tourist information of kinosaki kinosaki onsen...4 5 kinosaki onsen it has been said that the hot...

Kinosaki Onsen Izushi Kinosaki Onsen is located in Toyooka city, to the northwest of Kyoto. It is famous for its seven public hot springs and tradition of wearing yukata.Nearby is the historic town of Izushi, home to a three hundred year old castle. There is so much traditional Japanese scenery and culture in this one area, why don’t you come and discover it for yourself? Tourist information of KINOSAKI

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Page 1: Tourist information of KINOSAKI Kinosaki Onsen...4 5 Kinosaki Onsen It has been said that the hot springs of Kinosaki were discovered in the Asuka period, when an oriental white stork

Kinosaki Onsen Izushi

Kinosaki Onsen is located in Toyooka city, to the northwest of Kyoto. It is famous for its seven public hot springs and tradition of wearing yukata.Nearby is the historic town of Izushi, home to a three hundred year old castle. There is so much traditional Japanese scenery and culture in this one area, why don’t you come and discover it for yourself?

To u r i s t i n f o r m a t i o n o f K I N O S A K I

Page 2: Tourist information of KINOSAKI Kinosaki Onsen...4 5 Kinosaki Onsen It has been said that the hot springs of Kinosaki were discovered in the Asuka period, when an oriental white stork

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In the 2013 Michelin Green Guide Japan Kinosaki Onsen was awarded two stars as a ‘place to visit on a side trip’. The view from the top of the Kinosaki ropeway was awarded one star.

Onsen Town Kinosaki Yukata Village

Michelin Green Guide Japan★★

Kinosaki Yukata Charter城崎ゆかた憲章

一、ゆかたにあらざれば、装いにあらず。If you’re not wearing yukata, you’re not

dressed properly.If you’re not wearing a yukata, you’re not properly dressed. Yukata is the official attire in Kinosaki Onsen. Be sure to change into a yukata before you go out and while visiting the public onsen.

一、ゆかたを以て尊しとなす。Cherish the yukata.

In Kinosaki Onsen, wearing a yukata brings you respect. The first step is to put it on, and after that enjoy coordinating it with your own style.

一、ゆかたを温ねて、新しきを知る。Discover something new by exploring

yukata.By wearing yukata, discover a new charm you didn’t notice before. You’ll even notice new things about acquintances when they put on a yukata.

一、ゆかた姿、一日にして良き想い出を宿す。Yukata will create a day of precious

memoriesFind the goodness and pleasure of Japan that can’t be found in the big cities by wearing yukata for a day and creating everlasting memories.

一、ゆかたは、豊かな心を育む。Yukata enriches your heart.

Yukata will remind you of the natural beauty inher-ent in all things. By wearing yukata you not only look great, but open up your heart as well.

Yukata RentalAt the ryokans of Kinosaki Onsen yukata are lent to guests staying for free.They will show you how to put one on, and will offer tips for wearing it while walking around the town. You can rent a yukata at Kinosaki Arts and Literature Museum. Visitors not staying at an inn can still enjoy strolling around in yukata!

Rental costs 2,000 yen per yukata.

The Station is the Front Door and the Town, One RyokanKinosaki has welcomed tourists as one town since old times with the mentality that, “The whole town is a ryokan (Japanese inn), the inns are its guest rooms, the hot springs the baths, and the roads the hallways.” Everyone can relax in yukata, even outside because after all, the roads are the hallways of one big ryokan!

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Kinosaki Onsen

It has been said that the hot springs of Kinosaki were discovered in the Asuka period, when an oriental white stork was seen healing its wounds in the waters. But the official history of the town doesn’t

start until the Nara period.According to legend, Kinosaki’s waters were discovered by a priest named Dochi Shonin. He received a vision from the village guardian god Shisho Myojin, and after performing the secret prayer of the Mandala

of Eight Great Bodhisavatta for 1000 days, the water rushed forth from the ground.In the old times, people who came to Kinosaki to visit the hot springs for their health visited Onsenji Temple, the main temple of Kinosaki, first. There, they worshipped the spirit of Dochi Shonin and after receiving a ladle and learning the manners of bathing went to the public hot springs. The ladle is the substitute for the sacred hands of Dochi Shonin. Kinosaki Onsen gained widespread fame in the Edo period. A great doctor named Kagawa Shutoku praised Kinosaki as “the best in Japan” in his book Yakusen. Since then, the name “Kinosaki” became known nationally. In 1909, the Sanin Main Line opened as far as Kinosaki, and the town prospered even more. It was loved by many writers and artists. Among them was the great writer Shiga Naoya, who wrote a book about his time in Kinosaki which lead to the town becoming even more well known.

The most popular sight-seeing course in Toyooka City includes both the yukata village Kinosaki Onsen and the castle town Izushi. It is highly recommended, especially for first time visitors.

Course Guide1

Course Guide2

Kyoto2.5 hours

Kinosaki Onsen

京都 城崎温泉

It takes about 2.5 hours from Kyoto Station to Kinosaki Onsen Station by limited express train. The train departs from platform 31 of Kyoto Station. If you include routes with changes at Fukuchiyama Station or Toyooka Station, there are approximately 30 trains a day to Kinosaki.

To get from Kinosaki to Izushi, first you must take a train to Toyooka Station. There, change to a bus bound for Izushi. It takes about 10 minutes from Kinosaki Onsen Station to Toyooka Station by train. There are approximately 20 trains a day. It takes about 30 minutes on bus from Toyooka Station to Izushi. There are approximately 20 buses a day.

Izushi10 minutes 30 minutes


The History of Kinosaki Onsen



Course Guide















Main Line





IzushiBus Stop

Course Guide1

Course Guide2

From Kyoto


Train Bus

Page 4: Tourist information of KINOSAKI Kinosaki Onsen...4 5 Kinosaki Onsen It has been said that the hot springs of Kinosaki were discovered in the Asuka period, when an oriental white stork

Recommended spots

Best Seasons

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一 Goshono-yu

二 Mandara-yu

四 Ichino-yu

六 Jizo-yu

三 Kouno-yu

五 Yanagi-yu

七 Satono-yu















Main Line





IzushiBus Stop

Course Guide1

Founded by Dochi Shonin in 738, the name “Onsenji Temple” was granted by Emperor Shomu and designated “the guardian temple of Kinosaki Onsen”. It is located halfway up Mount Daishiyama. The view from the top of the mountain was awarded 1 star in the “Michelin Green Guide Japan”.

There are many types of restaurants in Kinosaki Onsen. You can enjoy Japanese-style meals, such as sushi, tempura, soba and donburi (a bowl of rice with food on top). At most restaurants, they serve Japanese tea for free during lunch hour. There are more than 10 restaurants with English menus available. After having a meal, take a break at the “Kiyamachi Koji” shopping arcade or on a bench by the taiko bashi bridges.

Enjoy the scenery of the “San’in Kaigan Geopark” from a sea kayak. Under instructor guidance you can enjoy the clear waters of Takeno, and from May to September the waves are gentle the sea is a beautiful emerald green.

The oriental white stork became extinct in Japan in the late 20th century, but Toyooka City has spearheaded a project to breed, preserve and return them to the wild. Today, there are 164 storks living. At this park you will learn about the restoration process and get a chance to see the birds up close.

Held every year on October 14 and 15th. It is a special festival for Kinosaki, and even people who have moved away to the cities return for this event. The festival itself tells a story. A mikoshi (portable shrine) and its guard car collide and jostle with the obstructing large danjiri (wooden cart sculpted in the shape of shrine) at many places around the town. And the climax of the story is the battle fought on the Ohashi Bridge in front of Ichino-yu. This gorgeous and thrilling festival is certainly worth seeing.

From Kiyamachi Street to the foot of the Onsenji Temple, cherry blossom trees are planted along the Otani River. Paper lanterns are lit up at night, creating an elegant and beautiful atmosphere. The sight of sakura petals scattered by the wind and floating on the river surface is not to be missed!

The beach nearest to Kinosaki Onsen. Many foreign tourists come to swim in the sea from May to October. It takes about 15 minutes on rental bicycle from Kinosaki Onsen.


Get off at the middle station of the Kinosaki Onsen Ropeway.

Onsenji Temple Autumn Festival

Rows of Cherry Blossom Trees

Kei no Hama Beach

Kiyamachi Koji

Lunch & Break Spots

Geo Canoe

Oriental White Stork Park




Geo Canoe

The Sea of Japan

Park of the Oriental White Stork

Course Guide1

In Kinosaki’s onsen town, there are 7 public hot springs called “sotoyu.” Each hot spring has its own distinct atmopshere and style. Visitors staying at local ryokan get free tickets to visit sotoyu as many times as you like until 10 a.m. of your checkout day. If you haven’t tried onsen yet, come to Kinosaki Onsen and experience the ultimate in relaxation and comfort.

There are only a few traditional style onsen towns, which retain the look and atmosphere of old Japan left in the country. A street lined with traditional three storied wooden ryokans and shops running along the small “Otani River.” In the central area, there are no modern large hotels, and the beautiful townscape of old times is preserved. Over the Otani River, there are many “taiko bashi” (arched bridges) which were built in 1926. These bridges are popular photography spots not only for Japanese but also for foreign tourists.

Sotoyu (Public Hot Springs)

Traditional Wooden RyokanHighlights

To Izushi↓

Many visitors enjoy walking around this traditional town and visiting the public hot springs while dressed in yukata.

Kei no Hama Beach

Kinosaki Course

Yukata Village Kinosaki Onsen

Page 5: Tourist information of KINOSAKI Kinosaki Onsen...4 5 Kinosaki Onsen It has been said that the hot springs of Kinosaki were discovered in the Asuka period, when an oriental white stork

Daishiyama Mountain

Kinosaki Onsen Station

Kinosaki Onsen Tourist Information

Kinosaki Arts and Literature Museum





Shisho Shrine



Bank BankYunos

ato Dori Stre


iyanagi Dori




Onsenji Temple


Otanigawa River Eki Dori Street

Kinosaki OnsenRopeway

Kitayanagi D

ori Street


8 9

Strolling Around Kinosaki at Night

The real pleasure of staying in Kinosaki is taking a walk at night. Most of the public hot springs are open until 11 p.m. Many of the shops in the Yunosato Dori Street are open until around 10 p.m. You can look for souvenirs or relax at a cafe or a bar. You can even try your luck at shateki (Japanese shooting game). Cherry blossom trees illuminated by paper lanterns in spring, fireworks in summer, clear skies and moon in autumn, and snowscape in winter. The town is full of charm, no matter which season you visit. How about taking an evening stroll in your yukata, clip clopping your way down the street in geta (wooden clogs)?

Kitayanagi Dori Street

Shateki (Japanese shooting game)

Yunosato Dori Street Ichino-yu

From the end of July to August, fireworks are set off every weekday. During summer, many events such as Bon odori (festival dances) and Ennichi (fairs) are held. The “Kinosaki Toro Nagashi” in which people draw or write their wishes on lanterns and float it down the river is a fantastic sight to see.

Summer Features

In the winter, the town gets covered in snow and at night the ryokans and street lights are reflected on the snow, giving a warm orange glow to the town. There are warm yukatas and socks designed for winter available, so you don’t have to worry about the cold. Enjoy the town covered in a blanket of snow.

Blanket of Snow

Page 6: Tourist information of KINOSAKI Kinosaki Onsen...4 5 Kinosaki Onsen It has been said that the hot springs of Kinosaki were discovered in the Asuka period, when an oriental white stork

Best Seasons

Recommended spots

10 11



Castle Town “Izushi”















Main Line





IzushiBus Stop

Course Guide2

Course Guide2 The huge dodan tsutsuji plant at this

temple is said to be about 150 years old and in the autumn its leaves turn a brilliant red. The view of the colored tree from the main temple is like viewing a living painting. About 25 minutes from Izushi by taxi.

Located just 2.5 hours from Kyoto, in Toyooka City you can experience plentiful winter recreations. There are many activities available, but we reccomend snowshoe trekking. Rental of shoes and waterproof wear is available (separate charge), so even those trying for the first time can enjoy.

Best time to see: Middle of November Place: 327 Aida, Tanto-cho, Toyooka

Operating period: From late December to February *subject to change depending on snow conditions Place: Hidaka Kannabe Tourism Association (59-13 Kurisuno, Hidaka-cho, Toyooka)

The Autumn Leaves of Ankokuji Temple

Winter Recreation



Ankokuji Temple

The only remaining theatre in the Kinki region that was built during the Meiji period. It is the oldest theater building in Japan that is still standing in the same place it was built. Constructed in 1901, it flourished as a center of culture in Tajima. Various performances such as grand kabuki, kyogen, and rakugo are performed even today since its restoration in 2008. Take a tour and get a behind the scenes look at the stage, dressing rooms and more. Unique Japanese theater mechanisms such as a revolving stage, trap cellar, actor’s road and suppon (a small hidden elevator in the actor’s road) are just some of the interesting attractions.

The ruins of a castle built in 1604 by a samurai of the Sengogku period named Koide. Elements such as the wooden bridge used by samurai have been recreated. If you go up the impressive entrance path lined with tori gates you will reach the Inari Shrine, which sits at the foot of Arikoyama Mountain and provides a nice, expansive view of Izushi.


Izushi Castle Ruins

Winter Recreation

A zen temple that served as the family temple for the lord of Izushi Castle. It is the quasi-head temple of Kyoto's Daitokuji branch of the Rinzai school of Japanese zen in Tajima. The temple was restored by Takuan Osho, a priest famous for influencing swordsmen like Yagyu Munenori and Miyamoto Musashi. Besides having a look around the garden, you can experience* zazen meditation at a real Zen meditation hall. *Advanced reservation required.

Izushi is a soba noodle town with about 50 noodle shops. If you plan to have lunch at Izushi, soba is a must. Generally, Japan's

soba is served on a large dish. But Izushi Sara Soba is served in small portions on small plates. Enjoy a variety of taste by using many types of seasonings. The seasonings served differ with shops. It might be fun to visit 2 or more places. There are also many Japanese confectioners in Izushi, so after you had soba, enjoy some sweets.

An annual autumn event held on November 3rd which draws over 30,000 tourists to Izushi. The highlight of the festivals is the “Daimyo Procession” which recreates the processions of military lords of the Edo period. Participants dress as footmen, complete with topknot hair and large spears - some measuring 5 meters and weighing 15 kg - which they toss to each other in ritual called “yarifuri”. Beyond a doubt the best part of the whole procession.

Two different types of cherry blossoms are planted in Izushi so the beautiful views can be enjoyed for a longer time. With Izushi Castle as the backdrop, the sight of blooming sakura is a must-photograph site to be sure! From the beginning of April the cherry blossom festival in Izushi is held for a month.

In autumn, maple leaves and gingko turn red and yellow, adding to color the castle ruins. The beautiful colored leaves can be seen at Sukyoji Temple and other surrounding temples.

Sukyoji Temple Izushi Castle Festival

Cherry Blossoms

Autumn Leaves

Izushi Sara Soba


Izushi prospered as a castle town during the Edo period. Sights related to samurai families such as the chief retainer’s residence and entrance way gate still exist today. The central area is designated as a national area of importance for the preservation of traditional buildings.

To Kinosaki Onsen

From Kyoto

Izushi Course

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International Airport







Kinosaki Onsen

Himeji is where the World Cultural Heritage Site Himeji Castle is located. An historic site that represents the typical Japanese castle design of the early 17th century, it is no exageration to say it is perhaps the finest example of wooden architecture in Japan. The castle was designated a World Cultural Heritage Site in 1993, along with Nara prefecture’s Horyuji Temple. It has a sister-castle affiliation with the Château de Chantilly of France.

In Kinosaki Onsen, an atmosphere of the good old days still remains. Here, you can experience true Japanese culture, first hand. Stay at a traditional lodge called “ryokan” and enjoy Japanese-style course dinners. Or slip on a comfortable yukata (light cotton kimono) and stroll around the town enjoying the quaint traditional stores or hot springs. Depending on the season, you might even get to experience the town quilted in a soft blanket of winter snow, ablaze with red autumn leaves, stilled by the calm willow trees of summer, or painted with the maginificent shades of blooming sakura.

Kyoto City is Japan’s leading tourist spot and over 40 million people visit every year. Many World Cultural Heritage Sites like the Nijo Castle are located here. It has been the cultural origin of Japan since the Heian period, with a history of 1200 years.

World Heritage Sites & Kinosaki Onsen CourseKyoto and Himeji - both home to World Heritage Sites - are two of the most popular tourist spots in Japan. Kinosaki is easily accessed from both these cities. After you have visited the sites, we invite you to come to Kinosaki and experience traditional Japan for yourself.

A variety of winter recreation activities await you at Kannabe Kogen, the highlands in Toyooka City, just 2.5 hours from Kyoto. There are many types of activities, from full-scale winter sports like snowboarding and skiing to easy ones like snowshoe walking.

2.5 hours

1.5 hours


1.5 hours

2.5 hours


A convenient and affordable rail pass for visitors to Japan. With this pass, tourists can take unlimited rides on JR trains in Western Japan. For more information on which pass would suit you best, please see the following JR

Winter Recreation

From late December to February

Winter RecreationKannabe

Page 8: Tourist information of KINOSAKI Kinosaki Onsen...4 5 Kinosaki Onsen It has been said that the hot springs of Kinosaki were discovered in the Asuka period, when an oriental white stork

* Hyperdia ( is very helpful for finding train routes & times.*Japan Guide ( has useful information about how to use the trains.* Kinosaki can be accessed by JR lines, so holders of the JR West rail passes shown on page 13 can use them to reach Kinosaki.* Visitors without a pass can purchase tickets at any major rail station by visiting the ticket office or using limited express train ticket machines with English language menus.

Train Access


Once you have arrived, buses are a convenient way to access many of the sites of Toyooka. The Zentan Green Pass is a one day pass for foreign tourists (residents & students excluded).

Using the buses

Where to go

Price 500 yen (valid for printed day only)

Valid bus routes All routes in Toyooka City (excluding express & community buses)

Sold Kinosaki Onsen Tourist Information

How to Use When purchasing: please show your passport and a document to prove that you are a temporary visitor (return trip air ticket, itinerary, etc.).

Usage: valid for unlimited travel on non-express, non-community buses in Toyooka City only for the day printed on the ticket. When riding beyond the city a normal fare is charged.

Refund: If no date is printed, ticket will be refunded after deducing handling charge (100 JPY).


Kinosaki Onsen Tourist Information

Foreign Money Exchange

Food &   Drink

Tajima BeefKobe Beef is a world famous luxury food. The stock cattle of Kobe Beef are cows bred in the Tajima region of Hyogo prefecture, which includes Toyooka City. Be sure to enjoy the high quality taste of Tajima Beef while you are visiting Toyooka!

Izushi SobaAlso known as “Izushi Sara Soba”, after the small plates they are served on, these tasty and healthy buckwheat noodles are freshly made and served to you boiled with a bowl of dipping soup. There are many ways to eat soba, but most people prefer adding their favorite seasonings to the soup (wasabi, spring onion, raw egg, grated yam) and then dipping the noodles in the soup and slurping them down.

Japanese SakeThe world famous Japanese alcoholic beverage, brewed from rice. The quality of sake depends much on the quality of rice and skills of the brewer, called a “Toji”. Don’t miss a chance to try the many excellent sakes of Tajima where many skilled brewers reside.

Konotori RiceRice is a staple food of Japanese people, so its now wonder there are so many different types. Toyooka City is a producer of an especially tasty rice known as “Konotori Rice”, named after the Oriental White Stork which is the symbol of the city. To restore the stork to the region, special environmentally friendly rice cultivation techniques are used which makes a delicious rice.

Matsuba CrabThe best winter food of Kinosaki Onsen is the local snow crab, referred to as the “Matsuba Crab” in this region. The crabs unloaded at Tsuiyama Port near Kinosaki are especially high quality and have become their own brand name, “Tsuiyama Crab”.

Tajima Shinkin Bank Tajima Bank

Purchased Currency ・US dollar bills・US dollar bills・Euro bills

Service HoursFrom 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. (excluding Saturdays, Sundays and holidays)

・US dollar bills / on weekdays from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m.・Euro bills / on weekdays from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m.

Handling Storeswithin Toyooka City

Main and all branch officesHead office sales department, Toyooka Higashi branch, Showamachi branch, Takeno branch, Kinosaki branch, Hidaka branch

Points of AttentionWe can only exchange up to 500 notes per person.

*For exchange rates, please contact the bank counter.*You will be asked for your identification, such as your passport (with address written).

14 15

Washoku (traditional Japanese cooking) was recently registered in UNESCO’s list of Intangible Cultural Heritage. At most ryokans in Kinosaki Onsen, traditional washoku meals are served for breakfast and dinners. In Izushi there are approximately 50 shops that serve the local Japanese speciality, “soba” (buckwheat noodles).

International ATM Service of Japan Post Office BankYou can draw cash at all Japan Post Bank ATMs in the country using your credit card or cash card issued by financial institutions overseas.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact the tourist information in Kinosaki Onsen. Staff who speak foreign languages are stationed there.Open daily 9a.m. to 6p.m.Tel.0796-32-0013Fax.0796-32-0070E-mail : [email protected]

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● ●●




Kansai InternationalAirport

Osaka InternationalAirport (Itami Airport)

Narita InternationalAirport

Tokyo InternationalAirport (Haneda Airport)


・From Kyoto, it takes about 2.5 hours to reach Kinosaki by limited express train.・The Limited Express Kinosaki has some direct trains to Kinosaki from Kyoto Station, but sometimes they only go as far as Toyooka City (two stops from Kinosaki). In that case you can transfer to any train (even local) on the Kinosaki Onsen /Tottori line and you will reach Kinosaki Onsen in just a few minutes.・Another option is to take a limited express train from Kyoto to either Fukuchiyama or Osaka/Shin-Osaka and transfer to another limited express train at those stations.Those routes should require only one, simple change of trains and are usually about as fast as the direct

About the Trains from Kyoto

【 Transit from JAL to JAC 】Tokyo (Haneda) → Osaka (Itami) transit → Konotori Tajima Airport

Access from Tokyo International Airport (Haneda Airport) by Plane













Flight Number

From Tokyo (Haneda)

To Osaka (Itami)

Transit Time

Flight Number

From Osaka (Itami) To Tajima

JAL103 7:30 → → 8:35 30 minutes JAC2321 9:05 → →9:45JAL125 15:30 → →16:35 25 minutes JAC2323 17:00 → →17:40

*For the transit between Haneda and Osaka, there are other ways to transit besides  the flights listed here.

Flight times may vary depending on the season.JAL Reservation Center

Published in March, 2015


English Language Version of Kinosaki Website

Visit Kinosaki Facebook

Visit Kinosaki Homepage

Toyooka City Hall, Department of the Environment and Economy, Tourism Division2-4 Chuo-machi, Toyooka city, Hyogo Prefecture 668-8666 Tel.0796-21-9069 Fax.0796-22-3872Email : [email protected]