totally tockington 34th edition

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  • 7/29/2019 Totally Tockington 34th Edition


    Amnesty InternationalBy Aditi Mehendale

    As this weeks theme is Valentines day, orlove, Idecided to find out a little bit about Peace Bringers,people- and organizations- who speak up for thosewhose voices otherwise cannot be heard.

    Amnesty International is a campaigning organization.Its main priorities are: the rights of women, children,minorities (people there are less of in an area, i.e.Scottish people in Zimbabwe), indigenous people(native people), refugees (people who have beenforced to leave their home country) and prisoners ofconscience (people who are imprisoned because oftheir race, political views, religion, or the harmlessways they express their beliefs); ending torture and

    abolishing the death penalty; protecting human dignity(ones self-respect).

    Current campaigns and affairsMali

    Amnesty International has uncovered what really is goingon in Mali; children being forced into soldiery and innocentcivilians being ruthlessly killed. One report states that

    more than 20 people were arrested in the street or at thebus station in a town by the Malian army and were then

    unlawfully killed. According to one eyewitness, soldiersgot out [of their military vehicle], took bodies and threwthem in to the well. The vehicle left and came back Theytook other bodies, at least six and threw them into the wellagain. Once the bodies had been thrown into the well, they

    fired two or three bursts of machine-gun [sic] into the well.The report goes on to say: A 16-year-old boy who was

    able to speak to our researchers said: I used to study with23 other pupils with a Koranic Master. Two months ago,the grandson of my master sold us to the Islamists. We

    joined a group of 14 other young people carrying firearms.He went on to describe how they were trained to shoot

    aiming at the heart or feet. Before the fighting we had toeat rice mixed with a white powder and a sauce with a red

    powder. We also had injections.Amnesty feels that these violations must be addressedimmediately.

    Edition 34 February 8th 2013 Founded by Ben Owen

    EditorialHello and welcome to this smoking hotissue of Totally Tockington, the Newsletterwritten BY students FOR students. Today,in honour of Valentines Day, the theme isLove!But we are not only looking atromance but also at love of other things.

    You will see this issue gives you all the tipsyou will need to make a card for someonespecial. We see how Aditi converts you allto peace and love internationally. ThenBennie will make you dissolve withlaughter with 3 ridiculous love jokes. If youneed to restore your inner calm we will letAlex Jacobi take over and talk to you abouthis love... FOR SPEED!!!! And if thatwasnt enough to satisfy you Abi talks toyou about what Valentines Day reallymeans.

    Enjoy! And have a great half term.Tom Edwards

    Editorin-Chief and Love God.(well not really but its my editorial so I can

    write what I like...)

    Shaker Aamer

    Shaker Aamer was detained (kept in officialcustody) by Afghan forces in 2001, when he was in

    his early 30s. He is now 44 and has spent 11 yearsin a prison camp in Guantnamo Bay, where mostprisoners are there under suspicion of terrorism.

    Shaker hasnt seen his family since he was takeninto custody, and is suffering from all sorts ofmedical complaints, due to as he claims years

    of torture and confinement, as well as barelysufficient medical attention. He, like so manyprisoners at Guantnamo, has never been tried.

    Amnesty has a petition ready to send to Obama

    and is hoping to get twenty thousand signatures.

    There are many other peace bringers, such as

    Liberty (similar to Amnesty) and Greenpeace(which focuses on the environment), and I hopeyouve all realized that love is the will to help others

  • 7/29/2019 Totally Tockington 34th Edition


    Totally Factsby Antonia Hopcraft

    1. Valentine's Day started with the Romans.

    2. On Valentine's Day one billion cards will be sent worldwide. At Christmas 2.2 billion cards

    will be sent.

    3. The first box of chocolates was made by Cadbury in the late 1880s.

    4. 73% of people who buy flowers on Valentine's Day are men, while only 27% are women.

    5. After New Year's Day, Valentines Day is the most celebrated holiday around the world.

    6. British children in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries would celebrate Valentines Day

    by going door-to- door singing songs and sometimes begging for cake or money.

    7. London is the fifth most expensive place in the world to buy roses.

    8. The first person to send a Valentines Day card was a Frenchman called Charles, Duke of

    Orleans who was imprisoned in the Tower of London for 25 years and sent cards to his


    9. 220,000 proposals of marriage in America happen on Valentines Day.

    10. On Valentines Day apparently, 15% of women send themselves flowers.

    One more thing - TEACHERS get more Valentine cards than anyone else.

    Bennies JokesBy Bennie Sanzo

    What do squirrels give for Valentine's Day?Forget-me-nuts!

    What do you call two birds in love?Tweethearts!

    What did the rabbit say to his girlfriend on Valentine's Day?Somebunny loves you!

  • 7/29/2019 Totally Tockington 34th Edition


    What is Valentines Day?by Abigail Blackwell

    Valentines Day is on the 14th of February.It is the second most celebrated day of theyear, except for New Years day. St. Valentine'sDay began as a celebration of one ormore early Christian saints called Valentinus.

    You will see that shops like W.H.Smiths sell littlethings a Valentine might give you, like redcushions or small teddy bears. They might alsoleave a note, but will always end it anonymously,or write "From your Valentine". The ideais that nobody will know who wrote the note.

    It is most commonly known as Valentine'sDay, but it is actually Saint Valentines Day.By the 15th century, it had become anoccasion where lovers expressed themselvesby giving each other gifts of flowers, andlater on, gave boxes of chocolates or greetingcards (some people send texts!)

    On Valentines Day nowadays, people like to goout for special meals, to the cinema or to thetheatre for a special celebration of their love for

    each other. Restaurants, card shops, hotels andflorists make a lot of money on Valentines Day.

    Proposalsby Ijeoma Ogbogbo

    I have been going to teachers here atTockington and asking them how they wereproposed to or how they proposed to theirpartners. I have asked various teachers andthis is what they said

    Mrs BarronMrs Barron's proposal was in a bar and it wasa girl's night out. She was with her friendshaving a drink . Suddenly a strange manwalked up to her and said, "Will you marryme?" Mrs Barron was in shock and thought shehad a little too much to drink and it was a vision

    but it was real. "No," shouted Mrs Barron. "Butyou can have my number." After a few dates,she finally said, "Yes." Some people look atthat as strange or weird; others as love at firstsight.

    Mrs HartMrs Hart was in a strawberry field pickingstrawberries in a basket. When her futurehusband asked her, "Will you marry me?"Mrs.Hart was so surprised, she sprang up andthrew her arms into the sky. Then she smiledand hugged him tightly.

    Madame VeronOne sunny day on the beach Madame Verontook a stroll with Mr Veron. They where walkingslowly, with sand between their toes. WhenMadam Veron popped the question, "Will youmarry me?". He said, Yes and they walkedon towards home.

    Ms CaseMs Case was in a pub with her then boyfriend

    and his friend. His friend said that he wasgoing to Chicago, in America, to take a seconddegree. "Oh that's too bad," said Ms Case'sboyfriend. You won't be here for our wedding."We all agree that's not the greatest proposalbut it's something.

    And who would forget the wedding of the year?Miss Chard and Mr GlanvilleThey were in France and it was a day ofadventure, climbing the Eiffel Tower. Later they

    were in a restaurant eating snails (not mypersonal favourite) and Mr Glanville lookeda bit funny (probably the snails). Then he gotdown on one knee and suddenly said, "Will youmarry me ?" Guess what Miss Chard said?!!

    Totally Tockington would like tothank all of the staff who sharedtheir stories with us for this article.

  • 7/29/2019 Totally Tockington 34th Edition


    If you want to see these done for real, then

    Just Ask Jack!by Jack Knight with photos by Alex Gooch
















    This week Im setting you achallenge! Practise the magic cardtricks I have shown you over halfterm and I will judge how good a

    magician you are on the first Mondayback at break. 1st prize : bicycle deck

    of cards; 2nd

    prize : deck of cards.

  • 7/29/2019 Totally Tockington 34th Edition


    What do you love?by Henry Allan-Jones

    Valentines Day is coming up so I wonderedwhat people around schools hobbies are.

    Max- I love rugby because I get to play in myfavourite position and keep fit.

    Laura- I love swimming because when I wasyoung I liked swimming.

    Patricia- I love skiing because Im very goodat it.

    Freya- I love horse riding because it is fast.

    Miss Taylor- I love basketball because it isfun and it keeps you fit.

    Helena- I love running because you get to runin muddy fields and get muddy.

    Darren- I love squash, farming and going tothe gym because they keep me fit and healthy.

    Beth- I love drawing because it relaxes me.

    Mr Spencer-I love music and playing theguitar because I like the sound of music.

    Mr Cann- I love shooting, diving and fishingbecause diving is as close as you can get toflying and the rest keep me fit.

    Mr Glanville- I love cooking because I likefood.

    Mrs Dawes- I love Horse riding because you

    get fresh air and a sense of achievement.

    Lucy (my sister)- I love reading because ittransports you to a different world.

    Larry- I love football because lots of otherpeople like it to so you have lots of people toplay it with.

    Alex J- I love carsbecause I like facts aboutcars.

    Ms Case- I love reading, writing, gardening,wearing wellies, sitting by a log fire, cuddlingcats, listening to my children, drinking wine,camping, being outside and walking my dogbecause they make my heart go flutter, flutter.

    Cupidby Lucy Allan-Jones

    Cupid (Latin Cupido) also known as Amor is

    the god of desire and affection.

    A person who is shot with Cupids arrow issaid to fall in love with the next person theysee. Cupid was the son of Venus. Venusbecame jealous of the beauty of someonecalled Psyche and sent Cupid to make her fallin love with a monster to get revenge onPsyche. Instead Cupid thought that Psychewas too beautiful to do that and pricked anarrow into himself. Cupid then fell in love withPsyche.

    These days Cupids image is used as asymbol of love and is often used on Valentinecards.

    Loveby Nkechi Ogbogbo

    He looks into my eyesAs I look into his,

    Im blushing.

    His soft, thick arms wrap around me,And though I know

    We will be together forever,I think about our past, present and future

    And how lucky we are to be together.Then, in the slightest movement,

    I put my arms around his neck,And with his lips almost touching mine,

    I close my eyes.Our lips are touching now.

    His lips are so soft.

    I move towards him.It is like nothing I have ever done before.

  • 7/29/2019 Totally Tockington 34th Edition


    I SPEEDIf you have a loved one this Valentines Day and you want to get to them quickly, try one ofthese speed vehicles.

    Bugatti Veyron SS Jet plane X-43ASports car 9 mach (6912 mph)267 mph (mach = speed of sound = 768 mph)

    Spirit of AustraliaJet powered speedboat

    317 mph

    SPEED FACTOn the other hand, consider yourself lucky youre not a tortoise, travelling at a maximumspeed of 0.17 mph!!!

    BY Alex Jacobi

    ROMEO AND JULIETPlayed by Bristol Old Vic Theatre School

    Reviewed by Adassa WalkerThere was no story of such woe than Juliet and her Romeo

    Romeo and Julietis about two families (The Montagues and the Capulets) who have hatred for each otherand fight each other in gangs on the street. The Prince will not have this and says, If you fight again Ill put

    you to death. That night the Capulets have a party and Romeo sneaks in with his best friend. Romeo andJuliet fall in love at first sight. Juliet realises he is a Montague and then it all goes very, very wrong and theyall end up tragically dying.I thought the performance was fantastic but they did kiss which everybody did not enjoy as much as the rest

    of the play. I thought it was easy to understand who was a Montague and who was a Capulet. I really thoughtthe fake blood was very clever because they used tissue to represent the blood. The actors acted out really

    well and we never, ever got bored. But my favourite part was when she was in her bedroom at the start,as Ithought it was a very funny way to start the play by hide and seek. I would give this 5 + hearts.

  • 7/29/2019 Totally Tockington 34th Edition


    Three favourite cars in my collectionBy Alex Grocott

    I enjoy collecting model cars. As this weeks paper is all about things we love, I thought Iwould share these with you.

    BMW Z4 MThis is the version

    as a rally car And it goes180mph.

    It has a 3.2 litre engine


    The Aston Martin One77 is a

    road car and goes 235mph. Its

    engine is a 7.3 litre V12. Only

    77 have been built.

    FORD GTThe FORD GT can go 211mph and

    its a huge 5.4 litres and it is a road carbut it can be a rally car.

    This BMW Z4M ismy model

    My model Ford GT

    My model Aston Martin One 77

  • 7/29/2019 Totally Tockington 34th Edition


    How to make the Perfect Valentines cardby Lucy England

    Follow these six simple steps to create the bestValentines card ever.

    You will need:

    Two pieces of different coloured cardScissorsGlue stickA pencilColoured pensStickers/glitter

    1. Fold one of the pieces of coloured card in half and draw with the pencil a half heart shape

    starting and ending at the fold.

    2. Cut out this shape.

    3. Do this again with the other piece of card but smaller.

    4. Open both of them out so it looks like two hearts.

    5. Glue the smaller one inside the bigger heart so that when someone opens it there will be

    two heart shapes inside.

    6. Decorate your card in any way you wish.

  • 7/29/2019 Totally Tockington 34th Edition


    by Nkechi Ogbogbo

    Max Reportsby Max Curtis

    U9 Girls

    The girls went over to play at Clifton but it was the first time they had played in a dome so a reallyinteresting experience for all. They played 4 matches overall winning one, losing 2 and drawingthe fourth. Overall the girls played well as a team but realised that they needed to try and createmore space. Well done girls, great effort, keep it up ! Player of the Match was Dalis Jones.

    U9 FootballThe boys travelled away to play at Wycliffe. The first game for TMS was against the C team whichresulted in a 3-0 win to Wycliffe. Next the boys played Wycliffe B and in this game they playedbetter, scoring a goal but unfortunately the result in the end was 1-6 to Wycliffe. The boys workedreally hard as a team as well as showing really good individual skills. Oscar Watts, Ben Orchard

    and Angus Duncan were all named Man of the Match for playing really hard on the pitch andalso being everywhere at the right time. Well done, boys !

    U11 GirlsThe girls played Haberdashers. The Bs all played really well but Haberdashers were the strongerside. With Helena scoring all three goals, the end result was 6-3 to Haberdashers. The As alsohad the opportunity to play. The end result was a fantastic win for TMS 5-0 with Antonia Hopcraftscoring every single goal. In the end Olivia Campbell was named Player of the Match. A well -deserved result recognising her great play and her motivational team spirit. Well done girls, keepit up !

    U11 Boys

    The boys played Grittleton at home. Grittleton presented 2 strong sides but TMS kept the fightingspirit throughout the game. The As had a great game but every third we played they scored aquick goal so we had to work extra hard to get back. The end result was 3-3. The Man of theMatch was Alex Jacobi for being everywhere at the right time.

    The Bs had a good game as well. They fought hard and didnt give up. Thomas Edwards (theTotally Tockington Editor) was Man of the Match for great determination and also runningconstantly up and gown the pitch. Well done, lads !

    U13 GirlsThe girls played Haberdashers at home. The first quarter TMS played Haberdashers Bs andwere ahead by 6 goals. In the second quarter Haberdashers put their Cs forward and then TMSput 7 more goals onto their total. Then, in the last quarter, Haberdashers mixed their players upwith the final result being 18-2 to TMS. Players of the Matches were Freya, Anna and Nkechi.Fantastic game and well done TMS !

    Logo from

  • 7/29/2019 Totally Tockington 34th Edition


    Gloucester Leagueby Oliver Shutt

    On Saturday 2nd of Feb, TMS travelled toGloucester to take part in the fourth and final crosscountry event of the school year.

    All the children involved tried as hard as they couldand ran their hearts out to get a good result. This

    paid off as the U11 Boys and Girls both got a medalposition. The Boys successfully regained theirGOLD medal title. Also the Girls got a BRONZEmedal for the effort they put in to gain it.

    Whilst both the U13 Girls and Boys ran well forTMS, the strength of the field did not allow either

    team to gain a medal position.

    There were two runners that performed well allseason. These were Alex Grocott and Max Curtis.

    Alex came 2nd and Max regained 3rd place over all.

    Once again this is a fantastic result for such asmall school to win against all these running


    Competition WinnerLast weeks winner of Roshans competitionwas our very own Olivia Campbell. She won adelicious bar of Caramel chocolate, generously

    given to the paper by Tom Edwards.

    We would like to assure you that Roshan andMs Case are the only people (other than cleverquiz crackers) who know the solutions to theregular weekly competitions. Reporters on theteam are not exempt from having a go atanswering the quiz questions.

    Every week there is chocolate to be won maybe this week will be lucky for you!

    Light Bulb MomentWe know that our membership and ourreadership have grown steadily since the firstedition of our paper. We would love to hear

    your views on the paper.

    What do you like?

    What would you like to see more of?

    How would you develop the paper ifyou were on the team?

    Please let us know what you think by writingyour ideas on the tear-off slip and poppingthem into the TT box in the Signing in area.

    Your comments might even get published inour next paper!

    My thoughts on Totally Tockington are






    Name : __________________________________________________________________________


  • 7/29/2019 Totally Tockington 34th Edition


    Love Hearts AnagramsBy Roshan Patel

    Ever had some of these Love Hearts Sweets? This week we thought it would befun to have some Valentine anagrams. You need to work out what Valentine

    message is written on each of the sweets by unscrambling the letters.

    Write your answers on the lines provided, put your name on the bottom ofthe sheet and pop your answer in the TT box on the Signing Out desk.

    Name : ________________________________

    Me skis_ _ _ _ _ _

    He mug_ _ _ _ _

    Im been_ _ _ _ _ _


    Vole me_ _ _ _ _ _

    Evil frost_ _ _ _ __ _ _ _

    O evil you_ _ _ _ _

    _ _ _

    Cell am_ _ _ _ _ _

    Rhyme O_ _ _ _ _ _