touchbase global: ucce best practices


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Cisco Unified Contact Center Enterprise RecommendationsCisco Unified Contact Center Enterprise (UCCE) represents the leading global, multi-site contact center platform available today.


Page 1: Touchbase Global: UCCE Best Practices
Page 2: Touchbase Global: UCCE Best Practices

Cisco UCCECisco Unified Contact Center Enterprise (UCCE) represents the leading global, multi-site contact center platform available today. Its strengths are particularly valuable to companies with significant Customer Service or Helpdesk operations that operate across multiple locations nationally or globally. When correctly implemented, managed and optimized UCCE has a transformational impact on a company’s ability to:

Investing in UCCE is a significant expense for any company but if done correctly the returns are enormous. A successful implementation will deliver the following outcomes:

These outcomes are available to any company which decides to invest in Cisco UCCE as their contact center platform. It is, therefore, surprising that in so many cases organizations do not see these benefits and are left frustrated with all the money they have invested without seeing any material business return. In fact, in the worst situations, organizations find that the investment drives negative return in the areas mentioned above. In every case where success has not been achieved it has had nothing to do with the technology and everything to do with the way in which the technology was planned for, implemented and managed.

This brief document has been constructed to give those organizations considering an investment in Cisco UCCE the benefit of Touchbase’s observations and experiences over the last 20 years of working around these types of technologies. It is not intended to be exhaustive but more to prompt thought and consideration in specific areas, and to help protect our prospective clients against wasted investment and disappointment in what can be a transformational technology when applied correctly.

Manage high volumes of interaction with end users across any communications medium (voice, email, chat, text)•

Ensure that the contacting party is directed to the right person at the right time for their requirement to be dealt with • quickly and efficiently

Drive maximum return from their investment in the people that manage the volume interactions •

Drive maximum return from their customers through intelligent cross sell and up sell•

Provide detailed and valuable reporting to all levels of leadership within the business to make considered decisions•

Differentiate themselves from their competition in the way that they manage all end user interactions •

Segment their customer or end user base on predetermined criteria to ensure they offer the correct service level to the • contacting party

Give the people tasked with delivering to the requirements of the end user, access to the knowledge and skills of the • entire organization

Improved Customer Satisfaction• – it is a fact that the way in which a customer is managed at the point of interaction determines their perception of the company they are contacting. Quicker, more informed and capable people dealing with the interaction leads to quicker resolution of the issue or requirement. This leads to happier customers.

Improved Customer Retention• – for organizations dealing with large numbers of customers, churn is a major business issue. Improving the customer experience improves customer satisfaction which, in turn, significantly reduces churn.

Improved Brand Perception• – bad news travels fast and even faster in the Facebook / Twitter age. This is equally true for good experiences. Therefore successful investment in the way in which customer interaction is managed can only lead to an improving perception of a company’s brand. This leads to additional sales.

Improved Productivity• – dealing with customer issues and requirements more quickly allows each person to deal with more interactions on a minute by minute basis throughout the day. In a high volume environment the smallest improvement in the way interactions are managed can produce massive financial benefits in the form of productivity

Improved Decision Making• – if all aspects of the way in which client interactions are managed are tracked and reported on, the management of the business at all levels have access to valuable information. From this they can make strategic and operational decisions across a wide range of areas from product development to resourcing to marketing strategy.


Page 3: Touchbase Global: UCCE Best Practices

Common MistakesThe decision to invest in a new contact center platform is usually driven by end of life of old equipment, pressure from specific business units for functionality which is not deliverable, or outgrowing the existing platform from a size or complexity perspective.

Regardless of the initial driver, the project itself usually ends up in the hands of Technology Teams who are tasked with finding a solution to the problem, implementing it and making it work to the satisfaction of the user community. So far this all sounds like a normal technology project and a quite normal demand on the Technology Team. The difference, however, is that contact center operations are normally the heart of a company’s business and from a Technology Teams perspective represent the most mission critical, visible and sensitive technology they have to deal with. Whilst it could be argued that ERP or CRM are business critical, which they are, there is no area of the business which is more critical to all aspects of a company’s brand, performance and overall success than the contact center. This is due to the fact that it is where the company meets the customer on the most consistent basis so mistakes made here resonate and impact the entire organization.

In the 19 years it has been operating, Touchbase has been asked numerous times to come in and assist where a UCCE investment has gone wrong. In every case we see the same things which have not been done correctly, which contribute to a perceived failure, even if the technology is working as it should. Almost all of it comes down to a lack of time, discipline and focus at the very beginning of the investment process. The technology can do what it is required to do but without the correct application of the technology it will fail to meet expectation every time. The most common mistakes Touchbase sees are:

As can be seen, none of these are issues with the technology itself but are all related to a lack of proper planning, execution and support of the technology. Ultimately it usually comes down to selecting the wrong specialized partner to work on the program and provide the necessary level of skills, guidance, discipline to the areas which are fundamental to success in the UCCE investment.

Trying to replace the old system with the new on a like for like basis1. – it is extremely common to get the feedback that the new system does not do what the old one did. This is illogical because if it did exactly what the old one did then there would be no reason to invest millions of dollars in a new one. Money should be spent to drive tangible improvements, not to just replace old technology doing an OK job.

Treating the investment like a commodity layer product purchase2. – Technology Teams deal with a huge range of technologies. Therefore, it is not surprising that when a contact center requirement is on the table they treat it as they would other, less complex, technology projects. This is a significant mistake. Using the same process, approach and attitude to purchase ‘hidden’ technologies like network or data center for what is a complex, business critical and highly visible end user application is disastrous.

Blue sky approach to business requirements 3. – whilst clear business and operational requirements are fundamental to the success of a UCCE implementation, it is extremely damaging to take an unlimited possibilities approach to the requirements gathering process. Many companies fall victim to the pitch from consulting companies that they can go into the business and extract all of their requirements. They then go in and do a study on all that people would want in a utopian situation. The list is long and much of it undeliverable so that the great stuff that the new system can deliver is absolutely overwhelmed by the things that it cannot. This leads to significant dissatisfaction of the new system by the business even if it is delivering some significant new benefits.

Notenoughworkdefininganddocumentingbusinessandoperationalrequirements4. – whilst ‘Blue Sky’ requirements gathering is dangerous, a detailed understanding and clear documentation of business and operational requirements is absolutely essential for a successful UCCE implementation. Lack of definition and documentation around this leads to significant perceived underperformance of the system by the business and operations teams.

Not aligning the functional requirements to the business and operational requirements5. – even where work has been done on the business and operational requirements, it is common for there to be no tight alignment of this with the functional requirements and specification of the system. This is particularly true where ‘Blue Sky’ requirements gathering has occurred. Again this leads to significant dissatisfaction with the system from the business and operations teams.

Lack of focus on reporting requirements until after the fact6. – much of the value of new platforms such as UCCE is in the fact that they create a consistent global source of information from which reporting and advanced analytics can be delivered. In too many cases we see companies looking at reporting after they have finalized designs, configuration and coding when it is too late. The way in which a system is set up contributes massively to the range of reports which are available once it is up and running. Not doing this early in the investment cycle compromises the quality and flexibility of reporting at a later date.

Not taking a balanced approach to all system deliverables7. – to get a true return out of the UCCE investment, the company must see tangible improvements in the customer experience, agent productivity, reporting and system manageability. A balanced approach to all of these key elements is essential in the planning process to ensure that the system does not deliver a fantastic customer experience but halves the people productivity or doubles the people productivity but drives customer satisfaction through the floor. A well implemented UCCE platform is one where material gains in all areas can be seen following go live.


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Not building a roadmap for business deliverables8. – most Technology Teams understand the importance of a roadmap for functional deliverables but not enough time is spent on ensuring the business and operations teams understand what this means from a business perspective and when they will have it delivered. It is highly unusual that the full power of any system can be harnessed on the go live date and if a clear business deliverables roadmap does not exist the users believe that what they get on day 1 is all they are going to get. This leads to significant and unfair dissatisfaction with the new system which is hard to recover.

Unrealistic timelines for planning and implementation9. – the most common problem we come across is a lack of time set aside for all of the essential activities to be undertaken. Generally companies leave the investment commitment to the very last minute and find themselves without enough time to undertake the work required to make the investment a success. The planning phase suffers, detailed work is not carried out and the project fails to deliver on time anyway. This reflects extremely badly on the Technology Team even if they were not responsible for the timelines.

NosignofffromBusiness/Operations&TechnologyTeamsonfinaldeliverable10. – when companies have made the effort to put the Business & Ops requirements together and align them perfectly with the functional specification they still forget to get all parties to sign off on what is actually going to be delivered. Time goes by and the technology is implemented and goes live and there is no baseline agreement between all parties from which to judge the project a success or failure. The Technology Team suffers as all perceived or alleged lack of delivery (which may not have been promised in the first place) falls at their door.

No clear planning of the platforms ongoing management and optimization until last minute11. – UCCE cannot be implemented and left alone. Like any high value business application it has to have 5 9’s reliability and be continually optimized as the business requirements evolve and change. It is very common for Touchbase to find companies who have made this massive investment without first considering how they are going to manage and optimize it on an ongoing basis. This leads to either additional and unplanned spend or the system becoming misaligned with the business very quickly.

Not enough consideration of integration requirements12. – a successful UCCE implementation relies on the integration of other core applications to drive the productivity of the agents and allow them to deliver an exceptional client experience. Most companies view the investment as a stand alone application treating integration requirements as a secondary consideration. This stops them maximizing the value of the investment and impressing the Business and Operations Teams with the additional value that the platform can deliver.

Discover phase lagging so parties lose interest13. – to make a UCCE investment successful requires the full input and involvement of the Business, Operations and Technology Teams. It is essential to keep all parties interested during the process. Too often long winded Discovery Engagements promise a great deal but the teams lose interest and belief in the process and start to disengage. This creates significant challenges for the Technology Teams as they do not gain balanced input into the process and the end deliverable becomes totally misaligned with the original requirement.

Taking a local approach to a global platform14. – usually companies invest in UCCE because of its ability to consolidate multiple contact centers into one, virtual and global contact center. The benefits are enormous across Customer Experience, Reporting, Control, Cost of Management, Flexibility, Speed of Change and the list goes on. The issue we see a great deal of is companies that buy into the global nature of a UCCE investment and then treat the design process as if it was a local project. The outcome of this is that the host location gets a fantastic system but all other locations feel that they have been hard done by and preferred the old system.

Not enough consideration of network load implications 15. – consolidating disparate contact centers has massive benefit to an organization but it also fundamentally changes the load on the network of the organization. Almost 100% of the technical issues associated with a UCCE implementation can be tracked back to a lack of attention to detail around the network which needs to support the increased load that it creates. This is disastrous as it makes the users believe that UCCE in itself is at fault, where in reality it is a lack of planning around the network which is carrying the interaction traffic. Wherever the fault may be, the end result is lost deals, lost customers and a very unhappy business, and it all comes back to the Technology Team.

Services spend expectation 16. – UCCE is a business critical, highly complex but extremely valuable platform and application. To effectively plan, install and support it takes significantly more time in each phase of the program than a similar initiative around IPT or Network or Storage. It is possible to find partners who will treat them the same from a services perspective and they leave companies feeling like they got a good deal. The reality is very different. Not enough time is put into planning, the implementation is badly executed and nothing is reserved for a proper support and optimize solution. In the end it actually costs more for everyone but by then the solution has failed to deliver.

Partner selection17. – UCCE is the most complex, user facing application within Cisco’s product portfolio. To effectively implement it, a partner must have deep experience of contact center environments, best practice methodologies and the technology itself. Accreditation and vendor ‘badges’ are not enough in this area as the partner has to have the experience of years of working with this type of technology and helping companies maximize its value to them. The most common cause of failed implementations of UCCE are companies entrusting this business critical platform and application to their existing partner, who delivers networking and IPT equipment to them. The result is complete failure to deliver and usually Cisco Advanced Services or a company like Touchbase being brought in to clean it up.


Page 5: Touchbase Global: UCCE Best Practices

Best Practice AdviceThis area relates to ensuring Touchbase prospective clients do not fall victim to the common mistakes we see made across the world when companies are investing in UCCE. They relate to approach, methodology and areas of focus rather than the technology itself as this is relatively straight forward when the necessary work is done at the front end of the investment cycle. Whether or not organizations choose to use Touchbase, we would always recommend that:

These are the key recommendations Touchbase would have for any organization considering an investment in UCCE. With the right Partner and a real commitment to the above the project will be a great success and the business will benefit massively. Any compromise to the above will, in our experience, lead to dissatisfaction now or in the future, all of which will be blamed on the technology or on the Technology Team.

All stakeholders in the investment process agree that the replacement of the system is about delivering an improved • system for the business, not about replacing the old one with the same functionality. Ensure that the new one is better than the old one in the way it manages customer interactions, the way in which it allows the people to do their jobs, the way that it provides information to management and the way it allows the company to differentiate itself. The new system must deliver more and the business and operations people must understand what it can deliver – when this is the case they cannot wait to embrace the new system.

The Technology Team recognize at the beginning of the investment process that this is a business critical and very visible • application. Full and total engagement with the Business & Operations Teams and a disciplined approach to requirements documentation and all party sign off are essential to make the investment a success.

You do not under any circumstances conduct ‘Blue Sky’ requirements gathering with your Business & Operations teams. • The Discovery Engagement should be undertaken by a partner who can take the functionality of UCCE and work with the B&O Teams so that they understand what is available to them. They can then use their deep knowledge of the business to work out, with the partner and the Technology Team, how to embed the functionality in their process to drive positive business outcome.

Put the effort and energy (or get a partner to) into the Business & Operations Teams Requirements gathering and ensure • that these are tightly mapped to the Functional Requirements of UCCE. There should be no compromise in this area and if the B&O requirement gathering is done correctly there will be no requirement gaps in the functional capability of the system.

No matter what time pressure you are under you do not place an order for equipment and project services until the • Business & Operational Requirements are complete and aligned to the Functional Requirements. The Design of the system can be done in parallel of the Discovery process but it is key that no orders are place for product / service until they are completed and signed off by Business / Operational & Technical Teams.

Ensure that Reporting and Analytics requirements are a core part of the Discovery and form a core part of the Functional • Requirements. The system must be configured to support Reporting & Analytics requirements so must be agreed in the first stage of the investment cycle.

Make the requirements gathering balanced by focusing on all areas of benefit that the system can deliver – Customer • Interaction Management, Agent Productivity, Reporting and System Manageability. Ensure that there is balance across all four which drive the requirements.

When the Migration Plan & Scope of Works is constructed make sure that it contains a clearly defined timeline for delivery • of the business benefits to the B&O Teams. These should be aligned to when functionality is going to be delivered which will deliver against the business requirement. This sounds obvious but very few companies do it and it really helps get the sign off from the B&O Teams and set expectations on when certain deliverables will be met.

Set the expectations of the business around timelines correctly. A tightly managed UCCE Program from start to finish for a • large contact center environment will take around 6 months. This can, of course, be sped up in exceptional circumstances but what usually suffers is the most important part – the front end activity. This introduces significant risk to delivering full value from the technology when it goes live.

Ensure that the Business / Operational & Functional Requirements are signed off and agreed by Business / Operations • & Technology before the Project is commenced. Have the arguments at this stage rather then when the system has gone live and everyone is pointing the finger at the other saying they have not delivered.

Make the Support & Optimization of the System a key part of the Functional Requirements process. Focusing on it early • allows decisions to made on resourcing, cross training, and budgetary requirement,s so the business can understand the overall cost of the solution.


Page 6: Touchbase Global: UCCE Best Practices

Recommended ApproachClearly this is where Touchbase positions itself as the Partner of choice for anyone considering an investment in UCCE, or any company which has invested but is disappointed with the results. We truly believe that our knowledge, disciplined approach and experience with UCCE globally makes us a logical choice to help you make your investment a huge success.

Touchbase has built a flexible but rigorous methodology around its engagement with clients. The Engagement model, which consists of our 4 service areas, has been developed to ensure that every initiative Touchbase undertakes on behalf of its clients is managed consistently and with one goal in mind – success. It has been developed and proven over 20 years of global operation and is absolutely fundamental to our success in transitioning clients to a UCCE platform.

Use a partner which has demonstrable capability in integrating UCCE into other business applications and ensure that • they make this a key part of the requirements gathering process. Within the Functional Requirements it should specify the exact integration requirements that you have in the short, medium and long term to drive full value out of UCCE.

Do it all quickly. If you are going to embark on a UCCE investment then ensure that you line up all the relevant people, • approvals and funding to launch the process and complete it on time. Momentum in the program is key to keep B&O Teams interested and contributing which, in turn is essential to delivering something which is relevant.

During the requirements gathering phase include all locations. Whilst you are building a global platform, the outcome • needs to be the best of all locations and represent their interests equally to ensure maximum buy in, adoption and satisfaction with the new system.

Work with a partner that understands the load that the solution is going to create on the network and ensure that this is • included in the Technical Requirements documentation. Investment in the network will be required so this should form a key part of the budget expectation setting. Don’t leave this until after the initial budget requests have gone in otherwise it gives the impression the Technology Team, or the Partner, have missed something.

Expect to spend on services at least on a 1 for 1 basis with equipment. i.e. if the equipment is $1m then the services • spend around the project are likely to be $1m. Whilst it is in Touchbase’s interests to promote maximum service spend it is an area which should not be compromised or you will end up spending it later.

Choose the right Partner. Again something which is in Touchbase’s interest to promote but we cannot be strong enough • in our recommendation that a capable and knowledgeable partner is chosen to assist with this complex work. They must be able to prove capability, have the reach to cover your locations and drive the process for you so that they provide the single point of accountability for you to ensure everything happens when it is meant to.


Page 7: Touchbase Global: UCCE Best Practices

DISCOVER This is a rapid process which typically takes 30 days or less and focuses on what is possible with the UCCE technology solution and how the solution can be applied to the clients business to drive tangible business and operational benefits. The outcome of this phase of the engagement, which requires input from the Business, Operations and Technology Teams, is:

A clear set of Business, Operational & Technical Requirements which all stakeholders agree upon•

A clear understanding of the Operational / Financial impact of meeting the Requirements•

DESIGN In this phase of the engagement, Touchbase takes the Business, Operational & Technical Requirements and creates a Functional Specification & High Level Architectural Design. Importantly this phase looks closely at integration requirements with other business critical systems and incorporates these into any recommendations made to the clients. The outcome of this phase for the client is:

A clear set of functional requirements which align perfectly to the business, operational & technical • requirements

A high level Architectural Design which takes into account all technology in the environment •

A suggested migration plan built to address highest pain issues or highest return opportunities first•

A roadmap which sets out a logical sequence around delivering the business / operational requirements•

It should be noted that the Design phase is often conducted in parallel with the Discover phase, especially when the platform (UCCE) choice has already been made. In these situations Touchbase is focused on ensuring that the client maximizes the alignment of UCCE’s capability with the business requirements of the client and, as importantly, works to ensure that the business / operations teams are not ‘oversold’ on the capability of the UCCE platform. Getting this right is 80% of the success of transitioning to a new contact center platform as the users and the technology team are fully aligned with what will be delivered.

DELIVER With the intelligence gathered during the Discover / Design phases Touchbase is in a position to execute on the UCCE implementation and transition from your existing environment with zero business risk. During the Deliver Phase we work to agree the detailed design and configuration and build the detailed migration plan with associated Scope of Works. The key documents are signed off with the client so that:

All parties understand the Business and Operational improvements which will be delivered by the • technology

All parties understand the Scope of the project and all the interdependencies which exist to deliver • perfectly

All parties agree with the staged migration and its associated requirements of each party•

Touchbase can provide full ownership of Program management, with the client overseeing us from a • strategic and operational perspective.

If it is required by the client we partner very closely with their internal team during this phase to maximize the amount of knowledge share and training that the client gets. Although we can also “turnkey outsource” the implementation, almost completely independent of client resources, it is also recommended that the client gains some understanding of the technology for future self reliance if it is ever necessary. Deliver includes moving existing scripts and capability to the new environment (redesigning, discarding or reinventing as appropriate), rigorous testing and a world class quality and handover process..

OPTIMIZE Ensures the highest levels of post implementation support for the UCCE platform and its capabilities. UCCE is usually a mission critical application that has direct impact on customer satisfaction, revenues and therefore profitability. The platform must provide 5-9’s availability levels and a plan must exist to rapidly but safely implement changes.

Capabilities to be considered to provide this level of support to your business include platform monitoring and help desk and local resource based problem resolution, ongoing functionality modification through script and configuration oriented moves, adds and changes (whether through remote and onsite resources) and continuous and ongoing reviews of both platform performance and business and functional opportunities to perform your business better.


Page 8: Touchbase Global: UCCE Best Practices

Whilst there is nothing revolutionary in this Engagement Model, it has been extremely successful in allowing us to deliver on our commitments to our clients around transitioning to UCCE. Evidence of this is that Touchbase is the only partner in the Cisco world to have worked on UCCE migrations globally without ever suffering a CAP case – Cisco’s escalation process for problem partner implementations. We work extremely hard to keep the methodology and process which underpins the engagement model current and constantly improving and work even harder to help clients benefit from it.

Ultimately we work to make our clients, usually Technology Teams in large organizations, successful in what is a very complex area of technology.

Recommended TimelinesTo undertake each of the essential stages of a successful UCCE implementation takes time. The GANTT chart below is a sample of how the total program might look for a client, should they engage Touchbase to assist. Obviously this is indicative only but it sets out each of the key stages and gives a realistic view of how long they would take. Hopefully this will allow a client to reverse engineer the timeline and ensure that they have engaged a partner to assist early enough in the process to make it a great success.

How Touchbase Delivers Multi-Channel Customer Contact Value To Our Clients?Touchbase are experts, not generalists and have been bringing our multi-national coverage to help multi-regional and multi-national clients deliver competitive edge since 1992 through advanced Collaboration, Communication and Customer Contact technologies. While we are committed to Cisco’s Customer Interaction, Communication and Collaboration strategy, we know successful companies require us to integrate core Cisco technologies with complementary solutions from Microsoft, Calabrio, Verint, Oracle, SAP and many others. Touchbase has deep credentials in helping our clients deliver tangible business returns through our four service areas.


Page 9: Touchbase Global: UCCE Best Practices

DISCOVER & DESIGN – Clarify the opportunities available to your business through the application of evolving customer contact technology solutions integrated with your other applications. Help review your current capabilities, analyze opportunities available to you based on the work of our global client base, define business benefits available through various incremental and radical change plans and secure organizational support and funding to realize these benefits through robust, high return business cases. Examples of our successes include:

DELIVER – Execute technology implementation and organizational change minimizing risk and maximizing benefits by combining multiple technologies suppliers solutions across multiple regions or countries. Successes include:

OPTIMIZE – Provide multi-vendor support for your customer contact environment to maximize business service levels and availability, minimize downtime and service disruptions, ensure appropriate currency with new functionality and features as they become available and ensure that all your technologies work together appropriately. Successes include:

10-20% reduction in sales and service employees through organizational a leading life sciences company.•

10%-30% reduction in cost of contact handling through voice, text and internet based self service improvements in a global distribution • company.

5%-20% increase in sales through better multichannel contact alignment including the evaluation of social networking related sales and • service technologies.

10% increase in customer satisfaction and 5% gross margin improvement through introduction of targeted outbound voice and text based • sales and service.

7% improvement in service levels through improved infrastructure stability and performance ata north American telecommunications • provider.

15% improvement in sales and service effectiveness through the use of expert gateways to locate the right available knowledge expert, • immediately every time.

11% improvement in customer satisfaction and 8% reduction in call handle time through an integrated Cisco, Oracle, Microsoft, Verint • and Calabrio contact management platform.

Rapid on time, on budget establishment of a new 200 seat healthcare contact center.•

On-time, on-budget implementation of new 300 person Asia based offshore contact center for an Anglo-American corporation.•

Rapid delivery of a new product support capability in a multi-national, multi-lingual IVR, in just 4 weeks.•

Delivery of a multi-vendor environmental upgrade and expansion to deliver new features including IM/Chat, improved email handling and • CRM integration to a multi-national 350 person support facility handling global support in 60 countries and 14 languages.

Delivery of broadcast video to enhance a multi-channel contact center, retail store, mobile device, field sales and service and social • networking based customer experience strategy to drive deeper customer intimacy.

Delivery of a new enterprise performance management and executive dashboard strategy for a 300 person multi-regional contact center • and 500 field sales and service environment.

Communications and collaboration platform support for 2000 person pharmaceutical sales force.•

Remote monitoring and support for 300 person sales and service customer contact environment supporting 15% per year business • growth.

Managed service support for global contact center with 500+ agent service environment.•

Assumed support for contact center platform for one of the most successful multi-national stock exchange / trading organizations.•

Provide multi-national support for 3000 retail store and enterprise users and 500 onshore and offshore contact center agents mostly • supporting internet commerce channels for a globally recognized retailer.

Global support including Asia offshore center support for a major multinational information technology company.•


Page 10: Touchbase Global: UCCE Best Practices

Building The PlaTform

Multi-location migration from legacy • technology to Cisco technologies

Complex upgrades of existing Cisco • technology

Unlocking stalled Cisco migrations•

driving Business reTurn

Embedding advanced collaboration • technologies into business process

Leveraging customer contact • technologies to transform experience

Introducing broadcast • communications technologies to improve awareness

maximizing Performance

Worldwide, 24 hour, every day • support direct from Touchbase engineers

Dedicated engagement management • with regular technology & value reviews

A range of modular service • management options

Areas of Expertise

Cost reduction•

Improved profitability•

Increased revenue•

Meeting compliance & risk demands•

oPeraTional ouTcomes ProducTiviTy ouTcomes

Accelerated product development•

Reduced sales cycle•

Faster time to market•

More efficient processes•

sTraTegic ouTcomes

New market development and entry•

New business models•

Heightened innovation•

Faster, better decision making•

Business Outcomes

The Engagement Model is a comprehensive and globally consistent service offering covering all needs and opportunities in optimizing business communication:

Approach Differentiators

Customer Satisfaction Excellence

CustomerSatisfaction Excellence

ManagedUnified Communications

MasterUnified Communications

Multi-site global & •national programs

Touchbase has •delivered & is supporting technology in over 60 countries


Highest level •industry & partner accreditations

19 years expertise•

Focus on business •communication


Consistent global •client engagement

Regular collaboration •between global teams


An obsession •with delivering on commitments to clients, whatever it takes



Contact centers•

Exceptional client •satisfaction levels

100% referencability•
