town talk news around the community of...

BILL FRIEDBERG INVITES YOU TO ENJOY THE LUXURY OF " CLASS q^ASS " \ AND SAVE MONEY, TOO! U^VAt*A.ito.M» ^- <,itrtto±>tm*<utiiui\UM*tA.±k*+.mi.**i**m ' . ' ' ¦ ¦ ' [ For a Richer, Greener Lawn...FASTER | s IT COSTS NOi MORE TO USE THE BEST! i GRO-WELL 5 NK-100/MER!ON 1 P<rirmltl R|t|rtti/ -Unhick; BUttgran ' LAWN SEED MIXTURE NK-100...the UNIQUE XAWN SEED that GERMINATES In ONLY 5 to 7 DAYS! Acclaimed She greatest, thing to happen to turf In years, this mixture ' yields a dark green, tightly knit lawn. NK-100 comes up last and the ' Merlon Kenlucky Bluegrass blends with it to give you a fine textured [ ' turf that' s hardier and more drought and disease resistant. This . rq lx- .\ \ ture thrives in sun or partial shade , , and maintains good looks and , resilience even under heavy traffic. ' - , C0VEM6E ^^/ / X V & K& S < $_P98 ^ .^W ^ TX LO °* «' \ _. . PB^*"-*' \s/// Y ' / Ofl » -TH W ' / / UK. N SEEDS In ' «"J -^jp \v is Un bout wltri On I ; \.y EASY-POUR sroin < \ wmmamsWsWUsmmmJi Qfm *k I ; |5|;iHl] i| 5| ;I(P|i3l gardtn I BMHwwwflii_Ma|iupply | i 296 WEST MAIN STREET SAYVILLE . N. Y. ! BETWEEN SAYVILLE &WEST SAYVILLE Bayport News Mrs . Nige l E . Hall HR 2-1584 Mr. and Mrs. Erhest A. Kussmaul , of Sunset Drive , Sayville, entertained a group of out-of-town guests Saturday, in the interval between the wedding ceremony and reception of their sister , Miss Margaret Kussmaul of Bayport and Ralph Silverthorn of North Babylon. There were ten guests present , including the parents of the maid of honor , Mr. and Mrs. James. Oster of Sayville. Mr. and Mrs. Silver- thorn are making their home on Academy Street. The Bayport-Blue Point Library will be closed all day Wednesday, May 20. Librarians will be attending the Spring In- stitute of the Suffolk County Library Association which will be held that day at Felice' s of Patchogue. - "Creative Writing - Fact and Fa ncy " was the theme of the annual writing contes t sponsored by the Suffolk Reading Council. The contest was open to all students in Suffolk County from grades 3-12. Th?re were three winners from the Academy Street School who were selected from hundreds of entries : 1st prize in prose category to Cynthia March a sixth grader , for her work "The Golden Comb." Sixth grade runner-up Lisa E. Perry for her poem "The Panther ." and Third Grade runner-up Robert McCoy, for his work "I Turned into a Tire" in the prose ca tegory. The winners , parents and teachers of the winners , were guests at a dinner meeting of the Council to read their prize win- ning selections to members of the Suffolk Reading Council. It was a busy weekend at the home of Mr. & Mrs . Nigel E. Hall on Academy Street. On Saturday, Susan Hall was Ihe guest of honor at a luncheon for 13 , celebrating her eighth birthday. Also, she was honored with a family party that evening, which was attended by her grandparents , Mr. and Mrs . Jesse H. Lawrence of Teaneck , N.J. The Lawrences stayed until Sunday evening for a Mother 's Day dinner and then returned to N.J. Preliminary plans for Girl Scouting for next fall have begun. Volunteers are needed on all levels of scouting...especiall y on the Junior troop level. If help does not come to the three Junior troops at the Academy Street School , nearly 100 girls will be dropped from the Girl Scou t program. If you are interes ted in volunteering -- and you don 't have to have a child in Girl Scouts - contact Mrs. Nigel E. Hall , Troop Organizer. The Board of Education of the Bayport-Blue Point School District will hold an informal information meeting this evening in the ca.eteria of the Blue Point Elementary School at 8:30 P.M. All residents are invited to discuss and ask questions of the Board concerning the proposed 1970-71 budget. The Day Unit of the Bayport Cooperative Extension held their find business meeting Wed- nesday. They made final plans for the White Elephant Sale and Achievement Day to take place on May 27. Anyone wishing to attend the Spring Luncheon on June 3 at Land' s End must notify the Luncheon Committee or a Uni t officer by May 21. The Evening Uni t will hold classes on Tuesday at 7:30 p.m. in the high school cafeteria in the following: Lesson 1 in Spring Hats; Lesson 2 in crocheted afghans taught by Mrs. Linda Lane; and Lesson 4 in Cotton Dress by Mrs . E. Davis; and Lesson 1 in wastepaper baskets by Mrs. Muriel Lampe. Ten members of the Women ' s Society of Christian Service of the Bayport Methodist Church met on Thursday at the home of Mrs. Walter Pulley of Blue Point , to make final plans for their Fashion Show which will take place on May 27. Tickets on sale and may be obtained by calling HR-2-2196. Invest idle funds with safety and high return. See Oystermen ' s about a Certificate of Deposit. Mrs. Stuart Nassauer, Jr. was the hostess of a bridal shower held at her home on Bay Avenue on May 2, for Miss Lilly Chen , of the State University of New York , Stony Brook. Among the 16 guests attending was Miss Chen ' s future mother-in-law, Mrs. Gerard T. Bourguignon of Kensington Avenue. Miss Chen , daughter of Mr. and Mrs. David Chen of Taipein , Taiwan , will be .narried on June 6 at St. Gerard Majello Church in Terryville , to Gerard J. Bourguignon. . Six couples of the Bayport Couples Club enjoyed a pot-luck supper on Saturday evening. The hosts of the affair were Mr. and Mrs. Robert 'Seitz of Cleveland Street. The Sayville Musical Workship will present a special benefit performance for many local charities May 28. Mrs. William (Continued on Page 12) Blue Point News by MARY ROSE EM 3-7024 The Mothers of the Blue Point Baptist Church took over the morning service last Sunday, Mother 's Day. Mrs. Robert Cowan, Mrs. Lawrence Kapfer , Mrs. Richard Herold , Mrs. Milton Furman, Mrs. David Johnstone, Mrs. Henry Morris, Mrs. Willard Tuttle, and Mrs. Eugene Rogers participated. Africa n Viole t plants were given to the oldest mother in the congregation , Mrs. Lewis Worrad , and the youngest mothei 1 , Mrs. Howard Keifer , Jr. Mrs. Marie Weyhrauch presided at a meeting of the Women 's Christian Fellowship held at the Blue Point Baptist Church Monday evening. The program included a member of the Salvation Army who spoke on .the history of the organizations and its work , and a Calendar Party to celebrate the birthday of everyone present. Each table was decorated in a theme suitable for one of the twelve months and guests were seated at the tables according to their birthdays. Members of other Protestant churches in the area were among the 60 guests who attended. Mrs. Georg e Densing and her daughter , Mrs. Howard Kranz , and grandson , Michael visited with Mr. and Mrs. William Butler and family of Montauk , formerly of BUie Point , last week. The flowers in the Blue Point Baptist Church on Sunday were presented by Mr. and Mrs. Henry Morris in memory of their mothers , Mrs . Elizabeth Morris and Mrs. Mariam Falk. A series of "Deeper Life" services will be held at the Blue Point Baptist Church beginning Sunday at the 11 a.m. morning service and the 7 :30 p.m. evening service. A meeting will also be held on Monday and Tuesday evenings at 7:30 p.m . The Reverend and Mrs. Robert At- wood, former missionaries, will conduct the services . Every one is invited to attend Interested in Interest? See Oystermen 's about a Certificate of Deposit. The Bayport-Blue Point Library will be closed in the afternoon and evening on Wednesday, May 20, as the librarians will be attending the Suffolk County Library Association ' s Spring Institute at Felice ' s in Patchogue. Mrs. Harry Thyberg and Mr. George Dornhoefer were in- stalled as co-presidents of the Sylvan Avenue PTA on Wed- nesday evening following the Annual Spring Concert of the Sylvan Avenue School Mrs. James Flaherty and Mrs. John McKenna were installed as cc~ vicepresidents; Mrs . Alfonso Monzillo recording secretary; Mrs . Lawrence Williams , treasurer; and Mr. James Weik, honorary vicepresident Modelis at the Fashion and Wig Show held at the Sylvan Avenue School last Monday were Su<_an Suydam, Alison Sommer, Linda Mitchell , Judith Hogan, Carol Consolatore, and Elaine Tussea Awards were presented to Sue Florentine, Betty Debeli and Laura Reisinger. , The Blue Point Coopera tive Extension will work on ' un- finished projects today and next Thursday which will be displayed on Achievement Day, Thursday, May 28 from 1 to 3 p.m. at the Blue Point Firehouse. There will also be a cake sale and White ElephantSale. Refreshments will be served. The public is invi ted. Plans are being made for the Annual luncheon to be held at the House in Sayville. Mrs. C. Hannan and Mrs. H. Schmidt (Continued on Pag e 12) ? ? X ^ JL jr^.A.JM.1 JoAnn Bare LT 9-S200 Mr. and Mrs. Donald Stephan of Col ton Avenue are entertaining Mr. and Mrs. W' .tliam Stephan of Radnor , Penn., ' and thei' , * two. sons this weekend. The visi tors have come to attend the E abylon Choral concert this Saturday evening, in which Mr. and Mrs . Stephan are singing. Miss Virginia Bare, daughter of Mr. - and Mrs. Louis Bare of Broadway Avenue, received her firs t Holy Communion on Saturday at St. Lawrence Church. Virginia , Mr. and Mrs. Bare , and Mrs. Bare ' s mother , Mrs. Helen Taylor , went to dinner at the Snapper Inn to celebrate the occasion , Mr. Bare ' s birthday which was. also Saturday, and Mother ' s Day. Miss Debra Lanari was hostess at a sweet sixteen surprise party Friday, held at the home of her parents , Mr. and Mrs. Al Lanari , of Haip Lane. The party was held in honor of Miss Ann' Raber , daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Chauncey Raber , of Old Montauk Highway . Twenty Three people attended and enjoyed the music of Bill Van Axen' s band. The Sayville PTA will meet on May 19 at 8:30 P.M. at the Sayville Jr. High School. The Scene will be Teacher Recognition, with the installment . of new officers by Mr. Spencer , Superintendent of Schools. Past recipients of PTA scholarships will be there to speak. Gifts* -will be presented to retiring teachers. Did you get your Signature Identification Card? If not, stop in at the office at which you bank. An I.D. card will enable you to get faster service when cashing checks. Another service of your "ONE STOP BANK, " The Oystermen' s Band and Trust Company ( Member F.D.I.C) A- .home mass for the St Lawrence Church Confirmation class of James DeAcetis will be held at 5 p.m., Saturday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Riccardi of Handsome Avenue. The Rev. Joseph DeAcetis, C.S.S.R. will officia te at the mass. Father DeAcetis is the brother of Mr. DeAcetis. Annina Maria , one of the Riccardi' s nine children is a member of the class . After the mass a buffet dinner will be served. The Sayville Community Council will hold a meeting at the Sayville Community House Thursday, May 21, at 8 p.m. AU organizations who use the Community House for their meetings are requested to have one of their members attend the meeting. . There will be , a Communion Breakfast held for the children that received their First Holy Communion at the St. Lawrence Church last Saturday morning. The breakfast will be held at 9:30 a.m. on Sa turday morning with teachers and helpers attending, awards will'be given. The combined Bay Shore and Sayville Auxiliaries of tie Suffolk Center for Emotionally Disturbed Children extends a cordial invitation to all Interested ladies to a ttend the next monthly meeting on Wednesday. May 20 , at the home of Mrs. J. Moran , on 531 Brooklyn Blvd., Bright- waters. Call Mrs. Moran at MO-6- 7879 for information. Joseph Gallo Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Gallo of Indian Head Drive received his first Holy Communion Saturday at . the St Lawrence Church. A buffet: dinner was held in the evening at the home of his parents.Included among the guests were his grandparents Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Antonio , and his uncle and fiancee , Anthony Antonio, and Miss . Barbar Muhlhausen all of Uueens Village. Roe Vogeney of Jones Drive invites local residents to par- ticipate in the June Art Jubilee to be held at the South Shore Mall in Bay Shore June 18-21. Awards will be presented on Father' s Day. All local artists are invited ¦ to exhibit their work and should call 589-8971 for more in- formation. Dennis O'Doherty of Cleveland Avenue was appointed Sustaining Membership Enrollment Chairman of the Sunrise District , Suffolk County Council BSA. The appointment was announced last week by " District ' Chairman Peter Fox Cohalan. The Sisterhood of Temple Shalom will sponsor a card party. Monday at the Temple on Greeley Avenue. Rochelle Green (LT97451) and Es telle Frnzraich (5898416) have information about tickets. - Peggy Regan will hostess a yard sale for the Cath olic Daughters of America this ' Friday at her home on 3 Chase Lane, Sayville. The public is invi ted to attend. James V. Fallon of Sayville was recently elected to serve as third vice president of the Suffolk County Bar Association. , The Sayville Historical Society will formulate plans for opening the Homestead for the summer at their meeting this Wednesday . The Society is interested in repeiving,;old - photographs and ;|56stcai;d-i' of tlifearea , of people or local scenes. These photographs may be presented as a gift to the Society ' s growing collection or loaned'for copying. Please leave at the Suffolk County New Office or give them to a society mem- ber. The Wet Paints Studio Group will hold its annual "Paintings in the Park" show in the Gillette Ave. Community Center Park on Saturday, May 30, from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. The public is invited to attend. There will be a super- vised painting area for children with judging and awarding of ribbons. Mrs. Susan Mitzner announces a meeting of the Sayville-Oakdale chapter of Hadassah on May 25 at 8:30 in the Community House. Contemporary issues on cam- puses will be viewed by Adelphi student speakers. The public is welcome. Mrs. Edward Willoughby of Foster Avenue was honored at a luncheon held at eh Lake House. The Sayville Guild and the Gift Shop Volunteers of Go6d Samaritan Hospital were hostesses. Mrs. Willoughby was present-jd with a charm bracelet in appreciation of her work as gift SNEAK PREVIEW of tbe Captain and his Guards who will appear in the Cherry Avenue Elepientary School Spring Vocal Concert which will be presented <*n Friday, May 15 , at 8:00 p.m. In the school auditorium. From left to right: Russell D'Ambra. Mtcliael Burgess. Joseph Kraszen , William Maro, and Lawrence Seesing. \ shop chairman. Mr. and Mrs. Willoughby will move to Florida at the end of the month. Invest idle funds with safety and high return. See Oystermen ' s about a certificate of deposit. Friends of Father Kelly will hold their second annual rum- mage and cake sale Thursday and Friday at the home of Mrs. William Shelbourne , 183 Candee Avenue. According to co- chairman, Mrs. Eileen Rehm, there will be " all sorts of goodies " from antiques to cup- cakes. The proceeds will support Father Kelly 's mission in Africa . Edward Dooling of Maple Street was discharged, from Southside Hospital this week. He was taken by the Sayville Am- bulance to St. James nursing home in St. James . Patricia Bailey celebrated her twelfth birthday Saturday at a party given bv her pa rents , Mr. and Mrs. Charles Bailey, at their home on Greene Avenue. Mr. And Mrs. William Reilly on Handsome Avenue entertained at their home on Saturday. The celebration was in honor of Mr. Reilly who has recently earned his second doctoral degree. His newes t Phd. will be awarded to him at St. John ' s University commencement exercises in June. (Continued on Page 12) TO WN TALK... Ne ws Around The Community of Sayville ; JoAnn Bare LT 9-€200 J ,^-rOvw-u-uvww . 7 m ^ twp ^^ gj ^ FRESH LEAN PERX Pint IQx £* BOUND " _#% For Your Cereal & Coffee 10 BEEF Lb / •*/ C Nestles King Size BfcfcB- "J ^V CHOCOLATE $ 1 Q0 1 BARS 3 ^ A Fresh Golden Sv mt HUNT'S M. CORN L AQ C PEACHES it JOC * ?*JW Kraft Barbecue ^ WHITE ROSE SAUCE Btl. 35C SOLID PACK WH ITE *% g\ W TUNA - 39C COFFEE '" 2- I 69 ^ SHANtyfT 1 I __._ nn. _ - »«._.y *" T "*"- E ™» »»««« MM »«« {MID DLE ROAD HR24)317 BAYPORT. H .Y. «-* _________ »i -_-* n_-__-_________________ n____o*__ I | WA TCH j I FOR OUR j i j QM?id %QPEN WG;\ SPECIALS j IN NEXT WEEK S ISSUE j < \ OF THIS NEWSPAPER : \ Johnny ' s Cleaners \ - 249 West Main St. Sayville I \ COMPLETE PLANT ON PREMISES J •••• •••o* a «««t«««t«ei r^fcgfi 1 —i ra/AWoo-Km «»¦ ' K. -4.V -SIIOlt lT. ^^y fjlsv Fo *, Famify Feus. ¦wS^N FBMJSMCtMG ^fe^V/ £e*e> UA tottny f at, cu LOW COST BOAT LOAN Launch your boating pleasiSe here... let us ar- range a low co%t Boat Loan for the new or used boat of your choice. It s fast and easy. Why wait? Our Marine financing also includes loans for equ i pment , overhauling, eng ine... anything that will make your boat more shi p shape! All Skip- pers welcome! Think pays! First National Bank % v|> of Bay Shore I CONVENIENT OFFICE. TO SERVE YOU J (MAIN OFFICE) BAY SHORE call: MO 6-6400 / (COMMUNITY OFFICE) BAY SHORE / (SOUTH SHORE MALL OFFICE) BAY SHORE / NO. BABYLON / BRENTWOOD .' OAKDALE ' WEST ISLIP. M,r. _t, .Ml t.C. 1 . West Sayville Mary Van Wyen . The annual Memorial Service of the Suffolk County Volunteer Firemen ' s Association will be held at 5 P.M. on Sunday, May 17, in East Brentwood. Mr. ai.J Mrs. Howard Style and daughU-rs, Miss Louann and Beth , of Cherry Avenue spent the weekend at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Elwood Style of Sunapee, N.H. They also visited their mother , Mrs. John Style, who is a patient in the New London Hospital , New London , N.H. Miss Isabella Style of Bohemia also accompanied them on the trip. Interested ln interest? See Oystermen ' s about a Certificate of Deposit. - Mr. and Mrs. Donald Van- dertulip and children of Lodi , N.J., spentSunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Peter Bais of Brook Street. Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Slager of Rollstone Avenue were weekend guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Daane of Fanwood. N.J. The monthly meeting of he Ladies Auxiliary of the Fire Department will be held at 8 p.m. next Wednesday in the Firehouse. After the business of the evening there will be a Pocketbook Hunt. Mrs . Raymond Welter of Barkley Lane spent the Mother ' s Day weekend visiting her mother and sisters in Brooklyn , N.Y. Mrs. John Van Essendelft of Fifth Street returned home yes- , lerday after spending three weeks at the home of her son-in- law and daughter , Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Van Dellen of Oak Lawn, 111. Bride-to-be see latest styles aa shown in bridal magazines; also bridesmaids and - flower girl costumes; by appointment only Call Lillian LT 9-0650. A bridal shower for Miss Vonda Ten Pas of Oostburg. Wis., was given last Friday at the home of Mrs. James Conkle of Chester Road. At tn.* san>e time a baby shower was given for Mrs. Warren Overton ol Patchogue. LT 9-0771 There were 18 guest present. Mr. and Mrs . John Boogertman of Miami , Fla. arrived here last Wednesday and will spend the summer months in town visiting with relatives ar.d friends. Mrs. Richard Andela and daughters Karen and Debra of Wanye , N.J., and Mrs. Barney Smid of Wyckoff , N.J., spent yesterday at the home of Mrs. Andela 's parents , Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Slager of Division Avenue. . r Mr. ar.d Mrs. James Sloot- maker and Mrs. Mary Vander Pyl left for (heir home in Ormond Beach , Fla., last Thursday after spending five weeks at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John J. Van Essendelft of Cherry Avenue. Leonard Kiesling, son of Mrs. Irene Kiesling, of Cherry Avenue left on Sunday morning to begin training at Lackland Air Force Base. After six weeks of boot camp he will be Transferred to Illinois to study air traffic control . Did you get your Signature Card? If not stop in at the office af which you bank. An I.D. Card will enable you to get faster service when cashing checks, i Another service of your "ONE STOP BANK. " The Oystermen ' s Bank and Trust Company (Member F.D.I.C. ) Miss Charlene Schaper , ' daughter of Mr. and Mrs. CF. Schaper of Brook Street , was honored at a miscellaneous (Continued on Page 12) q f f v *0t f * mm0i**0n »ir\ *im. -% Wahn ' s . Bakery PIES PASTRY XOOKIBS POUND and LAYER CAKES ROLLS BREAD 25 MAIN ST.. SAYVILLE, L. I. LT 9-0808

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U VAt*A.ito.M»^-<,itrtto±>tm*<utiiui\UM*tA.±k*+.mi.**i**m ' •.

' ' ¦ ¦ '

[ For a Richer, Greener Lawn...FASTER| s IT COSTS NOi MORE TO USE THE BEST!

i GRO-WELL5 NK-100/MER!ON1 P<rirmltlR|t|rtti/ -Unhick; BUttgran '


that GERMINATES In ONLY 5 to 7 DAYS!Acclaimed She greatest, thing to happen to turf In years, this mixture 'yields a dark green, tightly knit lawn. NK-100 comes up last and the 'Merlon Kenlucky Bluegrass blends with it to give you a fine textured [

' turf that's hardier and more drought and disease resistant. This.rqlx-.\\ ture thrives in sun or partial shade,, and maintains good looks and ,• resilience even under heavy traffic. ' - ,

C0VEM6E ^^/ /X V& K& S <$_P98 . W TX LO°*«' \_. . •PB^*"-*' \s/// Y '/

Ofl » -TH W '/ / UK. N SEEDS In '«"J - jp \v i s Un bout wltri On I

; \.y EASY-POUR sroin <

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Bayport News Mrs. Nigel E. HallHR 2-1584

Mr. and Mrs. Erhest A.Kussmaul , of Sunset Drive ,Sayville, entertained a group ofout-of-town guests Saturday, inthe interval between the weddingceremony and reception of theirsister, Miss Margaret Kussmaulof Bayport and Ralph Silverthornof North Babylon. There were tenguests present, including theparents of the maid of honor, Mr.and Mrs. James. Oster ofSayville. Mr. and Mrs. Silver-thorn are making their home onAcademy Street.

The Bayport-Blue PointLibrary will be closed all dayWednesday, May 20. Librarianswill be attending the Spring In-stitute of the Suffolk CountyLibrary Association which will beheld that day at Felice's ofPatchogue. -

"Creative Writing - Fact andFancy" was the theme of theannual writing contest sponsoredby the Suffolk Reading Council.The contest was open to allstudents in Suffolk County fromgrades 3-12. Th?re were threewinners from the AcademyStreet School who were selectedfrom hundreds of entries: 1stprize in prose category to CynthiaMarch a sixth grader, for herwork "The Golden Comb." Sixthgrade runner-up Lisa E. Perryfor her poem "The Panther ." andThird Grade runner-up RobertMcCoy, for his work "I Turnedinto a Tire" in the prosecategory. The winners, parentsand teachers of the winners, wereguests at a dinner meeting of theCouncil to read their prize win-ning selections to members of theSuffolk Reading Council.

It was a busy weekend at the

home of Mr. & Mrs. Nigel E. Hallon Academy Street. On Saturday,Susan Hall was Ihe guest of honorat a luncheon for 13, celebratingher eighth birthday. Also, shewas honored with a family partythat evening, which was attendedby her grandparents , Mr. andMrs. Jesse H. Lawrence ofTeaneck , N.J. The Lawrencesstayed until Sunday evening for aMother 's Day dinner and thenreturned to N.J.

Preliminary plans for GirlScouting for next fall have begun.Volunteers are needed on alllevels of scouting...especially onthe Junior troop level. If helpdoes not come to the three Juniortroops at the Academy StreetSchool, nearly 100 girls will bedropped from the Girl Scou tprogram. If you are interes ted involunteering -- and you don 'thave to have a child in Girl Scouts- contact Mrs. Nigel E. Hall ,Troop Organizer.

The Board of Education of theBayport-Blue Point SchoolDistrict will hold an informalinformation meeting this eveningin the ca.eteria of the Blue PointElementary School at 8:30 P.M.All residents are invited todiscuss and ask questions of theBoard concerning the proposed1970-71 budget.

The Day Unit of the BayportCooperative Extension held theirf ind business meeting Wed-nesday. They made final plansfor the White Elephant Sale andAchievement Day to take placeon May 27. Anyone wishing toattend the Spring Luncheon onJune 3 at Land's End must notifythe Luncheon Committee or aUni t officer by May 21. The

Evening Uni t will hold classes onTuesday at 7:30 p.m. in the highschool cafeteria in the following:Lesson 1 in Spring Hats; Lesson 2in crocheted afghans taught byMrs. Linda Lane; and Lesson 4 inCotton Dress by Mrs. E. Davis;and Lesson 1 in wastepaperbaskets by Mrs. Muriel Lampe.

Ten members of the Women'sSociety of Christian Service of theBayport Methodist Church meton Thursday at the home of Mrs.Walter Pulley of Blue Point , tomake final plans for theirFashion Show which will takeplace on May 27. Tickets on saleand may be obtained by callingHR-2-2196.

Invest idle funds with safetyand high return. See Oystermen 'sabout a Certificate of Deposit.

Mrs. Stuart Nassauer, Jr. wasthe hostess of a bridal showerheld at her home on Bay Avenueon May 2, for Miss Lilly Chen, ofthe State University of New York,Stony Brook. Among the 16 guestsattending was Miss Chen's futuremother-in-law, Mrs. Gerard T.Bourguignon of KensingtonAvenue. Miss Chen, daughter ofMr. and Mrs. David Chen ofTaipein , Taiwan, will be .narriedon June 6 at St. Gerard MajelloChurch in Terryville, to GerardJ. Bourguignon..

Six couples of the BayportCouples Club enjoyed a pot-lucksupper on Saturday evening. Thehosts of the affair were Mr. andMrs. Robert 'Seitz of ClevelandStreet.

The Sayville Musical Workshipwill present a special benefitperformance for many localcharities May 28. Mrs. William

(Continued on Page 12)

Blue Point Newsby MARY ROSE EM 3-7024

The Mothers of the Blue PointBaptist Church took over themorning service last Sunday,Mother 's Day. Mrs. RobertCowan, Mrs. Lawrence Kapfer,Mrs. Richard Herold , Mrs.Milton Furman, Mrs. DavidJohnstone, Mrs. Henry Morris,Mrs. Willard Tuttle, and Mrs.Eugene Rogers participated .Africa n Violet plants were givento the oldest mother in thecongregation , Mrs. LewisWorrad , and the youngestmothei1, Mrs. Howard Keifer , Jr.

Mrs. Marie Weyhrauchpresided at a meeting of theWomen's Christian Fellowshipheld at the Blue Point BaptistChurch Monday evening. Theprogram included a member ofthe Salvation Army who spoke on.the history of the organizationsand its work, and a CalendarParty to celebrate the birthday ofeveryone present. Each tablewas decorated in a themesuitable for one of the twelvemonths and guests were seated atthe tables according to theirbirthdays. Members of otherProtestant churches in the areawere among the 60 guests whoattended.

Mrs. George Densing and herdaughter, Mrs. Howard Kranz ,

and grandson , Michael visitedwith Mr. and Mrs. William Butlerand family of Montauk , formerlyof BUie Point , last week.

The flowers in the Blue PointBaptist Church on Sunday werepresented by Mr. and Mrs. HenryMorris in memory of theirmothers, Mrs. Elizabeth Morrisand Mrs. Mariam Falk.

A series of "Deeper Life"services will be held at the BluePoint Baptist Church beginningSunday at the 11 a.m. morningservice and the 7 :30 p.m. eveningservice. A meeting will also beheld on Monday and Tuesdayevenings at 7:30 p.m . TheReverend and Mrs. Robert At-wood, former missionaries, willconduct the services. Every one isinvited to attend

Interested in Interest? SeeOystermen 's about a Certificateof Deposit.

The Bayport-Blue PointLibrary will be closed in theafternoon and evening onWednesday, May 20, as thelibrarians will be attending theSuffolk County LibraryAssociation 's Spring Institute atFelice 's in Patchogue.

Mrs. Harry Thyberg and Mr.George Dornhoefer were in-stalled as co-presidents of the

Sylvan Avenue PTA on Wed-nesday evening following theAnnual Spring Concert of theSylvan Avenue School Mrs.James Flaherty and Mrs. JohnMcKenna were installed as cc~vicepresidents; Mrs. AlfonsoMonzillo recording secretary;Mrs. Lawrence Williams ,treasurer; and Mr. James Weik,honorary vicepresident

Modelis at the Fashion and WigShow held at the Sylvan AvenueSchool last Monday were Su<_anSuydam, Alison Sommer, LindaMitchell , Judith Hogan, CarolConsolatore, and Elaine TusseaAwards were presented to SueFlorentine, Betty Debeli andLaura Reisinger. ,

The Blue Point Coopera tiveExtension will work on ' un-finished projects today and nextThursday which will be displayedon Achievement Day, Thursday,May 28 from 1 to 3 p.m. at theBlue Point Firehouse. There willalso be a cake sale and WhiteElephantSale. Refreshments willbe served. The public is invi ted.Plans are being made for theAnnual luncheon to be held at House in Sayville. Mrs. C.Hannan and Mrs. H. Schmidt

(Continued on Pag e 12)

? ? X JL j r .A.JM.1

JoAnn Bare LT 9-S200

Mr. and Mrs. Donald Stephanof Col ton Avenue are entertainingMr. and Mrs. W'.tliam Stephan ofRadnor , Penn., ' and thei',* two.sons this weekend. The visitorshave come to attend the EabylonChoral concert this Saturdayevening, in which Mr. and Mrs.Stephan are singing.

Miss Virginia Bare, daughterof Mr.- and Mrs. Louis Bare ofBroadway Avenue, received herfirs t Holy Communion onSaturday at St. LawrenceChurch. Virginia, Mr. and Mrs.Bare, and Mrs. Bare's mother,Mrs. Helen Taylor, went todinner at the Snapper Inn tocelebrate the occasion , Mr.Bare's birthday which was. also •Saturday, and Mother's Day.

Miss Debra Lanari was hostessat a sweet sixteen surprise partyFriday, held at the home of herparents, Mr. and Mrs. Al Lanari,of Haip Lane. The party was heldin honor of Miss Ann' Raber,daughter of Mr. and Mrs.Chauncey Raber , of Old MontaukHighway . Twenty Three peopleattended and enjoyed the musicof Bill Van Axen's band.

The Sayville PTA will meet onMay 19 at 8:30 P.M. at theSayville Jr. High School. TheScene will be TeacherRecognition, with the installment .of new officers by Mr. Spencer ,Superintendent of Schools. Past

recipients of PTA scholarshipswill be there to speak. Gifts*-willbe presented to retiring teachers.

Did you get your SignatureIdentification Card? If not, stopin at the office at which you bank.An I.D. card will enable you toget faster service when cashingchecks. Another service of your"ONE STOP BANK," TheOystermen's Band and TrustCompany (Member F.D.I.C)

A- .home mass for the StLawrence Church Confirmationclass of James DeAcetis will beheld at 5 p.m., Saturday at thehome of Mr. and Mrs. Riccardi ofHandsome Avenue. The Rev.Joseph DeAcetis, C.S.S.R. willofficia te at the mass. FatherDeAcetis is the brother of Mr.DeAcetis. Annina Maria, one ofthe Riccardi's nine children is amember of the class . After themass a buffet dinner will beserved.

The Sayville CommunityCouncil will hold a meeting at theSayville Community HouseThursday, May 21, at 8 p.m. AUorganizations who use theCommunity House for theirmeetings are requested to haveone of their members attend themeeting. .

There will be , a CommunionBreakfast held for the childrenthat received their First HolyCommunion at the St. Lawrence

Church last Saturday morning.The breakfast will be held at 9:30a.m. on Saturday morning withteachers and helpers attending,awards will'be given.

The combined Bay Shore andSayville Auxiliaries of tie SuffolkCenter for EmotionallyDisturbed Children extends acordial invitation to all Interestedladies to attend the next monthlymeeting on Wednesday. May 20,at the home of Mrs. J. Moran, on531 Brooklyn Blvd., Bright-waters. Call Mrs. Moran at MO-6-7879 for information.

Joseph Gallo Jr., son of Mr. andMrs. Joseph Gallo of Indian HeadDrive received his first HolyCommunion Saturday at . the StLawrence Church. A buffet:dinner was held in the evening atthe home of his parents.Includedamong the guests were hisgrandparents Mr. and Mrs.Joseph Antonio, and his uncle andfiancee, Anthony Antonio, andMiss. Barbar Muhlhausen all ofUueens Village.

Roe Vogeney of Jones Driveinvites local residents to par-ticipate in the June Art Jubilee tobe held at the South Shore Mall inBay Shore June 18-21. Awardswill be presented on Father'sDay. All local artists are invited ¦to exhibit their work and shouldcall 589-8971 for more in-formation.

Dennis O'Doherty ofCleveland Avenue was appointedSus ta in ing Membersh ipEnrollment Chairman of theSunrise District, Suffolk CountyCouncil BSA. The appointmentwas announced last week by"District' Chairman Peter FoxCohalan.

The Sisterhood of TempleShalom will sponsor a card party.Monday at the Temple onGreeley Avenue. Rochelle Green(LT97451) and Estelle Frnzraich(5898416) have information abouttickets. -

Peggy Regan will hostess ayard sale for the Cath olicDaughters of America this 'Friday at her home on 3 ChaseLane, Sayville. The public isinvi ted to attend.

James V. Fallon of Sayvillewas recently elected to serve asthird vice president of the SuffolkCounty Bar Association., The Sayville Historical Societywill formulate plans for openingthe Homestead for the summer attheir meeting this Wednesday.The Society is interested inrepeiving,;old - photographs and;|56stcai;d-i'of tlifearea, of people orlocal scenes. These photographsmay be presented as a gift to theSociety's growing collection orloaned'for copying. Please leaveat the Suffolk County New Officeor give them to a society mem-ber.

The Wet Paints Studio Groupwill hold its annual "Paintings inthe Park" show in the Gillette

Ave. Community Center Park onSaturday, May 30, from 10 a.m. to3 p.m. The public is invited toattend. There will be a super-vised painting area for childrenwith judging and awarding ofribbons.

Mrs. Susan Mitzner announcesa meeting of the Sayville-Oakdalechapter of Hadassah on May 25 at8:30 in the Community House.Contemporary issues on cam-puses will be viewed by Adelphistudent speakers. The public iswelcome.

Mrs. Edward Willoughby ofFoster Avenue was honored at aluncheon held at eh Lake House.The Sayville Guild and the GiftShop Volunteers of Go6dSamaritan Hospital werehostesses. Mrs. Willoughby waspresent-jd with a charm braceletin appreciation of her work as gift

SNEAK PREVIEW of tbe Captain and his Guards who will appear in the Cherry Avenue ElepientarySchool Spring Vocal Concert which will be presented <*n Friday, May 15, at 8:00 p.m. In the schoolauditorium. From left to right: Russell D'Ambra. Mtcliael Burgess. Joseph Kraszen , William Maro,and Lawrence Seesing. \

shop chairman. Mr. and Mrs.Willoughby will move to Floridaat the end of the month.

Invest idle funds with safetyand high return. See Oystermen 'sabout a certificate of deposit.

Friends of Father Kelly willhold their second annual rum-mage and cake sale Thursdayand Friday at the home of Mrs.William Shelbourne, 183 CandeeAvenue. According to co-chairman, Mrs. Eileen Rehm,

there will be "all sorts ofgoodies" from antiques to cup-cakes. The proceeds will supportFather Kelly 's mission in Africa .

Edward Dooling of MapleStreet was discharged, fromSouthside Hospital this week. Hewas taken by the Sayville Am-bulance to St. James nursinghome in St. James.

Patricia Bailey celebrated hertwelfth birthday Saturday at aparty given bv her parents, Mr.

and Mrs. Charles Bailey, at theirhome on Greene Avenue.

Mr. And Mrs. William Reilly onHandsome Avenue entertained attheir home on Saturday. Thecelebration was in honor of Mr.Reilly who has recently earnedhis second doctoral degree. Hisnewest Phd. will be awarded to

him at St. John's Universitycommencement exercises inJune.

(Continued on Page 12)

TOWN TALK... News Around The Community of Sayville; JoAnn Bare LT 9-€200 J

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Launch your boating pleasiSe here... let us ar-range a low co%t Boat Loan for the new or usedboat of your choice. It s fast and easy. Why wait?

Our Marine financing also includes loans forequipment , overhauling, engine... anything thatwill make your boat more ship shape! All Skip-pers welcome!

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First National Bank% v|> of Bay Shore



West SayvilleMary Van Wyen

. The annual Memorial Serviceof the Suffolk County VolunteerFiremen's Association will beheld at 5 P.M. on Sunday, May 17,in East Brentwood.

Mr. ai.J Mrs. Howard Style anddaughU-rs, Miss Louann andBeth, of Cherry Avenue spent theweekend at the home of Mr. andMrs. Elwood Style of Sunapee,N.H. They also visited theirmother, Mrs. John Style, who is apatient in the New LondonHospital , New London, N.H. MissIsabella Style of Bohemia alsoaccompanied them on the trip.

Interested ln interest? SeeOystermen's about a Certificateof Deposit.

- Mr. and Mrs. Donald Van-dertulip and children of Lodi ,N.J., spentSunday at the home ofMr. and Mrs. Peter Bais of BrookStreet.

Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Slager ofRollstone Avenue were weekendguests at the home of Mr. andMrs. John Daane of Fanwood.N.J.

The monthly meeting of heLadies Auxiliary of the FireDepartment will be held at 8 Wednesday in theFirehouse. After the business ofthe evening there will be aPocketbook Hunt.

Mrs. Raymond Welter ofBarkley Lane spent the Mother 'sDay weekend visiting her motherand sisters in Brooklyn , N.Y.

Mrs. John Van Essendelft ofFifth Street returned home yes-,lerday after spending threeweeks at the home of her son-in-law and daughter , Mr. and Mrs.Kenneth Van Dellen of OakLawn, 111.

Bride-to-be see latest styles aashown in bridal magazines; alsobridesmaids and - flower girlcostumes; by appointment onlyCall Lillian LT 9-0650.

A bridal shower for Miss VondaTen Pas of Oostburg. Wis., wasgiven last Friday at the home ofMrs. James Conkle of ChesterRoad. At tn .* san>e time a babyshower was given for Mrs.Warren Overton ol Patchogue.

LT 9-0771

There were 18 guest present.Mr. and Mrs . John Boogertman

of Miami, Fla. arrived here lastWednesday and will spend thesummer months in town visitingwith relatives ar.d friends.

Mrs. Richard Andela anddaughters Karen and Debra ofWanye , N.J., and Mrs. BarneySmid of Wyckoff , N.J., spentyesterday at the home of Mrs.Andela 's parents , Mr. and Mrs.Nelson Slager of DivisionAvenue. . r

Mr. ar.d Mrs. James Sloot-maker and Mrs. Mary VanderPyl left for (heir home in OrmondBeach , Fla., last Thursday afterspending five weeks at the homeof Mr. and Mrs. John J. VanEssendelft of Cherry Avenue.

Leonard Kiesling, son of Mrs.Irene Kiesling, of Cherry Avenueleft on Sunday morning to begintraining at Lackland Air ForceBase. After six weeks of bootcamp he will be Transferred toIllinois to study air trafficcontrol.

Did you get your SignatureCard? If not stop in at the officeaf which you bank. An I.D. Cardwill enable you to get fasterservice when cashing checks, iAnother service of your "ONESTOP BANK. " The Oystermen 'sBank and Trust Company(Member F.D.I.C. )

Miss Charlene Schaper , 'daughter of Mr. and Mrs. CF.Schaper of Brook Street, washonored at a miscellaneous

(Continued on Page 12)qf fv*0tf *mm0i**0n»ir\*im.-%




LT 9-0808