tpm booklet

4 Email: [email protected] or [email protected] Facebook: Tuko Pamoja Mkyashi Twitter: Mkyashi Tax deducble donaons may be sent to:* Peace House Africa 6581 City West Parkway Eden Prairie, MN 55344 U.S.A. *(Indicate “Tuko Pamoka Mkyashi” in memo line to ensure donaons go to Tuko Pamoja Mkyashi) Help us make a sustainable difference! Your donation can help begin a continuing process of development! Tuko Pamoja Mkyashi Together with Mkyashi All human beings need the help of others.” Mosses Shayo, Villager of Kilema

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Our new informational pamphlet. Please request hardcopies if you would like to distribute them!


Page 1: TPM Booklet

Email: [email protected] or [email protected]

Facebook: Tuko Pamoja Mkyashi

Twitter: Mkyashi

Tax deductible donations may be sent to:*

Peace House Africa

6581 City West Parkway

Eden Prairie, MN 55344


*(Indicate “Tuko Pamoka Mkyashi” in memo line to ensure

donations go to Tuko Pamoja Mkyashi)

Help us make a sustainable difference! Your donation can

help begin a continuing process of development!

Tuko Pamoja Mkyashi

Together with Mkyashi

“ All human beings need the help of others.” Mosses Shayo, Villager of Kilema

Page 2: TPM Booklet

Mkyashi Tuko Pamoja

with for

“ If real development is to take place, the people have to be involved."

Julius Kambarage Nyerere (the father of Tanzania), from his

book Uhuru na Maendeleo (Freedom and Development), 1973.

Social Benefit

1. Village Fund

2. Employment

3. Locally Owned and Operated

Village Board will Include:

A school employee

A church employee

A business owner

A farmer

A village bank member

A mother

A grandmother taking care of grandchildren

A teenager

The village chairman

Page 3: TPM Booklet

“ Don’t give people gifts, bring forth

the gifts people naturally have”

-Jaqueline Novogratz, Founder of the Acumen Fund

Page 4: TPM Booklet

Guest Experience

Activities for guests:

Day hikes to numerous waterfalls near Mkyashi

Tours of local farms—educational or participatory

Attending village bank meetings to learn or make deposits

Day hikes to scenic look outs towards Uhuru Peak, Kenya, Mt. Meru, and the Pare Mountains

Meeting village elders who can share village history

Sipping tea and sharing ideas with local people

Stopping at a local bar for beer, soda, or mbege, the local banana beer

Attending local religious services

Playing with kids or joining the nightly village soccer game

Village tours to see the school, church, and other facilities

Sharing project ideas and expertise with village leaders

“ Quality ecotourism not only involves the tourist in physical

activity, it also engages the mind and the emotions. Ecotour-

ists expect to be active, entertained, and informed, and they

expect that, in some small way, their lives will be changed.”

-Steps for Success for Rural Entrepreneurs

What? What does Tuko Pamoja Mkyashi do?

What’s Ecotourism? And What’s an Ecolodge?

Why an Ecolodge?