do but help and hope that something this terrible never happens again, which is why it's number five.

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The Human Genome Project

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The HGP is helping us understand human biology and will one day lead to revolutionary ways to diagnose and treat thousands of disorders. In humans, 97% of DNA is identical to every living person and 3% is unique to each individual. By the year 2000 Dr.Ventner claimed he would map out the entire human genome. Due to his success we are currently able to diagnose disorders such as sickle cell disease, dystonia and many others.

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Why is this important?This is a medical breakthrough, we can already diagnose many disorders and in the future our knowledge will evolve and our ability to save lives will increase. Without the HGP we wouldn't be able to diagnose diseases such as gaucher disease or fragile x chromosome through gene testing. Our list of possible diagnoses will expand and the lives we can better will as well.

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War on Terror

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A war triggered by 9/11 to wipe out terrorists and ensure that disaster like September 11th is never repeated.

The US wants to disrupt material support for terrorists, eliminate their havens, work with willing states and persuade unwilling, and prevent anymore events like 9/11.

We entered the 'War on Terror' with the goal of eliminating al-Qaeda and other terrorist countries.

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Why is it important?

Many of our family members and friends are currently fighting for their country and for the safety of others. Working to destroy terrorists earns a place as number three.

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Rwanda Genocide

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800,000 dead over 100 days. When the Juvenal

Habyarimana was assassinated, the Hutus blamed the Tutsis and a mass genocide broke loose. The Hutu believed the Tutsi were out to enslave them, this was the tension that snapped after the assassination of Habyarimana. Most of the killing was done by two Hutu militias: the Interahamwe and the Impuzamugambi. Ending the peace agreement, the Akazu directed most of the genocide. The Tutsi RPF built up their offensive and eventually took down the army and seized control of the country. With 20% of the population dead, this is a tragedy that should never be forgotten.

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Why is this important?

20% of a population- 800,000 dead. Genocide is something we swore to never let happen again.

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