tourism review online magazine - educational traveling

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  • 8/6/2019 Tourism Review Online Magazine - Educational Traveling


    improe yor art slls, learn

    to coo italan dshes, et bet-

    ter n tan pctres all of

    this is possible to do and be on

    holday at the same me. Ed-

    caonal traeln or learnnacaons are en more and

    more poplar amon yon

    and old as well.

  • 8/6/2019 Tourism Review Online Magazine - Educational Traveling



    PROFESSIONAL edu - , edu - , educaional travl ing

    Jun, 2011

    No, it's not summer school! A learnn aca-on s an opportnty to learn somethn new(somethn fn!), broaden yor horzons,and do somethn really derent! They arensal acaons, ot-of-the-ordnary exper-ences experences that last a lfeme.

    Psh yorself beyond yor self-mposed lm-taons learn to srf! Pant a landscape! jonan archaeolocal d! Try somethn yo'ealways been st a lle bt scared of...

    AmAze yourself!

    An edcatonal acaton doesn't hae to bedffclt, and t's certanly not born. Thereare educational travel tours that cover anmber of nterests want to on an archae-olocal d? Or stdy art n Erope? Yo cando t!

    Hae yo always wanted to learn to speaSpansh? Why not do t n Span? Yo canmmerse yorself n the cltre whle learnn

    the lanae, and learn faster than smply ta-n a corse at yor local commnty collee.And yo can st Barcelona or Madrd whleyo do t!

    Aend an art worshop and nleash yornner geora O'keefe. Or aend a wrter'sworshop and et on on that great Amer-can Novel.

    A learnn acaon cold also be called aspecal nterest acaon. What are yor spe-

    cal nterests? A hobby yo'd le to pracce?

    WhAt is A leArning vAcAtion?

  • 8/6/2019 Tourism Review Online Magazine - Educational Traveling



    PROFESSIONAL edu - , edu - , educaional travl ing

    Jun, 2011

    A cltre yo'd le to st? An acty yo'dle to learn?

    There are hndreds of ways yo can enrchyor acaon experence wth edcaonaltravel.

    - Yo can learn to pant or to wrte n an art-st's worshop.

    - Yo can mmerse yorself n another cltrewhle yo learn the lanae.

    - Yo can learn to srf n Calforna, CostaRica, or Hawaii.

    - Yo can ndle yor faorte hobby n ascrapboon, sewn, or beadn retreat or

    tae a tor to by japanese texles!- Yo can on an Archaeolocal D and learn

    more abot ancent cltres!

    Edcaonal trael s not born and anyacaon can be an opportnty to learn some-thn new! Chec ot food and wne acaonsfor coon classes and tors, or rer crsesfor hstory and cltre of Erope, Chna, orEypt.

    indulge your pAssion At A crAft


    Spendn a weeend at a cra retreat s areat way to ndle n a faorte hobby, and

    st relax!

    Do yo hae a faorte hobby bt no meto actally enoy t?

    Yo can sharpen yor slls enoy the cama-raderie of others with similar interests at oneof many cra worshops. Whether yo choosea weeend retreat or a fll wee of nstrconand creae acty, ths s the lmate "meme".

    The Clearn The Clearn n Door Pennn-sla, Wsconsn s a "Fol School", offern

    smmer classes n qltn, carn, wrtn,nttn, msc, and mch more. They offer awomen's wrtn retreat n the fall and yoaclasses, too! The Clearn s located on a

    blff aboe the waters of green Bay, a set-ting often compared to New England in itsrural charm.

    if yo loe Pars, and loe sl pann, SlPann France Adentre s exactly whatyo're loon for. Yo'll et an n-depth exper-ence n sl pann, and a reat Pars acaon,too! Yo'll start wth a Champane crse onthe Sene, do a lle shtseen, eat at fab-los cafesand spend at least part of each daylearnn new sl pann technqes!

    Carol Lane-Saber Desns Carol Lane-Saberoers a yearly 2-wee trp to japan to stdy thehstory, archtectre, and ardens of japan, aswell as the texles and clothn. Ths s a shop-pn tor, focsn on texles to brn home

    for yor next proect.


  • 8/6/2019 Tourism Review Online Magazine - Educational Traveling



    PROFESSIONAL edu - , edu - , educaional travl ing

    Jun, 2011

    Bravo for todays traveler! No longer are peo-ple wlln to be anonymos oyaers, onfrom one cty to another, checn nto hotelswhere they are nnown, somemes not eenery welcomed. Today there are choces ofmch more meannfl ways to trael, and oneof the most poplar has become coon aca-ons.

    These are not trps where yo spend all day

    n the tchen, bt, rather, an opportnty tospend me wth the local people sharn n themost mportant acty of ther day; breanbread, ean a home cooed meal made wththe best local nredents, accompaned by awonderful regional wine. What could be bet-ter?

    in a wee-lon trp there wold be for handson classes of 2-3 hors each, followed by eat-n the meal, of corse, drnn a ood wne.

    in temperate weather, meals are always ot-doors, so mane sn at a table wth yorfellow classmates, now ood frends, ean,drnn, taln, lahn, all the whle sr-ronded by stas of neyards or ole roesor views of the sea. This is what dreams aremade of and yo are experencn the dream.

    The experences are almost always set n thecontry, away from the crowds and the hb-bb of the ces. Lfe s a derent pace and

    yo are the benecary of ths lesrely, appre-

    cooKing tours: home cooKed meAl

    And delicious Wine

  • 8/6/2019 Tourism Review Online Magazine - Educational Traveling



    PROFESSIONAL edu - , edu - , educaional travl ing

    Jun, 2011

    cae way of lfe. Bt, yo mht hae to do alle wor as well. There are marets to shopfor nredents for the classes, food arsans tomeet and sample perhaps some homemadecheeses, neyards and wneres to st, for,of corse, yo mst taste the arees of local

    wnes. And let s not forot some cltral stevisits in the area as well.

    And, n the contry accommodaons arealso derent. They are always n ancent strc-tres, aled for ther ntrnsc hstory as wellas a wonderfl posonn, perhaps perchedhh on a hll wth stas of snowers, or nerdant ardens or neyards, or nestled alonthe sea wth water ews eerywhere.

    Does ths mae yor moth water yet? Well,

    thn abot coon wth the best and freshestlocal nredents, somemes st steps away atthe arden of the property. And these are notclasses that teach yo to coo. Of corse, eerychef or coo has ther own personal trcs ormethods and they pass those alon, bt, reallyyo are learnn the csne of the reon andwhat maes a parclar reon nqe fromthe one next door. Yo also drn the localwne, made from rapes that can be ery df-

    ferent from those a few lometers away.

    Ths s an edcaon and a cltral exper-

    ence. The frosn on the cae are the coo-n classes and the recpes that yo wll taehome wth yo to reprodce and mpressyor frends and famly. Bt the real treasreof these trps s the athenc, personal anddelhl experence of spendn a wee wththe local people and for a short me ben apart of the life.

    By Karen Herbst




    Hotel CarSmederevo,ure Daniia 66

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  • 8/6/2019 Tourism Review Online Magazine - Educational Traveling



    PROFESSIONAL edu - , edu - , educaional travl ing

    Jun, 2011

    Many of us harbor dreams of being the nextgeora O'keefe or joyce Carol Oates. Why notle yor dream at an art worshop or wrter'sretreat?

    Some retreats are for amaters st tesnther slls; others are for those more serosabot ther cra, who need a nrtrn en-ronment to wor and learn. Whateer yorleel of commtment, there s a worshop or

    retreat for yo.

    cArmel, cAliforniA

    Arsta Creae Safars Ther moo s "Wemae rls ot of women" the oal of ArstaCreae Safars s to learn and pracce yorcra n a casal, creae enronment (yo caneen brn yor do!)

    Yo can tae a wee-lon art worshop n

    Abstract Pann, Encasc (hot wax) pant-n, and Fashon Desn. Yoa s also a part ofthe program; massage and spa treatments areaalable separately.

    umBriA, itAly

    Dreams Academy for Women oers retreatsfor "creae entrepreners" n beafl cen-

    tral italy. Desned for "Women entrepreners

    who wsh to rechare ther creaty, reanperspece on ther les and bsnesses,bld allances wth other creae womenand experience an immersion in the cultureand beaty of Central italy", the wee-lonretreats are held perodcally throhot theyear.

    neW yorK city And europe

    Creaty Worshop Creae wrn,memor, art, and storytelln holds fll-weeworshops n New Yor, Crete, Barcelona,Florence, and Carmel, California. The goalof the worshop s to explore and "exercse"yor creaty, whether t be n lfe, wrn,art, bsness, edcaon, performn, or thesal arts. Worn wth stdents of all expe-rence leels, the worshops are ntended to

    et the creae ces own, and to nrtreand focs yor creae enery. People fromall over the world and from all disciplinesaend.

    There s plenty of me to et to now thensprn locaons of the worshop sensand to mae new traeln frends. Yo wllcome ot of the worshop relaxed, ree-nated, and wth technqes to mae yo moreprodce and condent abot yor creaeables.

    educAtionAl trips: Women trAvelers

    unleAsh their creAtivity

  • 8/6/2019 Tourism Review Online Magazine - Educational Traveling

    7/9 20

    PROFESSIONAL edu - , edu - , educaional travl ing

    Jun, 2011

    lAc du flAmBeAu, Wisconsin

    Dllman's Bay Resort and Worshops Located n the serene north woods of Wscon-sn, Dllman's Bay Resort and Worshops oerswee-lon smmer art worshops n a arety

    of dscplnes. instrctors specalze n acrylcs,watercolors, ols, pastels, and photoraphy.The resort boasts a marna wth water ac-es to relax aer yor worn sesson, andthere are worshops and aces for ds aswell as adults.

    Asheville, nc And other


    Clarty Wors Clarty Wors oers classesand wee-lon wrn retreats for scrbes

    of all levels of experience. This is a women'sretreat, focsn on len o of the "rles"yo learned as a chld, and en to the trthwthn. Wrter's worshops are held at seerallocaons n the Sotheast u.S.

    virgin islAnds,

    spAin, indiA

    The Pann gypses The Pant-n gypses oer wee-lon ol wor-shops n the vrn islands, Span or inda(one worshop a year). Arsts of all leelsare welcome. Yo'll pant daly n stnnnotdoor locaons!

  • 8/6/2019 Tourism Review Online Magazine - Educational Traveling



    PROFESSIONAL edu - , edu - , educaional travl ing

    Jun, 2011

    Chef Mike Powell and his wife Hilary are pas-sonate abot Andalca Span, ts cltre, hs-tory, art and csne, and they loe to share twth ests by hosn art and clnary aca-ons, aptly named A Flaor of Span. gestsare welcomed to savour and explore southern

    Span throh these acaons, wth ery per-sonal and p close experences proded byhosts Me and Hlary.

    Andalca s nown for ts sn-drenchedwhitewashed villages, olive groves, Moorisharchtectre, amenco msc and Medter-

    ranean csne. gests hae the opportntyto explore Spansh cltre, whle enhancnand nrtrn ether ther arsc or clnarytalents at a lesrely pace n small rop set-ns. All Flaor of Span holdays tae placeat El Molno, The Old Mll, whch s a bea-flly renoated three hose estate nestled n arral alley srronded by a trot stream, oleroes and whte llaes. it s hor eqal ds-

    tance from Malaa and granada.

    The days are set p to prode plenty of mefor art and coon classes, personal me, fllyescorted excrsons and relaxaon. There salways me to lner oer lnch, tapas, anddnners; to swn by the stream or rest n thehammoc nder the pomeranate tree; toswim in the pool and watch the sheep being

    herded on the hllsde; to wal to the nearby

    prepAre your tAste Buds for

    AndAlucA culinAry tours

    Painng at El Molino

  • 8/6/2019 Tourism Review Online Magazine - Educational Traveling



    PROFESSIONAL edu - , edu - , educaional travl ing

    Jun, 2011

    llaes or he n the hlls; and to nsh yordays wth an eenn stroll on a qet contryroad that winds through the olive groves.

    Food s central to the Spansh way of lfe. TheFondaon s ole ol, the Heart s the leacyof the Moorish culture, and the Magic is theTapas rtal. Spans astronomy s a wealth ofcolors, aors and textres. There are only

    a few contres that hae sch a dersty oflandscapes, wne types and csne as Span.

    Me s passonate abot Spansh food, tsfreshness, the smplcty of preparaon, andthe qntessenal aors of Sothern Spanthe Mediterranean diet at its best. The Tapas

    rtal s a dese ad n tself. The sherry andtapas wor ther mac and tae away hnerpans, as well as crean the me for people

    to ar ther problems and frstraons, oys andpleasres, releasn the safety ale that hasbeen foroen n modern lfe.

    Cooery acaons nclde a mx of hands-oncoon sessons and demos; wne tasns;sts to local food and sh marets, wneres,

    Rte Mseo de jamon (ham msem), andto the Baena oranc ole ol mll; and excr-sions with sight-seeing, shopping, dining out

    and een a amenco show. Drn the cooeryacaons, ests dscoer the oys of Medter-ranean food sn the nest local nredentsand learning the secrets of local dishes andwine pairings.

    Also, Me and Hlary pt toether cstomprate coon holdays, so f a wne clb,

    clnary rop, rop of frends or bsnessassocates wants to create ther own coonacaon n Span, Me and Hlary wll cstom-ze eery detal to st the rop, ncldnadd-ons sch as Spansh lanae lessons, spaexperences, and addonal excrsons.

    For the art acaons, een thoh Me hm-self s an arst, he s too bsy preparn hsexceponal meals for ests, so hhly sc-cessfl arsts lead the worshops.

    if yo want to spend a cople of wees onan art or clnary acaon n the contrysden the soth of Span at a lonly restored OldMll, spend yor days pann or learnn tocoo beafl Spansh csne, explore Spann small escorted rops, dscoer the oy andhealth of delcos Spansh coon, on hostsMe and Hlary n Span on A Flaor of Spanvacaon. They hae broht toether the

    place, nstrctors and opportnes for yoto experence the csne and cltre of Anda-

    lca and to nspre yor clnary and arscables. Throh Spansh contry coon andSpansh-nspred recpes, excellent art teach-ers at a tranql contry sen, they wll sm-late yor arsc talents and encorae themto orsh.

    By Tina Baird


    Lunch on the Pao

    Home of Flavour of Spain Art and Culinary Vacaons,

    El Molino, the Old Mill