trade-oriented sales promotion chapter seventeen

Trade-Oriented Trade-Oriented Sales Promotion Sales Promotion Chapter Seventeen

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Page 1: Trade-Oriented Sales Promotion Chapter Seventeen

Trade-Oriented Sales Trade-Oriented Sales PromotionPromotion

Chapter Seventeen

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Chapter Seventeen ObjectivesChapter Seventeen Objectives

• Discuss the objectives of trade-oriented promotions and the factors critical to building a successful trade promotion program

• Explain the various forms of trade allowances and the reasons for their usage

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Chapter Seventeen ObjectivesChapter Seventeen Objectives

• Understand forward buying and diverting and how they are created by manufacturers’ use of off-invoice allowances

• Explain the role of everyday low pricing (EDLP) and pay-for-performance programs in overcoming forward buying and diverting

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Chapter Seventeen ObjectivesChapter Seventeen Objectives

• Describe the concept and practice known as efficient consumer response (ECR)

• Understand the practice of category management

• Describe the role of cooperative advertising and vendor support programs

• Discuss the nature and role of trade shows

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Objectives of Trade PromotionObjectives of Trade Promotion

• Introduce new or revised products• Increase distribution of new packages or sizes• Build retail inventories• Maintain/Increase manufacturer’s shelf space• Obtain displays outside shelf locations• Reduce excess inventory• Achieve product features in retailer’s ads• Counter competitive activity• Sell as much as possible to final consumers

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Trade PromotionTrade Promotion

Key Ingredients to Success

• Financial incentive

• Correct timing

• Minimize retailer’s effort/cost

• Quick results

• Improve retailer performance

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Types of Trade PromotionsTypes of Trade Promotions

• Trade allowances

• Cooperative advertising and vendor support programs

• Trade contests and incentives

• Trade shows

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Trade AllowancesTrade Allowances

Trade Allowances

Used by manufacturers to reward

wholesalers and retailers for

performing activities in support of the

manufacturer’s brand

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Major Forms of Trade AllowancesMajor Forms of Trade Allowances

• The fees manufacturers pay retailers for access to the slot, or location,

• Typically when a manufacturer to get its new brand accepted by retailers

• A form of bribery? or Legitimate cost of doing business?

Slotting allowances

Bill-back allowances

Off-invoice allowances

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Major Forms of Trade AllowancesMajor Forms of Trade Allowances

• Retailers receive allowances for featuring the manufacturer’s brand in advertisements or for providing special displays

Slotting allowances

Bill-back allowances

Off-invoice allowances

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Major Forms of Trade AllowancesMajor Forms of Trade Allowances

• Most frequently used form• Deals offered periodically to trade that

permit wholesalers and retailers to deduct a fixed amount from the invoice

• Retailers do not necessarily pass along to consumers the discounts

Slotting allowances

Bill-back allowances

Off-invoice allowances

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Forward Buying and DivertingForward Buying and Diverting

• Retailers purchase enough products on deal to carry them over until the manufacturer’s next regularly scheduled deal

• Retailers’ savings from forward buying often are not passed on to consumers

• Leads to increased distribution costs• Manufacturers experience reduced margins

due to price discounts

Forward Buying Diverting

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Forward Buying and DivertingForward Buying and Diverting

• Occurs when a manufacturer restricts a deal to a limited geographical area

• Retailers buy large quantities at the deal price and then resell the excess quantities in other geographical areas

• Product quality potentially suffers due to delays and serious problem could result from product tampering

Forward Buying Diverting

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Efforts to Rectify Trade Promotion Efforts to Rectify Trade Promotion ProblemsProblems

Efficient Consumer Response (ECR)

Category Management

Everyday Low Pricing (EDLP)

Pay-for-Performance Programs

Account-Specific Marketing

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Efficient Consumer Response Efficient Consumer Response

Efficient Consumer Response (ECP)

A broad-based concept of business

management that is oriented toward

enhancing efficiencies and reducing

costs in the grocery industry

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Efficient Consumer Response Efficient Consumer Response

1. Improved product-replenishmentpractices

- move product more efficiently- Electronic Data Interchange(EDI)

2. Reduced tradepromotions

- minimize inventory costs andreduce forward buying anddiverting- EDLP,Pay-for-Performance programs

3. Improved productintroductions

- respond to consumers’ needsfor new product- avoid simply introducing me-too products

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Efforts to Rectify Trade Promotion Efforts to Rectify Trade Promotion ProblemsProblems

Efficient Consumer Response (ECR)

Category Management

Everyday Low Pricing (EDLP)

Pay-for-Performance Programs

Account-Specific Marketing

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Category ManagementCategory Management

Category Management

Retailers and manufacturers must work together, share market

intelligence, and develop strategies that are mutually beneficial

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Category ManagementCategory Management

Reviewing the product category

Targeting consumers

Planning merchandising

Implementing strategy

Evaluating results

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Efforts to Rectify Trade Promotion Efforts to Rectify Trade Promotion ProblemsProblems

Efficient Consumer Response (ECR)

Category Management

Everyday Low Pricing (EDLP)

Pay-for-Performance Programs

Account-Specific Marketing

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Everyday Low Pricing (EDLP)Everyday Low Pricing (EDLP)


A manufacturer charges the same

price for a particular brand

day in and day out

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Why Some Retailers Resist Why Some Retailers Resist

• Many retailers have established distribution infrastructures to avail themselves of high-low prices

• EDLP pricing benefits the manufacturers

• EDLP pricing takes some of the excitement out of retailing

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Efforts to Rectify Trade Promotion Efforts to Rectify Trade Promotion ProblemsProblems

Efficient Consumer Response (ECR)

Category Management

Everyday Low Pricing (EDLP)

Pay-for-Performance Programs

Account-Specific Marketing

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Pay-for-Performance ProgramsPay-for-Performance Programs

Pay-for- Performance Programs

Designed to reward retailers for

selling the brands supported with

trade allowances rather than merely

buying these brands

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Pay-for-Performance ProgramsPay-for-Performance Programs

• Provide incentive to the retailer only for the items that are sold to consumers during the agreed-upon time period

• Benefit all parties: consumers, retailers, and manufacturers

• A natural correlate for the efficient consumer response (ECR)

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Efforts to Rectify Trade Promotion Efforts to Rectify Trade Promotion ProblemsProblems

Efficient Consumer Response (ECR)

Category Management

Everyday Low Pricing (EDLP)

Pay-for-Performance Programs

Account-Specific Marketing

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Account Specific MarketingAccount Specific Marketing

Account Specific Marketing

Also called co-marketing,

characterizes promotional and

advertising activity that a manufacturer customizes to specific retail accounts

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Account Specific MarketingAccount Specific Marketing

• Relatively recent innovation

• e.g., Local radio tie-in advertising, loyalty programs

• Requires a lot of effort and can be costly

• The future of this practice is uncertain yet

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Cooperative AdvertisingCooperative Advertising

Cooperative (co-op) advertising

An arrangement between a manufacturer

and reseller whereby the manufacturer

pays for all or some of the advertising

costs undertaken by the reseller

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Cooperative AdvertisingCooperative Advertising

Five Common Elements

• Specified time period

• Accrual

• Payment share

• Performance guidelines

• Billing for reimbursement

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Why is Co-op Advertising Used?Why is Co-op Advertising Used?

• Manufacturers can achieve advertising support on a local-market basis

• Provide them with a way to associate their products in the consumer’s mind with specific retail outlets

• Stimulates greater retailer buying and merchandising support

• Enables manufacturers to have access to local media with lower rates

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Open-Ended Co-op AdvertisingOpen-Ended Co-op Advertising

Open-ended Co-op Advertising

Involves paying for part of the

retailer’s advertising cost without

relating the reimbursement to the

amount of products purchased from

the manufacturer

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Why is Open-Ended Co-opWhy is Open-Ended Co-op Advertising Used? Advertising Used?

• Wants to encourage the use of funds by smaller retailers

• Manufacturer sells through intermediaries and does not have access to retailers’ purchase figures

• It simplifies the record-keeping task

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Vendor Support Programs Vendor Support Programs

Vendor support programs (VSPs)

A retailers develops an advertising program in

consultation with local advertising media and

then invites its vendors to pay for a specific

percentage of the media cost for the

proposed campaign

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Vendor Support Programs Vendor Support Programs

• Retailer benefits

• Often a manufacturer pays a large sum but receives very little actual promotion

• The less powerful a manufacturer, the more susceptible to retailers’ demands

• The more the manufacturer invests in the retailer’s advertising, the less funds available to it own brands

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Trade Contests and IncentivesTrade Contests and Incentives

Trade contest generally based onmanagers meeting a salesgoal


given to retail managers andsalespeople for performingcertain tasks

Push money provide financial incentivesto retail salespeople toaggressively sell toconsumers a selected item

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Trade ShowsTrade Shows

Trade show

A temporary forum for sellers of a

product category to exhibit and

demonstrate their wares to present

and prospective buyers

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Functions of Trade ShowsFunctions of Trade Shows

• Servicing present customers

• Identifying prospects

• Introducing new or modified products

• Gathering information about competitors’ new products

• Taking product orders

• Enhancing the company’s image