traffic signal control with connected vehicles

65 Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, No. 2381, Transportation Research Board of the National Academies, Washington, D.C., 2013, pp. 65–72. DOI: 10.3141/2381-08 N. J. Goodall, Virginia Center for Transportation Innovation and Research, 530 Edgemont Road, Charlottesville, VA 22903. B. L. Smith and B. Park, Depart- ment of Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of Virginia, P.O. Box 400742, 351 McCormick Road, Charlottesville, VA 22904-4742. Correspond- ing author: N. J. Goodall, [email protected]. ing of a phase when vehicles are not being served. Some adaptive timing plans attempt to adjust to slow or systematic changes in volumes. The split cycle offset optimization technique (1) and the Sydney coordinated adaptive traffic system (2) are two prominent examples. However, both are restricted, in that they alter only a cyclic timing plan. Other timing plans do allow acyclic operation, but they differ in their approaches. The most common technique is to use the con- cept of rolling horizon, in which a traffic control algorithm attempts to optimize an objective function, such as delay, over a short period into the future, generally one or two cycle lengths. The objective function is optimized by estimation of the positions of vehicles dur- ing the horizon over several possible phasings. Some examples of point detector-based rolling-horizon strategies are ALLONS-D (3), UTOPIA (4), PRODYN (5), OPAC (6), and RHODES (7 ). How- ever, because these strategies are based on point detectors, they are forced to make several estimations, including a vehicle’s precise positions after it passes a detector, queue length, and vehicle speeds. In addition, these adaptive control strategies are not widely imple- mented in the United States, primarily because of their operational complexity (engineers typically require 4 to 6 months to understand the systems) and maintenance demands (8). CONNECTED VEHICLE WIRELESS DETECTION SYSTEMS A new initiative to allow wireless communication between vehicles and the transportation infrastructure, referred to here as “connected vehicles,” may have broad implications for how traffic signal con- trol will operate in the future. Instead of reliance on point detectors (such as inductive loops or video detection systems) that sense only the presence of vehicles at fixed locations, signal systems would be able to use data transmitted wirelessly from in-vehicle sensors in equipped vehicles to the signal controller. Traffic signal control logic would have access to many measures that were previously estimated or unknown, such as vehicle speeds, positions, arrival rates, rates of acceleration and deceleration, queue lengths, and stopped time. A clear definition of the types of data and communications used by connected vehicles is found in the SAE J2735 dedicated short-range communications message set dictionary. This standard defines vehicle-to-vehicle and vehicle-to-infrastructure commu- nications through the use of dedicated short-range communica- tions, the medium-range communications channels dedicated for vehicle use by the Federal Communications Commission in 1999. For safety applications, each vehicle transmits a basic safety mes- sage that transmits its temporary identifier, location, speed, heading, lateral and longitudinal acceleration, brake system status, and vehicle Traffic Signal Control with Connected Vehicles Noah J. Goodall, Brian L. Smith, and Byungkyu (Brian) Park The operation of traffic signals is currently limited by the data available from traditional point sensors. Point detectors can provide only limited vehicle information at a fixed location. The most advanced adaptive control strategies are often not implemented in the field because of their operational complexity and high-resolution detection requirements. However, a new initiative known as connected vehicles allows the wire- less transmission of the positions, headings, and speeds of vehicles for use by the traffic controller. A new traffic control algorithm, the pre- dictive microscopic simulation algorithm, which uses these new, more robust data, was developed. The decentralized, fully adaptive traffic control algorithm uses a rolling-horizon strategy in which the phasing is chosen to optimize an objective function over a 15-s period in the future. The objective function uses either delay only or a combination of delay, stops, and decelerations. To measure the objective function, the algorithm uses a microscopic simulation driven by present vehicle positions, headings, and speeds. The algorithm is relatively simple, does not require point detectors or signal-to-signal communication, and is completely responsive to immediate vehicle demands. To ensure drivers’ privacy, the algorithm does not store individual or aggregate vehicle locations. Results from a simulation showed that the algorithm maintained or improved performance compared with that of a state-of- the-practice coordinated actuated timing plan optimized by Synchro at low and midlevel volumes, but that performance worsened under saturated and oversaturated conditions. Testing also showed that the algorithm had improved performance during periods of unexpected high demand and the ability to respond automatically to year-to-year growth without retiming. Traffic signals, when operated efficiently, can enable the safe and efficient movement of vehicles through an intersection and mini- mize delays in a corridor. However, most signal timing plans in use must ignore or make assumptions about many aspects of traffic con- ditions. Fixed time control, in which a signal system uses a static and repeating sequence of phases and durations designed to serve a certain time period, has no way to detect vehicles and therefore relies on the expected approach volumes from manual traffic counts. Actu- ated timing plans use point detectors to modify a fixed timing plan by the occasional skipping of a phase if no vehicle is present or shorten-

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Page 1: Traffic Signal Control with Connected Vehicles


Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, No. 2381, Transportation Research Board of the National Academies, Washington, D.C., 2013, pp. 65–72.DOI: 10.3141/2381-08

N. J. Goodall, Virginia Center for Transportation Innovation and Research, 530 Edgemont Road, Charlottesville, VA 22903. B. L. Smith and B. Park, Depart-ment of Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of Virginia, P.O. Box 400742, 351 McCormick Road, Charlottesville, VA 22904-4742. Correspond-ing author: N. J. Goodall, [email protected].

ing of a phase when vehicles are not being served. Some adaptive timing plans attempt to adjust to slow or systematic changes in volumes. The split cycle offset optimization technique (1) and the Sydney coordinated adaptive traffic system (2) are two prominent examples. However, both are restricted, in that they alter only a cyclic timing plan.

Other timing plans do allow acyclic operation, but they differ in their approaches. The most common technique is to use the con-cept of rolling horizon, in which a traffic control algorithm attempts to optimize an objective function, such as delay, over a short period into the future, generally one or two cycle lengths. The objective function is optimized by estimation of the positions of vehicles dur-ing the horizon over several possible phasings. Some examples of point detector-based rolling-horizon strategies are ALLONS-D (3), UTOPIA (4), PRODYN (5), OPAC (6), and RHODES (7). How-ever, because these strategies are based on point detectors, they are forced to make several estimations, including a vehicle’s precise positions after it passes a detector, queue length, and vehicle speeds. In addition, these adaptive control strategies are not widely imple-mented in the United States, primarily because of their operational complexity (engineers typically require 4 to 6 months to understand the systems) and maintenance demands (8).


A new initiative to allow wireless communication between vehicles and the transportation infrastructure, referred to here as “connected vehicles,” may have broad implications for how traffic signal con-trol will operate in the future. Instead of reliance on point detectors (such as inductive loops or video detection systems) that sense only the presence of vehicles at fixed locations, signal systems would be able to use data transmitted wirelessly from in-vehicle sensors in equipped vehicles to the signal controller. Traffic signal control logic would have access to many measures that were previously estimated or unknown, such as vehicle speeds, positions, arrival rates, rates of acceleration and deceleration, queue lengths, and stopped time.

A clear definition of the types of data and communications used by connected vehicles is found in the SAE J2735 dedicated short-range communications message set dictionary. This standard defines vehicle-to-vehicle and vehicle-to-infrastructure commu-nications through the use of dedicated short-range communica-tions, the medium-range communications channels dedicated for vehicle use by the Federal Communications Commission in 1999. For safety applications, each vehicle transmits a basic safety mes-sage that transmits its temporary identifier, location, speed, heading, lateral and longitudinal acceleration, brake system status, and vehicle

Traffic Signal Control with Connected Vehicles

Noah J. Goodall, Brian L. Smith, and Byungkyu (Brian) Park

The operation of traffic signals is currently limited by the data available from traditional point sensors. Point detectors can provide only limited vehicle information at a fixed location. The most advanced adaptive control strategies are often not implemented in the field because of their operational complexity and high-resolution detection requirements. However, a new initiative known as connected vehicles allows the wire-less transmission of the positions, headings, and speeds of vehicles for use by the traffic controller. A new traffic control algorithm, the pre-dictive microscopic simulation algorithm, which uses these new, more robust data, was developed. The decentralized, fully adaptive traffic control algorithm uses a rolling-horizon strategy in which the phasing is chosen to optimize an objective function over a 15-s period in the future. The objective function uses either delay only or a combination of delay, stops, and decelerations. To measure the objective function, the algorithm uses a microscopic simulation driven by present vehicle positions, headings, and speeds. The algorithm is relatively simple, does not require point detectors or signal-to-signal communication, and is completely responsive to immediate vehicle demands. To ensure drivers’ privacy, the algorithm does not store individual or aggregate vehicle locations. Results from a simulation showed that the algorithm maintained or improved performance compared with that of a state-of-the-practice coordinated actuated timing plan optimized by Synchro at low and midlevel volumes, but that performance worsened under saturated and oversaturated conditions. Testing also showed that the algorithm had improved performance during periods of unexpected high demand and the ability to respond automatically to year-to-year growth without retiming.

Traffic signals, when operated efficiently, can enable the safe and efficient movement of vehicles through an intersection and mini-mize delays in a corridor. However, most signal timing plans in use must ignore or make assumptions about many aspects of traffic con-ditions. Fixed time control, in which a signal system uses a static and repeating sequence of phases and durations designed to serve a certain time period, has no way to detect vehicles and therefore relies on the expected approach volumes from manual traffic counts. Actu-ated timing plans use point detectors to modify a fixed timing plan by the occasional skipping of a phase if no vehicle is present or shorten-

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66 Transportation Research Record 2381

size to surrounding vehicles and the infrastructure. By listening to these messages, a signal controller can gain a more comprehensive understanding of the movements of nearby vehicles than it can with loop and video detection.


Several traffic signal timing plans that use some form of wireless communication between vehicles and the signal controller have been proposed. Priemer and Friedrich proposed a rolling-horizon algorithm that uses vehicle-to-infrastructure communications and that is based on the IEEE 802.11 standard (9). The algorithm sought to minimize queue lengths by optimization of phases in 5-s intervals over a 20-s horizon by use of the techniques of dynamic programming and complete enumeration on an acyclic, decentralized system.

Datesh et al. proposed an algorithm that uses vehicle clustering to apply a sophisticated form of actuated control (10). The acyclic tim-ing plan assigns the next phase to the first group of queued vehicles to surpass a predetermined cumulative waiting-time threshold. The phase is extended to allow the next platoon to pass. The platoon is identified by the use of K-means clustering on the basis of the vehicles’ speeds and locations.

Lee proposed the cumulative travel time-responsive real-time intersection control algorithm (11). This algorithm uses connected vehicles to determine the amount of time that a vehicle has spent traveling to the intersection from within 300 m or the nearest inter-section, whichever is closer. The travel time includes the time that the vehicle is in motion, as well as its stopped time at the inter-section, if any. The algorithm then sums the travel times for each combination of movements (i.e., Phases 2 and 6 or Phases 4 and 8 of the National Electrical Manufacturers Association). The phas-ing with the highest combined travel time is selected as the next phase, which has a minimum green time of 5 s. To supplement the travel time figures obtained at less than 100% market penetration, a Kalman filtering technique was used to estimate actual cumulative travel times on the basis of a prediction of future travel times and the measurement of sampled vehicles.

He et al. proposed an algorithm with platoon-based arterial multi-modal signal control with online data (PAMSCOD) (12). The algo-rithm uses mixed-integer linear programming to determine phasing and timings every 30 s for four cycles in the future on the basis of predicted vehicle platoon sizes and locations (12). PAMSCOD was able to improve vehicle and bus delay at saturation rates greater than 0.8 but often experienced higher delays at saturation rates of less than 0.6. The saturation rate was calculated by the use of Synchro’s intersection capacity utilization metric (13).

To date, no research has investigated the use of microscopic simulation as a tool to estimate future conditions in a rolling-horizon algorithm in a connected vehicle environment without vehicle reidentification. Unlike previous connected vehicle sig-nal control algorithms that required at least short-term tracking of vehicle locations (e.g., to measure platoon movements or waiting times), this research proposes the first signal control algorithm to use wireless vehicle locations without reidentification or short-term tracking of vehicles. Furthermore, no other research has investigated multiobjective optimization over the short-term time horizon and its effect on delay in the long term in a connected vehicle environment.


The traffic signal control algorithm proposed in this paper, called the predictive microscopic simulation algorithm (PMSA), was developed to achieve the following three objectives:

1. To match or significantly improve the performance of a state-of-the-practice actuated coordinated system;

2. To respond to real-time demands only, and thereby to eliminate the need for manual timing plan updates to adjust for traffic growth or fluctuations; and

3. Never to reidentify, track, or store any records of individual or aggregate vehicle movements for any length of time, thereby protecting driver privacy.

To accomplish these objectives, the PMSA uses a rolling-horizon approach, in which the traffic signal controller attempts to mini-mize an objective function over a short period of time in the future. Although many detector-based traffic signal control strategies use the rolling-horizon approach, they require complicated algorithms to estimate vehicle arrivals (14) and delay (3). They also require reliable and highly accurate detection, generally in the form of loop detectors both at the intersection and upstream of each approach. The failure of one or more detectors could be catastrophic for the rolling-horizon approach.

The PMSA uses microscopic traffic simulation to simulate vehicles over the horizon period and calculates the objective function delay directly from the vehicle’s simulated behavior. For the purposes of this description, an intersection’s movement is defined as the path of a single controlled vehicle, for example, westbound left, and a phase is defined as two noncontradictory movements, for example, westbound left and eastbound left. When the algorithm recalculates the signal’s phase, it first collects a snapshot of the position, heading, and speed of every equipped vehicle within 300 m of the intersection (at 45 mph, the speed of this corridor, a vehicle travels exactly this distance during the 15-s horizon). This information is then used to populate a model of the intersection, as shown in Figure 1.

Once the model has been populated with the new vehicles, the vehicles are simulated 15 s into the future. Because the turn lanes in the test network were between 75 and 300 m in length, the turning movement of many vehicles can be assumed on the basis of their cur-rent lane. For vehicles upstream of the turning lane, it was assumed that 50% of those in the lane nearest a turning lane would use the turning lane. This is repeated once for each possible new phase configuration, as well as for the possible maintenance of the current phasing. Four-second amber phases and 2-s red phases are simulated as well. The phase with the optimal objective function over the 15-s horizon is selected as the next phase.

The new phase’s green time is determined from the horizon simu-lation as the time required to clear all simulated vehicles from a single movement. This time is bound with a minimum of 5 s and a maximum time before recalculation of 15 s.

To ensure smooth operation of the signal, several restrictions are put into place. Because the algorithm is acyclic and allows phase skipping, each movement has a maximum red time of 120 s. This was considered reasonable, as the Synchro-recommended timing plan for the corridor was 120 s. Also, to take advantage of the queue detection capabilities of connected vehicles, the algorithm does not allow queues to block a turning lane or through lane. When a vehicle is detected to be within 40 ft of blocking a movement, the vehicle’s

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movement is given priority at the next phase recalculation. The PMSA’s decision process is shown in Figure 2.

The algorithm operates completely without loop or video detection and with no knowledge of expected demand or memory of past demand and is completely decentralized. The algorithm has no communication with any other signal on the corridor, either ad hoc or through syn-chronized timing. The algorithm was designed to be compatible with the SAE J2735 standard for dedicated short-range communications. It requires only the information required in the basic safety message no more than once per second, even though the message is sent 10 times per second according to the standard. Furthermore, the algorithm is able to protect driver privacy by clearing any vehicle data seconds after it is recorded. That is, the algorithm does not store any vehicle loca-tion data, either aggregated volumes or individual vehicle trajectories, once the next phase has been determined.


To simulate the connected vehicle environment, the microscopic simulation software package VISSIM was used, as it allows users to access individual vehicle information easily via a component object model interface and allows a second future simulation to run parallel to the primary simulation. For this study, a program was written in the C# programming language through the use of VISSIM’s component object model interface to extract individual vehicle characteristics, such as speed and position, no more than once per second.

The test network is a calibrated model of four intersections along Route 50 in Chantilly, Virginia, shown in Figure 3. Vehicle volumes and turning movements were collected between 3:00 and 4:00 p.m. on weekdays in 2003 (15). Pedestrian movements, which were very low at these intersections, were eliminated for the purpose of this

Model Intersection

Field Intersection

FIGURE 1 PMSA population of model of intersection with positions and speeds of equipped vehicles from actual field intersection.

Start Phase

timed out? 120s of


Next time step

Movement priority = 1, “medium”

Movement priority = 2,


Simulate phases with highest

combined priority

Calculate objective

function for each phase

Phase with lowest objective function chosen


Green time = min {simulated time

to clear, horizon length}

Vehicles blocking a movement?


no no yes

yes yes

FIGURE 2 PMSA logic flowchart.

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68 Transportation Research Record 2381

analysis, as the minimum pedestrian crossing time often exceeded 60 s, well beyond the algorithm’s 15-s horizon.

Vehicle volumes were converted to approximate intersection satura-tion rates through the use of Synchro’s intersection capacity utilization metric (13) and were measured to be an average of 0.75. To test the sen-sitivity of the algorithm to various equipped vehicle penetration rates, the algorithm was tested at vehicle participation rates of 10%, 25%, 50%, and 100%, with total delay over the horizon being used as the sole element of the objective function. Each scenario was evaluated for 30 min after 400 s of simulation initialization (16). Each scenario was tested 10 times at different random seeds, and all produced statistically significantly similar results with a 95% confidence level (17).

Offline signal system optimization tools, such as Synchro (18) and TRANSYT-7F (19), are often used in practice to develop timing plans. In this research, Synchro was used to develop an optimized coordi-

nated actuated timing plan with a 120-cycle length as a base case for comparison with the PMSA. Synchro’s recommended timing plans were programmed into and tested in the VISSIM network.

Single-Variable Objective Function

The algorithm attempts to optimize some objective function over a 15-s interval. Initial testing focused on a single variable, cumu-lative vehicle delay. Although it was decentralized, the algorithm produced coordinated flow, as evidenced by the signal timing and vehicle trajectories shown in Figure 4.

The results of the testing are shown in Table 1. Improvements in delay and speed were experienced only at penetration rates of 50% and higher. Fewer stops occurred at higher penetration rates, but the

790 ft

1280 ft

1320 ft

FIGURE 3 Map of test segment, a four-signal stretch of US-50 in Chantilly, Virginia.

FIGURE 4 Comparison of signal system coordination and vehicle trajectories of PMSA and coordinated actuated system: (a) PMSA eastbound progression and (b) PMSA westbound progression.


0 200 400 600 800 1000 12001200







Distance (m)


e (s


0 200 400 600 800 1000 12001200







Distance (m)


e (s


(a) (b)

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PMSA generally had more stops than the coordinated actuated sys-tem. Stopped delay improved at a 25% penetration rate and higher, with a 34% improvement experienced with 50% of vehicles par-ticipating. These improvements were experienced with no assumed knowledge of historical demand volumes or of any coordination or communication with neighboring signals.

According to FHWA estimates, 25% of congestion is caused by incidents (20). Because the PMSA requires no knowledge of historical traffic demands, it has the advantage of responding to unexpected demands because of incidents with a minimal transition time compared with that required for a time-of-day plan. To evalu-

ate PMSA’s ability to handle large, unexpected variations in flow, a simulation was run in which the volumes entering the main line heading east increased by 30%. This scenario is realistic for vehicles rerouting to avoid an incident on a parallel freeway or arterial. When the PMSA was operating with a 100% equipped vehicle penetration rate, it was able to respond instantly to the increased demand, with no outside input from operators or communication with roadside infra-structure or nearby signals. The results of this analysis are shown in Table 2. With the unexpected volume increase, the PMSA produced greater benefits than the PMSA’s improvements of a correctly timed coordinated actuated system.

0 200 400 600 800 1000 12001200







Distance (m)


e (s


0 200 400 600 800 1000 12001200







Distance (m)


e (s


(c) (d)

FIGURE 4 (continued) Comparison of signal system coordination and vehicle trajectories of PMSA and coordinated actuated system: (c) coordinated actuated eastbound progression and (d) coordinated actuated westbound progression.

TABLE 1 Performance of PMSA at Various Rates of Penetration of Equipped Vehicles

Metric Method Value Difference (%) p-Valuea

Delay (s/veh) Coord. act. 49.710% PMSA 54.1 8.9 <.00125% PMSA 47.1 −5.2 .00150% PMSA 45.2 −8.9 <.001100% PMSA 48.3 −2.7 .102

Average speed Coord. act. 28.7 (mph) 10% PMSA 28.0 −2.6 <.001

25% PMSA 29.3 1.9 <.00150% PMSA 29.7 3.2 <.001100% PMSA 29.1 1.1 .035

Stopped delay Coord. act. 28.1 (s/veh) 10% PMSA 29.6 5.4 .024

25% PMSA 24.5 −12.8 <.00150% PMSA 23.9 −14.8 <.001100% PMSA 26.4 −6.0 .009

No. of stops Coord. act. 4,75510% PMSA 5,707 20.0 <.00125% PMSA 4,997 5.1 .00550% PMSA 4,680 −1.6 .351100% PMSA 4,843 1.8 .308

Note: s/veh = seconds per vehicle; coord. act. = coordinated actuated; no. = = 10.

TABLE 2 PMSA Performance During Unexpected 30% Increase in Volumes from West

Metric Method Value Difference (%) p-Valuea

Delay (s/veh) Coord. act. 55.210% PMSA 58.3 5.8 .01025% PMSA 49.4 −10.5 <.00150% PMSA 47.6 −13.7 <.001100% PMSA 49.8 −9.7 .001

Average speed Coord. act. 28.0 (mph) 10% PMSA 27.6 −1.4 .093

25% PMSA 29.1 4.1 <.00150% PMSA 29.5 5.4 <.001100% PMSA 29.1 3.9 .001

Stopped delay Coord. act. 30.4 (s/veh) 10% PMSA 31.0 1.8 .565

25% PMSA 24.9 −18.2 <.00150% PMSA 23.8 −21.8 <.001100% PMSA 24.8 −18.3 <.001

No. of stops Coord. act. 5,70410% PMSA 6,533 14.5 <.00125% PMSA 5,513 −0.3 .13750% PMSA 5,198 −8.9 <.001100% PMSA 5,624 −1.4 .595

an = 10.

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70 Transportation Research Record 2381

TABLE 3 PMSA Performance on Network with 3% Annual Growth in Volume Compared with That of 10-Year-Old Coordinated Actuated Timing Plan

Metric Method Value Difference (%) p-Valuea

Delay (s/veh) Coord. act. 52.110% PMSA 54.1 3.8 .01725% PMSA 47.1 −9.7 <.00150% PMSA 45.2 −13.2 <.001100% PMSA 48.3 −7.2 <.001

Average speed Coord. act. 28.3 (mph) 10% PMSA 28.0 −0.9 .067

25% PMSA 29.3 3.6 .00150% PMSA 29.7 4.9 <.001100% PMSA 29.1 2.8 <.001

Stopped delay Coord. act. 29.6 (s/veh) 10% PMSA 29.6 2.6 .208

25% PMSA 24.5 −15.1 <.00150% PMSA 23.9 −17.1 <.001100% PMSA 26.4 −8.5 <.001

No. of stops Coord. act. 5,09710% PMSA 5,707 12.0 <.00125% PMSA 4,997 −2.0 .20650% PMSA 4,680 −8.2 <.001100% PMSA 4,843 −5.0 .008

an = 10.

Another common cause of congestion is poor signal timing, esti-mated by FHWA to be responsible for 5% of all congestion (20). Many transportation agencies lack the resources to update signal timing plans every 3 years, as recommended (21). If annual traffic growth is not addressed, it can quickly overwhelm a timing plan and lead to poor performance. Because the PMSA responds only to immediate traffic demand, it can accommodate annual volume increases without adjustments. To test the PMSA’s ability, the algo-rithm was tested at a 100% market penetration rate against a coor-dinated actuated timing plan that was optimized for the much lower volumes that were found 10 years in the past, under the assumption of a 3% annual growth rate for all volumes. This growth rate equates to a 34% increase in volume in all directions with no change to the timing plan. The results of this analysis are shown in Table 3. The PMSA showed significant benefits across all metrics.

The PMSA was additionally tested at uniformly varying volumes. Volumes at all intersections were uniformly multiplied by 0.5, 0.75, 1, and 1.25, which, by use of Synchro’s intersection capacity utilization metric as a surrogate, translated into approximate average saturation rates of 0.45, 0.60, 0.75, and 0.90, respectively. Different optimized coordinated actuated timing plans were developed through the use of Synchro for each of the new volume scenarios, and the PMSA was tested unaltered, regardless of the volumes, with an assumption of a 100% equipped vehicle penetration rate. The results are shown in Table 4. The PMSA either improved or had no significant effect on delay, average speed, or stopped delay at a saturation rate of less than 0.90. Fewer stops occurred at a saturation rate of 0.45, no dif-ference was detected at a saturation rate of 0.60, and the number of stops increased at saturation rates of 0.75 and 0.90. These results are similar to those obtained with the decentralized adaptive systems of Lämmer and Helbing, in which performance was found to degrade under nearly saturated conditions (22).

Multivariable Objective Function

The analysis presented above used vehicle delay as the sole vari-able in the objective function. Several other variables were tested

as well to determine if factors other than delay could improve the performance of the algorithm. The objective function ( f ) is described in Equation 1:

f d a s= α + β + γ (1)


α, β, and γ = factors, d = delay per second per vehicle, a = negative acceleration per second per vehicle, and s = number of stops per vehicle.

TABLE 4 PMSA Performance at Various Saturation Rates

Saturation Ratea Metric

Coordinated Actuated

100% PMSA

Difference (%) p-Valueb

0.45 Delay (s/veh) 41.4 30.4 −26.6 <.001Average speed (mph) 30.5 32.9 8.0 <.001Stopped delay (s/veh) 24.0 17.4 −27.3 <.001No. of stops 2,381 1,827 −23.3 <.001

0.60 Delay (s/veh) 43.1 37.9 −12.1 <.001Average speed (mph) 30.1 31.3 4.0 <.001Stopped delay (s/veh) 25.1 20.9 −16.7 <.001No. of stops 3,335 3,067 −8.0 <.001

0.75 Delay (s/veh) 49.7 48.3 −2.7 .102Average speed (mph) 28.7 29.1 1.1 .035Stopped delay (s/veh) 28.1 26.4 −6.0 .009No. of stops 4,755 4,843 1.8 .308

0.90 Delay (s/veh) 65.7 62.6 −4.6 .013Average speed (mph) 26.1 26.5 1.4 <.057Stopped delay (s/veh) 38.5 33.2 −13.9 <.001No. of stops 6,246 7,681 23.0 .008

aApproximate average saturation rate based on Synchro’s intersection capacity utilization metric (13).bn = 10.

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Delay and stops are commonly used measures of effectiveness for signal timing. Negative acceleration was selected because of its relationship with emissions; although positive acceleration is correlated with emissions, it is an unrealistic metric in practice, as it discourages phase changes under all circumstances. Nega-tive acceleration is a leading indicator of positive acceleration and is therefore an acceptable surrogate measure. The variables are defined in Equations 2 through 4, with terms dmax, amax, and smax used to cap [maximize (max)] and normalize the observed values.

















∑∑ { }=



max ,0(3)11













dmax = 1 s/s per vehicle, amax = 3 m/s3 per vehicle, smax = 2 stops per vehicle, i = individual vehicle, j = single time interval, n = total number of vehicles, and t = total time.

A range of factors between 0 and 1 at intervals of 0.1 was tested; and it was ensured that the sum of α, β, and γ was equiva-lent to 1. The 30 combinations with the lowest average delay are shown in Table 5, with the delay-only single-variable objective function being the baseline. Results that are significantly differ-ent (p < .05) from the delay-only results are marked in bold in Table 5. In all scenarios, an equipped vehicle penetration rate of 100% was assumed. Different objective functions were unable to improve the delay-only function significantly according to either average delay or stops. A high acceleration factor, in particular, produced poor performance compared with that achieved with the delay-only function.


A rolling-horizon traffic signal control algorithm called PMSA was presented in this paper. The algorithm uses individual vehicle loca-tions, headings, and speeds to predict an objective function over a 15-s future horizon through the use of microscopic simulation. The algorithm does not use any data from point detectors or any historical demands, nor does it require any communication between signals. An important feature of the algorithm is that it uses only instantaneous vehicle data and does not reidentify or track vehicles in any way, to protect privacy.

Microscopic simulation shows that PMSA, in which delay is used as the sole variable in the objective function, is able to improve

TABLE 5 Results from Use of Multivariable Objective Function

Delay Factor α

Acceleration Factor β

Stop Factor γ

Average Delay (s/veh)

Average Deceleration (m/s2/veh/s)

Average No. of Stops

1 0 0 48.3 0.52 4,8430.8 0.0 0.2 47.9a 0.52 4,9000.9 0.0 0.1 48.1a 0.52 4,8580.6 0.0 0.4 49.0a 0.53 4,9490.9 0.1 0.0 49.1a 0.50a 4,934a

0.7 0.0 0.3 49.9a 0.52 5,0080.8 0.1 0.1 50.0a 0.51 5,0440.5 0.0 0.5 50.3a 0.52 5,1870.8 0.2 0.0 50.3a 0.51a 5,064a

0.6 0.1 0.3 51.0a 0.51 4,9830.7 0.1 0.2 51.1a 0.52 5,1070.3 0.1 0.6 51.3a 0.52 5,1090.3 0.0 0.7 51.4a 0.52 5,1330.6 0.2 0.2 51.4a 0.50a 4,971a

0.5 0.1 0.4 51.4a 0.51 5,1020.6 0.3 0.1 51.8a 0.50a 4,976a

0.7 0.2 0.1 52.0a 0.50a 4,949a

0.4 0.0 0.6 52.0a 0.52 5,1150.7 0.3 0.0 52.5a 0.50a 5,141a

0.5 0.2 0.3 52.5a 0.50a 5,139a

0.6 0.4 0.0 53.1a 0.50a 5,181a

0.4 0.2 0.4 53.2a 0.51 5,2260.2 0.0 0.8 53.2a 0.53 5,2650.5 0.3 0.2 53.3a 0.49a 5,201a

0.4 0.1 0.5 53.4a 0.51 5,3780.2 0.1 0.7 53.5a 0.52 5,3330.1 0.1 0.8 53.6a 0.52 5,2730.4 0.4 0.2 53.8a 0.49a 5,157a

0.3 0.2 0.5 53.8a 0.51a 5,299a

0.1 0.0 0.9 54.0a 0.52 5,479

Note: Delay-only results are indicated in boldface.ap < .05 (n = 5).

significantly or have no effect on the performance of coordinated actuated systems in several scenarios, specifically, at low and medium levels of demand saturation and with a rate of penetration of equipped vehicles of greater than 50%. The algorithm showed much greater improvements during unexpected demands, for which the baseline Synchro coordinated actuated timing plan is not opti-mized, particularly in a simulated incident and with annual traffic volume increases when the timing plan is not updated. Different horizon objective functions with the variables delay, deceleration, and number of stops were unable to improve the performance of a delay-only function.

Future work will involve improvements to the performance of the algorithm at low rates of penetration of connected vehicles. Recent research suggests that the behavior of a few connected vehicles can estimate the positions of unequipped vehicles in real time on free-ways (23, 24) and unequipped vehicles delayed on arterials (25). These techniques may be adapted for signal control, in which they can provide real-time estimates of individual vehicle locations, thereby artificially augmenting the equipped penetration rate. The algorithm will also be compared with existing adaptive control algorithms.

Page 8: Traffic Signal Control with Connected Vehicles

72 Transportation Research Record 2381


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The Intelligent Transportation Systems Committee peer-reviewed this paper.