total entertainment within mayan … · with the local people and rituals of the environment they...

TOTAL ENTERTAINMENT WITHIN MAYAN ADVENTURE ( Created by Ricky Kimball 4-19-07) This is a manual that gives you a little bit of each new entertainment element that will be in the restaurant. We will start with the initial time that the guest enters the restaurant. This will show entertainment in this order: 1. Lobby 2. Inside Restaurant 3. Exiting Restaurant

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ADVENTURE ( Created by Ricky Kimball 4-19-07)

This is a manual that gives you a little bit of each new entertainment element

that will be in the restaurant. We will start with the initial time that the guest enters

the restaurant. This will show entertainment in this order:

1. Lobby

2. Inside Restaurant

3. Exiting Restaurant


As the guest enters the restaurant, they go through a grand entrance and get greeted

by none other than a greeter. This will be the new name for the host and they will

put their name on the list for a table inside the restaurant. At that point, they will be

greeted by a Guide. This person will be a character that will familarize the guests

with the local people and rituals of the environment they are about to enter. They

will do such things as teach them Synutik language, teach them about the “Festival

of the Corn” ritual, and let them know about the how Professor Brickmeyer and his

fellow travelers have stumbled upon this great civilization during their adventures.

As they wait in one of our two great new lobby areas, they will be surrounded by

the sights and sounds of what is yet to come on the inside. In both lobby areas,

there will be birds that will be doing pre recorded bird shows. These shows are

intended to educate and entertain our guests to the new culture they are about to

enter. Once the guests seat is ready, a Seater will take them to their table. On the

way to their table, the seater will let them know many facts about the Synutiks and

their rituals. Both the seaters and the guide will be scripted and in character. This is

important to create the theme in the lobby with these characters, so that the inside

can sustain it. Here are some examples of what you might hear as a guest in the

lobby and as you make your way into the restaurant:



Thank you, (insert name of seater), I’ll take it from here. (To

Expedition.) So, I suppose you’re the rag tag bunch of

adventurers I’m supposed to lead on this expedition? Well, my

name is_______, and I’ll be your faithful and trusted guide

throughout this journey. I know these jungles like the back of

my hand. (Looks at the back of his/her hand.) I never noticed

that before. Gonna have to have that looked at. Anyway, you

can trust me with your lives.

Our base camp here is where we wait, and prepare, for the

expedition ahead. But let me tell you, there’s things right here

that will shock and amaze you . Take a look at the animals:

better yet, take a listen: they can talk. According to the

natives, Maya, the Goddess of Life, endowed certain animals

with the gift of speech. Let’s take a listen.

They listen to the animals.


Thank you, Buck, Lizzy, Moombie. Now, where we? Ah yes,

my name is ____. Let’s get to each other. Tell me your names.

(Wait for names.) All right, you’re going to following me in

this order: (the guide assigns each member of the expedition.)

Now, count off. Okay, good. We’re almost ready to move out.

But first, we need to talk about the natives. The Syutik (See-

NEW-Tech) tribe are the primary inhabitants of these jungles.

They may seem a little but intimidating at first, even

dangerous, but Professor Brickmeyer has studied them in

depth, and even learned to communicate. Would you like to be

able to talk to the Synutiks? All right, I’m going to teach you a

few helpful phrases in the Mayan language, that you can use

should you run across a Synutik warrior. If you are

approached by a Synutik, look them in the eyes - this is

important. They are much more likely to trust you if you look

them in the eye.



Then, offer a hearty “Bix a elex? (Beesh a beh-lesh?”), which

means “Hi. How are you?” The natives a likely to respond

with a friendly “Maloob” (Mah-lowb), or “Fine, thank you.”

That is all you need to establish a basic report with the

Synutiks. If you wish to say “Thank you, say “Yum Botic”

(Yoom Boteek), And “Mixba ( Meesh-bah) means you’re




Welcome, travelers. Be careful - the marketplace is full of people who love to

take advantage of outsiders. Here, everything is for sale - perhaps even you! Heh

heh heh. A rough place indeed - unless you have a friend. Allow me to introduce

myself. My name is Moombie. Stick close to me, and you will be safe. I have in

my possession an ancient and magical Medallion, taken from the ruins of a

Mayan temple by a bold but foolish young adventurer, at great risk to his own

life. He who holds the medallion shall possess untold powers. It is absolutely

priceless. But just for you, just today, I can get you into that medallion for only .

. . well, we will discuss price later, when there are not so many people around.

Enjoy your stay - but trust no one. Especially me.



You have traveled far, my friends . . . but your journey has just begun. The

wonders you are about to behold are beyond your wildest imagination. The

Mayan culture is a rich woven tapestry, spanning many many many years, full

of mystery and enchantment. But watch your back in the marketplace - there are

rough characters. This place is really quite ruthless. I mean it - there is no ruth in

this place whatsoever. If you’re looking for Ruth, you’ll be disappointed. We

have an Anna, a Donna, an Ashlee - no one named Ruth. Perhaps is not the most

common name, I don’t know. Anyway, the point is, be most careful. I will tell

you what - why don’t you give me your wallets for safekeeping? That way I can

keep them, and you will be safe! Heh heh heh, I kid, I kid. Seriously, watch your



Welcome, friends: the festival of the corn is upon us, when men and animals join together in

celebration of Maya, The God of Life. For the animals and the people, they are not so

different, are they? Ah, I see that you are new here - let me start at the beginning: I shall

tell you of Popol Vuh, the Dawn of Life.

All that existed was the sky and the sea, all alone. And there was the creator,

Heart of Sky - The Maker and Modeler, Kukulkan and Hurricane - he had many

names, but no one to speak them. No one to praise his glory. But then, Heart of

Sky spoke one word: Earth. And the earth rose like a mist from the sea. He

thought of mountains and trees, and great mountains came, and trees grew on

the land . Then Heart of Sky began to make the creatures of the forest - birds,

jaguars, and snakes. Then Heart of Sky said to the animals “Speak, pray to us.”

But the creatures could only squawk, or howl. They did not praise Heart of Sky.

And so Heart of Sky tried again. First, he tried to make them from mud. That did not turn

out so good. Heart of Sky had no use for them, so he let them dissolve away. Then he

tried to carve people from wood. So the doll people were made. But they had no blood,

no sweat. They had nothing in their minds. They just walk about, but they accomplish

nothing, destined to spend their lives working in mid-level management positions. ‘This

is not what I had in mind at all!” said Heart of Sky. And so he decided to destroy these

wooden people. Hurricane made a great rain, that lasted all day and all night. There was a

terrible flood, and the earth was blackened.

The wooden people scattered into the forest. Their faces were crushed, and they

turned into monkeys. And that is why monkeys look like humans. But then,

Heart of Sky made one last try. He built the people out of maize. I know, it

sounds corny, but it is true. So at last, there were people! And that is why we

celebrate the festival of the corn. So there it is: mud, wood, monkeys, maize,

humans: between you and me, I am not sure that is what I would call progress,

but I do not wish to anger Heart of Sky. Enjoy the festival!



Hello, my friends. I am Moombie, the shrewdest bird in the

marketplace. Some call me greedy - but I am just a business

man. It is all a matter of supply, and demand. And I


Seriously. you want authentic Mayan goods? You can buy

anything from me. If I don’t have it, you don‘t want it, and if

you have it already, then you probably don’t anymore, because

I just took it from you. Heh heh heh.

You know, there is an ancient Mayan legend called “The Story

of The Greedy Traveler,” which teaches us about the perils of

greed and avarice. It warns us not to place the acquisition of

gold, and precious jewels, above the more important things in

life. It is a story filled with danger, with suspense, with

romance - everything you could want in a story, it is in here.

Would you like to hear the story? All right: give me a dollar

and I will tell you.



G’ Day, ladies and gents. Welcome to our exciting jungle base

camp. Name’s Buck, and I’m an adventure seeker. I go for

thrills, see - danger’s me middle name.


You’re middle name is Herbert.


Thanks for ruinin’ the sense of adventure, Lizzy. No one is

gonna get all worked up hearin’ about how “our journey is

gonna be fraught with peril, excitement, and Herbert.” Crikey

- you Sheila’s always take things so literally.


I’m not a Guilla monster - I’m an Iguana.


No, not a Guilla - a Sheila. A girl. You know- like a man, but

with . . .




Yeah, that’s it. Gotta get me one of those. So, are you people

ready to join our little expedition?

There’s gonna be loads and loads a stuff to see. There are

many different animals in the Mayan jungle - we might see

spider monkeys, Iguanas, Jaguars, great big snakes, and the

mightiest creature of all, the Macaw: Bird of Destiny.


Buck, aren’t you a Macaw?


S’Right, I am.


Who calls you the bird of destiny?


Well . . . sometimes me mum does. Mostly me.


I think your destiny is to let me talk. Like Buck said, there’s

loads of animals to be seen in these jungles. In fact, the

ancient Mayans worshiped Gods that often took the form of

animals, like Kinich Ahau, During the day, he moves the sun

across the sky. But as the sun enters the underworld, he

becomes the fearsome Jaguar God. And then there’s Chac -

The Rain God.


He’s me favorite! Chac is a dragon like creature with the head

of a Croc, and the ears of a deer. That’s somethin’ ya don’t see

everyday! He marks the way between the natural and

supernatural worlds.


And there’s more than just animals here. The Professor and his

team of explorers have discovered a tribe of See-New-Techs.

One of the many tribes that once existed in this Lost

Kingdom, the See-New-Techs travel through the jungle until

they find a Say-No-Tay.


Say what?


Say-No-Tay. It’s a natural pool of water in the ground. They

build their villages and live next to these Say-No-Tays. Keep

an eye out - you’re sure to see them performing some ancient

and mysterious ritual.


Well, whattya waitin’ for? Are you gonna join our expedition,.

Or are ya gonna turn back? The adventure of a lifetime awaits,

my friends, but you’ve got to decide whether you’ve got what

it takes to brave the dangers that await. Whattya say? (Pause.)

All right, that’s the spirit! We’re off!


Well, Buck, to be fair, you’ve always been a little off.


What’s that, then?



Hey there, friends. You know, I’m something of an animal

lover, especially ‘cause I am an animal meself. Animals are

very prominent in the Mayan world, and I don’t just mean

‘cause there’s a lot of ‘em in the jungle.


In fact, animals play a very important role in Mayan

mythology and legends, and they were closely connected to

the Mayan gods. For example, Ix Chel, the Mayan Goddess of

the Earth and Moon, was depicted in ancient artwork as

holding a rabbit in her arms.


Really? What was the rabbit’s name?


I don’t know.


Well, that’s not gonna work. A rabbit’s gotta have a proper



Anyway, as I was about to say, Ix Chel was the Goddess of

childbirth and marriage. She had the power to bring about

birth and rebirth . . .




What’s that, then?


Fluffy. That’s a great name for a rabbit.


I suppose it is. Anyway, Ix Chel was also said to have

invented the art of weaving. Another animal that was

commonly associated with the gods was the snake. Kukulkan,

The Feathered Serpent, was the god of civilization. He

represented the forces of good against the forces of evil. And

then there’s Coatlicue, or “She of The Serpent Skirt.” She was

the mother of the moon and the stars. But what really made

her stand out in a crowd was her braided skirt made out of



I know if I had a rabbit, I’d name it Fluffy.


All right, Buck! We have established that Fluffy is a good

name for a rabbit.


Then why didn’t the goddess call her rabbit Fluffy?


I don’t know. Maybe she did.


Well, she could’ve told us. That’s all I’m saying.


She’s a goddess. She doesn’t have to tell anyone anything if

she doesn’t want to. But enough about the rabbit . . .




Enough about Fluffy. I was talking about snakes.




Yeah, snakes. Like The Feathered Serpent, and the skirt made

out of snakes..


Crikey! A skirt made outta snakes? That would be a bit

uncomfortable, don’t ya think? Do you think she had just one

skirt, or several of ‘em. You know, like an everyday one and

one for fancy dress parties? Like, where the snakes had shiny

scales or somethin’?


I don’t know . . .


I mean, you’d think she get tired of wearin’ that all the time.

There’s a point where ya just gotta say “I have had enough of

these Mayan feathered snakes on this Mayan feathered skirt.”


The snakes on the skirt didn’t have feathers, Buck!


Then why’d you say they did?


I didn’t. I was talking about two different things.


Oh. Well, you shouldn’t let your mind wander like that. So,

where’s Fluffy?


Forget about Fluffy!


What have you got against bunny rabbits?


Well, something tells me that’s as far as we’re gonna get in

our discussion of animals in Mayan legends today. But thanks

for listening, and have a grand time.


Bunny Rabbits have feelings, too, you know. That’s all I’m



Quiet, you.

SEATER MONOLOGUES written by Patrick Gibbs


Aimed at families with younger children.


Hello. Welcome to the base camp. Are you ready for the

adventure of your life? I hope so, because that’s what you’re

going to get. We’re about to enter a world like you’ve never

seen before, full of mystery and enchantment. My name is

, Stick close to me, and stay in the group. You don’t want to

get lost in these jungles. Everyone got your gear together? All

right then, follow me.

You’re probably going to see some of the locals - these

jungles are inhabited by a lost tribe of Synutiks (See-New-

Techs.). They travel throughout the jungle, until the find a

Cenote (Say-No-Tay), an open pit filled with water. Since

water is essential to survival, the Synutiks will stay at a

Cenote for as long as they can, until it’s gone dry.

Okay, we’ll make camp right here. Now would be a good time

to get something to eat. You’ll need your strength for the

journey ahead. Enjoy your adventure!


Aimed at teenagers and young adults.


Well, well, well. You think you’re ready for an adventure? I

guess you’re not the least bit scared of the unknown? Uh huh.

Right. You are afraid. I can see it in your eyes. It’s nothing to

be ashamed of. A person without fear is a person who has

nothing to lose. You have much to lose . . . and even more to

gain. That’s why you’re here. But what I want to know is: can

you face your fear? If you can do that, and keep going, then

you’ll find rewards beyond your wildest dreams. My name is

, and Stick close to me,. You listen to what I say, and do what

I do, and I’ll get you through this jungle safe and sound. All

right, gear up: let’s get this expedition underway.

We may come across some of the locals - these jungles are

inhabited by a lost tribe of Synutiks (See-New-Techs.). They

travel throughout the jungle, until the find a Cenote (Say-No-

Tay), an open pit filled with water. Since water is essential to

survival, the Synutiks will stay at a Cenote for as long as they

can, until it’s gone dry.

Okay, we’ll make camp right here. Right about now would be

a good time to start thinking about getting something to eat.

You’ll need your strength if you expect to make it through the

dangers that lie ahead. Wait here, and eat your fill - and if I

don’t come back, you go on without me. It was nice meeting

you folks.


Once inside the restaurant, we wanted to created an overall entertainment

environment. Where elements and events are happening all around the customer

instead just a show on the cliff twice an hour and a animal character that comes up

and talk to your kids. I started with the idea that the inside of this restaurant will be

the home for a tribe that lives and does there daily duties around the restaurant.

Duties such as making weapons, doing laundry, drumming and singing, fishing,

washing off the cliff face, and praising various gods. The guests will come across a

tribe called the Synutiks. The are an ancient tribe that has traveled the many lands

to settle around a Cenote. A cenote is a natural pool of water that is created over

time in the jungle. Back in the Mayan days (and even today) you can see these

cenotes in the middle of places. They eventually dry up over time and the Synutiks

have discovered this cenote in our restaurant and will live and thrive around it until

it dries up and they have to move on. As the guest sits and eats, they will notice

that the divers are know costumed with make up and do much more than diving.

They will be walking and doing things around the restaurant before and after their

dives. Also, they will diving more frequently and gradually during the hour. This

way, a customer doesn’t have to wait for any pre defined “show” to start and stop.

We are getting away from this “show” paradigm into more of a “Mayan Day”

paradigm. As each hour goes by in the restaurant, you will notice a change in the

lights that signify the change in the day. One hour will be one day. All movements

and business by the Synutiks in the restaurant has been carefully choreographed

and blocked by the Entertainment Manager to make sure that there is entertainment

around the whole restaurant during the hour and not just on the cliff. This has been

done with the floor entertainers inside the restaurant as well, to make sure that they

create a overall environment for all guests in the restaurant – not just those who

can see the cliff face. There will also be interactive bird shows in our new

Childrens Theater on the third floor, People from Hogle Zoo coming in with

animals, and a exciting new birthday show that will fit in with everything else that

we are doing. We will also do a “Creating the Adventure” theme training for all of

the FOH staff to make sure that everyone remains a “cast member” to this

adventure for the guests. Here are some examples of what you might hear and see

as a guest is dining and sitting in the restaurant:





Mayan Day

New Floor Entertainer Characters

1. Jaguar God

This character will be costumed, involving a fur skin and make up. This character is a GOD, so this

character doesn’t talk in restaurant. The synuteks will praise this GOD every time they come across JG. This

character walks with a drum and plays throughout restaurant. This character is also instrumental in the

“Festival of the Corn” show.

2. Synutek

You know what they say: “If you can’t beat ‘em, join ‘em”. This character will be more clothed than the

other synuteks, but will do all the daily activities that they do as well (Except for pool activities). This character is

also important, as it creates the sense that there are many of these tribe members in the restaurant.

3. Shaman Chief

This character can either be a woman or a man. This character is the leader of the synutik tribe. He/She is

the guardsman of all the elements in this village. It is this character’s spiritual powers that make the Shaman tough.

If you see the Shaman walking around and looking, don’t be frightened. The Chief is there to make sure all

traditions are kept and that the Gods are happy.

Jaguar God Blocking

:15 - :30

Comes out of Entertainment Break Room and drums down to lower temple. Once down at lower temple,

plays drum song as you proceed to upper temple. Give processional bow to each God. Then make way up to 777.

Once there, you will play your drum at 777 to make flood happen.


As show slows down, make way back towards Children Theater and sit and chant at Children’s Theater.

Once done, make way over to treehouse and stand in middle of section and do ceremonial “Praising of Cenote”

Ritual. Once done with that beat, make way over to treehouse drum and play. Then go down towards the pinata

room and pretend to be reading the murals as you make your way to diver break room through the pinata room

entrance to mid level.

:40 - :07 after

Come out pinata room stairwell and go through hole to midlevel. Grab water from cliff face and pretend to

drink water. Once done doing that for awhile, reverse and go back through pinata room. Walk counter clockwise

down to first floor and travel through playing drums and possibly involving the kids with various other percussion

instruments. Once done, make way up to cave area. Once up at cave areas, stand up on old spiral inlet (can’t see

area) and stand there for a beat. Fold arms and look throughout restaurant to see over everything. Once done that for

a beat, go around and down through cave area to pinata room and up to treehouse drum. Play Treehouse drum for

about 2 minutes and then go up to third floor and walk to prep for show


After show, travel through restaurant and play drum. Stay at Chamber of Gods (upper temple) and stand as

statue for about 3 minutes. After that period, make way to first floor and play drums to newly entered guests. Once

done with that, play music slower and quieter as you make way up to Entertainment Break Room.

Shaman Chief Blocking

**Make sure to travel with lightly skinned drum and move slowly through restaurant. Give enough time for

possible stops for audience interactions, helping with birthdays, watching birthday bird shows with kids, etc.***

:15 - :30 Come out of Entertainment Break room and slowly travel up to Children’s Theater. Once there, stands there for a bit

and make sure everything is safe. Once done there, travel back down to first floor (with medicine man drum) and

greet the people coming in. After doing that awhile, make way up to piñata room and through to mid level. Take

drink off of cliff (fake) and then make way back through first floor and second floor. Make way back to

entertainment break room.

:40 - :07 after Come out of entertainment break room and make way to lower temple. Once there, walk through tables and look

over customers with suspicion. Once there for a few moments, go back down to first floor and stand up on front

rock. Do “Processional Calling of Elements”. After this, stand on front rock until other synutiks meet you. At that

point, lead them through restaurant and up to third floor and into position for “Festival” show.

Show Starts at :49 after

After show, travel from third floor (with spear) and down to upper temple. Once at upper temple, stand as statue for

about 2 minutes or until Jaguar God comes. From there, walk through cave area and down to first floor. Walk

through tables on first floor and then make way up to Children’s Theater dining area. Stand guard there for about a

minute and then go into entertainment break room.

Other Synutik Blocking

**The blocking is set by the “activities” of the synutiks. The order in which you do these is completely up to

you. This is set up, so that you have the availability to adjust according to any customer requests or situations.

Of course the time line of :15 - :30 and :40 - :07 after still applies to this character. Blocking during the

“flood” show and “festival” show should be according to adjustments with other possible blocking.

Synutik Activities throughout the day

Diving off cliff regularly

Talking and walking with other synuteks

Washing face and hands in waterfall

Fishing in the cenote (with just the rope)

Preparing meal at 777 (pretending to clean fish)

Taking Nap (after “Late Night” show and limit of 2 min)

Creating weapons from collected items

Doing laundry off of waterfall (using old, tattered white clothes)

Dance through Restaurant

Procession with restaurant – Hunting Expedition

Grooming Birds in Childrens Theater

Possible Praising of Jaguar God as God walks floor

Drumming through restaurant

Bucket pulley with both synuteks

Yell and jump off front 1st floor rock

Fishing with spear into cenote

Playing Prank with other synuteks

Climbing rope from upper to lower temple

Dancing along with Birthday Celebration

“Good Health” chant to guests

“Manhood Challenges” off of mid level

Smooth out snakeskin on trees

Paint of the Gods – have synutek do simplified one to two paint lines on children as they are in restaurant

for good luck (We will notify servers and they will ask if customers want)

Drumming at 777





Program 1

Diver 1

(designed for 2 Divers, 1 Entertainer)

:9 - :22 (dry outfit)

Coming out midlevel and throwing line into water. End of line is bucket. Dip bucket into water and have the other

end of the rope be up top. After filling up bucket, yank on rope and and bucket will go back up top. After bucket

goes up top, make your way up to and through pinata room.

Once there, make your way to the front rock on the 1st floor customer level and grab weapon making items.

Once you created the spear, walk with other synutek up to the lower temple and then around to upper temple. Once

at upper temple, grab both ends of the snake skin and smooth out on a tree.

After doing that for about a minute, put in sack and make way to third floor and walk/talk with other

synutek. Make your way over to the third floor railing and pass over onto cliff. Put spear into second ladder hallway

before show starts.

Show Starts (at :18 after)

Once the water starts to die down a little, make way over to 777 and start playing drum to gods to make

water go calm again. Once flood has completely stopped, make your way back over the railing and through the

hallway and back down to the dive room to rest for a little bit.

:29 - :36 (wet outfit)

Come out midlevel with spear in hand and go over to baby rocket. Throw spear off of baby rocket towards far left

side of pool. Then dive off baby rocket towards middle of pool and swim over to retrieve spear. Grab fish from

netting and put one on spear. Come up the front part of the 1st floor rock and show that you have the fish (In

program 2, notice other synutik from top rock). Inspect fish by smelling and hitting against rock. Once this is done,

secure spear down with the rope that will keep it tied to the rock.

After securing the spear, jump off front rock and put fish back in netting. Once that is done, swim back through

hole and dry off a little and take break. If there is any additional time left after the fish sequence, go up to top level

and wash face and hands with water in waterfall.

:46 - :56 (wet outfit) Have headress as you exit dive room from 2

nd floor door that exits through cave. Walk counterclockwise as you

travel through the first floor with drum drumming. Start procession with diver 2 throughout the restaurant. Make

way up to third floor and get in position for “Festival of the Corn” show.

Show starts at :49 after

After show, go back out midlevel and make way through pinata room. Go up to tree house and play the stationary

drum at treehouse for about 2 minutes. Once done, come back out and reverse path through pinata room and enter

back dive room for break.

Program 1 & 2

Diver 2

(Designed for 2 divers, 1 entertainer)

:09 - :22 (wet outfit)

Coming out top rock exit with long rope and bucket. Grab both ends of rope and throw remainder of rope to the

other synutik. Connect bucket to bottom part of rope and have bucket travel down to other synutik. Once other one

has filled up bucket, grab both ends and pull rope and bucket. Once you have bucket, take bucket and rope back into

exit (water in bucket will be used later in festival show). Do one dive off top level somewhere. Once done, dry off a

bit and then go up first level and out mid level exit. Go out through piñata and go down to meet other synutik on first

floor. Walk with other synutik up to the lower temple and then around to upper temple. Once at upper temple, grab

one end of the snakeskin and smooth out on a tree.

After doing that for about a minute, put in sack and make way to third floor and walk/talk with other

synutik. Make your way over to the third floor railing after initial synutik and wait in waterfall for show to start.

Show Starts at :18 after

After show, dry off in back room and come back out second floor piñata room door exit. Go through cave and over

to snake path. Scratch back on tree and make way back through cave and back out second floor door to dive room to


:29 - :36 (dry outfit)

Go out second floor exit and make your way over to upper temple area. Go over to upper temple with rope and

secure rope against railing. Climb from upper temple to lower temple. Once at lower temple, undo rope from railing

and bundle around waist. Make way up to Children’s Theater (3rd

Floor) and begin grooming birds. Once done that

for a minute or so, make way over to third floor railing on cliff and climb over it to go into back room for break. If

you have additional time right before getting to railing, play drum at 777 for awhile and look around to see what the

drumming is doing to environment.

:46 - :56 (wet outfit)

Have headdress on as you exit dive room from 2nd

floor door (with diver 1) that exits through cave. Walk

counterclockwise as you travel through the first floor drumming. Walk procession from first floor – upper temple –

third floor – cliff. Then get in position for “Festival” show.

Show Starts at :49 after

After show, go back out midlevel and make way through piñata room. Go over to baby rocket and stand there for

about a minute. Once done, dive off baby rocket into pool and back through dive room for break.

Program 2

Diver 3

(Designed for up to 4 divers, 2 floor entertainers)

: 09 - :22 (wet outfit)

Come out first floor exit and make way up to upper temple. Once there, praise gods by kneeling and worshipping

murals. After doing that for a minute, make way up to Children’s Theater and over to third floor entrance for cliff.

Do one dive off of cliff face. After that, dry off a little bit and go back out through first floor entrance. Make sure to

take rope with you as you slowly walk up to upper temple. Once there, make sure to tie rope to banister and climb

down to lower temple. Once at lower temple, make way over to treehouse drum. Play treehouse drum for a couple of

minutes and then make your way over to baby rocket and start fishing with rope. Stay there until show starts.

Show Starts at :18 after

After show, dry off a bit and go up to mid level and through piñata room. Go up to treehouse drum and drum for a

minute. Once done, go clockwise to piñata room and back through dive break room via mid level.

:29 - :36 (dry outfit)

Come out first floor exit and make way over to snake path by baby rocket. Once there, make way up to lower

temple. Once there, sit on ledge and try out new knots with your rope. Do this for about three minutes. Become

really self involved with this activity, like you are trying to fix something. Once done with that, make way back to

piñata room and climb on mid level to break room for break.

:46 - :56 (wet outfit)

Come out of exit from second floor. Make way up to 777, where you can start drumming. Drum for about a minute

and then make your way to cliff and stand guard at top rock to prep for show

Show Starts at :49 after

After the show, make your way over to 777. Once there, you should drum for about 30 seconds and then take nap at

777. After two minute nap, make way over to Children Theater where you will groom birds for a while. Walk over

to treehouse drum and get attention of others synutik. Both of you make your way through piñata room. Once there,

follow other synutik to take a break.

Synutik Activities throughout the day Diving off cliff regularly

Talking and walking with other synuteks

Washing face and hands in waterfall

Fishing in the cenote (with just the rope)

Preparing meal at 777 (pretending to clean fish)

Taking Nap (after “Late Night” show and limit of 2 min)

Creating weapons from collected items

Doing laundry off of waterfall (using old, tattered white clothes)

Dance through Restaurant

Procession with restaurant – Hunting Expedition

Grooming Birds in Childrens Theater

Possible Praising of Jaguar God as God walks floor

Drumming through restaurant

Bucket pulley with both synuteks

Yell and jump off front 1st floor rock

Fishing with spear into cenote

Playing Prank with other synuteks

Climbing rope from upper to lower temple

Dancing along with Birthday Celebration

“Good Health” chant to guests

“Manhood Challenges” off of mid level

Smooth out snakeskin on trees

Paint of the Gods – have synutek do simplified one to two paint lines on children as they are in restaurant

for good luck (We will notify servers and they will ask if customers want)

Drumming at 777

Drumming at Treehouse

The activities that are underlined will be “blocked in” as things you will do. The rest will be things you can do as

you go along.


Part 1 - Conversation

We are going to start to with the basic words and phrases you need to begin a polite conversation, whether it be with

a guest, or a fellow cast member.

Bix a belex? (Beesh - ah -Belesh) Hi, how are you?

You will get asked this one a lot, and it’s the best phrase to use when approaching a guest.

The proper response is . . .

Maloob (MAH-LOWB), meaning “I’m fine, thank you.”

For a more formal greeting, you can use . . .

“B’aax kawa a’alik (Bah -AHSH - ka-wah - ah ALEEK) which simply means, “Hello.”

Other helpful words to know are :

Yum botic (Yoom Bow-teek) Thank you.

Mixba (Meesh-bah) You’re welcome.

Ma’alob (Mah-AH-lub) Okay.

Koox Tun (Koosh Toon) Come on.

Tu’x Ka binex? (Toosh Kah Been-esh?) Where are you going?

Maasima’ (Mah-see-mah) Isn’t that right?

You are also going to want to know how tell people your name, and you will certainly be asked for it a lot.

In many cases, you will have a character name. If not, simply use your own name.

In k’aaba (Een Kah-obba) - or “my name is” . . . The name proceeds “in k’aaba.” Example: “Michael in k’aaba”

means “my name is Michael.”

In laak (Een - Lock) or “my friend.” Much the same as your name, the name proceeds the phrase. So “My friend

Clint” would be “Clint In Laak.

Part 2 - People, Objects and Surroundings

The following words are descriptives that you will use in reference to the atmosphere around you. For example,

K’aax (KAH-osh) means “jungle.”

Xiipal (She-pall) Boy.

Xchuupal (Schoe-pall) Girl.

Kiichpan (KEESH-pahn) Beautiful.

K’aax.” (Kah -AHSH) - Jungle.

Haanal (Hah-nahl) - Food.

Uk’ul - (Ook-ool) Drink.

Aktun (Ock-toon) Cave.

Ch’iich (Kah-eek) Bird.

Tunich (Toon-eek) Rock

Chich (Keek) Storm

Ch’an (Cho-ahn) Celebration.

Ch’an Kiin (Cho-ahn Keen) Celebration day. This means “birthday.”

Ch’an milpa (Cho-ahn Meel-PAH) roughly translated, this means “Celebration of the corn,” and should be used in

reference to the festival.

Kay Fish (noun, as in “a fish”)

Chuuk kay (Kook- Kay) Verb, as in “to catch fish.)


Translate the following conversations from Mayan to English,


Guest: Bish a belex?

Syuntik: Maloob. Rhett In K’abba.


Syunitk #1: Tu’x Ka binex?

Synutik #2: Chuuk kay.

Synutik #1: Ma’alob


Syunitk #1: Tu’x Ka binex?

Synutik #2: Aktun..

Synutik #1: Ma’alob


In the case of a Synutik character, you’re not allowed to break character by speaking English. However, we

recognize that the need may arise for to convey to a Manager, Supervisor or someone else that you are in need of

help, whether it be a small problem such a technical difficulty, or a major issue such as a diver injury. The following

words should be used accordingly.

Toop (Tup) - meaning “problem.” This should be used most often, when there is problem that needs to be

addressed, but is not urgent or potentially dangerous.

Aanteni (On-ton-knee) “Help me!” This should be used in case of an emergency, such as an injury or the potential

for danger.


Written by Patrick Gibbs


Oh, look, Chad, we have company.


Oh, hi, everybody! I hope you’re adventure has been exciting so far.

My name is Chad.


And I’m Marimba.


Together, we’re Chad and Marimba!


These jungles are filled with excitement and mystery. It can be

a bit overwhelming. Well, maybe we can help. When traveling

abroad, it always helps to know a little about the language. So,

today Chad and I will teach you a little bit about the Mayan







“T’aan.” That’s Mayan for language. And the word for jungle

is “‘k’aax.” But let’s start with something more basic: If you

see a Synutik, one of the Mayan natives, walk right up to them

and say “Bix a belex?”


That means “Hi, how are you?”


Okay, let’s all say it together.


“Bix a Belex?”


Good work. And if they answer “Maloob,” that means “I’m

fine, thank you.”


Now, if I was talking to one of the Synutiks, especially that

dreamy one with the big biceps and the rock hard abs, I would

want to let him know my name. So I would say “in k’aaba yan

Marimba.” Try that: “in k’aaba yan,” or “my name is,” and

then say your name.


In k’aaba yan Chad.


Now, let’s put that all together: “”Bix a belex? In k’aaba yan

Marimba.” Hi, how are you? My name is Marimba.” Now you

know how to greet someone in the Mayan language. Now,

let’s try a new one . . .


All right, suppose you wanted to ask: “Where can I buy a pair

of brand name shoes that are practical for the jungle, but are

still trendy and fabulous?” Now, you would say . . .






I think that may be a bit too difficult.


We’re are trying to teach them the basic phrases they need to

survive. Can you think of a phrase more important than that?

‘Cause I can’t.


How about how to ask for food?


I suppose you might want food, yes. If you had the right shoes



Okay, in Mayan, the word for food is “haanal.” and drink is

“uk’ul.” And if you want to say “Thank you,” say “Yum

botic.” And “Mixba” means “You’re welcome.”


And “in kiichpan tumben xanab” means “my beautiful new


Marimba sighs.


Well, we’re almost done here, but first I want to teach you one

more thing to say. “In lak.” That means “my friend.” I’m glad

we all had a chance to make friends today, and next time

you’re here, ask for “in lak Marimba.” So, what do you say

when someone says “Bix a belex?”

Pause for response.


Maloob! That’s right.


Good work, everyone. It sounds to me like you’re ready for

more exploring. Have fun!


Yum botic, Marimba.


Mixba, Chad.


Developed by Steve Buntjer and Ricky Kimball


The SHAMAN Chief appears at the middle rock, with soft lighting on him to

draw attention to him. He begins to chant, summoning the Synutiks to him.


Kiichpan na Maya! Maya! Maya!

The Synutiks of the village gather from their various locations, and come

together in front of the Ceynote (pool).

They form a procession, led by the Shaman Chief.

The procession will go from the first floor, along the path by baby rocket

(past the old pinata room), up to the second floor tree house, past the tree

house, proceeding through upper temple, walking across the third floor, past

777, to the entrance on the rail over the cliff..

The Shaman Chief goes to his place on Top Rock as the ceremony begins.


Show begins at 49 past the hour.

A lone village drummer appears at 777. He begins to beat the drum as if

signaling the villagers below of the celebration.

Sound effect: sound of a single drum beating (ambient track is still heard

in the background.).

Sound effect: Additional drummers reply to the message of the lone drummer

on the cliff.

The Shaman stands with his arms folded in front of him, across his chest. He

raises his arms to the heavens.

Lighting Effect: Blue light on the cliff face, highlighting the Shaman




Maya EEN Ka-ah-ba! I am Maya, The Goddess of Corn, and of Life itself! The

harvest is done, and I am pleased. Let the Festival of The Corn begin! Ko -

oh-tone toon Chah- on! Come, and celebrate! Hah-nal! Ook-Ool! ( Eat!


Your tribute, and this bounteous harvest, brings Maya great joy, my sons and


AH -all Ah AH-leek! Kah -EE! (Speak. Sing.) Let the birds, and all of the

animals that crawl, speak, and sing in praise of Maya!!

Sound effect: music is heard blending to the beat of the drums, voices join

in the chorus as the lyrics of an original musical number are performed.



(laughs heartily)

Bring your sacrifices to the altar, that you may honor me!

The Shaman gestures to the Synutiks on cliff right



Tah-all! Tah-aseek yah obb meelpah! Tah aseek yah obb kah - OSH! (Come!

Bring much corn! Bring much vegetation!)

A Synutik brings a basket of corn to top rock, and sets it at the feet of

the Shaman. He then moves to stage left on the cliff, as another Synutik

counters to stage right of the cliff, one standing on each side of the


The Shaman raises the basket above his head, as if offering to Maya.

Lighting effect: A single white light shines down on the corn.

Lights focus on the two Synutiks standing on each side of the chief.

The two Synutiks dive into the pool.

Lighting effect: A brilliant white light envelopes the Shaman Chief on the


The chorus comes to it s final notes and the drums beat over and over again

to this ending with chorus and a final drum beat is heard throughout the


Lighting effect: The restaurant goes to a complete blackout for 2 seconds as

the last sound is heard.

The Shaman Chief disappears.

Lighting returns to normal.

Creating the “Adventure”

FOH theme training

As a cast member of our new Mayan Adventure, it is a great time to be an employee here. From the

moment the guest walks through the initial passageway to get inside, we want to create a world of excitement and

wonder. One in which both adults and children feel like they are entering a land of great enchantment. Free of all the

talk and elements of the outside world. One of the most essential duties of any FOH employee is sustaining that

environment. The guest, in essence, will BUY the theme we are trying to create if you SELL it to them. Many guests

want to have that unique experience where everyone inside our wonderful new restaurant is a key component of the

overall theme. What is the theme, you may ask?

Well it starts in the 1930’s with Professor Brickmeyer……………..

(I will attach the theme you wrote in this part)

Where do you fit into this theme? You are fellow explorers who have spent much time in this village. Along with

treating guests with food needs, seating our guests, or helping out the servers, you are also there explain to our

guests much of what is going on.

You, and our guests, will be confronted with many new ideas and concepts. One major concept is how our

Divers are now SYNUTIKS (see-new-techs), a tribe that have chosen to build their entire village around the cenote

(say-no-tay :new name for the pool- It is a natural pool in Mayan culture). They will be speaking a new language

and going around the restaurant doing various daily activities of the synutik people.

Another concept is one in which every hour is a “Mayan Day”. By that, I mean that the lights will change

in restaurant to signify daybreak, mid morning, afternoon, dusk, and late night. At the beginning of every hour, we

start a new day in the Mayan culture. This day will consist of various activities that might lead into regular diving.

Then the big show will be the “Festival of the Corn” when it gets dark in the restaurant. The synutiks (divers) will be

diving more frequently during the hour. This is to make the diving more natural and have it so that guests don’t have

to wait for a “show” to see something. We are getting away from the theory of “dive show” and more into the theory

of an “hourly program” that has a beginning, middle, and end. Everything the synutiks do will have relevance and

the overall effect should give the guests a feeling that they have just participated in a great show.

I know you are thinking, “what if the guests asked me if we have divers and when are the dive show?. As

of April 8th

, we no longer have divers. If you have ever seen any Las Vegas show like Treasure Island or Cirque,

they don’t call them “divers” or “stuntmen” on stage. The synutiks will be using this new restaurant, along with our

floor entertainers, to do an hourly program that will excite and energize the guests. It is important that you don’t

refer to them as “Josh, Rhett, Jake, etc.”. This not only pulls the guest out of the overall theme we are trying to carry

over from the lobby, but has the potential to minimalize the effect the synutik (diver) has in the restaurant while

doing his pre blocked and pre rehearsed activities. You can refer to them in their local language. You don’t have to

learn a whole new language, just one or two phrases to get their attention. Here some good ones:

Beesh – a – belesh = How are you doing?

Kush – Toon = Let’s go

Attached to this training manual is a list of other words as well. The children will be told that the synutiks speak this

language by not only the guides in the lobby, but will be taught through the bird shows in the lobby. The more

phrases you learn, the more you will be able to communicate with the synutiks.

Another important term is to start referring to a “show” as a “ritual”. This will help in keeping with the Synutik

theme. SHOW denotes performance for an audience. We need to believe that this “ritual” has relevance within their

world and that they would be doing these things every hour regardless if anyone was watching or not.

There will be many elements that will have left:

Balloon Artists


Mariachi Band

These elements are gone to make sure the guests truly “Buy” this theme of ours. There needs to be no disconnects –

things that don’t fit either into the time period, theme, or overall culture. These disconnects can be talking about

things like pop culture, high schools in areas, people you and the guest might know, etc. By sticking within character

with your guests, you will find a great appreciation from the guest in the end.

UNKNOWN AUDIENCES When you are talking to other servers out on the floor or in Gilligan’s, you are dealing with “unknown

audiences”. By that, these are people that can see you casually out of theme as they are sitting and eating. If they see

you break that character, you will lose that “fourth wall” that the lobby has created. By “fourth wall”, I mean that

you refuse to pull back the curtain on this whole thing. When you waiting for a ride at Disneyland, the people

working at that ride in costume don’t tell you how everything is rigged.

We have been talking a lot about staying in character. That is not to say that you must adhere to a certain script or

set of blocked or rehearsed actions, but that you must be aware of all elements around you that are. Make sure that

the guests know that these are synutiks and that this is the Mayan jungle. Become familiar with your new

surroundings and your guests will too. Remember, SYNUTIK/CENOTE/ JAGUAR GOD – these are characters that

will be native to this jungle and that will be seen at various times throughout restaurant.


Angry customer being taken to table

Customer asking “theme breaking” questions with host

Various Server scenarios in regards to birthday songs and interaction with other entertainers

Runners and bussers answering questions from guests

Trying to communicate with Synutiks

Questions about what is going on from guests

These tips and ideas will bide you well in your stay here in the new Mayan Adventure. All these tips in this

training is to make you an important part of what we have all worked towards, being the most exciting

restaurant in Utah!


You have experienced many things inside the restaurant and have had a great time.

As you leave, you will leave out a separate exit than the entrance and will be

greeted by our exit bird. This bird will talk to you as you leave about you surviving

you journey and coming back. This is to make sure we get them right as they leave

as well. Here are some examples of what they will hear as they leave the Mayan


SIR TOUCAN - THE EXIT BIRD Written by Patrick Gibbs


Well, your journey may be over, but the memory of your

adventure will stay with you forever. Good day to you.


Good work, brave explorers! You made it through safe and

sound. Be sure to come back and relive the adventure.


Off to explore other new worlds and strange civilizations?

Well, good luck to you my friends, and thank you for joining



You have shown great bravery and fortitude in making it

through to the end. My congratulations to you, good people.



Tu’x ka binex? Oh, I’m sorry. You see, that means “where are

you going?” in Mayan. (Beat.) Oh, well, then, “yum botic” for

coming. That means thank you.