traditional yoga’s teachings & ayurveda at the …...traditional yoga’s teachings &...

Traditional Yoga’s Teachings & Ayurveda at the Foundation of Yoga Therapy Assessment Keishin Kimura / Jnana yogi Yoga Niketan Japan Japan Yoga Therapy Society Panel Discussion 15 minute presentation October 6 2018

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Traditional Yoga’s Teachings & Ayurveda at the Foundation of Yoga Therapy Assessment Keishin Kimura / Jnana yogi Yoga Niketan Japan Japan Yoga Therapy Society

Panel Discussion 15 minute presentation October 6 2018

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16th Annual conference of JYTS 3rd Conference of Asia Yoga Therapy Association 1st Meeting of Global Consortium on Yoga Therapy

Number of participants 1537 Foreign Yoga Therapist & Concerned 44

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My personal career on Traditional yoga & Yoga Therapy

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Meditation Pranayama Asana Agnihotra in Yoga Niketan Rishkesh

March 2017 In Rishkesh INDIA

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InLadakIndianTibet  I have been practicing yoga for the last eighty years. I have made a study of all systems of yoga through actual practice as well as otherwise. Of the people who come to me to learn, I do not know who comes here with what intention, curiosity or eagerness. Are they eager to know the soul or know the Brahman or want to learn only yoga postures and pranayama? Those who come here should meet me privately, individually, and let me know what it is that they want to learn or desire to have. In the absence of this specific information about individual requirements, we go on imparting instruction according to our own will and in a general way. Unless a learner gives expression to the particulars of his goals, we cannot attend to his specific requirements.

Swami Yogeshwarananda Maharaj in Pahalgam Kashmir on 1980

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1) Yogaclassa8endees n=2508224yogaclasses,40prefecturesAdverseeventsduringtheclassonthesurveyday

2)Yogatherapists  n=271



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Harvard Medical School Guide to Yoga

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Yoga Safety in Chronic Disease A survey of 2508 yoga class attendees and 271 yoga therapists in Japan (released March 2015 in BioPsychoSocial Medicine) found that nearly 30% of attendees experienced an adverse event (defined as a "undesirable symptoms or responses that occurred during a yoga class") during class.

Over half of the yoga class attendees (53.5%) had chronic diseases and 1063 (42.3%) were being prescribed medications at hospitals. In terms of age, 36.5% of the class participants were in their 60s and 16.3% in their 70s. Study Population Diseases. Matsushita and Oka BioPsychoSocial Medicine 2015 9:9 doi:10.1186/s13030-015-0037-1

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Physical Layer ANNAMAYA KOSA

Vital-air Layer PRANAMAYA KOSA

Sensuous Layer MANOMAYA KOSA


Bliss(Spiritual) Layer ANANDAMAYA KOSA

Taittirèya Upanishad has presented this human-structure systematically. Man has 5 major Layers of existence.


<Back Pain> Physical body

Sense organs Intellect/ Mind

Spiritual well-being

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5 Sensory Organs (Jnana Indriya)

5 Mortar Organs (Karma Indriya)

BODY (Physical/Subtle/Causal)

Driver Buddhi


10 Horses

Self Atman

Ahamkar (I-ness) Citta (memory warehouse)

Antakarana chatshtaya (4 inner organs)

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Yoga Therapy Asana list Breathing Exercise Isometric Breathing Exercise Isometric slow breathing Exercise

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Page 13: Traditional Yoga’s Teachings & Ayurveda at the …...Traditional Yoga’s Teachings & Ayurveda at the Foundation of Yoga Therapy Assessment Keishin Kimura / Jnana yogi Yoga Niketan

Personal Menu for ~~Nama: Ms. Yoshiko Suzuki

Date: day month year ~ day month year

Name of Practice & Number of round Photo Starting day Remarks

Isometric Elbow Bending

Both side 2R each (rest 5 natural breathing)

8th Jan. 2017

Isometric Neck movement

Forward/ Backward / right / left 2R each

(rest 5 natural breathing)

8th Jan. 2017

Isometric Ardha Chakra Asana Breathing

3R(rest 5 natural breathing)

8th Jan. 2017

Isometric Padahasta Asana Breathing

3R( rest5natural breathing)

10th Aug. 2017

eye pressure

Ardha matsendra Asana Breathing

Both side 2R(rest 5 natural breathing)

10th Aug. 2017

Deep relaxation technique 8th Jan. 2017

Veda meditation (Shravana / Manana)


8th Mar. 2017

Page 14: Traditional Yoga’s Teachings & Ayurveda at the …...Traditional Yoga’s Teachings & Ayurveda at the Foundation of Yoga Therapy Assessment Keishin Kimura / Jnana yogi Yoga Niketan

Name of Practice & Number of round Photo Starting day Remarks Isometric Elbow Bending  Both side 2R each (rest 5 natural breathing)

8th Jan. 2017

Isometric Neck movement Forward/ Backward / right / left 2R each (rest 5 natural breathing)

8th Jan. 2017

Isometric Ardha Chakra Asana Breathing  3R(rest 5 natural breathing)

8th Jan. 2017

Isometric Padahasta Asana Breathing  3R( rest5natural breathing)

10th Aug. 2017

eye pressure

Ardha matsendra Asana Breathing  Both side 2R(rest 5 natural breathing)

10th Aug. 2017

Deep relaxation technique 8th Jan. 2017

Veda meditation (Shravana / Manana) Theme:

8th Mar. 2017

Personal Menu

Nama: Ms. Yoshiko Suzuki 

Date:  day month year ~ day month year

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Ayurveda and mind-Body Medicine The Charaka Samhita of 7 volumes

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The internal medicine of Ayurveda

There are three types of therapy--spiritual, rational and psychological. Spiritual therapy consists of recitation of mantras, wearing roots and gems, auspicious acts, offerings, gifts, oblations, following religious precepts, atonement, fasting, invoking blessings, falling on (the feet of) the gods, pilgrimage etc. Rational therapy consists of rational administration of diet and drugs. Psychological therapy is restraint of mind from unwholesome objects.  (Charaka Volume I, Chapter 11, Section 54)

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Psychic dosas/predispositions of Ayurveda

Diseases are innumerable because there are innumerable kinds. Dosas/predispositions are numerable because there are not so many and they can be counted. Hence (I) will explain disorders only as examples but will describe dosas fully. Rajas and tamas are two psychic dosas/predispositions. They cause disorders like passion, anger, greed, confusion, envy, conceit, narcosis, anxiety, excitement, fear, and exhilaration. Vata, pitta and kapha are the bodily dosas/predispositions. They cause disorders such as fever, diarrhea, swelling, phthisis, dyspnea, prameha, leprosy etc. Thus dosas are said to relate to the person in their entirety while the disorders only partially.    (Charaka Samhita Part 3- Chapter 6-Section5)

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These (psychic and somatic) diseases sometimes occur together and are associated mutually, such as passion and fever, etc. (Charaka 3-6-8)

From ancient times Ayurveda has been Psychosomatic Medicine!

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Page 20: Traditional Yoga’s Teachings & Ayurveda at the …...Traditional Yoga’s Teachings & Ayurveda at the Foundation of Yoga Therapy Assessment Keishin Kimura / Jnana yogi Yoga Niketan
Page 21: Traditional Yoga’s Teachings & Ayurveda at the …...Traditional Yoga’s Teachings & Ayurveda at the Foundation of Yoga Therapy Assessment Keishin Kimura / Jnana yogi Yoga Niketan

Seven Types of Sattvika type of mental faculty Charka Samhita: Sharira Sthana Chapter IV Verses 37–40 The sattvika type of mental faculty is auspicious and is of seven categories. Their characteristic features are furnished in the statement given below:

1 Brahma: Purity, love for truth, self-controlled; power of discrimination, material and spiritual knowledge; power of exposition, reply, and memory; freedom from passion, anger, greed, ego, ignorance, jealousy, dejection, and intolerance; and favorable disposition equally for all creatures. 2. Arsa: devotion to sacred rituals, study, sacred vows, oblations, and celibacy; hospitable disposition; freedom from pride, ego, attachment, hatred, ignorance, greed and anger; intellectual excellence and eloquence; and power of understanding and retention. 3. Aindra: Lord-ship and authoritative speech; performance of sacred rituals; bravery, strength, and splendor; freedom from mean acts; far sightedness; and devotion to virtuous acts, earning of wealth and proper satisfaction of desires.

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Seven Types of Sattvika type of mental faculty Charaka Samhita: Sharira Sthana Chapter IV Verses 37–40

4. Yamya: observance of the propriety of actions; initiation of actions in time; non-violability; readiness for initiating action; memory and lordship; freedom from attachment, envy, hatred, and ignorance. 5. Varuna: bravery, patience, purity, and dislike for impurity; observance of religious rites; fondness for aquatic sports; aversion for mean acts; and exhibition of anger and pleasure in proper place. 6. Kauvera: possession of station, honor, luxuries, and attendants; constant liking for virtuous acts, wealth, and satisfaction of desires, purity; and liking for pleasures of recreation. 7. Gandharva: fondness for dancing, singing, music, and praise; expertness in poetry, stories, historical narrations, and epics; constant fondness for scents, girl

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English |



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Yoga for Anti-Ageing: Standing Program (20 minutes) URL:

Isometric Yoga Therapy: Seated Program URL: Isometric Yoga Therapy: Supine Program URL:

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Isometric Yoga Program for ME/CFS

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①Click the URL as Bellow!

 When the URL Click, SPRINGER NATURE WEB SITE top page will appear

Change the World, One Article at a Time

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|  Video program in Youtube

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1.2YogaandtheM ind

1.3.Fram ew orkforH ealthandD isease

2.1Anatom yandPhysiology

2.2.AdditionalBiom edicalKnow ledge

2.3.PsychologyandM entalH ealth2.3.PsychologyandM entalH ealth

2.4.AdditionalKnow ledge

2.5.BodyandM indIntegration


3.2.PrinciplesandSkillsforEducatingC lients/Students

3.3.PrinciplesandSkillsforW orkingw ithG roups





5.3.Relationshipsw ithPeers,M entors,C linicians,andO rganizations

5.4.PersonalandProfessionalD evelopm entandC ontinuingEducation



C asereportcreation

IAYTreqirem ent 35 35 50 90 15 30 10 10 35 35 10 60 205 15 5 5 5 650JYTSrequirem ent 45.5 27.5 35.5 70.5 0 20.5 0 15 27 36.5 5.5 61 265 15.5 5 5 7 60 65.5 200 947.5

Y ogaT herapis tT rainingC ourse11 Theneedforyogaandyogatherapisttraining 5.5 3.5 2 112 Whatis J nanaY oga 5.5 3.5 2 113 YogaandH ealth 5.5 3.5 2 114 AsanaandHathaY ogaT heory 5.5 3.5 2 115 Y ogatherapyandBreathingE xercises 5.5 3.5 2 116 W hatisBhaktiYoga 5.5 3.5 2 117 RajaYogaandStressM anagem ent 5.5 3.5 2 118 Whatis K armaY oga 5.5 3.5 2 119 Y ogaandE ducation.T heoryofUnityinD ivers ity 5.5 3.5 2 1110 G raduationE xamination 5.5 3.5 2 11


Y ogaT herapis tT rainingC ourse21 Y ogaT herapyT heoryOverview.Y T IC G uidance 9 2 10 212 Whatis S tres s?C yclic Meditation 4.5 5.5 2 10 223 Various P sychologicalT es ts andB ioDataP roces s ing 5.5 3.5 2 10 214 Diabetes andY ogaT herapy 4.5 3.5 2 2.5 10 22.55 GynecologicalD isorders andY ogaT herapy 4.5 3.5 2 2.5 10 22.56 As thmaandY ogaT herapy 4.5 3.5 2 2.5 10 22.57 HighB loodP res sureandY ogaT herapy 4.5 3.5 2 2.5 10 22.58 BackP ainandY ogaT herapy.Mid-termpresentationand 4.5 3.5 2 2.5 10 22.59 C odeofE thics 5.5 2 10 17.510 R heumatoidArthritis andY ogaT herapy 4.5 2 2.5 10 1911 Diges tiveD isorders andY ogaT herapy 4.5 6 2 2.5 10 25

12PanicD isorder,Obses s ive-C ompuls iveD isorder,S ocialPhobiaandY ogaT herapy 4.5 6 2 2.5 10 25

13 S chizophrenia,T hyroidDys function/HypothyroidismandY oga 4.5 6 2 2.5 10 2514 AtopicDermatitis /AlopeciaAreataandY ogaT herapy 4.5 6 2 2.5 10 2515 Y ogaT herapyandAutoimmuneDisease(C ancer) 4.5 6 2 2.5 10 2516 E atingD isorders /Y ogaandD iet/TMDandY ogaT herapy 4.5 6 2 2.5 10 2517 Depres s ion,InsomniaandY ogaT herapy 4.5 6 2 2.5 10 25

18Personalitydisorder,various addictions (alcohol/gambling/drug/shopping/techno-s tres s /VDT s yndrome,etc.)andyogatherapy/HeartS oundR esonanceMethod/MS R T ,lectureand

4.5 6 2 2.5 10 25

19 T ruancy/childabuse,etc./TMD.P ranas timulationmethod/ 4.5 6 2 2.5 10 2520 F inalexamination 5.5 6 2 10 23.521 P resentationatAnnualC onference 5 10 15


Y ogaT herapis tC ertificationR enewal(ongoingeducation)

AcademicS eminar/C onferences (morethan16P ) 91 5 96AttendanceatY ogaT herapyAnnualR eserachC onference(16H) 0P resentationatY ogaT herapyAnnualR esearchC onference(30H) 0Partic ipationinAcademicS eminars (domes tic)(14H) 0P resentationatAcademicS eminars (domes tic)(30H) 0Partic ipationinAcademicS eminar/C onference(international)(18H) 0P resentationatAcademicS eminar/C onference(international)(50H) 0

P racticalT rainings (morethan12P ) 20 10 5 7 42P racticalT rainings (domes tic)(3.5H) 0P rashantiWorkshop(7H) 0YogavolunteerinIndia(7H /1Tour) 0YogavolunteerinKiev(7H /1Tour) 0YogavolunteerinJapan 0

S pecialT rainings (morethan16P ) 15 15 11 10 5 56C ertifiedS pecialT rainings 0Intens iveT raining(domes tic)(16H/day) 64 64Intens iveT raining(India/T ibet)(10H/day+10H) 0Y ogas criptures seminar(1H/times ) 10 10R ajaY oga(3H/1time) 10 10 20Naikan(introspection)retreat 0

R equiredT rainings 0T rainingatMedicalF acilities (6H/1day) 25 5 30Verbalcounselingcourse--Introductory,Intermediateand 18 18M edicalD VD training(5H /course) 3 2 5Y ogatherapyteachingpractice(Y IC ,Y T IC teaching) 20 20


E lectives Ayurvedacourses (introductory,intermediateandadvanced)Sanskritcourses(beginner,interm ediate) 0Verbalcounselingcases tudyseminar(2H/1day) 0Statistics 0

0 0

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