topic 18 sex and the brain lange

Topic 18 Sex and the Brain Lange Biology 463 - Neurobiology

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Topic 18 Sex and the Brain Lange. Biology 463 - Neurobiology. Introduction. Influence of brain on sex hormones…. and the influence of the sex hormones back on the brain. Sexual and reproductive behaviors Male and female brains. Sex and Gender. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Page 1: Topic 18 Sex and the Brain Lange

Topic 18

Sex and the Brain


Biology 463 - Neurobiology

Page 2: Topic 18 Sex and the Brain Lange


Influence of brain on sex hormones…. and the influence of the sex hormones back on the brain.

• Sexual and reproductive behaviors

• Male and female brains

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Sex and Gender

• Concepts of Gender are very much inter-realated, but will involve specifics of:

– Biological characteristics of gender associated with architecture:• Morphology• Organization of the brain

– Gender features associated with psychology and perception:

• Self-assessment• Societal expectations• Gender-identity• Perception of gender

– Gender features associated with biochemistry:• Genetics• Hormones

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Some chromosomal systems of sex determination

44 +XY

44 +XX

22 +X

22 +Y

22 +XY

44 +XX

44 +XY

22 +X

22 +XX




(a) The X-Y system

(b) The X-0 system

(c) The Z-W system

76 +ZW

76 +ZZ



(d) The haplo-diploid system

Female = default sex

Male = default sex

Male = default sex

Male = default sex

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Sex and Gender

The Genetics of Sexual Determination

– Y Chromosome encodes testis-determining factor (Tdf)

– Tdf is produced from the SRY gene on Y chromosome

– Guides development of testes and production of testicular hormones

– Promotes fetal development as male

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Sex and GenderDifferentiation of fetus and development of gonads

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The Hormonal Control of SexHormones regulate physiological processes

– Sex hormones: Steroidal hormones

– Endocrine glands: Gonads release sex hormones

– Pituitary gland: Regulates endocrine glands (LH & FSH)

– Small structural differences affects function of hormone

– Primary “male” hormones: androgens (testosterones)

– Primary “female” hormones: estradiols and progestins

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The Hormonal Control of SexThe Hormonal Control of Sex

The Principle Male and Female Hormones in adulthood

– Men: High concentration of androgens

– Women: High concentration of estrogens & progestins

Aromatization Process for Steroid Hormones:

Testosterone (androgen) + aromatase estradiol (estrogen)

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The Hormonal Control of SexConcentration of estradiol receptors in sagittal section of rat brain

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The Hormonal Control of Sex

– Males: Testes- release androgens

• Androgens (testosterones) – increase at puberty leads to development of secondary sex characteristics

– Females: Ovaries- secrete estradiol (estrogens) and progesterone (progestins)

For both sexes, blood concentrations of sex hormones vary:

• Males- levels fluctuate mildly during a 24 hour cycle

• Females- levels fluctuate more extensively but on a 28-day cycle

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The Hormonal Control of SexThe Hormonal Control of SexPituitary and Hypothalamus Control of

Sex Hormones

– Gonadotropins: LH and FSH

– Males- LH stimulates testosterone; FSH aids sperm maturation

– Females- LH, FSH cause estrogen secretion

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The Neural Basis of Sexual Behaviors

Mammalian Mating Strategies:

– Polygyny• Male mates with many females

– Polyandry • Female mates with many males

– Monogamy • One mate

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The Neural Basis of Sexual Behaviors

The Neural Basis of Sexual Behaviors

• The Neurochemistry of Reproductive Behavior

– Prairie voles: Solidly monogamous

– Meadow voles: Asocial and promiscuous

– Affected by oxytocin and vasopressin… Prairie voles exhibit higher levels of vasopressin and oxytocin…. Suggesting a role in the brain

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The Neural Basis of Sexual Behaviors

Role of oxytocin and vasopressin receptors in reproductive behavior

• Prairie voles display more oxytocin receptors in females and more vasopressin receptors in males

• Meadow voles, fewer receptors in both sexes

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Why and How Male and Female Brains Differ

Sexual Dimorphisms of the CNS

– Sexually dimorphic nucleus (SDN)

– INAH in humans analogous to rat SDN

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Why and How Male and Female Brains Differ

Why and How Male and Female Brains Differ

– Organizational effect of hormones• Tend to be irreversible

– Activational effect of hormones• Tend to be temporary

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Why and How Male and Female Brains DifferWhy and How Male and Female Brains Differ

An example of the activational effects of hormones… in the somatosensory cortex, the plasticity of the ventral surface for the nipples increases by ~100% to encourage lacation .

This increase in sensation is associated also with increases in prolactin, oxytocin, and a variety of birthing, parental care, and reproductive behaviors.

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Why and How Male and Female Brains Differ

Sexual Orientation

– INAH-3 - twice as large in heterosexual males compared to heterosexual females: Sexually dimorphic

– INAH-3 in homosexual males: Similar in size to that in heterosexual females

– INAH – 3 in homosexual females does not appear to differ from heterosexual females

– See Levay, 1991.

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