town-crier newspaper october 18, 2013

Your Community Newspaper Serving Palms West Since 1980 Volume 34, Number 42 October 18 - October 24, 2013 WELLINGTON ROYAL PALM BEACH LOXAHATCHEE THE ACREAGE TOW N - C R I E R THE INSIDE DEPARTMENT INDEX NEWS ............................. 3 - 10 OPINION ................................. 4 CRIME NEWS ......................... 6 PEOPLE ............................... 11 SCHOOLS ..................... 12 - 13 COLUMNS ..................... 14, 21 NEWS BRIEFS ..................... 15 BUSINESS .................... 22 - 23 SPORTS ........................ 27 - 29 CALENDAR .......................... 30 CLASSIFIEDS ................ 30 - 33 Visit Us On The Web At WWW.GOTOWNCRIER.COM PLENTY OF HALLOWEEN-THEMED FUN SEE STORY, PAGE 3 H&M NOW OPEN AT WELLINGTON GREEN SEE PHOTOS, PAGE 9 OPINION Shutdown/Debt Deal A Temporary Reprieve Without Long-Term Plan After 16 days, the government shutdown and debt crisis is fi- nally over... for now. Though a temporary deal has been struck, the issue will return come the new year. We’ve been here before, with no long-term agreement. Now, more than ever, it’s important for all sides to work together and develop a comprehensive plan going for- ward that will stop the habit of governing from crisis to crisis. Page 4 By Ron Bukley T own-Crier S taff Repor t The Palm Beach State College Board of Trustees voted last week to spend up to $4 million for archi- tectural design, infrastructure and site work on the college’s long- planned fifth campus in Loxa- hatchee Groves. “That will get us through the design and engineering and will allow us to begin work immediate- ly on the site plan and infrastruc- ture improvements,” Dr. Grace Tru- man, director of college relations and marketing, told the Town-Cri- er on Monday. Infrastructure improvements will include paving B Road, the cost of which will be shared with developers of a planned commer- cial site, Loxahatchee Groves Com- mons, to be built on 22 acres of the 97-acre site at the northwest corner of B Road and Southern Blvd., formerly known as the Si- mon property. The college’s board previously authorized $4.5 million in August 2011 to purchase 75 acres of the property for the campus and final- ized the purchase last October. The site includes more than 1,000 feet of frontage on Southern Blvd. The unanimous decision to fi- nance construction was among two key items approved by trust- ees at their regular meeting Tues- day, Oct. 8 to keep the project moving forward. It puts PBSC clos- er to its goal of providing more convenient access to educational services for residents in Loxa- hatchee Groves, Royal Palm Beach, Wellington and The Acre- age/Loxahatchee area. Trustees also approved the ed- ucational specifications for the entire first phase of the campus. In addition to architectural design, site paving, drainage and utility infrastructure, the first phase will eventually include a 50,000- College Sets Aside $4 Million For Work On Groves Campus By Lauren Miró T own-Crier S taff Repor t The Palm Beach County Sher- iff’s Office will host its third annu- al Florida Sheriffs Youth Ranches Golf Tournament on Friday, Oct. 25 at the Madison Green Golf Club, and there’s still time to get in- volved. Proceeds will benefit the youth ranches program, which helps deputies connect with local chil- dren and create community part- nerships. “The whole theme of the youth ranches is that law officers are your friends,” PBSO Deputy Kelly Whittles told the Town-Crier Wednesday. “It’s an opportunity for them to have positive interac- PBSO Golf Tourney To Benefit Youth Ranches Program tions with law enforcement offic- ers.” Whittles said that 80 percent of the ranch’s financing comes from private donations. “Children across Palm Beach County have benefited from this program, so it’s something we try to support,” she said. Deputies hope to beat last year’s donation of $17,000 through the golf tournament, which is open to the public. Registration begins at 11:30 a.m., with a 1 p.m. shotgun start. The cost to play is $125 per in- dividual or $500 per foursome, and includes use of a cart, snacks and drinks, dinner, a gift bag and all fees and gratuities. Guests also will enjoy a raffle and auction with prizes, as well as the popular helicopter ball drop. Tickets for the ball drop are $5 for one ball or $10 for three. Sponsorships are available from $100 per hole, or from $1,000 to $15,000-plus for sponsorship packages. Additionally, raffle and auction prizes and gift bag good- ies are still being accepted. “Our goal is to do the best we can to raise funds for the youth ranches,” Whittles said. The youth ranches were estab- lished more than 52 years ago on the Suwanee River and have made a difference in the lives of more than 106,000 children and their fam- ilies, through both camping pro- See CAMPUS, page 16 GROOVY FUN AT TEMPLE Temple Beth Torah’s sixth annual Family Fun Day took place Sunday, Oct. 13. This year’s theme was “groovy,” and music sensation and recording artist Patty Shukla was on hand to perform. Shown here are Cheryl, Benjamin, Matthew and Sa- rah Dubbrin with a rescue truck. MORE PHOTOS, PAGE 10 PHOTO BY DAMON WEBB/TOWN-CRIER See GOLF CARTS, page 16 See MECCA, page 7 grams and a residential care pro- gram. Children are selected to attend the camp by local deputies, who may choose a child based on mer- it or need. The camp is free, and includes fun summer camp activi- ties such as canoeing, swimming, roasting marshmallows and more. “It helps us make partnerships in the community,” Whittles said. “We go to camp with the children strictly as mentors. Each deputy is assigned to a group of kids. We eat with them, swim with them, canoe with them and talk to them about our jobs and their lives. We spend the week with them. They don’t see us in uniform until the last day.” This is crucial to make sure the children see law enforcement as a positive influence. “Kids, through no fault of their own, may not have had positive interactions with law enforce- ment,” Whittles said. “This is a way to help them see us as friends.” Whittles encouraged people in the community to come out and get involved. “Anyone who is in- terested is welcome,” she said. “We’re hoping for a good day, good weather, a good turnout and to raise money for the kids.” For more information, or to do- nate, contact Whittles at (561) 688- 3929. For more about the program, visit Wellington Survey Needs Your Input See SURVEY, page 4 By Lauren Miró T own-Crier S taff Repor t Wellington residents have a chance to let their voices be heard through the village’s Great Home- town Survey. By filling out the survey online or in person, resi- dents can weigh in on what issues are most important to them, areas where Wellington can improve and what they like about the vil- lage. Wellington Principal Planner Bill Nemser said that community sur- veys have grown in popularity, giving governments a cost-effec- tive way to get feedback from a large and diverse section of resi- dents. “It eliminates a lot of guessing you may be doing about the com- munity’s priorities,” he said. “It’s valuable information because you get to hear from different seg- ments of the community and can determine community support for different initiatives. It provides a baseline for future decision-mak- ing.” It also gives residents an op- portunity to give feedback to their local representatives. “They may sometimes feel their opinions are not represented when decisions are made with their tax dollars,” Nemser said. “This gives people who want to partici- pate an opportunity to be heard and identify their priorities, such as where they want their tax dol- lars spent and their support or opposition of initiatives or direc- tions in the village.” The surveys are available through Monday, Nov. 4. Resi- dents can fill one out online by visiting http://wellington.home, or in person at most Wellington facili- ties. There will also be survey teams at village events over the next several weeks. “We’re gathering information and opinions from residents di- rectly,” Nemser said. “We have gone to different groups, and also had teams at our food truck event and other events at the amphithe- ater.” Wellington has also sent out fli- ers and postcards about the sur- vey, and reached out to residents through local schools. The anonymous survey takes about six minutes to complete, HARVEST FESTIVAL AT ST. PETER’S St. Peter’s United Methodist Church held its Harvest Festival & BBQ on Saturday, Oct. 12. There was a pumpkin patch, bungee jumping, bounce houses, pony rides, a petting zoo, a rock climbing wall and other activities. Shown here, Emma Erickson picks out a pumpkin. MORE PHOTOS, PAGE 9 PHOTO BY DENISE FLEISCHMAN/TOWN-CRIER Plan Would Legalize Golf Carts On Some Wellington Roadways By Lauren Miró T own-Crier S taff Repor t Wellington is considering allow- ing golf carts on some village roads and, on Wednesday, Oct. 9, the Wellington Equestrian Preserve Committee weighed in on what regulations its members would like to see. Though golf carts are a common sight on bridle paths and canal banks during the equestrian sea- son, they are illegal in Wellington. But the village is considering changing that. Wellington Projects Manager Mike O’Dell told committee mem- bers that a new state statute could allow the use of golf carts on some village roads with speed limits under 25 miles per hour if the Well- ington Village Council passed an ordinance allowing it. “The state says the local gov- ernment has jurisdiction over lo- cal roads and streets,” he said. “Operating golf carts can be regu- lated by local governments.” He stressed that this would not include private roads in gated de- velopments or similar situations, which are regulated by homeown- ers’ associations or private own- ers. He also noted that some vehi- cles, such as all-terrain and utility vehicles, are not allowed on road- ways by state statute, except for those owned and operated by law enforcement or village staff. “We don’t have the option to say we want to allow those,” O’Dell said. O’Dell wanted the committee’s input on allowing golf carts, not- ing there would be some regula- tions by state statute. Golf carts would be allowed on pathways 8 feet or wider with a speed limit less than 25 mph. Additionally, the vil- lage would have to post signs to alert drivers to golf-cart traffic. The Wellington Equestrian Pre- serve has many roads with speed limits less than 25 mph, O’Dell said. It would enable golf cart drivers to move between barns and the show grounds. The carts would also have to meet minimum safety standards, including lights, a horn, signals and seat belts. State law mandates that all drivers must be 14 or older, and after dark all drivers must be at least 16. Committee Member Linda Elie said 14 was too young to drive golf carts and suggested making it 16 for all drivers. “On the show grounds, you have to be 16 with a valid driver’s license,” she said. “I think we should do that.” Committee Chair Cynthia Gard- ner said she had spoken with lo- cal parents about the issue. “The mothers unanimously agreed that 14-year-olds aren’t mature enough to be driving,” she said. “They thought it should be 16.” Elie also pointed out that li- censed drivers would have insur- ance in case of an incident. Gardner stressed she did not want to see golf carts used on grav- el or dirt paths used by horses throughout Wellington, common- ly referred to as “bridle trails.” She said this is already an issue. “I want to make it clear golf carts, which are commonly driven now By Ron Bukley T own-Crier S taff Repor t The South Florida Water Man- agement District approved an agreement last week to purchase the 1,896-acre Mecca Farms prop- erty from Palm Beach County for $26 million. The contract will now go before the Palm Beach County Commission for approval Oct. 22, according to County Administra- tor Bob Weisman. “That’s an approval I fully ex- pect,” he said. “Then that goes to the state for their final approval. We hope to have a closing before the end of the year.” Weisman added, however, that he’s concerned about the legisla- ture under-funding improvements to the dike at the south and west end of the J.W. Corbett Wildlife Management Area, which could compromise the completion of an effective dike that could divert high waters inside Corbett into the Mecca property under flood con- ditions. In a recent presentation to the Indian Trail Improvement District Board of Supervisors, SFWMD Division Director Jeff Kivett said the improved berm will integrate a still-functioning weir dam (or spill- way) that the district built hurried- ly after Tropical Storm Isaac to let excess water inside Corbett drain into the Mecca Farms property. The weir effectively lowered water levels inside Corbett to re- duce the danger of breaching the berm and further flooding The Acreage. The district used pumps to transfer water from Mecca to the C-18 Canal, which leads to the Loxahatchee Slough. The weir will be incorporated at the Mecca site to continue to con- trol water flow over the Corbett area. Kivett said the existing berm has a very steep one-to-one de- sign and sits right on the M-O Canal, which necessitates fre- quent maintenance and makes it vulnerable during storms. For stability, the district is look- ing to extend the bank. Kivett said the improved berm will take an 80- foot swath of land that will be used to expand the embankment. Dur- ing redesigns, the original esti- mate that the improved embank- ment would require about 150 acres of the 30,000-acre Corbett wetland was reduced to 17.4 acres of actu- al impact. Weisman said agencies in- volved had originally hoped for the state to supply about $8 million, which had been recommended by Gov. Rick Scott for the project. Mecca Sale To SFWMD Heads To County Commission Oct. 22 LGWCD Supervisors Give Thumbs Up To Yohe’s Performance The Loxahatchee Groves Water Control District Board of Super- visors gave generally glowing reviews Monday to District Ad- ministrator Stephen Yohe for his first six months on the job. Page 3 Road Improvements Planned For Southern And B Road In Groves The Loxahatchee Groves Water Control District Board of Super- visors reviewed the obligations of developers at the northern corners of B Road and South- ern Blvd. Monday, including B Road improvements. Page 4 Boys & Girls Club Annual Golf Classic The Neil S. Hirsch Family Boys & Girls Club of Wellington held its 32nd annual golf classic on Saturday, Oct. 12 at the Wan- derers Club in Wellington. After the golf game there was a buf- fet dinner and awards cer- emony. Page 10 Murphy Addresses D.C. Dysfunction Congressman Patrick Murphy (D-District 18) addressed the consequences of the recent government shutdown last Sun- day to about 50 people gath- ered at Hilary’s Restaurant in Royal Palm Beach. Page 7

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Local News for Wellington, Royal Palm Beach, Loxahatchee, The Acreage


Page 1: Town-Crier Newspaper October 18, 2013

Your Community Newspaper Serving Palms West Since 1980Volume 34, Number 42October 18 - October 24, 2013




DEPARTMENT INDEXNEWS ............................. 3 - 10OPINION .................................4CRIME NEWS .........................6PEOPLE ............................... 11SCHOOLS .....................12 - 13COLUMNS .....................14, 21NEWS BRIEFS..................... 15BUSINESS .................... 22 - 23SPORTS ........................ 27 - 29CALENDAR .......................... 30CLASSIFIEDS ................ 30 - 33




OPINIONShutdown/Debt DealA Temporary ReprieveWithout Long-Term PlanAfter 16 days, the governmentshutdown and debt crisis is fi-nally over... for now. Though atemporary deal has beenstruck, the issue will returncome the new year. We’ve beenhere before, with no long-termagreement. Now, more thanever, it’s important for all sidesto work together and develop acomprehensive plan going for-ward that will stop the habit ofgoverning from crisis to crisis.

Page 4

By Ron BukleyTown-Crier Staff Report

The Palm Beach State CollegeBoard of Trustees voted last weekto spend up to $4 million for archi-tectural design, infrastructure andsite work on the college’s long-planned fifth campus in Loxa-hatchee Groves.

“That will get us through thedesign and engineering and willallow us to begin work immediate-ly on the site plan and infrastruc-ture improvements,” Dr. Grace Tru-man, director of college relationsand marketing, told the Town-Cri-er on Monday.

Infrastructure improvementswill include paving B Road, thecost of which will be shared withdevelopers of a planned commer-cial site, Loxahatchee Groves Com-mons, to be built on 22 acres ofthe 97-acre site at the northwestcorner of B Road and SouthernBlvd., formerly known as the Si-mon property.

The college’s board previouslyauthorized $4.5 million in August2011 to purchase 75 acres of theproperty for the campus and final-ized the purchase last October. Thesite includes more than 1,000 feetof frontage on Southern Blvd.

The unanimous decision to fi-nance construction was amongtwo key items approved by trust-ees at their regular meeting Tues-day, Oct. 8 to keep the projectmoving forward. It puts PBSC clos-er to its goal of providing moreconvenient access to educationalservices for residents in Loxa-hatchee Groves, Royal PalmBeach, Wellington and The Acre-age/Loxahatchee area.

Trustees also approved the ed-ucational specifications for theentire first phase of the campus.In addition to architectural design,site paving, drainage and utilityinfrastructure, the first phase willeventually include a 50,000-

College Sets Aside$4 Million For WorkOn Groves Campus

By Lauren MiróTown-Crier Staff Report

The Palm Beach County Sher-iff’s Office will host its third annu-al Florida Sheriffs Youth RanchesGolf Tournament on Friday, Oct.25 at the Madison Green Golf Club,and there’s still time to get in-volved.

Proceeds will benefit the youthranches program, which helpsdeputies connect with local chil-dren and create community part-nerships.

“The whole theme of the youthranches is that law officers are yourfriends,” PBSO Deputy KellyWhittles told the Town-CrierWednesday. “It’s an opportunityfor them to have positive interac-

PBSO Golf Tourney To Benefit Youth Ranches Programtions with law enforcement offic-ers.”

Whittles said that 80 percent ofthe ranch’s financing comes fromprivate donations. “Childrenacross Palm Beach County havebenefited from this program, so it’ssomething we try to support,” shesaid.

Deputies hope to beat lastyear’s donation of $17,000 throughthe golf tournament, which isopen to the public. Registrationbegins at 11:30 a.m., with a 1 p.m.shotgun start.

The cost to play is $125 per in-dividual or $500 per foursome, andincludes use of a cart, snacks anddrinks, dinner, a gift bag and allfees and gratuities.

Guests also will enjoy a raffleand auction with prizes, as well asthe popular helicopter ball drop.Tickets for the ball drop are $5 forone ball or $10 for three.

Sponsorships are available from$100 per hole, or from $1,000 to$15,000-plus for sponsorshippackages. Additionally, raffle andauction prizes and gift bag good-ies are still being accepted.

“Our goal is to do the best wecan to raise funds for the youthranches,” Whittles said.

The youth ranches were estab-lished more than 52 years ago onthe Suwanee River and have madea difference in the lives of morethan 106,000 children and their fam-ilies, through both camping pro-

See CAMPUS, page 16


Temple Beth Torah’s sixth annual Family Fun Day took placeSunday, Oct. 13. This year’s theme was “groovy,” and musicsensation and recording artist Patty Shukla was on hand toperform. Shown here are Cheryl, Benjamin, Matthew and Sa-rah Dubbrin with a rescue truck. MORE PHOTOS, PAGE 10


See GOLF CARTS, page 16

See MECCA, page 7

grams and a residential care pro-gram.

Children are selected to attendthe camp by local deputies, whomay choose a child based on mer-it or need. The camp is free, andincludes fun summer camp activi-ties such as canoeing, swimming,roasting marshmallows and more.

“It helps us make partnershipsin the community,” Whittles said.“We go to camp with the childrenstrictly as mentors. Each deputyis assigned to a group of kids. Weeat with them, swim with them,canoe with them and talk to themabout our jobs and their lives. Wespend the week with them. Theydon’t see us in uniform until thelast day.”

This is crucial to make sure thechildren see law enforcement as apositive influence.

“Kids, through no fault of theirown, may not have had positiveinteractions with law enforce-ment,” Whittles said. “This is away to help them see us asfriends.”

Whittles encouraged people inthe community to come out andget involved. “Anyone who is in-terested is welcome,” she said.“We’re hoping for a good day,good weather, a good turnout andto raise money for the kids.”

For more information, or to do-nate, contact Whittles at (561) 688-3929. For more about the program,visit

Wellington SurveyNeeds Your Input

See SURVEY, page 4

By Lauren MiróTown-Crier Staff Report

Wellington residents have achance to let their voices be heardthrough the village’s Great Home-town Survey. By filling out thesurvey online or in person, resi-dents can weigh in on what issuesare most important to them, areaswhere Wellington can improveand what they like about the vil-lage.

Wellington Principal Planner BillNemser said that community sur-veys have grown in popularity,giving governments a cost-effec-tive way to get feedback from alarge and diverse section of resi-dents.

“It eliminates a lot of guessingyou may be doing about the com-munity’s priorities,” he said. “It’svaluable information because youget to hear from different seg-ments of the community and candetermine community support fordifferent initiatives. It provides abaseline for future decision-mak-ing.”

It also gives residents an op-portunity to give feedback to theirlocal representatives.

“They may sometimes feel their

opinions are not representedwhen decisions are made with theirtax dollars,” Nemser said. “Thisgives people who want to partici-pate an opportunity to be heardand identify their priorities, suchas where they want their tax dol-lars spent and their support oropposition of initiatives or direc-tions in the village.”

The surveys are availablethrough Monday, Nov. 4. Resi-dents can fill one out online byvisiting, or inperson at most Wellington facili-ties. There will also be surveyteams at village events over thenext several weeks.

“We’re gathering informationand opinions from residents di-rectly,” Nemser said. “We havegone to different groups, and alsohad teams at our food truck eventand other events at the amphithe-ater.”

Wellington has also sent out fli-ers and postcards about the sur-vey, and reached out to residentsthrough local schools.

The anonymous survey takesabout six minutes to complete,


St. Peter’s United Methodist Church held its Harvest Festival & BBQ on Saturday, Oct. 12. Therewas a pumpkin patch, bungee jumping, bounce houses, pony rides, a petting zoo, a rock climbingwall and other activities. Shown here, Emma Erickson picks out a pumpkin.


Plan Would Legalize Golf CartsOn Some Wellington Roadways

By Lauren MiróTown-Crier Staff Report

Wellington is considering allow-ing golf carts on some village roadsand, on Wednesday, Oct. 9, theWellington Equestrian PreserveCommittee weighed in on whatregulations its members would liketo see.

Though golf carts are a commonsight on bridle paths and canalbanks during the equestrian sea-son, they are illegal in Wellington.But the village is consideringchanging that.

Wellington Projects ManagerMike O’Dell told committee mem-bers that a new state statute couldallow the use of golf carts on somevillage roads with speed limitsunder 25 miles per hour if the Well-ington Village Council passed anordinance allowing it.

“The state says the local gov-ernment has jurisdiction over lo-cal roads and streets,” he said.“Operating golf carts can be regu-lated by local governments.”

He stressed that this would notinclude private roads in gated de-

velopments or similar situations,which are regulated by homeown-ers’ associations or private own-ers. He also noted that some vehi-cles, such as all-terrain and utilityvehicles, are not allowed on road-ways by state statute, except forthose owned and operated by lawenforcement or village staff. “Wedon’t have the option to say wewant to allow those,” O’Dell said.

O’Dell wanted the committee’sinput on allowing golf carts, not-ing there would be some regula-tions by state statute. Golf cartswould be allowed on pathways 8feet or wider with a speed limit lessthan 25 mph. Additionally, the vil-lage would have to post signs toalert drivers to golf-cart traffic.

The Wellington Equestrian Pre-serve has many roads with speedlimits less than 25 mph, O’Dell said.It would enable golf cart drivers tomove between barns and the showgrounds.

The carts would also have tomeet minimum safety standards,including lights, a horn, signalsand seat belts. State law mandates

that all drivers must be 14 or older,and after dark all drivers must beat least 16.

Committee Member Linda Eliesaid 14 was too young to drive golfcarts and suggested making it 16for all drivers.

“On the show grounds, youhave to be 16 with a valid driver’slicense,” she said. “I think weshould do that.”

Committee Chair Cynthia Gard-ner said she had spoken with lo-cal parents about the issue. “Themothers unanimously agreed that14-year-olds aren’t mature enoughto be driving,” she said. “Theythought it should be 16.”

Elie also pointed out that li-censed drivers would have insur-ance in case of an incident.

Gardner stressed she did notwant to see golf carts used on grav-el or dirt paths used by horsesthroughout Wellington, common-ly referred to as “bridle trails.” Shesaid this is already an issue.

“I want to make it clear golf carts,which are commonly driven now

By Ron BukleyTown-Crier Staff Report

The South Florida Water Man-agement District approved anagreement last week to purchasethe 1,896-acre Mecca Farms prop-erty from Palm Beach County for$26 million. The contract will nowgo before the Palm Beach CountyCommission for approval Oct. 22,according to County Administra-tor Bob Weisman.

“That’s an approval I fully ex-pect,” he said. “Then that goes tothe state for their final approval.We hope to have a closing beforethe end of the year.”

Weisman added, however, thathe’s concerned about the legisla-ture under-funding improvementsto the dike at the south and westend of the J.W. Corbett WildlifeManagement Area, which couldcompromise the completion of an

effective dike that could diverthigh waters inside Corbett into theMecca property under flood con-ditions.

In a recent presentation to theIndian Trail Improvement DistrictBoard of Supervisors, SFWMDDivision Director Jeff Kivett saidthe improved berm will integrate astill-functioning weir dam (or spill-way) that the district built hurried-ly after Tropical Storm Isaac to letexcess water inside Corbett draininto the Mecca Farms property.

The weir effectively loweredwater levels inside Corbett to re-duce the danger of breaching theberm and further flooding TheAcreage. The district used pumpsto transfer water from Mecca tothe C-18 Canal, which leads to theLoxahatchee Slough.

The weir will be incorporated atthe Mecca site to continue to con-

trol water flow over the Corbettarea. Kivett said the existing bermhas a very steep one-to-one de-sign and sits right on the M-OCanal, which necessitates fre-quent maintenance and makes itvulnerable during storms.

For stability, the district is look-ing to extend the bank. Kivett saidthe improved berm will take an 80-foot swath of land that will be usedto expand the embankment. Dur-ing redesigns, the original esti-mate that the improved embank-ment would require about 150 acresof the 30,000-acre Corbett wetlandwas reduced to 17.4 acres of actu-al impact.

Weisman said agencies in-volved had originally hoped for thestate to supply about $8 million,which had been recommended byGov. Rick Scott for the project.

Mecca Sale To SFWMD HeadsTo County Commission Oct. 22

LGWCD SupervisorsGive Thumbs Up ToYohe’s PerformanceThe Loxahatchee Groves WaterControl District Board of Super-visors gave generally glowingreviews Monday to District Ad-ministrator Stephen Yohe for hisfirst six months on the job.

Page 3

Road ImprovementsPlanned For SouthernAnd B Road In GrovesThe Loxahatchee Groves WaterControl District Board of Super-visors reviewed the obligationsof developers at the northerncorners of B Road and South-ern Blvd. Monday, including BRoad improvements. Page 4

Boys & Girls ClubAnnual Golf ClassicThe Neil S. Hirsch Family Boys& Girls Club of Wellington heldits 32nd annual golf classic onSaturday, Oct. 12 at the Wan-derers Club in Wellington. Afterthe golf game there was a buf-fet dinner and awards cer-emony. Page 10

Murphy AddressesD.C. DysfunctionCongressman Patrick Murphy(D-District 18) addressed theconsequences of the recentgovernment shutdown last Sun-day to about 50 people gath-ered at Hilary’s Restaurant inRoyal Palm Beach. Page 7

Page 2: Town-Crier Newspaper October 18, 2013

Page 2 October 18 - October 24, 2013 The Town-Crier

Page 3: Town-Crier Newspaper October 18, 2013

The Town-Crier October 18 - October 24, 2013 Page 3


By Ron BukleyTown-Crier Staff Report

The Loxahatchee Groves Water Control District Board of Super-visors gave generally glowing reviews Monday to District Ad-ministrator Stephen Yohe for his first six months on the job.

Yohe was hired as district ad-ministrator in February, replacing longtime District Administrator Clete Saunier, who left in No-vember 2012 over salary disagree-ments.

Yohe’s performance rating on a scale of 5 was 4.37. That was based on six categories: he re-ceived 4.2 in leadership, 4.4 for planning and organization, 4.2 for fiscal responsibility, 4.4 for board interaction, 4.8 for community relations and 4.2 for priorities.

His contract calls for a 2 percent increase in Yohe’s base salary of

LGWCD Supervisors Give Thumbs Up To Yohe’s Performance$84,000 at the end of six months, provided that the administrator’s performance was satisfactory, as determined by a supermajority of the board, LGWCD Attorney Mary Viator said. The raise would be effective retroactively to his six-month anniversary on Aug. 12.

“With the performance evalu-ations as they are, it meets the threshold, which would entitle him to that,” Viator said.

Supervisor Frank Schiola made a motion to accept the review. “Steve’s done a great job,” he said.

Supervisor John Ryan agreed. “In his first seven months, he has fully immersed himself not only in the history and responsibilities of the district, and the projects underway, but I think he’s made an outstanding effort to be responsive to the residents and to really take a level of transparency in com-

munication and coordination with the board members that is very welcome,” Ryan said, adding that supervisors are kept aware weekly of activities in the district.

Supervisor Don Widing also supported Yohe. “The strength that I see with Mr. Yohe is his ability to communicate with the board,” Widing said. “It’s routine, it’s regu-lar, it’s precise, it’s not overreach-ing. We get it up to the minute, but not something that’s saturating. I know what’s going on, and it’s an improvement in communications that is certainly welcome.”

Schiola added that he had gone over his personal evaluation with Yohe. “I hope he stays on for many years to come,” Schiola said, adding that he would like to get Yohe’s annual review done before his anniversary in February. “I don’t like doing anything after-

ward, especially when it comes to evaluations.”

LGWCD Chairman Dave De-Marois said he agreed with the other supervisors’ comments, add-ing that Yohe follows directions from the board, does not exceed them and sees that people adhere to them. “I appreciate that fact,” he said. “You take the direction of the board and carry it forward for us.”

Resident Marge Herzog, presi-dent of the Loxahatchee Groves Landowners’ Association, con-firmed Yohe’s high ranking for community relations.

“The communication has been great,” Herzog said. “The residents that have interacted with him have given positive feedback.”

Herzog said staff from the Town of Loxahatchee Groves have been invited to make a state-of-the-town presentation at the LGLA meeting

Thursday, Nov. 21, and she invited Yohe to participate. “I would like you to be part of it since you are part of town government,” Herzog said.

Supervisors agreed that it was a good idea. “Steve’s working rela-tionship with the town is also one of the things that I feel has been greatly improved,” Ryan said.

DeMarois added that it would also be good for Yohe to let LGLA members know where the district stands and how district money is being spent.

Town Councilman Jim Rockett added to their chorus of Yohe sup-porters. “I think more highly of him than you guys do,” Rockett said. “You also deserve some cred-it for your selection, in identifying a great candidate. He is definitely doing a great job.”

Before coming to the district,

Yohe had been director of engi-neering for the Community Learn-ing Outreach Center, where he also wrote the charter school applica-tion and several grant applications. Before that, he was senior project manager and engineer for O’Dell Land Development Consultants, where he designed and handled permitting for water, sewer, paving and drainage projects.

He also spent time working with the Housing Trust Group, the Village of North Palm Beach and the Public Building Authority of Knoxville, Tenn.

Prior to that, Yohe worked for many years with the John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Founda-tion, where he was director of en-gineering and later deputy director of Florida operations. He earned his degree from the University of Florida in 1976.

By Ron BukleyTown-Crier Staff Report

The western communities will be howling with Halloween activi-ties suitable for families, as well as those with strong hearts, over the next two weeks.

Wellington Fall Festival — Events kick off this weekend with the Wellington Fall Festival, set for 6 to 10 p.m. on Saturday, Oct. 19 at Village Park (11700 Pierson Road).

The Halloween-themed event is a partnership between the Central Palm Beach County Chamber of Commerce and the Village of

Weeks Of Halloween Fun Planned Throughout The Local AreaWellington. Children’s activities include trick-or-treating, bounce houses, hay rides, face painting and a costume contest.

Unlimited, all-access bracelets are required for some activities. On the day of the event, bracelets cost $10 for children and $5 for adults. For more information, visit or call (561) 791-4005.

Fairgrounds’ Scream Park — The scary Halloween phe-nomenon Fright Nights Scream Park has returned to the South Florida Fairgrounds. This year’s terror-filled attraction has been

redesigned to be scarier than ever.With four new haunts and more

than 21,000 square feet of attrac-tions, plus a gigantic monster midway of thrill rides, surprise scare zones and live entertain-ment, Fright Nights Scream Park is the largest and scariest haunted attraction in South Florida.

Fright Nights Scream Park will run every Thursday, Friday and Saturday through Oct. 26, with a special Monster Bash Costume Party on Sunday, Oct. 27 featuring more than $1,000 in prizes. More information and advance tickets are available at www.myfright

Spookyville at Yesteryear Vil-lage — Spookyville, an old-fashioned Halloween celebration at Yesteryear Village at the South Florida Fairgrounds, offers a full array of safe trick-or-treats, kiddy rides, games, crafts and pony rides for families and children 12 and younger.

Yesteryear Village’s 20 historic buildings will come alive with costumed volunteers offering treats and smiles. The event will be spread over two weekends and on Halloween, Oct. 18-20, Oct. 25-27 and Oct. 31.

Those wearing a costume can compete for prizes on both Sun-days. There also will be crafts, activities, scarecrow making and a “spooky house.” A pet costume

contest will be staged on both Fridays, Oct. 18 and Oct. 25. The contest begins at 6 p.m.

On Saturday, Oct. 19, and Friday, Oct. 25, a scavenger hunt with special prizes will be con-ducted. Food and beverages will be available for sale.

Admission is $7 and includes trick-or-treating, all contests and activities (except pony rides). Children 2 or younger get in free, and there is free parking. Back-packs, food, glass containers and alcohol are prohibited. For more information, call (561) 793-0333 or visit

Boo at the Zoo — The Palm Beach Zoo’s beloved Halloween event, “Boo at the Zoo,” will take place Friday, Oct. 18 and 25 from 5:30 to 9 p.m., and Saturday and Sunday, Oct. 19-20 and Oct. 26-27 from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.

Guests can enjoy trick-or-treat-ing, the decorate-your-own pump-kin patch, giveaways, a haystack hunt, roving animal encounters, not-so-scary wildlife presenta-tions and much more.

In addition to the stations pre-sented by the zoo, local businesses and organizations will be set up so children can trick-or-treat at specific locations. Games, arts and crafts, a haystack hunt (for a $1 fee) and a child-friendly haunted house will entertain young visi-tors. Children can also purchase

a pumpkin to decorate on-site. All money raised will go toward the care and feeding of the zoo’s animals.

For more information, e-mail [email protected] or visit

Royal Palm Beach Festival — Royal Palm Beach will kick off the fall season Saturday, Oct. 26 from 11 a.m. to 9 p.m. at Com-mons Park with a Halloween-themed community festival for families, featuring a variety of craft vendors and great food from the popular Food Truck Invasion.

Enjoy live entertainment with a performance from Brass Evolu-tion at 7 p.m. The park will have roving entertainers, a kids’ fun zone, a pumpkin patch and many other activities. A costume contest will take place at 5 p.m. and a dog costume contest at 1 p.m.

Park & Hayride will be avail-able from the entrance of Com-mons Park. Vendors may visit to register. For more information, call the Cultural Center at (561) 790-5149.

Wellington’s Free Trunk or Treat — The Village of Welling-ton will host a free Trunk or Treat event from 3 to 5 p.m. on Sunday, Oct. 27 in the student parking lot at Wellington High School (2101 Greenview Shores Blvd.).

Returning for the fifth year, it will be a safe, family-friendly

twist on trick or treating, where volunteers decorate their vehicles and distribute Halloween treats out of their trunks. Children 12 or younger are invited to trick-or-treat from vehicle to vehicle. Families can also enjoy music, re-freshments, a bounce house, face painting, crafts and more. There will also be a costume contest.

Anyone interested in decorating their car and passing out candy should contact Community Proj-ects Manager Scott Campbell at (561) 791-4105 or [email protected].

Trunk or Treat at the King’s Academy — Family Church West at the King’s Academy (8401 Bel-vedere Road), will host a Trunk or Treat on Sunday, Oct. 27 from 5 to 6:30 p.m. with bounce houses, face painting, food trucks, Rita’s Italian ice and trunk-or-treating with loads of candy. Fall food items also will be available for purchase. Find out more by visit-ing or call (561) 650-7400.

Halloween Fun in The Acre-age — Residents of Citrus Grove Blvd. in The Acreage will host their annual Trunk or Treat Hal-loween on Thursday, Oct. 31 from 5 to 9 p.m. between Coconut Blvd. and Seminole Pratt Whitney Road.

The event has been hosted by residents on Citrus Grove Blvd. Scary fun awaits at Fright Nights Scream Park.

tOwN-crier File PhOtO by deNiSe FleiSchmaN See HALLOWEEN, page 16

Page 4: Town-Crier Newspaper October 18, 2013

Page 4 October 18 - October 24, 2013 WWW.GOTOWNCRIER.COM The Town-Crier

Your Community NewspaperServing The Palms West Communities For 33 YearsPublished Weekly By Newspaper Publishers, Inc.

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EDITORIAL STAFF/ Chris Felker • Denise Fleischman • Damon Webb

CONTRIBUTORS/ Jules Rabin • Ellen Rosenberg • Leonard Wechsler • Deborah Welky

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POSTAL STATEMENTThe Town-Crier (USPS #021547) is published week-ly by Newspaper Publishers Inc., 12794 W. ForestHill Blvd., Suite 31, Wellington, FL 33414-7458.Periodicals Postage Paid at West Palm Beach, FL.POSTMASTER: Send address changes to: The Town-Crier, c/o Newspaper Publishers Inc., 12794 W.Forest Hill Blvd., Suite 31, Wellington, FL 33414-7458.


JOSHUA I. MANNINGExecutive Editor

RON BUKLEYManaging Editor

JODY GORRANAssociate Publisher

DAWN RIVERAGeneral Manager



OUR OPINIONShutdown/Debt Deal A Temporary Reprieve Without Long-Term Plan

Founded In 1980 By Bob Markey Sr.Copyright 2013, Newspaper Publishers Inc.

The publisher reserves the right to refuse advertising.

MEMBER OFThe Central Palm Beach County Chamber of Commerce

The Wellington Chamber of Commerce

LETTERS TO THE EDITORCounty CandidateA ‘Carpetbagger’In reading the Town-Crier arti-

cle on the new candidates whohave entered the Palm BeachCounty Commission race for ourdistrict (Two New CandidatesJoin County Commission Race,Oct. 11), I note that there is a glar-ing omission — candidate Melis-sa McKinlay does not live in Dis-trict 6.

For the record, she is and hasbeen living in Lake Worth with herthree children, where they attendschool. I have been a longtime res-ident and voter in Wellington, andone of the things that I particular-ly believe is that representativegovernment means someone frommy community. If Ms. McKinlayis so concerned about jobs andschools — then work it out whereyou see the problems in your owndistrict.

I remain offended that outsid-ers come into our town or districtand expect to get elected and tellus what to do. There are local can-didates in this race who know whatthis area is all about and have giv-en years of service in business,elected office and community workthat have earned the right to beconsidered for commissioner. I

don’t know how others feel, but I,for one, am outraged at such car-petbagging right here in our town!

Nell Hagen-AltmanWellington

WellingtonMust Support

Dressage FacilityNext Tuesday’s Wellington Vil-

lage Council meeting will be a piv-otal point in the healing of the di-visiveness that grew out of thecouncil election of 2012. The coun-cil can do the right thing and ap-prove the master plan amendmentand compatibility determinationfor the Global Dressage Festivalfacility, thereby effectively healingthis village in an instant.

The dressage facility is extreme-ly important to the success andstability of our equestrian indus-try here in Wellington. There aremany residents of Wellington andequestrian industry members whorely on the income and opportuni-ty that the equestrian industry pro-vides to so many people here. TheGDF venue will expand equine dis-ciplines in Wellington and will at-tract more equestrians, especiallyEuropeans.

Let’s not continue the class di-

visiveness. We need an equestri-an industry that will benefit themany, not a private sport for theelite few.

The council on Tuesday willalso decide whether to support abid for the World EquestrianGames (WEG). The WEG wouldbe an honor for Wellington andwould transform the village into amecca for equestrian sport for theworld to envy.

Please come out and supportboth of these issues on Tuesday,Oct. 22 at the Wellington VillageCouncil meeting. We need youthere, involved, so that the agen-da items that are so vital to oureconomy can be approved and wecan move forward from the insan-ity of the past year.

Jack ManciniWellington

Rest In Peace,Dr. Ringler

Sadly, our community has lostone of its most beloved members.Dr. Richard Ringler, our “gentlegiant,” touched virtually all of ourlives with his compassion, kind-ness and caring not only for theanimals he cared for but for thoseof us whose pets are our “four-


SEND IN YOUR LETTERSThe Town-Crier welcomes letters to the editor. Pleasekeep letters brief (300 words). Submit letters, withcontact name, address and telephone number(anonymous letters will not be published), to The Town-Crier , 12794 W. Forest Hill Blvd., Suite 31, Welling-ton, FL 33414; fax them to (561) 793-6090; or youcan e-mail [email protected].

legged children” as well.“Doc” was more than our veter-

inarian; he was our friend and ourconsoler, when needed. His pa-tients were his passion. We couldalways be confident that he wasusing his best medical knowledgein treating our beloved pets. Heprolonged life when it might haveseemed hopeless and comfortedus when it was. He always had asmile and a joke or two when youcame into his office and everyoneprobably remembers his “what’sup?”

“Doc” left us a couple of weeksago, but his memory will be withus forever. Now I would like to pic-ture all the animals he ever treatedwagging their tails to greet him.

Arlene OlinskyRoyal Palm Beach


Win ContestRoyal Palm Beach High School’s

Students Against Destructive De-cisions (SADD) club is hosting a“Celebrate My Drive” week start-ing Friday, Oct. 18 and continuingthrough Saturday, Oct. 26.

This week is about celebratingthe achievement of obtaining

NEWSDevelopers At Southern And B Road Plan Road Improvements

For TheRecord

Due to an editing error, apress release submitted byPlanco Veterinary Care ran lastweek with an incorrect headline.Planco Veterinary Care is offer-ing reduced-rate bloodworkthis month, not free bloodwork.While the headline was incor-rect, the story itself had accu-rate information. The entirepress release can be found thisweek on page 16 with the cor-rect headline. The Town-Crierregrets whatever confusion thismight have caused.

By Ron BukleyTown-Crier Staff Report

The Loxahatchee Groves Wa-ter Control District Board of Su-pervisors reviewed the obliga-tions of developers at the north-ern corners of B Road and South-ern Blvd. Monday, including BRoad improvements.

Developers said that they wouldpay for the improvements butasked the district to oversee thenorthern portion of the roadproject because of its experiencewith open-graded emulsified mix(OGEM) in past projects, and dueto right-of-way disparities on BRoad.

LGWCD Administrator SteveYohe said a joint meeting tookplace Sept. 27 with Palm BeachState College, property owner So-lar Sportsystems, Atlantic LandCompanies and town representa-tives regarding B Road construc-tion.

The discussion focused on thedevelopers’ commitment to con-struct B Road with OGEM from thePalm Beach State College entranceon B Road between Southern Blvd.and Collecting Canal Road toOkeechobee Blvd. It was agreedthat B Road from Collecting CanalRoad to Okeechobee Blvd. doesnot have sufficient right of way,per the district’s 60-foot plattedright of way, to construct the road.

The developers are prepared toestimate the cost of the construc-tion and provide sufficient moneyto the town to construct the roadwhen the right-of-way issue is re-solved.

The developers asked that theLGWCD design and construct theOGEM portion of the road after theright-of-way issue is resolved, in-dicating that they would pay thedistrict for the design, permit andconstruction to achieve satisfac-tion of that condition of their ap-provals.

Representatives of the develop-ers were there Monday to makepresentations.

Joe Lelonek with Atlantic LandCompanies, representing the com-mercial developers of 22 acres ofthe Simon property on the north-west corner of the intersection, toldsupervisors that Palm Beach StateCollege, which is developing 75acres of the Simon property for itsfifth campus, approved initial fi-nancing for the site last week.

“We would expect them to bebreaking ground the middle of nextyear,” Lelonek said, adding thatattorney Martin Perry, represent-ing the 90-acre Solar Sportsystemsproperty to the east of the Simonproperty, was also there to answerquestions.

“One of the big items that thetown council wanted to see was

that B Road got improved overwhat it is today to deal with someof the traffic impacts for theseprojects,” Lelonek said. “Most ofthe impacts are going south toSouthern Blvd. However, thecouncil also wanted to go up tothe north and stabilize that road-way going up to OkeechobeeBlvd.”

Lelonek said the conceptualagreement between the partieswhen the projects were approvedwas to fund the OGEM sectionfrom Atlantic Land’s entry pointsgoing north as well as the canalcrossing at Collecting Canal andB roads. The developer wouldpave B Road from the campus en-try point south to Southern an urban section with conven-tional surfacing.

Access points on B Road arecoordinated with those to the So-lar Sportsystems land across thestreet, Lelonek said. “That accesswill continue west to access thecollege campus as well,” he said,explaining that the college will havesecondary access onto B Road.“It is at that point, the secondaryaccess to the college, that we arelooking to transition from thepaved section to the OGEM sec-tion.”

One of the goals noted was totry to limit access to B Road goingnorth.

“We agree with that,” Leloneksaid. “Most of our traffic is goingto impact Southern Blvd., andwe’re going to try to discouragecut-through traffic. People livingon B Road, we want them to shop

here and go to school here, butwe want to make sure that we limitany cut-through traffic.”

Following recommendations bytown committees, Lelonek recom-mended stopping the convention-al paving just north of the campusaccess point and channeling thecurb sides down to a narrow entryso that it calls attention to driversthat it is a change in area wherethe OGEM starts in order to dis-courage flow-through traffic.

He said speed humps had alsobeen discussed for the OGEM sec-tion to further restrict cut-throughtraffic.

Lelonek said that the three par-ties had agreed from the beginningto pay for the paving, but askedthat the district oversee the OGEMproject.

“We’re not as familiar with theOGEM standards that the districthas been dealing with for a num-ber of years,” Lelonek said. “Ourdesire has always been to fund thedistrict to complete this improve-ment.”

Lelonek said the three partiesare working on an agreement thatwill set the stage for exactly whenthe projects will happen.

“We’re trying to work a pro-gram by which over 2014, thedesign and permitting for bothof these sections, or at least thesouthern sections depending onhow fast you can move on theOGEM section, would be permit-ted and ready for construction,”he said, adding that by the endof 2014, construction would be-gin.

one’s driver’s license while keep-ing safe driving in mind. If we winthe contest that Celebrate MyDrive week includes, our schoolcould be awarded with $100,000and a concert by chart-toppingrecording artist Kelly Clarkson!

To help our community highschool, anyone can vote Allyou have to do after reaching theweb site is indicate you want tosupport Royal Palm Beach HighSchool and commit to drive safe-ly. Voting can be done once a daybetween Oct. 18 and Oct. 26.

Thank you very much for thesupport for our community highschool!

Brandy WilliamsRoyal Palm Beach High

School SADD Club

SurveyTake ItOnline

continued from page 1Nemser said. The first part asksresidents to rank different as-pects of Wellington — every-thing from quality of life, the over-all direction of the communityand the transparency of informa-tion to more specific topics suchas sidewalk maintenance and

drinking water quality.Residents can rank each item

from “excellent” to “very poor”with the option of “not applica-ble.” The survey also asks aboutresidents’ experiences with crimein the community and about howlikely they are to attend certainevents or use certain amenities.The remaining questions allow re-spondents to weigh in on howWellington can better serve its res-idents, along with some demo-graphic questions.

“It’s completely anonymousand can be done online,” Nemsersaid. “We wanted to make surepeople would be completely com-fortable taking it. Hopefully theresponses will be constructive.There are some free-response sec-tions where you can tell us whatyou like or don’t like.”

The survey was designedthrough Wellington’s partnershipwith Florida Atlantic University’surban and regional planning stu-dents. Results of the survey will

be tabulated and shared on thevillage’s web site.

“The results of this survey willbe compiled and analyzed by theclass,” he said. “The resultsshould be ready by early January,and we’ll post them online.”

Nemser said residents can con-tact him at (561) 753-2581 [email protected].

“This is a really good thing,” hesaid. “It’s a good thing to have,and it will provide us with valu-able information.”

to keep an empty seat next to them.They will now sell hot, first-classmeals in coach, and some will nowrent Apple iPads pre-loaded withmovies. And when on the ground,at your destination, you can nowskip baggage claims and have lug-gage delivered directly to home oroffice.

These new fee streams of in-

come will help to overcome thedwindling income from first gen-eration extra fees. For example, rev-enue from regular bag fees, etc., injust the three months of April, Mayand June dropped seven percentcompared to last year. Thus “ex-ecutive think caps” are concentrat-ed on a new generation of extraspecial charges.

Just What We Needed: More Things For Airlines To Charge Us For!OPINION

It might seem to the casual ob-server that airline executives spendmuch of their time figuring out newways to clobber passengers withmore fees. After all, fees like bag-gage and reservation changesbrought them an astounding $15billion last year.

The friendly skies “feexecu-tives” will now let passengers pay

And technological upgradeshave opened a path for the airlinesto sell products directly to passen-gers.

Soon booking passengers willbe faced with a variety of personalsales pitches, or find it importantto check out e-mail as trips ap-proach, or sort through “bargains”on mobile phones just prior to


By JulesW. Rabin

boarding. Delta has even gone asfar as giving its flight attendantswireless devices to sell last minuteupgrades for seats with more leg-room.

Just a thought: When was thelast time we heard about the air-lines providing more free comfortor convenience to its long-suffer-ing customers?

After 16 days, the government shutdown and debt crisis is finally over... for now. Though atemporary deal has been struck, the issue will return come the new year. We’ve been herebefore, with no long-term agreement.

Now, more than ever, it’s important for all sides to work together and develop a comprehen-sive plan going forward and to stop governing from crisis to crisis. It’s a lesson we can allbenefit from, and we encourage readers to reach out to their representatives and let theirvoices be heard on the issue.

Though we were glad to see a plan pass that will bring federal employees back to work andforestall a looming debt crisis, the deal struck late Wednesday by Congress funds the govern-ment only until Jan. 15, 2014. The debt limit is pushed back until a few weeks later. Next year,the same issues will once again dominate political discussion. Hopefully, it will not take a last-minute agreement to keep our nation out of another shutdown.

This can only be achieved, however, if Congress works hard over the next three months tosettle the differences that got us to this point in the first place. It is unfortunate that our nationalcreditworthiness and financing of our government was used as a bargaining chip, leaving thou-sands of workers without pay and millions more stressed about their finances should negotia-tions not prevail.

Congress must do everything to ensure this does not happen again. However, it will not beeasy. While this week’s agreement calls for a budget conference committee to negotiate out a

long-term spending plan by mid-December, that idea is not all that different from the budgetsuper-committee that was supposed to avoid the so-called “sequester” cuts last year (thatgroup was deadlocked) and the Simpson-Bowles Commission in 2010 (partially deadlockedwith a list of suggestions ultimately ignored).

The makings of a fiscal “grand bargain” are there, but as of now, both sides have beenunwilling to compromise on the core principles that must bend in order for the nation to put ourfiscal house in order over the long term. Democrats will need to accept serious entitlementreform, while Republicans will need to accept that the current tax structure does not take inenough revenue to run the country without perpetual deficits. We all must move forward andanticipate the looming crisis, working together to develop a plan. If we start negotiations now,maybe there will be time come January to achieve legislation that a majority of people canactually accept.

If there’s one thing everyone can agree on about this situation it’s that the American peoplehave lost confidence in their legislators. To regain trust and assure the public that a governmentshutdown and/or debt default drama will not be a yearly occurrence, it’s up to our representa-tives to earn back that trust and get on with their jobs of compromise and problem solving.

And if they don’t? Well, there’s an election coming up next November, and voters will havethe opportunity to tell their incumbents what they thought of their performance by going to thepolls. We hope everyone will make their voices heard one way or another.

Page 5: Town-Crier Newspaper October 18, 2013

The Town-Crier October 18 - October 24, 2013 Page 5


The Village of Royal Palm Beach held its fifth annual Fall Fashion Show on Friday, Oct. 11 at the Royal Palm Beach Cultural Center. The island-themed show featured clothes and accessories by Chico’s. Lunch was catered by Golden Corral, while DJ Terry Harms provided music. There were also door prizes and a raffle.

Royal Palm Beach hosts Fall Fashion show at the cultuRal centeR

Edith LaVelanet displays her watercolors for sale.

(Left) Dolores Valentine and (right) Cara Young model.

Sherry Thompson, Lenora Messina, CindyBeckles, Wendy Maharaj and Dolly Hughes.Models with representatives from Chico’s.

Royal Palm Beach seniors activities volunteers.(Front row) Marie Cecere and Barbara Swan;

(back row) Dolores Valentine and Catherine Amico.

Temple Beth Torah’s sixth annual Family Fun Day took place Sunday, Oct. 13. This year’s theme was “groovy,” and music sensation and recording artist Patty Shukla was on hand to perform. There were also spin art, bounce houses, face painting, games, raffle prizes and a silent auction. The temple is located at 900 Big Blue Trace in Wellington.

wellington’s temPle Beth toRah hosts a ‘gRoovy’ Family Fun Day

Sherri Kratenstein and Sharon Lowenstein. Recording artist Patty Shukla.


Preschool Director Sandy Wilensky with Ali Trujillo and Eva Gryczan.


Page 6: Town-Crier Newspaper October 18, 2013

Page 6 October 18 - October 24, 2013 The Town-Crier

crime news

By Lauren MiróTown-Crier Staff Report

OCT. 4 — A deputy from the Palm Beach County Sheriff’s Office substation in Royal Palm Beach was dispatched Friday, Oct. 4 to a restaurant on Royal Palm Beach Blvd. regarding a burglary. According to a PBSO report, sometime between 6:30 p.m. on Thursday, Oct. 3 and 8 a.m. the following morning, someone en-tered the business and stole several items, including a digital camera, an iPhone 4s, an HP scanner, two drills, a compressor, speakers, a Sony projector, two Samsung laptops and a Sony amplifier sys-tem. There were no signs of forced entry, but two employees live in an efficiency room adjacent to the business. The employees did not see or hear anything during that time frame. The stolen items were valued at approximately $3,825. DNA evidence was taken at the scene, but there were no suspects or witnesses at the time of the report.

OCT. 4 — A resident of the Estates of Royal Palm Beach called the PBSO substation in Royal Palm Beach on Friday, Oct. 4 to report a delayed vehicle burglary. According to a PBSO report, the victim said sometime in late August, someone entered her unlocked vehicle and stole a JBL Bluetooth speaker and a Jansport backpack. The victim said that on Sunday, Aug. 25 she parked her vehicle in the driveway at approximately 6 p.m. The next morning, at approximately 5 a.m., the victim’s husband noticed the car door was ajar. According to the report, the victim did not report the incident at the time but heard that there had been an arrest made on recent vehicle burglaries in the community. The stolen items were valued at approximately $150. There was no further information available at the time of the report.

OCT. 5 — A deputy from the PBSO substation in Royal Palm Beach recently responded to a home in the Victoria Grove com-munity regarding an alarm call. According to a PBSO report, at approximately 1 p.m. on Saturday, Oct. 5, a deputy responded to the alarm call and discovered a rear window open. The deputy also discovered that a nearby home had a broken screen frame. Ac-cording to the report, the deputy also discovered a gray and black backpack and an orange ladder, but couldn’t determine if it was related to the incident. The deputy did not believe the perpetrator(s) gained access to the house. There was no further information available at the time of the report.

OCT. 9 — A deputy from the PBSO’s Acreage/Loxahatchee substation was called to Red Barn last Wednesday morning regarding a burglary. According to a PBSO report, at approximately 1 a.m., an unknown man smashed the glass front door and entered the store. Once inside, the man stole several pieces of clothing and boots. According to the report, the incident was caught on the store’s video surveillance system. The stolen items were valued at ap-proximately $460. The perpetrator also caused approximately $500 in damage. There was no further information available at the time of the report.

OCT. 10 — A deputy from the PBSO’s Acreage/Loxahatchee substation was dispatched to a

PBsO investigatingrestaurant Burglary in royal Palm Beach

home on Temple Blvd. last Thurs-day regarding a residential bur-glary. According to a PBSO report, sometime between 6:30 p.m. last Tuesday and 7 p.m. the following evening, someone pried open the side door of the victim’s home and entered the property. According to the report, the perpetrator(s) also pried open the front door to a detached garage and stole a pellet gun and a chainsaw. The stolen items were valued at approximate-ly $480. There were no suspects or witnesses at the time of the report.

OCT. 12 — A resident of Dell-wood Blvd. called the PBSO’s Acreage/Loxahatchee substation last Saturday to report a stolen vehicle. According to a PBSO report, sometime between 6 a.m. last Wednesday and 4:30 p.m. last Saturday, someone cut the lock on the victim’s gate and stole her white 2007 EZ-Go golf cart from her barn. The victim also noted that last Tuesday, someone had stolen the charger for her golf cart. There were no suspects or witnesses at the time of the report.

OCT. 14 — A deputy from the PBSO substation in Wellington responded Monday to a store in the Mall at Wellington Green regard-ing a theft. According to a PBSO report, the complainant made a deposit Oct. 7 for $778.79 at a lo-cal bank, but was only credited for $678.79. According to the report, the victim believed the remaining $100 was stolen by a bank teller. There was no further information available at the time of the report.

OCT. 14 — A resident of the Palm Beach Little Ranches con-tacted the PBSO substation in Wellington on Monday to report a theft. According to a PBSO report, sometime between 5:30 p.m. last Sunday and 3:30 p.m. the follow-ing afternoon, someone entered the victim’s property and stole two grills, an aluminum table and chairs, two BMX bikes, a fire pit, an aluminum ladder and a wheel barrel. According to the report, the deputy made contact with a scrap metal company who said a suspect had scrapped similar items recently. There was no further information available at the time of the report.

OCT. 14 — A deputy from the PBSO substation in Wellington was dispatched Monday to a home on Miramontes Circle regarding a vehicle burglary. According to a PBSO report, sometime between 5 p.m. last Thursday and 6 p.m. Monday, someone entered the victim’s unmarked police vehicle, which was left unlocked, and stole a flashlight, a Colt AR-15 rifle and two magazines. The stolen items were valued at approximately $1,175. There were no suspects or witnesses at the time of the report.

OCT. 14 — A resident of the Wellington Lakes community called the PBSO substation in Wellington on Monday to report a residential burglary. According to a PBSO report, the victim left for work at approximately 7:30 a.m. The victim’s son arrived home at approximately 4:45 p.m. and discovered that the rear slid-ing-glass door was ajar. According to the report, someone entered the victim’s home and stole a televi-sion, two laptop computers and an Xbox 360 game console. The victim also discovered several pieces of jewelry missing from her upstairs bedroom. There were no suspects or witnesses at the time of the report.

the infOrmatiOn fOr this bOx is prOvided bycrime stOppers Of palm beach cOunty. crimestOppersis whOlly respOnsible fOr the cOntent shOwn here.

crime stoppers of palm beach county is asking for the public’s help in finding these wanted fugitives:

• Daniel Robledo, aliases Gabino Her-nandez and Abel Perez, is a white male, 5’5” tall and weighing 150 lbs., with black hair and brown eyes. He has scars on his left arm and leg and is blind in his left eye. His date of birth is 04/10/69. Robledo is wanted for failure to appear for jury trial, felony DUI and driving with a revoked license. His last known address was South 37th Street in Greenacres. He is wanted as of 10/10/13.

• Joseph blanco is a white male, 5’11” and weighing 160 lbs., with brown hair and brown eyes. He has multiple tattoos. His date of birth is 02/03/81. Blanco is wanted for violation of probation on charges of grand theft. His last known addresses were 71st Place North in The Acreage and North Dixie Highway in West Palm Beach. He is wanted as of 10/10/13.

Remain anonymous and you may be eligible for up to a $1,000 reward. call crime stoppers at (800) 458-tips (8477) or visit

Joseph Blanco

Daniel Robledo

You Deserve Quality CARE





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The Town-Crier October 18 - October 24, 2013 Page 7


By Ron BukleyTown-Crier Staff Report

Congressman Patrick Murphy (D-District 18) addressed the consequences of the recent gov-ernment shutdown last Sunday to about 50 people gathered at Hilary’s Restaurant in Royal Palm Beach.

“I wish we could be doing this on a normal day of the week, but I’ve been in D.C. quite a bit, dealing with the obvious,” Mur-phy said, explaining that he had several similar events planned locally before he was to fly back to Washington on Monday.

Although polls show people don’t think the government shut-down is a major concern, Murphy said the longer the shutdown goes on, the more the public will feel it.

“This is a really big deal,” Mur-phy said. “And a lot of people I’ve talked to just here in this room, and at an event I attended earlier this morning, there are a lot of people who are really suffering because of this.”

Murphy noted that the federal government had been shut down for almost two weeks, and the effects were just starting to be felt within veterans, education, research and seniors programs. “Many government agencies can survive for one or two weeks of a shutdown, but now we’re getting into this uncharted territory,” he said.

Beyond the local effects, Mur-

Murphy Addresses D.C. Dysfunction At Royal Palm Restaurantphy said he is embarrassed at the impression it gives internationally. “As we’re trying to have negotia-tions around the world and trying to exert our influence and our leadership, countries are laughing at us,” he said.

Murphy said the United States is the only country in the world that doesn’t automatically raise its debt ceiling when it passes an appropriations bill. “What happens in Congress is you pass these bills to fund the government, and then you have a separate bill to raise the debt ceiling for that spending,” he said. “It’s automatic in every other country, and it has now become political in our country.”

Since he has been in Congress, one of the things he has really tried to focus on is reducing the nation’s long-term debt. “There are some things that can be cut that are smart spending cuts,” he said. “There’s waste, there’s fraud, there’s abuse, there’s duplication. One of the first bills I was able to draw up was a bipartisan bill that came out of freshman members of Congress, and it was $230 billion that we found just in about three weeks. That’s where the cuts should be coming from.”

At the same time, he said, there are smart investments that can be made in the country, such as infra-structure, education and research. “Those are the areas where you get return on investment,” Mur-phy said.

Another area that’s important to him is the environment. “Not just because I want it for me and my kids and our grandkids,” he said. “It’s a big part of why Floridians moved here or live here. For every dollar spent on the environment, it comes back three-to-one to our economy.”

Murphy said the turmoil in Washington, D.C. is worse than what is depicted in the news.

“It is a dysfunctional organiza-tion,” he said. “Everything you read about and see on TV, it’s probably worse, and that to me is pretty sad, but it actually makes me work harder to build relations across the aisle.”

He said there is a sizable group of people who really want to make a difference.

“Right now, you’ve got this small Tea Party group, it’s only 40 or so members of Congress, blocking basically everything,” Murphy said. “Blocking all sorts of programs that would help our country.”

With the turmoil in D.C., Mur-phy said his office has kept its focus on helping people locally.

“We get about 1,200 to 1,400 letters and e-mails and phone calls a week to our offices on a whole range of issues, and we try to get each of those answered within two weeks,” he said. “We’ve been able to help a lot of veterans, a lot of seniors, then I do quite a bit with the local environment.”

Murphy noted that above-av-erage rainfall has led to discharg-es of tainted water from Lake Okeechobee into the St. Lucie Canal and inlet to ease pressure on the dike around the lake. But the release of the water has invoked the wrath of St. Lucie County residents.

“I’ve been working with House leadership to get things like the water bill passed to help with some of the programs, such as the dike around the lake and other projects to help our environment to insure that these discharges don’t continue to pollute our water,” he said.

Murphy added that he is also working to resolve issues such as the completion of the State Road 7 extension and the revised Federal Emergency Management Agency flood maps.

Those maps came about as a result of legislation that tried to address a $25 billion deficit in the county’s flood insurance program. “Like a lot of pieces of legislation, there are unintended consequenc-es,” he said. “While attempting to get some of the communities in flood basins to pay more, it also reset all the maps. We’ve seen some residents’ flood insurance go up 4,000 percent.”

With the shutdown of the gov-ernment, he said no one can get in touch with anybody at FEMA to delay those new maps. “There are a lot of ideas we’ve been working

on to try and get an extension and try to revamp that legislation so prices can’t escalate like that, and readdress these flood maps.”

Among the organizations hard-est hit by the shutdown is the Department of Veterans Affairs, he said. While some members of the House suggested funding just the VA, Secretary of Veterans Affairs Eric K. Shinseki told them veter-ans’ operations rely too closely on other government agencies for that to work.

Murphy said he was able to get 200 Democratic congressmen

to sign a letter that they sent to Speaker John Boehner urging him to bring a bill to the floor that would lift the debt ceiling as clean legislation with nothing attached, then they would address the issues that Republicans are holding up as reasons they are not approving a budget.

“Don’t do it in this hostage situation, where the budget of our country, where the debt of our country will not be raised unless you get this,” he said. “That’s a really bad precedent to set going forward.”

Murphy chats with Royal Palm Beach Mayor Matty Mattioli.Rep. Patrick Murphy with Tinu Peña (right) and her daughter, Elly. Commissioner Jess Santamaria speaks as Murphy looks on.

The Royal Palm Beach Young at Heart Club hosted a luncheon Friday, Oct. 4 at the Royal Palm Beach Cultural Center. The theme of the luncheon was “Get in the Swing of Things.” Lunch was provided by Village Catering. The Young at Heart Club meets the first Friday of the month. For more info., call (561) 790-5149.

Royal Palm young at HeaRt Club gets ‘Into tHe swIng of tHIngs’

Decorating committee members Maryanne Robinson,Roberta Hennessy, Berit Hogan and Lenora Messina.

Dancers Diana Heilig, Craig Simms,Sixto Valentin and Iryna Kolina.


RPB Mayor Matty Mattioli, Young at Heart Club President MargieBonner, Vice Mayor Jeff Hmara and Councilman David Swift.

Rep. Patrick Murphy speaks to attendees at Hilary’s Restaurant.PHOTO BY ROn BuKLEY/TOwn-CRIER


For Bermcontinued from page 1

However, the state legislature cut that amount to $4 million.

“The design is underway, and the best design option has been selected by the water management district staff, and the cost does exceed the current $4 million allo-cation by several million dollars,” Weisman said.

He said the county will probably lobby the legislature to provide additional money.

“The current proposal would construct the project in phases, us-ing as much money as they have to get it done,” Weisman said. “That’s OK if you have to do it that way, but to get the maximum benefit from reconstructing the berm, you need to protect the entire area at risk, and [that] would require the full funding.”

Weisman said the weir is an effective safety valve that worked well during the Tropical Storm Isaac flooding. “It definitely pro-vides a level of protection and, come December, hopefully the SFWMD will own Mecca outright and can make any enhancements

they feel they need without even consulting with the county. They can move ahead on the project whenever they wish.”

Weisman noted that he sent memos to the commissioners concerning both the berm issue and the SFWMD’s approval of the Mecca agreement. “I try to keep the whole board in tune on what’s going on because of the overall importance,” Weisman said.

Under the Mecca agreement, the county will be responsible for realigning the Seminole Pratt Whitney Road extension so that it does not run through the Mecca Farms parcel. The current align-

ment has the right of way at the base of the Corbett berm, where water from the weir was flowing across during Tropical Storm Isaac flooding.

The county has an option to repurchase a 260-foot wide strip of land, totaling 98.56 acres, along the entire lengths of the southern and eastern boundaries of Mecca Farms for a new extension align-ment of Seminole Pratt Whitney Road. The option runs through Oct. 1, 2018, or 180 days after the county receives written notice from the SFWMD that it is com-mencing the design of its project. The realignment will not affect

the use of Mecca Farms for the SFWMD project.

The district will allow the coun-ty access along designated roads within the Mecca Farms parcel to get to a county water plant lo-cated there. Under the agreement, that access will need to be elimi-nated when the SFWMD project is implemented. The district may move the county access to another road that provides permanent legal access.

It is anticipated that the project construction design will incorpo-rate a new road at the southern end of the Mecca Farms parcel. If the county exercises the repurchase

option, the SFWMD has no ob-ligation to provide a replacement road.

The district has conducted an environmental audit that identifies corrective action costs of about $283,500 to render the property suitable for use as a water reten-tion reservoir. Those costs will be the responsibility of the SFWMD.

The water district will also trade about 150 acres of the Mecca Farms parcel to the Florida Fish & Wildlife Conservation Com-mission for a state-owned shooting range in exchange for about 150 acres for an SFWMD easement within the Corbett area.

Page 8: Town-Crier Newspaper October 18, 2013

Page 8 October 18 - October 24, 2013 The Town-Crier

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Page 9: Town-Crier Newspaper October 18, 2013

The Town-Crier October 18 - October 24, 2013 Page 9


St. Peter’s United Methodist Church held its Harvest Festival & BBQ on Saturday, Oct. 12. There was a pumpkin patch, bungee jump-ing, bounce houses, pony rides, a petting zoo, a rock climbing wall and other activities. Crafters and other vendors were on hand, with some giving out freebees and spin-to-win prizes.

St. Peter’S Community HarveSt FeSt BringS Family Fun, loCal talent

Allison Bunchek and Alexia Moraes from Cats Gymnastics.

The Chili Chicks dancers — Vixen, Princess, Tequila, Grace and Koco — perform for the crowd. Bikers line up for the blessing of the bikes.The St. Peter’s Cherubs sing.

Amanda Hausmann and Syierra Munstertiger joust. Shelby Closson and Julie Miller tap dance.

International clothier H&M hosted the grand opening of its newest store in the Mall at Wellington Green on Thursday, Oct. 10. H&M is known for its trendy and affordable clothing. The new store is located on the lower level of the Mall at Wellington Green next to Abercrombie & Fitch and near Grand Court. For more info., visit

new H&m Store HoStS grand oPening in mall at wellington green

(Left) Angelica Garcia and Sam Johnson. (Right) Meaganand Sachi Yannaccone show off their H&M goods.


(Left) Mall at Wellington Green Marketing Coordinator Megan Kolhagen and Marketing/Sponsorship Director Rachelle Crain.

(Right) H&M’s nicole Christie with blogger Annie Vazquez.


Sashan McLean, Genesis Altiery and H&M Store Manager Tracie Collins.

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Page 10 October 18 - October 24, 2013 The Town-Crier


The Neil S. Hirsch Family Boys & Girls Club of Wellington held its 32nd annual golf classic on Saturday, Oct. 12 at the Wanderers Club in Wellington. After the golf game there was a buffet dinner and awards ceremony. There were also raffle prizes and a silent auction of sports memorabilia.

Boys & Girls CluB Hosts its 32nd AnnuAl Golf ClAssiC in WellinGton

First-place winners Abe Ringer and Tim McCue with Ed Portman (center).

Closest-to-the-pin winner Rick Goss andlongest-drive winner Mike Barron with Ed Portman.

Event committee and board members Jim Bomar, Woody White,Jim Reid, Pat Evans, Keith Murray, Ed Portman and Todd Barron.

Second-place winners Bob Unger and Bob Decrane with Ed Portman.

Dennis Witkowski (center) with RichardGoss, Jim Reid and David Gardner. Pat Evans and Ed Portman.

The “Fall for Courtyard” Great Pumpkin Hunt took place Saturday, Oct. 12 at the Courtyard Shops at Wellington. Guests enjoyed a pumpkin scavenger hunt and a beanbag toss, as well as face painting and a bounce house.

CourtyArd sHoPs At WellinGton Hosts GreAt PumPkin Hunt event

Katherine Reynolds and Sarah Merker with Micah and Caleb Hudson. Soraya and Iman Kadir in their Halloween costumes.


natalie Honzikcolors a picture.


Pam Trent paints SamHonzik’s face like Batman.

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The Town-Crier WWW.GOTOWNCRIER.COM October 18 - October 24, 2013 Page 11


Colette Miller of Wellington and Dr. Mark Cuttler of Delray Beachwere married recently. A dinner reception followed at StonewoodGrill restaurant in Wellington, where the couple first met. Coletteis a longtime native of Wellington, while Mark is an accomplishedpianist.


The Rotary Club of Royal Palm Beach recently recognized two localPalm Beach County Sheriff’s Office deputies for their service tothe community. Deputy Doug Carranza works on crime preventionthroughout the village. Deputy Rafael Padilla-Rodrigues polices onand off his bike and has been an essential part of the efforts tothwart vehicle burglaries in Seminole Palms Park. Pictured (L-R)are Chief Deputy Michael Gauger, Deputy Kelly Whittles, DeputyRafael Padilla-Rodrigues, Captain Paul Miles, Deputy Doug Carranzaand Diane Smith.



Palm Beach County Sheriff’s Office Capt. Paul Miles, Commanderof the District 9 substation in Royal Palm Beach, held the first-evermeeting with Royal Palm Beach public and private school princi-pals recently at the District 9 offices. Issues such as local pro-grams, traffic and emergency response by law enforcement wereamong items discussed. Schools represented were H.L. JohnsonElementary School, Crestwood Middle School, Western AcademyCharter School, Royal Palm Beach High School, Cypress Trails El-ementary School and Royal Palm Beach Elementary School. Pic-tured from left to right are: (front row) Tameka Moore-Robinson,PBSO Section Manager Diane Smith and Suzanne Watson; (backrow) Dr. Patricia Lucas, Dr. Stephanie Nance, Linda Terranova, Capt.Paul Miles, Lt. Ulrich Naujoks and Jesus Armas.

The King’s Academy’s fourthannual Boutique & Trunk Showheld Oct. 2 raised more than$20,000 to benefit the school.

More than 50 vendors trans-formed the M. Nelson LovelandSports & Fine Arts Center into anextraordinary shopping experiencefor 600 guests who shopped the

specialty and unique merchan-dise.

Many guests took advantage ofthe shopping experience to get ajump start on their Christmas shop-ping. TKA parents were joined byfriends, students, alumni, faculty,staff, grandparents and communi-ty members for the highly antici-

The King’s Academy Boutique & TrunkShow Raises Crucial School Funds

pated, spectacular shoppingevent.

Pre-registered guests receiveda reusable Vera Bradley markettote and enjoyed a complimen-tary breakfast provided by theschool.

The highly successful BoutiqueBake Shoppe was once again thehit of the day, featuring homemadetreats baked by TKA faculty, staff

and administrators, as well as tal-ented and creative TKA parents.The scrumptious treats generatedmore than $2,500.

Special thanks to the Boutique& Trunk Show committee, led byEvent Chair Teddy Walker, a TKAparent.

More information about theKing’s Academy is available on-line at

TKA Boutique & Trunk Show committee members Andrea Titus,Jazz Jules, Susan Gableman and Event Chair Teddy Walker.

Lili Brown, Jennifer Fields, Sandy Erneston, and AnnieErneston with their Vera Bradley market totes.

TKA parent Connie O’Connor with friendsGena Hugus, Jill Kendall and Kaylee Kendall.

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Page 12 October 18 - October 24, 2013 WWW.GOTOWNCRIER.COM The Town-Crier


The New Horizons Elementary School Music Department pre-sented a program at the last PTA meeting. “Focus and SuccessThrough Music” featured selections geared toward developing andenhancing students’ focus and concentration. Second-grade stu-dents sang three songs — “Welcome to our School,” “Five FatSausages” with audience participation and “We’re Back.” TheMusic Club entertained the audience with several drumming rou-tines, including “What’s Your Name” and “Take Time In Life.” Theyperformed a hand jive routine Groups of Eights to the song “Geor-gia” with the audience invited to focus and concentrate by figuringout the groups of eight patterns featured in the routine. The MusicDepartment enhances student learning. Pictured here are sec-ond-graders singing with Music Club drummers looking on.


Over the past three weeks, stu-dents at Cypress Trails Elementa-ry School have been receiving in-struction on pedestrian and bicy-cle safety in their physical educa-tion classes.

A trailer full of bicycles, provid-ed by the Palm Beach CountySheriff’s Office, allowed studentsin third, fourth and fifth grade topractice their bike-riding skillswhile also learning Florida’s bicy-cle laws and requirements.

Attention was focused on prop-erly adjusting a bicycle helmet,choosing sidewalks as the safestplace to walk and ride, properlycrossing a street, and where to rideand walk if forced to ride in a street

without a sidewalk.On Wednesday, Oct. 9, the stu-

dents got real-life practice by par-ticipating in International Walkto School Day. More than 150 fam-ilies walked and/or biked to school.Those students received a walk-to-school sticker, a bookmark, abackpack reflector and a free bot-tle of water from Mrs. Linda Zas-key, their physical education teach-er, and from the organization Flor-ida Safe Routes to School.

Cypress Trails believes thatteaching pedestrian and bike safe-ty can help students stay safe.

Cypress Trails Students Walk To School

Berean Christian School held itsannual National Honor Societyinduction ceremony on Monday,Sept. 16. Friends, families and fac-ulty of the 17 new inductees werein attendance to congratulate andsupport the students’ hard workand academic achievements.

Being an NHS member meansaccomplishing and maintaininghigh academic requirements, serv-ing the community and display-ing positive character traits — inother words, being a “well-round-ed student.”

Inductee candidates listenedcarefully to the requirements setbefore them.

Berean National Honor Society Inducts 17The 2013-14 NHS inductees at

BCS were: 10th-graders Noah Ad-ams, Madelyn Dwyer, Tyler Go-ertzen, Amanda Kamp, EmmaKrumlauf, Christopher Mauck,Daniel Pinkerman and ChristianTippins; 11th-graders Megan Dw-yer, Austin Fyke, Paulina Giron,Ricardo Giron, Shawn Hood,Michael Miller and Susannah Ro-driguez; and 12th-graders CeliaFernandez and Tiffani Hammond.This was one of the largest groupsto be inducted into the NationalHonor Society at Berean ChristianSchool.

For more information, visit

West Palm Beach Fire Station 7 personnel recently spoke to theentire student body, staff and teachers at the Mattisyn Schoolabout fire safety, fire prevention and what to do in case of emer-gency situations. They demonstrated fire equipment and dressedin full firefighter gear so the children would not be afraid in theevent of a fire emergency and hide from firefighters. The childrenenjoyed touring an actual fire truck, and each child was providedwith his or her own firefighter helmet. The Mattisyn School thanksthe firefighters and Sue Ellen Calderon for visiting with them.


(Right) Students during Interna-tional Walk to School Day.

Everglades Restoration Talk At Polo ParkPolo Park Middle School sci-

ence and math students recentlywere visited by Lt. Colonel Tho-mas Greco of the U.S. Army Corpsof Engineers. Greco spoke to stu-dents about the ComprehensiveEverglades Restoration Plan. Histalk included information on the

history of the Everglades, impactsfrom agriculture, settlement andmodifications of the Evergladesflow patterns.

Additionally, students learnedabout the complex nature of thisproject and the importance of pre-serving this valuable ecosystem.

Lt. Col. Thomas Greco speaks to students.

(Front row) Megan Dwyer, Celia Fernandez, Emma Krulauf, TiffaniHammond, Amanda Kamp, Madelyn Dwyer and Christian Tippins;(back row) Austin Fyke, Tyler Goertzen, Shawn Hood, Ricardo Giron,Michael Miller, Paulina Giron, Susannah Rodriguez and DanielPinkerman.

Greco explained that Evergladesrestoration involves returning amore natural water flow to thisenormous marsh, reviving habitatfor many threatened and endan-gered species, establishing a reli-able supply of water for millionsof Floridians and providing flood

control to the south Florida area.Greco’s presentation is part of

Polo Park’s efforts to include moreSTEM activities in the math andscience curriculum. Future plansinclude a field trip to the KennedySpace Center and Polo Park’s first“Night of Science.”

Science teachers Ryan Smith and Thomas Craig withLt. Col. Thomas Greco and science teacher Dale Moore.

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The Town-Crier WWW.GOTOWNCRIER.COM October 18 - October 24, 2013 Page 13

SCHOOL NEWSAcreage Pines Hosts Successful Walk-A-Thon

The students in the Acreage Pines Elementary School Biomedicaland Veterinary Technology Academy participated in their secondannual walk-a-thon on Thursday, Oct. 10. As part of the new pro-gram, students are learning about wellness and the importance ofhealthy living. The students collected pledges and donations fromthe community to raise money for school beautification projectsand materials the medical lab and classrooms. The local commu-nity helped the students raise $14,000. Shown above and right,Acreage Pines Elementary School students participate in the walk-a-thon.

Each child at Wellington Elementary School had the opportunity tochoose his or her own books to keep thanks to the Children’sServices Council and the Literacy Coalition of Palm Beach County.Media specialist Cathy West was busy assisting the children intheir selections. For more info., visit Welling-ton Elementary School thanks the Children’s Services Council fortheir support of literacy. Shown here, Wellington Elementary Schoolstudents receive books through the Happily Ever After book fair.


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Page 14 October 18 - October 24, 2013 The Town-Crier


Because I hate crowds but love giving presents, I have begun my Christmas shopping. Oh, don’t start with me! It makes complete and logical sense.

In the first place, I don’t believe in spreading my holiday bills out over Janu-ary, February and March. I’d rather spread them out over October, November and December, so when people are opening my gifts, those gifts are actually paid for. I can begin 2014 with a nice, clean slate — ready for new bills.

In the second place, I started celebrating Halloween in late August, so I’m kind of over it by now. I’ve been tripping over those foam pumpkins in the foyer for weeks. My “Enter If You Dare” yard sign

is windblown and askew. I’m tired of du-tifully pulling the bowtie on the ghoulish doorknocker every time I come in; I know his eyes are going to roll and he is going to groan at me. Boring.

In the third place, Christmas seems all fresh and new. And the closer it gets, who

has the time to shop? Between cooking and cleaning and working and errands and keeping the car running and returning the library books and getting ready for Thanksgiving, there’s not a lot of time left to peruse potential gifts. So when I get a free weekend, I need to be in the mall.

In the fourth place, shopping early means the merchandise hasn’t already been picked over. In fact, it’s just being put on the shelves. When shopping for toys, this is extremely important. The most popular stuff goes quickly. Back when my kids were collecting Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, I would hover over the person unpacking the boxes in order to get first dibs on Leonardo — the one in

the blue outfit, carrying his katana. That blue Leonardo just wasn’t going to last.

In the fifth place, I want to enjoy the mayhem of Black Friday without actually having to get any shopping done. I want to stand in line at 3 a.m. merely for the fun of it — swapping “war stories” with people who understand why we have to be there, sipping hot chocolate from a Thermos and griping about the lack of folding chairs. I want to be one of the first ones in the store, but only because I want the option of getting my hands on one of the deeply discounted bits of bait they’re featuring. If I don’t need another TV, I don’t need one. But I wouldn’t want to miss the five-pound tubs of cheesy popcorn at 75

cents each. That’s something you need an extra cart for!

In the sixth place, those 12 tubs of popcorn aren’t going to wrap themselves. What if someone unexpected shows up at my door on Dec. 24? I can’t just hand them an unwrapped tub! Half the fun is watching them unwrap it and say, “Oh, popcorn.” I need to be ready!

Of course the obvious solution is to shop online between loads of laundry — no hustle-bustle, no breathing down the necks of unsuspecting store clerks, no money wasted on impulse buys. But where’s the fun in that?

Besides, I love crowds — at Christmas-time anyway.

I was a bit surprised at the new flick Captain Phillips, although I did like it a lot. The trailers and ads for the movie have all centered almost solely on Tom Hanks, and yet he plays a less-than-vivid charac-ter for most of the movie. The real prob-lem, however, is that while director Paul Greengrass tries to emulate Zero Dark Thirty, far too many tricks are used, and the film even builds up sympathy for the pirates. Talk about political correctness!

The film in most ways is absolute sim-plicity. Phillips (Hanks) is a real pro. He behaves a bit like a martinet (old word: means follows every rule and regulation to the letter), which makes him a bit bor-ing and off-putting even though it is an absolute necessity at sea. And the opening section of the movie is a bit slow. That changes when the ship is boarded by four Somali pirates, which is where the action really begins. Based on a real incident, the

pirates board the unarmed ship, take over and demand ransom, and then are taken themselves by the U.S. Navy (which cooperated greatly with the filmmakers; after all, it certainly could use some good publicity).

The movie ratchets up the tension; the huge ship is an ideal place to have a lot of movement. There are a lot of out-of-the-way places, and it provides a good background for much of the middle section of the movie. The captors wave

and fire their guns but seem not to want to actually hurt the sailors. Most of the crew actually takes refuge in a locked engine room and prevent the pirates from controlling the ship. Captain Phillips winds up trying to work with the leader, at least to save both their lives. Scenes in a small lifeboat (totally enclosed, rather different from what most people expect, but I assume that is the latest, real model) are vivid. They are probably the strongest element of the movie. Phillips was the only prisoner and eventually winds up at the center of a final, bloody ending.

There were several disturbing ele-ments, however. First, of course, was the conscious choice to not make villains of the pirates. Frankly, I enjoyed action mov-ies of the past where the good guys were really good and the bad guys were really mean. Now, we seem to have blurred a lot of the lines. I mean, these guys were

pirates! Under the old rules of the sea, that meant they could more or less be executed out of hand. Many people taken by them were murdered. Now, we have to have kinder, gentler pirates. It seemed strange that the U.S. Navy and SEALs almost (and I stress the word almost) seem like bullies.

Even stranger, and I actually did check the rules, at the time all this happened, international law insisted that merchant ships not carry weapons. This is based on a true incident. They were sort of floating “no-weapons” zones, perfect as victims for those who ignore the rules.

The point of the film, however, is to highlight the quiet heroism of Captain Phillips, and there is no one around who handles that kind of role better than Tom Hanks, who has become a sort of the Henry Fonda good-guy for our time. He manages to demonstrate a lot of in-

teresting character twists while not only standing up for his people but in dealing with the pirates.

Catherine Keener as his wife is totally wasted, however. She is strong in the few minutes and then disappears. The pirates are far more interesting characters. None of them were performers before the film, yet they do very well here, creating far more vivid characters than the regular sailors. Barkhad Abdi is superb as the pirate leader Muse. He manages to bring not only power but an underlying decency to the part. It is one of the better perfor-mances of the year.

This is one of those long movies that seem a lot shorter while watching them. We’ve had many heart-pounding movies over the past month or so, including Pris-oners and Gravity. This film is not quite in that category, but it is very good. It is worth seeing.

It’s almost Halloween... time to start My Christmas shopping

‘Captain Phillips’ With Tom Hank A Good Film, With Some Caveats

DeborahWelky is


‘I’ OnCulTuREBy Leonard Wechsler

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The Town-Crier October 18 - October 24, 2013 Page 15

news BriefsSpecial Events At RPB ChurchThe 23rd annual fall festival

at Our Lady Queen of the Apos-tles Catholic Church will open Thursday, Nov. 7 and run through Sunday, Nov. 10. The festival will conclude with a $10,000 raffle grand prize drawing.

The weekend includes free admission, free parking and free entertainment. Enjoy the festival while sampling fabulous food in the international food court. The craft fair is open on Saturday and Sunday. Unlimited rides for a six-hour session are available for $25.

The church will also host a ca-sino night on Friday, Nov. 8 from 6 to 10:30 p.m. Join the party and play on Las Vegas-style tables and slot machines. Players will make a donation in exchange for gaming chips. At the end of the night, the chips will be converted to raffle tickets for a chance to win great prizes. The event requires a $35 donation per person with 25 percent going to Make-A-Wish Southern Florida.

Our Lady Queen of the Apostles Catholic Church is located at 100 Crestwood Blvd. South in Royal Palm Beach. For more info., call

(561) 798-5661 or visit

Hetherington To Be Featured At Whole Foods

Local artist Adrianne Hether-ington is the featured artist at this season’s Whole Foods Market Gallery. An opening reception is set for Friday, Nov. 8 from 6:30 to 8 p.m.

The Whole Foods Market Gal-lery is in the café area, lined with windows offering nice natural lighting, a perfect setting to display art. Whole Foods will provide music, hot and cold appetizers, and drinks. A $5 donation is requested, which benefits the Wellington Art Society Scholarship Fund.

Hetherington has been painting professionally since 1972. In 2001, she moved with her husband to Royal Palm Beach to retire. In 2002, Hetherington became a member of the Wellington Art So-ciety and later served as president from 2008-10.

Although Hetherington began her career in ceramic art and tex-tiles, she has not limited herself. Mixed media collage continues

to excite her, in addition to hand painting silk scarves and pillows. She has exhibited in galleries and shows throughout the county, in-cluding a number of local shows and venues. The Whole Foods show runs through Nov. 29.

The Wellington Art Society is open to artists of all mediums and patrons of the arts, providing both local and regional artists the platform to share their work, learn more about their craft and serve the community through their art. For more information, visit

LGLA To Meet Thursday, Oct. 24

The Loxahatchee Groves Land-owners’ Association will meet Thursday, Oct. 24 at 7 p.m. at Palms West Presbyterian Church (13689 Okeechobee Blvd.).

The guest speaker will be Maisi-elin Ross, certified family life educator and program leader with the University of Florida’s Palm Beach County Extension Service. Her topic will be “Who Gets Grandma’s Yellow Pie Plate? Transferring Non-Titled Property.”

Personal property transfer is an issue frequently ignored until

a crisis occurs or immediate decisions need to be made. The transfer of non-titled property is an issue that impacts individuals regardless of their financial worth. However, few individuals plan ahead regarding who should get what personal belongings. Ross will look at six key factors im-portant for successful transfer of non-titled property.

There will be a question-and-an-swer time after the speaker fin-ishes. It will be an open meeting where residents will get a chance to discuss issues of concern related to things going on in the town. The meeting is open to the public, but only LGLA members with 2013 paid dues can make motions and/or vote. For more information, contact Marge Herzog at (561) 818-9114 or [email protected].

Family Dentist Reaches Out To

Troops OverseasFamily Dentist of Palm Beach

is participating in the Operation Gratitude program again this year. The practice is asking children to exchange their Halloween candy for prizes, games and raffle tickets.

All candy brought in will be sent to troops overseas. The exchange will take place on Friday, Nov. 1 from 2 to 5 p.m. at the Family Den-tist of Palm Beach office located at 225 S. Federal Highway in Lake Worth, and on Saturday, Nov. 2 from 9 a.m. to noon at the Family Dentist of Palm Beach office locat-ed at 11903 Southern Blvd., Suite 116 in Royal Palm Beach.

Operation Gratitude ( annually sends over 100,000 care packages filled with snacks, entertainment items and letters of appreciation to U.S. service members deployed all around the world.

For more information about this event, e-mail [email protected] or call (561) 795-7668.

Beta Sigma Phi Seeks Members

Beta Sigma Phi Chapter XiXi Tau is a sorority dedicated to so-cial, cultural and service projects. It is known around the world as the “friendship” organization. The chapter meets at 2 p.m. the sec-ond Monday of every month at a member’s house in the West Palm Beach area. If you are interested in

learning more about the chapter, or becoming a member, call (561) 247-7697.

‘Wild Florida’ Art Exhibit At Okeeheelee

The Friends of Okeeheelee Nature Center are presenting the “Wild Florida: Native Flora and Fauna” art exhibit hosted at the Okeeheelee Nature Center.

The artwork features a juried, all-media exhibit of fine arts and crafts featuring native plants, trees, animals, and vistas.

Artwork will be on display through Dec. 19 at Okeeheelee Nature Center. The public is in-vited to view the exhibit during nature center operating hours: Wednesday through Friday from 1 to 4:30 p.m. and Saturday from 10 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. A public awards reception for the exhibit will be held Friday, Dec. 6 from 7 to 9 p.m. in conjunction with the nature center’s annual holiday party.

The nature center is operated by the Palm Beach County Parks & Recreation Department. It is located in Okeeheelee Park at 7715 Forest Hill Blvd.

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News BriefsWellingtonRun/Walk

Returns Nov. 2The 16th annual Wellington

Community Fitness 5K Run & Walk will be held Saturday, Nov. 2 starting at 7:30 a.m. at the Wel-lington Amphitheater (12100 W. Forest Hill Blvd.).

The Palms West Community Foundation, the Central Palm Beach County Chamber of Com-merce, the Village of Wellington and presenting sponsor Royal Palm Toyota invite the community out to promote health and fitness while supporting a charitable organization.

Registration begins at 6 a.m. with a 7 a.m. warm-up led by Ultima Fitness.

In conjunction with the Palms West Community Foundation, a portion of the proceeds from the 2013 event will benefit the “Jerms” McGraw Second Chance Schol-arship at Palm Beach Atlantic University.

McGraw was a student at the MacArthur School of Leadership while serving as a Marine reserv-ist, part of the 4th ANGLICO unit in West Palm Beach. He died Sept. 10, 2009 at age 22 during a training exercise in Central Florida.

Just prior to his death, Lt. Mc-Graw earned a bachelor’s degree in organizational management from Palm Beach Atlantic. “Jerms was known for his willingness to help anyone, anytime, anywhere,” said his father, Tim McGraw.

The scholarship is awarded to students who are dealing with significant setbacks in their lives and are in need of a helping hand to make a fresh start.

Following the race, there will be an awards ceremony along with food and drinks.

Event organizers thank spon-sors Royal Palm Toyota, Wel-lington Regional Medical Center, Boynton Financial Group Inc., Wedgworth’s, Ultima Fitness, Walgreens, the Town-Crier, The Palm Beach Post, Strathmore Bagels and Palm Beach Atlantic University.

To register, or for sponsorship information, visit or call Mariela Castillo at (561) 578-4813.

Wellington Celebrates

GovernmentThe Village of Wellington will

participate in the Florida League of Cities’ “Florida City Government

Week” Sunday, Oct. 20 through Saturday, Oct. 26. The theme is “My Village: I’m Part of It, I’m Proud of It.”

Throughout Florida City Gov-ernment Week, residents can learn about how local government works. There are several ways residents can get involved.

On Tuesday, Oct. 23, Wellington will host its annual Civics 101 pro-gram beginning at 5:30 p.m. The program is for local high school students to learn how various de-partments in the village contribute to making Wellington a great place to live, work and play.

Another popular program is Vol-unteer Wellington. Now in its third year, Volunteer Wellington has op-portunities available for residents looking to take pride in making Wellington a great hometown. Contact the Community Services Department at (561) 791-4000 for more information.

The Great Hometown Survey is going on through November, and residents can help shape the future of Wellington. The survey will give residents the opportu-nity to let Wellington know what it’s doing well, what it can do to improve and what issues are most important. Wellington residents can take the survey online at under “events” as

well as at most scheduled village events throughout the month of October.

City Government Week, spon-sored by the Florida League of Cities, is designed to provide cities an opportunity to showcase and celebrate the many services they provide.

Benefit ForLisa Nadia Hafer

A Halloween party and fund-raiser for Wellington resident Lisa Nadia Hafer will be held Saturday, Oct. 26 at JoJo’s Raw Bar & Grill (13889 Wellington Trace, Welling-ton) from 8 p.m. to 1 a.m. Hafer suffers from thyroid cancer, and proceeds will help her with her medical costs.

The event will feature a costume contest, food, beer specials, raffles, a 50/50 raffle and live music from Josh Rowland and the Pit-Bull of Blues Band. For more information, call (561) 427-1997.

Horse Country 10 Miler Oct. 20On Sunday, Oct. 20, the Wel-

lington Runners Club will present the 9th annual Wellington Horse Country 10 Miler, Sebastian’s 5k

Walk/Run and Kids Fun Run to benefit the Kids Cancer Founda-tion.

The Horse Country 10 Miler is designed to be the perfect fall tune-up race for those training for half and full marathons. The course runs through scenic equestrian and aeronautical communities in Wel-lington. For those running the 5k, come set your fall personal record on the flat, fast course. The race proceeds will benefit the Kids Can-cer Foundation and Everglades Elementary School.

Additionally, there will be ven-dor booths set up outside the pavilion, exciting raffles and a playground for the kids. This promises to be an event of great competition as well as some good old family fun.

Sebastian’s 5K Walk/Run is for those walkers/runners who might not be up to a full ten-mile run. This 5K is in memory of Sebastian Sarmiento, a courageous Welling-ton 9-year-old boy who lost his battle with cancer on Jan. 30, 2009.

A portion of the proceeds will also benefit local community schools track programs.

Trunk Or TreatAt TKA Oct. 27

A family-fun Trunk or Treat

will be held Sunday, Oct. 27 at the King’s Academy (8401 Bel-vedere Rd.) from 5 to 6:30 p.m. The event is hosted by Family Church West and will feature fun for the whole family. There will be bounce houses, face painting, food trucks, Rita’s Italian Ice and trunk-or-treating with plenty of candy. For more information, visit

Get Pets Tested This Month

October is Blood Monitoring Month, and Planco Veterinary Care is offering bloodwork at a reduced rate to any pet for the entire month. This includes a complete chemistry panel, CBC, thyroid level, heartworm test and a urinalysis, at a savings of ap-proximately $42.

It will be a great opportunity to update the health status of geriatric pets and pets currently on constant medications. Performing periodic blood work is a great way to be proactive, ensuring a good quality of life for your pet.

Planco Veterinary Care is locat-ed at 11924 W. Forest Hill Blvd., Suite 9, in Wellington. Call (561) 795-9507 to take advantage of this offer, or make an appointment online at


eventscontinued from page 3

for many years, who ask partici-pants to clean up after themselves. Participants parking in the swales are asked to back their vehicles in so their trunk will point toward the sidewalk to make it easier and safer when they are ready to leave, and are reminded not to park on the sidewalks.

Drivers should pay attention and drive slowly because there will be hundreds of children at the event. Parents are reminded that there are no street lights so the area is dark, and to accompany their children at all times. Flashlights are recommended.

For those of driving ATVs or golf carts, Palm Beach County Sheriff’s Office deputies will be enforcing all traffic laws.

Golf Cartsequestrian Concernscontinued from page 1

on bridle paths, are not allowed on those paths,” she said.

Gardner noted that Wellington was developing multipurpose paths, especially along roads with higher speed limits in the Eques-trian Preserve Area, which would allow golf carts to move about freely. Otherwise, they would be able to use the roads.

Elie noted that most issues are caused by horse people them-selves, not by uninformed resi-dents.

“It’s disappointing,” she said. “The people I see causing the most dangerous situations with horses are horse people. There is more consideration given by non-horse people when they see someone riding.”

Committee members also fa-vored an educational program to teach residents the rules of riding a golf cart in Wellington.

Gardner suggested the program be tied to a decal that residents would have to obtain before driv-ing the carts on roads. “We can have the educational program

when they come to get the decal, and they can sign off that they’ve read the requirements,” she said.

Elie suggested making decals that expire each year, each with its own identification number.

“You could have a number system and a different decal color for each year,” she said. “That way, if someone has an incident, they could identify the golf cart involved. The color would make it easy for law enforcement to identify if it’s legal for the current year.”

But Committee Member Carlos Arellano said it was too difficult to police golf-cart drivers as a gov-ernment. “The biggest issue we have is around the show grounds,” he said. “We need more security to start stopping people. You can’t control golf-cart drivers like this.”

But Elie said she believed that if given the opportunity, drivers would want to take the legal route.

Arellano said they wouldn’t if it meant more of a hassle. “You’re not going to get them to install windshield wipers and seat belts,” he said. “This isn’t our problem. It’s a police problem. Let them stop the drivers enough and they’ll start complying.”

Gardner said that the idea was to set regulations to allow the carts —

which are already driving on roads illegally — and then enforce them.

O’Dell said he believed the committee was mostly in agree-ment about having some policy to police golf carts on roadways.

“We’re trying to get the com-mittee’s input on what you’d like to see,” he said. “We’ll bring this to the council and, if they agree, we’ll put together an ordinance.”

The ordinance, he said, would go back before Wellington’s boards and committees before a final vote from the council.

Committee member Michael Whitlow stressed that the or-dinance should not permit any motorized vehicles on bridle paths. “There should be no motorized ve-hicles of any kind on bridle paths,” he said. “You can walk, bike and ride your horse, but that’s it.”

Committee members voted 4-0 to direct staff to take their recom-mendations to the council. Com-mittee members Myles Tashman, Dr. Kristy Lund and Linda Smith Faver were absent.

In other business, commit-tee members approved a zoning change that would affect how the village views grooms’ quarters.

O’Dell said that in the past, Wel-lington has considered grooms’ quarters part of the overall barn

structure, which is limited to 1,250 feet per acre of barn area on lots of 5 acres or less, or to 20 percent of the total lot coverage on properties of more than 5 acres.

The change would allow space for grooms’ quarters in addition to the footage for barns.

“That means when a builder comes in with grooms’ quarters in the plan, it would not count against the square footage for the barn area,” O’Dell explained. “This would allow residents to maximize care of the animals.”

O’Dell said builders are increas-ingly asking for more footage for living space in barns, often masking the request for grooms’ or trainers’ apartments in termi-nology like a “lounge area” or “additional restrooms.”

“The definition of what you include in a barn has changed,” he said. “We suggest broadening the definition of grooms’ quarters to allow for trainers and people who manage the facility.”

Staff recommended allowing living quarters of 500 feet for ev-ery four stalls. An eight-stall barn could have 1,000 feet of living space included.

“It may contain individual cook-ing facilities or one common din-ing facility,” O’Dell said.

Any additional space, such as an office or lounge separate from the living quarters, would be limited by the village’s code.

Gardner said this would simply codify what builders are already doing. “When they build stables, they will designate living areas as lounges or offices because they’re not legally allowed to have what’s required,” she said, noting that barn owners are increasingly having their staff live on-site for round-the-clock care.

She also noted that the ordi-nances could cut down on recre-ational vehicles, which are used sometimes illegally to house staff.

Gardner suggested giving more space per stall, but Elie said she was worried about the impact on the community if large living spaces were built over barns.

“I don’t want to see people renting these out when they’re not using them,” she said.

Arellano said he’d like to see the size of the living quarters allowed on a case-by-case basis. “The integrity of the homes have to be protected,” he said.

Elie made a motion to approve the zoning amendment, allowing for 600 square feet of living space per four stalls. The motion passed 3-1 with Gardner opposed.

Campus$4 Million

fundedcontinued from page 1

square-foot multipurpose class-room/administration building. Those specifications are required by the state for new construction, remodeling and renovation proj-ects for educational facilities.

“We are committed to complet-ing this project and providing ac-cess to the most underserved com-munities in our service area,” Palm Beach State College President Dr. Dennis Gallon said. “I’m confident that the residents in Loxahatchee Groves and surrounding com-

munities will be pleased with the convenient educational programs and services this campus will provide.”

The college has received all of the necessary land-use approvals from the Loxahatchee Groves Town Council. However, some residents who oppose the campus are still seeking to overturn those approvals in court.

College leaders say that the new campus will accommodate the county’s current population and future growth. “We’re moving forward on this project, and I am excited about that,” said Carolyn Williams, chairwoman of the board of trustees.

Serving 48,000 students annu-ally, Palm Beach State College is the largest institution of higher education in Palm Beach County. Established in 1933 as Florida’s first public community college, it currently offers more than 100 programs of study at locations in Lake Worth, Boca Raton, Palm Beach Gardens and Belle Glade.

Science will be in full swing at the upcoming South Florida Sci-ence Center & Aquarium’s golf classic. Hosted by the science center’s Young Professional Or-ganization and chaired by Board Member Heath Randolph, the tournament will be held at Maya-coo Lakes Country Club on Mon-day, Oct. 28. The action-packed day will include lunch, a shotgun start, a cocktail reception and awards presentation.

“I’m honored to be chairing this event for the second year in a row,” Randolph said. “It is through events such as this that

we are able to continue to meet the informal science education needs of the tri-county area and beyond. Now that the science center has just completed its expansion and renovation, it has the space to bring in much larger blockbuster exhibits, which will give it the ability to expand its breadth and depth of visitors.”

The South Florida Science Cen-ter & Aquarium, formerly known as the South Florida Science Museum, recently completed a $5 million expansion and renovation. The science center features more than 50 hands-on educational

exhibits, an 8,000-gallon fresh and salt water aquarium featuring both local and exotic marine life, a digital planetarium, a conservation research station, a Florida exhibit hall and an interactive Everglades exhibit.

“Last year’s inaugural golf clas-sic was truly a success due in large part to the efforts of our wonderful Young Professionals Organiza-tion,” South Florida Science Cen-ter CEO Lew Crampton said. “We are grateful that Mayacoo Lakes Country Club has welcomed us back again, as their course design incorporates both challenge and

playability for every skill level. We invite all types of golfers — new friends and old — to join us for a day of fun, all in the name of science.”

Committee members include Ben Alexander, Carolyn Broad-head, Scott Butler, John Clark Bills, Lew Crampton, Matthew Ferguson, Rob Ford, Jeremy John-son, Mack Perry, Grier Pressly, Kevin Probel, Cater Randolph, Brian Ray, Judd Rowe, Jeff Smith and Rett Waldman.

The South Florida Science Center’s Young Professionals Organization is a dynamic group of individuals dedicated to engag-ing the community in supporting science and furthering the cen-ter’s educational mission through service support and community outreach. Members receive the inside scoop on what’s new at the center, invitations to VIP previews of new exhibits and shows, as well as opportunities to attend social and networking events throughout the year.

Golf registration is open for individuals or foursomes. The cost is $150 per golfer and $600 per foursome. Sponsorships are available. For more information about the South Florida Science Center’s Golf Classic or to become a Young Professional Organization member, call Marcy Hoffman at (561) 370-7738 or e-mail [email protected].

The South Florida Science Cen-ter is located at 4801 Dreher Trail North, West Palm Beach and is open Monday through Friday from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. and on Saturday and Sunday from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m.

south florida science Center GolfClassic Oct. 28 At Mayacoo Lakes

Judd Rowe, Heath Randolph, Rett Waldman and John Clark.

The Improvised Shakespeare Company (ISC) is returning to the Dolly Hand Cultural Arts Center in Belle Glade on Tuesday, Oct. 22.

Based on one audience sugges-tion (a title for a play that has yet to be written), the Improvised Shakespeare Co. creates a fully improvised play in Elizabethan style. Each of the players has

Improvised Shakespeare Company Returns To Dolly Hand Oct. 22brushed up on his “thees” and “thous” to bring you an evening of off-the-cuff comedy using the language and themes of William Shakespeare.

Any hour could be filled with power struggles, star-crossed lovers, sprites, kings, queens, princesses, sword-play, rhyming couplets, asides, insults, persons in disguise and all that we’ve

come to expect from the pen of the Great Bard. The night could reveal a tragedy, comedy or history. Nothing is planned-out, rehearsed or written. Each play is completely improvised, so each play is entirely new.

Founded in 2005, the troupe has been performing its critically acclaimed show every Friday night at the world-famous iO The-

ater in Chicago for more than six years and continues to entertain audiences around the globe with its touring company.

The ISC has been featured at the Piccolo Spoleto Fringe Festi-val, Off-Broadway in New York City, the Bumbershoot Music & Arts Festival, UCB’s Del Close Marathon and the prestigious Just For Laughs festival in Montreal

and Chicago. It has been named Chicago’s best improv group by both the Chicago Reader and the Chicago Examiner and has received a New York Nightlife Award for “Best Comedic Per-formance by a Group.” The ISC was recently honored by the Chicago Improv Foundation as its Ensemble of the Year.

The ISC will be in Belle Glade for two days, performing for Palm Beach State College’s Glades

Campus students on Monday and for Glades Central High School’s students on Tuesday.

Their residency in Belle Glade is made possible by a grant from South Arts.

Be sure to catch the perfor-mance at the Dolly Hand Cultural Arts Center on Tuesday, Oct. 22 at 7:30 p.m.

For tickets, call the box office at (561) 993-1160 or visit

The Improvised Shakespeare Company in action.

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Page 18 October 18 - October 24, 2013 The Town-Crier

SATURDAY · 11.2.13 USATF Certi�ed 5K run & non-competitive walk

PRE-REGISTRATIONChild (17 & under): $15Adult (18 & over): $30

DAY OF EVENTChild (17 & under): $20Adult (18 & over): $35

A portion of the proceeds

will bene�t

Originates at the Wellington Amphitheater


“Jerms McGraw” Second Chance Scholarship

Supported by:




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Lunch portions also available

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Chicken Under A BrickDinner $16

2535 S State Road 7 · Wellington, Florida 33414

561-792-22482535 S State Road 7 · Wellington, Florida 33414


Lunch Portions Also Available

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The Town-Crier October 18 - October 24, 2013 Page 19

THis WeeK’s indexTails frOm The Trails ............................ 21BUsiNess NeWs .................................. 22-23sPOrTs & reCreaTiON ........................27-29COmmUNiTY CaleNDar ............................ 30ClassifieDs ........................................ 30-33

BusinessiT, Legal Firms educate AreaBusinesses On social MediaThe information technology services firm 3C Network Consultants (3CNC), with collaboration from the Romano Law Group, helped local business leaders understand the legal implications of social media at a seminar Sept. 27. Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn and blogs, along with other popular social media, are all forms of technology gateways woven into the business environment. However, they introduce liability and expose companies to new and evolving risks. Page 23

SportsWellington Football squad Falls ToCardinal newmanThe Wellington high school varsity football squad hosted the Cardinal Newman Cru-saders on Thursday, Oct. 10. Wellington played an impressive first half, moving the ball on offense, but the Wolverines only managed to find the back of the end zone once before losing 37-7.

Page 27

Horses don’t Like Gators Hanging AroundReptiles are kinda low on the scale of animal intelligence. You wonder how much they perceive of their world. Are they aware of, say, horses? Horses are surely aware of them. Find out what happened with a baby gator moved into Ellen Rosenberg’s pond.

ellen Rosenberg’s Column, Page 21

Hawks Claim Big Overtime Win Against santalucesThe Seminole Ridge High School football team traveled to San-taluces High School and bested the Chiefs in three overtime periods 30-27 on Friday, Oct. 11. The two teams traded the lead back and forth several times until a 20-20 tie sent the game into overtime. Page 27

A Town-Crier PubliCATion

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Page 20 October 18 - October 24, 2013 The Town-Crier


grill subs salads soups tacos burritoscoffee smoothies self-serve frozen yogurt

Welli Deli is open Monday - Saturday 7 a.m. to 4 p.m., serving breakfast and lunch.13501 South Shore Blvd • Wellington, Florida 33414 • 561.784.5833

Come and celebrate your special day with your friends while enjoying frozen yogurts, your choice of cupcakes, etc.

Kid and adult friendly!

For more information or to make a reservation, please contact Anne Caroline at 561-784-1133

Let us plan your next birthday party!

WelliDeliPWTW8.2.13.indd 1 8/19/13 9:04 AM

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The Town-Crier October 18 - October 24, 2013 Page 21

featuresMy Horses (And I) Don’t Like Gators Hanging Around

Tales From The Trails

By Ellen Rosenberg

Disclaimer: This week’s column is slightly more about reptiles and slightly less about horses.

Reptiles are kinda low on the scale of ani-mal intelligence. You wonder how much they perceive of their world. Are they aware of, say, horses? Horses are surely aware of them.

Some years back, I was breaking a colt who was hyper-aware of every potential horse-eating being on the road. Garbage cans? Possibly lethal. Large rocks? Obvious death traps. Anything moving? Run for your life! We almost came to grief one morning as we turned down the canal road, me, as ever, scan-ning way ahead to scope out the next looming catastrophe, when I spotted the ultimate scary scenario: a walking rock! Yep, a large slider turtle was creeping across the road. It would have absolutely blown my horse’s mind, so we quickly turned and went the other way until the turtle vanished.

Another time I was riding a reliable pony along a different canal, bareback, just enjoying the day, when we suddenly surprised a gator sunning on the bank. We were all three equally startled. The gator flipped into the canal, the pony fell to his knees, and I grabbed mane. We all took a collective deep breath (except the gator, who was underwater) and went on with our lives.

Get updates all week long... follow Ellen Rosenberg on Twitter at or stop by the Tales from the Trails page on Facebook and click “like.”

Recently I housed some large sulcata tor-toises in a pen next to my horses’ pasture. The horses enjoyed spending time watching them creep about. Did the turtles watch them back? Not that I could see.

And then this.Some weeks ago, a friendly neighbor called.“Did you know there’s a gator in your

pond?” he asked.A gator? In my pond? How could a gator get

into my pond? He’d have to climb two fences. How big of a gator? “Just a baby,” FN said. “About two feet long.”

I walked around the pond. No gator. I told my friend Bobbie about it, so every day when we rode, we studied the pond. No gator. One day we went out with bait, a line, a hook and a net.

“Here, gator, gator, gator,” I called, throwing out the line and slowly reeling it in.

Nothing. A Loch Ness monster of a gator.And then, one day, we spotted the gator,

swimming on the far side of the pond. The geese were out of the water of course, mak-ing a fuss. See ROSENBERG, page 29

“I saw it,” I told FN. “How do you go about catching a gator?”

“They’re afraid of people,” he said. “I’ve seen him sunning on the bank, but when I walk over, he runs back into the water. You need to go out at night with a flashlight. They’re curious about lights at night.”

No way in heck was I walking around my pond at night with a flashlight trying to catch a gator. We scanned the pond.

“That’s him,” FN pointed at an inch of something sticking up. “Those are his eyes.”

It didn’t look like anything. The horses stood just on the other side of the fence, eating green palm fronds. The gator watched them. When they moved, he shifted his position. They didn’t notice.

I grabbed my long net on a pole and walked around the pond... very slowly. As I neared the inch of maybe-his-eyes, they vanished.

“There he is,” FN pointed.Sure enough, the gator was now further out

in the pond, definitely a gator, his whole head on the surface, watching… me!

“Here, gator, gator, gator,” I coaxed.FN’s wife came out to watch. I told her, “Get

me a baggie of dry dog food.”I stood still and watched the gator. He

floated and watched me. I tossed bits of dog food onto the water. He seemed interested. I threw them closer to shore. He followed. I threw them on the edge of the pond. He lunged up a couple of times, then dodged back into the water. I was afraid to try netting him, because if I missed, I’d scare him away.

“You’re sure he can’t bite my feet?” I asked FN.

“His mouth’s too small. He probably only has baby teeth,” he replied.

Still, baby gator teeth were probably pretty sharp.

“I have a cast net,” FN said, and left to find it.

His wife left to get more dog food and also

Our visitor, the baby gator.

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Page 22 October 18 - October 24, 2013 The Town-Crier

Business news

The Palm Beach County Food Bank has announced that James Gre-co and Greg Howell were recently elected to its board of directors.

Greco is the former CEO of Sbar-ro, one of the world’s leading Italian quick-service restaurant concepts with more than 1,000 locations in 40 countries. He also served as CEO of Bruegger’s Enterprises and Fieldbrook Farms Corporation. He has been a member of the Dine Out Advisory Board of Share Our Strength and on the board of direc-tors of both the Connecticut Food Bank and the International Dairy Foods Association. Greco and his wife reside in Boynton Beach.

Howell is the store manager of the Delray Plaza Publix, having worked his way up the corporate ladder from a stock clerk position 18 years ago. A native of Jamaica, Howell has a heart for encouraging people to reach their full potential. He is also involved with the United Way and other Publix-sponsored charities. He lives in Royal Palm Beach with his wife, Jennifer, and two children, Andrew and Andreyana.

“We are pleased that these two businessmen with great local as well as national and international

business experience and expertise will be helping to guide the efforts of the Palm Beach County Food Bank as we grow in our service to help feed the hungry in Palm Beach County,” Palm Beach County Food Bank Executive Director Perry Borman said.

The Palm Beach County Food Bank rescues, collects and distrib-utes food at no cost to local agencies. For more information about the Palm Beach County Food Bank, visit

The Palm Beach Centre for Graduate Medical Education (PBCGME) residency program recently held its graduation reception at Breakers West Country Club. Regional Director of Medical Education Dr. Bradley Feuer hosted the presentation. Special thanks to Administrative Director Joanne Guccio and the de-partmental training office for making this a special event. Founded in 1974, PBCGME is an accredited consortium approved for 124 training positions in seven different postgraduate programs based out of four HCA East Florida Division hospitals. (Front row) Crystal Raines, ADME St. Lucie Medical Center; Joanne Guccio, ADME Palms West Hospital/Lead Consortium ADME; Cara Cataldo, ADME West Palm Hospital; Ashley Todres-Zeidman, ADME University Hospital & Medical Center; and Pinal Gandhi-Savdas, ADSE; (middle row) Dr. Randi Sperling, DME Palms West Hospital/Program Director Pediatrics, Dr. Erin Toller Artis, Pediatrics; Dr. Lily Wiedrich, Pediatrics; Dr. Sima Kurland, Pediatrics; Dr. Beth Card, Pediatrics; Dr. Anne Chau Vo, Pediatrics; Dr. Robin Shecter, Program Director, Dermatology; and Dr. Noelle Steward, Internal Medicine; and (back row) Dr. Laurie Lenz, Dermatology; Dr. Daniel Nimmo, Intern; Dr. Farzad Karkvandeian, Intern; Dr. Daniel Hohler, Intern; Dr. Rege Turner, Intern; Dr. David Stern, DME West Palm Hospital/Program Director IM; and Dr. Bradley Feuer, Regional DME.

Greco, Howell Join Palm Beach Food Bank Board

Greg Howell

Resident GRaduation CeRemony

Page 23: Town-Crier Newspaper October 18, 2013

The Town-Crier October 18 - October 24, 2013 Page 23

Business newsiT, Legal Firms educate Businesses On social MediaThe information technology ser-

vices firm 3C Network Consultants (3CNC), with collaboration from the Romano Law Group, helped local business leaders understand the legal implications of social media at a seminar Sept. 27.

Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn and blogs, along with other popular social media, are all forms of tech-nology gateways woven into the business environment. However, they introduce liability and expose companies to new and evolving risks.

To bring awareness to our com-munity, the Sept. 27 “Lunch & Learn” provided a broad overview of the legal implications of social media.

Social media is a great communi-cation tool, but for a business, it can affect human resources, be used as evidence in litigation and, in some situations, criminal liability can arise from the use of it.

“Business leaders can face legal ramifications if employees illegally download copyrighted material at work, post inappropriate or offen-sive content from a company-linked username, badmouth a company or clients on personal blogs, or use other forms of social media to dis-criminate against or harass fellow

employees or clients,” attorney Dustin Herman explained.

Employees’ expectations of pri-vacy on their office computers, phones or in their e-mail and social media profiles create exposure for a business.

“Employers need to have com-pany policies and procedures in place that are written specifically for e-mail, Internet and other social media usage,” Herman said. “They should be constantly updated to accommodate changes in technol-ogy and reinforced on a consistent basis.”

Employees should be clear on what is permissible in social media and what is not. Companies should also address the ramifications if employees do not comply. Reviews of policies and procedures should occur once or twice a year to ensure due diligence. Herman cited several case examples. “People often post things online without thinking it through,” he said. “Responsible on-line behavior should be emphasized as much as responsible e-mailing. All that information is discoverable and can lead to liability.”

Misuse of social media by em-ployees can make companies liable, added attorney Corey Friedman.

“As a general rule, employers are

vicariously liable for the acts of their employees so long as the employ-ee’s act was committed during the course and scope of employment,” he said. “Having filters or blockers on the company’s network, as well as examining the activity of employ-ees online to assess for abuse, will minimize a company’s exposure.”

Another consideration for em-ployers is to closely monitor net-works to avoid leaks, spam, client privacy violations or inappropriate messages. “This could be monitored through the information technology services that are offered by 3CNC,” Friedman noted.

The attorneys also recommended counseling employees on appropri-ate and inappropriate use or behavior while affiliated with the company. Employees should recognize that any affiliation adds culpability to the company. This extends to computer use, cell phones and company logo apparel.

The attorneys said the key is to have, and enforce, an acceptable Internet use and e-mail policy. The law does not make employers the insurers for every action of their employees, but a company can be held responsible for their em-ployees’ misconduct — even if it is outside the course and scope of

employment — if the company had a duty to supervise the employee and it knew or should have known about the behavior. The attorneys urged employers to protect themselves by being proactive.

Chick-Fil-A and Edmund James Salon, both in Wellington, helped

sponsor the seminar.For more information on 3C

Network Consultants, call (561) 333-5334 or visit For additional information on the Romano Law Group, call (561) 533-6700 or visit www.romanolaw

Social Media Seminar — (L-R) 3CNC owner and CEO Sergio Fernan-dez, 3CNC Vice President Maria Fernandez, Romano Law Group attorneys Corey Friedman and Dustin Herman, 3CNC Business De-velopment Manager Berta Ebersole and 3CNC Marketing Director Jack Hernandez.

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Page 27: Town-Crier Newspaper October 18, 2013

The Town-Crier October 18 - October 24, 2013 Page 27

SportS & recreation

Wellington Football Falls to cardinal newman 37-7By Gene Nardi

Town-Crier Staff ReportThe Wellington High School

varsity football squad hosted the Cardinal Newman Crusaders on Thursday, Oct. 10. Wellington played an impressive first half, moving the ball on offense, but only managed to find the back of the end zone once before losing 37-7.

The Wolverines, 3-4 on the sea-son, opened their first drive pow-ering to the Newman 21 yard line, but failed to convert on a fourth

and short. It was the Wolverines’ defense that had trouble stopping the Crusader offense during the contest.

The Crusaders marched down the field on their first possession and took an early 7-0 lead. A big 50-yard Wellington kick-return by Jean Rene set up Wellington’s offense for an apparent drive to tie the game early, but penalties and a credited Newman sack forced a Wolverine punt.

The Wolverine defense held the Crusader offense to a punt situation

from their end zone. A high snap sailed over the Newman punter, but fell out of the end zone, setting up Wolverine possession inside the Newman 45 yard line.

Wellington tied the game 7-7 when quarterback Devin Bolden ran it in from one yard out. Choyse Hall’s point after tied the game.

Cardinal Newman wasted no time by scoring on a 75-yard touchdown pass from Daniel Cole to Travis Rudolph, to regain the lead 14-7. The Crusaders would put up three more points on a field goal to extend their lead, 17-7.

The Wolverines would threaten to cut the lead by moving the ball throughout the half, but penalties and turnovers plagued the squad.

Wellington defender Mike How-ard intercepted a Crusader pass late in the half to give the Wolverines another chance to cut the Newman lead, but again fell short. Welling-ton’s Kyle Branch and Devin Gillotti were the work horses that sparked the Wolverine offense, but they were unable to capitalize on several opportunities as the half ended 17-7.

The second half proved to be the end of Wellington’s chances of a comeback. The Wolverine defense could not stop the punishing Cru-sader offense as they scored on back-to-back possessions, extending their lead to 30-7.

The Wellington offense sputtered

By Gene NardiTown-Crier Staff Report

The Seminole Ridge High School varsity football team traveled to Santaluces High School and bested the Chiefs 30-27 in three overtime periods on Friday, Oct. 11.

Santaluces scored the game’s first touchdown, and took a 7-0 lead with three minutes to play in the first quarter. The Hawks responded on the next possession with a 70-yard touchdown run by Jalen Young, which was called back on a holding penalty.

The spark the Hawks needed came when they recovered a fum-bled fair catch on the Chiefs’ 24 yard line. Seminole Ridge running back E.J. Elien ran it in from the 1 yard line for the score. The Hawk point after was wide, so the Chiefs held on to a 7-6 lead to close out the half.

An early second half Chiefs turnover gave the Hawks another opportunity. Seminole Ridge quar-terback Zach DeCosta threw a 53-yard pass to Pernel Rattray Jr., who was dragged down from behind at

the Chief’s 4 yard line. It set up the go-ahead touchdown by Elien to give the Hawks their first lead, 12-7. The 2-point conversion attempt was intercepted.

The fourth quarter started with a bang as Santaluces jetted down the field for a score in just four plays to reclaim a one-point lead, 13-12. The point after was no good.

Seminole Ridge answered back on the next possession. Running back Kerrith Whyte started the fire with a 64-yard run to the Chiefs’ 20 yard line. Young ran in a touchdown and Rattray’s two-point conversion run let the Hawks regain the lead, 20-13.

With only 2:31 left in the game, the Chiefs responded on the ensu-ing drive with an 85-yard touch-down pass and a point-after kick tied the game at 20, sending the game into the first Kansas City tiebreaker. Neither team scored on its first possession, as Seminole Ridge missed an opportunity for the win with a Jacob Curran field goal that sailed just wide. On the second overtime, DeCosta took it in from 1 yard out to give the Hawks the lead.

Curran’s kick made it 27-20. But

Seminole Ridge Claims Overtime Win Over Santaluces

Santaluces took the ball and convert-ed on their second opportunity to tie the game yet again.

Hawk cornerback Issac Esson in-tercepted a Santaluces pass on their third attempt. Curran got a second chance to redeem himself with a 20-yard field goal. This time, he put it straight through the center for the 30-27 win.

Kerrith Whyte runs through a Chiefs defender for a big gain.PhOtOs by Gene nardi/tOWn-Crier

in the second half, turning the ball over after sustaining solid drives without mustering points. Cardinal Newman would score one more touchdown to knock the air out of the Wolverines for the final 37-7 victory.

Wellington’s special team return-

ers Jean Rene, Ahmmon Richards and Kyle Branch provided plenty of excitement with big returns, giving the Wolverines good field position throughout.

Wellington next travels to Sem-inole Ridge on Friday, Oct. 18 at 7 p.m.

Wolverine running back Kyle branch runs for a big gain.

“I’m really proud of the guys; that’s how you fight, and that shows class,” Hawk coach Scott Barnwell said after the game. “We were kind of flat early, but came up with big plays, and they came to life.”

Seminole Ridge (3-3), will host Wellington on Friday, Oct. 18 at 7 p.m. at Callery-Judge Stadium in a district match-up.

PhOtOs by Gene nardi/tOWn-Crier

ahmmon richards catches a pass from devin bolden.

the hawks’ darrell hickman runs through the santaluces defense.

Page 28: Town-Crier Newspaper October 18, 2013

Page 28 October 18 - October 24, 2013 The Town-Crier

sports & recreationArmy TeAm UndefeATed

The Oxbridge Academy girls golf team placed first in their division at the Crutchfield-Hawkins Invitation-al in Sebring on Sept. 30.

The team was led by freshman Paige-Lee Garris, who finished second in the tournament with a four over par 76. The other girls’ scores included Charlotte Kirk, 93; Made-line Anderson, 96; Danni Rocco, 103; and Sarah Cook, 113.

In addition to the team victory,

Anderson was awarded the tourna-ment’s Tom McClurg “Character” Award for honesty, integrity and contributions to the school and com-munity. Under the direction of golf coach Meredith Anderson, who was a professional golfer for five years after her career at Vanderbilt Univer-sity, the Oxbridge team is now 6-4.

For more information on Ox-bridge Academy, call (561) 972-9600 or visit

Oxbridge Academy Girls Golf Team Takes First Place At Tournament

Girls golf team members Charlotte Kirk, Madeline Anderson,Sarah Cook, Paige Lee Garris and Danni Rocco.

The Acreage Tackle Football League Freshman Army team has been on a winning streak all season long. After nine games, the team re-mains undefeated. (Above) The team played the Ducks on Saturday, Oct. 12 and came away with a 41-6 victory. (Below) Team members include James Arnold, Carlo Basile, Roderico Binson, Ryan Blake, Reyan Blake, Jackson Brant, Kaimyn Castilla, Kerby Celestin, Albien Chance, Buckley Chance, Ajani Frank, Brandon Hinkle, Will Layton, Daniel Lopez, Garrett Poe, Logan Poe, Devon Rockwood, Evan Upson and Seth Yurcak.

Ninjas Reach First Level — Two ninja students from Genbu-Kai Karate recently tested and were promoted to their first 9th kyu (yellow belt) level. Both ninjas are from the Wellington areas. The 16-month ninja program is specifically designed for chil-dren ages 4 to 6. Emphasis is placed on improving fine and gross motor skills, while teaching eight life skills: focus, teamwork, control, balance, memory, disci-pline, fitness and coordination. The ninjas also learn how to set short-term and long-term goals. Ultimately, the ninja program prepares students who wish to continue and advance into the ju-nior karate program. For more in-formation, call (561) 804-1002 or visit at Shown here are Ethan and Caleb Schrecengost with Sensei Keith Moore.

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The Town-Crier October 18 - October 24, 2013 Page 29

sports & recreation

RosenbergHorses and

reptilescontinued from page 21

some leftover cooked chicken from a few days ago. Gator and I watched one another. He seemed to like me.

“Here, gator, gator, gator,” I crooned.

FN climbed over the fence with his cast net. His wife handed me a new baggie of dog food and a soggy

paper towel with small pieces of chicken.

I threw dog food. Gator watched. FN threw his cast net a couple of times, missing and scaring the ga-tor away, but he kept coming back. Finally, the gator got closer to shore again. I lined up the pieces of chick-en at the edge. He seemed interested, or maybe just curious. I stepped left. Keeping his eyes on me, FN edged in from the right, threw the net — the gator vanished.

But this time, he’d dodged back-ward right into the net.

“I got him!” FN hollered, reeling in the net.

Sure enough, the net came up wrapped around the thrashing gator.

Great. Now what?FN knelt on the net and carefully

got his hands around the gator’s snout. The gator grunted in distress. FN’s wife found some black electri-cal tape, and we worked our hands under the net. I taped the gator’s

Local 14-U Baseball team Wins Lake Worth Fall Bash

mouth shut, then got a towel to wrap around his head. He hissed. I gently stroked him, between his eyes, and he settled.

FN, his wife, the gator and I walked to the nearby canal. I un-wrapped the towel, FN set him down on the edge and held his snout, I pulled off the tape, and the gator vanished into his new home in a flash.

“Have a nice life,” I called after him. “And don’t come back.”

“I’ve heard they come back in two weeks,” FN remarked.

“Nah, he won’t be back,” I said. “Why would he leave this great big canal to come back to my little pond? And he’d have to cross two roads. We’ve seen the last of Mr. Gator.”

Two weeks later, Bobbie and I were riding, I glanced at the pond. Sighed deeply.

I was going to need FN and his cast net again.

14-U Team Rage, includ-ing players from Wellington, Lake Worth, Royal Palm Beach and The Acreage, won the Lake Worth Fall Bash baseball tournament Oct. 6 in a hard fought battle against the 14-U Vipers.

Prior to playing the semi-finals and finals on Sunday, the team went undefeated in pool play. In the semifinals, pitcher Danny Maloney gave up two earned runs, striking out three, to give the Rage the win against Team Stealth from the Orlando area. Nick Toney was the battery mate, who led the offensive charge with a double, a single, a

walk, two RBIs and two runs. Mark Espaillat also caused havoc with two singles, two stolen bases and two runs.

In the finals, the Vipers held Rage scoreless over the first five innings. However, Zack Brundage sparked the team offensively in the top of the sixth with a lead-off triple. Espaillat then followed with an RBI double, and Quinten Romo had a two-RBI single to give the Rage a lead that they didn’t relinquish.

Brundage was the champi-onship winning pitcher, who gave up one earned run, struck out five, gave up no walks and picked off one. Relief pitcher

Espaillat got the save, going two strong innings. Battery mate was Carlos Fonseca, who shut down the Vipers’ running game and caught one trying to steal a base. Stellar offense and defense was provided by Craig Inscoe, Darrick Hendrix, Kevin Shul-man, Sebastian Gutierrez, Jayson Colon, Jose Santiago and Anthony Tagaste.

Team Rage’s general man-ager is Anthony LaBriola. Coaches include Greg Beck, Craig Shulman and Vaughn Hendrix. Teammates who were unable to make the tournament were Alexander Barnhart and Gabriel Pinedo.The 14-U Team Rage was victorious this month in Lake Worth.

H E R E ’ S M Y C A R D

Page 30: Town-Crier Newspaper October 18, 2013

Thursday, Oct. 24• The Acreage library (15801 Orange Blvd.) will

host Small Business: Creating New Revenue Sources for adults Thursday, Oct. 24 at 2 p.m. Call (561) 681-4100 to pre-register.

• Wellington’s Food Truck Invasion will take place Thursday, Oct. 24 from 5 to 9:30 p.m. at the Wellington Amphitheater (12100 W. Forest Hill Blvd.). Call (561) 753-2484 for more info.

• The Wellington Chamber of Commerce will present speed networking Thursday, Oct. 24 from 6 to 8 p.m. at the Wanderers Club (1900 Aero Club Drive, Wellington). RSVP online at or call (561) 792-6525.

• The NOPE Task Force will hold its annual Na-tional Candle Light Vigil on Thursday, Oct. 24 at the Gosman Amphitheater at the Kravis Center. The reception begins at 6 p.m. with the ceremony at 7 p.m. For more info., call (561) 478-1055.

Friday, Oct. 25• The Okeeheelee Nature Center (7715 Forest

Hill Blvd.) will host a Early Bird Walk for age 13 and up Friday, Oct. 25 at 7 a.m. The cost is $3 per person. Call (561) 233-1400 for reservations.

• The Royal Palm Beach library (500 Civic Center Way) will host I Want My Mummy! for ages 6 to 14 on Friday, Oct. 25 at 4:30 p.m. Use toilet paper to make yourself and your friends into real-life mummies. Snacks will be provided. Call (561) 790-6030 to pre-register.

• Whole Foods Market in Wellington (2635 State Road 7) will host a free Spooktacularly Healthy Desserts Party Class on Friday, Oct. 25 at 6:30 p.m. Call (561) 904-4000 to pre-register.

• The Wellington Amphitheater will present a free screening of the movie Turbo on Friday, Oct. 25 at 7:30 p.m. Call (561) 753-2484 or visit for more info.

• Royal Palm Beach Commons Park will hold a free screening of the movie Monster House on Friday, Oct. 25 at 7:30 p.m. in an event that also features more than 20 food trucks. Bring your own seating. Call (561) 790-5149 for more info.

about the dedication of Lady Liberty. Call (561) 681-4100 to pre-register.

• SCORE will present Quickbooks 101 on Tuesday, Oct. 22 at 6 p.m. at Keiser University (2085 Vista Parkway, WPB). Register at or call (561) 833-1672.

• The Wellington library (1951 Royal Fern Drive) will host Zombie Survival for ages 12 to 17 on Tuesday, Oct. 22 at 6 p.m. Prove how ready you are for the zombie apocalypse. Call (561) 790-6070 for more info.

• Whole Foods Market in Wellington (2635 State Road 7) will host a Healthy Road Map Cooking Class on Tuesday, Oct. 22 at 6:30 p.m. Call (561) 904-4000 to pre-register.

• The Acreage library (15801 Orange Blvd.) will host Make It With Ink for ages 12 to 17 on Tuesday, Oct. 22 at 6:30 p.m. Dress to get messy. Call (561) 681-4100 to pre-register.

Wednesday, Oct. 23• The Royal Palm Beach library (500 Civic

Center Way) will host Crafting by the Book: Dec-orative Paper Pumpkins for adults Wednesday, Oct. 23 at 2:15 p.m. Materials will be provided. Call (561) 790-6030 to pre-register.

• The Acreage library (15801 Orange Blvd.) will host The Perfect Day for Pink for ages 4 to 8 on Wednesday, Oct. 23 at 4 p.m. Wear something pink while you listen to stories, learn how to be a proper princess or prince, get your royal portrait done. Call (561) 681-4100 to pre-register.

• The Wellington library (1951 Royal Fern Drive) will host Catcher of Dreams for ages 9 to 12 on Wednesday, Oct. 23 at 4 p.m. Weave your own dream catcher. Call (561) 790-6070 for info.

• The Acreage library (15801 Orange Blvd.) will host Gamerz Nite for ages 12 to 17 on Wednes-day, Oct. 23 at 6:30 p.m. Snacks will be provided. Call (561) 681-4100 to pre-register.

• The Wellington library (1951 Royal Fern Drive) will host Beginning Quilting for adults Wednes-day, Oct. 23 at 6:30 p.m. Bring scissors and tweezers. Call (561) 790-6070 to pre-register.

on-stage performances and more. There will also be a costume contest. For more info., call (561) 791-4005, ext. 0.

Sunday, Oct. 20• The Royal Palm Beach Green Market &

Bazaar will launch Sunday, Oct. 20 at Royal Palm Beach Commons Park (11600 Poinciana Blvd., off Royal Palm Beach Blvd.) and will run from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. each Sunday through April 27. For more info., visit

Monday, Oct. 21• The Central Palm Beach County Chamber

of Commerce will host a luncheon Monday, Oct. 21 at 11:30 a.m. at the Wycliffe Golf & Country Club. Contact Anitra Harmon at (561) 578-4814 or e-mail [email protected] for more info.

• The Acreage library (15801 Orange Blvd.) will host Holiday Card Creation with Microsoft Publisher for adults Monday, Oct. 21 at 6 p.m. Computer experience is required. Call (561) 681-4100 to pre-register.

• The Mid-County Democratic Club will meet Monday, Oct. 21 at 7 p.m. at Tree’s Wings & Ribs (603 Royal Palm Beach Blvd., Royal Palm Beach). E-mail [email protected] for more info.

Tuesday, Oct. 22• The Okeeheelee Nature Center (7715 Forest

Hill Blvd.) will host Science for Seniors: Fall Bird Walk for those over age 50 Tuesday, Oct. 22 at 8:30 a.m. The cost is $5 per person. Call (561) 233-1400 to RSVP.

• The Palm Beach County Commission will meet Tuesday, Oct. 22 at 9:30 a.m. in the gov-ernment center’s Jane M. Thompson Memorial Chambers (301 N. Olive Ave., Sixth Floor, West Palm Beach). For info., visit

• The Wellington library (1951 Royal Fern Drive) will host Mask-a-Mania for ages 7 to 12 on Tuesday, Oct. 22 at 3 p.m. Call (561) 790-6070 for more info.

• The Acreage library (15801 Orange Blvd.) will host Happy Birthday, Statue of Liberty! for ages 5 to 8 on Tuesday, Oct. 22 at 3:30 p.m. Learn

Saturday, Oct. 19• Families First of Palm Beach County and the

Royal Palm Beach Rotary Club will host a Shred Party on Saturday, Oct. 19 from 9 a.m. to noon at Lowe’s Home Improvement (103 S. State Road 7, RPB). For info., visit

• Trinity West Church (16569 Southern Blvd.) will host a free fall festival Saturday, Oct. 19 from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. at the corner of Southern Blvd. and Seminole Pratt Whitney Road. There will be a chili cookoff, bounce houses, games and more. Visit for more info.

• The Wellington library (1951 Royal Fern Drive) will host Space Adventure for ages 2 to 6 on Saturday, Oct. 19 at 11:15 a.m. Explore outer space with stories, songs and crafts. Call (561) 790-6070 for more info.

• The Knights of Columbus Council #8419 from St. Rita Catholic Church will hold a golf tournament Saturday, Oct. 19 at the Palm Beach National Golf & Country Club in Lake Worth. The tournament begins with check-in at noon and a shotgun start at 1 p.m. Dinner, awards and a silent auction are set for 5:30 p.m. For more info., call Manny Zapata at (561) 346-7435 or Chuck Higgins at (561) 795-2034.

• The Okeeheelee Nature Center (7715 Forest Hill Blvd.) will host Watching Wildlife: Secrets of a Naturalist for all ages Saturday, Oct. 19 at 1 p.m. Learn tips and techniques for seeing more animal species. The cost is $3 per person. Call (561) 233-1400 for reservations.

• The Acreage library (15801 Orange Blvd.) will host Craft It Yourself: Literally Literary Pump-kins for adults Saturday, Oct. 19 at 2:30 p.m. Let Hawthorne, Twain, Austin or Poe inspire you to design a pumpkin. Bring your own pumpkin. Call (561) 681-4100 to pre-register.

• Wellington’s Fall Festival will take place Saturday, Oct. 19 from 6 to 10 p.m. at Village Park (11700 Pierson Road). Visit the Haunted Hallways or the petting zoo, take hay rides or try trick or treating, face painting, bounce houses,

Page 30 October 18 - October 24, 2013 The Town-Crier

community calendar


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TREE NURSERY SUPERVISOR — KING RANCH is currently seeking qualified candidates for supervisor at our palm tree nursery in Pine Island. Candidates must have at least 3 years of nursery experience. Bilingual a plus. Interested candidates should send their resume to [email protected] or via fax to 239-275-4973. An Equal Opportunity Employer/Drug Free Workplace.

WELLINGTON TOWNCAR AND CAB D R I V E R S — F u l l - T i m e / P a r t - Ti m e . Seeking dispatcher w/experience as well as retirees welcome. 561-333-0181

BOOKKEEPER NEEDED — part-time, experienced in QuickBooks, flexible hours. Please fax resume to 561-791-0952

L O O K I N G F O R V O L U N T E E R S NS OVER 16 YEARS OLD — who want to work at a children’s zoo Sun-days 8:30 a.m. - 3:30 p.m. 561-792-2666




JOHN C. HUNTON AIR CONDITIONING & REFRIGERATION, INC.—Service & new installation FPL independent participating contractor. Lic. CAC 057272 Ins. “We are proud supporters of the Seminole Ridge Hawks” 561-798-3225. Family Owned & Operated since 1996. Credit Cards Accepted


J.R.’S TT AUTO BODY & PAINT—“We take the dent out of accident” Foreign and domestic. Free Estimates 561-328-0919


WE CLEAN OFFICES & PRIVATE HOMES — Licensed & Insured. Call for an estimate and to schedule your apartment. Discount for Central Palm Beach County Chamber members and to all new clients for first cleaning. 561-385-8243 Lic. #2012-252779

H E L L O , M Y N A M E I S B R E N D A — I have lived and cleaned homes in the Western Communities for over 25 Years. Great references. 561-460-8380


D.J. COMPUTER — Home & office, Spy-ware removal, websites, networks, repairs, upgrades, virus removal, tutoring. Call Jeff 561-333-1923 Cell 561-252-1186 Lic’d Well. & Palm Beach. We accept major credit cards.


D R I V E WAY S — F r e e e s t i m a t e s A & M ASPHALT SEAL COATING com-mercial and residential. Patching pot-holes, striping, repair existing asphalt & save money al l work guaranteed. Lic.& Ins. 100045062 561-667-7716


M A R C I N K O S K I G R A D A L L I N C . — Special izing in Dirtwork, Grading for Slopes, Swales, Lakes, Berms, Etc. 40 Ye a r s E x p e r i e n c e . 5 6 1 - 7 3 6 - 8 1 2 2


THE MASTER HANDYMAN — All Types of Home Repairs & Improvements. No job too big or small done right the first time every time 40 yrs of satisfied customers. See me on Angies List. Tom (561) 801-2010 or (954) 444-3178 Serving Palm Beach and Broward Counties.

BILLY’S HOME REPAIRS INC. REMODEL & REPAIRS — Interior Trim, crown mold-ing, rottenwood repair, door installation, minor drywall,kitchens/cabinets/counter-tops, wood flooring. Bonded and Insured U#19699. Call 791-9900 or 628-9215


ANMAR CO.—James’ All Around Handy-man Service. Excellent craftman Old time values. Once you’ve had me! You’ll have me back! Lic. Ins. Certified Residential Contractor CRC1327426 561-248-8528


HURRICANE SHUTTERS P&M CON-TRACTORS — ACCORDION SHUTTERS Gutters, screen enclosures, siding, soffits, aluminum roofs, Serving the Western Com-munities. Since 1985. U-17189 561-791-9777


MOBILE MASSAGE THERAPY — Full Body Swedish Massage to Target-ed Deep Tissue Massage. COUPLES MASSAGE $120 Mention This ad. Call Florence 561-255-8470 Lic#MA 54559


J&B PRESSURE CLEANING & PAINTING, INC. — Established 1984. All types of pres-sure cleaning, roofs, houses, driveways, pa-tios etc. Commercial & Residential. Interior & Exterior painting. Certified pressure cleaning & painting contractor. Lic. #U21552 Call Butch 309-6975 or visit ourwebsite at


PAINTINGJOHN PERGOLIZZI PAINTING INC. — In-terior/Exterior - Repaint specialist, pressure cleaning, popcorn ceiling, drywall repair & roof painting. Family owned/owner op-erator. Free Est. 798-4964 Lic. #U18473

COLORS BY CORO, INC. — Int./Ext. residen-tial painting, over 20 yrs exp. Small Jobs wel-come. Free est. Ins. 561-383-8666. Owner/Op-erated. Lic.# U20627 Ins. Wellington Resident

TRIPLE QUALITY PAINTING, INC. — The finest materials, service & price. Painting Exterior & Interior, Pressure Cleaning, Roof, & Patios, Roof Cleaning, Wood Repair & Faux Finishes Lic. # U21140 7 5 4 - 2 4 5 - 0 8 5 9 o r 5 6 1 - 5 5 7 - 3 11 3


JEREMY JAMES PLUMBING — Licensed plumber, legitimate estimate. Water heaters, new construction. CFC1426242. Bond-ed Insured. CFC1426242. 561-601-6458


J&B PRESSURE CLEANING & PAINT-ING, INC. — Established 1984. All types of pressure cleaning, roofs, houses, drive-ways, patios etc. Commercial & Residential. I n t e r i o r & E x t e r i o r p a i n t i n g . Cert i f ied pressure cleaning & paint-i ng con t rac to r. L i c . #U21552 Ca l l Butch at 309-6975 or visit us at www.j bp ressurec lean ingandpa in t ing .com


MINOR ROOF REPAIRS DON HART-M A N N R O O F I N G — R o o f p a i n t -ing, Carpentry. Lic. #U13677 967-5580

ROBERT G. HARTMANN ROOFING — Spe-cializing in repairs. Free estimates, Bonded,in-sured. Lic. #CCC 058317 Ph: 561-790-0763.

ROOFING REPAIRS REROOFING ALL TYPES — Pinewood Construction, Inc. Hon-est and reliable. Serving Palm Beach County for over 20 years. Call Mike 561-309-0134 Lic. Ins. Bonded. CGC-023773 RC-0067207


SECURITY — American owned local se-curity company in business 30 plus years. Protection by officers drug tested. 40 hour course. Licensed & Insured. 561-848-2600


JOHN’S SCREEN REPAIR SERVICE — Pool & patio rescreening. Stay tight,wrin-kle-free,guaranteed! CRC1329708 call us 798-3132.


ACCORDION SHUTTERS — Gutters, screen enclosures, siding, soffits, aluminum roofs, Serving the Western Communi-ties. Since 1985. U-17189 561-791-9777


AQUATIC SPRINKLER, LLC — Com-p l e t e r e p a i r o f a l l t y p e s o f s y s -t e m s . O w n e r O p e r a t e d . M i c h a e l 561-964-6004Lic.#U17871 Bonded & Ins. Serving the Western Communities Since 1990


SPECIALIZING IN BATHROOM REMODEL-ING — Free estimates serving South Florida since 1980. Quality you expect, service you de-serve. Lic. bonded & Ins. U21006 561-662-9258


TREES TRIMMED AND REMOVED — 561-798-0412 D.M. YOUNG TREE SERVICE. Family Owned & Operat-ed Lic. & Insured 1992-12121 Visit our websi te at dmyoungtreeserv


PAPERHANGING BY DEBI — Profession-al Installation,Removal. Repair of Paper. Neat, Clean & Reliable. Quality work with a woman’s touch. 30 years experience. No Job too big or too small. Lic. & Ins. References available. 561-795-5263



MULTI-FAMILY YARD SALE TO BENEFIT CUB SCOUTS PACK 147 — Bob Hoefl Park, 11920 49th St. Royal Palm Beach, FL 33411. Saturday, October 26th from 8:00 a.m. - 12 Noon

BREAKERS WEST ESTATE HOUSE — 4 Bedroom, 3.5 Baths, 3 Car Garage, Pool, 1/2 Acre, Gated Community, Immac-ulate, $3,800 per month. 561-795-0533

ROOMMATE TO SHARE — 2 bedroom 2 bath apartment - Purdy & Jog Road. $550 per month. Lookingfor under 35 years old. 954-296-3748

HORSE TRAILER HORSE TRAILER 2007 — 2 Horse Aluminum SLT Load, rubbermats, and dressing room carpeted with saddle rack. Bridal Hooks, interior lights. Custom cover included. Pd. $9,000 New in 07 Make offer! 561-755-2972 or 561-793-3203 Leave Message.


FOR SALE - WELLINGTONFOR SALE BY OWNER — VILLAGE WALK 2 Master Bedrooms, 2 Full Baths, 1/2 Bath, Kitchen with Granite, Dinette, Living Room, & Den with Hardwood Floors, Laundry room, screened porch. Across from club-house & pool. Prime location, beautiful view on cul-de-sac. Asking price $279,900.00 Please call 561-642-5044 or 561-385-8301

May the Sacred Heart of Jesus be Adored, Glorified, Loved & Preserved through-out the world, now and forever. Sacred Heart of Jesus, pray for us. Saint Jude, Worker of miracles, pray for us. Saint Jude, Helper of the hopeless, pray for us. Say the prayer 8 times a day for 9 days. It has never been know to fail. Publication must be promised. Thank you St. Jude K.L.


St. Jude Novena


Offering Free Fitness Classes. Fitness Bootcamp classes.

Cardio Kick Boxing, Guns, Buns, & ABS. Free Wellness Evaluation.

2 Locations Royal Palm Beach & West Palm Beach

Space is limited call 561-635-4241

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