traffic fines rta fines

PROSECUTION Sl.No. Offence Penal Section Punishment – Imprisonment / Fine 01 Driving a vehicle without holding an effective driving licence 181 3 months or Rs.500/- or both 02 Driving a vehicle being under aged 181 -do - 03 Owner or person in charge of a vehicle permitting an unlicensed person or an under aged person to drive a vehicle 180 3 months or Rs.1000/- or both 04 i)Disqualified person driving a vehicle in public place or ii) Seeking a licence without disclosing endorsements made 182(1) 3 months or Rs.500/- Offences by Conductors 05 Any person acting as conductor of a stage carriage without holding a conductor’s licence 177 First offence Rs.100/- Second or subsequent offence, Rs.300/- 06 Disqualified conductor acting as conductor or applying for a conductor’s licence without disclosing endorsement made 182(2) Upto one month or Rs.100/- or both 07 Conductor in any public place, failing to produce his licence on demand by any officer of Transport Department 177 As serial No.5 above 08 Conductor’s failure to issue ticket etc. 178(2) Rs.500/- 09 Driving a vehicle at an excessive speed 183(1) First offence Rs.400/-, Second or subsequent offence Rs.1000/- 10 Any person permitting his employee or a person subject to his control to drive a vehicle at an excessive speed ( may be by fixing a time table) 183(2) First offence Rs.300/- Second or subsequent offence Rs.500/- 11 Driving or permitting to drive a vehicle carrying excess load, or non-compliance with directions to have the vehicle weighted 194(1) Minimum Rs.2000/- and additional Rs.1000/- per ton of excess load together with charges for off- loading the excess load. Driver refusing to stop and submit his vehicle to weighing or off loading the excess weight 194(2) Rs.3000/-

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Traffic Fines RTA Fines


Page 1: Traffic Fines RTA Fines


Offence Penal Section Punishment – Imprisonment / Fine

01 Driving a vehicle without holding an effective driving licence

181 3 months or Rs.500/- or both

02 Driving a vehicle being under aged 181 -do - 03 Owner or person in charge of a

vehicle permitting an unlicensed person or an under aged person to drive a vehicle

180 3 months or Rs.1000/- or both

04 i)Disqualified person driving a vehicle in public place or ii) Seeking a licence without disclosing endorsements made

182(1) 3 months or Rs.500/-

Offences by Conductors 05 Any person acting as conductor of

a stage carriage without holding a conductor’s licence

177 First offence Rs.100/- Second or subsequent offence, Rs.300/-

06 Disqualified conductor acting as conductor or applying for a conductor’s licence without disclosing endorsement made

182(2) Upto one month or Rs.100/- or both

07 Conductor in any public place, failing to produce his licence on demand by any officer of Transport Department

177 As serial No.5 above

08 Conductor’s failure to issue ticket etc.

178(2) Rs.500/-

09 Driving a vehicle at an excessive speed

183(1) First offence Rs.400/-, Second or subsequent offence Rs.1000/-

10 Any person permitting his employee or a person subject to his control to drive a vehicle at an excessive speed ( may be by fixing a time table)

183(2) First offence Rs.300/- Second or subsequent offence Rs.500/-

11 Driving or permitting to drive a vehicle carrying excess load, or non-compliance with directions to have the vehicle weighted

194(1) Minimum Rs.2000/- and additional Rs.1000/- per ton of excess load together with charges for off-loading the excess load.

Driver refusing to stop and submit his vehicle to weighing or off loading the excess weight

194(2) Rs.3000/-

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12 Any person driving or permitting to drive any vehicle with a left-handed steering control unless equipped with a device of a prescribed nature

177 First offence Rs.100/- second or subsequent offence Rs.300/-

13 Driving dangerously 184 First offence 6 months or Rs.1000/- or both

Abettor 188 Second or subsequent offence within 3 years of previous commission 2 years or Rs.2000/- or both

14 Driving by a drunken person or by a person under influence of drugs; Abettor



First, offence 6 months or Rs.2000/- or both Second or subsequent offence committed within 3 years of previous commission 2 years of Rs.3000/- or both

15 Driving when mentally or physically unfit to drive, Abettor

186 188

First offence Rs.200/- Second or subsequent offence Rs.500/-

16 Driving an uninsured vehicle 196 3 months or Rs.1000/- or both

Traffic Offences by Drivers 17 Driver’s failure to obey traffic

signs 177 First offence Rs.100/-,

Second or subsequent offence Rs.300/-

18 Driver’s failure to make prescribed signals on prescribed occasions

177 -do-

19 Driver allowing any person to obstruct his control of the vehicle

177 -do-

20 Driver of a two wheeler motor cycle carrying more than one person in addition to himself and only on a properly fixed seat behind the driver’s seat

177 -do-

21 Driver and pillion rider failing to wear protective head gear

177 -do-

Driver’s offences not stopping the vehicle

22 Driver refusing to stop and submit his vehicle to weighing or off loading the excess weight

194(2) Upto Rs.3000/-

23 Driver refusing to stop in certain causes and / or furnishing certain particulars

179(1) Rs.500/-

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24 Driver’s failure to submit the vehicle for testing emission of smoke etc.,



25 Any person in charge of a vehicle or a trailer abandoning or permitting to abandon, etc., in a public place

177 First offence Rs.100/- Second or subsequent offence Rs.300/-

26 Any person in charge of a vehicle carrying or permitting to carry any person on the running board etc.,

177 -do –

27 Any person in charge of a vehicle keeping or permitting to keep a vehicle stationary without the required precautions

177 -do-

Traffic Offences by others 28 Any person traveling on the

running board or on the top or on the bonnet of a motor vehicle

177 First offence Rs.100/- Second or subsequent offence Rs.300/-

29 Any person traveling without pass or ticket in any stage carriage etc.,

177 -do-

30 Any person keeping a disabled vehicle in any public place so as to cause impediment to the free flow of traffic

201 Rs.50/- per hour plus towing charges.

Duty to Produce Documents 31 Driver in a public place failing to

produce his licence to any police officer in uniform; on demand

177 First offence Rs.100/- Second or subsequent offence Rs.100/-

32 Conductor, in any public place, failing to produce his licence on demand by any officer of the Motor Vehicles Depatment

177 -do-

33 The owner (or driver or person of in charge of) a motor vehicle, on demand by i)A registering authority, or ii)Any other officer of the Motor Vehicles Dept., failing to produce i)The certificate of insurance of the vehicle; ii) Certificate of fitness of transport vehicle; iii) Permit of transport vehicle(see exceptions in S, 130(4))

177 First offence Rs.100/- Second or subsequent offence Rs.100/-

34 Any person driving a motor 177 -do-

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vehicle in any public place, on demand by a police officer in uniform or officers of Motor Vehicles Department, Failing to produce a)the certificate of insurance; b)The certificate of registration; c) The driving licence, or d) certificate of fitness, and e) The permit of a transport vehicle

Duty to give information 35 When the driver or conductor of a

motor vehicle is accused of any offence under the M.V.Act, the owner of such vehicle failing, on demand by a Police officer authorized, to give information regarding the name and address of and the licence held by the driver or conductor

187 For the first offence 3 months imprisonment or Rs.500/- or both for subsequent offence 6 months or Rs.1000/- or both

Duty of the Driver in case of Accident 36 When any person is injured or any

property of a third party is damaged in motor vehicle accident, the driver or person in charge, of the vehicle a)Not providing medical aid to the victim of the accident. b)Not giving certain informating regarding the accident etc., to or demand by a Police officer or at the nearest police station. c)not giving the necessary information to the insurer




First offence 3 months or Rs.500/- or both Subsequent offence 6 months or Rs.1000/- -do-

Offence Relating to Registration of Motor Vehicles

37 Any person driving or owner permitting to drive vehicle without effective registration or displaying false registration marks in any public or in any other place (Exceptions-Sec,39(2)

192(1) First offence upto Rs.5000/- (not being less than Rs.2000/-) Second or subsequent offence one year; or upto Rs.10,000/- (not being less than Rs.5000/-) or both (Exceptions – see Sec.192(2)

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Offences Relating to permits 38 Any person driving or permitting

to drive a vehicle without the necessary permit for the route or area in which or for the purpose for which it is being used.

192-A First offence upto Rs.5000/- (not being less than Rs.2000/-), Second or subsequent offence upto one year, (not being less than 3 months), upto Rs.10,000/- (not being less than Rs.5000/-) (Exceptions S.192-A92))

Offences Relating to Insurance 39 Any person (except as a

passenger) using or permitting to use a vehicle in a public place unless it is covered by the required insurance against third party risk

196 3 months or Rs.1000/-

Offence Relating to Construction and Maintenance of vehicle 40 Any manufacturer using sub-

standard article or process 182-A First offence Rs.1000/-,

Second or subsequent offence Rs.5000/-

41 Any person driving or permitting to drive in any public place a defective motor vehicle or trailer. If such defect results in an accident causing bodily injury or damage to property.

190(1) 3 months or Rs.1000/-

42 Any person driving or permitting to drive in any public place any motor vehicle which violates the standards prescribed in relation to road safety, control of noise and air pollution

190(2) First offence Rs.1000/-, Second or subsequent, offence Rs.2000/-

43 Any person driving or permitting to drive in any public place a motor vehicle which violates the provisions of M.V.Act or Rules relating to dangerous or hazardous goods

190(3) First offence one year or Rs.3000/- or both, Second or subsequent offence 3 years or Rs.5000/- or both

44 Any importer or dealer setting delivering or offering to sell or deliver a motor vehicle or trailer in a condition or altered condition such that its use in a public place would contravene chapter VII of M.V.Act.

191 Rs.500/-

Offences Relating to Road Safety

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45 Any transport vehicle not having fitness certificate

192(1) read with Sec.39

First offence upto Rs.5000/- but not less than

Rs.2000/- Second or subsequent offence upto one year Rs.10,000/- (but not less than Rs.5000/-) or

both 46 Any motor vehicle not having

pollution under control certificate 190(2) read with CMV Rule 116(6)

First offence Rs.1000/- Second or subsequent

offences Rs.2000/- Offences Relating to Maintenance

of MV’s

47 Using vehicle in unsafe condition 190(1) Rs.250/- 48 and causing accident 190(1) Upto 3 months or upto

Rs.1000/- or both Miscellaneous Offence under Chapter XIII 49 Any person traveling in a stage

carriage without ticket or pass, or not producing ticket or pass on requisition.

178(1) Rs.500/-

50 Conductor of a stage carriage willfully or negligently failing to accept fare or issue ticket or checking inspector willfully or negligently failing or refusing to check pass or ticket

178(2) -do-

51 Permit holder of contract carriage refusing to ply or to carry passengers a)In the case of two-wheelers of three-wheelers b)In the case of others




Rs/200/- 52 Any person disobeying directions

given by any person or authority empowered, or obstructing any person or authority in the discharge of his functions under the M.V.Act.

179(1) Rs.500/-

53 Any person with-holding the required information or giving false information

179(2) One month or Rs.500/- or both

54 Racing and trials of speed 189 -do-

55 Any person engaging himself as an agent or canvasser in contravention of Sec.93 or Rules

193 First offence Rs.1000/- second or subsequent offence 6 months, or

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made there under Rs.2000/- or both 56 Taking vehicles without authority 197 3 months, or Rs.500/- or

both 57 Unauthorised interference 198 Rs.100/- Note:

(i) Offences punishable under sections 182-A, 185,187,190(1), 190(3),192-A,193 and 197 are not compoundable. Only prosecution is possible.

(ii) In the case of offence u/s 19-A, apart from prosecution under that section, registration of the vehicle can be suspended u/s 53, if it has been or is being used for hire or reward without a valid permit for being used in the manner in which it is actually found to be used.

(iii) In the case of Tractor-Trailer combinations used for hire or reward the compounding fee is 50% of the rates specified in col.7 above.

(iv) Unless otherwise stated the compounding fees prescribed above are the minimum, Higher amounts can be levied without exceeding the maximum fine shown in col.5 above.