tr-3797 transcription friedman, herbert a. conference...

TR-3797 Transcription Friedman, Herbert A. Conference message to United Jewish Appeal workers. 21 June 1957. ABE HYMAN: [00:00] My fellow colleagues in the United Jewish Appeal, I am Abe Hyman the new Executive Vice Chairman of the United Jewish Appeal. As you've undoubtedly heard from Shalom, we've called you together this afternoon to discuss with you the windup of this current great campaign in which we're engaged, and your responsibility in this windup phase of our campaign. You'll hear from our Executive Vice Chairman, Rabbi Herbert Friedman, and from Shalom about what is expected of you, the kind of work you will have to do in order to have this campaign the success it must be. I want to merely make a few introductory remarks. I regret very much that although I've been here in the United Jewish Appeal now for nearly three months, I have not had the pleasure, and the privilege, and the opportunity [01:00] of meeting all of you. I look forward to the time when I can see you, and know you, to speak to you personally. However, I cannot say that I'm not acquainted with you. I know you from the many Rabbi Herbert A. Friedman Collection, TR-3797. American Jewish Archives, Cincinnati, Ohio. 1 he ne n w Executive Vi Vice e e Cha hairman of the Uni nite you've undoubtedly he he ea a ard d d from Shalom, we've r thi i is s s af af afte te tern rn rnoo oo oon n n to to to d d dis is iscuss ss ss w w wit it ith h h yo yo you u u t the wi t gre eat at at cam am amp p paig ig ign in n n w w wh hich c ch we' e' e're e e eng n n ag ag aged e e , an ity in th h his i i w w win i i du du dup ph h ha a ase of of of o our ur ur c c cam a a paign. Y ec c cutive V V Vic ic ice e e Ch Ch Chai ai airm r r an an an, Ra a abb bb bbi i i He He Herb rb rber r rt Frie edm a ab a out wh h hat t t i i is ex x xpe pe pect ct cted ed ed o o of f f y y you u u, th he h kind of o d d do in ord d der er er to o o ha ha have ve ve t t thi hi his s s ca a amp mp mpa a aign the suc want t to m m merely ma ma make ke ke a a a f f few ew ew i i introduct t tor or ory y y rema ry much tha ha hat t t al al alth t t ou h gh I I' 've be be been en en h h here in the al now for near r rly ly ly t t thr hr hree ee ee mon n nth th ths, I have not nd the privilege and the opportunity [01:0

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Page 1: TR-3797 Transcription Friedman, Herbert A. Conference … · 2015-12-22 · TR-3797 Transcription Friedman, Herbert A. Conference

TR-3797 Transcription

Friedman, Herbert A. Conference message to United Jewish Appeal

workers. 21 June 1957.


[00:00] My fellow colleagues in the United Jewish Appeal, I am

Abe Hyman the new Executive Vice Chairman of the United Jewish

Appeal. As you've undoubtedly heard from Shalom, we've called

you together this afternoon to discuss with you the windup of

this current great campaign in which we're engaged, and your

responsibility in this windup phase of our campaign. You'll hear

from our Executive Vice Chairman, Rabbi Herbert Friedman, and

from Shalom about what is expected of you, the kind of work you

will have to do in order to have this campaign the success it

must be. I want to merely make a few introductory remarks.

I regret very much that although I've been here in the United

Jewish Appeal now for nearly three months, I have not had the

pleasure, and the privilege, and the opportunity [01:00] of

meeting all of you. I look forward to the time when I can see

you, and know you, to speak to you personally. However, I cannot

say that I'm not acquainted with you. I know you from the many

Rabbi Herbert A. Friedman Collection, TR-3797. American Jewish Archives,Cincinnati, Ohio. 1

he nen w Executive ViViceee Chahairman of the Uninite

you've undoubtedly heheeaaardd d from Shalom, we've

r thiiisss afafafteteternrnrnoooooonnn tototo dddisisiscussssss wwwititithhh yoyoyouuu tthe wi

t greeatatat camamampppaigigign innn wwwhhichcch we'e'e're eeengnn agagagedee , an

ity in thhhisii wwwinii dududup phhhaaase ofofof ooururur cccamaa paign. Y

ecccutive VVViciciceee ChChChaiaiairmrr ananan, Raaabbbbbbiii HeHeHerbrbrberrrt Frieedm

aaba out whhhattt iiis exxxpepepectctctededed ooofff yyyouuu, thheh kind of

o dddo in ordddererer tooo hahahaveveve ttthihihisss caaampmpmpaaaign the suc

want t to mmmerely mamamakekeke aaa fffewewew iiintroductttororory y y rema

ry much thahahattt alalalthtt ou hgh II''ve bebebeenenen hhhere in the

al now for nearrrlylyly ttthrhrhreeeeee monnnththths, I have not

nd the privilege and the opportunity [01:0

Page 2: TR-3797 Transcription Friedman, Herbert A. Conference … · 2015-12-22 · TR-3797 Transcription Friedman, Herbert A. Conference

reports of yours that I have read, and I know something of the

quality of the work and of the intensity of your devotion to

this common cause of ours. Now, every campaign, military and

others, is composed of separate engagements. You don't have one

battle and win a war. You have individual engagements which

compose the entire campaign.

Now, recently we've had a very important engagement in which all

of you -- every one of you who is now listening to me -- played

a very vital role. I refer to the [Cash?] conference which was

held here in New York City on June eighth, [02:00] and June

ninth just a short time ago. This phase of the campaign, this

Cash conference was, in my judgment, a success from every

standpoint. Everybody who was there communicated their feelings

about this in one way or another. They all felt -- they all went

away from this Cash conference that the conference was a great

success. We succeeded in getting an attendance in excess of 700

persons, and I believe that we raised as a result of the

concerted effort that was put in connection with this Cash

conference a sum of about 14 million dollars in cash. I'm sure

you will be pleased to hear what was said at this conference,

which relates particularly to your work.

Rabbi Herbert A. Friedman Collection, TR-3797. American Jewish Archives,Cincinnati, Ohio. 2

ly we've had a very iiimmmportant engagement in

very onononeee ofofof yyyououou wwwhohoho iiisss nowww lililistststeneneninininggg tto me

l role.e.e. I rrreeefererer to thththee [CCash?h?h?]]] cococonfnn erererenee ce w

n New Yorrrkkk CiCiCitytt ooon Juuunnne eigigightth,h,h, [[[0200 :00] and

a short tttimimimeee agagagooo. Thihihisss phhhasasaseee ofofof ttthehehe campaaig

ennnce was,,, iiin mymyy jjjudududgmgmgmenenent,t,t, a suuuccccessss from ev

Evvverybody whwhwho oo wawawasss thththererereee cococommmmunununiiicated thheheir

in onnne wawaway or anononothththererer. ThThTheyeyey all felllttt ---- the

his Casssh hh cococonfnn erence ttthahahat the conffferrrenenence was

succeeded dd ininin gggetee titit ng an atatttetetendndndananance in exce

d I believe thahaattt wewewe rrraiaiaised aasas a result of t

ffort that was put in connection with this

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The Cash conference chairmen were, as you know, [03:00] Sam

[Rothberg?] and Phil [Lown?]. And naturally, in the course of

the addresses a great deal of praise was heaped upon them for

the success that they contributed to this conference. And Sam

Rothberg got up, and he said, "Look, the success for this

conference is not due to my efforts. It is due to the field men

who worked so hard and so energetically onto the very capable

leadership of Shalom [Santit?]." And when he said that,

everybody applauded him. This was a tribute meant to you, and I

know from where I sat that it was a tribute that you well

deserved. I hear it brooded about the office that it appears

that this campaign of 1957 is going to be a successful one. I am

confident that if you work hard -- as hard as you did [04:00] on

this Cash Conference during the coming months -- during the

windup phase of this campaign, that this appearance of which I

hear so much will become a reality.

Thank you, and the next person that you will hear from is from

our very dynamic Vice Chairman Rabbi Herbert Friedman.


Rabbi Herbert A. Friedman Collection, TR-3797. American Jewish Archives,Cincinnati, Ohio. 3

is non t due to my efeffooortrr s.s. It is due to ththe

so hard and so energeeetittically onto the very

of Shhhalalalomomom [[[SaSaSantntntititit?]?]?]."."." AAAnd wwwhehehennn hehehe sssaiaiaidd that

pplauuudededed d hihihimmm. TTThis wawawass aaa tribibibuutu eee memm anananttt to y

here I saaattt thththataa iiit waaasss a trtrtribbututute thtt at you w

hhhear ittt brbrbroooodedededdd abaa ouououttt thhheee ofofoffifiicecece ttthat itt a

ammpmpaign ooof 19995777 iiisss gogogoinining gg ttto beee aaa sssuccessffful

hattt if you wowoworkrr hhharararddd ------ aaasss haaardrdrd as you ddidid

onferrrencecece duringgg thththeee cococomimimingngng months ---- dddurin

e of ththhisisis cccamaa paign, ttthahahat this appppeaaarararance of

h will becococomememe aaa realilitty.

and the next person that you will hear from

Page 4: TR-3797 Transcription Friedman, Herbert A. Conference … · 2015-12-22 · TR-3797 Transcription Friedman, Herbert A. Conference

Thank you Mr. Hyman, and good afternoon gentlemen. We're sitting

here looking at the figures of the campaign to date,

approximately the middle of June, and I'd like to share them

with you so that you have an overall perspective of where we

stand. Roughly speaking, and on the average, the campaigns

appear to be about three quarters finished. That is, the

communities have reported in about 75 million dollars raised.

Seventy-five million dollars raised by them on the regular

campaign means that [05:00] approximately the same 100 million

dollars will be raised, which they raised last year. These are

the reports which they forward to the Council of Federations and

Welfare Funds, and from every indication it appears that the

regular campaign this year will produce almost mathematically

the identical result that the regular campaign did last year.

Therefore, if they report that they have already finished 75

million dollars worth of pledges, we have a right to assume that

some communities are three quarters of the way finished. This

certainly does not mean that each campaign is 75% finished. As I

said, this is an average figure. The particular campaign for

which you might be responsible might be 100% done, or another

campaign for which you are responsible might only be 50%

finished. The average is three quarters of the way. And on this

Rabbi Herbert A. Friedman Collection, TR-3797. American Jewish Archives,Cincinnati, Ohio. 4

haavev reported in aabobooutuu 775 million dollarars

e million dollars raiaiisssedd d by them on the reg

ans ttthahahattt [0[0[05:5:5:000000]] apapapprprproxoxoximatatatelelelyyy thththe e e sasasammme 100

l be rararaisededed,,, whwhwhich thththeey rraiseseseddd lalalastss yyyeaee r. T

which thhheyee ffforoo wawaward tttooo theee Coounununciiilll of Feder

dsss, and fffrororommm evevevererery yy ininindididicaaatititiononon iiittt apapappears th

paaia gn thiiis yeeearrr wwwililillll prprprodododuuuceee aala mmmossts matheeema

al result ttthahahat tt thththeee rereregugugulalalarrr caaampmpmpaaaign did las

if ththhey rrreport thththatatat tttheheheyy hahahavve alreaaadydydy fffinis

lars wowoortrtrthhh ofoo pledgeseses, we have a riiighghght to a

ities are ttthrhrhreeeeee qua trters ofoff ttthehehe wwway finishe

oes not mean ththhatatat eeeacacach h h campmpmpaiaiaign is 75% fini

is an average figure The particular campai

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three quarter mark, we take stock and we see [06:00] that it

will come almost within the dollar for dollar figure of the

regular campaign proceeds of a year ago.

This, by the way, should be very encouraging to us because there

are many people who said that the regular campaign proceeds

would fall off considerably as we racked up these very large

gains in the extra campaign or the rescue fund. I'm happy to say

that is not occurring, and I would hope that we could get to the

end of this year showing that the regular campaign actually does,

in dollar terms, hold the line with the regular campaign of last

year, and that the ERF would then be all extra money. Now, the

ERF stands at 27 million at the moment. This is a gross figure,

and it's unadjusted, and I wouldn't want to be held to it down

to the last decimal point, but I think it's close enough within

the variations that we'll have to make for it [07:00]

bookkeeping-wise to indicate that we stand now at three quarters

of the way in the regular campaign, at 27 million in the rescue

fund. Is there for 27 million, three quarters of where the

rescue fund will ultimately wind up? If so, it would appear that

the rescue fund might have another eight or nine million dollars

in pledges to go in it. We would like to think that the rescue

Rabbi Herbert A. Friedman Collection, TR-3797. American Jewish Archives,Cincinnati, Ohio. 5

offf considerably asas wwweee raracked up these vevery

e extra campaign or ttthehhe rescue fund. I'm ha

occuuurrrrrrinining,g,g, aaandndnd III wwwouououldldld hopopopeee thththatatat wwweee ccould

yearrr ssshowiwiwinnng tthat thththe rerr guuulalalar cacacampppaiaiaign ac

erms, hollld dd thththe ee lililine wwwitii h thththe rerereguuulall r campai

haaat the EEERFRFRF wouououldldld thehehennn beee aaallllll eeextxtxtraaa moneyy.

attt 27 milllliiionnn aaat thththeee momomomememennnt... TThT isisis is a grrros

adjjjusted, aaandndnd I wwwouououldldldn'n'n'ttt wawawanttt tttooo be heldd d to

deciciimalll point, bbututut III ttthihihinkkk it's clllosososeee enou

ons thahaattt wewewe'll have tttooo make for iiit [0[0[07:00]

-wise to ininindididicacacatett tthhatt we ssstatatandndnd nnnow at thre

in the regular cacacampmpmpaiaiaigngngn, attt 2227 million in t

ere for 27 million three quarters of where

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fund could reach a 35, or 36, or 40 million dollar figure. Right

now this is where it stands.

The third figure I should like to give you is on Cash. The

regular campaign receipts from all campaigns -- you know how we

keep these, and from all years -- the regular campaign receipts

are running two million dollars ahead of last year. Now, this is

a great source of satisfaction, because again [08:00] people say

that with the rescue fund taking all the emphasis, the regular

fund might take a beating. We're two million dollars in cash

ahead on the regular fund, but I want to utter a warning. It's

quite clear to all of us who know the way a campaign works, and

if we're two million dollars ahead now, there's no guarantee at

all that that gain won't be eaten up as the months roll on, and

as we begin to absorb the losses which might occur. Therefore,

let's take the satisfaction in knowing that we're two million

ahead, but let's not be so cocky about it that we think that

automatically it will roll towards the end of the year at that


One of the reasons, I think, by the way that we're two million

dollars ahead in the regular fund is that the ERF fund shows a

Rabbi Herbert A. Friedman Collection, TR-3797. American Jewish Archives,Cincinnati, Ohio. 6

twwo o million dollarars ahaha eaead of last year.. No

rce of satisfaction, bebbecause again [08:00]

he reeescscscueueue fffununund d d tatatakikikingngng aaall ttthehehe eeempmpmphahahasisisiss, the

take aaa bebb atatatiiing.g.g. We'''rerere twowwo milililllliononon dololollall rs i

e regularrr fununund,dd bbbut III wanttt too uuutttteree a warni

ttto all ooofff uuus wwwhohoho knononow ww thhheee wawaway aaa caaampaignn w

o millionnn dddollllaaarsss aaheheheadadad nnnooow,,, ttht eeeree'e s no gggua

at gain wonnn'ttt bee eaeaeatetetennn upupup aaas thththeee months rol

to aaabsorororb the lololosssssseseses wwwhihihichchch might oooccccccururur. Th

the satttisisisfafafactcc ion in kkknononowing that weee'r'r're two

let's not bbbeee sososo cockky abboututut iiittt thththat we thin

ly it will rolllll tttowowowararardsdsds theee eend of the year

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very bad collection record. I'm sorry to have to temper the good

report with the bad. I simply want you to know that we have

collected less cash at this point [09:00] on the ERF than we did

last year at this point on the SSF. Now follow me. The money

that's come in on the rescue fund so far this year, even though

the rescue fund is many millions of dollars ahead in pledges

over the special fund last year, but the cash that's come in on

the rescue fund this year, up to June 15th is less than the cash

that we had in last year on the survival fund up to June 15th.

That's a very shocking and upsetting thing, because it's this

extra cash in the rescue fund that they've been counting on in

Israel to help handle the mass immigration problem. We simply

haven't been providing it. And when Abe Hyman talked about the

windup on the campaign, I certainly would like to stress the

windup on the cash, particularly in that ERF column on the

ledger. Just to finish the report [10:00] by the way -- because

we're all curious -- the SSF of last year stands at almost 15

million total cash that's come in, which means about four more

million in cash is outstanding still to be brought in on the

1956 survival fund. So, we've got all the cash on the '57 rescue

fund to try to get, and still four million leftover on the

survival fund of last year to try to get, and I want to urge you

Rabbi Herbert A. Friedman Collection, TR-3797. American Jewish Archives,Cincinnati, Ohio. 7

eciiala fund last yeaear,,, butut the cash that's's c

fund this year, up totoo JJune 15th is less tha

in lllasasasttt yeyeyeararar ooonnn thththeee sususurvivivivalalal fffununund d d upupup to Ju

ry shhhococockingngng andndnd upsssetetetttingnng thihihinnng,,, bebb cacacausuu e it

in the reeescss ueueue fununund thhhaaat thehehey'veveve bbbeeee n counti

elllp handldldleee thththee e mamamassss iiimmmmmmigggrararatititionnn ppproooblem. We

n pprovidiiinggg iiit... AAAndndnd wwwhehehen AAAbeee HHyH mmmannn talkeddd a

he campaignnn,,, III cececertrtrtaiaiainlnlnlyy wowowoulllddd lllike to sststre

he cacaash,,, particululularararlylyly iiinn thththat ERF cccolololumumumn on

t to fifiinininishshsh the reporororttt [10:00] byyy ttthehehe way -

urious -- ttthehehe SSSSFSS off lla tst yyyeaeaearrr stststands at al

al cash that's cococomememe iiin,n,n, whiiichchch means about f

cash is outstanding still to be brought in

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very strongly to pay your attention to Shalom when he talks to

you about the specific communities in which the windup has to be

done, and the cash has to be gathered.

Before I turn the microphone over to him, I wanted to give you a

few figures on what the immigration picture in Israel looks like

now. And I think you should have these figures down with pencil

and paper, because I think they are your stock and trade, and

they are the story that you have to tell. [11:00] During the

month of May, 12,000 immigrants entered Israel. During the month

of June, which is not yet finished but we can take a projection

of what the figures will be, there will be a slight fall off,

but we think it will be 10,500. Now, that's a slight fall off

from 12,000, but by God, 10,000 within one month is no small

group to deal with. Therefore, for the first six months of the

year, to the end of June -- and I'm projecting ahead for the

next 10 days, I think we won't be wrong -- for the first six

months of the year there have come into Israel 53,000 people,

which means that if anybody ever needed any corroboration for

the fact that we were telling the truth or speaking our

estimates carefully when we said that 100,000 people would be

required for the year 1957, well 53,000 is the actual total

Rabbi Herbert A. Friedman Collection, TR-3797. American Jewish Archives,Cincinnati, Ohio. 8

thiinkn you should hahaveee thehese figures downn wi

because I think they aaare your stock and tra

e stoooryryry ttthahahattt yoyoyouuu hahahaveveve ttto tetetellllll. [1111:1:1:000000] Duri

y, 12,0,0,0000 iiimmmmigigigrantttsss eentettered d d IIsI rararaelee . DuDD ring

ich is nooottt yeyeyet tt fififinishhhedee bututut wwweee caaan nn take a p

fffiguresss wiwiwillllll bbbeee, thehehererere wwwililillll bebebe aaa ssslight fa

k it willll bbbe 1000,555000000. NoNoNow,w,w, thhhatt't sss aaa slighttt f

, bbbut by Goood,d,d, 10,0,0,000000000 wiwiwithththininin ooonenene month isss no

al wiwiwith... Therefffororore,e, fffororor ttthehehe first sssixixix mmmonth

e end ooof ff JuJuJunenn -- and d d I'I'I m projectiiinggg aahead f

s, I thinkkk wewewe wwwonoo 't't bbe wronnng g g ------ fffor the fir

he year there hhhavavaveee cococomememe intttooo Israel 53,000

that if anybody ever needed any corroborat

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[12:00] for the first six months already. And therefore, the

immigration is running at this incredibly high rate, and keeps

running at that rate, doesn't slacken off, and there's no reason

to suppose it will.

There are a couple of interesting side lights, I can't give you

all the details of this, but I think it should do your hearts

good just as Jews interested in this now, not just as

professional field men, to know that in the last five months of

the immigrants who've come into the country, over 1,000 of them

-- actually it's about 1,100 or something -- have higher

academic degrees from higher universities of Europe. Now, notice

what quality immigration that means. There are over 400 doctors

who have come into Israel in the last five months. That's

fantastic. There are hundreds of engineers, and architects, and

journalists, and professional men as I say about 1,100 who

possess [13:00] higher degrees from higher academic institutions

of learning of the European continent. Now that's a very

precious kind of immigration coming into the country. That's

high quality. That's important, people, to continue to try to

service with money and means to make the absorption process work

to their satisfaction.

Rabbi Herbert A. Friedman Collection, TR-3797. American Jewish Archives,Cincinnati, Ohio. 9

aillss of this, but II ttthihh nknk it should do yoyour

s Jews interested in thtthiisi now, not just as

l fieeeldldld mmmenenen,,, tototo kkknononowww thththat iiin nn thththeee lalalaststst five

nts wwhohoho'veee cccomememe intttooo ttheee counununttrt y,y,y, ovevever rr 1,00

it's aboooutuu 111,1,, 000000 or sssomethththinnggg ---- have high

grrrees frororom mm hihhighghghererer unininiveveversssitititieieies ofofof EEEurope.. N

y immigraaatiiionnn ttthaaattt mememeananans... Thhherrre arrre over 40

me into Isrrraeaeaelll ininin ttthehehe lllaaasttt fiiiveveve months. Tha

Thereree arerere hundredededs ofofof eeengngnginnneers, annnd d d arararchit

, and ppprororofefefessss ional mememennn as I say aaaboooututut 1,100

:00] highererer dddegegegrerr es ffrom hihihighghghererer aaacademic in

of the Europeaaannn cococontntntinininent... NNow that's a ve

nd of immigration coming into the country

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The last interesting little statistic I'd like to give you is at

the beginning of the year there were studying in the Hebrew

schools of Israel, in the Ulpanim, where the professional men

take that quick hurry up course -- the four, five month course

to learn the Hebrew language so that they can integrate into the

life of the country -- there were studying in the Ulpanim in

Israel at the beginning of this year in January 2,000 persons.

There are now registered in the Ulpanim in the country 5,000

persons. That means that on that high quality level of

immigrants, there are 3,000 more people [14:00] who are taking

this speed up course in Hebrew because they have to have it for

use in the law courts, and in the government offices, and in

high army posts, and in all the positions which they're

occupying which add to the strength of the country.

So, this is no joke. And this is no ordinary immigration. This

is one of those special, quality, extraordinary things that we

are delighted to see. But just as delighted as we are to see it,

so does it represent an enormous headache. And about five

minutes before we got on the telephone for this hook up, I got a

cable from [Dov Joseph?] in Jerusalem, and that's the last thing

Rabbi Herbert A. Friedman Collection, TR-3797. American Jewish Archives,Cincinnati, Ohio. 10

coounu try -- there wwerrreee ststudying in the UlUlpa

he beginning of this yyyear in January 2,000

ow reeegigigistststerererededed iiinnn thththeee UlUlUlpap nininimmm ininin ttthehehe cccoountry

at meeananans thththaata ooon thhhatatat higigh quququaaalititity yy lelelevevv l of

there arrreee 3,,,000 000 moreee peoplplple [1[1[14::0000 ] who ar

uppp coursesese iiinnn HeHeHebrbrbrewee bbbecececauuusesese ttthehehey y y hahahave to ha

laaaw courttts,,, aaanddd iiinn n thththeee gogogovvverrrnmmmentntnt officesss,

osttts, and iiinnn alaa lll thththeee popoposisisitititionnnsss wwwhich theeey'r

hich h add d d to the strtrtrenenengtgtgthhh ofofof the couuuntntntryryry.

no joke. AAAndndnd ttthihh s iis no orrrdididinananaryryry immigrati

hose special, qqquauaualililitytyty, extrrraaoaordinary things

ed to see But just as delighted as we are

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I'd like to read to you. We discussed it just five minutes

before coming onto the phone. He writes a lot of things about

refunding loan, and trying to borrow money from banks, and so on,

but he goes on to say this: "In these circumstances, it is

vitally important that efforts [15:00] be made. Collect cash

unabated. July, August. Otherwise, position those months will be

catastrophic." That's a strong word for him to use. "Stop. Must

therefore urge you before leaving make extraordinary

arrangements, special efforts, get cash, etc., etc.. We will

carry on the absorption of the addition immigration which will

continue regardless of the summer heat." In other words, what

he's trying to say is that he knows perfectly well that here in

America there's a tendency to slacken off during July and August.

He's begging us not to because they won't slacken off there. The

rate of immigration will continue.

He mentioned in the cable that I should do this and that before

leaving. He referred to the fact that I'm leaving in about 10

days to go to Israel where there are many, many problems that

must be discussed, and I would like to bring [16:00] with me a

very, very courageous and inspiring report to them. I'm going to

tell them how well you've done, really. Not boastfully, but in a

Rabbi Herbert A. Friedman Collection, TR-3797. American Jewish Archives,Cincinnati, Ohio. 11

c."" That's a strongng wwworoo d d for him to use.. "S

rge you before leavininnggg make extraordinary

s, spppecececiaiaialll efefeffofofortrtrts,s,s, gggetetet casasash,h,h, eeetctctc.,.,., eeettc.. W

e absorororptpp ioioionnn ofofof theee aaaddditition n n iiimmimimigrgg atatatioii n wh

gardless ofoo ttthehh sssummeeerrr heatatat." IIIn otoo her word

ttto say iiisss thththatatat hhheee knknknowowows pepeperfrfrfeccctltltly y y well ttha

ree'e s a teeendndndennncyyy tttooo ssslacacackekeken ofofff dududuring Juulu y

g uuus not tooo bbbecee auauausesese tttheheheyy wowowon'ttt ssslacken oofoff

igratattion nn will

d in the cacacablblble ee thtt att II shhoulululd d d dododo ttthih s and th

referred to ththheee fafafactctct ttthat I'I'I'm leaving in a

to Israel where there are many many proble

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quiet measure of thankfulness to you for your devotion and your

unflagging zeal. I want them in Israel to know how hard you

worked. I would like to be able to tell them in addition that as

hard as you worked in the first six months, that July and August

will not be periods in which you will take advantage of any

normal opportunity to relax, but that you will appreciate what

they are doing over there, and that you will try to match it by

doing everything that you can here. Now the practical

proposition of the follow up in each community is lined up here

in front of Shalom's desk. Shalom has done a heroic job this

year. We're just [17:00] very grateful to him. And I would like

you to be very close and special attention to him as he goes

down city by city, town by town, man by man with you, urging you

to the windup, this cash follow up, and this realization of how

a tail end is the end that we want to watch so carefully because

it's ours. Shalom, I'm very happy to turn the telephone over to



Gentlemen, just a few remarks before I get into the heart of the

subject. One is that this year, you have been asked to stay in

your areas later than usual. No man was allowed to take his

Rabbi Herbert A. Friedman Collection, TR-3797. American Jewish Archives,Cincinnati, Ohio. 12

ingg over there, andnd ttthahah t t you will try too ma

thing that you can heheerrre. Now the practical

of ttthehehe fffololollololow w w upupup iiinnn eaeaeach cccomomommumumunininitytyty iiiss line

Shalomomom's dddeeesk.k.k. Shaaalololomm hahhas dododonnne aaa herereroioo c jo

just [1777:0:: 0]]] vererery grrraaatefululul ttooo And I w

errry closesese aaandndnd ssspepepecicc alalal aaattttenenentititionnn ttto him ass h

y city, tttowwwn byyy tttowowown,nn mmmannn byyy mmmannn wwiw th youuu,

up,, this caaashshsh fololollololowww upupup, ananand thththiiis realizzzati

is ththhe enenend thattt we wawawantntnt tttoo watch sooo cccararareful

Shalom,m, III'm'm'm very happppppy yy to turn thhhe tetetelephon


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vacation before July the 26th, which is a late date. Also, some

of the men in residence [18:00] have been allowed to stay longer

in the communities at the request of the Executive Directors of

the various communities. All of them practically have told me

over the telephone that they have large amounts outstanding in

values of last year, and in small occurrence, which makes it

much more difficult to obtain, and therefore the men were left

in residence. And they were not exaggerating. You men in

residence know of the outstanding values in your communities.

You know that Chicago has a tremendous amount of money

outstanding. Probably close to a million and a half. You know

that Los Angeles has a million or more outstanding. You know

that Boston has the same type of outstanding balance. All along

the line, there are large balances outstanding in the community

where you are in residence. It is important and essential for

you, who may at one time or another [19:00] during the month of

July be practically the only man in the community working --

actually working -- on the campaign to see to it that the effort

in those large communities does not lag. And this takes in not

only Chicago, Los Angeles, but Kansas City, and the Washington,

and the Baltimore, and wherever you may be.

Rabbi Herbert A. Friedman Collection, TR-3797. American Jewish Archives,Cincinnati, Ohio. 13

ifffici ult to obtain,n, aaandndn ttherefore the menen w

e. And they were nott eeexaggerating. You men

now ooofff thththeee ouououtstststatatandndndinining g g valululueseses iiinnn yoyoyoururur commu

at Chhhicicicagooo hhhasss a trrremememeendoddous aaammmounununt tt ofofof money

. Probablllyyy clclclosoo eee to aaa millililionn aaanddd a half. Y

geeeles hasasas aaa mililillililionoo ooorrr mooorerere oooutututstttannnding. Yo

hhah s the saaameee tttypppeee ofofof oooutututssstaaanddid nnng balanceee.

herrre are laaargrgrge ee bababalalalancncnceseses ooutututstttanananddding in tththe

re ininn resesesidence. ItItIt iiisss iimimpopoportant annnd d d esesessent

y at onnneee tititimemm or anotototheheher [19:00] duuuririring the

ctically thththeee onononlyll man iin ththheee cococommmmmmunity work

rking -- on thehee cccamamampapapaigigign tooo see to it that

rge communities does not lag And this take

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Now, I intend to mention almost every area, and almost every man.

And please understand, I am not fault finding. I am not trying

to tell you that you have not done well in your areas. You have.

All I'm trying to do is fact finding. I'm trying to point to the

work that is ahead of you without any derogatory reference to

you, or trying to argue with you that you have not done well.

When I mention your name, when I mention names of communities,

or amounts outstanding, it is no reflection [20:00] on your work.

It is simply a matter of pointing out the job ahead of you that

has to be done in the few weeks left, which you will be in your


Now, Mr. [Aaronson?], Ansonia, Connecticut is half finished.

There are about 20,000 outstanding in Danbury, 21,000 in New

Britain. These campaigns must be completed, or you lose out on


Mr. [Bassick?], you have 14 communities in your assignment. Out

of the 14, four are in fundraising. Ten have not been started.

In the four that are in fundraising, three of them have large

outstanding values in last year. Now, I'm pointing to it in

order to make you feel what kind of tremendous job there is

Rabbi Herbert A. Friedman Collection, TR-3797. American Jewish Archives,Cincinnati, Ohio. 14

ionn your name, whenen III menention names of cocomm

outstanding, it is nonoo reflection [20:00] o

y a mmmatatatteteterrr ofofof pppoioiointntntinining g g outtt thththeee jooob b b ahahaheead of

one innn tht eee fffeww w weekkksss lleftfft, whwhwhiiichhh yoyy uuu wiww ll b

arrronson?]]], Annnsoooniiia,a,a, CCConononneeeccctiiicuutu iiisss half fffin

bouuut 20,00000 oooutuu stststananandididingngng iinnn Daaanbnbnbuuury, 21,000000

ese cccampapapaigns mususust bebebe cccomomomplplpleted, orrr yyyououou los

k?], you have 111444 cococommmmmmunununitieeesss in your assign

four are in fundraising Ten have not been

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ahead of you. You have to actually work on emergency schedules

in order to complete your assignment.

Mr. [Boris?], (inaudible), Connecticut barely started. New

Milford is untouched. [21:00] There are substantial balances

outstanding in Southington and Torrington. Go to it.

Mr. Jason. Columbia, Sedalia, Poplar Bluff, Missouri, not

started of yet. Substantial amounts outstanding in central Iowa,

Leavenworth, Kansas, St. Joseph in Springfield, Missouri. This

has to be completed. [Suzanna Maria?]'s not started yet. There

are substantial balances outstanding in Alpena, Ann Arbor, Bay

City, Flint, and Saginaw, Michigan. Evansville, Lafayette, Terre

Haute, Indiana. Port Huron, Pontiac, Michigan. You've done very

well in the large area that you're in, but there's a great deal

of windup to do. You are built for endurance; you're a husky guy.

Go to it.

Leon [Feel?]. (inaudible), Jersey have not started yet. There

are substantial amounts outstanding in almost every community in

the area of New Jersey or Eastern Pennsylvania. You have a great

deal to do. Do not forget Belmar and Bradley Beach, New Jersey

Rabbi Herbert A. Friedman Collection, TR-3797. American Jewish Archives,Cincinnati, Ohio. 15

Columbia, Sedalia, PoPooplpplar Bluff, Missouri,

yet. SuSuSubsbsbstatatantntntiaiaialll amamamououountntnts ouououtstststatatandndndinininggg iin cen

, Kannnsasasas, SSStt.t JJJoseppphhh iin SSprininingggfieieieldll , MiMM ssou

ompleted... [SuSuuzaz nnnnnna Maaarirr a?]']']'s nononot stss arted ye

tiiial balalalancncnceees oooutututstss ananandididinggg iiin nn AlAlAlpepepenaaa, Ann Ar

, and Saggginnnawww, Miiichchchigigigananan. EEEvaaansssvilililllel , Lafaaaye

anaaa. Port HHHurururonoo , PoPoPontntntiaiaiac,c,c, MMMiccchihihigggan. You''v've

largrgge arararea thattt yoyoyou'u'u'rerere iiin,n,n, but theeererere'sss a g

o do. YYYououou aaare builttt fororor endurancecc ; yyyou're

] (inaudible) Jersey have not started yet

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[22:00] and Stroudsburg, Pennsylvania. They have barely started

their campaigns. Leon, you always finish up in good order. I'm

certain that you will do so this year, too.

[Hyrum Friend?]. Great Barrington, Massachusetts has not yet

started. There are substantial sums outstanding in Holyoke,

Pittsfield. This, in addition to your greatest headache, Norwich,

Connecticut, where a lack of leadership is hindering your

campaign. The 24,000 dollars outstanding in Norwich are in great

danger. Hyrum, I know that you are watching it and that you are

working on it.

Milton [Goldner?]. A substantial amount is outstanding in almost

all of the small communities. Account particularly for the

allotment you would reach, but a fair job has been done.

(inaudible) for the last few years. Get the cash. A very good

job has been done in Westfield. Get the cash there.

Bob [Herman?]. There's 60,000 dollars outstanding in Albany. I

know you're not running the Albany campaign, but you can be on

top of getting it there. [23:00] Get the 60,000 dollars in

before the summer sets in. There's over 10,000 dollars

Rabbi Herbert A. Friedman Collection, TR-3797. American Jewish Archives,Cincinnati, Ohio. 16

Thhisi , in additionn tooo yyouo r greatest heaadad c

, where a lack of leaaadeddership is hindering y

he 2444,0,0,0000000 dddololollalalarsrsrs oooutututstststandididingngng iiinnn NoNoNorwrwrwiich ar

um, I kkknowww ttthatatat youuu aaarre wwatchchchiiinggg itii aaandnn tha


dnnner?]. AAA sssubbbstttannntititialalal aaamomomouuunttt iisi ouutu standiiing

smaaall commuuunininititt esess. AcAcAccococounununttt paaartrtrtiiicularly for

ou wowoould d d reach, bbututut aaa fffaiaiair jjjob has bebebeenenen don

for ththheee lalalastss few yeaeaearsrsrs. Get the caaashshsh. A ve

n done in WWWesesestftftfieii ldldl . GGett ththheee cacacashshsh there.

?] There's 60 000 dollars outstanding in A

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outstanding in Kingston. Twenty-two thousand dollars in Newburg.

That should keep you very busy to the end of the Spring phase.

George [Keats?]. You're new on the staff. And you have inherited

an area. But Muskogee of Oklahoma -- don't mind me if I

pronounce these outlandish names wrong -- has not been started

as yet, and there is still a good bit of work in Oklahoma city


[Maury Cayman?]. Chattanooga has 12,000 dollars outstanding. The

12,000 dollars in Chattanooga is very valuable. It's probably

our money. According to the agreement to the community, this is

our money. There are small sums outstanding in a number of small

communities. Now is the time to get it.

Harry [Cartchner?]. An excellent job has been done in Alcentra

and in Ontario, particularly on the Emergency Rescue Fund, but

there's still 3,000 dollars outstanding in Alcentra in the

regular campaign. Now, that may be a small sum, but it's

important. This [24:00] 3,000 dollars may be UJA money. I'm sure

you'll wind up in good order. Incidentally, while I'm speaking

to you on the West Coast, I'd like to mention that a very good

Rabbi Herbert A. Friedman Collection, TR-3797. American Jewish Archives,Cincinnati, Ohio. 17

thhere e is still a ggooood dd bibit of work in Oklklah

an?]. CCChattttttaaanooooooga hhhasasas 12,,00000 dddollllllaraa sss ouoo tsta

ars in Chhhataa tatatanonn ogogoga isss veryyy vaalululuabbblell . It's p

Accccordingngng tttooo thththeee agaa rerereemememennnttt tototo ttthehehe cccommuniity

Thheh re areee sssmaaallll sssumumumsss ouououtstststttannndiini ggg iini a nummmbe

. NNNow is thhheee titt mememe tttooo gegegettt ititit.

chner?]?]]. AnAnAn excellentntnt jjob has beeeen dododone in

rio, particicicululularararlyll on ththe EmEmEmererergegegencncncy Rescue F

ll 3,000 dollarrrsss ouououtstststatatandinnnggg in Alcentra in

paign Now that may be a small sum but it

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job has been done on the West Coast on the Emergency Rescue Fund.

Particularly in the smaller community. I'm very glad to see it.

Martin [Cline?]. Ardmore, Oklahoma, San Antonio, Fort Worth,

Corpus Christi, and Austin, Texas have substantial balances and

OVs. Clear it up before you leave the area. I know you're

anxious to get home. You will. But a clear conscience if you

clear up your area.

[Chesko Pell?]. Very good job has been done in this difficult

area. But Louisville, Kentucky, Columbus, and Lorraine, Ohio

have substantial -- very substantial balances and outstanding

values. Toledo has recently started. It's only half way through,

and has to be watched closely. It seems that Mr. [Bronstein?]

has other numbers on his mind. Please watch Mr. Bronstein and

have a nice (inaudible).

[Harvey Goodman?]. Atlantic City, Elizabeth, Jersey City, and

Perth Amboy New Jersey [25:00] have a combined total of more

than 220,000 dollars in outstanding values. You know those

communities. You know the difficult job that you have in these

communities. Please don't see that we don't lose a substantial

Rabbi Herbert A. Friedman Collection, TR-3797. American Jewish Archives,Cincinnati, Ohio. 18

gett home. You will.l. BBButuu aa clear consciencnce

ur area.

l?]. VeVeVery gggooooddd job hahahass bebbeen dddoooneee inii ttthihh s di

ouisvilleee,,, KeKeKentnn ucucucky, CCColumbmbmbus, annnd dd Lorraine

ntttial -- veveverrry sssubububstss ananantititialll bbbalalalannncececes and ouuts

eddod has rrrecccennntllly stststarararteteted.d.d. Ittt'sss ooonllyl half wa

be watched clclclosoo elelely.y.y IIIttt seseseememems thththaaat Mr. [BBrBron

umberrrs ononon his minii d.d.d PPPleleleaasee watch Mrrr... BrBrBronst


dman?]. Atlantitiiccc CiCiCitytyty, Elizzzabababeth, Jersey Ci

New Jersey [25:00] have a combined total o

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amount of this 220,000 dollars. Berwyn, Pennsylvania has not

been started. We don't know what's happening in Norristown. I

know that the Chairman is on vacation. Did he take the campaign

with him, or did he put it on ice? What about Williamsburg? Is

15,000 against 17,000 last year, and no rescue fund final figure

in this community? Aren't you making a mistake?

[Morel Eiffa?]. Gadsden, Alabama -- and I think you were

yesterday in Gadsden -- and St. Augustine, Florida have not

started as yet. There is windup activity indicated in quite a

number of small communities. I know that you do not have to

worry about the Emergency Rescue Fund in your area. [26:00]

There isn't any. What's the matter with this part of the South?

Have they seceded from the Union again? (inaudible),

Bernardsville, Boonton, Flemington, and Keyport, New Jersey have

substantial balances outstanding. Good work has been done in

Bergenfield and Cliffside Park. What about more cash in the

entire area? (inaudible), Eagle Pass, Palestine, and Victoria,

Texas have not started. There are substantial balances

outstanding in Lorena. Your assignment has been split in half,

and there is not too much to do, but it still requires doing.

Rabbi Herbert A. Friedman Collection, TR-3797. American Jewish Archives,Cincinnati, Ohio. 19

a?]. Gadsden, Alabamaaa -- and I think you we

n Gadddsdsdsdenenen ----- ananand d d StStSt... AuAuAugustststininine,e,e, FFFlololoririridda hav

yet. ThThThereee iiis wwwinduuuppp aactittivitytyty indndndicii atatatedee in

mall commmmunuu itittieii s.s.s. I kkknnnow thththatt yyyouuu do not ha

ttthe Emererergegegennncyy y ReReRescss ueueue FFFunnnddd ininin yyyououour area. [2

aaany. Whaaat'''s thhhe mamamattttttererer wwwiiithhh ttht isisis part offf t

eceeeded frommm ttthehh UUUnininiononon aaagagagaininin? (i(i(innnaudible)),),

le, BBBoontntnton, Flllemememinii gtgtgtononon, anananddd Keyporrrt,t,t, NNNew J

balanccceseses oooutuu standingngng. Good work haaasss been d

and Cliffsfsfsididide ee PaPP rkk. WhWh tat aaaboboboututut mmmore cash i

? (inaudible), EaEaEaglglgleee PaPaPass, PaPaPalestine, and V

not started There are substantial balances

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Jack [Marks?] Danville, La Salle, Sterling, Illinois, Clinton,

Iowa have not started as yet. I know that in Danville your last

contact was by telephone on April 12th. In La Salle, your last

contact was on March the 22nd. In Clinton, Iowa by telephone on

May 14th. In no community do you indicate a future visit.

Champagne and Rockford, Illinois barely started their campaigns.

Decatur, DeKalb, Joliet, and Springfield, Illinois have

substantial balances outstanding. [27:00] There's an awful lot

to do in your area. My suggestion on emergency schedules

certainly applies to you.

Norman [Merkin?]. Your report is not too clear. But there are no

campaigns in Nampa, Idaho, Goose Bay, Plymouth [Falls?],

Pendleton, that's in Oregon, Richland and Walla Walla in

Washington. Substantial balances outstanding in Boise, Idaho,

Butte, and Helena, Montana. Salem, [Longview?], [Pacama?],

Tacoma, Washington, and Cheyenne, Wyoming have good balances

outstanding. Your figures must be wrong in Spokane. I've

discussed this area with your supervisor, and suggested that he

send someone in to help you there with this large, unwieldy area.

Rabbi Herbert A. Friedman Collection, TR-3797. American Jewish Archives,Cincinnati, Ohio. 20

Kallb,b Joliet, and SSprrrinini gfgfield, Illinois hhav

balances outstandinggg... [27:00] There's an a

ur arrreaeaea... MyMyMy sssuguguggegegestststioioionnn on eeemememergrgrgenenencycycy ssscchedul

pplieesss to yyyooou...

kiiin?]. YoYoYoururur repepeporororttt isisis nnnottt tttoooooo cccleleearrr. But th

n Nampa, Idddahhho,,, GGGoooooosesese BBBayayay,,, PPPlyyymooouttht [Falllls?

thaaat's in OOOrereregogg n,n,n, RRRicicichlhlhlananand dd annnddd WWWalla Wallllla

Subsbsstantntntial balalalancncnceseses oooutututstststanding iiinnn BoBoBoise,

Helena,, MMMononontatt na. Salelelem,m,m [Longviewww?]]],,, [Pacam

hington, anananddd ChChCheeye enne, WWyommminininggg hahahave good ba

. Your figures mumumuststst bbbeee wronnnggg in Spokane. I'

his area with your supervisor and suggeste

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[Ernie Michelle?]. Well, your report makes very pleasant reading,

Ernie. An excellent job has been done on the rescue fund in

almost every community. Long Beach started recently and has a

sizeable balance. San Diego still has 18,000 dollars.

Albuquerque, New Mexico, 10,000 dollars. El Paso, Texas, [28:00]

16,000 dollars. Salt Lake City, Utah, 23,000 dollars. Las Vegas,

Nevada, always a late campaign, has not started yet. Well, you

know Ernie, when you get to Israel, they give us courtesy on the

man that sends -- that comes to Israel from the UJA. They do not

open their luggage, but there's one item they don't admit. You

can't even pay duty on it. That is outstanding balances in

communities. That has to be cleared before you get in there.

Hope you have a nice trip.

[Mia Mints?]. I'm not going into details with you with your man

in the area. From past history I know that the area will be in

very, very good shape. What is the date of your next conference?

I'm alluding to cash, of course, but what is wrong with

Aliquippa and Corry? They haven't started yet. Are they trying

to postpone their campaign to the fall? Pomona, Eureka, Merced,

Napa, Salinas, [29:00] Santa Cruz have not started as yet. There

Rabbi Herbert A. Friedman Collection, TR-3797. American Jewish Archives,Cincinnati, Ohio. 21

ayss a late campaigngn, hahah ss not started yet.t. W

when you get to Israaaeleel, they give us court

nds ---- thththatatat cccomomomeseses tttooo IsIsIsraelelel fffrororommm thththeee UUJA. T

luggaaagegege, bububuttt thththere'''sss ooneee itememem thehehey yy dododon'nn t ad

pay duty onoo TTThat isii outututsttananandiiingngng balance

. That hahahasss tototo bbbeee clcc eaeaearerered bebebefofoforeee yyyouuu get iin

vee a niceee tttriiip...

]. I'I''m nononot goinggg inii tototo dddetetetaiaiaillls with yoyoyou u u with

. From m papapaststst history III kkknow that tttheee aarea wi

good shape.e.e. WWWhahahattt isii tthhe ddatatteee ofofof yyyour next c

g to cash, of cccououoursrsrse,e,e, bbbut wwwhahahat is wrong wit

nd Corry? They haven't started yet Are the

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are balances to be cleared in Modesto, Sacramento, Stockton, and

Vallejo. You have a good deal of work to do.

[Aaron Mastell?]. Bowling Green, Fostoria, Mount Vernon, Ohio

have not started as yet. Delaware, Mansfield, Pico, and Warren,

Ohio have substantial balances outstanding. Go to it, Aaron.

Maybe that will help you with your diet.

[Olion?]. Substantial balances and outstanding balances in

Binghamton, Elmira, Haverstraw, Ithaca, Spring Valley, Saffron,

Troy, and Utica, New York. Indications are that you will be a

very busy man until vacation time.

[Pollack?]. Ludlow, Massachusetts. Manchester, New Hampshire,

Portland, Lewiston, Bangor, and Waterville, Maine all have

substantial balances outstanding. (inaudible) and Belfast in

Aroostook County, Maine have not started their campaigns as yet.

In addition to the aggravated cash situation, [Lynn?], you

[30:00] have a great deal of windup to do. Emergency schedules

are in order.

Rabbi Herbert A. Friedman Collection, TR-3797. American Jewish Archives,Cincinnati, Ohio. 22

willll help you with h yooouruu ddiet.

ubstaaantntntiaiaialll bababalalalancncnceseses aaandndnd outututstststananandididingngng bbbaalance

Elmirarara, HaHaHavvversrsrstrawww,,, IIthahhaca,,, SSSpririringnn VVValaa ley,

tica, Newww Yororork.kk IIIndicccaaationsnsns aarerere ttthahh t you wi

annn untilll vavavacccatititiononon

Luuudlow, Maaassssssacaa MMManananchhhesesesttter, New Ham

ewiststton,,, Bangor, ananandd d WaWaWatetetervvviiille, Maaaininineee all

balanccceseses oooutuu standingngng. (inaudibleee) ananand Belf

ounty, Maininineee hahahavvev n tot sttartrttededed tttheheheiri campaig

to the aggravaaateteted dd cacacashshsh sitttuuauation, [Lynn?],

e a great deal of windup to do Emergency s

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[Martin Pisor?]. No campaigns have been started in Bar Harbor,

Maine. Laconia, Bethlehem, New Hampshire, Manchester and

Bennington, Vermont outstanding balances are outstanding in

almost every one of your small communities. You have to hustle a

great deal to windup without losses.

[Hank Rossen?]. You just recently went into the Glasgow area.

Your reports are coming in. No comment.

[Ed Ruben?]. Lancaster, Reading, Allentown, Carbon County, and

Chester, Pennsylvania have substantial balances and outstanding

values, particularly Reading and Honesdale, Pennsylvania. To

complete the fine job you have done in your area it is essential

that you have these balances cleared before you leave for Israel.

The comment I made to Cheska Pell pertains to you, too, Ed.

[Sublasky?]. Green Bay, Madison, Manitowoc, Oshkosh, and

Sheboygan, Wisconsin, Duluth, Minnesota have substantial

balances and outstanding balances. [31:00] Red Wing, Minnesota,

Waupaca Wisconsin, Escanaba and Iron Mountain, Michigan have not

started their campaign as yet. No time to be lost now.

Rabbi Herbert A. Friedman Collection, TR-3797. American Jewish Archives,Cincinnati, Ohio. 23

n?]]. You just recenentltlly yy wewent into the Glasasgo

s are coming in. No cccooomment.

. Lannncacacastererer,,, ReReReadinnng,g,g, Allllentototowwwn,,, CaCC rbrbrbonoo Cou

nnsylvaniiiaaa hahahavevv sssubstttaaantialalal bbalalalannncecc s and ou

tiiicularlylyly RRReeeadididingngng andndnd HHHonnnesesesdadadalelele, PePePennsylvvan

e fine jooob yooou haaaveveve dddononone iiin yooourrr aaarea it is

ve these baaalalalanceseses ccclllearararededed bbefffororore you leeeava e

I mamaade ttto Cheskakaka PPPelelellll pepepertrtrtains to yoyoyou,u,u, too

. Green Bayayay, MaMaMadidd son, MManitittowowowocococ,,, OsO hkosh, a

Wisconsin, Dululuuththth,,, MiMiMinnnnnnesotttaaa have substanti

d outstanding balances [31:00] Red Wing M

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[Dov Schwartz?]. Shelbyville and Valparaiso in Indiana,

Hopkinsville, Kentucky have not started campaigns as yet. There

are substantial balances outstanding in Muncie, Vincennes,

Bloomington, Elkhart, and Kokomo, Indiana. There is work to be

done, Mr. Schwartz.

[Sam Segar?]. You came into this area, and you're burdened with

many communities. Anderson, Greenwood, Kings Tree, and

Spartanburg, South Carolina have not started their campaigns as

yet. There are substantial balances in Charlotte, Fayetteville,

Greensboro, Bloomington, and Winston-Salem, North Carolina. In

Beaufort, Columbia, Greenville, and Sumner, South Carolina. I

know you have a large area to cover, and I also know you're very

anxious to get home. Cover your area and then we'll talk.

[Lewis Ingar?]. You have just started in upstate New York, and

I'll spare you my comments. Your reports are coming in.

[Ernest Spikler?]. [32:00] The same holds true for you. You just

started in the Glasgow area. You have two months to go. Go ahead.

Rabbi Herbert A. Friedman Collection, TR-3797. American Jewish Archives,Cincinnati, Ohio. 24

]. YoY u came into ththisiss arerea, and you're buburd

ities. Anderson, Greeeennnwood, Kings Tree, and

, Souuuththth CCCarararolololinininaaa hahahaveveve nnnot ssstatatartrtrtededed tttheheheiir cam

are subububstananantttialalal balllanananccess in CCChhharlrlrlotoo tetete,,, Faye

Bloomingggtott n,n,n, andndnd Winnnssston-S-S-Salememem, NoNN rth Caro

olllumbia,,, GrGrGreeeenvnvnvililillell ,,, ananand SuSuSumnmnmnerrr, SoSoSouth Caaro

vee a larggge arrreaaa tttooo cococovevever,r,r, annnd I allsl o knowww y

gettt home. CCCovovoveree yyyououourrr ararareaeaea aaanddd ttthhhen we'llll ta

r?]. Yooou uu hahahavevv just stststarararted in upssstaaatetete New Y

you my commmmmmenenentststs... YoYY ur reporrrtststs aaarerere coming in

kler?] [32:00] The same holds true for you

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[Dave Talb?]. In the many communities under your charge, only

Clarksville, Tennessee has not started his campaign, and the

reason is valid. That's intended as a compliment. However, there

are some balances and outstanding values in your own community,

Jackson, and in some of the smaller communities in your area. I

know you'll wind up in good shape.

[Bill Ullman?]. Kingsville, Lake City, Tallahassee, Tampa,

Florida, and Athens, Georgia have not started their campaigns. I

know the trouble you had in Tampa. It will probably go over to

the fall. There are substantial balances in Fort Lauderdale, Key

West, Florida, Columbus, Macon, Augusta, and Savannah, Georgia.

We have no idea how the campaign is going in Puerto Rico. You

just sent a cable. You didn't send a detailed report. Another

visit is probably indicated. You should be very busy until your


Now Mr. [Neemand?]. I called [33:00] you out of order. You are

the only man on the entire staff who has not sent in a status

report. All I can do is think back to your June first report,

which showed a great deal to do. I hope that you were so busy in

these two weeks winding up your campaigns, opening the new

Rabbi Herbert A. Friedman Collection, TR-3797. American Jewish Archives,Cincinnati, Ohio. 25

n?]. Kingsville, Lakekee CCiiti y, Tallahassee, Ta

d Athhhenenens,s,s, GGGeoeoeorgrgrgiaiaia hhhavavaveee nottt stststarararteteted d d thththeeir ca

oublee yyyou hhhaaad iiin Taaampmpmpaa. IIt wiwiwillll ppprorr bababablbb y go

here are suss bsbsbstatt ntntntial babb lancncnces iiin FoFF rt Laude

daaa, Columumumbububusss, MMMacacaconoo ,,, AuAuAuguuustststa,a,a, aaandndnd SSSavannaah,

idded a how thhhe caaampppaiaiaigngngn iiis gggoiiinggg ininin Puerto Ri

caaable. Youuu dddidii nnn'ttt sesesendndnd aaa dddetttaiaiaillled reporrtrt.

obablblly ininindicated.dd YYYououou ssshohohoulululddd be verrry y y bububusy u

emand?]. I calllllededed [[[333333:0:0:00] yyyoouou out of order.

n on the entire staff who has not sent in a

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campaigns that you actually had no time to send the report in.

That would be a very valid excuse, although not completely.

Gentlemen, this about winds up the roster. And again I repeat,

we are very pleased. As a matter of fact, I am particularly

pleased with the way the campaign is going and the way you've

handled it. But all of you men who have been on the staff for

some time, and the new ones have probably heard it, it is the

easiest thing in the world to start a campaign. Very easy. But

it's a very hard, and tough, and grinding job to finish a

campaign. The very hard, and tough, and grinding work [34:00] is

ahead of you in the next four, five weeks. Please go to it, and

don't hang up. Rabbi Friedman will say a few more words to you,

but as far as I am concerned, good luck to you, gentlemen.


Shalom, thank you very much. Look, fellows. This was quite a

remarkable performance on his part to be able to pinpoint man

and community over an area as vast as the whole United States.

And it's quite encouraging, in a way, to realize that we're

talking to you scattered and spread all over the whole continent.

Yet as big as that is, and as enormous a job as we're trying to

Rabbi Herbert A. Friedman Collection, TR-3797. American Jewish Archives,Cincinnati, Ohio. 26

Buut t all of you menen wwwhohh hhave been on thee st

and the new ones haveee probably heard it, it

ng innn ttthehehe wwworororldldld tttooo stststararart aaa cacacampmpmpaiaiaigngngn... VVVery e

harddd,,, anddd ttot ugugugh, aaandndnd grirrindddinininggg jojojob bb tototo finis

he very hhharaa d,d,d, andndnd touuughgg , ananand grgrgrinnndidd ng work

u in theee nenenextxtxt fffououour,rr fffivivive weweweekekeks. PPPlelelease goo t

upp.p. Rabbiii FFFriiiedddmaaann n wiwiwillllll sssaaay a feeew more wooord

as I am connncececernrr ededed,,, gogogoododod llucucuck tototo you, gennntle


nk you veryryry mmmucucuch.hh LLookk, ffelelellololowswsws. ThT is was q

performance on hihihisss papapartrtrt to bebebe able to pinpo

ty over an area as vast as the whole United

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do, we are really a very small area compared to the whole world,

over whose surface there is scattered the problem which we're

trying to solve by our labors. All over the world on the

continents of Europe, and Africa, and Asia, [35:00] there are

Jews who are screaming still in large numbers, summer, June,

heat. Nothing makes any difference. The process goes on

inexorably every day in Israel. The process goes on in every

port and every railroad station in Europe. We're covering the

United States and they are blanketing the world. And only if we

do our job right, and well, and properly, and don't lay down on

that job for the next four or six weeks will we have the good

feeling in our conscience that wherever they are elsewhere on

the surface of the globe, we are not letting them down.

This is a message that I want to take to Israel in your name. I

want to add my thanks to those expressed by those expressed by

Mr. Hyman and Mr. Santit. I want to add the thanks of Mr.

Rosenwald and Mr. Warburg, who know quite well, because we've

kept them informed, of how hard and efficiently the staff has

worked this year. [36:00] All of us give you our gratitude. All

of us give you our earnest pledge to back you up in every way we

know how. And all of us, while thanking you for what you've done,

Rabbi Herbert A. Friedman Collection, TR-3797. American Jewish Archives,Cincinnati, Ohio. 27

eveeryr day in Israelel. ThThT e e process goes onn in

ery railroad station iniin Europe. We're cover

es annnd d d thththeyeyey aaarerere bbblalalanknknketetetinggg thththeee wowoworlrlrld.d.d. And o

rightt,,, anddd wwwellllll, annnd d d ppropooperlylyly, ananand dd dododon'nn t la

r the nexxxttt fofofouruu ooor siiixxx weekekeks wiwiwillll we have t

ouuur conscscscieieiennncee e thththataa wwwhehehereeevevever rr thththeyeyy aaare elssew

oofo the ggglooobeee, weee aarerere nnnototot leeetttit nnng them dooown

essagagge thththat I wananant tototo tttakakakee ttto Israeeelll ininn you

my thahaanknknksss tott those eeexpxpxpressed by thhhososose expr

nd Mr. Santntntititit.. III wa tnt tto adaddd d d thththeee tht anks of

nd Mr. Warburg, wwwhohoho kkknononow quququititite well, becaus

nformed of how hard and efficiently the st

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urge, and beg, and plead that you carry this thing through to a

great successful conclusion for the spring phase, so that our

banner will float high, and so that people who need it and

deserve it will earn our support. Thank you very much for

listening, and let me say good afternoon. [36:32]


Rabbi Herbert A. Friedman Collection, TR-3797. American Jewish Archives,Cincinnati, Ohio. 28