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What Every Aussie Tradie ought to know about… Offering Free Quotes

Upload: adam-bean

Post on 26-Jul-2015




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What Every Aussie Tradie ought to know about…


Free Quotes

Increase your Rates

And charge for Audits’s instead of Free Quotes

Brand yourself as the Go To Expert

How to…

The problem for most Tradies

Great at what they do

Terrible at getting that message across

This is a Killer for their Business because…

Six reasons people don’t want to buy from you

Huge impact on how much you can charge

1. Don’t see the value in your offer

3. Don’t believe you

2. Don’t fully understand what you offer

4. Don’t believe that they can do

what you offer

5. Don’t need it now

6. Don’t have the time

Answer those six questions

Remove the resistance to buying

Brands you as the expert