tour poster analysis

This poster has multiple forms of synergy. Her music video is promoted within this poster because the image of her in the central third is from a scene in the music video ‘Tennis Court’. In this image she is wearing the same clothing and make-up as what she is wearing within the music video making a direct association between the two. There is also synergy for her The composition of this poster is split up into thirds. The top third consists of the name of the artist and tour. The artists name is the largest font to signify that she is the main artists within the tour. In contrast to the guest artist Oliver Tank who is written in the same font size as the dates. The centre third is of Lorde. This allows her to become to focal point therefore making it clearer to people who may not be the primary audience who she is. Lighting is an important aspect of a tour poster because it allows the artist to portray what genre of music they perform. For example, Lorde’s music is described as dark. This is therefore represented through the use of black background colouring. As well as the low key lighting used on the artist herself. The main form of The text used for both the title and dates of the tour stand out through the simplicity of the design. This is has an intertextual link to her album because the use of bold capital letters are used throughout. Thus creating a theme for herself that will be used on every platform of displaying her work. There is also a double meaning within the title of her album ‘Pure Heroine’. Heroine can be

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Post on 01-Feb-2016




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Page 1: Tour Poster Analysis

This poster has multiple forms of synergy. Her music video is promoted within this poster because the image of her in the central third is from a scene in the music video ‘Tennis Court’. In this image she is wearing the same clothing and make-up as what she is wearing within the music video making a direct association between the two.

There is also synergy for her album as the tour poster presents the name of her album ‘Pure Heroine’. This therefore promotes that particular album also linking back to the previously mentioned synergy of her music video.

The composition of this poster is split up into thirds. The top third consists of the name of the artist and tour. The artists name is the largest font to signify that she is the main artists within the tour. In contrast to the guest artist Oliver Tank who is written in the same font size as the dates.

The centre third is of Lorde. This allows her to become to focal point therefore making it clearer to people who may not be the primary audience who she is.

Finally, the bottom third contains the dates and locations that Lorde will be performing at. This would be a significant part of the tour poster because it informs the primary audience.

Lighting is an important aspect of a tour poster because it allows the artist to portray what genre of music they perform. For example, Lorde’s music is described as dark. This is therefore represented through the use of black background colouring. As well as the low key lighting used on the artist herself. The main form of lighting being projected is from behind her. This allows her to become the focal point of the tour poster and prevents her from merging into the background.

The text used for both the title and dates of the tour stand out through the simplicity of the design. This is has an intertextual link to her album because the use of bold capital letters are used throughout. Thus creating a theme for herself that will be used on every platform of displaying her work.

There is also a double meaning within the title of her album ‘Pure Heroine’. Heroine can be interpreted in two ways. It can be interpreted that she is the stereotypical dominant woman that would usually be associated with heroine. Although there is also a link to heroin, the association with the drug signifying that she is a drug herself.