train the trainer


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Post on 13-Jan-2017




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This437 W. Jefferson

Means this216.135.81.25

At El Toro:

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Behind The CurtainOur patent-pending process combines more than 30 public

data elements to hyper-accurately map an IP address to a home address.


















record s

IP ad




s s



Better targeting

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4 Patents Pending

IP Algorithm RTB Real Time Bidding System

Reverse Append

Polygon Mapping Tool

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Some Potential Risks When Using Cookies

Bots generate their own cookies & build profiles to

appear more human like

Bots emulating humans have high value cookies,

get targeted by advertisers, and amplify

bot revenue

Re-cookie without trying. Emulate real

human behavior

Re-cookied bots are added to advertisers targeting segments

Other “IP Targeting”

companies ALL use cookies

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AdWords cost per click increased 40% between 2012-2104

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Paid Search VS. IP Targeting

• Auction Based-Bid on specific • Pay for every click• Reactive – Only people who are

actively looking for your product may find you

• Only 15% of people will click PPC ads

• All Text vs Visual ads• Not really advertising

• Targeting based on IP address• Cost based on Cost Per Thousand

Impressions (CPM) • Proactive- Lead Generation (Top of

Funnel) • Offline verified variable data for

targeting• Visual Banner | Video Pre Roll

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Objections.• It’s too expensive.

• It’s highly targeted with zero waste, with cookie based targeting a lot of the traffic you pay for are not real people• It’s only expensive if you can’t prove an ROI, we can with our Matchback analysis• Not when you account for bot traffic

• We are already doing that.• We are the only company in the world that does this and it’s patented, which company are you working with?

• You’re minimums are too high• 90% of our business is through re-sellers. They have lower minimums and we can set you up with one of them until you are able

to hit our wholesale minimums

• Can I do a small test• Our product works and we have plenty of case studies that give many examples of ways to use our product effectively • Depends. What type of test did you have in mind? How many addresses? What’s the timeframe? I’ll have to see if I can get

approval on that.

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• There are other companies that do the same thing• They get down to a “zone level” which is a cluster of homes (7-12 homes per cluster) NOT an individual• They can’t do a Matchback analysis and give you a physical ROI like we can• They use cookies, we do not. All we need our physical addresses, they have “profiles”

• How do I know what you’re telling me is actually what’s happening?• We are transparent. We provide you access to your campaign data. We also do a Matchback Analysis

that compares targets vs converted sales and we can tell you with 100% certainty which customers we sent or influenced to do business with you.

• We don’t have offline data providers, that information is unreliable• We can refer you to some of our trusted data providers. And you’re right, not all data is created equal.

The quality of the data directly correlates to campaign success. The better the data, the better the target and ultimately helps the success of the campaign

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Display VS IPLeverage the granularity

Add highlight statement------------

• Online Data VS. Offline Data• Can’t verify target VS. Real People by name and address• Buying predictive Data VS. Buying Verified Data• Has to use pixels to add frequency VS. Targeting modem, no pixels required• (Lower cookie based CPM’s)Quantity VS Quality Traffic

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High Cost Per Acquisition Industries• Political• Banking and Finance• Healthcare• Automotive & Marine• Restaurants• Media Broadcasting• Home Improvement• Direct Marketers• Sports & Entertainment• Technology • Consumer Products

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1 to 1 100% Cookie Free IP Solution

Drastically reduce risk potential of

non human traffic

Leverage variable data and

Attributes to target real People in real households

Real Conversions instead

Of Bots filling out forms

High Frequency without retargeting


Match back customer salesBy name and


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Match Back Analysis

Client provides sales data based on campaign ending or buying cycle (last name, address, and zip)

We cross reference targeted data set with converted purchases

Then provide a list by name & address who purchased

Provided lift in response rate against control group

*If the client is willing to provide sales figures in addition to the required information, El Toro can provide a physical ROI

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Captive AudienceFor B2C or B2B

College Campuses95% Mapped

Affluent ShoppersTarget 100+ HHI with children

Key Venues

Hotels, Trade Shows, and


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I want to target the Super Bowl!

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I want to target the CEO at Google!

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0.64%Click Through Rate

Targeted state legislators and fidelity voters in the targeted legislators district

Targeted state capital and the legislative offices

75x per IP address frequency

336,000 impressions 30 day campaign

100%KCB won the election

800x the industry average CTR of 0.08

Campaign Highlights

“This was David vs. Goliath, with a group of local entrepreneurs challenging one of the largest companies in the world…having access to a tool like El Toro’s IP Targeting helped cost effectively level the playing field”

-KCB’s VP, Phillip Dearner,

In early 2015, The KCB was involved in the legislative fight for their lives against one of the largest brewers of beer in the world.

KY-HB 168 was supported by the KCB’s memberships and preserved the long-standing 3-tier distribution system, HB-168 was intended to prevent Anheuser Busch from opening a new distribution center in Western KY.

If the KCB lost, distribution of non Anheuser Busch beers would no longer be distributed, which would’ve been detrimental to craft brewers in KY.

Case Study: Political-Craft Brewers

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Campaign Highlights

Case Study: Smooth FitnessOur client is a nationwide distributor of home gym equipment. The organization turned to targeted advertising after experiencing a decrease in their PPC and SEO conversions. With their PPC cost doubling per year, they needed to find alternatives that were more cost effective and produced better conversions.

El Toro implemented an advertising campaign after analyzing the last 2 years of the client's sales. Based on this data, we created a targeting profile focused on 33,048 households in their key markets of TX, CA, and FL. The Pure Conquest campaign run by El Toro produced 804,363 impressions and 2,951 clicks. The client identified 17 confirmed conversions, with an average value of $900.

804,363 impressions

2,951 clicks

17confirmed conversions

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Case Study:Home Improvement

50 More ConversionsThan control group

Target group of 48,000 addresses received physical mail piece and digital ads Control group of ~47,000 ONLY received physical mailer Target determined based on age of home, home ownership, and household income Over 2 million impressions served 40x per IP address frequency 316 total conversions- 133 from control group and 183 from target group

31% More likely to purchase

690k incremental additional revenue

Campaign Highlights for Target Group

A national brand that primarily works within home improvement industry came to us and wanted to test the efficacy of our platform. They consistently ran direct mail and when they learned how Digital Direct Mail complimented their direct mail campaign, they were excited to see how it would increase conversions and revenue. Here are their results-

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Case Study: Higher Education

1/2the cost of email and direct mail campaigns

35% more likely to apply after viewing an ad

Campaign Highlights

14,000 students targeted

El Toro’s client, a mid-sized for-profit university located in the western United States was looking to increase the number of applications for undergraduate admission, while reducing cost per applicant.

The client integrated El Toro’s targeting platform as part of larger outreach campaign that included both direct mail and email.

This combined campaign targeted households of approximately 14,000 likely students who were modeled based on ACT / SAT score, location and high school graduation date. Students were delivered ads with appropriate scholarship offers based on their ACT / SAT scores.

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Q: What does El Toro do?A: We have invented and patented a unique series of technologies that allow customers to precisely target their customers online using banner and display ads.Q: Where do ads appear?A: El Toro has access to place ads on over 1 million websites that include 30-50 billion advertising impressions per day. This is about 90% of the available daily ad inventory on the Internet. Popular sites where El Toro places ads include Forbes, CNN, Weather, Yahoo, and many moreQ: Can I control who sees my ads?A: Yes this is one of the primary principals of El Toro’s IP Targeting Platform. We target your ads to specific households with laser-like accuracyQ: How many ads should I display per month? A: It depends on your message, product, and a number of other variables. Typically, we recommend 30-50 impressions per IP address each monthQ: Does El Toro use cookies?A: Not for our IP Targeting, since we know the IP address of specified households we have no need to use cookies for primary targeting. We will occasionally ask clients to incorporate either conversion pixels or remarketing pixels into their campaigns based on the type of campaign that El Toro is running.

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need. To. Know.Q: What sort of reports do I get from El Toro? A: We provide monthly reports that include impressions served, clicks, conversions, and click through rate (CTR). Additionally, at the completion of a campaign, we generally provide clients with a match-back analysis which compares your targeting segment(s) with new sales to demonstrate efficacy and ROI for the campaignQ: How is this different than PPC?A: PPC/SEM/ Pay Per Click advertising relies on a user searching for a specific keyword. It’s essentially an online auction that advertisers bid on their desired keywords to show “text only” ads on the top and right side of search engine. Our ads are a set price per impression, are visual display banners, and show within the organic search results on over 1 million websitesQ: What sort of CTR should I expect? A: There are a lot of variables that can impact your CTR, like, creative, messaging, call to action, landing page, etc. Al El Toro, because we target at the IP/Router level, you can expect that the clicks to your site are real people, not bots. We also put focus on our custom “match back” analysis which provides a physical ROI and the lets you know what exact customers our efforts impacted. We will optimize your campaign and make recommendations that the data suggests.Q: Should I merge all of my data into one list?A: NO!- Having visibility into data sources is a valuable tool in determining efficacy of campaigns and assisting with planning future campaigns. Put more simply, some lists are better than others. By providing El Toro with more visibility into the sources of your data we can provide better guidance on what data to use for future campaigns.

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Q: What types of organizations does El Toro work with?A: We have clients in most major industries, ranging from several Fortune 50 companies, Higher Education, Political, political action committees, healthcare and hospitals, non-profit organizations and churches, retail, and many moreQ: Does El Toro work with advertising agencies?A: YES!- To find out if your firm qualifies to become an El Toro reseller, please contact usQ: Can I use IP targeting with my direct mail campaign?A: Yes, we have a large number of customers who incorporate IP targeting in conjunction with direct mail campaigns. We find that the addition of IP Targeting greatly increases the effectiveness of direct mail.Q: Does El Toro offer mobile ad targeting? A: El Toro can target any device connected to an IP in a client’s targeting segment. El Toro offers mobile targeting to high value buildings and locations. Typically these are airports, stadiums, or universities where one can make some assumptions about the demography and purchasing intent of the people in the buildings. For more information, please visit our Mobile FAQ.

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Q: Does El Toro support ads hosted on 3rd party AdServers?A: Yes, this will typically require a slight modification to the code to ensure that the ClickTag’s work properly. To get more details and see codes samples visit our 3rd party AdServer page: Can El Toro place ads on specific sites?A: Sure, we have access to place ads on over 1 million websites with over 50 billion ad impressions per day. We often find that aiming your message at particular sites can improve the results of your campaign based on the audience demographics of sites selected.Q: Can El Toro make sure my ads DO NOT appear on specific sites?A: Yes, by default, we will not serve ads on adult or “vice” sites. Additionally, we eliminate sites with a history of low quality or fraudulent traffic. If you would like us to further restrict the universe of sites upon which we display your ads, we are happy to incorporate this into the campaign.Q: Do I need to provide El Toro with a list of prospects to target? A: Typically yes, most of our customer provide us with a list of customers, past customers, and/or prospects to target with our technology. If you do not have a list we can help you obtain one from a list provider or work with you to build a targeting segment based on an analysis of your current customers or prospects.

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Q: What is a DSP?A: A demand-side platform or DSP is a technology tool that aggregates online advertising buyers and sellers. El Toro integrates with a number of DSP’s to bid on real time inventory of ads.Q: How can I make my campaign more successful?A: Comply with the ad standards discussed in this FAQ, ensure that your ad is compelling, then confirm your list is current and includes only topical targets. Additionally, implement conversion tracking and work with your account manager at El Toro to conduct a conversion analysis at appropriate points for long-running campaigns.Q: How should I measure success from my IP targeting campaign? A: We encourage our customers to focus less on clicks and more on conversions. Additionally, our most compelling return on investment data comes from post-campaign match back analysis. Unlike most forms of online marketing, El Toro starts a typical campaign with a target list of customers or prospects. By comparing this list to your list of actual sales is one of the most effective methods to determine the efficacy of an individual campaign.