town council regular meeting

TOWN COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING Town Council Chambers, Moncks Corner Municipal Complex, 118 Carolina Avenue TUESDAY, MAY 18, 2021 at 6:00 PM AGENDA CALL TO ORDER INVOCATION 1. Invocation Delivered By: Samuel N. Rogers, Sr. Senior Pastor of Wassamassaw Baptist Church PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE APPROVAL OF MINUTES 2. Regular Meeting of Council: April 20, 2021 Planning Retreat: April 22, 2021 REPORTS 3. Mayor Michael Lockliear 4. Administrator Jeffrey V. Lord NEW BUSINESS There was no new business to be brought before Council. OLD BUSINESS 5. Second Reading & Public Hearing: Consider amendments to the Zoning Ordinance of the Town of Moncks Corner PUBLIC INPUT - Public Input will be limited to 3 minutes per individual EXECUTIVE SESSION - Council may take action regarding matters discussed 6. Executive Session Items: Personnel matters related to the Court Department Contractual matters related to prosecutorial services Contractual matters related to 4th of July Street Dance and Fireworks ADJOURNMENT In accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, persons who need accommodation in order to attend or participate in this meeting should contact Town Hall at (843) 719- 7900 within 48 hours prior to the meeting in order to request such assistance.

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Town Council Chambers, Moncks Corner Municipal

Complex, 118 Carolina Avenue

TUESDAY, MAY 18, 2021 at 6:00 PM




1. Invocation Delivered By: Samuel N. Rogers, Sr. Senior Pastor of Wassamassaw Baptist




2. Regular Meeting of Council: April 20, 2021

Planning Retreat: April 22, 2021


3. Mayor Michael Lockliear

4. Administrator Jeffrey V. Lord


There was no new business to be brought before Council.


5. Second Reading & Public Hearing: Consider amendments to the Zoning Ordinance of

the Town of Moncks Corner

PUBLIC INPUT - Public Input will be limited to 3 minutes per individual

EXECUTIVE SESSION - Council may take action regarding matters discussed

6. Executive Session Items:

Personnel matters related to the Court Department

Contractual matters related to prosecutorial services

Contractual matters related to 4th of July Street Dance and Fireworks


In accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, persons who need

accommodation in order to attend or participate in this meeting should contact

Town Hall at (843) 719- 7900 within 48 hours prior to the meeting in order to request

such assistance.


Town Council Chambers, Moncks Corner Municipal Complex, 118 Carolina Avenue

TUESDAY, APRIL 20, 2021 at 6:00 PM


CALL TO ORDER The regular meeting of Town Council was called to order by Mayor Michael Lockliear at 6:00 p.m. Present: Mayor Michael A. Lockliear Mayor Pro-Tem David A. Dennis, Jr. Council Member Charlotte A. Cruppenink Council Member James N. Law, Jr. Council Member DeWayne G. Kitts Council Member Latorie Lloyd Walker Council Member James B. Ware, III Staff Present: Jeffrey V. Lord, Town Administrator John S. West, Town Attorney Marilyn M. Baker, Clerk to Council Ehrichs B. Ollic, Police Chief Joseph S. Powell, Battalion Chief Rebecca T. Ellison, Recreation Director R. Logan Faulkner, Public Service Director Absent: Robert L. Gass, III, Fire Chief Douglas R. Polen, Community Development Director

INVOCATION The invocation was delivered by Attorney John S. West.

PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE The Pledge of Allegiance to the American Flag was led by Mayor Pro-Tem Dennis.

APPROVAL OF MINUTES 1. Regular Meeting - March 16, 2021

Motion was made by Mayor Pro-Tem Dennis to approve the regular meeting minutes of March 16, 2021, seconded by Council Member Cruppenink. Motion was approved unanimously as follows:

Item 2.


Voting Yea: Mayor Pro-Tem Dennis, Council Member Cruppenink, Council Member

Kitts, Council Member Law, Council Member Lloyd Walker, Council Member Ware.


2. Mayor's Report - Michael A. Lockliear Mayor Lockliear reported that the Crew of the UH 60L Palmetto Dustoff will be returning home after being stationed in Afghanistan for 9 months, in multiple locations. The Crew are members of the South Carolina Army National Guard out of Columbia, SC where they are stationed at McEntire Joint National Guard Base. While in Afghanistan, the Crew flew the Town of Moncks Corner Flag over western areas of Afghanistan and transported to Kandahar upon their departure. They will be returning the Flag to the Town during a ceremony that will be held at the Moncks Corner Regional Recreation Complex on Friday, April 23rd at 11:15 a.m. Everyone is invited to attend.

3. Administrator's Report - Jeff Lord Administrator Lord that reported that the Farmers Market is going strong. The Farmer’s Market is open on Thursdays. He also reported that this is the second successful week of Covid vaccinations at the Recreation Complex. Chief Ollic reported that the Police Department has made their second arrest on Horne Street for drug activity. Charges include distribution and meth. Mayor Lockliear commented “job well done”.


4. First Reading by Title Only: An Ordinance to amend Articles Two, Six and Seven of the Zoning Ordinance of the Town of Moncks Corner Motion was made by Mayor Pro-Tem Dennis to approve and was seconded by Council Member Law. Motion was approved unanimously as follows: Voting Yea: Mayor Pro-Tem Dennis, Council Member Cruppenink, Council Member Kitts, Council Member Law, Council Member Lloyd Walker, Council Member Ware.


5. Second Reading & Public Hearing: Ordinance No. 2021-03 Consider an application to rezone 0.28 acres of land located at 107 Haynesville Road, TMS 142-05-03-060, from R-1, Single Family Residential, to R-3, Multi-Family Residential. Public Hearing: There were no comments from the public.

Motion was made by Mayor Pro-Tem Dennis to approve and was seconded by Council Member Kitts. Motion was approved unanimously as follows: Voting Yea: Mayor Pro-Tem Dennis, Council Member Cruppenink, Council Member Kitts, Council Member Law, Council Member Lloyd Walker, Council Member Ware.

Item 2.


PUBLIC INPUT – There were no comments from the public.

ADJOURNMENT Motion was made by Council Member Law, seconded by Council Member Kitts to adjourn the regular meeting of Council. Meeting was adjourned at 6:06 p.m. Motion was approved unanimously as follows.

Voting Yea: Mayor Pro-Tem Dennis, Council Member Cruppenink, Council Member Kitts, Council Member Law, Council Member Lloyd Walker, Council Member Ware.

A copy of this meeting’s agenda was e-mailed to the Post and Courier, The Berkeley Independent, Live 5 News, Channel 4, Channel 2, and The News Journal Scene. As required, the agenda was posted on the Municipal Complex bulletin board and Town Website at least 24 hours prior to the meeting.

Minutes Approved and Adopted:

_______________________________________________ April 20, 2021 Marilyn M. Baker/Clerk to Council DATE

Item 2.


2213 Pinopolis Road, Pinopolis, SC 29469 THURSDAY, APRIL 22, 2021 at 9:00 AM


CALL TO ORDER The Planning Retreat of Town Council was called to order by Mayor Michael Lockliear at 9:00 a.m. Present: Mayor Michael A. Lockliear Mayor Pro-Tem David A. Dennis, Jr. Council Member Charlotte A. Cruppenink Council Member James N. Law, Jr. Council Member DeWayne G. Kitts Council Member Latorie Lloyd Walker Council Member James B. Ware, III Staff Present: Jeffrey V. Lord, Town Administrator Marilyn M. Baker, Clerk to Council

Facilitator Present:

Charlie Barrineau, Field Services Manager with the Municipal Association of SC

Process and Overview: Facilitator Charles Barrineau explained that the purpose of the retreat was to allow Council to share their goals for the Town for the upcoming and future budget years. Administrator Jeff Lord reviewed the Town’s Strategic Goals, Vision, Mission and Values Statements as were adopted by Council. The Facilitator compiled Council’s goals ranking them through a points system. Goals were finalized and ranked as follows:

Must Do:

Miracle League Field • All-inclusive playground. • Work towards closing the gap on the needed funding to complete the project. • Develop coordinated capital fundraising campaign that leverages allocated public dollars to

secure private commitments. • Staff and Council to jointly administer/coordinate campaign.

Item 2.


• Goal to complete necessary fundraising by the end of 2021; Target to complete project construction by the end of 2022.

Increase Number of Sworn Law Enforcement Officers • Chief Rick Ollic provided a synopsis proposal for Council recommending the addition of 6 police

officers to include equipment. • Council visions phasing in the additional patrol officers and equipment over a number of years

starting with the October 2021 budget. Gym/Wellness Facility/Multi-Purpose

• Schedule a vote of Council to establish priority/commitment to project. • Allocate funding in the October 2021 budget to engage design consultant to develop

vision/rendering for the facility that includes public engagement/feedback. • Vision/rendering documents can then be utilized to secure future public/private funding and

possibly be included in a municipal referendum.

Should Do:

Lacey Park/FEMA Lots • Staff develop a proposal that outlines the expansion of the existing tennis courts and

development of a new passive park. • During the 2021/2022 budget year, engage consultant to seek public engagement to develop a

vision/design. • Consider combination of visioning for gym/multipurpose facility. • Vision/rendering documents can then be utilized to secure future public/private funding and

possibly be included in a municipal referendum. Create downtown façade improvement program

• A number of downtown buildings need updated awnings, colors, etc. • Identify funding source and develop program parameters to facilitate program.

Administration office space/Town Hall • Allocate funding in the 2021/2022 municipal budget to conduct space/use analysis to determine

existing and anticipated future space needs. • Connects to the discussion of the Gym/Multi-Purpose space with the possible relocation of

some staffing to this new space. Facilitate the attraction/prospect of unique dining experiences

• Study/assess Town’s existing incentives and review programs administered by other municipalities to entice unique dining experiences.

• Determine if there is a possible avenue to allocate American Rescue Plan (ARP) funding • Involve the Corner Renaissance; possible angle to upfit building for unique dining space.

Could Do:

Traffic concerns Main Street/SC Highway 6 • Allocate funding in 2021/2022 budget to engage traffic consultant to complete traffic

assessment in defined area. • Study signals, sequencing, traffic calming, etc. • Final traffic document should include project solutions, phasing strategies and identity possible

funding opportunities. Study needs for additional development incentives

Item 2.


• Assess need for a market study to determine retail leakage for specific types of businesses. • Work with various partners (Retail Strategies, Corner Renaissance, etc.) to determine if

incentives offer an opportunity to attract a diversification of business • Study incentives offer by other municipalities (Ex. Hartsville) • Determine if a defined investment area (downtown) is a requirement to receive incentive

Mayor/Council pay • Last pay increase 2017; At that time, Council chose not to implement full pay increase proposal • As Town is growing, demands on elected officials are increasing • A pay increase would require 2 readings of an ordinance (could be included in the 2021/2022

budget ordinance) and cannot go into effective until after the November 2021 election


• Address litter issue, particularly along SC Hwy 52 o Some of the problem associated with the location of the Berkley County landfill on SC Hwy 52 o Advocate for litter improvements with various partners (Berkley County, SCDOT, inmate

program, tarp/cover programs, etc.) o Consider allocating funds to seek solutions

• Improve Town communication specifically to those not engaged with the Town (no access to internet, social media, etc)

o Allocated funding in the 2021/2022 budget to write and publish mailed monthly or quarterly paper newsletter

o Seek partnership opportunities to improve communication (Ex. Moncks Corner Water Works (MCWW) billing)

• Move to electronic Council meeting packet o Seek feedback from other municipalities as to how they electronically distribute Council meeting

packet o Develop project budget and allocate funding in 2021/2022 budget

• Implement a more flexible beer/wine policy/ordinance for downtown outdoor events o As a component of the planned food truck events, Hometown Festival, etc.

• Advocate for traffic improvement needs along SC Highway 52 o Particularly at intersection of Cypress Gardens Road (increased retail development to include

Publix) o Ensure Moncks Corner voice heard in meeting with SCDOT and other stakeholders

• Conference space o Moncks Corner Train Depot limited as to flexibility o Needed particularly in the downtown area; could add to support unique downtown dining

experiences o Parking likely a concern o Include in with discussion of gym/multi-purpose space and Town Hall space analysis

• Recruit downtown hotel o Connects to unique dining experience, conference space, etc.

Item 2.



There was no executive session called during the meeting.


Motion was made by Council Member Ware, seconded by Council Member Kitts to adjourn the Planning Retreat of Council. Meeting was adjourned at 1:44 p.m. Motion was approved unanimously as follows.

Voting Yea: Mayor Pro-Tem Dennis, Council Member Cruppenink, Council Member Kitts, Council Member Law, Council Member Lloyd Walker, Council Member Ware.

A copy of this meeting’s agenda was posted on the Municipal Complex bulletin board and Town Website at least 24 hours prior to the meeting.

Minutes Approved and Adopted:

_______________________________________________ May 18, 2021 Marilyn M. Baker/Clerk to Council DATE

Item 2.

The Lowcountry’s Hometown PO Box 700 | Moncks Corner, SC 29461 | 843.719.7900 |

Staff Report

Zoning Ordinance Amendment


Planning Commission: March 23, 2021 Town Council: First Reading: April 20, 2021 Second Reading & Public Hearing: May 18, 2021

TO: Moncks Corner Planning Commission/Town Council

FROM: Douglas Polen, Community Development Director

SUBJECT: Amendments to Articles 2, 6 and 7 of the Zoning Ordinance


Consider an Ordinance to amend Articles 2, 6, and 7 of the Zoning Ordinance


Staff is constantly working to ensure that the Zoning Ordinance is updated for clarity and to meet the changing needs of the Town. Changes proposed in this ordinance are as follows:

Section 2-2 – Definitions

Add a definition for freight containers

o Freight Container: Also known as an intermodal, shipping, or CONEX container. These are large standardized shipping containers designed and built for intermodal freight transport.

Clarify maximum size and required setback for guest cottages

o The size of guest cottages is capped at 30% of the square footage of the primary structure. On lots with primary structures of less than 1,333 sq. ft. a guest cottage of up to 400 sq. ft. is allowed. No more than two

Item 5.

bedrooms are allowed in a guest cottage. The cottage must be set back 10’ from the side property line and 15’ from the rear property line.

Article 6

Add public parks, playgrounds, schools & government facilities as a special exception to all zones for sake of consistency. Wherever these are mentioned as uses by right they will be removed.

Section 6-2 – D-1 District

Add text authorizing the Zoning Administrator to make use determinations as found in other zones

o The Zoning Administrator shall be authorized to make a use determination whenever there is a question regarding the category of use based on the definitions contained in Section 2-2 of this Ordinance or may require that the use be processed in accordance with the procedures established in §11-2, Special Exceptions, or §7-12, Planned Unit Development (PUD) district.

Section 6-3 – R-1, R-2 Single Family Residential Districts

Clean up the district description to make it in keeping with the descriptions of other districts

Section 6-11 – PD District

Add minimum widths and setbacks to single family residential

o While single-family detached lot sizes below 6,000 s.f. may be possible, Town Council strongly encourages minimums of 6,000 s.f., 50’ lot widths

and setbacks of 25’ (front), 15’ (rear) and 7½’ (side).

Section 6-15 – CR Overlay District

Fixed scrivener’s error for Heavy Duty Commercial Vehicle Parking

o Heavy Duty Commercial Vehicle Parking: Heavy duty commercial vehicles shall be prohibited from parking in the CR District. Details mirror those of Article Seven.

Section 6-16 – Lot Dimension Schedule

Add a line and footnote for TD District

Item 5.

o d. The TD District is intended to emulate both the R-2 and C-1 Districts. New residential construction mirrors the requirements of the R-2 district, while new commercial construction mirrors the requirements of the C-1 district. Structures transitioning from residential to commercial are permitted as described in Section 6-6 of this ordinance.

Section 7-2 – Parking

Change requirement for duplex parking from 3 to 4

Section 7-14 – Heavy Duty Commercial Vehicle Parking

Clarify ordinance. Changes include adding the C-1 and Corner Renaissance Districts, and allowing the Zoning Administrator to determine what constitutes a commercial vehicle for the purposes of this ordinance

o Heavy duty commercial trucks shall be prohibited from parking in the following districts: R-1, R-2, R-3, PD-R, TD, C-1 and Corner Renaissance Overlay District, whether on-street or off-street on private property, public property, or public right-of-way except when said trucks are being used during normal business hours to make deliveries or perform service.

The types of trucks specifically prohibited include but are not limited to: tractor-trailers; truck tractors; trailers only; box trucks; stake trucks; flat-bed trucks; tank trucks including those with and without DHEC identification numbers; dump trucks; concrete mixers; trucks equipped for hauling shipping containers; timber; rocks; dirt; logs; wood chips; automobiles, and boats; and any other type of truck with eight or more wheels.

The Zoning Administrator shall be authorized to make a determination whenever there is a question regarding the commercial nature of a vehicle under this ordinance.

Section 7-15 – Freight Containers

Add section on freight containers, including when, where, and how they can be used 1. Temporary use mobile storage containers such as PODS are permitted for up

to 30 days.

2. Residential and low impact commercial zones, including D-1, R-1, R-2, R-3, TD, PD-R, C-1 and Corner Renaissance Overlay District:

a. The container shall be converted to permanent use and may be used as a primary or accessory structure if all of the following are met. Containers not converted to permanent use are prohibited.

Item 5.

b. All requirements of the International Building Code are met

c. Proper permits have been issued by the Town

d. The unit has been securely attached to the ground meeting all wind and seismic requirements

e. The final structure has received a certificate of occupancy from the Town of Moncks Corner.

3. C-2, M-1 & M-2 Zones:

a. Freight containers on or off wheels may be placed temporarily in these districts for up to 180 days.

b. After 180 days such containers must be secured to the ground and made permanent as per the rules of the residential zones, above.

c. Containers must be placed to the rear of the property, meet all setback requirements of an accessory structure, and be buffered from adjacent lots with the equivalent of a Type B buffer. If the container is placed such that it is not visible from off-site no additional buffer is required.


None of these changes are major, but they continue to refine the Zoning Ordinance to make it clearer and more in keeping with the desired goals of the Town.

Staff Findings and Recommendation:

Staff recommends APPROVAL of this ordinance.

Planning Commission Recommendation:

At their March 23, 2021 meeting, the Planning Commission voted 7-0 to recommend APPROVAL of this ordinance.

Item 5.




WHEREAS, the Mayor and Town Council finds adoption of this ordinance to be in the public’s

best interest as it will amend the Zoning Ordinance of the Town of Moncks Corner in order to

address changing community needs, prevent the inclusion of incompatible land uses, address

deficiencies and ambiguities in the Zoning Ordinance, and promote public health, safety, and

well-being; and

WHEREAS, the following text amendments and additions to the Town of Moncks Corner

Zoning Ordinance have been proposed through collaboration with the Planning Commission:


Add the following:

Freight Container: Also known as an intermodal, shipping, or CONEX container. These are

large standardized shipping containers designed and built for intermodal freight transport.

Add the following to the definition of Guest Cottage:

The size of guest cottages is capped at 30% of the square footage of the primary structure. On

lots with primary structures of less than 1,333 sq. ft. a guest cottage of up to 400 sq. ft. is

allowed. No more than two bedrooms are allowed in a guest cottage. The cottage must be set

back 10’ from the side property line and 15’ from the rear property line.


Add the following to Special Exceptions for all zones:

Public parks, playgrounds, schools, government facilities


Strike Permitted Uses 14 & 15

Add the following text after Special Exceptions:

New or Unlisted Uses and Use Interpretation

Item 5.

The Zoning Administrator shall be authorized to make use determination whenever there is a

question regarding the category of use based on the definitions contained in Section 2-2 of this

Ordinance or may require that the use be processed in accordance with the procedures

established in §11-2, Special Exceptions, or §7-12, Planned Unit Development (PUD) district.


Strike introductory paragraph and replace with

These districts are intended as single-family residential areas with detached units with low to

medium population densities. Use regulations for the single family districts are identical, but

contain two (2) classes of lot width and lot area, and these dimensional differences are intended

to be preserved. Certain structures and uses required to serve governmental, educational,

religious, recreational, and other needs of such areas are permitted subject to restrictions and

requirements intended to assure compatibility of uses within the district and adjacent thereto.

Strike Permitted Use 3


Strike Permitted Use 9


Strike Permitted Use 12


Strike final sentence of 7. Single-Family Residential Density and replace with the following:

While single-family detached lot sizes below 6,000 s.f. may be possible, Town Council strongly

encourages minimums of 6,000 s.f., 50’ lot widths and setbacks of 25’ (front), 15’ (rear) and 7½’


Item 5.


Amend the following:

Heavy Duty Commercial Vehicle Parking: Heavy duty commercial trucks shall be prohibited

from parking in the CR District. Details mirror those of Article Seven.


Add the following to Table 2, Schedule of Development Requirements

TD: See Footnote D

d. The TD District is intended to emulate both the R-2 and C-1 Districts. New residential

construction mirrors the requirements of the R-2 district, while new commercial construction

mirrors the requirements of the C-1 district. Structures transitioning from residential to

commercial are permitted as described in Section 6-6 of this ordinance.


Change Two-family dwelling to four spaces


Strike text and replace with the following:

Heavy duty commercial trucks shall be prohibited from parking in the following districts: R-1,

R-2, R-3, PD-R, TD, C-1 and Corner Renaissance Overlay District, whether on-street or off-

street on private property, public property, or public right-of-way except when said trucks are

being used during normal business hours to make deliveries or perform service.

The types of trucks specifically prohibited include but are not limited to: tractor-trailers; truck

tractors; trailers only; box trucks; stake trucks; flat-bed trucks; tank trucks including those with

and without DHEC identification numbers; dump trucks; concrete mixers; trucks equipped for

hauling shipping containers; timber; rocks; dirt; logs; wood chips; automobiles, and boats; and

any other type of truck with eight or more wheels.

The Zoning Administrator shall be authorized to make a determination whenever there is a

question regarding the commercial nature of a vehicle under this ordinance.

Item 5.


Add new section

Freight containers are permitted under the following conditions.

1. Temporary use mobile storage containers such as PODS are permitted for up to 30 days.

2. Residential and low impact commercial zones, including D-1, R-1, R-2, R-3, TD, PD-R,

C-1 and Corner Renaissance Overlay District:

a. The container shall be converted to permanent use and may be used as a primary

or accessory structure if all of the following are met. Containers not converted to

permanent use are prohibited.

b. All requirements of the International Building Code are met

c. Proper permits have been issued by the Town

d. The unit has been securely attached to the ground meeting all wind and seismic


e. The final structure has received a certificate of occupancy from the Town of

Moncks Corner.

3. C-2, M-1 & M-2 Zones:

a. Freight containers on or off wheels may be placed temporarily in these districts

for up to 180 days.

b. After 180 days such containers must be secured to the ground and made

permanent as per the rules of the residential zones, above.

c. Containers must be placed to the rear of the property, meet all setback

requirements of an accessory structure, and be buffered from adjacent lots with

the equivalent of a Type B buffer. If the container is placed such that it is not

visible from off-site no additional buffer is required.

All sections and subsections will be renumbered for accuracy

Item 5.

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED and ordered by the Mayor and Town Council of the

Town of Moncks Corner, South Carolina, in Council duly assembled on this 18th day of May,

2021, that the Zoning Ordinance of the Town of Moncks Corner is amended.

First Reading: April 20, 2021

Second Reading/Public Hearing: May 18, 2021 Michael A. Lockliear, Mayor


Marilyn M. Baker, Clerk-Treasurer

Approved As To Form:

John S. West, Town Attorney

Item 5.