traffic-aware channel assignment in enterprise wireless lans eric rozner university of texas at...

Traffic-Aware Channel Assignment in Enterprise Wireless LANs Eric Rozner University of Texas at Austin Yogita Mehta University of Texas at Austin Aditya Akella University of Wisconsin-Madison Lili Qiu University of Texas at Austin IEEE ICNP 2007 October 18, 2007

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Page 1: Traffic-Aware Channel Assignment in Enterprise Wireless LANs Eric Rozner University of Texas at Austin Yogita Mehta University of Texas at Austin Aditya

Traffic-Aware Channel Assignment

in Enterprise Wireless LANs

Eric Rozner University of Texas at Austin

Yogita Mehta University of Texas at Austin

Aditya Akella University of Wisconsin-Madison

Lili Qiu University of Texas at AustinIEEE ICNP 2007October 18, 2007

Page 2: Traffic-Aware Channel Assignment in Enterprise Wireless LANs Eric Rozner University of Texas at Austin Yogita Mehta University of Texas at Austin Aditya


MotivationMotivation• Increasing campus & enterprise WLAN popularity– Laptops, smart phones, wireless gaming consoles, etc

• Increased density and usage → interference

• Limited number of non-overlapping channels– 802.11b and 802.11g only have 3 (1, 6, and 11)

– Not always feasible to assign non-overlapping channels

Page 3: Traffic-Aware Channel Assignment in Enterprise Wireless LANs Eric Rozner University of Texas at Austin Yogita Mehta University of Texas at Austin Aditya


Related WorkRelated Work• Previous channel assignment schemes

– Manual configuration [Grier]– Maximize RSS at expected high-demand points [Lee02]

– Client-side interference [Mishra06]– Commercial products [AutoCell, AirView]

• No public information due to proprietary nature

• Wireline traffic engineering – Benefits of traffic-awareness [Awduche99, Awduche02, Xiao00]

Approaches assume network traffic is static or uniform!

Our Contribution: Effective channel assignment schemes that adapt to prevailing WLAN traffic demands

Page 4: Traffic-Aware Channel Assignment in Enterprise Wireless LANs Eric Rozner University of Texas at Austin Yogita Mehta University of Texas at Austin Aditya


Motivating ExampleMotivating Example

a b

c d

Demand(b) = 5 Mbps

Demand(d) = 5 Mbps

Demand(a) = 5 Mbps

Demand(c) = 0 Mbps


Channel 1

Channel 6

Channel 6

Channel 11

Channel 1

Channel 11

Channel 6

Channel 1


Throughput: 5 Mbps Throughput: 5 Mbps

Throughput: 0 Mbps Throughput: 5 Mbps

Throughput: 15 Mbps

Throughput: 2.5 Mbps Throughput: 5 Mbps

Throughput: 0 Mbps Throughput: 2.5 Mbps

Throughput: 10 Mbps

Traffic-aware channel assignmentcan be beneficial!

Page 5: Traffic-Aware Channel Assignment in Enterprise Wireless LANs Eric Rozner University of Texas at Austin Yogita Mehta University of Texas at Austin Aditya


Traffic-Aware FrameworkTraffic-Aware FrameworkMeasure interference graph

Obtain traffic demandsfrom previous interval

Predict demands for current interval

Compute traffic-awarechannel assignment

Change channel assignment

New assignment≠old assignment



Page 6: Traffic-Aware Channel Assignment in Enterprise Wireless LANs Eric Rozner University of Texas at Austin Yogita Mehta University of Texas at Austin Aditya


Key Questions to Achieve Key Questions to Achieve Traffic-Aware Channel Traffic-Aware Channel

AssignmentsAssignments• How to develop traffic-aware channel assignment algorithms?

• How to estimate traffic that varies over time?

• How to estimate the interference graph?• How to handle non-binary interference?• How to efficiently change channels?• How much does traffic-awareness improve network performance and when is it beneficial?

Page 7: Traffic-Aware Channel Assignment in Enterprise Wireless LANs Eric Rozner University of Texas at Austin Yogita Mehta University of Texas at Austin Aditya


Traffic-AwarenessTraffic-Awareness• Weigh interference metric by traffic demands– SA - Node A’s sending demands

– RA - Node A’s receiving demands

• WA,B = SA×SB + SA×RB + SB×RA

– 1st term: sender-side interference•802.11 MAC is CSMA/CA: One sender at a time

– 2nd and 3rd terms: interference at receivers•Collisions increase loss, contention window

Page 8: Traffic-Aware Channel Assignment in Enterprise Wireless LANs Eric Rozner University of Texas at Austin Yogita Mehta University of Texas at Austin Aditya


Channel Separation MetricChannel Separation Metric• SepA,B = min(|chan(A) - chan(B)|, 5) if A, B interfere

= 5 otherwise

• Traffic-awareness can be applied to other metrics

• Finding optimal solution is NP-Hard [Mishra06]

Metric Traffic-agnostic Traffic-aware



Max:∑i,j ∈AP Sepi,j

Max:∑i,j ∈AP Wij × Sepi,j


Max:∑i,j ∈AP∪Clients Sepi,j

Max:∑i,j ∈AP ∪Clients Wij×Sepi,j

Page 9: Traffic-Aware Channel Assignment in Enterprise Wireless LANs Eric Rozner University of Texas at Austin Yogita Mehta University of Texas at Austin Aditya


Obtaining Channel Obtaining Channel AssignmentsAssignments

• Initialization algorithm– Inspired by Chaitin’s approach to register allocation problem [Chaitin82]

– Basic notion: Wait to assign channels of APs with many conflicts b/c such assignments are more important

• Simulated annealing to improve initial assignment– Randomly change channel of one AP and its clients– If metric improves, select current assignment;

If not, select it with some non-zero probability P

– Probability P decreases as # iterations increases– Output: best assignment over all iterations– We use 1000 iterations (computation << 1 second)

Page 10: Traffic-Aware Channel Assignment in Enterprise Wireless LANs Eric Rozner University of Texas at Austin Yogita Mehta University of Texas at Austin Aditya


Key Questions to Achieve Key Questions to Achieve Traffic-Aware Channel Traffic-Aware Channel

AssignmentsAssignments• How to develop traffic-aware channel assignment algorithms?

• How to estimate traffic that varies over time?

• How to estimate the interference graph?• How to handle non-binary interference?• How to efficiently change channels?• How much does traffic-awareness improve network performance and when is it beneficial?

Page 11: Traffic-Aware Channel Assignment in Enterprise Wireless LANs Eric Rozner University of Texas at Austin Yogita Mehta University of Texas at Austin Aditya


Estimating Traffic DemandsEstimating Traffic Demands• Measure past traffic demands

– Most commercial APs export SNMP interface– SNMP provides demands in 5 min intervals

• Predict current demands based on history– EWMA: Exponentially-weighted moving average

– PREV: Use previous interval’s demands– PREV_N: Find channel assignment that’s optimized over past N intervals

– PEAK_N: Find channel assignment that’s optimized over the worst case in past N intervals.

Page 12: Traffic-Aware Channel Assignment in Enterprise Wireless LANs Eric Rozner University of Texas at Austin Yogita Mehta University of Texas at Austin Aditya


Key Questions to Achieve Key Questions to Achieve Traffic-Aware Channel Traffic-Aware Channel

AssignmentsAssignments• How to develop traffic-aware channel assignment algorithms?

• How to estimate traffic that varies over time?

• How to estimate the interference graph?• How to handle non-binary interference?• How to efficiently change channels?• How much does traffic-awareness improve network performance and when is it beneficial?

Page 13: Traffic-Aware Channel Assignment in Enterprise Wireless LANs Eric Rozner University of Texas at Austin Yogita Mehta University of Texas at Austin Aditya


Estimating the Interference Estimating the Interference GraphGraph

• Measure max throughput on any 2 links [Padhye05]– A’s max broadcast rate when it sends alone– A’s max broadcast rate when it sends with node B

– BR = Total throughput together/Total throughput alone

– BR close to 0.5 → A, B interfere (take turns sending),

close to 1.0 → A, B don’t interfere

• Estimate max throughput on any 2 links via an interference model [Reis06]

• Estimate max throughput on any set of links via a general interference model [Qiu07]

• Use coordinated probing [Ahmed06]• Further improvement of interference graph estimation directly benefits our channel assignment

Page 14: Traffic-Aware Channel Assignment in Enterprise Wireless LANs Eric Rozner University of Texas at Austin Yogita Mehta University of Texas at Austin Aditya


Key Questions to Achieve Key Questions to Achieve Traffic-Aware Channel Traffic-Aware Channel

AssignmentsAssignments• How to develop traffic-aware channel assignment algorithms?

• How to estimate traffic that varies over time?

• How to estimate the interference graph?• How to handle non-binary interference?• How to efficiently change channels?• How much does traffic-awareness improve network performance and when is it beneficial?

Page 15: Traffic-Aware Channel Assignment in Enterprise Wireless LANs Eric Rozner University of Texas at Austin Yogita Mehta University of Texas at Austin Aditya


Non-Binary InterferenceNon-Binary Interference• Interference can be non-binary in practice – Variations in RSS cause intermittent interference

– SNR under one sender ≥ SNR_Threshold– SNR under two (or more) senders ≤ SNR_Threshold

• Extend the channel assignment metric to handle non-binary interference– Degree of interference is weighed by the throughput reduction based on BR

Page 16: Traffic-Aware Channel Assignment in Enterprise Wireless LANs Eric Rozner University of Texas at Austin Yogita Mehta University of Texas at Austin Aditya


Key Questions to Achieve Key Questions to Achieve Traffic-Aware Channel Traffic-Aware Channel

AssignmentsAssignments• How to develop traffic-aware channel assignment algorithms?

• How to estimate traffic that varies over time?

• How to estimate the interference graph?• How to handle non-binary interference?• How to efficiently change channels?• How much does traffic-awareness improve network performance and when is it beneficial?

Page 17: Traffic-Aware Channel Assignment in Enterprise Wireless LANs Eric Rozner University of Texas at Austin Yogita Mehta University of Texas at Austin Aditya


Channel SwitchingChannel Switching•Switching delay - hardware (AP & client)–200μs Intel ProWireless–10-20ms Netgear Atheros, Cisco Aironet, Prism 2.5

•Re-association delay - software (client only)–Default: clients scan all channels to assoc.•Scanning time dominates (100’s of ms [Ramani05])

–Explicit Notification: APs broadcast channel•Can send multiple times to protect against loss•We send 5 times for our switching results

Page 18: Traffic-Aware Channel Assignment in Enterprise Wireless LANs Eric Rozner University of Texas at Austin Yogita Mehta University of Texas at Austin Aditya


Key Questions to Achieve Key Questions to Achieve Traffic-Aware Channel Traffic-Aware Channel

AssignmentsAssignments• How to develop traffic-aware channel assignment algorithms?

• How to estimate traffic that varies over time?

• How to estimate the interference graph?• How to handle non-binary interference?• How to efficiently change channels?• How much does traffic-awareness improve network performance and when is it beneficial?

Page 19: Traffic-Aware Channel Assignment in Enterprise Wireless LANs Eric Rozner University of Texas at Austin Yogita Mehta University of Texas at Austin Aditya


Evaluation MethodologyEvaluation Methodology• NS-2 Simulation

– Synthetic traces: when traffic-awareness is beneficial

– Trace-driven simulations: more realistic settings•SNMP data from Dartmouth 2004 and IBM 2002 traces

– 1024 UDP packet + fixed rate• Testbed Experiments

– 25 nodes (MadWifi, 802.11g); 2 floors of office building•Run at night to avoid interference from resident WLAN

– Empirically measure non-binary interference graph– Study TCP/UDP and fixed rate/auto rate

• Performance metric: total throughput and fairness

Page 20: Traffic-Aware Channel Assignment in Enterprise Wireless LANs Eric Rozner University of Texas at Austin Yogita Mehta University of Texas at Austin Aditya


Synthetic ResultsSynthetic Results• Uniform: AP demands uniform over [0:MAX]

• Hotspot: Pick 1 AP & all other APs in range as a hotspot, Hotspot APs uniform: [0:MAX]; others: [0:LOW]

Higher benefit when traffic-distribution is more uneven

20% of runs: At least 33% improv

20% of runs: At least 8.5% improv

Page 21: Traffic-Aware Channel Assignment in Enterprise Wireless LANs Eric Rozner University of Texas at Austin Yogita Mehta University of Texas at Austin Aditya

21Traffic-awareness provides benefits under real demands

Trace-Driven ResultsTrace-Driven Results• Compare against client-agnostic/traffic-agnostic baseline

• Average improvements against baseline over 3 buildings:– Traffic-aware, client-agnostic: 5.2-11.5%– Traffic-aware, client-aware: 8.3-12.8%

Page 22: Traffic-Aware Channel Assignment in Enterprise Wireless LANs Eric Rozner University of Texas at Austin Yogita Mehta University of Texas at Austin Aditya


Prediction ResultsPrediction ResultsM.A.E. EWMA PREV PEAK2

ResBldg 0.48 0.49 0.70

LibBldg 0.43 0.47 0.57

Prediction algorithms still perform well (EWMA usually within 6%)

Prediction error can be high due to low aggregation

Page 23: Traffic-Aware Channel Assignment in Enterprise Wireless LANs Eric Rozner University of Texas at Austin Yogita Mehta University of Texas at Austin Aditya


• TCP results shown, error bars denote standard deviation

• Zipf-like slope (X-axis) generates demands– Higher slope → more uneven the demands

Testbed ResultsTestbed Results

Traffic-awareness beneficial for both fixed-rate and multi-rate

Page 24: Traffic-Aware Channel Assignment in Enterprise Wireless LANs Eric Rozner University of Texas at Austin Yogita Mehta University of Texas at Austin Aditya


Channel Switching OverheadChannel Switching Overhead• Measure AP-Client throughput over a 10 minute transfer– Vary frequency of switching AP’s channel– Examine different levels of client activity

Overhead is minimal for ≥ 2 min switching interval

Page 25: Traffic-Aware Channel Assignment in Enterprise Wireless LANs Eric Rozner University of Texas at Austin Yogita Mehta University of Texas at Austin Aditya


ConclusionConclusion• Main contributions

– Traffic-aware channel assignment algorithms in WLANs

– Considered several practical issues• Measure wireless interference• Cope with realistic wireless interference patterns• Measure & predict traffic demands• Minimize the overhead of channel switching

– Extensive evaluation via simulations and experiments• Traffic-awareness benefits under uneven demand distribution

• Traffic-awareness benefits TCP/UDP and Fixed/Multi-Rate

• Future work– Develop traffic-aware techniques for other wireless network operations (e.g. power control, routing)

Page 26: Traffic-Aware Channel Assignment in Enterprise Wireless LANs Eric Rozner University of Texas at Austin Yogita Mehta University of Texas at Austin Aditya



•Thanks!– Eric Rozner– [email protected]

Page 27: Traffic-Aware Channel Assignment in Enterprise Wireless LANs Eric Rozner University of Texas at Austin Yogita Mehta University of Texas at Austin Aditya


Non-Binary InterferenceNon-Binary Interference• BR metric review:

– BR = Total throughput together/Total throughput alone

– BR close to 0.5 → A, B interfere (take turns sending), close to 1.0 → A, B don’t interfere

• Extend the BR metric: – BR = min(1, max(0.5, BR)); //BR in range 0.5 .. 1 – LocInterf = 2 − 2 × BR; //map BR to range 0 .. 1– ChannelDiff = min(|Ci − Cj|, 5);– ChannelInterf = 1 − ChannelDiff × 0.2;– OverallInterf = ChannelInterf × LocInterf ;

• Traffic-aware, client-agnostic metric becomes:– Min: ∑i,j∈AP W × OverallInterf(i, j) //others follow