tp presentation gala


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Post on 03-Nov-2014




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Present emission trends put the world plausibly on a path toward 4°C [7°F] warming within the century

World Bank

“The world is currently on a trajectory to 6 degrees [11 degrees Fahrenheit]”

International Energy Agency

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Central beliefs

• Climate change will dominate our lives in the twenty first century

• The arts have a crucial role to play in helping people understand the paradigm shifts taking place and needed

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20 events to date• 50 – 200 people• 2 or 3 days• All over the world – UK, France, Belgium, Norway, USA,

Australia, India, Germany

• Mix of artists and ‘experts’ – on climate, transport, consumerism, etc

• Process: presentations, group work, creative exercises, Open Space, etc

• The aim – to create a stimulating atmosphere that helps generate new ideas

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Potsdam, Germany

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Philip Pullman, Oxford, England

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Sydney, Australia

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Oxford, England

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Bengaluru, India

Cape Town, South Africa

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Feedback• It was one of the most important exercises I've ever taken part in -

timely, imaginatively set up, and profoundly necessary. Philip Pullman, Author

•  I thought it was fantastic – stimulating and challenging – and just the right balance of learning and sharing. John Fulljames, Artistic Director, the Opera Group

• For me it was a truly significant experience, one that has since caused a profound shift in my perception of the world and the way I engage with it. Cornelia Parker, Artist

• I found the event hugely valuable - I can hardly think about much else yet. It was a privilege to be there. John Ashton, the Foreign Secretary’s Special Representative on Climate Change.

• It became clear that climate change is not just about understanding complex nonlinear systems; it is about relationships and communication among people who experience the environment in different ways Professor Karen O’Brien

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What we would like to do• Find a partner(s) who would like to work with

us to hold an event – with UK and local attendance

• Themes could include:– Climate change– Transportation– Consumerism

• Can also link to – Commissions– Public events

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My Last CarCar Love Meets Climate Change

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Exhibition – Performance – Community Action

• Collect car stores from around the world• Take a car to pieces and build a gallery

display• Make film, video and images• Interview climate scientists• Create a performance• Work with communities to create their own


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Everyone Has a Car Story

• No car guilt• No rhetoric• Lots of car love• Memories of human events, special

moments, great places

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Change Is Coming

• The car is old technology• Everyone knows this• Change is inevitable• But no-one knows how or when

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