trailer analysis


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Post on 12-Jul-2015




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Page 1: Trailer analysis

Trailer Analysis

Page 2: Trailer analysis

My trailer begins by showing the verification that it can be played in the UK, a generic

convention that all trailers must show somehow. Whilst this appears, the

instrumental music enters the background, this music suggests a

happy, energetic atmosphere and would attract a young audience.

Page 3: Trailer analysis

Three girls are then introduced into the trailer, the camera shows a wide

shot, enabling the audience to see each of the characters. They appear feminine, and

would introduce them as the main characters, therefore attract a young adult

audience of the characters age but also men as they are good looking.

Page 4: Trailer analysis

One of the characters laughs and says ‘here’s to a great night’ which suggests the narrative

of the girls going out. The ‘to white’ transition shows a lapse in time, which goes in reverse as it shows elements of the girls getting ready. This would really attract the girly audience at the moment, and uses the

template for the sorority row trailer.

Page 5: Trailer analysis

A zoom in on the front door and a wide shot from the outside of the room where you can see the characters getting ready establishes

the location.

Following this, are some close up shots of different elements to the girls getting ready

for their night out. This adds to the feminine ‘chick flic’ genre that the audience will

receive from this trailer beginning.

Page 6: Trailer analysis

The narration is in first person, and the audience do not know which one of the

characters views this is showing. The narration expresses the tight bond of their friendship, to

emphasise to the audience.

The intertitles showing the production titles enter the screen, the upbeat music gradually decreases in volume and there is a loud crash

noise, which has a higher volume than the rest to show the contrast and change in genre.

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The music then turns very eerie with a xylophone type of melody, this is to introduce the new horror genre. I would expect that the audience would find this a shock having seen the beginning of the trailer and seeing such a

big contrast.

There are then shots of a car crashed a wall, with the characters previously seen with blood down their faces, which suggests death.

Page 8: Trailer analysis

Narrative intertitles are introduced. They are each displayed on a black background

with a red gravestone font, which connotes (Barthes) death and horror. This typography

follows the brand that I have created with my film, each of the products following the

same, in order to have an established relationship between the products and to be

more recognisable for the audience.

Page 9: Trailer analysis

When the written narrative says ‘If only they could go back’ I have used the reverse tool

on iMovie, showing the car they are driving reverse, in order to help the audience

understand the parts of the narrative they missed in the time lapse previously. They

should be fully aware there was a car crash at this point.

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The first person spoken narrative begins again, showing that someone must have

survived what seemed like death. The audience see a different range of shots

showing two of the characters in black, suggesting evil, death and

horror, with the blood on their face which we see in the crash, following/haunting the

character who was driving.

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There is a build up of music seeming even more like a horror, along with quick

transitions to the beat of the music towards the end of the trailer. This adds a creepy

element to the trailer, as it is as if each bell ring is the suspense building up.

Page 12: Trailer analysis

The music is changed towards the end to one which builds tension in the trailer, and the volume is

increased, to add to this tension. The music leaves on a cliff hanger and the heartbeat sound in the

background becomes more apparent, replicating the character’s heart whose being haunted.

The title of the film flashes on to the screen to continue with the horror genre, in the same

typography as what it has been throughout, and then ends with the rough date for the release of the film,

another standard convention in a trailer.