town jti5 jpm siiil · 2015. 6. 2. · tween the bidders itecont communica-tions ¬ from treasurer...

I VOL XilWKO 6S Ill OS RECEIVED fib u Oi Oversubcribed for Is Belief in Financial Circles TWELVE BIDS MADE Two in Honolulu and the Remainder on the Mainland Twelve liids woro received for Uio issue of 1500000 four por cent terri ¬ torial improvement bonds yestorduy Ton of thoso wero put in at the office of the United States Mortgage Trust Company 55 Cedar street Now York whilo tho others were left at the offico of tho tronsuror Of tlie Territqry in the capital Tho local bids wore for 251000 worth of bonds Tho Bank of Hawaii tenderod for a quarter of a million dol- lars ¬ of the bonds whilo Mrs Mary E W Settle bid 101007 for one bond of tho par value ofHlOOO Tho Bank of Hawaii offered a premium of 1 for iti quarter of a million the bid reading 250001 The total amount of tho bids mado in New York is not yetknbwn hero as the tenders will not bo opened till ten oclock this morning Eastern time Which is equivalent to about a quartor past four in tho morning bore In speak ¬ ing of tho matter yestorday evening Governor Prear said local Bids Opened n -- The if bids here wore opened shortly after two oclock that being tho adver tised hour up to -- which applications could bo made Wo have cabled the results to New York and thB bids there wll bo opened tomorrow Friday at ton oclock and tho results cabled here We should have them early in tho morning as ton oclock there means a quarter past Jour in tho morning hero The oponing there was postponed in order to avoid any qrestion as to dif- ference ¬ of time between there and here It would batfdly do to oren bids there before they closed hero In other words thorgh the timo for receiving applications tor bonds closed in New York nt two oclock eastorn timo yestorday thd applications were not opened becausetwo oclock tboro is eight thirty in the morning hole at which hour bids were still receivable hero and were so till fivo and one half hours after tho time for closing was reached in New York Two oclock in the afternoon hero is seven thirty in the evening at Now York which is after business and banking hours therefore tho timo for opening tho bids in New York naturally went oyer till ten oclock this morning eastern time When tho Governor roaches his office this morning there will doubtless be a cablegram awaiting him giving the re ¬ sult of tho bids in Now York Governor Optimistic It is bolloved in financial circles that the issuo will bo found to havo boon oversubscribed for Tho Governor ap- peared ¬ to be quite optimistic yestorday over the outlook It is possiblo that some of the tenders are for the entire issue others may bo for one half of it or for lesser quantities of bonds If there are identical tenders for tho entire issuo tho Governor stated that the bonds probably will bo divided be tween the bidders Itecont communica- tions ¬ from Treasurer Colliding have conveyed tl intimation that tlio tim pemeU favorable for the flotation of the loan ard also that much interest has been displayed in It by bond liousog ia tho East The fact that tho Hank of Hawaii wus alone among the flvo banks hero in twdorlng for port of tho iuuit of hondi hat reused soma comment locully Man ¬ ager K I Spalding of tho Jlonk of Ho rolulu when spoken to by a Kportir on tbif aubjeet of bidding sold yatorJay that he Hid bean unable to consult with Mr Jrwjn rrcvrdlug il1 initUr 4 therefore the bunk nought none of tho Imud Had Mr Irwin Jieorj hero ha thought lis would Jiave been willing to bid urn mi if MORE WARSHIPS FOR HIE M REET hi Mtimt m If 4fat W HONOLULU HAWAII TERRITORY FRIPAY JULY 28 1911 -SE- MI-WEEKLY tEASEHOLDEBS IN ft CAREFUL MOOD COMMITTEE Willi CONTEB WITH GOVERNOR ADVISE QOINa SLOW WITH PLANS An important meeting was hold by the exaculivo committee of tho losscd of thooKaprolanlostato on tho Punch ¬ bowl lands last ovenlng in tho office of A D Castro secretary of tho San Antonio Society on Vineyard street and a sub committoo was appointed to seo the Governor in regard to tho tak- ing ¬ over tho lease from the stato by the Territory The exccutlvo commltteo considered plans to be followed but it was decid ¬ ed that no decisiivo action should bo taken until after a conference with tho Governor by tho sub committoe which will report to a mooting of the lessees Tho commltteo appointed by Chair- man ¬ Castro to soo tho Governor consists of W P Wilson A Q Marcallino and A H Vieira and it will confernvlth tho Governor upon tho preferential Tights of tho lessees to tho land they occupy at this time Tho lessens are nnxious to know as soon as posiblo their status in tho matter and until this is decided are not favoriblo to enop action Must Know of Benefit So far as tho buying of tho leaso from tho Kaplolani estato is concerned it was stated at tho meeting that this deserves careful consideration before any action is taken and the executive commltteo bcljevos that until it can bo positively shown what good tho buying of this leaso will do tho tenants of tho estateno final decision in tho mat- ter ¬ should bo arrived at It is understood generally by tho lesseos that in case tho Territory bays this Jeaso they will have to rofand tho money for it to the government and th or o is a largo number who now be ¬ lieve it would bo bettor to wait a year for tho lease to terminate Mr Castro sjated last evening that ho and others concerned btc ratbllod with tho way thp Republican Party has kept its promise in regard td thp buy ¬ ing of the lease and at present it is Simply a question of tloing what is best for tho majoilty of the laschold ers and ho tfeels certain this will bo done Progressing Rapidly Governor Prear when spoken to yesterday regarding tho Punchbowl meeting nndvtho suggestion thot while the administration and the Eapiolapl estate nro negotiating abouttho lease the land department ehould ifo ahead 1 4 -- 11 1 -- I J il- - J lT- - uuu urttuuiisiivu tuu pruj uraxicu xigms said Wo are doing that as fast ns we can Concerning a published remark credit ¬ ed to W P WliWn n leases of Knnin Ian estate lands that tho homesteaders nave been passed along from bureau to burea j the Governor remarked Thoy havo not been passed along from bureau to bureau that I know of Ha added Wo are proceeding right along as fast as wo can The Governor further stated that tho Purchbowl matter is just ns he stated it to bo tho other day Ho thon said that tho administration is pushing tho mntter of the preference rights and tho ma in of the surveys These matters are now approaching completion Tho next step will be to lay out the prop- erty ¬ as it should be with proper streets parks etc Tho administration has been very much interested in this whole project and has been pushing it as fast as it reasonably covld and it proposes to continue to do so declared tho Gqvernor on that occasion HEADY FOR BIDS ON PEARL HARBOR WORK Tha navy deportment Jias prepare specifications for tho construction of tha foundations for seven of tho In- dustrial ¬ buildings at the Penrl Ilurlior naval station and now Invito tenders for their constriction This mark tho first call for tenders for actual construction work on tho buildings at thd new naval station al ¬ though the navy department si Wash ¬ ington hu already cttllej or lids or about 20000 tons of structural steel which i f go Into the buildings tho Unrtniant taking thli covrw on tho ground llmt it could net jbe itoel ulwupw than the coolritetprf The plfiii and iMwlloi tut the fouiMUitlHn erg to b Hi ttm Hear Aawjwl tJowlw V Si Wj jjewnant ut tlie itiivttl tHUo flv IdJuiImI ItiilMlnp n yrittily wuvn wa 44e ni4 m1 hoHtf lMhmiMw Utub - ft mdi atlMri aiiUii tut kLiiiit usil mid ayuyr mmAaAMutltiM Ia iMl AftoN MM m M MfiM iMm M mtrnm m IMm M ti hi m t M mt Mm mmmmmmwmmmmm - IU Jti5 Mii4l town rijjnw JPM nxy ENGLAND THROWS DOWN GAUNTLfcT TO GERM LONDON July 28 A tceno of moro than ordinary significance took placo in tho houso of commons yestorday whon Promior Asquith read what was practically a warfajng to Germany In connection with tVmjrtaont situation in Morocco ana tho claims of tho principals in the controversy over alleged rights in that country Thd promior stated that Great Britain will insist upon her rights and proposes to maintain at nil costs the present balance of power in Europe Thero is no dlvsontn tho commons on this question oyon tho oppo- sition ¬ led by A J Balfour supporting tho Liberal government in tho stand taken in regard to tho Moroccan crisis War Scare Affocts Prices NEW OBIjEANS Loulsiauo July S8 The decided danger in tho Moroccan situation lias bocomo so acute that it has caused a falling ioit 6t twonty flve points in iho now cotton crop doliveriqa to English Con- signees ¬ While Franco and Spain wdro given tho duty under tho Algociras international convention to preserve oMor in Morocco tho recent rovo- - lutlon against tho Sultan and genoral unrest in that country has afforded the excuse for Germany to sond a warship to tho west coast of Morocco and seize a pttrt thus coming in direct touch with tho parties having the responsibility of enrrying out tho details of tho Algociras convention to which tho United States was a party DLULU HAS GREAT CHANGES VISITOB WONDERS WHY THE OP- - POBTTJNITIES ABE NOT IMPBOVED IS ENGAGED 0 LARGE PROJECT KEWALO BEOLAMATION PLAN IS BY MOTT- - SMITH Tho location of a federal building About two million cable yards of on tho sito propose tho cornor of King filling ore involved in tn proposed rec and Port street would hurt all lamation work in tho Kewalo district tho Totail stores in the neighborhood bosldes tho establishment of new Small business is dead in the neighbor Btroat3 surface drains that Ja storm hood uf tho federal building in San owor8 an4 VCWOrs Thoso flgaresBhoW Francisco and in Oakland thp retail tho magnltudo of tho unjortaklng- - upon stores aro moving away from tho nefeh whjoh pI0sidont Ei A Mott Smith of bornooct 01 tnc large Danns Because thJ of hoaUh ia wgagii tney close nt three oclock and peoplfl Ho has token up tho matter do not visit them undar JliArlnonlfnr ir Innri tiAfjtan anhA tah Such is tho opinio lq2 J Bf ttafl ho Js particular Lafferty vice president and manager of prent to tho sectioh to tho Pacific Coast Paper Company a i nrj of avenue and between visitor in Honolulu after an absence of rt an tw0 eight years Ho speaks as ho says as a rank outsider but as ono wio has ifi L tho cotpta adlrIot boon through just such fights as Hone- - t3 nCOBVo 7f lula is now in over tho ideral building kod Th potion enthusiastic ad- - esf of Wood avenua has few site question Ho is an houses ont and can bo mow easily vocato of the City Beautiful idea and doait m j sees no pineo wnero a uottor opportunity of carrying out this modern plan is afforded its citizens than Honolulu Careful Survey has plekea Thoroisnocjtyonearlihwrierosuch atroot ivood nd la small expenflituro of money and such K3ng etreefr and is having it yery caro a small amount of work could bo fully nuivtsyed The ourrey ottico baB abtroluteiy boautiful a city as could bo tho matter in chargot together witlj tho creotod in Honolulu You haven c ori- - ending commissionow who will h Is new streets nnd lay tho oub opportunity hero nna that not being taken advantage o Is one of tho Br3 wth reference to surfaco drain- - wnnHnrn nrraanfo In timri T ilr BKO and tha dlSPOSal Of SOWagO and not know what other sito is suggc ted with reference to the filling in of tho for your proposed fedoral building but lands I should say that any othor site The map has just abopt been com tho building can bo given plenty of pletod by the survey pCQco showing ground wculd bo preforred to tiio ono in who owns overjr plot and the amount the business districts It is a surprising of fill needed in each case Besides thing too to hear that thero aro thoso this thero is tho proposal for the war hero advocating a policy of tearing department to go down bolow Ala Mo down business blocks to make way for ana and adjoining Fort Armstrong and tho proposed building Better put tho also for tho Territory to fill in below pneo oi inoso Duuiungs into ino duuu- - la Moana nnd create n Dig parK Air inc to bo erected You will notice that the o fair committee is going to estab- lish ¬ a civic contcr for San Francisco at Van Ness and Market That is some ¬ thing many tf us havo worked for for yoars 1 am on tho ways and means commltteo of tne general fair commit too nnd very feet wldn and fivo foot do - r - in ino report oi tno Bite committee thnt will tho of Ko fair two of tho taiMiua uub juu nuuiu 1JUVU lu UUVU to in era anu you to something of the pn tho Do vou that I can not set any tsro in any of iror cue of of fruit I 1 that this one of tho wore id leras particularly generally of sewage In Koawo cement naturally interested smaller expect noven thousand These both ppoplo continent visit SUrfaco drains portion Hawaii section percentage that numbor visit Continued Page Eight omiiumiuj wouia havo typical country tabic know your best rants anything Island yegoiaujOB think places Honolulu falling down want Hawaiian TAOBXED seriously President aveLa these drainage disposal Drainago much your work iLVERTONS HOLIDAY TO BE LONG 01 things to eat may not like MHvetton which Ue mey io mm cJy Mmy 9yB j0 wU iMBiWor uiAwait is a sinaij place nno what vaonuou- - hero ehould their within a ymr likely to last for u 1st Quality fowci first WODtl flyo Becordlng to ypu find if tht Kn- - on a WB Mh u Honolulu to lio bogutJfol Mr Metockur Jntereited in city In Im wprld aa that ovsrytliliig ia fiBo u4 pfodllU Just w Im w1 fur yat Jlwvon enjy limy lift tho after all vou itm fur flBBBtliy flrt wrr y will fit Ypu uiuit bauiify dMn tin build yo4 ytrMtn n wMm tap nmmm4M your lllor kmmu mmf mmh m m hotI a foisoi nnl mf in ml ia flff gAlintm MM tlTTI kii mrad IV MMar MM HW KUWU Jjti Aa il 1 twibU i p fnyy m LA 11 mud am wad a mt l ftmaii 3Iott Smlth create shore Mott Smith is on all prob as affected by and the Problems this district there is on street a wide drain fivo or six en Thoro Wo i also a dram on Wnlmanu hundred avenuo uro storm water cross to A tho tho could got a good Wfti0 J drained by these to on mi ii bjiuw glvo thorn restau l Is 1coplo they them little absence w vo nreuna toj M w v - tbo people toku ni I Luainei motto or woak yot and wilf you molvo li the inoit I wovk li it tomu two nuantity If fl duwtl tm t ft u m m l m luimeMlv i ltiM at hiow wli W H lie tHiough bf H h Will PWbabJy bo mouth VBt thil 0tlart y thl Mt WierM m urnmu vmu w w w NH I FW ns rtw Hkiimb wwt if S UiMrt kJitV kii I m w wi I mm i I m a liiaali IMI l Vi Mi I WM 4 MH lir TiwiV i lit tut duii lt 4 rnmm t mt m ffmg m mt tiki i rt hf U 41 a H0mtMm 4 0f W r - h f VV k 4 twwiw rv e Mtif - mm mtM f4 Hfi aatBHaaaH uw aKWsaBBBBBBKSti iS3HDlHtr J sKSt 5S BBHr jhhvshk syHKi GOflllSSlERS SEEK SOLUTION HARBOR PBOBIOIMS D1SOUBSED AT MEETING NO PROVISION FOB WHABXINaERa Immediate nctlon would havo been taken by tho board t harbor cornmls sldnors yestorday nftornoon toward commencing repairs and enlargements to tho Hackfold wharf but for tho fact that- - an opinion from tho attornoy genoral is wanted ns to whether tho proposod roadway composed nt tohla blocks for tho center of tho wharf shall ho construed ns being under tho classification of now work or whothcr it shall bo considered ropnir If tho former tbo money for this work will como from tho loan fund If tho latter it will havo to como out of tho paltry 30000 which tbo legist laturo considered suftlclont fo all to pair work during tho next two years Tho cbnimissiorjorsgavo consldorablo timo to tho discussion bf tho Hackfold wharf nnd also to tho duties of the harbormaster and assistant and tho proposed rules nnd regulations which will soon bo proparcd and promulgated to Tcgulate tho uso uf tbo whnrves nnd cargoes and to provont wharves bolng usod aB temporary warohouscs Tho commissioners found that tho harbor lias no wharfingers tbo lcglsla turo making no provision for these im portant oQtcinls and for that reason tho work of sorting cargoes from ves sels placing it to tho best ndvantago in tho whnrf sheds and disposing of it is not under supervision of any gov crnment official Tho harbormaster under tho old sVstrm bus this sunervl slon hut custom hero has not found it necessary that tho harbormaster go upon j vtharf and say that goods Bhall bo piled hero ot there or that it bo movoa out la such and such n timo Undor tho now rulei tho hnrbormas tor wIH bo given authority to joe that goods aro moved out of whnrf in a certain perioil of timo and will bo backwl up by tho full authority and power uf tho Territory to mako his orders good -- Problem of Freight t Whnt ahull wo do with tho Hack fcld wharff That is tho problomf was 1 bo statement presented to the rommit ioiifers Commissioner Wako fiold dated that sugfr Is piled up on tho wharf far in advanco of tho com- ing ¬ of a steumpr and this causes con ¬ gestion nt thp start There Should bo placo Bot npart for such sugar in Bomo certain part of tho shed and this would rellevt tho stress This brought up t10 question of wharfiiinors and without tbqm tho work of clearing tho wharvos of cargors can not ue BUjicrvJsea propony Continued on Pago Eight Mi OF IM WHO DISAPPEARED IS FOUND IN BUT SAN FBANCISCO July 28 -- Tha body of Miss Mary Gertruuo Ug has Been found in tho bay It will talra an inquest to docldo as to whothor it is a taso of murder accident or suicide The enso is a most mysterious ono Jllaa Ilg whp was twenty threo years old loft her homo at lOi Hart ¬ ford street after supper on Monday owning July 17 tb go to tbo tkeatw to go aoraQ ticket sho had ordurod and told hpr father mother and nomo friends thot sbo would bo buck in a short time IVom that inowunt she disappeared jttarjy and until her boly was found lata yesterday tho police woro baffled riNCIIOT BBBAKS LOOSE IN AIiABKA OONTllOVBBfly WASHIKOTjON July 27 Pornier Chief Porestor Clifford Plnchot today issued o statsment on the Controller Hay controversy in whjch Pwrtdpnt Tftft l charged iyth having fuyowd tho Ouggeniiplm jnonopollotla combina tion 1iiicliot declares that Tafta re opining of the Oputroller liny water front laud without notice to tho phi lie whs tttkau advantage of by tlw in torMti Mi mm -- fi ipi miw jba o mum WAWWM WPrtl froilBB July W A erlt frtu Ipa4f4 with vigrg utwlHUJ m 1h i wljlw wj mmm mwmn M 4wm t rimk kit Uw Hnt mn wM m vmwmr mm i Ui iiifiainiilti iiiiidiili tai Vjaua fkmum1 mu km t ft iwtf m fwil M iPjtf Mp maim mt j A tt as m yjf wwwwiwwiiiw a wp SBWW f7 Siiil 1 1raoti8Ho8aesi mffUtlfDH GOUNTl 15 TiETEtIG TIFF insurgent and Democrat Join to Pass Wool Schedule SUGAR MAYf BE NOT Power of Political Hui Mayntice It to Keep On WASniNGTON July 28 With a voto of forty olght to thirty two tho sonato yesterday passed tho compromise wool tariff bill ns Introduced by Sena ¬ tor Ia Folletto of Wisconsin Tho bill was passed through a com ¬ bination of tho insurgent Itcpubllcana with tho Democrats as against tho Btandpat Republicans Bit Botwoon Their Tooth This samo combination now threat ¬ ens to pass tho Parmers Froo List bill tho proposed now cotton schedule and perhaps o bill to lower tho duties on sugar and steel It is stated that tho houso Democrats now bolievo that a conforonco bptwoon tho Democrats and insurgent Republi ¬ cans of both branches of congress would produce a bill satisfactory to both houses Por Campaign Material It is stated thai if President Taft was to voto such a bill it would bo ft satisfactory proceeding for the- - pomo cratsj who would go into tho campaign next year with this veto as their main warcry against tho Republican party What the Bill Does Tho now wool bill approximately bi ¬ sects the duty on tho first grodo of raw wool cuts tho duty on tho second grado from forty four to fen per conk ad valorem cuts in two the duties on shoddy blankets flannels clothes dress goods andfabrics of woolon cloth and cuts a third of tho tariff off Of carpets mats and other similar goods Tho loss of this revpnuo to tho coun ¬ try will havo to bo made up in somo bthor -- way Senator Bailoy Quits Senator Joseph W Bailey of Texas has roslgned from tho sonato commit too on privileges and elections which Is about to investigate chargos of bribery in connection with tho olection of Son ator Isaac Stephenson of Wisconsin Bailey doclarcs that ho disapproves pf tho latitude thnt has been allowed in tho taking of evidence To Investigate investigators WASHINGTON July 27 Represen- tative ¬ E E Eoborts of Novada today introduced a resolution in tho houso calling for an investigation of methods used by tho various Investigating com- mittees ¬ EMPRESS OF CHINA IS WRECKED ON ROOKS TOlCilO Japan July 27 Thp Cana ¬ dian Pacific steamer Empress of China from Vancouver was stranded today on a Tock nt Ava peninsula inbound for Yokohama Tho pasuciigars nnd molls tvpro Upoodlly rescued by Japnueito cruisers Tlio vessel Is badly damage from striking tho rocUi Efforts aro being in a do to tuvo her REST FIBFS HUM- - - OVER TWO COUNTIES HVQILAMV July MVvF ht di4 hm tuul flrn by imb Urn W iMum 1411 mmJ umh tmtm Tmf r mIm mmu mr tin JUalkm tmm v t kim mi A Ml lmt Wp tut1 i liw fvi 1 KS 1

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Page 1: town Jti5 JPM Siiil · 2015. 6. 2. · tween the bidders Itecont communica-tions ¬ from Treasurer Colliding have conveyed tl intimation that tlio tim pemeU favorable for the flotation






Oversubcribed for Is

Belief in Financial



Two in Honolulu and

the Remainder on

the Mainland

Twelve liids woro received for Uio

issue of 1500000 four por cent terri¬

torial improvement bonds yestorduyTon of thoso wero put in at the office

of the United States Mortgage TrustCompany 55 Cedar street Now Yorkwhilo tho others were left at the offico

of tho tronsuror Of tlie Territqry in thecapital

Tho local bids wore for 251000

worth of bonds Tho Bank of Hawaiitenderod for a quarter of a million dol-



of the bonds whilo Mrs Mary EW Settle bid 101007 for one bond oftho par value ofHlOOO Tho Bank ofHawaii offered a premium of 1 for itiquarter of a million the bid reading

250001The total amount of tho bids mado in

New York is not yetknbwn hero asthe tenders will not bo opened till tenoclock this morning Eastern timeWhich is equivalent to about a quartorpast four in tho morning bore In speak¬

ing of tho matter yestorday eveningGovernor Prear said

local Bids Opened n- -


bids here wore opened shortlyafter two oclock that being tho advertised hour up to --which applicationscould bo made Wo have cabled theresults to New York and thB bids therewll bo opened tomorrow Friday atton oclock and tho results cabled hereWe should have them early in thomorning as ton oclock there means aquarter past Jour in tho morning hero

The oponing there was postponedin order to avoid any qrestion as to dif-ference


of time between there and hereIt would batfdly do to oren bids therebefore they closed hero

In other words thorgh the timo forreceiving applications tor bonds closedin New York nt two oclock eastorntimo yestorday thd applications werenot opened becausetwo oclock tboro iseight thirty in the morning hole atwhich hour bids were still receivablehero and were so till fivo and one halfhours after tho time for closing wasreached in New York Two oclock inthe afternoon hero is seven thirty inthe evening at Now York which is afterbusiness and banking hours thereforetho timo for opening tho bids in NewYork naturally went oyer till tenoclock this morning eastern time

When tho Governor roaches his officethis morning there will doubtless be acablegram awaiting him giving the re ¬

sult of tho bids in Now York

Governor OptimisticIt is bolloved in financial circles that

the issuo will bo found to havo boonoversubscribed for Tho Governor ap-peared


to be quite optimistic yestordayover the outlook It is possiblo thatsome of the tenders are for the entireissue others may bo for one half of itor for lesser quantities of bonds

If there are identical tenders for thoentire issuo tho Governor stated thatthe bonds probably will bo divided between the bidders Itecont communica-tions


from Treasurer Colliding haveconveyed tl intimation that tlio tim

pemeU favorable for the flotation ofthe loan ard also that much interesthas been displayed in It by bond liousogia tho East

The fact that tho Hank of Hawaiiwus alone among the flvo banks hero intwdorlng for port of tho iuuit of hondihat reused soma comment locully Man ¬

ager K I Spalding of tho Jlonk of Horolulu when spoken to by a Kportir ontbif aubjeet of bidding sold yatorJaythat he Hid bean unable to consult withMr Jrwjn rrcvrdlug il1 initUr 4therefore the bunk nought none of thoImud Had Mr Irwin Jieorj hero hathought lis would Jiave been willing tobid

urn mi if



hi Mtimt m If 4fat W






An important meeting was hold bythe exaculivo committee of tho losscdof thooKaprolanlostato on tho Punch ¬

bowl lands last ovenlng in tho office ofA D Castro secretary of tho SanAntonio Society on Vineyard streetand a sub committoo was appointed toseo the Governor in regard to tho tak-


over tho lease from the stato bythe Territory

The exccutlvo commltteo consideredplans to be followed but it was decid¬

ed that no decisiivo action should botaken until after a conference with thoGovernor by tho sub committoe whichwill report to a mooting of the lessees

Tho commltteo appointed by Chair-


Castro to soo tho Governor consistsof W P Wilson A Q Marcallino andA H Vieira and it will confernvlth thoGovernor upon tho preferential Tightsof tho lessees to tho land they occupyat this time Tho lessens are nnxiousto know as soon as posiblo their statusin tho matter and until this is decidedare not favoriblo to enop action

Must Know of BenefitSo far as tho buying of tho leaso

from tho Kaplolani estato is concernedit was stated at tho meeting that thisdeserves careful consideration beforeany action is taken and the executivecommltteo bcljevos that until it can bopositively shown what good tho buyingof this leaso will do tho tenants oftho estateno final decision in tho mat-


should bo arrived atIt is understood generally by tho

lesseos that in case tho Territory baysthis Jeaso they will have to rofand thomoney for it to the government andth or o is a largo number who now be¬

lieve it would bo bettor to wait a yearfor tho lease to terminate

Mr Castro sjated last evening thatho and others concerned btc ratbllodwith tho way thp Republican Party haskept its promise in regard td thp buy¬

ing of the lease and at present it isSimply a question of tloing what isbest for tho majoilty of the lascholders and ho tfeels certain this will bodone

Progressing RapidlyGovernor Prear when spoken to

yesterday regarding tho Punchbowlmeeting nndvtho suggestion thot whilethe administration and the Eapiolaplestate nro negotiating abouttho leasethe land department ehould ifo ahead

1 4 -- 11 1 --I J il- - J lT--uuu urttuuiisiivu tuu pruj uraxicu xigmssaid

Wo are doing that as fast ns wecan

Concerning a published remark credit ¬

ed to W P WliWn n leases of KnninIan estate lands that tho homesteadersnave been passed along from bureauto burea j the Governor remarked

Thoy havo not been passed alongfrom bureau to bureau that I know ofHa added Wo are proceeding rightalong as fast as wo can

The Governor further stated that thoPurchbowl matter is just ns he statedit to bo tho other day Ho thon saidthat tho administration is pushing thomntter of the preference rights and thoma in of the surveys These mattersare now approaching completion Thonext step will be to lay out the prop-erty


as it should be with properstreets parks etc

Tho administration has been verymuch interested in this whole projectand has been pushing it as fast as itreasonably covld and it proposes tocontinue to do so declared thoGqvernor on that occasion



Tha navy deportment Jias preparespecifications for tho construction oftha foundations for seven of tho In-


buildings at the Penrl Ilurliornaval station and now Invito tendersfor their constriction

This mark tho first call for tendersfor actual construction work on thobuildings at thd new naval station al ¬

though the navy department si Wash ¬

ington hu already cttllej or lids orabout 20000 tons of structural steelwhich i f go Into the buildings thoUnrtniant taking thli covrw on thoground llmt it could net jbe itoelulwupw than the coolritetprf

The plfiii and iMwlloi tut thefouiMUitlHn erg to b Hi ttm HearAawjwl tJowlw V Si Wj jjewnantut tlie itiivttl tHUo flv IdJuiImIItiilMlnp n yrittily wuvn wa44e ni4 m1 hoHtf lMhmiMw

Utub - ft mdi atlMri aiiUii tutkLiiiit usil mid ayuyr mmAaAMutltiM Ia

iMl AftoN MM m M MfiM

iMm M mtrnm mIMm M ti him t

M mt Mm

mmmmmmwmmmmm- IU Jti5 Mii4l

town rijjnwJPM



LONDON July 28 A tceno of moro than ordinary significancetook placo in tho houso of commons yestorday whon Promior Asquithread what was practically a warfajng to Germany In connection withtVmjrtaont situation in Morocco ana tho claims of tho principals in thecontroversy over alleged rights in that country

Thd promior stated that Great Britain will insist upon her rightsand proposes to maintain at nil costs the present balance of power inEurope

Thero is no dlvsontn tho commons on this question oyon tho oppo-


led by A J Balfour supporting tho Liberal government in thostand taken in regard to tho Moroccan crisis

War Scare Affocts PricesNEW OBIjEANS Loulsiauo July S8 The decided danger in tho

Moroccan situation lias bocomo so acute that it has caused a falling ioit6t twonty flve points in iho now cotton crop doliveriqa to English Con-


While Franco and Spain wdro given tho duty under tho Algocirasinternational convention to preserve oMor in Morocco tho recent rovo- -

lutlon against tho Sultan and genoral unrest in that country has affordedthe excuse for Germany to sond a warship to tho west coast of Moroccoand seize a pttrt thus coming in direct touch with tho parties havingthe responsibility of enrrying out tho details of tho Algociras conventionto which tho United States was a party










Tho location of a federal building About two million cable yards ofon tho sito propose tho cornor of King filling ore involved in tn proposed recand Port street would hurt all lamation work in tho Kewalo districttho Totail stores in the neighborhood bosldes tho establishment of newSmall business is dead in the neighbor Btroat3 surface drains that Ja stormhood uf tho federal building in San owor8 an4 VCWOrs Thoso flgaresBhoWFrancisco and in Oakland thp retail tho magnltudo of tho unjortaklng-- uponstores aro moving away from tho nefeh whjoh pI0sidont Ei A Mott Smith ofbornooct 01 tnc large Danns Because thJ of hoaUh ia wgagiitney close nt three oclock and peoplfl Ho has token up tho matterdo not visit them

undarJliArlnonlfnr ir Innri tiAfjtan anhA tah

Such is tho opinio lq2 J Bf ttafl ho Js particularLafferty vice president and manager of prent to tho sectioh totho Pacific Coast Paper Company a i nrjof avenue and betweenvisitor in Honolulu after an absence of

rt an tw0eight years Ho speaks as ho says asa rank outsider but as ono wio has ifiLtho cotpta adlrIotboon through just such fights as Hone- - t3 nCOBVo 7flula is now in over tho ideral building kod Th potion

enthusiastic ad- - esf of Wood avenua has fewsite question Ho is anhouses ont and can bo mow easily

vocato of the City Beautiful idea and doait m j

sees no pineo wnero a uottor opportunityof carrying out this modern plan isafforded its citizens than Honolulu

Careful Surveyhas plekea

Thoroisnocjtyonearlihwrierosuch atroot ivood ndla small expenflituro of money and such K3ng etreefr and is having it yery caroa small amount of work could bo fully nuivtsyed The ourrey ottico baBabtroluteiy boautiful a city as could bo tho matter in chargot together witlj thocreotod in Honolulu You haven c ori- - ending commissionow who will

h Is new streets nnd lay thooub opportunity hero nna that notbeing taken advantage o Is one of tho Br3 wth reference to surfaco drain- -

wnnHnrn nrraanfo In timri T ilr BKO and tha dlSPOSal Of SOWagO andnot know what other sito is suggc ted with reference to the filling in of thofor your proposed fedoral building but landsI should say that any othor site The map has just abopt been comtho building can bo given plenty of pletod by the survey pCQco showingground wculd bo preforred to tiio ono in who owns overjr plot and the amountthe business districts It is a surprising of fill needed in each case Besidesthing too to hear that thero aro thoso this thero is tho proposal for the warhero advocating a policy of tearing department to go down bolow Ala Modown business blocks to make way for ana and adjoining Fort Armstrong andtho proposed building Better put tho also for tho Territory to fill in belowpneo oi inoso Duuiungs into ino duuu- - la Moana nnd create n Dig parK Airinc to bo erected

You will notice that the o

fair committee is going to estab-lish


a civic contcr for San Francisco atVan Ness and Market That is some ¬

thing many tf us havo worked for foryoars 1 am on tho ways and meanscommltteo of tne general fair committoo nnd very feet wldn and fivo foot do- r -in ino report oi tno Bite committee

thntwill tho of Ko

fair twoof tho

taiMiua uub juu nuuiu 1JUVU lu UUVU

to in era anu youto something

of the pn thoDo vou that I can not set

any tsro in any ofiror cue of

of fruit I 1 that thisone of tho wore id

leras particularlygenerally of


In Koawocement

naturally interestedsmaller

expect noven thousand These bothppoplo continent visit SUrfaco drains portion

Hawaii sectionpercentage that numbor visit Continued Page Eight

omiiumiuj wouiahavo typical

country tabicknow

your bestrants anything IslandyegoiaujOB think

places Honolulufalling down want Hawaiian






drainage disposal






TO BE LONG 01things to eat may not like MHvetton which Ue

mey io mm cJy Mmy 9yB j0 wU iMBiWor

uiAwait is a sinaij place nno what vaonuou- -

hero ehould their within a ymr likely to last for u1st Quality fowci first WODtl flyo Becordlng to

ypu find if tht Kn- - on a WB Mh u

Honolulu to lio bogutJfol Mr Metockur Jntereited incity In Im wprld aa that ovsrytliliig ia fiBo u4 pfodllU Just w Im

w1 fur yat Jlwvon enjylimy lift tho after all vouitm fur flBBBtliy flrt wrr ywill fit

Ypu uiuit bauiify dMn tin buildyo4 ytrMtn n

wMm tap nmmm4Myour lllorkmmu mmfmmh mm

hotIa foisoi nnl mfin


flff gAlintm MM tlTTI

kii mrad IV MMarMM


Jjti Aa

il1 twibU i

pfnyy m LA11 mud am wad

a mt l ftmaii

3Iott Smlth



Mott Smith is on all probas affected by

and the

Problemsthis district there is on

street a wide drain fivo or sixen Thoro

Wo i also a dram on Wnlmanuhundred avenuo uro storm water

cross to A thotho could got a good Wfti0 J drained by these

to onmi ii

bjiuwglvo thorn

restau l


they them little absencew vo nreuna toj M

w v -

tbo people toku ni I

Luainei motto or woak yot

and wilf you molvoli the inoit I wovk li

ittomu twonuantity If




ftu m






hiow wli W H lie tHiough bfH h Will PWbabJy bo mouthVBt

thil 0tlart y thl MtWierMm urnmu vmu w w w




rtw Hkiimb wwt if S

UiMrt kJitV kii I

m w wi I mmi

I m a liiaali IMIl Vi Mi I WM4 MH lir TiwiV

i lit tut duii lt 4 rnmm t mt m ffmg m mttiki i rt hf U 41 a H0mtMm 4 0f W


- h f VV k 4 twwiw rv e Mtif -



HfiaatBHaaaH uw aKWsaBBBBBBKSti iS3HDlHtr J sKSt 5S

BBHr jhhvshk syHKi





Immediate nctlon would havo beentaken by tho board t harbor cornmlssldnors yestorday nftornoon towardcommencing repairs and enlargementsto tho Hackfold wharf but for thofact that- - an opinion from tho attornoygenoral is wanted ns to whether thoproposod roadway composed nt tohlablocks for tho center of tho wharfshall ho construed ns being under thoclassification of now work or whothcrit shall bo considered ropnir

If tho former tbo money for thiswork will como from tho loan fundIf tho latter it will havo to como outof tho paltry 30000 which tbo legistlaturo considered suftlclont fo all topair work during tho next two years

Tho cbnimissiorjorsgavo consldorablotimo to tho discussion bf tho Hackfoldwharf nnd also to tho duties of theharbormaster and assistant and thoproposed rules nnd regulations whichwill soon bo proparcd and promulgatedto Tcgulate tho uso uf tbo whnrves nndcargoes and to provont wharves bolngusod aB temporary warohouscs

Tho commissioners found that thoharbor lias no wharfingers tbo lcglslaturo making no provision for these important oQtcinls and for that reasontho work of sorting cargoes from vessels placing it to tho best ndvantagoin tho whnrf sheds and disposing ofit is not under supervision of any govcrnment official Tho harbormasterunder tho old sVstrm bus this sunervlslon hut custom hero has not found itnecessary that tho harbormaster goupon j vtharf and say that goods Bhallbo piled hero ot there or that it bomovoa out la such and such n timo

Undor tho now rulei tho hnrbormastor wIH bo given authority to joe thatgoods aro moved out of whnrf in acertain perioil of timo and will bobackwl up by tho full authority andpower uf tho Territory to mako hisorders good

-- Problem of Freightt

Whnt ahull wo do with tho Hackfcld wharff That is tho problomfwas 1 bo statement presented to therommit ioiifers Commissioner Wakofiold dated that sugfr Is piled up ontho wharf far in advanco of tho com-ing


of a steumpr and this causes con ¬

gestion nt thp start There Should boplaco Bot npart for such sugar in

Bomo certain part of tho shed and thiswould rellevt tho stress

This brought up t10 question ofwharfiiinors and without tbqm tho workof clearing tho wharvos of cargors cannot ue BUjicrvJsea propony

Continued on Pago Eight



SAN FBANCISCO July 28 --Thabody of Miss Mary Gertruuo Ug hasBeen found in tho bay It will talraan inquest to docldo as to whothor itis a taso of murder accident or suicideThe enso is a most mysterious ono

Jllaa Ilg whp was twenty threoyears old loft her homo at lOi Hart¬

ford street after supper on Mondayowning July 17 tb go to tbo tkeatwto go aoraQ ticket sho had ordurodand told hpr father mother and nomofriends thot sbo would bo buck in ashort time IVom that inowunt shedisappeared jttarjy and until her bolywas found lata yesterday tho policeworo baffled


WASHIKOTjON July 27 PornierChief Porestor Clifford Plnchot todayissued o statsment on the ControllerHay controversy in whjch PwrtdpntTftft l charged iyth having fuyowdtho Ouggeniiplm jnonopollotla combination 1iiicliot declares that Tafta reopining of the Oputroller liny waterfront laud without notice to tho philie whs tttkau advantage of by tlw intorMti

Mi mm -- fi ipimiw jba o mum

WAWWM WPrtl froilBB JulyW A erlt frtu Ipa4f4 with vigrgutwlHUJ m 1h i wljlw wj

mmm mwmnM 4wm t rimk kit Uw Hntmn wM m vmwmr mm i

Ui iiifiainiilti iiiiidiili tai Vjauafkmum1 mu km t ftiwtf m fwil M iPjtf Mp

maim mt j

A tt



yjf wwwwiwwiiiw a wp SBWW







insurgent and Democrat

Join to Pass Wool



Power of Political Hui

Mayntice It toKeep On

WASniNGTON July 28 With avoto of forty olght to thirty two thosonato yesterday passed tho compromise

wool tariff bill ns Introduced by Sena¬

tor Ia Folletto of WisconsinTho bill was passed through a com ¬

bination of tho insurgent Itcpubllcanawith tho Democrats as against thoBtandpat Republicans

Bit Botwoon Their Tooth

This samo combination now threat ¬

ens to pass tho Parmers Froo List billtho proposed now cotton schedule andperhaps o bill to lower tho duties on

sugar and steelIt is stated that tho houso Democrats

now bolievo that a conforonco bptwoon

tho Democrats and insurgent Republi ¬

cans of both branches of congresswould produce a bill satisfactory toboth houses

Por Campaign Material

It is stated thai if President Taftwas to voto such a bill it would bo ft

satisfactory proceeding for the-- pomocratsj who would go into tho campaignnext year with this veto as their mainwarcry against tho Republican party

What the Bill Does

Tho now wool bill approximately bi ¬

sects the duty on tho first grodo of rawwool cuts tho duty on tho second

grado from forty four to fen per conk

ad valorem cuts in two the duties on

shoddy blankets flannels clothes dressgoods andfabrics of woolon cloth andcuts a third of tho tariff off Of carpetsmats and other similar goods

Tho loss of this revpnuo to tho coun ¬

try will havo to bo made up in somo

bthor --way

Senator Bailoy Quits

Senator Joseph W Bailey of Texashas roslgned from tho sonato committoo on privileges and elections which Is

about to investigate chargos of briberyin connection with tho olection of Sonator Isaac Stephenson of WisconsinBailey doclarcs that ho disapproves pftho latitude thnt has been allowed intho taking of evidence

To Investigate investigatorsWASHINGTON July 27 Represen-


E E Eoborts of Novada todayintroduced a resolution in tho housocalling for an investigation of methodsused by tho various Investigating com-mittees




TOlCilO Japan July 27 Thp Cana ¬

dian Pacific steamer Empress of Chinafrom Vancouver was stranded todayon a Tock nt Ava peninsula inboundfor Yokohama

Tho pasuciigars nnd molls tvproUpoodlly rescued by Japnueito cruisersTlio vessel Is badly damage fromstriking tho rocUi Efforts aro beingin a do to tuvo her



HVQILAMV July MVvF htdi4 hm tuul flrn by imbUrn W iMum 1411 mmJ umhtmtm Tmf r mIm mmu mrtin JUalkm tmm v t

kim mi A Ml lmt Wp

tut1 i liw fvi



Page 2: town Jti5 JPM Siiil · 2015. 6. 2. · tween the bidders Itecont communica-tions ¬ from Treasurer Colliding have conveyed tl intimation that tlio tim pemeU favorable for the flotation





Asks Wilder to Step

Out in Interestof Peace


Calls Policy Rule orRuin Did Best

tie Could

From Wednesdays AdvertiserHaving failed in his efforts to securo

a friendly testing of the rights of thesupervisors undor the now road ordi-



through a submission of anagreed statement of facts to tho su ¬

premo court and appreciating tho factthat Honolulu had had enough wrangling and unnecessary legal expensesMayor Tern yostorday requested his nppointec Road Supervisor Wlldor to rosign and step out of tho way of thodesigns of tho supervisors upon thotreasury Wilder complied with tho re-


handing in his resignation to thomayor and heaving a sigh of relief atboing out of tho maelstrom of politicsinto which ho had unconsciously plung ¬

ed in accepting tho position somomonths ago

Last night the mayor notified thosupervisors of Wilder s resignation andmade it clear to thorn that so far asho was conccrnod thoy could go aheadwith their schemes Ho had dono hispart in attempting to securo somo non¬

partisan administration of tho road de¬

partment His lottor saidPlenty of Eopo

Gentlemen I beg to hand you herewith tho resignation of Mr E C Wild-er


as road supervisor of tho District ofHonolulu and I would rocomrnond thatit bo accepted to tako effect July 31st1011

In asking Mr Wilder to tender hisresignation I did so believing thatlegally thero was nothing in tho wayof his rotaining his position and I amof tho same opinion at this time how-ever


it has been clearly demonstratedthat tho majority of tho board of supervisors aro doterminod to rule or ruinand I do not wish to bo a patty to sueh

policy or jeopardize tho public sorvico whilo a case is boing contested boforo our courts

I have gono moro than half way tosettle this matter and havo tried to assist the board in inaugurating thatmuch talked of Efficient Administra-tion


of AffairsWhen I appointed Mr Wilder I be ¬

lieved him to bo capabloand efficient andnon partisan as to bis political affilia-tions and I think you must honestlyadmit that ha has made good If youwere honest In your statements thatyou desire an economical efficient administration of affairs in tho road department you would do well as a firststep to retain Mr Walaor in His posltion

You desire full sway for tho remainder of your terms of office and I cannotbut icol in view of past performancesthat thero is an underlying ulteriormotive However that may bo gentlemen you now havo tho responsibilitynnd your fate rests with tho taxpayers

Offered Wilder Job

Prior to tho resignation of tho roadsupervisor the supervisors or at leastfour of them tried to induce Wilderto resign by offering him a positionunder tno city engineer at a uuiury madvance of what he nas ueen receivingTho letter snoko of tho desiro of thoRepublican supervisors to civet a busi ¬

ness administration and thought thatthis could best bo dono by makino thocitv engineer the head of all tho roadwork The communication ingeniouslynoted the fact that tho city ongineorwas not very well acquainted with thownrkmim of tho city and county andconsequently there would havo to bosomo otncri to ao tno employing iuusupervisors to be it

The letter wss signed by AmanaKrucer Murray and Dwight Low refused to sign the letter Arnold wasout of reach and McClollan tho loneDomocrat was not given tho chance toeven seo the communication beforo Itwas delivered

Wilder thanked the sinners for theirfriendly interest In him but announcedthat he wanted no job in tho city engineers oillce unions it carried to un

idred dollars a monthWy la Clear

The way is elsar now for the HeimbllMn wupsrviiorit to handle the tbreahundred thousaud dollars of ruiul moneyin their own way uulaaa the butluoM

kiwi lrt4luf tUlniiiLunrd ovwr the mony eMt

J tin one to U4 ptflltlou uew iu tbtwUl wtir if fit liuitiaiNw Qt IIi tb fU iw wiui tlut roMlliillly fur the ruft4 npuii blui uud nomm tw uMtb tfuMi ukIm tbs kuparsuuri witut u lt btui At U if in Ui

ftituif Mfiw W414r wm m4 Urfrlllnu to tmvr hi iittMnl ht rbnp

dlig it bt liw U4MMUdMt V MHl jutxn if alvni Ife


Taut LaKAt

w mmtf m u iw i mm



Mtvmt Af lit mi urn9 w






From Wedntmdnys AdvertiserEben Low Is tho biggest Insurgent

of the bunch of supervisors nnd bo isgoing to Insurgo ngalnst tho wholo oftho other members of tho board fromnow on nnd bo moans it too

Jt was in tho meeting Inst eveningthat Ebon was handed a lomon when hoIntroduced a resolution calling for thoprisoners in tho county jail to bo em ¬

ployed on tho streets to got tho weedsout or tno citys tnorouguiarcs nnunot a member of tho board would second his motion for tho adoption of thoresolution

It is a dlscrnco to this city thocondition somo of tho Btrects nro inI have some civic prido and I want tosco things in a better condition nnu xhnvo waited n long time for tho roaddepartment to do something saidLow

As that seems impossible I wantthe prisoners in tho county jail to boused on this light work in tho streetsForget politics and let us havo goodclean streets tho moro so that we cannBk tho property owners to koep thoirsiuowallts curbed nnu dean

Tho sheriff wants tho prisoners todo work and get exorcise and litre isiua cuiinco xar mem xi is ugut wurnand entails no hardship

If there aro those who want tohowl let them do so Wo aro shortof money and can not hiro extra labor-ers


to do this workI inovo for the adoption of this

resolutionAnd then thero was slloncc Beep

and profound was tho pall which fellpver tho room nnd not ono of thatworthy band would risk tho disapprovalof tho laboring electorate by secondingLows motion

When tho silonco becamo painfulLow Bnid that hodid look for a littlesupport from tho road committeo andit was learned afterward that SamDwight hnd promised him his supportduring tho afternoon in the Mayorsoflico when tho matter was broached tohim

After tho meeting outside on Fortstreot Ebon said that ho was going tobuck tho whole combination and fightior wnnt no tuougnt was proper

I am dono with politics I wantnothing moro to do with it and I wouldnot run fOT supervisor ngain underany conditional If nny of tho rest ofthat winch think thoy can bo elected for a second term thoy ought tobear what the voters around town sayof them

I wag promisod Bupport on that resolution about tho prisoners and theywont back on mo Now I nm going tofight my own way and do what I thinkis best for all concorncd No moropolitics for mine

When Homo vne asked if ho couldnot treat them tho way ho was goingto treat tho goats Jio said they worenot worth conserving any of them

It was during tho first part of thomeeting that Low got peoved and bo- -

causo Bam Dwight aroso to n point ofordor nnd stopped Lows Tcmarks

Ho had mado a report as chairmanof his committeo in regard to insur ¬

ing tho citys nutomobilos it beingmoved and seconded to rarer tho mattor to tho ways nnd moans committee

Kben had a few words to say andstarbod in saying them explaining thocost of tho Insurance when bo wasinterrupted hy Dwight arising to apoint of ordor to gag tho Second Precintman and tho motion was carriod with-out


further talk by LowAfterward when tho prisoner resolu-


was up Murray told Low thatit was up to thto polico committeo tosay what was to bo dono about theprisoners

If wo can got another luna wowill put out another gang but thoywill not bo on tho streets wa thoway Murray put it

They will bo kept at work on theparks and in the schoolhoiso groundsho continued

Thnt tho Cowboy Supervisor meansbusiness in apparent and thoro will bono moro solid six thoro will bo butfivo mombors in tho majority four tholeast talkative ones thoso who saynothing on any occasion if they canhelp it Dwight Amann Arnold nndKruger



Otto A Borndt deputy collector ofInternal revenue lins gone to Haul torepresent tho office of tho UnitedStates Collector at tho commencementof the Bciiiioiiu work nt tho Kaupaknhia Wlno uud Liquor Companys fruitdistillery and winory at Makawno

Prom all upoarauees tho nousantproduction 111 oelipse hut of uny othur your Thu company anticipates thatit win maim uviweuii nny ami oixiy

uwhJ to fortify tliu mvwt winsTh MmiI wliui wiiUb if u purl uf

jwt i dwliuetly h hhi1 iu llswitiiwoJurl Tli imm r liwn unltaui uij ill iXqyer U itmuufuflmedIbvii- - Itii who Wvt tftMl it myil i vttirlleni imi win U U noldttluiltil in i U fMriUiry

romwt nm pamaohMAN UMtNAfciMKU JuJ Ufvi

mi i fttning lh auwtoti difiiti mini ut U rltf lu fiMifi uv i ftn nffwrl Ui Ihm IW 4IimvImii iMittg mm

itftitM w rmrMl AMwmw wtM IMiw IM Uf Mi


HKSIHmnit 1 iH m Jr t f c 2f f5irBisssssssBiss

HHBNBNBuhbh sSkSKf uK jwrnaffy- fafjfliTTBssssssB

IssssssssHEsVQiKwHlOlBBDsHinibWC SXmSSrS FJHaar7 tr t kWflbikrb 4nHiiiiiiiBBPisiwWs3HyPlltffiBEWtS WflBBt JBh jHtBc Tyr MHhUlIH

sHssssssHssBsULsuLJ lai3r Kk gytfBrBBlft JV VtWftr Jt OlgyiA gCS flfffi

fsssssssssssVssssKbiJfjKinV HHSBsHsnHBarL HjjjvfcJMaMKA3BjMittMhjJJjt tWni jfsMssssssssssnssssHKsDniTrv mTiw 111C1-

WmMtKrVwittr WifcT ji TiLfiflrwtvTBXrrlj TPF HMBBsssssssssWIIHKcw t J3W SmLiiitSiwMBnBmKwa f niTTi riillpii1ii mini iBHMl

SOENE IN GOLDEN GATE PAEKStow Lake ono of the picturesque spots to be used as setting for the Fair

SAN FitANCISCO luly 25 Dirce

tors of the Pannmn Iacllic Exposition

finally reached nn agreement today on

tho site for the exposition after a bit-


fight that resulted in a split and






Those who havo supposed and fond-


hoped thnt tho poi controversy waiover will shortly it is believed findthemselves mistaken Plans are nowbeing formulated to bring suit againsttho city to recover damago for thetime tho poi shops wore shut down under orders from city officials tho Chincso poi dealers of courso being thepininiius

Attorney Lorrin Andrews who isworking on tho case on behalf of thoChinamen has held soveral conferenceswith them and is busy gathering thotho material and drawing his plansSince tho timo that poi occupied thocantor of the stago for several weekswith the community splitting into factions over tho Hawaiian national dishthjo exact dotails of tho courso of eventshas been forgotten and while the shopswero closed by order of the board ofhealth an two occasions and keptclosed the coming Bint recalls the factthat for soveral days an order was issued by city officials placing the tabuon tho dish

Just what tho actual chain of factsworo just why it is tho city and nottho board of health that is getting suedand just what tho basis for tho claimsis going to bo aro mattors trat willhavo to wait tho filing of tha paporstor explanation From present indica ¬

tions tho suit is liable to contain somesensational features



Oahu was the scene of ono of theraro Hawaiian forest fire yesterdaynnd Monday when tho ridges aboveWahiawn on tho Wabiawa side of thoOpaiula Gulch caught fire and burnedfor two days between 125 and 150acres of laud boing swept by tho flamesFortunately for tho forest growthwhich is chiefly in the gulches thofiro was confined almost entirely to thoridged and thus h comparatively smallamount of tho native forest suffered

Tho lire broken out lato Mondayafternoon or in the early evening be ¬

ing first discovered by army engineersencamped above it Tho outlro forceturned out uml fought it ull eveninguud hilo they dldut extinguish itthoy sucoodiMl in doing thu next betthing which was provuiiting itjt groator fpruad During tho night a heuvydew fall which bnrrwl the iidvnnce ufthe fire into thu gulelicn ForMturJlumur lu his ail purity of i hi of tirewvrdwn of tho Territory went to thiMMtuv vMterduy and upmi his return intb Mftgrwwu suuMtiistid the Uw tobe ttntirfly wut flru vi at hufJlltMiiv of ujijirotliuHtiily 1S0O ftit



Unity Mk lb maiuii tar Ike eutliiu4 f b4 lertfln demand for ChamUMiaist Ootk QUuUi uml DlurrbKa4 Tt Mft Ibat Itmu ta 0 imt n mm

1 UHUr IMWfWU u M4 jfivaa tW U i

vara fMwwHW turn

puitttf wn tut nmiMltaM W HtmuAittfMAMfsM ilIHMM4 laiW

tMlf Hf4i






atMatSTlf aiflJImm

if U Mawiwf it



hutm tkm

la Fir atJa Wr




fr MH f MM i

deadlock lasting savornl weeksThe ngrcement is a compromise be-

tween tb6 factions representing GoldenGate Park nnd Harbor View Perma-

nent buildings will be placed in GoldonGate Park and Lincoln Park nnd tem


Is tho cponing of Bishop street theclosing of Union and tho wideningof Hotel street moro an affair for thocity to attend to rather than tho Ter-ritory


tThis question suggested by nn an- - for extension of streeti aridnouuecment yesterday that tho Brewer I

Estate will not dicker with tho gov-


any more relativo to thoclosing of Union as incidental to tholong mooted extension of Bishop streotnor with regard to the widening of Ho-


street from Fort to UnionLending lawyers of citv claim

that in a vory large measure this wholoquestion city affair and tor- - bale3 and bv government appro

unov uenovo tnat j i1 4 ii r h rw r lutu uuu UJUOlUg Ul SVACCtO WJklllUtno city ana county or Honolulu iscounty and not territorial function

Questioned tho yesterdayin connection with tho report that thoBrowor Estate will go ahead with itsplans for putting up a struc-ture


at Hotel and Union streets thosuperintendent of public works said


IIILO July 22 Tbo printed copy ofthe proceedings of the fourth annualconvention of tho Pacific ofthe International Asso-


held in last month con-


the full text of tho resolution in-


by David of Hilowhich was passed as follows

Whereas Tho conditions of laborexisting nt tho timo in tho Territory of Hawaii nro so deplorable thattho Asiatic laborers ard fast gaining afoothold in said Territory and con- -

In this caso on trial Milverton rep¬

resents interests in conflict with thosoof L A Thurston proprietor of n news-paper


in this city and thatfortho stand of that paper in tho mat-ter


wero the words of City Attor-ney


Cathcart in communication to thoboard of supervisors last ovoning inspeaking of tho absence of his deputyfrom tho city concerning which ho hadpreviously told tho supervisors it wasnoiio of their business

The matter wns referred to by tho


XJtW YUIW July B0 Tlie picas off6VMtMvi of the eighty moil indjetad in tMimtftiuii with tho litvMtlUiUUw whIm into ibo workings of thoWJj 1iMt vivi rMMid4 iijuityIfifty pU4ad guilty aad will 1m

ifMWi m trial TwifuwiHi tfrmajb ftM4r 4asi um vrr tmvlriauf ammuU nftg dm lbNjtnil U ff4fH wia4rad iMton aaah

HaMr IttlllvM a iviNtdaMt U

mm fcif tiNMf Ikmux wf Uwu laiMM H iSllff UflMMMM tmIfMf UMiMiy mt 4iMtfttMa1 aafftaMPW avflw ua4 trltUvw war tmfcvm 4 WiilaiMfUf aUawi

i mi iiaapiHiWlPMWiJlP4yll1W1cli1- ijwmiiiai

porary buildings nt Harbor View --

An Immense auditorium and civiccenter will bo constructed at the cornor of Market street and Van Nessavenue nnd tho whole will bo connect ¬

ed by a Rystem of boulovards


Unfortunate DecisionIf tho report is true that tho Brewer

Estate will build as indicated I thinkit is unfortunate It has been almostimpossible to got tho various conflictinginterests togetner on any proposition

is tho BishopWithout specific dofinito










a appropriation by the legislature it is im ¬

possible for tho superintendent of public works to enter condemnation pro-ceedings


but the city of Honolulu hasall the authority to condemn and oponstreets and tho right and privilcco toappropriate moneys from its income fortno payment or any judgment of court

The only wav tho superintendent ofpublic works can do it is by possiblois a not a tho

ritoriai oneo l





purchase of land needed for public purposes That is a long and laboriousway of acquiring sufficient funds tomeet this work though I fully bolievothat if all the interests got together toopen Bishop street the returns from theproperty taken would be more than thodamages except possibly in one or twocases






stantly driving white labor from theirvarious crafts and

Whereas Tho sooner this greatproblem is taken up and solved by theI L A in its convention held inToledo Ohio on the 12th day of July1911 might relievo tho present abuseswhich havo bcon fostered in tho Terri ¬

tory of Hawaii thcreforo bo itResolved by tho Pacific District

convention in meeting assembled Thattho delegates who nro to bo electedfrom this convention stand instructedto use their utmost efforts in recom-mending


to the aforesaid convention toappoint an organizer for tho aforesaidTerritory





city attorney in stntinc that ho hndgiven his clerk Pat Silva a vacationfor two weoks Milverton ho saidwuuiu uo duck soon alter tno first ofAugust

His absonco on this caso howeverituuiu uo cuuBiuorcu ma regular vaca-tion


for the yoarAt tho mooting of the board it was

voted to pay Milverton s salary whllohe wns nway ut tacked on this rosdlution was a clause to tbo effect thnt intho futuro heads of departments shouldnotify the board whon members of theirofilco forco wore to bo nbsont from theirduties for moro than soven days


WASIIINOTON July SQ Fko liouiePHinofratf cniioufed yoonloy Audnttifiwl tho Oottou Hill whleli roducostho duly on nil uradw of eottun iimnufaaluraa lo nlniut nHd lmlf tho rntf iuthe AldrlfL Payaa tariff

i nm in


Wf AV VlllNOJI July HrJfiialalM igalMt PttMmt fXlwu as4kit mlmiaUtraiiua if mmilg Stk

UKUUK Jnlr M TW MtjlMT Xr- -

mm aaa Innm r4fal le Hum Ui mmtm tim laltt is Am Mfthf





Said iavemeyer CarriedTales and Caused

the Rows


Witness Denies that theTrust Fixed the

Buying Price

NBWI YORK July 20 John D6prcckols testifying yesterday beforotho congressional committeo investi ¬

gating tho Sugar Trust attackod thomemory of tho late Henry HavenwyorHo reviewed a part of tho family trou ¬

bles of tho SprcckolB and stated thattho cauno of friction between his fath-er


tho late Claus Sprcckols and him-


and botweon his brothers and him ¬

self was tho tales that tho elder Havomccr carried back ana forth in an ef-


to injure his competitorsSpreckcls controverted somo of tho

testimony given by tho trust witnessssand urged tho adoption of freo tradoin sugar

No DiscriminationEarlier in yesterdays session Pur ¬

chasing Agent Mott of thto AmericanSugar Bofining Company tJstifiod totho effect thnt thero existed no dis-


against any of tho sugarplanters nnd denied that any arbitraryprices wero fixed nt which tho planterswere compelled to Bell to tho truM





OTTAWA Ontajrio July 20 ThoLiberal lender in consultation withSir Wilfrid Laurior yfestorday decidedto sot the data for the g3n6rll elec-


within the next two montbBbringing tho dato as early as possibleand yot not to interfere with the har-vesting


operations of this and nextmonth

Beciproclty will bo the issue of thoCampaign

B L Borden is returning from theWest where ho addressed more thanono hundred meeting speaking ncalnsttho ratification of tho Beciprocityagreement Throughout tho grain dis ¬

tricts ho wns presented with fifty me ¬

morials from tho farmers asking himto support tho agroement




SEATTLE July 26 President Taftand congress aro to bo petitioned toestablish a commission to open up nndoperato tho publie coal lands of AlaBkain tho interests of tho public and tomlno and sell tho coal direct to theconsumers Tho petitions point out thofact that a great unrast provailsthroughout Alaska over tho fact thatunder tho existing laws it Is Impossiblefor private capital to operate the coalmines at a profit and that thoro is amovoment on foot among tho Alaskansto petition congross for authority toannex Alaska to Cnriada



FBEMONT Nobraskn July 20Tho Stato Domocratio convention linsdcaidod not to ondorsp any of thecandidates mentioned for tbo presiden ¬

tial nomination bocauso tho electorsmust bo eubjoct to tho expression re-


at the direct primariesEepubllcans for Taft

LINCOLN Nebraska July 25 ThoRepublican Htato convention today endorsed the Taft administration andcheered fqr the President



BAN PIKOO OBllfornln July 28Tho gsrrlfpn n L Pes IQwer Callfurwlji ravuHad yUrdy and tho manftltaeked tbe cflhon General BunUhIdwe wai Mvertlv wouwlw ThoWMtlitwrf wr BtrMd


X1A0AIU July U BlWr UJ4Hiur w1 MVM KUf PUf IH

s Urrat Whs pMfcad iwhiflffMl ha w tmnA ljnuwl

IhW tiba uiua

Page 3: town Jti5 JPM Siiil · 2015. 6. 2. · tween the bidders Itecont communica-tions ¬ from Treasurer Colliding have conveyed tl intimation that tlio tim pemeU favorable for the flotation

Iiawmiw i hii n km nit V him A




Threo Bags of Gold Told

of at Commission



Necessity for IncreasedShipping Facilities


From Thursdays AdvortisorThreo bogs of gold each containing

5000 placod bcforo tho monarchicalministry years and years ago hadmuch to do with tho decision advorso toextondlng tho old Emms wharf acrosstho harbor a decision which markedtho beginning of tho plana for tho making of a greater harbor for Honoluluand it was this greator harbpr whichwas under tho firo of discussion in thosenato chamber yesterday afternoonfrom two to five oclock whilo tho new-

ly created harbor commission hold asession

The general sense of tho mooting wasthat within four or five years Honoluluwill have need of ovory foot of wharfspaco it can provide for steamshipsmaking use of the Panama Canal andthat tho community must awaken totho sense of its responsibilities and aidin providing the necessary facilities forhandling tho bnsinoss of the port

It was B P Dillingham head of thoOahu railroad company and tho ox- -

tonsivo wharf business which has beencreated under that corporation whostated tliat tnero wss a time wneumeetings were held and committeeswere appointel to wait upon tho monarehical miristry with a proposal to extend Emms whaif diiectly across theharbor making ono long wharf to beused by shipping on ono Bido onlyshutting out a largo area til tidewatormud flats which wore bolievod to beox no bencnt to too community

Three Bags of GoldBut in those mudflats Mr Dilling-


then saw opportunity and sentthreo bags of gold to tho ministryottering to buy those flats becausethoy were a sea frontage to lands con-trolled


by tho railroad company Thethroe bags were sent bck and tho mat-ter


went into the courts and the rail-road


company then received the mudflats na its propoity mudflats whichhavo been dredged out and the sideslined with vulurblo wharves with in-tervening


slips where some of tho larg-est


shipping tonnage is handled everyyear

Even with these private wharvesand those provided by the Territoryand by tho fedoial government it wasshown yesterday that there is not adoqnate wharf spaco in the harbor andtho present extension plans will not beample to copo with the constantly in ¬

creasing businessBut tho keynote of tho entire pro-


was struck when it was stat-ed


that although most of tho wharvesaro competent fcr tho handling ofireign aiscnnrgea irom sailing shipsthey are absolutely inadequate for thofreight dischmged in thousands of tonswithin a few Jays time from steamers

While the Inter Island Company wasstated to bs in hard straits at timesfor spaco and time in which to handlefreight offerings it was shown that theMotion Navigation Company with itsincreasing business is oven now in thethroes of distress resultant from con ¬

gested and poorly arranged wharvesand wharve that nro in bad condi ¬

tionBiff Men Present

The meeting was called yesterdayon motion of James Wakefield a member of tho commission at a formormeeting Chairman Campbell presidedand there were also present Commis-sioner Emil Berndt secretary C JMcCarthy ana P B McStocker

Thoro were present a largo numberof representatives of various interestsdirectly or indirctly connected withtho shipping business and nearly nilspoko on tho subeet of the wharvesAmong those present in tiro spectatorsEection othor than Oorernor Prear whodropped in to listen wero B P Dilling ¬

ham Prod 0 Smith Georgo Denisonand Harry Denison nil of tho Oahurailroad company James A Kennedypresident of tho inter Island companyE D Tennoy T H Potrlo and Ship-ping Manager Drew o Castle Cookerepresentative of tuo Matson Naviga-tion Company Richard Ivors nnd Ship ¬

ping Manager James Robertson ofBrewer Co representing tho OceanicSteamship Company F W Klcbalinshipping manager for 1L HackfoldCo representing tho Paclcfl Mall comimnyj C P Morse ngont for the American--

Hawaiian Steamship CompanyProd L Waldron representing variousshipping ngvnclesj W II Hoogs William Larson and Albion dark representing draylng companies CharlesJtiui MoCube Hamilton Honor stevedores A- - Davidson representing pnoil trauaportntlon company F ASehadfer of Beboefer Co lib on Lowrepresenting o-- lorn shipping companyH JB paxton of Alexander Baldwin

Ohsngo n Twuportlouiinlnma Onaipbsll stfttsd tint tuo

fer at tommttm in tbe irt at HoNvlulti has bttntiiMl strislly in Uw

Ut twtlv or tblrtMa jmn m 1bIbiMw ir Jr uiMy fur enl at



BBBMBifPfplPSmJmm - fflCTSJ BmlPSlffl s9ttS9MJH


HAYTIB REGULAR ARMY ON DRESS PARADESoldiers of tho Block Republic being rovlowcd by President Simon


Tho entire republic with the excep-



of tho capital Is in rovolt

With this situation of affairs In thiBlack Republic It U apparent that

tho tonnago was carried In alling ves- - j

anlti jinrl nnw ninntv tor cent waB carried In steamers which in a short j

period of time dischargo soveral thou ¬

sand tons of freightW n Hoogs representing n uraying

company was asked for hia views onifliA firniinrl thn harbor start- -

Ing with tho Channel wharf ThoChannel wharf was not oven a wnarihe averrod Tho floor and underpin ¬

nings wee rotten and thoro is notenough water alongside for a decentsized steamor Ho thought tho open ¬

ing up of the intorior into one longshed would materially help It was abad wharf to work on in its presentdilapidated state

As to the Alakea wharf ho suggest¬

ed rolling shutter sides o that thorocould bo an opening opposite any hatcht a steamer On tho Oceanic wharf he

suggested the removal of tho coal piloat tho makai end and replacing it witha shod Tho Matson wharf for a smallwharf was good but was too short

As to tho Inter Island wharves orat least two of them ho stated he hadnotified President Kennedy that forany accidents to his men and horseshe would hold tlio company responsi ¬

ble owing to a dangerous condition ofaffairs

MY fnmTilii1l wild thoro wore olansfor a now Kinau wharf and tho onlything needed was tho money to build

Suggestions Made

Mr Campbell stdted that it had beensuggested that the Hackfeld wharf bowidened on tho side toward tho InterIsland wharf and a shed extended overthat way He thought that about fif-


to seventeen feet more wharfspaco could thus be added although theslip would be narrowed Mr Hoogsagreed that with a widor wharf thohandling of the freight would bo facil-itated


At tho present time tho narrow passago way between piles of freight al-lowing


at times only ono dray at atime to emerge from the shed causedmuch detention and this detention wascharged to consignees He referred fre-quently


to the Matson company as be¬

ing a sufferor from congested wharvesF W Klehahn for Hackfeld Co

said that ho had handled freights ontho Hackfeld wharf and his people hadbeen able to clear out 2400 tons offreight within a week This freightwas largely oriental Ho suggestedthat the Channel wharf be repaired andtho entrance to it dredged Ho hadfound the Alakea wharf where tho Pa-cific


Mail steamers tie up all rightHe suggested that the partition be-


the two story and the one storyshed bo removed Mr Campbell saidthis would bo done

The whole question simmers downsaid he to having tho wharf fit thestoamer and not the steamer fit thowharf

Should Be DredgedJ H Drew shipping manager for

Castle Cooke agents for tho Matsonline said ho would speak from thotransportation standpoint only Hehoped tho cntranco to the Channelwharf would bo dredgod so that vesselswhich had to take on bunker coalcould get up to the wharf

As to tho Matson company a fewyears ago the only vessel of that linowas tho Hilonian bringing about 1600tons The fleet of steamers has beensteadily growing and now tho vesselsare scheduled to move promptly andwhatever freight thoy bring must bodischarged quickly and the steamersmust get away on their runs In orderthat the company may keep its obliga-tions


with tboso for whom it does busi-ness


Ho felt that consignees havesuffered but tho steamship companieshavo Buffered most of all because ofInadequate facilities for handlingfroigbts

Tho Lurlino ho said cam inthis morning with about --1000 tons offreight and has to go to soa againon Tuesday and tlio freight has ti bogotten out expeditiously in order tokeep her on her schedule Ho saidit was very seldom a cargo is cleanedup before the noxt steamer gets Inthe steamora running about a weekopart

Freight on WharvesA statemont as to freight lying on

the wharvM pseclpltated eonildsrablediscussion the government wharves being used for the storage of certaincImim of goods mainly it was sugi et oil because the goods wero soldafter receipt

Mr Drew ssld tlmt this was largelytha outcome of eiutom Mr Kyntiwly

aid the wim tiling and nwrly nilwere of the uUIom that only in u ttuvrIhiIhhmi wss fruitful left on tliowttsrvss fat tht purpose It wmtown ituu tlw mmmmlim Intondt to

UN 11 UUs wstlf urn forwvfAla n


President Simon will have little clmncito bold his enpital for nny length oftime especially as ho is roported tobo a sick man When ho ousted liU predecessor by a rovolutlon he oxecutedall his onemics bo laid his hands onand ho can expect little mercy fromtho rebels

rulo whereby tho use of tho wharvesfor freight storago will not bo allowedand if it Is done it will bo Bubject toa fee

E E Paxton of Aloxander Boldwin stated that ho did not representany shipping interests directly inter-ested


in Honolulu harbor his com-panys


interest being mainly in har-bors


on other islandsIt is going to bo a question In tho

near future of more whorl facilitiessaid Mr Paxton This will bo emphasizod four or flvo years hence Itis a thing we ought to look forwardto Wo should consider not only thoneeds of today but what tho needs willbo four or five yoars hence and if wedo not there will bo difficulties arisingout of lack of wharf room lack ofmaintaining them etc

William Larsen tho drayman saidtho entrances to tho wharf sheds weronot largo enough Tho Hackfeld wharfwas too long and too narrow He feltthat tho Hackfeld wharf should beadded to on tho nfaukn side givingdray a drivo around the wharf

Ono largo WharfJames Robertson for tho Oceanic

company stated that tho Oceaniawharf was adequate for tho neods oftho company and the freights broughtby the Sierra

Albion Clark said that Mr Paxtonhad hit tho nail on tho head Ffteenyears ago freight could easily bohandled with tho facilities at handbut now tho demands were not beingmet

President Kcnnody of tho Intor-W-an- d

company and that this was apoculiar shipping port and its problemscould not he comparod with those ofSan Francisco or any other port Aflood of freight came in on a bunch ofsteamers and some of it had to beshipped to other islands on steamorawhich ran on schedules In San Fran-cisco


thoy have nil tho facilities forhandling all kinds of freight mich ofits going directly into cars which runon the wharves Hero it was different

Ho spoke of tho lax way in whichmerchants sent freight to tho inlandsteamers It waq all eleventh hoirfreight He had tried in every wayto get the merchants to send thofreights in earlier

Charles Bon wanted tho entrance toChannel wharf dredged Ho thoughtthat sliding shutter sides for thowharves and particularly for the Hackfold wharf would aid in the dischargeof freight He felt that tho Territoryshould provide a wharf from whichheavy machinery could be loaded intosteamers Also thero should bo a properbunkering wharf as in a few yearsplenty of steamors would be callingbore lor coal

Fred L Waldron speaking of thocustom of leaving freight on wharvessaid that his house always disposed ofgoods in advanco of arrival As tofreight being loft on wharves bo knowit to bo a fact that much freightwas leu on nan i rancisco wharves

Fault of CommunityChairman Campbell stated that much

of tho inadequate conditions now exist ¬

ing was directly duo to tho communityat largo lie spoico ox endeavors bohad undo and tho administration bad



spoko jcircloSi



hoof I

on othor of the islandoffered to take commission mound

to see what was necessarycoinmlislon meet again st


the spareurn iohh nmrriiQDU iinulose days

Jtielsra andJtsimtdy a

on tie first- - ppwru no ofilisssse hy nil

Ribltb Co for UsHll

Tho cnblo nows Is to tho effect thatsomo of the rcgulnr nrmy has gono overto tho rabols tho regularodicors some of thism at leastbeen bolioaded by the rebels With

remnant of his nrmy Presidenthas fortified Jils palace in Port

ai and is prepared for a





In when tho Civic Federationis to take definite on importantmatters affecting tho community wolfaro the executive committee afterformulating any action or program willrefer the subject back to thomembership for ratification or rejectionby vote and that vote shall determinethe policy of tho federation

This tho important takenat the meeting of tho federation holdyostorday afternoon at the ofllco oftho public sorvtco whichwas attended Tho meeting wascalled to discuss tho relation of themembership of tho federation to thoexecutive committee A communication from Senator Diekoy was Toad nndmade basis of discussion

After pros and cons had disposed of tho of tho meeting wasthat the present organization in the

was satisfactory and that tho existing executive committee composed of

members was necessary and thatthis should direct tho affairs of thoorganization

It was felt by tho majority that thowoy to keop alive a body suchas the federation has now become wasto givo the membership an insight intoas well as an interest tho work thatis being by tho organizationThis it was felt bo done byfollowing tho policy in operalion that of making tho meetings ofthe oxecutivu committee opon to thomembership and public thus guaran-teeing


to the members tho right to in ¬

itiate businessThogoncral meeting instructed tho

executive committee to arrange forquarterly meetings of tho wholo bodyat which tho work of tho various sub-committees and an outlino of fortho ensuing quarter would bo prcsontedto the federation for its approval

This was fpllowcdthat in all tho ex-


committee should bo tho nctivobody of tho federation as at presentand then came tho matters referring topolicy



William J Gallagher for many yearsConnected with the customs nnrvim

SJ ffiJbeii FM jpm dica vrfund but the legislature had not been 1nc8S-- He had suffor011 for m timountil this year In six years from kidney troublo and a few months

thoro had been only 80000 for ro ago this became acuto nnd Bovoralpairs maintenance and for various Weks nff0 ro8Uited in his removed

tu0 bospital for treatmentnn Morse of the Araericnn Hawa - Gaiiaghor TOB fifty two years ofIan of tho wharves jwmd- - nj0 aml wag we k shippinged tho Oahu railroad forby company TUe funoral m fctheir use Ono wharfshed n nety feet ths nftornoon at fiir5e from thewide had been widened until was ISO Iomau Clltlpi catuodra andfeet wide and with this they had ample termont Nuuau Mmteryt0 lmndl tfBdcanoes 80rtTcre wi pallbearer from

F A Schaefer said that be was not tomhouse and threo theexperienced in transportation problems Tin iibut he could foresee the necessity to Rfc t011ca fr Jhofar greater facilities than were at prcs m J1 w

ownent at hand flunyJJben Jjovr said thero wero thlncs to

bo done to tho Fort atieet wharf whero flH BTflfl llllllPhandled shipping he was chief lly fl H if NS hHrfl

ly concorred about tho luck wharves 1n UH lllllU Itho side and


willtwo oclock this


- T -- - iinmiri lima uPREPARE FOR BMEEOBNOY wP Bu July so

Avlutor Hssunioiit today won 5Q- -Hlobt m our Miut n i-- t -- - -- nnn iyou bavo least lino to youiuvi iKiy iuiovcmI time uulois you

Imvi Olmmbwlsln s CollsDtftrrlioM st lurid and tModew a ths

Vet ssts dealers llsnm i Ui sMHts

while armyhave


jnnco siogo

futuren stand


was action








couldout now


by a motion which1ras carried matters











wu jiurno unortHi uy me ionoon wyMall and in doing so pnrfonnd somewooderol Koti In avlslioa For thefirst timo Orwit Qrltaln bus bcnIrslsd by ssroplsns

liMywoBt wwl the eoorso of 1010wilts in twsiity two htjrs tironlytbrosmIhuUi of ssUmI Sjfttig

L-- ygiiig ii f jegaAj




Mail Bpwtnl ie The AdvsrttMrHlliO July H Tbs Hllo

Inlon Menu to be still flourishing withtho cnllmlMM which greU nil newtiling in Hawaii linst Saturday another meeting of thAt body wm heldnnd sgftln uftor tho spoochmAklng wasover tbo enrollment of members wascohUruwd iipUl midnight when thodoors woro closed In spite of tho factthat thoro wero many waiting forclronco to join

In the course of the enrollment apeculiar question was brought up bytho fact that threo citizen Chinese prosontod thomsolves for niomborshlp Inview if tho woll known attitude ofunions in regard to Orientals tho ques-

tion as to whothor tho thno shouldbo admitted or not was pnssoil --jp totho executivo committee which willdocldo later Among tboso who join ¬

ed last week wero many Portuguosoand Huwalinns Many of tho memborscomo from Papuikou and It was decid ¬

ed to establish a branch ouico at thatplnce It will bo In chargo of U subagent whoso duty it will bo to rustloup tho meinbors in tho vicinity whoncvcr thoro is a call for thorn fromheadquarters to go to work

Tho following toxccutlvo commlttcowas olectod David Ewaliko chairmanJoun isoanonocrg josoph vlorra ALK Koalnvtaa W Koaumoku HenryKnhaulo Wm Kino Kunlil and 8 KKahana Ewaliko was appointed business agent to sorvo without salary forthe present Offices will bo oponod intho 1 M I building on August X

Will Hndlft WngosTho most interesting part of tho

meeting was tho giving out of instructions to tho members Tho agent willact as an intermediary between thoemployers and tho members of thounion Ho will furnish the employerswith labor nnd will collect tho wagespaying thorn over to tho members Thisit wan explained is dono in order thattho Union may havo full responsibilityfor suoh work as H undertakes to per-form


Boycott to StartTho membors wero instructed that

nftor August 1 they must buy nothingirom unontnis it tney aro rouni do¬

ing assessed by tho rest of tho morn ¬

ing assessed by tho rest of the members in opon meeting Tho membersmust also pntronlzo the stores whichemploy union cloTks and must insistan getting nlon-mado goods wharover this is possible



A wireless message to ManagerBnlch of the Mutual Telephone Company yestorday announced tho deathof Elmer E Richards manager of thoHilo and Hamakua Telephono and Tel-


Company at Hilo Tbo causoof death was blood poison Beyondthis no particulars woro received

Mr Richards known all ovor tho bigisland as Dick came to Hawaiifrom San Jose California about twen-ty-fiv- o

years ago to tako chargo of thoconstruction of tbo telephono line outof Hilo One of tho first sections wasfrom Hilo to tbo volcano Ho earlywon the confidonco of tboso who promoted the enterprise and had their support at nil times Ho was sent to thohouse- of roprcsontatives for tho sosslonwhich began in February 1800 andsucceeded himself tbo next election Howas closely allied to tho interests ofthose engaged in tho cultivation ofsugar in tbo South Hilo district andwas entrusted with much of their pri- -

vato businessMr Richards was a mellicbor and

past master of Kilauca Lodgo ofMasons and an active member of thoMasonio Hall Association and the BP O E of Hilo He was married twicehis first wife a MIbs Lillian Schoenof San Jose died about niiw or ton

pyears ago leaving four children throegirls nnd n hoy The eldest a boy isin uuwe on vacation irom DtanioruTvyo years ago he married Miss DollioSumnor a young lady Jong identifiedwith schools in Hilo

For years deceased wns agent for thoMatson Lino and the Tug Rover Com-pany


in Hilo surrendering his positionwith tho companies about fourteenyears ago Sinco annexation he hasnot been active in politics to tho ex ¬

tent of accepting office Ho was amember of tho board of trado and badserved an a member of the board ofregistration Ho was not u member oftho constitutional conventioa whichoverthrew the ueqcn as orroneoulystated in an afternoon papor 8outhHiln was represented in tho conventionby tho lato David II Hitchcock fatborof tho artist aud by Fred S Lyman


men havo been injured and scores ofrioters havo been more or less beatenup during a crusade by tho peddlers ofthe city ngvliiBt the recently passedaotlnolic ordlnorce which preventsthem fiom crying tlicr wares


UM wss lyssbed hers ond forty ofbis follow otitryiu Uv tm jllml oh swftMes




Resolution by Senate to

Investigate Its



President Defends Acts

Signs Reciprocity


WASHINGTON July 27 Importantnotion which may result in materialchanges in the Sherman antitrust lawwas taken by tho Bonato yesterdaywhon it passed a resolution to investi-gate


tho oporatlon of this law with aview to amendments

The Democratic senators yostordaymot in caucus and decidod to supporttho wool schedulo as adopted in thohouso Thoy hopo for tho support ofenough insurgent Republican sonntorsto carry tho bill

That Socrot ReportAttornoy Qonoral Wlckorsham yes¬

terday testified boforo tho committooinvestigating tho methods of tho stooltrust that ho novor saw tho report filedin his dopnrtmont in 1008 which doclarod that the International HarvesterCompany had violated tho Shermanantitrust law

May Retain WileySecretary of Agriculture Wilson yes¬

terday made a recommondatlon to thoPresident that Puro Food Bsrport Wlloybo relainod at tho head of his dopartmont but that ho bo reprimanded Thochargo against Mr Wiley is that boaccepted a fee illegally

Defends AdministrationWASHINGTON July 20 President

Taft today sent a messago to congresson tbo situation at Controller BayAlaska dofendlng tho course of tboadministration from tho charges thatho was instrumental in turning ovoruontroiior uny watertrcnt to tho uuggenhoim combination

Bigns Reciprocity BillWASHINGTON July 26 The Cana ¬

dian reciprocity agreement was signedby PresldontTaft today

Cotton Is NextWASHINGTON July 10 Tho cot--

ton tariff bill was introduced in thehouso today




EL PASO Texas July 27 It is re ¬

ported here that eleven Yaqui chiefswill start nt onco for Mexico City anddemand tho restoration of their landsand tho return of their trlbesmon iromsorvitudo in Yucatan

During tbo Diaz regime a great partof tho fertile lands belonging to thistribe woro confiscated and thousandsof mon women and children woro exiledto Yucatan haclendos



SAN BERNARDINO CaliforniaJuly 27 Tho forest fires whioh havobeon burning In this district for daysaro approaching tho San Gabriel forestresorve ono of tho largest in tho coun-try


and hundreds of mon aro fightingthe flames under tho direction of ForestSupervisor Charlton and his assistants



OTTAWA Canada July 27 SirWilfrid Laurior will dissolve Parliamont noxt weok either Thursdav orFriday and writs for n general eloctionm uu jium jui in next oeptomoer milbo issued Tho Liberals will appeal totho country on tho reciprocity agree ¬



identified skeleton has been unearthedin bertli number tblrty soveq in thewreck of tho Maine


WASinNGTON July 20 SecretaryMorrUon of tlio Amorican Federationof Labor has appealed to the union-ists


of the country to ratso half amillion dollars for the defense of tboMcNnraoras



A wlrelots messsgo was received bythe trustees of tho Childrens hospitalyesterday from A S WJIcox who Is on

jlOuml instructing theui to start In lm- -

HKHiiuwiy wim pmas xor uuiming nolevster la the nosptlsl This U ainueh wwded improvement sad Mr Wt

ox will bim ilia snUro txpsoss


Page 4: town Jti5 JPM Siiil · 2015. 6. 2. · tween the bidders Itecont communica-tions ¬ from Treasurer Colliding have conveyed tl intimation that tlio tim pemeU favorable for the flotation




njiiiiiipiitwiiAiiwiMiiMi imi wjiwiriBiijWiiii

rtlAWAIIAN GAZETTEttiilsTifWfrilil

mmm i wJWmmh of hhih u t

omimmu UK Li1etKiiiilitiitiiiiiiiii toipt er xerwsnftblp Inviritbly in Advance6HARLES 8 CRANE Manager


id ck mmuw




TUB imrORTANOB r ROAD VOBJLTfcfl rventtM tl tlitj oily and county tot 1010 hmtratcd to tfte709 0

tUa amount fllrettly aVrti Indirectly 41440190 were spent on the reads nodea office expense whUfoted with be roads It l npjMrent from these flgureikotr Urge a prt tbJ refcilwflrk must bare Jo any dlrcuMlon of munlelpal gpvernmenl irrespective Of the political Intennliluro connected with tlio toaddepartment and with road making

In the figures given above are included one half of tho expense in cenneotioa with thoeo departments of tho government not in their nnturo whollyouUiJo road connections As tho mayor tho supervisors tho auditor tho citydork and tho treasurer find nt least half tboir dutica to bo in connection withroad department affairs half their total appropriations havo been set down aa

a charge agalntt tho county roodsThis coming yoar tho city and county will spend quite as much on road

work as Inst year ia addition to which will bo spent 200000 of loan fundmoney making in nil considerably moro than half a million dollars for roadsHalf a million dollars judiciously spent should provide an inimenso amount ofgood streets and highways

Tho money to bo epent by tho belt road commission will probably bespent to good advantage There aro plenty of Intimations abroad that the hopohad been that this two hundred thousand could bo swung for tho good oftho party but no good reason exists to supposo that tho commission is goingto do other than cxerciso its powers fairly and squarely in tbo interest of thopublic without consideration of tho brand of polities must in evidence MessrsAdams and Potrio are business men and havo been vastly overrated if theyallow themselves to bo mado a party to nay partisan jobbery in tbo dispositionof the fund

There remains then in tho neighborhood of three hundred thousand dollarsto be spent by tho supervisors It ia essential certainly that this amountbe spent with the samo idea of securing proper returns for tho taxpayers

Honolulu business men can not afford at this critical tlmo in tbo cityshistory to sit aside and allow tho supervisors to spond this largo amount withas littlo regard far practical results as has been observed during tho past yearBy confining the general work in tho outsldo districts to repair work out oftho road tax money and allowing tho belt road work to tako care of -- thesedistricts with its two hundred thousand dollars tan amount would be availablefor Honolulu of over1 twenty thousand dollars a month Fifteen thousand dol-


a month should go into permanent work on which basis ucontract wduldbe possible to pavo tho greater part Of tho downtown streets within tho yearTho bigger tho contract tho smaller tho cost por yard

Honolulans should insist on their supervisors doing something along theselines Otherwise tho tendof another twelve months1 will como finding an emptytreasury and nothing to Biro vf for the-- money but a lot of temporary streetsbeginning toj demand further attention - --

--r -


Bear Admiral JIahani in advocating the tfortifidationGuam bad not in- - view as noma supposed any id of lessening itic wxrkrfbo dono on Oahu GnamViri tllb suggested plans of the naval authority isto bo supplemental o J corl Harbor be Army animenting pn the Mhan plans says

d jNary Register in om- -

lFor the purposes of the present discussion Hear Adpirdl Mojian divides

tho coast froptioranto three sections the AtlantifitheGulf nutt thoi PacificIcavine out of consideration tho Atlantic and the Golf for tho nresent com- -

ment it is found that Bear Admiral Maban considers that Pugot Sound nxitl


porior to Maro Ifelaftid afavl foititleailrxi hichen development trs ar docking yardunlessit is possilflei ji o pbtiJiitinindVallcftCQ Bay an Available site betterthan that at Bremerton and moro accessible than tbo- - present plant at VallejoBehind theCastydiowJytfiHi htcessary to maintain a medns of prqfectingour intoreftslrr thb PiciDc fcfibed as the open door iho Philippines andjiawan to tins cnu it is urgea tnat Xcan iiaieor should receive tne de-


nowu contemJated nnd Guam shbuld bo constituted flr kind ofGibraltar if tho epgincers find thatit can be held for six months by worksand a garrison which the country w6uld bo willing to provide No situationIn our pOBseBsionequnlS Guam to protect every interest in the Pacific noraood it be feared that apan would attempt an invasion of tho Pacific Coastor of Hawaii not probably of tno Philippines with a superior or equal Amer-


nnvy aecurely based upon point only a thousand miles from its coastsand flanking all its eastward communications

The interesting part of Bear Admiral Mahans proposition is tho promi ¬

nence which is given to Guam as a military position in tho Pacific Ho enter ¬

tains the decided view that with Guam properly secured against seizuro itwould not be necessary to maintain any other first class station on the Pacificexcept certain practical precautions for Pearl Harbor It is necessary more ¬

over to fortify Guam as it is Gunntonamo nnd Pearl Harbor without delayin order tp avoid any such mistake as would como1 of preparing them only sirfar as to fall into an enemys hands well fitted for resistance to recaptureavoiding tho error of Bussia in her loss of tho Port Arthur fleot BeyondPugct Sound Pearl Harbor and Guam tbo other naval stations in the Pacificaccording to Rear Admiral Mohans judgment should bo dttciniined on ad-


and political grounds only Ho adds- A concentiaflon ofenergies on those ports alpnpwbicb are called first clasa might provp opposi-tion


too strong to overcome Construction of all sortB therdfoVe andMhorepair and maintenance of torpedo vessels and cruisers other than armoredsubmarines and general manufacturing might be distributed elsewhere asthought expedient and useful If may- very well bo that such distributionwould relieve iho great stations and so rather increase tban diminiKh efficiencyBach provision is not very excessive for a frontier I suppose SQ00 miles andan external policy like tho Monroe

The discussion is ono which ia entitled to serious consideration by congtosB in view of the development which is necessary townrd the ndequato re-


of an enemy in iho Pacific Oceanp--


Tbo statement made last night by John Cathcartj city attorney in a coin- -

munieation ta the board of supervisors that the action of Tho Advertiser incalling attention to the repeated absences of Deputy CJty Attorney Milvcrtonwas inspired by L A Thurston who is said to be interested in tho particularlawsuit in which Mr Milvcrton appears as counsel is untrue Whether Mr

bnrston is an interested party in the case or not is not known to the editorijot this paper Whether Mr Milverton is representing interests friendly oriopppsed to Mr Thurston is equally unknown Neither the lawsuits in which--frciknaj be interested nor the connection with these of tho city attorneys officeiUHreVer been discussed between Mr Thurston and tho editor of this paperlreltbf the exception af the one instance when Mr Catbcart offered to tradeforthe political support of The Advertiser hiB official influenco as city attor- -

vvyiu viwcs muv luiguv uiiee uica uuer uegan I lie opposition to MT uatu- -

eartVoiced by this paper for over three yearslb the interests of the taxpayers of this city who ore being buncoed into

paying taJnries that aro not earned attention has been called to tho repeatedabsences of Mj1 Milverton Ills present absence from duty was not referredtoliyfbls paper until after it had been discussed openly at tho board of aiiper- -

Thora meeting Mr Milverton attempted to conceal his departure by notbooking in advance 01 JiU sailing date and The Advertiser was not aware lcf--

Jnllciy tnut lie was out or tbe city until tho matter was brought up by Supervisor MeClellani

B O MATHKSON Editori --- S L -

Tirnlnu a jrijHtpnjjOBwhjl no one hai a hatchet is what tho mosquitoearapafgn jrl are doW Bscording to ono of theni Tho inspectors are outand rirpuOT aid viMM but pro ratelving prbeljcullyjio heln from tbo eitlionsbfrOanie II S Li Uin mltiUttACt find OUt if Iho mosnultoai ftem frnm vnnrah fniA tflu ftiittra UidHlftillltf tMiA Wit a i ill m

to Mke mpfaa fspMM n wot do It nil


T mrtit fct WWttk7A eii mottkM tmt4 owmttvdMi Umm f mm loii rt ihmw

r mm Widr tmm M t4Ul tjMRMtMtt --ft 1m ffM44WK i Iph fiif n iMmrt WMnwi iHNNNv fikHiytfif Wffll WbW- fcH IMjpHwl Wl MHI

wrm wwtmwwvrrwn jpwiwvwi m htib wit P innf Tfifwn nirmmn iniVBitirtMfie Hi4 tKi Mmritt Wf km itoimH f mi Vrff tt Qmtm It fir ffet tMH IfUk In MiMwr1f wta h In hi tf tw Min 1U kvrimstl tfrifeM jm thhtf et fjfocfrf ffipAtoH W htdsWpol kffnltp tj jHifty mam gMitl tnlvvwwBMit usnler jxiHy ple ir lWg f the pl In ft

orMt trnMbof f tho ttfttrwiv ditMWlhi maffiltM ItnltM Wli and 0a- -

nds Ao OalrMtM mtpMlMent ImpteVM ttpoa by 11 AriRflet and still further iwptewNl Hpon by Dei Melnrt tm Cetlaf Hpldi It IibvIbk ft practicalwwrklBg oat In wfo of fititt aJrovlnfM aM Ii betpf teelirdl withfnvor vWftVer it bill been tried bM itnougM to depnMnto Jt UsefulnessIn thelst legWsluro tills to ereMC g syiKem tetiditig towards ft eommlnlonsystem for Oshu ntidfei Maul wero Iftrodueefl It was then dwsenstrated thattho majority of the leUftter did iiotfknpw what the nysteoi Impllad nor whatits possibilities might be The next legislature will probably be asked to Bgaltfconsider eommlwlon bills

Tbo nrtlclo in Jtunioy wrlltcu Judion 0 Wclllver says in partsitcro are tho essehtials of tho plan which Dos Moines and Cedar Baplda

both adopted and simultaneously sot In operation on April 0 lOOStThe old division of tho city into wards each choosing An alderman wa

wiped outPolitical conventions and party ntimcs wcro abolished so far ns concerns

city affairsTbo onelont system of having a long city ticket of mayor engineer

treasurer auditor and so forth elcctcdtcnehtnltetnato year by tho vote of tboentire city and of having an aldcrmnneleetcd from each vrard was rnded

Under tho now plan nobody was elected but flvo commissioners Ono ofthese was called mayor nnd prcsldcdovor tho commission but ho had onlytho samo vote as any othor commissioner ami no veto

Any citizen could bo a eandidnto for mayor or commissioner by securingtho petition of twentyfivo citizens This required that bis name bo placed ontho ticket nt tho first or primary election Notrcs woro arranged alphabeticallyon tho ticket no party name or emblem was nllowcd

Tho eight candidates for commissioner nnd tho two for mayor havingtbo highest votes in the primary election then mado up tbo ticket for the finalelection This was again arranged alphabetically and without political-designatio-

At tho final polling the on candidate for mayor nnd the four for com-


receiving the largest voter were declared electedThe commission thus elected chose by ballot all other officers and em-


practically all from civil servico merit lists Tho citys business wasdivided into flvo administrative departments each headed by a commissionerthus - ti

Public Affairs headed bythe mayorAccounts and finance 1

Public safety8trcets and public works- -


Parks and public property 1-

Each commissioner had general supervision inhla department runningit just as if ho were executive head of A department of a great business Thefive sitting as a commission mado policies passed brdindnccs pirparqd thobudget levied taxes nnd generally bossedtto town

frhmr ennlfl tiof tinnArf v tttrivn nitnv nnv nnliliA frnnnli Tl- - Mnil

frambjand Tccommcnda grant whlcWmust bo submitted to the voters nfalb-special election nndgetn majority votq to become effective

f puph istbo refcrenduinas torapchises Aalo Ielslatloii tiro JJlhaprtvides- that if the council passes objectionable legislation J twenyfivo per centOf tho voters by petition may iojuiro tnat its operation shall bo suspendedand tljat nn election shall befctptfiipjiW on It Irikewifec if tho Councilrefuses to pass any dcsiredilcgi8Mionnjthen n liko1 pftilloti can eommandttd

i -- l W wx iij - Jii 1J2 ii- -legislation stands or 1allsas thbmajoHW atthq peopHo ote - -

Similarly aB1oth6Tccnll IiWlolp get--- grouch againsfcti commis-


a like peftlibn require jip CjOigpjispTc ot6- - call ah elfrctidn to filllisplaco Hois a candidate ifhe w desicest ofer nominations ore inado asal-ready deBcribcdi- npd jn tUo- - election tfcalmatffwlth tho majority of votes wins

t By this plan pnrtypolitics is- - eliminBted ThQ eityndminjstratitm caanot bo subordinated to andusedby anypolitical organiKationr Appointmentsaro mado on tB6bWi6f Writdfringygopii behavior nnd service frohJiistsof eliglblea cbrtlfied by tnocivil service ponipiisslbn as tbo result of competitiveexaminations v

Vnder thissystem responsibilitys centralized politics eliminated tbospoils system rendered imp6ssible w

in tno ocginning tnoro ws iear or Dunrrgupa more aangerous oecausemore centralizedboss ship than before Ono classpf ol3Jecftrs feared that thoinitiative referendum and recall would keep rgitators circulating oection peti-


day and night and tho people Acting constantly on unimportant issuesAnother feared that- the commission wouTd be to poworful that it tould preventany special elections pcrpetnato itself in office- and work its own will

Between these two ncsairoistic but antiordal viotvs there was much debateTheorists shook their heads ominously and pointed out that- - the plan violatedthat fundamental of representative government which requires complete separa-tion


pf legislative executive and judicial fjnctions tho legislative becamealso the executive body And so they debated ong and learnedly

Tho proof of the pudding however it not in the ehewing of tho ragExperience proved that both Bides of the argument were wrong The commis-sion


didnt becono an all powerful but irresponsible quinquoVirato and on tbeother hand tho people didnt spend all their timo running around in initiativereferendum and recall circles In the experience of moro than a hundred American cities tbe initiative referendum and recall liavo proved not the unbridledmennce of mobocraey but tho impressively uplifted- - finger- of admonition Therecall has been invoked less than a half corq of times in the experience of alltho cities now operating under this plan ftcn cnougb to prove it workableseldom noughto prove it a safo instrument in tho hands of a sano people

ft- -


The license inspector has enforced tho ruo offair dealing among the liquormen and through his efforts upwards tofftfur thousand ehprt measuro demijohnshavo been shipped back to tho Coast This is ah excellent example Otherofficials should follow up the campaign with a

a jcqmpaign a short pound and a shortyard campaign If it is propor that a man buying a gallon of Whisky shouldget a gallon how muoh more important 1s it that when a quart Of milk isbought for the baby a quart Bhould bo received We do not intimate that thomilk dialers or anyone else isigiying shbifti measure but whero mtlk bottleshave been examined ekjovherothey buvibeeri found short arid the Honolulubottle have perhaps been blown on the samo moulds- - lAyfow months ago tbosuperintendent or pumio wpresnounu a large proporuop ottne wcignts ueea inHonolulu to be short It is time for him to send but bis men on anotherroundup

THE BBITIBH BEVOWmONA practical revolution is on jp Great Tlfitalh with tho Crown on thb side

of tho revolutionists The power of thclords is to be broken nnd the standnow taken by the peers in tbo last dpfenso of their prerogatives means onlythat the blow about to descend will be all tho more crushing The peers havenow to recant and submit unconditionally or be swamped by the creation offive hundred new peers elevated in rank ifor the oe purpose of making rankworthless 1

It is inconceivable that tho commons should havo carried their fight Ibisfar to fall now especially ob the king has agreed to abjlde by tho advice ofhis ministers and sido with tho commons against the hereditary house Theabolition of the lords has not yet come but tbo dilution of the peerage by thesimultaneous creation of half a thousand titles carrying each a vote will makeof the house of lords a chamber sounwieldy tbat its abolishment will be onlya question of a shdrt while t

I 1 ftWhatever criticisms this paper may have published concerning tbo recently

organized Hilo labor union or whatever mby be published in the future slrouldnot bo taken as directed at tho principUs of unionism With unionism thispaper has no quarrel Union men are employed In Tho Advertiser shop andunion wages are paid But with a union that begins its existence with a boy- -

tntt tf ntiior lalinrlnf rnim finA with fnlmlnitKntia nrrnnti HHim lntjrnkn In- -

I - -1 undlcftted Jangusgc there is nothing that can bo Mil and a whole lot that

TTi 7Pt VWWTfPi Juruier is neeuem en be hupied at The Hilo union will W boit tb Mv l lpllh rthiB beyond iwylag out seme money in Hlariea to nnlew offleera





Turn IafiR was yertrdy ftietedfriwi hlo kawiM pWtnlle t WtilklM by BkfltJff WrJaTritt nd WllItem mvldg was it Into ptoflpurMMbt to n Writ inueby JuJgs V

J ttOblBSon July IB on the fctitlouof A T Oeimpbell The property earnsInto Mr Savlilgiaii pBHesttba at a eom- -

rnlsalnors salo af lit-- ftfreelosur proesfldlngs on Novembtr 10 1010 Bnd adeediwas delivered to him as trusteeTamPong refusWdta glvo optho premised nnd therefnrftTrtii TAtnnlAl



fr nttn UhnrViMkt i Blxtv shares of McBryde

km Oornwel Mrs YnlllSWalker tind her Jiusband Walk- - tho ItaUway and Companynavo applied llobinson cacir COO

for bill partition 11 of iho

and in block tho Kaimukland named Josonbino tho McBryde- Ltd each for

L Mitchell and her husband II BMitchell defendants tho suit W

Cornwell Cornwell MrsBlancho C Walker and Mrs Jonophirio

Mitchell own together the lots eachhaving a one fourth Interest Plaintiffsdesiro a partition tho lands andJudgo Bpbinson will shortly hear thocase J

Attorney PeesJudgo Bobinion yesterday gayo judg¬

of Attorney T Har-rison


against Frank Gouveia for 00and costs Attorney Harrison repre ¬

sented defendant ns attorney in a di-


uit and charged 50 for hisvices Ho obtained judgment thodistrict cenrt for that sumcostB Gouveia appealed tho circuit

Harrisops first fee ofcbarged ia connection With the ultfor divoTco which Frank 0onveiaed against bis wife Tho second fee ofa similar ram was for defending Gouvoia in tho divorce- - notion instituted

Mrs Gouveia Frank Gouveiaclaimed that Attornoy Harrison tookthb caso upon acontingent tee

having become --rejcdncllea claimedthd attorney wfts not entltlpd to Mypy -

JudgdBoDinson did- - nottuke thisvievforhe nave iUQCmentfOr Attorney llnrrwpn thus upholding tio dV--

rat Attorney t Charles K Petersonwho rejpteBejiteia Fnk Qquveiay form-ally


tapptldto tboijudgmentjbat aterlie stated lKjt tW matter jvould- - notbe further appealed

1 - Alleged let8nittoniAlleging tbatbot husband beait her

anu drove ner out tneiMioue-ljido-Yatoff- al

ig sjine Toraicbiro YatacaifQr divorce They were married atTton ken Japan March J907 Theycame the following year and livedat Wabiawa Mxs Yatagai allegesthat on March 23 last her husbandfwith Wows and violence- - herout of the house her a portionof her clothingand ordered her neverto return She went but sayshex husband employed certain per--son- s

to annoy her and finally pro- -


ASSurfid by the Use pf

WMBkSoapandOinkentThesei pt sweet and BeailtieitadlHent preserve handis

prevent redness rpugfinesi ai4chapping nd impart in singlenight that velvety sbftness andwhiteness so prnch desired bywomen For those whose occupatlon3 tend to injure the hands orwho sufer from dry fissuredUchirip feverish palms and shape-less


nails with painful fihger endsCuticura Soap and CuticuraOintment are wonderful

nroU TxsOm OiarUflMVM Ea t Putt

mwmtummMftBbn Atlftlott

I17 Waut matrtiEjutU 6U4 Mtf UHt

At 1kr If 11 MMi intgb H I rm rtt 1i4 fii kt N Jllk

iM Mm llf ttk tn tpwwNwtiKM W Ivr MiIma kM t

- aim A mim- ttalk - - uki -

Wm wto MNr rttkfll fWflWNIlp wfHMNmUm ff tU Mtlllf f ftttftftS Mtt IMl tk VWiitt mtVkithit iftfc JAiAhitti jtmx - -

ttuMtylWJf KM M WH trslJ A9t

fwi TemlMltti KHi ne f w1pis Ik gnranil nf BW Mftport 1o4i

NoblfiMm ynterdr IUha Mfysta irx n MvnrMi frM CWBtn Mnyatii an

tlw Mme Brtwl while TaktiUhl Mirssfcft obtfiine n tllvorw fr hiswife MnrsokA who Jirted

within twft ntoalhs of tkrtr Bnrtnpe en AuruU 10 lDi7

n Old Receipt riledMrs Mary M Wnlkir May nnd

W T Taylor executors of the will ofUrn lato Thomas ltaln VVhlkMr filedtho cireait court J estordoy their re-ceipt front 1VaneU Swanny ancil-lary administrator of tbo estate alltho personal property that vma in tholatlora hands March 31 1010

Mr W af w threo

JK0 J 8 Ohhu Landcr to Judgo or tno par vaiuo 01 910O

a of of lots 0 14 8haro npn tock of Thoo H15 16 33 of M J LJl l

havo Mrs




ment in favor M


plus ldto

court25 was

start- -





drovegave- -

to work



ST 10












Sugar Cojtno sum of iuyu

Applies for LicenseHoriry O Mossman of Walliiln Maul

has filed an application to the snpremecourt for a license to practise law inall the courts of the Territory Howas born at Walluku thirty ouo yyjarsiago and 1ms practised in tho districtcourts sinco Jaly 1005 He has beenfor nearly two years in the ofllco ofCounty AttornoyaJDaniel H CasatoMaul nnd bi nctcd ns prosecuting of-


for the district court of WallukuProviqpsly ho practisod in thb diBtrictcourt of Honolulu

In bis application Mossninn statesthat he studied law for moro than twoyears in various law offices partlcularlyVunder Henry Hogan Leon M StrausA N Kcpoikai John W Kalua JamesJi Coko and County Attorney D IICase df Wajlukur Maul His certificateof good moral character In sighed- byD HjCase Ends Vincent and W FCrockett members of tho bar

an trust- FOB HIS



Ur John 8 MeGrcwi fatheAJf ah- -

nexationj and his fairiilyhavo enteredinto a licit arrangemenl witlAhe ronS

Trust Company wilh regard to fhV es-


ihe deed of trust being registeredat the bureau of conveancesyestefday

The jdoed thriaig madtf etfweAruonn a mcurew ana nis pio arauijnoMcGrewKathorinoMcGrew Cpopor wifeof Charles Br Cooper John1 McGrewof Paris ahd the Trent Trust CompanyIn a former deed the sum dfSjOOOformed the body of the trust Thasumhaving been variously lnvetodlargelyin real estate and there being otbejpropetty subsequently acquired it wasconsidered desirable to havo a resettle¬

ment of the trust In brdcr that thismight be done John T McGrow arrivedfrom Paris rocontly

The deed filed yesterday states thatthe parties first named convoy to theTrent Trust Company as trustee vari ¬

ous real estate on Alakca BorotaniaRichards Punchbowl Hotel nnd Youngstreets Honolulu and real estate in thodistrict of Ewa as Well as shares ofstock in tho Oahu Railway and landCompany and the McBryde Sugar Com- -pany and other personal property

Provisions of DeedIt is provided that the Trent Trust

Company shall during tbo lifetimo ofDoctor McGrow pay to Mrs McGrowout of tho not income of the estate200 per mqnthfqrher separate usp

Upon Doctor MeGrws death Mrai Mc- -Grew isj Johave the use and enjoymentof tha h9iise and lot on Lunalilo streetnow occupied by Doctpjr and Mrs Mo- -Grew as heir hmctead fre pf alldbdrges for fates taresjinsuranee andrepairs and without boihgreqaired topay for tho caa 6T fhe saino dorfnuthorest or ner me togetner yntu ay tno-nrnltnro etc v

After Doctor McGrow qieaj ilra MiGrew should1 she survive him Is to reSolve half tho net annual ireome- of theproperty included in the trust exceptthe house or thosnm Of 500 per monthshould lalf the net income not reachthat amount The remaining half ofthe net income or the income left afterdeducting J50Q per month- - la to be di ¬

vided equally between Mrs CatherineMcGreTY Cooper and JohjiT MisGrew

Alter tne deatn qt both Doctqr andMrs McGrcw tho Trent Trust Companyis to hold all the property in trust forSirs Cdoperand her brother



Chewcd by a dog so brtdly that Mcpuld not walk Bt MbbI a Japanesewna taken to Queans Hospital lastevening shortly before sight oclockand the dog was taken to tho policefetation for disposition

The 4of belongs to W II Kalakainnd tbe attack ocenred pa Kukuistreet in front of h Lome

Every evening at seven- - oclock thoVlog is tlod out for a watchdog andtbe Japanese wn attackod about thatborjr

With nothing to fight batik with Mo-


wui thrown to tbe ground and hisbands and fata at well as his legswre horribly bitten




Page 5: town Jti5 JPM Siiil · 2015. 6. 2. · tween the bidders Itecont communica-tions ¬ from Treasurer Colliding have conveyed tl intimation that tlio tim pemeU favorable for the flotation

igmH wwwmiw wMiniwfpifr twnjii vrnmmmmn vm



Ttmt hmaxam in nu xw


Frew Ttatr4a AdvertiserOf ho ilt Impjitmee7 partltttUily

u it nm nfft foture JtgUfolleB lbeongteee m ho flrK ease to comebefore the United Slstee district courtsince It moved to its new quarters Intho bleek adjoining the Japanese con-

sulate corner Fort strot rtbd Heretenia Avenue This ease which cameup yettcruay At two oeloek bcforoJddgo Charles F demobs was tbohabeas corpus Application of SubkloblTsujI a Japanese who was refused itlanding hero by Raymond KC Browninspector of immigration because of iconviction for a erlmo involving moralturpitude-

Jadgo demons reserved bis decisionand intimated that if tho AttorneysDistrict Attornoy It W Bfcckson fortbo United States and J Llghtfoot fortho Japanese Wished to present anyfurther authorities ho vrould bo pleas ¬

ed to consider- - thro Ho adjournedcourt until Saturday morning at tenoclock when It is expected he willhand down bis doclston

Important Questions

Attorney Llghtfooti for tho petition- -

cr raised questions as to tha jurisdic ¬

tion of tho court and whether theactual crime forwhlch Suekleni Tsujiwas convictod hero could bo taken1 intoconsideration

District Attornoy Breckons in hiiaddress dwelt upon the great endeav ¬

ors which Congress has made to enactlaws which will keep out of tbq coun-try


persons convicted of tho despicablooffonio to which tho Japanese ecrafesscd when indicted some years ago Hisremarks lead to the inference that thocase will be carried to the UnfedStates Supromo Courfj if necessarykuu uiifcjr aouu tu luiiucr aiUCUUWCUlf UL

tho laws - governing aliens who- re-


to ha trnuJ5dTStatesofteja visitto their native country -

Suekichl Tsuji who was in courtin tho custody of ono of InspectorBrown gmertylsHowed so little interestin the pTocoodingSjthat h slept- - forpart of the afternoon but tho vigoroustones In which tber district attorneyspoko of him appeared to rouia himthough bo probably did not understandwhat Mr Breekdns wasrwying Thiswas lucky for him as the district at- -

torney placed him among a etysj thomost despicable on tbo fade df thepaTth J

Do Acta ApplyAttorney ghtfooj aJfgujjjL tht hp

who - has boon cnc admitted tb thoUnited States and has temporarily de-


with thO intention of returningTherefore ho maintained that his clieptcould not be treated as an immigrantand as it was only immigrants to whomtho undesirable clauses applied hisclient could not tto placed as amongtho excluded class

Ho stated that fne petition for thawrit of habeas corpus sets forth thattho Japancso camp to the Territoryanu was duly admitted in iuuo anathereupon established his domicile hereIn 1910 ho left pn a visit to Japanwiththe intention Of returnipg to his domi-cile


and arrived here in June last Howas provcrited 3rom landing and order-ed


deported The reason for this ac-


aa stated in it return presentedto the court by Inspector Brown wasthat tho petitioner bad been convictedof an offense involving moral tur- -

pitude under section two of tho- - im- -

migration laws of Jaly 1907

Jurisdiction QuestionedTherO arc two questioner involved

in this case said Mr LightfootTho first is 8 to the jurisdiction of

tho federal courts to entertain an ap-


of this nature in habeas corpuswhen tho requirements Of the Inwbnyobeen compiled with bytha immigrationauthorities tbo finding of thcJeo authorities being adrverBo W thejmml- -

grant ana nis aeporowiqn oraorea anano appeal navlng been tdkon to thesecretary of eommorcet pd labor aaprovided by law

The sesond qnestioa k ofl to tlright of an alien to Iasd after ho hasonce established his domieilo In theUnited States pur contention beingthat whan an alien has once establishedhis domieilo and has been lawfully ad- -

nutted to tbo United btafes mat taenho may leave thaUnltedStatBs tempora-rily


providing he does not abandon hisdomicile and providing he Isavbs theUnited States with thehrMUon- - ofreturning that in such- - case ho docssot cims within the provisions ofthVimmigration laws ana regulations ofJuly 1907 or any otber immigrationlaw In other word 6 is In effectwhat ia classified as aalien and theref orotbe provljl6nj pftwetiyn two of tho act excludirfg certain undesirable- - Tiersqag - eludingcriminals do tfo apoly ibybbn

NcraWnigrant AlienOur contention in Drroflr that by

reason of tbo establishment of a domicile by tho petitioner here bo Is anon Immigrant alien and does net coinowithin the excluding clause in facttho immigration laws do not apply tohim at all

Attorney LIgbtfoot proceeded toquoto authorities to ffjitiin his con-

tention Judge demons informed hintthat be need not lead that part of adecltfon of the Dlilrlet Court of An- -

pools of the Ninth Circuit regardingjuriDUiciion iiius jniimnung inai tnqmatter was a comrtttent ono for thecourt to deal wItb

Tho attorney luuted statUtionl juloeight which say that alien TMiilcntsreturning from n tetnperary trip nbroadhall be lsMd at non juiwerant aliens



bttOJtWliWftinM V JUU8K


AUfey Leftf Andrews en IwfcaU

of dona Kak KftUU Aled a WUhof appeal ytlerdy from tbejtgwtatof Amiga --W J lleblmen in the esseol the ltlphutu Begat Oewpeny versusbis client This was a salt for fereclotHrs in whleb tbo eegsr ompAywas represented by Thompson Wilderand In which it obtained an order fora sale of fiftythree acres at XvipahuluMaul to teenro payment of 9850 andinterest to the amount Of 25300 a totalof 0350 Tho last payment of intercit was mado July 1003 Judgo Bobinson found that failure to make pay- -

rnont entitled tho sugar company toforccloturo Ho uoerccd teat tbo ntortgaged premises bo aold by nublio auc¬

tion and appointed V M llnrrlson ascommissioner to effc ct tho sale

SuicldoB EstateX D Castros petition to bo appoint ¬

ed administrator Of the cstato of Aug-ust


P C CorreU who recently commit ¬

ted suicide will bo beard by Judgo JVJ Ttoblnson August 28 Corrca whocommittee suiciuo alter winning anniltomobllo in tho llonslulil AmujemontCompflnys popularity contest loft onlya small estate of which- - tho nutomobllois the largest item of value In a peti-tion


of tho vidow Johanno If Correato bavo A B Castro appointed admin-istrator


the valUQof thCCstate- is Rives as 214227 consisting as follows

bank deposits 1302 bills rocolvable20825 watcb and fob 75 policy in

Kquitable Society of Insuranco ofBrazil 500

Judge Robinson has sot August 28foT the hearing of tho petition forprobate of tho will p tho Into MarioSturdnbecit

Divorce Docrco Set AsideYesterday Judge Robinson granted

tho motion of Mary Aki to sot asidothe decree of divorce made in FrankAkls suit-- against her Sho filed anaffidavit contradicting tbo affidavits ofJ A Ma goon and Harold G Sponcorand further denying that summons wasserved on her while sho was in courtto prosecute bor divorcer BUit against

ranK- -

Suit Over Drygoods

J J Byrne has started an action inthexircuit coiirt to recover 127 pnd interest Irom wnuam U weisn THoclaim is for drvcooda surwilied bv thoK S Sachs Company which assignodtho debt to Byjno Judgo Robinsonyesieiaay lssuea an uruer lor iuo attachmont of a lot belonging to WelchinPalold ValleVpait of theUi of Kb--

kio containing 15000 sauaro feetMT Simonton Has been appointed

guardian W MarcnB E Monsarrat dminor by brdeV Of Jtidgo W rJ BobiUson

Judge Robinsoiu ycjitprday aLpprovedthe decree as to tno custody of Paulino

l nkAMM llnll MAkA j Tb 1X7

Hall nad JMfs Wilhclmitia B Baker

If this rule bas as we claim it forceoriav tnen tuat djsoose of tho muttar he declared

Vknteatr of CongressDistrict Attorney Breckons in iis

argument for the government said thadecision in the former cao which wasappealed- - from hero to the BistrictCourt of Appeals of the Ninth Circuitshowed that tbo local court trad iuris- -

diction 1m these matters x -- -

Ho referred to the JlheDt 6fAcocress Sn enaelinc tho law3iolJulv 1907with the intention of dealing with auchviuq- - Ul JUiCi AH 11VIUUU1 ABUU CIJU- -

fcssed himself to bo when indicted berain 1900

Ho remnTked that in 190 when con-gress


passed tbo act thero had boon ftgreat deal Of discussion relative to theeviU arising from thp improper bund ¬

ling of women It1 was riot only a sub-ject


of discussion in congress but ofdiplomatid cogrespondenco and negotiation-c-

ulminating in a treaty designedto bco wbat could bo dobcy Jy iho na-tions


in concerted faction Hotpld ofthe oxtiemo CtsTfi which was taken in-drawing up iho act and of nmondmonUof 1910 Onerejjaage ho said carriolout tntf idea of --Keeping away iromns a class the most desnicablo on tbsfac of the earth v

rjnlawfullyHrosAnother amendmflnt ho polntod out

provided that vnjpj alien of this dis- -plcdble el ms after be shall have enteftc4th TJnitcdrSfatCBihftn bo dmedto be ublaWfnliy heranna slfallbo de--

norted He aakjad- - Dla comirroeslnqnacting this Wy that it dM- notrcfirto an alien whoTiud gono baclcnomdand ntended to TQturnT Aa Perhapsbecause cOfgrci foarcdrtbat admeastute lawver like Mr Lichtfoot wouldargue Ibat way o7Jft6gto the matfefontrreiy out ox tpelcQurts nanas pndsaid bny nl jim wKtflhijs bcend5portednnd attempts thclroafter to trefarn tothe XTnlted State shall o awinedguilty or rfemisdemeanoiiobd shall be

Tbo district attorney remarked thatcongress saVs IK doTr notSriattcr Tiowlong a marfai bpdttStates f bebadona tho tbjngi andbeen engaged In the practices wblcl8uCkicbl Tiqjlbdmlttod btfisv as engagedIn n Honolulu nt lpp0ha Aajoagedto n elnss wo do not tvnht and willpass backto tifd cmiritryrftoni whencehe came - if- - t

Attorney Ugfopt claimed that astbo man had already bocu panishod bythreo months imprisonment for thocrime for whirli ho ytjM convicted hewan entitled to bellve that n closedtpisode Tho slato ifis clean nad theyuau iiuiuing mors io oo wnn tuat nomaintained thAt thomittor of this nnCial effenso of tbo pelilipner yrainut ueioro ino couii auq idio nuii- -

Hon wa as to VTustW tyetnanaf911 auen immigrant iieoonieuaei iueJajmnfHi was a non Immigrant alienand as such iv entitled te his rdcasrge

k 11 Ka it itI - r - r f



Struc Against the Specie Interests Which

Respect No Uw Either Civi

Soda orMorag

A twtt of tbo bljofts of Iho HlloUbor Union IsMO efller the Add ofpolltfel Id slrUgglo for tho toMmonpeople for equal rSgliti and to obtainsomo mcasdre of oauallty from the

postal Interests who respect no lawseither civil soelal or moral

8ueh is the statement of DavidBirnllko the chairman of the ozeeutlveommlttoc of recently ganlabd the properties bf others ut It Is built

union of Hllo which lias called on lismembers to boycott tho orlontals asthe flrt step in itsstrugglo dgnlnst thowicked interests for equal rights Thestatomenf appears in a letter to thoeditor bf tbo HiloTribuno an answerto recent comments in Tbo Advertisorregarding tho Hilo organization and Itsavowed objects It is gathered fromMr Bwalikos letter that thd specialinterests which havo no respect forcivil social and moral law aro thoso

represented by Tho Advertisor ThoHllo organizer wrltos

Editor UUlo Tribune Allow mospace in Tour columns to answer acert a ill nrticlo that was published inTho Advertiser undcr tho headingTho Entering Wedge which was in

tondod tb misrepresent tbo facts nnonwhich our labor movomOnt is organizedin order to explain to tuo public oftho intended movoment of organizedlabor in this Territory I bavo tho following statement to maite

As a matter of fact tho labormoVemont of this country and that oftho world has demonstrated to thoworld at largo that it has built a fighting machine for tho working classj buttnat it seeks no encountor tbat it canavoid and it willing to sail on andon iu the peaceful waters of industrysimply giving warning to those opposedtolt by tho very strength of Us monand wbmon of toil that thoueh seek- -

ing peace with honor it is unafraidrue jaopr movement is in its veryrrtake ttp aggressivo and progressiveThere is not aiwrongoxisting in ourcountry under which tho labor movement can jrest nntij that wrong is right- -

hieh atnto of civilization to bo established

IffflL 1l mi j m- -

sucH aszens wlio for their living bsweat their brows some twentyArn VMifk wti i4iatf




maiden failedJufin nary

nizclo offerhis timo



have tho


official notice been

FargoCompany proposed



themerchants they1



unaerrato dirty cents


principle other


better than Chamberlains

tbo bottlo


uplift Utfti attaindot when

have away worldthat wo have done bt toubl

tbnt couldWrrtf better tho conditions for ourfellowmen and toliereafter tlmo when

willundrstnd whatweans

uumi uso violence destroy

npto thomentmombora hotter citizen bolp

ways iholrmorals nnd standings

In unionism thbro placoradical questions which bavo tcndrtlto sct womonnatoimlltlea each othorJuttbo heart beat commonaympnthy when human-ity disadvantage

manufacturers morchantscxchangos boards of

the nnd other organ-izations manufacturersthemselves organization wKhresult they employers

contest mado uponby organized labor nndtlioy

woro ntilo themgreat Influcnco which they could

bring their support greatcorporations nlwajsympathy with them thoy

in stmgRlo withthnir employees thatthey wero Jnoko fightorganized labor that thoyjeopardised of work- -

ovory keptwuffes oriental stand-


enter the bf strngtho common equal

and tb obtain mcaslirofrom who

elthor socialmoral

serious whichTerritory of

tlmo Sfntnnthat


islandcunaitions DOIIOVO Ad

ofHaTOU tho present tmo L i ffad Jnot did tho tho special in- -


cjiuDuuia miguctheix hands

AOOVia ambitionWervcrorevcnhaBtaken tronblo OT5ed Jalor VnYoto Usually look oyer 1 1 liro- - V10readily uhderttand the great opposition r0ItMX havof aecomplishlngthat cdmb into fleia- againsti8 iT ho wmmon

duringith past twenty ycart WWjSPoljflaily bread with tho swoatIntthoM ATneriean tradd-- Jthgr TjrowSr since- - time

movement have JP Wbenevor tho opportunityorganized wago earners of tho civiliz-- lif voy 1Jnfr to sacrlfico

Cd worldinado upaswoareintoadinj ves thMrdo Territory of and process Tho solution

anughtofs or oT in iii ma nanusynrloust civilized countries The organiz- - yaf earnor nB mStBd labot belieyes Jn general uplift their Jnhront jstrengthInirnf hlimiiTiitir vnlra ffii innMinottfii Very tnilv

help organize in order that EWATjTKO

their hpmbaand living conditions ninybe better and eliminate A Japanese working

conditions them road fill Honnmn fnr thn TTdnOrganized lobor striving forward road Company last woolc tumbled

for1- very Drinclnlos brink All lonlfirfyjnoi uverjr hibij ground tnirty eet Deiow

jrwinlzed labor human minuteshiu very nignest wniKea nome



Janq Filipino swain ofthe classic village tf Honohina on2amakua coast Filipino maid- -

on with lovp that only limitediri oxprossion from fact that

to respond thocould dov elicited xo

dpondlai Tho nandindoheolrt and sharoin chipekwas cod whereuponuuan seized iuo mamen nis

dracaod into tho shelteringoff If bo

oonldnt girl



T While no received ias Manager Williams

local agency of the WUIsExpress about thelower express rates no yesieraayMthy go lnta orr August

mainland and undoubtedly oporatlvp hero The sowwill menu material to

of this city for1 inodlfythe present so graduato rate

At present it costsnitrltCv ontB to Bpnil ten nonnd nnck- -

to Ban Francisco while BanFrancisco to Los Angeles it eightyccstaraore proposed new

it will etui cost tosend nnckaco to San Francisco butoniy 9iao or eiuu to tnosamo package to Jjos Angeles Tnosame will In force toshipping points

OBTAINABLEYour physician can not prescribe

remedyColic Oholera and Diarrhoea Bemody

bowel complaints fee willfar exceed cost of of thisfamous jnedlolno Oct today endjy ejiarM It never to bring re

For sale by dealers Bensontjuiltb Ltd for Ifawali

lot It U possible toand f H this 1 eettilnws pawed out of this

m vroana nil wo In our butnblo

toour children corao

Tho will comoUia people organis

labor purpose Is not toup to or to

tho olprotect ltsolf from entrenchof special Interests to mako Its

and tq innil possible to clcvato

socialIs no for

men and OfdllTerontngaimst

will in onoono portion of

is placed atThe

builders commercegovornqrs kindred

of comblnodinto tbo

that wero able nsto oxyxy demandthem tbp

also to overcome bythe

to by thowho wore in

whothcrmight bo involved a

or not In waynblo to against

and in waytho interests tho

ingmen nnd in possiblemi aown to tno ¬

It is troo that tbo labor willinto field politibs to

glo for pooplo forrights somo ofequality the special interestsrespect nO laws civil or

Tho question is confronting tills Hawaii attho in tho Westornis tho Aslntlo question and mightunuB- in tho very future commission of trovornhioht it rtnpegplo of dowcjr TAsI -

Jitory a rup -- 1 oohnt n thaiaro confront eit- i-

ItAnn n

rATAafa MhUH I1WMI1 ty tuo aavoYeftrsunentin own

ail It is tha of Hrithe On con--

tho ground wil XX h

Jin tho peoplo whoIkbot

onion foiv imI the lesson of was

he avand all In tho causoof

to in this the sons oftho mon toil tire auu an mo

f t bo solvodthq own

tn I TOUrSto nnd to DAVID

l T

also to heir to j at th6 big railthe1 that surround - i nenr Tfnll

is offtho bichest that the of thn nnd fnll- i T -- j Al- l- V - XI - rin n ia inir ounui 10 ino uara

that- tho race He was stunned for a few andis cmiiiup iu juunacics



loved aa was

tho thoAll woo

ing aof bis


oi ueari aher

cana and cut hor

liasyet by


will effect

bpa benefit

tori n



a- j - i t -send



for and hisait be

lief allh Co ngente



ed Its









n ¬



-- i

t I


wanted a souvenir of somo kindTho maiden fought to savo hor

thumb in her strugglo receiving fiveothor wounds from tho cano knifewielded by ber loving assailant

After she had fought borself frootha woman- fled to tho Filipino campfor safety and tho man disappearedPollctf officers canturod hltovery shortly after thooffnir howovor and ho waabrought before Judgo Wise Of Hilo onMonday arid committed to tha grandJury Tp the Julgo Juan explainedthat bo bad bocnme so crazed over therejection of his lovo that he did notknow what be was doing


mmmmvFrom Thursdays Advertiser

While difjutr for coal off tho reefwlitro tho barkcntlne Helga broke npa year ago 6am Woods Aiona Hawaiian forty-six years of ago was seizedwith tramps yesterday and died beforereaching the hospital An autopsyin thoafternoon showed every organ in hisbody to have been In a condition al-


sufficient to cause death- Mrs Frank Manoba was the first to

bear bis cries nnd Seeing him hangingto hh canoe at the reef rushed to tboBorne of his father Georgo Aiona Tbolater paddled out to tbo spot at oneonnd brought his son in shore where bowas attended by Doctor QeorgoHcrblTt who ordored him to thehospital -- The police auto made a rooord run from town having been toldthat tho man was dying but was notneeded -

Aiona was born in Kallh and leavesa wJfo and two daughters Ho hasbeen a fisherman all his life off tboWalklkl beach like his father baforohim aod was considered onaof the inoitexpert fishermen on tho island

sai mm m


the suu mm

iiAKirKOT tmtk9tM



II I IO July I4r Tht Ib nmsll fifHcrr beta has InU of Rl chsneni forfalling a proAtnbla rrep and wUt 1

mwo impotlant for finding a good markct for bin product ia tho opinion ofIJ T Btsrrelt tho exptt on fruit andvojjatftlilo paeklng and marketing wildenms to the tslauds from California tolook llitd tho poistbllltlM of smallfarming hero SUtrott arrived In Hlloduring tho latter part of last week Incompany with Dr Victor 8 Clark oftbo immigration bureau

Thoro nto many places on this inland which are I think bettor suitedfor farming than other I coodlngly exorcised it and costhave seen in tho Islands so far saidStarrelt today Tho plains at WatTrtea Jmprcss mo as being particularlysiiitablo for sotoral good products Thosoil Is looso nnd mollow and it Shouldprdduco excellent potatoes nnd onionsYob Irnow thoVo is a good opportunityfor shipping onions to tho Coast duringtho months of Fobruary nnd Marchwhen there aro practically nono to bohad thoro Vo bavo nlrohay arrabgodfor oxporlnients with Bortuuda-onions

at various places in tho Islands cover-ing


some thirty to forty altogether

Bwoot potatoes aro another which it ia hopedwhich could bo profitably raised heroI Uiiiilt fqr shipment to tho Coast andgood varieties would sell well fromMarch 1 until July 1 when tho marketIs practically bare

Puna district it seems to moshould bo an excellent placo for cotton

The ono groat complaint which Ihavo nlot is that thoro was no marketfor tho stuff which Was bclnrr rnisfidbut tliia complaint should bo practicallyeliminated wnpn tno bureau wnicn tungovernment is opening gota to workTho pooplo horo should in many casosinay moro attention to tho whichthey uso It seems as if they plant anyold kind pf seod they hold of in¬

stead of using tho very best obtainnblo If moro attontlon woro paid totho seed used thoro is no reason whybigger and hotter potatoes and onionsshould not bo irthormordtnoro attention should bo paid to thayellow sweot potato as for instancetho1 Yellow Kausumand which is muchIn demand on tbo Coast while tbo redsweet potato which you ralso so muchhere is not likod

TtyeTO la ntt idoa in Hawaii that itwill bb difficult for tho small farmorhOrOyto compete with the farmers ofRUUkUDfil VUIUU1UU HUM UUU iUVJliVon account Of tho frolght ratoj - Thosoplaeoadp supply tno northorn Coastmarket With early vogotablos but as amatter of fact they havo to pay afreight tato Which is far in excess oflmt paid ifronr Hawaii to San CPran

while tno Mexican products aavoto pay tho duty besides For instanceit costs almost six dollars a ton moretq ship stuff from tho placo whore IAm in southern than it coststo ship It from Hawaii


Xdst Tributes -

Customs Inspectors and mombors oftbo Young MensJnstltutopald a tributeto tho lato William Gallagher fotmormember of tho customs sorvlco whodied on Wodnoiday when they turnodout in force for tho funeral which tookplace in tno atternoon Bcryices weroheld in tho Roman Catholic Cathedraland thp interment wng in tbo Nuuanucemetery Collector Stackablo grantedleaVo to all omplpyoes of tho customshodeo who wished to attend tho ser-vices


nnd consequently thoro was alarge attendance

ave StrongNerves



If you are interested today for our

a Method of HomoTreatment is

Dr nrosold by ortent on ofprice ft cent box six

by Dr0o gcuenee



Attirotmmtm rwuxa utTO TUHRttOUMHHS AKD


Berne astoandlng figures la rgr4to desths freM tubertilofl d ptttwonts In tha Territory were furnishedto A Mott Smith president of theboard of health for Incorporation lahis annual roHrt yesterday They showthat for tho year ended June 30 1911

no fewer than 483 oases of tuberculosisworo reported and 378 deaths Thereworo alsti 438 enJos of pneumonia Referring to tho tuberculous figures MrMott Mmltb said

That ulinnran nrettv rnmldnrhhlftepidemic When wo had thirty deathsfrom cholera tho community bocamo es--

any places over It


tho govcnmlont nlona betffoon 50000and 00000 not flgurlhg what It costtho interests in hiss oftrado and loia of tourist trafllc- Wolinvu 378 fatal cases of consumptiona tllscaso which kills just as dead ascholera does aud which ia more danger ¬

ous than cholera yet tho fact does- - notcausa even a ripplo of ozoltcmont

Tuborculosla VictimsPresident Mott Smltb intonds tbnt

his donartinout will do its utmost tofight this disoasbV Said hot

Tho board has a lnrgot appropria-tion for tuberculosis than It has hadbefore and a going to tako this matterup onorgotlcdlly It will ipstltuto a

crop campaign will






arouso tho Community out Of its lcttt- -

urgy ami awakou its attontlon to theresults of this disease Something hasgut to bo douo and ovorybody has gotto tako a hand

Thoro woro 80 deaths from tuber ¬

culosis tho previous your so tbat theincrcoso for tho year ended Juno 3Qlast is forty ftvo From our records Itis shown Unit tnborcnloBls has nhoiVna steady nnd romarkablo iilcroaaer intho Frurn 1900- tbo numborof cases has vgrowu from 24 to 37in tio yonr just epded Tho figuresnro for tho whold but thogreater numbor of dentils havo beenin Honolulu

Eavagoa ofIn regard to pneumonia tho number

of deaths for tho fiscal year rocentlyended was 438 as with 312 fortho- - year ended June SO 1010 Lastyear President Mott SmHh pajaparticujar attontlon to this subject in his an- -nunlropbrt tb the Oovornnr Ho statedtnnt pneumonia has beon a dlsdasecommon to this Territory and its mork icd incronso during tbo year Is underspoclal investigation and consideration

Thoro Booms to bo n6 good reSsoiwhywohould bavo so much pneumoniaIn Hawaii said ho Probably mostof these cases aro pneumonia following

Honolulu alono Had 188 deathsfrom his causo- -

pobihoo m mJOMIHEO TMIILE- -

A recont cablegram from Yolobrought nows that LOwthlan Williamsand Alfrod Young both passed theirexaminations in evory subject for ad- -mission nnd that thpy will bo admittedto Ynlo absolutely without conditionsBoth boys nro graduates of Punnhouwbora thoy hnvq been promlndnt Youngaa a milo runner and an export in thesurf was managor of theathletic association and also a track

Williams excellent showing wastho to his ainco he tookexaminations in all his subjects lastJuno Ho Is a son f J-- N 8V Williamsof Kahului Maui Young is a son ofJ O Young of Honolulu

There is absolutely rio Way ofreaching the nerve with medi-


except through the bloodThe nerves receive all of- theirnourishment and suppprt fromthe blood which under health- -ful conditions carries the ele

ment needed to rebuild wasted nerve tissue i s i

- Uei the blood deranged and deficient iff these elemenjsandthe nerves will be badly nourished1 arid heXacHesJ neufalgiasciatica lunctionai paralysis ana a nost ot other nervous troublesmay result

There is therefore no mystery about the facUtliat Dr WilliamsPink Pills for Pale People are both a blood builder and a nervefonic nothing unrecognized by science in 4he power oMhese pillsto cure severe nervous disorders as well asdiseases of the bloodpr Williams Pink Pills a specific for anaemia or deficiencyof the blood Hence they are a remedy all nervous diseasesWhich result from or thrive Under anaemic conditions

Mrs Frances Clark a dressmaker of fo 1020 B Howard street 8an Fran ¬

cisco California says I suffered for about throe years with nervoue debilityT was very nervousiand during most of tho threo years I cpuhj not sloop wellMy storaaeh was quite bad and J wnsjpale and somewhat run down I wasnotable to work steadily A friend urged me to tako Dr Williams Pink Pillsfor Palj People nnd upon doing bd Iclfcinueb better from the start X tookthera for iovbrnl weeks and gained ten pounds in weight and am able workevery dny I bavo rocommondod Dr Williams Pink Pills to many of myfriends and always with good results

The tonic treatment with Dr Williams Pinlc Pills by buildingup the blood so that it can nourish and strengthen the weakenednervoijs system has made hundreds of cures in the most severetiervotls disorders This record of cures should merit a trial forthe remedy which is guaranteed free from opiates and is entirelyharmless

sentbooklet Nervous

DisordersIt free

Williams Pink Pillsall druggists will bo

postpaid receiptper

boxes tWO the Wil-liam













mnnmore credit






Page 6: town Jti5 JPM Siiil · 2015. 6. 2. · tween the bidders Itecont communica-tions ¬ from Treasurer Colliding have conveyed tl intimation that tlio tim pemeU favorable for the flotation






Prom Wedneeday V AertirThere it tI8 whleb Is rntber

com won that where there la emoke

thwe ii tare 10 be lire Poltowing oatthat idea how much fire it there around

SopervlitoT Harry Murray in regard to

no polities in tho road worktTwico Inst evening Murray arose nnd

m w mm wrnnw1

ouureseu rac nttrnctCi attention of Murk Twainsuper wiu whllo tho noted humorist wns theso

telling thorn that ho wanted anyLnln hfnm in set Wilder out of tho I MMidf and his criticisms of tho samo

road department ns supervisor of thodistrict of Honolulu did not moan thatthere was to bo any politics connectedwith tho administration of tho depart-ment


Once ho told tho board this duringtho oorly portion of tho mooting andthen again just befora adjournment ho

told tho same thing again throwing asop Wider by snying that ho hadcot tho requisite experionco for outsidework but ho would bo a good man intho oflico of tho city engineer

At tho last mooting of tho boardMurray got up and solemnly told thoboard that tho proposed chango In thoadministration of tho roads was not forpolitical reasons

So tho speeches ho made last eveninggave a total of throe separate occasionswhen ho stated tho samothing

Whats the answcriBather Quiet

Otherwise than tho letter sprung bytho mayor in which ho nutifiod thoboard of Wilder s resignation and thomatter of tho prisonors weeding thostreets it was a quiet meeting

City Engineer Qoro reported on thoroad to the Chinese ccmetory in Manoawhich was in bad shape and said thatit could bo fixed for about eight hun-dred


dollars if a right of way was ob-


and Hurray askod that the mat-ter


bo referred to tho road committeeand tho engincor for action

City Enginoor Qoro in a communica-tion


to tho board asked for tho appoint-ment


of an assistant in his offlco at asalary of 175 monthly and this wasreferred to the ways and moans com-


on motion tf MurrayTho matter of loaning the county

road equipmont at Koolaupoko to thocontractor who gets the work on thofirst section of tho belt road wasbrought up und referred to the roadcommittee for report at tho next meet ¬

ingBy loaning this equipmont to tho

contractor it is hoped to rcduco tho costof building tho road as thoro would bonothing dtino with it during tho timothe work was being done anyway

Wilder EeslgnsBead Supervisor Wildors resigna ¬

tion was presented effective when hissuccessor is appointed and Murraysaid tnat no thought wilder would boa good man in City Enginoor Goresoflico but that bo did not bellove hohad enough experienco for tho work howas on

UlcClcllan made tho motion for theacceptance of tho resignation

Boads Are BadThe roads in Kohala aro in bad shape

according to a report made to thoboard and Marston Conipboll saysthere will be twenty prisoners Bentthere to work if tho city vriil furnishJour muie teams to assist

In rctrard to insurinu tho fivo auto- -mobiles of tho city Supervisor lowintroduced a resolution asking that thisbo done at a cost premiums for thoyear oi iui7ij

There was a warm oxchango of wordsbetween him and Murray over reforming the matter tho ways and meanscommittee this being tho action finallytaken

Milverton Gets FayIlilvcrton s Balary whilo ho was nb

sont in Kona was allowed but a reso-lution


wob introduced tho effect thatno city employ could horoafter bo ab ¬

sent for more than seven days unlesstho bead of his department notified thoboard of such intended absonce

To get back at Dwight SupervisorLow asked for a report from tho roadcommittee on tho matter of gas pipesand water mains in tho streots a matter which wns referred to tho committee for report

Dwieht replied that bo would bo ina position make a report tho nextmeeting

was taken until 1215July 28 to net on tho payroll only

1 1 I

HAWAIIAN liVZIIIFfiktywwimmwm vi1mmvffMtwmw



Do JJot Endanger Life When a Hono-


Citizen Shows Yon

the Cure

Why will people continue to suffer4bo agonies of kidney complaint back ¬

ache urinary disorders lameness headaches laneuor why allow themselves tobecome chronic invalids when a certaincure is offered them

Doans Backacko Kidney Pills is thoremedy to use because it gives to thokidneys tho help they nood to performtheir work

If you havo any even one of thosymptoms of kidney diseases euro your

elf now boforo diabetes dropsy orBrights disoaso sets in Bead this Honolulu testimony

James O h Armstrong Nuuanu Val-ley Honolulu Hawaii nyi I wasa AUUerer xrom Kidney trouble tor threeyears and Doans JlacWaeho KidneyPills completely cured mo I have badno return attack of the complaint during tho twti year I oun not roeommend this rauiwly too highly

Dosttn Dutkatue Kidney 1111a aroMri4 by drugKlH and starakeMrsnt SO mhU jwr Irtur 4x Imxm fcPor will b milUd riMUdpt ut priMby 11 IioUitr Drag 0 IfowtulitWMN4MI ftll lor IM iUWHlUBUmiU

ftMtMUr tli MCUke 11 MibUUU4




WA1H7KI Jfttf IM While tuMhMRtnit round n 1st f nltl rebbtoh a reMnt nf ili Iftwn dhevd an oh

Twlnim by German artist nf thename of Iluaetibarg The picture Is annlli ory repreewnllng the spirit nfOfMTgs Washington warning Jeff Davisagainst seeeMlon In the foreground withthe Continental army at Valley Forgo inthe background

Tlio painting Isnt much as n work ofnrt hut tins tho dlctinction of having

inu thoin






to at

will bo found in tho third or fourthChapter volume J of bis XnnocontaAbroad

W F Poguo chnlrman of tho boardof supervisors It A Drummond andSheriff Crowoll loavo for Moloknl thisafternoon to attend to matters ofcounty business Quito a number ofMaui peoplo are also going over to at-tend


tho rcdodicntion of tho nativochurch of Hnlawa valloy

During tho week Doputy AttornoyEnos Vincent wont to prosecnto Osakaaccused or stealing nvo nags of corn intho cob from T T Meyers barn At-torney


II C Mossman represented thodefendant Great interest was takenby tho Molokai peoplo in tho caso andmuch feeling was manifested for andagainst tho dofondnnt but aftor astubborn all day legal battlo tho courtfound tho defendant guilty and imposeda fine of fifty dollars An appeal wasnoted Tho flvo bags of corn werovaluod nt 10 which is rather high pricolor commercial corn but tho complain-ing


witness claimed tho samo to bo aspecial lot Bcloctcd for seed corn

Tho dofendant claimed tho corn tohavo bcon raised by himself on a plotof ground fifteen by forty fivo feet insizo Tho prosecution brought in oxpert testimony to tho offect that a plotof ground of that sizo could not producefive bags of corn and tho caso wontagainst defendant

A now attornoy M T Heen brotherof former Deputy County AttorneyHeen of Hawaii has oponed an offlco inLahaina

-- -




E A Mott Smlth prosident of thoboard of health yesterday forwardod toE A Mott Smith secretary of tho Torritory a roceipt for a copy of the Ses-

sion Laws which have just been pub-lished


in book form Tho volumo com-prises


tho laws of tho regular session of1011 of tho special session of 1900 andtho organic act

The best part of tho book is in thoback of it Thero is given tho organicact annotated by Governor Frear alabor to which tho oxocutlvo dovotodmany of his ovening hours Tho actis nnnotated with roforonco to UnitedStates statutes at large JJnitod States

upremo Court Boports tho Federal Re-porter tho United Statos District Courtof Hawaii Boports tho United StutesCourt of Claims Boports opinions oftoo united states Attornoy uenerai andtho Hawaiian Supromo Court Boports

Bosides including tho laws of tho lastregular session thoso of tho specialsession or iuuu and tno organic netwith its annotations broucht up to datetho volumo embraces a very full indextnus making it a valuable work oi ref-erence


It is on salo for 250 at thooflico of tho secrotary nf the TorrltoryIt contains 421 pages

Journals DistributedTho Journals of tho legislature for

last session nnvo also been printed anda numbor of copies wero mailed yes-terday


Some peoplo are apt to declare that tho Journals aro unnecessaryout tlioy aro xound very useful for Teroronco especially to lawyers and logis

Yorkand Drcdg

shortly to issued by tho Territorysubscriptions for which aro now being

wanted copies of tho JournalsAs tho book had not been printed whenTreasurer Conkling and Attornoy Hemonway loft for Now York thoy tookalong certified copies of tho proceed ¬

ingsFederal Court Decisions

A volumo which is now being printedwill contain tho decisions of tho Uni-ted


district court hero Tho sumof 2000 was appropriated at the lastsession of tho legislature for tho com ¬

pilation and the publication of not lessthan flvo hundrod copies of tho reportsof the decisions of tho court Preliminary to starting on tho printing thejudges formally assigned to tho Territory all rights to publish soil and distribute tho decisions and they furnishedto tho secrotnry of tho Territory frooof cost sucli decisions and tho syllabi

Herbs to StatesCAVITF- - Juno 21 It is undjrstood

that Hciu Aduiiral Albert Mertz commandunt of Cavito and Olougopo navalstations will bo ordered to the States

September From tin same sourcetli a information was obtained that Ad

Morts will be tho last olllccr offlag OMJcnod to the command ofthe naval In tho PlilllpplaosAtwr Admiral Merits tour of duty mcompleted which will be lu Hopiciiiliorun ofilcar with the rank of llouUnant- -

oominnndr or oouiuiuiidpr will be ordered to command tho Philippine uuvulstations CahlseowiAimJti sun


Tit ntMWr WMlelu will Im dispelled fur Hawaii narti ufUr ImIbk twin4 the Hirrlm railway wltwe hnrInk m ymrdy






kokor or Tin iix8aoonrntL


Mall 8iUl to The AdrertHerHI IX July M Last Thursday 3ro

feasor lerret tho roleano expert triedto take the temperature of relenting Mrs Wllhelmlna Dakor

lelo by slleklni a thermometer into formerly Mrs Hall havo agreed on anher maw and tho literally ato it arrangement as to tho futuro custodyup

li other words tho first experimentin sinking a thcrmomctor into tho liq-

uid lava of the crater of Kilaucn wasonly partly successful Tho scientistssucceeded in lowering tho instrumentinto tho molten lava but hero it wasdestroyed by chemical action and noreading of tho tcmpcTnturo of tho lavawas obtained Furthor oxporlmontswill bo mndo after changes bavo bocnmndo in tho apparatus based on tho

secured through tho first experi-ment


Tho first experiment was successfulonly mechanically said Professor Fer-ret


last Wo succeeded inlowering right into tho liquid lava ofOld Faithful ono of our thermometersThese are ten feet long and aro en-


in thrco protecting tnbes theoutor ono of iron tho middlo ono ofpure nicklo and tho inner ono of quartzTheso tubes form tho mechanical pro-tection


for a coll of plantinum wiro

Chemical Action GroatWo found that tho chemical activ

ity of the lava with its sulphurousgases was so groat that although itstemperature is far below tho moltingpoint of any of tho substances compos-ing


tho tubes thoy disintegrated voryrapidly in tho lava This was not simplo fusion The temperaturo of tholava was not great enough for thatbut chemical action so that in tho casoof this first experiment no actual temperature was taUon

Wo had three of theso thermomotors with us and boforo wo put in thosecond ono wo intend to ascertain auitodefinitely just what took place in thocase of the first one

Wo havo anothor kind of thormomoter n thermo electric one with whichwo can probably got temporary read-ings


Howovor it is our intentions withthe others t6 got not only the tempera ¬

turo of tho lava but to secure varhvtions of temperaturo in various layersnnd so forth

Professor Perrct explainod furthorthat the taking of tho temperaturo oflava was no now thing ana that ithad often boon dono before clsowhoreIt was howevor taken from lava inflows in which caso most of the gaseswhich causod tho trouble in tho ¬

periment last Thursday woro absent toa great oxtont nnd tho lava on thowhole in a moro tractablo condition

Ancient Bites SpoiledTho scientist told of an amusing inci-


which came to bis notice duringbis stay nt tho crater an incidentwmen rorms a snarp contrast with thoscientific work of tho professor Thoothor night a couple of Hawaiian ladiesndvanccd to tho edge of tho crator andcloso to the placo whoro Professor Por- -rct wns working with his scientific in-struments


they wont through a numborof tho ancient rites pertaining to thoworship of Pelo In tho course of theirrites threw 25 into tho cratorTho following morning aftor tho ladieshad departed a Hawaiian boy espiedtho coin which had fallen on a ledgoof black lava where it could bo reachedin safety Tho tomptation was toogreat and tho young man braved thowrath of tho goddess and did hor outof tho twontyfivo plunks

Presumably our old Hawaiian friendswill say that this is tho reason whyPelo ate tho professors thermometer



Horribly crushed and mutilated thobody of nineteen-year-ol- d Antono Josowas jesterdny picked from beneath thowheels of dirt wagons heavily lad ¬

en headed towards town on tho Muiliili road

Tho boy was tho fireman on tho trac--

latore Tho bond oxports in Now tion engine or read roller bolonging towno passod upon tno bonds which aro tlio Honolulu Construction









ing Company thnt daily brings threofour trains of dirt wagons in from thoMoiliill quarry and pulls them backempty The chain of wagons was already started on ono of its trips down-town and was passing a store at Moillill when Jose jumped off to get himself a pnekago of cigarottcs

On his return ho ran around to tliomaukn sido ot tho train and as he wnsabout to get on again noticed something wrong with tho that runsunder iaph wagon hooking on ta thatbohind it lie ran betwoon tho secondand third wagon and according to several witnesses stooped if ho wastrying to either straighten out or connect tlis chain

Ho was within n few fcot of thowagun and walking before it lest he borun over the engino as usual goingvery siowiy ino cnaiu sudden v appeared to strniehton out and iork himfrom bis feet Bofore ho could riseor turn over tho first whecol passedovor his abdomen

A little Hawaiian bov who saw fbotragedy screamed but iii tho rattle oftho engine tho engincor did not hoarhim and boforo his nttentlon cuuld beattracted four uecenivo wagons hadpiinwd over Joiefl body literally grind-ing it to pieces

Tlio boy who saw Joso fall ran orward throwing n dUino nt the engineerbut It fell short and before be couldreli tho bd of tlio train It was tooUt A eorfintrn jury last nighthroHKlit In vordlit ot liliUldAtb

nmim iwi

Ttv LoftdMl uiulaffMiuul rallwuvi- it i i

ll M Ml M V

llHSllw jWaM






From Wednesdays AdvertiserLarrlti Andrews as attornoy for J

W Hnll and Charles W Aabford rep

Jtadamo II







of Paulino nnd Thclma Hail whioa willbe put up to Judge V J Boblnson forhis approval

It is agreed that tho rlrlg shall boplaced in tho convent of tho Sisters oftho Sacred Hearts at Kalmuki and thattho oxpenso for their education maintcnanco and clothing Bhall bo paid byJohn W Hall Tho children shall remain at tho convent until tho furthororder of tho conrt

Both parents shall havo equal controlovor tho studies of tho girls subject tothe discipline of tho sistors Neitherparent shall tako or send tho childrenoff tho island without tho written con-


of tho other parent or an orderof tho court No court order for thoremoval of either or both tho childrenfrom tho Territory shall bo made without at least two days notice to bothparents if thoy bo on tho Island ofOahu

Subject to tho dlsciplino of tho Bis-


nnd at times when it will not un-


intorforo with their studiestho children may bo taken from thoconvont by the parents alternately forperiods as nearly as possible of thosamo duration Neither parent shallunreasonably intorforo with tho rightsof tho other oithor as to tho timeswhon tho children shall bo bo takenor as to tho duration of timo duringwnicn tno gins may bo kept by oitnerpatent

Either parent may apply to tho courtat any timo upon duo notice to thqoinor ior a modification of too decree

Agod Wills FiledTwo wills of the late Yim Quon wero

filed in tho circuit court day boforoyesterday and Judco W J Boblnsongranted an order for tho issuance ofletters of administration Tho willwhich was probated was dated Docombcr 8 1804 and tho witnesses J Alfrod Magoon and Ching On verifiod thedocument aitnougn Mr Alagoon re ¬

marked that he did not remember theoccasion Lylo A Dickey presented thewill on behalf of S Lung Fat nophowof ddecased to whom the letters of ad-ministration


will bo issued upon bisputting up a bond for 9500 JudgeRobinson named Chu Gem Tone Gauand Farm Cornn nil American citizensas appraisers of tho estate

Tho property left by Yim Quon com-prises


an interest in tho leasehold oftho store occupied by Wing Wo Talwhich S Lung Fat estimated to boworth 1000 or 1500 two shares inthq Iwiloi Bice Company valued atabout 1000 each notes representing

4000 advanced to tho rice companyton shares of tho par valuo of 100 eachin tho Honolulu Tobacco Company anda small interest in tno iinilun nco plantation

This ostato is doviscd to Yim Quonswiaow two song nnd tnrco daughtersall of whom resido in China They willshare and sharo alike Tho tostatordiod whilo on a visit to his old homo

All Aro DeadAttached to tho records filed ia tho

mattor was a previous will executed asfar back as March 7 1887 and in-dorsed thus Left by Yim Quon forsafo keeping March 7 1887 Williamroster clerk This will was witnessedby A C Smith and W Austin Whiting

A peculiar fact is that nil the personsjust mentioned diod before the will wasfiled Attorney A C Smith was abrother of tho lato W J Smith forsomo years secretary and oxecutlve of- -ucer or toe board of education and aprivy councillor under Kalakaua andQuoon Liliuolcalani W Austin Whit ¬

ing was successively attorney generalcircuit judge nnd associate justice oftho supromo court William Foster wastho first district magistrate of Hono-lulu


under ex Queen Liliuokalani Thoold document was viewed with muchinterest by court attaches while DanLogan the veteran newspaperman re ¬

called all the porsons connected withits making and who have since passedaway



SAN FBANCISCO July 10 Thattho investigation conducted by thegovernment medlcnl authorities intotho origin and cure Jfor leprosy wasproceeding along hopeful lines and thatan early announcement of a curativeserum might bo oxpoctcd was tho state ¬

ment made yestorday by Moses TClegg assistant director of tho Hono-lulu


iuvcstiatlon station who re-


hero on tho steamship SierraAbout a year ago tho leprosy germ

was lsloatod and tho physicians andsurgeons at tho leprosarium havo benworking to find a serum or vaccina thatwill bo ofilcaclous

tbciu investigationshas boon round

There is no plague cholera ontho islands said Clegg

This city bus no fair to drd anysuch visitation It ia 5 day fromliar the nearest infeoted port andto my kuowlcAo three baa beeutho poilod in which tha nbolomgerm bis been develop to a degreewwlly notleeuhle

As long a the uopta follow tbowuillnry Inttruetleni lulu down by DrltuMrt Illwo there will be n dHitrt ktiboRla yUiew pr4lfc fri IU

MulrrH beraAl ltt b CIUUK I Mrrltol J milium lUuaifui lanl IkuLu

I Kt

llMfc ia N Uve of ihmm

iiwtiniiimnKiiiiiiiiiUiliiHiHl HinijKjw ipilinl m iHHi HMmi3lM1IW






Mall Cormpondoneo of The Adver¬


iniO July 21 With but ono nega-

tive vote the belt read commission ofHawaii yestorday determined to sendto Washington for a road oxpert fromtho federal department of agricultureat n salary of 300 a month andtravollng oxponscs Tho negatlvo votowas that of Chairman James Low oftho board of supervisors who rcpM- -

scnts that body on tho commission ho

leading the party that deslrod to soo

County Engineer Southworth put inchnrgo of all tho work Including boththat carrlod on by the commission under net of tho legislature andby tho county Among tho numerousresidents and mon of Hilo whooxpressod themselves at tho meetingtho prevailing scntimont carried com-

pliment to Enginoor Southworth andbacked it up by a destra to soo ns manygood road oxperts in Hawaii as thorowas possiblo to got

In tho morning provioni to the publie meotinc which dofinltoly settled thispotint tho commission mot nnd organlined Commissioner Homer nominated by Hind was unanimously electedchairman and iowls acceptod tno secre ¬

taryship Tho resolution to hold allmeotlngs public and advertise as manyob possiblo was also arrived at

In opening tho public meeting in thoinfternoon Marston Campbell Raid thattho first thing to bo considorred wastho manner In which tho approval oftho bond issu had boon attained Thosecretary of the interior at Washington nad wanted to Know vory particu ¬

larly before ho passed on tho matterhow and by whom tho loan monoywonld bo oxpended Ho had also ask ¬

od how tho board of commissioners wasappointed and who wero tho commis-



Wisdom must bo exercised iatho matter of tho expenditure of thomoney as otherwise tho approval wouldnot bo granted whon it came to thofloating of tho rest of tha bond issueas only a portion thereof had boon issued at present

Question of Expenditure

Ono q jestion to consider was wheth ¬

er this monoy Bhould bo spent for re-


of roads for rapairs orfor now roads Tho community wasinterested in seeing good roads in gonoral Bepairs would not in Camp- -

bolls judgment bo a proper expendi ¬

ture but for instance ho believed thattho reconstruction bf tho road betweenHilo and Hakalau could not bo calledropair work it was reconstructionnnd thorofora

Tho definition of the bait road con-


anothor question The monoyniinnld not bo scattered all over thaIsland Tho work must bo concentratedand tho entire amount to be ised didnot amount to moro than a third of thssum which Campbell had estimated wasnfiMssarv to make a cood road com

pletely around tho Island Ho wantad to imDrcss on his heaTera tbt important point that the peoplo here weronot tho final judges tho commissionwas subject to criticism outsido tho Isl-


As a momber of tho commissionCampbell would work along theso linos

Carter was tho first broach thoquestion of tho enginoor doing so im-


after Oampboll bad spokenand remarking that lio wanted to takothe bull by tho borns Personally hothought it would bo woll to employexpert and ho had therefore taken iton himself to write on his responsibility to tho good roads departmentof tho department of agriculture atWashington asking if any such en ¬

gineer woro availableCaso of Engineer

This was an important matter andtho vory best advice was needed fortho laying out ot permanent roans wai-ter


had somo time ago suggested thisplan to Horner and Hind and from tbaremarks which they bad made at tbatime he bollovod that they agreed withhim Tho good roads department sappned engineers or recommended suchwhen it was requested so to do Tbomen they recommended had made splen ¬

did recordPersonally Carter did not know tho

present county engineer and there was

notning personal in uo mhvuhud navftr nvon conversed with bunbut he did not think that his experiencehad been sufficient for tno mg woreat hand Furthermore thttro wobenough work for tho county anginoar

to do outsido of tho commission workPolitics Bhould be kopt out entirelyand political considerations which worethose which had been urged moststrongly on should bo lputaside

Later in answering Mr Carter MrBoathworth took tho floor and said thatmany bad boon mado with regard to tho county flnginear Mr Car-



had said tbat ba was not acquaint ¬

ed with him and that ho wns not capablo of hnndling tho largo work whichtho commission bad on band Tho countywould havo 200000 a year to sponuon road work and would therefore havoto bo reckoned witn no mouAccording to Doc- - wVn ii tt mmii

tor Clegg it i too early to ay whether - TmnorVnt moceswill nrnvA that n I - -














of onglnoorlng work wmen n uaa noneHo olio road a stftteinent showing howho had como to bo appointed countyengineer

You o I wa appointed Ucb liotnnny political string ot restraint wildBouthwortb I me here m wanbtolutm strauger Bomo people bareare for we and onn aro ogaluit weThoy have sited mo up but they dontknow what I do

Mr Uwli H ni tin rprHttlvs ef Uh wity ftYmml and Mveutad tha aMtton sf Mr KwUiwwlii m 414 mvmiI tttUra A mmlm

mnHm ww mt mvtDeans aad iltU mornl wH 1 mhI out U t U d Suuu ti tba tut n Htib m4 IUwU to m m U VK twilmu nt tfe www4 MlJiuiuJiM kvd Ktibukkit Uy ut tUt fernl prugrMM un privsu ImiMm nutt Ut wmwh tot II w Ka




At one ottoak tlili morning HarryNlwll who I In the Fort Bbafler hoipltal with a frsclHred skull tho result ofgundays automobile aMldenl hnd re-

gained conscious and appeared toknow thoso about Mm rocognletng hiswife who had novcr left his ildo prac-tically slnco tho unctinscloiui body wascarried into tho military ward

Earlier in tho night it was reportedthat ho had suffered a relapse althoughtha report that ho hnd boon given upnnd that no hope for recovery remainedwas denied

Aboard tho Slorra Mrs W J Coonthe mother of tb6 injured man andhis brother and bis brldo aro journeyingto Honolulu having snllo dfrom SanFrancisco boforo tho nccidont occurredThry wero notified of tho affair as soonns tho Sierra canto within wireless dis-tance




Tho mattor of tho appropriation ofcertain land for tho Kohala forest roservo will como boforo tho circuit courtshortly it is belioved Somo timo agotho Wood estate was offered what wasconsidered to bo a fair price and re¬

fused it Condemnation procoodingawero instituted and the Governor statedyestorday that tho Territory hopes toget a hearing boforo tho circuit courtat an early dato

J lie matter of a reserve had beenpending for a long whilo and finallyu general meeting was hold in thothrone room last year at which somoof tho Kohala people were present nowell as porsons hero representing thocompanies interested

Some of the companies and peoplo ofKohala agreed to contributo funds fortho purpose of buying tho land need¬

ed thoy bolng interested In tho exten-sion


and preservation of tho forests


Chamberlains Colic Cholera andDiarrhoea Bemody has relieved moropain and suffering and saved moreHves than any othor medicino in useFor sale by Benson Smith Co LtdAgents for Hawaii

orally agreed that tho first attentionshould be given to roads nearest Hilo

as the nearer the city the moro thotraffic

Practical SuggestionsL A Thurston said that no ono was

moro vitally Interested in good roadsthan ho himself and the interests withwhich ho was associated It seamed tohim that the antagonism botwoen thoroad commission and tho board of su-pervisors


was an entira mistake Hodid not sco why thoro should bo anyiriction and why tho greatest of harmony snouid not prevail it would beto tho best interest of both bodies thatsaparato organizations bo maintained

Tho employment of an outsido en ¬

gineer implied no reflection on tho su-pervisors


or the county enginoor Thorailroad employed specialists to takocharge of various kinds of worksuch as bridges tunnels etc and thiswas not construed as a reflection on thonblllty of Chief Engineer Kluogcl whowas competent to do any of tho workhimself Whore such a largo sum as

000000 was to bo spont he did notsea why tho service of a specialistshould not bo onlistod

Ios Angoles hnd Bpent fivo milliondollars on a similar commission plansoparato from tho supervisors with agood roads man from Washington ThoHawaii commission and tbo supervisorscould apportion the road work betweentham It would be a good plan fortho commissioners to inspect all thoroads so as to get an Idea of tho workwhich lay boforo them and thoy shouldcot their engineer on too ground assoon as possible They could then maketheir estimates and u tno-- souuuuu wasnot sufficient they could either spreadthe money over the entire road distanco to bo covered pr they couldbuild tho best kind of road ub far astbo money would go

It was possible that there would boonly monoy enough to build a certainportion of the belt road In such casoit was possiblo that tho commissionersand tho mporvlsorB might agree tobuild a section thereof each As soonas tho commission completed ono section it should turn It over to tho coun-ty which it was to be hoped wouldadopt tho cantonnicr system

Mr Thurstons opinion was that thafirst thing for tho commission to dowas to provide a road which wouldpermit traffic around tho entire isl-


At present it was aoxt to Impos ¬

sible to go from Walmca to Hilo In¬

stead ot beginning at Hilo only itwould worn wise to begin at severalplnees for instance to work at Ha- -

maicua aiso ana anna iuj iuu tu um-moa

At tho public meeting tu Knowing wero among those presents Com

mlMlnnan Horner Lewis Campbell

nind and Carter nnd Messrs WckardBcott Moir Lindsay Mariner uicn- -

Austin from Kohala Furneaux VlcaraBains Haiuonui uuaro i ornuyrosHolmes Wiao Kluegel Brugnbelll Patten Bwphen DmIib C T Sbipinan rbrlnha Thurston WJlllawi J D JCtfa

nwly eyo Forbes FiUgeMid WeryJuboiOii renion Buiui wuumygtneer Soulltwortb end others



iA0 OIWTMItN U guaranteeds iitrv any eaae ef Iw4ig Wind

IlleadiMi or PretaHtliit Pil in 6 t

MtbjyaornwneyrefwiJed WadelPAM1 MKmclNg CO feint J4mV A

Page 7: town Jti5 JPM Siiil · 2015. 6. 2. · tween the bidders Itecont communica-tions ¬ from Treasurer Colliding have conveyed tl intimation that tlio tim pemeU favorable for the flotation

Mit mrmjw ifui jmjiiitTi iif jj j jm duiJsijLaij ms UWfeab

a mmmm new mntmm1fci r4Ma it l

M ri Ml IMS t W fa WI IH SvWnKf WwlIt1 wMtfWIPB

MMfltW ft wtWf H HWl 1 iM twr ifrH n W M

law Wy mm4tmtm

feAalA iafeaAafe taflBfeA KdhftA

IMS MtftlMWl vt Mftw ifpitWapttWa tad tiit tf MHH for lk

Stats IIDHItatrr affalra Hf ffw ttfcataNolatlr HtMHtl III wh eawa It

VITAL STRENGTH A XJNBECJYId ihtnw nfl llii MotMi taliftga andmIMirt ra

III nirronrti ni



UlkU ffUlnlrIM

X MH4t

wnitWi r it1 a t fc

f Mf H


rl MHKMI IDstt tor

tub new rRENon remedyTHCRAPION Wo 3than hy an olhr knwn wmblnallon Soaural It li laktn In aesrlan with thajirlninl dlrtttlona aetempanrlaft It will lhaahatlarrd htatlh bt reMorad and a new rxlitenc Imparlad TMa nwnlMful mtdleammtIt potly vtgaUblt and Innocuooi It arretabla to the tatta suitable tat all Minitltntlona and condition in either tax and It ladifficult to imagina a cda ot diltait or aruicemtnt whom main tatnrt ara tbota ofdebllllr that Will not ba speedily and permanently beneflled by thtt never falllnc rataparatlre ettrnee which It destined to railInto oblivion ererythine that hta preceded Itor ihla wide spread and numerous elate o

human aitmenta

THERAPIOla aold by tho principal Chemlita thronehontth world Trice In England 20 per packetrnrchttera thouldteo that the word Thtraplon appeara on Brltlah Government Stamp

In white lettera on a red Rroond affixed toevery package by order ot Ula Maletty aHon Commltiloneri and without which it laa forccry

Theraplon may now be bad in taateietsform

5 jiAst linrr SJ



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Hawaii lf rfirn i fahmy



Keios Defeat Portuguese but No NipponeseRooters on Hand to Enjoy Victory --

Poor Crowd Attends Game

a o


From Sundays Adretttser

Saints boat 3 A 0 4 to 3Keios beat P A O B to 3

About twolvo hundred peoploturned up to tho games and thonfternoou was Uko a mourningday Tho Japanese fans stayedaway from tho Park and thoKeios had to play without muchBupport from tho grandstand orTjlcachors Still brilliant playby tho Japanese was applaudedand a good example would havobeen sot if thoro had boon anyNipponese present to tako no¬

tice ot tho fact

Yesterday afternoon at tho AthleticPark two games of ball were playedand undor any other circumstancesthoro would havo been a big crowdpresent to see the struggles As it wasonly tho loyal rooters for tho Portu-guese


wero on hand Tho lonoly Kcionine had nobody to root for them Itmust have been dispiriting for the vis-


and they must think that thoHonolulu Japanese nre tbo limit

Tho BToios playod fine ball yesteadayand thoy scored in their very first in-


That is the sort of performancethat tho fans like and yet thoro werobut few Japanese rooters there to scotho great play of their countrymen

Poor CrowdTho grandstand was not half full the

mauka bleachers held a fair number offans but tho other bleachers weroempty The seats around tho lowerend of tho field were in tho solo pos-session


of ono man and the aspect wasa dreary ono

Tho Keios walked onto tho ground totho accompaniment of loud hoots andthoy gave tho impression that theywore only going to play in order tomako sure that tho guaranteed sumof money for tho series was not for-feited


Plenty of PolicePolice officers wero present in dozens

and some f them who tried to outertho under part of the grandstand inpursuit of their duty aro alleged tohavo been stopped by the officials Thenew rule that tiara out everybody oxcept players and managers is nn absurd ono and it is going from one extreme to the otter

Japanese BoycottThe Japanese boycott of the ball

grounds arose over tho faet that thoNipponese thought that they had notgot all that was coming to them at themeeting of tho Oahu League on Fridaynight Considering that the only kickmado by tho Keios was in reforenco tothe umpires and romembering that anarbitration board is to investigate thematter it seems hard to understand thoattitude of the Honolulu Japanese ballxans

UmpiresYesterday Bort Bower and Gin

gcrMayno refused to act under anycircumstances Barney Joy and Henryvnmingworta omciated ana even thenthere were occasions when IshikawaKanUi and that oocksuro shortBtop oftho Keios kicked about decisions

Barney Joy too3c no back talk fromthe Keios and nt least once bo warneda batsman to cut out remarks or elsethere would be something doing in tho

ay ui ucncuingAs far as the came wont it is enailv

described Pedro pitched more thanjnan tno game and then ill at Preitastook his place in tho box Pedro hadbeen fliit about a bit and tho changewas made in tho hopes of stopping theTun getting

iTeitas had one run scored off himand that was in tho cichth otherwisethe well Itnown twirler got them overine piate aiirignt ite has tho paceand sometimes ho slips ovor a curvethat does the trick

Score In PirstTho Keios mado two aruns in thoir

first inning and it was Kanki andHlyake who did tho work It hap¬

pened in this way Sasaki died atfirst Kanki made the initial sackwith a hit past short stop ho stolesecond nnd was broucht homo brMiyake who hit out a two baggerKoyama then camo up to bat and hocorea ivanm

Tho Portuguese also got going intheir first inning and thoy mado onorun in that spasms Souza fannedOrnellas Amy out to right Two outand all hopes wero abandoned for thoinning Bushncll howovcr got tofirst on a hit to center and then on awild throw of catcher kopt goingJike a Bprlnter and completed tho circuit Bushnell took a great chancebut with two gone it was about thoonly thing to do

Tho next scoro was also mado by thoP A C and thoy in their half of tbosecond mado ono run more It wasBrito who crossed tho plat safe andtrio play wag as follows Pedro waskilled at first Dcpouto flew to second Two gone and the chancos ofscoring almost hopeless Brlto got tofirst on shorts error reached secondon n jiagspd ball Mitdoiro lilt a peaehand got to second wlido Brlto scoredMadeira wns jiercJied on third whichho hud stolen when floorcs fannedTwo Innings flnlsliod and the seoretied twp each

Thuds w notblHfcr doinir In the Marrig lino till tho first half ot tho flhllfr tlio ICeioa cot two men hams ami

liivi I Ml tv a crooil martflli TI atar1g fft JRe in Oio olIowlK ftiWpBInfHMHi rH TOH 10 BfH IWtHMIbBtJ d m II IjiMIaI WtwlWMM4 MIhA m4 firwi t4 tk mUljt imrm im mmw


KuyMt M stV41 KMtill M4M ImMMT T


Lucky SeventhIu tho seventh tho Portuguese added

ono to thoir total and tho Store thenstood at S to 3 Tho P A C scoredllko thlsi Brlto reached first safeFrcitas sacrificed and Brito advancedto second Soarcs got to first on hitto center and Brito scored

Tho Keios scored ono run thoireighth and it happened this wny Ko¬

yama handed out a hit thnt wont undor tho scats nt tho end of tho fieldHo got thrco bases for tho elTort Tnkahama mado first on n wallop past sec ¬

ond and Takahnma died nt tho homoplato Fukuda mado first safe Ishi ¬

kawa also reached first and Fukudacamo homo That was all tho scoringdone and the gamo ended next inningwhen nclthor sido scored

First aamoTho first gamo between tho J A C

nnd tho Saints was won by tho latterteam and tho scoro was 4 to 3 ThoSaints wore first up to bat and thoymado two runs in their first innlncrTho J A C also piled up a brace ofruns in tneir urst and tno Bcoro wastied In tho third tho Saints got onoman home and in tho sixth tho J AO nino ovenod things up onco moreuy maiung oio notch

Tho Saints had too many guns how ¬

ever and in tho lucky seventh thoyadded ono to their scoro and cinchedtho game Tho official scores of bothgames as recorded by W T Bnposoarc as iouow

St Louis vs J A O

ST LOUIS ABBBHBBPOBn Sue cf iBushncll p 4Brtins c 4Joy lb 4L Tin 2b 4Alarkham 3b 4Hayos If 4Ayau ssH Chack rf


Akana lb 4Chil worth ss 4Asam lf 3b 3Franco 2b 4Walker cf 4Boss 3b 3Wakita If 0Nbtloy rf 3Hoopii c 3Clark p 3

Totals 31Scoro by inninirs

4 3


St Louis Buns 2 0 1B H21 1

JAC Buns 2 0 0

BH3 0 0Summary Two baso




5 0

0 0 10 040 12 0 070 0 10 0 030 0 05hits Akana

Chillingworth Clark Markhamuco Asam icit on oases Bt Iiouis5 J A C 2 first base on errors StLouis 3 J A O 4 double playsWalker - Chillingworth BushnoU Joystruck out by Clark 7 hv BimlinMl sbases on called balls off Clark 1 offBushncll 0 wild pitch Clark passedballs Hoopii 2 Umpires Kualii andnice nine or game 1 hour and 3minutes


wasaw ss 3 10 0 4 3Kanki b 4 2 3 3 3 3Miyake 4 1 1 0 0Koyama rf 4 0 2 0 3 0 OTakabama cf 4 10 0 3 0 0

c 4 0 3 0 111Ishikawa p 3 0 0 0 0 4 0H8M 3 0 0 0 2 0 6jj usaKO 3D 4 0 0 0 12 1

TotalP A C

Souza 3b tOrnelias rfBushnell ss 4Franco 2b 4Pedro p cf 4Deponte If i4Brito lb 4Madeira cf 2Freitas p 1SoareB c 4

Total 30Score by innincs

35 7 27 19




27 14


lb 10

33 5 9 3 27 13 4ABBBHSBPO A E5000031

Keio Buns 2 0 0B H3 0 0

P A C Bunsl 1 0B H1 1 0


3 3







0 10 0 0 0

110 0 2 00 1 0 5 7 00 0 0 0 2 00 10 122 2 0 14 00 110 00 0 0 0 10 10 7 2

3 8 1 27 19 3

2 0 0 1 0 511112 000 0 0 10 0 310 0 3 1 1

Summary Three base h4t tcvvmtwo base hits Miyake Koyama Maideira sacriflco hits Freitas Higo- - lefton bases Keio 5 P A a 0 first baseon error Keio 1 P A C 3 doubleplays Deponto Franco struck out byPedro 4 by Freitas 0 Ishikawa 1 baseson called balls pff Pedro 3 off Freitas0 off Ishikawa 0 passod balls Soares1 Fnkuda 1 innings pitched by Pedro0 by Freitas 3 hits off Pedro 0 offFreitas 3 Umpires Joy nnd Chilling¬

worth Two of gamo 1 hour 01 raintites



ATLANTIC CITY Now Tfirv Ti15 fco more will tbj Intending Elk bocompelled to rldo tho goat climb agreased polo or do other stuuts Jnconnection with tbo initiation TheUst Jmporlont action of tho Grand

iMNJKO or kiks which has beea iu convantlim liaro nit this wook was toabolish absolutely all honso play andbusing In tho inlUtoJory rltoi of thaurder

1 Ms ends a fight thatwgl for a dewids by agrowing element In tha oivhiib ontnild that thsdtterntd imuv tusa ttam


has beenWuhUmly

ucrM play

lmm m r vftehmtH

mmu limy July Uhm - kmmi ihrut

lti MMMtrK1YenstiMlNBlWUwUajtMaJais





Pram Wednolays AdvertiserUovsritsr Prem- - hold a lontr eonfor- -

otHM- - 1th tha heads of the departmentseiL rtlsy afternoon tho only nbwnlwii

being Trtumrer Conkllne and W Tlop superintendent of publle Instruo- -

tlon who are ou the mainland ChnrleeJudd tho now land commissioner

was present nnd wns Introduced tohis collaagacs A E Mott Smlthsecretary of tho Tcrtltory MnratonCnnlpbcll supcrintendont of puhKoWDrksi Alcxnndor Itnilsnv lr nllnrney general J H Fisher nudltor and

rMirt iir ri i i ivi ii ii ui iviruuriui survoyorThe davs of cabinet councils lmuiMl

with tho monarchy and yesterdaysgathering was a mooting called by theuuvcrnor jubi 10 taut things over inn general way ana to got into closertouch with oaich other n lm tpressed it

Mattors of ImportanceAlways at tho beainnintr of tho blon

ninl period thcro are mattors of importance to bo discussed and a number of vital subjects woro taken unTho meeting would have boon holdearlier in tho month but for tho factthat it was acomed dosuablo to waituntil Mr Judd arrived It was not intho nuturo of n cabinet mooting to dis ¬

cuss specific projects but was holdsimply to talk over gonoral policiesnnd methods

lesterday was tho first time in along while that tho heads of tho department havo had a gonoral mootingwith tno Oovornor Ono or two nndsometimes thrco heads of dopartmontshavo at various thimes discussed withhim or with lendi other tho specificmattcra with which thoao departmentshavo to do but thoro are no longercabinet meetings to dccldo or discussspocial matters in the individual dopartmonts In other words tho headof a department is not now callod into discuss a matter with which his de ¬

partment hus nothing to doHowovcr there are certain questions

of general policy or methods and rela-tionships


questions of cooperation andsuch which can vory well ba discussedby all Tho meeting hold yesterdaywas for that purpose





All money paid to tho Kapiolani Estato by the Territory in connection withtho Punchbowl leases must according tothe act be repaid by those who aro tobo benefited The statute states thattbo Territory must got all it pays tothe Kapiolani Estate back out of thePunchbowl people

That fact may not bavo occurred toA Lessee whose lotter on tho flub- -

ject of tho Punchbowl lands was pub ¬

lished in The Advertiser yesterdaymorning Probably it has also beenoverlooked by many other interestedparties A Lessee wrote

Let tho Governor who has done allin his power to help us to obtain theselands go ahead with tho subdivisionand the apportionment as well as tholaying out of now streets with tho leastdelay for tho quicker that it is donetho better As for the Kapiolani Estate wo all bavo had so much of itthat tho quicker wo get rid or thothing the better

People Must PayIt may be well to point out howover

that it may not bo quite so dcslrablo toget rid of tho thing as quickly assome of the lessees think Thoy willhave to pay the piper so thoy Bhouldtaito time to consider how much or hawlittle they oucbt to civo

Treasurer John F Colburn indicatedJn a newspaper interview tho other daysome of tho things lor Which tho Kapiolani estate expects to receive a monetary consideration tor which tho les ¬

sees who later get titles must providetno casn ucro are tho chief items

Leases for one year 10009 konohlki labor 10000- - valuo of woodSVMu valuo ot extensions of subleases 800 stone and earth 1800This is a total of 23800 The estateintimates that it could get mora thanthat before its lease expires and therefore would havo the nubile think thatit stands to lose oven if the full 20000mentioned in the act were paid it

Pertinent QuestionsWhile the leases for ono vcar may bo

nominally worth 10j000 or more thoquestion has been asked Is not someof tho money bard to collect and is thocsiuio ro do paid tno lull value whenIt lias moro or less dlQieultv in obtaining It in full f

then as to tbo Item of 10000 forkouohikt labor tho ouorr hou bcou nutsOf what uso to tho Porluguoso wouldno too purchase of that f Jlow wouldit bain those who want to out theirIftiuiw to bo Hindu to pay for this labor

ihb ruiiewjoffi people might verywen uujsci to ooiug obliged ultimatelyto put up for tbMo itouis and ulfo thouiuuunu lur tUim and earth and thotixttiutluu of suhIwiao

Jovsruor Pttar w utksd ywtvrdayKith regurd to mind of lliwo mutlurhut he 4id ml ore t ge into thswI miUtuimi biminit with itllHg tfcet

IJmi MbrllNlktftUW bM Wt IMtJiy WO KM

t Uif jUUu f buying tha AsI1 u h im mw u m

UMUUH HlMBll wall iituldlv-1 1

-- LSTJ F - 7 r IiwawM iwr yutn wum wmmito mm 4AIU uuUvy awtmit



Several Thousand Pans Watch Native Sons Put ItAll Over Japanese University Team

Kick Registered

Fromo rirfltly wel filled


Mondays Advertiser

P A O beat J A D to 3Hawalls boat Keios 4 to 0

Notwithstanding tho boy¬

cott of tho dnfiancso fans ncrowd of about threo thousandturned out to sco tho gamesyesterday It was a fair mind ¬

ed crowd and good play of bothtowns was applnudod A fewmisguided kids nnd roughnecksbooted tho Keios sovcral timesbut the decent peoplo woro will ¬

ing to sco somo good in thoJapanese Tho whitewash hasnow boon applied to the Keiostwlco and strango to say boththe scores aro tho snmo vl4 to 0 Tho Saints did tho tricklast week and tho Hmjniis didtho same yesterday

Thcro --was undiluted joy yestorday attho Athletic Park whon tho NativSons of Hawaii beat tho Koio Univer ¬

sity team by n scoro of 4 to 0 It wasn groat feat and tho Honolulu boysplayed fine ball Tho work of Lota nndRaphael was of tho host Icind and thorest of the team did oxcollontly

Several plays woro brought off thatastonished tha Keios tho stealing oftho Hawaiis was a thing of joy to sooand tho fans went crazy with dollghtwhon tho nets camo off

Hitch About PlayersThoro was a hitch boforo tho gamo

started but as that sort of thing hashappened noarly evory timo tho Koioshavo stepped onto tho ground nobodywas surprised vory much

Tho kick at tho Btart was about thonawoiis having Honry Chillingworthand Franco on their nino As St hasbeen docided that En Suo not being amomber of any Oahu League toamshould not bo allowed to play on thoHawaiis tho fact that at tho meetingtho other night it had beon arranged totako any Oahu League player onto theHawaii toam Captain Dosha stuck tohis guns and had hie own way aboutChillingworth nnd Franco

UmpiresTho umpiro question cropped up and

at ouo timo it looked as if thoro wouldbo a long delay Barnoy Joy was onthur ground but a second man was notto bo soon At laBt Bushnoll wob taskedto act and as ho is known to bo a goodstraight keen observer of the gamo howas very accoptahlo to tho crowd

Few Japanese PresentBeforo tho big gamo started a few

Japanese began to como into tboground Thoy had to run tho gantletof hundreds of their countrymen whoBtood outside tbo park and tried to per-suade


all Japancao to boycott thogrounds

Thcro was a good sizod crowd in thograndstand and tho bleachers wero



Slight Red Eruption Grow to boTerrible Sleepless Nights andRestless Days Mado Life a Burden

Was Completely Discouraged



--Tcr xirtecn Ions years I havo beenBrrHerinc tilth a bad caso cf akin dia

caso wnllo a childthcro broke out a redsore on tho legs justIn back of rny kneescaused by a tight col-ored


carter At firstit seemed to bo aslight affair but nrnduclly it waxed frombad to worse and atloot 1 saw I had a badokln diseaeo I triedmany houso remediespnu olio many widely

fercnt cities but to no satisfactory rnultfbo placiio bothered mo moro In wormweather than In winter end being on mylog JoinU It mado It Irnpocslulo for rooto walk nnd I was forced to stay indoorsIn tho warmoat weather

My hopes of rooovcry wero by thistimo tpent Slwmlcss niRliU end rrctless doy mado Uro nn unbearable burilen At lost I was advised to try thoCuticura Jjrmedoa nnd I d d nr t needmoro than a trial to cxnvlnco mo thatI was pn tho rood cf evwa his timoIboucht two sou ot tho Cutloura Bern- -

Mils end eftor thoso woro gono I yoaa dlfforent man entire y The Cuticuraftemod o certainly did a great WaFfmo m It olmneod my whoKi career frombad to hojkI I am now tho lionplMttnon that Ilium In nt nsn i

11 Npitrund Ave flroph yn N YJuly 30 Aug B 1UO0 J

lifllfurtnlvlillilrwiiiloliofuiiiunii miM

1 MAufhA

The crowd Was outto oniov Itself nnd 11 certainly didwhen tho Mduok egg was roclstorcdngnlnst tho visitors

Slight Showers

Thoro woro sovcral slight showersduring tho afternoon and tho ball boonmo n trifle groasy and sllppory Stillit was ns fair for ono side as tho othernnd thnt was all thoro was to it

Tho Hawalls scored in thoir first in-

ning nnd ono run was registeredmuch to tho dollght of tho Honolulurooters Tbo run mado tbo Hawaiisfcol good nnd thoy Wont to tho gamolike tigers niter that It wns tho only

Bill who scored tho run nnd ho didthrco quarters of tho work himself

Blco Scores

William wont up to bat nnd gottlnghis stick onto tho noso of tha ballwalloped out a throo bagger thatbrought tho fans to their foot with ayoll With Bill perched on third itwns easy for Will Desha to bunt nndsacrifice Blco home That was donennd then tho cheers wero loud nnd long

Nclthor sido scored in tho socondthird or fourth but in tho fifth tho Ha ¬

waiis added ono moro run to their totalIt happened this way W Desha boathis hunt to first nnd thon stole sec-ond


D Dosha flow to third Warkhnm died at first Chillingworth madofirst sufo and Dosha camo homo

In thoir half of the sixth tho Ha ¬

waiis covered thcmsolves with glorynnd by scoring two runs about cinchedtho gamo Franco bunted and madofirst safe Droier ropoatod tho notwhile Franco was put out nt soeondBnphaol then camo up and with abeautiful two baggor advanced DroierLota then got to first on a wallop nndDroier nnd Raplmol scorod That endedtho scoring although thoro woro manyexciting momonts during tho other in-nings


Koios BattlorTho Koios wOxo moro or less up in

tho air all tbo afternoon and thoybrought off somo plays that showedthem to bo all nt Boa Tho Japanesoappear to bo forgotting what thoy dildknow about tho gamo and any of thoHonolulu teams Bhould bo ablo to takethoir measure now

First Gamo

Tho first gamo botwoon tho J A Onnd the P A O ended in n victory forthe rortugueso This is tho tirst timethey bavo ovor defeated tho JapanesoAthlotios that is at loast during thopast two years

Tho J A C scored throe runs in thoirfirst inning and that was all thoycould ninntigo to do for tho rest of thogame Tho Portugucso mado four runsin their fifth inning and that was justenough to win by No other scoringwns dono by either sido and tho gamoended in a win for tho P A C by ttscoro of 4 to 3 Tho official scores ofboth games as compillod by W T Baposa aro as follow

J A 0 vs P A 0J A C Asam 3b Chillingwortb

ss Franco 2b j Walker cf Boss cfNotloy rf Brito Ibj Wakita If Mor-rison


c Esplnda pP A 0 Souza 3b Ornollas rfj

Bushncll p Pedro If Fllzor lb Bcgocf Lino 2b Joseph c Frolias ss

Score by inningsJAC Buns 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 03BH3 2 110 10 0 08PAC Buns O 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 I

BH0 0 0 12 12 2 8Summary Thrco baso hit Souza

two baso hits Asam Wakita Souzasacrifice hit Chillingworth loft mbases J A 0 0 P A C 4 first basoon orrors J A C 1 P A 0 3 doubloplays Franco Chilllngworth

struck out byBushnoll 3 Esplnda 1 basos on calledballs off Bushnoll 2 Esplnda 3 Unwpires Joy and Marcallino Timo offgumc 1 hour and 8 minutes

Keios vs HdwaiirfKEIO ABBBHSBPO

Basam ss 3 0 1Kanki 2b 3 0 1Miyake c 3 5 0Koyama rf 4 0 1Fukudn p 4 0 0Higo If 2 0 0Kusaka 3b 3 0 1

to lb 4 0 2Nnrasaki cf 3 0 1

Totnls 29 0 24 13HAWAII

Blco IfW Desha cfD Desha rfMarkhnm 3bCbll worth esFranco 2bDrolor lbJnihaol cLota p

33 12 27by




7 0




Totals 4 3 11 0Scoro innings

inwso 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 0B H1 1 n n n n 1 1 n n

Hawaii 1 Buiis1 0 00 1 8 0 0 4-- BHC OS 0 2 4 1 1 IJiTy flire01a M Blco two

IColo 7 Hawaii 0 first Laio on orron- f

Churls 8 loutlimayi a rotlrod Jwyr who won ongo a W puiUur ofABtJruw Jkwit wi jMir a werof tli unions firm at Itvarls South

Lniin1 tui WUMKJwl Willi wy

MUm4 CiHuimity m U tiuttmtjd

IU UMliluUMr th iiuS t

Isvvlat tumuinu4t f ikt Hmht

iii in hw irk



Page 8: town Jti5 JPM Siiil · 2015. 6. 2. · tween the bidders Itecont communica-tions ¬ from Treasurer Colliding have conveyed tl intimation that tlio tim pemeU favorable for the flotation



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And do riot know what

to take Then go direct toyour doctor Ask his opinionof Aycs Sarsaparilla It con-



no alcohol no stimulationand is a blood purifier a nervetonic a strong alterative an aidto digestion Ask your doctorabout Ayers non alcoholic Sar-



as a strong tonic forthe weak

Ayers Sarsaparilla

Pnetna W Or J C Am C ImH Uuk 0 8 A



chinery of every Oeacrlptton mad toorder

HonoluluMajiament Works Ltd

Successors to Shaw Sovlllo

E3KO near Alaca or F O Box 401


VITAL STATISTICSBoard of Health Records

BIRTHSKATJLIA July 23 810 N King to Mt

and Mrs James K Knulin a eonYAEGER July 11 150SB Emma Ht

to Mr and Airs Everett E Xacgcra daughter

GAT Juno 30 3300 Gazctto Ave toMr and Mrs F 8 Qay a son

JAVJETE July 8 Kamobamoha IVRoad to Mx and Mrs Louis WJavcte a son

MORALES July 23 Vineyard andBueklo Lane to Mr and Mrs MarionS Morales a daughter

DEATHSPALI July 21 Mitamura Hospital

Mrs Kapookalani Pali 47 years na--

tivo of MolokaiDEVFJtfLL July 21 Lcahi Homo Ar-


Doverill 20 yearsMAKANOE July 2l Queon St Mary

Atakanoo 1 month native or iiunolulu

DE COITO July 24 Qncens HospitalJobn do Goito 23 years native ofHawaii

KEALAI July 24 Liliha Kaili Kcalai50 years native of Hilo

MGUIRE July 24 Lcafci Ave JamesW McQuiro 80 years n ativo ofMaryland

liQKE July 25 Kcwnlo Wllllo Loke9 yrt native of Honolulii

KALAAIA July 25 Kukui St RoseKalama 10 years native ttt Hono-lulu


JOSE July 25 Moillili Antono Jose17 years native of Ewa

Al July 25 Talolo Valley David Ai93 years native of Kipahulu Maui

OALLAGHER July 20 325 PeckAve William J Gallagher 52 yearsnativo of California


Andrews cathedral Edward OVaughan to Ethel Francos Andersonboth of Honolulu

MACKENZIE FOUNTAIN July 15411 Judd Thomas Hnig Mackenzie toEva Fountain both of Honolulu

BODINE ANTONE July 17 St Elizi abetbs church Carl L Bodino to

Annie Antonc both of Honolulu


From Thursdays AdvertiserThat several Filipinos in previous

years applied for naturalization papers

nd that the department of commerceand luLor made no objection were factsstated by Clerk A E Murphy of theUnited States district court yestprday

Naturalization matters all come within Mr Murphys purview and be saidthat when the department allowed mmto tako in Porto Ricans be also tookin Filipinos and no question was raisedat Washington

Filipinos nnd Porto Ricans rcnouncoso allegiance Thoy como nudersection thirty of the naturalizationlaws of tlui United States It saysthat all the Birpllcnblo provisions oftho naturalization laws shall apply toanu do iieia to authorize tno aumtsionto cltlzcnsbip of all persona not cltizcnawho owe ponnanont allegiance to theUnited States and who may becomeresidents of nnyBtnte or Territory withlie following modification Tliu np

plleants shall not bo nvjulred to rennca itllcglanro to any foreign

sovereign they slinll nmke their decUrstloni of Intoiitloii at luait tnti

r prior to ivinllpiii reildeutivritliln tb UiiUed Stntov owing suelipMwiDiivnt alleglause diull liu regardedW mtJoulH wllltli tin Upitt4 ttlivrllliln tli miwnlutr of lit five ywui


lut ft M Ja4Ww that awry 1m

H aMfails S pr fif ft ye


Vu mM 1M1iBWIlu miy s inn

Man ftmHmnt4 Jl St ftMwmm Tr veatue

Snllmt Otih 8i1Iii Ttiiy tl B 8Mlatottrlan for 8sh mneiMe vl Had

Had fxrfrimw Antrwl Tulv iff A

8 S WilheJulnii henna July JO

VannonvcfJaly Sfl rrlvd K KXpnUwIin from HonoliilJ

Wednesday Tttlr ca J01l- -

Valeria Arrived July 23 8i nlaiidia troce Jnly 18Snn FranniM-o--Haile- July 80 R S

H lunn for Honolulu 1 p mThursday July 27 1911

fin Krnriciiro Arnvfd Tilly 27 8 n

m S 8 Clityd Mum heMe Jnly 21 6p m

Bn rrnneiseo Arrived luly 27 sebMuriel from Jlonolrm Julv 3

Stan Francisco Arrlvad July 27 Amsshr Honolpu from liana


aitszvzdTuesday July 25

6 S Wnddon from Newcastle p mStr Mnuna Loa from Hawaii a mStr Nrtvajo from Pearl Harbor pmSchr Ka Moi from Kauai n m

Wednesday July 20M N S S Lurlino from San Fran-

cisco 710 a mStr W 0 Hall from Kauai ports

4 n mV S Tug Navajo from Pearl Harbor

715 a mStr Clnudine from Maui and Ha ¬

waii ports 510 o mThursday July 27

Ger sp Alexander Isenbcrg Bebringmini jvhu i u ui

DEPARTEDStr Navajo for Pearl Harbor a mStr Alnuna Kea for Hllo n vxStr Likcliko for Kauai p mStr Khiau for Kauai p mAL N S S Tjurlino for Kahului j mAnn bth Mindoro for Sound 430

p mStr Wailele for Hawaii ports 1030

a m


Jcr str Mnuna Loa from Kona andKnu ports July 25 Father Huborf JCampsio C HoreewpU G SchmidtHacnish Aliss Qdoinecke Father Gcrrard B Heilbron Hamamoto Mrsllcnscn u N Wilcox A IJ Wilcox Mrand Airs R L Wilcox F B AIcStocker Airs Austin AI AI GrahamF J Doak Air and Mrs J PhillipsMrs McQuaid P Wong D JnmcsonFather Patrick E Langer G Paris AK noopii Father Alaurus W A Bald ¬

win Mrs C F Hart Mrs Timoteoand 112 on deck

Per AI N S S Lurlino from SanFrancisco July 20 Miss Eva ShafferH F 8pcor G n Scboellkopf MissVoltric Schoollkopf Dr H B MitchellW A Wood E McDowell Mr andMrs T W Newman Mr and Mrs OF Scott and child Mrs Thos Dixonjur ana Airs oy Alattnows Airs BBofingor M T Miller Dr I E Willyoung C D Rca B Harrison Air andMrs O H Reno and child Aliss ItMcStocker Aliss Mnry Walker AlissInez Reynolds Miss F C Rogers MissAdele Baling Mrs E I Johnson AirsMay Lowis

Per Str Claudino from Hawaii vjaports Q M Curtis E R Hondry JosAiona Tl Aiona W McCluskcy ETodd Airs W Edmunds S KnmauRev Knmau D K Kalai J H WilsonMiss Mcdeiros Father Francis AhPing Mbs P Vocllor ATrs E EBatellq M D Mcdlll Aliss C Churchu v vrigiit a ai brown Air andMrs C W Easter Miss S KiakonaRov J E Kokipi J Miguel Yaraamoto Airs A G Dickons Paul Iscnberg Ij Woinzheimor J A MedclrosY Sato Aishiknda Hannoka AirsHazazuiu S Ozaki Aliss Tanaka YTannka Aliss Halanaka M TTnnmnrl6 Tasliima AI Tanakn and siTtv-niT- -

on dccJtPor Str W 0 Hall from Kauai July

20 03 Ross S T Carr J K Coclcett Airs M F Silva K Sayegtiro SSheba H Bnshn J Yamanakn AirsKobbe Miss L Jordan and D G May

DepartedPer str W G Hall for Kauai ports

July 27 E Woodward and George Nwucox


THE INKHumane work In tho tnfsldc districts

has been underway for some time nndmany abuses Have been corrected byHumane Society Agent Rose Davisonwhose last expedition into tho countrywas to Watcrtown where a largo num-ber of horses are molntalned in thoback busincis

In tho main she found on ber visitthere last Wednesday that tho horseswero well treated with about tbreoexceptions 0o horso was o decrepitthat it almost toppled over while inharness This and four other horsesbavo been ordered out of hariras uudwill bo kept out in pasture Tli Japuuexe luickinou showed their faith bynt jnro ordering frouh horses from Ho-nolulu

The work of tho liuumno Eoclctv andUs ngcut lm been utretlyo aud lmbeen luno In a ijulut wuy uud lameliornw ite oldow xeen on the trutMany hIiukm re corrwtod particularly us to overloaded wnguiie tore ImsUnutc Wagou flllfrd with raslu amiMind fur building rii r vJdviutvkou up logg bllhi wltii enly a jwh

4 fAur hniunt ars miNly um4 frtb put Jill HgDHt im U 4 hiMwl tUtJ vt itw walwig tut nlmmf tkU wUt

BBBBX v J La iniilM uilL uul asu I m f- -

YmUii fliknt ViAmm ks M

rwiMfti mm pp b mmUNM lb ffM ktM i Uum

f im M TI uU w IliJUUkl UJslJU LA IIM UasUkil Ml

1 VT Wi Um Um to 8a7MItlH




OsnMmiiwI Vnm rage 0--Tiili Hlw UtaVKfat tln twattlon of

rates Had rtwdkltoMi OoiiimWihw

ul different mls A glraiulomight fit th Altken t Mi irtth OeMvre bti0creurr IJernrHfett thata jjrcrlMt nf rulrn nhontd m flrif ittTmnB1 dthen stHTiflo TttUrfTrtt- - eeriMrfl -- 1smiof freight If thtre wre dillerotit retsof rctulntions fur dllTerrnt fisrvestlmro would lie trmibli In tlflsv tomlnloMoner Merarthy agreed withBerndt

Question of Cash

Chairman Campbell then stated thattho bonrd was confronted by a problemThere was n fund of 30000 for repairsfor twp years To enlargo tho wharfwould cost 5000 Repairs would cost

450O Ha moved that 45000 bo un- -

prppriatcd for repairs And maintenanceon tho Uackfcld wharf This was notpassed ns it wns decided best tp wnituntil Wednesday when the attorneygonorals opinion would bo ready

Then a now problem confronted thecommissioners One section of thoHackfold wharf has to bo replankcdnnd tins win cost about fdBUU and thenthere is sheathing to cost about 1400more Tho ohia blocks will cost a largesum but it will tako seven months fortho latter to season by which timomuch of tho planking will be WQrn out

There is no help for it however asths flooring must now bo roplaced forvthorwiso ho wharf would bo danger ¬

ous for trucking nnd teaming Thocommissioners bavo gono ovor thowharf personally nnd know its defectsThe wharf was built many years agobefore Mr Campbell entered tho officeand was constructed beforo the era ofof big ships and frequent steamer ar¬

rivals with from two to four thousandtons of merchandise in each J

Receipts and ExpendituresFor tho Guidance of tho commission

ers Chairman Campbell laid beforo thecommission a statement of tho receiptsand expenditures for harbors wharvespilots etc lor all islands lor tile pasttwo jcars

At Honolulu tho total wbarfafco fcoreceipts for the two years upitoJunblull amounted to S372S5U pIotaofees 53344 50 For Hilo tbe receiptswero 0270 00 Kahului 8804 PortAllen 225 a grand total of1544C2G0

Tho expenditures for tho same periodwero Uahu 0854135 nnd also 9U21117 tho latter for shod ovor cdVcrnment wharf No 2 and Honolulu harborimprovements Hawaii 2080728 Ma-ui


1329002 Kauai 4793015 Stotalof 21504938 M

Cooperative Wiarf j

Tho proposed agreement between thoTerritory by tho board of haibori com ¬

missioners and the Hawaii railway company arranging for the use of cfcrtaiarights of way over government andrailroad property was Submitted mndafter a few amendments particularlyreferring to a certain footway Ho boenlarged to a width of twenty- - fftet itwas approved and a fresh draft willbe signed by tbo commissioners

Tho agreement is for tho duration ofthe companys charter nnd gives tboright to tho Torrltory to build- - andmaintain a roadway thirty feetihvidoat Mahukona over the property 6f thorailroad company Tho company imayuso for wharf and railway nurposes thopart of tho land on tho north side oftho inlet but xraly on condition tuatand so Jong as tho company operatesas a common carrier

Tho public may uso the wharf on tbonorth side but only at such times andfor such purposes as may reasonablybo necessary because of laclc of necessary room on tho other side Tbe company shall maintain and guard tbo footway twonty feet wide wbicn can heused for trucking Tho Territory andtho company with tho approval of thoTerritory may mako regulations coverInc tbo uso of tbo wharves

It is belloxed this agreement will boof mutual advantage to tho railwaycompany nnd tho Territory

Tho Mahukona WharfTho Mahukona wharf is to receive

an extension of 100 foot tho plans forwhich have been drawn by tho depart ¬

ment of public works They wero sub¬

mitted to the board yostorday and Inorder that all Interests may bo satisfiedat the suggestion of Air WakeneldPresident Kennedy of tbo Inter Islandcompany will bo asked to consult withhis captains as to what features theybolicvo should bo emphasized or elimi-nated


The vteathor conditions at Ma ¬

hukona bavo to be taken into consider-ation


Copt George Leavitt formerly an of-


on an American Hawaiian freigh-ter and recently luiuointcd superintendent of tho Kauai railway company atrort Alien was yesterday appointed uytbo buard ns harbormaster for Port Al-len


The proposod Unnnlcl wharf alsocame in for discussion This will pro ¬

ject out from tho shore about 000 footand tbe end will then bo In only tenfeet of low tldo water CommissionerWakefield while admitting the neces-sity


for a wharf did uot bellevo that10000 should be expended upon the

structure The plun is to coustruct Itwith concrete Piers so that It will bepennauent uml withstand all kinds ofweutnor


BAN JRANOJgCO July JD MImUwitriea Campbell Uler of PrincesivHwaiinimkua of Hawaii will arrive InHun PrsuelMO edgy from VutU uniLmJuj i ItHvHtM tlw brlil ul upi

JlMkley u young JIMalUu MpiUlUluksH yliis Mil bin a few dayi willHuUaUy 1 dafarrad UhM M1 lAuguM arvinij ta Uw f UnU JsJflJMayV WlaW U laa ttafHMii UaWsUsA JaTitntf awratag aaaa altar 1H MatItwpi Haawlals w Mm- - 4mmu Naffa

urn m awwaw N wmmM la A aa etatlaa mit sfl uaaa

U waaft 1 ku witwu u kflttMm i i trMaM m n iui oMnaaiac

l w


s mm on


0llHel FrotH Page Ourdltehw lint a itwmI dull of it u Ineaphlr nt Uina io drtlnwl

it c- V- 1 ii -

pfoftomttftl hd Mt thf Mme tlm thmod ffetlvV Mid Mr Mott Smltk

It i proposed to ml in a nw streetWith s drain down It and to eorr ththree drain Th grxfos nil I be soUTTitatcd thnt the drninaee will ri llafrptn the ct nter of the itrtervnlut8Ppi to side ditelic and that willtake it all to sea through thre outlets

Die congested frwtlon which Is tbone next to town and Is crowded withunnl owrmelilns pretonts tho Iwtdand front of tho problem mid therefore is the section to Do tuKcn up ursiin connection with tho filling In Thoprobabilities nro that tho same systemwill m employed in tho rest of thodistrict nnd tho wholo thing will baconsidered with Tofcrenco to thp pro-

posed parkBig TJndertoltine

will probably not wait for thocompletion ot the pant system saiuMr Mott SmIthas L cah go aheadwith my plans for filling the privatelands independently and of course withreference to tho park system so thatwhen the latter U complcto it wHpart of the wholo plan

This is by far tha largest fillingproposition that has aver ba under-taken


hore A project of that sizenecessarily moves slowly Thero are agreat numbor of interests involved anaa good many engineering problemsTho thing is to make a definite planand havo thnt well digested andthought out and then to build on thatplan

There is a disposition on tho partof all tho big property holdere andoutsldo of tho district I have mentloned tho land is mostly ownod by bigproperty owners to go into tha proj-ect


It is being laft to the board totako th a initiative to formulate theproject and to have it one of suchproportions that win assure a reason ¬

able price per cubic yard for filling

SAN FRANOISOO July 19 On thoFaclfic liner Sierra which arrivedyesterday from Honolulu came a bridaleouplo home in tho persons of E Nivi- -

son and his wife who was Miss Jose ¬

phine Smith Nivison was wirelessoperator on thb --vessel and his marriageto Miss Smith who is an heiress ofWestchester Pa was ono of thoromances of tho Pacific However inacquiring his bride Nivison acquireda stepbrothcr-in-la- Jonn sruco

who assumed tho air of a disgruntledrokitive to perfection Bruce might betickled to death ovor tho marriage oftho eouplo but ho successfully conceal ¬

ed any signs of it Bruco and his wifeas chaperons had taken Miss Smithout to tho Hawaiian islands 5tt apleasure trip Miss Smith promptlyturned it into a bonoymoon

The party TOgistered at tho HotelStintford but were not in during thoafternoon Bruco was there

Bruco denied that Miss Smith motNivison for tbe first timo on tho Siorraduring tbo voyago to tbo Islands Hosaid tho eouplo had Known each otherfor a long time

Tbe bride camo homo on the ship un-der


tbo numo of Miss Smith andBruco explained thnt by sayifcg thatBho had n round trip tlckot taken outin hor maiden name and did not haveit changed

As to whethor Mrs Nivison was anheiress Bruco would not say Ho saidthat he had not asked tbe couple anyquestions and did not intend to

The story on tho ship was that Nivi- -

spn met Miss Smith during the voy ¬

ago and that her deep Intorcst in wire ¬

less tolegrnphy lod to n deeper intor-cst


in tho telegrapher Thero was amoon on tho Iacilio during tho voy ¬

age soft nights and a romance whichled to an altar in Honolulu

Westchester Pa is n wealthy sub- -

nrb of Philadelphia whero many prosperous Quakor families havo tholrcountry homes Nivison has rcslcnedbis position on tho Sierra Piobablvno is hound lor Westchester tbo silontBruco would not say



Tho choice for road supervisor appears to Ho between hreo men saidSupervisor Alurrny last eyonlng

Doyld Crownlngbcrg and CharleyWJlson are two of them Wo are baving a difficulty In selecting just thoright man for the job but whoever gelIt will havo to make good br be firedThat I going to he tlm teitefflclency

Bo long n we havo a good cugliwr M the main tlilwg al 8upwrvlior Kruger

Tjn matter of Ilia 8tpol8imjnt of n

awmJtmdiK sinThe wadding wfclali wm lu hJrVjta lb m w Murray

TU rtatiiar MtBWa UuUimi mmfLa t4if Um tat Vn Uum nilwtBUHu m ait4 la afl r

SwM IttMeW m m fa t Pmj4MM aWwaMa M itwia ttd

9 i war mi nn wnw



ttnlrt sf tftt Jalv II 1911

JH fh ftsJllfertwIt KM wf to hIHifcBHU

Ta t ffttintft KaldMftK al Vy Ifto Albajit n KflMBMkM 1ICI

Janra I mwllion to Lee KaiI4 Xwal anl wf to Trent Trust Co

LtdSti tf II J nUhof s by tw to Min ¬

nie ll Oilmanftlefaard It Trent tT to Mary E

Ctark 7 RelS ft Castle Bst Ltd to Mary K

ClafjiK Olatk and bsb to Territory

ot Hawaii ExchDLJIarv K Clark and bsb to Leslie C

uiarxLenllo E Clark to Trent Trust Co

rithvUllom AtcCandltes to Trent Trust




Co Ltd tr TrDTialUy K Atabao to Waialua Agrctl

JO XU1 - uS K Alahoo ot al to Wnialua Agrctl

Co Ltd LCnrlosA Lone to Konir Seu DXydia 8 Spencer to nllo Sugar Co

AgrmtEntered of Record July 15 1911

T Hamamura ot nl to Hilt Empo-rium


Ltd CMMalcka Ivcawo and hsb to Samuel

P Kano DAnnie Horner to Funi Nanohichl

ct al - LGuy S Goodness and wf to Young

Moas Savs Socy Ltd MMalm Kaboinn w to Hnttie Kc

aulana DHattio L Noial to Tr of Church

or Jesus Christ li D Saint DWillard S Terry and wf to Hilo

Railroad Co DWillard S Terry and wf to Hilo

Railroad Co DKnalauka W to Waianao Com ¬

pany LGustav Kretzachmar and wf to

Charles K Notley DAnnie H Taylor and hsb to Mrs V

M It Vannatta DBishop Co to Lydy E Lucas RelLydy is Lucas and hsb to Bishop

Co MThomas G W Poolo to Fanny

Strauch j EelJohn K Sumner to Elias L Jones DJohn K Sumner to Elias L Jones

v AgrmtEntered of Record July 17 1911

LucjTNaki etalby comr to AnnieDuvauchello D

Manual C Canojo and wf to AchlnAkaiinl D

Meio Alapaiito Elona Alapan- - DLucretia AI Daj ton to - Augustus

Dcerlng LJ W Kokoa and Wf to F Kaheo k DKolii and bsb to F Kaheo k DEda R Withorspoon nnd hsb to Chas

N Afarquez tr AtAlexander K wawalU and wl to

First Trust Co of Hilo LtdJ B Athorton Est Ltd toSA Bald


win UElesnoro S Athorton and hsb to S A

Baldwin DD Forbes to Pila Akana aad hsb RelJ J Silva to S M Kaaekuablwi and

wf TT RelJohn Todd to von Hamm Young Co

Ltd 011Mrs A AI Kershner to von Hamm

Young Co Ltd CMCaspar Silva and wf to Alay F do

Nobrega UFrances Awa and hsb to Grace D

Sedcwick MAirs Chang See to L AI Get CMC

Entered of Record July 18 1911A V Gear and wf to FredHarrison

CMFred Harrison to A V Gear and wf

- AgrmtMargaret Lishman to Florence Cur-


DT Onokoa and wf to O W Spitz DWilliam B Chilton andTvf to Ernest

C Heine DE Colt Hobron to En Sing Leong DElizabeth S Beckwith by ntty to

Edward C Rowe BelB O Rowo and wf to Alary E Foster AIBenjamin Hanaiko to Solomon K

KaulilL PAT Kajita to Hachiro Kishi BSA Victoria Anahu et al by comr to

T Sumida DVon Hamm Young Co Ltd to M E

Silva BelM E Silva to von Hamm Young Co

Ltd - OAIA H Dondero et al to G L Samson AMII Watorhouse Tr Co Ltd to E A

Douthltt DEntered of Record July 19 1911

Et H Kokapal and wf to F G Corroa AlW G Scott aad wf to William v

KAhalckai DBmmn B Rabe and hsb to William

Elliott - DHenry Blake and wf to William

Elliott i DH WatcrUouse Trust Co Ltd to

Josophtuu Cornwoll ot al RelMinnie II Oilman and hsb to H

Waterbouso Trust Co Ltd MII Waterbouso Trust Co Ltd to Alay

K Brown DII Waterbouso Trust Co Ltd to W

F Dillingham et nl DYoung Mous Christian Assn to

Honolulu Lodiro No 010 B V OE - D

Honolulu Lodzo No 010 B P O E toCharles M Cooko Ltd M

AValtor D Lowell aud wf to Rath- -

crlno U Livingston DCarolina A Madelros and hsb to

JosopJi C Ollveim PLee Chu to Young Caa IIingntiLee Ctm to Young Clml lllug L

Entered of Record July SO 1011

Knuwahliio aud hub et 1 to AclioyAhu D

Lillkulqnt Jcru to Qolchilo UrataAgrmt

Km BIub Lwng to B Colt lIobronAJtgjieniauiiQ r kuuibv om wr to iiim

iulkalJsjiiea A TbpmjwoM an4 wf to A U

Uaimiball trJltJJ Hmilmn u4 wf to drag

u JpvrMiKQuisvuj aVibiwtuiti 9Ji W lo Wo- -

rln L da JHlvulra

fttMmmtruuh i Iwrjr oy Day ar u rOiJ4 QaHa U V aVuaark irfifiit Twt ri I0J tv Wmtai N

l4iuf Jl Hatiuy Io KMj A faara uKlUft f Hm4 lult II 11 J

wmsm- - nia im u gaii ia aaaa4 j Fi n3mJU l9 f Uli Utlav tail aav Mwu kti

jyimuu MyiliilWfflifciHiiMiTnrnnt1fl nn iftfi ff

i dwmWmkllFSmPkv mf jamum

d wmnmm


Atssoluiely PureTha ortfy EtakFmg powttermadafrona RoyaB rmfi

Oraam of TartarNo Alum NoLimi Phosphate


Honolulu Thursday July 27 1911


MarcuitilO Brwr A O rtIOOOOC

flacarBwi - - 6000000rjw Airlnltarkl lannm

I Hatr Oom a Bms Oa 2J121MHw Bissr O SOOU000Uonomm 7MOCQHonok 2000000gallra 1600000Ilnlthloton Smsar

PUnUUon OtM 30000Khak 1000100Ktksiie fiacsr Os 600000Kclo CO30C2McKry SuOtUt WO000Osbn 6aax Oa S600000

r Onom 1 000X00ou Bmtti- - o Li 0400000Olswtla - 1M0OCPunhsa Cms PUb Ot 500O00QrseuiaPHIPpkM JSPlonr i

Wlala Ixri OWailukn wWtHinAlaWtm Bnttt 3IU1

MIHUUBHUInter ItUnd 8 M OHw laetrla Oatt K T 6 1 Co PUKlHIlVO UOBUataal Tl CM

OKA I Oornio isd Ptcinilo BUD OoalIlonolnltt Brtwtca tUlilfl Oo Ltfllvr Irr Co LtdUwl Pbppl OoTtIonc Vltk Sat

OBab --fPhnxtPla ur

Pahaaa Bah qtan N doP4


nw Tc4DoFirOUlml

Hw Tr 4 t -

KraiizUtie08tBaw Tar VBflHaw Tit tUstfHatr Tir spOal BmI Sc t 8- -

ftatdt Oo SpaHon Q ltd tU

Bamakna 4itcbnppjr altchsBaw Irricatlan Oo

OaBaw Qua A does

Ob 6 p oHllo KEd Itsti

ot 1001Hllo KB do Rf

fixtn Con flaRonokta Bnf Oo S peBon ttTALOoCpeKaaal icy oo oaKnhala Ditch O fUoBryde Sot Oo iUnroal TalOIlALOo SdotOaha BosarOaOpeoiaa Bn wooPanifle Bar U2

Oo SiPlniiMr MID CiV8 D

Walataa As Oi E n f

uapiiiuIII U











nV nnlUDdlng


600 0001000000ioooooclUMtOOr

6 OOOt


800 OG








too 000i ooU81J0f










































23125 on 100 paid IBodeemablaat 103 at maturity 12000 Bhares treasstock

Beaton BalesB0 O B L Co 140 I1C Olaa 5

5 H C S Co 3825Between Boards

110 Olaa 5 150 H C S Co 382530 Ewa 31625 125 Honokaa 10

Sugar Quotations90 degrees centrifugals 45217c 88

degrees beots 12s lid

L II Kapiioho to D Kukallanl DTong Sing Wai Co to Ho Chin LHenry K Alapaf to Mrs Rose K

Cox MtgRoso Alapai to Mrs Rose K Cor

RelDowWilliam O Smith trto Guardian

Trust Co Ltd AMIKauabl Polua w to Mrs Polua

Hapai aAloxatdra Bdth to Banlt of Hawaii

Ltd Mtg

EnleredOf Bocord July 22 101LRoger James to von Hamm Young

CpLtd i OilKuhao Kellijulcolo w to Joseph

Perez Jr ISamuel Kallimal tqWilIoH KfliIt- -

mat t DIvy RichaTdson to Ruth R Guard P AAtnrtha F Fleming and hsb to Ka- -

chlrl DTom ICumolll et al to Cliarles Meln- -

ccko Jr DClmrlt s Melnwke Jr to KoaanuiKomalli P

Maul Utn Co by Tr fo Polly Ka- -

Juaandjisb HoiA If LiSndgraf by ofTt of rntgeo to

Joip VMoelel Fero AVlA l Lanilgraf J1 Pltgee tq Jpbn

M Vivas trJoltn 11 Vfvaa it to Jose V Made D6am KslttJaa and wf to 3uy 13

Gpodjieia X

Jolin Jj Mao Io IJalsn flpo4na PPwJc jWoioirtl Io Jlobwt 0flla- -

John f flomai 4 wf to fl Bells WigT Halo lo Youiiir Vmt Hva Socy

AHtoVVlri vtt w to


YwujjiiMaa Tt MHa fM Ul WU

May K mm WW m - U

krVuuitt pmutm im m



lw IM f fla


un vmIM

Ammnw iJattf Mt In atftirnVM


dm a i4